• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 560 Views, 11 Comments

A Dame To Kill For - The Lost Winchester

She has become my only reason to stay alive.

  • ...

The Enemy of my Enemy

Awakening; a sensation that until recently had learned to hate. Now I thank for still being alive. The clock strikes seven in the morning. I don´t remember at what point I fell asleep; the last thing I remember is that I was talking to Fluttershy about stories of more happy moments. The sun coming through the window begins to illuminate the room. I stay still and remember that I have to go to the station to dig into those files; I really hope to find something in them that can take me up to Sombra, but there is also the possibility of not find anything.

I want to get up, but I feel a pressure on me. I smile while I see Fluttershy asleep on my chest; she has a happy expression on her face and has her arms are around my body in a gentle hug. Careful not to waking her, I approach my hand and pass it through her hair; she winces a bit and hugs me tighter.

"Leon ..."

Hear her whispering my name sends a chill through my body. Gently I begin to turn my body until she is lying on the couch; I see her cuddling with the blanket.

"Why don´t we met in another situation?"

I ask to the air. Then, a thought pierces my mind like the sting of a bee; what will happen if she regains her memory? It is a fact that I had not analyzed, no doubt that what she knows could help me to stop Sombra and his plans... But part of me does not want that to happen. If her memories return, will she know who I am and what has happened the past few weeks? Will she return to be as Discord had told me? I do not know what to think, maybe that would mean losing her. I caress her ear; she laughs lightly and rubs her face on my body like in a pillow.

"Leon ..."

Without thinking about what I'm doing, I kiss her on the forehead. Without take away my lips, I start to go down over her face until her lips are inches away from mine; I can feel the caress of her breath.

"Stay with me ..." I whisper and lightly press my lips to hers. To my surprise; she returns the kiss and then I hear her say, "Leon ... I ..." Is she awaken? I stand almost immediately and my doubt is dispelled. She has her eyes wide open and a shocked expression on her face.

"Fluttershy? ... I ..."

I'm as surprised as she is, this is something completely out of my control. I can´t find the words to explain what just happened. Without taking her view of me, I notice how she slowly blushes; she lets out a small whimper and hides under the blanket. I lean and slowly retreat the blanket to watch her; she is blushing and cover her face with her hands.

"Fluttershy ... I ... don´t know ..."

She pushes and pulls me off the couch. I want to talk to her, but before I can say something; she gets up and runs to her room and puts the secure. "Well ... that was intense" I laugh at my own words, I'm a cynic.

I get up and head for the stereo. I put on the turntable my old acetate of Frank Sinatra and the first notes of Fly Me to the Moon begin to fill my ears and our home. I raise the volume and humming the song I enter the kitchen to prepare breakfast. After several minutes the aroma of frying bacon and eggs make me salivate. When in the speakers starts playing My Way; I begin singing with all my lungs. The table is ready and I just need to serve the coffee, at that moment someone joins my song. I turn around and I see with joy that she is leaning on the doorframe; her cheeks still have that beautiful scarlet.

"I did it my way..." In unison we finish the song. At the end; the only sound is the one of the pellet through the final channels of disc.


The dead file is a place that lives up to its name; boxes and boxes of unresolved cases are piled everywhere, just dust the visits them. I been here for more than four hours, even, I have found some of my old cases; which isn´t so good, they reminds me of my past life; memories that I really wish to forget. At least my search on Sombra´s group has not been in vain; it seems that in recent months they have been very active. I found reports about the attack on one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the region, apparently his henchmen stole equipment laboratory and kidnapped several scientists; although monitored the case, this was abandoned by order of the mayor, that's very strange. Another case talks about the disappearance of several trucks with building materials and the rob of a steel shipment in docks the very day I met Fluttershy.

"It seems that Sombra wanted to kill two birds with one stone" I say to myself.

I keep checking and I go to the section that says "ONLY FOR COMMISSIONER." I enter the cage and observe a red box with no markings. I take it to the table; at the moment of opening it, I feel as if my heart was pierced with a spear. In the top of the box appears the file of the Diamond Dog case. With trembling hands I take it and place it on the desk, I don´t want to open it, but something tells me it must be so. The folder is the epitome of my despair; every document, every image, just makes my heart sink more in pain.

"So, you find that file, eh? You should not have seen it."

Her voice gives me a start, "Dash, don´t you know knocks the door?"

"And you still remember that you are no longer part of the force?" She answers me somewhat angry, "technically what you're doing is a crime; so I think we're even. Take, I brought something for you to wake up." Says while offers me a cup of coffee and I watch as she takes up a chair and sits next to me.

"I thought this file was lost, duo you have any reason to keep it?" Question her without waiting for an answer, she rubs her arm and then clasp her hands.

"It is a reminder, a warning; a sad memory I want to forget, but it´s impossible. And also, is something that tells me I should not try to play with things beyond my control. Sometimes, I come and see it for hours. Really your father was the best… do not know how that happened..." Her voice cracks; I don´t like it. I can really feel her pain, because it is mine too. But, why does it hurt so much talk about my father?

"Dash... was there anything between you and?..." She stares at me; I do the same. I bet it was not the best question but...

"When your mother died," starts talking and cuts my ideas, "your father suffered much, was when he started having these action methods that anyone liked , to be honest, caused me fear," laughs slightly, "he became a cold, calculating and ruthless man, you must know."

"Yes, I also noted the change. But never saw him... go down, he always maintained that rigidity, I really admired him for that, but I also hated that he didn´t told me how he felt. I know I could have helped, but he preferred kept all that courage, and we saw the results." She is left wondering, as if remembering something, "Dash, is something wrong?" she rises from the chair and goes into the cage to look for something between the boxes, and then she returns to the table holding an old book.

"One day… I had to stay at work late..." begins to speak again.

***Some years ago***

"What do you want Soarin? I'm busy, and you should not be here."

He said nothing, just stood in the shadows of the doorway looking at her, as if he studies her.

"Tell me Dash, why you are the only one that doesn´t complains about my work?"

She looked up, "don´t think I'm happy with your new way of being. If I didn´t said anything and has not been carried out your dismissal as advised, is because you give better results than most of your partners; and also because I have talked for you. You're the best element in the entire precinct."

"So now I should thank you for keeping my job? What a situation," he said as he approached the window behind her.

Dash got up from the chair and sat on the edge of the desk without taking her eyes off him. She was attracted to him, but could not make it known, especially now that he had lost his mate.

"What's going on Soarin? You have not been the same since..."

"DON´T YOU DARE SAY IT DASH!!!" He raised his voice and she was frightened, "I... I'm sorry; the wound is still open." He tried to apologize.

"I think that to be so; you hide it like if you think no one will notice, even Leon asked me advice to try deal with your current state."

"He's my son, he´s not stupid, what else can I expect? But I'm not here to talk about my sanity, I want you to have this.” He approached her and held out an agenda.

“What is this?”

"This is my old logbook. It has everything I know about Sombra. If something happens to me, I want you to deliver it to Leon; but only when you consider that he is ready to continue my work."

Dash's mouth dropped open, "if... something happens… to you? Everything is ok, right?" He just laughed in a somewhat grim.

"Yes Dash, don´t worry."

Without another word, he reached out to hold her tight; she dropped the book before this unexpected act, but embracing him in the same way.

"Why is life so cruel Dash; one day she is in the kitchen preparing breakfast, and at the other; I see her being put in a hole in the ground?" He began to cry and that made Dash shiver. The hard external of Soarin had finally collapsed. “Why was not I who left this world? That would have been better."

"No... don´t say that Soarin, was something that could not be controlled, the disease was well advanced, could not do anything."

She was crying too. Soarin released his grip slightly, just enough so that the two remain looking straight into each other's eyes. With his hand he stroked her face and she closed her eyes to better enjoy that loving gesture, Dash took his hand and held it against her cheek.

"Soarin... I... I will always be for you..." Dash opened her eyes, he placed his hand on her other cheek and kissed her firmly on the lips; he parted just to say.

"I know ..."

After that he kissed her again; she did the same. He charged her in his arms and took her to the sofa in the office; the two were carried away by the passion that both could not control any longer.


I keep the mouth open to such a confession; now I understand that entire emotional jolt she suffers whenever she mentions my father or Sombra.

"I loved your father Leon, was really love. He never told me if the feeling was mutual, but, and may sound selfish; I like to think that those times when we were together, really meant something more to him; I hope he is in paradise; he truly was a great man. "

She says wiping tears running down her cheek as she hands me the book, I watch her and nod.

"Paradise... PARADISE!!!!" I scream and quickly go back to review the notes I had obtained of looking in the archives.

"What´s going on Leon, have you lost your mind?"

Dash asks me, but I just ignore her. That word makes me realize that in all cases there is a connection. "The sons of darkness… paradise… Sombra." I say full of excitement as if I had just discovered the Holy Grail or Excalibur. She looks at me in a state of utter confusion, "Listen, after the lasts hits of the sons of darkness; many of the boys who followed them did not continue because they went inside paradise, I'm pretty sure that Sombra is there; I have to go." I take my notes and my father´s logbook to save them in my suitcase, but she stops me before I can close it.

"One moment Leon, you're telling me you are planning getting into that place? You know it's technically like signing your death warrant, right?"

"Of course I do, but I have no other choice." In fact if I have it, but I can´t let her know it. Already I do not like the idea, but I have no choice but to pay a visit to an old friend. "Sorry Dash, I better leave." I head for the door but she gets in my way.

"Stop right there boy, you better begin to explain what the hell is going on."

I try to go around but still not let me out. "Rainbow, I told you at the correct time I´ll explain you everything, I promise, but not now; let me out, I'm losing valuable time." She does not move out of my way, "I will not get out of it right?" She just shakes her head, I sigh. "All right Dash, let's talk."


The Sugar Cube Corner bell announced that someone had entered the store, a young woman stood in the middle of the room, Fluttershy called from the back of the kitchen.

"I will attend you in a moment, please take a seat and watch our menu of desserts and drinks."

"Yeah, thanks." Replied the girl as she sat on one of the tables of the bakery, opened the letter and began to read the menu.

Granny Pie had gone to deliver an order, so Fluttershy had been in charge of the bakery for the moment. Was not noon yet and the morning was fresh. Fluttershy emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray of cookies in the shape of animals, the smell immediately filled the place and the girl began licking her lips savoring the aroma.

"Hmmm, that smells delicious, what are they?"

Fluttershy smiled and offered her one, when she tasted it; her senses experienced great pleasure.

"Oh my god, this is awsome."

Said the girl as she savored the cookies that Fluttershy had just made. Giving her a smile, she left the rest of the cookies in a small basket on the counter. Then from her apron, she extracted a small notebook and pen.

"Tell me, would you like something in particular?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'd like a cappuccino and, what is the specialty of the house?"

Fluttershy nodded and extracted from one of the counters a green with blue covered cake, "we know this as the surprise; I bet you'll love it, would you like a slice?"

She nodded and Fluttershy cut the cake. She handed her the slice in a small dish, the girl took it and went to his table while Fluttershy started to prepare the drink indicated; this did not took her more than five minutes. Then she took it to the small table.

"Things have changed a lot since the last time I was here, but it seems that the old Granny Pie has not yet lose that touch on her preparations, and not only that; she now have a great disciple apparently."

"You lived here?" Fluttershy asked.

She nodded as he took a sip of coffee. "Much time has passed now. I use to live on this street, in the building that now is an office complex across the street," she said, pointing to the spot. Fluttershy´s eyes followed and then she took a chair and sat at the table.

"The park where I used to spend evenings with my friends do not exist anymore, neither the old ice cream parlor. You are very young; surely you did not get to know them. "

Fluttershy shook her head, "I'm not even from this area. I used to live..." She remembered that Leon had told her not to trust strangers, and less on her current situation; but something about this girl made her feel safe; She seemed so nice and sincere. "Well it doesn´t matter anymore," said Fluttershy ended up with a hint of melancholy in her voice. The girl nodded but looked at her with an air of disbelief, then took another bite of the pie.

"And tell me, how´s Granny Pie? I don´t think she would recognize me after all this time."

"Oh, she's fine; soon will be his 81st birthday, but I still can´t believe the vitality she have, like a person half his age," Fluttershy said, unable to contain a smile, the girl laughed also.

"To be honest I always thought she was a little crazy. The last time I saw her she would have maybe about 65, 70 at most and in that time she already acted a bit strange." She said, laughing, and making a crazy gesture with her hands, Fluttershy laughed, "Do not go to say anything" concluded the girl.

The two were silent for a moment, "you know, when I was a child; I had a great friend who lived in the same street, we went to the old school together and even through college; we were always very close. Until one day..." she bent down her face and let out a long, deep sigh full of melancholy, Fluttershy felt identified with her.

"What happened, why did you stop seeing him?"

"Well, our separate ways; he entered the police academy and I... let´s say… I took a different route. He went to tell me goodbye at the bus terminal and that was the last time I saw him. He stood in the middle of the street as the rain soaked him. I did not stop seeing him until he disappeared from sight; it was the saddest day of my life. I could never tell him how much...." She could not finish her sentence; she lowered her eyes as she wiped a tear.

"Perhaps he is still around here, you should try looking for him; I bet if your relationship was as you say, he has not forgotten you." Fluttershy said.

She smiled, "maybe you're right. But for now; I have a matter to attend first, maybe I´ll try to find him later," she rose from the table," how much do I owe you?"

Fluttershy shook her head, "nothing; goes by the house. It is always good to talk to someone as interesting as you."

The two laughed and the girl thanked. She headed for the door, but before opening she stare back at her, "by the way, what's your name?"

Fluttershy hesitated a little but finally replied, "Fluttershy… and yours?"

"Nice to meet Fluttershy… I'm Luna," She smiled again and left the bakery.


I'm on my way home. Dash now knows the details of my situation. She offered to accompany me on my foray to paradise, but after his confession of today; she has gained even more my appreciation and I don´t want to put her on danger. To be honest, I always had the idea that she wanted my father to another level, so I have no trouble in knowing what happened between them.

I open the apartment door and in the console sound something of disco music. I leave the package on the couch and head to my room to leave my father's diary on the bed and look for clothes. I hear her singing; her voice is beautiful. Is good to see that her mood has not fallen since last week; maybe she has forgotten that she is in danger. Sometimes I want to do the same, but I can´t.

I leave my room and stare at her; she dances to the beat of the music and sings as if it were a little girl. She turns around and falls. I burst into laughter and run to pick her up. When she looks at me, lets out a little moan and covers her face with her hands.

"Leon ... what a shame ... how long have you been here? Did not hear you come." Does not dare to look at me and is literally red with embarrassment.

"Only since you started singing; you have a beautiful voice Fluttershy. Do not feel bad, is that I dared not to interrupt you."

She removes her hands from her face and stares at me. When she stands; on the radio sounds More Than a Woman. I grab her by the hands and start to dance with her. She laughs and agrees that I take the lead. We dance the whole song and finally grabbed her by the waist and lifted into the air. When I lower her, she puts her arms around my neck. Our eyes are fixed, our breathing quickens. I know I should not, I know it’s wrong; the distance between our faces begins to decrease.

"Leon… hellow… I know you're there," is heard from the other side of the door; the charm breaks and Fluttershy free me from her embrace. I do the same and head for the door cursing my luck. Upon opening the door I found the stare of Dash. This surprise and upset me at the same time.

"Rainbow? What're you doing here? How did you find...?"

"Grandma Pie told me everything. Is good to see you're still here."

I look at her a little puzzled, but I invite her to enter. I know why she´s here, I will do not discuss it anymore; what will happen in a few hours is something that I wouldn´t like to face alone.

"Dash, I just want to ask you something; do not ask her anything, do not make any comments on what you now know. I don´t want to disturb her, understand?" She puts a hand on my shoulder and nods.

"He... Hello..." Fluttershy tells and looks at us with a certain feeling of distrust; we approach her and Rainbow reaches out.

"Nice to meet you Fluttershy; my name is Rainbow Dash. Leon has told me a lot about you." Fluttershy looks at her a little before returning the greeting; everything seems fine.

"Fluttershy, Granny Pie will stay with you tonight. Dash and I are going out today, but we´ll be back in the morning, okay?" Her eyes wide open and her expression seem so mature at this time.

"You have to leave me today?... I thought... you´ll stay..." She blushes and turns. Rainbow looks at me and is about to ask something. I shake my head to tell her not to do it.

"Come, I want to tell you something." I take her by the hand and lead her to the room; she sits on the bed and I do the same.

“Please... Don´t go..." She says in a sad tone. I tenderly embrace her.

"You know to what I'm going out, right?" She nods, "You're very clever, but you must understand that what I do is for you; is to protect you. Is for that we can both get on with our lives without having to worry; not to feel afraid that either can damage us. You are the most important thing I have, and don´t want anything to happen to you. "

She separates a little from me; her blue eyes shine like stars. I caress her face, her lips open a bit; they invite me to taste them, but I stop. She puts her arms around my neck.

"Leon... I..." stays quiet, "please, be careful. I don´t want to lose you too; I could not bear it."

I tell her that I will. She closes her eyes, lets me go and gets up to leave the room.

"Not the right time." I hear myself say.


It's almost ten and Rainbow drives the car, an awkward silence floats between the two of us.

"Do you like her?" Finally she breaks the silence.

"It's something I can´t deny, and also something that it is not correct. She only has been with me a month. She has suffered so much and I have tried to help her get over it..."

"You know Leon, is not only the fact that you have become her protector; in you she can see someone who will be able to defend her against everything. Also, I can tell she likes you; it might be good for you to define this and tell her."

"I don´t think it's appropriate, not with Sombra behind us. I want to end this; I don´t want be hiding anymore." I say rudely, she just looks at me and then the road again.

"Maybe you're right, but keep in mind that what you just start may not end well for either of you; you're not immortal, and you are in a very dangerous game. Your opponent is someone very cruel."

"Do you remember what my father said? Turn yourself in their twisted reflection; if Sombra wants to fight, he has messed with the wrong person."


The old clock played the tenth chime. Trixie was reading while Twilight finished talking to someone on the phone.

"Listen Garble, I don´t care if you have to turn the whole damn city. You better find them; otherwise, you will be who will pay the price, got it? Okay I'll be there in a few hours." Twilight hung up the phone and stared at the window; Trixie approached her.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Garble is preparing his forces to begin the search. Get ready, in a few hours we left to paradise; you know the kind of place it is, so take your precautions."

Trixie looked with some fear at Sparkle´s face. She slowly raised a hand to pose it on her partner's cheek, but before she made it; Twilight stopped her. She turned to face her. Trixie gulped, but was glad when Twilight allowed the caress. She ran her fingers near the patch covering Twilight´s eye, and she in turn; looked at her and stroked her hair tenderly. They both gave a smile each other and silence floated between the two for a moment.


The door swung open and Twilight and Trixie separated quickly. Two subjects wore someone from his arms screaming and struggling to try to escape. The large double door at the end of the room opened and Sombra came across it; in his hand was toying with a cane. The subjects forced the man to kneel, both Trixie and Twilight just kept silence.

"Please sir, the fault was not mine, it was just an accident."

"Shhhhh. Your pleads are useless." Sombras's deep voice only served to increase the fear in the poor fellow; he knew this would not end well. Sombra started walking around him. Trixie stood behind Twilight filled with fear.

"Get him up." Ordered Sombra. The two men took the scientist and stood him in front of his boss. Sombra approached him and pulled out a small flask from his pocket; its content had a strange blue fluorescent color. Twilight's face filled with shock and awe.

"He got it..." She whispered.

"You know what this is, isn´t it?" Sombra asked his victim; the scientist said nothing. "This is called nightmare virus. A drop is enough to make you suffer excruciating pain; you will wish to die. But, what will happen if I give you a complete capsule?... Well, let’s find it out."

Both women watched as Sombra raised the scientis

t´s head to show his neck. Then he took the flask and injected the entire solution on the poor guy; the reaction was immediate. The poor man began to scream and writhe in pain; his skin began to take on a yellowish color and in seconds remained inert on the carpet. Twilight didn´t know at what time she had turned around to don´t watch; she had in a hug to Trixie who was shaking with fear.

"Wasn´t that just beautiful? That was just a demonstration of the first phase of the virus; wait until it is finished. Take these out of here." Sombra said and his men did so; they left the room dragging the corpse.

"I feel so great tonight... Trixie... come here." Sombra said. She pressed her body closer to Twilight´s.

"Don´t show that you're afraid of him." Twilight whispered and Trixie looked at her. She smiled and let her go, to face Sombra.

"I... I'll take her place tonight..."

Twilight approached him. Sombra watch her a little surprised but said nothing. Almost like a teenager who wants something; she placed her arms around Sombra's neck and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He grabbed her by the hair and kissed her forcefully; Twilight blushed.

"Why this change of attitude Twilight?"

"I... I just want... to be with you... tonight." she replied. He kissed her neck and she let out a low moan.

"Okay Twilight, come with me." Sombra took her by the hand and both went into the room. Trixie was left in the dark, after a while she knelt on the floor and began to mourn.


The marquee glows like a torch, a sure sign that Valhalla is at the height of its nightlife. Dash looks at me strangely and I can´t help laughing at her expression.

"What? Don´t tell me you have never visited such a place?"

"What kind of friends do you have Leon? You are quite mysterious, has anyone told you that? "

"A couple of times maybe," I laugh. I approach the door of the establishment and the guard blocks my way.

"Name sir."

"Jake, I hope you're not still selling those weird things you bring from Hong Kong; or I will take you to the police." The guy is surprised and looks around like making sure no one listened, he moves to one side and removes the chain to let us pass.

The music is deafening. Taking Dash by her hand I tell her to don´t separate from me, she just looks all around not believing the kind of place where she is. Waitresses almost without clothes pass carrying drinks and other things to customers of the place. From the ceiling hangs cages where beautiful women dressed as angels and demons dance to music, and scattered throughout the place are sofas and beds of different shapes and colors where couples are entertained in their affairs.

"I feel at home, don´t you Dash?" I say and she hits me in the ribs; the pain makes me laugh. We walk up to the north where there is a red door in the form of a heart; two girls dressed in a seductive black dress are in front of it.

"Hi Flitter, Hi Cloudchaser, how are you?"

They look at me in confusion, but after a moment; they scream of excitement and throw themselves at me to hug and kiss me frantically.

"Leon, is been a long time since we saw you around here," says Flitter.

"We missed you sweetheart," says Cloud.

The beautiful sisters don´t stop filling me with caresses. "Aham, could we continue our mission Leon?" Dash says in a tone of total annoyance; they release me and I just laugh.

"Yeah... sure... Dash... sorry girls, I'm afraid that my visit is for a very different reason." They give me an AWWW! of disapproval, "we're actually here to talk to... well… you know."

"It's not fair Leon, you don´t come in so long," claims Cloud


"Right, and now, you tell us that you only come to see her? You are so mean," Flitter ends and the two put a cute pout on her faces.

"Don´t look at me that way, you know I can´t stand it. Let's do this, I promise that I'll buy a gift for you the next time I come, what do you think?"

They scream and accept my offer. They go to the door and open it for us; Dash not stops looking like at me as mother scolding her son for something bad.

"Goodbye Leon... we'll be waiting..." say the sisters in a seductive tone and throw me a wink and a kiss; I do the gesture of catch it. They close the door and despite the external noise, silence seizes the room.

"Do you want to explain me what was all that?" tells me Dash.

"Long story... maybe some other time," I tell her.

We walk up the stairs to enter a dark room. An applause is heard and the light behind a red curtain lights; the shadow of a woman of perfect curves is drawn through it. The woman seems to put a robe over her body and pulls a small rope to open the curtain while a soft light begin to illuminate the whole place. I swallow hard as I try to control my nerves. I´m not unfamiliar to this beautiful lady, quite the contrary; I know her perfectly.

Dash is behind me, "is she... who I think she is?" She whispers, I just confirm it with a nod. The curtain is fully opened and the light reveals the owner of such a magnificent silhouette.

"Hmmm... Leon ... what a pleasant surprise to see you again in my domains, you little naughty..." her voice is seductive to the point that anyone would melt just listening to her.

"He... hellow... Ra... Rarity ... ho... How have you been?"

She walks over to us. My nerves reach its peak when I have her in front of me, the gown she wears is made of white silk that transparent to the light and allows me admire her unimpeded. She smiles and grabs me in her arms to take me to her; the heat of her body receives me. Without notice kisses me on the lips.

"Hmmm… Leon you still taste delicious... why you had refused to come here, if you know that you are always treated well? "

"I was... not available... that's all... sorry about Smith..."

"Oh the poor Smith... will be remembered forever... but enough of sad thoughts my dear, I would like even more that we remembered other things I know you will like a lot." Rarity tells me while wearing his tongue in my ear; a shiver runs down my spine at such action.

"That will not be possible today... Big Mama..." Dash's voice is like a sharp knife.

"Leon... where are your manners? Why you didn´t told me you were bringing someone else? And look who it is, the same Commissioner Rainbow Dash... I see that those years of service have done wonders on you my dear... hmmm, I wonder how you would look covered in melted chocolate."

Dash´s eyes wide open and she back a little. Better I tell her why we´re here before we end on something that might not be so bad; Rarity is famous for getting everything she wants... in one or another way.

"Sweetie... this time it will have to stay in words, we are here for an entirely different reason." Her face takes an awesome serious look; she claps and the lights shine in all its intensity.

"Well... why are you here then?" her voice is now demanding.

"We need your help to get to the heart of paradise; there's someone there who I have to pay a personal visit," I say.

"So the rumors are true... now I know who is Sombra´s next victim."

"How the hell do you know about this?" Asks Dash.

"Did you forget who you're talking commissioner? These things are not left floating on the nothing without someone to listen them and initiate to spread them. Leon, you are in serious trouble; you and the girl you protect."

What Rarity says astounds me, "How... do you know...?"

"Fluttershy's mother and I were great friends. The day she was born, Discord and Celestia asked me to be her godmother; I accepted. When Celestia died, I tried to help Discord get over it; Fluttershy on the other hand, sank into depression. As if that were not enough, the incident of his kidnap and fall into a coma... poor girl; she has suffered enough. That fucking bastard, you can´t allow him to catch her again. Now I see that Discord chose well to leave her at your care."

Her voice is smooth again; Dash goes to her. "Then, what you say Big Mama... will you help us?"

"What surprises me is your presence, why are you here?"

"Leon is one of the people for whom I care most; I could not allow him to launch himself into the jaws of death without doing anything."

Rarity nods. "Well, if you are willing to enter into that realm of pure evil, I'll help you, on one condition." I feared this; she isn’t the kind of woman who gives you something without getting nothing in return.

"What do you intend to receive in return?"

"I don´t like your tone Leon, it seems you expect me to ask an eccentricity."

"Knowing your fame Big Mama, I expect no less. That´s what you have earned for driving the most famous bar in the city." Says Dash mockingly.

"I guess you're right commissioner, but though I wish to have you tied to my bed with nothing to hinder my vision; I think it will not happen." Rainbow cheeks are painted red.

"Stop playing Rarity, what do you want?"

"Agh, so boring Leon. Well, I just want you to let me visit Fluttershy; I have something for her that I have to give her personally."

Perhaps my common sense is failing, but for some reason; I believe her. She can be many things, but when she shows that side of her heart; you know you're in front of a great human being.

"Ok honey, I´ll let you visit her if all ends well, but please, don´t use anything eccentric. I don´t want you to scare her." I say with a giggle, she laughs and embrace me again.

"Always a gentleman. You can trust me my love. Now go, the road is long. I have to call someone. Goodbye sweetheart," Rarity tells Dash while she plants a firm spank on her rump, Dash screams in surprise.

"Rarity, one more thing... if something goes wrong... I..." her hand mutes my voice.

"Don´t say anything, you can be sure she will be fine, but please, return safely, both of you. I could not live knowing I send you to your death. I hope it's a great help what I'm going to do. Oh, and if you find that son of a bitch; remember to put a bullet in his body to my name."

I nod and turn around to look at Dash. She says it all with her eyes.

Author's Note:

It took me awhile, but here´s another one. Hope you like it.