• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 2: The Freakout! (NV)

Twilight let out a smile as she turn the last page of a book with her magic and then carefully closed it, "and finished, " she happily announced as set it on top of a stack of other books sitting on the table next to her, "and now with that one, I have completed my quota of studying for the day," and then her eyes settled on the little clock resting nearby and saw the time, "it's only ten past three? Huh, I thought it was later than that."

Twilight stood up and walked over to a nearby bookcase, "well then, I guess I can add a few more books to my reading today, maybe I can refresh on some of the books I already read," she said as she looked around for reading materials and start pulling out books with her magic, "oh joy, I don't usually have free time, because something will generally appears and interrupt me while I am in the middle of- "a series of rapid knocks on the front door interrupted her.

"Just like that," Twilight sighed as she pushed back a book that she was about to remove, back into the slot in the wall of books in the bookcase and levitated the other books she already took out over to the table and set them on it, and just as soon as she set them, another repetitions of knocks and this time with a sense of urgency.

"Oh for crying out loud," Twilight said to herself annoyed as she placed her hoof between her eyes to stop the rising headache, "sometimes the politeness in this town is just too much," she concluded as she removed her hoof from her face, "this is a library, so come on right in!" she yelled towards the door.

The front door quickly, but carefully swung opened and a nervous looking yellow Pegasus then walked inside the library. Fluttershy looked around in the foyer until she saw Twilight standing behind the table opening a book, she quickly fluttered over to her, "oh Twilight, I'm terribly sorry to bother you while you're studying, but I need your help please," she pleaded for assistance.

The panic in Fluttershy's voice caused Twilight to look up from her book and there she saw a terrified look on her friend's face, "what's wrong Fluttershy?" Twilight asked concerned that something terrible has happened to scare her friend so much.

"I've found two ponies in a clearing at the Whitetail Woods while making sure that the little critters there are alright, but then heard cries of anguish. I followed the sounds and found two seriously injured ponies that I have never seen before, so please I really need your help to get them to the hospital," Fluttershy quickly explained in one breath, "quickly now, because I fear that they may not have much time left, and I fear what will happen to them if help arrives to late," and with that she quickly ran out of the library in a hurry, leaving Twilight sitting there for a few seconds comprehending what Fluttershy told her what's bothering her.

"Hurry up Twilight," Fluttershy called out from outside the door, "we need to get them to the hospital." Twilight snapped out of her dazed state after she could basically hear the tears forming in her friend's pleas and quickly got up and followed her friend to the glade where two unknown ponies laid.


After Twilight and Fluttershy quickly rushed through Ponyville and towards the hospital and gathered as many doctors as they quickly could, Fluttershy lead the way to the clearing in the woods where she found them both, and there Twilight as well as the doctors saw the couple in the clearing just as Fluttershy said. A white pony and with a light brown one laying a few feet away, like a bunch of broken toys.

"Well what are you waiting for?" a unicorn doctor called out to a group of ponies in white attire of an emergency response team, "there are two ponies lives on the stake here so we don't have time to gawk like a bunch of pigeons, get them both to the Emergency Room stat," he ordered them and they quickly went into action and approached the two wounded ponies, carrying stretchers that they brought with them from the hospital in advance.

The response team quickly split into two groups and set the stretchers next to the wounded, the horns of unicorns in each group lit up in a soft glow as they carefully lifted the two ponies off from the ground and placed them into the stretchers, but as soon as they set the white pony into the stretcher, he let out of moan of pain.

This immediately brought the doctor over them, "are you trying to injure them some more?" he questioned the unicorns.

"But sir, all we was did was just set this one on his back," one of the unicorn stated as he pointed to the white pony.

"On his back?" the doctor repeated and then his pupils grew smaller as he suddenly looked at the white pony. His horn glowed and he carefully lifted the white pony's body a bit off of the ground and bent down and started examining the white pony's back, out of Fluttershy and Twilight view of sight, "oh sweet Celestia!" the doctor cried out as his magic suddenly cut out from shock and dropping the pony once more on to his back and getting another pain filled moan in response.

"Sorry about that kid," the doctor apologized to the pony and looked back at the response team, "alright forget the ER, get this one and possibly the other one as well if he's any indicator to their condition, straight to the Intensive-care Unit now!" he barked at them.

Luckily for the doctor, most of the response team members are pegasi ponies, so he quickly got the fastest fliers there, "alright get this one into the air and to the hospital this instant." Two of the pegasi quickly got behind and in front of the stretcher that the white pony is on and attached themselves to it. They quickly took off and flew back towards the hospital soon then followed by another pair of pegasi carrying the stretcher that is holding the light brown pony between them.

"Doctor what is it?" Twilight asked as she and Fluttershy ran close to the doctor when he and the remaining response team ran past her and Fluttershy. "Is something wrong? What happened?"

"Is there something wrong with those two ponies?" Fluttershy asked worried.

The doctor stopped in his tracks, causing Twilight and Fluttershy to do the same and looked back at them, "I'm sorry ladies, but the situation for those two has just escalated, so not to sound rude or anything, but I need you two to leave me alone so I can go and get to the hospital and get them some medical help," and with that he suddenly took off and caught up with team of ponies ahead.

"What are we going to do now Twilight," Fluttershy asked the purple unicorn.

"I don't know Fluttershy, but I'm getting a feeling here that we need to go to the hospital," Twilight said as she started walking towards the hospital with the timid Pegasus following behind her.


An hour later Twilight and Fluttershy stood in the room with the two seriously injured ponies that was just carried away earlier that day, but now all bandaged up and attached to machines giving off a beeping sound every few seconds, and IV stands slowly transferring medicine from the bag through the drip line and into the injured ponies attached to them on the other end, "nurse," Twilight called out not so loud to disturb the sleeping wounded, but loud enough to get attention from the hallway.

"Yes?" a white earth pony with pink mane and tail done in a tight bun with a nurse's hat placed on top of head asked as she walked into the room, "is there anything you need?"

"Yes there is Nurse Redheart," Twilight confirmed, "what happened to these two and what is the cause that got them those injures?" she asked worried for the unknown ponies in the hospital beds.

"Well when the pegasi response team brought them back here, they were immediately rushed straight to the ICU, and well... let's just say that they caused enough chaos here to bring back Discord," Nurse Redheart stated and then shuddered as she remembered the number of injuries on that day.

"It's that bad?" Fluttershy definitely worried now, "but they're doing just fine now, right?"

Nurse Redheart just shook her head and then spoke, "I'm afraid not, because you see this one..." she said as she pointed to the white pony, "...had suffered a great deal of damage; a couple of broken ribs, broken back legs, some head bleeding, and of course his broken wings, never have I seen a Pegasus completely break their wings like he did."

"Wait he's a Pegasus?" Twilight asked in disbelief as she looked at the now Pegasus pony in bed and saw a couple of bulges on each side of his body underneath the blanket; a tall tale sign of casted wings. So that's why the doctor suddenly freaked out after he examined him, Twilight thought as she examined as much as she can of the Pegasus facial features through the oxygen mask and bandages covering his head, with a few strands of silver hair poking through here and there.

"Oh my," Fluttershy worriedly said, concerned for the Pegasus well-being.

"Now as for her," the nurse continues as she pointed to the light brown pony in the other bed and there Twilight saw that she has a wrapped up horn in the middle of her forehead telling Twilight that she a unicorn like herself, "even though she isn't a Pegasus, her injuries are still extensive as his; multiple bone fractures throughout the body, internal bleeding, broken forelegs and a near complete break on her horn." At the mentions of the unicorn's near broken off horn, Twilight looked up at hers and shuddered at the thought of it broken off.

"What could have caused this for their horrible state?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Now that brings in our questions as well," Nurse Redheart replied, "because with way their injuries are, it looked like that they fell from the sky."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Twilight countered, "because if he's a Pegasus then couldn't he just flew them both to the ground safely?"

"Your guess is just as good as ours," Redheart confessed, "all we know is that we did our best to help them."

"Then they'll be okay then, right?" Twilight asked

"I don't know," Redheart confessed, "as I said we did the best we could do to help them, but they were in a pretty bad shape when they arrived," she then let out a sad-filled sigh and continue, "I'm afraid that their chances of survival are very slim and that they might not get to see another day, I'm sorry," with that last note, Nurse Redheart left the room as well as Twilight, Fluttershy and its' sleeping occupants.

Twilight stood there for a few seconds and then looked over to her friend and saw tears forming in her worried friend's eyes'. She felt tears of her own forming in her eyes as well when she looked over to the sleeping forms of the ponies in bed that had just seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Twilight felt a saddening, dreading feeling descend into her heart at the sight of them both, I wish there was something I can do to help them both, she sadly thought.

As soon as she finished that thought, a sudden warm feeling descend on her completely changing her sadness into that one of determination. "No!" Twilight called out, startling Fluttershy from the sudden outburst, "I'm not going to stand here and watch two lives pass away while I may have the power to do something," she declared as she stepped in between the beds of the two ponies.

Twilight closed her eyes and slightly concentrated on the spark of magic inside of her and felt it respond to her mind's touch, she then focused and extended the reach of her magic outwards over the two ponies until it covered them both in a pink blanket. She felt every break, fracture and bleeds as she increased her concentration and started to mend the injuries in the bodies of the two ponies.

A few minutes later, she finished mending and knitting the bones in their bodies while she stood there panting from exhaustion of healing magic, okay, I'm done with repairing their bodies now let's do the Pegasus' wings now. She turns her focus towards the casted Pegasus wings and started to knit, mend and repair the lightweight bone structure as best she could remember what Dash said about Pegasus' wings.

When the last bone in the Pegasus' wings finally knitted together, Twilight stood there panting from the exhaustion of the magical exertion she just pulled, but she isn't done yet. Okay done with the wings, now for this one's horn, she then turn her attention to the unicorn's horn and was startled and became worried from the large amounts of fractures she found in her horn.

Scared that the unicorn's horn is going to fall off any second, Twilight quickly and carefully started to mend and fuse the cracks and fractures together from the core of the horn to the surface. As soon as Twilight fused the last hairline crack in the horn, she was surprisingly met with a wave a magic that pushed back her own magic, nearly causing Twilight to black out from the sudden rush as she is already weak from the magic she used to repair their bodies.

What was that? Twilight questioned as she released mental hold her magic and the pink glow around her horn disappeared and was hit by a wave of fatigue, causing her to sway back and forth, Twilight then heard a couple gasps of surprise coming from behind her. She slowly turned around and there she saw a small group of doctors and nurses, including Nurse Redheart and doctor from earlier, standing behind Fluttershy with drop opened mouths.

Nurse Redheart was the first recover as she picked up her jaw, "I don't believe it," she said in disbelief as she walked past Fluttershy and started examining the patients that Twilight just healed by herself. After a quick examination she looked back at the other doctors, "aside from a few remaining bruises here and there, they're completely fine," she announces.

This shook the other doctor out of his stupor, "wait what?"

"Twilight here completely, well almost, healed all of their injuries," Nurse Redheart explained and then she looked over at the wobbly Twilight, "thanks to you, these two's chances of survival are now sure."

Twilight smiled at the good news and said, "Glad I can help," and with that she fell towards to the floor, causing a lot of the doctors to cry out in panic as they rush towards her, but when they got close they can hear the sounds of light snores coming from her; Twilight Sparkle had just fell asleep.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said as the sight of sleeping friend.

Standing in a corner and hiding in the shadows, is a large shadowy form, completely unaware to everypony in the room as the doctors walked towards the sleeping form of Twilight Sparkle the shadow just influenced, oh, I am going to get it from her, when she finds out about this, the hazy form grimly thought as it faded into the shadow.


Eric's POV

I felt the world around me slowly and the first thing I noticed was that I am in a soft bed with a major pounding headache for my bed mate. Ugh, what did I do last night? I thought as I opened my eyes and was immediately rewarded with lances of pain shooting through my head, causing me to quickly shut them, ow, okay note to self; don't do that again.

I opened my eyes slowly and tried to set up in the bed; but I couldn't. I looked down at my blanket covered body and saw a couple of belts running across my upper chest, stomach and legs; I'm being restrained. "Okay now what did I really do last night?" I said to myself as I saw the restraining belts, "and why does my back feel weird?" I added as I felt something wrong with my back, it's not uncomfortable, just odd.

Then I remember that mysterious cloaked figure; that was one heck of a weird dream.

I examined my surroundings and saw that I'm surrounded by curtains that they use in hospitals. I felt my heart skip a beat, as I realized that I was in the hospital, "hold on a sec; am I in the hospital? Was there an accident? Wait a minute, what happened to Brittney?" I asked to the air, worried as I started to struggle against the restraining belts, "and why am I being restrained here?"

"Ah, I knew I heard voices, "I stopped struggling against the restraining belts when a female voice spoke," that must mean that you're finally awake now," the voice acknowledged as I heard movement coming from behind the wall of curtains.

"Yes I am awake now, but what happened to me? What about my friend, is she okay? And what is up with these restraints?" I shot off questions to the voice behind the curtains.

"You and your friend were in an accident, and so both of you bodies were in critical condition and almost didn't make it as the results, but you both are fine now thanks to one of residents here in town and as for your friend, she is sleeping now. Now, the reason for the restraints is for more of your own protection than ours, because since both of your bodies were in critical conditions, so we weren't sure about both of your minds."

I let out a breath of relief when I heard Brittney is okay, "well that's good to know, well anyway as you can hear, I'm sound minded and not out of mind, so if you could… you know let me go please?" I asked.

"Sure thing, I'll be right there," the voice complied as I heard movement behind the curtains and the curtains started to pull back on their tracks.

"Thank you, I appreciate it…," I suddenly stopped in the middle of my sentence, for when the curtains fully parted back, they revealed a very familiar pony standing there, "Nurse Redheart?" I said in surprised appearance of the white pony from my favorite show.

Nurse Redheart looked at me confused when I said her name, "funny, I didn't tell you my name, how did you know?"

"Well… it's just that… um… that you are well-known from where I am from," I nervously said trying to keep my panic level down.

She continued to look at me confused for a moment then suddenly became happy, "huh, well thank you, I didn't know that other ponies know me, because I am still a nurse," she stated as I silently released my breath that I realized I was holding. She walked to my bed and started to undo the straps restraining me.

"So, what happened to us?" I asked her as the first belt was undone.

She explained what had happened to us as she undid the restraining belts, "so can you care to explain what caused you both to be in that condition you were found in?" she asked me.

"I don't really know, but can you answer something for me please, who's this resident that helped us," I asked her, having a clue on who might have helped us, "and how long have we been in the hospital?"

"Oh of course, it's Twilight Sparkle," Nurse Redheart confirmed my thoughts, "now you'll probably want to thank her for healing you both, although I am still puzzled on how she did it," she wondered out loud, "oh and you have been in here for a few days," she answered my final question as she finally undid the last belt running across my chest, "okay there, now to check on your friend."

I then watched a fiction character of a children show leave my curtained space and out of view; possibly to check on Brittney. Okay, what's going on here? I thought as I quickly removed the blanket and got up from the hospital bed, but as I moved away from the bed, I suddenly felt my balance shift and next thing I know, I face plant straight into the ground.

"Okay, now what's going on here?" I asked out loud as I pulled my face off the floor and looked at the rest of my body, and felt my heart skip several beats at what I saw. "Ah," I yelled out as I saw finally registries in my mind, for my body were that of a pony and there on my back were a pair of white wings.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I heard Nurse Redheart call out as she rushed back into my space and stopped when she found me on the floor. I saw a smile formed her face as I stared up at her from the ground, "I suspected this much after all you did went through a terrible accident, so I guess you'll need a little therapy to recuperate."

"No no it's okay," I opposed with a wave of my hand or hoof now, "just give me some time to get things all sorted out," I finished as I carefully scoot my back legs up so my rear end is up in the air, and then I folded my forelegs underneath me and pushing myself up. I wobbled and shook as I stood there on fours, not yet acquainted with my new center of balance.

"Your kind of wobbly aren't you?" the earth pony nurse commented, amused about my stance.

Before I make a respond back to her, we both heard a cry coming from the other side my curtain room and startling me and Nurse Redheart. "Where am I? What happened to me? And why am I strapped down to a bed?!"

I looked at Nurse Redheart and said, "Can I take this one if you don't mind?"

"Of course, seeing a familiar face will help her relax," she said in agreement, "now if you'll excuse me, I have other patients to take care of," and with that she left the room and leaving me alone with Brittney.

"Hey, whoever you are, I know you're there, so can you please answer me," I heard Brittney call out again. I shakily walked out of my curtained space and over to the entrance of Brittney's. I reached out with a hoof and wrapped it around the edge of the curtain and pulled it aside, and got a good look at Brittney… as well as her new looks, for there on the bed laid a light brown coated, tan mane unicorn, struggling against her restraining bonds of her own.

When the unicorn saw me, she stopped struggling against her bonds and gave me a wide eyed look and said with Brittney's voice, "a freaking pegasus, okay now I am really confused here. Wait a minute you look familiar," she gave me a good look and said shocked, "Star Streak is that you, but that is impossible you are a made up character because Eric made…," she trailed off realizing something, "wait, Eric is that you?" Brittney asked cautiously.

"Who else," I answered her and was responded back with her jaw dropping.

"What happen to you Eric? You look just like your OC Star Streak."

"I don't know, but I am not the only one."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, but as soon as I opened my mouth she interrupted me, "but first and will you please untie me from this bed please?" she emphasizes with another struggle against her bonds.

"Sure thing Brittney," I wobblingly walked over to her bed and grabbed one of the straps in my mouth and pulled releasing one of her restraints. I quickly undo the rest of her restraints, but as I was trying to get the taste of what ever material the straps are made of out of my mouth so I can warn her about her new looks, Brittney quickly got out of bed, and immediately fell flat on the floor.

"Ow, what is going on here?" Brittney asked me annoyed as she looked up at me from the floor.

I started laughing at the sight of her, because she still doesn't get it. She gave me an angry look that just caused me to laugh some more, after I calmed down I said, "Brittney you still don't get it, you're a pony too as well."

She gave me a look of disbelief at what I just said and started to examine herself and saw what I said is true, "oh freak."

"And it gets better."

"How can it get better?"

"You became your OC Arcana," I answered her and her eyes drawn upwards to the horn on her forehead.

"Oh double freak," she corrected herself and then she looked back at me, "wait a minute, what happened to us and why are we in the hospital?"

I explained what had happened to us from Nurse Redheart told me earlier, "so now what?" I asked her as soon as I finished explaining to her as she tried to get up onto her own hooves, but failed and slid back down onto the floor.

"Well I know what you can next," she said as she as attempted to stand up again, but was unsuccessful again, "you can tell me how to stand up already," she suggested in a frustrated tone.

"You've seen the movie Bambi, right?"

"Of course, it was my favorite movie when I was a kid, what does it… oh I get it now," a look of understanding formed on her face as she understood where I am going with this.

"Get on with it then Bambi," I teasingly laughed.

"Say that again, and I'll break those Pegasus wings of yours," she threatened me causing me to quickly stop laughing at her while she picked herself up Bambi style. After she finally picked herself up, she stood there wobblingly and shaking like I am, "okay, now that I am up and mobile, let's get out of here and try to figure how we got in Equestria," she said as she took a few hesitant steps forward, "oh and to avoid confusion from everypony here with our human names, let's use our pony names instead."

"Okay Arcana," I agreed.

As I was about to call for the nurse Britt- ah I mean Arcana spoke up, "Oh crap, I hope we are not in the Cupcakes reality," she shivered at the thought.

"I don't think so, so far I have been pretty normal and nice," I reassured her, "now, let's get out of this hospital, excuse me nurse..."

After getting Nurse Redheart to check us both out of the hospital, we learned that our medical bills have been paid by somepony that nopony seems to be able to remember the pony's features, not even the color of the pony's coat, but they got over their confusion and let us go. We left the hospital and wondered around Ponyville looking at the small town that we only have seen on T.V. with awed expressions on our faces as we pass through the market area filled with bustling background ponies from the show, "someone pinch me please, because I'm dreaming here," I requested, but as soon as I finished that request, I felt my hoof make contact with something and since I am still new on walking quadruped, my face soon met with the ground and igniting a flare of pain.

"Well it's not a pinch," I heard Brittney observed as lifted up my head from the dirt pathway, "but that should work just as well, so tell me does it feels like a dream?" she giggled at the sight of me on the ground.

"No it doesn't," I answered as I picked myself up and wiped the dirt off of my face and looked back Brittney, "jeez, it just felt like I just had two left feet for a moment there."

"Well technically you do," Brittney pointed out, "but instead of feet you have hooves."

I tried to remember on how they walked from the show, but all I got was a headache, "ugh, how do they walk on four legs here?" I asked frustrated, "Because I'm getting a headache here."

"It's actually not that hard Star," Brittney pointed out as she started walking around me with sudden ease than she was just hours ago, "the walking sequence for a pony is front left, back right, front right, back left and repeat."

"Show off," I said to her and got a laugh from her in response as we continue our way down the street, while I whispered the walking sequence, but then our stomachs started to rumbled out of hunger as the three days of being at the hospital starting to make itself known, we looked at each other, "so I guess we need to get something to eat now, huh."

"Let's try Sugarcube Corner then," Arcana said with the hint of excitement in her voice and I know why.

"Then why are we standing around here?" I rhetorically asked her. We made our way to the sweet shop, but as we made our way to the shop, I noticed that we both are getting a few weird glances in our direction, however I just ignored them and we both continue our way.

When we finally saw Sugarcube Corner right in front of us, we increased our pace and rushed towards and went inside. We saw a few ponies sitting here and there, so we quickly made towards the counter and there I saw one of those ring bells that calls for attention at hotels, I lifted my hoof and hit the bell making it ring.

All of a sudden there was pink blur, and then right in front of us is the famous fourth wall breaker; Pinkie Pie."Welcome to Sugarcube Corner," she greeted to us with her eyes close, "what can I do for- GASP," Pinkie gasped as she finally opens her eyes and saw us and then there was pink blur and Pinkie is gone.

"What the hay just happened?" I asked to Brittney in confusion. She just shrugged with the same confusion on her face as mine and we both stared back at the spot where Pinkie was just a minute ago, and there we saw increased our confusions, for there where was just a empty spot is now two pieces of cake on plates there with a note in front of them:

Here you go, enjoy and don't worry it's free.

We looked at each, shrugged in understanding that Pinkie is Pinkie. We grabbed our plates of cake in our mouths and carried them over to a nearby table and sat down at it, we set the plates on the table. We looked at each other and then to cake in front of us, "well cheers," Brittney said and we started eating our first meal in Equestria.

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