> A Dame To Kill For > by The Lost Winchester > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > And so... it begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullets pass whistling over our heads and they sink into the walls of where we are; She's terrified, I cover her with my body to avoid that a treacherous bullet hurt her, quickly I took her by the hand and led her below the desktop, she´s crying and trembling without control, Matilda wants roar and show those wretches who's the boss, but I must wait for the right time, I can´t put her in danger, she´s very valuable to me, and above all I swear to protect her till the end regardless of the consequences, it's my job, my responsibility is to save her, but mostly, she has become in my only reason which why makes sense to stay alive. Suddenly silence fills the place, I hear their voices, they´re recharging, is now or never, I release her from my hug and tell her to stay where she is, Matilda shines with the lamplight. "It's time to dance." One of them is behind the door, I pull the pin of my always loyal Thompson and full him with lead through it, I break the door with a kick and distinguish two more of them just down the stairs, they look at me surprised and not give credit when I start to spray them with bursts of .45. "Son of a bitch, damn you." These are the words I hear them scream before Matilda makes them silent, I quickly descend the steps without releasing the trigger and managed to finish with another 3 before having to cover myself in the pillar to recharge, more of them come running, they´re shooting as if they have infinite bullets, newbies, what more can you expect?, bosses rarely go to do the dirty work. I leave the coverage and walk direct toward them; some are now lying on the floor in a pool of blood. "Did you not know how to shoot, come on, this is a man's world, children should not play with guns." I make fun of his bad aim, they don´t like it, five of them appear with shotguns and force me to seek coverage again, I should not trust myself, I am a mere mortal, and I can´t leave her, do not want even imagine what they will do if they catch her. I take cover behind a box, "explosives", just my luck, I break one side extracting the content, grenades? Excellent; I wait to have them within reach before removing the fuse and throw it at them, the explosion is big, their cries of pain indicates me that it was a successful launch, I leave coverage throwing a grenade and pulling the trigger again, one by one fall before our power, the dance is over. A cry of despair tells me that something is wrong, someone managed to reach her during the confusion, I rush up the stairs, she is still under the table, one of them tries to drag her out of hiding, but he didn´t realizes my presence, I empty the rest of the magazine into his body. I hang Matilda on my shoulder, I bend down and tend her my hand, she watches me with fear, but after a while gives me a smile, I return the gesture and a feeling of tranquility fills my being. "Come on, we gotta get out of here." She comes out of hiding, still trembling like a child watching a horror movie, I tell her to close her eyes, she obeys, I led her out of the building to the car, I start the engine and drive off into the night, she is silent for all the way. We arrived at my apartment, I let her go in and she sits on the couch with her eyes loss on the ground, I put Matilda in the closet and give her a smile. "Thanks honey, I do not know what I'd do without you", going into the kitchen I begin to make coffee, stare at the water boiling, unexpectedly I feel her arms around my waist, she weeps bitterly and that hurts me, I turn around to hug her, caress her hair and let her vent. "Why me? Why they want to get me?" Her words make me cringe, I lean over and kiss her forehead, she looks up, her beautiful blue eyes are fixed on me. "Listen to me, I will not allow anything or anyone hurt you, I will always protect you." She smiles, and sticks his face in my chest, I feel my own tears fill my eyes, I know what I just said is one of the most difficult acts to perform, may be the only act of pure love that have made in my miserable life, the people behind her are very powerful, and will not stop at nothing to catch her, of course, they will have to kill me first, about why they´re following her as hunting dogs, I can´t tell her the truth... Not yet... --- Four weeks before --- The rain falls incessantly on the city, the night is cold and the lonely feeling in the atmosphere is overwhelming, from the window of my office I watch the cars lights illuminate the darkness as they pass through the avenue, a happy couple passes by smiling and seem to enjoy the rain, the view reminds me of the night that she left. "Leon, I can´t keep this up, I can´t keep wearing this mask of happiness when in fact I pray to Faust that allows you to come back alive." "It's my job, I can´t left the case just like that, darling; you must understand that ..." "Understand what? Understand that you risk your life following shadows? Where I left in all this? Tell me where is left our relationship ... it doesn´t matters?" I kept silence, I could not answer anything. "Goodbye Leon, forever." She took his bags and left, I never saw her again, I didn´t bother to look for her, she was absolutely right, I always put my work above our already worn relationship, I guess in the end the pressure eventually destroyed the little love she felt for me; shortly thereafter I leave my post at the police station and started my career as a private detective, I'm not proud of what I do but it's what allows me to live day to day, but, to be honest, since my last case, which did not end very well, it would seem that misery became my best friend, I feel defeated, don´t have anyone and no one cares for me, many nights I have put the cannon of the python in my mouth and flirted with death, but something always stops me from buying that ticket to hell. The clock marks ten at night, the rain has stopped and the city lights now shine like a magical dance, I get closer to the window and look back toward the street, a red car stop on the sidewalk, two muscular types descend from the front, I look at them awkwardly accommodating their weapons, would not surprise me that they were here to settle a score, there are many who want to see me six feet under, the two gorillas give a signal to each other and one of them opens the tailgate, someone descend but I can´t distinguish him, the three enter the building. I sit behind the desk and put the gun in my lap, several minutes pass until the glass of the door darkens, I tight the gun, the door opens and in the doorway appears a woman, is very attractive, wearing a purple dress and her hair is pulled back in a hair up, while she walks toward the desk, she looks at the walls where are hung awards and old newspaper clippings, she stops and looks one of them with great interest, I hear the door close, I still have the revolver in my hand, I do not take my eyes off her. "So you killed the Wright brothers? Very impressive, there was a great reward for that pair of sadistic, 50 victims" She feigns a shudder, his voice is soft, but I notice a sarcastic tone. "By the way, you can calm down and stop hiding the gun detective, I'm not here to kill you" "Let me be the judge of that Madame." I reply rudely while I put the gun on the desk. "Haha, I see it's true that you have a heavy humor detective, I like that, but like I said, I do not come looking for trouble, on the contrary, I need your help." She approaches the desk while from her purse she takes out of an envelope, I get up and approached her cautiously, she hands me the envelope, I open it and watch the content, it is a photograph, in it appears a young woman, is beautiful, she wears a yellow dress, her long hair reaches her waist and part of it fall on her face making her look innocent and shy. "Her name is Fluttershy, she is part of our organization." "What organization?" "That detective, is none of your interest." She looks at me angrily. "She was sent on a mission a couple of days ago, however, some people have managed to capture her and they have her on the docks, I need that you go and rescue her, then you must take her to this address, then we will take charge." "Why, if you know where she is, and if she is part of your people, why you´re not going to rescue her by yourself?" "I see that you´re not easy to convince, right? Let's just say that this is a curfew, during which we cannot act, but that does not prevent us to seek other means to achieve our goals. " "A scapegoat eh? Agree, and what about, my fee?" "Get the job done successfully without questions and you will receive the other half the day of delivery." She puts her purse on the table and opens it to show a substantial amount of bits, I smile mischievously. "It's a deal then." taking her hand I plant a kiss on it; she raises an eyebrow and smiles, as she walks toward the door she stops. "By the way detective, once you have the girl, do not try anything strange ... you have 48 hours." She leaves the office, "anything strange?", what did she meant with that?, again I look at Fluttershy´s picture, does not seem the type of woman who is in a criminal organization, but I cannot raise conjectures, I must concentrate on the work, they want her and are paying very well to get her. I go to the closet, I dress the vest, holstered my gun and put it on the belt, in a small suitcase i set several boxes of ammunition and magazines, I take Matilda and the shotgun, I'm about to leave when the phone rings. "Detective Leon?" "At the phone." "I suggest you not to believe in everything that Miss Sparkle said, I know you are on the way, we'll be waiting, oh, by the way, is Fluttershy's birthday, so I would appreciate if you bring a cake." "Wait, What?... What are you talking about?... Who are you? ..." The call ends, now I'm really confused, who the hell called? How did he know about Fluttershy, and about that I´m in her search? and more importantly, what about the supposed Miss Sparkle? Perhaps I'm being watched, I go back to the window, but I can´t distinguish anyone in nearby buildings nor the street. "You better move on man" I tell myself. > Happy Birthday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cake? I must be crazy, I'm about to enter the lion's den and I plan to take an olive branch as my best defense? What the hell am I thinking? However, the voice of the person on the phone sounded so calm and so distant from the situation that I feel disturbingly safe. I park the car, the bakery is still open; it's almost eleven at night, but to Grandma Pie likes to close later. Upon entering the place, the smell of the ovens and in general, of delicious preparations she creates, welcomes me. "Grandma Pie? ... Grandma Pie, Where are you?" In the blink of an eye she appears in front of me causing me a startle. Despite having more than seventy years; one could say it has the attitude and vitality of a teenager. Grandma Pinkie is one of the most beloved people in the neighborhood, and their preparations are very famous for the love she puts into each one of them. Do not know what may they have, but I can assure you that; if you are having the worst day of your life, it would suffice to get into her business, let her watch you for a moment and then, try just one piece of the slice of cake that she chooses. That will make you the happiest person on the planet. "Wow, Leon, boy, was beginning to think you'd already forgotten this old woman." Some pink hair falls over her face and she apart it with blow, "Tell me how you've been, how´s the work, how are you doing with the girls, when you're going to use the department, and what name should I put on the cake birthday you've come to buy? " I stay with my mouth open and looking at her completely surprised. I try to imagine her when she was, I do not know, twenty maybe? Laughing I shake my head to accommodate my thoughts before answering. "C´mon granny. You know I never forget you, is just that I don´t have much time lately." Taking a deep breath; I start to talk, "I'm fine, each new case leaves me with more enemies that want to send me to my funeral; of course, if I did not send them to theirs first." I fail to contain a smile full of malice. "It is very difficult to maintain a relationship when you are someone who flirts with danger. I promise you will soon I’ll start to bring some of the things I have in the office. And finally ... How you know I come for a birthday cake? " Silence floats between the two. She looks at me so seriously that I even feel like a little kid about to be punished. Gradually a smile appears on her tired face and finally bursts into a loud laugh; her laugh is infectious and I end up embracing her and kissing her tenderly on the cheek. "You're a demon Leon. You really know how to bring joy to this old lady. C´mon; choose the cake you want. Courtesy of the house." I want to ask what flavor should I carry a date with a complete stranger; in which the chances of it being my last day are so high? Without realizing it, I take the picture of Fluttershy and show it to her. She studies it for a while, seems surprised and raises a finger. She leans to take from the showcase a chocolate mint cake. She takes a decorator and with pink letters begins to write "Happy Birthday ..." She looks up at me as if to ask me something. "Fluttershy ... her name is Fluttershy." ----- An hour later ----- The docks are dark; the place is so quiet as a cemetery. The gentle murmuring of the surf is a sleepy melody and echoes of the bells of buoys complement the tune. When turning to one of the warehouses, the car lights are reflected in three guys that close the crossing; are dressed in gabardines and carry short submachine guns; they point at me but do not shoot. One begins to approach. I take the colt and pull the hammer. He gets to the door of the car and knocks on the glass; with a gesture tells me to down the glass. "We thought you weren´t coming detective, the boss is a little upset; for your own sake, I hope you brought the cake to the lady. Keep driving, after three warehouses turn right, there my other colleagues will tell you what to do." With the head tells the other two that move from the road. Floor the throttle slightly and the car moves slowly. As they indicated me, rotating after the third warehouse I find myself faced with a huge house. Three subjects more get closer. I turn off the engine and leave the car. "Leave the guns on the hood sir." Orders me one. Without putting more resistance, I obey taking off the colt, shotgun and finally Matilda. one of them look at my Thompson and loose a whistle, "Such a beauty my friend." He takes her without my permission. That annoys me, but I can´t do anything. He admires her as if it were the finest piece of art in a museum; I feel jealous. Another one records me to make sure I don´t carry hidden surprises. Finally he leaves her on the hood. "Well, detective; follow me." "One moment." Leaning into the car I take the cake box. "It´s for your boss." They escort me to the inside of the house; the place is well protected; there are men in every corner. In the place are several boxes with different names, some in another language. After passing the front door, the place amazes me; it is decorated in victorian style, there are great pictures on the walls; a large red carpet descends the staircase leading to the upper levels, there is even a fountain in the center of the room. "Ah, detective, you finally have arrived." At the top of the stairs there´s a man; his skin is brown and has large and bushy eyebrows that combine with his gray beard and hair. "I was beginning to get worried for you detective; that would have been disappointing. don´t you think?" His voice is deep but calm, he down the stairs and walks over to me. I'm surprised when he takes me by the shoulders and kisses me on both cheeks, a tradition rooted in the Italian mafia whereby a Don, shows that a person is worthy of his trust. At least it lets me know that I am not in danger ... yet. Even without being able to understand what happens I start talking. "What kind of guest would I consider myself, if I would come to the appointment without a present for the Don´s family?" I tell him showing him the package containing the cake; his eyes sparkle and pats me on the back. For a person of his age, the strength of the gesture is awesome. "Excellent detective; follow me, let´s go to a better place." "Detective is very formal; please, call me Leon... Mister?" The question remains in the air for a few moments "Name´s Discord" Discord?... his name seems familiar. We keep silence as we go through a long hallway. The place is packed with display cases that keep countless treasures. I find myself more surprised and I assure myself that I´m walking next to one of the biggest mafia bosses in the city. A couple of his men open the door to an office; we enter, in the center is a large round table, a maid comes over and takes off the cake my hands; I see her disappear behind a curtain. I admire the decor of the place and suddenly I fix my eyes on a wall. in it, there´s a picture in which there are three persons; one of them is my host, has a huge smile on his face while he´s standing behind a high chair in which there is a beautiful woman, her face is serene, her long hair falls over her shoulders. In her arms there´s a baby; has deep blue eyes and pink hair. I think I know who it is. Before I even succeed in forming the question in my mind, the man next to me starts talking. "Are they not beautiful?" I nod, "They are the most precious treasure in my life. My beautiful Celestia; she filled my life with joy for over sixty great years, losing her was one of the most painful things that I have ever faced." There is sadness in his voice "When our daughter was born, I was the happiest man on the planet, the first time I had that little and defenseless creature in my arms, I felt something that does not have any description. Our love was transformed into a precious girl. Since that day I promised her that nothing would be missing, and that I would always be by her side. But I must tell you that things do not always go as you want." Hear him saying that puts me on alert. I begin to weave more and more theories about in what am I entering. I feel on a crossroads. I look at the picture, things don´t end up joining, my confusion grows more and more. "Sir, I don´t want to be rude, but you know something more about the lady who visited me tonight, also, you seem to know something I do not understand completely, and it appears that the person who I was supposed to rescue, is not other than... your... daughter..." I almost spell the words, I begin to feel concern not only for me, but for her, what is her your role in this plot? "You don´t take nonsenses, isn´t it, Leon?" He lets out a sigh and sits on the couch in the room, with a gesture he invites me to do the same, I sit in front of him. "First of all, you're absolutely right, the little in the picture is my baby; my Fluttershy. I tried to keep her away from this lifestyle, but when her mother died, she suffered a lot, maybe more than I. The depression turned her into a shy girl; she didn´t want to be around anyone, that worried me; so I always kept her close to me. Even when I had to fix some ... issues." He makes the gesture of the quotes with his fingers. "Little by little she started out of her depression, but not in the right way; I saw her talking to my men. They love her and respect her, and they began to treat her like one of them. That was not of my like and one day I decided to stop her, we discussed and I said things that hurt her; she escaped the next day. I spent a week looking for her everywhere, but couldn´t find her, it was as if he had vanished. Some days later, I received a letter, my little girl had been kidnaped by one of my greatest enemies, and possibly one of the greatest threats ever faced by this city, the name Sombra sounds familiar to you?" His words left me in shock and a chill ran down my body. During my time as police, many of my partners were tracking a subject who was just called Sombra; was said to be the master of half the city, some minor gangs ended up joining to his forces; the darkness sons, those who didn´t joined to him were eliminated. Those bastards caused us many problems; I lost a lot of friends who sought to stop them. One day, the case passed to dead file, no one else wanted to look for problems. Often, I revised the tracks and research done by others, but never managed to connect the dots. "By the look on your face I can say that you know whom I´m talking about, now imagine my reaction to know that my baby was in his hands. The letter said that if I wanted to see her alive again, I needed to give him... something very valuable, so I accepted and put a date for the change. The day arrived, after I gave them the object and they let her go, Sparkle said that Fluttershy has hear something she shouldn’t, and without warning that bitch shot my daughter. Fluttershy was left in coma" I look at him getting up and look out the window, his voice takes on a more serious tone. "She commands you to come for my little girl for two reasons; one is because you are the best at what you do, and most important... because Fluttershy is a loose end in their plans... I do not know exactly what happened while she was captive, but she knows something very important, maybe she knows what Sombra is planning, the problem is that she doesn´t remember it. During her recovery, there were nights when she awakens terrified, screaming to be let go, that they didn´t do.... something." His voice begins to crack. "Seeing her like that broke my heart, but one day, she started saying things that at first seemed to have no sense, she was talking about a kind of installation, machinery and scientists working in something, she often mentioned that bastard and to Sparkle, until finally it was over. When she left the trauma, she didn´t remembered the kidnaping. She only remembered her name, the death of his mother, and me; the doctors said it was the worst case of amnesia they have seen, she suffers of a emotional regression; she acts as she did after the death of Celestia, they say it is unlikely to know if she will recover." Now I understand everything. Before I can speak, someone else enters the room. "Dad?" Listening to her speak my heart contracts, her voice so soft and sweet; almost like a whisper. He turns to look at her and I get up from my seat. At looking at her, I stay frozen. She is so beautiful. "Oh, my dear Shy ... Happy Birthday." He embraces her almost tearfully. "Let me introduce you to someone, Detective Leon ... she is my daughter ... Fluttershy." "Gl-gl-glad to-to meet you..." I extend the hand, she takes it with hers. God her eyes; her deep blue eyes... From outside, we begin to hear voices chanting a song of congratulations. We go outside the room and from the balcony, I can see several men gathered to congratulate her. They have the cake with lighted candles. We descend the stairs. Both, she and her father seem to be happy. After the song ends, they all scream hurrah. She turn off the candles, and everyone burst into joy again. Discord just looks at her, his smile is gone and concern falls on his face. I get away some meters of them. I think again in Miss Sparkle; something is not right, maybe it is best to leave this place before... "Detective?... please, take it... or maybe... do not want cake?" Her voice brings me back to reality. "Oh, thank you very much.... Hope you like it.... Please, do call me detective, you make me feel... old." I say with a laugh, she closes her eyes and smiles. We taste the cake; the explosion of flavor is amazing. "Oh my God, is the best cake that I tasted in my life." She pretty much eats it in a bite, "Granny Pie, You did it again," I say to myself. A couple of hours later all is quiet, she happily chats with a couple of guys, Discord looks at her from the top, I approach him. Sir... I... I know how you feel, and I see that it must be very hard for you, I ... I have to tell you something, the situation is more serious than you think, I can´t say how they knew that your daughter is still alive, nor if they know her current status, but they will not stop until they catch her; Sparkle told me how to get here, so I conclude that they may be here any minute, I do not buy the story of the curfew, and I think you either, or I'm wrong?.... She's not safe here." His hands clench tightly the railing, its stance hardens and turns to look at me; I can see in his eyes anger and frustration. Almost shouting he speaks to me. "You think I do not know? Of course they will come, and if I can´t stop them; she will be taken away and I will never see her again. I don´t know exactly why they sent you, but now that you know all this, you will become a serious problem, an obstacle..." His voice softens. "So I need you to promise me something." My eyes open wide; I know what he will say. "No... Please don´t ask me that... I can´t..." "I have no choice... with what you've shown tonight, I know you're the only one who can keep her safe, please take her away, protect her of all this before..." Shootings? ... Does that sound like?... I look to one end of the pier, darkness is cut by beams of light that indicate that someone is unloading their weapons, more and more people start running in that direction, but one of they do the opposite, his clothes are stained with blood. Discord downs the stairs at full speed; I follow him. "Sir... they are too many... I do not think we can delay them for long ..." An explosion is hear in the distance, and the silence of the night is cut by cries and sounds of shots that are closer and closer to our position. She runs to her father, the terror on his face is overwhelming. "Dad, what's going on?" He dare not tell her. They´re getting closer, we need to act. "Sir... what are your orders?" "Fluttershy... listen to me... do you remember the bad men I spoke of?" She nods. "They´re here and they want to take; you have to get out of here." She watches in shock; begins to decline the idea. "What will happen to you, will you come too?" Her eyes fill with tears. Saying nothing, taking her hand begins to run out of the house; both, his ally and I follow them; I know perfectly what he will do, and I will not stop him. Explosions and gunfire are hear coming closer and part of the pier is in flames. Between all sounds, sirens are heard; it seems that the police is coming. We cut way through one of the warehouses; another guy approaches us and gives a rifle to his boss. He offers me a gun and I refuse smiling, to his surprise, they see me taking out a couple of guns of my jacket. "Do you think I would be naked?" The two loose a laugh. We continued until get out of the warehouse, then I distinguish several men dressed in black trench coats; the symbol worn on the chest indicates that they are Sparkle´s men. Before they can discover us; Discord kills them. But someone else has found us and start calling his comrades. One of the Discord´s men starts shooting, shouts us that we move forward, we do so and we enter to another warehouse, a few seconds after I turn around only to see him fall. I hide behind a dumpster. When our enemies pass without noticing me, I jump behind them and shot them until there is no one standing; moments after I reach my companions who are under fire behind some boxes. I go by the side door and find myself face to face with two more, a moment later I put a bullet their head. Surrounding the building, I notice those who fence Discord; no time for stealth now, so I just shoot them. They thank me with a nod and we move on. Ahead I distinguish my car. Out of nowhere a flash in the darkness sends Discord to the floor, Fluttershy screams and leans over to hug her father; his shirt begins to turn red. Quickly between the other guy and I we put Discord behind some barrels. "Well done detective, I see you have the girl with you." I know that voice. "Now give her to me and I will let you live." "Fuck you bitch." Discord shouts with all his might. "I will never let you put a finger on her." She does not stop mourn. My partner gets up and starts firing at nothing, another flash and a bullet pass through his head. We are at an impasse. "Arrogant until death, Discord; we gave you the opportunity to join us and despised it. That was your worst mistakes... No, wait; your biggest mistake was having that brat, she knows important things, cannot stay alive. Do not complicate the matters, not repeating it again, give her to me immediately. " I need to think, get them out of here. "Fluttershy, you know how to drive? I whisper her and she nod. "Ok, my car is outside." I point to it and she nods. "This is not going to like you, but you have to trust me, when I say it, you must run to it and come back for your father, then go..." I wink to his father and he smiles. Taking her by surprise, I hug her and took her off the cover; I slide the car keys in his pocket. "What the hell are you doing Leon? Damn you, let her go, I thought ..." "You thought wrong friend, Sparkle pay me much for her, time to fulfill my end of the bargain." "Well done detective, I see that I was not wrong when looking for your services." Fluttershy begins to tremble when she sees Sparkle getting out of the darkness with a pistol in her hand. "Come closer, closer, just a little more". Releasing Fluttershy; I throw myself over Sparkle. "Now." I yell to Fluttershy. She runs out to the car, while I wrestle with my enemy. "What the hell are you doing detective?" She screams. I silence her with a header; she let out a growl and pulls his gun. I let loose one of my hands and hit her directly in the face, she steps back, but to my surprise starts laughing. "So, you already decided which side will you be, eh? Ok, I will enjoy killing you." "I will not let you hurt the girl. You already made her suffer enough." She runs toward me; I barely can dodge his punches. I should suppose that I will not put her out of action so easily. A punch goes straight to my jaw, She´s very strong to be a woman; before I could react a kick sends me to the ground. She tries to run but I send her to the floor with my feet. She tries to reach for his gun, but before, I pull her back towards me and I send my fist in her pretty face. She hits me and with a jump she stands up. Still groggy I make the same and she attacks again; this time I can´t defend me. To my good fortune, the car lights illuminate the place and blind her momentarily, I take the opportunity to kick her with all my strength and she falls as a sack. I run toward the box and lifted Discord; I put him in the back seat and then climb into the passenger seat. Some shots cross the glass and I see that Sparkle is shooting toward us; Fluttershy accelerates and takes us out of the place. We get on the road, but this is not finished yet; a group of cars are following us and the guys in the cars begin to shoot us; she gets scared and almost lost control of the car. I put my hand on his shoulder and reassured her. She stares at me and his face takes a seriousness that makes me feel safe. Tightening the flywheel accelerates it thoroughly. "Resist Discord, soon we'll be safe." He just lift his thumb and laughs; his breathing is becoming slower, leaning with difficulty he gives me Matilda. I under the car window and pull half body outside the car. "Here we go." I pull the trigger and bullets impact directly on the glass of one of the cars; apparently was a direct hit as it role over almost instantly. Three more are fast approaching, and they keep firing; the bullets pass inches from me, but that does not stop me to continue shooting. One of the cars accelerates and gets right behind us, before the guy inside it achieve to reload his gun I shot, the glass fills with blood and the car stops, the remaining two are coming. We enter a tunnel and I enter the car to change the charger. When we get out of the tunnel, looking to one side I find myself looking down the barrel of a gun. I put the parking brake; the car skids but the shot does not touch us, I take it off and she accelerates, we now have one forward and one back. Back out the window, I concentrate fire on the car behind us until the engine starts on fire and finally explodes. She yells at me and I turn quickly to see that the guys on the front car are setting behind a machine gun. I press the accelerator and we crash them making them to throw the gun. I take the moment and shot them. I order her accelerate again and this time it's with such force that we send them to the bar of containment; this gives way and they fall to the cannon. In the mirror I see the explosion. "Well done Fluttershy… Well done." She smiles and I do the same. "Discord, your daughter is great at the wheel... Discord?... Discord?" Glancing at him, I realize the sad reality. "Dad?... stop playing... Dad? “She begins to mourn, and stops at the roadside. “No ... Please ... wake up…" She turns to look at her father, I look her getting out of the car and run to the other side, I go out too and stop her before she can open the door. I hug her tightly; she cries in a heartrending way. Screams his father do not leave ... That he can´t go... That he promised her that they would always be together... "Fluttershy... Fluttershy. Listen, you can´t let yourself go down now, he died defending you, you have to be strong." She calms down a bit and look at me directly, "He made me promise that I would not let anything happen to you, and I swear, I will keep that promise, I'll make them pay, please ... do not let yourself fall, I need you, I will not let anyone hurt you again. " "Promise me you will not go... promise me you'll stay with me." "Fluttershy... I swear on my life... I'll stay with you until the end." Her eyes fill with tears and she embraces me again this time with more strength, as if to merge into me. Is dawning and the first rays of the sun illuminate us. > The Past Hurts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to be a cop for a simple reason: the admiration for my father. During the time he served in the force he came to have the rank of lieutenant, and was considered by many to be the best. I graduated from the academy with honors, so I had the opportunity to choose the department I wanted to serve. Without hesitation; I chose to be where he was. I spent my first year under his tutelage. Everything I know, I learned from him. Even we arrested several criminals together. I thought we would be unstoppable… but fate had prepared a very different plan. It had been four years since my income to the department. At that time began a wave of crimes of a subject nicknamed Diamond Dog; a sadistic serial murderer. His crimes included everything, robberies, kidnappings, murders, scams, even... My father decided to take the case. He use to say, "An insane to catch an insane." And I must say, that that is the only thing I did not share with him; his unorthodox working methods. Once, he took a guy by the neck, held him to a moving wheel and began to sand his face until he said it all. He always told me. "Criminals only understand one language: violence. If given the chance, they will not hesitate to take your head off and use it as a trophy to show the world that there is no one who can with them. So, remember that you're on the other side of the mirror; you must be a reflection of your goal. Become his twisted portrait." To the top bosses didn´t like this. They said that if he did not stop, they will dismiss him; he didn´t care. Why should he stop acting in a way that gave him results? However, it is well known that in this world there is always a counterparty for you, the one of my father was Diamond Dog. The few details of what happened that day, I met them by the only survivor of that slaughter; remember them is still very painful. I wanted to be his support in the mission, but he refused... "My answer is still NO! I want you to stay here; this is something I have to solve on my own. So do not try anything stupid. " "I can´t sit idly by and do nothing, you know how dangerous this guy is. God knows what he can have prepared, let me go with you." "Forget it. I'm your father ... but most of all ... I am your superior… AND IS A DAMN ORDER!" He walked to the door. I approached him and took him for shoulder. He turned and without thinking he hit me in the face. I fell to floor with a bloody nose. I glared at him angrily; I have always regretted that. He said nothing, just left the room and slammed the door behind him. Diamond Dog and a group of his assistants had taken hostage the people who were in a church. My father arrived and was greeted by a hail of bullets. Acting like he always did, he decided he had to make a dramatic entrance; so he entered to the place with everything and patrol. The bullets went in all directions, but none even approached him. As I said, he was the best. He had experienced many battlefields so he knew exactly what he was doing. Diamond Dog's men, who tried to stop his advance perished in the place; he went ahead. When he went into the main room, what he found was completely terrifying. That maniac had blown the head to each of the persons who were in the church, women, men and children alike. Diamond Dog was at the altar and was talking to the corpses as he read a passage from the Apocalypse. Noticing his presence, Diamond Dog started laughing. My father pointed his gun at him and walked forward, but from the dead more complicit of that crazy arose and in an instant... they put him out of combat. I was at home when someone knocked on the door. Opening it, I found the sad look of the Commissioner Dash, in her hand was my father's cap... The day of his funeral I wasn´t present. Thanks to an informant, I had managed to track down Diamond Dog´s hiding in the outskirts of the city. The order against him strictly said it had to be captured alive. "Just you and me Gordon, are you ready?" "Leon... we can´t go in there... we have to wait for reinforcements... and I already gave the alarm... they will be here in minutes." "Forget it, we can´t wait any longer. We must act now. If we don´t take this opportunity we will lose him." "Listen to me Leon; I know how you feel... I know he is the murderer of your father... hell, I even know about Martha... please… understand… you are not well ... let´s wait for the others ...” I looked at Gordon with courage... but he was right... My girlfriend had left days before and my father was being buried in that moment; it was obvious that I wasn´t thinking straight. Still, at that time the only thing I felt was thirsty... and only the blood of the bastard could calm it. "Ok then Gordon... let´s wait." He looked at me relieved, stood up and started walking back to the car. I approached him, "Sorry buddy." And with the butt of the gun let him unconscious. I put him in the patrol and started running toward the house. I shred the door and entered. There were two subjects in the first room, before they could react; I finished them. Quickly I climbed up the stairs and after finishing with a few more I went into the last room. It seemed to be empty, but Diamond Dog took me by surprise. We began to struggle and I finished kissing the ground in minutes. He tried to flee, but before he could, I managed to take the gun and shred his legs; he screamed in pain. I stood up and I approached him. I put him on his back and started to punch him in the face with the base of the gun. He seemed not to mind and he was just laughing like the insane he was. "Well, you are stronger than your father boy, he couldn´t bear it when we started nailing him on the cross, the boss was proud of our work." "Shut up, bastard." This time it was my fists those who silenced him. In the distance, I began to hear sirens. "They are close son. Whatever you will do, you better do it fast." He laughed again. "Who wanted him dead? Who planned it?" I kept hitting him. "Is not it obvious? He paid me to get rid of your father before he was able to stop his plans." "Sombra?”... I even could taste the hate in my words. “Where is he? Answer me!" "Do you really wanna know boy? Come closer." I took him up by the neck. "Fuck you cop." After that he burst into laughter. I looked at all sides without knowing what I was looking for and I realized that in the room was a light plant. I took him by the hair, drag him up close to the device and lit it. Taking the pliers and with all the hate and anger I felt inside me; I send them right through his eyes. I heard him screaming and saw him suffer until he lit on fire. By the time reinforcements arrived, Gordon was still unconscious and I was watching the house burn to the ground. The trial against me did not last more than a couple of hours. I accept the charges: attack and knock out my partner, acting out of my jurisdiction, disobey superior orders and other stupidities. They gave me two options; jail or dismissal... I decided to take the second option... _________*****_________ Twilight entered the room while she wiped with a tissue the wounds on her face. She knew what to expect from Sombra once he was able to know what had happened at the docks. She didn´t expect that Leon would give a total turn to their plans; moreover, he had now become a new problem. "I can´t believe that damn dared to do so. Leon will pay, I swear..." A mocking voice cut the silence of the room. "Well, well. Isn´t my dear friend Twilight? What happened? Did a steamroller passed over your face, dear? " A silver-haired girl emerged from behind one of the armchairs that were in the room. She began to laugh even louder as she approached her. "Shut the fuck up Trixie! I have enough trouble to have to put up with your nonsense. " Trixie looked at her angrily and raised her face as if she felt offended. "At least I don´t have to explain Sombra how you let the girl escape, nor about why you hired that detective in first place. All for not wanting to get your hands dirty? " "I told you to shut up!" Twilight went to her, taking her by the shirt and rising a fist to to beat her; at that moment the door opened. Both women heard the echo of footsteps and from the shadows that seemed to embrace him; emerged the figure of Sombra. Twilight felt a chill and released Trixie, both girls set their sights on him. "Twilight." after hearing her name she started shaking. The serious and authoritative voice of his boss rang through the room. "Where's the girl?" _________*****_________ Two weeks have passed since the death of his father. For a couple of days we went out of the city and stayed in a motel waiting for things to calm down a bit. Still do not know what to expect from my new friends. Obviously Sombra will not be happy when he knows that Fluttershy escaped. Moreover, I´m sure that now I am in his blacklist. I can live knowing that. But she... We returned to the city under the cover of night. I took her to the apartment that Granny Pie gave me and then leave the car in an old warehouse a few blocks from my office. I'll have to get rid of it as soon as possible, having it now is like I want to say; hey here I am, come get me. I made sure that the money I had given Solomon did not have some sort of tracker ... and that it was real money. Now I can spend it without remorse on things that she and I will going to need. In recent days Fluttershy has been quiet, when I talk with her, she just answers with nods or signals. I know that what is happening is at levels she never imagined having to endure. She witnessed her father died; surely that will mark her for life. At night I hear her sobbing bitterly, repeating the name of her father until the sadness and tiredness makes her sleep. Many times I have been tempted to enter her room and try to calm her... but does not seem right. She does not know, but we share the same kind of pain of losing someone. I may need to tell her my story to try to get more confidence in me from her. I consider myself a tough guy, even so, I feel bad to see her like that. I have to find a way to give back some of that much needed happiness. The clock tells me it's six in the morn. Without her noticing; I left to take a walk. My steps lead me instinctively to the building where my office is. I climb the stairs to the 5th floor. Walking down the hall without paying attention around me, I stop a few feet from the door when I notice someone standing in front of it; someone familiar. "What are you doing here Smith?" I question him angrily. "Calm down Leon. It’s just that our dear friend mysteriously disappears overnight for several days, so we are concerned about you, you know? So the boss sent me to find you... she wants to talk to you personally. " "Then why does not she come to me instead of sending his assistant?" "You know better than anyone that things do not work like that. I have no time for this. Leon; you´re coming with me." He approaches me. I start walking without paying him attention and pass him hitting his shoulder with mine. "Forget it Smith, I have more important things to do." I'm about to open the door of my office when I feel his hands taking me by the shoulders and throwing me to the ground. "Did I ask your opinion? I have orders to take you to her. And she would not like to see you get unconscious. Anyway, for what do you want to go inside..." The explosion is impressive; the shock wave makes me fly through the air and the sound stuns me. I end on the ground with injuries in my face and part of my clothing is on fire. Pain barely lets me get on my knees. With my hands I extinct the fire of my jacket. Poor Smith… among the chaos left by the explosion I distinguish one of his arms; his hand still has the door knob pressed strongly, I do not know where is the rest of his body. I stand up and walk slowly into what was my office; now it's just a hole in the building. I hear the peculiar sirens firefighters, they always arrive fast. I'm still stunned; the pain is concentrated in my chest... I can hardly breathe... I need... ---Some hours later--- What appears to be a distant beeping brings me back to reality. Slowly start to open my eyes and the first thing I see is the ceiling painted in a ghostly white. I look to my left and see the pulse detector and serum pedestal; in the wall is a poster of the campaign to donate blood. "What happened? How did I get here? "I ask to the nothing. "That's just what I want you to explain Leon; your office blew up, we had to pick up your friend with a shovel, and you almost went into the morgue, but the paramedics saved you. In what kind of mess have you gone in this time?" I recognize that voice. "Rainbow?” I turn to the right and see her standing at the window with her arms crossed and a look of concern on her face. "You know, you're just like him... always looking for trouble and giving them to us." A slight smile appears on her face. "I'm not half as good if you compare me to him." I stop and watch the ceiling again. She comes over and sits on the bed. "Since you started your business of detective, you have only made that half the crime world follow your steps. What happened today was the work of a professional; is a warning for you. Leon, c´mon, you know you can trust me. Tell me; who wants to finish you and why?" I take a deep breath; I should not drag her with my problems. I do not want her to know about Fluttershy, but she is still someone I can trust in my small circle of friends. I sit up and look straight into her eyes. "I can´t give you all the details, but I want to ask you a favor. I need you to give me access to the history of Sombra." Her eyes open wide, gets out of bed and turns around. Her reaction tells me that something is not right. She turns to me and her voice is cold now. "Are you saying that you have over you to the worst of criminals that this city has ever known?" I just nod. "What have you done Leon? You know that with that guy and his group nobody messes... your father..." "You don´t have to remind me." I raise my voice. "Like I said, when the moment arrives I will let you know everything, but for now just let it be. Will you give me access to the files, yes or no? " The question hangs between the two for a moment. She hardens but ends up releasing a sigh and bows her head. "Ok... I do not know what you may be looking for, but if it helps; I will let you review them." A nurse enters the room. "Finally awakened, how you feel sir." "As if I have been hit by a truck." They and I laugh at my response. _________*****_________ "If that wretch managed to survive this, I do not know who the hell you found Twilight." Trixie said while she was crouched watching the place that had been cordoned off by police, Twilight was standing beside her. "That guy is like a cat; has nine lives.” Twilight said. “But soon… he will run out of them..." Raising one hand to her face, Twilight touched the outline of one of her eyes... now covered by a black patch. *** "You have failed me, Sparkle. I can´t allow such a failure." Sombra said. She was tied to a chair. His mouth covered with a handkerchief and two guys were holding her head while another opened one of her eyes completely. Sombra approached her with a scalpel in his hand... Twilight could only stifle a scream. *** A chill ran down her spine at the memory. "I want him to suffer... Call Garble; tell him to take the necessary men, and that he must find them... It's time to end this once and for all. " Trixie watched her with fear, then she nodded. _________*****_________ I left the hospital a couple of hours ago. The evening is cool; strange at this time of year. I Step to greet Granny pie and to buy a couple of boxes of her cupcakes. They have strange forms but are delicious. She tells me that nothing strange happened during the day and informs me that Fluttershy accompanied her to market a few hours ago. She also tells me that a policeman came to inform them where I was and that they don´t have to worry, he said everything was fine. Tomorrow I will go to the station to begin my research. I take my keys out of my pocket but voices make me throw them to the ground. "HELLO LEON!" Three little girls peer out the door of one of my neighbors. I calm down a bit and give them a smile. "Hello girls, this time you really scared me. What are you doing?" "We were trying to find out who is in your house; a while ago we heard much fuss." Answers Applebloom. I open my eyes completely and quickly open the door. "Fluttershy… Fluttershy! Where are you?" The window is open; I began to panic. I run to her room and she is not in it. Suddenly something falls in the kitchen and I hear her screaming. Without thinking I head there. "Fluttershy, what?..." Watching her I´m speechless... she is kneeling all soaked and a pot is on her side; the kitchen is a mess. The girls walk into the kitchen and after saw her burst out laughing. Even I start laughing uncontrollably. She only has the tenderest expression of anger I've ever seen. Controlling me a bit I approach her and helped her up. "What are you doing woman? See the mess you've assembled." "I... I... I just wanted to surprise you. After we learned what have happened to you; I worry too much..." She begins to sob but I held her tightly and avoid it. "Calm down Fluttershy, nothing happened. Remember, I am indestructible." She separates a bit and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Awwww." the three little ones watch us with glow in their eyes. "What are you doing here?" I ask them. "You forgot your bag in the hallway when yow went inside as a hurricane so we had to give it to you." Says Scootaloo. "Who is she, is she your girlfriend?" Asks Sweetie Belle. With the question, Fluttershy blushes and hides behind me; she is so shy... I love that. "No girls, it's just a great friend... Fluttershy, these are Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle." "Hello… girls." She says almost whispering. "HELLO FLUTTERSHY" The three girls runs to embrace her no matter the fact that she's still totally soaked. To my surprise and delight, she returns the hug and smile for the first time in days. I keep watching them until the alarm of the oven starts ringing. She says something about the oven and I run to turn it off. Taking gloves I extract a tray of lasagna from the oven. The dish looks and smells delicious. "I think it's time to eat." We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and joking. Thanks to the girls; she laughs again. Someone knocks on the door and I head to open it. "Hi Cheerilee, let me guess." "Hi Leon, hope you do not have problems because they could be so naughty..." "Not at all, in fact I have to thank them for the help." "Help?" Cheerilee looks at me in amazement. "I'll explain later. Girls your mother is here. " They leave saying goodbye to Fluttershy and running out to greet their mother. Before they go out I call them and give them one of the boxes of cupcakes. Their eyes sparkle with excitement and scream again. Cheerilee is unable to suppress a smile and they finally enter their home. After finish cleaning the kitchen I take a bath. The wounds caused by the explosion still hurt. Coming out of the shower she goes and does the same while I go to make some chocolate. She leaves the bathroom; I go out of the kitchen with the leftover cupcake box and a couple of cups of chocolate. I place them on the coffee table and I sit on the couch. She joins me, first at the end of the sofa , but then comes up and curls up next to me. She takes one cup and sips the content. "Who taught you to cook?" I ask trying to make conversation. "My… Dad... he gave me lessons for some time ..." Her voice is sad but calm. "I miss him so much Leon." A lump forms in my throat. I put my arm around her and with the other take my mug. I think it's the right time. "Fluttershy... Do you want to know why I became a cop?..." > The Enemy of my Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awakening; a sensation that until recently had learned to hate. Now I thank for still being alive. The clock strikes seven in the morning. I don´t remember at what point I fell asleep; the last thing I remember is that I was talking to Fluttershy about stories of more happy moments. The sun coming through the window begins to illuminate the room. I stay still and remember that I have to go to the station to dig into those files; I really hope to find something in them that can take me up to Sombra, but there is also the possibility of not find anything. I want to get up, but I feel a pressure on me. I smile while I see Fluttershy asleep on my chest; she has a happy expression on her face and has her arms are around my body in a gentle hug. Careful not to waking her, I approach my hand and pass it through her hair; she winces a bit and hugs me tighter. "Leon ..." Hear her whispering my name sends a chill through my body. Gently I begin to turn my body until she is lying on the couch; I see her cuddling with the blanket. "Why don´t we met in another situation?" I ask to the air. Then, a thought pierces my mind like the sting of a bee; what will happen if she regains her memory? It is a fact that I had not analyzed, no doubt that what she knows could help me to stop Sombra and his plans... But part of me does not want that to happen. If her memories return, will she know who I am and what has happened the past few weeks? Will she return to be as Discord had told me? I do not know what to think, maybe that would mean losing her. I caress her ear; she laughs lightly and rubs her face on my body like in a pillow. "Leon ..." Without thinking about what I'm doing, I kiss her on the forehead. Without take away my lips, I start to go down over her face until her lips are inches away from mine; I can feel the caress of her breath. "Stay with me ..." I whisper and lightly press my lips to hers. To my surprise; she returns the kiss and then I hear her say, "Leon ... I ..." Is she awaken? I stand almost immediately and my doubt is dispelled. She has her eyes wide open and a shocked expression on her face. "Fluttershy? ... I ..." I'm as surprised as she is, this is something completely out of my control. I can´t find the words to explain what just happened. Without taking her view of me, I notice how she slowly blushes; she lets out a small whimper and hides under the blanket. I lean and slowly retreat the blanket to watch her; she is blushing and cover her face with her hands. "Fluttershy ... I ... don´t know ..." She pushes and pulls me off the couch. I want to talk to her, but before I can say something; she gets up and runs to her room and puts the secure. "Well ... that was intense" I laugh at my own words, I'm a cynic. I get up and head for the stereo. I put on the turntable my old acetate of Frank Sinatra and the first notes of Fly Me to the Moon begin to fill my ears and our home. I raise the volume and humming the song I enter the kitchen to prepare breakfast. After several minutes the aroma of frying bacon and eggs make me salivate. When in the speakers starts playing My Way; I begin singing with all my lungs. The table is ready and I just need to serve the coffee, at that moment someone joins my song. I turn around and I see with joy that she is leaning on the doorframe; her cheeks still have that beautiful scarlet. "I did it my way..." In unison we finish the song. At the end; the only sound is the one of the pellet through the final channels of disc. ***_____***_____*** The dead file is a place that lives up to its name; boxes and boxes of unresolved cases are piled everywhere, just dust the visits them. I been here for more than four hours, even, I have found some of my old cases; which isn´t so good, they reminds me of my past life; memories that I really wish to forget. At least my search on Sombra´s group has not been in vain; it seems that in recent months they have been very active. I found reports about the attack on one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the region, apparently his henchmen stole equipment laboratory and kidnapped several scientists; although monitored the case, this was abandoned by order of the mayor, that's very strange. Another case talks about the disappearance of several trucks with building materials and the rob of a steel shipment in docks the very day I met Fluttershy. "It seems that Sombra wanted to kill two birds with one stone" I say to myself. I keep checking and I go to the section that says "ONLY FOR COMMISSIONER." I enter the cage and observe a red box with no markings. I take it to the table; at the moment of opening it, I feel as if my heart was pierced with a spear. In the top of the box appears the file of the Diamond Dog case. With trembling hands I take it and place it on the desk, I don´t want to open it, but something tells me it must be so. The folder is the epitome of my despair; every document, every image, just makes my heart sink more in pain. "So, you find that file, eh? You should not have seen it." Her voice gives me a start, "Dash, don´t you know knocks the door?" "And you still remember that you are no longer part of the force?" She answers me somewhat angry, "technically what you're doing is a crime; so I think we're even. Take, I brought something for you to wake up." Says while offers me a cup of coffee and I watch as she takes up a chair and sits next to me. "I thought this file was lost, duo you have any reason to keep it?" Question her without waiting for an answer, she rubs her arm and then clasp her hands. "It is a reminder, a warning; a sad memory I want to forget, but it´s impossible. And also, is something that tells me I should not try to play with things beyond my control. Sometimes, I come and see it for hours. Really your father was the best… do not know how that happened..." Her voice cracks; I don´t like it. I can really feel her pain, because it is mine too. But, why does it hurt so much talk about my father? "Dash... was there anything between you and?..." She stares at me; I do the same. I bet it was not the best question but... "When your mother died," starts talking and cuts my ideas, "your father suffered much, was when he started having these action methods that anyone liked , to be honest, caused me fear," laughs slightly, "he became a cold, calculating and ruthless man, you must know." "Yes, I also noted the change. But never saw him... go down, he always maintained that rigidity, I really admired him for that, but I also hated that he didn´t told me how he felt. I know I could have helped, but he preferred kept all that courage, and we saw the results." She is left wondering, as if remembering something, "Dash, is something wrong?" she rises from the chair and goes into the cage to look for something between the boxes, and then she returns to the table holding an old book. "One day… I had to stay at work late..." begins to speak again. ***Some years ago*** "What do you want Soarin? I'm busy, and you should not be here." He said nothing, just stood in the shadows of the doorway looking at her, as if he studies her. "Tell me Dash, why you are the only one that doesn´t complains about my work?" She looked up, "don´t think I'm happy with your new way of being. If I didn´t said anything and has not been carried out your dismissal as advised, is because you give better results than most of your partners; and also because I have talked for you. You're the best element in the entire precinct." "So now I should thank you for keeping my job? What a situation," he said as he approached the window behind her. Dash got up from the chair and sat on the edge of the desk without taking her eyes off him. She was attracted to him, but could not make it known, especially now that he had lost his mate. "What's going on Soarin? You have not been the same since..." "DON´T YOU DARE SAY IT DASH!!!" He raised his voice and she was frightened, "I... I'm sorry; the wound is still open." He tried to apologize. "I think that to be so; you hide it like if you think no one will notice, even Leon asked me advice to try deal with your current state." "He's my son, he´s not stupid, what else can I expect? But I'm not here to talk about my sanity, I want you to have this.” He approached her and held out an agenda. “What is this?” "This is my old logbook. It has everything I know about Sombra. If something happens to me, I want you to deliver it to Leon; but only when you consider that he is ready to continue my work." Dash's mouth dropped open, "if... something happens… to you? Everything is ok, right?" He just laughed in a somewhat grim. "Yes Dash, don´t worry." Without another word, he reached out to hold her tight; she dropped the book before this unexpected act, but embracing him in the same way. "Why is life so cruel Dash; one day she is in the kitchen preparing breakfast, and at the other; I see her being put in a hole in the ground?" He began to cry and that made Dash shiver. The hard external of Soarin had finally collapsed. “Why was not I who left this world? That would have been better." "No... don´t say that Soarin, was something that could not be controlled, the disease was well advanced, could not do anything." She was crying too. Soarin released his grip slightly, just enough so that the two remain looking straight into each other's eyes. With his hand he stroked her face and she closed her eyes to better enjoy that loving gesture, Dash took his hand and held it against her cheek. "Soarin... I... I will always be for you..." Dash opened her eyes, he placed his hand on her other cheek and kissed her firmly on the lips; he parted just to say. "I know ..." After that he kissed her again; she did the same. He charged her in his arms and took her to the sofa in the office; the two were carried away by the passion that both could not control any longer. ***___*** I keep the mouth open to such a confession; now I understand that entire emotional jolt she suffers whenever she mentions my father or Sombra. "I loved your father Leon, was really love. He never told me if the feeling was mutual, but, and may sound selfish; I like to think that those times when we were together, really meant something more to him; I hope he is in paradise; he truly was a great man. " She says wiping tears running down her cheek as she hands me the book, I watch her and nod. "Paradise... PARADISE!!!!" I scream and quickly go back to review the notes I had obtained of looking in the archives. "What´s going on Leon, have you lost your mind?" Dash asks me, but I just ignore her. That word makes me realize that in all cases there is a connection. "The sons of darkness… paradise… Sombra." I say full of excitement as if I had just discovered the Holy Grail or Excalibur. She looks at me in a state of utter confusion, "Listen, after the lasts hits of the sons of darkness; many of the boys who followed them did not continue because they went inside paradise, I'm pretty sure that Sombra is there; I have to go." I take my notes and my father´s logbook to save them in my suitcase, but she stops me before I can close it. "One moment Leon, you're telling me you are planning getting into that place? You know it's technically like signing your death warrant, right?" "Of course I do, but I have no other choice." In fact if I have it, but I can´t let her know it. Already I do not like the idea, but I have no choice but to pay a visit to an old friend. "Sorry Dash, I better leave." I head for the door but she gets in my way. "Stop right there boy, you better begin to explain what the hell is going on." I try to go around but still not let me out. "Rainbow, I told you at the correct time I´ll explain you everything, I promise, but not now; let me out, I'm losing valuable time." She does not move out of my way, "I will not get out of it right?" She just shakes her head, I sigh. "All right Dash, let's talk." ***_____***_____*** The Sugar Cube Corner bell announced that someone had entered the store, a young woman stood in the middle of the room, Fluttershy called from the back of the kitchen. "I will attend you in a moment, please take a seat and watch our menu of desserts and drinks." "Yeah, thanks." Replied the girl as she sat on one of the tables of the bakery, opened the letter and began to read the menu. Granny Pie had gone to deliver an order, so Fluttershy had been in charge of the bakery for the moment. Was not noon yet and the morning was fresh. Fluttershy emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray of cookies in the shape of animals, the smell immediately filled the place and the girl began licking her lips savoring the aroma. "Hmmm, that smells delicious, what are they?" Fluttershy smiled and offered her one, when she tasted it; her senses experienced great pleasure. "Oh my god, this is awsome." Said the girl as she savored the cookies that Fluttershy had just made. Giving her a smile, she left the rest of the cookies in a small basket on the counter. Then from her apron, she extracted a small notebook and pen. "Tell me, would you like something in particular?" Fluttershy asked. "I'd like a cappuccino and, what is the specialty of the house?" Fluttershy nodded and extracted from one of the counters a green with blue covered cake, "we know this as the surprise; I bet you'll love it, would you like a slice?" She nodded and Fluttershy cut the cake. She handed her the slice in a small dish, the girl took it and went to his table while Fluttershy started to prepare the drink indicated; this did not took her more than five minutes. Then she took it to the small table. "Things have changed a lot since the last time I was here, but it seems that the old Granny Pie has not yet lose that touch on her preparations, and not only that; she now have a great disciple apparently." "You lived here?" Fluttershy asked. She nodded as he took a sip of coffee. "Much time has passed now. I use to live on this street, in the building that now is an office complex across the street," she said, pointing to the spot. Fluttershy´s eyes followed and then she took a chair and sat at the table. "The park where I used to spend evenings with my friends do not exist anymore, neither the old ice cream parlor. You are very young; surely you did not get to know them. " Fluttershy shook her head, "I'm not even from this area. I used to live..." She remembered that Leon had told her not to trust strangers, and less on her current situation; but something about this girl made her feel safe; She seemed so nice and sincere. "Well it doesn´t matter anymore," said Fluttershy ended up with a hint of melancholy in her voice. The girl nodded but looked at her with an air of disbelief, then took another bite of the pie. "And tell me, how´s Granny Pie? I don´t think she would recognize me after all this time." "Oh, she's fine; soon will be his 81st birthday, but I still can´t believe the vitality she have, like a person half his age," Fluttershy said, unable to contain a smile, the girl laughed also. "To be honest I always thought she was a little crazy. The last time I saw her she would have maybe about 65, 70 at most and in that time she already acted a bit strange." She said, laughing, and making a crazy gesture with her hands, Fluttershy laughed, "Do not go to say anything" concluded the girl. The two were silent for a moment, "you know, when I was a child; I had a great friend who lived in the same street, we went to the old school together and even through college; we were always very close. Until one day..." she bent down her face and let out a long, deep sigh full of melancholy, Fluttershy felt identified with her. "What happened, why did you stop seeing him?" "Well, our separate ways; he entered the police academy and I... let´s say… I took a different route. He went to tell me goodbye at the bus terminal and that was the last time I saw him. He stood in the middle of the street as the rain soaked him. I did not stop seeing him until he disappeared from sight; it was the saddest day of my life. I could never tell him how much...." She could not finish her sentence; she lowered her eyes as she wiped a tear. "Perhaps he is still around here, you should try looking for him; I bet if your relationship was as you say, he has not forgotten you." Fluttershy said. She smiled, "maybe you're right. But for now; I have a matter to attend first, maybe I´ll try to find him later," she rose from the table," how much do I owe you?" Fluttershy shook her head, "nothing; goes by the house. It is always good to talk to someone as interesting as you." The two laughed and the girl thanked. She headed for the door, but before opening she stare back at her, "by the way, what's your name?" Fluttershy hesitated a little but finally replied, "Fluttershy… and yours?" "Nice to meet Fluttershy… I'm Luna," She smiled again and left the bakery. ***_____***_____*** I'm on my way home. Dash now knows the details of my situation. She offered to accompany me on my foray to paradise, but after his confession of today; she has gained even more my appreciation and I don´t want to put her on danger. To be honest, I always had the idea that she wanted my father to another level, so I have no trouble in knowing what happened between them. I open the apartment door and in the console sound something of disco music. I leave the package on the couch and head to my room to leave my father's diary on the bed and look for clothes. I hear her singing; her voice is beautiful. Is good to see that her mood has not fallen since last week; maybe she has forgotten that she is in danger. Sometimes I want to do the same, but I can´t. I leave my room and stare at her; she dances to the beat of the music and sings as if it were a little girl. She turns around and falls. I burst into laughter and run to pick her up. When she looks at me, lets out a little moan and covers her face with her hands. "Leon ... what a shame ... how long have you been here? Did not hear you come." Does not dare to look at me and is literally red with embarrassment. "Only since you started singing; you have a beautiful voice Fluttershy. Do not feel bad, is that I dared not to interrupt you." She removes her hands from her face and stares at me. When she stands; on the radio sounds More Than a Woman. I grab her by the hands and start to dance with her. She laughs and agrees that I take the lead. We dance the whole song and finally grabbed her by the waist and lifted into the air. When I lower her, she puts her arms around my neck. Our eyes are fixed, our breathing quickens. I know I should not, I know it’s wrong; the distance between our faces begins to decrease. "Leon… hellow… I know you're there," is heard from the other side of the door; the charm breaks and Fluttershy free me from her embrace. I do the same and head for the door cursing my luck. Upon opening the door I found the stare of Dash. This surprise and upset me at the same time. "Rainbow? What're you doing here? How did you find...?" "Grandma Pie told me everything. Is good to see you're still here." I look at her a little puzzled, but I invite her to enter. I know why she´s here, I will do not discuss it anymore; what will happen in a few hours is something that I wouldn´t like to face alone. "Dash, I just want to ask you something; do not ask her anything, do not make any comments on what you now know. I don´t want to disturb her, understand?" She puts a hand on my shoulder and nods. "He... Hello..." Fluttershy tells and looks at us with a certain feeling of distrust; we approach her and Rainbow reaches out. "Nice to meet you Fluttershy; my name is Rainbow Dash. Leon has told me a lot about you." Fluttershy looks at her a little before returning the greeting; everything seems fine. "Fluttershy, Granny Pie will stay with you tonight. Dash and I are going out today, but we´ll be back in the morning, okay?" Her eyes wide open and her expression seem so mature at this time. "You have to leave me today?... I thought... you´ll stay..." She blushes and turns. Rainbow looks at me and is about to ask something. I shake my head to tell her not to do it. "Come, I want to tell you something." I take her by the hand and lead her to the room; she sits on the bed and I do the same. “Please... Don´t go..." She says in a sad tone. I tenderly embrace her. "You know to what I'm going out, right?" She nods, "You're very clever, but you must understand that what I do is for you; is to protect you. Is for that we can both get on with our lives without having to worry; not to feel afraid that either can damage us. You are the most important thing I have, and don´t want anything to happen to you. " She separates a little from me; her blue eyes shine like stars. I caress her face, her lips open a bit; they invite me to taste them, but I stop. She puts her arms around my neck. "Leon... I..." stays quiet, "please, be careful. I don´t want to lose you too; I could not bear it." I tell her that I will. She closes her eyes, lets me go and gets up to leave the room. "Not the right time." I hear myself say. ***_____***_____*** It's almost ten and Rainbow drives the car, an awkward silence floats between the two of us. "Do you like her?" Finally she breaks the silence. "It's something I can´t deny, and also something that it is not correct. She only has been with me a month. She has suffered so much and I have tried to help her get over it..." "You know Leon, is not only the fact that you have become her protector; in you she can see someone who will be able to defend her against everything. Also, I can tell she likes you; it might be good for you to define this and tell her." "I don´t think it's appropriate, not with Sombra behind us. I want to end this; I don´t want be hiding anymore." I say rudely, she just looks at me and then the road again. "Maybe you're right, but keep in mind that what you just start may not end well for either of you; you're not immortal, and you are in a very dangerous game. Your opponent is someone very cruel." "Do you remember what my father said? Turn yourself in their twisted reflection; if Sombra wants to fight, he has messed with the wrong person." ***_____***_____*** The old clock played the tenth chime. Trixie was reading while Twilight finished talking to someone on the phone. "Listen Garble, I don´t care if you have to turn the whole damn city. You better find them; otherwise, you will be who will pay the price, got it? Okay I'll be there in a few hours." Twilight hung up the phone and stared at the window; Trixie approached her. "So, what's the plan?" "Garble is preparing his forces to begin the search. Get ready, in a few hours we left to paradise; you know the kind of place it is, so take your precautions." Trixie looked with some fear at Sparkle´s face. She slowly raised a hand to pose it on her partner's cheek, but before she made it; Twilight stopped her. She turned to face her. Trixie gulped, but was glad when Twilight allowed the caress. She ran her fingers near the patch covering Twilight´s eye, and she in turn; looked at her and stroked her hair tenderly. They both gave a smile each other and silence floated between the two for a moment. "NO!!! PLEASE NO!!! IT WASN´T MY FAULT!!!" The door swung open and Twilight and Trixie separated quickly. Two subjects wore someone from his arms screaming and struggling to try to escape. The large double door at the end of the room opened and Sombra came across it; in his hand was toying with a cane. The subjects forced the man to kneel, both Trixie and Twilight just kept silence. "Please sir, the fault was not mine, it was just an accident." "Shhhhh. Your pleads are useless." Sombras's deep voice only served to increase the fear in the poor fellow; he knew this would not end well. Sombra started walking around him. Trixie stood behind Twilight filled with fear. "Get him up." Ordered Sombra. The two men took the scientist and stood him in front of his boss. Sombra approached him and pulled out a small flask from his pocket; its content had a strange blue fluorescent color. Twilight's face filled with shock and awe. "He got it..." She whispered. "You know what this is, isn´t it?" Sombra asked his victim; the scientist said nothing. "This is called nightmare virus. A drop is enough to make you suffer excruciating pain; you will wish to die. But, what will happen if I give you a complete capsule?... Well, let’s find it out." Both women watched as Sombra raised the scientis t´s head to show his neck. Then he took the flask and injected the entire solution on the poor guy; the reaction was immediate. The poor man began to scream and writhe in pain; his skin began to take on a yellowish color and in seconds remained inert on the carpet. Twilight didn´t know at what time she had turned around to don´t watch; she had in a hug to Trixie who was shaking with fear. "Wasn´t that just beautiful? That was just a demonstration of the first phase of the virus; wait until it is finished. Take these out of here." Sombra said and his men did so; they left the room dragging the corpse. "I feel so great tonight... Trixie... come here." Sombra said. She pressed her body closer to Twilight´s. "Don´t show that you're afraid of him." Twilight whispered and Trixie looked at her. She smiled and let her go, to face Sombra. "I... I'll take her place tonight..." Twilight approached him. Sombra watch her a little surprised but said nothing. Almost like a teenager who wants something; she placed her arms around Sombra's neck and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He grabbed her by the hair and kissed her forcefully; Twilight blushed. "Why this change of attitude Twilight?" "I... I just want... to be with you... tonight." she replied. He kissed her neck and she let out a low moan. "Okay Twilight, come with me." Sombra took her by the hand and both went into the room. Trixie was left in the dark, after a while she knelt on the floor and began to mourn. ***_____***_____*** The marquee glows like a torch, a sure sign that Valhalla is at the height of its nightlife. Dash looks at me strangely and I can´t help laughing at her expression. "What? Don´t tell me you have never visited such a place?" "What kind of friends do you have Leon? You are quite mysterious, has anyone told you that? " "A couple of times maybe," I laugh. I approach the door of the establishment and the guard blocks my way. "Name sir." "Jake, I hope you're not still selling those weird things you bring from Hong Kong; or I will take you to the police." The guy is surprised and looks around like making sure no one listened, he moves to one side and removes the chain to let us pass. The music is deafening. Taking Dash by her hand I tell her to don´t separate from me, she just looks all around not believing the kind of place where she is. Waitresses almost without clothes pass carrying drinks and other things to customers of the place. From the ceiling hangs cages where beautiful women dressed as angels and demons dance to music, and scattered throughout the place are sofas and beds of different shapes and colors where couples are entertained in their affairs. "I feel at home, don´t you Dash?" I say and she hits me in the ribs; the pain makes me laugh. We walk up to the north where there is a red door in the form of a heart; two girls dressed in a seductive black dress are in front of it. "Hi Flitter, Hi Cloudchaser, how are you?" They look at me in confusion, but after a moment; they scream of excitement and throw themselves at me to hug and kiss me frantically. "Leon, is been a long time since we saw you around here," says Flitter. "We missed you sweetheart," says Cloud. The beautiful sisters don´t stop filling me with caresses. "Aham, could we continue our mission Leon?" Dash says in a tone of total annoyance; they release me and I just laugh. "Yeah... sure... Dash... sorry girls, I'm afraid that my visit is for a very different reason." They give me an AWWW! of disapproval, "we're actually here to talk to... well… you know." "It's not fair Leon, you don´t come in so long," claims Cloud . "Right, and now, you tell us that you only come to see her? You are so mean," Flitter ends and the two put a cute pout on her faces. "Don´t look at me that way, you know I can´t stand it. Let's do this, I promise that I'll buy a gift for you the next time I come, what do you think?" They scream and accept my offer. They go to the door and open it for us; Dash not stops looking like at me as mother scolding her son for something bad. "Goodbye Leon... we'll be waiting..." say the sisters in a seductive tone and throw me a wink and a kiss; I do the gesture of catch it. They close the door and despite the external noise, silence seizes the room. "Do you want to explain me what was all that?" tells me Dash. "Long story... maybe some other time," I tell her. We walk up the stairs to enter a dark room. An applause is heard and the light behind a red curtain lights; the shadow of a woman of perfect curves is drawn through it. The woman seems to put a robe over her body and pulls a small rope to open the curtain while a soft light begin to illuminate the whole place. I swallow hard as I try to control my nerves. I´m not unfamiliar to this beautiful lady, quite the contrary; I know her perfectly. Dash is behind me, "is she... who I think she is?" She whispers, I just confirm it with a nod. The curtain is fully opened and the light reveals the owner of such a magnificent silhouette. "Hmmm... Leon ... what a pleasant surprise to see you again in my domains, you little naughty..." her voice is seductive to the point that anyone would melt just listening to her. "He... hellow... Ra... Rarity ... ho... How have you been?" She walks over to us. My nerves reach its peak when I have her in front of me, the gown she wears is made of white silk that transparent to the light and allows me admire her unimpeded. She smiles and grabs me in her arms to take me to her; the heat of her body receives me. Without notice kisses me on the lips. "Hmmm… Leon you still taste delicious... why you had refused to come here, if you know that you are always treated well? " "I was... not available... that's all... sorry about Smith..." "Oh the poor Smith... will be remembered forever... but enough of sad thoughts my dear, I would like even more that we remembered other things I know you will like a lot." Rarity tells me while wearing his tongue in my ear; a shiver runs down my spine at such action. "That will not be possible today... Big Mama..." Dash's voice is like a sharp knife. "Leon... where are your manners? Why you didn´t told me you were bringing someone else? And look who it is, the same Commissioner Rainbow Dash... I see that those years of service have done wonders on you my dear... hmmm, I wonder how you would look covered in melted chocolate." Dash´s eyes wide open and she back a little. Better I tell her why we´re here before we end on something that might not be so bad; Rarity is famous for getting everything she wants... in one or another way. "Sweetie... this time it will have to stay in words, we are here for an entirely different reason." Her face takes an awesome serious look; she claps and the lights shine in all its intensity. "Well... why are you here then?" her voice is now demanding. "We need your help to get to the heart of paradise; there's someone there who I have to pay a personal visit," I say. "So the rumors are true... now I know who is Sombra´s next victim." "How the hell do you know about this?" Asks Dash. "Did you forget who you're talking commissioner? These things are not left floating on the nothing without someone to listen them and initiate to spread them. Leon, you are in serious trouble; you and the girl you protect." What Rarity says astounds me, "How... do you know...?" "Fluttershy's mother and I were great friends. The day she was born, Discord and Celestia asked me to be her godmother; I accepted. When Celestia died, I tried to help Discord get over it; Fluttershy on the other hand, sank into depression. As if that were not enough, the incident of his kidnap and fall into a coma... poor girl; she has suffered enough. That fucking bastard, you can´t allow him to catch her again. Now I see that Discord chose well to leave her at your care." Her voice is smooth again; Dash goes to her. "Then, what you say Big Mama... will you help us?" "What surprises me is your presence, why are you here?" "Leon is one of the people for whom I care most; I could not allow him to launch himself into the jaws of death without doing anything." Rarity nods. "Well, if you are willing to enter into that realm of pure evil, I'll help you, on one condition." I feared this; she isn’t the kind of woman who gives you something without getting nothing in return. "What do you intend to receive in return?" "I don´t like your tone Leon, it seems you expect me to ask an eccentricity." "Knowing your fame Big Mama, I expect no less. That´s what you have earned for driving the most famous bar in the city." Says Dash mockingly. "I guess you're right commissioner, but though I wish to have you tied to my bed with nothing to hinder my vision; I think it will not happen." Rainbow cheeks are painted red. "Stop playing Rarity, what do you want?" "Agh, so boring Leon. Well, I just want you to let me visit Fluttershy; I have something for her that I have to give her personally." Perhaps my common sense is failing, but for some reason; I believe her. She can be many things, but when she shows that side of her heart; you know you're in front of a great human being. "Ok honey, I´ll let you visit her if all ends well, but please, don´t use anything eccentric. I don´t want you to scare her." I say with a giggle, she laughs and embrace me again. "Always a gentleman. You can trust me my love. Now go, the road is long. I have to call someone. Goodbye sweetheart," Rarity tells Dash while she plants a firm spank on her rump, Dash screams in surprise. "Rarity, one more thing... if something goes wrong... I..." her hand mutes my voice. "Don´t say anything, you can be sure she will be fine, but please, return safely, both of you. I could not live knowing I send you to your death. I hope it's a great help what I'm going to do. Oh, and if you find that son of a bitch; remember to put a bullet in his body to my name." I nod and turn around to look at Dash. She says it all with her eyes. > Paradise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rises behind the mountains surrounding the desert, in the distance appears a huge fortress surrounded by huge walls. A sign says between letters worn by the elements "Welcome to Paradise," and black car travels the worn road that leads into the walled city. "Paradise is the most dangerous place in the whole county, I hope you know what you're doing Leon." "Me too Dash... me too." Leon parked the car outside a bar, the heat began to ascend. The two descended from it and headed toward the back. At the time, a truck stopped behind them. A woman dressed in a plaid orange shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots descended from the vehicle, her hair moved with the air and her face was hidden by a hat. She walked slowly towards the couple until she was a few feet from them. "It seems that Rarity was not lying, I guess you guys are the ones who I must guide in this suicide mission or am I wrong?" The woman raised her hat and Dash was able to recognize someone familiar. "A... Applejack... is that you? But... but you can´t... you..." "Died? I don´t think so sugar cube, it takes more than just a bullet to the head to finish with me." "You know each other?" Leon asked. "Let´s say we have a history together. Enough of that, let´s do this; I want to get out of this fucking place before nightfall. If paradise is bad during the day, at night it becomes a living hell. Will be a long journey to the heart of this place," Applejack said as she returned to her truck to take her weapons. Leon opened the trunk of the car, pulled out a suitcase and opened it. Dash came and picked up a shotgun to place it in her back and a pair of pistols in her belt. Leon took his new acquisition, asset the G3A3 systems and placed it on his shoulder, also he placed at his waist his beloved python. "I hope the old Virgil were right about this rifle, I feel weird for not having Matilda with me. By the way, who is she Dash?" "Somebody that was very important to me. I really don´t know how to take seeing her again. All this time, and she didn´t bother to tell me that she was alive?" "That´s because I couldn´t allow you to know it Dash, there was too much at stake if you knew that I was not dead..." "Don´t go out with that now Applejack, you know that you could have all my help, we could have..." "SHUT UP RAINBOW!!! Now is not the time to talk about this. Here have this." Applejack said flatly while handing them bulletproof vests. "Get ready, do not expect a friendly reception, and Dash..." The two stared at each other. Leon could almost feel the gaping wound between the two. "There will be time to talk, now walk." The three entered in the alleys of paradise. After they disappeared into the shadows, someone left the bar and took his radio. "Garble, here Flake, we have visitors." "The detective?" Asked a voice from the other side of the band. "Yes, and he´s not alone, guess who are with him." "Cut the crap, who is it?" "Commissioner Dash and someone else, but I don´t know who is." "Well, this is going to be interesting. Ok, mobilize the men you have in that area. You can kill the others, but we need the detective alive. Sparkle will be here soon and will be glad to know this. " "All right Garble, I´ll get the party started." ***_____***_____*** Dash looked over her shoulder at Applejack; she in turn looked back at her and turned her head to one side. Leon walked without taking his eyes off the roofs and fences of the houses, people who lived there was used to seeing people with weapons at hand, in that place was strange to see someone without them. The three stopped near a small store and Applejack went into it. She said something to the person inside and came out to communicate something to her partners. "It seems that here is cooking something big. There are rumors about movement in the old steel mill, that place is our goal." Applejack said as she began to move on. Leon came to her, "do you think Sombra can be there?" "That bastard? There’s a possibility, the guy has a reputation for being as a hunting dog when he wants to catch his prey. Moreover, his allies also can be quite a pain in the ass." "Yes… I had the pleasure of meeting Sparkle." "And you still here? Wow you're a lucky guy." Dash was listening to every word, but her thinking was focused on her old friend, she still could not explain the fact that she was there, she had to know what was what had happened in all these years. "And tell me, Applejack, are you still hunting big fishes?" Dash said dismissively. "And you're still tough and stubborn as a mule, Rainbow." Applejack replied. "I told you not the time. Anyway, if you mean what happened to Gilda, you know perfectly well that it was something out of my control." "Damn it Applejack, don´t you ever mention her again." cried Dash. The three stopped and the blonde girl turned to see Dash; Leon could feel the anger in the eyes of both but said nothing. "Listen to me Dash. I loved her, she was like a sister to me, but her betrayal was something could not stay that without punishment. Do you remember how everything ended? Do you remember the cries of pain of those children? Were you able to forget? 'cause I still have nightmares about that day." Dash ducked her head and tears of anger began to fill her eyes. "No... I'll never forget it... but Gilda... she was my friend..." "Mine too Dash, and it was something I had to overcome to do my job. Do you think I was happy of end her life? No Dash, you don´t know the pain it caused me. And the worst was to hear her say that she didn´t regret her actions before I put a bullet through her head. Remember it, and tell me if you had not done the same, more in your position." Dash looked up, but before she could say anything; a sharp sound was heard followed by a laugh and that put them in alert. "But what a touching moment, the old friends meet to heal differences? I'm glad you´re doing it now, because none of you will leave this place alive. Everyone, we have a trio of rats in our beloved city... I WANT THEM DEAD!!!" The transmission was cut off; they began to hear voices, shouts and footsteps approaching them quickly. After a moment of silence, a bullet ended on the floor very close to them; the three ran for cover. "From where did that came from?" screamed Leon. "I don´t know, they must be in the upper levels. Applejack, are you ok?" Dash exclaimed. The blond-haired girl took his gun and pointed towards a window. "I HAVE YOU NOW BASTARD" cried and pulled the trigger; the bullets passed through the wall and from the darkness came cries of pain. Leon saw more hostiles arrive in a van, without hesitation he opened fire on them; several were killed on the vehicle and others were able to take cover, the engine of the truck exploded into flames killing a couple more. Dash saw more of them appear on rooftops around their position. She took her gun and smashed a door to enter the building, started up the ladder and on her way appeared several guys armed with machetes and batons. She received the firsts with her gun, came to the second floor where melee faced them. One of them lunged at her only to be greeted with a kick and the guy rolled over the floor. One more came threatening her with his knife; Dash called him with her fingers. The guy scream like mad and attacked her, Dash dodged his attacks and took the weapon to stick it in his head moments later. Applejack looked how several men began to surround them, whistled and Leon ran to her. "Where did Dash go?" "I saw her go there, but these rogues are blocking the entrance, if we do not move soon we will be sitting ducks." Leon stood up and shot to the closest ones, the scope of his weapon allowed him to make every bullet count, Applejack took two 9mm and put her back against Leon´s to get a full view. "Left second floor." he shot and a guy fell from the balcony. "Three in the front, behind that car." She adjusted her hat and shot the gas tank, the explosion blow up several of them. Dash on her own was cleaning the building. When she opened the door at the end of the ladder, saw several guys with hunting rifles pointing to his teammates. She was about to finish them but someone took her gun and forced her to fight again with her hands. The guy moved pretty fast, and a punch entered on Dash´s face, however; this allowed her to hold him by the head and broke his neck. The gun fire alerted her, she got in the ground and more guys ran towards her. She got up and took the shotgun to receive the first with the butt of it, then, another took her to the wall and tried to choke her, a bullet passed through the skull of the guy and Dash retrieved her breath. From below, her blonde friend had managed to save her life. Leon had separated from Applejack and had entered to a small store walking through the corridors shooting at the enemies that appeared in his path. When the first charger was done, he took his colt and two guys came screaming and emptying their weapons towards him. Leon knelt, wet the tip of his gun and pulled the trigger; the bullet passed through them like if they were made of paper. Several hostiles fell from the top of buildings, more and more bodies were piled in the street and after some minuets, everything seemed to end. Dash came out the door and walked over to Applejack. Leon soon arrived with them. "I must say, it´s been a while since I had so much fun." He looked at her and laughed. Applejack review one of the vans and removed the dead driver from the seat. "Ladies, more will come soon, we must hurry." She told them to get into the van; they did so and went deep into the citadel. ***_____***_____*** Twilight and Trixie walked down one of the corridors of the old factory. They were escorted by a couple of guys dressed as hooligans and with face painted. They stopped at a gate and one of them invaded the personal space of the silver-haired girl to fill himself with her scent. "You're such a sweetheart, what you and I… argh..." Trixie had placed a sharp metal tip directly on his neck; just enough to get into his skin and the blood began to flow. "Don´t you ever dare to go near me, or this will enter in a very painful place for you, got it?" She said as she sank the weapon, the guy nodded and she pulled the tip and then she hit him in the face; Twilight smiled. "You know, that you can be as evil as the boss?" "I have learned from the best, by the way, how was your night?" Trixie told her as she raised her eyebrows, the cheeks of her companion took a scarlet shade and images of previous hours passed in front of her. If there was something she loved from Sombra, it was the way he treated her in the intimacy; that wild way in that he loved her always took her to the sky. Twilight ran her fingers over her lips. "It was... good..." she could not hide her excitement, "soon will be your turn." She added at the end. Trixie's eyes widened and she lowered her head, she still feared him too much to get to that stage. Twilight saw her reaction and laughed quietly. The bulb above the gate shone in red and one of the men opened it to allow them to pass. The two entered a large room where there were screens showing different parts of the citadel, all was monitored to maintain control. A guy in a red suit looked closely several screens and laughed cheerfully. "What's so funny Garble?" Twilight asked. "It seems that your friend Leon is a professional, he just exterminates two commands I sent against him, and now it seems that he will come to this place." "Damn, what are you waiting for? Stop him" Trixie said exalted. Garble turned to face her. "Why ruin the fun? Like if anyway he will get out of here alive." "Remember, we need him alive, he knows where´s the girl, you can´t eliminate him yet" "A yeah, the girl, you mean her?" Garble said showing a screen to Twilight. It showed Fluttershy, she was tied to a chair and her eyes were covered with a handkerchief. She was crying and calling Leon. ***_____***_____*** "Applejack, are you sure you know where to go?" "Of course I know, I know this place like the back of my hand Dash, leave everything to me." "Well… you better get ready, we have a serious problem." Leon said. "What do you mean?" Both he and Dash raised an arm pointing towards behind them; Applejack looked in the mirror and saw a huge truck coming towards them at full speed. "Darkside?... this has to be a fucking joke." She said as she stepped on the accelerator. Leon took his rifle and shot towards the truck; the bullets bounced like balls on a wall. "What the hell is that thing?" "It´s Darkside, Garble´s secret weapon; the damned must repair it, that thing is as powerful as a tank." "And now you say it, how we will escape from..." Dash was speechless when she saw two guys coming out of the highest part of the truck with a couple of vulcan cannons. "We're dead." ***_____***_____*** "For the last time, where is the girl?" Twilight said facing the guy in the red suit, he was laughing. "She is safe in another place, and still don´t know if I will give her to you. She´s very beautiful and I would rather keep her; I want to have fun with her." In an instant, Trixie had placed a knife to his throat, "cut the crap and tell us where is she." Several Garble´s men surrounded them and pointed their guns; Twilight analyzed the situation. "I remind you that even if you are part of the children of darkness, here in paradise, you have no power. I recommend you watch your actions." He said as he took Trixie's hand to put away the knife. "If you really want me to give you the girl; tell your boss that will cost twice." "You know that the deal was for ten grand, you better respect that or..." "Or what Sparkle, do you think that I have fear of Sombra? If he really wants her; he will not mind pay whatever... now… well… we could fix this another way." He approached Trixie and grabbed her by the waist. ***_____***_____*** "Hold on!" Applejack cried while maneuvering the car to avoid the fire of Darkside, the truck seemed unstoppable; passing through the walls of buildings like if they were made of paper, both Leon and Dash fired to the truck without effect. "We have to lose it, otherwise we're doomed," said Dash. "Applejack, you have to get behind that thing," shouted Leon. "Are you crazy? We supposed to flee not give ourselves to the death," replied the blonde girl. "Trust me, I know what I´m doing." Applejack looked at him and nodded, went into one of the aqueducts and for a moment lost sight of the truck; until the engine roared and the thing fell from the second floor. Applejack again accelerated and the pursuit began. The truck was soon over them, and when she considered it close enough; she used the hand brake and the truck passed by without stopping. She stepped on the gas and was now right behind Darkside. "What are you going to do?" Dash asked. Leon looked at her and shook his head said, "I don´t know." After that he went over the hood of the truck, with his hands told Applejack that she had to get closer. She full throttle and Leon jumped to the back of the truck and by signs told them they had to distract the driver. "Get ready Dash, this will be a bumpy ride," said Applejack. "Let´s do this cowgirl!" She replied. They went in front of the mechanical beast and the men of the machine guns opened fire on them. Leon was climbing by the side of the truck, when he got to the top; several men armed with knives and machetes rushed towards him. Leon dodged as fast as he could their attacks. One of them got to cut him on one leg but he ignored the pain. When the guy went towards him, Leon took him by the arm, broke it and kicked him off the container. Another came screaming and Leon took the revolver to shot him. "One less, who´s next?" He said to the other subjects who hesitated to attack, eventually all rushed at him, Leon ran towards them. ***_____***_____*** "Damn bitch!!!" Garble growled and covered his face with one hand, this was filled with blood; Trixie had caused him a deep wound with her knife. "Do not ever touch me again, pig," she exclaimed. Garble looked at her with hate and tried to grab her again, but Twilight put the barrel of her gun between his eyes, Garble´s men pointed their guns at them. "Tell them to lower their weapons, or I´ll pull the trigger." "Do it, and you will never have the girl, with the push of a button, she will die." "Enough," said Trixie and in an instant all the men of Garble that were surrounding them fell to the ground. In her hands, Trixie was holding a pair of knives which dripped blood. "Who the hell are you?" Garble said in surprise and fear. "Someone to who you don´t want to piss off," replied Twilight, "now, I´ll ask this only once, where is the girl?" ***_____***_____*** The crack of bones of the last guy that Leon threw off the truck was heard when the wheels passed over him. He had traces of the fight in his legs, one of his arms and his cheek was bleeding. This didn´t care him and ran up to the front of the truck. He finished with the guys of the guns and using one, started firing into the cabin of the truck, a hole opened in the roof of it and he could see the driver. Flake looked at him and tried to take his weapon; it got stuck with the seat. Leon changed charger, Flake moved the steering wheel to try to make him fall; but he began firing, the interior of the cabin was filled with blood. Applejack was close enough for Leon to jump to the rear part of the vehicle before the mechanical beast crashed into the retaining wall and exploded. "Are you okay?" Dash asked. He only nodded while breaking part of his shirt to make a tourniquet on his arm. Dash checked the wounds of his legs this were not so serious. Applejack stopped the truck and they got off. "Dude, you're really crazy, but you saved us." Applejack said. "Not yet finished, we must reach factory." "Calm your horses and look behind you." He turned and realized that they had reached the gates of the old steel mill. An alarm sounded and they knew something was wrong; without wasting more time they entered the factory, moments later, from inside, gunfire was heard. ***_____***_____*** "Okay, okay… I'll tell you, she is in..." Garble was about to reveal the location of Fluttershy when a door flew open and two men came running and breathing hard. "Sir... We have a serious problem." Said one of them. Twilight moved the gun from the front of Garble and he walked to his men. "What happens?" "They just break the security breach, they´re coming this way and are killing us all." More echoes of gunfire sounded in the corridors of the building. Garble came to the screens. He saw Leon and Dash firing in several directions. "No way, how could they get to...?" His eyes widened when he saw in another of the screens a girl with a hat. "Applejack..." He said through gritted teeth. "That bastard does not yield to anything," said Twilight staring at Garble. "Come on Trixie, we have a prey to catch." The two went out the door. Garble looked with contempt the image of the blonde girl. "So… you're still alive… well, you're just a loose end. ***_____***_____*** Leon walked down a hallway. From several directions came the echo of the weapons, he had to be stealthy to avoid attention. He got to the end of the corridor and looked at several subjects out of a door, waited until no one was in sight and went towards it. The stairs lead him to a large room where he could see several screens, he watched many of them looking for something that could be useful; some showed only static and others had no signal. He was about to leave the room when he heard someone say his name, he recognized the voice instantly and fear gripped his thoughts. Turning slowly to see one of the screens, his arms lost strength when he saw his protégé; Leon felt his heart stop. He walked to the screen and with his hand stroked the cool glass. "No... Fluttershy... how...?" "Garble, fuck, is anyone there? Answer, I'm getting tired of being the babysitter, send someone else." Leon was surprised to hear the call. The guy on the other side of the radio kept talking. He began to seek the answer switch; over the console was a blinking red light. He pressed it and the line seemed to open, "Leon here." "Fuck dude, what are you guys doing? I been calling for a while and no one answers, where is the boss?" "He is... busy... some cockroaches entered and he is taking care of them." "Damn, and I´m here annoyed to hear this damn brat mourn." Leon gritted his teeth, "whatever, tell him to send someone else, I want to go." "I can go myself... where are you?" "What? Are you kidding? Come here now." "I´m... the newbie, so I need you to tell me where you are." A shadow silently entered and closed the door behind, began to walk quietly through the rail until was behind Leon. "Well, I'm in the south store, near the old train station. Hurry up man, I'm really tired of listening her, I want to put a bullet in her head..." "No!" Cried Leon. "No? What do you mean?" "I mean... you can´t do that, the boss would cut your throat, isn´t she not important to him?" Leon said with a sigh. For a moment there was no reply, he feared that the guy does not believe him, was about to say something else when the other spoke again, the shadow lifted his gun and pointed it at him. "You're right, those ten million can´t be lost. But still, for her own good, she better shut up. Hurry up; if I hear the name of Leon... wait a second... what was your name again?" Leon was speechless, he had to think of something and fast. A small red dot appeared briefly on the screen; Leon instantly dropped to the floor and the bullet entered directly in the console panel. ***_____***_____*** The neck of his attacker bowed to her strength and only heard the crack of his vertebrae. Dash dropped him and looked around, the silence seemed to own the place. She began to move down the corridor with a shotgun in her hands, unexpectedly, a pair of hands appeared and took her weapon. Twilight came out of one of the halls and both stared at each other. "Commissioner, what a surprise to find you here." "Sparkle... I knew something smelled bad. Tell me, does your boss does not like doing things by himself?" Said Dash with mocking accent. "If you know what suits you, you'd better get out of here. Oh better still, surrender this instant and spare me the need to kill you, just as we did with... wait, what was his name? Ah yes... Soarin." Dash's eyes opened wide. Anger filled her and threw a hit towards Sparkle. She dodged it and tried to hit Dash, she took her arm and send Twilight to the floor. Twilight felt the force of the fall and with her hands avoided Dash's foot from shattering her face; she turned in the ground and kicked Dash. Sparkle was placed on her and began to hit her face while she tried to cover. When she had the opportunity, Dash embraces herself to Twilight´s body and impacts her face with a header. Sparkle roared and got up with her hands over her face. Dash took advantage of the situation and charge against her to crash her into the wall. ***_____***_____*** Applejack fell down, but fortunately the vest had saved her life. With great pain stood up and look for the origin of the shot, in the hallway saw someone pointing at her; she raised her gun and shot to make the subject hide behind one of the walls. The pain of the impact took her breath so she took cover behind a box. "You are like a bad dream Applejack, you have managed to survive all that I have tried to do to kill you, and even you survived that bullet in the head." "Do you think something like that would stop from killing you Garble? You don´t have that much luck." "Keep mocking bounty hunter, this time, I'll make sure you don´t cause me troubles again." The box was shattered by a shot, Applejack ran for cover behind another. Garble kept shooting and gave her no chance to react. A metal plate was lying on the ground, Applejack took it and placed it in front of her while she moved towards Garble. When the distance between the two was shortened, she took the plate and throws it towards her opponent, he wasn´t able to avoid it and the weight of the metal caused his leg to give away. Garble gave a cry of pain and fell to the ground. Applejack smiled and walked over to him. "Garble, you know, I always dreamed of this moment, at last I have my prey right where I wanted, and by the way, someone asked me to give you something." He was writhing in pain, but stay frozen he saw Applejack taking her knife and raising it in the air. "This is for Big Mac." She said and nailed her knife into the chest of Garble, the pain made him scream again. Applejack took the rifle and pointed it at his head. "Tit for tat bastard." she said and pulled the trigger. ***_____***_____*** Leon looked at the console, at least he knew where Fluttershy was, but first, he had to get out alive. The silence was cut by the footsteps of someone who approached him; he pulled out the revolver from the holster and got up. Finally, in front of him, he saw a silver-haired girl. "So you're the famed detective." "And you must be one of the minions of Sombra, am I right?" "It will be a shame to have to kill you, but you're just cluttering our plans." The two were pointing guns, Leon could not waste any more time and he knew it. "Enough of this nonsense, who are you?" "My name is Trixie, and I will be the last thing you´ll see." She dropped her weapon, from her leg she took a knife and looked at Leon, "Let´s do this more fun." The knife passed inches away from Leon´s chest. Trixie´s attacks were fast and for him cost to stay out. The wounds on his body did not help his situation, his movements were slow and fatigue began to take effect. Trixie knew she had him on her hands, so her attacks rose in intensity. Trixie's knife entered Leon´s shoulder, he only let a slow pain scream out; but that allowed him to take the girl by the neck and hit her in the face. Trixie was enraged and punched him in the stomach while taking one of her knives, but before she could use it; Leon took her by surprise, he hugs her and twisted her arm. With his free hand pulled the knife from his flesh and placed it in the neck of Trixie. "Listen, now you'll explain why Sombra is so interested in catching Fluttershy" "Forget it, you're just prolonging the inevitable, she will be ours sooner or later and you'll be dead by then." Leon pressed the knife against Trixie's throat. "We'll see about that. You chose a bad day to mess with me. Now here comes my retribution, you better start telling me the truth. " "I see you're not playing, well, if you really want to know, we don´t require her at all, better yet, we don´t even need her alive." He felt fear from Trixie's words, "speak bluntly, or your life comes to an end." "Well, here's your fucking answer. When we had her in our power, we inoculated her with a virgin strain of a virus so that it will develop inside her blood. But we did not have something in the formula, the host must die so that the process is complete, after she dies, we can harvest the virus and put the world under our power." Leon dropped the knife, in his mind; Trixie's words were repeated over and over again. "Flu ... Fluttershy ..." Trixie took her gun and placed it on his forehead. "Now you know the truth, it's time to end this." "Leon ... don´t go ... don´t want to lose you too..." Fluttershy's words filled her mind. "Look at yourself, are you defeated? Did you forget the promise you made her? She needs you more than ever, arise, you have a job to do..." he cursed himself. Leon looked up and saw the barrel of the gun, like a wild animal growled and moved Trixie's arm, she shot but the bullet hit the ground. His hand came to her neck and lifted her into the air for a moment, with all his might, he took her to the ground, the blow was devastating and she lost consciousness. The door flew open and Applejack entered the room. "Leon, are you okay?" "Yeah... where is Rainbow?" "I do not know, but we have to get out of here before..." Applejack froze and collapsed. Leon ran to her and took her in his arms. "Applejack, Applejack... answer me... what's wrong?" His hands began to fill with blood and saw that she had a shot in one of her sides, she was breathing hard. "You do not know how much I desired to have you like this, to see you suffer." He lifted his gaze to meet with Twilight. "Finally you will pay; you will not escape this time." A thud was heard and Twilight vanished instantly, Leon was puzzled to see who had saved him. "Told you we haven´t finished yet bitch." "Dash, Applejack´s wounded." Both rose to the girl and took her out of the factory. Upon leaving, they put her in one of the cars. "You have to take her to a hospital." "What are you talking about, you're not coming?" "They have Fluttershy, I have to rescue her, I'll see you later." Before Dash could say anything else, Leon closed the car door and entered another, floor the accelerator and disappeared between the buildings in a matter of minutes. Applejack grumbled and Dash looked at her. "Resists some more, soon you'll be fine." She lit the car and headed out of Paradise. ***_____***_____*** Twilight woke up and looked around, got up and saw Trixie lying on the floor; she came up to her and tried to reanimate her. "Trixie, wake up." The silver-haired girl squirmed and opened her eyes. Looking at Twilight she smiled. "Where is he?" "They must have escaped by now." "Damn, he must be on the way to rescue her." "What?" "Leon... Garble got the girl in an old warehouse near the train station." "Great, we will not get there in time..." Twilight took her phone "Sparkle here, Garble is dead, he was able to find the girl, she is in a warehouse in the train station, go get her, you must hurry, Leon is also on the way." They were both in silence, Twilight looked at Trixie. "Come on, this place no longer serves our needs." ***_____***_____*** The night begins to fall on the city, the car engine roars and my mind is stuck on one thing; rescue her. Sombra really has something great in his hands, all starts to make sense, the theft of the laboratory, the disappearance of the scientists. "Her blood... she must die." Trixie's words spin in my head, the thought of what this means to her leaves me breathless. Floor the accelerator and in the distance the city begins to take shape. I quickly find the store and left the car as close as I can. The station is deserted and only one of the stores has a few lights on. I take Matilda out of the trunk and run to the entrance, as far as my knowledge goes; there was only one man with her, I hope so. I walk down the main hall; the place is full of boxes with words in other languages. I go to one that is open and in it find weapons, traffickers bet this is their distribution center. At the end of the ship I can see what appears to be the main office; a radio sounds and lights are on. Through the window I can see the shadow of someone on the inside. I walk up the stairs without trying to make noise. "Hello, hello... fuck, someone answer, I´m bored, Leon, are you still there?" I recognize the voice of the guy talking; I enter the place and point the gun at him. "Do you expect me?" He turns and I shot him. I check the site; a door allows me to enter other room, in it I find Fluttershy. I reach her, freed her hands and she shouts that I do not hurt her. I remove the blindfold and her eyes open wide, she smiles and cries as she hugs me by the neck, I do the same. "I thought the worst, I thought you had..." "Don´t say it, don´t even think about it, I'm here. How did they…?" "I had gone out to buy some things for the bakery, a car approached me and two guys came out of it, I was told to go with them and sprayed me something. When I woke up I saw only darkness and I heard someone who was on the radio, that's all." "No matter now, we gotta go." We go to the main office and through the window I see a number of subjects with weapons looking everywhere, one is standing at the door and stares at us. "HERE, I FOUND THEM!!!" He shouts to his teammates. I shot the last bullet of the gun and he falls down the stairs. Bullets enter through the walls and I place Fluttershy under the desk while I cover her with my body. ***_____***_____*** I'm terrified; I only hear screams and gunshots. He hugs me and tells me not to worry, that everything will be okay. I know he's telling the truth, but the terror consumes me and I can´t do anything but mourn. In an instant he loose and tells me not to move. He leaves of the desktop and the next thing I hear is curses and shootings. Several minutes pass and I hear an explosion followed by screams. Another explosion makes the place crumble. Someone comes into the office; I can hear their footsteps and see that stops in front of the desk. "I have you." He's someone I do not know, tries to take me out of my hiding place and I scream as loud as I can while I grab of what I can. I hear gunshots and the man falls to the ground, his back smokes. More steps approaching and this time is he the one who appears. He smiles and holds out his hand, I take it and hug him. He tells me to close my eyes; I do and let him guide me. The smell of smoke turns the cool night air. We got into a car; he starts the engine and hit the road. We did not talk the whole way. I look at his face, has wounds over all his body, but despite that, he is with me, as he promised. What at first felt for him was fear, now, has become something else, but still do not know how to describe it. Every time he touches me, stares at me, I feel I'm protected, he will be able to give everything for me, and that fills me with joy. We get home and he opens the door. I sit in the sofa and look at him save his weapons; he looks so tired, walks with difficulty and touches his shoulder with a grimace of pain. Pain, that's all that I have caused him since I met him, but still; he always tells me that nothing will pass me, and today he has shown. I get up and follow him to the kitchen, I embrace him and my feelings overflow from my eyes, he flinches and turns to look at me, gently caressing me, his gaze is so serene. "Why me?... Why do they want to get me?" He is shocked and crouches as if to tell me something. "Listen... I will not let anything or anyone hurt you... I will always protect you." Those words make me smile and I rub my face against his chest. "Hey... you know what today is?" He says and I look at him a little confused. "Today is our anniversary, has been a month since I met you, and I could not be happier for it." He says and kisses my forehead. "I would not want it any other way." ***_____***_____*** "Let me guess, you were late, right?" "No Twilight, he finished with all of us, only I was able to escape." "Well, this is getting complicated. You just let him ruin our chance, and you know what you're going to get for that." Trixie said to the guy, he just kept silent and handed his gun to her, she took it and shot. "Well, what we do now, Twilight?" "I... I don´t know, the issue in Paradise left our hands, it will be better to tell Sombra about this." Trixie was scared but still said nothing. When they entered Sombra´s office, they saw that he was standing in front of the window and someone else was with him; a woman with long hair. "You know, I begin to doubt your effectiveness ladies." He told them, they just kept silent. "Our plans are in the final stage and only thing stopping us is a man. Garble was killed, that makes me happy. But the detective is still alive, even more so; do I must remind you that the strain also has a life time? Time is running out, get out of here, I´ll speak to you later." "Sombra, I..." "GET OUT!!!" Trixie stood behind Twilight, she just nodded and the two left the room. "I hope you give better results than those two." "You can be sure of that sir. Now, tell me, who is the objective?" Sombra placed a couple of pictures on the table, the girl brought them into the light of the lamp and gasped as he looked at the persons that in they appeared. "I can´t imagine how Garble was able to capture her, but he´s dead now. So her location is still unknown. If you find the detective, you find the girl." She felt fear and Sombra noted it. "Something's bothering you, Luna?" Asked Sombra. She stared at him; she calmed down a bit and stood up. "No sir, all is well, soon I will deliver them to you. With your permission." She turned and walked towards the door. "One thing more," said Sombra and she stopped, "I just want the girl, kill the detective... and bring me his head." A chill ran down her spine. "So I will," she said and left the room. Moments after she left the building, she paused in the middle of the street. "Leon... in what have you got into?" ***_____***_____*** After showering, I check my wounds, the one in my shoulder is deep but at least the bleeding has stopped. I clean them carefully and place disinfectant and gauze. I'm dead, both physically and emotionally. I keep thinking about her, I can´t believe that that bastard have used her for something so perverse, perhaps I can find a way to make the virus go away, maybe there is a cure. I check the house and make sure all is well. I look into her room and she is curled up, it was a tough day for her. I walk into my room and the phone rings. "Yeah?" "Leon? Thank goodness you're okay, Fluttershy, how is she?" "Don´t worry Dash, everything is fine now, how´s Applejack?" "The bullet didn´t cause severe injuries, she will recover soon... I'm glad all is well." "Yes... me too..." "What´s wrong Leon." "Nothing... it’s just the fatigue... see you later" "Ok... bye Leon." I hang up the phone and turn off the lamp. It is not long until I hear her footsteps entering to my room. I smile and turn on the lamp. She is standing in front the bed without saying anything and looks so tender. I move to the end of the bed and lift the covers; she smiles and comes to the bed. "Thanks." She says and curls up next to me. I hug her and turn off the light. > The Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie was sleeping peacefully on the couch of the room. The door opened and someone entered the room trying not to make noise when placing the secure. Sombra walked to her, knelt and with his hand removed the hair that was covering Trixie's face. A smile played on his lips, his eyes fixed on her while his hand stroked Trixie's face, going down her neck making her shiver without waking. When he got to the button of her shirt, with skill and delicacy he began to unbutton it. A few minutes later, the garment was open, allowing him to admire her figure. Sombra placed his hand on her belly, caressed the contours of her navel. Then, he went up to the bridge of her breasts. He took the garment brooch between her fingers and separated it. Trixie woke up, her eyes remained fixed on the deep black eyes of Sombra. She wanted to scream, but fear was blocking her actions. He leaned forward until his lips were inches away from hers. Sombra smiled and kissed her in a short and sweet way. Trixie was stunned; she had not expected him to be so gentle, even now, her mind had begun to want to continue this. Sombra grabbed her by the hands, lifting her slowly he sat on the couch and had her stay in his lap. He put her hands over her shoulders; slowly he pulled down the clothes that covered her body being received by the perfect image of Trixie's bare back. He began to kiss her back making her vibrate; his fingers traced the outline of her body again and again. The heat rose to her face painting her cheeks with a scarlet shade as her body was enjoying the new sensations and demanding her more. Trixie turned around to be face to face with him, they shared a smile before their lips met once more, and the time went on. ***---***---*** Luna moved through the alleys near the bakery looking for some clue that could tell her where they could be. Her mind was a whirlwind of ideas, first, she knew that couldn´t play with Sombra, sooner or later she would have to answer him, and the results would not be at all pleasant. On the other hand, her feelings were betraying her; the memories were not helping either. After she reached the end of the alley, her eyes saw him. Leon was on the other side of the street buying vegetables in a small booth. Her heart was beating so fast that it was deafening the sounds of the environment. She wanted to run to him, hug him and tell him everything, but she had to contain her emotions. Although Sombra promised that no one will stand in her way, her experience told her there was no way to know if she was being watched. Leon paid and walked away. She came out of the alley following him at a safe distance. Some moments later, she saw him entering an apartment building, but not before stopping to greet three little girls who were playing happily on the sidewalk. After seeing him disappear, she came out of their coverage to approach the door. Looking through the glass, she failed to see where Leon went, looked at girls and approached them. "HELLOW!!!" Shouted the three at one voice. "Tell me, the man who has just entered; do you know where he lives?" They remained silent and looked at each other. "You can trust me; I´m a... an old friend of Leon." "How can we know it is true?" Scootaloo asked. Her sisters nodded and the three set their eyes on her. Luna thought for a moment, then, a smile spread across her face as she remembered something. "Have you ever seen the tattoo on his back? Is a black shield with gold trim and silver crossed by two swords." The girls were silent for a moment as if thinking of an answer, this never came. "That is true; very few have seen that thing." Commented Sweetie. "Very well, we believe you. Leon lives in the fourth floor door eight." Applebloom said smiling. "Come on, we'll take you with him." They said. Luna opened her eyes and stopped them before they rush out. "No!!!" They looked at her confused. "No girls... is that ... I want it to be a surprise." "Ohhhh." They said giggling. Luna took an envelope from her jacket and handed it to the girls. "I want you to do this, go and slide this under the door of Leon´s apartment, knock and run away, do not let him see you, and don´t tell him I was here, he should not know it." They looked at her with a face of doubt. "Do this and I'll buy you ice cream, what do you think?" "We should not accept things from strangers, we don´t even know what's your name." "But Sweetie is free ice cream, and she meets Leon." "Well said Scoots, is enough for me." "You're always agreeing with her Applebloom, not fair." "Girls, don´t fight, I'll tell you my name, but must promise not to tell anyone else, understand?" "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." They said in unison going through the motions. Luna smiled after see them doing the old promise that Granny Pie taught her during her childhood. They entered the building, minutes later, they came out. "Well done small crusaders, now, let's go for your prize." "Yaaaay!!!" ***---***---*** Three knocks at the door take me by surprise; I left the bags on the kitchen table and run to take the gun. I take off the secure as I approach the department output. I open the door pointing my gun at nothing, there´s no one outside or in the hallway. Cautiously I reach the edge of the stairs and take a look, no movement or noise, maybe it was just a joke. Without being really sure, I go back to the house and looking towards the entrance I notice something on the floor. I lean over and pick up a small sealed envelope. It has no marks or labels that indicates who send it. I close the door, left the mysterious letter on the coffee table and walk to the window to exit through it. I walk over the scaffolding until the ladder, this is up and latched. I see no one in the vicinity, only a few people go down the street to the end immersed in their own thoughts. I go back inside the house and for a moment I forget about the letter. I go to the kitchen to store the supplies I just bought. I take a beer and sit on the couch. Trixie's words haunt my mind like hungry wolves. ---*** "She must die in order to cultivate the last component of the virus." ***--- Sombra... that son of a bitch, how demented can he be to do such a thing to Fluttershy? I must find a way to cure her, take her to someone who can remove the virus from her body, I don´t want her life to end just for the wicked desires of that bastard. My mind goes on, my eyes are set on the envelope that I put on the table and I stretch my arm to take it when someone knocks on the door. I stare at it for a few moments until it sound again. I stand up with the gun in hand; I see through the peephole and smile after seeing Dash on the other side. I leave the gun in the small closet and open the door. "Hi Leon." "Rainbow what a surprise, what are you doing here? How is Applejack?" "Better than ever cowboy." Says Applejack and I see her appear behind Dash, she´s wearing blue jeans and an orange shirt plaid which highlights your figure, something that I didn´t noted the day I met her. "I can see that AJ, but not just stand there, come in please." They thank me and enter the house; I close the door behind them while I offer them a drink. Dash asks for a beer and Applejack a glass of whisky on the rocks. I walk into the kitchen and return with them. "How´s Fluttershy?" "She's fine Dash, these last days have gone in peace, but still I can´t sleep, not while she keep that thing in her body." "Where is she now?" "I took her to Grandma Pie´s bakery, I'm surprised that despite what happened a few days ago, she didn´t want to stop being in that place." "Maybe that's what she needs to not think about the problems that surrounds her." "I don´t know Applejack, but this has to end now." We stay in silence. I put the glass down and take the envelope, examining it over and over again. "What´s that Leon?" "Don´t know, someone just leave it on the floor in front of the door." "Well what do you expect? Open it and let´s get out of doubts." Says the blond haired girl as she takes the envelope from my hands. Gently she tears the top and draws its content. She reads it and her face shows concern, looks at me and hands me the letter. I take it fearfully and examine the engraving of the card; I recognize it and I can feel how the heat leaves my body. That crescent moon brings me several memories that pass before my eyes. Sunny days in the park, afternoons at the ice cream shop, special days at school... the farewell at the station... “Luna…” I whisper. “Who?” Dash tells me confused, I look at her but I can´t say a word, I can´t believe that... "You'd better read the whole letter Leon." Applejack´s tone don´t like me. I turn the card and what is written in it leaves me cold. ---*** I know about the girl you have under your protection, I also know that Sombra is behind both of you, if you want to get out of this alive, go to the old theater, don´t bring the girl with you, you need to go alone. PS: bring my old music box. ***--- The final sentence ends with my doubts, can´t be anyone else. "Leon... Leon… What´s going on? From who´s the letter?" Dash asks me, but I barely hear her, the shock of knowing that she is back leaves me completely adrift. What worries me more is that she claims to know about Fluttershy and Sombra, how is this possible? Did she...? A slap brings me back to reality, that burning sensation on the right side of my face is not pleasant. "Fuck, why you did that?" I growl placing my hand on my cheek. Applejack laughs a bit but her seriousness returns almost instantly. "Well mate, it seemed that you were lost, and by your expression, I can only say that whoever that sent the letter, really left you speechless." "Come on Leon, is that bad?" "That´s the problem Dash, I don´t know how bad it can be. The letter is from someone who I have not seen in a long, long time. Someone who was very special to me." I get up and walk to the window. "What I fail to understand, is why she knows of my current situation. It makes no sense." Dash asks me the letter, I hand it her and she reads it. "You're not thinking on going to look for... whoever this guy is, right?" My silence gives her the answer. "Are you crazy? We barely got out alive from Paradise, and now you plan to attend an appointment that certainly can be a trap?" Dash is really annoyed, but I can´t let this go, not now that Luna seems to know something about Sombra... but why? "And if it isn´t a trap, and if she knows something that can help me?" "She?" Asks Applejack curiously. The two stares at me intently, I let out a sigh and sit on the couch. "Yes Applejack, she´s an old friend of mine, her name is Luna. I know her since we were kids; we grew up together, did everything together. But ten years ago, after I enter the academy, she went away." "You loved her?" Applejack's question takes me by surprise. "I... maybe... but... that was long ago... I never told her anything..." I get up and walk to the window. Through it I can see a number of children playing with a fire hydrant, all of them smile and are filled with joy. My mind wanders to my own childhood, I can see me running through the park behind her, climbing up the games laughing and shouting. The memories come up to February 14th at the bakery of Grandma Pinkie, I see her behind a milkshake with her long hair and those deep blue eyes looking at me. I can see us lying in the grass, that very day was when I told her I would go into the academy; she was upset for not telling her before. That would mean that it would be the last time she would see me during my time in the school. I remember we discussed, we didn´t talk for days. When she called home, was to tell me that she was leaving, the rain felt like knives in my face while trying to reach the station. I saw her standing on the platform waiting for his departure. I yelled behind the glass but she didn´t hear me, when she boarded the bus turned and looked at me, she was crying, with a movement I asked her not to go, she just lowered the face and got into the truck. I ran behind the bus until it disappeared in the distance. I stood in the middle of the street with my broken heart. "I have to ask you a favor." They look at me with expectation. "I want you to stay with Fluttershy tonight." Dash gets up and walks up to me. "Please, be careful, you don´t know what awaits for you there." "Rainbow is right, you need to go prepared, leave Fluttershy in our hands." Applejack says and gives me a smile. Is good to know that I still have someone to rely on. "It's a deal then, I´ll see you tonight." ***---***---*** "Let's see who the said Luna is." Twilight was reviewing the papers on Sombra´s desk; she wanted to find something that can tell her more about the new tool of his boss. She opened a drawer finding various envelopes. She took a couple and within them were several photographs, lists of names and newspaper clippings, these latter spoke of several murders of prominent people in other cities, some more in other countries. They all had something in common, the signature of the person who had committed the assassinations. In every scene of the crime, the police had found over the bodies of the victims a night queen, a type of flower that only blooms out full moon. The perfection of the crimes indicated that they were the work of a professional and on more than one occasion, the authorities were left without clues. "Impressive, isn´t it?" Twilight felt her heart stop; she froze in place not knowing what to do. Sombra came to her, to her surprise; he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her neck. "It is, how did you found her?" "That doesn´t matter, I want you to keep an eye on her, something tells me that we can´t fully trust her." "Why do you say that?" "When she saw the photo of the girl, I saw nothing strange, however, when I showed her the picture of the detective, things were very different. Something about him caused her shock and fear, it is better to know every move that she does." "Okay, I'll try to find out what she knows about our friend Leon." "Leon is a tough guy ... I´d like to meet him personally." She turned around still in his embrace; her hands went up around his neck as she kissed him passionately. "Maybe it will be sooner than you think." ***---***---*** The door sounds; I open it finding Dash and Applejack in the other side. "I guess you didn´t changed your mind?" I shake my head and Dash lets out a sigh. "Well, just be careful." "I´ll have it Dash, do not worry." "Where is Fluttershy, I longed to meet her." Applejack says excitedly. "They should arrive any moment, I asked Granny Pie to bring her home." The door opens and the first to enter is the old Pinkie Pie. "Honey, you should stop lying to yourself and tell him that..." She looks at us surprised. "That... everything is perfect in the business; sales have increased a lot since you help me in the bakery." Granny Pie says with a wink. I look at her confused, but my mind is somewhere else now, I can´t even think about what she said. "But what if he... " Fluttershy stays silent and her face turns red when she looks at us. "Hi... Leon... you didn´t said that there would be someone else with you today... " She says as she looks to the side trying to hide her embarrassment. "I know, Granny Pie, Fluttershy, you already know Commissioner Dash." Rainbow smiles, the elder woman looks at her curiously. "I love your hair commissioner, very modern." "Come on grandma, you know you don´t have to call me like that, just tell me Dash. " "Now, let me introduce you to... " "Lieutenant Applejack to your service, finally I have the pleasure to meet you Fluttershy, I've heard so much about you, I must say I knew you were pretty, but girl, you´re gorgeous." Her cheeks become even redder by the words of Applejack; Fluttershy laughs with joy and thanks her. "You Grandma Pie are not far behind; you still look great, what is your secret? I hope to look like you when I reach your age." "That's easy; all you have to do is smile." A huge smile appears on her face, we all laugh infected by her joy. I look at the clock, almost nine, I better move on. "Fluttershy, Applejack and Dash will stay with you today; I have to visit someone, I´ll back in the morning." Her eyes open wide after she hears my words. "You... you have to go? I do not want you to get hurt because of me. " "Fluttershy, when your father asked me to protect you, I accepted knowing that this would be part of it, you are my responsibility, and I'm happy about it." Her eyes fill with tears, but she does her best to not let them flow. The door rings again, Applejack goes to it and sees through the peephole. "I think someone else wants to join the party." Applejack opens the door and someone who I didn´t expect at all appears. "Darling, I hope you do not mind this surprise visit." Without another word, she hugs me and kisses me on the lips, I don´t deny that I have always loved that from her. "Rarity... this is really a surprise... especially because you didn´t know where I lived... " "You can thank Applejack for that; she gave me all the information.” "Sorry Leon, was a deal." She laughs and I only nod, that does not upset me. "Well Rarity, here she is, I think there was something you wanted to tell her." She smiles and walks to Fluttershy, she stays still while Rarity hugs her. "Oh dear, look at you, all that you had to suffer, yet you bloom like a beautiful daisy. You have the eyes of your mother and all the strength of your father." “You... you knew them?" "Better than anyone sweetie, I had you in my arms since you were just a little baby." Fluttershy is stunned. Rarity takes out a small box and gives it to her, she tells her to open it and Fluttershy does so. Inside there is a necklace with a heart shaped red jewel. Rarity takes it and puts it around Fluttershy´s neck. She holds her, presses a small button and the heart opens in two, a soft tune escapes from it as Fluttershy begins to mourn. "It's a gift from your mother, she would have loved to give it to you by herself, but she couldn´t." I move a little closer and I´m able to see that in one half of the heart is a picture of Discord, on the other a picture of Celestia, and in center a picture of them hugging a small Fluttershy. Fluttershy looks up, she approaches and embraces Rarity, she returns the gesture and the two stay like that for a few minutes. Grandma Pie lets out several tears; Dash and Applejack just stay in silence. “Thank you... really... thanks for this..." "You´re welcome sweetie, hope that in these difficult times, this can help you to feel joy, even in the worst of scenarios. Rarity hugs and kisses her on the forehead. "Enough of sentimentality, what are we going to do now?" Applejack asks. "Girls' night out!" Yells Granny Pie, the others raise their arms and shout excitedly. I go the small closet to take the Colt and a small line of bullets. I feel someone puts his hand on my shoulder and turn to see who it is. "Leon, I know where you're going, Applejack told me everything, I will not stop you, but I want you to see this, do it before it's too late." Rarity gives me a small envelope and I look confused. I try open the envelope but she avoids it and tells me to wait until I´m alone. I nod, I go to the door but I stop to see them, all have their eyes on me. It is a peculiar sensation, as if something really bad were to happen. "I have to go... take care... and if I don´t return..." I don´t finish the phrase, I walk out closing the door and start walking to the stairs, before I can reach them, someone hugs me. "Promise you'll come back, I need you..." I turn around, those beautiful blue eyes locked on me. We stared wordlessly. I put my hands on her waist as my lips caress her face. "Fluttershy ..." "Leon..." I lean over and like a thirsty in the desert that finds a wellspring to save his life, I kiss her with passion, I kiss her as a lover that knows that this could be last time that he will see his beloved. Her lips are soft and her breath is like a fresh dawn. I part from her gently biting her lower lip. Her cheeks are flushed and her breathing is hectic. We both smile and I whisper to her ear. "I´ll be back Fluttershy, you can be sure of that." Her hands roam my arms as I let her go, in the end our hands are linked only for a moment. She stays there while I walk away not knowing what the night has prepared for me. ***---***---*** I park the car in the shadows; I light the lamp of the car and take the envelope to see its contents. There are photographs, newspaper clippings, notes on killings of senior officers in other cities and unresolved cases of disappearances of important public figures. I can´t understand what Rarity was trying to tell me with this. I keep reviewing the documents, until I note something; all the cases share the firm of who committed them. The murderer left in the crime scene in a flower, to be more precise, a nocturnal queen. An unusual signature and yet for some reason, it is familiar to me, why? I keep seeing the photographs until one makes me realize the shocking reality. In the image appears a woman of long hair that tries to put a gun inside a bag. In the back of the image I find a note in red letters. ---*** "I don´t know what´s she doing here, but it can´t be good, if I were you, I would turn on the engine and escape, but you will not do it, so I can only warn you, she is not who you ever met." ***--- After finishing reading the note, I let the picture slip through my fingers. I don´t know what to believe, if she was able to do what the images show me, does she want to do the same to Fluttershy? Just thinking about her makes electricity runs through my lips. I love her, I can´t deny it anymore, and that is enough motivation for me. I leave the car, take my gun and go into the old building. Shadows embrace me as I move through the old halls. The glory days of this place are now in the past. As I approached what was once the main room, I start to hear a soft tune that is like a lament from beyond. Upon entering the room, my eyes are set on a beautiful woman playing piano for a nonexistent audience. I recognize the tune and memories invade my mind. I can see us in my room while the console sounds Frank Sinatra, she's lying next to me and I stroke her long hair. "Leon... long time no see." Her voice brings me back to reality, is still as sweet as ten years ago. "Luna.... not sure if I´m glad to see you... or worry..." I take out my revolver while walking to the podium, she notes it, but seems not to care and continues his concert for two. "Do you remember this song Leon?" The first notes of fly me to the moon come out of the piano. My mind is a total whirlwind of memories, they´re even painful. "Stop playing Luna, what are you doing here? Why you show up like this?" She stops playing as soon she hears the click of my gun. "I want you to understand something Leon, my orders are to kill you and take the girl to him." She stands up, I can feel the adrenaline rush through my body and I raise my gun pointing it at her. "That will be a problem, I will not allow you or anyone else hurt her." She walks without stopping, in an instant, she´s in front of me, her hands takes mine and makes me lower the gun. Then she tangles her arms around my body and buries her face in my chest. I drop the gun and embrace her with all my strength, stroke her hair with my face and fill myself with her of aroma. "I missed you Leon, for all these years I dreamed of the day when we would see again." Her voice is full of melancholy. "Luna, me too, not a day goes by without me regret I hurt you that way, that day became my stigma, the things that happened after you left..." She closes my mouth with her hand. Her deep blue eyes look into me, she comes to me closing her eyes to give me a kiss, a kiss denied from the first day I met her. I stop her gently, she is shocked, her eyes moistened and crouches to face away from me. "Fluttershy is very fortunate, not only have you as her protector, now also has your heart, something which I foolishly lost, I really envy her." Says drying her tears and faking joy. I know that I just break her heart, but it’s better that way, if the time comes, will be better for her to not have something that can make her repent. "Luna, I need to know where he is, I need to know what he´s planning, you can help me to stop him before it's too late." "What makes you think that?" "The fact that you haven´t killed me yet." From my bag, I take a small wooden box giving it to her, her face is full of joy and stares at it as if it were the finest piece of art. "I took care of it, as if it was mine, my only connection with you." "Its old tune lulled me to sleep, and helped me think better." Her smile disappears. "Leon, you must understand, you can´t win, Sombra is someone very powerful, has hundreds of its forces looking for you, and that virus... god, if he manages to finish it..." "That's why I need you to help me finish this." "Did not you understand? You have to go, take the girl and run away, are you not afraid?" "Of course I have fear, and that's what has kept me alive, in fact, I can live knowing that, she don´t." I reply angrily. For a moment silence falls upon us. I lean to take my gun. After placing it to my waist, I look at Luna; taking her hands I plant a kiss on them. "I'm sorry, look at us; we meet again after so many years." "And in the worst possible way." "What happened to you Luna? How you ended up in this? I still remember that girl who enjoyed running in the rain, catching dragonflies and tying a thread on them to carry from here to there." She laughs after hearing me talk about the early days of our childhood, with my hand, I raise her face, her beautiful eyes seem to hypnotize me. "I guess, she stopped being a child the day she went away, she turned into a woman after losing a part of her life and learned to keep going without it." Without saying anything else, I kiss her. The flavor of her lips is intoxicating; the frenzy of our contact demonstrates the repressed desire that we have for each the other. After breaking the kiss, I admire its beauty, but something does not seem right, her face is covered by absolute seriousness. "I´m sorry Leon." "Why?" Suddenly, my body loses strength, my head is spinning and the sensation of vertigo becomes more intense each time. I look at her trying to understand what is happening, but she keeps her cool nonetheless. "Luna... what have you done?" My legs give way and I finish kneeled on stage. Luna leans over to kiss me again. "I'm sorry that things have to be like this, but I have no choice, please, go away and don´t try to stop him, if you really love Fluttershy, you better turn around and leave all this behind." Her words seem so distant; the effect of the drug soon will be total. She turns around and I look at her walking away. "Luna..." My eyes get covered by darkness and the last thing I can feel is the cold floor below me. > Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Leon... come Leon... I'm here .... I´m waiting for you..." "Who... who are you? What do you want?" A voice whispers as I walk without direction, I´m looking for the owner of that voice, but the darkness that surrounds the place where I am makes it difficult, the air is rarefied and I can barely breathe. "I need you Leon... come to me... " Her voice is getting closer, I accelerate my steps until I get to a door, under which, the brightness of the light is cast. "Here I am... come... come... " Whoever may be, is on the other side. I turn the knob, the door opens and the light falls on me. The brightness is so intense that it forces me to use my hands to protect my eyes. The light disappears after a while and somehow, I'm back at home. Everything seems normal, even so, I don´t trust it to be so. I take a couple of laps around the house looking for some clue, but I find nothing. I'm almost to put aside my fears when I perceive the sound of footsteps on the floor behind me. Quickly I turn around, there's nobody there. "What the hell is going on here?" I ask myself looking for a reasonable explanation only getting a headache as an answer. I go to the window to look at the street, that's when through reflection I distinguish someone standing right next to me. "Luna..." I ask in a whisper, she nods. I feel her hands on my shoulders, soon after she is facing me and hugging me tightly. "Forgive me... I had no choice..." She says sobbing; her words begin to fill me with fear... and anger. "What are you talking about?" "I had to do it... he promised me that..." "He promised you what? Where is Fluttershy?" I free from her embrace, I took her by the shoulders and shake her in despair. "If I gave him the girl, he'd let you live, forgive me, I could not lose you again." Her words fall on me like a bucket of cold water, for the first time in a long time, I feel hate, a total hate against the woman who I have in front of me. My hands are shaking; a dark desire begins to fill my mind. If it's her fault that she may be... no… I refuse to even think about it, this can´t be true. "Luna... I want you to leave... and never come back." When she hears me saying that, her face is covered by a shadow of pain. She tries to come closer, but instantly I point my gun at her. "Go away, or I swear, you'll regret it." "Leon... please... don´t do this to me." “GO AWAY!!!” In the blink of an eye, she´s gone, I'm alone again. I search for her, but can´t find her. I notice the gun in my hand and threw it angrily against the wall, immediately afterwards I fall to the ground while shouting her name and pleading this all to end. A few minutes go by, when everything returns to calm, I listen someone mourning from inside the room. Cautiously, I make my way to it, what I find inside surprises me. There, sitting on the bed is Fluttershy; she´s crouched with her face covered by her hands. "Fluttershy ... you're fine..." I kneel in front of her, I want to take her hands, but for some reason she keeps taking them away. Her crying increases in intensity, but still can´t get to make her look at me. "Why? Why did you leave me?" "I didn´t went anywhere, I'm here with you." With my hand I caress her hair, but something happens. An intense pain takes my breath away, lowering my gaze I find a knife stuck in my chest, I look back at her only to find that Fluttershy is not anymore in front of me, instead, I find Trixie smiling at me. "Gotcha." She says and pulls the knife out, behind her; the figure of someone else emerges. "Sparkle?" "Detective, did you thought that all this would end well? Well, here's the answer to the million dollar question." She raises her hand and places the cold barrel of a gun on my head, "no one escapes his fate Leon, you should have never appeared in our way," she says before pulling the trigger. ***---***---*** "Applejack, Applejack, open the door!!!" The desperate voice of Rarity and the insistent knock on the door alerted the blond girl who promptly came to it and opened. By doing so, Rarity and Rainbow Dash entered the house carrying an unconscious Leon to place him on the couch of stay. "What the hell happened?" "We don´t know, we found him on the floor of the old theater." Dash replied as she placed a pillow under his head. Meanwhile Rarity had entered the kitchen looking for something in the cupboard. "Darn it Rarity, cut the hustle or else you´ll wake Fluttershy, you don´t want her to worry even more." Rarity didn´t answered, she came out of the kitchen carrying a glass of water and an envelope with a red powder. "Move aside, let me see him." She said leaving the objects over the table, with her hands, she opened the Leon´s eyes, they didn´t seem to react to light stimuli, and then she touched his forehead. "Damn, is burning in fever, quick, get him some cold compresses." Applejack nodded, she ran to the bathroom returning with a small tray and a few pieces of cloth, and then, she moistened and placed them over Leon´s head. "That doesn´t help much, we need something more severe or soon we will have bigger problems." "What if we put him inside a tub with ice?" Said Granny Pie who seems to have been materialized out of nowhere "And where did you? Hold on, that's not a bad idea, come with me." Dash told her and both left the place. Rarity took the glass and poured the red dust on it. "Raise his head a little." Applejack did so, Rarity opened Leon's lips and made him drink the water. "What's that?" "An old remedy, I like to call it, dead rising." Like making honor its name, Leon opened his eyes letting out a grunt of pain, but it was silenced by Applejack who placed her hand over his mouth. "Calm down partner, you need to stay still." "Where is she?" He asked weakly. Applejack pointed with her eyes towards the door at the end of the house. Leon smiled writhing in pain caused by the poison that Luna had used on him. The door opened again, Dahs and Pinkie entered carrying several bags of ice, and they proceeded to empty them on the bathtub. Rarity and Applejack came in bringing to Leon; he clenched his teeth in an attempt to keep from screaming. "Soon you´ll feel better, it's just the effect of the poison is not deadly, but it's like having hell within you." Said Rarity, he looked at her in disbelief. "You don´t say." ***---***---*** Several hours passed until the fever passed away, now he was sitting on the couch covered with a blanket. "So, she left you there without answers." Dash asked. "I'm afraid so, now, I doubt I’ll ever see her again, I'm back to the nothing. " "What were you expecting, that she betrayed someone with more power? Maybe your judgment is failing." "You're not helping Rarity." "And what will you do now?" "I... don´t know... I need to think things through very carefully... if I make one mistake... " "Well, whatever you want to do, we are here to support you." "This is not your fight, and you know it, you don´t have to risk your life." "With everything that has happened so far, do you still think it's not our fight?" He wanted to answer, but Applejack was right, yet he did not want to see anyone suffer, or worse, die because of him, so in the end, there was only one option. "I'm tired, and I bet you too, let´s leave this conversation for later. ***---***---*** Luna stood under the door frame with her thoughts fixed in what had happened a few hours ago. He will not leave, he will not give up, and she knew it better than anyone. Perhaps, the best thing she could do was help him, tell him all about Sombra and end the nightmare once and for all, but that also meant a big risk for her. Upon entering the room, a lamp was turned on cutting the darkness. "Welcome home Luna, did you manage to find the detective?" Twilight asked from the couch, Luna looked the gun resting beside her. "What are you doing here?" "I asked first." "That doesn´t concern you Sparkle, don´t get into what you don´t mind." "Oh, but of course it concerns us." Trixie said as she closed the door. "Sombra begins to lose patience." "And he commands to you to rush things? How kind of him. " Luna said dismissively, she walked until Twilight stood in her way, but she passed at her side hitting her with her shoulder. "Listen Luna, we know there is something between you and the detective, you better start talking." "I have nothing to say, go back to your boss and tell him I need more time . " "Really?" Trixie said throwing her a photograph, she took it and fear filled her mind, in the image, she appeared embracing Leon on the stage at the theater. "Thanks for your help Luna; we only came to relieve you from the charge." Twilight raised her weapon, Luna turned to see her, but doing so, she threw a blade which passed close to her face. Trixie lunged against her knife in hand; Luna took her by the arm with a quick movement and bent it causing her a great pain. Twilight ran to her hitting her in the face and freeing her companion, Luna cleaned the blood dripping from her split lip. "It will be a pleasure to kill you, bounty hunter." Luna said nothing at the words of Sparkle; she just raised her hand to taunt them. ***---***---*** Leon woke up agitated, a sense of insecurity and emptiness falling on his body. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, the house was empty, they had left the place several hours ago. "Something is not right." He told to his reflection on the mirror, "if there´s no other option, so be it." His steps led him to her room, gently he opened the door and smiled after seeing her sleeping peacefully, he approached her and gently stroked her face. She woke up and hugged him. "You came back, you're okay and safe." "I told you everything would be fine, and will soon be better." "What do you mean?" He wanted to tell her the truth, that he had decided to give up and surrender, she would not be in more danger because of him, but had not the courage. "When the time comes, you'll understand, now, go back to sleep, tomorrow is a big day." Leon was about to leave when he felt Fluttershy´s hands tangled with his, he look at those beautiful blue eyes imploring him to stay. He joined his lips to hers passionately, he wanted to show her how much he loved her and she in turn wanted the same. Fluttershy wrapped her arms around his neck to not let him go. Small moans escaping her mouth, and her cheeks taking a red stain showed him her desire. He let his hands washing over her body making her shiver under his touch, soon after, he was on the bed admiring her nude body, the softness of her skin and the way she covered her face in a shy way, was more than he can stand. "Fluttershy, you´re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I love you." "I... I love you too Leon..." He leaned over and kissed her, she felt for the first time what it meant to be loved, and couldn´t be happier about it. He took her senses go to the limit again and again during the time they shared enjoying their love, melting into one being. In the end, the fatigue took over them, she was over his chest, a smile on her lips while Leon stroked his hair down to her back, he allowed himself to stop thinking about Sombra and just concentrate on her. Nothing out of the room mattered more at that time. ***---***---*** Luna was lying on the floor breathing hard; the room had been destroyed, as if a tornado had ripped through the place. Meanwhile Trixie and Twilight stood there, with bleeding wounds on their faces and still smiling. "The bitch sure knows how fight." Trixie said; Sparkle nodded. "Yes, it is a pity that Sombra wants her alive, I really wanted to kill her." She reached down and took Luna by the hair. "Get ready, soon you will meet with the detective, I do not think you want him to see you like this, right?" Luna said nothing, heavily opened one eye to stare at her, she knew that they would go for him; all would end in tragedy, all thanks to her. "Let's go, we still have to pick up a few more guests." ***---***---*** A lightning illuminated the night, Fluttershy walked aimlessly in the rain, the cold was unbearable and she rubbed her arms in an attempt to keep warm. Her tears melted with the rain falling down her face, she felt alone, abandoned in a cruel and pointless world. "Mom, why did you have to go? Why did you leave me?" She kept asking, not just the pain of losing his mother recently was torturing her; the words of her father also went round in his head. ***---*** "I do not want to see you with them again, this is not the life I want for you." "And what about my desires? Do I have no right to follow them?" "You don´t know what you say, this is not a game, you could die." "But I didn´t, they were protecting me, what danger could I run?" "I said no, you will never go back to that place, you've caused too much trouble." "Mom would agree with me." "She wouldn’t want her daughter to become a criminal, she didn´t wanted this for you." "How do you know it, it's your fault she's dead, you and the deal you made with Sombra." "Don´t you ever say that again." Discord shouted slapping his daughter´s face, the silence fell between them, instantly, he felt regret. "Fluttershy... please... forgive me... I didn´t mean to... " He approached her with arms wide open, but Fluttershy walked away instantly. "You should've died that day instead of her... I hate you..." "No please... don´t say that... Fluttershy... Fluttershy!!!" ***---*** She ran from the place, looking for escape from all her problems, now she was wandering the streets of the city. When turning a corner, she found a group of men who smiled at her. Wasting no time they headed towards her, surrounding her to prevent her escape. "What pretty girl, why so alone?" One of them asked, she said nothing. "Looks like this is our lucky night boys." One of them said and walked over to her, but he never touch her, he fell to the ground with a smoking hole in his head. The others turned to the side where a man was standing with a gun in his hand. "Get away from her, or you will end up like your friend." Two more wanted to attack him, two more shots and they were on the floor, the rest of the group fled fearful. The man lowered his weapon and approached Fluttershy. "The city is very dangerous for a lady like you, you dont t know that you could find walking on the streets." She was about to say something, but at the moment the man stood beneath the lamplight, she was speechless. "You... you are..." "Sombra, at your service." A twisted smile appeared on his lips, Fluttershy felt her body lost its strength and her eyes closed. When she awoke, she was lying on an operating table, her hands and legs were tied with belts, to avoid moving and his mouth was covered with a handkerchief, fear swept over her. "You finally woke up, this wouldn´t have been fun if you were unconscious." The voice of her captor only increased her fear, he came out of the darkness like a ghost followed by a couple of women carrying a blue liquid. "You know, your father has a bad habit of ruining my plans, first he makes this cop stop the production of virus in the old facility, too bad for him, he´s dead now, then, I managed to create a new strain, but he finds an antidote, and your mother paid the price for it." He says while stroking her hair, she stares at him with courage. "Now, I have a brilliant new plan to get back at him, and you my dear, are the main part of it," With a snap, the two women took the blue liquid with a syringe and gave it to Sombra. "You my dear, you are the key for this beauty to work, it will feed on your blood and soon it will become deadly to anyone else, just what I need to put this world at my feet, imagine what I'll be able to accomplish with it, I will put the fear in humanity, and to prove it, this whole city will become a hell, just a drop the water system will be enough to prove my power, but first I will need from your qualities, so it's time, let the show begin." Without another word, he injected the liquid into Fluttershy, then, the woman with purple hair handed him a phone, he marked a number and a familiar voice came from the other side. "Discord." "Hellow old friend." "Sombra... what do you want?" "Oh come on, can´t I call to talk with you." "Shut up at once, I have bigger problems now, I can´t lose more time with you." "Did these problems have to do with your daughter?" There was a moment of silence on the line. "How do you know?" The silver-haired woman approached her and removed the fabric from her mouth. "Dad!!!" "You have a beautiful daughter Discord, I can even say that she´s is more beautiful than her mother." "You son of a bitch, where are you?" "No, dad is a trap." The purple haired girl closed Fluttershy´s mouth, Sombra picked up the phone again. "Listen to me Discord, I want to make a deal with you, you want your daughter back , I want something you have, take the antidote to the old mausoleum, and you'll have her back, I'll see you in two hours." Sombra hung up; he looked at Fluttershy and laughed diabolically. The women untied Fluttershy and took her out of the place, while taking her to the vehicles, she noted that they were in an old smelter plant; a symbol in one of the towers gave her a clearer location. Two hours later, Discord and Sombra were face to face, Fluttershy being held by Sombra´s accomplices. "So you decided to come? I'm glad indeed, now give me the antidote." "Not until you let her go." "Always putting obstacles in our business, didn´t you learned with what happened to Celes... " A fist closed Sombra´s mouth, men of both sides drew their weapons willing to die there, Sombra raised his hand and his henchmen put down the guns. "You don´t have the right to say her name, bastard." "You still have strength in that arm old man, I must admit it. Now, give me the antidote or she dies. " Discord reached into his bag and pulled out a black box, he gave it to Sombra who commanded the women to let Fluttershy go, she ran up to hug his father. "Dad." "Thanks God, sweetie, are you okay?" "Discord, by the way, you still owe me one for the problem with that cop, you shouldn´t get him involved." A couple of shots sounded the emptiness of the place, Discord watched in horror Fluttershy fell limp in his arms and blood stained her clothes. He looked up and saw Sombra holding a gun. "Goodbye my friend." Sombra disappeared in his car leaving the place under a hail of bullets. The last thing Fluttershy saw was despair in the face of Discord that hugged tearfully. ***---***---*** "Dad!!!" Fluttershy cry upon waking, Leon hugged her and she snuggled in his arms again. "Don´t worry, it was only a nightmare, I'm here with you." "Leon... Sombra... I know where´s Sombra." He hardened afer hearing her speak. "What do you mean?" "I know where´s his facility, I don´t know exactly what he wants to do, but I know it has to see with me, that's why he wants to kill me." "Fluttershy, are you sure of that?" "Of course she knows it detective, that's why you´re coming with us." Leon covered Fluttershy, a shiver ran through his body, Twilight and Trixie were standing at the door pointing their weapons towards them, there was no escape this time, they had fallen prey to the lion's den.