• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 561 Views, 11 Comments

A Dame To Kill For - The Lost Winchester

She has become my only reason to stay alive.

  • ...

The Date

Trixie was sleeping peacefully on the couch of the room. The door opened and someone entered the room trying not to make noise when placing the secure. Sombra walked to her, knelt and with his hand removed the hair that was covering Trixie's face. A smile played on his lips, his eyes fixed on her while his hand stroked Trixie's face, going down her neck making her shiver without waking.

When he got to the button of her shirt, with skill and delicacy he began to unbutton it. A few minutes later, the garment was open, allowing him to admire her figure. Sombra placed his hand on her belly, caressed the contours of her navel. Then, he went up to the bridge of her breasts. He took the garment brooch between her fingers and separated it.

Trixie woke up, her eyes remained fixed on the deep black eyes of Sombra. She wanted to scream, but fear was blocking her actions. He leaned forward until his lips were inches away from hers. Sombra smiled and kissed her in a short and sweet way. Trixie was stunned; she had not expected him to be so gentle, even now, her mind had begun to want to continue this.

Sombra grabbed her by the hands, lifting her slowly he sat on the couch and had her stay in his lap. He put her hands over her shoulders; slowly he pulled down the clothes that covered her body being received by the perfect image of Trixie's bare back.

He began to kiss her back making her vibrate; his fingers traced the outline of her body again and again. The heat rose to her face painting her cheeks with a scarlet shade as her body was enjoying the new sensations and demanding her more. Trixie turned around to be face to face with him, they shared a smile before their lips met once more, and the time went on.


Luna moved through the alleys near the bakery looking for some clue that could tell her where they could be. Her mind was a whirlwind of ideas, first, she knew that couldn´t play with Sombra, sooner or later she would have to answer him, and the results would not be at all pleasant. On the other hand, her feelings were betraying her; the memories were not helping either.

After she reached the end of the alley, her eyes saw him. Leon was on the other side of the street buying vegetables in a small booth. Her heart was beating so fast that it was deafening the sounds of the environment. She wanted to run to him, hug him and tell him everything, but she had to contain her emotions. Although Sombra promised that no one will stand in her way, her experience told her there was no way to know if she was being watched.

Leon paid and walked away. She came out of the alley following him at a safe distance. Some moments later, she saw him entering an apartment building, but not before stopping to greet three little girls who were playing happily on the sidewalk.

After seeing him disappear, she came out of their coverage to approach the door. Looking through the glass, she failed to see where Leon went, looked at girls and approached them.


Shouted the three at one voice.

"Tell me, the man who has just entered; do you know where he lives?"

They remained silent and looked at each other.

"You can trust me; I´m a... an old friend of Leon."

"How can we know it is true?"

Scootaloo asked. Her sisters nodded and the three set their eyes on her. Luna thought for a moment, then, a smile spread across her face as she remembered something.

"Have you ever seen the tattoo on his back? Is a black shield with gold trim and silver crossed by two swords."

The girls were silent for a moment as if thinking of an answer, this never came.

"That is true; very few have seen that thing."

Commented Sweetie.

"Very well, we believe you. Leon lives in the fourth floor door eight."

Applebloom said smiling.

"Come on, we'll take you with him."

They said. Luna opened her eyes and stopped them before they rush out.


They looked at her confused.

"No girls... is that ... I want it to be a surprise."


They said giggling. Luna took an envelope from her jacket and handed it to the girls.

"I want you to do this, go and slide this under the door of Leon´s apartment, knock and run away, do not let him see you, and don´t tell him I was here, he should not know it."

They looked at her with a face of doubt.

"Do this and I'll buy you ice cream, what do you think?"

"We should not accept things from strangers, we don´t even know what's your name."

"But Sweetie is free ice cream, and she meets Leon."

"Well said Scoots, is enough for me."

"You're always agreeing with her Applebloom, not fair."

"Girls, don´t fight, I'll tell you my name, but must promise not to tell anyone else, understand?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye."

They said in unison going through the motions. Luna smiled after see them doing the old promise that Granny Pie taught her during her childhood. They entered the building, minutes later, they came out.

"Well done small crusaders, now, let's go for your prize."



Three knocks at the door take me by surprise; I left the bags on the kitchen table and run to take the gun. I take off the secure as I approach the department output. I open the door pointing my gun at nothing, there´s no one outside or in the hallway. Cautiously I reach the edge of the stairs and take a look, no movement or noise, maybe it was just a joke. Without being really sure, I go back to the house and looking towards the entrance I notice something on the floor.

I lean over and pick up a small sealed envelope. It has no marks or labels that indicates who send it. I close the door, left the mysterious letter on the coffee table and walk to the window to exit through it. I walk over the scaffolding until the ladder, this is up and latched. I see no one in the vicinity, only a few people go down the street to the end immersed in their own thoughts.

I go back inside the house and for a moment I forget about the letter. I go to the kitchen to store the supplies I just bought. I take a beer and sit on the couch. Trixie's words haunt my mind like hungry wolves.

---*** "She must die in order to cultivate the last component of the virus." ***---

Sombra... that son of a bitch, how demented can he be to do such a thing to Fluttershy? I must find a way to cure her, take her to someone who can remove the virus from her body, I don´t want her life to end just for the wicked desires of that bastard.

My mind goes on, my eyes are set on the envelope that I put on the table and I stretch my arm to take it when someone knocks on the door. I stare at it for a few moments until it sound again. I stand up with the gun in hand; I see through the peephole and smile after seeing Dash on the other side. I leave the gun in the small closet and open the door.

"Hi Leon."

"Rainbow what a surprise, what are you doing here? How is Applejack?"

"Better than ever cowboy."

Says Applejack and I see her appear behind Dash, she´s wearing blue jeans and an orange shirt plaid which highlights your figure, something that I didn´t noted the day I met her.

"I can see that AJ, but not just stand there, come in please."

They thank me and enter the house; I close the door behind them while I offer them a drink. Dash asks for a beer and Applejack a glass of whisky on the rocks. I walk into the kitchen and return with them.

"How´s Fluttershy?"

"She's fine Dash, these last days have gone in peace, but still I can´t sleep, not while she keep that thing in her body."

"Where is she now?"

"I took her to Grandma Pie´s bakery, I'm surprised that despite what happened a few days ago, she didn´t want to stop being in that place."

"Maybe that's what she needs to not think about the problems that surrounds her."

"I don´t know Applejack, but this has to end now."

We stay in silence. I put the glass down and take the envelope, examining it over and over again.

"What´s that Leon?"

"Don´t know, someone just leave it on the floor in front of the door."

"Well what do you expect? Open it and let´s get out of doubts."

Says the blond haired girl as she takes the envelope from my hands. Gently she tears the top and draws its content. She reads it and her face shows concern, looks at me and hands me the letter. I take it fearfully and examine the engraving of the card; I recognize it and I can feel how the heat leaves my body. That crescent moon brings me several memories that pass before my eyes. Sunny days in the park, afternoons at the ice cream shop, special days at school... the farewell at the station...

“Luna…” I whisper.


Dash tells me confused, I look at her but I can´t say a word, I can´t believe that...

"You'd better read the whole letter Leon."

Applejack´s tone don´t like me. I turn the card and what is written in it leaves me cold.

---*** I know about the girl you have under your protection, I also know that Sombra is behind both of you, if you want to get out of this alive, go to the old theater, don´t bring the girl with you, you need to go alone.

PS: bring my old music box. ***---

The final sentence ends with my doubts, can´t be anyone else.

"Leon... Leon… What´s going on? From who´s the letter?"

Dash asks me, but I barely hear her, the shock of knowing that she is back leaves me completely adrift. What worries me more is that she claims to know about Fluttershy and Sombra, how is this possible? Did she...?

A slap brings me back to reality, that burning sensation on the right side of my face is not pleasant.

"Fuck, why you did that?"

I growl placing my hand on my cheek. Applejack laughs a bit but her seriousness returns almost instantly.

"Well mate, it seemed that you were lost, and by your expression, I can only say that whoever that sent the letter, really left you speechless."

"Come on Leon, is that bad?"

"That´s the problem Dash, I don´t know how bad it can be. The letter is from someone who I have not seen in a long, long time. Someone who was very special to me."

I get up and walk to the window.

"What I fail to understand, is why she knows of my current situation. It makes no sense."

Dash asks me the letter, I hand it her and she reads it.

"You're not thinking on going to look for... whoever this guy is, right?"

My silence gives her the answer.

"Are you crazy? We barely got out alive from Paradise, and now you plan to attend an appointment that certainly can be a trap?"
Dash is really annoyed, but I can´t let this go, not now that Luna seems to know something about Sombra... but why?

"And if it isn´t a trap, and if she knows something that can help me?"


Asks Applejack curiously. The two stares at me intently, I let out a sigh and sit on the couch.

"Yes Applejack, she´s an old friend of mine, her name is Luna. I know her since we were kids; we grew up together, did everything together. But ten years ago, after I enter the academy, she went away."

"You loved her?"

Applejack's question takes me by surprise.

"I... maybe... but... that was long ago... I never told her anything..."

I get up and walk to the window. Through it I can see a number of children playing with a fire hydrant, all of them smile and are filled with joy. My mind wanders to my own childhood, I can see me running through the park behind her, climbing up the games laughing and shouting. The memories come up to February 14th at the bakery of Grandma Pinkie, I see her behind a milkshake with her long hair and those deep blue eyes looking at me.

I can see us lying in the grass, that very day was when I told her I would go into the academy; she was upset for not telling her before. That would mean that it would be the last time she would see me during my time in the school.

I remember we discussed, we didn´t talk for days. When she called home, was to tell me that she was leaving, the rain felt like knives in my face while trying to reach the station. I saw her standing on the platform waiting for his departure. I yelled behind the glass but she didn´t hear me, when she boarded the bus turned and looked at me, she was crying, with a movement I asked her not to go, she just lowered the face and got into the truck. I ran behind the bus until it disappeared in the distance. I stood in the middle of the street with my broken heart.

"I have to ask you a favor."

They look at me with expectation.

"I want you to stay with Fluttershy tonight."

Dash gets up and walks up to me.

"Please, be careful, you don´t know what awaits for you there."

"Rainbow is right, you need to go prepared, leave Fluttershy in our hands."

Applejack says and gives me a smile. Is good to know that I still have someone to rely on.

"It's a deal then, I´ll see you tonight."

"Let's see who the said Luna is."

Twilight was reviewing the papers on Sombra´s desk; she wanted to find something that can tell her more about the new tool of his boss. She opened a drawer finding various envelopes. She took a couple and within them were several photographs, lists of names and newspaper clippings, these latter spoke of several murders of prominent people in other cities, some more in other countries. They all had something in common, the signature of the person who had committed the assassinations. In every scene of the crime, the police had found over the bodies of the victims a night queen, a type of flower that only blooms out full moon. The perfection of the crimes indicated that they were the work of a professional and on more than one occasion, the authorities were left without clues.

"Impressive, isn´t it?"

Twilight felt her heart stop; she froze in place not knowing what to do. Sombra came to her, to her surprise; he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her neck.

"It is, how did you found her?"

"That doesn´t matter, I want you to keep an eye on her, something tells me that we can´t fully trust her."

"Why do you say that?"

"When she saw the photo of the girl, I saw nothing strange, however, when I showed her the picture of the detective, things were very different. Something about him caused her shock and fear, it is better to know every move that she does."

"Okay, I'll try to find out what she knows about our friend Leon."

"Leon is a tough guy ... I´d like to meet him personally."

She turned around still in his embrace; her hands went up around his neck as she kissed him passionately.

"Maybe it will be sooner than you think."

The door sounds; I open it finding Dash and Applejack in the other side.

"I guess you didn´t changed your mind?"

I shake my head and Dash lets out a sigh.

"Well, just be careful."

"I´ll have it Dash, do not worry."

"Where is Fluttershy, I longed to meet her."

Applejack says excitedly.

"They should arrive any moment, I asked Granny Pie to bring her home."

The door opens and the first to enter is the old Pinkie Pie.

"Honey, you should stop lying to yourself and tell him that..."

She looks at us surprised.

"That... everything is perfect in the business; sales have increased a lot since you help me in the bakery."
Granny Pie says with a wink. I look at her confused, but my mind is somewhere else now, I can´t even think about what she said.

"But what if he... "

Fluttershy stays silent and her face turns red when she looks at us.

"Hi... Leon... you didn´t said that there would be someone else with you today... "

She says as she looks to the side trying to hide her embarrassment.

"I know, Granny Pie, Fluttershy, you already know Commissioner Dash."

Rainbow smiles, the elder woman looks at her curiously.

"I love your hair commissioner, very modern."

"Come on grandma, you know you don´t have to call me like that, just tell me Dash. "

"Now, let me introduce you to... "

"Lieutenant Applejack to your service, finally I have the pleasure to meet you Fluttershy, I've heard so much about you, I must say I knew you were pretty, but girl, you´re gorgeous."

Her cheeks become even redder by the words of Applejack; Fluttershy laughs with joy and thanks her.

"You Grandma Pie are not far behind; you still look great, what is your secret? I hope to look like you when I reach your age."

"That's easy; all you have to do is smile."

A huge smile appears on her face, we all laugh infected by her joy. I look at the clock, almost nine, I better move on.

"Fluttershy, Applejack and Dash will stay with you today; I have to visit someone, I´ll back in the morning."

Her eyes open wide after she hears my words.

"You... you have to go? I do not want you to get hurt because of me. "

"Fluttershy, when your father asked me to protect you, I accepted knowing that this would be part of it, you are my responsibility, and I'm happy about it."

Her eyes fill with tears, but she does her best to not let them flow. The door rings again, Applejack goes to it and sees through the peephole.

"I think someone else wants to join the party."

Applejack opens the door and someone who I didn´t expect at all appears.

"Darling, I hope you do not mind this surprise visit."

Without another word, she hugs me and kisses me on the lips, I don´t deny that I have always loved that from her.

"Rarity... this is really a surprise... especially because you didn´t know where I lived... "

"You can thank Applejack for that; she gave me all the information.”

"Sorry Leon, was a deal."

She laughs and I only nod, that does not upset me.

"Well Rarity, here she is, I think there was something you wanted to tell her."

She smiles and walks to Fluttershy, she stays still while Rarity hugs her.

"Oh dear, look at you, all that you had to suffer, yet you bloom like a beautiful daisy. You have the eyes of your mother and all the strength of your father."

“You... you knew them?"

"Better than anyone sweetie, I had you in my arms since you were just a little baby."

Fluttershy is stunned. Rarity takes out a small box and gives it to her, she tells her to open it and Fluttershy does so. Inside there is a necklace with a heart shaped red jewel. Rarity takes it and puts it around Fluttershy´s neck. She holds her, presses a small button and the heart opens in two, a soft tune escapes from it as Fluttershy begins to mourn.

"It's a gift from your mother, she would have loved to give it to you by herself, but she couldn´t."

I move a little closer and I´m able to see that in one half of the heart is a picture of Discord, on the other a picture of Celestia, and in center a picture of them hugging a small Fluttershy.

Fluttershy looks up, she approaches and embraces Rarity, she returns the gesture and the two stay like that for a few minutes. Grandma Pie lets out several tears; Dash and Applejack just stay in silence.

“Thank you... really... thanks for this..."

"You´re welcome sweetie, hope that in these difficult times, this can help you to feel joy, even in the worst of scenarios.

Rarity hugs and kisses her on the forehead.

"Enough of sentimentality, what are we going to do now?"

Applejack asks.

"Girls' night out!"

Yells Granny Pie, the others raise their arms and shout excitedly. I go the small closet to take the Colt and a small line of bullets. I feel someone puts his hand on my shoulder and turn to see who it is.

"Leon, I know where you're going, Applejack told me everything, I will not stop you, but I want you to see this, do it before it's too late."

Rarity gives me a small envelope and I look confused. I try open the envelope but she avoids it and tells me to wait until I´m alone. I nod, I go to the door but I stop to see them, all have their eyes on me. It is a peculiar sensation, as if something really bad were to happen.

"I have to go... take care... and if I don´t return..."

I don´t finish the phrase, I walk out closing the door and start walking to the stairs, before I can reach them, someone hugs me.

"Promise you'll come back, I need you..."

I turn around, those beautiful blue eyes locked on me. We stared wordlessly. I put my hands on her waist as my lips caress her

"Fluttershy ..."


I lean over and like a thirsty in the desert that finds a wellspring to save his life, I kiss her with passion, I kiss her as a lover that knows that this could be last time that he will see his beloved. Her lips are soft and her breath is like a fresh dawn. I part from her gently biting her lower lip. Her cheeks are flushed and her breathing is hectic. We both smile and I whisper to her ear.

"I´ll be back Fluttershy, you can be sure of that."

Her hands roam my arms as I let her go, in the end our hands are linked only for a moment. She stays there while I walk away not knowing what the night has prepared for me.


I park the car in the shadows; I light the lamp of the car and take the envelope to see its contents. There are photographs, newspaper clippings, notes on killings of senior officers in other cities and unresolved cases of disappearances of important public figures. I can´t understand what Rarity was trying to tell me with this. I keep reviewing the documents, until I note something; all the cases share the firm of who committed them. The murderer left in the crime scene in a flower, to be more precise, a nocturnal queen. An unusual signature and yet for some reason, it is familiar to me, why?

I keep seeing the photographs until one makes me realize the shocking reality. In the image appears a woman of long hair that tries to put a gun inside a bag. In the back of the image I find a note in red letters.

---*** "I don´t know what´s she doing here, but it can´t be good, if I were you, I would turn on the engine and escape, but you will not do it, so I can only warn you, she is not who you ever met." ***---

After finishing reading the note, I let the picture slip through my fingers. I don´t know what to believe, if she was able to do what the images show me, does she want to do the same to Fluttershy?

Just thinking about her makes electricity runs through my lips. I love her, I can´t deny it anymore, and that is enough motivation for me. I leave the car, take my gun and go into the old building. Shadows embrace me as I move through the old halls. The glory days of this place are now in the past. As I approached what was once the main room, I start to hear a soft tune that is like a lament from beyond. Upon entering the room, my eyes are set on a beautiful woman playing piano for a nonexistent audience. I recognize the tune and memories invade my mind. I can see us in my room while the console sounds Frank Sinatra, she's lying next to me and I stroke her long hair.

"Leon... long time no see."

Her voice brings me back to reality, is still as sweet as ten years ago.

"Luna.... not sure if I´m glad to see you... or worry..."

I take out my revolver while walking to the podium, she notes it, but seems not to care and continues his concert for two.

"Do you remember this song Leon?"

The first notes of fly me to the moon come out of the piano. My mind is a total whirlwind of memories, they´re even painful.

"Stop playing Luna, what are you doing here? Why you show up like this?"

She stops playing as soon she hears the click of my gun.

"I want you to understand something Leon, my orders are to kill you and take the girl to him."

She stands up, I can feel the adrenaline rush through my body and I raise my gun pointing it at her.

"That will be a problem, I will not allow you or anyone else hurt her."

She walks without stopping, in an instant, she´s in front of me, her hands takes mine and makes me lower the gun. Then she tangles her arms around my body and buries her face in my chest. I drop the gun and embrace her with all my strength, stroke her hair with my face and fill myself with her of aroma.

"I missed you Leon, for all these years I dreamed of the day when we would see again."

Her voice is full of melancholy.

"Luna, me too, not a day goes by without me regret I hurt you that way, that day became my stigma, the things that happened after you left..."

She closes my mouth with her hand. Her deep blue eyes look into me, she comes to me closing her eyes to give me a kiss, a kiss denied from the first day I met her. I stop her gently, she is shocked, her eyes moistened and crouches to face away from me.

"Fluttershy is very fortunate, not only have you as her protector, now also has your heart, something which I foolishly lost, I really envy her."

Says drying her tears and faking joy. I know that I just break her heart, but it’s better that way, if the time comes, will be better for her to not have something that can make her repent.

"Luna, I need to know where he is, I need to know what he´s planning, you can help me to stop him before it's too late."

"What makes you think that?"

"The fact that you haven´t killed me yet."

From my bag, I take a small wooden box giving it to her, her face is full of joy and stares at it as if it were the finest piece of art.

"I took care of it, as if it was mine, my only connection with you."

"Its old tune lulled me to sleep, and helped me think better."

Her smile disappears.

"Leon, you must understand, you can´t win, Sombra is someone very powerful, has hundreds of its forces looking for you, and that virus... god, if he manages to finish it..."

"That's why I need you to help me finish this."

"Did not you understand? You have to go, take the girl and run away, are you not afraid?"

"Of course I have fear, and that's what has kept me alive, in fact, I can live knowing that, she don´t."

I reply angrily. For a moment silence falls upon us. I lean to take my gun. After placing it to my waist, I look at Luna; taking her hands I plant a kiss on them.

"I'm sorry, look at us; we meet again after so many years."

"And in the worst possible way."

"What happened to you Luna? How you ended up in this? I still remember that girl who enjoyed running in the rain, catching dragonflies and tying a thread on them to carry from here to there."

She laughs after hearing me talk about the early days of our childhood, with my hand, I raise her face, her beautiful eyes seem to hypnotize me.

"I guess, she stopped being a child the day she went away, she turned into a woman after losing a part of her life and learned to keep going without it."

Without saying anything else, I kiss her. The flavor of her lips is intoxicating; the frenzy of our contact demonstrates the repressed desire that we have for each the other. After breaking the kiss, I admire its beauty, but something does not seem right, her face is covered by absolute seriousness.

"I´m sorry Leon."


Suddenly, my body loses strength, my head is spinning and the sensation of vertigo becomes more intense each time. I look at her trying to understand what is happening, but she keeps her cool nonetheless.

"Luna... what have you done?"

My legs give way and I finish kneeled on stage. Luna leans over to kiss me again.

"I'm sorry that things have to be like this, but I have no choice, please, go away and don´t try to stop him, if you really love Fluttershy, you better turn around and leave all this behind."

Her words seem so distant; the effect of the drug soon will be total. She turns around and I look at her walking away.


My eyes get covered by darkness and the last thing I can feel is the cold floor below me.

Author's Note:

Well, It´s finally here, a new chapter, took more than it should, hope the next update don´t take so long to come out, also, I wish you a very late christmas and an early happy new year, thanks for this year, and hope to stay with you for a long time more.