A New Point of View

by Cyber V

First published

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

A boy and girl recieves a mysterious message from an unknown sender as they were just enjoying life to the fullest, but as soon as they opened it, they both find themselves in a new reality that they thought was just a fantasy. What's happening to them? Is there a purpose for them being in this new world? Are there higher powers in motion here, playing with them behind the scenes?

Read to find out.

Also credit goes to GX98 for the awesome cover art.

Chapter 1: The Message (NV)

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Hello everyone, Cyber V here once again with a new story. I was originally going to write only one story for MLP: FiM, but thanks to the reviews and fans from my last story, you all gave me confidence to write another story. So now here it is. Oh, and before I forget...

I don't own any of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or any of its related franchise, except for my OC's.

Now enjoy the story.

End A/N

"Okay, let's see what we've got here... A Pegasus, with a white coat, silver mane and tail, blue eyes... Now what am I missing?" I leaned back on my chair, relaxing my fingers after feverishly typing out my OC's appearance.

A female voice piped up from me. "How about a name Eric?"

"Ghaaaaa!" I yelped in fright, tipping over in my chair and hitting the ground, causing pain to form on the back of my head. I looked up from the floor and saw my friend Brittney sitting on my bed, smirking at my reaction. I looked over at my window and saw it opened and letting in a cool breeze.

"Brittney, what do I always say about this? Knock on the window, and then come in." I said in annoyance, picking myself up off of the floor and rubbing the sore area on my head.

"Sorry Eric, I keep forgetting about that step," she snickered, "And I repeat myself; how about a name for your pony?"

"Yeah, sure, but what should I call him?" I asked her as I picked up my chair, righted it and sat back on it.

Brittney got up from my bed and walked up to my computer and read the description. "How about Star Streak?" she suggested, "because your pony reminds me of a shooting star."

I thought it over in my head and felt that it feels right. "Yeah, the name fits him really well," I alleged, nodding in agreement as I typed in my pony's name.

"Okay, now that your pony has now been named, can you help me with mine?" Brittney asked.

"Sure, pull up your pony's descriptions," I said, getting up from the chair and offered it to her.

Brittney took the offered seat and then pulls up her Email account and clicked on a link that read 'My Little Ponysona'. "Alright here it is." she announces when it fully opened, she then moves aside a bit and motions for me to come closer.

Peering at her descriptions, I read it out loud. "Okay, a unicorn, light brown coat, tan mane and tail, green eyes, hmm, how about…" I pondered it for a moment and then a name popped into my head. "... Arcana?"

"Where did you come up with a name like that?" Brittney questioned the suggested name.

"I don't know," I answered her, "maybe it has something to do with that fascination for magic and the supernatural of yours."

"Well I love it! Thanks Eric," she said, giving me a tight hug.

"You're welcome," I replied warmly, as she quickly pulled away from me, blushing.

Brittney typed in her pony's new name and then let out a sigh of content, "there done, but now I can't help but feel like we are still forgetting something about our ponies."

I was about to agree with her, but then a tune came from the computer stopped me; I just got a new message. Brittney made her way from the chair, as I motioned her to move. After I sat down and made my way to my inbox, I saw that it was an unknown message, "If this is another remake of Cupcakes, I swear I am going to track the author that started all of this and shove cupcakes down his throat. I was never able to look at cupcakes the same way again, because of that damn story..." I opened the message expecting an alert for a new story, but instead I found myself staring at a diagram made up with weird symbols and writing.

I stared at it for a while, trying to make out what I am seeing her, but all I felt was a headache forming, "hey Brittney," I said to her defeated, "you should have a look at this, because it seems like something right up your alley."

She craned over my shoulder for a look. After a few minutes intently scrutinizing it she finally spoke. "Well you're right when you said it is up my alley, because that diagram looks like a transmutation circle."

"A transmu-wha?"

She gave me a condescending look. "A transmutation circle is a diagram that releases, increases, or just about anything like of that sorts, as long you know the right formula to." I must have made a face because she sighed, exasperated. "Look it up later," She went back to examining the symbol. "Look here, this message looks like Latin. 'Magica veterem et antiquum mutare fato fatis, vita et inducam illos in terram pertinet qui magno auxilio indigebit'..."

"What in the world does that mean?" I asked as I look up to her.

"I don't know... But look, something's happening to the screen."

"Huh?" turning back to the screen, I saw that the computer screen is starting to flash in a white light, "oh great, that message must have had a virus in it!" panicky, I made a move to quickly delete the harmful message.

"Wait," Brittney called out as she quickly gripped my wrist, stopping me from deleting the odd message, "at least let me memorize the diagram first," she explained.

I struggled for a moment, desperate to protect the precious information on my computer, but then sigh and gave in. "Fine, but please hurry up," I complied as she let go of my wrist when I pulled my hand away from the keyboard.

She nodded in agreement and looked back at the diagram, "okay let's see here, the basic circular design, alchemical symbols placed in various key points. Hmm, I don't know why, but for some strange reason this transmutation circle seems very familiar, because I think I recognize this symbol here." She pointed at a symbol, her finger brushing against the screen.

As soon as her finger came into contact with the symbol there was a bright flash of white light all around us, "ah what's happened? What's going on?" Brittney cried out in alarm.

"I don't know, I can't see!" I responded, blinded by the light as well.

All of a sudden I felt my chair disappeared underneath me, causing me to fall backwards painfully on my back. I heard Brittney hit the floor besides me and then realized that she must have fallen forward when she wasn't no longer supported by me. Still blinded from that mysterious flash of light, I wearily picked myself off of the floor and, momentarily unbalanced, stood up straight.

Gradually my vision restored itself and what I saw made me scared, for Brittney and I aren't in my room anymore, but instead we are now in a large, white tile covered, room, "a little help here? I'm still blind here," I heard Brittney call out from the whiteness and shaking me out of my stupor.

"Oh right, sorry Brittney," I apologized as I bent down and helped her up on to her feet. She tilted back and forth as she regained her sense of balance in her blind state. After a few moments, Brittney's sight returned and she took in a gasp of surprise as she saw where we are now.

"What the...? Where are we Eric?" Brittney asked me as her question echoed off the walls of the empty white room.

"I don't know Brittney," I answered as I walked over to a random wall and put my hand on one of the tiles and immediately felt an oddly familiar, but yet alien, feeling resonating from them, "but whatever this place is, it's kind of creeping me out," I stated as I moved along the wall, feeling for anything that might be an exit.

"Well whatever this place is, I hope we can leave soon, because my parents are going to go ballistic if I get home late again," she worriedly said as she sat down on the tiled floor and rested her head in her hands.

I quickly searched the strange room for any signs exits or openings, but soon found out that there's no exit whatsoever. Defeated, I walked back to the center of the room and sat down next to Brittney. "Anything?" she asked as she looked over at me.

"Nope, not even a peephole," I confirmed my findings, and then a thought came to mind, "wait a minute Brittney, don't you have your cell phone?" I asked hopefully as I looked over to Brittney, "you can call for help."

"Sorry Eric, but my cell phone died earlier today, so I left it back home in the charger before I came over," she explained, shooting down my idea, "but don't you have your own phone though?"

"I'm not a cell phone kind of person, so I rarely have my phone on me."

"Great, just great, we could have just been kidnapped for all we know and we have no way to get help," Brittney annoyed about our current situation, "they could at least have the decency to feed us something."


Brittney and I sat there in the middle of the room for who knows how long, until a voice spoke up behind us startling me and Brittney, "I see that the spell has finally became activate after all of these years." Brittney and I quickly whirled around and saw a cloaked figure standing there, but I couldn't make out the figure's facial feature due to the hood he's wearing.

"Although I'm a bit disappointed with the results, because it only brought two of you," the cloaked figure added with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Who are you? What's going here? Where are we?" Brittney demanded as she got up from the floor, "and you better let us go or you'll be explaining to my parents on why I was late coming home," she threatened the mysterious person, or at least I think it is a person, I thoughtfully commented about the odd structure of his body as I stood up from the floor and stood next to Brittney.

"I'm sorry Miss Houston, but your questions will have to wait, because the time has come for them to return," the cloak figure stated, "and now I must apologize to you two for what I am going to do now, but please understand this is all necessary."

"Wait, hold on a sec, what are you going to do to us? Whose coming?" I rattled off questions of my own, however I didn't get an answer for them, instead he started to whisper underneath his breath and then raised his foot and stomped the floor. As soon as his foot hit the floor, the surrounding walls, ceiling and even the ground underneath our feet let off a flash of light and we were once again consumed in a bright light.

When the light completely covered me, I felt my body being squeezed and compressed like a compressor, as well as two things quickly forming themself painfully right between the shoulder blades of my back. I don't know what was happening to me or to Brittney, but whatever it is, it caused me to fall to the floor and to moan out of pain as I heard a thud as something fell to the floor next to me and then I heard Brittney letting out a same pain-filled moan as well, telling me that she must have just gone through the same process I went through moments ago.

"There, it is now done," I heard the person declared as the light in the room started to fade away and the bottom of his robe floated into my fading vision.

"Are you okay Brittney? Answer me please," I asked her, but all I got was another moan from her. I tried to move my head to see the condition what Brittney is in, but I found that I couldn't even move a muscle. "What did you just do to us? Tell us," I demanded answers from the strange individual that just might have possibly kidnapped us as I tried to pick myself off of the floor, but once again I couldn't move.

"Don't stress yourself Mr. Moore, you and Brittney are perfectly fine," he avoided my question, "I should now get you and your friend on your way."

"On our way? What do you mean by that?" Brittney asked, she must have listened on our conversation, "also why can't I move and why do I have a splinting headache," she complained of her current predicament.

"Alright enough, I am not going to go through with this again," the shrouded figure frustratingly called out, "I'm going to send you both now." I saw him raise his foot again and then slam it right in front of my face, which I was then met with another annoying flash of light to the face, blinding me again from it once more, "may we meet again young ones," he added and then started to mumble under his breath again.

Okay, I am getting sick of these lights shows and this guy, when I figure out what he did to me and Brittney, I'm gonna sock him, I angrily threatened as I blinked my eyes to get rid of the blindness from them, wait a minute, how does he know our names? But before I can ask him that, I felt the floor underneath me disappear and then replaced by a sense of weightlessness and rushing by winds.

I heard a scream coming from a little away to my left, which caused me to open my eyes and found that the blindness has finally now cleared, but then found out why I am getting the sense of weightlessness and as well as the large amounts of air passing by me; I'm several stories up in the air and the ground was rapidly approaching towards me. I let out a yell of fright of my own as I fell back to earth.

As I saw the ground coming towards me, I shut my eyes and braced myself to impact the hard ground below. All conscious thoughts quickly left my head and all of a sudden I felt myself being painfully jerked upwards, like I just released a parachute or something, which I nearly blacked out from the sudden pain, but that lasted only momentarily as I felt myself still falling. Not faster like before, but still fast nevertheless.

I must have landed into a tree instead of the ground, for I felt myself fall through a dense cover of leaves and then soon followed by getting hit from all sides as I smashed through branches, sometimes even bouncing off of them, like a pinball in a crazy pinball machine. As I felt my bones breaking as I am getting beaten around by tree limbs, I tried to force myself into a smaller target to lessen the chances of being hit more, but my body wouldn't respond and ended up falling through the tree like a rag doll.

After a few more seconds of myself getting whipped, whacked, and clothes lined by branches, I finally broke free from the tree cover and landed hard on my back on the merciless ground and was immediately replied back with sounds of something breaking, but I couldn't tell what I broke for a new fresh wave of pain met me, making me forget as it engulfed me completely.

I heard crashing sounds coming from the tree cover above and all of a sudden, something fell out of the tree and landed a few feet away from on my left. When the thing that fell out of the tree landed out of my vision, I heard a familiar moan coming from the area it landed. "Brittney," I tried to move so I can sit up, but pain stopped me in my tracks. I need to see if Brittney is alright, I thought as I willed myself to move.

I felt my body finally starting to respond to my commands and forced myself through the waves of pain as I tilt my head to my left, nearly blacking out from the pain. When I finally settled my blurred gaze on where Brittney landed, I only saw a light brown and tan-colored object moaning there instead of Brittney, "Brittney is that you?"

All I got was another moan in response.

Concerned for Brittney's wellbeing, I painfully turn my head back up towards the afternoon sky and took in a painful breath of air and yelled out desperately, "somebody help us! we need help here, is there anyone out there?" and then went into a coughing fit, which racked my body with pain with every cough made.

When the coughing fit ended, I took another pain-filled breath and repeat the same pleas of help from before and then received the same pain-filled coughing fit. I got over the fit and laid there in pain with my vision started to fade into darkness, but just as I felt the world around me fade away, I heard a startled gasp come from my right.

I weakly and slowly turn my head towards I heard the noise and there I saw in my failing sight, standing at the edge of the small glade that we have landed in; is a pink and yellow blur. "Please help us," I pleaded with the yellow blur saw it hesitantly take a few steps back away from us, "please help us..." I trailed off as the last thing I saw before the world faded into black was the yellow shadow running away, leaving me and Brittney alone in the small glade.


Alright I have completely rewritten this chapter and I have to say; it is WAY better than the first version, but that is just me, it's for you readers to decide which one is better, so tell me what you think about this new version.

Now I'll be working on revising the other earlier chapters as well as the next chapter for this story and my other one. So look for the NV (New Version) in the chapter title's for a new revision and sorry in advance if there are missing chapters, thank you for reading.

End A/N

Chapter 2: The Freakout! (NV)

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Twilight let out a smile as she turn the last page of a book with her magic and then carefully closed it, "and finished, " she happily announced as set it on top of a stack of other books sitting on the table next to her, "and now with that one, I have completed my quota of studying for the day," and then her eyes settled on the little clock resting nearby and saw the time, "it's only ten past three? Huh, I thought it was later than that."

Twilight stood up and walked over to a nearby bookcase, "well then, I guess I can add a few more books to my reading today, maybe I can refresh on some of the books I already read," she said as she looked around for reading materials and start pulling out books with her magic, "oh joy, I don't usually have free time, because something will generally appears and interrupt me while I am in the middle of- "a series of rapid knocks on the front door interrupted her.

"Just like that," Twilight sighed as she pushed back a book that she was about to remove, back into the slot in the wall of books in the bookcase and levitated the other books she already took out over to the table and set them on it, and just as soon as she set them, another repetitions of knocks and this time with a sense of urgency.

"Oh for crying out loud," Twilight said to herself annoyed as she placed her hoof between her eyes to stop the rising headache, "sometimes the politeness in this town is just too much," she concluded as she removed her hoof from her face, "this is a library, so come on right in!" she yelled towards the door.

The front door quickly, but carefully swung opened and a nervous looking yellow Pegasus then walked inside the library. Fluttershy looked around in the foyer until she saw Twilight standing behind the table opening a book, she quickly fluttered over to her, "oh Twilight, I'm terribly sorry to bother you while you're studying, but I need your help please," she pleaded for assistance.

The panic in Fluttershy's voice caused Twilight to look up from her book and there she saw a terrified look on her friend's face, "what's wrong Fluttershy?" Twilight asked concerned that something terrible has happened to scare her friend so much.

"I've found two ponies in a clearing at the Whitetail Woods while making sure that the little critters there are alright, but then heard cries of anguish. I followed the sounds and found two seriously injured ponies that I have never seen before, so please I really need your help to get them to the hospital," Fluttershy quickly explained in one breath, "quickly now, because I fear that they may not have much time left, and I fear what will happen to them if help arrives to late," and with that she quickly ran out of the library in a hurry, leaving Twilight sitting there for a few seconds comprehending what Fluttershy told her what's bothering her.

"Hurry up Twilight," Fluttershy called out from outside the door, "we need to get them to the hospital." Twilight snapped out of her dazed state after she could basically hear the tears forming in her friend's pleas and quickly got up and followed her friend to the glade where two unknown ponies laid.


After Twilight and Fluttershy quickly rushed through Ponyville and towards the hospital and gathered as many doctors as they quickly could, Fluttershy lead the way to the clearing in the woods where she found them both, and there Twilight as well as the doctors saw the couple in the clearing just as Fluttershy said. A white pony and with a light brown one laying a few feet away, like a bunch of broken toys.

"Well what are you waiting for?" a unicorn doctor called out to a group of ponies in white attire of an emergency response team, "there are two ponies lives on the stake here so we don't have time to gawk like a bunch of pigeons, get them both to the Emergency Room stat," he ordered them and they quickly went into action and approached the two wounded ponies, carrying stretchers that they brought with them from the hospital in advance.

The response team quickly split into two groups and set the stretchers next to the wounded, the horns of unicorns in each group lit up in a soft glow as they carefully lifted the two ponies off from the ground and placed them into the stretchers, but as soon as they set the white pony into the stretcher, he let out of moan of pain.

This immediately brought the doctor over them, "are you trying to injure them some more?" he questioned the unicorns.

"But sir, all we was did was just set this one on his back," one of the unicorn stated as he pointed to the white pony.

"On his back?" the doctor repeated and then his pupils grew smaller as he suddenly looked at the white pony. His horn glowed and he carefully lifted the white pony's body a bit off of the ground and bent down and started examining the white pony's back, out of Fluttershy and Twilight view of sight, "oh sweet Celestia!" the doctor cried out as his magic suddenly cut out from shock and dropping the pony once more on to his back and getting another pain filled moan in response.

"Sorry about that kid," the doctor apologized to the pony and looked back at the response team, "alright forget the ER, get this one and possibly the other one as well if he's any indicator to their condition, straight to the Intensive-care Unit now!" he barked at them.

Luckily for the doctor, most of the response team members are pegasi ponies, so he quickly got the fastest fliers there, "alright get this one into the air and to the hospital this instant." Two of the pegasi quickly got behind and in front of the stretcher that the white pony is on and attached themselves to it. They quickly took off and flew back towards the hospital soon then followed by another pair of pegasi carrying the stretcher that is holding the light brown pony between them.

"Doctor what is it?" Twilight asked as she and Fluttershy ran close to the doctor when he and the remaining response team ran past her and Fluttershy. "Is something wrong? What happened?"

"Is there something wrong with those two ponies?" Fluttershy asked worried.

The doctor stopped in his tracks, causing Twilight and Fluttershy to do the same and looked back at them, "I'm sorry ladies, but the situation for those two has just escalated, so not to sound rude or anything, but I need you two to leave me alone so I can go and get to the hospital and get them some medical help," and with that he suddenly took off and caught up with team of ponies ahead.

"What are we going to do now Twilight," Fluttershy asked the purple unicorn.

"I don't know Fluttershy, but I'm getting a feeling here that we need to go to the hospital," Twilight said as she started walking towards the hospital with the timid Pegasus following behind her.


An hour later Twilight and Fluttershy stood in the room with the two seriously injured ponies that was just carried away earlier that day, but now all bandaged up and attached to machines giving off a beeping sound every few seconds, and IV stands slowly transferring medicine from the bag through the drip line and into the injured ponies attached to them on the other end, "nurse," Twilight called out not so loud to disturb the sleeping wounded, but loud enough to get attention from the hallway.

"Yes?" a white earth pony with pink mane and tail done in a tight bun with a nurse's hat placed on top of head asked as she walked into the room, "is there anything you need?"

"Yes there is Nurse Redheart," Twilight confirmed, "what happened to these two and what is the cause that got them those injures?" she asked worried for the unknown ponies in the hospital beds.

"Well when the pegasi response team brought them back here, they were immediately rushed straight to the ICU, and well... let's just say that they caused enough chaos here to bring back Discord," Nurse Redheart stated and then shuddered as she remembered the number of injuries on that day.

"It's that bad?" Fluttershy definitely worried now, "but they're doing just fine now, right?"

Nurse Redheart just shook her head and then spoke, "I'm afraid not, because you see this one..." she said as she pointed to the white pony, "...had suffered a great deal of damage; a couple of broken ribs, broken back legs, some head bleeding, and of course his broken wings, never have I seen a Pegasus completely break their wings like he did."

"Wait he's a Pegasus?" Twilight asked in disbelief as she looked at the now Pegasus pony in bed and saw a couple of bulges on each side of his body underneath the blanket; a tall tale sign of casted wings. So that's why the doctor suddenly freaked out after he examined him, Twilight thought as she examined as much as she can of the Pegasus facial features through the oxygen mask and bandages covering his head, with a few strands of silver hair poking through here and there.

"Oh my," Fluttershy worriedly said, concerned for the Pegasus well-being.

"Now as for her," the nurse continues as she pointed to the light brown pony in the other bed and there Twilight saw that she has a wrapped up horn in the middle of her forehead telling Twilight that she a unicorn like herself, "even though she isn't a Pegasus, her injuries are still extensive as his; multiple bone fractures throughout the body, internal bleeding, broken forelegs and a near complete break on her horn." At the mentions of the unicorn's near broken off horn, Twilight looked up at hers and shuddered at the thought of it broken off.

"What could have caused this for their horrible state?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Now that brings in our questions as well," Nurse Redheart replied, "because with way their injuries are, it looked like that they fell from the sky."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Twilight countered, "because if he's a Pegasus then couldn't he just flew them both to the ground safely?"

"Your guess is just as good as ours," Redheart confessed, "all we know is that we did our best to help them."

"Then they'll be okay then, right?" Twilight asked

"I don't know," Redheart confessed, "as I said we did the best we could do to help them, but they were in a pretty bad shape when they arrived," she then let out a sad-filled sigh and continue, "I'm afraid that their chances of survival are very slim and that they might not get to see another day, I'm sorry," with that last note, Nurse Redheart left the room as well as Twilight, Fluttershy and its' sleeping occupants.

Twilight stood there for a few seconds and then looked over to her friend and saw tears forming in her worried friend's eyes'. She felt tears of her own forming in her eyes as well when she looked over to the sleeping forms of the ponies in bed that had just seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Twilight felt a saddening, dreading feeling descend into her heart at the sight of them both, I wish there was something I can do to help them both, she sadly thought.

As soon as she finished that thought, a sudden warm feeling descend on her completely changing her sadness into that one of determination. "No!" Twilight called out, startling Fluttershy from the sudden outburst, "I'm not going to stand here and watch two lives pass away while I may have the power to do something," she declared as she stepped in between the beds of the two ponies.

Twilight closed her eyes and slightly concentrated on the spark of magic inside of her and felt it respond to her mind's touch, she then focused and extended the reach of her magic outwards over the two ponies until it covered them both in a pink blanket. She felt every break, fracture and bleeds as she increased her concentration and started to mend the injuries in the bodies of the two ponies.

A few minutes later, she finished mending and knitting the bones in their bodies while she stood there panting from exhaustion of healing magic, okay, I'm done with repairing their bodies now let's do the Pegasus' wings now. She turns her focus towards the casted Pegasus wings and started to knit, mend and repair the lightweight bone structure as best she could remember what Dash said about Pegasus' wings.

When the last bone in the Pegasus' wings finally knitted together, Twilight stood there panting from the exhaustion of the magical exertion she just pulled, but she isn't done yet. Okay done with the wings, now for this one's horn, she then turn her attention to the unicorn's horn and was startled and became worried from the large amounts of fractures she found in her horn.

Scared that the unicorn's horn is going to fall off any second, Twilight quickly and carefully started to mend and fuse the cracks and fractures together from the core of the horn to the surface. As soon as Twilight fused the last hairline crack in the horn, she was surprisingly met with a wave a magic that pushed back her own magic, nearly causing Twilight to black out from the sudden rush as she is already weak from the magic she used to repair their bodies.

What was that? Twilight questioned as she released mental hold her magic and the pink glow around her horn disappeared and was hit by a wave of fatigue, causing her to sway back and forth, Twilight then heard a couple gasps of surprise coming from behind her. She slowly turned around and there she saw a small group of doctors and nurses, including Nurse Redheart and doctor from earlier, standing behind Fluttershy with drop opened mouths.

Nurse Redheart was the first recover as she picked up her jaw, "I don't believe it," she said in disbelief as she walked past Fluttershy and started examining the patients that Twilight just healed by herself. After a quick examination she looked back at the other doctors, "aside from a few remaining bruises here and there, they're completely fine," she announces.

This shook the other doctor out of his stupor, "wait what?"

"Twilight here completely, well almost, healed all of their injuries," Nurse Redheart explained and then she looked over at the wobbly Twilight, "thanks to you, these two's chances of survival are now sure."

Twilight smiled at the good news and said, "Glad I can help," and with that she fell towards to the floor, causing a lot of the doctors to cry out in panic as they rush towards her, but when they got close they can hear the sounds of light snores coming from her; Twilight Sparkle had just fell asleep.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said as the sight of sleeping friend.

Standing in a corner and hiding in the shadows, is a large shadowy form, completely unaware to everypony in the room as the doctors walked towards the sleeping form of Twilight Sparkle the shadow just influenced, oh, I am going to get it from her, when she finds out about this, the hazy form grimly thought as it faded into the shadow.


Eric's POV

I felt the world around me slowly and the first thing I noticed was that I am in a soft bed with a major pounding headache for my bed mate. Ugh, what did I do last night? I thought as I opened my eyes and was immediately rewarded with lances of pain shooting through my head, causing me to quickly shut them, ow, okay note to self; don't do that again.

I opened my eyes slowly and tried to set up in the bed; but I couldn't. I looked down at my blanket covered body and saw a couple of belts running across my upper chest, stomach and legs; I'm being restrained. "Okay now what did I really do last night?" I said to myself as I saw the restraining belts, "and why does my back feel weird?" I added as I felt something wrong with my back, it's not uncomfortable, just odd.

Then I remember that mysterious cloaked figure; that was one heck of a weird dream.

I examined my surroundings and saw that I'm surrounded by curtains that they use in hospitals. I felt my heart skip a beat, as I realized that I was in the hospital, "hold on a sec; am I in the hospital? Was there an accident? Wait a minute, what happened to Brittney?" I asked to the air, worried as I started to struggle against the restraining belts, "and why am I being restrained here?"

"Ah, I knew I heard voices, "I stopped struggling against the restraining belts when a female voice spoke," that must mean that you're finally awake now," the voice acknowledged as I heard movement coming from behind the wall of curtains.

"Yes I am awake now, but what happened to me? What about my friend, is she okay? And what is up with these restraints?" I shot off questions to the voice behind the curtains.

"You and your friend were in an accident, and so both of you bodies were in critical condition and almost didn't make it as the results, but you both are fine now thanks to one of residents here in town and as for your friend, she is sleeping now. Now, the reason for the restraints is for more of your own protection than ours, because since both of your bodies were in critical conditions, so we weren't sure about both of your minds."

I let out a breath of relief when I heard Brittney is okay, "well that's good to know, well anyway as you can hear, I'm sound minded and not out of mind, so if you could… you know let me go please?" I asked.

"Sure thing, I'll be right there," the voice complied as I heard movement behind the curtains and the curtains started to pull back on their tracks.

"Thank you, I appreciate it…," I suddenly stopped in the middle of my sentence, for when the curtains fully parted back, they revealed a very familiar pony standing there, "Nurse Redheart?" I said in surprised appearance of the white pony from my favorite show.

Nurse Redheart looked at me confused when I said her name, "funny, I didn't tell you my name, how did you know?"

"Well… it's just that… um… that you are well-known from where I am from," I nervously said trying to keep my panic level down.

She continued to look at me confused for a moment then suddenly became happy, "huh, well thank you, I didn't know that other ponies know me, because I am still a nurse," she stated as I silently released my breath that I realized I was holding. She walked to my bed and started to undo the straps restraining me.

"So, what happened to us?" I asked her as the first belt was undone.

She explained what had happened to us as she undid the restraining belts, "so can you care to explain what caused you both to be in that condition you were found in?" she asked me.

"I don't really know, but can you answer something for me please, who's this resident that helped us," I asked her, having a clue on who might have helped us, "and how long have we been in the hospital?"

"Oh of course, it's Twilight Sparkle," Nurse Redheart confirmed my thoughts, "now you'll probably want to thank her for healing you both, although I am still puzzled on how she did it," she wondered out loud, "oh and you have been in here for a few days," she answered my final question as she finally undid the last belt running across my chest, "okay there, now to check on your friend."

I then watched a fiction character of a children show leave my curtained space and out of view; possibly to check on Brittney. Okay, what's going on here? I thought as I quickly removed the blanket and got up from the hospital bed, but as I moved away from the bed, I suddenly felt my balance shift and next thing I know, I face plant straight into the ground.

"Okay, now what's going on here?" I asked out loud as I pulled my face off the floor and looked at the rest of my body, and felt my heart skip several beats at what I saw. "Ah," I yelled out as I saw finally registries in my mind, for my body were that of a pony and there on my back were a pair of white wings.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I heard Nurse Redheart call out as she rushed back into my space and stopped when she found me on the floor. I saw a smile formed her face as I stared up at her from the ground, "I suspected this much after all you did went through a terrible accident, so I guess you'll need a little therapy to recuperate."

"No no it's okay," I opposed with a wave of my hand or hoof now, "just give me some time to get things all sorted out," I finished as I carefully scoot my back legs up so my rear end is up in the air, and then I folded my forelegs underneath me and pushing myself up. I wobbled and shook as I stood there on fours, not yet acquainted with my new center of balance.

"Your kind of wobbly aren't you?" the earth pony nurse commented, amused about my stance.

Before I make a respond back to her, we both heard a cry coming from the other side my curtain room and startling me and Nurse Redheart. "Where am I? What happened to me? And why am I strapped down to a bed?!"

I looked at Nurse Redheart and said, "Can I take this one if you don't mind?"

"Of course, seeing a familiar face will help her relax," she said in agreement, "now if you'll excuse me, I have other patients to take care of," and with that she left the room and leaving me alone with Brittney.

"Hey, whoever you are, I know you're there, so can you please answer me," I heard Brittney call out again. I shakily walked out of my curtained space and over to the entrance of Brittney's. I reached out with a hoof and wrapped it around the edge of the curtain and pulled it aside, and got a good look at Brittney… as well as her new looks, for there on the bed laid a light brown coated, tan mane unicorn, struggling against her restraining bonds of her own.

When the unicorn saw me, she stopped struggling against her bonds and gave me a wide eyed look and said with Brittney's voice, "a freaking pegasus, okay now I am really confused here. Wait a minute you look familiar," she gave me a good look and said shocked, "Star Streak is that you, but that is impossible you are a made up character because Eric made…," she trailed off realizing something, "wait, Eric is that you?" Brittney asked cautiously.

"Who else," I answered her and was responded back with her jaw dropping.

"What happen to you Eric? You look just like your OC Star Streak."

"I don't know, but I am not the only one."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, but as soon as I opened my mouth she interrupted me, "but first and will you please untie me from this bed please?" she emphasizes with another struggle against her bonds.

"Sure thing Brittney," I wobblingly walked over to her bed and grabbed one of the straps in my mouth and pulled releasing one of her restraints. I quickly undo the rest of her restraints, but as I was trying to get the taste of what ever material the straps are made of out of my mouth so I can warn her about her new looks, Brittney quickly got out of bed, and immediately fell flat on the floor.

"Ow, what is going on here?" Brittney asked me annoyed as she looked up at me from the floor.

I started laughing at the sight of her, because she still doesn't get it. She gave me an angry look that just caused me to laugh some more, after I calmed down I said, "Brittney you still don't get it, you're a pony too as well."

She gave me a look of disbelief at what I just said and started to examine herself and saw what I said is true, "oh freak."

"And it gets better."

"How can it get better?"

"You became your OC Arcana," I answered her and her eyes drawn upwards to the horn on her forehead.

"Oh double freak," she corrected herself and then she looked back at me, "wait a minute, what happened to us and why are we in the hospital?"

I explained what had happened to us from Nurse Redheart told me earlier, "so now what?" I asked her as soon as I finished explaining to her as she tried to get up onto her own hooves, but failed and slid back down onto the floor.

"Well I know what you can next," she said as she as attempted to stand up again, but was unsuccessful again, "you can tell me how to stand up already," she suggested in a frustrated tone.

"You've seen the movie Bambi, right?"

"Of course, it was my favorite movie when I was a kid, what does it… oh I get it now," a look of understanding formed on her face as she understood where I am going with this.

"Get on with it then Bambi," I teasingly laughed.

"Say that again, and I'll break those Pegasus wings of yours," she threatened me causing me to quickly stop laughing at her while she picked herself up Bambi style. After she finally picked herself up, she stood there wobblingly and shaking like I am, "okay, now that I am up and mobile, let's get out of here and try to figure how we got in Equestria," she said as she took a few hesitant steps forward, "oh and to avoid confusion from everypony here with our human names, let's use our pony names instead."

"Okay Arcana," I agreed.

As I was about to call for the nurse Britt- ah I mean Arcana spoke up, "Oh crap, I hope we are not in the Cupcakes reality," she shivered at the thought.

"I don't think so, so far I have been pretty normal and nice," I reassured her, "now, let's get out of this hospital, excuse me nurse..."

After getting Nurse Redheart to check us both out of the hospital, we learned that our medical bills have been paid by somepony that nopony seems to be able to remember the pony's features, not even the color of the pony's coat, but they got over their confusion and let us go. We left the hospital and wondered around Ponyville looking at the small town that we only have seen on T.V. with awed expressions on our faces as we pass through the market area filled with bustling background ponies from the show, "someone pinch me please, because I'm dreaming here," I requested, but as soon as I finished that request, I felt my hoof make contact with something and since I am still new on walking quadruped, my face soon met with the ground and igniting a flare of pain.

"Well it's not a pinch," I heard Brittney observed as lifted up my head from the dirt pathway, "but that should work just as well, so tell me does it feels like a dream?" she giggled at the sight of me on the ground.

"No it doesn't," I answered as I picked myself up and wiped the dirt off of my face and looked back Brittney, "jeez, it just felt like I just had two left feet for a moment there."

"Well technically you do," Brittney pointed out, "but instead of feet you have hooves."

I tried to remember on how they walked from the show, but all I got was a headache, "ugh, how do they walk on four legs here?" I asked frustrated, "Because I'm getting a headache here."

"It's actually not that hard Star," Brittney pointed out as she started walking around me with sudden ease than she was just hours ago, "the walking sequence for a pony is front left, back right, front right, back left and repeat."

"Show off," I said to her and got a laugh from her in response as we continue our way down the street, while I whispered the walking sequence, but then our stomachs started to rumbled out of hunger as the three days of being at the hospital starting to make itself known, we looked at each other, "so I guess we need to get something to eat now, huh."

"Let's try Sugarcube Corner then," Arcana said with the hint of excitement in her voice and I know why.

"Then why are we standing around here?" I rhetorically asked her. We made our way to the sweet shop, but as we made our way to the shop, I noticed that we both are getting a few weird glances in our direction, however I just ignored them and we both continue our way.

When we finally saw Sugarcube Corner right in front of us, we increased our pace and rushed towards and went inside. We saw a few ponies sitting here and there, so we quickly made towards the counter and there I saw one of those ring bells that calls for attention at hotels, I lifted my hoof and hit the bell making it ring.

All of a sudden there was pink blur, and then right in front of us is the famous fourth wall breaker; Pinkie Pie."Welcome to Sugarcube Corner," she greeted to us with her eyes close, "what can I do for- GASP," Pinkie gasped as she finally opens her eyes and saw us and then there was pink blur and Pinkie is gone.

"What the hay just happened?" I asked to Brittney in confusion. She just shrugged with the same confusion on her face as mine and we both stared back at the spot where Pinkie was just a minute ago, and there we saw increased our confusions, for there where was just a empty spot is now two pieces of cake on plates there with a note in front of them:

Here you go, enjoy and don't worry it's free.

We looked at each, shrugged in understanding that Pinkie is Pinkie. We grabbed our plates of cake in our mouths and carried them over to a nearby table and sat down at it, we set the plates on the table. We looked at each other and then to cake in front of us, "well cheers," Brittney said and we started eating our first meal in Equestria.

Chapter 3: A Party then Q & A

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Star's POV

Our first meal in Equestria was sweet and delicious. The pieces of cake was sweet and moist, just perfect.

We returned our plates back to the counter, and left Sugarcube Corner.

"So what happened with Pinkie back there?" I asked Arcana.

"I don't know, Pinkie being Pinkie," she answered, "but at least we’re not in the Cupcake reality."

"Whew, am I glad about that," I said happily, "so should we go to Twilight's to thank her for saving us?"

"Yeah let's do that, what kind of peo-ah I mean ponies would we be if we don't?."

"Then let's go," I said walking towards the direction I thought it was in.

"Hey Star Streak," I looked back at her and saw her pointing in the other direction, "It's in that direction."

I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw the familiar tree that was Twilight's home.

"Oh yeah." I said in embarrassment.

We got to the libraries front door and stood there.

"So, should we just go in or knock first?" Arcana asked looking at me.

"I'll knock," I answered her, I knocked on the door with my hoof, after I finished knocking, a yell come from inside saying, "OH FOR THE LOVE OF… IT'S A LIBRARY JUST COME RIGHT ON IN."

"And I'll just go in." Arcana said giggling at her own joke, I couldn't help but smile at that.

As we entered, we found ourselves staring at the amount of books in the room alone.

We heard Twilight's voice started speaking from a set of stairs off to the side, "So, what can I help you with…" trailing off as she came down the stairs and saw us.

"What is up with ponies being unable to finish their sentences today?" I asked with a grin.

My question snapped Twilight out of her shock and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm surprised to see you two up and about already."

"Well, yeah, because of the help you gave us. The nurse told us what happened and we were so very grateful, we came here to say thank you personally," Arcana said gratefully.

"Well you are very welcome, I’m just happy to see you’re both okay."

As Twilight said that, there was a series of quick knocks on the door, "Why does everypony here knock on the door when they know this is a public library," Twilight said, clearly annoyed seeing as she put a lot of emphasis on the word public.

"I'll get it for you Twilight," I said as I walked to the door.

I opened the door with a “Yes?” but the word quickly died in my throat when I found myself looking at the opening of a cannon in the doorway. Something was said behind the cannon, but I never heard because I quickly yelled out, "TAKE COVER!!!!" as I dove to the ground covering my head with my forelegs, scared.

There was a loud explosion. I heard screaming and then I felt something start to rain down on me. I took my forelegs away from my head and saw that the room had somehow been covered with streamers, confetti, and party favors. In the middle of the room Twilight stood there looking really annoyed about the room's condition.

"PINKIE, what did I say about using that cannon in the library?"

I looked back at the front door and saw Pinkie leaning against the cannon. She replied happily, "You said to not use my cannon in the library, because I might ruin some of the books, and it makes a big mess, but Twilight there are two new ponies here in Ponyville and I wanted to give them a big welcome party, but I only have enough time to do the invites, so I got my party cannon to do the decorations."

"Well be careful where you decide to shoot that thing, you nearly hit one of them and they just got out of the hospital."

"It's okay Twilight, there was no harm meant in what she was doing, and I'm fine see," I said to Twilight as I got up from the floor and shook the confetti off of myself.

Pinkie's mane deflated, her coat turning a little darker and she somehow managed to pull off the foal eyes.

"Okay then Pinkie you can have your party here," said Twilight, defeated, "but how did you know they would be here?"

"I read the beginning of the chapter," said Pinkie cryptically, her hair poofing back to her normal style and her coat turning back to bright pink.

We stared at her in confusion, but it didn't last.

"Oh and thanks for the cakes, we were both hungry."

"Well duh, why else would you come to Sugarcube Corner, besides making me go GASP. Besides, I give a free piece of cake to those who are new to Ponyville. Now come on, everypony, let's PARTY," said Pinkie. The rest of Twilight's friends came in a few moments later, and after some greetings and thanks, and somehow a cake was made, we all enjoyed the welcome party.

After the party calmed down greatly, Twilight and her friends wanted to know more about us, other than the accident.

"So, what are your names?" Rarity asked us, "’Cause you’re kind of cute," she said towards me.

"Well I'm Star Streak," I answered my part of her question and feeling myself blushing.

"And mine is Arcana," Arcana answering her part.

"Are you sure you two are okay?" Fluttershy asked shyly, "Because you both were in pretty bad shape when I found you."

"So it was you that I asked for help," I said, surprised, "Thank you, without you, there might have been a funeral and not a party today. Oh, and yes, we are fine Fluttershy."

"What was the deal with that accident?" Applejack asked.

"We're not entirely sure about that other than the whole falling out of the sky thing," Arcana replied.

"Where are you two from?" Twilight asked.

Arcana and I stared at each other nervously, "Well, you see, we’re not exactly from around these parts," I replied to her.

"Then are you from Manehattan?" Twilight asked.


"New Yoke?"










"Cloudsdale," she said looking to me.


"Then where are you from?" Rainbow Dash asked getting annoyed with all the no's to all the questions.

"Well we're not sure where our home is." Arcana said.

"We'll get back to that question," said Twilight stopping Dash from doing something reckless that she might regret.

"I have a question," asked Pinkie, who had her hoof raised like a child in school.

"OKay then, fire away."

"How come neither of you have your cutie marks?" Pinkie asked.

I felt my eyes go wide and checked my flank, and I saw Arcana doing the same as I looked towards my flank and sure enough, we both have blank flanks.

I face hooved in stupidity for forgetting the cutie mark when I was making Star Streak.

"Well you see... that is we, um…," I said, feeling my mind go blank trying to make an excuse.

"Never found out what our talents are," Arcana said finishing my sentence.

"Well thats a bit odd, but we never let problems like that get in the way when making new friends," Pinkie said happily.

"Well it's getting dark, I think we should all get home and get some sleep," Twilight said with a yawn.

"Uhm... not to impose or anything, but where are Arcana and I going to sleep?" I asked everypony.

"Well you both can sleep here," said Twilight, "I have a couple of extra rooms."

"Once again Twilight, thank you for helping us," I said to her.

Everypony said goodnight and left. Twilight led us to our rooms, we said goodnight to her and went in.

Twilight's POV

After Star Streak and Arcana said goodnight and went to bed, I went to my bedroom and started a letter for the princess.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have met two new ponies today (a mare and a stallion) and made friends with them, but there are a few things about them that I can't get out of my head. For one, they don't know where their home is, and second is that they both don't have their cutie marks, and they seem to be out of place here, but I think that might just be me. Well I am just informing you about these two new ponies, for I might speak of them later.

Sincerely your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

I sealed the letter and gave it to Owlowiscious as Spike was in Canterlot doing a few errands for me. Owlowiscious flew out of the open window and disappeared into the night sky.

I closed the window and went to bed thinking what the Princess might reply back with.


Please read and review I need to know if there is anything that I can do better.

End A/N

Chapter 4: Lessons and Pinkie Senses

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Hello everypony I don't have much say except, on with the story.

End A/N

Chapter 4

As I woke up a thought came to my mind, wow, yesterday was great, I can't wait to see what today has in store for me. I got out of bed and opened my bedroom door and noticed that the door to Arcana's room was slightly ajar.

I peeked in and saw that the room was empty, now where did she go? I thought as I stood there, wondering where she went, when another thought came to my mind.

I walked downstairs and sure enough, I saw her there in the middle of a pile of books, reading them with a serious expression on her face.

"What are doing up this early? "I asked her as I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes, "and Twilight is going to throw a fit when she sees this mess."

"Well, you remember my hobby with anything that has to do with magic and other things?"

"Of course I remember, "I said, remembering all the time she spent in the library back at home, reading and checking out books from magic tricks to myths on magic.

"Well since I’m a unicorn and don't know any magic, it will seem odd for a unicorn that can't do magic, and we’ll stick out like a sore thumb."

"I didn't think about that, "I said, "and what do you mean we?"

"Well, it’ll really look odd for a pegasus that can't fly, we’ll surely be caught."

"Oh crap, you're right, I don't know anything about flying and I can't ask Dash or Fluttershy, that will look weird."

"Well then, I think you should start practicing," she said as she turned her attention back to the book she was reading.

"What about you?"

"I have been reading this spell book called Modern Spellcasting, though I don't know why it was in the classics, well anyway, I think I got the levitation spell down, wanna see?"

"Sure, "I said feeling really excited to see real magic.

"Okay, here goes, "she closed her eyes, and saw her horn develop a white glow. It surrounded a book lying on the ground next to her. As it floated about to five inches in the air I felt my mouth drop as I saw it float, and then Arcana gave a gasp as she couldn't hold it any longer.

It fell to the ground with a thump, she looked back to me and said in a tired voice, "Well, what do you think?"

"I say, keep it up, and you’ll be doing serious magic in no time," I said, giving her confidence, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to practice to fly,” I said as I left Twilight's home.

I found myself a field outside of Ponyville where I can practice to fly.

It was still early morning, so there weren't many ponies out right now as I made my way out of Ponyville.

I stood in the field thinking how to fly. I started with a flap of my wings, but soon found myself sliding on the grass as I dragged myself across it.

Okay time to come up with a new approach, I thought as I got up from the ground.

I looked up in the air and thought about how birds fly. I flapped my wings, and found myself high in the air. I forgot to flap my wings again, and fell straight to the ground.

Maybe I am giving this to much thought, I thought as I picked myself off the ground once again.

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I immediately noticed that there was a breeze. I gave my wings a light flap and felt myself being lifted into the air. I kept up the light flapping making me stay in the air.

Okay now I need to work on going forward and steering, but I never got to that, for I heard a voice saying, "Hello mister."

I felt myself lost control and fell to the ground with an oomph.

"Are you okay mister? "asked a voice in front of me. I lifted my head and saw a orange filly pegasus with purple mane and tail.

"Yeah, I'm okay, "I said picking myself up from the ground, again.

"The name's Scootaloo, what yours?"

Oh no, one of the CMC. "My name is Star Streak," I said calmly, as I started heading towards Ponyville.

"Hey mister I have a question? "Scootaloo asked, walking besides me.

"What is it?"

"How come you don't have your cutie mark? "she asked, confused, sticking out her little wing at my flank.

"Well you see... I haven't um... found my talent yet, "I said started to walk faster towards town.

"Then maybe CMC can help you find yours, then maybe it'll earn our cutie marks too," Scootaloo said happily.

"Well that is nice of you, but I got to go, I am late for a meeting with somepony, maybe later okay?" I said as I ran faster to town.

I left the the little filly in the field looking sad. After I made it back to Twilight's, I immediately felt guilty about leaving Scootaloo, but I don't want Arcana and mine’s cover blown. I walked in and found Twilight and Arcana in a middle of a huge mess of reading books.

"What the hay happened in here? I was gone for an hour and there’s hardly any place to walk through," I said, surprised and with my mouth hanging open.

Arcana looked up at me and said, "Well sorry, but this isn't your library, it’s Twilight's, and don't worry Spike will clean it up, in fact he should be here any moment now. "

As if on cue the door opened again and Spike walked in. When he walked in and saw the mess he said, "What the hay happened in here? I was gone for three days and there’s hardly any place to walk through. "

"Sorry Spike, but I was having a great time here with Arcana," Twilight said with a smile, "I didn't know that Arcana is as into studying magic as I am. Oh and these two are staying with us Spike. "

Spike just slapped his face and said, "Great now I have two Twilights to clean up after around here."

We all started to laugh at that. After we finished laughing and proper greetings and promises to help keep the library clean were made, Spike started to make breakfast for all of us.

We all gathered in the kitchen and saw what was for breakfast. Breakfast was a bowl of fruit, sunflower and daisy sandwich for each of us ponies, and of course a bowl of rubies for Spike.

After I finished eating the fruit, I looked at my sandwich and wondered if I was able to digest it. I took a glance at Arcana and saw that she was looking at her sandwich with the same hesitance as me.

Arcana looked at me and gave me a look saying here goes nothing. She levitated the sandwich to her mouth and took a bite out of it, she is really getting better at this whole magic thing. She slowly chewed and swallowed, after that I noticed a gleam in her eyes and she started to eat the sandwich without any more hesitation..

Well if she could do it then I can do it too, I thought. I stared at my sandwich and a worrying thought entered my head, ah crap I don't have hands anymore, how in the world am I going to eat this, I just continued to stare at the meal before me thinking of possible ways to eat it.

Ah screw it, I am just over thinking this, I reached my fore hooves out, and grabbed it in my hooves, whoa! How did I do that?

I stared in surprise, maybe all ponies here have some kind of magnets in their hooves, I took a bite out of the sandwich and chewed.

I don't know if it because I was a pony, but it was delicious. I quickly finished the sandwich and said thanks to Spike.

A moment later Pinkie Pie flew right through the open kitchen window, and landed on the table with a thud.

"Pinkie what did I say about doing that!" Twilight said in fright.

"Sorry Twilight, but my Pinkie Sense is going off like crazy, "she said, and at that moment she started to shudder.

Twilight's eyes went wide when she saw Pinkie shudder, now what does that mean again? I thought remembering the Pinkie Sense episode, let see, a twitchy tail means something is going to fall, an itchy nose means that swarm of angry bees are coming, a pinchy ankle, something scary is going to happen, then I remembered what a shudder means.

But Twilight beat me to it, "Oh no, what's the doozy this time? "Twilight asked worried.

At that moment a smell came right in through the window, "What is that smell?" Arcana said, coughing and gagging.

Twilight sniffed and started to cough, too. After she stopped coughing she said, "Oh no, I think I know what the doozy is."

With that she quickly left the kitchen. After a few seconds we followed her out of her home.


Hello everypony I don't have to much so, so thank you for reading this story, oh and chapter 5 will soon be updated, so please Read and Review, so for now, goodbye.

End A/N

Chapter 5: Hydras, and Cutie Marks

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Chapter 5

We all ran to the square and saw in the distance a creature I’ve only ever seen once.

"Is that a hydra?" I asked, scared when I saw it.

"Yes it is, but why is it here and not at Froggy Bottom Bog?" Twilight said answering my question.

"I don't know, but I think that Rainbow Dash is flying around up there," Arcana said, pointing at the hydra. I looked where she was pointing and sure enough, I saw a rainbow going in circles around the hydras four heads.

"We’ve got to get it back to the bog," I said as I started to run towards the hydra.

"I'm right behind you," said Arcana.

"Me too," Twilight said as they started running towards the hydra.

I must have been not thinking about it that much, for when I was running, I felt the ground underneath me go by really fast, and the next thing I knew, I was above the homes of other ponies.

I looked down and saw that I was flying, and I was going fast.

I quickly came upon the hydra and saw Dash weaving in and out of the hydra's neck and heads. I stopped and hovered there and yelled, "Hey Dash, need some help?"

Dash heard me zipped up to me and said, "Like yeah, we need to make it want to come and follow one of us to the bog. "

I nodded in agreement, she flew right back at the hydra and I soon followed her.

Okay we need a really big distraction for the hydra to came at us, I thought and then I heard a voice calling out, "Look out."

I looked down and saw Twilight and Arcana below with their horns glowing. I quickly got away from the hydra, as did Dash. There was a noise like something being sucked down.

I looked back at the hydra and saw that it's legs were in the ground to its stomach, and apparently the hydra didn't like that, for it let out a huge roar and started to pull itself out of the ground.

I flew down to Twilight and Arcana when they motioned Dash and me to come down. We quickly got down and Twilight said, "We need you two to distract it long enough so we can put the hydra to sleep with a knockout spell."

"Got it," both Dash and I said together. We both took off and started to fly around the hydra’s head. There were a few close calls as the hydra's mouth nearly snapped on me. I quickly pulled back, going in for another fly in.

As I was flying, about to fly towards the hydra's heads, I heard a young filly's voice crying out, "HELP ME! HELP ME!“ on the ground trying to get away from the hydra as it is was about to walk on her.

I quickly changed my flight path towards the filly, I need to go faster, I thought as one of the heads noticed the filly, faster, I felt myself going faster, as the hydra was above the filly ready to strike, faster, my speed increasing, FASTER, I screamed in my head as I came near the filly and the hydra.

I got to the filly first and scooped her up in my arms and there was a flash of light that surrounded me and the filly, when the light disappeared I found myself flying behind the hydra, looking back I saw the hydra shaking its head, as if they were blinded, I landed and the filly said, "You’re my hero!"

"Thank you, now get to safety young one," I said to the little filly. She ran for cover.

How the hay did I just do that? I thought as I took off and turned back towards the hydra.

On the ground, I saw Twilight and Arcana, each of them on a different side of the hydra, with their horns glowing, but I saw a faint white circle around Arcana.

What the hay is that? I questioned as I flew down to Arcana. As I got near her, I saw that it was a diagram with strange symbols in it .

It's one of those transmutation circles that Arcana talked about, the diagram release a white light around her and the hydra.

As I blinked away the spots in my sight, I saw Arcana on the ground panting, looking at the hydra. I directed my sights to the hydra and saw that it was swaying back and forth. Then, with an earth shaking thud, the hydra fell to the ground, asleep.

Twilight and Dash came up to us with their mouths hanging open, staring at us.

"What?" I asked.

Dash answered, "Star, I didn't know it was possible to go that fast, and I should know, because I broke the sound barrier, twice."

"Really?" I said skeptical at what she said.

"Yeah, you were going fast at the hydra, then you became surrounded in light, then you disappeared and reappeared behind the hydra. Star I think you warped right through the hydra. I have to say, I’m impressed," Dash said.

"Well I don't think I’ll be able to do that again," I said dragging my foot in the ground.

"Don't be so sure, because I did the sonic rainboom when I was a filly, then I did it again years later." said Dash reassuring me.

"Well, I think you should leave Star alone, he’s not used to a lot of praise," said Arcana as she got up from the ground.

"Well Arcana, you have impressed me," said Twilight.

"Why?" Arcana asked with confusion and surprised on her face.

"Because, I was still getting my spell ready," Twilight explained.

"So that means..." Arcana trailed off, realizing what it means.

"So it means that you put that hydra to sleep all on your own," said a voice to the left of us.

We were all surprised to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing there.

"Holy guacamole, it's the Princesses," I said shocked.

Arcana looked at Twilight and asked, "Did you send a letter to the princess about us Twilight?"

Twilight looked at her and asked, "How do you know I send letters to Princess? "

Arcana and I looked at each other, realizing that we've blown it.

"I will explain that Twilight, but first, gather your friends and meet us at the library," Celestia said. As she was leaving she said, "Oh yes, before I forget," Her horn started to glow and the hydra disappeared in a flash, "There I sent the hydra back to it's home," and with that she and Luna disappeared in flash of light.

We all stood there surprised at what happened, then out of nowhere Pinkie appeared and said happily, "Now that's a doozy."

"What is, the hydra?" Twilight asked.

"Nope that wasn’t the doozy."

"How can that not be the doozy, again?" Twilight asked, wide eyed at the pink pony.

"I don't know, but that just wasn't the doozy."

"Okay, "Twilight said accepting what Pinkie said, "Was it the Princesses appearing? "

"Nope not that either."

"Then what is?" Twilight said getting upset.

"Them," Pinkie said, pointing to Arcana, then me, "they both got their cutie marks."

When she said that, we turned our attentions to our flanks and saw that she was right.

On my flank was a six pointed shooting star. The color of the star being gold and the tail was silver.

On Arcana's was a white transmutation with four different colored gems inside it like a compass colored green, blue, yellow and red.

"I’ve never seen cutie marks like these before," Twilight claimed.

"Well, let's get going, don't want to keep the Princesses waiting any longer then necessary. I'll get Fluttershy and Applejack," with that Dash flew off with a rainbow trailing behind her.

At the mention of the princesses waiting Twilight zipped off towards Ponyville saying that she will get Rarity, I dont know how she is able to do that.

Arcana and I looked at eachother then at Pinkie, who had disappeared once again.

"How does Pinkie do that? "I asked.

"Star, we’ll never understand her in a thousand years," Arcana said, "Now let's get to the library."

We walked to the library, but on the way I saw a very familiar pony with a bow tie and an hourglass cutie mark at a vegetable stand.

"Hold up, I want to do something," I said to Arcana as I walked towards the pony. As I neared him, he said as he turned around to face me with a smile, "I know what you’re going to say, and no I will not tell you where the TARDIS is, but she doing fine, thanks for asking."

I opened my mouth, but the pony said, "How do I know all this? Well that's simple, we already had this conversation," and with that he walked away to who knows where.

As I walked back to Arcana, she saw my expression and asked, "So how did it go?"

"I will never once again underestimate the power of a brony's imagination," I answered her. After that we continued toward Twilight's home.

When we got to the library, we both saw that the door was opened. We entered and saw that everypony was there waiting for us.

"Ah, glad that you could finally join us," said Princess Celestia, "Now come and join us."

We joined the the group and sat down.

"Princess, will you care to explain what is going on here?" asked Applejack.

"Of course, but first I have something to say to these two," she said as turned her attention to Arcana and I, "I welcome you both to Equestria, I haven't seen your kind here for a while. But I have to say though, I never expected you to be in pony form."

Arcana and I stared at her in shock. After a few seconds, I recovered and said, "You know who we are?"

"Sure we do," Luna said with a smile.

"Um, Princess what did you mean by their kind?" asked Fluttershy nervously.

"Well, Fluttershy it's just that these two are not from our world. In fact they are from a different reality," Celestia said, "In their reality the dominant species are what you call humans,"

Twilight and her friends gasped at that, "But I thought those creatures are just myth," Twilight said to her mentor.

"No my student they are true. The humans have appeared here and there, but it has been almost thirty years since the last visit of the humans."

"Wait that was about the time of gen one," Arcana said.

Celestia nodded, Luna spoke up, "Although I haven't been here for a thousand years, I still know about you humans and I have to say, it's a pleasure to meet you two, though I wish I could see you in your human forms."

"So these two have been lying to us all this whole time," Applejack said upset.

"We never lied, we just never told the whole truth, if we did you would have seen right through that Applejack bearer of the Element of Honesty," Arcana said.

"You know about the Elements of Harmony," Luna said surprised.

"Sure," I said and started to list them out, "Applejack is Honesty, Fluttershy is Kindness, Pinkie is Laughter."

"Rarity is Generosity, Dash is Loyalty, and Twilight is Magic," Arcana said finishing.

Everypony looked shocked, except for Celestia, who said, "Very good, I never expected any less from a brony and a pegasister."

This time it was our turn to be shocked, Celestia started to giggle at our shocked state, "Yes I know about what you call yourselves in your world, now if you'd care to explain to my student and her friends, because they look confused at what is going on."

We agreed and explained everything to Twilight and her friends about the show that they starred in, and how humans liked the show and them, and also explained that it is a kids show, so their private moments were never shone. After we both finished explaining, they all stood there shocked once more.

Pinkie was the first to recover and said, "Do you know what this calls for?"

"A party," Arcana and I said together.

Pinkie looked confused and said into the air, "Hey, this has already been done."

She turned her attention back to us and said, "That's right a party, I'll get my cannon," with that she stood still, a few second later Pinkie faded away.

"How in Equestria did she do that," Luna asked scared that the pony just faded away.

I felt a draft and looked behind, and saw the front door was wide open.

"Ah, everypony, I think that Pinkie just broke the Laws of Physics, Reality and other unbreakable Laws of the Universe, again," I said as everypony looked at the open door in wonder.


Hello everypony, I hope you liked the chapter, now if will be so kind please R&RR and no that is not a typo it means Read and Review Review, I need to know if this story is good, so thank you for those who are reading this story.

End A/N

Chapter 6: The Strange Magic and Party

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Chapter 6

After we all got over the wonder that is Pinkie, Dash spoke up.

"Ah Princess, there's something that has been bothering me."

"What is it, my young flier?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Well if you say that Star and Arcana are not from this world, then how did they do what they did?" Dash asked confused.

"Yeah, I’ve been wondering about that too Princess," Twilight said, "Because I thought that humans didn't have any magic."

"Well not our kind of magic," Princess Celestia said to Twilight, then she looked at us and asked, "If you two don't mind, would you both let my student here let her use her magic to look into you?

Arcana answered, "Sure, we don't mind."

Princess Celestia looked back at Twilight and nodded.

"Alright then, close your eyes and try to relax," Twilight instructed.

We closed our eyes and Twilight continues, "Okay, this might tickle a bit."

Just as she said that, I felt a ticklish sensation all over my body and I couldn't help but start giggling. I also hear Arcana giggling, too.

Then, just as it started, it stopped.

"Okay, you both can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes and saw Twilight staring at us with wonder and amazement.

"What?" I asked, getting uncomfortable from her stare.

"You both are amazing. You, Star, have a lot of magic in your wings, and that’s normal for a pegasus, and you, Arcana, have a lot of magic in you, and again that’s normal for a unicorn, but as the Princess said, you both are filled with way different magic then our kind."

We all sat there taking in what Twilight said.

"So um... What now?" Fluttershy asked, breaking the silence that hung over us.

At that moment there was a knock on the door.

"I got it," I said relieved to get the attention off me.

I opened the door and once again found myself staring at the open end of a cannon.

Oh crap, not again, I thought as I dropped to the floor and yelled out, "TAKE COVER."

A bang shot out and I heard screams and shouts of fright from behind me.

I looked up and looked behind and saw that the library was, once again, covered in decoration and that everypony was wearing a party hat, including me.

"PINKIE, will you please stop doing that, it’s getting really annoying having to keep cleaning this mess up, and what is this party for anyway?" Twilight asked clearly upset.

"Silly filly, this party is a ‘Welcome to Equestria and for getting your cutie marks’ party for Star and Arcana," Pinkie said while she jumped up and down in place, "and also we’d all like to thank you two.

I had gotten up from the floor and stood by Arcana, Twilight asked worried, "What do mean 'we'?"

"Silly I also invited all of Ponyville here," she said with a huge smile.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Twilight asked shocked.

"I think we both should go, don’t you agree little sister?" Princess Celestia asked looking at her sister, whom nodded. There was a flash of light and they were gone.

At that moment, everypony started entering the library and I was quickly overwhelmed by ponies thanking me and Arcana for saving the town.

Just when I thought I was done with everypony as they left us to enjoy the party, the CMC and other young ones came in and swarmed us.

"Hey Star, do you know me? "Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah I know who you are Scootaloo, "I said.

Scootaloo looked back at a pair of fillies, whose cutie marks are a tiara and a spoon, what talents could those marks represent?, and said, "Ha, I told you, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, that I know Star."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked really annoyed that they were proven wrong of something.

Scootaloo looked back at me and said, "I would like you to meet the rest of my friends," and I was introduce to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. After I was introduced to the rest of her friends, they said that they are part of a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but of course, I already knew all of this.

"That was awesome what you did with the hydra, but can you tell us more, because we all got a speed version from Pinkie, and can you also tell us how you got your cutie mark?" Scootaloo asked. All the other children started pleading to be told of my story.

"Well I don't know," I said as I started to brush my hoof through my mane.

"Please mister Star?" I looked down and saw Applebloom with those big watery eyes of hers, ah dang it I can't say no to that face, she is good with that, so I told them the story from my point of view and Arcana told them of hers.

After we finished telling the story the children cheered. They were about to ask more questions when Rainbow Dash appeared and said, "Okay little ones, leave Star and Arcana alone, and enjoy the party, and if I were you I would at least get a muffin or two before Derpy eats them all, because I saw her stalking the snack table for muffins."

They immediately left, heading towards the snack table, which was somehow set up with a lot of food on it.

"Thank Dash," I said to her.

"No prob," Dash answered back, "Glad to help out friends," and with that she disappeared in the crowd of ponies.

The party lasted to sunset, and everypony started to leave heading home, saying that they have work in the morning.

Arcana and I went to our rooms and saying goodnight to each other, Twilight, and Spike.

As I got into my bed and closed my eyes, I started thinking about what happened today, and wished that something exciting would happen tomorrow too.

Chapter 7: Apples and a Missing

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Hello everypony here is what everypony has been waiting for (pause for dramatic effect) chapter seven, now enjoy and read and review when you are finished. Thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 7

I woke up to the smell of something delicious cooking coming from downstairs. My stomach growled at the smell, I guess that I need to get up now.

I got up, left my room, and walked downstairs, and saw, once again, Arcana surrounded by books.

"Did you get any sleep last night and what's cooking?"

She looked up at me and said, "Well duh, of course I got some sleep it's just that there are all of these book here about magic and I want to know everything. Oh, and that pancakes you are smelling."

I rolled my eyes at her and looked towards the kitchen and said, "I didn't know that ponies know how to make pancakes."

"They didn't, I got blank stares this morning when I asked for pancakes, so I taught and made pancakes for them, and they loved them," Arcana said turning her attention back to the book she is reading.

"Where is Twilight and Spike anyway?" I asked as I entered the kitchen and saw the plate of pancakes for me on the table.

"They both went to Canterlot to get a replacement copy of a book that Spike dragon-sneezed in and also to get more books, of course, so I volunteered to look after the library for them." Arcana answered from the other room.

As I was pulling the plate of pancakes towards me I said, "Of course," and started eating.

After I finished eating and put the plate in the sink. I said, “Goodbye I’ll be back later,” and left the tree home of Twilight.

Okay now to get a job, because I don't want to smooch off of her anymore, I thought as I walked down the street.

I looked around Ponyville, and after about four hours, I found myself outside of Sweet Apple Acres gazing at the sign and thought, I'll ask Applejack if she has any work for me.

I entered the apple farm and saw a lot of ponies about, What is going on?

"SOUP'S ON, EVERYPONY," yelled a voice. All of sudden there was a stampede of ponies coming at me, Ahh crap. I started running along them, but I was too slow, and found myself being dragged along with them.

I was dumped off along the road and found myself staring up at Applejack and she asked, "Well howdy there partner, what brings ya about these parts? "

"Well, I was wondering if you had any jobs for me to do, because I need work. What is with everypony here? "I answered and asked.

"Well, shoot you are in the middle of the Apple Family Reunion, so let me introduce you to all of the Apple Family, "and with that she grabbed my hoof and brought me to her family.

"Now this is-"

"Wait let me guess," I took a deep breath and said, "this is Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tarts, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, gasps, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith, is that everypony?" I was surrounded by ponies with their mouth hanging open.

Big Mac said, "enope."

I thought it over and looked around and saw a familiar pony among them, "and cousin Braeburn, now is that everypony?"


"Good, "I said and looked at Applejack and saw her still staring at me with wide eyes and with her mouth still hanging, I looked around and saw everypony still staring at me.

"What?" I asked Applejack.

She took me a little away from everypony and whispered to me, "How in tarnation did you do that and how did you know everypony's name?"

"Remember I'm a brony, and it took me a long time to memorize everypony's name, but it was worth it," I whispered back, "Now to avoid confusion and panic, I suggest that you talk to your family right now."

After both of us got back to the group and an explanation that she already introduce them to me, which isn’t a complete lie, the reunion continued.

The reunion finished about an hour later, and I talked to Applejack that I wanted to work on her farm.

"Well sure sugarcube, we do need more working hooves around here. Be here around sunrise tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright then, see you in the morning," I left the farm feeling good with myself that I finally got a job.

When I got back to the library, I found a letter on the door saying:

Will be back soon Star, I found a very interesting spell. I will be in the fields if you want to find me and tell Twilight and Spike I'm sorry.


I took the letter off the door and entered the library and found it in complete disarray, dang.

"What the hay happened in here?" said a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Twilight and Spike staring at the pile of books with surprise written all over their faces.

"Holy guacamole Twilight, she is worse than you and it has been only about several hours and look at this place," Spike said, "And I have to clean this up."

I helped Spike to clean up the library and explained to Twilight that I'm now going to help Applejack around the farm and where Arcana went to and why.

"Hm.. to try out a spell.. Oh, and before I forget, Princess Celestia gave me tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala for me, you two and the rest of my friends," Twilight said happily.

"Let's just hope that it doesn't end like last time," I said laughing.

"Yeah let's hope so," Twilight said blushing pink from the embarrassment of that night.

"Hey guys, shouldn’t Arcana be coming back right about now?” said Spike.

"You’re right Spike, she should be back right now," I confirmed.

At that moment there was knock then a panicky voice cried out, "Twilight, Star, we have a problem here."

I opened the door and saw standing there huffing and puffing was Rarity.

"What's the problem?" Twilight asked worried that something can get Rarity in this state.

Rarity regained her composure and quickly said, "Arcana has been pony-napped by Diamond Dogs."


How do like them apples ah I mean cliff hangers, now please read and review.

End A/N

Chapter 8: Diamonds and Anger Issues (NV)

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Hello everypony thank you all for reading now enjoy.

End A/N

Chapter 8

"What do you mean pony-napped by diamond dogs? What happened?" I asked freaking out.

"Well, Arcana came over and asked me to help her with a spell, because she said that she came up with a spell that can accelerate the growth of gems. So I joined her because I can easily find them," she took a breath and continued, "Well, anyway the spell worked and here is the proof."

Her horn started to glow and the saddle bag on her back, that I failed to noticed, unclasped and a sapphire the size of a handball came out of her bag.

"Holy moly, that's a big rock, and you said that Arcana did this," Spike said looking at it and I think I see a bit drool forming around his lips.

"You should see its original size, it was about the size of a flower petal," Rarity explained mildly impressed about something.

"That's impressive, but focus here, you said that Arcana was taken by diamond dogs, what happened?" I said getting worried for Arcana's safety.

"Oh right, well as you can see, the spell was a success, but there was quake and diamond dogs that took me came out of the ground and grabbed her, disappeared down the hole they came from, I tried to follow, but the hole quickly filled up, I am so sorry that I couldn't do anything Star," she said apologetically.

"It's ok, "I said reassuring her, "let just go and get her back safely." Twilight and Rarity nodded in agreement with me and we all left the library and made our way to where Arcana was last seen.

As we got to the field where Arcana was pony-napped, I saw that the ground was all turned up and broken, like it was just dug upped. "Okay let's find that hole and get down underground to rescue Arcana," I ordered to the others.

"That won't be necessary," said a voice behind me.

I turned around and said, "and why is tha-" but I was stunned into silence for I saw Arcana there standing there with a grin on her face.

"What the, how did yo-, when did yo-," I said stammering.

"Oh please, do you really think that a bunch of dogs can keep me captured for long," Arcana said giggling at my shock state to see her standing there.

"Oh Arcana I'm so sorry that I let those brutes take you, are you ok?" Rarity asked clearly upset about this whole ordeal.

"Now don't be like that, they took me by surprise as much as they took you by surprise and I'm alright, although I do need a bath from all that dirt and to get rid of the stench those dogs gave," Arcana said with a wrinkled nose as she patted herself off making dust fly everywhere.

"But what happened to the diamond dogs and how did you get away from them?" Twilight asked.

"To answer both of your questions look that way and tell me what you see," Arcana instructed as pointed to her left with her hoof.

We all turned our eyes to the direction she is pointing at and there in the distance, I saw that there seems to be a tower in the distance.

"Does it have something to do with that tower over there?" Spike said confused.

"Yes it is, but that is no tower, that's a gem."

I felt my mouth drop, when I realized that for a gem to look like a tower from here in the distance, then that must means... "holy crap, now that's a big rock, but are you worried about the diamond dogs coming back though?"

"Nope, I say that they are going to be busy for a while and now for that shower..."


Thirty minutes later after we made it back to Rarity's home and for Arcana to wash up, we all sat in the kitchen waiting for her to tell us her story.

"So Arcana, will you tell us what happened when you got pony-napped..." ha I was right, "... and how you got away?" Twilight asked, seeing the gleam of learning new knowledge in her eyes.

"Ok, it all started about several hours ago…"

Several Hours Earlier

Arcana's POV

After Star left saying he will be back later today, I resumed back to reading the book that was in front of me, which I have found in my recent spelunking for more knowledge;

Gems are used in the old and new days to help with ponies with their spells and maintain them. Gems were also used to store magical energy, but different size gems can hold different amount of energy. The most effective way for unicorn ponies to get out of their gems if their gem matches their magical aura coloring, but never the less different color gems can still be used. Though gems can grow by being in the ground for long periods of time, or by fire, it usually takes months for a gem to grow to a noticeable size.

Hm, I wonder, I thought as I finished reading text in front of me.

After about an hour of collecting more books about magic and studying them, I closed my eyes thinking over what I learned from the books. What can I do with this new knowledge? I thought to myself and then an image formed inside my thoughts and I saw that it looked like another transmutation circle, but different than the others in the past.

I opened my eyes and quickly summoned a piece of parchment and a quill and hastily drew the image in my head onto the paper, before I lose the image completely. After I completed the transmutation diagram, I looked it over and then I started to feel really excited to try out this spell, I hope it works.

I quickly grabbed the spare saddlebag that Twilight let me borrow and hurried to the door, but I stopped when I opened the door and looked behind and saw the big mess I made. Oh boy, I am just like Twilight maybe worse, I better leave a letter, I thought as I summoned another piece of parchment and a quill and quickly wrote a note and tacked it to the door, for Star to see when he comes back home.

I will be needing some help for this spell, maybe rarity can help me, she is good with gems, I thought as I made my way to the home of the fashionista, Carousel Boutique. After making my way through town, I finally arrived at the boutique. I walked through the front door, causing the bell overhead to start ringing, announcing that somepony has arrived, "coming~," I heard Rarity sing from the back room. A few moments later I saw her left the back room, "welcome to Carousel Boutique where every- oh," Rarity stopped in her introduction, "hello Arcana, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you can help me with a spell, but if you are busy then I will come back later," I said as I turned around and made my way to leave the store.

"No it's okay, I don't have much work going on right now, so yes I can help you with this spell, may I ask what it is?" Rarity inquired.

"Well you see Rarity, I might have created a spell that can accelerate the growth and alter their color and molecular structure as well, but I ran into a slight problem; I don't know how to locate gems, that's where you come in," I explained to her, "so can you help me?"

"Why darling of course I will help you," Rarity answer me, with her eyes started to gleam and glitter from the possibility of seeing a lot of gems, "so shall we get going so we can put this spell of yours to the test?" she asked me and I answer her with a nod, and with that, we left the store after Rarity gathered her saddlebags and put up the "Sorry We're Closed" sign up on the door.

We made our way to the fields outside of Ponyville and wander around, looking for a gem, to be the used in my experimental spell with the help of Rarity's gem finding spell.

"Found one," Rarity announces, but she quickly added in a slight hesitant tone, "but it is really small."

"It's okay, I just need a gem, so it doesn't matter how big it is," I pointed out to her.

"True, I just wish it could be at least a little bigger for your first time use of your new spell," Rarity clarified as she lifted the gem out of the ground and brought it over to me, "here you go."

"Thanks Rarity," I thanked her as I took it in my magic, "and thank you for helping me with this spell," I added as I took out the parchment with the transmutation spell on it, and took a look at it, memorizing it so I won't make any mistakes.

"It's no problem, now let's get this spell of yours started."

"Alright, but you might want to get back, because I don't really know what will happen," I warned Rarity as I put the parchment back into my saddlebag, while Rarity took a few steps back until she is about a yard away. I hope this works, I thought as I placed the petal size gem on the ground in front of me and concentrated, picturing the transmutation circle in my head. My then horn became enveloped in a white aura and I was immediately surrounded by the diagram. I felt the spell started to take its effect on me, but not by much, and then I noticed that the little sapphire petal was surrounded by a white haze.

As the white haze of my aura continues to surround the gem, I felt the ground beneath me started to shift, like I am at a beach, and then it started to grow. When I saw that it was growing, I grew excited as well from the success of my spell. I continue to watch the gem until it was golf ball-sized, maybe I should put a little more power into the spell, I put a little energy into my concentration and then there was a bright flash and where the small gem was, is now a handball size sapphire gem, gleaming in the sunlight.

"Oh my darling, that gem is absolutely marvelous," Rarity observed as she came up to me, "normally it would have taken decades for that gem to grow into something at least half that size."

"Yes it would have taken decades to grow gems this size, pony," a creepy voice said around us both.

"Who said that?" Rarity asked looking around for the source of the voice.

The ground started to shake and rumble and hole appeared and out came three of those diamond dogs and they surrounded us, "not you three again, "Rarity said with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"We are not here for you miss Rarity, we are here for the other pony," one of them said as he look towards me, and then he and his friends rushed at me and grabbed me. One of them then proceeded to lifted me onto his shoulder and started back to the hole they came from.

"Let me go you dogs, and what is that smell?" I questioned as they carried me to one of the entrances they made earlier.

A diamond dog came right up to my face and said, "no, you're going to help us, and what smell?"

As he breathed into my face, I got a whiff of rotting food and other disgusting smells, causing me to start coughing and getting dizzy, "oh my goddess, two words for you pal, breath mint," I said as I slumped down and fainted as the diamond dog jumped into the hole.


I became aware of water dripping on my face, bringing me out of my dazed state, ok that dog needs one of those breath fresheners chew toys, I groggily thought as I lift myself from the hard ground and rubbing out the sore spots in my back, and have they ever heard of beds. After I finished messaging te aches out of back, I proceeded to look around, trying to get my bearings and I saw that I was in a cave-like cell with the only light source was coming from a torch outside of my bar cell door.

I wonder how long I have been out, I hoped that Star and the others would come and look for me. No! I can easily look after myself, now how do I get out of here, but my thinking for an escape plan was interrupted by sounds footsteps coming outside of my cell, one of the diamond dogs that pony-napped me and a couple of guards with spears came in view and said with a smile, "hello pony, glad to see you awake."

"Well I'm not," I countered, feeling my anger rising, "so will you please tell me why you took me?"

"We saw you doing your pony magic making that pitiful gem get bigger and more beautiful, so we want you to make our gems a lot bigger and more beautiful as well," the leader of the group explained why they pony-napped me.

"Will you let me go if I make some of your gems bigger and prettier?" I questioned the appeared alpha dog of the group.

"Yes, I promise."

"Fine then, let's get this over with," I agreed the alpha dog's terms, "but no funny business and could you at least tell me you did something about that dragon breath of yours," I added as they unlocked the door and stepped inside, waiting for me, I moved towards them and they followed me as we stepped out of the cell and escorted me deeper into the caves. They led me through tunnels that I quickly lost my sense of direction, after a while we entered a large cavern with more diamond dogs guards.

"Okay bring out the gems and let's get this over with," I demanded, trying to get through this deal quickly, immediately I was responded as few diamond dogs brought out some gems the size of pebbles and piled them in front of me.

"Now pony use your magic, I want my gems now," the alpha diamond dog greedily said, anticipating.

"Okay let's get some things straight here dog, first my name is Arcana, not pony, second you can try to be polite once in a while and I might do what you ask, and third I'm not really happy that you dragged me down here, so you better listen to suggestion two, got it?" I declared as I angrily glared at the alpha diamond dog.

The alpha diamond dog gulped and replied back to me, "yes pon- ah I mean Arcana, now make, er um, can you please make these gems bigger?"

I heard one of the dogs whispering, "that pony..." I quickly turn towards where I heard that and glared at the dog who said that, "ah I mean Arcana, is just like miss Rarity," he nervously correctly himself.

"That’s much better, and yes I would, now if everyone here take a couple steps back, please," I instructed every diamond dog in the cave, which they all complied as they took a couple steps back as ordered, I then turn my attention to the small pile of gems and focused my magic on the them and was soon followed with the appearance of the same transmutation circle from before.

As the spell started to take its effect, I noticed that I wasn't getting tired like earlier, but I ignored it and resumed my focus on the gems in front of me and was soon followed with a flash of white light. When the light faded away, I saw that results of the gems were now the size of a basketball, "am I done here now?" I asked out loud as looked at every diamond dog there that have a look of amazement on their faces, "Alrighty then, I will take that as a yes," I concluded, "okay I will be leaving now," I added as I started to make my way towards one of the exits in the cavern.

"Stop her," I heard the alpha diamond dog cried out, and was immediately swarmed by diamond dogs and picked up before I can even react.

"What the hey? What is the meaning of this?" I quickly asked demanding for answers as they held me over their heads and carried me back to their alpha.

"Well pony, we cannot just let you go now that we saw what you can do," the alpha explained to me as the diamond dogs dropped me in front of him, he then turns his attention to the guards that stopped me from leaving and said to them, "now get more gems."

"I thought we had a deal," I said upset, as I saw the diamond dogs leaving the cavern, "and my name is Arcana."

"Well I'm alternating the deal," the alpha said with a creepy smile and ignoring the remark I made, "and this is what I want you to do; make all of our gems bigger and more beautiful than ever," at that moment the guards came back with more gems and put them in front of me.

"Now pony, make them bigger," the alpha said right in my face giving me another dose of his breath, but I quickly hold my breath not wanting to faint again.

"No I won't," I said feeling my anger raising.

"Yes, you will," the alpha diamond dog responded back, clearly getting upset.

"No I WON'T!" screaming the last part, I felt my magic release itself and surrounded the gems, increasing their size dramatically in till they hit the ceiling, bursting through it, causing rocks and rubble to fall.

The diamond dogs quickly scattered, exiting the cavern in frenzy and causing them to drop me unto the ground. After all the diamond dogs left and everything became calm, I noticed that the gem was still growing and that I growing tried, I quickly stopped the spell and the gem ceased to grow.

I looked around and saw that the giant crystal had gone through layer of levels and had made itself way into the air outside.

Damn, I did that?, I thought was I stared at the giant gem amazed at what I did and then I heard whimpering coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw the alpha diamond dog there in the fetal position, scared. I smiled at the sight and made my way towards the diamond dog that started all of this mess, and when he saw me coming towards him and he started to speak in a panicky tone, "ok, ok, you can go now pony."

I glared at him and he started to whimper again, "ah, Miss Arcana."

"Gladly, now where is the exit?" I asked him and great feeling of joy at seeing the once daring diamond dog, now whimpering on the floor.

He pointed towards a tunnel and said, "that tunnel will lead you straight to the surface, just please don't come back and do anymore damage to our home."

I went down the tunnel…

Back to the Present

"And now here I am," I said as I finished my story. I looked around and saw that everypony's face has the look of shock and bewilderment, "what?"


This chapter was a bother, but at the same time fun to write, so please read and review to tell me what you think, because from the lack of reviews I say that I am doing a great job, so for now goodbye and see you all later.

End A/N

Chapter 9: Funnybones

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Chapter 9

"Oh buck, I am going to be late for my first job, I can't believe I slept in "I said panicking as I flew towards Sweet Apple Acres.

I was too much in a hurry to get to the apple farm, I failed to noticed a gray blur is going to be intercepted by me.

I hit something gray and fell down towards the ground, luckily me and whatever I hit into wasn't far up into the sky, and crashed landed into a cart of hay, wow of all the luck this cart has to be here, and now who did I hit, I thought as I got out of the pile of hay.

I looked back and saw a familiar gray and blonde pegasus with slightly out of focused eyes and has a mailbag.

Oh Celestia, please don't tell me that I flew into Ditzy Doo.

Ditzy got out of the cart of hay and stood there looking… well dizzy.

"I am so sorry Ditzy, I wasn't looking where I was going, "I apologized to the derpy eyed pegasus.

"It's ok, um…"she said looking confused (but that might be because of her eyes).

"Star, my name is Star Streak, "I said as I introduced myself to her.

"Well it's ok Star Streak, "she said.

As I was about to take off she quickly said, "wait I have a letter for you, "and with that she pulled out a letter and gave it to me.

On the envelope it only said my name, I opened it and it said;

Oh yes you did flew into Ditzy Doo.

In the corner of the letter is sun, but before I can get a closer look on it, the letter burst into flames and the ashes flew off with what seems a cued breeze.

Did I just got trolled by Trollestia? I looked back at Ditzy and saw that she had disappeared, man, what is up with these ponies disappearing like that, I thought what just happened to me now.

I heard bells going off and looked towards the clock tower and saw that it was nearing eight' o' clock.

"Crap I'm late, "and I quickly took off and flew towards the farm.

After I made it to the farm and explained why I am late (leaving out the letter).

Applejack said, "heck as long you made it, it is alright, now let's get to work, "she led us to the apple tree orchards.

When we got there she asked, "now, you know how to apple buck, right?"

"Ya, "and I explained how they apple buck.

"Very good, but it takes good timing, aim, and practice, now give this tree a kick and we'll see to go from there, "she said pointing to a nearby tree.

Alright I can do this, I thought as I walked up to the tree, I turned around till my hind legs were facing the tree.

I lifted my legs up and pushed with my forelegs, but my hind legs were not close together so I felt burning pain as the tree went up in the inside of my hind legs, but the pain didn't stop there, no for I was still going, so the tree hit me right in the male sensitive parts.

"oooo, even in this body, they still hurt when they get hit, "I mumbled in pain as I was on the ground curling into a fetal position on the ground, and to insult to my pride, a apple fell off and hit me in the head.

Applejack was just laughing her head off at my failed attempt to knock the apples off the tree, after she calmed down. She said as she helped me up from the ground, "are you ok there sugar cube?"

I nodded and said in a higher pitch, "just my pride."

"Ya'll suppose to keep your hind legs together when you are about to hit the tree, so you won't get hurt in your apples, "Applejack explained, "now after you get better let get back to work ok?"

After a while I felt better and got back to work, after a few more mishaps, like the apples landing on me instead in the baskets, and me missing the tree completely causing me to go into one of the baskets, and causing the CMC to fall from a tree and land on me (don't know why they were there in the first place).

After hours of apple bucking, Applejack told me that she had never laughed that hard like she did today for a long time, but since I like making people, um ponies happy, I didn't care if I got hurt (though my body disagrees with me).

As I made my way back to Ponyville with a small bag of bits, a growl was heard, I looked around thinking that it was an animal, I stood there alert for any danger, after a while the growl was heard again and then there was pain in my stomach.

Oh, I guess I'm hungry, I did miss breakfast after all, I made my way into Ponyville and something delicious smelling caught my nose and my stomach let out another growl.

I remember that I have bits now, I guess I can get something to eat, I followed the smell, which led me to Sugarcube Corner.

I entered the shop and saw that there were a few ponies here and there, I walked towards the counter and I didn't have to wait long for Mrs. Cake came out of the kitchen and saw me there waiting.

"What can I get you dear? "Mrs. Cake asked.

"What is good right now? "

"Well, we just made fresh cinnamon rolls, would you like that? "Mrs. Cake suggested.

I smell the cinnamon rolls coming from the kitchen and my stomach rumbled, "I'll take one please and I'll take one to go for a friend of mine, "I said with a grin.

She smiled and said, "of course dear."

She went into the kitchen and came back out with a cinnamon roll on plate and one in a bag, she placed them on the counter and said, "that will be eight bits please."

I took out the right amount and said thank you, I took my food to a nearby table, and sat down.

"Hiya, "said a voice next me.

I jumped up in fright and looked at who said that, and saw Pinkie and Dash there sitting there smiling with a cup of something colorful in it.

I don't like that look they are giving me, especially that drink, "so, what are doing here and what is in the cup?"

"Silly I work here, "said Pinkie.

"And I came here to hang out with Pinkie, "Dash said with a smile.

"And in the cup? "I asked again.

"It's my new drink that I made, here have some, "Pinkie said pushing the cup towards me.

"No thanks, "I said pushing towards RD, suspicious.

"Try it, "said RD pushing it back to me.

"You drink it, "pushing it back to her.

"No you, "back to me.

It went like that for a couple more times, until…

"I'll drink it, "I said as I pushed it back to and quickly pull it to me hoping that my plan will work.

"No, I'll will, "she pulled the drink to her and downed the whole thing.

"Ha, "she said as she slammed the empty glass on the table.

"Ah, Rainbow Dash, you just drank the prank, "Pinkie said as she smiled at her.

"What? "RD asked confused, she looked at the empty cup in her hooves and then she said, "uh-oh."

What happened next was quite a sight for RD changed colors to match all the colors in the rainbow and then she yelled out, "SPICY, "and flew into the kitchen, where I heard cries fright and panic.

After I heard an ahhh coming from the kitchen, RD came back out wet and with her tongue sticking out.

She sat down at our table, dripping water on the table as I was laughing my flank off.

"How did know about our prank? "she asked after I finished laughing.

"Well, if you and Pinkie are hanging out that usually means that you both are doing a pranking spree, "I explained.

"But why me? "she asked again.

"Because Pinkie's Pinkie Sense would have gone off if I given it to her, am I correct, "I asked to Pinkie.

"That's right, "she said happily.

"Now if you both will excuse me all of this fun and laughter has got me hungrier and I will like to enjoy my meal."

"Maybe you can join us one of these day, "Pinkie said as she giggled at some ideas for pranks.

"I would like that, but not right now, I am sure that you two have pranks to play on other ponies."

RD sat up and said, "ya your right, let's go Pinks, we do have other ponies to prank, but be warned Star I will get you back for that, "she left the store with a smile.

"What does she mean by that Pink-, oh for crying out loud, "I said as I noticed that I was taking to empty space, how does she do that.

I finished the cinnamon roll (which was delicious) and left Sugarcube Corner with the bag that contains the cinnamon roll for Arcana, because she probably forgot to eat, which I bet she did.

As I got back to the library and was not surprised to see Arcana there reading books.

"Hay Arcana, how was your day?"

"It was fine till Dash and Pinkie tried to prank me with a fire lemon drop, but I trick Dash into eating it instead, she said something about you first now me, do you know what up with that?'

I explained what happened and Arcana started laughing, "that was how Dash was too when I tricked her, she got the kitchen all wet, and she said that she will get back at me, what's in the bag?"

"Food, "I said as tossed the bag to her, she caught it with her magic and opened, and the room immediately smelled like cinnamon roll.

"So I guess we need watch our step for a while, and oh Celestia this is good, "Arcana said with mouth full.


The rest of the day went by without a sight of RD or Pinkie, maybe they forgot by now, I thought as I got myself into bed and fell asleep.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO ME, "Arcana cried out, taking me out of my sleep and causing me to fell out of the bed taking my bed sheets with me.

I got up and ran out of my room towards Arcana's room, "Arcana what's wrong?"

"Don't come in, I'm not dressed."

"But Arcana ponies don't normally wear clothes."

"That's just it, I'm not a pony."

"What do you mean?"

"Hold on, I'm coming out, "I heard movement on the other side of the door.

The door opened and I was shocked to Arcana as a human wrapped in bed sheets.

"Arcana, what happened to you? "I asked confused and worried.

"I could say the same thing to you too, "she said smiling.


"You're human too, look."

"I looked down and saw that she was right, but with no clothes, luckily my bed sheets were wrapped around me covering my privates.

"WHAT THE HAY HAPPEN TO ME, "I yelled out in shocked.

"WHAT'S GONING ON DOWN THERE, "Twilight yelled from upstairs.

We looked at each other in panic and we both heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs.

"Wait Twilight I'm not sure that is a good idea, "Arcana tried to warn but it was too late.

Twilight stood there shocked at the sight of us, after she got over her shocked state she started asking a lot of questions, most of them we don't have an answer for.

Twilight noticed something in the folds of our blanket, her horn glowed and pulled out a flower each among the folds of our sheets.

The flower was blue and looked very familiar, "is that…"

"Yes it is, Poison Joke, "Twilight confirmed what I thought.

Arcana and looked at each other and yelled out, "RAINBOW DASH."


Hello everypony hoped you enjoyed this chapter, well read and review and I will try to get the next chapter posted up, so for now goodbye, oh for those who still don't know what the name of the chapter means, because funnybone makes you laugh in pain and it is funny to others.

End A/N

Chapter 10: Flowers and Stripes

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Hello everypony, hoped you all liked my last chapter, now enjoy this one.

End A/N

Chapter 10

"RAINBOW DASH COME OUT HERE, RIGHT NOW, "Brittney screamed out loud.


We all heard laughter coming from behind the front door.

I walked up to it and was about to open it when a thought came into my head, maybe they are not done yet.

I opened to door and quickly stepped back and I was right for a bucket of water came down where I was.

I heard more giggling and in came RD and Pinkie, they stopped giggling when they saw Arcana and me standing by Twilight.

"Ok who are you? "Dash said getting into a charge stance.

"Poison Joke really Dash, "I said annoyed.

Dash looked shock and said, "Star, "she looked at Arcana, "Arcana."

After a few moments later, "BWHAHAHAHA, "and fell to the floor pounding it with her hoofs, "You both look ridicules, "she said gasping for breath.

"This is not funny Dash, "Arcana said really peeved, "I can't use magic anymore."

"And I can't fly, "I added.

Dash just started to laugh again, "oh Celestia, this is too funny and I can't breathe."

"You think this is funny, the only thing left that I was ever a pony is my cutie mark, "she pulled up the sheets, just high enough to show on her thighs her cutie mark.

I did the same and saw that it is also true.

"Rainbow why Poison Joke and how did you ever get them to Star and Arcana? "Twilight asked.

RD took a deep breath of air and said, "well Star tricked me into drinking a glass of rainbow juice, and Arcana did a switch-a-roo with a fire lemon drop with me, so I use Poison Jokes to get back at them, and I don't know how, but Pinkie was the one to sneak them into Star and Arcana's bed."

Twilight hoof faced and said, "never mind, we need to get these two to the spa, so they can get the cure.

"But first, I want every one of my friends to see this, "Dash said going for the door.

"At least tell Rarity to bring a lot of cloth and a sewing kit, "Twilight added as Dash flew off with a got it.

"Why cloths and a sewing kit? "Arcana asked.

"Well you don't want to cause panic in Ponyville, so Rarity can make cloaks in a flash for you two so we can get you two to the spa."

I nodded in agreement and looked around, everything is smaller than it is when I was a pony, I looked over to Pinkie and saw pulling a cake out of nowhere, I looked back at Twilight, when I realized what I saw, I quickly looked back and saw that Pinkie doesn't have a cake anymore, but there is frosting around her mouth, ok that was seriously weird, even for you Pinkie.

As if she just read my mind she said, "but I thought you people love my antics and that was my breakfast."

I stood shock as Pinkie went to the door and opened it revealing the rest of her friends there, with Rarity wearing a saddlebag and levitating bolts of cloth with her.

"Would somepony care to explain to me why I am up this early and had to bring bolts of cloth? "Rarity asked looking slightly tired, looking over Arcana and me.

Then she got a second look at us and cried out, "oh dear Celestia, what are those things."

"Excuse me Rarity, but I don't like to called a thing if you don't mind, "Arcana said crossing her arms.

"Arcana? "She asked looking at her who nodded, she looked at me, "Star? "I nodded, and then she fainted.

"Well that was overdramatic, "Twilight said.

"What in tarnation happened to you two, "Applejack asked looking up and down at us.

"Five words, Rainbow Dash and Poison Joke, "I said as I list them out.

"Oh Dash, how could you do that to these two, "Fluttershy said looking at Dash, as a mother would when scolding her child.

"Ok, I might have gone a little overboard with the flower, "Dash said looking sorry for what she did.

"A little! "Arcana said, "I can't use magic anymore."

"But you can do magic just fine as a unicorn, "Twilight asked confused.

"That was when I was a unicorn, but humans can't use magic, remember? "Arcana explained.

At this point Rarity came to, "what happened?"

"You fainted at the sight of Arcana and Star, "Dash said bluntly.

"I am terrible sorry about that Arcana and Star, it just that your looks surprised me."

"It's ok, "I said reassuring her, "now, before you faint again, would you be kind to make a couple of cloaks for Arcana and I, "I said teasingly.

"Why? "

Twilight explained to her want we are going to do.

Rarity agrees and quickly made cloaks with hoods for us and we all left the library, luckily it was still early, so there wasn't much ponies out and about and made it to the spa without any ponies seeing us.

We all entered the spa and there standing behind the counter was the pink pony with neon blue mane and tail, Aloe.

She looked up and saw us there standing and said, "a little early for a spa treatment isn't is?"

"Sorry Aloe, but we are not here for the usual, "Rarity said, "we are here, because two of our friends have been exposed to Poison Joke."

"Oh dear it must be something terrible for these two to be under those cloaks then, I will ask my sister if you have any more left of the cure, "she left the counter and went through a door.

A little later, her sister Lotus, a blue coated and bright pink mane and tail came out and walked up to us and said, "I am terrible sorry, but we ran out of the Poison Joke Treatment, and we meant to restock."

"That's ok Lotus, "Rarity said, she turned her attention back to us and said, "I guess we need to go to Zecora now."

After about a half an hour later, we all were standing outside the entrance to the Everfree Forest.

Let's go shall we, "Arcana said pulling down the hood on the cloak and went inside the forest.

We didn't have to walk for long, for we saw the zebra's hut after a few minutes.

"Let me handle this, "Twilight said as she walked up to the door and knock.

The door opened to reveal the familiar zebra Zecora, "ah it seems that I have guests, what bring you here, hoping it's not for quests, "she said eyeing her.

"Hello Zecora, no I am not because there is trouble, but my friends have been exposed to Poison Joke, "she said pointing to us.

The zebra looked at us and her eyes widen and said, "do my eyes deceive me, for I see myths before thee."

"No your eyes are seeing true, now can we have some of that brew? "I said rhyming and asking her.

Zecora smiled and said, "ah it seems we have one who can rhyme, hopefully it doesn't take up our time."

She stepped aside, gesturing to come inside and said, " now come in and have a seat, and I find something for you to eat."

At the mention of eating Arcana's and my stomach let out a growl, we all grinned at hat and went inside.

We got in and everypony sat down on the ground, and waited.

After a while Zecora came in with a platter of bowls filled what looked like rice and beans and other herbs in it.

"Now you two tell me what happen, for I want to know what caused this misshapen? "she asked.

So Arcana and I explained from me tricking RD into drinking rainbow juice, and how Arcana tricked her into eating a fire lemon drop.

Zecora started laughing and said, "they sure made you rainbow one a fool, but using the flower does not make you cool."

"Ya, ya I get it, I went too far with the Poison Joke, "Dash said embarrassed.

"Now for you two I will get the cure, with it your bodies will be whole as sure, "Zecora said as she went to a shelf and started to rummaged in it.

After a while she brought out a bottle and gave it to us and said, "here you are now consume, so your lives can resume."

"But I thought you mix this in you bath? "Arcana questioned.

"Ah you see with the cure I made tweaks, now it can be drinks, "she said with a smile.

Arcana and I stared at each other, "well cheers and hope we don't get sick, cause I don't want to get… lick "Arcana said.

"You should let Zecora do the rhyming, for only she has perfect timing, "I said teasingly, causing everyone in the hut to start laughing.

"Oh shut and drink the cure, "Arcana said embarrassed, and took a mouthful out of the bottle and swallowed, "Bleh, it tastes like soap. "and handed it to me.

I drink the rest of the cure and the bottle, "cough, you're right it does taste like soap."

"Opps I guess the tweaks didn't get rid of the taste, maybe I can make it into a paste, "Zecora said giggling.

Then I started to feel queasy in my stomach and felt like I was going to throw up and said, "I think I'm going to sick."

"Me too. "I heard Arcana said, with that we both left the hut in the hurry, on my way out I heard Zecora said stopping Twilight and her friends from following us, "let them go and be, because you don't want to see."

I ran a little ways into the forest, Arcana running in a different direction.

I dropped to the ground, the cloak falling off of me.

I shivered as a cold breeze went over my naked body, I noticed that my vision was fading in and out, I should just take a bath instead, I thought as I fell to the ground and fainted.

One Minutes Later

I woke up with smell of dirt in my nose and in my mouth.

I got up and sat up and spit out the dirt and rubbed my eyes with my hooves, wait hooves.

I opened my eyes and looked over my body and saw that I was a pegasus again, "yes I'm a pony again."

"Ah, there you are Star I have been looking for you a while. "

I look in the direction the where the voice came from and saw a light brown coat and tan mane unicorn there standing there with a smile, "hay Arcana, glad to see you a unicorn again."

"And you a pegasus too, Star, "Arcana said with a smile, "now let's get back to the others, they are probable worried by now."

We made our way back to Zecora's hut, and got to the door and knocked.

The door opened and there stood Zecora, "ah good to see you better and all set, "she looked back into the hut and continues, "and Pinkie it looks like I won the bet."

"Ah pony apples, "said Pinkie from the hut.

We all laughed and Zecora let us entered her home.


Hello everypony, I stayed up through the night writing this chapter because it was so exciting to continue and got only a few hours of sleep as the results, I don't know how it will look to you reader, but right now, I know how Applejack felt went she was sleep deprived, and I had a lot of fun doing Zecora rhyming speech pattern so if of you are having trouble with Zecora's rhyming just PM me, and remember to read and review, so for now goodbye.

End A/N

Chapter 11: Spells and a Curse

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Don't have much to say, so enjoy the chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 11

It was been a week since the Poison Joke incident, I work at Sweet Apple Acers bucking the trees without any more accidents, and Arcana is now a self employed pony, her job is being able to supple some ponies here in Ponyville and in Cantorlot gems, courtesy of the diamond dogs (whom still have that giant gem in the middle of their home, that and they are a bit afraid of her).

So now we help Twilight pay for the upkeep of the library and other inessentials in her home.

So everything in Ponyville has calm for days without any incident, until…

I walked into the library after my day of working at Applejack's farm, as I entered the library I noticed that Arcana had books levitating around her while she also scribbling something into a piece of parchment.

Normally I wouldn't be interested in what Arcana read, but I read one of the books title and I was surprised to see it say, The Art of Flying.

I read the other books titles, Implications of Gems and Enchantments and other Spell Castings.

"What are you doing Arcana? "I asked curious.

She looked up from her work and answers, "well I noticed that different gems reacts differently when they have magic in them, so I am doing an experiment with them."

"That's cool, "I said as I felt my mind started to wonder, you see my mind tends to wonder when something majorly scientific is going on around, the results is that I get bored real quickly.

I quickly made a daffodil and sunflower sandwich and consumed it and left the library.

I flew up to a cloud that was above the library and landed on it, you see I taken up on naps after I work and now I know why Dash likes to sleep on this all the time, they are so dang soft.

I lie down on the cloud and close my eyes, feeling the breeze and the warm sun, feeling myself getting drowsy, and then I realized something, great I am becoming like Dash, oh well, and fell asleep.


The loud explosion woke me up and made me fell off of my cloud in fright and fell into the tree below me hitting branches and nearly hitting a beehive on the way down (now that was close call) and fell out of tree in front of the door, which opened to reveal Arcana standing there, with a saddlebag on.

"What happened? "

"I don't know, I was too busy hitting branches and falling, "I said sarcastically as I got up and pulled twigs and leaves out of my mane, "What about you though? Weren't you here?"

"No, I was out collecting gems and I just got back, when I heard that explosion."

"Well then let's go find out where that explosion came from then. "

It wasn't hard to find where it came, because we saw a crowd of ponies gathered around something.

We made our way through them and saw that there was a cart, with the area blackened like it was burned.

"What the hay happened here? "I asked to no pony in particular, And why is that cart so familiar.

As if the universe heard me, I got my answer.

"BEHOLD THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE, "a voice called out, and the cart unfolded with smoke and fireworks in a stage.

I heard a lot of ponies groan out loud, few saying, ah, not her again; great she's back, and other sayings.

The smoke cleared and there stood Trixie, but instead of a blue cape and wizard hat, she had a black cloak on.

"Great Trixie is back, "I looked to who said that and saw Twilight and her friends and their pets standing there.

"When did all of you get here? "I asked.

"Who, "Owlowiscious hooted.

"Them, "I said.

"Who, "the owl repeated.

"Never mind."

"Just now, we were all at our pony pet play date in the park, when we heard the explosion, "Twilight answered.

"Behold ponies, the great and powerful Trixie has returned, but this time she came back with more power and magic, since my last visit here in Ponyville I have been under the tutorage of a great and powerful unicorn. "Trixie said with a smug.

"Who is this powerful unicorn, you claim to be a student of, "Twilight said.

"Oh, you would like to know don't you Twilight Sparkle, but my teacher wants to be remain unknown to all, now Twilight Sparkle the great and powerful Trixie challenges you to a face off in magic."

"No, I am not a show off like you, "Twilight said denying the challenge.

"Ah I see, so you are afraid to fight me and lose in front of all Ponyville, and let everypony see that you are a fake. "

"Now you see here Trixie, you know as does as everypony here Twilight is more powerful than you'll ever be, "Arcana said defending Twilight.

"You stay out of this blonde, "Trixie told her.

I widen my eyes at what she said and quickly looked at Arcana, and I saw that one of her eyes is twitching.

"Ah oh, "I said as I took a stepped back away from her towards Twilight and her friends.

"What? "Twilight asked.

"It's what Trixie said, "I answered.

"What, blonde? "RD asked.


"Why? "Rarity asked.

"Well the last person who called her blonde couldn't walk right for weeks after she gave him a piece of her mind, "I explained.

"Oh dear, "Fluttershy said worried for the boy or for Trixie, I don't know.

"Did you just call me a blonde? "Arcana asked confirming what she heard with a angry tone.

"Ya blonde, do you need ice for that burn. "Trixie taunted.

"I am going to prove her wrong that she is not that powerful as she claims, "she said in a low voice.

"Do you think you should do something Star? "Twilight asked really worried right now.

"I can't, when someone calls her a blonde, her mind become like a steel trap and won't stop till she hurt the person in some way."

"Trixie, I will accept the challenge, "Arcana said as she started to walk up to the stage.

"Well it looks like the great and powerful Trixie can have a practice session before I get my challenge from Twilight."

"You are going to regret for ever coming back here, "Arcana said as she finally got on the stage.

"Oh, I just love these kinds of standoffs, "Pinkie said beside me.

I looked over and saw that Pinkie and Gummy each have a bag of popcorn.

"What the hay? "I said confused.

"Oh, you want some too? "Pinkie reached behind her back and took out another bag of popcorn and handed it to me.

"Where did you, ah forget it you're Pinkie Pie, thanks, "I said as took a hoof full and stuff it in my mouth.

"No prob."

"Let's just get this started, "Trixie said getting annoyed, "I'll go first."

With that her horn glow with a blue aura, and spheres of light appeared and swirled around her, a contraption came out of the stage, and fired six disks onto the air.

Trixie released six of the spheres at the disks, the spheres hit the disks causing them to shatter and rain down bits of the disks, causing everypony to cover their heads from the raining debris.

"Hay, be careful you might hurt somepony, "Arcana said.

"The great and powerful Trixie doesn't care, now go and make your move, "Trixie said impatient.

"Fine then, "her horn started to glow with a white aura and the clasps on the saddlebag opened and gems started to flew out of them along with a piece of parchment.

Arcana opened the parchment and studied it, after a while she looked at the gems in the air and started to rearrange them.

After a few look backs to the parchment to make sure that she getting something right.

After a while the gems are rearranged in what looked like wings.

Arcana's horn glowed more brightly and several transmutation circles appear, but these diagrams look so complex, that they gave me a headache just by looking at them.

There was a bright flash, blinding me and I think everypony in the square.

As my vision clears and looked around sure enough, about half of the ponies in the square are still blinded, but Pinkie has a pair of sunglasses on (screw it Pinkie is Pinkie, as Arcana said 'I will never understand her in a thousand years).

I heard sounds of amazement and turned my attention back to stage and saw what took my breath away, there on the stage stood Arcana with a pair of glittering wings and those chest pieces that Princess Celestia and Luna wear, but it connected to the wings and wrapped around her stomach.

I took a closer look and saw that the wings and the chest were made of the gems from before. Causing the sunlight to bend and create arches of rainbows over our heads.

"Oh my goodness, those wings are simple marvelous and beautiful, "Rarity said amazed.

"How did you do that, the great and powerful Trixie has never seen that spell before, "Trixie said worried.

"Because I created this spell, "Arcana answering, and with that she flapped the wing and she took off into the air.

Everypony cheered and stamped their hooves, confirming that Arcana were the victor of the challenge, after the cheering died down, Arcana fluttered down to the ground and took a bow.

"We'll see if you like this then, "Trixie said getting upset, her horn glowed and the spheres of light came back and launched them at Arcana.

"WATCH OUT, "I yelled out, worried that Trixie is going to harm her.

Arcana looked up at Trixie and did something that I wasn't expecting, for she swung her wings around and deflected all of them into the air, where they burst into the air.

Trixie stood there shocked and said, "but that is impossible, that spell is meant to go through all known materials, how were you able to deflect them?"

"It was simple really to how I deflected your magic, for I just used a simple deflection spell, and I also studied magic since the day I arrived here in Ponyville, and let me tell you, you give magic a bad name for all of this boasting and claims for having more power, and do you need ice for that burn "Arcana said to her with a smile.

Arcana walked off the stage with her head and wings held high.

As soon as she got off the stage, there was a blue flash and loud pop, and then Trixie and her cart disappears, all the ponies stood there looking confused, but it quickly left their minds and everypony left to do what they were doing before.

As Arcana walked up to us, we all congratulate her.

"How did you make those wings? "RD asked.

"Well it is just a combination of spells, enchantments and gems, "Arcana explained.

"Where did you get the idea for it, "I asked, still gazing at her wings.

Arcana blushed and mumbled, "Well I got the idea when a combination of gems started to float, that and the Victoria Secret model wings."

I started to laugh and Pinkie asked, "who's Victoria and what's her secret. "

I laughed some more as Arcana's blush became deeper in color and I said, "well Pinkie, that will be explained later in life.

"This is amazing, "Twilight said amazed studying the wings, "but how do you get it off?"

Arcana eyes widen in panic as she realized something and then she started to pull and tug at the chest piece, but it was firmly in place on her skin.

After a while she stopped pulling and tugging and said, "oh buck, this spell is so complicated that I was too busy making the spell for the wings, I forgot to make the part to end it, I think I accidently cursed myself."

"So it is stuck on you, "Fluttershy said worried, "oh dear."

"So you made yerself to an alicorn, like Princess Celestia and Luna? "Applejack said confused.

"Well not exactly, but close, "Arcana said, "since I can't take it off, I can at least do this."

Her horn started to glow and the wings started to fold onto it till only what remains is a thick necklace, but still attached to her skin.

"At least you don't have to carry those wings around, and getting odd looks, "Twilight said.

"That and I don't everypony bowing down to me every time they see me, "Arcana explained.

"So, what now? "I asked everypony.

We all stood there wondering what to do next.


Hello everypony sorry about the ending if it seems off, but I don't know how to end this chapter and it seems a good place as any to end it there, so I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and remember, read and review. So for now goodbye.

End A/N

Chapter 12: Trouble in the Skies PT1

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Hello everypony I'm sorry about the late update, it has been a crazy weekend of studying (guess which pony said that) even though I don't do a lot of studying, enjoy this chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 12

I stood in front of Rainbow Dash's front door, wondering if I should do this.

Ya I have to, for the sake for my health, I knock on her door and waited.

The door opened and there stood Dash with a tired look in her eyes, "oh, hello Star, ah what are doing here this early?"

"Hi Dash, well I was wondering if I can stay with you for a while?"

"Why and what's wrong with Twilight's place?"

"Well I need a new place to get some sleep, and Arcana and Twilight are trying to get to her wings off, so there are constant noises."

"Ya, how is that going that going anyway? And that will explain the tried look in your face, is it really that bad?"

"Well Arcana asked Spike to eat the wings, which he drooled when he was asked, but after Spike took a bite out of one of her wings, Spike got sick and the wing grew back, but don't worry Spike is ok now, in fact you can you can hear them going at it right now."

And true to my word, muffled sounds of explosions can be heard coming from the direction of the library.

"Sure, you can stay here as long as you want, but why me?"

"Well Rarity wants me to model for her, and Fluttershy's pet Angel keeps giving me the stink eye, and I need peace and quiet so I won't get any of that at Sweet Apple Acres, and Pinkie Pie, well you know how she is, and so you are my last option."

"Well sure, you can sleep here for a while."

"Thanks Dash, "I said as she let me in her house.

"Make yourself at home."

I walked in and asked, "do you mind if I sleep on the couch right now, because I am so tired right and I didn't get any sleep for a while?"

"Sure go right ahead."

"Once again, thanks."

I walked into the living room and lay on the sofa and slept.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke up to the sound of a little girl scream and something being pushed into my face.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

"What is it? And what is this on my face?"

"Have a look at it, "she said excited.

I took the flier from my face and read, "The Best Young Flier Competition isn't that the flying contest in Cloudsdale? "

"Is sure is, and now I am so excited for this year, hay why don't you enter, maybe you can do that warped move you did with the hydra?"

"Well I don't know how I did it in the first place, though."

"Hay don't worry about it, that's also what happened to me, because I didn't know how to do the Sonic Rainboom, and now I do."

"Well I always wanted to go Cloudsdale and I never got the chance to go there so ya, I'll enter ."

"Alright, let's get training."


"Because the competition is in three days."

Uh oh, I have a feeling this is going to hurt.

It has been two days and today is the last day until the competition and Dash and I were up in the sky once again practicing for the competition.

"Oh come on Star you can do it, "Dash encouraged.

"Come on Dash I tried to do it for two days and I am still sore from my last crash."

"Oh come on, that tree came out of nowhere."

"Says you 'sigh' fine I will give it one more try."

"Alright you can do it."

I took a deep breath and started to speed up trying to copy the event with the hydra.

I closed my eyes trying to think what I did to warp again, what did I do in the first place?

"Hay Star look out, "Dash cried out.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was about to crash into a cloud.

I was surrounded in white fluff as the upper half of my body struck the cloud.

I tried to get out with my hind legs pushing against the cloud, but I couldn't get enough force on the cloud.

I heard a muffled BWMAHAHAHA coming from the outside.

"What the hay was that? "I heard below me.

"Oh, hi Arcana Star was trying to go warp, and now he stuck in the clouds, "Dash answered.

Then I heard laughing and heard, "talk about get your head out of the clouds."

"Good one Arcana, but why are you red?"

"Ha ha, good one now can somepony get me out?"

"Hehe, sorry Star, "and I felt my tail being pulled, and with a pop I came out of the cloud.

"Thanks Dash, "I said as I shook my head clearing my senses.

I looked down and saw that I had crashed above the library and there I saw Arcana and her coat was red, "ah Arcana, why are you red?"

"Just a little reaction from a spell, but don't worry this is only temporary, see, "Sure enough on her legs her original color is slowly making its way up to her head. "Now why are trying to go warp?"

"Well it's for The Best Young Flier Competition."

"Awesome, when is it?"


"So soon, hay Dash can we all come too?"

"Sure, I will need a cheering squad to help with my performance, oh and Star's."

"Great I'll tell everypony then, "Arcana walked off.

"Now let's get back to practice."

Oh boy.

After the whole day of practicing barrel rolls and loops de loops, I walked in Dash's house all dizzy and tripped over Dash's pet tortoise Tank.

"Umph, hi Tank, "I said with my face in the floor made of cloud.

"Tank, what did I say about sleeping in the front of the front door?"

Tank's answer was just to whirl away with its helicopter blades to upstairs.

"Alright let's get some sleep, because tomorrow is going to a busy day."

I flopped myself onto the couch falling asleep thinking, what did I get myself into?

"Hay Star wake up, we are going to be late. "said a voice in my ear, I waved it off.

"Come get up."

"Five more minutes, "I mumbled, drifting back to dream world.

"That's it, get up."

I felt the couch beneath me being bucked, causing me to be fling into the air and landing on my rear, which by then I was already awake.

"What the hay Dash?"

"Come on we are going to be late for the competition."

"Ah shoot, let's get going now, wait what about the others?"

"They are already on their way to Cloudsdale in the hot air balloon, now let's get going, "Dash explained.

After a quick breakfast, we left Dash's house and headed north towards Cloudsdale.

We quickly flew and in about ten minutes Cloudsdale came into view and let me tell you it looked like one of those ancient Greek cities with a mix of modern looks in it.

I looked around and saw that other pegasi flying into the city.

"Wow it looks like this year is going to big, "Dash stated out as we landed in the city.

"Ya Rainbow Crash, this year you might not win this year, "said a dark brown pegasus with white mane and tail, his cutie mark being a dumb bell.

"Hi Dumb-Bell, "Dash said with an annoyed look, "and it's Dash."

"Who's your friend Rainbow Crash, "said a gray pegasus with black mane and tail and three footballs.

"It's Star Streak and I appreciate if you would please stop calling my friend that, and who are you?"

"Well Star Freak it's Score, "he said proudly.

"Really, did you just called me Star Freak? "I questioned.

"He sure did Star Freak, "and a brown coated and dark brown mane and tail landed next to the first two, I noticed that his cutie mark is three basketballs.

"Hoops didn't I show you and your friends last year?"

"You did, but it just too much fun making fun of you and your new friend, "Hoops said.

"Sigh, let's go Star, we are going to be late, "Dash said walking away.

I followed her and I heard them calling, "see you later Rainbow Crash and Star Freak."

After a lot distance was made between them and us I asked, "Dash, why does three give you such a hard time?"

"Well it started at junior flight camp I was always good at flying even when I was a filly. Ever since I beat them at that race they gave me much a harder time, doesn't it bother you that those three make fun of you?"

"Well it use to, but I realized something."

"What is that?"

"Bullies thrive on misfortune of others, so if you don't let them bother you and ignore them, the bullies taunts and jeers will become useless, "I said with a smile.

"Thanks Star, I will keep that in mind, and here we are, "she said stopping in front of a cloud building.

"And here is where?"

"The registration center, now let's hurry."

After we registered and got our performance written down and got our numbers, mine being 19 and Dash's 20, we made ourselves backstage, where we both received a surprise from a forgotten character.

"Gilda is that you? "Dash asked a griffin with the number 12 on her.

"Well well well, if it isn't my old friend Rainbow Dash and who is this? "Gilda said with she saw us.

"I'm Star, please to meet you, "I said politely and with a hoof out for a shake.

She grabbed my hoof and squeezed it a little hard, "please to meet you too, are you Dash's coltfriend?

"No I'm not, just a friend and I see that you are in the competition too, "I said as she let my hoof go and I was shaking it to get feeling back into it, "and have a nice grip there."


"Why are you here Gilda and where have you been? "Dash asked skeptical.

"Why, I'm here to have fun Dash and I have been back at home in the griffin kingdom in the mountains and I am sorry the way I acted like a jerk all that time ago, I realized that wasn't right for me to act and I want to be friends again, "she said with a apolitical face, "will you forgive me."

"Hay it's ok now so I forgive you now we can be friends again."

Gilda smiled at the friendship she received and said, "thank you Dash for forgiving me, now let's have fun in this competition."

We all agreed and got ready for the competition and as I was getting myself to calm down I got another surprised and it came with slightly out of focused eyes and a number 15 tag.

"Hi Ditzy I see that you are in this contest again."

"Ya I am, but how did you know that? "she asked with I think is a questioning look in her eyes

Ah shoot, "ah my friend Rainbow Dash said that you were in this contest last time."

"Oh that's right, "she said happily, whew that was close

"I wish I was able to bring Dinky along with me, but she is a unicorn, "she sadly.

After a few seconds of awkward silence I decided to break the ice.

"Hay Ditzy I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"How come you were seen several times in the last competition?"

"Promise that you won't tell, "I promised with the pinkie swear, she looked around making sure that nopony was within hearing distance, "well I had some time with the TARDIS and I loved it when I saw the sonic rainboom, so I came back several times to see it again, oh I just hope that I don't get in much trouble with the Doctor."

"Don't worry I won't tell anypony, "and then we heard horns blaring, "well, have fun Ditzy and see you later."

"You too, "and with that we went to get to our places.

I stood in front of Dash waiting for my turn, as I was waiting I smelled something in the air.

I sniffed it and it smelled like vanilla and something else, "hay Dash what is that smell?"

"Oh that's the hooflotion you're smelling, everypony got one, it's suppose to help you relax, though it tingled when I applied it, but it doesn't anymore."

"Well, I hope this competition goes smoothly and without any problems, "I said worried

"What could possible go wrong? "Dash asked.

I cringed at what she said.


"You should have never said that."


"Because that saying is usually in invite for the universe to answer back."

"You sound like Pinkie Pie."

"You'll see."


Hello everypony, I wasn't fully done with this chapter, and it was getting ridiculous long, so made this chapter into two parts, but don't worry the second part will be up soon.

End A/N

Chapter 13: Trouble in the Skies PT2

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Hello everypony part 2 is here, enjoy.

End A/N

Chapter 13


We heard trumpets being played, announcing the arrival of the royal sisters.


We all heard cheering and the first pony in line flew out of the curtains, after a while we all heard oohs and ows coming from outside.


"Let's do this, "cried out a brown pegasus, where we heard the crowd oohhing like somepony's pain got seriously hurt.

"What is going on out there? "Dash asked getting nervous.

"I don't know, but I think you shouldn't have said those words."

It went on like this for nine more contenders, each of them ending in some kind of misfortune, with only a few pegasi being able to get through all of their performance.

Until it was Gilda's turn, she took a deep breath and the announcer called her out.

There were gasps of surprise as Gilda left backstage.

A few minutes later we heard cheering coming from outside and Gilda walks right back in, with a smile and said to Dash, "glad to know that I can still fly awesome, now knock them dead when it is your turn."

"Got it, "Dash said to Gilda with a salute and a smile.

When it was Ditzy's turn, she happily flew out and after a few minutes later she came back from finishing her routine, she said to me as she walked by, "something great is going to happen, because I saw myself in the crowd out there."

"Wait what? "I said confused at what she said, but my question fell on deaf ears as she walked away humming.

"What was that about? "Dash asked.

"Oh, nothing."

When it was finally my turn, I was a nervous wreck from hearing all the groans and awws of disappointment coming from the crowd outside.

"Hay don't worry it will be ok, "Dash said reassuring me.

I took a deep breath and thought, ok, I can do this, just concentrate and have fun.


I took another breath and flew out into the coliseum, where I was immediately cheered for by the crowd of pegasi.

I looked around and saw several pegasus shaped imprints in walls and pillars, what the hay happen here, and true to Ditzy's word I saw her sitting far behind the crowds of pegasi with a smile on her face.

Above her I saw my friends sitting in a balcony giving me encouragement, I also saw Arcana with her wing folded onto her sides.

I looked in front of my and saw that they had already set up my routine for me, wow that was fast.

My routine was a bunch of wispy clouds rearranged on top of another so it looked like a tall pillar.

I quickly flew above the pillar and looked down and started to fly down towards it aiming myself in the center of the pillar, while I was quickly gaining speed I made myself spin to the right.

I hit the cloud in front of me, and immediately my vision was filled with clouds, as soon as my vision was cleared of clouds I immediately pulled up and started to go to the left gaining speed I lost from the pull up.

I was going fast enough that it created a vacuum, almost like the one Dash did for the parasprites, which sucked in all the wisps of clouds in the air back into the center creating one giant dark storm cloud.

I flew to about five feet into the air and I close my wings making me drop on top of it, causing it to rain and shoot out lighting and thunder, which caused a lot of pegasi to duck and gasp out of surprise.

I took a bow, indicating that I was finished with my routine, which started up clapping and whistling.

I took another bow and left for the backstage.

As I made it inside I saw Dash with an approval look on her face and she said, "good job Star."

"Thanks, now knock them dead Dash, "I said encouraging her.


At the mention of her name the crowd started cheering and howling, "well that's my cue, "and with that she started to run, she leaped and flew out of backstage.

I made my way back to the stands and got up to the balcony where my friends are.

"So, how did I do and how is the competition so far? "

"Your routine was very elegant, well until the last part, "Rarity said. "but there seems to be something wrong with this year's fliers."

"Ya, some of them went splat against walls and pillars, a few can't even fly, "Pinkie said.

"Well at least Dash will be able to win no problem, "I said.

"Don't count your apples yet, look, "Applejack said pointing to Dash.

We all looked and saw that something was wrong with Dash, for it seems she is having trouble flying, steering and getting her routine right.

Now, why does that seems familiar?

I looked around and saw the three pegasi from earlier with huge similes on their faces, and why are those three happy about this.

I looked back at Dash, the only time she flew this bad is when she was exposed to… uh oh, and then I remembered the smell on Dash, vanilla and the fragrance of, "Poison Joke."

Everypony looked at me confused, "what are you talking about? "Arcana said.

I quickly explained that on backstage everypony got lotions and it smelled like vanilla and Poison Joke.

"Then that means…"Arcana started to say then drifted off.

We all looked at Dash and saw something that nearly gave me a heart attack.

Dash was soaring straight into the air and was in the final stage of her sonic rainboom, when her wings snapped shut against her body.

I saw the look of shock in her eyes just before she was flung back, after she failed to complete it, straight to earth.

All the pegasi in the crowd gasped in shock and fright as they saw her going down to the ground.

I did what the first thought came to mind. I dived off the balcony I was on and flew straight down trying to catch up to her before she hit the ground, but I was a little late, for by the time I reached my maximum velocity, Dash was already at hers', so I wasn't able to gain more speed to catch her.

I need to go faster, and I felt myself going faster.

Come on, I flapped my wings harder gaining more speed and I saw that Dash was getting bigger as I was catching up to her.

Almost there, I was almost on top of her.

As I got up to her I quickly wrapped my forehooves (it's not what you think) around her and I saw that the ground was getting closer.

I need to warp, I thought as I pulled us up, but the ground was getting closer, I don't want any of my friends to get hurt.

I closed my eye and I felt my wings feeling lighter. I opened my eyes and I saw that Dash and I were encased in white light, there was a bright flash causing me to squint.

And then I felt my body tingle and there was a flash that completely blinded me.

Then I heard Dash said, "holy Celestia, that was awesome Star."


Then I heard clapping and cheering, but I couldn't see, because I was still blind from the warp.

"I guess that we should land now."

I realized that I was still holding Dash, "oh ya right, but um, can you guide me?"


I quickly explained that I was blind from the warp.

She guided me as I drifted close to the cloud ground and let go of Dash and landed next to her.

"I guess that you're right about saying that phrase, but what the happened to me there."

I quickly explained how there was Poison Joke mixed in with the lotion that she got and how I noticed that she wasn't flying right which caused her lose control of her wings.

Then I heard Arcana next to me as she landed next to us and with what sound like a saddlebag filled with jars.

I heard her unclasp her bag and took something out her bag and heard something being smeared on something.

"Hay, what are doing and what is this stuff? "I heard Dash asked disgusted.

"It's Poison Joke cure paste, Zecora made it for me before we came here."

"Wait you carry a cure for Poison Joke with you, "I said in the direction I think I heard her voice come from.

"Ah, I'm over here Star, what's wrong with you?"

Dash quickly explained my blindness

"Oh I hope it is temporary, well it is in case we get exposed again, don't want to cause panic."

"Alright then."

"Now that was an extraordinary performance, "

I turned around and said, "who's there, who said that?"

I heard giggling and felt something being jammed into my side."


"Star its Princess Celestia and Luna."

"Oh crap, so sorry your highness, "I said bowing.

I heard my giggling and heard Luna said, "ah Star we are over here."


"What's wrong with him? "Celestia asked.

Arcana explained to her what Dash said to her which I said to her.

"I hope it is not permanent, "Luna said worried.

"I can fix it with my magic, "Celestia suggested.

"No, it's ok, my sight is coming back, "I said as I can now see blurry images, after a while my vision came back.

"Ok I think I should wear sunglasses from now on, don't want to be blind like that again, "I said with a smile.

We all laughed at that, after a while I asked, "so, what are you two doing here? Not that I am being rude or anything."

"Well we wanted to see if you two are ok."

Dash and I reassure her that we both were ok.

Celestia looked over and saw Arcana's gem wings and said with a smile, "Ah I see that you made yourself into an alicorns."

"Not on propose, I was in this contest and I never finished it, so it is stuck on me until the spell wears off, "Arcana quickly explained.

Luna was really intrigued at this and with visible curiosity she walked up to Arcana and said, "can I have a look at your wings. "

Arcana nodded in agreement and Luna's horn start to glow, after a while she said, "amazing, the spell that is in your wings are really complex, it is a mixture of our worlds magic and yours, and Tia are you suppose to do something right now?"

"Oh that's right, hold on, "Celestia turned her attention to the crowd and said in a booming voice, "THE VICTORY FOR THIS YEAR'S COMPETITION BELONGS TO MISTER STAR STREAK."

I felt my mouth drop at that as the rest of Dash's friend had finally joined us.

Princess Celestia put a crown, similar to the one that Dash won last year, on my head.

"And also the grand prize, "Luna added as the Wonderbolts landed before us.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh I can't believe it I won."

"Now we must say goodbye, but we hope to see all of you sometime soon, "Celestia said and with that both her and her sister disappeared in a flash.

One of the Wonderblots walked up to and said, "Hello I'm Spitfire captain of the Wonderblots, and let me tell you, what you did was amazing."

"Thanks, though I would like to spend the day with you and your team, but I think that Dash here would like to be with you more than me, "I said pointing to Dash.

Spitfire looked over at Dash and said, "the only pony that can do the sonic rainboom and is a biggest fan of us."

Dash was to speechless to talk so instead she nodded.

Dash looked at me and asked, "are you sure Star? I mean this is big thing you are giving up."

"Ya, I mean you are their biggest fan after all so enjoy yourself."

After a squeal of oh my gosh were made by Dash, she immediately dashed to the other Wonderblots and started to talk to them.

"Now that was really cool of you to give your prize to her, "Spitfire said.

She started to walk back to the other team members, but halfway there she turned to look back at me and asked, "oh by the way, what are you going to call that move of yours?"

I thought it over and after a while I came up with an answer, "Well since Dash can move at the speed of sound and me at light, I think I will call it... spectrum warp, although it does tend to leave me blind afterwards."

"Hum, how about this, "she took of her goggles and tossed them to me.

I caught them and said, "whoa what? Why?"

"Well since you gave your prize to Dash there I feel that you should at least get something in return, and that you said you get blind from that move, so I am giving that to you, and don't worry there are plenty of spare goggles for the Wonderbolts."

And with that she flew off, with the rest of the Wonderbolts and Dash following.

I heard ponies landing behind me and one of them clearing their voice and said, "Um Star."

I turned around and saw Dumb-bell, Score and Hoops there standing and feeling uncomfortable.

"Hold on ladies, I think that these three gents would like to talk to me, "I said to the others.

After we walked a distance from the rest, I said, "What is it?"

Hoops step forward and said, "um sorry about making fun of you earlier today Star Freak."

Dumb-Bell jabbed him in the ribs and said, "Streak."

"oh sorry Star Streak."

"That ok, but if you do something like again, I'll make sure that Dash is going to know about who are responsible for this mess."

They looked at each other in shocked and looked back at me.

"Oh I know all about the Poison Joke."

"How? "Hoops asked.

"It wasn't that hard to figure it out, and I bet Dash is not going to really happy if she finds out that it was you three that ruined her sonic rainboom performance, got it, "I finished with a smile.

They all nodded and flew away

I walked back to other and Arcana asked me, "What did they want to talk to you about?"

"Oh nothing, this is really the best day ever, "I said into the air, causing everypony to start laughing.


The answer to last chapter guess who, it's Twilight, see you all soon.

End A/N

Chapter 14: Zap Mah Apples

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Chapter 14

It's been weeks since the competition and the days have slowed down and I was bucking apples when I saw Applejack walking in the distance and it looks like something troubling her.

I stopped my bucking and walked up to her and asked, "What's wrong Applejack?"

She looked up and answered me, "oh hi Star, it's just that it is nearing zap-apples harvesting and we are a bit low on helping hooves around here."

"Sap apples?"

"Zap-apples, "she corrected me.

"What are those?"

"They are magical apples that only come once a year and they only stay for about a day or two if lucky, and Granny Smith can make them into delicious zap-apple jam."

"Alright then so when is the harvest?"

"In six days."

"Holy pie, that close I can see why you need help then."

"That just it, Caramel is sick with the equine flu, and Granny Smith is a bit…"she trailed off looking for the right word to describe Granny Smith.

"Elderly, frail, withered, sleepy, "I said supplying words for Applejack.

She smiles at that.

"Ah it's good to smile once in awhile AJ, now I may now know much about zap-apples, but I am willing to help you with the harvest."

AJ answer was to give me a tight hug and said, "oh thank you Star for helping us with the harvest."

"Glad to, "I said barely able to breathe, "now if you can let me go please?"

AJ realized that she was squeezing me in her bearlike hug, so she let me go and said, "sorry there partner."

Dang Earth ponies are way tougher than any of the other classes of ponies, I took in a huge breath of air and said, "it's ok AJ, let's just get back work shall we?"

"Ah Star there are some things you need to know."


"It takes five days until the harvest and those days are going to be the weirdest days you are going to see."

"Oh come on, it can be that weird, "little did I know she is going to be right.

First Day

I was sleeping with Big Mac in his bedroom at the farmhouse, because AJ said that I need to be nearby so they can have a great harvest this year and so they put me here in his room because they didn't have any room.

I heard howling in distance in my sleep, and then all of a sudden I heard clanking and banging of metal on metal, which made me fall out of the bed.

I grumbled as I went to the window and saw that Big Mac was already there and looked outside, and saw that it was still dark out, "you got to be kidding me."

Then I heard, "the timber wolfs are a howling, timber wolfs are a howling."

I looked out the window and Granny Smith running around banging pots around and then I heard howling coming from the forest.


"The zap-apples are coming, the zap-apples are coming."

After a moment of silence I heard, "yay the zap-apples are coming, "from Big Mac and from next door.

"That's what I said, "Granny Smith called to the house and started banging the pots again.

After I went back to bed and caught a few more hours of sleep, I was up and about.

"Morning, "I said as I made my way downstairs and sat down at the table, "What's for breakfast?"

Immediately an assortment of apple food appeared in front of me.

I ate a breakfast made of apple oatmeal, apple slices and of course apple juice.

"Alright all let get to work, "Applejack said.

We went outside to the barn and Big Mac and I got hitched up to carts full of baskets and took them to field of waste barren trees.

"Ah where are we? "I asked Big Mac.

"We are in the zap-apple fields Star, "he answered.

When we got to the fields I unhitched myself and took a breath, dang these carts are heavy.

Hay silly goose, quit your qawking and move your caboose, "yelled Granny Smith from the house.

"Alright I'm moving, happy now?"


"I wasn't taking to you, "I said to Big Mac.

He didn't say anything, he just smiles at me.

After we set up a cart worth of the baskets under the trees for now I asked, "so what now?"

"Now we don't do anything, "Applejack answered as tossed a basket under a tree.


"There's nothing to do now, because the harvest is in four days, so let's buck apples to pass the time.

Well nothing weird yet.

Second Day

Applejack, Big Mac and I were once again out in the Zap apple fields apparently waiting for something.

"So what now? "I asked to no pony in particular as I leaned against a tree.

I got my answer and it came in the sound of thunder that scared me.

"Ah what was that?"

And once again I didn't get any answer.

I noticed that everypony was staring towards the forest.

I looked at what they were staring and saw thunder clouds coming in our direction.

"Wow that's ominous."

Big Mac step forward and sniffed the air, I sniffed and my mouth got a metallic taste.

My fur stood on end as the air got ionized and then all of sudden lighting started striking the trees.

All of sudden the tree I was leaning against shocked me, causing to yelp out in pain and jump away from the tree and land with my face in the ground.

I heard laughing and snickering.

"What was that? "I asked as I pick myself up from the ground.

"Just look, "AJ said as she pointed to the tree that shocked me.

I looked and saw that the trees were sparking and shaking.

All of a sudden the trees started bursting leaves on the branches.

"There's the zap-apple leaves, right on schedule, "Applejack said happily.

"Now Star can you get the cart of watering can from the barn.

"Sure AJ."

As I was walking back to the farm I saw a brown Earth pony with black mane and tail with three money bags for his cutie mark, and was dressed in fine clothing.

At his side he there is a pink filly that looks familiar.

I took a closer look and saw that it was… Diamond Tierra

And they were making their way to the house.

As I got the house I saw something that kind of weird me out.

There jumping around milk cans and singing nursery rhymes, was Granny Smith and Applebloom in bunny costumes.

Applebloom looks so cute in that costume, adorableness level increasing. I just want to say Daaaawww at this sight.

Granny Smith saw him and said, "well howdy do there Filthy Rich."

Ok this is getting a bit weird for me, but also really cute, I thought as I went to the barn to get the water cans.

Third Day

Again we were all out in the zap-apple orchard watering the trees, when I heard a voice calling me out.

"Hay Star, you hungry."

I turned around and saw Arcana with a bag floating in the air.

I spit out the watering can that I had in my mouth and said with a smile, "like a horse."

She laughs and says, "well here you go then, it's your lunch, "she floated the bag towards me and I took it in my mouth."

"Thanks, "I said through my mouth full of my lunch.

"What are doing?"

"Just watering the zap-apple trees."

"What are zap-apples?"

"I don't know, all I know that they are magical fruit that only comes once a year and that you only have a day to pick them, "I explained.

"What about you?"

"Well the other day, I saw Granny Smith and Applebloom the other day in the market and when they were getting honey Granny Smith was wearing a bee beard."

"That's… interesting."

"Well, see ya later Star."

"See you later too."

She left and I walked back passing a down looking Applebloom and I saw AppleJack with a sorry look.

"What's wrong with Applebloom? "I asked.

"Oh she wants me to come to her family appreciation day at her school, but I can't go because of the zap-apples harvest, "she spies the bag I was holding, "what's that?"

"Lunch, "was all I said as I sat down to eat my lunch.

I opened the bag and I saw that my lunch was of a sandwich a bottle of… apple juice (like I haven't had enough of that drink and a container.

I quickly finished the sandwich (which was tulip and daisy) and chugged down the juice and I was at the container.

I opened the container and the smell of cinnamon quickly filled the air.

My mouth watered at what I saw inside it, it was cinnamon roll and it looked delicious.

I was about take a bite out of it, when it suddenly got dark and I heard cawing and flapping of wings.

I looked up and saw storm clouds coming in and a freaking huge flock of crows also coming in.

"Oh, the third sign, "Somepony cried out.

I looked over and saw that it was Granny Smith, what the hay? How did she get here so fast.

"Right on time, ah diggity."

I was too busy staring at Granny Smith in awed, to notice that a crow came down and swiped my cinnamon roll out of my hooves.

"Hay give that's mine you rat with wings or is that seagulls, "I said shaking my hoof at the thieving bird, "well any give it ba-, "I trailed off as I saw the birds were flying in the shape of an apple.

All of a sudden the trees started to crackle and shake from electricity, and then the zap-apple trees started forming glowing dots in the trees which into bloomed flowers.

And then the skies cleared up as if they weren't there in the first place.

There was series wow and whoa coming from us.

"Alright you lazy daisy's cool you cahoose, "and with that we all sent back to work.

Ok it's getting weird.

Fourth Day

After a morning of pulling carts and watering the zap-apple trees, I walked into the house with a hungry stomach.

I walked into the kitchen and saw something that looked really odd.

Granny Smith was walking up and down in front of glass jars like general does for troops, she even has a military helmet also.

"Attenhut, now listen here troops, I don't want any whiening, or crying, or cracking under pressure, now do I make myself clear. "and then she slam her hoof down on the counter, causing one of the jars cracked.

She looked at it and then yelled out, "Court marshaled, "and throw the jar into the trash.

I shook my head and grabbed an apple fritter and left the kitchen.

Few hours later

Applejack, Big Mac and me were sitting in the field looking into the sun setting sky.

"Why are staring at the sky?"

"Why we are watching for the fourth sign."

"And what is the fourth sign?"

"Watch, "Big Mac just said.

I looked into the sky and then the sky let up with shooting stars.

"Wow, that was unexpected."

All of a sudden the trees flowers started popping like popcorn and gray apples appears in its place.

"Well let's take these carts back to the barn and call it a night."

I was pulling carts with Applejack and Big Mac, bring back the water cans back to the barn.

I am so tried right now, I thought as I pulled the heavy cart.

In the corner of my eye I saw a bush move, when I turned my head to look at it, it looked like it didn't move at all.

Dang I must be more tried then I thought, I thought as I shook myself clearing my senses, this is getting to weird now, as I made my way back to the farmhouse.

Fifth Day

Today is the last day for zap-apple harvesting.

I saw Applebloom looking really upset.

"What's wrong Applebloom?"

"I am really worried for tomorrow, because Granny is going to talk in front of my whole class and I am a bit embarrassed about it."

"Well it's not like you can tie ropes to Granny's legs while she is napping and get your friends to puppet her, while your teacher is asked to come here and you impersonate her voice and tell her that you can't make it, "I said jokingly, "now if you don't mind, I don't really think straight when I am hungry."

After I got a big breakfast and I went outside and saw Miss Cheerilee leaving with a confused look and I looked up and saw Granny being lifted into the air by ropes, and thing are just getting odd for me, later I saw Granny Smith painting pink poke-a-dots in the kitchen.

I walked outside trying to make sense just from this morning.

There was a bright flash and I heard thunder afterwards.

I looked up and saw that there was a thunderstorm happening above the zap-apple fields.

Applejack and Granny Smith walked up to beside me and looked at the storm

After the storm passed and cleared, a rainbow appeared above the magical fields and then the trees started to crackle with energy.

One of the apples became rainbow and it started shooting rainbow beams (this sounds cheesy) at other apples, soon the whole fields became one giant rainbow northern lights show.

"Yeehaw, "Granny called out and jumped with joy.

"The zap-apples harvest has begun, "Applejack announces.

And then Granny landed on me flatting me to the ground, she quickly got up from me and said walking back to the farmhouse.

"Are you ok Star?"

"Ya I'm ok, just let me sleep here awhile, "I said.

"No you are not, now get up and start bucking them zap-apples or I'll buck you, "she threaten.

"Alright then, "I said getting up and started heading to the zap-apple fields.

After a hours of bucking and picking the zap-apples Applebloom and Granny Smith came back and the filly has the look of pride in her face.

"So how was the presentation?"

Applebloom answer with much excitement, "it was fantastic, did you know that Granny Smith was one of the reasons why Ponyville is here today?"

I looked at her in amazement then at the old mare and back at the little filly, "really? Wow I would like to hear that story sometimes then."

Applebloom just smiles and walk with Granny back to the farmhouse, and I went back to work collecting the zap-apples.

After a whole day of zap-apple collecting and into the night, when all of a sudden the zap-apples disappears in small flashed of light, until the only thing left were just the trees.

"Hay Applejack? "I asked Applejack that was next to me.

"What is it?"

"You're right."

"About what?"

"That these last five days have been the weirdest days I ever had."

"I told ya, "Applejack said and then giggles.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed, "I said as I made my way back to the farmhouse with the sound of laughing coming from behind me

End Chapter


Wow this chapter took a lot out of me and I can't wait to write more, but for now I am going to sleep enjoy this chapter and please Read and Review.

End A/N

Chapter 15: DRAGON PT1

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Oh thou reader block thou can be a cruel mistress, well anyway read it and tell me what you think about it, please.

End A/N

Chapter 15

Arcana's POV

After a morning of studying, eating and filling out orders of gems for a couple in Cantorlot, I suddenly found myself free for the whole day and nothing planned.

What to do? What to do? Oh I know, I can spend some time with Star, I left the library and looked up and around in the sky.

Now where is he? He usually sleeps on a cloud in this general area.

I concentrated on the jewelry (that is still stuck on my body) around my neck, after a while I felt the gem crystals growing and moving on my back, soon I had a pair of wings made out of crystals.

I admit, these wings are kinda awesome, I thought as I admired my wings at how they reflect and refract in the sunlight.

I took a deep breath and flapped my wings, feeling the spell infused in them becoming active.

I flew into the air until I was about fifteen feet into the air and looked around, and sure enough I saw Star sleeping on a cloud above the library.

I flew towards him and landed on his cloud.

He was lying on his back with the goggles that he got from Spitfire on his forehead and was also snoring softly.

"Hay Star get up, let's hang out today, "I said as I nudged him to wake him up.

"That's mine cinnamon roll you rat with wings, "he said as he turned over in his sleep.

I smiled at the sight and got an idea to wake him.

I looked over the edge and saw that weren't that high up above the tree that is the library.

I turned my attention back to Star and started rolling him over the edge of cloud.

When I rolled him over the edge he fell through the canopy of the tree and I heard him crying out as he hit the branches and land at the base of the tree.

I also heard Star saying something as something landed on him.

"Omph, wait is this… OH CRAP BEES! "I heard him yelling out and then I saw him flying into the sky with a swarm of bees on his tail.

He was flying around trying to lose the bees, causing me to laugh at the sight, "Hay Star just go warp."

"Oh right, "he said and then he pulled the goggles over his eyes and disappeared in a flash, causing spots to appear in my vision.

The bees formed question and exclamation marks (like they do in the old fashion cartoons) in confusion as they couldn't find Star.

"Hay, he went that way, "I said to the bees pointing to a field of flowers out of town.

The bees immediately flew to where I was pointing, after a while to make sure that they weren't coming back, "Hay Star they're gone for now, come on out."

He pokes his head out of the cloud causing me jump into the sky and cry out of fright.

He started laughing as he climbed himself out of the cloud and with a grin he said, "and that's for making me roll off of my cloud and causing a bunch of bees to chasing me."

After I was able to calm my fluttering heart I said to him, "you are sure getting better at that warping move."

"First of all it's called the spectrum warp, and second I am getting better, because I have been practicing."

"That will explain all of those flashes of light around Ponyville."

"Yup, and I see that you are getting betting at flying with those wings of yours."

"That's right, although it stills bug me that I can't take it off."

"Hay you'll figure it out someday, now why are you here exactly?"

"Oh well I was wondering if you want to hang out today, because we haven't spent much time together since we got here."

"Ok I'm game what do you want to do?"

"Well let's get some lunch at Sugarcube Corner, "I suggested.

Star agreed with me and we both flew off towards the shop.

As we entered the store we walked up to the counter and ringed the bell, after a while Mrs. Cake walked out of the kitchen asked, "hello dears, how are you Star?"

"I'm are just fine Mrs. Cake, where's Pinkie? "Star asked.

"Oh she is in Cantorlot, because somepony requested for her to plan a birthday party, and you Arcana?"

"I am doing really well, how is Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake?"

"Pound Cake is doing fine, he is getting better at flying, in fact look up."

We all looked up and saw Pound Cake on the ceiling with his wings flapping like a humming bird and giggling as we gave him attention.

"Man I bet that is really creepy if he does that at night, "Star said bluntly.

"And Pumpkin Cake? "

"She is really getting better at her magic in fact when she is at the proper age, she is able to attend Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns."

"That is great, congratulations then."

"Thank you, now what will you have? "

Star ordered a cinnamon roll (of course) and I ordered a brownie, as we took our meal to our table to eat them, after we finished them we left the shop and I asked to Star.

"Hay Star, do you just want to fly around for the afternoon?"

"Are you asking me out on a date? "He asked with a smug.

I quickly said, "No I was asking, because we haven't spent much time together and that…, "but I was interrupted by Star's laughing.

"Sorry I just couldn't resist doing that to you Arcana and sure I'll fly with you."

"When did you become a little crazy?"

He thought it over and said, "it was about the fifth day of the zap-apple harvest, and let me tell you those five days were the most weirdest days I ever had."

After a few minutes we were flying out in the fields outside of Ponyville near the forest.

"Are you sure we should be this close to the forest Arcana, "Star asked a bit nervous.

"What could possible go wrong?"

"Ah don't say that, something always goes wrong with that phase is spoken."



After that awkward moment, we were flying in the air showing each other moves our moves and I decided to show Star my best move.

"Hay Star you know that my wings are made gems right?"

"Of course, "Star said sarcastically.

"Well anyway, "I continued ignoring his sarcasm, "watch this and suggest that you should sit on a cloud for this one."

Star found a cloud and sat on it waiting for me to show him my trick.

Wait to you see this, I concentrated on the jewelry and I felt the gem spread and morph on my back, head, and legs to what I was imaging, I also caused a little flash to happen to get Star to close his eyes.

After what I felt the gem stopped spreading and morphing, I turned my attention back to Star was rubbing his eyes and complaining, "Geez Arcana why did you do tha…, "he trailed off when he was able to see me.

After a while of silence he suddenly screamed out, "DRAGON, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE."

You see I was able to change my look by spreading the gems across my body and I able to make them look like scales, I also made my wings look like of those of dragons and on my head is a helmet that is shaped like a dragon with spikes running down from my head to my base of my tail, which I even made it covered to look like a dragon tail, all in done with a bluish tint.

I started laughing at the sight as I saw him falling on his back and backing up in fright as I landed on the cloud.

After Star got over his fright he gave me a good look and said, "Holy crap Arcana I think you made me piss myself, "He looked himself over and said, "Nope you didn't, but you nearly gave me an heart attack with that… dragon look."

"Sorry Star I just had to do that you, "I said as I started to giggle.

Star then started to giggle along and said, "Ok that is awesome I admit, but how did you do that anyway?"

I explained to him that I can morph the gems around my body to any shape I want, "but there is a downside though."

"What is that?"

"I get really tried and sleepy, "I said as I felt a little dizziness descended on me.

Star saw me leaning side to side and rushed to my side, but before he can reached me we both heard a roar coming from the forest.

It startled both of us and we turned to look at the forest and saw a blue dragon appeared out of the forest and come right at us.

The sight of the dragon coming at us made us froze up in fright that and with the major morphing spell I did on the gems I was on the verge of fainting and couldn't do anything as the dragon came down on us and swooped me up in its claws and started to head back to the forest.

After Star got over from his shock of seeing the dragon, he realized that the dragon just took me and quickly took to the air catching up to us.

As Star got close to the dragon, the dragon must have know that Star was following us, because it swung its tail at him, hitting him into the forest below.

Damn, not again, I thought as sleep took over me until I could only feel the wind blowing.

Few Hours Later

Star's POV

I woke up with major headache as I saw the sun bearing down on me.

Ow, it feels like that I have been hit like a baseball, I thought as I felt that my whole body hurts.

I tried to move but couldn't, when I looked around, I saw that I was about five feet above the ground being held in the air by vines.

I remembered at what happened this morning.

"ARCANA, "I yelled as I tried to free myself from the vine that was holding me, causing me to only swing back and to.

I looked around and saw that I was not that far from the forest edge.

I started to fly toward the edge, but I was still being held by the vines.

Come on, come on, I strained against the vines as I tried to fly towards the edge.

I need to rescue Arcana, I noticed that there were flashes of light appearing around me.

Yes, come on, come on, as more flashes of light appears; I put my goggles over my eyes just as there was big flash.

I appeared in middle of town square full of ponies in a flash in a panic state and yelled out, "DRAGON."

The results were immediate and ponies started to panic and running back into their homes and shutting their doors and windows.

Third Person View

After a while Twilight and her friends entered the square and saw Star running around in the square panicking.

"Star calm down and tell us what happened? "Twilight asked.

But Star was in too much of panic to notice them for he kept saying, "Dragon… Arcana… got… rescue… her."

"Calm down Star, "Dash said in his face.

But he just continues running around in a panic and saying something about dragons and Arcana.

Fluttershy whispered something in Twilight's ear Twilight sighed and levitated Star into the air and brought him in close to Fluttershy and did something that shocked everypony for she slapped him in his face.

"Fluttershy, why in Equestria did you do that dear? "Rarity asked shocked.

"I'm sorry everypony, but I can't stand animals or ponies in this panic state, and Dash told me to be more assertive, "Fluttershy said as she shrinks from the attention that everypony was giving her.

"Alright I knew those lessons are getting through to you, "Dash said, "but I think you sort of overdid it with the slap though."

"But it did work girls, "everypony looked towards him and saw that he was now calm down, "now Twilight if you can, will you please put me down now."

"Oh right, sorry, "she said as she put him down.

"Sorry Star about that hit, I-I h-hope it didn't hurt you, "Fluttershy said apologetic.

"Na it's ok."

"Now Star Will you can to explain what is going on? And what is this about a dragon."

Star's POV's

I quickly explained what happened this morning and how a dragon took Arcana.

Everypony became shocked at what they heard.

"Why is it that everypony is gone every time I am here, I thought I removed everypony's fear, "said a slightly annoyed voice.

We turned to see who said that and saw that it was Zecora.

"Hello Zecora, why are you here? "Pinkie asked.

"Hello there pink one, but you see I need something done."

"What is it Zecora? "Applejack asked.

"You see while I reading a healing tome, when all of a sudden I have a baby dragon in my home."

To be continued.


Nice cliffhanger there huh, now tells me what you think.

End A/N

Chapter 16: DRAGON PT2

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Here you go everypony part 2 enjoy.

End A/N

Chapter 16

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, "I said shocked, "you have a baby dragon in your house."

"Yes I do Star for I was reading out of my tome, when all of a sudden something shattered my roofs dome,
it gave me quite a scare, but afterwards I can only stare."

We all just stared at her at what she just said.

"Well are you just going to stand there, because I want this dragon out of my hair."

"Oh right um let's go then."

After a while we made it to Zecora's hut and sure enough there is a huge hole in her roof.

"Now I warn you, "she said as she is about to open the door to her hut, " and don't ask me for I don't have a clue."

She opened the door and we all entered and there in the middle of Zecora's home is pony size baby blue dragon sleeping.

"Oh boy, this explains everything, "I said as I facehoofed.

"What do you mean? "Fluttershy asked.

"You see if this is a baby dragon and there was a full grown dragon in this forest, then that means…"

"That the dragon mistaken Arcana for its baby, "Twilight finishing.

"Oh I know, let's just find this baby's parent and return it to them, "Pinkie said.

We all stared at her and she asked, "What?"

"Pinkie that is the most sensible thing you ever said in a while, "Applejack answered.

"Hay I can have moments, hay maybe after this is all over let's have a 'sorry that a dragon mistake you for its baby' party for Arcana."

And it's out of here, "well then let's get this one to its parents, "I turned to Zecora and asked, "do you know where the dragons live right now?"

"Ah yes a dragon is a great beast, from here you must go east; after that you must be absolutely brave, for there will be a dark and gloomy cave, "Zecora answer.

We all thanked her and left with the sleeping dragon on Fluttershy's back (she really likes baby dragons and so she wanted to hold it).

I hope you are ok Arcana, I thought as we made our way to the east.

Arcana's POV

I slowly came to and saw that I was somewhere dark and big judging by the echo that a water dripping is making.

I got up slowly due to the heavy gem dragon armor and walked blindly in the dark… until I bump into something that was big and really scaly.

I quickly realized that it was the dragon that ponynapped me.

I silently back away and suddenly tripped over something and felt myself sliding down a hill causing small objects to fall with me.

I hit the ground with loud cry of pain, which woke up the dragon and I heard in deep voice said, "ah did our baby dragon fell down again."

I heard it got and started to make it way towards me.

I heard it took a deep and saw a streak of fire hitting a pile of wood that was a little distance away from me, which lit up the cavern and there stood a giant blue dragon on top of a pile of treasure, that's what I fell down.

The dragon made its way to me and I let out 'eep' out of fright, but the dragon must have mistaken the sound for stood over me and swooped me up and started to cradle me like a baby and said in a cooing voice, "don't worry dear mommy's here".

Ah geez, this embarrassing I need to speak out, I cleared my throat and said, "ah excuse me."

The mother dragon looked down at me with surprise, after a while she turned her attention back to the mound and said, "honey come here little Lou, just spoke."


And to my horror another dragon came over the edge and walked up to us and said with a happy tone, "he did, that is great what did he say?"

The female dragon said, " he said excuse me."

"That's odd for first words oh well."

"I'm sorry to break this to you, but I am not your son, "I said out loud.

They looked at me with shocked expressions, and the mother dragon screams and drops me running behind the pile of treasure, luckily though there was a pile of bolts of silk underneath me.

I walk out of the pile a little dazed, but never the less ok, until the father dragon picked me up in one of his claws and demanded, "What have you done to our son? And what are you"

I put a brave face and answered, "I don't know where your son is and I'm a unicorn pony, and please don't eat me."

He set me down on the ground and said, "but you look like a dragon, why is that? And don't worry we are gem dragons so we don't eat meat."

"That's a relief and this look is spell of mine, you see I can grow and morph gems, so I morphed myself to look like a dragon for a friend of mine, "I explained to them.

"Oh I am so sorry then, I must have mistaken you for our son, you see I took him out flying and I lost sight of him for a while and when I saw a blue dragon shape next to that white pegasus I was relieved and didn't stop to check to see if it was really our son."

"That reminds me, I think you should apologize to my friend, Star, after you smacked him into the forest like that."

At this point the mother dragon appeared from the pile of treasure and said, "if you don't mind, can you change back to your pony self, because that current look is very uncomfortable to me."

"Sure hold on, "I concentrated and I felt the gems sliding away and forming back into wings on my back.

"Ah that feels good, "I said as I shook myself feeling free from the bulkiness of the suit of gems.

I looked up and saw the two dragons staring at me with amazement.


The dragon shook his amazement off and said, "well you see, we have never seen another pony with abilities like yours."

"Well I am not exactly from here."

"So is that zebra, to the west from here."

"Oh that must be Zecora, did you meet her already?"

"Yes we did, she is very nice, oh and we never got your name."

"My name is Arcana."

"So do you know where our son is?"

"No I don't I'm sorry."

The mother started to cry and said, "Oh I hope my baby is alright."

"Don't worry. With me and my friends luck, they would've already found him and is bring him already. "

Star POV

After thirty minutes of walking, Fluttershy was getting tired from carrying the baby.

"Fluttershy do you mind if I take the baby off of your hoofs? "I asked as I neared her.

"No it's ok Star I can do it, "she said, but she tripped, I was ready and caught her before she tumbles with the baby.

"Fluttershy please let me, I can see that you are tried from carrying it."

"Him. "


"This baby is a he."

"How do you know that? Wait you know what I probably shouldn't know, so will you let me take him off of your hoofs."

After a few moments Fluttershy finally agrees and with help puts the baby dragon on me.

He's not that heavy then I thought, we then resumed our trip to the dragon's cave.

The trip to the cave wasn't much just a slight uphill and through a grove of trees, as we all entered the grove of trees, we all heard a loud noise that sounded like crying.

We all started running and there, just as Zecora said, is a cave in the base of a cliff.

"ARCANA ARE YOU IN THERE, "I yelled into it.

My answer was a great roar coming from it, I heard a couple of things fall.

I looked behind me and saw that Fluttershy and Dash was on the ground with their legs up in the air, that some goats do when they get frightened, I gave everypony else an amazed look at the sight.

I guess that they are still a bit afraid; I turned my attention back to the cave entrance and saw that a blue dragon was coming out of it.

I stood there frozen out of fear with the baby dragon on my back and the dragon did what I wasn't expecting.

"Oh you must be Star and the rest of Arcana's friends please come on right in, "she said gesturing us to come inside.

After we revived Fluttershy and Dash we entered the cave and once again I was shocked to see Arcana and another dragon talking.

"… and then a crow and swooped down and swiped his cinnamon roll right out of his hooves."

This caused the dragon to roar in laughter, the other dragon cleared her throat, gaining the attention of Arcana and Star.

"Oh hello guys, glad to see you here."

We all stood there with our mouths open.

"Well are you going to introduce yourselves to us? "asked the male dragon with a smile.

We snapped out of it and introduced ourselves to them.

"Well here is you son back, "I said as I gestured to the sleeping dragon on my back, which at that moment woke up and started clawing the air wanting to get picked up by his mom.

Wow he is such a heavy sleeper, the mother quickly scooped him off of my back and said, "oh thank you for bring back our son Lou."

"Lou? "Rarity questioned.

"Yes it rhymes with blue, "she said with a smile.

"That's a really fun name to have, "Pinkie said.

"Thank you."

"Um Star, "I turned to look at the father, "I am terrible sorry for what I did this morning."

"It's alright, you were just really worried about your son, come on everypony let's get back home, "I suggested.

They agreed and when we were leaving the cave the mother said, "please come and visit anytime you want."

And then a child voice spoke up and said, "bye bye ponies."

"Dear our son just spoke."

We all smile and left and as we made our way back to Ponyville Arcana spoke upped.

"Well today was sure interesting and eventful."

"and…"I added.

Arcana sighed and continue, "and that I should have never spoken that phrase."

"I told you so, something bad always happen when that phrase is spoken."

Arcana glared at me and after a while she said with an evil grin, "well you are going to have to find a new place to take your nap, that not near the library."

"Why is that?"

"Because those bees are probable still looking for you."



Hello everypony finally done with this chapter, and sorry that this chapter felt… I don't know, weird, odd, off take your pick, but don't worry the next chapter will be much better.

End A/N

Chapter 17: The Heat of the Chase

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Chapter 17

After months of fall and winter enjoying the holidays that came with them, Luna making another appearance at Nightmare Night (and dang can she be scary).

On Heart Warmth Day, I giving Twilight and Arcana each a rare book of spells; for Dash, a autograph of the Wonderbolts, signed by all of them (I lost count of how many oh my gosh she said); Rarity, a ticket to see a Sapphire Shores show; Fluttershy, I gave her train tickets to Cantorlot to visit Philomena; Applejack, new work duds; and for Pinkie, well I didn't know what to give her, so I gave her a big container of eggnog, and don't ask me how I got them, I will say that a pony with higher ups helped me.

And then came spring followed with the success of another Winter Wrap Up.

Everything was going just fine until…

I walked downstairs feeling great and can't wait for what today has in store for me.

As I got down from the stairs I noticed Arcana reading books (not surprising), but I got closer I took a glance at it and was a little surprised at what I saw.

It was one of those books that explains about your body to you.

I felt myself becoming warm in the face and quickly made my way into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast (which was just an apple, a pear and some grape juice, (didn't like the pear)).

Of course she will probably want to know how her body works, because she is not human anymore.

I left the kitchen and saw that Arcana wasn't reading the book anymore and was back to reading spell books again.

I let out a breath and asked, "Hay Arcana, have you seen Twi this morning?"

She ducked her head deeper in the book and said nervously, "Ya, she went downstairs, but I think I didn't see her come back up."

"Hum, probable doing experiments downstairs and Spike?"

"I think he is in Cantorlot right now, "Arcana answered.

"Well, see you later, "I said as I left the library.

As I was walking down the market looking around, when I felt something is… off.

"There's something odd going on around here, "I said talking to myself, I started listing things that didn't seem right, "let's see one Arcana was reading a explanatory book about your body; two, even though there is a ten to one population of males, I should at least be able to see one or two here and there; four, no… wait a minute three, even though it is spring, it feels like summer here, maybe a little hotter; four, mares seems to be giving me lustful glances; and five very important five, I am never going to pears again, I can't stand pears."

I put those all together (minus the pear thing), when something hit me.

"Ok I think I have become a little insane because I think…oh crap, "I said becoming scared.

And is if they realized that I now know; one of the mares shouted out, "GET HIM!"

"OH SHIT, "I cried out as I ran out of the market area with a mob of mares after me.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, now I know why, these mares are in heat, and I'm a male, "I said to myself in panic as I ran from alleyway to alleyway, avoiding the mares and I swear, I think I hear the Benny Hill theme music playing as I ran from them.

After weaving through a lot of alleyways I meet my end, as in a bricked off alleyway.

"Why is there always a dead end at the end? "I asked to nopony unparticular and apparently they heard me, for I heard somepony call out, "I hear him; he's over here."

I turned around and saw that entrance was blocked off by mares with lust visible in their eyes.

This is as bad as the time Twilight enchanted her Smartypants doll with the want it need it spell, except I'm the doll now, I thought as I backed, until my flanks hit the wall behind me.

"Now ladies, let's just stop this before somepony gets hurt, "mainly me, I said as they came closer and closer.

I don't want to die while I am young, wait I have wings, my eyes widen at the information and said, "well ladies it has been fun, but I got vamoose."

I quickly took up before they can grab me and pull me down.

That was way to close, I thought as I soared in the sky and then I realized something, but wait, those were Earth ponies, where are the…

"THERE HE IS! "yelled a voice behind me.

I turned around in the air and saw a flock of pegasi or should I say murder of pegasi (for those who don't know, a flock of crows is called a murder) for they have that in their eyes.

"Oh crap, not again, "I said as I took off flying trying to get away from them.

After an half an hour of cat and mouse and losing the pegasi, for now. I was getting tried.

Ok I need a place to rest, as I flew past Sugarcube Corner I saw a open window, that's convenient.

I flew through the window and dropped to the floor in the room.

As I was catching my breath, I heard a voice in front of me asking, "whacha doing?"

"Getting some rest and catching my breath, because running and flew can..." I trailed of thinking, wait a minute, if I am in Sugarcube Corner then that means...

I looked up and saw Pinkie there with a big smile and a pair of cuffs and a ball gag.

I gulped, ok heat plus Pinkie Pie equals Kinky Pie, uh-oh.

I stood up saying as I slowly back up to the window I can in from, "Sorry that I flew in... uninvited."

Pinkie started walking towards me saying, "it's ok, in fact I was about to invite you to a party of mine."

"What kind of party is it? "I asked worried, "and how many are invited?".

"It's a special kind of party and the only guests are you and me, "Pinkie answered.

I'm scared.

"Ah don't be, I swear it's going to be fun, "she said as she read my mind.

"You can read minds? "I asked disbeliefed.

"No, but I can read italics, "She said crypticly.

"Ok that's it, I'm sorry Pinkie, but I have to decline your invite and I am out of here, "I flew through the window in blur and quickly flew away from the store.

After a few minutes of flying I was growing tried, ok that was a bit to close, now I need a place to hide.

I must have have been flying for a while, because when I looked down I saw that I was above Fluttershy's cottage.

Oh I know Fluttershy, she is to kind to go crazy and... make love to me.

I landed in front of her door and when I was about to knock on her door I heard Fluttershy said in a assertive voice, "you come here young man and take you medicine, right now."

Oh god, never mind, I took off in fright thinking, I feel bad for the stallion that's in there.


"Angel come here right now and take your medicine, you have the flu and I don't want you getting the the other animals sick too, don't make me give you the Stare, "Fluttershy said assertive to the bunny.

Back Outside

After another group of pegasi finding me and easily loss them in the clouds, I was currently hiding in a tree; ok reading about this in fanfics is hilarous, but being part of it is not fun and I seriously need a place to hide for the rest of today, wait I know the library.

I poked my head out of the tree and looked around for any pegasus or Earth ponies that wants to… *cough* make some serious love to me without my permission.

When I saw that the coast was cleared I left my hiding place in a blur, as I made my way to the library, I was getting really nervous, because the library is on the other side of town.

I was half way there when there was a colorful flash and a very loud boom.

I looked around and saw a ring of rainbow spreading in the air with a stream of rainbow coming from it.

Awesome, I saw the… well not exactly the sonic rainboom, I thought as I saw it, she must have done that to save me, she is truly a loyal friend, and then it hit me.

The rainbow was coming right at me!

"Ah crap, she brought out the heavy artillery on me, "as I tried to fly faster, but it was no use as Dash was faster than me in the air, "I guess she is also loyal to her needs too."

Then I realized something, I can warp. I pulled down my goggles and concentrated as Dash was just a few yards away from me.

At the last second I disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of the library.

I quickly opened the door and entered, shutting the door as I entered the library.

"Arcana we have a problem here, "I called out to her as I walked to the center of the room.

Then once again I realized something, stupid, Arcana is an pony and she is a mare, then that means…

I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I can to the door, but I was too late for I was immediately enveloped in a white light and was lift in the air.

I was turned around and there I saw Arcana walking down the stairs in a seductively way and she had her gem wings out.

"Hello there you handsome stud, "she said as she walked up to me.

"Now Arcana, don't d-d-do something y-you'll r-r-regret, "I said nervously.

"Ah come on now, it's just a circle of life."

"Ya, but this is not the way."

"Ah, don't be like that, "Arcana said as she started to circle me like a shark does with its' prey, "I know that you have feelings for me."

I close my eyes as felt myself blush, because what she is true, I liked her ever since we have been friends.

"It's true I do have feelings for you, but right now you are just in heat and I don't want our friendship to end, because of this."

I opened my eyes and saw Arcana's rear in my view, and felt myself becoming redder and my southern regions becoming hard and my wing lifting all be themselves, ah dang the wing boner thing is true.

Arcana noticed that I was looking at her flank and said, "Do you like what you see?"

I took a breath and said, "Arcana, where is Twilight anyway?"

She gives me a crazy grin and says, "she's not going to join us, because you see, she put herself into a trance like sleep for the day downstairs, "and then she started up the stairs with me in tow.

Oh god, I don't want this to happen, it might end our friendship, I need to get out of here, like right now.

I started to flap my wings trying to get away, and Arcana noticed this and said, "It's useless to get away, because you see that spell is an advance levitation spell."

I concentrated to try to get away, light started to appear, "what's going on here? "Arcana asked and then there was a big blinding flash (luckily I still have my goggles on) and appeared in a great hall.

"Star is that you?"

I twirled around, expecting another mare to chase me and was surprise to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna their staring at me with surprise in their eyes.

"Ya it's me, now can somepony tell me where I am and how I got here?"

"Well you are in Cantorlot and you appeared in a bright flash and there you were, "Luna answered.

"Wow I warped that far, "I said amazed.

"And where did you come from Star? "Celestia asked.

"Ponyville library, "I answered.

Again the look of surprise was on their faces.

"Let me guess, the mares in Ponyville are in heat and were after you, "Celestia said in a deadpanned toned.


"But why didn't you come here yesterday? "Luna asked.


Celestia answer, "well you see, every year around this time, because since the male population is ten to one, mares tend to go a bit crazy if there is a stallion nearby so-."

"A bit, they nearly got me a couple of times, "I interrupted shocked.

Celestia looked at me with annoyed expression.


Celestia continues, "so the stallions of nearby towns like Ponyville comes here for a day while the mares in the towns live on, but how come you didn't come here yesterday?"

"Ah forgot something, the reason I didn't know, because I wasn't always a pony remember, "I said as I sat on my haunches and crossed my forelegs.

Celestia chuckled nervously and said, "I did forget, maybe I should've sent you a letter about this upcoming event."

"You think, but I have a question, how come you both are not affected?"

"We are both over two thousand years old, so we both are in total control, now enough questions, go on and enjoy the city, "Celestia suggested, "don't make me make it into a command."

"Alright then, but I have one more question, where am I suppose to sleep tonight?"

"Well you can sleep in one of the guest suites here in the palace, "Luna said with a wicked grin.

"Oh um… that is fine and all, but I want to sleep tonight and not find myself sleeping with one of you, "I said nervous.

Celestia let a sigh in annoyance and said to Luna, "Luna, how many times to have to say, quit trolling other ponies, that's mine job."

We all started laughing, after we all finished Celestia opened the door to let me out.

I walked out of the throne room and saw a guard and said, "yo, what's up."

He gave me a look of surprise as I left the throne room, probably because I didn't enter through the front door.

I left the palace and looked down at Cantorlot and thought as I made my way down to the city, now let's see what I can do here in this fair city.


Hello everypony, now I am not sure if this chapter caused some of you to be mad at me, and if I did then I am sorry, but I really had a fun time writing this, and please review, because I want to know what everypony is thinking, goodbye.

End A/N

Chapter 18: Angel's Guardian

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Chapter 18

After spending the whole day and night in Cantorlot and returning to Ponyville I found out from Arcana herself that she put herself in trance like sleep that was only to last that day, although she doesn't know how she got from her bed to the base of the stairs (at least she doesn't remember what happen the day before). So everything returned to normal, me back to working and napping, and Arcana reading and doing spells.

It has been a week and after the adventure Arcana had involving Applejack going missing (she later tells me that to never break a Pinkie Promise, because she said Pinkie scared her when she thought Applejack broke her promise), it has pretty much slowed down.

I was sleeping on my cloud as usually, but since the whole bees' incident, I have become a light sleeper.

I felt something nudging my side as I slept and heard some whispering.

I opened an eye and saw something standing over me, but I couldn't tell who it was, for the sun was behind the pony.

I opened my other eye and sat up and saw that it was Fluttershy.

"Hay Fluttershy, what's up?"

She looked up trying to see something.

I chuckled at the sight and said, "not that up, I mean what are doing here?"

"Oh um… I was wondering if you can…"Fluttershy said trailing off and trying to hide behind her mane.

"Sigh, what was that?"

"I was wondering if you can take… "she says trailing off again.

"One more time please."

"I was wondering if you can take care of my bunny, Angel, if it's no trouble."


"Well I am need in Manehattan, because the zoo there has some sick animals to be taken care of and everypony else is busy and you were the only one left, so can you please? "she said with a smile and a puppy like look.

Dang she is so adorable with that look, "sure I can, how long will you be gone?"

"All day"

"When are you leaving?"

"About an hour"

"So soon, alright then I'll meet you at your house about ten minutes then ok."

Fluttershy agrees and flew towards her home, getting ready for her trip to Manehattan.

Ten minutes later I stood in front of her door with a saddlebag on, as I was ready to knock on it opened before I can do it.

I was expecting Fluttershy to be on the other side of the door, instead it was the bunny of the hour ( hehe I love puns).

"Hi Angel, "I said greeting the bunny.

Angel just stood there looking at me, questioning why I was here.

Fluttershy then pops her head out and see me.

"Hello Star, just on time please come in, "Fluttershy said as she lead me inside.

As I walked inside I saw her getting her saddlebags on and saying, "now Star I left a list for you about Angel, are you sure you can do this, because Angel can be a hoofful sometimes and what's in the bag."

"Fluttershy I am completely sure that I can take care of him now go and it's my lunch, now go before your train leaves, "I said as I pushed her out of the door.

She nodded and flew away humming a tune.

I closed the door and looked at Angel and saw that he was giving me a stink eye look.

"Look I know that you don't like me, but let's just get this over with till Fluttershy gets back from Manehattan ok."

He just gave me evil look, which I didn't like.

"Alright moving on, let's have lunch ok."

I went into kitchen and made a quick salad for Angel and gave it to him, while he was eating his salad I took my lunch out in the living room.

Early today I got a chimi-cherry-changa, (a new food item at Sugarcube Corner, its cherry paste in a wrapped up tortilla and deep fried, made by Pinkie, she made it after her visit in Dodge Junction and it's pretty good) cinnamon roll (could never get enough of those rolls and I think I am getting a bit fat) and a bottle of sarsaparilla from Sugarcube Corner.

As I was about to finish my lunch with the cinnamon roll, I felt something hitting my leg.

I looked down and saw Angel giving me an annoyed look.

"Let me guess, you want a carrot?"

He nodded and I went back into the kitchen looking for a carrot in the cabinets, when I found one I gave it to him, were he just started eating it in a hurry.

"Now, now Angel, eat slowly or you'll get a tummy ache, "I said.

He immediately stopped eating and gave me an angry look and throws the leftovers of the carrot at my face, where it hit me in the forehead.

"Did you just throw a carrot at me? "I asked a bit stunned, which was just enough for the bunny to steal the cinnamon roll out of my hooves and starts eating it.

I said as I tossed myself at the bunny to get back my cinnamon roll, "Hay that's mine."

He saw me coming and runs into the living room, causing me to hit the floor with a thump.

"Why you little, "I said out loud as I made my way into the living room.

I saw Angel there standing on the table, and I immediately ran up to him.

He put up a paw signaling me to stop

I stopped right in front of him wondering what is going to happen.

He gave me a smile and pulled out a carrot from who knew where's and slapped me with it.

"Did you just slap me with a carrot?"

He nodded and I said as I reaching out with my forelegs to get the bunny, "why you little, I'll teach you to respect other ponies."

His eyes widen and with a quick reaction he slapped me with the carrot again, causing me to be stunned again, and ran up to a window and jumped out of it.

I flew to the window and saw him going into the forest.

"Wait Angel come back, don't go in there it's not safe, "I yelled out of the window worried.

But he didn't come back, causing me to panic.

"Oh no, oh no this isn't good if angel isn't here when Fluttershy comes back, she is going to give me the Stare *shudder* or worse she will start to cry, just because I couldn't take care of a bunny."

Thirty minutes later I am in the forest looking and calling out to the bunny.


At that moment I heard a shrill of a scream coming from a little distance away to my right.

I went to my right and sure enough I saw Angel there standing rigid.

"Oh thank Celestia I found you, "I said as I came up to him and lifted him in the air, but it looked like he didn't noticed for her just continues to stare at something, and then I heard heavy breathing behind me and something cold and wet fell on my shoulder.

I nervously gulped and slowly put my left leg behind me and felt ruff fur and something hard and pointy and very moist.

I slowly turned my head and there I saw a manticore and I had my hoof in its mouth, ewwww, I glanced down and saw that it had drooled on me, double ewwww.

"Angel, "I whispered to the bunny, "get on my neck, slowly and hold onto my mane."

Angel slowly did what I told him to do, after he was secured to my mane I said to the manticore as I pulled my hoof out of its mouth, "hehe sorry to bother you mister manticore, I just came to get my friend here, and also let my say, my what big teeth you have."

Apparently the manticore took my joke differently and roared at me revealing it rows of teeth.

"Oh wow you really do have big teeth, "I said as I stared into its gapping maw, "and now I will… skedaddle, "I ran for it, which the manticore started to chase me.

"This has not been my week, first the mares and now a manticore, come on give me a break here, "I ranted as I ran from manticore that was gaining on me.

I weaved through trees trying to lose the manticore, but soon came upon grove of closely grown trees that has no way for me to escape.

"Seriously, this is not possible, "I said annoyed.

I turned around and saw that the manticore had blocked the entrance to the grove and it looked like it was smiling.

I gulped and said to Angel, "Angel I'm sorry that I reacted early today."

Angel said something to me, but unfortunately I can't speak bunny, but I think he said something about being sorry, that or it my fault that we are in this mess.

The manticore leaped at us, we both screamed shut our eyes, the thought, I wish we were back at Fluttershy's cottage, came into my mind, and then there was flash.

We both open our eyes and saw that we both were back in Fluttershy's living room.

We both looked at our surroundings and then to each other, after a while I said, "ok let's make a deal, I won't tell anypony that you went to the forest and screamed like a little filly, while you don't tell Fluttershy that you slapped me with a carrot and threaten you deal?"

Angel agrees by nodded and we shook on it.

Hours later Fluttershy came back and saw us eating cake.

"Hello Star how was Angel? I hope he didn't cause any trouble, "Fluttershy said worried.

"Don't worry Fluttershy he was just fine, we did have a 'little' problem, but we got over that."

"Oh that is good to hear, but um… what are you eating?"

"Oh it's carrot cake, want some? "I said offering her a piece of cake


I hope this chapter is funny to you as it was for me when I was writing this, and please read and review.

End A/N

Chapter 19: What a Nice Day

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Sorry that this chapter is late, and I did a little revision to chapter 17, so enjoy.
End A/N

Chapter 19

“Hay Twilight, can I ask you something? “I asked Twilight as I saw her as I was walking downstairs this morning.

“Sure Star, What is it? ”Twilight asked looking up from a book she was reading.

“What’s the date and day? Because I keep having the feeling that something important is going to happen.”

When I heard what the date was from Twilight, I suddenly realized why I am having this feeling that something important is
going to happen.

“What’s wrong Star? ”Twilight asked concerned.

“Huh, what? ”I asked.

“Well you kind of spaced out there for a minute there Star, what’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you, but first where is Arcana?”

“She’s still asleep in her room.”

“Alright you see… wait she’s still asleep, isn’t she usually up early in the morning though? ”I asked a bit confused.

“Ya she stayed up all night… wait we are going off topic here, why did you asked where Arcana is?”

“Sorry, well you see tomorrow is Arcana’s birthday.”

Twilights eyes widen when she heard that and started looking around in a panic.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Sorry about that, because you see if you mention the b-word…”

“What? Birthday.”

“SHHH, if you mention that word, Pinkie becomes more excited than ever to celebrate that pony’s birthday, “Twilight gasps as she quickly put her hoof over her mouth in panic.

“Did somepony call me? “asked a voice above us.

We both jumped up in fright and looked up and saw Pinkie there hanging over the banister with a huge grin on her face.

“Ok I know you are just being Pinkie, but how in the name of Celestia that is sane did you get there?

“Silly you called me, “Pinkie answered me, making me more confused.

“What? How? ”

“By saying birthday three times, you call me, because I love to throw birthday parties for ponies, so I’m always there if you
mention birthday three times.”

I looked down at Twilight and saw that she was letting a tried sigh.

I looked back at Pinkie saying, “look Pinkie, as much as I would like you to throw… “but I stopped talking when I saw that she
wasn’t there anymore.

“What were you saying? ”Pinkie asked next to me.

I felt my heart stop for a second at hearing Pinkie next to me.

“Pinkie will you please stop doing that, you are going to give me an heart attack one of these days, and plus I think I’m
becoming a little paranoid.”

“It’s not that bad, now what were you saying? “Pinkie asked.

“Look Pinkie, as much as I would like you to throw the party, do you think that you can… tone down it a bit?”

The happiness in eyes and smile drooped and her hair deflated and she said, “don’t you like my parties anymore?”

“Pinkie that is not what I meant, you see Arcana isn’t much into celebrating her birthday, so she tends to get a bit nervous
around a lot of people or in this case ponies, so she and I just tend to go out, but since this is her first birthday in Ponyville, you can do her birthday party instead of me.”

Pinkie’s attitude immediately turned and she said, “Pinkie Promise?”

“Pinkie Promise and I won’t break it, because I know how you get when somepony breaks the Pinkie Promise.”

She started to laugh and says, “alrighty then, ’gasp’ I better get started then , “and with that she left in flash leaving a white outline of her and which then floating down to the ground.

“What did Pinkie just left behind? “Twilight asked examining the powdery dust.

I rubbed some of the powder onto my hoof and took a whiff, “huh, it’s flour.”

After a few seconds of silence I said, “well anyway… see ya later Twilight, I have a few things to do for tomorrow, “leaving

Twilight staring at the pile of flour on the floor.

After I made my way through Ponyville, I stood outside of Rarity’s Carousel Boutique.

I entered the boutique causing the bell overhead to ring, alerting the owner of the store of my presence.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique where, oh hello Star, how are you and what can I do? “Rarity asked.

“I’m fine, but can I ask you something?”

“Sure darling, what is it?”

“Well the reason I’m here is, because you see tomorrow is Arcana’s birthday, “Rarity looked around in a panic, “Pinkie already knows Rarity well anyway, so I was wondering if you…”I said trailing off.

“What was that dear, “Rarity asked leaning in so she can hear me better.

“I was wondering if you can make her a dress, “I said a bit embarrassed.

“Oh, “she said a bit surprised, after a moment she says, “well of course, but my I ask why dear?”

“Well Arcana isn’t much into birthdays, but since this is her first birthday in Equestria I wanted to do something special for her, so can you do it?”

“Of course she can, “somepony said next to us, causing both of us yelp out in fright.

We both looked around and saw that nopony was there.

I heard a knocking sound and somepony said, “Over here, you silly ponies.”

We looked over to our left where Rarity keeps her mirrors and there was something I couldn’t believe.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure that what I seeing wasn’t just my imagination, for there in the mirror was a smiling Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie would you please stop doing that, “Rarity complained, “you might give some poor pony a fright attack one of these days, and what are you even doing here?”

“Well somepony called me, ”Pinkie explained.

After I gathered some of my scattered senses I said, “sorry Pinkie that would be my fault.”

Pinkie just pout and said to herself, “gosh I thought I got this down already, “she just then shrugged and said, “oh well what can I do, see ya tomorrow at the party, “and with that she walked out of sight.

“Sometimes I do wonder how in Equestria she does that, “Rarity says a bit amazed.

I was about say Pinkie is just being Pinkie when Rarity hold up hoof, silencing me, “yes I know dear, Pinkie is just being Pinkie.”

“Now about that dress order? ”I asked.

“Huh? Oh of course darling, I can do it and I must say; that you are a gentlecolt to do this for your friend, but I have one request.”

“What is it? “I asked feeling a bit nervous.

“You let me design a suit for you, because since the male population is ten to one, “the thought of all of those mares chasing me when they in heat came into mind and I shuddered at that thought, Rarity continues, “I rarely get any stallions in here, and since you are the average size of an stallion, will you let me take your measurements?”

I relaxed and said, “Sure Rarity I can do that.”

After an hour of standing still and letting Rarity take measurement of my body (nothing else happen ok) she said, “ok your suit will probably be ready in two days, but before I can begin I need to get Arcana’s measurements so I can start making her dress, so try to get her to come here as soon as possible, ok?”

“I will Rarity and thank you for doing this.”

“It’s no problem, “Rarity said happily, “it’s not every day when somepony like you does this for somepony else.”

I felt myself blush and said, “I’m just a good friend, now how much will this be? Because making a dress and suit has to be expense.”

“Well darling since I haven’t made the clothes yet I can’t be sure, but I will let you know by tomorrow ok?”
I agreed and thanked her for helping me on this little project of mine.

I made my way back to the library and as I was about to go inside the door opened and Arcana walked out.

Ok things just got a bit easier.

“Hay Arcana, what’s up?”Star asked me.

“Oh nothing much, just going out for a stroll, what about you?”

“Nothing much too, just flew around town, napping on clouds, and catching up with the others, “I said as I was walking
inside, but I stopped and continues, “oh and Arcana.”


“Rarity would like you if you can come over to her place so she can take your measurements.”


“I don’t know, “I answered a bit fast.

Arcana just looked into my eyes for a bit, I felt my forehead gathering sweat from nervousness and after a while she said,
“Alright then, see ya later Star, “and walked towards the boutique.

I let out a breath that I was holding and thought as I walked inside the store, well that went better than I thought.

The Next Day

Arcana’s POV

After spending the rest of yesterday modeling for Rarity I was wondering what is going on around here.

First Star was acting shifty; Second, Rarity wanted me to pose for her; third, I haven’t seen Pinkie all day yesterday.

I walked towards the kitchen to see what is for breakfast.

“Hay Spike, what’s for breakfast? ”I asked as I entered the kitchen, but when I got in the kitchen, the only thing there is a plate of pancakes, and a note.

I took a bite out of a pancake, ugh, it’s cold, after a quick and simple heating spell, I took a look at the note, and saw that it said:

Dear Arcana

Twilight and Spike left for Cantorlot on royal business and I went to Zecora’s place, because I had accidently consumed

Poison Joke yesterday, and in case you think, no I didn’t become a human again, I just… well I am not explain it.

Just to let you know that I will be back around noon, so see ya later, and enjoy the day instead of reading in the library
today, ok? Ok.


P.S. I am sorry that I was rambling in the letter earlier.

P.S.S. Pinkie would like you to come around twelve, latter today to help her take care of the Cake twins.

P.S.S.S. Oh one more thing, Rarity would like you to join her and Fluttershy to go to the spa, if yes then meet them outside of Rarity’s house at ten, that is all.

After I looked over the letter thinking of the things that are odd today as I ate my breakfast, ok four, this letter has fishy written all over it, because Star isn’t that stupid to eat Poison Joke… ok maybe a little.

I finished my breakfast and put the plate in the sink, I looked over to the clock that was hanging nearby and saw that it said; 8:45.

It’s going to be a long time before 12:10, so I guess I can join Rarity and Fluttershy to the spa, I guess I need to get going now then.

I arrived at Rarity’s place, but I only saw Fluttershy there, standing outside apparently waiting for me.

“Hay Fluttershy, so are we going to the spa and where is Rarity?”

“Hello Arcana, yes we are, but Rarity suddenly got an important order and it needs to be done soon, so it is just going to be

you and me, but Rarity said you can take her place, “Fluttershy responded.

“Oh ok then.”

Fluttershy and I started heading towards the spa, after a few minutes later we arrived there and entered, as soon we entered a blue coated and pink mane and tail spa twin, Aloe, or is Lotus I don’t know I can never tell, came from behind the counter and spoke in a French like accent, “ah miss Fluttershy, I suspect you are here for the usual, “Fluttershy nodded, “where is miss Rarity though? She doesn’t miss her routine spa sessions, unless something important came up.”

“Well you are right you see, Rarity received an important order and since she couldn’t make it she is letting our friend

Arcana here take her place Lotus, “Fluttershy said as she pointed towards me.

“Ah miss Rarity is sure generous to let her friend take her place instead, very well then let’s get started, “Lotus said as she
lead us down the hall towards what looked like steam rooms, when we got near the rooms she looked at me and said, “now since you’re taking miss Rarity’s place for her sessions, you’ll be getting the full treatment.”

“How long will this take? Because I have something else planned around noon, “I explained.

“Oh not long, just about two and a half hours, “Lotus responded.

“Ok then.”

“Also let me add that’s a lovely collier, “Lotus added.

I gave a confused look and said, “Is that French for my necklace?”

It was her turn to give a confused look, “no, it’s Prench.”

I gave myself a mental face hoof, oh that’s right pony puns, and then said, “sorry that’s what I mean and thank you.”

“But I ask if you can remove it so it won’t get ruined from the sessions, “Lotus said.

“Sorry it doesn’t come off, “and to make my point I gave it a tug with my magic, causing it to pull at my coat also, showing that is stuck on me.

“Oh dear, how in Equestria did this happened?”

“Long story in fact too long to tell, let’s just get this started please. “

“Of course, your necklace will be in the way, but we can work around it, now if you’ll please follow me.”

She lead us to what looked like a locker room, for its’ propose I don’t know.

Lotus walked up to a cabinet and opened it and taking out two robes and gave them to each of us.

Fluttershy put on hers and I followed soon after.

After we both put on the robes Lotus lead us through a door on the other side of the room and it entered into the steams rooms.

“Now the steam session will take about ten minutes, so now please relax, “and with that the spa twin went to a corner of the steam room to what looked like a pile of rocks and bucket of water.

Fluttershy and I sat down on the wooden benches getting comfortable, when the spa twin saw that we were comfortable she picked up a ladle and put it in the bucket, scooping out water and pouring it over the rock, they must have been heated for they immediately started creating steam in the room.

After Lotus poured more water on the rocks and filling the room with steam she left the room, probably to get the other sessions ready.

I felt myself becoming relaxed and I closed my eyes enjoying it.

Ten minutes went by really quickly, for Lotus twin sister Aloe came in and said with the same French like accent like her sister, “ok now ten minutes are up, now if you’ll follow me please, I’ll lead you to your next session.”

After we followed Aloe to another room with raised pedestals around the room, “now each of you please get on a pedestal, so we can begin the next session, ”Aloe said as pointed to the pedestals.

I got on one, while Fluttershy got on the one to my right, as I got comfortable, Lotus came into the room with a couple of bowls on her back.

“Now we are going to apply the mud mask, “Aloe explained as Lotus sets each of the bowls on our pedestals.

“Now tell us how much you want to applied and if you want the cucumbers slices added, we will happily oblige, ”Lotus said as her sister got a couple of brushes from a counter.

“I would like a light coat please? And no thanks to the cucumber slices, “I said explaining what I wanted.

“And I would like what I usually get please? “Fluttershy asked.

The spa twins did what we asked, the results were me having a light coat over my face and Fluttershy having some on her cheeks only, “now while the mask is setting, would you like to have unicare? ”Lotus asked.

“What’s a unicare? “I asked confused.

“It is when one of us file your horn, “Aloe explained.

Huh it’s like a manicure, but just for the horn, I thought, after a few seconds I said, “sure why not this is my first time here anyway, “besides the Poison Joke incident.

Lotus zipped over to the counter and back with a file and started filing my horn.

After they finished giving me a unicare and the mask setting the twin lead us out of the room to another, where this one is filled massage table.

“Now if you’ll please get on the tables, so we can begin your massage portion of the treatment, “Aloe said pointing to the tables.

We both got on one of the tables, Aloe left after they saw us settling in, a few seconds later the androgynous masseuse, or known as Quake, came in the room walked up to my table.

The masseuse stood up next to my table and said in a slight famine voice, “now what would you like me to do?”

I thought it over for a bit and answered, “I would like it if you can do my neck, shoulders, and lower back please.”

The masseuse nodded and started working on the requested areas, immediately making me become more relax. I felt the knots and stressed areas in my neck, shoulders, and back go away.

I moaned in bliss pleasure (not that kind of pleasure), “wow I can see why Rarity enjoys these massages.”

After an half an hour of Quake working my back of all the aches and stress from reading over books, the masseuse said, “There you go, all finished.”

“Thank you Quake for that wonderful massage, “I said as I was getting up from the table.

“Your very welcome Miss Arcana, “and with that the masseuse walked out of the room.

I looked over to my right and saw that Lotus just finished giving Fluttershy her massage, “and now for the next session,
please follow me, “Lotus said as she walked out of the room she added, “oh and there are some wash cloths by the door, use them to remove your masks.”

We washed our faces and followed her to another room with bath tubs in the floor filled with what look like mud, “these are the mud baths, ”Lotus explained and then asked,” would any of you like a seaweed wrap?”

We both declined and she mentioned us towards the baths, we both took off our robes got in and the spa twin said, “You’ll be in there for about thirty minutes, after that there are showers over there to wash of the mud.”

After our time in the baths run out we washed out the mud from our coats, when we got out we saw Aloe standing there with a smile and said, “We are now at the final session of your time, now if you’ll put your robes back on and dry yourselves, follow me.”

We did as she neon red spa twin said and followed her to our last session; our last session was what looks like small tubs,
“now if you will please get in we can get started.”

We each got in one, the water only came up to our hoofs, when Aloe saw that we both have our hoofs in she pressed a button on the side of the tub, causing the water to bubble and massage our hoofs.

“This session will last ten minutes, “Aloe explained, “I will see you in ten minutes, “and then she left.

I closed my eyes and started to think, wow today as been great so far, but I wonder if Star has anything to do with this… na he is probable still with Zecora getting his breakfast puked out of him, I shudder at that thought of constantly puking , eww why did I have to think of that.

I must have been with my thoughts the whole time, because I heard somepony walking in the room.

I opened my eyes and saw that it was Lotus carrying a basket, after set down the basket she said with a smile, “alright your time is up, please put your robes in the basket and come again soon.”

Fluttershy and I got out and dried our hooves and put the robes in the basket.

“Thank you for the spa treatments, “I said to spa twin.

“Your very welcome, and please come back soon. “

We left the spa, with me feeling wonderful, “wow I can see why you and Rarity do this every week Fluttershy.”

“Yes it is a wonderful way to spend the mornings, “Fluttershy says happily agreeing.

“Hay Fluttershy what time is it? “I asked, “Because Pinkie asked me to help her with the Cake twins later today.”

“I think it is around noon, “Fluttershy responded, “I’ll come along, because I’m a bit hungry right now.”

We started walking towards the confectionary store, to get something to eat and to help Pinkie later on.

We soon arrived at Sugarcube Corner and I noticed that there seemed to be a lack of ponies around, “hay Fluttershy is today a slow day of something, because there’s usually a crowd around here, “I asked the shy pegasus.

She just shrugged and said, “I don’t know, maybe it is, let’s just go inside so we can eat.”

I didn’t notice the little nervousness in the pegasus voice and walked up to the door, I opened the door and saw that it was dark inside.

“Hello, anypony here? “I asked as I walked inside, as soon as Fluttershy and I were fully inside the door slam shut with a bang and the lights turned on with everypony inside the store crying out, “SURPRISE.”

I looked around stunned at what I saw, for there was Twilight and her friends and Star there standing there with huge smiles and wearing party hats and behind them a cake that looks like chocolate, I looked up and saw a banner saying, ‘Happy Birthday Arcana.’

“Huh… What is… what the… Ah jeez I forgot that today was my birthday, didn’t I? “I asked.

“Yup, you pretty much did, “Star said as he walked up to me.

“Let me guess, you told them about my birthday and you didn’t eat Poison Joke didn’t you? “I asked him.

“Yes I did, and no I didn’t eat any of those flowers, “Star answered, “I just need you out of the way for a while, while this party was getting set up.”

“I figured that something was up. “

“Why do you say that? “Star asked confused.

“Because your left eye tends to twitch when you lie, “I said.

“Really, “Star said as he put a hoof to his left eye, “Well anyway, happy birthday Arcana.”

“Did somepony call me, “said a voice next to me, I looked over and saw Pinkie there with a smile, which caused me to jump.

“Pinkie it’s just me, and will you please stop doing that? ”Star said a bit annoyed, “you are really going to give somepony a fright attack one of these days.”

“Never, “Pinkie said and bounced away humming what sounds like her cupcake song.

Star just hoof faced and said, “Let’s just get this party started.”

Rarity called out saying, “let’s start with the gifts. “

“Ah you shouldn’t, “I said trying to let them not to give anything.

“Well to its too late anyway, “Pinkie said with a grin, “my gift to you was this birthday party, since you don’t get much parties, do you like it?”

“Yes Pinkie I like it, thank you for this party.”

“Yay she likes it, “Pinkie said jumping up and down.

“Pinkie you are so random, “Dash said as she flew up to me holding a gift. “here you go and hold out your hooves, “she said.

I did what she said and she drops the present into my hooves, causing me to fall to the floor, “oh Celestia, what’s inside this thing, freaking weights?”

“Well duh, what else could it be, don’t want you to be a major egghead, now would I, “she said smiling.

“Well here you go Arcana, “Twilight said levitating a book to me.

I took it and read the title, “Ancient History and Stories of Myths, wow this sound really intresting, can’t wait to read it. “

“Ah Twilight, why do you give everypony books? ”Dash complained.

Twilight just glared at her and that was that.

Fluttershy said, “Mine was the spa.”

“Then thanks Fluttershy that really felt nice.”

“Here you go Arcana, “AJ said as she gave me a bottle, “that there is Zap-apple juice, “she noticed my look and added, “and don’t worry, it’s safe to drink.”

Rarity walked up to me carrying one big box and a smaller one in her magic, “I made this for you, “and floated the smaller one to me.

I took it in me magic and opened it, and what I saw inside surprised me, for it was tiara like the one Rarity had for her dress, except it was made of some white metal like material and in the center was a yellow gem, “wow Rarity it’s beautiful, this is amazing.”

“No dear that’s not amazing, this one is, “she giving me the bigger one, “two?”

“No dear, this one is from Star, now come on open it.”

I opened it and what I saw completely stunned me, it was a sliver dress that also had gems and metals in it, and on closer inspection I saw that the gems on it was arranged to look like wings.

“Oh thank you Star, “I said as I hugged him, “so this is why Rarity needed my measurements, wait was this also the important order that Rarity had?”

Rarity and Star both nodded their heads.

“Well thank you all, this is so far this best birthday I ever had, “I said to everypony in the room, “Now let’s gets this party started, ”I said, causing everypony to cheer.

Hello I am so sorry about this update, so I stayed up till two in the morning writing this and the next one, and I am sorry if this ending doesn’t feel right, well anyway this is so far the longest I had ever written, so tell me what you think. Chapter 20 will be up soon, good bye for now.

End A/N

Chapter 20: A Bad Taste

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Well here is chapter 20 enjoy

End A/N

Chapter 20

I was once again sleeping at Dash’s house (because I pissed off the bees at the library, again, hay how was I suppose those flowers were for the bees) and was having a nice dream, which I won’t get into, when I felt my tail being pulled, dragging me off
the couch I was sleeping.

“Whoa, what’s going here? “I questioned in panic and looking around, I saw that I was in the air, but I wasn’t flying, when I look down to see who was dragging me, I saw that is was Dash with my tail in her mouth.

“Dash, what’s going here it’s still dark out and can you let me fly already? I am awake you know that right?”

Dash’s answer was to spit out my tail, causing me to drop a few feet in the air, but I quickly took to the skies.

“No time to explain we need to get Fluttershy’s right now, “and that Dash sped up.

I flew as fast as I can to follow her, as I got to fluttery’s house I saw her knocking on Fluttershy’s bedroom window, after a few seconds later she flew back a little and rammed herself at the window, causing it to open letting her in, not noticing the open window a few feet away.

I hoof faced, and then I looked up and saw Fluttershy being rushed out of her room by Dash, shrieking, flying in the
direction of Sweet Apple Acres, almost leaving me here.

I followed them and I heard Fluttershy asking, “Oh, where are we? What’s the rush?”

“The rush, don’t you remember what happen last year? Or the year before that? Or pretty much any cider season ever?
“Dash asked.

Cider season, what’s cider season?

I then heard Dash said with so much hatred, “Pinkie Pie, she always ends up ahead of us in line, and then they always run out of cider!”

Wow, whatever cider season is? It is a big thing for Dash.

I listen to Dash as she rants off how she will be the first one there and buy a lot of cider and she’ll taunt Pinkie by slowly drinking it drop by drop.

When we flew over the last hill, Dash let out a huge gasp and stops flying, almost causing me to fly into her.
I looked over her shoulder and whistled and then said, “Oh wow that’s a lot of ponies.”

Before us was a line that reached from the farm all the way back to Ponyville, “Hole molies, that is a lot of ponies (oh look I rhymed), this is worse than Black Friday shopping.”

“Gee Rainbow Dash, looks like a few other ponies had the same idea, “Fluttershy said looking at the line.

We flew to the front of the line and saw a pink tent with balloons outside, I bet it is Pinkie Pie’s, the tent unzipped and more balloons came out along with Pinkie.

“Oh gosh Pinkie, I love your new style, “Fluttershy said, but I wasn’t sure if it was to her bed hair or her sleeping out here.

“Who are all of these ponies? “Dash questioned worried.

Pinkie’s mane poof back into its’ usually shape and she started explaining how she couldn’t wait for cider season to start she came up with the idea to sleep out here and told a few other ponies about her idea, and to call it a big cider party.

She jumps into the air and splats on the ground landing, she looked up and said, “Oh gosh that’s a lot of ponies, hope they don’t run out before you get any, “and walked back to tent.

I heard growling at this, I looked over and saw Dash gritting her teeth and was seething with anger, causing me to fly a few feet away, because I didn’t want to be near her in case she blows, I still don’t know cider season is.

Fluttershy, Dash and I started walking back to the end of the line, along the way I saw Twilight, Spike, Rarity and Arcana there already in line, “did you four spent the night here? “I asked.

“Ah goodness graces no, I would not sleep on the ground, “Rarity said with dignity.

“What Rarity means, Star, is that we woke up early and got here, “Arcana said.

“I have a question though.”

“What is it Star? “Twilight asked.

“What is cider season?”

“Cider season is when the Apple family makes wonderful and amazing apple cider that is famous around here, “Dash said quickly, “now come on and let’s get line, before it grows to long.”

And with that she bit my tail and dragged me all the way to the end of the line where Fluttershy was waiting.

A few hours later we heard Applejack voice (magnified by a blow horn) calling out, ATTENTION EVERYPONY, CIDER SEASON IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!”

Murmurs of excitement came from the crowd when they heard this; I even saw some of them already pulling out bits for their purchase.

We saw Pinkie up in front what looks like two bags in her mouth walk up to the cider stand, she took them out of mouth and uploaded their contents into a box, what we saw shock a few ponies around us, because Pinkie had just dumped around thirty cups worth of bits into the box.

Moments later we saw Pinkie walking past us on her hind legs with her forelegs full of cups of cider, and her foaming at the mouth, like a rapid dog.

Dash and I looked at each other with our mouths open wide at what we saw, dang, I hope there’s some cider for us too, I thought as I saw Pinkie walk away.

More hours later we were finally at the cider stand, Fluttershy put her two bits in the box and Applebloom cranked the lever pouring cider into a mug, which Fluttershy took with a thank you, when Dash put her two bits into the box, she started hovering and looked at cider dispenser with joy in her eyes and mouth hanging open.

But of course fate just had to be cruel, for the faucet just sputtered out a few drops and foam, indicating that the barrel was empty, and that it was also the last barrel.

“Dang it, it’s just luck that something like this happens, “I said a bit frustrated, “I wanted to try it out every since I heard everypony talking about it being the best cider in Equestria.”

Dash’s emotions were first her looking about to cry, and then she growled in anger and I heard her said under her breath, “every year, I had never gotten one drop ever.”

Applejack walked up to the front of the line and said, “uh, sorry everypony, that’s it for today, “causing the crowd to groan out of frustration and annoyance.

Apparently Dash had enough and flew right into Applejack view saying, “surprise, surprise, you ran out again.”

“Ya, you always ran out, “Caramel said angry, now where did he come from?

Fluttershy was saying something, but I couldn’t hear her for Dash said, “Why can’t you make enough cider for all of us, or at least for me?”

This cause the crowd of ponies to get mad at Applejack, she jumped unto the stand and said, “Hold on everypony we’ve done our best to improve supply this year.”

“You always say that, “Caramel yelled out, wow this pony has guts.

“And it’s always true, but Apple family cider is made with love and integrity and only the highest-quality apples in Equestria, sorry but that recipe takes time.”

And with that it caused more groans and murmurs from the crowd to start up again.

“If y’all just be patient, we’ll have plenty more tomorrow.”

When Dash and I turned around to go back to town, we saw Pinkie and Arcana there with huge grins, and Pinkie said, “She’s right you know, you can’t rush perfection, and this year’s batch was perfection. “

“She is right Star, even though I never had cider before, it was like drinking a piece of heaven, “Arcana said to me.

Fluttershy tried to warn them with, “Ah Pinkie Pie, Arcana…”

“I’ll never forget the cider I just drank. It was a moment in time that will never exist again, oh! ”said happily on Dash’s back.
“She is right; I will never forget the taste of the first drop of cider on my tongue.”

“Just stop already, “I said annoyed, and then I pointed to Dash and continued “Dash looks like she is going to blow.”

We both looked at her and saw that she is seething in anger and looked about to snap, until we all heard a car horn like sound in the distance, causing everypony to look up farther the room.

“I didn’t know that they had vehicles here, did you? ”Arcana said confused.

I shook my head and answered, “No I didn’t.”

We turned our attention back to the road and saw what looked like blend of a car and a train with two unicorns in the front, making its way towards us.

“What in Equestria is that? “AJ asked as she came up to us.

We all shrugged in confusion, as it got nearer everypony started to get excited and walked up towards it. It stop at the stand knocking lose some of the fencing around the farm, which Granny Smith didn’t look happy about.

The vehicle started to make clanking and whirling sounds, as two look alike unicorn ponies step off the machine, and one of them (with a apple slice for his cutie mark) spoke up, “well lookee what we got here, brother of mine, it’s the same in every town, ponies with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found.”

We walked up to Twilight, Spike and Rarity as the pony continues, “maybe they’re not aware that theirs is really no need for this teary despair.”

The other’s brother joined in saying (with his cutie mark being a apple missing a slice), “that the key that they need to solve the sad cider shortage, you and I will share.”

And then they went into musical number, telling all of us that they are world famous Flim Flam Brothers and explaining what their contraption is called The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 and what is does that it makes cider in seconds.

After their catchy musical number everypony started getting excited, as they heard the promise of cider being made quickly.
“Holy cow, everypony is sure worked over just for some cider, “I said as I saw everypony licking their lips.

“I don’t like this, “Arcana said bluntly.

“Why? “Twilight asked.

“Because in back in our world people, like those two, are usually con artists, tricksters or thieves, “Arcana answered her.
“That’s horrid, “Rarity said

“Even their name gives them away, “I added.

Arcana, Twilight and Rarity gave me confused looks, “sigh, I might not be as much as a bookworm as you Arcana or Twilight, but I am smart too, you see when you put their names together you get flimflam, it is a term meaning confidence trick or a con,” I said explaining to them.

Flam started talking drawing our attention to him, “Don’t you worry, everypony, there’ll be plenty of cider for all of you.”

I looked over to his brother that was whispering to the Apple family, “look over there, “I said to the others, they looked in the direction I was pointing too, whatever Flim said to them, it wasn’t good, for they all become shocked at whatever he said.
“And I bet you a cup of cider that, he just threatens them, maybe by taking over their farm, “I said getting upset.

The next day

I was standing in line in front of Arcana, finally I am about to see why this cider is suppose to be amazing.

As the pony in front of me having her cup filled Arcana asked, “Hay have you seen Dash this morning?”

“No I haven’t, “I answered, and I looked in front and saw that the pony’s cup was almost full, so I pulled out two bits, as I was about to put them in the box Applebloom calls out, “that’s it, last cup.”

“D’oh! “I yelled in frustration, not again.

In the distance I heard Dash cry out, “Oh, for pete’s sake! ”I looked into the distance and saw her in the air.

“So that’s where she is.”

“Come back tomorrow everypony.”

Everypony started grumbling and then we heard the sound of machinery coming towards us, we turned around and saw the brothers were back, do they have a constant surveillance on this place or something?

“What seems to be the problem here? ”Flim asked.

“Oh, my, oh , my, out of cider again? ”Flam added.

Flim then walked behind the cider maker and said, “What have we here? ”and with that the machine spits out a barrel and Flim says, “who’d like a cup?”

With those words everypony started running towards the Flim Flam Brothers machine, again luck must have a grudge against me, because I was in the middle of the road and ponies were coming at me like a stampede.

“Ah crap, “was all I can say as ponies tackled me to the ground, where I was stepped, stamped, trampled and kicked, but somepony kick me in the jewels as she tried to leap over me.

After the stampede of ponies was finally over, I opened my eyes to see Arcana standing over me with failed to try to hide smile, “dude, are you ok and why are you in that position?”

“No I am not ok; it feels like I was run over by everypony in Ponyville, and somepony kicked me in the jewels.”

“Maybe because you were and somepony kicked you in the jewels. Who?”

“I will give a hint, her name rhymes with rash.”

At this she started laughing and said, “Dash kicked you.”

“Ya she did ok, “I said standing up and popping out my back and neck, from the tramples.

All of a sudden a lasso flies over us, we look to where it was going, and it grabbed the brother’s barrel of cider and was yanked away from them towards her where she says, “you can’t sell that cider, that’s made from Apple family apples,” but in the process it knocked Dash’s cup of cider out of her hoof, causing to spill into the dirt, where it was soaked up like sponge.
She dropped to the ground and started shoving the cider soaked dirt into mouth, eww, I shuddered at what I saw, , come on Dash have some dignity, but of course that can be karma talking.

She stood up with mud around her muzzle, and she said looking about to cry, “Is this some kind of cruel joke?”

“Don’t worry everypony there are plenty of apples in Equestria. We’ll find some others and make more cider than all of Ponyville can drink, “Flim said promising, causing the crowd to take in gasps of excitement.

“We’ll make more cider than you can could even imagine, “Applebloom yelled out, causing the crowd to take in a bigger gasps of excitement.

Big Mac picked up Applebloom by her tail and carries her over to the rest of the family where Granny Smith told her, “now it ain’t not about the speed youngin , it’s about quality, “when everypony heard that, they all groaned.

“Who cares how good the cider is if I never get to drink any? Dash said angrily.

Flim took this opportunity by saying while giving Dash a hug, “oh, look at these poor, dissatisfied ponies.”

Applebloom countered by saying while swinging around by her tail, “Ponyville is Sweet Apple cider country, “and then Big Mac dropped her.

“Our cider speaks for itself, “Applejack added.

“Let’s put it to the test, “Flim said while lying on the couch on the machine.

“Anywhere, anytime, “Applebloom said with a sly look.

Granny Smith whispered something to her, but we all couldn’t hear.

Then Flam said, “with our machine we can make enough cider in one hour to satisfy this entire town.”
“We’ll do it in forty-five minutes, “Applebloom countered again, causing everypony to look excited.

“Easy Applebloom, easy, “Granny said worried.

“What’s that matter Granny Smith, chicken, “Flim taunted Granny Smith.

Apparently Granny Smith doesn’t like being called a chicken for her expression deadpanned and she said, “what did you call me, sonny?”

“If you’re so confident in your cider then what’s the problem, “Flim said with a smirk, but it soon disappears when Granny Smith started yelling into face, “tomorrow morning, right here!”

“But I’m afraid that we haven’t any apples, “Flam said as he spit shined a apple.

“You can us our south fields. It will be worth it to teach y’all a thing or two about cider-making, “Granny said as she shook her hoof at him.

“Excellent, “Flim said getting up, “we have a bet, whoever can produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Ponyville, ”he finished with him leaving out is hoof for a shake in agreement.

During this point Applejack was sweating bullets and has a worried expression.

“And after we beat you, I don’t ever want to see you bambahoozlers around here again! ”Granny said confirming the shake.
The twins left saying, “until tomorrow.”

Arcana looked at me with a worried look and said, “I hope the Apple family wins tomorrow.”

I didn’t say anything, for I was filled with worry for the Apple family.

The next day

Twilight and her friends and Arcana and I were once again back at the farm, waiting for the contest to start, I looked out to the fields and saw Big Mac stretching and prepping himself for this contest; with Granny Smith she was sniffing apples, probably practicing quality control; and Applejack was bucking a punching bag (or is it called a kicking bag) with Applebloom on it.

Twilight walked over to AJ probably concerned for her friend after a few words were exchanged (and Applebloom getting kicked off the bag) we heard Mayor Mare announce.

“Attention everypony, the teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which, the barrels will be counted and the winner will be named the sole cider provider for all of Ponyville, are both teams ready?”

“Ready, “Applejack calls out.

Flim Flam both said at the same time, “Ready.”

Then Mayor Mare pointed to a pony that looks like the Doctor, what is his name? I think it was Sepia Tock, “then let’s go.”

The pony turned over an hour glass indicating that the contest had started.

The Apple family rushed to their part, with Big Mac at the grinder, Granny in front of the grinder, and Applebloom picking up a basket and balancing it on her head and following Applejack wherever she went.

When the Apple family finished we all cheered, but that ended when we saw that the twins already has six barrels filled.
Applejack then started to look scared.

The twin’s machine was sucking up apples and with dings and an occasional buzz, it was spitting out a lot of barrels then the Apple family can produce.

The Apple family was started to get overwhelmed with Applebloom missing apples and a hold up at Granny’s station, and with Big Mac looking really tired.

I tried to calculate to see how many barrels of cider the Apple family is making against the twins, but unfortunately I wasn’t really good at math, but Rarity had it already figured it out.

“This is just dreadful, even at top speed the apples are only making one barrel to twins’ three.”

“Hay Twilight, see if you and the others can join in and help? “Arcana asked to Twilight.

Twilight thought it over and with a determine look she walked towards Mayor Mare.

“Um, Miss Mayor, are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?”

“Well I’m not sure, “Mayor Mare said unsure, she then turned to the twins and said, “Flim Flam would object of honorary family members helping?”

“Are you kidding? ”Flim asked.

“We don’t care if the whole kingdom of Cantorlot helps, it’s a lost cause, “Flam said, then the twins took a drink out of the cups they were holding.

“Hmm, I guess it’s ok, “Mayor mare still a bit unsure, she then turns to Applejack and asked, “Applejack, what do you think?”
“I think I’d love to have the rest of my family helping out, “Apple jack said tired.

Her friends cheered at that they can help, they twin just smirk at them.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy lined up, while Twilight walked back and forth in front of them, apparently giving them a prep talk and giving assignments to them.

A minute later they broke up with Fluttershy flying into the trees making them shake, and pinkie catching apples with flips, spins and other crazy moves, Rarity was helping Granny out by quickly sorting the bad apples out and the good ones into the grinder, and Dash was running along with Big Mac, quickly making cider, and finally Twilight was using her magic to move away the filled barrels and putting up another barrel to be filled.

After a while I noticed that the Apples pile of barrel was catching up to the twin’s pile.

“Alright, “Arcana said.


“They are making five barrels to the twin’s three, “Arcana explained, “They’re going to win.”

“Keep it up everypony, we’re back in this, “Applejack called out.

When Flim heard that, he spits out his cider at his brother in shook, he spoke to him and then he too started to panic, Flam said something and the twins fired magical beams (man that sounds so cheesy) at their machine and it started working faster.

What it did next shook us all, because the machine started sucking whole trees along the apples, oh boy the Apples are not going to happy about that and now we all hear the machine making a lot of buzzes from it.

Flim looked inside the sneak peek window and said something to his brother, after a few seconds later his brother had an idea and did something to the machine, so now it was pumping out barrels of cider again.

“Well done Flam, we’re at top productivity, “Flim said to his brother, slapping his hoof with Flam’s, causing some cheers from the crowd.

When Dash saw this, she flew of the treadmill, causing Big Mac to lose control on the treadmill. Twilight said something to Dash, and then she started to argue with Twilight and then flew to where Granny and Rarity was.

Granny cried out as Dash came to her station and said while protecting the baskets of apples, “Aah! Get back you, one bad apple spoils the bunch.”

“Applejack, help me, “Dash said calling out to Applejack in frustration.

”There’s no point in winning if we cheat, “Applejack called back wiping her forehead.

Twilight said something to Dash, Dash apparently agrees with them and then she yells out, “alright then, double time!”
The twins and the Apple team were close neck and neck trying to get the better hold in the competition with only a few minutes left.

When the last grain of sand fell into the lower part of the hourglass, Mayor Mare calls out, “Time’s up!”

When everypony on the Apple team heard that they all collapsed in exhaustion and were panting heavily.
Everypony started to cheer at the Apple team, “Alright they did it, “Arcana said.


And then Mayor Mare said, “Flim and Flam wins, “we looked over to the Flim and Flam’s pile of barrels and saw that they have a towering pile of barrels.

“What?!, ”Arcana said shocked.

“They lost? ”I said disheartened.

Arcana and I heard Flim and Flam talking to the Apple family, “Ah to bad Apples, “Flim said and then Flam added, “cause you’ll just have to find a new line of work that doesn’t match your names quite so perfectly.”

“Now should we tear down all these tacky old buildings, and put up new ones, brother? ”Flim asked his brother.

“I don’t see why not brother, after all this isn’t Sweet Apple Acres anymore how about… Flim Flam Fields, “Flam said and there was a flash above us.

We looked up and a banner with pictures of Flim and Flam on it, oh no, this is not good, not good at all .

“This can’t be happening, “Arcana said.

Then we heard Dash yell out, “I oughta press you into jerk cider, “we looked over to the others and saw that Dash was going to thrash them, but Applejack quickly bit unto her tail, causing her to stop.

“No Rainbow Dash, a deal is a deal, “Applejack said to the twins, which they started to give an annoying laugh in victory.
“Congratulations to y’all, the cider business in Ponyville is yours, “Applejack said to them, and then she said to the rest of her family, “come on Apples, let’s go pack up our things, ”and made their back to the farm.

We all started getting teary at this and then Flim turned his attention to us and everypony around us and said, “fear not everypony, there’s more enough cider to go around, “and then they started laughing again.

“Go ahead everypony, go on y’all it’s ok, “Applejack stopped and said to us, and then she continues down the path to her old home, during this her friends were crying.

The brothers poured their cider in some cups and Flam said, “drink up Ponyville, “Arcana picked up a cup and then at the last moment she gave it to me saying, “here you go Star, I don’t want to drink any cider unless it is Sweet Apple cider, because I don’t want to forget the taste, ”I took it from her and then she walked away, “down the hatch.”

I took a gulp and swallowed it, and then suddenly I felt sick, I spit whatever I had in my mouth, and ran to the bushes, I heard other ponies complaining about the cider, but I didn’t hear them. I got to some bushes and started puking my guts out.
“Oh god this is the worst drink I had ever tasted,” puked some more, “oh god, milk chunks tasted better than this stuff, “puked my lunch, “oh god make it stop, make it stop, “and then I puked my breakfast, after about a minute of puking whatever I had in my stomach and pleading to make it stop, finally it stops.

I looked up and saw that the Flim Flam brothers were leaving in haste, leaving a cloud trail in their wake.

I walked back to others and asked, “what’s going on?”

“Where were you? ”Arcana asked.

“I was puking out my gut from the Flim Flam brother’s cider that you gave to me, “I answered.

“Oh crap, I am so sorry Star, I didn’t know, “Arcana said worried.

“It’s alright you didn’t know, and I think I got it all out of my systems, “I said to her, “Now would somepony please tell me what happen?”

“They’re gone, “Applejack said.

“That means Sweet Apple Acres is still in business, “Twilight said.

“Plus we can have high-quality Apple family cider, “Caramel said, ok seriously where did he came from?!

“And because of this silly competition, we made enough our cider for the whole town, “Applebloom added.

We all cheered when we heard that, after the cheering died down I asked Applejack, “Why did the brother’s leave?”

“Well their drink was so terrible that nopony will pay even one cent for it, so they took off in a hurry, so now we have our farm back, ”Applejack answered me.

“Yes it is a happy ending, “I said happily, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going into line to get some of your famous cider.”
I was behind Dash as we finally made it to the front of the line and was about to get some cider, when Applebloom pulled the lever… and nothing came out, she looked at us surprised.

Dash was stunned and then she looked like she was going to cry.

I started banging my head on the post of stand saying, “Oh lady Fate thou are surely a cruel mistress, why is it thou luck of bad strike me hard.”

“What are you talking about Star? “Arcana said as she walked up to me holding a cup of cider.

“I must have terrible luck, because the only cider I got today was that sorry of a excuse of a cider those Flim Flam brothers made.

“Hay come on now, remember that bet you made?”

“What bet?”

“That the Flim Flam brothers were going to try and take the farm.”

“Oh ya that’s right, what about it?”

“Well here you go, “she said as she levitated the cup of cider to me.


“This is the bet and it’s also sorry that I gave you that nasty drink.”

“Oh thank you Arcana, “I said as I took the cup of cider, as I was about to take a sip, I heard Dash’s famous ‘oh my gosh.’
I looked over and saw that Pinkie gave Dash her cup of cider.

Dash, Arcana and I walked to the group and Applejack said, “Let’s have a toast, “she said lifting up her cup.

“Ok then, here are some toasts, “Pinkie said putting a plateful of toasted breaded in the middle of our group.

We all laughed at that and had the proper toast, after the toast I took a sip, as soon as the drop of cider landed on my tongue, I shivered in delight at the taste, it tasted of course like apples, but it wasn’t to sweet, but neither was it sour, and I detected a hint of other herbs in it.

“Holy cupcakes, this is the perfect drink I ever had tasted in my life, “and then I started drinking like crazy out of the cup, causing everypony in the group to laugh, and enjoying the rest of the day.


How this is a new record for me, 5,225 words, well thank you all for staying with this story, see you next time.

End A/N

Chapter 21: Love and Tears

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Hello everypony enjoy this chapter and have a nice heart and hooves day, oh and this is a new record for me now, over 6000 words.

End A/N

Chapter 21

I was walking in park enjoying the nice Monday afternoon that Princess Celestia made to eat my lunch.

I found a picnic table and sat down on it, and opened the sack, as I took out my meal I saw in the distance Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight and Arcana gazing up into the sky.

I heard jet engines and looked up and saw Rainbow overhead doing amazing tricks and stunts.

"Wow, a nice, warm day, Rainbow overhead doing an air show, a nice lunch, and next week is Valentine's day or as known as Heart and Hooves day here, what could possible go wrong? "unaware of what I just said as I dig into my lunch, thinking what to do next week.

As I was about to eat my dessert I heard a cry of panic coming from Pinkie, "Ayayayayay!"

I looked up and saw a rainbow coming right at me, "oh no, why me?"

And then there was a sound of wood breaking and darkness falling.

"Hay… think… is… up, "I heard as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Hehe his eyes are like Ditzy's, "Pinkie said I fully waked upped.

I shook my head to regain my senses, and saw that I was in a hospital bed, and that my friends were surrounding my bed, "What happened?"

"Well Star, Rainbow accidently crashed into you, which made you unconscious, "Twilight answered.

Dash started to look a bit down and said, "I'm sorry Star, a down draft caught me by surprise and I lost control."

"Hay its ok Dash, everypony makes mistakes now and then, "I said reassuring her, she immediately perked up at that, I continued saying, "so if I was unconscious, what day is it?"

"Today's Monday Star, "Arcana answered.

So I was out for a few hours uh, that not bad."

"That was last week, "Rarity said.


"Ya partner, y'all was sleeping for a week, "Applejack said.

"So you mean to tell me that I was out for a week, "I said strangely clam.

"Yes you were…um, are you ok Star? "Fluttershy asked me, a bit worried.

"Yes I am now if you'll leave the room and get me checked out of this place that will be great."

Everypony started to leave, a little worried that I was clam about all of this, as soon as they all left and closed the door I said, "I was asleep for a week! Oh crap and tomorrow is Heart and Hooves days."

I finished my little rant and waited, after about five minutes later everypony came back along a unicorn doctor and a pink Earth pony nurse.

The doctor said, "well Mister Streak, you are ok to leave, but unfortunately hospital policies says that you'll have to leave in a wheelchair, "and with that his horn glowed and a wheelchair came in.

I got in the wheelchair with a sigh and the nurse wheeled me out of the hospital, with my friends following behind us, as soon as we pass the double doors, I got up from the chair and took off into the air, stretching my wings out.

I flew back down to the ground and saw that it was only Arcana left, with the others apparently left while I was in the skies.

"So are you feeling much better now? "Arcana asked me.

"Ya it feels good to stretch my wings out after a whole week of sleeping, but there is one thing though."

"What is that?"

"I am freaking hungry, "as I said that my stomach let out a growl of hunger.

We both laughed at that and started toward Sugarcube Corner to get something to eat, as we made our way I glanced around and thought, is it just me or is everything started to look more pinkish, I saw the CMC pulling a wagon filled with paper, lace, ribbons buckets of glitter, and paint, wow it looks like they are going to be making a lot cards, saw Rainbow laying in a tree, and of course Dash laying in a tree reading a book… wait a minute.

I looked back at Dash and sure enough, she is reading a book with excitement showing in her eyes.

"Ah, Arcana I have some questions for you?"

"What is it Star?"

"Since when did Dash read that wasn't about the Wonderblots, and doesn't she think reading is for eggheads, "I said and quickly added looking at her, "no offense, and what exactly did I miss when I was out cold."

Arcana explain to me what happened earlier that week, from Dash crashing into me, to Twilight giving Dash a Daring-Do adventure book, and to how the hospital staff chased her around Ponyville.

"So in the end she loved reading those series so much that she check them all out at once from the library, "Arcana finishing of what happened.

"So you mean to tell me that Dash dress up like a ninja and sneaked into a hospital just so she can steal a book, "I said to make sure about that part.

"Yup, it was pretty funny too."

"Ah, dang it, I wished I could've seen that, but I was out cold, "I said a bit disappointed, "well anyway here we are, "I said as we arrived at the confectionary.

"And let's hurry, "Arcana said, "we don't want a surprise from Pinkie anytime soon."

We entered the store and were immediately surprised for Pinkie yelled, "Too late, SURPIRSE, "and saw a banner saying, 'Glad you are not in the hospital anymore.'

I looked over to Arcana and said, "you just have to say that don't you?"

Arcana smiled sheepishly.

"Never mind let's get something to eat, "and walked towards the snack table, I heard, "Hay Star, do you have…, "Arcana said trailing off.

"Arcana you are not like Fluttershy, what is it?"

"Well I wondering of you have a special somepony for tomorrow, "Arcana said blushing.

I stood there feeling a blush coming, "ok, I can see why you are shy about that."

"Sorry that I asked, "Arcana said sounding embarrassed, she turned to walk away but then I said, "no."

Arcana looked back at me and said, "no, no what?"

"No, that I don't have a special somepony for Heart and Hooves day tomorrow, "I said as I felt warm in my cheeks indicating that I had a deep blush too.

She smiled and said, "well then, can you be mine then?"

"Sure, "I said as I took a couple of muffins from the table and stuffed them into my mouth, after a few seconds of chewing, I painfully swallowed and said to Arcana as I headed for the door, "Well see ya later."

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to get ready for tomorrow, "I said as I flew out of the store.

Hours later

"What do you mean, that there is no room for tomorrow? "I said to the maitre'd of a fancy restaurant.

"I'm sorry sir, but the entire RSVP is full, you should've made a reservation two days ago, "the waiter said.

"But I was out cold two days ago, "I explained.

"I'm sorry sir, but that is not my problem."

I left the restaurant feeling exhausted, "great that was the last restaurant in town, now what can I do?"

I started to wonder around town and thought what to do about tomorrow, well I can always try Cantorlot, but think the cost there will be really high priced.

As I was walking past the Carousal Boutique I heard somepony calling me, "Hello there Star."

I looked at who said that and saw Rarity waving at me, beckoning me to come to her.

"Hi Rarity, "I greeted as I walked up to her, "what's going on?"

"Oh nothing much dear, in fact I was going to get you, because I finished with your suit, but since you were unconscious I couldn't give it to you, but since you are here, come inside and get try it out."

"Ok then, let's see the suit you made, "I said as I followed her into the boutique. She led me to a curtained area and said, "now, be prepared Star, for the most amazing suit you'll ever see."

She used her magic to pull the curtain back and I was amazed at what I saw inside the alcove.

I must have been slight for a while, for Rarity said worried, "do you like it?"

"Rarity as you know, I am not much into fancy clothes, "I said showing a little emotion.

"Is it way too fancy for you, I can fix that."

"No no, it's not that fancy."

"Is it the color? "Rarity asked pleading to know.

"It's not the color either."

"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, what is wrong with it? "Rarity demanded, getting a bit flustered.

I let out a big grin and said, "Rarity, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, for it is perfect, because it matches me, Rarity I say that you outdid yourself on making me this very nice, no extraordinary piece of art, "I said praising her.

For the suit she made me had a sliver jacket, with gold edging, and a blue vest with gold buttons for the inside.

Rarity's facial expression turned from being flustered to surprise and then proud as she made another successful client happy.

"Well then try it on, "Rarity said as she levitated it towards a dressing room.

As I walked in a thought came to me, wait… why are there dressing rooms? Ponies don't normally wear clothes, I let it dropped as I started putting on the suit.

A few minutes later

I walked out of the dressing room with the suit on, "oh darling it's simple marvelous on you, "Rarity said as she looked at me.

"Thank you Rarity, "I said as I looked myself in the mirror.

"No thank you for letting make this for you, "Rarity said as she went about picking up thing here and there and putting them away.

I braced myself as I said, "so how much do I owe you?"

"Oh, nothing at all darling, "Rarity said as she looked back at me.

It was now my turn to be surprised, "but Arcana's dress and this suit are beautiful, this must be expensive to make…"

Rarity put up a hoof making me stop and said, "Arcana's dress was for her birthday and as for yours, as I said stallions rarely come in here, so I don't have measurements for a stallion."


"Ah! No buts, just accept them, "she said firmly.

After I took off the suit and had Rarity pack it up, I asked, "So Rarity do you have anything plan for tomorrow?"

She gave me a smile and said, "no dear, I just like to stay at home and enjoy a nice romance novel, with a nice cup of tea, why do you ask? Are you doing something tomorrow?"

"Oh I was just wondering and yes I am planning to take Arcana out for a nice dinner tomorrow."

"Ahh, that is so sweet of you, "Rarity ahhing at my idea.

"But there is one thing though, all of the restaurants here in Ponyville are all filled out for tomorrow, and I would really like to take her out tomorrow."

"You really like her don't you."

"Ya, I like her, which is why I would like tomorrow to be the best day for her, "I said finishing with a sigh.

"Do you know where I can take her tomorrow Rarity?"

"Why not take her to Cantorlot?"

"I am not that deep pocketed to pay for anything there in Cantorlot."

"Ah, but that is where you're wrong, you see every year on Heart and Hooves day they lower the prices there in Cantorlot, so everypony, no matter how poor, can enjoy a lovely meal with their special somepony."

"Really, oh thank you, thank you, thank you, "I said excited, but then I realized something, "What about reservations, because I don't have time to make any. "

"Once again, since tomorrow is a special day, all the restaurants there wouldn't need any RSVP."

"Yes I can then take Arcana out tomorrow, thank you Rarity for the information, "I said as gave her a hug.

After a while Rarity said, "ah Star as much I like hugs, can you please let me go?"

I realized that I was still hugging her, "oops sorry, "I said giving a sheepish smile.

"That's ok dear, now go and tell Arcana about tomorrow, "Rarity said, dusting herself down and making sure that her mane is perfect.

"I will, "I said as I left the shop with my packaged suit on my back, now to tell Arcana about tomorrow, I thought as I made my way back to the library.

The next morning

Arcana's POV

Last night, when Star came back to the library with a parcel and said that we both are going to Cantorlot for Heart and Hooves day tomorrow and enjoying a nice evening and dinner tomorrow, and to wear the dress and the tiara that I got for my birthday.

We were planning to leave around one, so we both agreed to meet at the boutique around ten before one; I am going to need Rarity's help to look splendid for today.

I looked at the clock and saw that it said it was 9:37; I have about three hours to get ready.

I picked up my dress along with the head piece that was all packed up and made my way towards Rarity store, as I arrived at her front door and was about to knock the panel on the lower half of the door moved like a doggy door and Sweetie Bell rushed out and zipped between my legs saying, "hi Arcana, bye Arcana."

What the hay was that? I opened the door and walked inside and saw Rarity lying on a big red couch reading what looks like a romance novel.

Rarity looked up and saw me standing there and said, "hi Arcana, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, um what was the deal with Sweetie Bell?"

"She said something about making a card for their teacher Miss Cheerilee, so what do you want?"

"Well I wondering if you can help me to get ready for the dinner with Star?"

Her eyes started to gleam with excitement and said, "why of course I can help you, let us get started now, "she closed the book and got off the couch walked towards me.

After I got dressed into my dress, Rarity started working on my mane.

"So, how are you feeling about tonight with Star? "Rarity asked as she used her magic on a brush to brush my mane.

"Well I am a bit nervous, "I replied.

"Well dear that is just a natural reaction, I am sure that he would like to make this a wonderful night for you, "Rarity said as she put away the brush and started to braid it.

"Well I was a bit embarrassed when I asked him to be my special somepony. "

"Why were you embarrass? "Rarity asked stopping braiding my mane for a second.

"Because, I like him and I think he likes me too, so I wasn't sure if he would say yes. "

Rarity resumed braiding my mane and said, "close your eyes dear, "Rarity instructed, I closed my eyes and felt Rarity putting a little makeup on me, while she was doing this she continues by saying, "now darling, I am sure that he like you back, because why would he what to make this day special for you?"

"You're right; I was a bit silly to worry."

"There, finished, "Rarity said as she back away, "go and have a look of yourself in the mirror, "I looked to see myself in the mirror, I said as I looked myself in the mirror, "Rarity, I look…"I said trailing off, couldn't think of a word.

"How about amazing, stunning, beautiful, magnificent, take your pick, "said a voice behind us, we turned around and saw Star there with a splendid suit on.

"You take your pick too, because you look really handsome in that too, "Rarity said.

"Why are you here Star? "I asked.

"Because it's twelve fifty, "he answered.

I looked at the clock and saw that he was right, "oh wow I completely lost track of time, and how long have you been there? "I asked a bit worried.

"It's alright I just got here, and I see that you are ready? Shall we go now?"

"Yes, "I turned my attention back to Rarity and said, "thank you for helping me getting ready."

"It's no problem, just have a nice evening."

Star hold opened the door and said, "Ladies first."

I walked out and Star walked up next to me, and then I asked, "so how are we getting to Cantorlot, train?"


"How about a teleportation spell? "I suggested.

"No, I am not a unicorn pony."

"Flying? "I asked dreading about that one.

"No to risky."

"What about a carriage?"

"No those things can get crowded."

"Then what is it?"

His answer was to pull out his goggles from his coat and put them on saying while smiling, "in style."

I smiled at him and got up close to him, he put his left wing on me and said, "close your eyes."

I did what he ordered and I asked, "so did you got down Spectrum warping with others."


"WAIT WHAT? "I yelled as I opened my eyes, just to be blinded by white light.

Star's POV

"WAIT WHAT? "Arcana yelled at me just as we warped in a bright flash of light.

After the light faded I saw that we both were in what looked like a fancy garden party, "Dang I overshot it, I meant for Cantorlot gates, not here."

"Well I saw, that was must unexpected, "said a voice on the ground.

We both looked down and saw that we had knocked down a well dressed white unicorn, his mane being blue, and was currently being fussed over by another white unicorn, with her mane being pink.

"Oh, I am terrible sorry, my friend here miscalculated in his warping, "Arcana said as she help lift him up from the ground.

"Ya meant to warp in front of the front gates, "I said as I took off my goggles and put them in my jacket, when I got a good look at him I realized whom we bumped into, "you don't have to be by chance that you're Fancypants?"

"Why yes I am, and I say dear boy, how do you know me? "

Crap not again, "um, we both are friends of Rarity, "I said.

He smiled at what he said, "ah more friend of Miss Rarity, and I let guess, Rarity made those clothes for, "he said, we both nodded and then he looked over to the other unicorn and said, "oh excuse me where are my manners? This lovely mare next to me is Fleur de Lis."

She said in a French accent, "please to meet you, but I have a question for you… um."

"Star, my name is Star Streak, "I said completing her.

"And my name is Arcana, "Arcana added.

"Well I was wondering, "Fleur continues, "how is that you did magic, even though you are not a unicorn?"

"Yes dear boy can you please explain? "Fancypants asked.

"Well you see, I am not entirely sure myself too, I just can."

At this time we looked around and saw that some ponies had walked away with some returning to what they were doing before we showed up, "so what's going here, before we showed up? "I asked.

"Oh nothing we were all just waiting for more guests to show up, so we can started the dinner party, I have an idea, are you two doing anything this evening? "Fancypants asked.

"Well not exactly."I said.

"Why don't you two join us then?"

"Well… "I said started but then Arcana said, "sure, we would love to."

I looked over to her and said, "huh?"

She leaned over to me and whispered, "ah come Star, this is a once in a lifetime of a chance to do this, what could…"

"Ok, ok, ok, "I said quickly, "just don't say that phrase.

"Splendid, come along then, "the fancy unicorn said as they led us towards what looked like a mansion.

"Um, Mister Fancypants…"Arcana started.

"Please, just call me Fancypants, "Fancypants said.

"Well Fancypants, who is hosting this dinner party, so we can thank that pony."

"Of course, you see the dinner host is Prince Blueblood himself, "Fancypants looking back at her and answering her question.

I felt I was about to trip when I heard that, but quickly corrected myself and said, "wait he's our dinner host."

Fancypants nodded and looked forward.

I have a bad feeling about this.

When we arrived at the mansion, we were leaded by other ponies towards the dinner hall, where we saw that most of the seats were already fill.

"I say, who these two, with you Fancypants? "I looked over to who said that and saw that it was Jet Set.

"These two, my fine sir, are my pluses, "Fancypants replied

"They look like a pair of ruffians to me, "we looked over next to him and saw Upper Crust.

"Hi I'm Star Streak, "I said putting out a hoof in greeting to the unicorn even though I already know who he is.

"And I am Arcana, "she doing the same with the other.

They looked at us and Jet Set said, "sorry we don't greet those who are unknown."

Followed by Upper Crust, "Or those with no connections."

"These two are friends with Miss Rarity, "Fancypants added.

When they heard that they immediately said, "hello I'm Jet Set", "and I'm Upper Crust."

But we immediately left them; as soon as we are out of ear shot I said to Fancypants, "you love to make fools out of them, don't you?"

"Well it is my only pastime after all, "he replied and gave me a wink, causing to smile.

As we were about to reach the table we were stop then no other then Prince Blueblood himself, "hello Fancypants and guests. "

"And to you to your majesty, "and then the prince got a good look at Arcana and then he said, "especially to guest."

And then he did that surprised all of us, for he lifted Arcana's hoof and kissed it, I felt a pang of jealously when he did that.

After he released her hoof, he said, "I am glad that you will be joining us, "and left to the head of the table.

"What just happened? "Arcana asked confused.

"Arcana my dear lass, I think the prince fancies you, "Fancypants said.

It took a moment to analyze what he said, and we shuddered at the same time, and think I heard her whispered, "eww."

We sat down at the table with Arcana on my left and Fancypants to my right and Fleur de Lis to his right, everypony was talking, until we heard metal lightly striking glass, silencing everypony there and turning their attention to the head of the table.

There Prince Blueblood stood with a glass in his magical grasp and started to speak, but I quickly droned it out, catching a word here and there I think it was about to make this year the best or something.

"Cheers, "Blueblood said lifting a glass in his magic, causing everypony to do the same in their magic, except for me, for I am a pegasus, you get the picture there, and Arcana hesitantly raising hers.

And then waiters started to bring in cover plates of food and placing them each in front of us, "now dig in, "Blueblood said, and then the waiters lifted the covers and in them was a… salad.

Seriously salad, I was hoping for more, oh well, I then started to dig in, I looked over and saw a waiter levitating a pepper grinder in front of Arcana and asked, "would the madam like some pepper?"

Arcana nodded and the waiter started grinding pepper, but he did it a bit to close and Arcana accidently breathed it through her nose.

"Uh, uh, uhh, ahhh, "Arcana were about to sneeze when it stopped, I saw a few ponies looking at her and she said, "false alarm everypony, "right after she said that she let out a big sneeze and there was a bright flash, blinding everypony looking at her.

Arcana's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around and saw everypony staring at me with their mouths open, "What? Oh sorry excuse me."

"Ah Arcana, that's not it, "Star said leaning in next to me.

"Then what is?"

"Look behind you, "that was his only answer so I looked around and saw that the gems on my dress grew into spikes and ruined the back part of the dress, oh no, not the dress, Rarity is going to throw a fit, and shattered the wooden chair's back, I looked farther back and I saw that I had also shot out spikes like a at the wall behind me like a shotgun.

I quickly turned around and did a hoof face and said, "oh crap."

"Prince Blueblood stood and said in a disapproving voice, "you madam, are in serious need of discipline to control your magic, because that was the most irresponsible use of your magic, and I have to ask you to leave, you out of control insignificantly mare."

I then started to cry.

Star's POV

When I saw Arcana starting to cry I snapped, "Oi! "I yelled as a slammed my hooves on the table, "you take that back."

Blueblood looked at me and said, "make me, and besides, what can a lowly pegasus can do?"

"Oh I'll make you, and let me show you what this lowly pegasus can do, "and with that I concentrated and disappeared in a flash and reappeared right in front of him standing on the table, I gripped his coat and once again concentrated and we both disappeared in a flash, and reappeared three feet in the air above the table and other ponies.

"Nopony and I mean nopony says that to her you sorry of an excuse of a prince, "I said to him as I heavily flapped my wings to keep us afloat, "she is the most talented pony I had every meet, and I wanted to make this day special to her, and you just have to say this things to her make her cry, "I said as I felt the strain in my wings, "now I am going to drop you in front of my date, because, first; I want you to apologize to her, and second; you are heavy, "and with that I let him go.

He fell right in front of her on the table causing everything and everypony to jump, I landed on his back pinning him down to the table, with a groan he lifted up his head and looked at her and said, "I apologize Miss Arcana, for all of the things I said, now please don't let him do that again."

I fluttered down next to Arcana and Fancypants and said to him, "sorry about this mess."

"Not at all my dear boy, you did all that in protecting your friend's feeling, but though I have to say, he kind of deserved that for saying those things to her, "Fancypants said with a smile, "now go and leave this mess behind and enjoy the rest of today with her."

I nodded and Arcana and I left the mansion with everypony mouths open and staring at us.

As soon we were out of sight of the mansion I said to Arcana feeling a bit sad, "I'm sorry what he said and also about that outbreak."

"That's ok Star you could've not known that was going to happen, and for that outburst you had the right to do that, "Arcana reassuring me, making me happy.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Let's just go back to Ponyville, but in style, and can we drop by the boutique, I need to get this dress repaired "she said with a grin.

I smiled and took out my goggles and put them on and said, "sure, now hold on, "she came in close and I put a leg over her shoulders and disappeared in a flash of light.

We appeared in front of the boutique in a flash and saw that the main street and the front door of the boutique was in shambles, "what the hay happened here? "Arcana asked.

"I don't know, why don't you go and get your dress fixed, while I will go and do something? "I said as I started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not telling, it's a surprise, "and with that I continue my way towards Sugarcube Corner.

As I past Berry Punch's house a thought came to mind, wait a minute… isn't her house a couple of houses away from the store.

The closer I approached the store the more oddities I notice, as I walked down the street I saw four imprints of a small filly in the ground, whoever that was must be in serious pain.

I finally got to the door of the store or what was left of it. I stepped around the broken bits of wood that used to be the door with caution, I walked up to the counter and dinged the bell and was immediately answered by Pinkie, "Hiya Star what can I do for you?"

"I would like a chocolate cupcake with pink frosting please, I said placing my order.

"Okie dokie lokie, "and with that she disappears into the kitchen, as I got in I saw Big Mac standing there near the counter.

"Hay Big Mac, how is your heart and hooves day so far?"

"It has been really odd for me, yours?"

"Mine was… what odd? How was yours odd?"

He then explained what happened to him and to Miss Cheerilee, after he finished I said, "Wow all of that happened just this afternoon."


"Here you go Star, "Pinkie said as she put a bag in front of me and I put a gave her some bits, "hope Arcana likes this."

"Wait, how you knew that this is for Arcana, did your pinkie sense tell you?"

"Nope, I can see it on your face, "and went back into the kitchen.

Big Mac and I looked at each other and just shrugged, "well, see ya later Big Mac."

"You too Star, "he said as I left the store.

On my way I meet Miss Cheerilee, "hi Miss Cheerilee, I heard what happened, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, even though this morning was a bit odd, but in the end I meet my special somepony at a dance, how about you?"

"Ah… um… today was a bit exciting."

"That's good to hear, well, see you later, "and then walked away, and I continued my way towards the boutique.

Arcana's POV

A few minutes earlier

After I went into shop and Rarity seeing the shape the dress is in, and throwing a fit, she was working on the dress on a mannequin and I was telling her at what happened earlier the day, and then she told me what happened here earlier the day.

"That prince made you cry in front of everypony in the room? "Rarity said surprised at what I said.

"Ya, but then Star teaches him a lesson and made him apologized to me."

"Wow I wish I have a special somepony like Star."

"Maybe you will someday, "Star said behind us carrying a paper bag.

"Hi Star, what's in the bag."

"I guess it is your gift, "he said as he gave it to me.

I opened it and took out a cupcake that said in frosting, 'Happy Heart and Hooves day Arcana."

"You know what Star? "I said as I stared at the treat and then putting it down


"This is has been a great day thank you."I said giving him a big hug, with the treat being forgotten.


Hello everypony, this chapter was suppose to uploaded yesterday, but I was having computer problems, oh well, better late than never, please read and review.

End A/N

Chapter 22: What a Night

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Hello everypony I stayed past midnight writing this chapter for Gh0st's buddy, sorry that this late, but happy birthday man from cyber5555 and Crippled Ponys.

End A/N

"This is it, this is the day, the day has finally come, "Arcana said in my face waking me up from my pleasant dreams.

"Huh, wha, what's today? What has finally come? "I asked as I groggily got up from my bed.

"Did you forget? Today is the Grand Galloping Gala, "Arcana said excitedly.

"Wait what? It's today? Crap, "I said I made my way to the bathroom, but Arcana beats me to it first, she closes it with her sticking her tongue at me and locking it.

"Ah come on Arcana, let me use it first, "I pleaded as I knocked on the door.

"No, I want to get ready for tonight, and I want to be my best, "she answered from behind the door.

"Can you do that with Twilight and the others and the boutique?"

"I am, that's why I am going to shower first."

"Ugh, fine, just don't use all the hot water in Ponyville like last time, "I said I made my way towards the kitchen.

"Hay that was one time only and it was a cause of a spell misshape, "I heard Arcana calling back and then I heard the shower starting up.

"Sigh, even in this world, females takes a lot of time just to get ready, "I said as I entered the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Tell me about, "Spike said as he saw me walking in the kitchen.

"Hay good morning Spike, where's Twilight? "I asked as I sniffed the air smelling something delicious, "and what smells delicious?"

"Twilight's at the boutique and I am making cinnamon pancakes, "Spike answered flipping a pancake off the pan and onto a plate filled with more pancakes.

"Smooth, "I said a bit impressed as I took a plate of pancakes, I heard the shower shut off and hurried hoofsteps upstairs and then my pancakes glowed white and flew off my plate, following Arcana as she ran past the kitchen and out the door saying, "thanks Spike, see ya later you two."

I frowned at my now empty plate and looked at Spike and asked, "you didn't have to happen to make more didn't you?"

Spike sighed and said, "I'll get the mixing bowl."


Arcana's POV

I was eating my breakfast while I was running towards the Carousal Boutique, dang Rarity said to be at the boutique at ten and its ten thirty.

I saw the boutique coming up the street I swallowed the left of the breakfast and put more speed into my galloping, and rushed into the boutique, startling everypony there and of course the timid Fluttershy made a 'eep' and flew behind a changing screen.

"Hello everypony, sorry that I am late, "I said out of breath and quickly added, "oh, sorry that I scared you Fluttershy."

The shock that I gave to everypony worn off and Fluttershy came out from behind the screen with an 'it's ok', "it's no problem Arcana, oh and Arcana I fixed your dress, "Rarity said with a smile and pointed towards a mannequin.

"Wow Rarity, I don't how it is possible, but it is much better than before, "I said amazed at what I saw. Rarity had repaired the shredded back and made it into a back less dress in case I have another magic accident.

"Thank you Arcana, I wish I can say the same for the others dress, because since I made them to everyponies personalities', I can only make a few changes to them, and I blame myself."

"Aw Rarity, "Pinkie said reassuring Rarity, "If anypony is to blame, blame it on the author for not being into fashion." Everypony was just staring at Pinkie with confused looks, "what? It's true, "she said looking back to and fore.

(What the… how did Pinkie know, you know what? Screw it she's Pinkie pie)

"Pinkie, what, in Celestia's name, are you talking about? "Twilight asked confused at what Pinkie said.

"Ah Twilight, "RD said to Twilight, "Pinkie is just to random to understand."

"But…"Twilight started to say, but was interrupted by Applejack, "Twi, just drop it, you'll hurt yerself like last time."

"Ok, "I said trying to stop this conversation from progressing, "now before this gets any more confusing, let us all just get ready for tonight, ok?"

Everypony agrees and went to into the back room of Rarity's home. When we got there I was surprised to see a lot of beauty and hair products and other beauty related items. "Wow Rarity, you sure have a lot of beauty products here that can supply a lot of salons for a while here, "I said looking around at all of the beauty products.

"Of course dear, this is a boutique, so I also need to have my costumers looking fabulous while they are trying on clothes, "Rarity explained.

"Well enough talking, let's just get ready already, "Dash said getting fidgety.

We all started getting ready with each of us at different stations, as Fluttershy, Dash and I getting out manes done (with one of those machines that does your hair).

"So everypony, "I said getting everypony's attention, "is this year gonna be like last year?"

This caused some to look embarrassed and Fluttershy said, "p-p-please, don't remind me, I w-w-wasn't myself that n-night, and I would like to f-f-forget about it."

"I'm sure we y'all like to forget about last year, "Applejack said.

"Oh right sorry, "I said sheepishly.

And then there was a knock on the door, breaking the awkward silence that was in the air, "who is it? "Rarity asked towards the door.

"It's me, Star, "and then we all heard a thump and he continues, "and Spike of course, can we come in?"

"Good heavens no, Star we are not in proper attire, "Rarity said shocked.

"Oh come on Rarity, this again? You do know that we ponies don't normally wear clothes. "

"Ugh, fine come in, "Rarity said giving up the subject.

Star came in with Spike on his back and he said, "hay Arcana, I have something to say to you."

"What is it?"

"Thanks for taking all the breakfast this morning."

"Sorry, I was in a hurry."

"Well anyway, "Star said to all of us, "I have some good news and some bad news."

"What's the good news, "I asked.

"Well the good news is that I asked Spike here to send a letter to the princess if we all can have a ride to Cantorlot, "Star explained, "and she replied saying yes."

This caused some cheers to be made, "and the bad news, "Twilight asked getting a bit nervous.

"The princesses are not going to able to join the gala tonight, something about an out of control rogue spell in Fillyadelphia."

We all saw Twilight looking down probable thinking that she can spend some time with the princess this year.

"But…"Star said getting everypony's attention, "there is a silver lining to that though, she might be able to join us when the gala is about to finish."

This cheered Twilight up and said, "Well at least I get to see her."

Then Spike said, "so, is this year going to be like last year?"

This caused some groans to float around the room, "What? "Spike asked.

Hours later

Star's POV

"So, when is the carriage coming anyway? "Arcana asked me as all of us were standing outside of Twilight's home in our dresses and suits, waiting for the carriage to arrive, "the princess said that it will come at around five."

"And what time is it?"

"Last I checked, it was four fifty-five."

"I just hope that last year won't be like last year, "Pinkie said.

"Of course not, "I said getting looks from everypony.

"And how do you know that? "Rarity asked.

"Because last time you all had a personal goal to do, and since there isn't any, it will be great or until somepony says that opening phrase."

"What phrase? "Spike asked, "nothing could possible go wrong?"

I whirled around to stare at him said, "dude, why in the world did you have to say that?"

"Ah Star you're kind of scaring me, "Spike said a bit frightened, "sorry Spike, "I said breaking my stare on him.

"That's ok, but why did you freak out there for a second there?"

"Well you see Spike, "Arcana explain to Spike, "Star here think phrases like that one is an opening for the universe to go and troll with us by doing something to us."

"Don't you think that you're being a bit paranoid about this whole phrase thing? "Spike asked to me.

"Maybe, but every time that phrase is spoken something bad usually happens to the ponies or in this case dragons in the area."

"Ah you are just being overreacting Star, "Dash said to me, "you need to learn how to go with the flow and relax."

"I agree with Dash there partner, "Applejack honestly said.

And then we heard Fluttershy saying while pointing up the road, "look everypony the carriage is here, "and sure enough we saw it coming towards us.

When it came up to us the one of ponies that was pulling the carriage looked at us and asked, "I presume this is Star and party for the evening?"

"THERE'S A PARTY HERE?WHERE'S THE PARTY, WHERE'STHE PARTY? I WANT TO JOIN IN, I WANT TO-,"Pinkie started to speak in rapid speed or until Dash but her hoof into Pinkie's mouth.

"Yes my good sir, "I said politely.

"Then please, get on and let's be on our way, "he said.

I got to the door of the carriage and opened it for the others and said while taking a bow, "Ladies first."

"My, why you are truly a gentelcolt, "Rarity said as she got inside.

I got more thanks and praises as the other mares got in, I followed inside and said, "alright driver, we are ready to go."

We then all felt the carriage jerk as they started to pull it.

"How long is it to Cantorlot? "Arcana asked as we left Ponyville.

"It takes about an hour, why? "Twilight said

"That's going to take a while, "Arcana stated.

"Ooh I know what to pass the time, let's play 'I spy', "Pinkie said and was now already making guesses.

This is going to be a long trip, I thought never noticing the dark clouds in the sky moving towards Cantorlot.

A little while later

I must have fallen asleep along the way, because I was shaken awake and heard, "hay Star wake up, wake up sleepy head."

"Eh wa, "I said trying to get my bearings and saw Arcana standing there with a smile, "we're here, "I looked outside and saw that we already arrived at the castle and everypony was getting out of the carriage and was making their way towards the castle.

I got out of the carriage and asked her with my hoof out waiting to take hers, "ready to see why everypony is so excited to be here?"

She took my hoof and said while I helped her down from the carriage, "yes, yes I am, let us go and see, "and we made our way towards the castle with music playing.

"I hope they don't go in song this time, "Arcana said, I gave her a look and she quickly added, "it was catchy and all, but since this time they don't have any goals, it will be pointless to sing."

I agreed with her and we made our way into the entrance hall and there we saw surprised us both, because standing there by the grand stairs was Prince Blueblood himself,ooo, this is going to be fun, I thought as we made our way towards the stairs.

As we neared him I said in cheerful voice, "hi there Bluey, "this got his attention immediately and he didn't look happy at being called that, so I guess he doesn't like being called Bluey. When he saw me he got mad and said, "what are you ruffians doing here?"

"Ah ah ah, be careful what you say Bluey, "I said warning him, "Because instead of dropping you at three feet, I might drop you off the mountain, oh why we are here is because Celestia invited us."

"You wouldn't, you're bluffing, "he said a bit shocked at what I said about dropping him off the mountain.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, so let's all just be stallions here and enjoy the evening, "I said guiding Arcana up the stairs following everypony else.

As we were about to enter the ball room Arcana said, "you really don't like him don't you."

"Nope, I don't."

"So what do you want do tonight? "Arcana asked me.

"I don't really know, they didn't show much on the show, so what do you want to do?"

"Well I guess we can see the Wonderbolts air show, "Arcana suggested.

"Ok, but there is one thing though, do you know where they are hosting the show?"

"Ya, outside in the castle courtyard, "Arcana said leading me towards outside, "wait, "I said trying to get her to slow down, "how do you know it's in the courtyard?"

She slowed down and said, "well while you were… warning Prince Blueblood about his behavior, I saw a poster for the air show in the entrance hall and I remember Dash said that the Wonderbolts perform at the gala every year."

"Well that's convenient isn't it, "I said as we both got outside and saw that we weren't the only ones with the idea, for we saw that the bleachers that castle workers had set up for tonight was filling up.

"Quickly, "Arcana said as she pulled me along, "before the good seats are gone."

As we made our way to the benches, Arcana didn't see a blue pegasus mare coming from another direction causing me and the other pony to collide to each other making the other pony call out, "oi, watch where you are going."

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"I started to say, but I was interpreted by the mare, "wait a minute, you have happen to be Star Streak, right? "The mare asked looking me over.

"Ya I am, "I said confused at her question, she looks kind of familiar."The same Star Streak that won the Best Flier Competition in Cloudsdale and did the Spectrum Warp?"

"Um ya…"I said getting a bit nervous, and then she let out a squeal and said, "awesome, I wanted to meet you every since I heard from Spitfire talk about you."

Arcana leaned in and whispered, "looks like you have a fan, Star.

"Oh boy, "and you are… "I said trailing off.

"Oh that's right I didn't introduce myself didn't I, well I'm Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts."

"Wait the same Fleetfoot that won the Wonderbolt derby, no wonder you look familiar, "I stated.

"Cool Star Streak knows me, "she said happily.

"We need to get some good seats before they are all gone, "Arcana said a bit anxious.

"Jeez Arcana, and I thought Rainbow Dash is this excited to see the Wonderbolts."

"Oh you are going to see our show, "Fleetfoot said excited, she looked at the stands and said, "It looks like there is no more room."

We looked and saw that she is right, and Arcana said, "awe pony feathers, I wanted to see this show."

Fleetfoot looked back at us and said, "Even though there aren't more seats in the stands, I think I can provide seats in the Wonderbolts pits."

"Really, "I said surprised.

"Ya, come with me, "Fleetfoot said as she waved us towards lower parts of the fields where the Wonderbolts seems to warming up wearing the uniforms with their hoods down, as we got within hearing distance we heard one of them a gray winged with white mane and tail yell out to Fleetfoot, "ah come on Fleetfoot not again with bringing your fans down here."

"But Rapidfire, these two wanted to see our show, but then there wasn't any more seats cause of me, "Fleetfoot said making her argument.

"I don't care if one of them happens to be the winner of the Best Young Flier Competition this year, unless they happen to know the captain, they're not staying so get them out of here, "Rapidfire said getting attention of other Wonderbolts within hearing distance.

One of them a yellow winged pegasus with red mane and tail walked up to us and asked, "what seems to be the problem here Rapidfire?"

"I'll tell you what Blaze; Fleetfoot brought spectators into a private area."

"Calm down Rapidfire, ever since you lost the Wonderbolt Derby against Fleetfoot here, you've been more irritable, "Blaze said to him and then she spoke to Fleetfoot, "ok Fleetfoot, care to explain why you brought visitors down here?"

She explained that it was her fault that we weren't able to get seats, but before she can tell them who we were I said, "hay Blaze, "she looks towards me, "why don't you get Spitfire, oh and mention spectrum, she'll get it."

Blaze just shrugged and called out to the pits, "HAY FIRE STREAK GET HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Immediately there was a red blur coming from the pits and then a beige winged pegasus with mane like fire stopped in front of us and said, "what do you want Blaze?"

"I want you to get the captain and also add that somepony here said something about spectrum, "Blaze instructed.

Fire nodded and said, "yes ma'am, "and flew away back towards the pits, "don't bother, I bet the captain doesn't want to see you, "Rapidfire said me.

"I'll take that bet, "said a voice in the air, causing all of us to look up to see Spitfire there wearing her Wonderblots uniform with her hood down also and in the distance we saw Fire going back to the pit, probably to rest. Spitfire landed next to us and said to me, "hi Star, it's been a while since I last saw you, what have you been up to lately?"

"Ya, it's been a while and nothing much lately, just took my friend here out to dinner on Heart and Hooves and ended up having Prince Blueblood nervous around me now, what about you? "I answered causing her to chuckle.

"Oh nothing as serious as what you did, just practicing with the team, "she answers me, "here, I'll introduce you to the team, "and then she turned her attention to the team and said, "team, this here is Star Streak, "this caused some gasps to be made (except for Fleetfoot), "he is the current holder of the title Best Young Flier and also the only one to do the Spectrum Warp."

She then turned to me and introduced them to me as she pointed them out, "this here is Rapidfire, Blaze, over there in the pits is Fire Streak, is there any relations between you two? "I shook my head, "oh well and I see that you already meet Fleetfoot, whom by the way should be getting ready for the show."

"Ah horse apples that right sorry, I'll be back soon, "Fleetfoot said quickly and made her way to the pits.

"And then there is of course Soarin, whom is probable eating a pie somewhere, then there is High Winds, Misty, Lighting Streak, Surprise and Wave Chill, but those five got the equine flu, so they are not going to joining us tonight."

"So wait you're telling me that he's Star Streak, ah crap I'm sorry for yelling at you, "Rapidfire said to me after a while silence and then he nervously added, "sir."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, please, no need for the sir thing ok, I just came here to enjoy the evening with my friend here, "I said mention her to everypony there.

"Hi I'm Arcana glad to meet you all, "Arcana said waving to them.

"So Star, "Spitfire said gaining my attention, "do you still have that pair of goggles that I gave you?"

"Yup, never leave home without them, "I said as pulled them out of my jacket, showing everypony there.

And then we heard an opening music starting to play in the background and Spitfire said, "it looks like the show is about to start, so you two head towards the pit and if Fire isn't out here tell him to get his flank moving."

As Arcana and I made our way to the pits, Fleetfoot and Fire Streak flew from the pits and as they passed us Arcana said, "good luck out there. "

They said thanks and we made our way to the pits. In the pits we saw that there was a couple of seats for us and any other ponies to sit down on, we took our seats and waited for the show to start, after a minutes of them getting ready they all flew into the sky as once and started performing aerial stunts that amazed us. After an hour of watching them I couldn't explain how to describe the show, because it was simple to amazing to put it in words.

After the Wonderbolts landed and asked us how the show was.

"The show was amazing, "Arcana said excited, this caused a lot of the Wonderbolts to smile at the praise the received from her.

"Ya I didn't know that some of you can move like that, "I said as I remembered one of the stunts, which looked like that one of them was about to hit another.

"That there, "Spitfire said to us, "is what years of practicing and getting to know each other will get."

"Well that was the best air show that I had ever seen, "I said to the team, "well, the night is still young, so I guess that Arcana and I will be leaving and to see wants there to do here, so see ya later, "I said as we left the pits and headed back to the castle.

"Hay Star, "Spitfire said, making me stop and look back at her and said, "ya, Spitfire, "she continues and says, "try to stay of trouble, you here?"

I chuckled and answered her, "I'll try, bye, "and with that we both headed back to the castle.

As we were wondering around the castle exploring the gardens and also to see the golden apple tree that was said to be there, and then we visited the museum where the crown jewels were stored.

After we left the museum Arcana said, "wow, that's a lot of jewels just for a crown, "she looked at me and said, "ah Star, you ok?"

I was rubbing me aching jaw, "no my jaw still hurts."

"Well then you shouldn't have tried and eat one, "Arcana stated, "I mean come on, the word golden should've gave you a hint, "you see when Arcana and I were in the garden to see the golden apple tree I tried to eat one to see what it tasted and in the end I now have a sore jaw.

"Well I see where they make the bits in Equestria now, "I said rubbing my mouth, "and I think I have a loose tooth too."

Arcana started to laugh at my discomfort, after she ceased laughing and calmed down to take in deep breaths, "Well, now what can we do next?"

I thought it over and said, "I don't know, "and then I heard ballroom dance music coming down the hall, "how about we both go dancing together?"

She nodded in agreement and we headed towards the ballroom walking up to the open grand doors letting everypony to come and go as they please. When went inside we saw some ponies were already dancing about the dance floor, with Octavia, Symphony, Strings McGee, Frederic Horseshoepin and Beauty Brass on a raised stage playing classical music.

"So… do we just go out and dance or do we wait for more ponies to join in, "Arcana said unsure of what to do.

Neither do I, I thought unsure what to do too, then I got idea, I turned my attention to Arcana and said, "hold I'll be right back, "and started my way towards to the stage, "Where are you going? "Arcana asked to me, but I didn't answer her.

As I got the stage Octavia and her orchestral group finished with their current song, I walked up to them and asked, "Do you take requests? ", "Sure, "Octavia answers me, "but it must be something we all know."

"Do you know the song 'Colors of My Life' by the Mantovani Orchestra? "they gave me a blank look, "do you mean Potovany Orchestra? "Symphony asked.

"Oh sorry that's what I mean, well, do you know the song? "They all nodded and Beauty Brass said, "yes we do know it and we can also play it."

"Oh thank you, "I said to them and walking off the stage and back to Arcana where she said, "Ok, what did you do?"

Then the song I requested started to play and I said to Arcana, "would the madam like to dance?"

She giggled and said, "I would like that good sir."

I guide her out to the floor and I asked her, "I don't know much about dancing as a pony, so, do you think we can do this bipedal? "Her answer was stand up on her hind legs and smile at me, I stood up on my hind legs and offered my forelegs, she took them and we started to dance, we dance to the song going along with the rhythm and motion of the song, I noticed in my peripheral vision that everypony else had stopped dancing to watch us, and also the mane six standing there smiling at us.

I don't know if this because we are ponies or something, but Arcana and I were dancing gracefully together anticipating each other's moves coming in closer and closer, as the song was drawing to a close and mine and Arcana's lips where just inches away from each other.

Arcana and I just stood there when the music came to a close with the final not echoing in the hall, as I stared into her emerald colored eyes and her staring back at me she said coming in closer, "Star…"

"Yes Arcana, "I said as I came in closer towards her.

"Thank you, "she said as she came in more closer to me.

"For what? "I asked as I can now smell the perfume she's wearing.

"For making this night great, "she answered as I now can see her eyes twinkling in the moonlight that was leaking through the windows from the raising moon outside.

"I can make this night into a wonderful one, if you want to, "I said getting a little nervous for the next part, Arcana smile and said, "I would like that, "she then closed her eyes and came in closer her lips preparing for what will happen next.

Nothing could possible ruin this moment, I thought as I followed suit, as Arcana and I were about to kiss to confirm this night into a wonderful night, all of a sudden there was a flash of blue and a big explosion followed, causing all the windows in the ballroom to shatter, causing everypony in the room to scream and run for the doors leading outside covering themselves from the raining shards of glass, I threw myself on top of Arcana to protect her.

When the smoke and dust cleared I opened my eyes and saw that Arcana and I were in a sphere of white light. I looked down and saw that Arcana's horn was glowing white, confirming that this is her magic at work, "wow, nice reaction time, "I said amazed to her, "thanks, "Arcana said accepting the praise, "I practiced with Twilight whenever I get, now, what the hay happened here? "Arcana questioned as she lowered the magical shield and looked around at the destruction around us.

And then we heard a booming voice calling out filling out every space in the room, "BEHOLD THE MOST POWERFUL UNICORN IN THE CANTORLOT KINGDOM, "and then a dark mist crept in through the broken windows, the black mist gathered on the raised platform, where the orchestral group had already run for cover from, and formed a pony shape figure. The mist became solid and there stood a tall unicorn, but we can't tell who it is for the pony covered in a black cloak, the only thing we can see was a long and grey horn.

"Who are you? "Twilight said to the unicorn, "and why are you here?"

"OH YOU SURLY MUST HAVE RECOGNIZED ME TWILIGHT SPARKLE, "the unicorn boomed out looking at her, "just answer the question for goddess sake! "Arcana yelled out to the unicorn.

The unicorn looked at and said laced with poison, "YOU, I WILL NEVER FORGET OR FORGIVE WHAT YOU DID TO ME."

Arcana became confused at what the unicorn said to her, "what did I do to you? "Arcana questioned.


Arcana must have realized who it is for she now looked shocked, "what happened to you?"

"Who is it Arcana? "I asked to her really confused.

"Star…, "Arcana looked over to me, "its Trixie."


"Ah finally somepony recognized me, "Trixie said as the black cloak faded away in black mist revealing Trixie's features, but her coat is gray and her mane, black and wearing some kind of light armor. For some reason the all reminds me of something, "Trixie, what happened to you? "Arcana asked Trixie.

"I'll tell you what happened to me Arcana; I got more power from my mentor, "Trixie answered.

"And who is this, mentor, that you mentioned before, "Twilight asked again.

"Why you should know her Twilight, after all you and your friends defeated her with the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon, "Trixie said giving a smirk, immediately Twilight and her friends gasp at this and Dash exclaimed, "That's not possible, we all destroyed her."

"I agree, how can she be back, and what happened to your coat? And what is with that old thing you are wearing?"Rarity said.

"Ah you mean that meany pants black snooty is back, "Pinkie said unhappily.

"I would say you're lying, but you aren't, "Applejack said nervously.

"Well yes and no you see you did destroyed her, but she survived as a wisp, I happened to come across it from my visit in Ponyville, it knows about me and that I would like to be stronger then you, Twilight, "Trixie sort of answered.

"And for my coat it's a little side effect from the power I received, and this armor belonged to her o she instructed me to repair it and to wear and so I did, " she said giving the armor a look over.

And then she got mad at Pinkie and said, "and don't you dare disgrace her with names like those, she gave me more power then you can think."

"Why are you here Trixie? "I asked preparing for trouble.

"Why I came here to destroy the Element, because without them you can't harness the Element powers."

"Princess Celestia and Luna will be here soon to stop you, before you can do that, "Arcana said trying to bluff, but Trixie saw through the bluff, "I don't think so, want to know why? Because the princesses are dealing with a spell of mine in Fillyadelphia, "Trixie said smugly, "who knew just by covering the city in shadow will attract the princesses attention.

"We will stop you ourselves then, "Twilight announces to Trixie.

"I know that Nightmare Moon wants me just to destroy the Elements, but never said about destroying the holders themselves, "and with that a tentacle made out of shadows came from Trixie's horn and was swung right at Twilight and her friends, before they can react, but then a sphere of white magic appeared around them stopping the shadow from harming them, we all look over to Arcana and saw that her horn was glowing,now that is some serious reaction time.

"Twilight, "Arcana said apparently straining against some press, "you and the others get the Elements of Harmony."

"Ya, Arcana and I and deal with Nightmare Trixie here, "I said reassuring them, "But… "Twilight starting, but was quickly interrupted by me, "No time, just go we will deal with Nightmare Trixie here and I don't think Arcana can't hold this forever."

Twilight nodded in understanding and teleported with her friends away in a red tinted flash to where the Element was stored, Arcana released the spell she was holding turned her attention back to Trixie whom yelled at her, "how dare you interrupt my fun!"

"You call this fun, "I yelled at her, "to scare everypony here, to threaten our friends and to nearly hurt them, you are going to get, "and with that I took off flying at her.

Arcana's POV

As I saw Star took off flying at Trixie, I closed my eyes and concentrated and felt the familiar creeping feeling of the gems sliding on my body, forming my gem wings, I opened my eyes and saw Trixie swinging the tentacle at him, but he easily dodged it and took a swing at her, but she anticipated it and formed a barrier out of shadow and he smacked into it, that got to hurt, Trixie start laughing and reformed the barrier into another tentacle and fling him.

As I saw him soar through the air and then broke through the door leaving a roughly Star-size pony shape hole in the door, ok that has to hurt, I thought wincing at the imaginary pain and then I heard him yell out to me from behind the double doors, "holy crap, that hurts like hell and she knocked out the loose tooth."

"Now I will finally get my revenge on you for humiliating me in Ponyville, "Trixie said gaining my attention, I looked back at her and quickly shielded myself with my wings to her barrage and saw that they were easily deflected off of my wings.

The look of surprise went across her face and she said, "what the hay happened, how were you able to deflect my attacks? "I smiled at her and stated, "you weren't the only one to get stronger."

She got angry and scream in frustration and more tentacles appears on her body and started to swing them at me, I quickly concentrated on my wings and felt them getting sharper and started blocking and swinging at the tentacles cutting and slicing them off. This caused her to scream more and then the tentacles retracted and then I saw her body radiate waves of dark blue magic and into the ground causing it to crack and shift making me to lose my balance and fall to the floor.

Trixie took my open guard immediately and released a beam of dark blue magic at me. I quickly put up my magic barrier and saw myself being surrounded, in the distance I heard Star cry out, "Arcana!" and blacked out.

Star's POV

As I was flung through the doors and lost some of my senses as I landed in the hallway, after regaining my lost senses and felt the empty space where my tooth used to be, dang I hope Zecora can fix this, I flew up to the hole I came through and I saw Trixie just release her magic at Arcana incasing Arcana in her magic.

"Arcana! "I cried out as I saw her being encase in Trixie's magic, a few moments later Trixie released her magic and I saw what made my heart skip a few beats, for I saw Arcana emerge for Trixie's magical barrage unconscious.

"How dare you! "I yelled at Trixie gaining her attention. When she saw me and smirked at me and said, "ah it's the lowly pegasus, what can you do? "when she said that I freaked out, "I'll show you what I did to the last pony that said to me, "and with that I put on my goggles and took off leaving a white streak as I flew towards her. She panics and throws up tentacles and swung them at me, but I quickly dodged them, remembering all the flying techniques that Dash drilled into my head, whenever I trained with her.

As I was within a few feet away I saw that I was beginning to be surrounded in white light, I saw her eyes widen and she cries out, "what are you doing? "I didn't answer for I just grabbed her and warped with her, filling the area with light.

Memories that were not mine filled my head, seeing a shadowy wisp… feeling fear… fragments of metal on a pedestal… a dome of shadow over a city… feeling anger, and despair… and then I heard a whisper of a voice in my head, "help me."

And then we warped into a clearing in a forest that looked like the Everfree Forest Trixie looks to me and asked, "what was that? "I realized that I was still holding Trixie, I let her go, making her drop to the ground, momentarily stunning her.

"That was, my dear Trixie, the Spectrum Warp, "I said answering her and then I turned around and warped back into the ballroom near Arcana. I saw that she was still unconscious I knelt down next to her and gently put a hoof on her neck, I immediately felt her heart still beating strong I let out a breath that I was holding and thought, she's ok, now what was that with Trixie, it was like…and then I knew what was going on.

I heard a moan and I was brought back to reality and saw that Arcana was gaining consciousness, after she stood up all shaken she said, "ow, my head, *gasp* where's Trixie?"

I warped her into the Everfree Forest, but I think she will be back soon though, "I said, "listen Arcana, I can't believe I am going to say this, but we need to save Trixie."

"Wait what? "Arcana said giving me a confused look, "I think Trixie is under the influence of Nightmare Moon, "I answered her, "because when I warped with her I got a bunch of memories that weren't mine and a lot of scared feelings from her too."

At that moment we heard laughter behind us, "well you are right about that, "we turned around and saw Trixie there, but she looks more like Nightmare Moon whom she continues to talk, "that little pony was so terrified and angered when I stumbled upon her, it was easy to get into her mind and influence and alter her mind and take control of her."

"Ok lady you are seriously one creepy and sick pony to do that to somepony, even if it is Trixie, "I stated, as I moved away from Arcana so Nightmare's attention is on me and not on her while she is recovering, "you have some guts to say those things I will make you suffer, "and with that her horn started to glow, I prepared to go Spectrum, but she must have been egging me on for she swung her head back at Arcana and released her spell at her, "NNOOO! "I cried out as I rushed over to Arcana and made myself into a shield for her, as the spell was coming at me, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the hit, but it never came and I heard a set of gasps being made.

I opened my eyes and saw in front of me was swirling hole made of light sucking in Nightmare's spell, "Star, "I heard Arcana behind me said in surprise, "how are you doing that?"

"I honestly don't know, "I said equally surprised, the phenomenon in front of Arcana and I disappeared revealing a shocked Nightmare Moon, "How is this possible, how can you two have abilities that no pony should have? "she looked at us and demanded, "who are you? What are you?"

Arcana's POV

When Nightmare asked those questions I heard the fear in her voice and an idea came to me. I slowly started walking towards her, "what are you doing? "Star whispered to me apparently worried for my safety. I look back at him and whispered back, "I have an idea, "and with that I resumed my walk towards Nightmare Moon, "you see Nightmare, my name is Arcana and this here is Star Streak, but we aren't normal ponies, "I started as I got closer, this caused Nightmare to bring out wisps of black mist and swung them at me, but I activated my magic and the gem wings on my back grew and I used them to deflect them away, "and we are not from around here, "she swung more wisps at me and I easily batted them away, and I can now see the fear in her eyes as I got close to her, "in fact, we are not even from this world, we were humans, "when she heard this information, her eyes widen and her irises shrunken to pinpoint and she started to get away, but I quickly grabbed her and said, "Trixie I know you are somewhere in there, "I said in Nightmare's face, "come on fight it, you can do it, "I said trying to get though Trixie, "she is less powerful than you, I am not going to give up come on fight it."

And then I heard her said in a quiet voice, "help me, "and then a shockwave came from her, knocking me away from her and hitting my head on the floor. I felt myself blacking out, I look up and saw that Trixie was gone and that Star was unconscious a few feet away, I lowered myself to the floor and thought as I blacked out, I promise we are going to save you Trixie.


Hello everypony I hoped you enjoyed this story GhOst's buddy, well until next time, good-bye.

End A/N

Chapter 23: Unexpected Timing

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Hello everypony, I hoped you enjoyed last chapter and will like this to, enough talk now.

End A/N

Star's POV

Running in fear… feeling cold inside…darkness clouding my vision… a whisper in my ear… a scream crying out, "help me."

I jolted awake panting when I heard the scream in my head and quickly sat up in a bed and was immediately answered by a headache. I looked around in the room I was in wincing in pain as light bright from room hits my eyes, after a while I deducted that I was in a hospital, and I also saw that Arcana was also panting in the bad next to me, also whom appears to have awakened in the same way as me.

"What happen? "Arcana asked looking around squinting from the brightness of the room, "I don't know, some kind of magical backlash, "I answered guessing, "How are you, Arcana?"

"I'm ok, you though?"

"It feels like a bunch of bunnies are pounding at my head with hammers, "I answered her looking at her. She giggled at that, causing me to smile at her, but right at that moment my headache kicked me in the head, "dang, it really does feel like bunnies are hitting me in the head with hammers."

"Um Star…"

"What is it?"

"You're still missing that tooth, "Arcana explained.

"What? Really?, "I said surprised and I started feeling around my mouth with my tongue and true to her word I felt the empty gap in my smile, "ah horse apples, I wonder if Zecora can fix this."

"I don't know… it is a missing tooth Star."

And then a unicorn walked into the reading a clipboard in his magic, he looked up and saw us sitting up in bed and said, "ah your awake, your friends have been waiting for you to wake up ever since the Gala."

I looked at the doctor confused and asked, "how long have we been in here, and where are we?"

"We will answer those questions good Doctor, "a voice said out in the hall and then the Twilight and her friends along with the Princesses walked into the room, "of course princess Celestia, "the doctor said bowing and leaving the room.

When the doctor left and closing the door to give us privacy, I asked them all, "so again, how long have we been in here, and where are we?"

Princess Celestia answers, "you have been asleep for two days, and you are in the Cantorlot hospital."

"What happened at the gala? "Arcana asked concerned about that information.

"We could ask the same thing, "Dash said hovering to her bed, "I let out a sigh and Arcana and I explained to them at the dance. After we finished everypony's expression was that of worry, but Princess Luna was very frightened though.

"So Nightmare Moon has returned. "Celestia glanced over to her sister and saw that she was shaking from some dark memories. She turned her attention back to us and continues "and has control over an innocent pony as well no less."

"Would somepony tell us their side of all of this? "Arcana asked to nopony in particular.

"Well…, "Twilight said gaining our attention, "you see ever since Discord hidden the Elements from the vault, the princess put up multiple spell defenses and I had to disarmed them one by one, "she took a breath and continues, "after the last spell was disarmed there was a explosion. We gathered the Elements quickly and teleported to the ballroom."

"The ballroom was almost completely destroyed, "Applejack picking up from Twilight, "whatever happened in there, partners, it was a big fight."

"And I have never seen anything like what I saw, "Rarity said shuddering at what she saw there at that night, "it was that bad, "I shocked at what she said, "I say, your gala clothes were completely destroyed beyond repair."

Everypony in the, besides the princesses, sighed at Rarity's fashion sense at the wrong moment, "Rarity, now is not the time for a fashion statement, "Dash sand annoyed, "well we found you two unconscious on the ground, and brought you here."

"Princess Luna… "Luna got out of whatever she was in and looked at Arcana, "yes Arcana, "Arcana continues saying, "are you ok about this whole thing?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm scared about this recent event, what if Nightmare Moon comes back for me?"

"I don't think so."

"Why do you say that Arcana? "Celestia asked confused of what Arcana said.

"Well Princess Celestia, it seems that Nightmare Moon is having a bit trouble controlling Trixie."

"So she's not that strong right now as she was before."

"Right, the Elements must have weakened her, so we might be able to defeat Nightmare and get Trixie back, I hope she is ok, "Arcana said looking down.

"Don't worry we will save her, but I bet now that she will go into hiding to regain her strength back, "I said to reassure her.

"Um… are you sure you two are ok? "Fluttershy asked whom she clearly has been worried about us, "because it seemed like you're hurt". "Yes Fluttershy I'm ok, "Arcana said to her, "I have a little headache and I'm missing a tooth, but never the less I'm ok, "I said showing everypony my missing toothy smile.

"Oh, I got this from Zecora, "Pinkie said as she pulled out gourd capped with a stopper and gave it to me, "she said it will bring back that tooth of yours."

"Pinkie, when did you get the time to go to Zecora's and get this? "I asked disbelieved, "and is that what she really said."

"I'm not telling, and no her exact words were 'give this to him and a tooth will grow, but be warned this will cause a lot of pain for a new row.'"

"OK, now that sounds like her, "I stopped to the gourd and looked at it and said, "well it can't be worse than the Poison Joke brew, "and with that I guzzled everything in the gourd and waited for results after a while nothing happened, "huh, I guess it was just a…, "all of sudden pain racked in head, for it felt like pair of pillars are pulling out a tooth in the gap, "holy crap, I stand corrected this is much worse, because this is serious agonizing painful, "I cried out as put my hoof on my mouth to put pressure on the pain to lessen it, this went on for about three minutes and then it stopped, "son of a bi-scuit, "I said doing a word swap quickly so nopony would hear me swear, "that hurts, why did it make so much pain? Applebloom only chipped a tooth, and yet she didn't experience that much pain."

"Zecora also said to me in case you said that, "Pinkie then recited what the zebra said to her, "if he is complaining about Applebloom's tooth repair being sooth, it was because she has a tooth and he didn't, so tell him stop being uncouth."

I stared at her, "ok, now that is just freaky."

"She also said, 'it's not freaky of how I do my thinking, now if you'll mind stop questioning my brains bringing', "Pinkie added with a smile.

"Ah, ah, "was I can say as I heard that, this caused everypony to laugh at my stupor. After the laughing cooled down Twilight asked, "So what are going to do about Nightmare? "

"Nothing, "answered the least likely pony room, the princess of the moon, Luna.

"Wait… huh? "I said feeling my mind freeze again, "what do you mean nothing?"

"Remember I was Nightmare Moon for more than a thousand years, I know how it thinks, "Luna looked up from the floor at us and continues, "it will lay low for a while gathering strength to get revenge, so all we can do is prepare for its' return."

"Princess it is actually Star and I that Nightmare will come after, because we were the one to best her, "Arcana said to Luna, "ya, it's us it's after, you guys stay out of this, we don't want you to get hurt, because of us."

"No can do there partner, "Applejack stepping forward, "if you're in this mess, then we will also help."

"Ya, we all are loyal to each of our friends, "Dash proudly stated.

"I don't want that old smoky meany ruining anymore parties, "Pinkie said getting serious.

"And besides, she needs to pay for what it did to your gala attire."

"Um… I don't want it to hurt anypony… or creatures anymore."

"We will always be there for our friends, old or new, "Twilight smiling, and I think I saw a glimmer in her eyes, but I wasn't sure.

Arcana and I sat there shocked that our friends are willing to be at our sides. Arcana started to get teary and said, "thanks everypony, I wasn't so sure that Star and I weren't able to beat Nightmare, but now that I know that you, my friends, are going to be at our side, I will never give up."

"Same here, knowing that my friends are there, I will bravely face anything Nightmare will throw at me and I will return it will my best, "I said, gaining smiles from everypony in the room.

With everypony enjoying each other's company nopony noticed that Star and Arcana eyes slightly changed colored.

Few hours later

Arcana's POV

"Ugh, this is so boring, "I heard Star said in the bed next to me, I looked up from my book that I got from my birthday and over to him and saw him rubbing his face in boredom.

"How much longer do we have to stay here?"

"The doctor said at least one more day, and I told you should've asked one of our friends to get you something to do while we're here, and stop whining."

"I'm not whining, I'm stating a fact, and besides why do we still have to be here?"

"Sigh, because the doctor said we were exposed to large amounts dangerous magic, and they need to make sure that we are ok and wouldn't get sick later."

"Fine, "Star said slumping down in her bed. I turned my attention back to my book and started reading the book I got from my birthday Ancient History and Stories of Myths, as I was going through index of it a story caught my eye.

The unicorn with the rainbow wings that save the peace of Equestria, this looks interesting, I thought and I started reading.

Long ago at the time when Equestria was founded, disharmony had made its way back into the heart of the three tribe leaders causing the coldness to return to the fragile peace of the land, as the coldness was about to consumed the land a unicorn mare with rainbow wings stepped up and confronted the disharmony in the three tribe leader's heart, she defeated the disharmony and peace returned to the land, In return for her help, a great mage gave the mare a object infused with magical properties, and then she disappeared mysteriously as she appeared.

After I finished reading this tale I put down the book and thought, why does this all sound so familiar, and then I hear sounds of intense concentration coming from Star's bed, I looked over and saw Star holding his front hooves in the air with his face turning red from whatever he is trying to do.

"Star, what the hay are you doing? "I said making him lose his concentration and let out a breath that he was holding in.

"Remember what I did to Nightmare's spell that was going to hit you."

"Ya how can I forget about that?"


I was on the ground, weary for the assault I received from Nightmare, I got up slowly as I saw Star walking away from me turning Nightmare's attention to him than to me, he was talking to it, but all I could hear muffled sounds, and I then saw Nightmare swung back to me and release the spell towards me.

As I saw the spell coming at me I heard Star cry out, "NNNNOOOOO! "he then jumped in front of me prepare to take the hit, and then the space in front of him split open and a vortex of light appears, and then another vortex appears behind me. Nightmare's spell went inside the vortex in front of him and shot out of the on behind me, destroying a statue that was in its' new target.

End Flashback

"So that's where the spell went to, well anyway, that is what I am trying to do, "he then shock his head in frustration, "but it seems that I can't do it again."

"Well with unicorns, it takes emotions or memories to trigger their magic, and then they are usually able to control it after that, "I explained, "so remember what you did to trigger that magic you have, and also don't forget, you need to have a goal to make it fully effective."

"Alright I will give it a try, "he then closed his eyes as he tried to duplicate the phenomenal he did at the gala to protect me. "Taking in deep breaths will also help with your control, and concentrate at what you did, "I added and then I heard him take in deep breaths. I saw his facial expression relaxed like he was in a calm state, and then he lifted his forelegs up and made a motion like he was parting something, all of a sudden, a ball of light appears at the opposite end of his location.

The ball of light of light grew to it was like the one at the gala and what fall out was a single book, I sat there amazed at what I am seeing, "Star you are doing it, "I said praising him, but I spoke to soon for a lot more books fell out of the vortex and hit the floor with repeating thuds. This caused Star to lose focus and to open his eyes in surprise. The vortex faded away leaving the only trace that it was there was the large amount of books lying around on the floor.

We looked at the mess surprised at what happened, and then a nurse came into the room, and then she saw the pile of books, "what happened in here, and where did all those book come from? "she demanded to know.

"Sorry nurse, that will be my fault, "Star said with a sheepish grin on his face, when he said that he got a stupor looked from the nurse, after she gathered her wits she said, "You? But you're not a unicorn you're a pegasus, only unicorns can perform magic."

"With him being an exception, "I said butting into the conversation, the nurse look at me and was about to say something, but I quickly interrupted her by saying, "don't ask me how he does it, I don't know and he doesn't know either also."

The nurse just shook her head and left the room saying something about this is crazy, when she closed the door I grabbed a book in my magic and brought it close to me, "Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet, "I read the title questioning at Star, he gave me embarrassed look and said, "What? It's a good series, I am currently reading that one, but only that book was one the nightstand in my room."

But then a wisp of smoke came through the open window and turned into a scroll and landed on my lap, "Whom is it from and what does it say? "Star asked as I picked it up and opened it, "it's from Twilight, and it says: Star I know it was you, because nopony could've done what you did, now give them back or else, Twilight."

"Ok note to self never do that again with Twilight's books, "Star said nervously, "And Arcana, can you help me, because I don't know how to send yet."

"Sure, but you owe me, "I concentrated and the pile of books disappeared in a flash leaving me with the book I have in my hooves, which I tossed to him, "now here, don't cause any more trouble."

As I was about to get back to reading my book another wisp of smoke came through the window and turned it into another scroll, but this one had the seal of Luna's cutie mark on it.

"Is that another letter from Twilight? "Star asked leaning over the bed trying to see, "no it looks like it is from Princess Luna, I answered opening the letter and read it out loud, "dear Arcana, I need the assistance of your special abilities, I will explain we get here to the castle, and don't worry you already have been checked out of the hospital, now prepare for transportation in a minute after this letter is opened, from the princess of the moon, Luna."

"Wait what, right now?"

Star's answer was a flash of blue light and next thing I know I found myself on the floor of a room, I looked around and saw that I was in a ruined hall with tools and other repairing equipment laying around the room, slabs of stone, wait is this the ballroom from that night, dang we did a number on this place at least they fixed the windows first, and in the middle of the room stood Princess Luna examining something on the floor.

"Thanks for the warning, "I said sarcastically, Luna looked at me and said ether ignoring or oblivious to my sarcasm, "ah good I see that my letter had arrived to you intact, come over here I have something to show you."

I walked over to where the Princess was and looked down, and what I saw took my breath away. On the floor below me was a big transmutation circle, for what propose I wasn't able to figure out, "the repair team uncovered this when one of the workers discovered it after when he removed a piece of tile, this diagram appears to made of a gem like materials, and we also detected hints of old magic in it, but the strange thing is, that no unicorn was able to get it to become active, including me and my sister."

"Whoa really?" I was surprised that not even the princesses were able to make this diagram active.

Luna nodded and continues, "then I remembered one of the letters that my sister received from Twilight, talking about you and your abilities and connections to this kind of magic, so can you see what this diagram is used for?"

"Sure I'll give it a try, "I walk around the circle, examining it like an art critique does with a particularly rare piece of art, taking in all the symbols, lettering and all of the complexities of it, after a while something was realized to me and I said, "I don't know what this spell does to tell you the truth Luna, "Luna looked down when she received the piece of news, "but…" this immediately perked her up, "I know why you or your sister and other unicorns couldn't get this spell active."

"What is it? Because this diagram must have been here since the time this castle had been built, and what propose does it serve?"

"Well the reason you couldn't get it active is because this isn't complete."

"How can you tell?"

"I don't really now…, "I answered then walked over to the center of the diagram and pointed, "but you see these two symbols here? "Luna nodded, "well it's incorrect, it should be one symbol not two, "Luna looked surprised and asked, "can you correct it and will it then the spell work?"

"I can, and in theory it should work, but as you said, there is ancient magic involved here, so I don't know what will happen, "I explained. I concentrated on the two symbols in the middle of the spell, but as I was about to make the two symbols into one I warned Luna, "you might want to step back princess, just in case, "Luna took a couple of steps back away from the diagram, I resumed and concentrated on the symbols. My horn and the two symbols lit up with its' familiar white glow, I saw the two symbols liquefied and started to come together like oil on water, when they finally connected it form a single symbol now. On the outside was a circle that resembles what looks like a clock's face, resting near the bottom of the circle laid a smaller circle that has what looks like door with a key outline running down the door.

As it stopped moving and solidified, I felt my mind go blank and I reached out with my hoof to touch the symbol, I heard Luna said something, but I didn't or couldn't understand it, for my mind had one thing; to activate the spell.

I touched the symbol and the whole diagram lit up with the same whiteness as my aura, and then I felt my magical reserves draining from me and into the spell, I looked up and saw Princess Luna coming at me, but she was soon stopped as she reached the edge of transmutation diagram. I saw the princess's mouth moving, but I couldn't hear anything she is saying. Luna's horn glowed light blue probable to break this spell, but before she could do that, I felt the last drop from my reserves drain into the spell. I fell unconscious as there was a bright flash.

Star's POV

A bright flash pierced into my head, I woke up and sat up in my bed in a panic, I looked around and saw that nothing happened. I looked down and saw the Daring Do book open on my chest, I must have fallen asleep, so it was just a dream, as soon I finished that thought a wisp of smoke came through the window and turned into a scroll and landed in my lap.

I picked it up and saw that it had Luna's seal on it. I opened it and read it:


Something terrible has happened, while Arcana and I were investigating an ancient spell, Arcana had somehow activate it, causing me to be seal off from her, as I was about to break the spell Arcana disappeared in flash of light. I tried to find her with a location spell, Star I don't know how to say this, but Arcana is missing and I can't find her anywhere, I'm sorry.


When I finished reading the letter I got up from my bed and ran out of the room in a panic, I need to get to the castle immediately, I thought as I concentrated and disappeared in a white flash.

Arcana's POV

I felt myself lying on a bed of sorts, I slowly opened my eyes, when I opened them my vision was blurred. I blinked my eyes to clear the blurriness from my eyes. I saw that I was in what resembles Zecora's hut, except that it was made of stone. In the center of the room stood a table and it sat an old gray pony stallion with white mane and tail with his back to me, I don't know why, but this pony seems to be familiar.

The pony must have realized that he was being watched, for he turned around revealing a horn and a long white beard, stating that he was a unicorn and an old one at that. He saw me awake and said to me smiling, "Ah glad to see you awake, I found you at the building site with hint of magic in the air and your magical reserves dangerously low, but that is over now, you must be hungry, for you have been asleep for a day, since I found, now come and eat."

"Where am I? "I asked getting up from the bed and dizzyingly making my way to the table, "careful, "the unicorn warned, "your magical reserves were dangerously low, but you are still weak, and you're in Equestria, "the unicorn said getting up from the table and made his way to a pot in the far side of the room.

"But I was already in Equestria, "I said as he came back with two bowls of stew in a white magical grasp and set one in front of me, "Really? hum, you must have gotten here with the first group of travelers then, now eat get your strength back up."

I dig into the stew and found it delicious, after I finished it I asked, "so where in Equestria I am?"

"Cantorlot, well soon to be anyway, "he answered as he finished his bowl of stew .


He look up from his meal and gave me a questioning look, "Really you don't know, wow whatever spell you did, must have knocked out some senses out of you, here I'll show you, "he got up and walked to the door, but before he opened it he asked me, "terribly sorry, but I didn't get your name."

"It's Arcana and you?"

"Well, Miss Arcana, "he said as he opened the door and showed me what's outside, "I'm Starswirl the Bearded and I welcome you to our little settlement, Cantorlot."

Then all the questioning looks and sayings made sense now, because outside I saw only a few buildings up and more are currently being build, only one thought went through my mind.

Oh shit, I'm in the past, and then I fainted, again.


Sorry about the late update everypony, but I had computer problems and life getting in the way and major writers block, but I got over that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 24: A Tear Shed

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Wow everypony must have really enjoyed that last chapter, for I didn't get any negative reviews about it, well anyway here is the next chapter.

End A/N

Star's POV

I appeared in a flash in front of the castle gates, startling the guards that were stationed there, but I didn't care. I started to make my way up the gates, but the guards halted me by putting out their wings, "Halt, state your business, "one of them demanded.

"I need to see Princess Luna, "I answered him, then the other guard asked, "do you have an appointment with the Princess?"

"No, but-, "but I was quickly cut off by the first guard saying, "Nopony is allowed to see the Princess without an appointment, I will have to ask you leave now sir."

"Sorry sirs, but I have to see Princess Luna right now, "I concentrated to warp, "nopony is allowed to-, "but I never heard the rest from the guard for I had disappeared in a flash of light, after the light faded away I saw that I was in the main entrance hall of the castle, "Arcana where are you? "I shouted out in the hall, making it echo down in the empty halls.

"Star, there is no need to shout, "a voice called out from the top of the stairs. I looked up and saw Luna and Celestia there standing with gloom looks on their faces.

"Sorry princesses, but I need to know. Tell me, what happened to Arcana?"

Luna looked at her sister and then to me and said, "its best that I show you instead, follow me, "and with that she walked down a hallway that leads towards the ballroom.

I flew up the stairs and landed on the landing and started to follow her, after we walked down the hall and entered the ballroom. When I looked around and saw the state that the room was in I though, dang we seriously did a number on this place.

I saw Luna walked to the center of the room, she looked back at me, "this is the cause of Arcana's disappearance, "she said pointing down to the ground.

I walked up to her and looked down. In a depression in the ground, were a transmutation circle, and a big one at that, "what does it do and what happen to Arcana?"

"I don't know, this is probable here since the castle was built, and Arcana was studying this diagram, then something got into Arcana, like she went into a trance, and then like I explained in the letter Arcana was sealed in the spell, I tried to break the spell but before I can, she disappeared in a flash, I used a location spell to find her, but I can't she just disappeared, I'm sorry."

I couldn't say anything for I was stricken with worry for Arcana, after a while I looked up to Luna and said to her, "Luna if you'll mind, can you leave please? I need to be alone right now."

She nodded and she made her way back to the doors with me watching her, as soon she left the room, I turned my attention back to the diagram in the floor. I sat down and with a tear forming in my eye I thought, please wherever you are Arcana, come back, and then I thought I heard Arcana's voice saying, Star, I miss you, and with that the tear fell unto where Arcana once was.

Arcana's POV

Arcana come back

I woke up and found myself staring into a pair of violet eyes, "Aahhh, "I said in a panic, this caused the owner of the eyes to scream indicated that it is a mare moved away from my vision.

"Clover, what did I say about doing that to other ponies?"

I looked over and saw that the old unicorn was at the table eating some stew, with a fire roaring in the fireplace, and then I looked down and saw a purple unicorn with a light purple mane and wearing a light brown wool cloak getting up from the ground, she looks like Twilight.

After she righted up she then turned her attention to the old unicorn, no Starswirl, I thought correcting myself, "sorry master, it's just that I am really interested in that piece of jewelry that she is wearing, because I sense strange, yet oddly familiar, magic coming from it."

"Yes I too sensed it, but you should have asked her not study it without her permission, "Starswirl said to Clover.

Clover looked down ashamed and said, "Sorry master."

"It's not me you should apologize to, that would be her, "he said pointing to me. Clover looked at me and said bowing down to me, "sorry that I was examining your magical item without your permission."

"It's ok, just don't do that again, ok? "I said excepting her apology.

She looked up at me with a smile and said, "deal."

Then Starswirl spoke up, "alright then, now that is done let me introduce you to-"

"Your student Clover the Clever, "I quickly said. I got surprised looks from both of them, "how do you know that? I didn't tell you about my student, "Starswirl exclaimed, "and what is with the fainting this afternoon?"

"Well to how I know about your student is kind of hard to explain so I will get back to that, as for the fainting, well I was just caught by surprise that is all."

"What's there to be surprise about? "Clover asked

"Well I am about to say, is going to unbelievable to you and make me sound crazy, because the Cantorlot I know was a great city, "I explained to them.

Starswirl got a puzzling look on his face and had a hoof on his chin, "how can Cantorlot be a great city? We only were able to raise a town here about a month ago, "Clover said disbelieved at what I said, "I had theories, but to think that this possible, "Starswirl speaking up, "what master, what is possible? "Clover asked apparently feeling left out, Starswirl looked at her addressed, "time traveling, "this got an extremely confused looked from Clover.

"You're from the future are you? "Starswirl asked looking at me, I let out a breath and nodded that somepony was able to piece it together, "but m-master, that is n-not possible, "Clover stuttered nervously at what her mentor said, "then how do explain that she knows who you are Clover."

Starswirl looks back at me and continues, "that will explain the magic residue, that is probable from the time traveling, but do you care to explain how you came to be here."

"OK, you see in the-, "but then I was interrupted by stomach growling out of hunger, "um sorry, but can I have something to eat first though.

Starswirl nodded in agreement and said, mentioning to come to the table, "sure, come to the table and eat, then after you can tell us more how you come here in this time, and also tell us about yourself, I am sure we would like to get to know you."

I sat myself at the table and was immediately served some of that stew by Clover. I then thanked her and started eating. After I had finished eating I explained to them how I got here, "… and then there was a bright flash, next thing I knew I woke up here, "I told them little about my own time, because the number one rule in time traveling is that is mess with the past you mess with the present and then the future.

Clover was in thought when I finished and then after a while she said, "but if you traveled through time to this time, there must be a reason for you to be here then?"

"Ah observant as ever Clover, there must be a reason for you to be here, "Starswirl said, praising Clover, "but what is that reason? "he soon gave up and said to me, "now that we know how you came to this time, can you tell us about yourself?"

"Well um let's see… "I said giving that question some thought, "well I like to study magic-, "I was interrupted by Clover, "Really I like to study magic too, "defiantly like Twilight.

"Clover what did I say about interrupting others, "Starswirl scowled her, "Sorry Arcana, please continue, "Clover said apologizing.

"Well I like to study magic and I am really good at it, but I also have… strange magic too, "I said not to reveal that I am a human to them.

Starswirl got a puzzled look on his face, "strange magic, how is it strange?"

"Well I can't really explain it really well so I guess I have to show you, "I saw the fire and I hold out my hoof and concentrated on what I want to do. A red transmutation circle the size of my hoof appeared over my hoof and then the flames from the fire flew over to the spell and there it stayed, I then noticed that there were a couple of unlit candles on the table. I manipulated the flame in my hoof to the candles lighting them up, I then let go of the spell and flames faded away.

I looked at the other two and saw that had looks of wonder on their faces, I noticed that in the mage's eye it looks like he remember something, "that's amazing, "Clover said excited, "I never saw magic like that before."

"Ya, you see in my time, there is another pony that also has the strange magic as me, his name is Star Streak."

"Really, is this unicorn able to do what you can do too? "Clover asked with her eyes gleaming, "ah, no he can't, you see he is not a unicorn, he's a pegasus."

This got the mage's attention really quick, "but only unicorns are able to use magic, how is he able to use magic? "

"I don't know ether, he just does, he's magic seems to advanced teleportation, but he can do it over long ranges, sigh, and I'm starting to miss him too, "I said a bit sad, Clover and Starswirl took this to stop asking questions about Star, and asked questions about my other friends.

I told them about Twilight and her other friends, and the adventures they all go on around their town, "and together they formed the Elements of Harmony."

"What are the Elements of Harmony? "Starswirl asked, intrigued at what he was hearing, "well they were stones that magical properties in them, but know they are necklaces with gems set in them in the shape of cutie marks of the bearers that holds them."

"Do the Elements represent anything?"

"Yes in fact, there are six as you know. They represent kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty, the six, magic, was a mystery but then it was discovered during when… um, crap I can't' tell them or I might ruin the future, a crisis caused it to be revealed."

"What was the crisis? "Clover asked, shoot.

"Clover she can't tell you, me or anypony for that matter, "Starswirl said to his student, "Why master, I just want to know what happened, "Clover pouted, "because it might ruin the future, "he then looks at me, "am I correct? "I nodded, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that, "Clover said a bit ashamed.

"Hay there's no need to be sorry, after all this is all new to you, at least you are learning something new, right. "

"You're, yawn, right, I am learning something new."

And with that infectious yawn, everypony started to pass out yawns, "yawn, I think it is time to go to bed, don't you agree? "Starswirl asked.

Clover and I nodded in agreement, "luckily I have a spare room for you Arcana, now if you'll follow me, "he got up from the table, he levitated one of the candles that I had lit earlier and then headed for a door at the far wall of the room, I got up and followed him. As I neared him, he opened the door, revealing a short hall with a door on the left, another on the right. He walked towards the door on the right and said, "This is where you are staying, and sorry in advance for the mess, I was after all had a short noticed."

I walked up to him and went through the door to see a room filled with scrolls on every available space, except for the floor and bed, I saw that there was a window above the bed letting in the moonlight, "holy moly, that's a lot of scrolls, "I said in amazement, but Starswirl chuckled at that and said, "no, this is just only a fraction of what I have, most of it is back in old Unicornia in our old land, now get some sleep, for tomorrow, we have some work to do, and we need all the help we can get, after all this is a recently made settlement, "and with that he started to make his way back to the main room, but before he entered the main room, he looked back at me and said, "Clover is in the room across the hall if there is anything you need."

"Thank you, for helping me, "I said giving a small bow to him, he smiled and retuned the bow to me and said, "it was nothing, I just like to help others in need, "and with that he left the hallway, dousing it in shadows. I closed the door and carefully made my way to the bed, avoiding the piles of scrolls with the light from the moon, not wanting to make mess.

I got to the bed without tipping anything over. I pulled a nice and warm blanket over myself and laid there, waiting for sleep to come, but I was feeling at unease so I couldn't fall alseep. I looked out of the window and saw the moon, I then calm and relax as i stared at the moon, I then felt water building up in my eyes as sleep was overcoming me. As I closed my eyes close, I let the tear run down my face as I gave one last thought before I fell asleep, Star, I miss you.


I hope everypony enjoyed this chapter, will see ya all later.

End A/N

Chapter 25: New/Old Friends

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Hello everypony I have nothing to say to enjoy this chapter.

End A/N

Luna's POV

I left Star standing in the ballroom, feeling worried for him, I too know how it feels to be separated from loved ones, I thought remembering my banishment to the moon.

As I walked down to the entrance hall I saw the captain of the royal guards, Cyclone, rushing in a panic. He stop in front of me, taking in deep breaths, "I'm, gasp, glad, gasp, that, gasp, I, gasp, found you first Princess Luna."

"Why is the captain Cyclone? "I asked puzzled by his behavior. Captain Cyclone is wearing the traditional armor of the royal guards, but his was sliver indicating the rank he holds.

"Milady, I bear disturbing news, there's a intruder seeking you out, "Cyclone said worried about my safely.

"What does this intruder look like? "I asked, taking in a breath for fearing that Nightmare has returned and was seeking revenge.

"Well the guards outside of the castle gates said it was a male pegasus, he has a white coat and sliver mane and tail, and his cutie mark appeared to be what looked like a shooting star, "Cyclone describing the intruder, "and funny thing is, and I don't believe it myself, he teleported in a white flash like a unicorn."

I let out the breath and said to him, "it's alright captain, it's all under control, "sort of.

"But Princess, what if he is dangerous? I need to make sure that you are safe, for it's our job to do so, "Cyclone making his statement and raising his voice.

"CAPTAIN CYCLONE, "I said to him, losing my self-control in not to use the Royal Cantorlot Voice, it blew him back, causing him to land on his back, "sorry about, "I said walking up to him and lifting him up, I then explained the situation to him, "but the pegasus is a friend of mine, but he received news that his closest friend went missing, and we don't know where she went."

After captain Cyclone heard that Star's friend went missing, his mood lightens up and said, "I'm sorry princess, I didn't know about his missing friend."

"It's ok, but I wish for you and your troops to leave him alone for a while, "I said to him.

"As you wish milady, my troops and I will leave him alone, and I shall also call off that search for him, "Cyclone said giving me a bow, and walked away, probable to the barracks. As I saw him leave through the main doors my thoughts returned to Star and Arcana, I hope Arcana is alright.

Arcana's POV

I felt the rising sun warming me in my bed, after a while it started to get unbearable. I groggily got out of bed and left the room, as I entered the main room, I saw that Clover and Starswirl was already awake eating what looked like scones and baked potatoes. I must have made a noise for their attention swerved to me.

"Good morning Arcana, "Starswirl greeting me, "did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did thank you again for your hospitality."

"No problem, now come and eat, "he said mentioning for me to sit.

I sat down at the table and was immediately served some breakfast by Clover, "thanks Clover, "I said thanking her and then I dug into the meal. After we finished with breakfast and put the dishes into a barrel filled with soapy water, I asked to nopony in particular, "So… what are we going to do today?"

I was immediately answered by Clover, "well all the ponies around here are to help around town, because you know, new settlement, rough times ahead, yadda, yadda, yadda, those kind of things, oh then I can greet you to my other friends."

"That will be great, so what do you do around here?"

"Well that all depends, you see the pegasi help with constructing homes and buildings for others when they arrive; the Earth ponies are cultivating the land so we can eat and grow food, "Clover explained, "but for the unicorns, we just help the other groups of ponies our magic."

"Well then what are we waiting for? "I asked feeling antsy, for I want to see what Cantorlot looked like before, "let's go, "and made my way towards the front.

But before I could open it, I heard Starswirl said, "wait a minute there Arcana, "I turned around and saw Starswirl walk towards a chest. He opened it and took out a robe that looked like Clover's in his magic. He walked back to me and gave it to me saying, "you should wear this?"

"Why and what's it for? "I asked confused to why he would give me a cloak.

"Well I'm guessing that it is a lot warmer in your time, "I nodded, he then continues, "well it is still a bit… nippy out there from the three tribe leader's quarrel, and also we want you to blend in and not cause suspicion and also tone down on the future knowledge to yourself, because even though there is peace here in this land at the moment, it is quite fragile."

Now, why does that sounds so familiar? "I get your point, don't want to give myself attention, "I agreed. I put on the cloak (with the help from Clover) and was now ready to go.

Clover opened the door and walked out with me following her, as soon I stepped out of Starswirl's home, I immediately felt a chilling wind sweep around me. Burr, dang he wasn't kidding about it being cold, I thought shivering.

Clover saw me shivering and said, "don't worry, it'll warm up, just wait for a while, " and then we continue walking towards Cantorlot. I saw the settlement growing bigger and bigger as we neared it. We entered the town and I looked around seeing what Cantorlot had looked like before, it resembles a medieval city with stone towers around the town.

As Clover and I walked past a couple of pegasi and earth ponies building what looks like a another tower, Clover called out, "oh look there is one of my friends, let me introduce you to her, "I looked to where she is pointing. At something at the base of it I saw a yellow pegasus with pink mane and tail, wearing black Greek style armor crouching, blocking whatever it was from our sight.

As Clover was about to call out to her friend and introduce me, we both heard cries of panic coming from above us. I looked up and saw that a wooden beam's ropes were starting to fray and then they gave out with a loud snap, I saw that it was going to fall on the pegasus, "look out! "I yelled out.

The pegasus looked up and saw the wooden beam falling towards her and let out a shrill of a scream, but instead of running or flying away, she coward over something with the intention to protect whatever it was.

I quickly willed my magic to protect the pegasus in danger. Time had seemed to come to a standstill as I felt my magic gathered, I then raised my front hooves and slammed them unto the ground. I felt my magic flow through the ground, there was flash of light as a transmutation circle appeared around the pegasus, and then time had once again resumed. As the beam neared the pegasus, it then suddenly hit a barrier, causing it to bounce off and hit the ground, kicking up dirt and dust from the ground.

We rushed to her as the dust and dirt started to settle. As the dust settles we saw that my barrier was still up, protecting the area around her, while the area outside is stirred up with kicked up dirt and shattered wood around.

I released the barrier and Clover immediately rushed to her friend, "Pansy are you ok?"

What a minute, Pansy as in private Pansy, I walked up to them, and saw what was important to Pansy to protect. She was protecting a white bunny; that was giving Pansy a grateful look.

"I'm ok, but what happened? "Pansy asked confused as she glanced around at the damage around her.

"Well my new friend here protected you from harm, "Clover answered her, and then she turned her attention to me, "and that was amazing that you were able to set up that spell and released it quickly."

"I know, I was equally surprised myself."

And then Clover realized something, "oh sorry, I didn't introduce you two to each other yet."

"Hello, I'm Arcana, I just recently…, "I said greeting her and thinking a right word to explain my appearance, "arrived here in Cantorlot and you are? "I asked pretending in not knowing who she is, taking Starswirl's advice.

"I'm Pan-, "Pansy said trailing off nervously.

I did a mental face hoof and thought, great, even in this time, they have a Fluttershy pony, "what was that? "I asked.

"I'm Pans- "once again trailing off mumbling.

"Sorry, didn't quiet catch that?"

"I'm Pansy Shy, "she said finally speaking clearly, but what she said shocked me, wait a minute her name is Pansy Shy, oh boy, I think I just saved an ancestor of Fluttershy's.

"Is something wrong Arcana? "Clover asked me concerned.

"Is it something I said? I'm sorry, "Pansy asking for an unnecessary apology.

This shook me out of my daze, "oh sorry, it must have been that spell's magic usage, "I said making an excuse, I then turned my attention to Pansy, "are you sure that you are ok Pansy?"

"Oh yes I'm fine, but I'm more worried for this bunny here, "she then turned her attention to bunny and asked worried, "are you ok?"

"You can talk with it? "I asked disbelieved at what I saw.

"It's a he and I can talk with all animals."

"Wow I didn't know that you can do that Pansy, "Clover said amazed, "when did that happened?"

"I found out when we moved here and when this place was filled with amazing critters, "Pansy explained, and then the bunny pulled her tail gaining her attention.

The bunny said something to Pansy, but I couldn't understand rabbit. Whatever the bunny said, it was apparently it was good, for Pansy relaxed, "ah that's good to know, you must have a guardian angel… , "and then it looked like a thought entered her mind, "um I'm sorry I don't know your name, may I ask what is it? "the bunny said something to Pansy, "oh you don't have one, oh I know can I call you Angel? Because since of your guardian angel."

The bunny thought this over and then he nodded, indicating that he like the name, when that happened Pansy squealed and picked up Angel and gave him a hug, "oh I am so happy, do you want to come home with me?"

Angel nodded and gave her a hug.

Ok seriously she is just like my time Fluttershy.

And then a thought wormed it's way into my head, "on an unrelated note, may I ask what your birth name Clover is?"

"Um ok, my birth name is Clover Sparkle, may I ask why?"

When I heard that, I did the one thing that I was apparently good at; I fainted, again.


Tell me what you think about this chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 26: An Odd Chill

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Wow from all the lack of negative reviews and a lot of positives, I say that I am doing a great job. Well enough chit chat here is chapter 26. I also dedicate this chapter to the brony Dark-Castle who passed away on March 8 2012.

End A/N

Star's POV

I think it has been an hour since I asked Luna to leave me alone. I heard some commotion downstairs, but I didn't think much of it.

After a while I heard hoofsteps entering the room, I turned around and saw a gray earth pony mare, with a blonde mane and tail, walking in carrying a tray filled with food in her mouth. She walked up to me. I glanced over to her cutie mark and saw that it is a sliver plate.

When the she settled the tray next to me she said, "Princess Luna asked me to deliver this to you since you might be hungry."

"Thank you miss …"

"Silver Platter, "she said supplying her name to me, "but please call me Platter."

"Well then thank you Platter, I will eat it when I get hungry."

She left the room with a bow and I turned my attention back to the diagram in front of me, Arcana, please come back.

Arcana's POV

I felt something softly hitting my face repetitive, bringing me back to conscious. I opened my eyes and I saw Pansy and Clover above me looking down at me with concerned expressions.

I sat up and then felt my face all sore for some reason, "What happened and why does my face feel really sore?"I asked rubbing my face.

I saw Pansy coward away and said, "sorry, I didn't know anything else to wake somepony. Please don't be mad at me."

Yup definitely an ancestor of Fluttershy's, "it's alright Pansy, I'm not mad at you, "I said, this caused her not to coward away from me anymore.

"Good, now that you are ok, care to explain to us about all of those fainting? "Clover asked giving me an annoyed look.

"I'll tell you, but first I need to make sure about something, ok?"

"Fine, but I'm not forgetting about this."

Ok Twilight is definitely a descendent from Clover.

"So, who are we going to see next, Clover? "I asked bracing myself for more surprises up ahead.

"Well the farming area is close by, we can see Smart Cookie next then, "Clover said, "follow me, "and then she started heading towards some trees in the distance.

As Pansy and I followed her, as we entered the farming area I thought, if we are heading towards some farm lands, and Applejack is a farmer-, but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard somepony cry out in frustration, "Dang nabbnit."

In the distance I saw an orange pony wearing Dutch style clothing, stomping the ground in frustration below a couple of trees that looked like cocoa beans. As we neared her Clover asked concerned, "Smart Cookie what's wrong?"

The pony, Smart Cookie, turned her attention to us and said, "oh hay Clover, what's wrong is that my orange trees are not doing so well, and who is this?"

"I'm Arcana, and it is nice to meet you Smart Cookie, and surely that your orange trees are not that bad."

"Well it is nice to meet you Arcana, and you're right, they're not that bad, they're horrible, just take a look. "she said pointing behind her.

I glanced to where she is pointing to while saying, "oh it can't be that… HOLY MOLY, those are oranges? "what I mistaken for cocoa beans in the distance were in fact shriveled up rotting oranges up close.

Smart Cookie sighed at my outburst from the horridness sight of oranges, "see what I mean, I can't grow anything right lately, I am horrible at farming, even back at out old home."

I gave a sheepish grin, "sorry about that, "and then I thought of something, I hope I am not screwing with time here, "did you really grow everything?"

"Yup, "Smart Cookie answered.

"How about apples? "I suggested.

"Um…, "Smart Cookie thought it over, "no I believe I didn't try apples yet, it's mostly cold there to grow apples, but I didn't try it here yet… hmm, you might be unto something there."

"Glad to help, "I said relieved that my idea worked.

"OOO apples, I haven't tried any of those yet, "said a voice next to me, I looked to over my left and yelp out in shock, for there was a pink coated earth pony mare, wearing a big smile on her face, also wearing what appears to be middle England style clothing.

The pink pony started talking in speeds that could give Pinkie a run for her money, "Hiya, I'm Chancellor Puddinghead, although I'm not a chancellor anymore since all the ponies joined together. Well anyway what's your name, because I never seen you before, and I know everypony here in this settlement. Oh I know-mmmpphhh, "she never finished that sentence, for I immediately stuck my hoof into her mouth.

"Sorry about that, "I said apologizing to her, "but can you please slow down, and just say your name, because I only caught the thing about you not being a chancellor anymore, and that you know everypony here, "I betting she's an ancestor of Pinkie's.

I took out my hoof out of her mouth and she spoke slowly as requested, though quick as Pinkie does when talking about parties, but at least I am still able to understand her, "sorry, I just so excited when I get to meet new ponies-."

Smart Cookie spoke up, "you're getting off subject again."

"Sorry Smart Cookie, well my name is Puddinghead Pie, what's yours."

Yup called it, "my name is Arcana, and it's a pleasure to meet you, "I said putting out a hoof for a shake.

"Same here, "Puddinghead said happily as she took my hoof into hers, but as soon as she gripped my hoof I felt coldness go through my body, but the coldness didn't last long, for Puddinghead started shaking my hoof. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a flash of something pass through her eyes, but it quickly left as soon as it appeared.

"Oh I know, I'll get the other so you can meet them, "Puddinghead said, and with that she zipped away to parts unknown.

"Huh, so I guess that we don't need to find the others, "I said calmly.

"How can you be that calm around her? "Clover asked, "because what she does sometimes boggles me."

"Well she isn't the first to do that, in my time there is one just like her, "I said, and then I realized that Pansy and Smart Cookie were also there and just heard me say that.

Oh boy, here it comes, "what do you mean your time? "Smart Cookie asked, giving me a suspecting look.

I sighed and said, "I blown my own cover thanks to a pink pony, alright then I will tell you what I mean my time, "and then I explained to them what happened (without revealing anything important of course) and that I am currently stuck in the past from my time.

After I finished Pansy and Smart Cookie were giving my disbelieved looks from my story, Smart Cookie was the first to come out of her stupor and said, "golly that is a lot to take in, but um… how can we believe you?"

"But you don't have to answer that though if you don't want to, "Pansy added.

"Well I can't reveal what I know in case it didn't happen yet and also don't tell anypony, ok?" I received nods from both of them, "ok let's see here um… Smart Cookie, you are or were the secretary to Chancellor Puddinghead, and she wanted to name this place Dirtville, but you suggested Earth, "I saw the suspicious look go away from her eyes as she heard that.

"And you Pansy are Private to Commander Hurricane, who wanted to name this place Pegaopolis, and that also you are a bit of an afraid of everything, and also you really really really really really really disliked her, before you all became friends."

"That's true, but don't tell her that, "Pansy said worried for somepony might have overheard that part.

"Don't tell me what private, "called out a voice above us, this caused Pansy to give out shriek in fright. I looked up and saw a cyan coated pegasus, wearing an ancient Greek style armor coming in for a landing.

"That you are a proud and loyal warrior, "I said covering for Pansy.

"Well I like you already, "she said landing next to me, and then she pats me on the back, this caused the same coldness to surface again, causing me to shiver, but she didn't notice for she then turned her attention back to Pansy and said, "and you're telling this pony great things about me, I would rank you up, but there s now no ranks anymore so… ya"

"Well anyway, I'm Arcana nice to meet you, and you are? "Definitely Dash's ancestor, nopony can receive praises like her.

The cyan pegasus looked at back at me and said, "well I was Commander, but there's now no more ranks, so call me Hurricane Dash please, "yup called it, and she is more humble then Rainbow.

"Are you praising yourself Hurricane to other ponies again? "a voice called out behind us. We all turned towards the direction the voice came from and saw Puddinghead bouncing along with a unicorn that had the air of a leader around her.

"Hello your high-, um Miss Platinum, "Clover said to the unicorn.

I looked in disbelief at what I saw. She wasn't wearing anything that indicated that she was royalty, for she was wearing a simple gown, and with the deduction of choices I say, that this is Rarity's ancestor.

"No I wasn't praising myself to others. I was being praised by others Platinum, "Hurricane said to her.

"Hello I'm Arcana, nice to meet you, "I greeted her as she joined the group.

"Hello Arcana I am Miss Platinum, "she said returning the greeting, "but I never seen you around here before, are you new here?"

In a way, no, "yes I am new here in Cantorlot, "I answered her.

"That's splendid, but tell me, are you staying anywhere around here?"

"Yes, I am staying with Starswirl."

"Oh, I didn't know that he took on another apprentice."

"No, I am not his apprentice, I am already good with magic, the reason I am staying with him, is because I dropped in.

"Oh really, "Platinum giving me an inspecting look.

"It's true, "Clover speaking up, "in fact she saved Pansy here, from being crushed."

Hurricane looked at me and said with an impressed look on her face, "so it was you that saved our friend here, thank you then."

"Oh you must show me how you did it, "Platinum said, "but first, it's noon so that means lunch time. "At the mention of food my stomach let out a growl causing everypony to start laughing.

Platinum put a leg around my shoulders and guided me towards the a big building at the edge of the farm lands, but as soon she put her leg on me, I felt the same coldness that I felt from Puddinghead and Hurricane again, but I went away as soon it came, ok something is seriously odd around here, but I can't stop getting the feeling that I know this from somewhere, but as soon I smelled delicious scents coming from the building I thought, maybe later.


I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 27: A Freezing Conflict

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Everypony please read and review, because I want to know what everypony is thinking about this story. That is all I have to say.

End A/N

I had eaten the meal that Platter left behind for me and the tray was taken away by different pony. I waited there for about five minutes until heard about twelve sets of hooves entering the room. I turned around and saw Twilight and her friends entering and walking up to me.

As gathered around me Twilight spoke up, “Star we came as soon as we heard about Arcana.”

“Um… are you alright Star? “Fluttershy asked concerned.

“Ya, I’m fine Fluttershy, ”I said as I lied to her.

“That’s not true there partner, I can tell we you’re not telling the truth “Applejack said, reminding me that she is an Element of Honesty.

Sigh, fine you’re right Applejack, “I said truthfully, “I am just worried about Arcana, for there is nothing I can do.”

“You’re telling me, “Dash said getting frustrated, “I’m the most loyalist pony there is, and I can’t even help one of my friends.”

“I had never seen a spell like this one before, “Twilight walking around it, “I was surprised when Princess Celestia said she and her sister or any other unicorns wasn’t able to get this spell active. I even more mystified that Arcana was the only pony to get this working.”

“Star dear, how long have you been here anyway? “Rarity asked looking around.
I looked up and out of the windows and saw that it was almost night time, “I don’t know, I think about an hour, hour and a half, maybe two.”

“How come your eyes are red? Have you been shedding waterfalls, “Pinkie said, feeling apparently upset.

I didn’t answer her and just said, “I am just worried for Arcana and I hope that she is ok.”

I stood up and walked towards the center of the diagram, “Arcana had always been there for me and I wanted to be there for her, ”I said, but then I started to get mad, “but this… thing, took Arcana, and I want her back, it just won’t be the same, “and then a tear fell out of my eye and landed on a symbol in the center of the diagram.

“Come on Star, it’s getting late, “Twilight said walking up to me, “the princesses allowed us to stay here in the castle.”
I nodded and Twilight and the others lead me to the exit.

Come on Arcana, you never give up on anything, for you always had friends behind you, and then I felt a tear fall from my eye hitting the floor, please Arcana, come back, I miss you.

As we all were about to leave, I stopped when I felt some tugging that I couldn’t explain, I noticed that Twilight and Rarity had also stopped in their tracks.

“You two feel that too? “I asked them.

Rarity nodded and Twilight said, “yes I’m feeling that also.”

“What in tarnation are you three doing? “Applejack asked, when she noticed that we three weren’t following the others.
“Don’t the rest of you feel it too? “I asked them.

“Feel what? “Dash asked, “I feel nothing except tired, but that is all the time.”

“What feeling is it? “Fluttershy asked, “Is it hurting you, oh dear, should I get help?”

“No Fluttershy, it doesn’t hurt, “I said to her, “it feels like something is tugging on me really.”

“What does that mean? ”Pinkie asked.

“It means Pinkie, “Twilight preparing to explain to Pinkie, “that something is using large amounts of magic.”

“But Star is a pegasus, not a unicorn, “Rarity said, finally speaking up.

“But remember Rarity, I have strange magic and so does Arcana, “I explained, “that might also means that I am attuned like a unicorn is.”

“But the only spell that requires large amount of magic and is within range to affect us, is the…”Twilight trailed off, and then we all realized what she getting at. We all is turned our attention back to the center of the room, and there made us all render speechless.

There in the center of the spell diagram was a thin pillar of light with pinpricks of light swirling around it, eventually being absorbed into it, and then the pillar of light started to expand. It stopped expanding when it reached the edge of the diagram.

Then the pillar of light started to get brighter and brighter until it became like a piece of sunbeam, but we all couldn’t stand looking at it from fear of being blinded, as I turned my gaze from the sunbeam covering my eyes with my hoof, I saw Pinkie looking at it with a pair of black tinted goggles on and giving a crazy smile.

“Ladies and gentlemen fasten your seatbelts, “Pinkie said happily.

Did she just do a Spiderman 2 movie reference? I thought, but then the pillar of light started shrinking until it was back to its’ original size, and then it exploded, causing a shockwave to be created, knocking all of us to the ground.

There in the center of the spell diagram, laid a pony wearing a cloak that looked like it went through a battle, we couldn’t see who it was for the hood was up and covering the pony’s face, and then the pony started to stir and get up, with groans being heard.

And then the pony stood up fully and removed the hood, causing everypony in the room to take in a gasp of surprise, for it was Arcana and it looked like she went through a battle too, we all stood there shocked at what just happened.

“Arcana, is that you? ”I said taking a step forward.

Arcana’s POV

I had been in this time for about a week helping ponies with building homes, farming food, and helping the pegasi with weather management, but I noticed that it seemed to be getting colder and colder.

Clover, Pansy, and Smart Cookie and I were gathered around the table in Starswirl’s home, enjoying a nice warm meal.

“So Smart Cookie, “I said starting up a conversation, “how are those apple saplings doing?”

“They are doing great, if fact they seemed to be growing faster than I thought, “Smart Cookie answered me, “do you have any more helpful tips?”

“Hum, let me think, I think I can screw with time just this time, ya in fact I have one for each of you, be honest to yourself and others, Smart Cookie, “I said giving a smile to Smart Cookie.

“What about me? “Pansy asked.

“Be kind, “I said to her, “and Clover.”


“Never give up studying magic, ”I said to her, “and speaking of magic, Clover, do you know where Starswirl is anyway? I haven’t seen him for a while.”

“He is in his study at the great hall, “Clover answered me putting in a slice of potato in her mouth, “your time traveling really got him interested in time and its’ connection to magic, but he should be here soon.”

As soon she said that, Starswirl burst through the door, surprising all of us. I noticed that he was carrying a black box in his mouth, but I couldn’t tell anymore, for he immediately rushed to a door near where he slept and slammed it shut.

“Um Clover, “I said breaking the silence that has fallen on all of us, “what was your mentor carrying?”

“I don’t know, I have only seen that box one time, it was when somepony gave it to him along with a note, and at the time I was just beginning my apprenticeship, “Clover truthfully answered, “I asked him what was in the box, but all he said was that they were objects with great magical properties bestowed on them, and that was that.”

Magical objects, why does this keep sounding like I heard this before, but I gave up on it. As we’re cleaning up Starswirl came out of the room slowly and said, “sorry ladies that you had to see me in that state, but something important had made itself known that caught me by surprise.”

“Um… what is it sir? If you don’t mind me asking, “Pansy asked.

“I will, “Starswirl said to her he then continues, “but first there is something I need know, had anypony noticed something strange going on lately?’

“Aside that it appears to be getting colder, nope, “Smart Cookie answered him.

“Anything at all, like missing ponies, strange vibes, weird sightings, “Starswirl suggested.

“Well now that you mentioned it “Smart Cookie started, “I haven’t seen Puddinghead for a while now.”

“Same here, “Clover added, “Miss Platinum hasn’t been seen by any other ponies for a while too.”

“Oh dear, oh dear, “Pansy started to worry, “Hurricane is usually seen every day, but I haven’t seen her for days oh I hope she is ok.”

“Well, on the first day I was here, “I started, “when I made contact with Puddinghead, Hurricane, and Platinum, I felt really cold, and when I looked into Puddinghead’s eyes I saw something… I guess you can say stir in her eyes.”

“Really, “Clover said looking at me, “why didn’t you mention anything?”

“Hay I didn’t give it much thought, because it is kind of hard to take things serious when you just time traveled to the beginning of Equestria, “I countered.

“Besides, what’s the big deal anyway? “I asked towards Starswirl, but I saw him pacing back and forth worried.

“Oh no, oh no, “I heard him said under his breath, “it’s happening just as that pony said.”

“Ok, spill it, “I said walking up to him making him stop his pacing, “you know something, because you have been acting weird ever since you got here. Now talk.”

I glared at him causing him to be nervous, until finally he started speaking, “fine, years ago when Clover hear just became my apprentice, I was approached by a strange pony, for he had a horn of a unicorn, but also had wings like a pegasus-“

“An alicorn, “I said in disbelief, interrupting him.

“What’s an alicorn? “Clover asked.

“An alicorn is a pony with wings and a horn, “I explained, “There are two in my time, “I looked back Starswirl and saw him tapping his hoof on the ground in annoyance, I gave a sheepish smile and said, “sorry, please continue.”

“Well an alicorn approached me and gave me a box. I immediately sensed great magic coming from it, but I couldn’t open it, he said that mysterious pony will arrive with strange magic infused within; this pony will witness a rising coldness that will return to this land, this coldness will be hidden and will have its’ influence in three ponies that had been influenced by it before, and if they waken, the land will be frozen and cold.”

Ok I seriously heard this somewhere, I just can’t put my hood down where though, “and you think that this coldness had returned right now and that it has control over Puddinghead, Hurricane, and Miss Platinum.”

“Oh I don’t think, Miss Arcana, I know that they are influenced, for I have been observing them ever since you mentioned your encounter with them, “he stated.

“But master, what is this coldness? “Arcana asked worried.

“You should know what it is, my apprentice, “Starswirl said to Clover, “in fact you three have defeated them before with the fire of friendship, “he said glancing over to Clover and her friends.

“Wait you mean the windigoes, “Clover said shocked, “but we defeated them, they should have never returned.”

“Wait windigoes, as in spirits that feeds off fighting and hatred? “

Starswirl nodded his head and said, “the very same, and Clover yes you and your friends did defeat them, but they weren’t destroy though.”

“Um… excuse me, but –, “Pansy said, but was interrupted by me.

“But why have they returned? Why now?”

“Maybe for revenge and this is still a fragile peace we all are holding here.”

“Excuse me, but I have something to tell you all, “Pansy said out loud, getting all of our attention. I saw her standing by the front door with snow coming in.

“Pansy, will you please close the door, “Smart Cookie started, “you are letting in the snow… in? ”Realizing what she just said.

We all rushed to the door and looked outside and saw that it was a full blown blizzard out there. I felt the sharp stings as the snow flew into my face, blinding me also, “it has begun, the spirits of the cold is about to waken, ”Starswirl said as he saw the blizzard, and then he did one thing that shocked us all, for he rushed into the blizzard.

We all stood there stunned and then I got over my shock and said to the others, “come on let’s go, maybe we can them this time.”

We all rushed out into the blizzard. Immediately I felt the snow pile on me, and my hooves numbing from the cold. I saw a light moving away and I pointed it out to the others and we started following it. When we neared the light I realized that
we’re following Starswirl’s light that was coming off his horn, guiding us through the blinding snow.

I wasn’t sure how far we follow the old mage, for it was difficult to tell in this snowstorm, in fact if it wasn’t for Starswirl’s light, we would’ve been lost for sure. He had finally stopped when it looked like he reached his destination.

We all caught up to him, panting from the chase, for an old pony he sure can move fast, “what are we doing here? “I asked the mage, “where are we?”

“This is where the coldness is returning, “he said looking at me, “and we are at the great hall.

“H-h-h-how c-c-can y-y-you t-t-tell? “Smart Cookie asked, shivering from the cold.

“Because, we are in the eye of the storm, “Starswirl said, “look around.”

We looked around and saw that he is right. In fact it wasn’t snowing anymore, when we all looked at the great hall.
What we saw made us all take in a breath, for the great hall was incased in ice, when I took a closer look, I saw that the ice was spreading out from the building.

“Where are our friends? “Pansy asked.

“They are inside the great hall, “he answered her, “we need to get inside, right now.”

“Here let me, “Clover said walking up to the frozen set of doors, her horn lit up in flash of red light and released whatever spell she set up at the door. There was a flash of red light and steam, when the steam cleared; we saw that she had melted the ice off the door.

“Ha take that ice, “Clover said proudly.

“Hum Clover, you spoke to soon, “I said to her, “look, “and pointed to the door.

We saw the ice quickly grow back to it was like before, like Clover never did anything at all, “but, but, how is that possible?”

“The windigoes must be getting stronger, they’re freezing the water faster than you can melt the ice, “Starswirl observed.

“Here let me try, “I said stepping up to the door. I put my front hooves on the door and concentrated, a blue transmutation circle appeared on the door, and results were immediate for the ice started moving away from the door.

“What did you do? “Starswirl asked me as I pushed open the door, gaining access to the great hall.

“Well if the windigoes are freezing the water, why not just we move the ice away instead of melting it, “I explained.

“That’s brilliant, but now is not the time for celebration yet, “Starswirl said walking into the great hall, “we have some winter spirits to get rid of.”

We all followed him, as soon as we crossed the doorway the ice crept back into place sealing us off again, but this time we were inside. We looked at each and decided that we will cross that bridge later on. We continue to follow Starswirl down the frozen hall, with the sounds of our hoof steps bouncing off the ice stalactites, and stalagmites, and the light from
Starswirl’s horn refracting and reflecting off the ice, creating multiple shadows, and our frozen breaths going into the air.

After we walked down the hall passing the occasionally door that lead somewhere else. We reached to a set of doors at the end of the hall, and these door weren’t frozen shut. Starswirl walked up the door and gave them a push, opening them and revealing what’s on the other side.

We were taken aback at what we saw. We entered a room that was circular and tall. Near the ceiling was swirl of clouds, but wasn’t that made taken aback, because there suspended on the walls were the three tribe leaders, help in place by ice that was slowly inching over them, the ice slowly encasing their unconscious bodies.

“Quickly get them out of there, “Starswirl commanded, “They are going to freeze to death.”

We rushed over to them, ignoring the clouds overhead, and started breaking the ice that was encasing them, after we had released the three tribe leaders from their icy grip, but I noticed that they are freezing cold to the touch.

“Alright master we got them down, “Clover said to her teacher, and then she turned towards him continuing, “now wha-AAAAHHHHHHH, “and let out a high scream.

We whirled around and saw that Starswirl was completely encased in ice, with a look of horror on his face. Smart Cookie, Pansy and I started to scream along with her and then we all heard a roar coming from above us, we looked up and saw that the windigoes were drifting down to the ground in the middle of the room. We all quickly gathered together as we saw the windigoes forming into together of what resembles a tall pony.

The apparition roared again, but this time it felt like something is piercing my head, causing unbearable pain. I fell to the floor in agony felling the cold floor through my cloak. I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn’t the only one experiencing this, for I saw Pansy, Smart Cookie and Clover withering on the floor, letting out moans out of the pain, and then I heard them become quiet, passing out from the pain.

And then I heard a voice pierced my head, filling me with coldness, “I have returned, and now I will take my revenge on those who had impaired me and also those that are allied with them, now feel my revenge.

I then felt the frost started to form into ice on my coat, which are starting to put a lot of pressure on my body, weighting me down.

No I can’t let that happened, I started to push myself off the ground, determined to put a stop to this all of this madness.

Oh, there seems to be a dissenter among us, then I will take my revenge on you last and also make you watch, as I freeze your friends first, ”the spirit’s voice spoke in my head. I then felt coldness creeping up my legs. I looked down and saw ice quickly forming around my legs encasing them in ice, the results was me frozen standing.

I struggled to free myself, but I couldn’t move a muscle, “now watch, as I freeze your friends, “the spirit said.

I watched in horror as the spirit started encasing my unconscious friends in ice, “Pansy, Smart Cookie, Clover wake up! Please wake! “I cried out, but they didn’t wake up as the ice had finally encased them, I cried as I saw my friends disappear under the ice, my tears froze as they made down my cheeks.

The spirit turned its’ attention to me, “and now time for you to be frozen along with them, “then the ice then resumed growing. It slowly made its’ way up my body, when the ice hit my up to my chest, I felt my breaths becoming shorter with every breath I take in.

The ice had finally reached up to my jaw, causing it to be more difficult to take in a breath, I saw the ice making its’ way to my muzzle, I took in my final breath before the ice cut off my air supple, as the ice was covering my head I heard the spirit say, “now be prepare to encase in the feeling of hatred and loneliness for eternity, “the ice had finally covered my head, blocking all light, filling my vision with darkness.

I heard the spirit laughing, finally getting revenge. As I floated in the darkness, I started to feel despair and hopelessness started to make its’ into my heart as I realized that we had lost, as the darkness was making into my heart I saw a ball of light appear in front of me.

The light expanded until it fill the darkness I was in, and there I saw Star standing there, with Twilight and her friends behind him, and behind them I saw the two princess standing.

Am I dying? I don’t feel like it, what’s going on here?

And then the Star apparition stepped up and said, “come on Arcana, you never give up on anything, for you always had friends behind you, “and then I saw a tear fall from his eye, “please Arcana, come back, I miss you.”

I miss you too Star, and you’re right I never give up, because I always had my friends who had my back, I won’t give, not now, not ever, and I promise that I will get back to you guys.

And as if they heard me, they all smiled and then they faded out with the light growing back into a ball of light. It floated closer to my near my necklace and then it merged into my necklace, filling me with warmth, hope and loved, banishing the coldness, despair and loneliness from me.

And then I heard a voice speak to me, you have unleashed a new power within yourself, but realize that your life will never be the same. I then felt a new energy enter inside me, filling me with knowledge of what I need to do.

Now it’s time for me to fight back.

Third POV

The spirit was celebrating that it will finally got its’ revenge and has now planning to go out and freeze the land it is on. As it was about to leave, it noticed that the unicorn it imprisoned in ice is lighting up inside. It took a closer look and then the light went out, all of a sudden the sound of cracking was heard through the room.

The spirit noticed that cracks were forming in ice, as it was about to fortify the prison, shards of crystals burst though the ice prison in a flash of light, completely shattering the prison that held the unicorn in.

The spirit looked away as soon the flash of light happened, when it looked back it saw that the unicorn was free from her prison, but now the mare had a pair of wings made out of crystal coming out of her back.

The mare looked up at the spirit and gave a look that made the spirit feel that it hadn’t felt in years, ever since it was bested by the fire of friendship; fear.

The mare spoke up with authority in her voice at the spirit, “you think that you can beat me that easily, I don’t think so, “the unicorn walked up to the spirit, “because I have friends waiting for me back at home, and will not let you destroy this land.”

Then I will have to destroy you myself, pony,” the spirit said in a panic, it quickly formed icicles in the air and flung them at the unicorn, but she disappeared right before they made impact. The icicles hit the floor sending ice and snow into the air. The unicorn appeared a few feet away from her original position.

“Oh and by the way my name is Arcana, “she stated and then her horn glowed white and a red diagram appeared the horn and then the spirit felt heat starting to rise in the room.

No, I won’t let you take me away from this land, “the spirit cried out, it extended a wisp of an arm to the ground and stalagmites of ice started bursting through the floor and rushed towards the unicorn, but as the same as before, she disappeared, making the attack hit the wall behind her instead, and then later on reappearing yards away from her starting point.

The spirit then flung more icicles at Arcana before she can disappear, but she seemed to be anticipating that and swung her wing around her cutting the ice into pieces flinging them around the room.

Before the spirit can make another attack Arcana disappeared and reappeared in front of the spirit, flapping her crystal wings making her airborne, her horn glowed white again, but instead a yellow circle appeared around her horn, the spirit quickly made itself intangible, just as Arcana released her spell, lighting shot out and went through the spirit, but the spirit still felt the pain from the lighting as it pass through it.

The spirit let out a shrill of pain, forcing the spirit to become tangible and crash into the floor, Arcana appeared next to the spirit’s head, giving the spirit a death glare.

What are you? “The spirit asked fearful of the unicorn on top of it, “Because you not a normal pony.”

Arcana grinned at the specter, “you are right, I wasn’t always a pony.”

Then what exactly are you?” The phantom of coldness questioned, “and how where you able to move like that I didn’t see you use any spells?

“Well, “Arcana answering, “ the reason I was able move like that, because I gained a new power, “she answer the spirit, “the power to move through time, ”and then a thought came to her, now I know why this all sounds familiar, because this already happened, “and also your defeat was already preordained.”

But that’s impossible, “the phantasm exclaimed shocked, “and you still haven’t told me what you are?”

“Ooh it’s possible, because I have been taken from my time, and as for what I am, ”her horn started to glow bright white, “because you see spirit, “she slammed her front hooves onto the ground, “I’m a human, “and a white transmutation circle appeared around the spirit.

The spirit scream while trying to escape from the spell diagram, but it wasn’t able to move due to the immense pressure on it. Arcana’s horn became brighter as she put more power into the spell, “now spirit be gone, “she yelled releasing the spell.

The spirit let out a shrill as it felt itself being forced away from this world, causing some stalactites to fall from the ceiling and crashing into the ground, shattering into millions of pieces. With the last of Arcana’s reserves running dry, she let out a final burst of magic into the spell. The spirit was then finally forced out of this world.

Arcana’s POV

I saw the spirit that had cause all of this disappear in flash of light, I smiled then I felt the extortions of the all the spells I did as they caught up to me, causing me to slump to the ground, with my vision fading in and out. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was the sound of ice breaking.

I drifted in and out of conscious, barely remembering what happened when I was conscious.


I heard gasps and speaking, but I couldn’t understand any of it…


I felt my body being lifted and carried somewhere else…


I saw the sun melting the ice and snow outside…


I smelled something warm and good…


Something was poured down my throat, filling my mouth with taste and warmth…

I opened my eyes and saw that I was back at Starswirl’s home, in the bed that I first awoken in.

“Ah good to see you finally awake, Arcana, “I heard somepony said, I looked over to the table and saw Starswirl sitting there with a smile, “we were afraid that you wouldn’t pull through, but you made it, and saved all of us and for that we thank you.”

The door burst opened with Clover and the other five rushing in and rushed to the bed and started saying thank you and that they worried that I wouldn’t make it.

“Whoa there everypony, I’m alright see, “I got up from the bad and noticed that I was being weighted down on my back. I looked behind at my back and saw that my crystal wings were still out, wait if I am here and not at the hall, then everypony must have seen my wings.

I was going to ask him, but as if he read my mind, Starswirl said, “yes Arcana, we all have seen them, but don’t worry it’s just Clover and the other five, and I must say, those wings are really well crafted, are they common in your time?”

I was about to ask another question, but yet again as if he read my mind he said, “and yes, Puddinghead, Hurricane, and Platinum knows that you are from the future.

I shook my head and answered the question he asked me, “no, they are one of a kind.”

“I say, those wings look gorgeous on you, “Platinum said, taking a wing in her magic and examining it.

“Can you fly with them? “Puddinghead asked me, I answered her by nodding.

“I would have never thought that a unicorn will be able fly, “Hurricane stated.

“Um, how long have I been out? ”I asked.

“You have been asleep for two days now, “Clover answered, “and I guess we now know what your reason to be here was.”

I started chuckling at the situation.

“What are you laughing at Arcana? “Pansy asked, “are you ok?”

“Yes Pansy I am ok, I am just laughing because this had already happened, “this raised some eyebrows from everypony.

“What do mean already happened? “Smart Cookie questioned.

“Well in my time there is a story…”I then explained the story to them, after I finished, once again I received raised eyebrows. I put a hoof up and said, “don’t ask, because it will get more confusing later on.”

“So, what are you going to do now Arcana? “Starswirl asked me.

“Well since this crisis is over I guess I need to return to my time.”

“But how are you able to get home though?”

“Well Starswirl, when I was frozen and was about to give up, I received a new power, I think I am able to use it to get back to my time.”

“And what is this power? “Clover asked me.

“Well this is going to sound impossible, but I can walk through time.”

“From all of the craziness we got from these last few day, I believe ya, “Smart Cookie said, getting nods of agreement from everypony else.

“So how are you going to get back? “Hurricane asked.

“Well I guess to the field you found me in the first place, “I stated, I turned my attention to Starswirl, “because that is where you said you sense great amounts of magic, correct?”

He nodded and then realization hit him, “ah of course, you think there might be some kind of… gap in time there.”

I nodded, and then everypony else started to look sad, “what’s wrong? “I asked to them.

Puddinghead stepped up and gave me a hug and said, “You’re going to leaving soon, I only gotten to know you for a short time, I wanted to be friends.”

I returned the hug, I think I can mess with time, this one last time, and then said, “come on Puddinghead, don’t be so down, from the time I was with you, I saw that you bring laughter and joy to those around you, never stop doing that, “ she looked at me and gave me a smile.

I turned my attention back to the others, “Hurricane, with our time I saw that you are always loyal to others, but mostly with your friends, “she beamed at that, “Platinum, when I was with you I saw that most give than receive, don’t ever stop doing that, “Platinum smiled softly, “but I have to go, there are very important ponies in my time that I need to get back to.”

They all nodded as they now that I am right, I turned my attention back to Starswirl and asked, “can you show me where I arrived?”

“Sure can, “he said, “but first I need to get something, “he added he rushed into the room by the bed and a moment later he came back out with the black box in his magic, “here you take this, “he levitated the box over to me, where I grasped it in my magic, “there is probable no need for it to be here in this time, maybe it will help in your time, and also take it as a thank you.”

I looked at the box and thought, the story has been completed, now I need to do is to get home, ”thank you, ”and put the box into the worn out cloak, Rarity is going throw a fit if she sees me in this.

“Now let’s take you to the location I found you and get you back home, “Starswirl said walking towards the door, “oh and you might want to put those wings, “he suggested. I nodded and concentrated on wings, I heard gasps as I felt them shrink and morph until they were once again a necklace, he nodded and he was then outside. As we all followed him outside, I looked around and saw that the snow and ice was almost gone, and that it was getting warmer, making it a beautiful day.

After walking through the settlement, we arrived in a field and immediately I felt a great pressure in the area, “well this is the place, “Starswirl said.

I nodded and walked to the center of the field and then I concentrated on the surrounding area and felt something become active. I was immediately surrounded by the same spell diagram that had brought me here, I turned and faced them and said as the light from the spell was getting brighter and brighter, “thank you all for being great friends, even though we are separated by probable thousands of years, I think we would all see each other someday.”

They all smiled and started waving and saying good bye. I smiled and waved back and then I felt myself being pulled and then they were gone. I looked around and saw that I appeared to be in a tunnel made out of light and that I can images on the outside.

I looked out and saw dragons, griffins, a minotaur, and then I saw Discord, this caused me to panic a little, but then I saw Princess Celestia and Luna turning Discord into stone, next came Nightmare Moon being banished to the moon by the Elements of Harmony, I guess I am in some kind of time stream, I concluded as saw events that happened to me and Star.

All of a sudden I felt the wind get knocked out of me, as I landed unexpectedly. There was a bright flash, when the light faded away, I found myself lying on a title surface, I groaned as I stood myself up, feeling all of aches and pains from the landing.

I looked up and found that the hood of my cloak had fallen over my face, please let it be my time, I thought as I removed the hood, I heard gasps being made and there I saw Star, Twilight and her friends standing there with surprise written all over their faces a few feet away.

I saw Star taking a step forward, “Arcana is that you? ”he asked.

“Do bees hate you? “I said giving a smile of joy, and then everypony rushed in and became a group hug with me in the middle. As we all were enjoying everypony’s company, with of course Rarity throwing a fit at what I was wearing, there was a bright flash as in the room, blinding everypony in the room.

When our visions came back, we saw that Princess Celestia and Luna was there in the room, when Luna saw me, she rushed over to me and started asking and apologizing.

“Where were you Arcana? We couldn’t find you anywhere; oh I am so sorry Arcana. I didn’t know that was going to happen, what are you wearing, and why do I sense large amounts of magic coming off you? Did something happen to you? Are you ok? Oh I am so sorry.”

“Please stop, “I cried, silencing everypony in the room, I turned my attention to Luna and said, “Luna I’m alright, see, and plus you didn’t know that was going to happen though, and yes something did happen to me, and it is not a bad thing, but I will tell you about it, “I then turned my attention to Celestia and said, “and you wouldn’t believe where I was.”

This started up a lot of questions, but they became silenced and Celestia raised her hoof up and said in a clear voice, “let me guess, you went back in time, Arcana.”

I felt my jaw drop in surprise at how she knew, “how did you know?”

“I will tell you later, but first, I think you should explain to the others, “Celestia suggested. I looked over to my friends and saw that everypony else looked like they are about to explode from questions to ask me.

“Oh right, but first, will somepony please tell me how long I was gone?”

“You been gone for about five hours, “Star answered, ”I should know, because I was here the whole time.”

“I was only gone for five hours, but I’ve been gone for almost two weeks, ugh, time traveling is so confusing, “I said sitting down and rubbing away the raising headache.

“Tell me about, that is why I don’t do it, “Pinkie stated, but nopony heard here, for I was immediately swamped by everypony else’s questions.

“QUIET, “I yelled out, quieting everypony, “please I will tell you, ok.

I took in a deep breath preparing to tell them what happen to me, “it all started with that spell… over there? ”I said
questioningly at the empty space where the spell diagram used to be.

“Don’t worry Arcana I will explain for that too, “Celestia added.

“Well anyway, this all started when I received a letter…”Hours later after telling of what happened, “and then here I am, “I said, finally finishing my story.

“That amazing, I can’t believe it that you meet Starswirl the Bearded and the others, “Twilight exclaimed, “tell me, what was he like? Please.”

“Maybe some other time, “I said to Twilight.

“So you can really move through time, “Star asked with wonder in his eyes.

“Yup, but I can only do it for short bursts of time though.”

“Maybe Arcana can come with us, when we go on pranking sprees Dashie, “Pinkie said Dash with glee written all over her face, “it will be so fun, that it will take her no time at all to set them up.”

And then Celestia cleared her throat, gaining all of our attention, “sorry everypony, but it is nearing midnight, and
everypony must be tired, ”she turned to her sister and asked, “dear sister will you please lead the others their rooms?”

“Of course, “Luna answered, she mentioned the others to follow her, but as I was to get up, Celestia stopped me with a wing of hers, “I still need to talk to you about some things though.”


“But not here, “her horn glowed pink and then there was a flash, next thing I know I saw that we were now in a large library with scrolls and books filling the shelves set up like a spoke on a bike wheel, with a giant hourglass in the middle of the room.

“Where are we? “I asked walking up to a shelf and examine their contents.

“We are in the newly addition to the Starswirl the bearded wing at the Cantorlot Archives, “Celestia answered.

“How new is this place?”

“About ten minutes before you arrived from you time trip, Arcana.”

I looked back at her surprised, “but how can that be, this place looks like it had been here for days.”

“Because of you time traveling, Starswirl, spent a lot of time researching into time magic, this cause a ripple in time to be created, well this is the results.”

I looked around and took in its size and height, damn, from one trip, this happens, I will never time travel again.

“And also, “Celestia speaking up, “I found this letter in one of the books, “she levitated a piece of folded parchment, which was nesting on a table, to me. I grasped it and saw that it was old and dry, but on it written in ink that had almost faded away was my name, I unfolded it and started reading:

Dear Arcana

I am not sure that this letter had reached you in one piece, but I am going to give a shot. It has been almost a year since you left, and I would like you to know what happened since then.

Clover the Clever had finally passed from being a apprentice to a master at magic, and is currently helping raising the sun and moon.

Pansy is still shy as ever, but she has been a great help here, for we used to scared at nights due to the wild animal, but thanks to her we can now go out at night, she also discovered an ability that she is calling The Stare.

I smiled as I read that.

Smart Cookie’s apple orchard has grown so much, that we are now almost eating apples everyday in our meals. Her apples have been declared the best fruit in Cantorlot.

Hurricane had nothing to do ever since the unnatural snow clouds disappeared, making weather management easier, so she spends most of her time flying about five months you left she did a phenomenon that no pegasus is able to repeat. She was able to break the sound barrier and make a rainbow at the same time, she is now calling it the Sonic Rainboom.

I felt my jaw drop at that.

And Miss Platinum, thanks to your advice, she has become more generous in her giving’s, in fact she even declared that the pegasi shall control their own space in the air, Hurricane and Pansy had decided to call it Cloudsdale, and that they can make the weather there too, constructing had already started by the time I started this letter.

And me, I have spent time studying… well time, and its connection to magic. I even was able to travel back in time for a minute to a day, to even a week. I have saved Cantorlot a few times and was even given a new title, but I must write good
bye, and I hope we meet someday again.

Yours sincerely,

The Protector of Cantorlot, Starswirl the Timekeeper.


Hello everypony, sorry about me haven’t update in awhile, but don’t worry, I promise that I’ll try to get the next chapter in sooner, and Cloud Thunder I promise next time, ok.

End A/N

Chapter 28: A New Breeze

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Wow a lot of positive reviews from my last chapter, thank you all for those, and now for the usual, please read and review, thank you.

End A/N

I felt tears forming as I finished reading the letter, I wiped the tears away with a hoof and turned towards her and asked, “can I keep this please?”

Celestia nodded and said, “yes you can, because it is written for you.”

“Thank you, princess, “I said, and then I let out a audible yawn, indicating that it was late and that I am really tried, “um, not to be a bother or anything, but can you transport me to my room. I am very tired and I haven’t showered in about two weeks.”

Celestia nodded, “of course Arcana, I am sorry that I kept you for this long, “with that her horn glowed pink again, and created a pink flash, momentarily blinded me.

When the spots from my eyes disappeared, I found myself in a luxurious room with a two pony size bed that looked soft and inviting, no not right now, I commanded myself, I have been gone for two weeks, even though I have been missing from here for five hours, I need to take a shower.

And with that I located the bathroom and turned on the shower and left the bathroom to undress as the water warmed it up. As I was taking off the cloak, it started to rip and fall apart in my hooves. As the pieces of cloth fell, I heard a thud as something hit the floor.

I looked down and saw that it was the black box that Starswirl gave to me before I left. I had completely forgotten about that box, from all of the things that happened, I picked up the box in my magic and examine it. It was just a solid piece of black material that felt like metal, but sounds like wood as I tapped it with a hoof, as indicating that it was hollow inside. I turned it over and saw that it had no seals, seams or clasps, saying that it could be opened; I shook it and heard something rattle inside.

I am not going to bother, I am dirty and tired, and so I will get back to this problem in the morning, and then I remembered that the shower is still going. I put the box on the nightstand and rushed into the shower.

Thirty minutes later

I walked out the bathroom all dry, feeling cleaner and lighter, than I had felt in weeks. I walked to the bed and settled in it. As soon as my body had settled in the bed, I felt all the aches and cramps melt away. From sleeping on hay stuffed mattress on my time trip to a nice soft cloud bed, I soon fell asleep.

Star’s POV

As soon as I woke up and started moving around in the room I was staying, which is pretty fancy, to fancy for me, I mean there are ten different kinds of soap, and don’t get me started on the shampoos. I heard a knock on the door; I walked up to the door and opened it, revealing the same mare that had served me food when I was in state of sadness.

“It’s Platter, right?”

“Indeed sir, I am here to guide you to the banquet hall, “she said giving a small bow to me.

“Well thank you Platter, “I thanked her, “please lead on.”

She nodded and started walking down the hallway and I followed her. After following her down through halls and stairways, we eventually came upon the banquet hall’s double door.

Platter turned to me and said, “Twilight and her friends had already arrived and Miss Arcana will be here shortly, ”I thanked her for the information. Platter accepted the thanks and turned her attention back to the banquet hall doors. She pushed it opened and stepped to the side letting me pass.

I entered the hall, with the doors silently closing. I saw Twilight and the others sitting at a long table, waiting for me and Arcana and having a conversation. I looked farther down the table and saw Princess Celestia and Luna, I looked across them and I saw what made me give a wicked smile. For sitting there, across the princesses was Prince Blueblood himself reading a book, and the best thing is he didn’t notice me entering the hall.

I made my way past him and sat next to his right, he still hasn’t noticed me, but that was going change, “hi there bluey, having a wonderful morning?”

I saw him tense immediately when I called him Bluey. He slowly put the book, which I got a good look at, How to be a strong and fearless leader for dummies. I nearly sputtered in laughter, really, a for dummies book on how to be a leader. Blueblood then looked at me, if he wasn’t white; I think he would’ve gone shades paler, “what are you doing here?”

“Am I guest here, bluey old pal, “I said patting him on the shoulder; I felt him tense his shoulder, oh man, he’s afraid of me. I felt bad so I leaned in and whispered, “don’t worry I won’t do anything anymore to you, ” I promised; this calmed him down immensely.

The doors opened up again and Platter walked in and up to Celestia and whispered something in her ear, she said something to Platter, which she then gave a nod and walked out of the room closeing the doors behind her, Princess Celestia spoke up silencing all conversations in the room, “alright everypony, since Arcana was still sleeping when one of the maid went to get her, she will be slightly late, “I saw Blueblood giving an annoyed look at that, “so we will start without her.”

As if on some hidden cue, a pair of side doors opened and servants came out holding or levitating food on platters. Minutes later the table was filled with assortments of food to pick from and eat, as we are about to dig in the door slammed opened, I looked past Blueblood and saw Arcana rushed in saying, “I’m so sorry everypony I didn’t meant to sleep in.”

“Excuses, excuses, “Blueblood said, “you need to learn to be more time management with your time, “I felt myself getting mad, but he looked at me and said also giving me a smirk, “now don’t do anything you might regret, after all we are in presence of royalty after all.”

Why that son of a- , and he’s right I can’t do anything as long as I am in front of the Princesses, I looked back at Arcana and saw that she had a evil grin on her face. Next thing I knew she disappeared and then in a blink of an eye, Blueblood had a apple stuffed in to his mouth, with orange slices over his eyes, and grapes stuffed up his nose.

Blueblood started panicking and spitted, sniffed out, and removed the fruit off his face and took in breaths of air, “how’s that for time management, “somepony said to my right. I looked over and jumped when saw Arcana sitting there, and that she already had food on her plate and was about halfway done.

Blueblood looked at Arcana, frightened, “h-h-how d-d-did y-y-you j-j-just d-d-do? “he asked stuttering with scooting over more to his left, away from Arcana and me.

“You said, that I need learn to be more time management with my time, so that’s what I did Bluey, “she said giving him a troll like smile, and then I looked back at her just as she disappeared and then she reappeared in a blink of a eye later, with a fork already in her mouth.

And then I heard a scream coming from my left. I looked over and saw that Blueblood had a bowl of salad over his head with salad dressing dripping down and hitting the floor, “oh my mane, oh my beautiful mane, “he cried out getting up and rushing out of the hall in a rush.

“Sorry about that your highnesses, “Arcana said to the royal sisters, “but Celestia your nephew has been nothing but trouble for me, and I just have to get back at him.”

“It’s alright Arcana, “Celestia said giving her a wink, “even I think that my nephew needs a lesson in humility.”

After we all got over that… whatever that was, I turned towards Arcana and asked, “you are doing great on the time move thing.”

Arcana halted a fork that had a piece of fruit on it, “and as for that, I think I will be calling it Time Slipping, because of me slipping through time.

We all agreed that that name is perfect for her abilities.

“Now Arcana, Star, “we turned our attention to Luna who had spoken, “would you care to tell us what is up with the name Bluey? “Arcana and I looked at each other and we turned back to them and gave a sheepish smile, “Will you see, “I started, “it all started at the gala…”

Hours later

Location: on the train towards Ponyville.

We all sat in the back car and I sat near the window hearing Rarity praise Arcana for taking on Blueblood. I looked around and saw Pinkie mouthing something bring her hooves up like she was counting something, she had all of her hooves up, and all of a sudden four more pink hooves appeared out of nowhere, grouping themselves along with Pinkie’s hooves.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes and looked back at her and saw that she was now waving her hoof around and just stared at it, ok that was just weird.

The train car door opened and a shaded gray coated pegasus, with his mane and tail colored black with a blue streak running through it. I also saw that he was also carrying some bags with him, he walked up to me, ”um , is this seat taken? Because all the other train cars are full, “he asked nervously.

“Sure, “I answered and then I scooted over for him to sit and place is stuff. When he was about to sit down I saw that his cutie mark was a black heart with a white dove in it, when he had settled I asked, “So… what’s your name?”

“I’m sh…”he said trailing off nervously.

Great another shy pony, I looked at his bags for any clues to who this pony is, and there on a tag on was two words; Shadow Breeze.

“Is your name shadow Breeze?”

Instead of speaking, he answered with a nod, confirming that that it is his name, “where are you heading?”

“I’m heading to…”once again he trailed off.

“Once again please.”

“I’m heading to Ponyville.”

“Oh cool are you moving there or what is also something else?”

He must be getting comfortable around me for he said, “I am going there to see if I can get a job at the animal hospital.”

“So you are good with animals then, “he nodded, “that’s awesome, because I know somepony else that loves to take of animals, in fact she is my friend Fluttershy and she's right over there, “I pointed to the butter yellow colored pegasus that was sitting a few seats a way, Fluttershy, whom was sitting next Dash, who was sleeping with her head on the window giving off small snores, I also saw Arcana fiddling with a black box.

I saw Shadow look to where I was pointing and immediately I saw something change in his eyes, oh boy, I think somepony has a crush already, and then I heard him said, “I think I will like it there in Ponyville.”

“Why, are you moving there?”

He turned back to his seat and said, “I am, now.”

As if he had said a summoning, we were immediately covered in streamers and party-ppopers as Pinkie came up to Shadow and spoke to him very quickly, causing him to grab the nearest thing, which unfortunately was me.

As Shadow kept me in a bear like hug, Pinkie said, “I have to happen to heard that you are moving to Ponyville, I am happy, ooh I have to plan for your welcome to Ponyville party right now, “she was about to take off, when she remembered something, “oh I need to give this to you.”

She put up her forelegs and said, “nothing up my sleeves, “and then she started showing us that she isn’t hiding anything, even though she wasn’t wearing any clothes, and with a flick of her wrists she pulled out an eight invites out of nowhere and gave me and Shadow an invite, she zipped off leaving an invite to surprised ponies in the car (she left a invite in Dash’s mouth, forcing her to wake up). Pinkie then rushed to the door that leads to the back of the train, she opened filling the car with noise from outside and went through it and slammed it with a bang, silencing the car.

“Who was that? “Shadow asked looking at the invite.

“I could tell you, “I said to him strained from the grip he has, “but you’re kind of choking me at the moment.”

He realized that I was still in his embrace. He let me go with sorry and me taking in deep breaths, dang for a meek pony, he’s strong. After a regained my air I said, “ok Shadow, that is Pinkie Pie, the self promoted part pony of Ponyville.”

“How is she able to do all of those things, though? “he asked.

“Nopony knows how she does that, “I answered truthfully, “she seems to able to break the laws of reality with ease.”

“Isn’t that dangerous through?”

“Maybe not for her, ”I then looked at the piece of paper that Pinkie gave me:

You are invited to a welcome party for a new pony on Ponyville.

The party starts at six p.m.

“Hay Twilight, what time is it? ”I asked to her.

“It’s five, and we will be arriving at Ponyville in twenty minutes, “Twilight answered, “Not even Pinkie will be able to set a party in that short amount of time, ”she got up from her seat and went to the door that Pinkie left through, Twilight opened it and looked around , she then came back in with a skeptical look on her face, “she’s not there anymore and there is isn’t anywhere for her to go.”

Shadow looks at me and looked like he was about ask me something, but I quickly put up my front hooves in a hold it fashion and said, “don’t ask me, I don’t know ether.”

We sat in silence for about fifteen minutes, with Ponyville within sight in the distance, when all of sudden the back door slammed opened and Pinkie came rushed, making Shadow ‘eep’ and give me another bear hug, not again.

After Shadow had released me from his squeeze and another ‘that’s impossible’ speech from Twilight at Pinkie and a ‘not for me’ from Pinkie, we arrived in Ponyville just as Twilight said and walked out of the train station stretching and moving from the train ride.

“Come on everypony, “Pinkie said in a hurry, “the party is going to start soon, ”and with that she zipped off towards Sugarcube Corner. We all looked at each other and shrugged and followed her towards the sweet shop.

We arrived at the shop and saw that the store’s lights were off, oh boy, here we go. We lead Shadow into the store, where of course we received a surprise from everypony in town, causing Shadow to faint from fright. After we were able to revive him, the party started back up and everypony was laughing and having fun.

After playing pin the tail on the pony, and get face sucked on by Gummy that was hiding in the apple bobbing tank, I made my way to the snack table to get something to eat. There I saw Shadow hanging by the snack table, looking nervous at something. I followed his gaze and saw that he was eyeing Fluttershy.

I walked up next to him, “why don’t you ask her for a dance? “I asked, causing him to jump a little.

He settled down quickly and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Please, I saw you looking at Fluttershy there for minute’s non-stop.”

“Well I can’t you see I am to shy and a bit timid around mares, “Shadow said explaining the situation.

Hum, what can I do to get him and Fluttershy together? I asked myself looking around for a solution. I saw Pinkie dancing like crazy in the middle of the dance floor, swinging herself around, I also noticed that other ponies were giving her a wide space for her wild dancing, and this gave me and idea.

“Are you a good medic on other ponies, Shadow?”

He nodded, “good because what I am about to do can only be used once, so don’t waste this shot to get to know Fluttershy, “I instructed, but before he can say anything I walked up to Pinkie and asked, “hay Pinkie do you want to dance, ”and immediately I heard everypony in the gasp, is it really that bad?

I saw her eye lit up after I asked that and then she said, “Oh yes, I wanted to use a new dance move, but it only works with two ponies.”

“Them let’s see this dance move.”

She smiled and pulled me next to her and we begun to dance. I was able to follow the rhythm of her dance easily and was able to determine to put my plan in action. I saw the timing where she is going throw her hips around and I stopped dancing, time had seemed to slow down as I saw that pink rump heading towards me. The only thought I was able to form were, this is going to hurt.

I felt the party pony’s rear end made contact and I felt myself flew through the air and hit the wall, Pinkie must have been making a lot of force, for instead of just hitting the wall, I crashed right through it and land on the outside covered in dust and pieces of wall on me.

I lifted my head and saw Fluttershy and Shadow exit through the me shaped hole in the wall, but some reason, it was in the position, that old cartoons make when they run through something, how is that even possible?

Fluttershy and Shadow were now by my side, I heard Fluttershy asked, ”Star are you ok?”

I spit out some debris from my crash and said to her, “Sugarcube Corner doesn’t taste like sweets at all.”

I felt small spikes of pain as Shadow started prodding and poking areas on my body. After a while I heard Shadow sigh and said, “he’s ok, nothing broken, just bruising that’s all, but he is not going to feel good in the morning.”

And then I heard Fluttershy said, “oh thank um… sorry but I don’t know your name is.”

“It’s Shadow, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Fluttershy, nice to meet you too, ”she said smiling, success, it worked.

Then Fluttershy turned her attention back to me and said, “and you Star, you have to be more careful if you are going to be dancing with Pinkie Pie.”

“Yes ma’am, “I said smiling to her.

“Uh Star… “Fluttershy said tailing off worried.


“Um I don’t know how to saw this, but um…, ”Fluttershy trailing off again.

But Shadow finished what she is saying in a deadpanned toned, “you’re missing a tooth”. I felt in my mouth and sure enough, there’s a tooth missing, it’s even worse to know that it was the same one o lost before, oh that’s just GREAT.


Hello everypony just here to make a thing known:

Shadow Breeze belongs to AnonJ17.

Now please leave your reviews, thank you

End A/N

Chapter 29: New Information

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Oh wow, you are all great everypony, I gotten quite a fair amount of good reviews from the last chapter, this make me feel great, so here is chapter 29.

End A/N

It was been a few days later after I had Pinkie slam me through the wall to get Shadow and Fluttershy to meet, and I still felt sore from that night.

I made my way back from Zecora’s, to get another tooth regeneration potion, which still feels like a pair of pliers is pulling out a tooth in my mouth. As I was following the trail back to Ponyville, I saw something walking across the path and stop in the middle of it, causing me stop in my tracks. I took a closer look and saw that it looked like a cross breed of one of those things that grows trees from that totoro movie and a bright green fluff ball, I also saw that I was carrying a bag on the back.

Must have inhaled something back at Zecora’s hut, because I’m seeing things here, I thought as I rubbed my eyes. I then saw my little hallucination dropped the bag it was carrying and shuffled through it, blocking the contents from my vision.

The fluff ball nodded as if everything in the bag is accounted for and continues to cross the path, ether ignoring me or wasn’t completely aware of me, and enters a side path on the trail leading deeper into the forest. I stepped onto the trail, decided to follow it and see where it is going, and its’ mysterious cargos.

After following it for about five minutes, the green fluff ball must have felt something that it was being followed, for it turned around and saw me, when it saw me, I saw its’ eyes widen and then it disappeared in wink.

What the…? Where did it go? I thought as I looked around on the path, searching for any signed to show where it went to. I crouched down to the ground and looked down the trail, seconds later I saw something move in the corner of my eye.

I shifted my vision to where I saw the movement and there I saw something that seems to be bending the air and light around something. I followed the bending and it slowly revealed the green fluff ball, still carrying the bag on its’ back, and then I resumed my trailing on it.

Once again I must had alerted for it took a glancing look behind and saw me still following it, it quickly face forward and quickened it pace, I too then quickly increase my speed. The fluff ball increased its’ speed more, causing me to do the same, until it and I were running down the path in full speed, entering a tunnel made out of hedges and trees.

For a hallucination or whatever this thing is, it’s pretty dang fast, I saw that we both were coming up to a dead end in the tunnel, ha, nowhere to run now you little creature, I gloated as I put more in more power into my speed, but the fluff ball didn’t stop or slow down, for it immediately run into the bush head on, disappearing under the foliage.

If that thing can do it, then so can I, I rushed towards the hedge anticipated to go through it, but instead I slammed into something solid and felt the immense pain as I bounced off whatever I ran into and hit the ground onto my back. I felt my head spinning as I lifted my head up to see what I hit into.

I saw the green fluff ball come out for beneath the hedge with something in its grasp. It walked up onto my chest until it was with arm length from my face. I looked back at it and saw that it had a smug look on its face, and revealed what it had in its grasp; it was a sucker from who knows where it came from.

It pointed to me then to the sucker, I just stared at it with a confused look. It repeated this motion for a while trying to make a point to me, let’s see here, it pointed to me, ok me, then to the sucker, and sucker, I put these two together, me suckermy suckeryou sucker, wait a second you sucker, and then I got the message it was trying to make to me, “hay, “I yelled.

It must have been waiting for me to make a reaction and say something, for it immediately stuffed the sucker into my mouth and ran off, I got up and dived for it, but it was under the hedge in a green blur already.

Ok what the heck was that, because that’s no hallucination, I realized that the sucker was still in my mouth and found that it tasted like cherry, I don’t even like cherry, oh and I need to get the others for this, and then I concentrated to be in the kitchen of Twilight’s library and disappeared in a flash.

Arcana’s POV

“Ugh, why won’t that thing open up?“ I said in frustration as I stepped out of the basement from unsuccessfully opening the box that I got from the past. I had spent the last hours in the basement using every technique I know to open it, but so far the only thing I was able to do was just to drive myself hungry.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Twilight sitting there reading a book. I grabbed an apple from a bowl that was sitting on the table, I brought the apple to me and took a bite out of it causing Twilight to notice me, “still no luck with that box Arcana? “I swallowed and said, “Ya, I just don’t get it, it sounds like wood, but it feels like metal, and there is no indications that it can be opened.”

All of sudden the there was a bright flash in kitchen, blinding everypony in the room. When the blindness cleared, Twilight and I saw Star was lying on the table, with a sucker sticking out of his mouth and with a pained look on his face.

“Star,“ Twilight cried out, “Are you ok? Have you been dancing with Pinkie again?”

“And do you think you can do something about that flash of yours?“ I asked rubbing spots from my eyes.

Star focused and saw that he was on the kitchen table, he gave a sheepish smile and got off the table. I saw him wince in pain and said,“ Unfortunately no Arcana, and I’m ok Twi, just a little sore from a little meeting with something, and no I wasn’t dancing with Pinkie.”

“Aww, but I liked our little dance step,“ Pinkie called out as she poked her head in through the window.

“Hiya Pinkie,“ I said to her, unfazed by her sudden appearance, going back in time and fighting a evil spirit, find out that you slip into time and then traveling back to your own time, can raise somepony’s surprised bar very high,“ What are you doing here?”

“Well I came to hear the story that Star is going to tell us,“ Pinkie explained.

“How did you know that have something to te-, wait you know what? Forget it Pinkie, you just know,“ Star said spitting out the sucker into the trash can and then he realized something, “And what do you mean ‘us’?”

As if the universe heard him, the front door opened and the rest of the gang entered the library and then into the kitchen. I saw Pinkie started laughing and said into the air, “Good one.”

I shrugged and turned my attention back to Star, who stood flabbergasted as we all stood there waiting for him to start his story. He shook his head and started,“ Ok it all started when I was leaving Zecora’s after I got my tooth fixed- “

“Which by the way, you’re missing,“ Dash said interrupting him with a smile.

“Really?“ he looked around and saw a mixing bowl that was sitting on the counter. He picked it up and gave a smile on the reflective surface and it revealed that he is indeed missing a tooth,“ Oh for crying out loud,“ and then he slammed his head on the bowl.

“Well anyway,“ he said dropping the bowl back onto the counter and turned towards us,“ It all started when I was leaving Zecora’s after I got my tooth fixed…”

Star’s POV

After I had told them the story with my encountered with the little fluff ball, Dash started laughing off her flank from hearing that I was bested by a fluff ball,“ I can’t believe it that you got you flank served to you by a fuzz ball.”

“I never heard about this small creature, you described Star,“ Twilight said looking through books about creatures and mystical beings.

“Well I know what I saw, and Dash that thing had a home field advantage,“ I said to Twilight and Dash, this caused Dash to laugh harder, causing me to groan in annoyance,“ let’s just go, so I can show you where it went.”

About forty minutes later we made a stop at Zecora’s to get another tooth regenerative potion, and then after we all stood outside the hedge where the fluff ball disappeared under.

“This is where it disappeared,“ I said pointing to where the fluff ball went under.

Twilight walked up to the pointed area and examined the area, after moments of studying the area she brought up her hoof and put it towards the bush and knocked. Instead of her hoof going through, her hoof made contact underneath the foliage, and we heard the sounds of echoing metal.

“Everypony, I think that there is something behind here,“ Twilight’s horn started to glow and the brush and branches move away, revealing a set of metal doors. Dash had started laughing and I groaned at what we saw on the doors. On the doors was an imprint of me in an old fashion splattered position.

At the bottom of the door is a hole that had allowed the fur ball to pass with ease and left me to smack into it,“ Oh for crying out loud,“ I said out loud at the sight.

“So how do we open it?“ Twilight asked and then she added,“ Because Star’s way didn’t work,“ she joked giving me a cheeky smile at her cleverness. While everypony was laughing, I did a facehoof in embarrassment.

All of a sudden we heard clinging and clanking coming from behind the door, and doors pushed outward. There standing behind them was… a pink pony; Pinkie. We all turned to where she was and saw that she wasn’t there anymore. We all turned back to Pinkie and I asked,“ How did you opened the door?”

“Well duh, I unlocked it,“ she said with an already know look. Before we can ask any more questions she turned around and started walking farther into the mysterious area. Pinkie stopped when she realized that we weren’t following her, she turned around and said,“ Well are you coming or not?”

That got us to move and follow her into the mysterious area. When we crossed the door, we were meet with something that we all weren’t expecting to see in these forest, a lighted forest space, causing the area to be covered in shade, there was also a few buildings scattered about, but it looked like that nopony had been here for a long time, for the grass was long and leaves were piled around the trees and the buildings are run down.

“Where are we?“ Fluttershy asked looking around nervous.

“I don’t know,“ Twilight answered, “Nothing like this have ever been discovered in the Everfree Forest.”

“I don’t know why, but this place seems to be familiar for some reason,“ Arcana said looking at the clearing.

And then I got the feeling that something was staring at the back of my head. I turned around and saw nothing, but trees and grass, ok that was weird.

“Well then, “Applejack exclaimed, “let’s explore this place, ”and with that she started walking towards what looked like a dome in the distance.

I was walking a little away from the group heading towards the building through the tall grass, when all of a sudden I felt the ground in front of disappear into nothing, “Whoa,“ I said surprised. I quickly unfurled my wings and flapped them, making me airborne, and then I landed next to the hole.

After my heart clam down I examined the hole that I nearly fell into, I saw a pile of rocks lying along with some wood by the hole, I guess that this used to be a well, I concluded.

I looked over the edge of the hole and saw nothing but black inky darkness, “Hello,“ I said into the well and was immediately answered back.


Cool an echo, “how are you?”

How are you?” the well answered back.

“I asked you first.”

I asked you first.”

“Oh that’s real immature.”

Oh that’s real immature.”

I felt myself getting worked up and yelled into the well, “I’m an idiot,“ ha take that you stupid well.

You’re an idiot,“ the well called back.

That got me really confused and mad at the same time and angrily whispered into the well, “All right fine. I’m not talking to you anymore; in fact, I’m going to whisper so I won’t have to hear you anymore you stupid well.

I strained my ears to hear anything coming back at me, but it was just silence that answered my ears, I nodded in victory. As I left to catch up to my friends I heard the well call out, “You’re an idiot,“ causing me to lose focus in my walk and face plant into the ground.

I got up spitting grass and dirt and looked back at the well, but nothing else happened, jeez little fur balls that walks, strange feelings of being watched and wells that gets the last word, just what is this place? I asked myself as I turned and hurried up to catch up with my friends.

Arcana’s POV

We all had arrived at the dome and found out that is was some kind of amphitheatre, set into the ground. I turned around and saw that Star had finally caught up to us, as soon he neared me I asked, “Where were you?”

“Getting back talked by a well,“ was his answer before he went to join the others.

We checked out the amphitheatre and saw that it was the same everywhere; nopony had been here for a long time. The stage full of rotting holes making it dangerous to explore the backstage. In front of the stage sat the remains of what looked like a piano.

I saw Star keep looking over his shoulder with a concerned look on his face,“ What is it, Star?”

He looked at me, “I don’t know, but it feels like that something is watching us.”

Before I can ask at what he meant I heard Rarity call out, “Look over there everypony,“ and pointed.

We look to where she was pointing and saw what looked like a castle through some groves of trees, “Is that a… castle?” Dash asked.

“It appeared to be so, but I don’t remember anything about other castles beside the Royal Pony Sisters and the Cantorlot castle, “Twilight explained.

“Then let’s check it out,“ Star said, started making his way towards the castle. We all followed him towards the castle in the distance.

As we made our way towards the castle we saw a building that looked like it was made out of building blocks next to the castle and it was in the same state as everything around here, we looked inside and saw that must have been a nursery, because we saw baby carriages and cradles along with toys that looked like with disintegrate if we touch them.

We left the remains of the nursery and made our way towards the castle. Up close we saw that use to be pink, but the paint had faded away leaving only the bare gray stone underneath. We all saw in front of the castle was a drawbridge or the remains of, for all there stood was a pile of wood at the bottom of dried up moat , but planks of wood has been set up across the moat, big enough for us to walk single filed.

“So…” Star said gaining everypony’s attention, “Who’s going to cross and into the run down castle,” nopony volunteered. He shrugged and crossed the bridge first and the rest of us followed him.

After everypony had crossed the bridge after Star, we all stood in the courtyard of the castle. We looked around and saw that the courtyard was barren with a few doors leading to different parts of the castle. On one wall was covered in what looked like colorful mold.

I saw Star keep looking back at the mold with a troubled look on his face, “What is it Star?” I asked him as soon as everypony left to explore the castle.

He looked at me and answered me in a whisper, “I don’t know Arcana, but I have a feeling that we are not alone, because I keep getting the feeling that we are being watched,” and gazes around the courtyard.

“You are just being paranoid Star,“ I said and I added, “It looked like nopony has been here for decades.”

He looked back at me with a concerned look, “I don’t think so, because you know what my abilities are right.”
I nodded, “The ability for you and objects to move through space.”

He then continues, “Ya, well I noticed that my ability is connected to space and lately I noticed that I can fell space being taken up, being moved or altered,” he explains, “And right now I feel a lot of space is being taken up, but I can’t pinpoint where it is though.”

I was amazed that he can do that with his abilities now, but before I can say anything else the others returned.

“Did you find anything?” I asked them.

They all shook their head and Twilight said, “Nothing, just rooms filled with rotting and broken furniture.”

All of a sudden I saw phantoms of ponies entered the courtyard that the others had come in. I saw the phantoms move around the courtyard as they are doing something and then I saw one of them phase through Applejack.

I must have been making a face for Fluttershy asked, “Um Arcana, are you ok?”

“Doesn’t anypony see them?“ I said pointing at the phantoms.

They all looked to where I am pointing, and looked back at me concerned, “I don’t see anything,” Dash said.

Before I can say anything one of the phantoms came up and made contact with me, immediately the area flashed and I stood in the middle of the courtyard, but instead in being in ruins the, it was fully restored and I saw ponies walking, talking, and laughing with each other, and as soon as it appeared it disappeared.

“Are you ok dear,” Rarity asked, “You just kind of froze there.”

But I didn’t hear the question, what was that? Why am I the only one able to see them? I questioned myself and then a realization came to me, maybe they’re not ghosts, but whispers of time, but where are we exactly?

And then in the corner of my eye I saw movement coming from the mold covered wall, and I reacted quickly and shot a low level stunning spell into the wall. What we saw next made us stare at the results of my spell, for the wall wasn’t covered in mold, but the same fur balls that Star had explained earlier today. They toppled and trembled down from on top of each other until there was a big pile of stunned fur balls in front of us.

“See I told you that they are real,” Star said to us also too disbelieved at the mast amounts of the creatures in front of us.

And then I saw that fur balls were starting to move indicating that the spell is wearing off. One by one they all slowly got up and looked at us with frightened glances. I took a stop and then a few started to whimper and cry, immediately causing Fluttershy to walk slowly up to them and saying calming thing, like one does with a frightened animal.

“Shh, it’s ok,“ Fluttershy calmly got closer and closer, “She’s not going to hurt you again, you all just kind of startled my friend here,” when she was up to them she picked up as much as she can and started to cradle them, “Oh you all are just so cute.”

The fur balls relaxed and ceased their crying when they heard that, and we all approached them, I saw Star looking at the creatures with a distrusting look, “I don’t trust them, after all one of them did trick me into smacking that door,” and then we all saw a really aged gray one of them stepped out of the group and neared us and did what shocked us all.

It spoke towards Star, “ And I am terrible sorry about that, but you did chase one of our young ones.”

We all stared at it with our mouths hanging open, it looked back and fore at us and then it said with a smug look, “What? You never have seen a bushwooly before.”

And then I remember where I have seen all of this before, “I have,” this time I received looks from everypony and the bushwooly, “This is Ponyland, isn’t it?” I asked towards the bushwooly.

The bushwooly nodded, “I didn’t think that anypony stills remember this forgotten place,” and then it continues, “Tell me, how do you know of this place?”

Oh pony feathers, I don’t want to freak out the bushwooly, “Well um… that is kind of hard to explain.”

“You have seen them too, didn’t you miss…, sorry but I never got your name.”

“It’s Arana, and what do you mean that I see them?”

“Ah not to but in or anything, “Star said coming into the conversation, “but what exactly did Arcana see?”

The bushwooly gave Star a stink eye and said in an annoyed look, “Do you have any respects for your elders? And for your information I am getting to that.”

“Sorry,” Star said apologizing to the bushwooly.

The bushwooly turn towards me and explained, “You saw the memory wisps, didn’t you?”

“What are memory wisps?”

“Memory wisps are remnants of memories that survive through time,” the bushwooly explained.

“Why can I see them? Can you? What about the others?” I launched a barrage of questions at the bushwooly.

The bushwooly raised an arm, silencing my questions, “the reason you are able to see them is because of your abilities, as for me, I catch glimpses of them from time to time, and for the others they can’t see them, but…,” he look towards Star, “But you can feel them that they are there, can’t you?”

“Ya I feel a lot of space being occupied, but at the same time not though, “Star answered.

The bushwooly then started walking back and to saying, “Just as that pony said.”

“What pony?” Pinkie asked, reminding me that the others were still here.

The bushwooly stopped his pacing and said towards me and Star uncertain, “I’ll explain, but I am not sure that I should tell you when they are here.”

“Hay they are our friends, “Star defending them, “Besides I am sure that they have seen and heard strange things that involves us.”

“Very well,“ the bushwooly accepting, “A few nights ago a winged unicorn approached our home-“

“An alicorn,” Twilight interrupting the bushwooly clearly shocked, “but there are only two in existence.”

The bushwooly angrily stared at her, “Do you want me to tell my story, or would you like to take over for me.”

Twilight gave a sheepish grin and took a step back, “humph, that’s right, as I was saying we were approached by an alicorn, he told us that two unique ponies will arrive here and if they can see and feel what this place has, I am to tell them what they are?”

“We already know what they are,” Dash said irritated towards the bushwooly.

“Besides that they used to be humans,“ the bushwooly countered her, silencing her and shocking all of us. It walked up to
me and looked up and said, “He said that your abilities are involved with time and that you are a Time Mover, “after it finished it turns to Star, “as for you, he said that yours is involved with space and that you are a Space Bender.” After it finished talking it walked back to the rest of the other bushwoolies is, where Fluttershy is still holding some bushwoolies making cooing sounds, leaving me, and possibly Star too, in a slight daze.

The old bushwooly motioned for the ones in Fluttershy’s hold and they all jumped out and walked behind the old bushwooly, “now I don’t know if this info is helpful to you or not, for I am merely a messenger,“ and then bushwoolies started leaving the courtyard.

Right before the informant was about to leave I asked, “Wait, can I ask you something?”

The bushwooly looked back and nodded.

“Did the alicorn say what his name is?”

“Yes in fact, he calls himself Fate, now can I ask you all for something?”

“Sure heck, anything at all partner,“ Applejack said speaking for the whole group.

“Will you promise that you will never mention to everypony about this land or us, because we bushwoolies want to be left alone.”

“Cross my heart; hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye,“ Pinkie promise doing the motions, the old bushwooly looked at her and then to us with a quizzical look.

“Don’t ask,“ Star said, “We all promise to never tell anypony else, but I have to know, what was in the bag that one bushwooly had? And how did it disappeared when I was following it?”

“It’s the green one that you chased, right?” Star nodded, “that one was collecting sweets, because we all love sweets, and as for the disappearing, all I can say that it was a parting gift to all of us,” and with that the old bushwooly left the courtyard.


Sorry that it took this long, but I had a lot of thing to do this past week. Well anyway the same deal, please leave reviews, thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 30: Tornado Week

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Wow that last episode is awesome, well anyway onto the story.

End A/N

Star POV

The past month has been nothing but weirdness and more weirdness coming, Twilight receiving a message from her future self, nearly got peed on by a Cerberus, saw a great dragon migration and got crispy from dragon fire along with Dash and Spike participating in it, and then he got back home in possession of a phoenix egg, which hatched hours later.

Now that baby phoenix is now my new alarm clock and it doesn't come with a snooze button.

I walked downstairs rubbing my nose from the pecking I got this morning, I swear one of these days I am going to get back at that bird.

I stepped outside and made my way to the market district, when I got there I stretched, enjoying the nice and warm sun that was rising over the horizon. I yawned and then took a deep inhale, but I then felt something being sucked into my mouth, causing me to choke and to cough up whatever it was I inhaled onto ground.

I saw that it was a flyer, but before I can read it I heard yelling above me. I looked up and saw Dash in the flying around in the sky dropping flyers from a bag and saying, "Calling all pegasus ponies, meeting tonight."

I looked at the flyer that I had inhaled, "Mandatory meeting for all Ponyville pegasi, library tonight."

"Be cool or be a mule," Dash announced and with that she dumped the rest of the flyers out of her saddlebag, I looked down and saw that she had dumped them on top of a mule that came out of nowhere, what the…? Where did he come from?"

Dash flew up to him and said, "No offense," and with that she zipped away with the mule saying none taken.

Hours later

I am walking down the stairs to join the meeting from napping in my room, but my forehead was aching from its recent encounter with a beak, why does that baby bird dislike me so much? It nuzzles Arcana awake, but with me it would peck me to death.

"Dang that's a lot of pegasi," I said as I reached the bottom of the steps and saw the sight there. The entire entrance to the library looked like it was filled with every pegasi in Ponyville. They were talking with each other and with barely any room to move at all. In the back I saw Spike fiddling with what looked like a movie projection; huh they have movies here, go figure.

I made my way through the crowd of my fellow feathered brethren and sisters and sat down near the front with Derpy and another pegasus her coat gray and her mane sliver with her cutie mark as a silver bow and saw her talking with another pony, mentioning that the pegasus I am sitting next to name is Silverspeed.

As I got comfortable, RD quickly flew to the front of the crowd, where a movie screen is set up behind her, and then I barely heard her say above the sound of everypony talking, "Attention please, attention," but nopony heard her above the talking they were making.

I started to get annoyed when everypony was still walking. I stood up and took a deep breath, "HAY," I yelled gaining everypony's attention in the room, "Pay attention, Rainbow Dash is talking to all of you."

"Thank you Star, you can sit down now," Dash thanked me and I nodded and saw down, waiting for whatever this meeting is about to start.

"Now before we can start this meeting, we all need to watch something," Dash said to us, and then she pointed to Spike in the back and said to him, "Alright Spike, cue the movie," and flew off to the side of the room and flipped the light switch there, making darkness fall on us.

Spike got the movie projection started and the movie started playing on the screen. It is showing one of those old fashion countdowns they had indicating when the movie is about to start, when the countdown ended the movie started.

And then nineteen-fifty style P.S.A. music started up and a black and white movie started playing and an announcer spoke up:

"Every living thing depends on the life giving nourishment of rainwater and it is up to Cloudsdale to provide rain-filled clouds to every corner in Equestria."

We watched the fifty style cartoon explaining that it takes a large team of pegasi to create a tornado, large enough to suck water out of the reservoir and that it need the power of eight-hundred wing power, whatever that is, to create a massive tornado, as the movie was about to move into the next scene it all of sudden burns out and the lights were flicked on. We all turned to the back and saw Spike covered from head to toe in the movie film with the movie projection smoking, he looked at us embarrassed, "uh intermission?" he said giving us a sheepish grin.

"So here's the scoop," Dash called out, causing us to look forward and saw that she is once again in the front of the room, "Cloudsdale chosen our own hiland reservoir as the source of the rainwater that they need for all of Equestria and you know what that means," she said pointing to us.

"It means that it is up to Ponyville pegasi to bring up that water to Cloudsdale," the sounds of amazement went through the crowd when we heard that.

"Not only that, "Dash continues, "But Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts," pulling down a slide with a Spitfire poster on it, "Will be here to overseer the water transfer and record our top tornado wind speed. Now last year, Fillydelphia, "she pulls downs a slide that looks like a bar graph stats, "Broke the wind speed record with the top speed of nine hundred and ten wing power, but I think we can do better. I think we can a top speed of over a thousand."

Once again the sounds of amazement went through the crowd, "If…," Dash added, "each and everypony trains and trains hard to get their wing power numbers up, "she finished leaving the feel of intimidate, but that was quickly stopped by somepony coughing.

Dash looked around and quickly pinpointed where it was coming from and pointed turning all of our attention to a black pegasus with white mane a tail, giving us all an embarrassed looks, "That coughing better be from a popcorn kernel Thunderlane, nopony is getting sick on my watch."

When did she become a drill sergeant?

"So are we gonna to train hard?"

"Yeah," everypony called out.

"Are we gonna to be strong?"

"Yeah. "

"Are we gonna be fast?"

"Yeah! "

"Record smashing fast?" Dash yelled into a face of serious beefed up pegasus, ah, that explains the drill sergeant role… wait a minute, where did that beefed up pegasus even come from? And second he's a pegasus?

Then the beefed up pegasus yelled out, "YEAH!"

"WHO'S WITH ME?" Dash asked loudly.

We all cheered in agreement, causing Dash to stand (or fly in this case) proudly, after a while she raised her hoof silencing us and said with a annoyed tone that came from nowhere, "Alright everypony, we all will meet at the track outside of Ponyville now go and get some sleep, cause we all have a lot of work tomorrow, you all are dismissed."

And with that everypony start filing out of the library to go and get some sleep for tomorrow.

The next day

Arcana's POV

I felt something rubbing my cheek, causing me to wake up from my sleep, when my vision cleared I saw that it was Pee-Wee the baby phoenix had once again woke me up.

"Good morning Pee-Wee, did you have a nice sleep?" I asked the phoenix chick.

Pee-wee nodded, "Thanks for the nice wake up call, is Star still asleep?" nodded once again. I felt a smile coming, "Good, why don't you wake him up with the usual."

Pee-Wee gave me a salute and jumped off my bed and were out of the door in seconds. I got out of bed, fixing up my mane and tail, that had became bed headed. As I opened the door fully, I heard Star cry out, with Pee-Wee running out of his room with what the bird sounding like laughter, "Damn bird, you nearly poke my eye out, I am going to get you for that," he ranted, a moment later I heard him again, "What the hay? It's only six in the morning, stupid bird, stop poking me and waking me up early in the day."

And then Star came out of his room and there I saw red marks above his right eye, "how was your sleep Arcana?"

"Oh it was fine, how about yours?"

"It was nice until Pee-Wee pecked me awake, again," he grumbled.

"Ah come on Star, let's go and get some breakfast, after all you still have that training you need to do this morning."

"Sigh, fine let's go and get something to eat," and with that we walked downstairs to get breakfast.

Hours later

Star's POV

I see the racetrack outside in the distance after I had breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, and I can still taste the taste that cinnamon roll, but I soon as I neared the track Twilight came over to me with a spray can levitating nearby.

"Hay Twilight, um what is up with the can?"

"Hello Star, and this is disinfect," she answer and then she started spraying me, causing me to cough and hack with my eyes burning.

"Whoa Twilight, cough, easy with the disinfectant. Why did you do that anyway?"

"Sorry Star, it is just that we want a clean environment and that we don't want anypony getting sick," she answer, and then she rushed off to another group of pegasi and started spraying them too.

When I reached the track I saw that I wasn't the first one there this morning, for there was already a few pegasus doing warm-ups and stretches and and a pegasus lifting a thousand pound dumbbell… with her wings, dayum, with Dash barking out praises and advices, "Stretch those glutes Flitter, nice flexibility Cloud Chaser, a little to much flexibility Blossomforth, uh somepony give Blossomforth a hoof, let's see some faster trotting Thunderlane, good pace Silverspeed."

And then Dash walked up to me and demanded up to my face, "Where were you? You are late by thirty minutes."

"Um?" my mind blanked out.

She sniffed the air and then she said to me, "I smell cinnamon rolls, you been to Sugarcube Corner have you?"

I was intimated by her so I just nodded.

I saw her frown, "I am sorry Star, but you can't eat anymore of that sugary stuff while Rainy Season is in effect, because we need fit pegasi to beat that top wind power record."

I was about to complain, but she saw that coming, "Don't, not now, but I promise I will buy you a dozen cinnamon rolls after all of this is over."

"Fine," I finally agreed, "but I am making you keep that promise."

"Alright then, now go and do some wing-ups."

"Wing-ups? " I asked confused.

"Ah jeez I jeep forgetting that you weren't always a pegasus, well wing-ups are like pushups, but with wings instead."

I gave an 'oh' in understanding, and Dash walked a little away and blew into her whistle gaining all of our attention, "Listen up we're gonna need all the wind power we can get to break that record."

I felt a huge presence behind me and was startled when I heard a loud, "YEAH!" I looked behind me and saw that it was that same beefed up pegasus from last night snorting, seriously how can a big pony like him, move so quietly? It's freaky.

"Good work everypony," she said praising all of us and then she said something to herself, and then took off and flew to somewhere.

After hours of stretch outs and workouts, Twilight and Spike approached the track field with what looked like a fan floating near Twilight. They sat down in the middle of the field and started making adjustments on the fan. We all approached her to see what she is doing.

"What exactly does this machine do?" Cloud Chaser asked as she approached Twilight.

"This is an anemometer. It measures your accelerative velocity and translates it into wing power, thus gauging your cumulative H2O anti-gravitational potential, any other questions? "Twilight answered tapping her hooves together.

Wait huh? That just raised more questions.

Cloud Chaser and Flitter looked at each other and then Flitter said, "Ya," and then she turned towards Spike and asked, "What exactly does this machine do?"

"It tells you how fast you are flying and how strong your wings are," Spike answered her, resulting a lot of 'ohs and 'ahs' to come from the crowd. Twilight looked annoyed at that, and then we all heard coughing, thus gaining Twilight's attention.

She quickly stood up and peered over the sea of pegasi, until she know where it came from, "Is that you again Thunderlane?" she asked bring up another can of disinfect, how many of those does she have, and brought it near Thunderlane, causing him to duck down and then said towards Twilight.

"It wasn't me, it was Blossomforth," he said accusing her.

Twilight was about to say something to him, but Dash dropped out of the sky and said to her, "Don't worry Twilight, Thunderlane is just cooking up an excuse to spend Tornado Day in bed, why don't ya get over and be our first test flyer, Thunderlane," she motioned to come forth.

I looked at him and saw that was mad at Blossomforth and quickly took off and flew to the starting line on the track. He relaxed and then his wings started flapping becoming a blur and shot forward. He pass the anemometer, making the fan on it to spin Twilight looked at the gauge on it and announced, "We have nine point three wing-power."

We all cheered as Thunderlane walked up to us, and once again I felt a huge presence behind me and was startled when I saw it was that beefed up pegasus yelling out, "YEAH!"

While Spike was writing down Thunderlane's wing-power, Dash looked over his shoulder and said, "Not bad, not bad," and then a confident smile appeared on her face as she flew towards the starting line. She started limbering up and started cracking joints even those I didn't know you can crack, and as Thunderlane did before, she flapped her wings until they became blur and shot of, somehow leaving the hat and whistle behind.

She gained a lot of speed and passed the anemometer and a rainbow blur, but then all of sudden a gush of wind started blowing, causing a lot of pegasus to brace themselves to avoid being blow back, but I wasn't fast enough to brace myself. For the wind blow me back, making tumble head over wings over hooves into a couple of bushes, the results of me stopping with my hind legs hanging in the air.

"Sixteen point five wing-power," I heard Twilight call out inside the bushes.

I righted myself and spit out leaves that had made themselves into my mouth and cried out, "DAYUM!" with my mouth hanging out in wonder, and with cheering going on.

"Now listen up," I heard Dash as I walked back to the group, also while shaking leaves and twigs that are in my mane and tail, "If each of you can get your numbers up to at least ten point oh wing-power by end of the week, we will no doubt set a new tornado speed record, we'll be number one."

We all cheered and flew off to train, as I flew above I saw Fluttershy looking up with her wings flapping, she looked at them and they folded themselves back to her body, with her looking down trotted.

I hope she is ok.

Dash had all of us to line up and to do the course to see what our wing-power is, after hours of waiting in line it, the only ones left were a black pegasus with a star consolation for his cutie mark, Fluttershy and me.

We moved up in line, but Fluttershy seemed to have something on her mind, for she bumped into the pegasus in front of her. He looked back at her annoyed and then he got ready and took off. When he passed the anemometer and Spike recording the results, he showed it Dash who got a impressive look on her face, "Impressive, Fluttershy your turn, "and with that she clapped her hoofs together and blew into her whistle.

Fluttershy nervously stepped up to the line. She looked around and then took a breath and flew forward slowly. When she about two feet away from the end some ponies started laughing and then Fluttershy slowed down hardly moving the anemometer at all.

I saw Twilight and Dash look at each other troubled at what Fluttershy's score. I heard them talking to each other, but I couldn't understand what they were saying though, and then Dash spoke up, "Great job Fluttershy, you measure, uh, point five."

Fluttershy looked pleased… until Spike broke that, "Point five, isn't that like, like less than one," Twilight wacked him on the back of his head for that.

"Ow!" Spike said.

Not helping here Spike.

And then I saw Fluttershy looking at everypony and then started to hyperventilate, and then she started crying and to run off, "Fluttershy wait!" Dash called flying after her.

Dash started to talk with Fluttershy while she is flying and Fluttershy running, after a while Fluttershy stopped and looked back at Dash, from this distance it looked like she had rivers of tears flowing from her eyes. More words were exchanged and Fluttershy ran off leaving Dash to land and kick the ground in frustration and walked back to us.

"Alright Star, it is your turn, "Twilight said gaining my attention.

"Right here it goes," I said. I flapped my wings and took off, flapping as hard as I can. I passed the anemometer with a gust of wind.

I stopped flapping and was panting like I run a hundred yard dash, I probably just did, but with wings instead.

"Star, that's really impressive," Dash said, causing me to look back at her, "You're fast, but not as fast as me," Dash proudly stated, but I can see that Dash is still troubled by all of this.

"What's my score?"

"Thirteen point seven," Twilight answered, with Spike writing it down.

Dash flew into the air and called out, "Good work everypony, there are some of those that needs more training, and for those that did really well, don't fall behind on your training, no go home and relax and rest, because we still have three more days till tornado day," and with that she flew off, leaving us for us to go home.

I am going to be sore in the morning, I thought feeling my wings ache as I went home.

Three days later

It has been three days of nonstop training, and I was standing in front of Flitter to do the anemometer test again. I flapped my wings and took off, pushing myself to go faster. I passed the anemometer and also making a gust of wind that ruffled everypony's mane.

"Excellent work Star," Twilight said as Spike recorded my score, "You are getting faster and better."

"What's my score?"

"Fourteen point three," she said with a smile.

"That's not bad, now if you'll excuse me. I am going to take a break, "and with that I walked a little away and lay down and closed my eyes.

As I got comfortable I felt something poking me, I opened eyes and saw that it was a squirrel and it was chattering and squeaking at me, "Sorry buddy, but I don't speak rodent, why don't you try Twilight over there, "I said pointing to Twilight and the others.

The squirrel nodded and ran over to them. Before I can go back and rest I heard chatter of animals. I stood up and saw a pegasus flying towards the fields with the sun behind the pony, when the pegasus got closer I saw that it was Fluttershy with a bunch of woodland critters following her.

Fluttershy flew towards the starting line. The critters then started massaging her legs, like a coach does for his fighter, and then she flapped her wings until they became a blur and took off, visibly showing her improvement.

She passed the anemometer. Fluttershy looked at the results and said in an exclaimed toned, "Two point three, two point three, that has to be some mistake, I worked so hard," and then she started look depressed.

"Fluttershy," Twilight said lifting her mane out of the way, "That's a huge improvement."

"You did awesome Fluttershy," Dash said patting her on the back.

Fluttershy looked back at her and said, "No I didn't I thought I gotten over my nerves, but they still got the best of me," she said backing up, "there's no way I'll fly with ten point oh wing-power by tomorrow."

Dash landed and started to comfort her, "So you won't fly with ten point oh wing-power. Every little bit counts."

And then Fluttershy looked at her with a hurting look, "How would you feel f everypony you know was flying with ten point oh wing-power and you were flying with two point five."

Ah geez, now I feel terrible, I thought feeling my mood darken.

And Spike had once again unintentionally caused some grief, "Actually it was only two point three and-," but Twilight wacked him across the head bending the spikes on his head. Spike looked at her annoyed and Twilight did a 'zip it' motion.

"Well uh…," Dash said unsure what to say, twisting her hat, "I'll fell, um…"

But Fluttershy interrupted her, "Exactly, humiliated," and then she turn and started walking away, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I just can't do it, "and with that she walked away with her furry friends following behind her.

"It's ok Rainbow Dash, "Spike said, "You still got plenty of wing-power for your tornado, "You'll be able to lift tons of water up to Cloudsdale," he said happily pointing to the air and Twilight used her magic to pick him up and carry him somewhere else.

Dash put her hat back on and said, "Sigh, if only there's a way to lift Fluttershy out of the dumps."

I didn't have anything to say so I left her staring in the direction where Fluttershy left and made my way back to the field, preparing for tomorrow.

The next day

I felt intense pain on my forehead, waking me up instantly. My vision was filled with yellow feathers and knew immediately who it is.

"Get off of me Pee-Wee," I said getting up and shaking my head flinging him across the room, but before he hit the ground, he opened his wings causing him to glide. When he landed he ran out of my room with what sound like laughter.

I looked at the clock that is one my bed stand and saw that it read six 'o' clock, "Damn bird. Stop waking me at these ungodly hours," I yelled at the bird and lay back down on my bed, but I couldn't fall asleep, because the area where Pee-Wee had peaked me; was still throbbing.

Might as well get ready for Tornado Day, I grumbled to myself as I got out of bed and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

I entered the kitchen and saw that Twilight and Arcana was already awake and eating pancakes, and it smelled really delicious.

"Good morning Star, how did you sleep?" Arcana asked with a knowing smile.

"It was fine, until Pee-Wee pecked me again," I answered her. I turned towards Twilight and asked, "So, what's for breakfast?"

"We are having cinnamon sprinkled pancakes with maple syrup and after that mixture of cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top of buttered toasts, also accompanied with chocolate milk," she answered listing all the delicious sounding food, making my mouth water.

"Awesome, are there more?"

"Nope," Spike answered as he walked in the kitchen with plate of delicious food, and taking a bite out of a pancake.

"Then what can I have for breakfast?" I asked feeling famish.

"Well we have apples, pears, and celery, take you pick, "Arcana listed them.

"You know, I feel like that you are taunting and teasing me, because today is Tornado day," I complained. I went over to the counter, where a bowl of fruit sat, "I'll take an apple, because I dislike celery, and I hate pears, "I said as I pick up an apple, "See you at the reservoir Twilight, Spike."

"See ya at the reservoir too Star, "Spike said finished off the pancakes, "I hope nothing bad happens today."

I cringed when I hear that part, oh god I hope that doesn't come back and bite me, as I made my way to the door I heard snickering and giggling coming from the kitchen, when I opened the door and stepped out and stretched myself like a cat. When I looked up I saw what made me gasp, for there in the sky like a castle, sat Cloudsdale, holy freak, I didn't see that coming.

An hour later

I stood in line of pegasi waiting for the preparations to finish see we can start the tornado required to start the rainy season.

Spike was coming up the line checking those who are here and carrying a box. After he checks me down, he gave me a pair and moves on to the next one in line, and then I heard a boom from above. We all looked up and saw that it was Spitfire doing a sonic boom, which caused a lot of cheering to be made.

I then saw Dash fly up into the air and announced, "Are you ready to do this?"

"Yeah!" I called out along with the others.

Dash landed and as she was about blow into her whistle Spike came up to her and showed something to her, "Look!"

Dash looked at it and then she got annoyed, "Lazy Thunderlane, where is he? He's been trying to get out of Tornado duty the whole time with his coughing and all."

"Rumble," Dash said to a colt that was standing a few ponies ahead, "Where's your lazy brother?"

"He was the feather flu, he is down at Ponyville hospital," he answered.

Whoa brother? He is like the opposite of Thunderlane, "What's the feather flu?" I asked to nopony in particular.

The pegasus in front of me turned around and said, "The feather flu only affects pegasus ponies, it causes their feathers to molt rapidly, and it spreads by contact with the diseased feather, thus called the feather flu, where have you been, living on another world," I felt my heart stop for a few seconds.

And then I heard spike said, "But he's not the only one," and showed Dash the list, and I saw her eyes widen.

Ten minutes later

After a calculation from Twilight she gasp, "Oh, no."

This caused Dash to panic and immediately rushed to her, "Don't tell me that we won't be able to break the wind-speed record."

"No, "Twilight said, getting Dash to calm down with a 'whew', I detect a downside coming.

"You might not have enough wing-power to create a tornado powerful enough to lift the water to Cloudsdale, "Twilight said explained, and there it is.

"Well," Spike said giving up hope, "Should we pack up?

"No, of course not, "Dash said lowering a pair of goggles over her eyes, "Forget the record Cloudsdale still needs water, "and then she took off with Spike and Twilight running to their stations.

"Ok everypony, "Dash said to everypony while in the air, "Let's give it all we've got."

Then everypony around me started putting on their goggles, as I lowered mine over my eye I heard Dash instructed, "On the sound of the horn," she said point to what looked like one of those Dutch wooden horns with a pegasus carved on it, "We take off."

After a few minutes to see that everything is in place, Twilight nodded and signaled to Spike, Spike nodded and blow into it creating a deep note to resonate in the air. I started to run along with the others as they too took off running, when I felt that I had enough speed I took to the early skies and started to fly in the circular motion required to make the tornado.

I felt the wind starting to move from my lower left and moving towards my higher right. I saw the air around us to darken as we all started flying faster and harder. I heard Twilight saying something, but I can't make out the words due to the wind blowing through my ears and then I felt drops of moisture hitting me. I looked down and saw that the water had started to rise into the air.

As I felt the wind velocity increase, I felt my wing flaps getting slower and harder by the minute. I took a look around and saw that some pegasi lost control and hitting into others, causing them to be fling out of the tornado. I felt a sudden updraft blast me from underneath, causing me to flung upwards into the eye of the tornado, but hitting others along the way though.

From the eye I saw the tornado dissipate and vanish with the water splashing back into the reservoir. I looked down and saw that I was about ten yards above the surface of the water and was falling towards it. I tried to flap my wings, but they were soaked and couldn't get them to generate enough lift.

As I neared the water only one thought crossed my mind, why Spike? Why? And hit the water.

I felt the most unbearable pain in my stomach and my family jewels as I made contact on the solid surface of the water with a belly flop, and sinking underneath the watery surface

As I was sinking I quickly got my bearings and made my way back to the surface, when I broke the surface I cried out, "Oh god the pain it hurts so much," for it felt that my lungs and skin are on fire, and stinging like that I inhaled something spicy and got slapped, if I didn't have a coat of fur, I am positively sure that my stomach will be angry red and kicking back at me more intensely, I thought as I made my way to the edge of the reservoir and lifted my left hoof over the edge.

I looked around and saw that I wasn't the only one to be taken down, I saw some pegasi shaking water out of their fur and feathers and others in trees and bushes, some just lying down on the ground, and then I saw that Dash had face plant into a tree, ok I know that Dash has a high immunity to crashes, but that has to hurt.

I saw Dash free herself from the tree and said something to Twilight and took off, but Twilight used her magic to grasp Dash's tail and said something to her and pointed to use, I realized that I have water in my ears and couldn't make out what they were saying. I shook my head to get rid of the unwanted water in my ear canals, when I did I heard Dash said, "Come on ponies, let's make this happen," and with that she started to fly to create the tornado, we all cheered and I heard a distinctive voice coming from somewhere saying 'yeah.'

I heard the fog horn's low note and pegasi started to take off. Not to be left behind, I got out the water and shook myself as best as I can get to get rid of the water lodged into my wings. After I made sure that most of the water was gone, I took off and started flying in formation.

The tornado reformed and I felt the wind being sucked out of the middle, I heard Twilight announcing, but once again I couldn't hear due to the wind. Dash came up to me from behind and said, "Stay in position," and she flew ahead barking out orders.

"Come on, "Dash said as she observed in the eye of the storm looking down at the water reservoir, "Just a little harder, I can see the water trying to funnel through," I looked down and saw that she right as droplets of water started to rose, come on, faster, I prepped myself, and then all of sudden I saw a yellow blur tumble past me, was that Fluttershy?

The yellow blur righted itself and I saw that it was indeed Fluttershy, when Dash saw her flying next to her, she immediately shows happiness and then Dash turn her attention back to flying. I felt the wind being pulled more intensely as huge volumes of water started coming up.

I heard an angry voice call out 'no' and then I saw a yellow blur past me, whoa! I think that was that Fluttershy, and then heard a boom. I looked down and saw that water was finally being funnel through our tornado and shooting into the sky. We kept this up for about a minute or two until we all heard the horn, signaling that it is finished.

I broke off from everypony else and made my way to the ground, there I saw Arcana waiting for me with other pegasi cheering that we all completed the task. As I landed, I felt the ground tilting and swaying beneath me, and Arcana rushed to me and said, "That was amazing Star, and the way that water…um Star, are you feeling alright?" she asked noticing my uneasiness.

"Ya I am, just give me a minute for everything to stop spinning."

After my dizziness cleared we walked towards Dash and Fluttershy, "Good job Fluttershy," I said to her, "You did awesome."

And then in the corner of my eye I saw Spitfire flying towards us, "Hiya Spitfire," I greeted her.

She stopped in midair and replied back to me, "Hay Star, I didn't know that you were going to be here too."

"Well I wanted to help and all."

"That's good to know, now if you'll excuse me I have somepony to talk to, "and with that she flew the rest to Rainbow Dash, "Nice job Rainbow Dash," she said surprising Dash, she turned around and Spitfire continues, "You may not have set a new record, but you showed a lot of guts."

Dash looked so happy that she had been praised by her idol, "Thanks, but I you want to talk guts, then you got to give it to my number one flyer, Fluttershy," she said pointing to the said pony, who gave a shy wave and then Dash yelled out causing her to wince, "Let's hear it for Fluttershy."

A group of pegasi came up to Fluttershy and left her up and tossed her into the air, "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can really fly."

I walked up to Dash and said with a smile, "Hay Dash, do you know what today is?"

"Today is tornado day, why?" she asked confused.

"No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?" Dash started to get annoyed.

"You owe me a dozen of cinnamon rolls, "I said with a cheerful smile, "After all this is all over."

She face hoof, "Really? You're kidding right?"

"Nope, you promised and I did say that I will make you keep your word, and besides I have been craving for a cinnamon roll all week."

"Fine, I will get them for you when we all get back to Ponyville," and with that she flew to where Spitfire is and made their way back to Ponyville with the crowd of pegasi still holding and cheering for Fluttershy, and Arcana and I walking behind them with Cloudsdale above already making the rainclouds for all of Equestria.


Hello everyone I should've gotten this chapter updated, but I have been busy lately, but don't worry I will try to post my next chapter in a few days.

Also please tell me what you think about this chapter

End A/N

Chapter 31: Frightened Lessons

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Star's POV

The sound of hissing and screeching reached into the dreams of my sleep, causing me to wake, but as soon as I became fully waken and lifted my head up; the noises stopped. I look around to see where the source of the sound is coming from. After looking around my room and saw nothing that can make those sounds I for six minutes and making sure that the door is fully closed, I lowered my head back down on my pillow and tried to go back to my dream world.

As I was about to slip into my dreams the hissing and screeching started up again, but this time closer and appeared to be at the left side of my head. I opened my eyes and turned my head and saw what made my heart stop and felt fear seep into my very soul. After a few moments to comprehend at what I am seeing, I let out fearful scream.

Arcana's POV

I was woken up forcefully when I heard a girl like scream coming from outside of my room, I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the hallway and there I saw Twilight standing outside of Star's room.

"What's wrong? What happened," I asked worried, with thoughts of disasters going through my mind

Twilight looked at me and said, "I don't know, I was downstairs studying when all of a sudden I heard screaming coming from Star's room."

Wait, that girly scream came from Star? I started laughing at that thought, but then Star let out another shrill of fright and cry out, "Oh god, get away from me, away I say."

Twilight looked at me said, "This is no laughing matter, what if Star is in trouble?" apparently with thoughts of disasters going through her mind as well.

"Right sorry, let's go then," I said getting serious, I rushed to the door and slammed it opened and Twilight and rushed in, but when we saw the sight that was inside his room it made us pause.

For there, somehow hanging on the ceiling light fixture was Star, like a monkey, with a freaked out look. He saw us and cry out, "Look out it's still in this room."

We looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary, except for a messed up bed.

"What is it? I don't see anything," Twilight said examining the room, and then we heard hissing and screeching coming from Star's bed, I looked up and saw that Star's eyes widen."

"Oh god it is still in here, get it out, get it out."

I walked to bed and removed the bed sheets with my magic and there in the middle of the bed sat a black and white striped beetle. I looked back up at Star frustrated, "Seriously you're freaking out because of a beetle."

"You woke me up from an ice-cream dream, because all of a beetle," said a voice from the doorway. We all looked and saw a tired looking Spike rubbing his eyes, "I am going back to bed," and with that he walked back upstairs.

"That's no ordinary beetle, that's a freaking June Beetle, and they're creatures from hell," he stated fearfully, "With all of their hissing and screeching. I mean come on, what is up with that?"

I sighed and lift the beetle and as Star said it started hissing and screeching, causing Star to cower more on the light fixture, and walked over to the window, open it and flung the beetle out of the window, "There it's gone," I said to Star.

"How do you know there, were tons of them back on earth, if they're here in Equestria then that means they are everywhere," he argued, "So, beware."

"What's going here?" Twilight clearly confused, "Because this is getting ridiculous and you Star," she turned her attention to him that was still on the ceiling, "Your current behavior is foalish and get down from there, because it's causing a kink in my neck."

"Sorry about all of this Twilight, but I am deathly afraid of June Beetles and I will get down right now," he let go of the light fixture… and didn't come down from the ceiling, instead he fell up to the ceiling, "Um guys," Star said looking down at us, "What's going on here?"

All of sudden gravity kicked in and he fell onto his face, making Twilight and I wince at the sight before us.

Star's POV

An ice pack was being levitated towards me by Arcana as we all sat in the kitchen. I grabbed it in my hooves and put it on the throbbing pain on my forehead, immediately causing me to hiss pain and relief at the same time.

"So will care to explain to us about what happened this morning?" Twilight asked, sitting down with a bowl of fruit and started eating.

"Ya, because I was having a wonderful dream, until your screams woke me up," Arcana added.

I lowered the ice pack onto the table and started, "Alright it all started when I was a human, I woke up one morning due to some hissing and screeching," I explained, "I looked around and saw nothing, and then I felt movement on my chest, so I lifted my head up and saw that beetle, and then it flew into my face," I shuddered remembering what happened that day, I took a breath and continued, "I freaked out, I jumped out of bed and started swatting my face to get it off, and let me tell you," I added and looked at both of them as I got up and walked to the fridge and started scavenging for anything to make into a hearty breakfast and continued from inside, "The feeling of that beetle crawling on face will haunt me for the rest of my life."

I looked inside the fridge and saw leftovers, eggs, hay, flowers, jar of milk and some apples. Feeling lazy I brought the apples out, carried them over to the table and sat down, as I was about to eat Twilight said, "Surely you were overacting at the time Star."

Taking a bite out of the apple and swallowing it is said her, "I thought that too, but when I was getting something to eat I stepped on another June beetle, barefooted," I shuddered at the memory, "Well you imagine what happens next," I said to them and then I took another bite out of the apple.

"And another thing Star," Arcana spoke up, "What was up with you standing on the ceiling?"

"That I do not know," I said as I swallowed another bite of apple, and then I started to feel thirsty. Remembering where the milk was in the fridge, I concentrated and though about the milk and it being here. There was a small flash and there, sitting on the table with its contents shaken up, was the jar of milk.

"You are getting better at that Star," Arcana said after she rubbed her eyes and saw the jar of milk on the table.

"Yup," I said as I lifted the jar of milk to drink it straight from the jar, but the jar was yanked out of my grasp, and saw Twilight with a 'not cool' on her face with her horn glowing and the jar of milk levitating besides her.

"Use a cup," Twilight instructed as she set down the jar of milk, "Because other ponies drinks the milk too you know."

"Fine," I concentrated on a cup that was in the cabinets behind me, and then with a bright flash, a cup appeared, but above my head instead on the table. It fell and hit me on the spot where I landed on from my panic attack. In a matter of seconds, I was on the floor holding my head and saying incoherent things about dogs, dams and dung.

After the pain had dulled to an aching pain, I sat back down at the table and put the almost melted ice pack back on my head.

"Hay Star," Arcana said to me, "A thought came to me."

"What is it then?"

"What if that phenomenon this morning is another part of your abilities?"

I was immediately intrigued by this, "You think so, "I said putting down the completed melted ice pack.

"Well think about it," Twilight then started to explain, "Your abilities have something to do with space, because after all, remember what that one bushwooly called you?"

"Ya it called me a Space Bender, wait do you think I just bended the space-field right there and then?"

Arcana and Twilight nodded, "Do you think you can repeat what you did this morning?" Arcana asked.

I thought it over and said, "I can try, but I can't guarantee that I will be able to repeat the incident."

All of a sudden Twilight looked happy and started clapping her hooves together and said, "Oh I can't wait to study and document this," and then she ran out of the kitchen.

I looked at Arcana and said, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" she just merely shrugged as I took another bite out of the apple.

An hour later

"Ok I can get why you and Twilight has to be here Arcana," I said towards her, "But remind me why the others are here?" I mentioned to the others. We were all in the main room of the library preparing for my testing.

"Well I am here, in case you get hurt," Fluttershy explained as she set a first-aid box in front of her.

"I am here, to see a new achievement for all pegasi-kind," Dash proudly announced as she flipped in the air, "This is so totally awesome."

"Well partner, mah reason fer being here, is that I am curious to see what ya can do?"

"I agree with Applejack here, darling, for this is a once in a lifetime to see a pegasus to discover a new ability," Rarity gave her reason.

"I'm here so I can throw you a congratulation party for unlocking a new ability," Pinkie happily said bouncing all over the place.

"You all are just here to see me fail, aren't you?" I said in a deadpanned tone, Rainbow and Pinkie nodded, while the others shook their heads.

"Ah Twilight, what does that machine do?" I asked as I saw Twilight pushing a machine that looked like one of those first computers ever outside from her laboratory that is the basement, with Spike following behind them.

She looked at me from behind the machine with a 'really' look, "This machine Star examines the surrounding area and analyze it, then it calculates the magical output of nearest active magical object and measures the objects magical power potential, anymore questions?"

"Ya I do, hay Spike what does the machine do?" I asked towards the baby dragon.

Spike looked at me, "It measures the strength of one's magic," he said, simplifying what Twilight said, causing giggles to be made from everypony.

"Alright let's just get this experiment, ah I mean test started," Twilight said turning on the computer like machine, which then started to whirl and hum, "Ok Star, go."

I closed my eyes and concentrated feeling the surrounding area fade away, what did I do this morning for me to bend space? I tried to remember the process that made me to bend the space-field. I stood there what seems like hours, then I started to feel the others and things around me as my abilities became active, and then I felt something, it felt like waves and pulses flowing around me and the others, I think I just found the space-field, but how do I bend it.

As I was contemplating on how to bend it, I heard a faint hissing, screeching and the sound of buzzing wings from above me, causing me to froze out of fear for I know that sound anywhere, oh god I know that sound anywhere, it's back.

The hissing, screeching and the sound of buzzing wings drew closer and closer, making me become tenser and tenser, until I felt something land between my wings and started walking up to my neck, sending shivers down my spine, oh god, oh god, oh god, I panicked in my head, it's on me.

I tried to stay calm, but I heard Pinkie said, "Um Star, you have a June beetle on your back," that was the final straw, for I gave out a girly scream and started running around.

I started shaking and screaming, "Get it off me, get it off me."

"Star…, "I heard somepony called me, and laughter, but I couldn't hear who said it.

"Kill it, kill it," I yelled as I ran around in circles.

"STAR!" I heard Arcana call out stopping me and my panic attack in the track.

"What? What happened?" I asked looking around and I saw that I was on the ceiling and was looking down at the others.

"You were freaking out cause of a June beetle, again," Arcana said levitating the hissing and screeching beetle next her, "Oh and Star," Arcana added.

"Yes Arcana."

"You are on the ceiling," Arcana explained.

I looked around and saw that she was right, "Yes I did it," I praised myself for my accomplishment, and then Dash and Pinkie fell over and started rolling in laughter.

"Ya, with you being frightened from a little beetle," Dash said in between her laughter.

"And I thought I can move that fast," Pinkie added.

"Hay for you information, I am deathly afraid of June beetles," I informed them, but then I realized that I shouldn't have said that, for they just laughed more.

"You're afraid of June beetles, oh Celestia this is too much, it feels like my sides are going to split," Dash said holding her sides.

"Well at least I am not afraid of a simple hooficure," I countered, this immediately silence her and she sat up looking shameful.

"But Star this is to funny," Pinkie said to me, "I mean come on, you're afraid of insects."

"At least I am not afraid of bats and ghosts, "I said to her, when I said those words, she froze and her eyes darted around looking in fear.

"Well gosh partner, I am impressed that ya are doing this," Applejack said to me.

"Ok Star I have a few question for you," Twilight said writing in a notebook, "Are you feeling woozy?"


"What about fatigue or tiredness?" Twilight asked.

"Well now that you mention it, I do feel a bit tired at the moment, "I said to her, swaying back and to from fatigue.

"Um Star," Fluttershy said speaking up to me.

I turned my attention to her and asked, "Yes Fluttershy."

"How are you going to get down?"

Then that realization hit me, for I don't know how, "You know Fluttershy I don't know, let me see here," I closed my eyes and once again I felt the waves and pulses surrounding the area, but this time the pulses and waves were flowing around me, apparently holding me to the ceiling.

Hum, I wonder what will happen if I…I lifted my hoof and made contact with a pulse and it reacted to my touch… and I fell from the ceiling. I heard gasps of surprise and shook as I opened my eyes and quickly unfurled my wings to avoid any unnecessary head injury and glided back to the ground.

When I landed Twilight asked me, "What was that Star? What did you do? Are you ok?"

I put my hoof up, silencing her, and I said, "I am ok Twilight, and for the answer to the first two, I think I know how to been space now."

"Really," Arcana said skeptical.

"Ya, in fact let me show you," I said to them. I concentrated and felt the pulses and waves of space moving around me. I concentrated on a book that was on the bookcase ahead of me and felt the pulses reaching out to the book till I felt that they had grasped, now come here, I ordered, and saw the book shaking in the bookcase, come on, the book was rattling harder and still it didn't come, come here right now damn it, I thought in frustration pouring emotion in the order and jerking my head back.

The book shot out of the bookcase and nailed me in the forehead, causing me to be tipped back from the force, with the book still on my face. This cause laughter to be erupted, except for Fluttershy, who rushed to my side and moved the book from my face, she leaned over and asked, "Oh are you ok?"

"I 'm fine, just get me an ice pack and I will be good as new, oh and what book did I get anyway?"

Fluttershy flipped the book in her hooved and read the title, "How to deal with head injuries?"

Oh god seriously I've just been trolled by the universe, "ok that's ironic, now if you'll excuse me, I think I will take a nap now," I said to her and fell asleep from what I have been through all day.


Well you know the deal please leave you reviews and thanks for reading this story.

Oh and if you any of you still have questions about this story, then you can ask me anytime, and I will answer them by these author notes or by PM your choice.

End A/N

Chapter 32: The Eclipse

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Well you know the deal please leave you reviews and thanks for reading this story.

Oh and if any of you still have questions about this story or anything else, then you can ask me anytime, and I will answer them by these author notes or by PM your choice.

End A/N

Star POV

"So do you care to tell us what this is all about Twilight?" I heard Arcana, while I was ordering some food, asked towards Twilight as she and the others all sat at a table in Sugarcube Corner, because Twilight has something important to say to all of us.

"Right you see this morning I received a letter from Princess Celestia," Twilight informed, "And this letter is very important."

"Aren't all letters for the princesses important," I said as I sat down between Arcana and Twilight with food and drinks for everypony else, with a cinnamon roll for me of course, "Even though you do tend to overact over a simple response," I said with a grin as I lifted the cinnamon roll to eat it.

Twilight's response that was to yank the cinnamon roll out of my grasps and stuff it into my mouth, causing me to painfully swallow the roll, "Gasp, ok I'll shut up now," causing everypony to laugh.

"As I was saying, this letter is important, because Princess Celestia said a special occasion is going to happen."

"What's this special occasion?" Dash asked.

"Oh is it a party," Pinkie asked happily, "Because I love parties, oh I want to help to plan the party."

"Well sort of Pinkie," Twilight, but then she immediately regretted those words, for Pinkie started bouncing in her seat excited, "Oh pony-feathers, " I heard her whispered as she facehoof herself at her slipup, and with that Pinkie zipped away upstairs in a blur to plan for whatever this occasion is.

"Ok aside from the craziness what's the occasion?" I asked.

"Well you see, the special occasion is a solar eclipse," Twilight explained, causing gasps to be made, except for Arcana and I.

"So what's the big deal?"

Twilight looked at me, completely shocked, "Star, this is a rare occasion, for the last one was years before the Nightmare Moon banishment."

"Wow that long huh," Arcana said amazed, "We also get them back on Earth too and they are not that far apart in years."

"Really, now that's interesting," Rarity said, lightly sipping her drink.

"Is there anything else, beside the rarity of an eclipse, special about this occasion?"

"Yes," Twilight going into one of her lecture tones, "This is time when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's celestial embodiments are in the sky at the same time, for usually when the sun and moon's magic causes magical disturbance, but at this time their magic is weaker and thus can be in the sky at the time."

"That's interesting, so when is all the eclipse?" I asked,

"Tomorrow around noon," she answered and then a shiver ran down my spine and all of a sudden Pinkie appeared between me and Arcana.

"Tomorrow, that soon! Then I better I better get my A-game on," Pinkie said shocked and then she disappeared as soon she appeared.

We looked confused at what just happened.

The next day

I woke up to the sounds of clinging and clanking from upstairs, must be Twilight, who else will be up at, I looked at the clock, nine in the morning, actually that's perfectly ok.

I got up from bed and put on my goggles, I also saw that the sunlight was streaming into my room, indicating that it was a nice and sunny day. When I opened my door I saw that I wasn't only one that Twilight woke, for Arcana walked out of her room with a serious bed mane.

"Hay Arcana how was your sleep?"

"It was fine, until it was ruined by noises."

"It wasn't the only thing it ruined."

"What do you mean?"

I pointed to her mane, she looked up and saw the rat nest that was her mane, "oh," she replied and went back into room. Few minutes later she came back out with her mane in order.

"Now let's see what Twilight is up to," Arcana said walking towards the stairs that leads upstairs with me following behind her. When we reached top of the stairs we saw Twilight rushing around with telescopes and other astronomical instruments whirling and clanking pointing through windows and pointing into the sky, with Twilight zooming and zipping around checking the machines.

"Hi Twilight," I said to her she looked at us and greeted, "Hi you two sorry that I woke you up this early."

"Um Twilight I don't know what time you think it is," Arcana said to her, "But it is close to nine ten."

"Wow time sure can fly when you are excited for something, right huh?" Twilight said giving us a smile.

After a few minutes of talking with Twilight and founding out that the mayor gave an announcement that the solar eclipse was happening at noon. Arcana and I left the library and made our separate ways. I walked into the park and sat down on a bench in front of a gorgeous scene of flowers arrangements of lilies, daisies, and roses giving off a pleasant aroma, causing me to relax and think of what to do while waiting for the solar eclipse to start. As I was pondering this I heard somepony call out next to me.

"And I thought I was the only one that sat like that."

"Huh, what?" I asked as I was shaken out of my thinking, I looked over to my left and saw the famous human crazed unicorn herself, Lyra Heartstrings, sitting next to me, with what looks like a bad of groceries next to her.

"That sitting position you are in," she said motioning my sitting arrangements, "I thought I was the only one to be able to sit like that."

I looked at how I sat and saw that I was sitting like a human would, oh boy there's goes my cover, "Usually when other ponies sit like that, they say it hurts their backs. Doesn't yours hurt?" Lyra asked me.

Play it cool man, "Nope, not at all, in fact I found that it feels normal to me."

"It does to me too," Lyra agreeing with me and then she started to look embarrassed about something, "Um can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?" I bet if I know anything about humans.

"I know that this sounds crazy, but um, do you know anything about humans?" nailed it.

"Aside that they look like shaved chimps, and wears clothing because they don't have any fur, and they have to use their brain power, because they lack magical or flight capabilities and they use machines to help them, then no sorry," I said to waiting for the look of disappointment.

Instead of disappointment look that I was bracing for, I got a thankful look and turned to look at the flower arrangements, "glad to know that I am not the only one what humans are and what they are capable of."

Then after a moment of silence she spoke up, "These flowers are beautiful, the flower trio sure knows how to arrange the flora perfectly," she got up from the bench and walked to the flowers and started picking them, "Bon-Bon will enjoy these, lilies and daisies are her favorite."

"What are you and Bon-Bon going to do during the eclipse?" I asked her as she finished picking the flowers and put them in the bag.

"Well she and I are going to enjoy a nice meal in the candlelight."

"Oh I get it, because it will be dark by then," I said in understanding, she happily nodded and said, "Well I need to go, I have some things to get for my meal," and with that she started walking away with the bag of groceries floating next to her, but after a few feet she stopped and looked back at me, "I am terrible sorry, but I get your name, mine's Lyra, what's yours"

"Star, and don't worry about it, it was pretty interesting to meet you," I said with a smile, she smiled back and continues to walking until she was out of my sight.

Half an hour later I saw Fluttershy and Shadow Breeze entering the park walking along with each other, and I also saw that Shadow had a wing over Fluttershy, whom was carrying a basket in her mouth, way to go buddy and it all took was for me to get slammed through a wall by Pinkie, I thought happy for him.

I got off the bench and walked up to them, "Hi you two how are you both doing today? Any plans?"

"Hello Star," Fluttershy greeted after she put down the basket, "We are doing fine, Shadow asked me if I wanted to go on a picnic with and I said yes, so now we are going to have a picnic during the eclipse."

"Hay congrats Shadow for finally asking Fluttershy out," I praised him, causing him and Fluttershy to blush. I chuckled at the sight, "Well see you later you two," and walked away, those two are just made for each other, and then I felt a shiver as a sudden breeze whipped up, ok that was weird.

As I made my way back into town, was still thinking what I should do before the eclipse, let's see Lyra is having a meal with her friend, Fluttershy and Shadow are going to have a picnic, I know maybe I can set a picnic up for Arcana and me, but I don't know though if she'll say yes. I looked towards the sky and thought, oh Celestia, Trollestia, god, or the universe whatever, give me a sign that I should so through with this. And then my answer fell from the sky and hit me, in form of three little fillies.

I felt immense pain as something big and hard landed on me, "I told you not go off that ramp Scootaloo," I heard somepony scowl Scootaloo, "Now we landed on Star," great the universe answered me with the CMC, "Will you please get off of me please," I groaned underneath.

After the CMC removed themselves and their transportation off of me I asked, "What are you three in such a hurry?"

"Well you see Star," Applebloom said nervously under my gaze, "The reason we are in a hurry is because we planned for a picnic during the eclipse…"

"And we need to get supplies for it," Sweetie Belle finished, "What are you going to during the eclipse?"

"Well I was thinking about taking Arcana for a picnic too, but I am not too sure about that."

"You should do it," Sweetie Belle said happily, "I think it is romantic if you take Arcana for a picnic."

"Ya you should, in fact I know where a great spot is," Applebloom said excited, "it's just outside of Ponyville underneath a tree. Do you know where it is?" I nodded, "Good."

And then Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at Scootaloo, who didn't say anything while they were talking, Scootaloo looked at them, "What? I am not the interested in that lovey-dovey stuff," and then she did a gagging motion, she then jumped back onto her scooter and motion for the others "Now come on crusaders, we have a picnic to set up," and with that the rest of the crusaders jumped into the wagon that was attached and put on their helmets and zipped off, with the sound of Scootaloo's wings buzzing.

Well two out of three, not bad. I guess it's an official, I thought and made my way to Sugarcube Corner to get some food and drinks for the picnic. I walked into the store and saw Pinkie there looking tired with empty rolls of duct tape on the counter. I walked up to the counter, "Hi Pinkie can I get some food for a picnic?"

"Sure thing Star," she walked into the kitchen and then walked back out with a picnic basket on her head, "here you, that will be ten bits please."

As I paid for it I asked Pinkie, "Hay Pinkie, what is up with all of the empty duct tape rolls?"

"Oh I have used them fix something that somepony broke," she said looking at me.


"Oh nothing," she said returning to her usually self.

"Thanks Pinkie," I said thanking her, now I just need to find Arcana. As if the universe heard me again Arcana walked into the store.

"Oh for cupcakes sakes," Pinkie cried out, she reached underneath the counter and pulled out a fresh roll of duct tape, with a ripping sound of the tape being unrolled and Pinkie mumbling something about fixing a certain wall again, she stomping off to who knows where.

Arana and I stood there wondering what was all that about, after we shook off the daze, Arcana turns towards me and said, "Hello Star, how are you so far?"

"I am doing fine, just had a run in with them, what about you?"

"Oh I'm doing fine, just came here to get something to eat, what's the basket for?"

"Well I was going to ask you if you'll like to join me for a nice picnic," I asked sheepishly.

"Of course I will, where are we going?"

"Well it's outside of Ponyville, but Applebloom says it has a perfect view of the eclipse," feeling my confidence rising.

"Well then let's go, because it is about to start in ten minutes."

"Alright then hold onto me," I said lowering my goggles over my eyes, I then lifted a hoof for Arcana, she reached out and grasped it and I concentrated at the location Applebloom describe, and we disappeared in a flash.

We both appeared on the hill in a flash, we were imbalanced for a moment from the sudden change of terrain, but we soon righted ourselves and I saw that Applebloom was right, for it was indeed the perfect view. We both sat down next to each other and got comfortable under the tree; ready for sight we are about to witness that was last seen hundreds of years. Then the time came we saw the sun in the sky with a shadow of another celestial embodiment slowly moving across its surface.

As the moon had made halfway across the face of the sun we saw the light turning silvery and gold, "It's beautiful," Arcana observed the sight.

"Not as beautiful as you," I said unconsciously, after a few seconds later I then realized what I said. I looked at Arcana and saw that she was blushing, and looking down.

"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean it, actually I did mean it, but- oh I'm sorry," I apologized, making myself a fool in embarrassment, "Stupid, stupid, stupid," I said to myself while repeatedly hitting my face in my stupidity. As I was about to whack myself again, my hoof suddenly stopped about an inch away from my face.

I looked back at Arcana and smiling at me, I also saw that her horn is glowing, indicating that she was the cause for stopping me, "That's ok Star, thanks for that," her horn stopped glowing and my hoof was released.

We looked back at the eclipse and saw that moon had almost reached the zenith, as we watched the making its way I slowly extend my wing and wrapped it around her, she didn't flinch away, but instead she drawn it closer, she looked up at me and smiled, causing me to smile back at her.

We both slowly came closer and closer as the moon and sun are about to become one, as we were about to make contact they sun and moon had finally became one.

"Aaaahhhh," Arcana cried out as she drew back and holding her head in what looked like pain.

"Arcana what's wro-aaahh," and then I cried out too in pain, for I felt great pain spike in my body as felt magic lanced through me. I cower in pain with my eyes forced shut from the pain.

What's happening? I tried to get up but the pain was too much. I opened my eyes and saw the slivery pulses of space intermingling with strands of gold, those must be time streams, but what's causing our powers to react like this?

I looked up and saw the eclipse and then I remembered what Twilight said about the eclipse, it's the eclipse! Our powers are reacting to it.

I looked over to Arcana and saw that time streams were coming off of her and mixing with the pulses, and then the streams and pulses merged into one. I felt my energy being drained, oh no, I know what's happening, we are being warped, but my abilities are being mixed with Arcana's.

And then I felt another spike lance through me, in the corner of my vision I saw Arcana cower and I heard her cry out in pain and then passing out, with me soon following her. My vision was then filled with a silver and gold flash as I passed out.


Well tell me what you think, I love to know, and thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 33: There are Ponies in my House!

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Wow just wow, everyone loved the last chapter, then read this one.

End A/N

Star's POV

I came to when I felt myself being thrown onto something hard and cold, and also with something landing on my back.

Ugh, what happened? I looked around to see where I am, but I saw that the room I am in darkened so I couldn't see anything, I tried to get up, but found myself underneath Arcana, who were still passed out. I lightly tipped her off of my back and onto the hard floor, as I got up carefully and closed my eye trying to remember what happened, let's see the last thing I remember was the… the eclipse!

My eyes shot opened when I realized what happened to me and Arcana, the question are, where are we?

I turned towards the barely visible Arcana and started nudging her, "Hay Arcana, wake up, come on, wake up," she eventually stirred and gradually woke up.

"Ow my head," she said sitting up and rubbing her head, and then she asked to me, "What happened?"

"The eclipse interacted with our abilities," I answered her, while stretching out my wings and popping my neck, working out the soreness in them, "It forced our abilities to become active and mingle together, and warped."

"Where are we? Because I don't recognize where we are," Arcana questioned looking around.

"I don't know, for all we know, we might not be in Equestria anymore," I stated.

And then the darkened room sudden lit up, blinding us when my eye cleared I saw that Arcana and I were in a basement with shelves filled with tools and other stuff and items, and then we heard a voice call out, "Holy freak, ponies."

When turned my gaze towards the source of the voice and I was surprised at what I saw, for there standing at the top of set stair and hold a metal bat was a teenage boy, and he too had the look of surprise on his face.

"Um hi?" I saw Arcana in the corner of my vision said and waved at him.

"Hi," he said back while waving back too, and then he did what I kind of expected to do when I find two colorful ponies in your house; he dropped the bat and fainted.

Arcana quickly caught him before he fell down the stairs and gently levitated him down to the floor, I looked at her and she looked back, "Star I think I know where we are."

"We're back on Earth," I confirmed.

Ten minutes earlier

The human POV

I just ordered pepperoni and sausage pizza and was sitting on the couch ready to watch the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode. As I was watching an episode I heard and felt a low boom that generated from downstairs, what was that, robbers?

I stopped the show and got up from the couch and with caution entered the kitchen that connected to the living room, along the way I grabbed my metal baseball bat from a side closet, ok robbers, I don't know why you are here, but I am not going to let you steal from me.

I stood in front of the door that leads to the basement, and I can hear voices coming from downstairs. I flicked the switch that was besides the door and opened it, and there that made me paused.

There in the middle of the basement sat two ponies, one a stallion pegasus and the other a unicorn mare. I also saw that the pegasus had a pair of goggles on his head, and the mare was wearing what looked like a necklace made out of gems. I saw that I had blinded them, when their visions cleared and where examining their surroundings I said the one thing that came to my mind, "Holy freak ponies."

They both looked up at me and looked shocked and then the mare said while waving, "Um hi?"

I waved back, "Hi," there are ponies in my basement, and then I dropped the bat and blacked.

"PONIES!" I yelled jolting awake, I looked around and saw that I was sitting on the couch with the ending song happening, indicating that the episode was over.

"Did that really happened or was that all just a pony induced dream?" I asked to myself, while scratching my head.

"Nope that was real," said a voice to my left, causing me to turn my head and there I saw sitting at the island in the kitchen eating my pizza, "Oh god I can't believe we didn't think about these in Equestria," the unicorn said taking a bite out of the pizza and slowly savoring it.

"I know, me nether," the pegasus said to her, taking a bite out of a slice of pizza too.

"Aaaahhhh," I cried out, falling off the couch in surprise, "You're real?" I said trying to calm my rapid beating heart.

"Of course we're real," the unicorn said annoyed at my question, "and this pizza is delicious."

I got up from the floor and made my way to them, when I got up to the island I saw that they had left a third of the pizza for me, "What?" the pegasus said, "Thought that we didn't leave you any, we're not like animals of something."

"Actually Star, that is kind of technically true, for we are ponies," the unicorn said to the pegasus, giving me his name.

"So you two are from Equestria?" I asked them.

"Yup" the unicorn answered, taking another bite out of the pizza.

Wait a minute ponies ate my pizza, a pepperoni and sausage pizza!, "You ate the pizza," I said scared to them.

"Ya sorry about that, but we were in a middle of a picnic, when we came here, so we are a bit hungry," Star said, misunderstanding what I meant.

"No I mean you both ate a pepperoni and sausage pizza," I corrected him.

The unicorn looked at her slice of pizza and had a sick look on her face, "You mean to tell us that we ate meat, oh Celestia I think I am going to sick," she announced dropping the pizza and holding her stomach, and then I started freaking out.

"Oh god, oh god, two ponies from Equestria ate a meat pizza, I am such a terrible person," I panicked, and then I heard what I least expected to hear from this situation; laughter.

I looked at them shocked, why are they laughing when they just consumed meat?

"Oh gosh Arcana you are right, I guess I owe you three bits now," Star said laughing at some joke.

"What the hell is going on here?" I addressed to them, slightly mad that I been played.

"Sorry, sorry," Arcana said, regaining control of her laughter, "Star and I made a bet here, but never mind that, oh right we never introduced ourselves, I'm Arcana and my friend here is Star Streak," she said pointing to Star.

"What's up?" he said giving me a nod.

"What's your name?" Arcana asked politely.

"My name is Jace," I answered, "Now will you please tell me why you are not freaking out about this whole deal, I mean you are from a cartoon show."

"Will to tell you the truth," Star said getting serious, "We were in fact once humans."

I stood there disbelieved at what I just heard, "I don't believe that, you could just be pulling my leg this whole time."

"No serious, we were once humans."

"Prove it."

"Alright then," Star said getting a cocky, "Judging from the My Little Pony show you were watching before you blacked out, I say that you are a brony, a fan that loves the show."

I shocked that he knows what a brony, "How do you know I'm a brony?"

"Because I am brony too, and Arcana here, is also a pegasister," Star explained, "In fact my human name was Eric Moore, and Arcana's was Brittney Houston."

"Ok, now I believe that you were once humans, but how did this happen? This usually happens in fan made fictions."

I saw Star shudder at when I said that, but Arcana stepped in before I can ask what was all that about, "We really don't know, one day Star and I were sitting at his desk making our pony personas, when we got this strange message, we opened it and instead of the usual junk mail, it had this weird spell diagram in it, there was a flash and then we found ourselves in front a cloaked being, and then we were dropped into Equestria as our pony personas."

"And when she meant dropped, she meant dropped," Star said, "We were dropped hundreds of feet in the air and received fatal injuries, but were saved by Twilight."

And then they explained what happened to them, from getting their cutie marks to how Nightmare Moon had taken control of Trixie, to Arcana's time traveling, and then to the eclipse.

"All of that happened in about a year," they nodded, "and you are also telling me that you have powers that can move and bend time and space?"

"We like to call them abilities, not powers, because it has a lot more syllables and it sounds cooler," Star corrected.

"Right abilities, I believe that you were once humans, but even that is kind of taking it far."

Star and Arcana looked at each other and nodded; now what they're going to do?

All of a sudden Arcana disappeared and then reappeared drinking my bottle Mountain Dew that was in the fridge and she is already half done with it, and was unopened earlier.

"Hey give that… you know what keep it," I said when I saw her chugging the rest down.

"Sorry about," Arcana said sheepishly as she put down the empty bottle, "I haven't had a soda that wasn't Equestrian, for a long time, that and for some reason the meat doesn't taste right."

And then there was a bright flash, blinding me. When my vision returned, I saw Star with my iPod listening to it.

"Where did you get my iPod and how did you even get it?" I said as I made a move to get my stuff back, but Star disappeared in a flash and reappeared on the couch.

"I told you, I can bend space, so I can bring stuff to me, or teleport long distances, but let me tell you, you have horrible music taste. I mean Friday, come on that is the worst song ever."

"Hey I happened to like that song," I argued, and then I hold out my hand, "now give it back."

"Whatever you still have horrible taste in music," Star said as he took off my iPod and hold it out, and then a small white vortex appeared below his hoof and he dropped iPod into it, and then a similar one appeared over my hand and out came my iPod, I'll never got used to that.

I looked outside and saw that it was getting dark, I looked at the clock and saw that it said it was ten, "Well it is getting late," I said to them as I made my way to my room.

"Wait," Arcana said stopping me, I looked back at her, "Where are we going to sleep?"

"And what about the rest of your family? Won't they too freak out when they see us," Star added.

"Well I am an only child and my dad is on a business trip for some company," I answered, "I am pretty much alone here."

"What about your mom?" Arcana asked confused.

I felt a dark cloud of sadness fall over me as she mentioned my mom, "She died years ago."

"Oh sorry," Arcana said, looking sad with her ears drooping.

"Forget about it, you didn't know," I said trying to prep her up, "Well anyway, you can sleep in the guest room, but unfortunately Star you have to sleep on the couch, as I don't have any more beds."

"That's ok, thanks for putting up with us."

"Hey no problem, it not everyday where you get meet peo- um ponies from Equestria."

"You're welcome, now let's all of us go to bed," Arcana suggested.

We all agreed to that, I led Arcana to the guest bedroom and made sure that she is ok. After that I made my way to my room and got ready for bed, but before I went to bed I went to the computer that was set upped in my room and opened the search engine, let's see here Eric Moore and Brittney Houston, I thought as I typed in Star and Arcana's human names.

The results came in and started reading:

Months ago, seventeen year old Eric Moore and Brittney Houston and their families had disappeared from their homes and was never seen or heard from again, investigators determined that they had just vanished with no signs of a struggle at their homes, "It was as if they had dropped everything and left," an investigator reported. If you have seen or heard anything about these disappearances, please contact the authorities.

Wait months, but they said that they have been in Equestria for about a year, and their whole families just vanished?

I decided to tell them tomorrow as I minimized the screen and made my way to bed. As soon as I got comfortable and relaxed I fell asleep.

"WHAT THE BUCK!" I heard Star yelled from the living room.

I quickly got out of bed and rushed to living room with Arcana, "What happened, what going on?"

There sitting on the couch was the upset pegasus watching the zap-apple harvesting episode, "You got to be freaking kidding me, I was in the middle of the whole harvest, and you can't see even a glimpse of me."

"Seriously Star, you woke me and Jace up, because you weren't shown in the episode," Arcana said annoyed, "and why are you even up this early?"

"Well I got thinking about the episodes we missed, so I started watching them, which by the way Jace, thank you for being a brony and record these episodes, well anyway I was watching this episode and saw that I am not even in it, great now I have to see if I at least make an appearance."

I looked at Arcana who looked up at me and whispered, "Don't mind him, sometimes he acts like a child sometimes, but all you need to do show him a June beetle and he will freak out," she added that last part with a smile.

"Good to know, wait how is he even working the remote? He doesn't have any hands anymore."

Star heard me and replied, "Even though I don't have any hands anymore, I still have something that works just as the same."

"What is that?"

"Well duh," he said lifting up his wings and wiggling the feathers like fingers.

How does that even work? I then felt my stomach rumble with hunger, oh well, since I am up, might as well get something to eat.

As I made my way into the kitchen I saw that the door that leads into the basement was open and the lights were on, oh no, I immediately detoured and went downstairs, and their I saw Arcana examining the items on the shelves.

"What are you doing down here?"

"Well you see, of all of the places to appeared, we happened to appeared here, so I was investigating, and well I got side tracked when I saw these wonderful stuff, did you make these?"

As I was about to answer her, I heard, "Ugh, seriously," coming from upstairs.

"He must be watching the heart and hooves episode," I said with a smile.

"How can you tell?" Arcana asked.

"Cause that was my reaction too," I answered, "Well anyway, to answer your question, I made all of these," I said waving me hand to the shelves and started to explain, "When I get an idea, it usually bugs me, until I make it, fortunately there's a junk yard about a half a mile from here, so I get the supplies I need and make, and some of these stuff even has some functionality to them."

"Wow that is impressive, besides being able to move through time, I have talent with gems. I can grow them, morph them, enchant them, I even made this necklace," she said pointing to her necklace.

"Can you take it off, because I haven't seen you with it off?"

She looked downtrodden and said, "No I can't. You see when I was in a face off against Trixie, I made this, but unfortunately the spell wasn't completed, because I forgot to add the disarmed portion of the spell to it, so now it is stuck on me," and prove it she tugged at it and it never pulled away from her coat.

"That's sucks, to be stuck with it."

"It's not that bad I got used to it by now, and as I said I can morph gems, including this necklace, here let me show," I saw her close her eyes and her horn lit up with a white glow, and then the gems on her necklace started to creep and morph around her, until gradually formed into a pair wings.

"Wow those looks pretty cool and you can really fly with them?"

"Ya, I enchanted them so I can fly like a pegasus," she explained.

All of a sudden we heard Star calling from upstairs, "Hay guys, a new episode is coming on, come on I have it on pause, but I am not going to hold it forever."

Arcana and I looked at each other and started chuckling, "Well I never missed an episode and never will, care to join?"

"Sure after all, I am a pegasister," she replied and started making her way upstairs, but then I heard my stomach and hers growling in hunger, she looked back at me and gave me a sheepish smile, "But first let's get some food."

"I'll order pizza," I said as follow her upstairs.


Well tell me what you think, but first let me tell you now, the reason Star and Arcana ate meat, was because they used to be humans, but be assured that will never happened again, thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 34: Sad News, Relieved and then Returned

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Well tell me what you think, thank you, and now with nothing to say except enjoy the chapter.

End A/N

Star's POV

We all just finished watching the new show and it was pretty funny, with a groan Jace got up from the couch and said while stretching, "Well I am going to get some food."

"Why?" Arcana asked.

"Well I only had enough food for me, but since you are here, we are going to go through the food in a short time, plus eating pizza is not good and I only have so much money on me right now."

"Ok then I'll come with you," I volunteered as I got up from the couch.

"Sorry Star, but you are not leaving this house," Jace disagreeing with my decision.

"Well why not?"

"Well first of all, you're a pony, more specific a pegasus from a cartoon show; Second, you might cause problems for me that I can't explain," he explained listing the reason why.

"Oh ya," I realized that he is right, "But what is there to do, because it gets pretty boring around here?"

"Star," Arcana said shocked then pound me in the shoulder with her hoof, "Don't be rude, this is his home after all and we are guests."

"Sorry Jace," I apologized, "It's just that usually I am doing something and being stuck inside gets me pretty bored."

"That's ok, now let's see here…," he said thinking, "there's an Xbox in the cupboard," he said pointing to a cupboard that was sitting next to the TV, "And there's also a computer in my room, you can use that, but don't do anything that is not good."

"I won't and I'm also not a kid."

"Right right, well anyway see you guys later," and with that he left the house leaving me and Arcana there.

"So…," I said feeling the awkwardness seeping in, "What are you going to do?"

"Well I am going back downstairs, because there must be a reason why we are here and not somewhere else."

"Do you think it might just be blind luck," I suggested.

"No think about it, when I was stuck in the past Starswirl was informed of my by a alicorn named Fate, and again it happened with the bushwoolies, explaining what we are, once again informed by the same alicorn; Fate," and with that she got up and left and headed for the basement.

I shrugged and decided to let her be. I turned my attention back to the TV and scroll down through my little pony episodes until something caught my eye; Hurricane Fluttershy.

Is this during the tornado week? If so, then there must be a glimpse of me somewhere, I started the episode and laid and watched to see if I make an appearance.

After minutes of watching the show, I got excited when I saw a familiar pony in the water, "Yes! That's me, finally I made an appearance," I said out loud happily as I saw myself in the water reservoir, "Wait I remember that fans sometimes give unnamed ponies names, I wonder…"

I got up from the couch and made my way towards Jace room, to see what the fans gave me. When I went into his room and opened the computer I saw that a search engine was already open, convenient, I maximized the program and saw that it is a missing person report. I felt dread when I saw who it was that is missing; Eric Moore and Brittney Houston.

Arcana's POV

Few minutes earlier

As I was examining the unique and interesting items down in the basement, I heard Star call out in glee, "Yes! That's me, finally I made an appearance," I smile at that and continued with my search, let's see here, there are no senses of great amount of magic here that I don't know of.

As I was examining his worktable I saw a picture of his dad and him together happy, it reminded me of all those sleepless nights when I, and pretty sure Star too, first arrived in Equestria thinking about one thing, does my family worry?

Now I am back at earth, I can contact my family, even though Star and I were gone for a year, it might be a month here, judging from the number of episodes that was released, I am filled with happiness as I can contact my family. I went upstairs, where I saw a phone hanging on the wall. I picked up the phone off the hook with my magic and dial my home phone number.

I heard the phone ringing bring up my hopes, but then it was shattered when I heard the lifeless tone of a machine saying, "The number you have dialed has been disconnected..."

But I didn't hear the rest, for my magic stopped out of my shock, causing the phone to be dropped, and then I saw Star entered the kitchen, with too a shocked look.

Our gazes meet and that is when I realized something is wrong, very wrong.

Jace POV

After an half an hour of buying food and making sure that it didn't contain any meat and purchasing it, and hurrying home, for it looked like that it was going to rain. The same question kept on repeating in my head since I read the missing report last night, should I tell them both that their families had disappeared?

I came up to my house and parked my bike and went inside with the bag of groceries in hand, as I entered the kitchen to put away the food I saw Star and Arcana sitting on the floor looking depressed with wet trails going down their faces indicating that they had crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I saw the missing report," Star asked looking up at me. That confirmed that they had found out that their families are currently missing.

"We went back home," Arcana started, "But we found them stripped, there wasn't anything left of our old lives," and then she started crying.

"I'm sorry," was all I can say to them as I walked past them and left them to their sorrow as I started making our meal with the rain starting to fall.

An hour later

Dinner was so silent that can you hear the sound of rainfall hitting the roof and the sound of utensils hitting plates. I saw Arcana slowly twirling the fork in her stir fry noodles and vegetables, hardly eating anything. With Star though, he's just slowly ate it.

"Come on you two," I said breaking the silence that is hanging over us, "have hope."

"Hope? Hope? There's nothing left of our old lives," Arcana said to me finally talking.

"Well think about it," I said to them, hopefully to get them out of their slumped mood, "The report said that your families went missing as if they dropped everything and left suddenly, isn't that the way it happened to you?"

"So you think…" Star realizing where I am going with this, "…that our families might have been also brought to Equestria?"

I nodded, confirming that thought. This brought Arcana's mood up and really looked hopeful right then and there, as did Star too.

As the mood was lightening up we all heard a knock coming from the front door. I quickly motioned them to take cover and hide. They quickly hid behind the island as I made my way to the front door.

When I opened it, I saw a middle aged man in a business suit holding an umbrella, to protect himself from the rainfall outside, "Excuse me, but are you Jace?" the man asked holding a note card, confirming that he got the right person.

"Ya I am Jace, why do you ask?"

The man put down the card and said with a grim tone, "I am from the company that your dad works at, and I am sorry to say, but your dad's plane went down, there were no survivors."

"Wait, you are telling me that my dad is dead?" I asked disbelieved at what I just heard.

"I wish I wasn't, this is never easy for me to tell others that their loved ones at gone," the man said shaking his head, "But rest assure Jace, our company will look out for you," and then he turned around and left, leaving me standing in the doorway feeling miserable, "Oh and one more thing," the man stopped and added, "this letter was found in your dad's desk and it is addressed to you from him," he walked back up to me and reached into his coat and pulled out an envelope and gave it to me, and then he made his way back to a waiting car.

I closed the door as soon as the man got in and drove away. I entered the kitchen and there I saw Star and Arcana sitting there with sad looks on their faces, to know that they had also heard about my dad's passing.

"I am so sorry," Arcana said to me also giving a glum look, "You gave us hope that our family might be ok, and then this happens."

I then broke down as the reality finally seeped in. I fell to my knees and started to cry with my eyes closed shut, and then I felt something warm wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw that Arcana was giving me a hug, while Star had a foreleg over my shoulder, trying to comfort me, "Hay come on Jace, if you can give is hope, then we will give it right back," Star said.

"Ya come on Jace, be grateful, for you still have friends around you," Arcana added.

"Thanks you two," I replied feeling my spirit rise, "Now let's see what this letter says," at the mention of that, we all looked at the letter that was still in my hand.

I opened it, and the first thing I noticed that it wasn't written in my dad's handwriting, instead it was written in fancy cursive writing, and second it was also addressed to Star and Arcana, that's impossible no one knows about them. I moved it back to let Arcana and Star see too, and their reaction was the same as mine and we started reading:

Dear Jace, Arcana and Star

First of all, Jace I know that you just received word that your father had passed away, but that is not true, for I am telling you that you father is still alive, he is just in another world.

When I read that part I felt confusion and relief at knowing my dad is ok.

As for you Star and Arcana, it was very difficult to track and find you after that little event back in Equestria. Now if you three will go to Jace's computer, I have sent something to you three, that will enable us to contact each other.

From Fate

Who's Fate? I asked myself and then Arcana cried out, "Him again! Ok I want some answers now," Arcana said out loud, breaking off from our group and headed to my room.

Star and I looked at each other and he shrugged, just as confused as I am. We followed Arcana to my room, where we saw that she was already at the computer, waiting for me to open my email account. After I had opened my email account, true to the word that was in the letter, there laid a message with the sender unknown.

I opened the message and inside was a complex looking diagram with what looks like Latin in beneath it, "It's the same diagram that brought Star and I to Equestria," Arcana explained.

And then it glowed and there was a blinding flash. It startled me, causing me to fall backwards, but instead of hitting carpet and I hit a tiled floor. I looked around and saw that Star, Arcana and I appeared to be white room and there stood a dark figure.

Star then got upset when he looked at the figure, "You again?"

"What was the big idea for you drop us hundreds of feet into the air?" Arcana demanded, "We nearly died."

"But you didn't," the cloaked figured said to her.

"Who are you?" Star asked.

"Surely you must know by now, from all the helpful hints I gave you Space Bender."

Then it looked like something clicked in Arcana's head, "Wait you're Fate, aren't you?"

"You are correct young Time Mover," and with that he removed the cloak revealing a teal colored alicorn underneath it.

"Ok now that introductions are out of the way," I said as I got up from the floor and face the alicorn, "Tell me, where is my dad? Is he ok? Where is he?"

"Well Jace," Fate started, "Your father is in Equestria, but there was a catch."

"What was the catch?"

"Well you see those diagrams that you saw are invites, but the way I brought in your father, it was forcedly and so it caused some little problems," He said with shame.

"What kind of problems?"

"Well, he would be a pony."

I stood there for a good two minutes and then I spoke, "Ok that is not as bad, but is there anything you can do to bring him back?" I asked.

He shook his head and said, "Sorry Jace, but that way is a one way trip, so your father is stuck there."

"Then I am going to Equestria," I announced, Star and Arcana looked at me surprised at that.

"Are you sure Jace?" Fate questioned my decision.

I nodded, "There is nothing tying me down back at home," I said that indicating that I made my mind up.

"Very well then," Fate acknowledged accepting my decision.

"I have some questions though," Arcana speaking up gaining Fate's attention, "Where are we and why did you drop us hundreds of feet in the air? And also is my and Star's family in Equestria?"

"Right, about that, I am terrible sorry, sometimes I don't have control where you end up, it is just fate," he smiled at his own pun, "and as for where we are, we are where you say the in-between, or limbo, of realities," he explained, " and yes both of your families are in Equestria."

I saw Star and Arcana smile in relief as they now know that their families are ok, and then Star asked, "What I don't get is how did we ended up back on earth?"

"Well Star, you see, during the eclipse it gave off magic that reacted to your abilities violently, and it was pure chance that you ended up on earth and not in some other reality."

"Wait, we could've gone to other worlds?" Star asked disbelieved at what he heard.

"Yes but some of them are not… fit to be send to, and also there's a chance where your abilities, could've instead destroy."

"Whoa, what other worlds could we have gone to, and what could've their abilities do anyway if it became destructive?" Arcana asked.

Fate thought it over and said, "Well you could've have gone to a horror reality of Equestria where it has something to do with cupcakes."

I shuddered when I heard that, ugh Cupcakes, such a gruesome story, who in the right mind would write that? And I also saw Star and Arcana shuddered too, I guess they know what Cupcake is.

"Or your abilities could've created a black hole and destroy Equestria," he bluntly.

"Alright then," I said stopping this from going any farther, "tell me where to find my dad and let's be on our way."

"Alright then, your father is at the Ponyville hospital," he told me.

"Why is he in the hospital?"

"Even though I did save his life, I wasn't fast enough to prevent any injuries from occurring when his flight went down," he said sadly.

I knew that was too good to be true, as long he is ok, then I am fine, "So when are we leaving?"

"Right now," Fate slammed a hoof on the ground and there was light and the sensation of falling as the floor disappeared underneath us.

Fate's POV

I opened the pathway to Equestria, letting the three fall, as I was about to close it I heard Star cry out, "Again with the falling."

I smiled at that remark, and I thought relieved, finally, now all the elements are gathered together.

I started walking towards a door, thinking; now I have to go and fix what that stunt did to the barriers between realities, now where is the duct tape?

Star's POV

We reappeared and saw that once again Fate had placed us hundreds of feet in the air, "Again with the falling," I cried out to nothing in particular. I unfurled my wings and controlled my falling. I saw Arcana forming her wings and started flapping with them.

"Will someone help me?" a voice called out beneath us. I looked down and instead of seeing the human Jace, I saw a steel gray Earth pony, with his mane and tail colored black, flailing his legs around, is that Jace?

I went into a dive and caught up to falling pony, as soon as I was above him, I wrapped my hooves around his midsection and started pulling up, but the ground was coming up a bit fast for my liking. I concentrated and the pony and I disappeared in a flash and reappeared higher in the air, and then I got a sudden case of déjà vu, whoa, why does it feels like it did this before.

When the ground became close enough to be safe, I dropped the pony, and landed next to him, with Arcana shortly following shortly behind.

"Ok Fate really needs to learn where we are going to be dropped," the pony said with Jace voice.

"Jace is that you?" Arcana asked looking him over.

"Of course it is me, why wouldn't it?"

"Because you are a pony now dude," I answered bluntly.

And that was when he looked himself over, and then after a few seconds he said, "Ok I know that alicorn is mysterious, but how in the world did he know about my daydream pony self?"

"I don't know Jace."

"And another thing," Arcana added, "we need to find you a new name, because your human name might confuse some ponies."

"Right," Jace agrees, "hum, let me think, steel gray coated," he listed as he looked at himself and then looked up at his mane, "black mane so that means tail is also black," he twisted around to make sure, revealing his flank to us, and what we say made us gasp.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked worried.

"You already have your cutie mark," Arcana explained.

He twisted around and sure he had one, there resting on his flank was a reversed sideways L with two lines running perpendicular on the longer arm of the L, when Jace saw this he started to chuckle, "So that's my talent huh?"

"What is it?" I asked.

"It is the alchemic symbol of steel," he answered turning to us, "so I guess my talents is metal working."

"Well that is true," Arcana said nodding her head, "you made great pieces back home," and then she realized something and turns to me, "Star, even though we know where our families are here in Equestria we don't know where they are."

I realized that she is right, "Damn it," after I got over my self-loathsome I turned to Jace, "ok did you come up any names for yourself?"

"Ya, I have decided to go with Aceiro," he said proudly.

"Ok then Aceiro," I addressing him already with his new name, "welcome to Equestria and Ponyville," I said pointing to Ponyville, with the eclipse overheard ending.


Well tell me what you think, and in advance I am sorry that this chapter felt… rushed to you, now you know the drill, relax and leave reviews.

End A/N

Chapter 35: A Welcoming and Explaining

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Sorry about that rushed chapter before, but I promise that I will try to do better, and from all the messages I got about Steel's name I decided to change it Aceiro it is Galician for steel and as for why I did that, because I can, I also went back to the chapter before and changed it. Now you all know the deal Read and then Review what you think, oh and before I forget happy birthday Thunder Cloud.

End A/N

Star's POV

Aceiro got acquainted with his new body, namely him falling on his face from trying to walk and my laughing my flank off, we all were about to partake of the picnic, but it looked like somepony or something raided it. Right before I was about to take Aceiro into Ponyville, Arcana rushed off to somewhere without telling us anything. When we reached Ponyville I gave Aceiro a tour of town, though he knows quite about it already from being a brony and all.

"There's one more thing, in this reality, if you give it an opening, it will take it and bite you in the butt later on," I warned him.

"What like, what could possible go wrong, what could happened, oh or nothing is going to happen?" I winced when he said those lines and he just started laughing, "oh come, those are just surely they are all coincidental, now come on I want to go to Sugarcube Corner."

That is what I thought I first, I thought I as we made our way to the sweet shop, "beware Aceiro you are going to get visited by three trolls of Equestria," I said in a mocking spooky voice, Aceiro rolled his eyes and continues on his way.

As Aceiro and I were walking down the street towards Sugarcube Corner, I felt a chill as if I was being watched, I looked behind me and saw a glimpse of something pink, but it quickly disappeared around a corner, was that Pinkie Pie?

I turned my head and five seconds later a weird wagon rolled out of an alleyway and came to a rest in front of us, I heard a ticking sound coming from it, and then it dinged and all of a sudden the weird wagon opened up and loud music started playing, that seems really familiar to me. When it sound like the song was about to end, I remembered where I have heard this song, I watched the episode back on Earth; A Friend in Deed.

"Take cover!" I said as I dived to my left to avoid what was about to happened.

"Huh?" Aceiro looked at me confused and then there was a boom as the oven portion of the crazy contraption opened at blasted Aceiro with confetti, knocking him to the ground, due to still unsure of balance, and then the cannons on top of it exploded like a volcano, sending cake batter right on top of him.

I stood up and made my way to him, stopping short of the cake batter mess. Aceiro got up, still covered in cake batter, looked at me and said, "I can't believe that I forgotten all about Pinkie's welcoming wagon."

"I can't believe that Pinkie but the confetti in the oven and the cake batter in the confetti cannons again," I said teasing, "oh and that was the first strike, you have two more to go," I added.

"Just get me something to wash off this stuff," Aceiro said annoyed.

"Ok, just wait here and I will get a raincloud," I said as I flew into the air, searching for a raincloud. A minute later I returned to Aceiro with a raincloud in hoof. I positioned the cloud above Aceiro and flew a few feet away examining it, making sure that will wash Aceiro. Satisfied that everything is ok, I flew up to the cloud and gave it a mighty kick, and the results were immediately, for the cloud released its' contents and onto Aceiro, successfully washing away the cake batter.

After Aceiro dried off we continued our way to the Sugarcube Corner, along the way I saw a teal colored earth pony with his mane and tail colored grayish white, with his cutie mark… actually I don't have a clue what it is, huh I guess more ponies are moving to Ponyville.

As Aceiro and I passed a shop, the Doctor stepped out, but he was wearing a neck collar with a neck tie on also, this gain Aceiro's attention and said like a fan, "Oh man, I always wanted to meet the Doctor."

"Go ahead," I said mentioning for him to go for it.

Aceiro nodded and stepped up to the Doctor and asked, "Excuse me are you the Doctor?"

As soon as Aceiro said the pony's eye narrowed and he quickly stepped up to Aceiro and said in a controlled anger that was not in a British accent, "I don't know why everypony keeps asking me that I am the Doctor, but let get this straight into that skull of yours, I am NOT the doctor, I am Sepia Tock, the clock maker here in Ponyville, are we clear?"

Aceiro nervously nodded and said, "Clear as water sir."

And then the Doctor Look-alike attitude changed and said, "Good, see around town then," and with that he went the way we came from.

Aceiro walked back to me and said, "Ok that was not the Doctor."

"Huh, I meet him on the first day I was here; maybe he is out in the universe somewhere."

"Ya, maybe he is."

"Oh and Aceiro, don't you know."

"Know what?"

"That was strike two," I smiled, "you have one more left and I think it will be a big one."

"Oh just shut up," he said getting annoyed and he started his way towards the Sugarcube Corner that was down the street.

When we made it, we saw that there were only a few ponies here and there, eating and chatting, "You go and find us a table," I instructed, "While I get something for us to eat, my treat."

He nodded and went to a table that was in a corner. I walked up to the counter and dinged the little bell and Mrs. Cake walked out carrying the sleeping Cake twins in, foal holders? I don't know what they call those here.

"Hello Star how was your solar eclipse?" she asked.

"It was fine, Arcana and I went to have a picnic, but we had to take an unexpected trip, and when we got back we found that something raided our picnic," I explained.

"Oh dear, I am terrible sorry," Mrs. Cake said concerned.

"It wasn't all that bad, we made a new friend, and I think he is staying here in Ponyville and also can I have a cinnamon roll please."

"Oh a new pony in Ponyville, wait here let me get something," she went into the kitchen and later came back out with a cake balanced on her head, she placed it on the counter and said while she went under the counter to take out a cinnamon roll from the displace case, "Pinkie said to give this cake to new ponies in town," I looked at it and saw that it has 'Welcome to Ponyville' written in icing on top.

"Where is the party pony anyway?" I said taking out bits for the purchase.

When Mrs. Cake saw the bits I was taking out she argued, "No need Star, the cake is free and since your picnic was eaten this cinnamon roll is free as well," she said putting the cinnamon roll on a plate, "and as for Pinkie, she ran off somewhere saying something about fixing a… wall?"

"Ya that sounds like Pinkie, and thanks for the food Mrs. Cake," I thanked her as I placed the cake on my back and picking up the plate containing the sweet roll in my mouth, I made my way to the table Aceiro had picked.

When I got there and placed both the roll and the cake on the table, Aceiro asked as he saw the cake, "What is up with the cake, and one more question, where do you keep your bits?"

"Well this cake is for you and as for where I get my bits more, I get them…" as I was about to explain where I get my bits from I felt a great pressure coming from in front of me; it was coming from the cake, oh boy here comes the final strike.

"Well as for where I get my bits from is totally irrelevant," I said as I sat down. I pushed the cake in front of Aceiro and added, "Oh and also Aceiro."

"Ya," he said as he was about to take a bite of the cake.

"You are about to be Pinkie attacked in five seconds," I said calmly as I took a bite out of my cinnamon roll.

"Wait, what's a pinkie attack?" he asked concerned.


"Will you tell me what a pinkie attack is?" he asked getting nervous.


I shook my head and pointed to my mouth, indicating that it is currently full at the moment.


I swallowed the cinnamon roll, and took a deep breath, "Well you see Aceiro…"


"… a pinkie attack is when Pinkie makes a suddenly appearance."


And then the cake in front of Aceiro exploded and out pops Pinkie saying, "Hi my name is Pinkie Pie…" but after she speaking at hi speeds that it became a jumbled mess of sound, but I think I heard cake, Pinkie sense, and what's your name it there.

Although for Aceiro he cried out, Oh, Dios mío, hay un demonio de color rosa en la torta," he fell over from the chair in a panic gripping his chest.

I looked at him surprised, for he didn't show any signs that he could speak a different language, even though my Spanish is really rusty, I think he said something about a pink devil.

Pinkie, who was now out of the cake and was standing on the table, looked down at him and said, "Why did you call me a pink devil?"

Once again I am amazed at Pinkie, "wait you understand Spanish?"

"Of course, how else am I to understand those Spanish soap operas?"

"Wait what was that?"

"Never mind that, now what's wrong with your friend?" Pinkie asked.

I looked down at Aceiro and saw him twitching, "My dear Pinkie, I think you just gave him a heart attack."

And then Pinkie's face become one of worry, "Oh no not again," and then she stood up tall and yelled, "hay is there a doctor in the house?"

Everypony turned towards her and one of them stood up revealing that he is an unicorn, "You did it again, did you?" he asked tired about something.

"Ya I gave another pony a heart attack," Pinkie said sheepishly.

"Sigh, I will be right there," he announced. He quickly came to our table, with a doctor's bag floating behind him. He sat down next to Aceiro and opened the bag and brought out a defibrillator, he turned it on and it quickly charged up. He rubs them together in his magic and yells, "CLEAR!" and made contact with Aceiro.

Aceiro took in a deep breath as he was brought back, "thanks doc," Pinkie said happily.

"No problem, just try to tone down the… whatever you do, ok?" the doctor suggested.

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie agrees. The doctor put away his things and made his way back to his table to finish his meal.

"I am so sorry about that," Pinkie apologized, "I'm Pinkie Pie and I have seen you around here before what is your name?"

"My name is Aceiro," he said getting up from the ground and dusting himself off.

"What kind of name is Aceiro?" Pinkie asked confused, I too wonder what his name means.

"It means steel," he explained to her, now I do, I thought taking another bite out of the cinnamon roll.

"Well anyway Acey," Pinkie said already giving him a nick-name, "I am going to throw you a big 'welcome to Ponyville' party, so I better see ya later," and with that she jumped off the table and made her way to the kitchen, to probably help with the food

As Aceiro sat back down at the table, I said to him all smugly, "and that was strike three, and now welcome to Equestria."

Aceiro looked at me and was about to saw something, but then Arcana rushed into the store, I saw her saw scan the place until her eyes landed on our table to rushed to us and said in a hurried tone, "Aceiro, Star, I," but after that she started panting and gasping for air, as if she had been running this whole time.

"Jeez Arcana, it looks like you have been running all day," Aceiro observed.

"And where did you go anyway?" I asked after I swallowed and put the last of the cinnamon roll in my mouth.

After Arcana regained her breath, she spoke in a more controlled tones, "Aceiro, I found your dad at the hospital just as Fate said, and he's awake."

Aceiro immediately stood up and demanded, "Take me there right now, I have to see if he is ok."

Arcana nodded and her horn started to glow, and we all disappeared in a white flash.

Aceiro's POV

As soon as we all appeared in a hospital foyer in a bright flash, I fell to my knees feeling sick to my stomach.

"Are you ok?" Arcana asked concerned, I waved her off and waited for the sickening feeling to go away.

After the uneasiness went away, I stood up and addressed to Arcana, "Alright I'm feeling better now take me to my dad."

Arcana nodded and started heading down a hallway, Star and I followed her, until we all stood outside of one of the countless doors in the hall. As I was about to go inside, Arcana stopped me with her magic, "your dad was already awake when I found him, but as far as I know, he doesn't know he became a pony, so try not to freak him out," she warned.

I nodded in understanding. I faced the door and readied myself, pushed open the door and went inside. Inside was a well lit room with machines beeping in the background, but my focus was drawn towards the pony that was in bed.

He had a sliver coated coat and gray mane, and as far I can tell, he is an earth pony just like me. I also noticed that he has some bandages wrapped around his forelegs and chest. I walked up to the side of his bed, staying out of his view of sight.


The pony in the bed stirred when he heard my voice, he trying to see me, but he must still be in pain, for he winced and stopped moving, and then he spoke in the familiar voice of my dad, "Jace is that you?"

That question confirmed that it was my dad, "ya dad it's me," I answered.

"Jace what happened, why am I in the hospital? And why can't I move? And also why can't I feel my toes and fingers?"

Oh boy this is going to take a while, "Well dad, you were in a plane crash," I informed him.

"That's right, I remember now, oh god I am dead, no wait that can't be, you are here, and feel pain, even though I can't feel my toes and fingers."

"Well dad," I said trying to break this to him slowly, "you were saved, right before the plane crash, and as for the other questions well that it is kind of complicated right now to explain."

"How was I saved? Last thing I remember was the plane about to impact the ground."

"Well you saved by a being that calls himself Fate, but there was a catch though."

"What was the catch and why are you avoiding my gaze?"

"Well…," I was worried what was about to come, "… you see the reason I am avoiding your gaze, is because I have… changed and I didn't want to freak you out."

"Jace there is nothing that can surprise me, now show me what you changed."

"Alright you asked for it," I got up and moved right into his view of sight, and of course I freaked him out.

"Oh god why is there a horse in my room, and why do you sound like my son, oh god I really am dead."

"First dad, you are not dead; second, I am pony not a horse; third I am your son; and fourth you are one too, that was the catch when Fate saved you, now calm down."

My dad calmed down a bit, he said in a still lightly panic voice, "Alright will someone please tell me how I came to be here and where am I?"

"I think my friends should also help on this one," I turned towards the door and called out, "Hay Arcana, Star could you guys come in here please?"

My dad's eyes widen, but he didn't say anything, "Ya Aceiro, what do you need?" Arcana asked.

"Aceiro?" my dad asked questioningly, and tried to look at me, but fail.

"My name here dad, you see the naming system is really different here than on Earth," I explained to him, and then I turn towards the other two, "Alright my dad is asking how he got here, and since you have been here way longer then I have, I think it is better that you do the explaining."

"Right," Star agreeing with my, "you see, you are in Equestria, and we are far away from Earth, in fact we are on a different plane of reality."

"Can this Fate person just send me back home?" he asked. I heard him being hopeful.

Arcana shook her head, "Unfortunately Fate can't do that," I saw his hope crash down, "and he's a pony too."

"Why can't he send me back home?"

"Well...," I said taking over the conversation, "…the way we got in was by an invite, but the way you got in was kind of… forced."

"Well we can come and go, but you are stuck here," Arcana explained, "in fact when Star and I first arrived here in this reality, we thought that we stuck here too."

"Wait you weren't ponies all the time?" my dad asked confused.

"That's right sir," Arcana taking over the conversation, "in fact we used to be humans, and I think you heard of us."

"I find that impossible."

"Well anyway my original name was Brittney Houston," and then she pointed Star, "and his was Eric Moore."

And then my dad's expression turned to one that of shocked, "you're the two missing kids and along with their families, you have been missing for months."

"Well we both have been here, all this time and we just learned that our families to have been here all this time too, but we don't know where they are."

"I am sorry to hear that," my dad said disquiet.

"Hay it is better than thinking we will never see them again," Star said, relieved about the situation.

"True, it is better to be like this then dead, sigh," my dad excepting his fate, "Brittney, Eric, can you leave and let me have a word with Jace here."

"Sure and please, call me Arcana, Eric Star, and Jace here Aceiro," Arcana instructed as she and Arcana left the room.

"Now Jace, sorry Aceiro," he corrected himself, "could you tell me more about this world?"

I nodded and started explaining to him about the world of Equestria to him, especially about leaving openings for the universe to answer back.


Well what do you think? Tell me. Also that background pony from earlier in the story belongs to a brony named Moderate, and I hope you had a nice birthday Thunder Cloud.

End A/N

Chapter 36: A Nice Surprise

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Judging from the lack of comments on Aceiro's name I say it is a keeper, and taz2723 I will enjoy that gift, now onto the story.

End A/N

Arcana's POV

After Star and I left Aceiro and his dad alone in their room, we waited outside the room for about a half an hour, until Aceiro came out founding us sitting on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked getting up from the ground, with Star following behind.

"Well I explained to him about this world," Aceiro explained, "I also mentioned that he should change his name so he won't attract any attention, so he decided to change it to Numeral."

"Numeral why that?" Star asked.

"Well he was an accountant back on Earth," Aceiro clarified, "so thus Numeral. Well anyway does anypony know when my dad is getting out?"

"Well that is kind of complicated," I explained to Aceiro, "the doctors said that he appeared in the foyer covered in burns and cuts, the doctors said that they there were able to treat his injuries," I repeated to him what the doctors told me, "but the weirdest thing they said was that his body is like a new born foal, so for his release is going to be impossible to determine."

"Maybe that is the results of his forced transfer," Star suggested

"That makes sense, but there's a problem," Aceiro said concerned for something.

'"What is it?"

"How am I going to pay for all of this," revealing what has been bugging him, "I don't have any money on me and I don't even have a job."

"Hay that's ok," Star said walking up to him and wrapping a leg around his shoulders and added, "we will help with the bill."

"And as for a job we can look into areas that can work with your metal forging," I suggested.

This calmed Aceiro very much and I saw his mood lighten up, "Thanks guys, you really are great friends," he said thankfully, "so now what?"

"Well I say that it is time that you get aquatinted with the mane six," I said providing an answer.

"Oh boy, this is going to be something," Aceiro said anticipating for what's to come.

"Eeyup," Star said, mimicking the stallion of few words with a smile, causing Aceiro and I to giggle.

One hour later

We all had gathered the mane six in the library, with Aceiro waiting in the broom closet waiting for us to give the signal to reveal him to the others, which Star had suggested that he should surprise the others.

"Ok Star, Arcana what is this all about?" Dash said impatient.

"Ya partners, what is the reason you had us all gathered here in Twi's library?"

"Ok everypony we have a little account to tell all of you," I said to them.

"Oh what is it?" Pinkie asked happily, "oh is it a surprise, no wait a surprise birthday, oh is it a surprise birthday for me?"

"Um Pinkie your birthday was months ago," Fluttershy said breaking Pinkie's anticipation for a nonexistence party.

"Did you and Star finally decided to be each other special somepony?" Rarity said teasing, with a glimmer in her eyes.

"W-w-wait, where did you get that idea from?" Star stammering from Rarity's question, while also blushing.

"Well you had us all gathered here, and you it looks like it is wonderful news from the way you two are holding information yourselves," Rarity explained.

"Um, no, that's not it," I said still blushing from Rarity's question, "it is about the eclipse."

"What happened?" Twilight asked, immediately intrigued at the possibilities of questions and learning about the eclipse.

"Well it sort of… interacted with our abilities causing it interact and fuse together," Star explained.

"So what happened next?"Twilight asked writing down every word in a notebook with the quill moving in a blur that came from nowhere.

"Wait a minute, where did you even that notebook?" Star asked, as Twilight was about to answer, Star said, "never mind, well what happen next is that… well we warped."

The quill stopped moving and Twilight looked at Star, "So that is nothing unusual, well for you anyway."

"Well we did warp, but we warped to the last place we would never have thought we would see again," I said to her, causing her to pose with the quill ready to write down what I said.

"And what will that be?"

"We warped back to our home; Earth," Star said, causing everypony in the library to fell silent.

"Wait really?" Dash asked skeptical at what she heard, "you really went back to Earth?" We both nodded. Star and I then went on how we appeared on earth…

"Wait you're the ones responsible for that gaping hole in the wall," Pinkie said a little annoyed, "do you know how many rolls of duct tape I have to use to fix that?"

"What in Equestria are you taking about Pinkie?" I asked.

Pinkie's attitude changed immediately, "Oh nothing, please continue," she said while waving her hoof in a 'keep going' motion.

… And then we told them how we meet Jace and freaked him out, because we were still ponies at the time, causing Dash to laugh at that. We then explained how we found out that we and our families went missing months ago.

"Oh that's terrible," Fluttershy said concerned for our family's wellbeing.

We then later told them that we all learned that Jace dad had died, causing Twilight's and her friends to hung their heads in sadness, we then told them when Jace received a letter saying that his dad was alright and that we will get a message. When the message arrived it was the same one that brought us here to Equestria, there was a burst of magic and we appeared in front of Fate.

"What does this alicorn looks like?" Twilight asked, wanting to get the description of this mysterious alicorn.

"Well he had a teal colored coat…," Star started explained.

"… and I think his mane was a little darker, but I don't remember seeing his cutie mark, did you?"I asked towards Star, he shook his head, "well anyway he told not to that again, because there was a chance that we could've destroy all of Equestria or gone to another reality."

"Like what?" Pinkie asked, I thought about the cupcake story and said in a slightly hurried tone, "I don't know."

"Wait if you two are here and Jace was with you also, then where is he now?" Twilight observed, didn't realized that she give the cue.

The closet door opened and out came Aceiro saying, "I am right here Twilight," this caused a lot of series of different reactions. The first was Fluttershy fainting from his sudden appearance, Rarity screamed, Twilight dropped her notebook and quill, Applejack got into a fighting stance, and Rainbow Dash tackled him immediately, while Pinkie sat there looking bored while examining one of her hooves.

"Who are you? How do you know us? Are you a spy? Why were you in the closet? Who are you working for?" Rainbow demanded in his face, while having Aceiro pinned to the floor under her.

"Rainbow," I said surprise at Dash's reaction, while Star was rolling on the ground laughing.

"Oh Celestia I knew that was going to happened," Star said finally calming down.

"Wait you knew this was going to happened?" Aceiro asked looking peeved, "I am going to get you back for this Star."

"You never answered Rainbow's question stranger," Applejack said walking up to Aceiro.

"I'm Jace," he cried out, surprising everypony, but Star and me.

"But you said your name is Aceiro," Pinkie shocked, "oh are you bipolar? I never meet somepony that was bipolar before; tell me what is it like to have voices in your head?" Pinkie asked happily.

Aceiro looked at Pinkie confused and said, "No I am not bipolar, now Rainbow if you'll please, can you get off of me so I can answer you questions?"

Dash reluctantly unpinned Aceiro and got off of him, allowing him to get up from the ground. As soon as Aceiro got up and started rubbing the sore areas, Dash placed her face right up into his face and demanded again, "now spill it, who are you? Why were you in the closet? How do you know us? Are you a spy and are you working for Nightmare Moon?"

"I'm Jace or as known as now Aceiro, as for why I was in the closet, is because it was Star's idea, and for me knowing how you are, is because I am like Star and Arcana here, I am a brony, and also no to me being a spy and working for Nightmare Moon," Aceiro answered her questions.

Dash still looked that she wasn't convinced, so she turned towards Applejack, "is he telling the truth?" asking for Applejack's ability to sniff a lie a mile high in the sky.

Applejack looks toward Aceiro and after a while she nodded in approval and added, "He is telling the truth everypony."

"Now that we all know who he is, do you know what this calls for?" Pinkie asked happily and then her grin dropped and turned towards the air, "will you stop doing that you writer?"

"Pinkie who are you talking to?" Rarity asked concerned for the pink party pony.

"Oh nothing," she said turning her attention back to us, "now if you'll all excuse me, I have some planning to do," and with that she rushed to same closet that Aceiro came out of earlier, and opened it with a rush, but before she was about to close she turned towards Aceiro and added, "oh and you better duck."

"Why, Pinkie?" Aceiro said quizzically.

"Because it is in the next part of story," Pinkie said mysteriously, gaining confused looks. She then rushed into the closet and slammed it.

"Wait a minute, why did Pinkie just walked into my broom closet?" Twilight asked, earning nothing but shrugs, "the only things that are in there are some brooms, feather dusters, and a mirror."

"Why is there a mirror in the closet?" I asked.

"The last librarian was a obsessed with looking at himself," Twilight answered, "but that is not important right now, because Pinkie just went into my closet."

All of a sudden knocking was heard coming from the closet door, "she probably locked herself in," Aceiro said as he made he was to the closet door.

In the corner of my vision I saw Star shiver as if he is cold, and then he called out in a panic, "Aceiro wait!"

But it was too late, for Aceiro opened the door and there was Pinkie with crazy smile slapped on her face and with a cannon pointing at Aceiro, "here's Pinkie Pie," she said in a crazy maniac voice.

Aceiro screamed and ducked and in just in time too, for Pinkie fired the cannon, filling the room with smoke and noise. When the smoke cleared we saw that the library has been once again been blown away with streamers, confetti and sweets.

"Pinkie, how many times- you know what forget it," Twilight said giving up trying to stop Pinkie from being Pinkie.

"Yay, let's party for Aceiro welcoming to Equestria and Ponyville," Pinkie ordered, while she cranked the vinyl record, making it started playing music, thus indicating that the party has begun.

Hours later

Third POV

After hours of partying, everypony grew tired and went home to go to bed. As soon as Dash left the library, Aceiro asked, "So does anypony know where I am going to sleep?"

"Well the only rooms I have are being occupied by Star and Arcana at the moment, but I can set up a place for you to sleep in the basement, if you are ok with that?"

"I don't mind Twilight," Aceiro reassuring Twilight, "I have slept in the basement before. So it is not a big deal."

"Alright then, let me set up the cot then," Twilight said as she made her way towards the basement.

After Twilight had set up the cot with a pillow and a blanket, and then she went back upstairs, Aceiro sat down on the cot and thought to himself, this has been one weird day, first I got trolled by the universe, then I saw my dad as a pony, and I just got 'The Shining' from Pinkie.

As Aceiro was contemplating with his thoughts, he noticed a faint glowing that is being generating from a table across the room, what is that?

Aceiro got up and walked over to the table and there on the table he saw what was making the faint the glow; a black box.

As Aceiro was about to touch it, he stopped short and thought, maybe I shouldn't touch it, who knows what's inside, and he made his back to the cot. As Aceiro went to bed, he didn't hear the faint click as the box had finally opened.

The next morning

Arcana's POV

I hear the sound of something heavy hitting the door of the library, causing my to groggily get up from bed, note to self, never stay up past midnight when you are partying with Pinkie, I thought to myself as I made my way downstairs to answer the door, but as soon as I reached the bottom of the steps. the sound of something hitting the door returned, but this time more intense.

"I'm coming hold on to your horseshoes'," I said as I reached the door and opened, and what I saw there made the last traces of sleep go away, for there standing in front of the doorway, in golden armor, was two of the royal unicorn guards, with pegasus guards lining up behind them.

"May I help you?"

"May we speak with Arcana?" one of the unicorn guards asked in a gruff voice.

"I'm Arcana," I answered, "What do you want?"

"Well this just became easy," the other guard said, he cleared his voice and added, "Arcana the unicorn you are under arrest."


Well? How do you like that ending? And what's inside the box? Come on and tell me all about it. Thank you all for reading this story.

End A/N

Chapter 37: Unfolding Events PT1

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Wow, just wow, all these review about that ending, I say that this a mission completed for trolling, ok now unto the story to see what happens next, and as for the results of the vote here they are:

A has the score of 12, while B has the score of 14, and this is a surprise I got the score of 2 for C even though it wasn't an option, as for the rest of you that didn't vote I hope you are happy with this decision.

And 'A very big fan' and for others also, this is how you pronounce Aceiro's name (ace-eh-row), now get some popcorn… well what are you waiting for? Go and get some popcorn.

There you go, now sit back, relax and enjoy Part 1.

End A/N

Arcana's POV

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute here, why am I under arrest?" I asked as I slowly backed away from the door with a slight panic, "what did I do? What are the charges?"

"Ma'am you are charged with the theft of magical secrets from the private section of the Royal Canterlot Archives, now come with us at your free will or we'll do it be force," the first unicorn guard said stepping into the library.

"What going on here?" I heard Twilight asked from up the stairs.

"The unicorn known as Arcana; is under arrest for theft of one of the great magical secrets from the Royal Archive," the second unicorn guard answered while he entered the library and looked up to Twilight.

"But Arcana hasn't been to Canterlot in months," Twilight stated.

"Look all I know is that there's evidence that says that she was there and stole one of the valuable magical secrets from the Royal Canterlot Archives," he said to her, and then he turned towards me, "now, are you coming peacefully or do we have to drag you all the way to Canterlot?"

"What going on here?" Star asked as he walked up next to Twilight, rubbing the sleep from his eye.

"Arcana is being arrested," Twilight answered quickly to Star, this immediately cleared any sleep that he had.


"For stealing magical secrets from the Royal Canterlot Archive," Twilight clarified.

"But she hasn't been to Canterlot for months," Star repeated what Twilight said earlier.

"What's up with all the noises?" Aceiro asked, who decided to come up the stairs at this moment.

"Arcana's being arrested," Star announced to Aceiro, filling him in on what is happening, I also saw him getting upset, "For stealing magical secrets from the Royal Archives in Canterlot."

"Look, we don't have all day," the fist unicorn guard said getting a bit frustrated, "we need to take her to Canterlot to be questioned."

"You are not taking her, for something she didn't do," Star said, prepping to attack the guards.

"Are you threatening us, colt?" the second guard asked, his horn started to glow in a pale blue, "because that will mean that you are interfering, allowing us to use force and then taking you in."

"Star, stop it right now," I ordered stopping him from doing he might regret later on. I turned towards the guards and announced, "I will go, I am sure this is all a mistake."

"Finally some common sense around here," the first guard said gratefully, and then he levitated what looks like a oversize ring from the folds of his armor, "and for reassurance," the ring unclasped the shots towards me, taking me by surprise, as I clamped around my horn. I immediately felt weak jointed and tired.

"What is this thing?" I asked as I tried to focus my magic to get it off, but the only results I got were sputter of magical sparks.

"It is a magic nullifier," the second guard explained, "although you should be lying on the ground, barely moving, and yet you are still standing, and still displaying signs of magic alone," he added, visibly impressed.

"Now is not the time to be impressed," the first guard said to the second, annoyed, "we have to take her to Canterlot now," he turns towards me, "alright we spent enough time already, follow us."

I nodded and the unicorn guards then flanked me and we made our way to the, but before we left though the door, I stopped causing the first guard to give a sigh of irritation. I turn to the others, "don't worry I will be back soon."

And we continued through the door, as soon as we stepped out the pegasi guards surrounded me and the two unicorns, like I am the most dangerous criminal, what is this magical secret, that I am accused of stealing, that requires all of these guards?

Luckily it was still early in the morning, so there was nopony out and about at the time as I was lead away from the library to a chariot that was waiting for us. When we boarded, with the two unicorn guards sitting on each side of me, we took off into the air along with the pegasi guards, flying in formation around us.

About ten minutes into the flight I started to feel my eyes close and my head bob up and down from the fatigue I am feeling. The guards noticed this, "ah finally the nullifier ring is taking effect," the first guard observed, as I fell asleep.

Star's POV

Twenty minutes later

"Spike, take a letter," I heard Twilight ordered spike, whom had been filled as soon as Arcana had left with the Royal Guards, Spike got out a parchment and a quill and got ready to write down everything Twilight said.

"Dear Princess Celestia

I wish to say that this is another lesson in friendship, but this is not the case. For this morning Royal Guards had showed up at my home and announced that my friend Arcana had been accused of stealing magical secrets from the Royal Archives, she went with willing, but we need to know if this is true, so please answer as fast as you can, and also can you tell us what was stolen from the Royal Archives.

From your faithful student Twilight Sparkle"

Spike rolled the letter and blew flames onto it, turning it into green smoke that wisped into the air and flew out of the window.

We didn't have to wait long, for a wisp of smoke came through the window and turned into a scroll. Spike picked it up, opened and started reading out loud.

"Dear Twilight and friends

I regret to say that it is true, for Arcana had been accused of stealing magical secrets from the Royal Archives. There had been reports of her sightings around the Royal Archives and also inside, and as for what had been stolen, the spell was written by Starswirl the Bearded himself, but the spell was too dangerous to use so he locked it up, never to be seen, until now; and the spell is the Time Disruption Spell, I wish it isn't true, but it is.

Princess Celestia."

Spike finished reading the letter with a look of worried, but twilight has the look of fear on her face.

"Twilight, what is the Time Disruption Spell?" Aceiro asked.

When Twilight heard Aceiro's voice, she focused and answered, "The Time Disruption Spell is a very dangerous spell, so dangerous that it was locked up in a vault that is close to second to the Elements of Harmony's vault, and that the princesses can only, or they were."

"But what does it do?" I asked.

"You know how I was all panicking, due to some unknown trouble that my future self caused?" Twilight alleged to us.

"Ya," Aceiro responded, "when you couldn't find the disaster that you thought you future self went through, you went to the Canterlot Library to stop time."

"How do you-," Twilight started but was interrupted when Aceiro hold up his hoof.

"Brony, remember?"

"Right, well that spell is just a minor compared to the Time Distortion Spell, you see the Time Distortion Spell doesn't stop time, it destroys it."

"Wait, a thought just came to me," Aceiro occurred.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"What if Nightmare is behind this?" Aceiro pointed out, "Because Nightmare used to be Luna didn't it? And then, what if it framed Arcana?" and then something was drawn to him, "what if it is still in Canterlot to get at Arcana?"

"We need to get Canterlot right now," I said getting up, all of sudden worried for Arcana's safety.

"Wait," Aceiro said getting up and running out of the room. Twilight Spike and I heard him running downstairs, after a while we heard him coming back upstairs, he then entered the room with a saddlebag on, "ok I am ready."

"What's in the saddlebags?" Spike asked

"Arcana's projects, I don't know why, but I felt compelled to get them," Aceiro explained, "hay who knows, they might convinced, whatever form of law here, that Arcana is innocent."

"Alright then without any interruption, let's go," I stated.

"Star," I turned towards Twilight, "you and Aceiro go ahead to Canterlot, while I go and gather the fellow elements," Twilight proposed.

"Right," I said agreeing with her, and then I turn towards Aceiro and put a hoof on his shoulder, "let's go Aceiro."

"How are we going to get to Canterlot fast enough?"

"We'll warp," was my answer as I pulled down my goggles over my eyes, "close your eyes, you don't want to blind," I warned. Aceiro closed his eye was I concentrated to be in the throne room, and we disappeared in a flash.

Arcana's POV

I woke to the feeling of the wind blowing and the first thing I noticed is that I appeared to be looking at a stone ceiling. I got and rubbed my head to clear away the pounding headache, as I was rubbing my head, my hoof bumped into something as the base of my horn; the nullifier ring is still on me.

I examined it as much as I can feel through my hooves, and found out that that there appears to be runes etched into it and giving off a tingling feeling as if there is a live current going through it, after I finish my examination on the ring, I started with the room. It was about a ten feet by ten feet room with a window off to one side, letting in sunlight, with a bar cell boor on the other, with the ceiling about three times my height and I also saw that the room was covered in a layer of dust, showing signs of its' disuse.

Well at least it is much better than the Diamond Dogs cell, I thought remembering the time I was taken away by the Diamond Dogs. I got up from the cot that was my bed and I made my way to the window, and what I saw made me take my breath away, for I was staring down at Canterlot, with the Canterlot castle not that far from where I can.

I must be in the castle's dungeons, but though I expected them to under the castle no above it, I thought as a made my way from the window. I sat back down on the cot and contemplate with my thoughts, can I still do magic? I questioned myself. I concentrated to make my horn shine, but all the results I got were sparks of spurting magic, nope, I can't. I went back to contemplating, but after a minute or so, I heard hoof steps coming towards my cell.

Then a unicorn guard came into my view of my cell, if it was the same one from this morning, I don't know, I then decided to greet him, "Hello."

This startled the guard and looked at me shocked, "what, but how, you should still be asleep with that nullifier ring on," explaining the shocked looked, "no unicorn is able to stay awake, when they have that ring on."

"I guess you are new to this guard thing, and also why should I be asleep?" I asked wondered how this ring works.

"Yea I am new to this guard thing and as for the ring, well…," the guard preparing to explain, "… it drains unicorn magic, and releases small doses of the sleep spell, it that thing still working?" he asked coming as far as the bars to see, "how can you tell that I am new at this anyway?" he added.

"Well you are talking and showing emotions and as for the ring if it feels like that there is a live current going through it, does it mean that it is still working?" I asked to confirmed, while tapping the ring.

"Yes it does, how do you know that?"

"Then it means it is still working."

"But how is that possible? The only things it doesn't affect is other kinds of magic, like pegasi, and earth ponies."

"Well that might explain why I am up and about."

"And what that might be?" the guard questioned.

"You are not going to believe me, but even though I am a unicorn, I don't use magic you are familiar with."

"Then why are you still here in this cell, if you have different magic then the nullifier ring can't drain?"

"Well first, I want to clear my name whatever I did, so escaping won't help my cause; and second, even though I use different magic, I am still a unicorn, so thus this ring…," I said pointing to the ring on my horn, "…blocks my magic, which is also why I am still in here."

"So why are you here anyway?" the guard asked.

"What? You don't know why I am here," I said disbelieved at what I heard.

"All I am told, that there was a unicorn up here, and that she was also in an enchanted sleep and I am to make sure is still asleep," he explained for his lack of information.

"Well I am here, because I was accused for stealing something from the Royal Canterlot Archives," I said as I laid myself on the cot.

"What did you steal?"

"I don't know," I said truthfully, "but whatever it is, it required a lot of Royal Guards."

All of a sudden there was a small flash of light and a letter appeared beside the guard, he levitated it up and opened it, after he read it he announced, "I have to go, I need to check back in to my captain Shining Armor," he got up from the ground and as he was about to leave I called out.

"Wait, I didn't get your name, and also can you get something for me to eat?" I asked feeling famished, "because I was sort of arrested before I can get some breakfast."

"Sure I will, and as for my name, it's Breaker," he answered before he vanished out of my sight.

Wait a minute, whose Shining Armor?

Aceiro's POV

I had a sudden feeling of off-balance, and nearly fell to the floor. I opened my eyes and my mouth dropped at what I saw, for I was in the throne room, with Princess Celestia and Luna sitting on their respective thrones, but I saw that we weren't the only ones in the room.

Star and I had interrupted some noble that was explaining about to rise prices, to pay for some kind of monster protection, but as soon as we appeared, the noble stopped talking. When Princess Celestia saw Star she spoke up, "sorry sir, but I have some business with these two, and I will get back at your idea."

The noble left the throne room with a huff and the doors closed with a silent boom, and during while all of this is happening, Princess Luna hasn't made a move, heck she didn't even blink, in fact I think I didn't see you blink once when Star and I got here.

Princess Celestia got up from her throne and made to us, when she neared us, I saw Star bow to her and I copied him, "I know why you two are here," Celestia said, followed by Star and I getting up from our bow.

"Ya Arcana being arrested this morning, can't you do anything?" Star asked.

"Unfortunately no, I can't."

"Why?" I asked, "Aren't you the co-ruler of Equestria?"

"Yes I am, but I have no power in the law, that resides in the Three Judges, Aceiro" Celestia explaining to me.

"What are the Three Judges?" Star asking what was also on my mind as well/

"The Three Judges are three ponies from different races, the unicorn, the pegasus, and the Earth ponies, those three are the keepers of law here."

"I didn't know that," I said marvelous at what I just learned, but then something occurred just to me, "wait, how do you know my name?"

"First, Twilight had send me a letter about you Jace, but maybe I should call you Aceiro from now on; second, I also detected a strange magic appearing during me and my sister's eclipse, I guess I now know where it is coming from."

"Speaking of sisters…" I said pointing to Luna, "… you sister hasn't moved, ever since we got here."

"Really," Celestia asked looked towards her sister and saw that I was right, Celestia gave a sigh and walked up to her sister and nudged her, "Luna wake up, you can't keep on doing this."

When Celestia spoke that, Star and I saw Luna started to stir and blink her eyes, she then started to yawn like she has been asleep, "what is it dear sister?"

"You should learn to not go to sleep when somepony is giving a presentation," Celestia scowled her sister.

"Oh come on 'Tia' you have to agree that presentation is boring as well," Luna argued.

"I agree, but there is no need to go to sleep during the presentation, what will happen if you snored?"

"I don't snore," Luna said with a pout face on.

"Whoa, I didn't know that Luna can sleep with her eyes open," Star said amazed.

Luna looked at Star with a praised look, "it helps when you are the celestial embodiment of the moon."

"Look it's interesting that Princess Luna can sleep with her eyes open," I spoke out stopping wherever the conversation might go, "but we have a problem here, Arcana has been arrested."

"Right sorry about that," Luna said and then she narrowed her eyes at me, "wait, are you the one that we sensed at the eclipse?"

"Yes I am," I said quickly, "but right now, the problem Arcana is in?"

"Even though we have no power in the hearing, we can still participate in it."

"When is it?" Star asked concerned.

Celestia looked out of the stain glass window, "it is at five, and judging from the sun, I say that it is almost time for it to start, why do you ask?"

"Because Aceiro here thinks that it might be Nightmare that stole the spell and framed Arcana for it, and also it might be still here in Canterlot, and is currently waiting for Arcana to get here to take it revenge on her, because after all it was Arcana that deal the most damaged to it," Star explained.

I saw Luna's eye became pinpricks at that thought and declared, "then you have time to waste let's go."

"Go where?" I asked as Luna stepped off her throne and walked to us along with Celestia.

"To the hearing of course," Luna answered as her horn started to glow, "now don't move."

"What wait?" Star asked, but we all soon were enveloped in a blue light, when the light disappeared, I saw that we all weren't in the throne room, but now in an oval room with benches running around the edges of the room, with a chair in the middle of the room, why does this look familiar? But they were empty, except for one or two here and there. I also saw that three ponies, a pegasus, a unicorn and a Earth pony all dressed in official looking clothing, sitting at a pedestal.

"So when does it begins?" Star asked, as if the unicorn heard him, he lifted a gavel and slammed it on its' tiny pedestal and said out loud.

"Quite, the hearing will now begin."

"Bring in the accused," the pegasus ordered.

A set of doors opened on the far wall and with the sound of hooves hitting the floor also being accompanied with the clanking and scraping of metal as it was dragged across the floor. What I saw made me feel dishearten at the sight, and I am sure that Star is taking the worse, for there walking across the floor was Arcana in chains, being escorted with two unicorn guards, like a common criminal.

The guards stopped short of the door, as Arcana continues to the chair and takes a seat in it.

"Let the hearing begin," cried out the Earth pony, and with that he slammed his gavel, signifying that the hearing has begun.

To be continued


Well here you go, I hope that you liked this chapter, I am now working on part 2 of this chapter, oh and I am also going to the Canterlot wedding later on, BUT it will be a twist you are not expecting.

End A/N

Chapter 38: Unfolding Events PT2

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The season finale was freaking awesome, but there is something is odd, I had an idea for this story and it appeared in the season finale, and even more odd is that the setting in the finale is perfect for this story, but I am not going to say what, and also didn't anyone else get a image of a bear when they saw Shining Armor? I did, well anyway here is part 2, enjoy the story.

End A/N

Arcana's POV

Ten minutes earlier

As I lay on the cot, occasionally sneezing from the dust that makes its' way into my nose and the tingling sensation at the base of my horn growing, I thought, let see here, I am framed for stealing something that I didn't steal at all, and I am locked up in the Canterlot dungeons, how long have I been in here anyway? If Nightmare could see me now, I bet it would laugh at me, cause of this justice system, and then something drawn to me, wait a minute, we haven't see Nightmare for a long time, but before I can go any farther, I heard a series of hoof steps coming to my cell. I sat up on the cot and waited for them to appear. Before they appeared at my cell, I smelled something really good wafting into my cell.

Two guards walked into view of my cell, with one of them levitating a tray of food in front of him, if one of them is Breaker, then I don't know cause I can't tell the deference between them, and then one of the guards spoke indicating that it was Breaker, "here you go miss…," he trailed off as he doesn't know my name.

"Sorry Breaker I didn't tell you what my name was didn't I?" I said apologizing, "it's Arcana."

"Well, Miss Arcana, here is you meal, but eat it fast, cause we have to get you to your Hearing," he said as he used his magic to make the cell bars intangible for the food to pass through, and float it towards my lap.

"Wait, what hearing?" I asked as I heard that, and then I saw the other guard produce chains and shackles, "and what is up with the chain accessory?" I asked nervously.

"It is to decide your punishment," the other guard said in a flat monotone, "and these are to make sure that you don't get any funny ideas."

I looked away from the guard and towards the food. I saw that is was a French toast breakfast with maple syrup, and with diced fruit on top of it, and then I realized something, this food looks great, maybe it is from the lack of prisoners here, but for some reason, this makes me feels I am having my final meal before I get executed.

"Is something wrong?" Breaker asked, as he saw that wasn't eating the meal.

"Oh nothing," I answered, burying my sinking feeling, "it is just that it looks so good, and I am hungry from eating anything," I said as I dig into my meal.

After I finished with my meal and set the tray on the cot, indicating that I am finished, "thank you Breaker, that was delicious."

Breaker nodded in acknowledgement, but the other guard wasn't that understanding in my thanks, "ok, that's enough, we need to go right now," he said annoyed, that I took so long in eating meal, "stand up and face the wall," he ordered me, like I am some kind of common criminal.

"Alright geez," I said getting up from the cot, "you could've at least say please," I added, mumbling under my breath as I faced the wall, his name must be Sergeant or something similar, I thought as I heard the door to my cell opened and heard the guard walking into the cell.

I hear the sound of metal on metal as the guard open up the shackles and locked them on my legs, completing its' job; to restrict those that wears them.

"Alright let's go now," the guard said walking out the of the cell, I followed as much as I can without tripping over myself, "hurry up," the guard called back at me with impatience lancing through his voice.

"You try walking with these on," I said feeling my rage rising as I caught up to him and Breaker.

The guard looked back at me, but before he can say something, Breaker intercepted, "forget about it, we need to go right now," and with that his horn started to glow, and we disappeared in a light blue flash.

We appeared in front of set of double doors, "is this the prisoner?" I voiced asked behind us.

I turned my head as much as I can and saw a white unicorn in a set of purple armor, but the first thought that came to mind was, why does he look like a bear?

"It is Captain Armor," Breaker confirmed.

Wait this is Shining Armor? "why is the prisoner awake?" Shining Armor asked, "The nullifier ring should have her still asleep."

"Well sir…," Breaker started, "…Miss Arcana here explained that the ring doesn't drain her magic, but it still functioning, so her magic is restricted and cannot be accessed."

"But that is not possible," Shining Armor exclaimed at that information.

"You have no idea how many times I heard that from everypony else," I said rolling my eyes in exasperation.

Before Shining Armor can say something else we all heard a booming voice call out, "quite, the hearing shall begin."

"Bring in the accused," we heard another voice call out.

Shining Armor looked at me and said quickly, "Alright just walk to the center and sit down in the chair, and don't stop," with that he opened the door with a red glow and I and both of the guards started walking into the room, but the guards stopped at the doorway, while I made my way to the center of a oval room with benches lining up around the edges, with three pedestals in front of the chair, each of them taken by a unicorn, a pegasus, and a earth pony. As I reached to the chair, I saw there in the gloom of the room ponies here and there, I also saw Aceiro, Star and the two princesses sitting there, but Star had a look of troubled on his face.

As I finally reached the chair in the middle of the room and sat down in it, "let the Hearing begin," the Earth pony cried out slamming down his gavel.

"First off, why is the nullifier ring is still on you?" the earth pony asked, "and why are you still awake?" But as I was about to answer, there was a flash of red and a scroll appeared in front the judges. The unicorn picked it up and opened it, after he read it, he started a hushed conversation with the pegasus and earth pony, after a while they stop and turned towards me.

"Alright let's start the questioning, are you Arcana the unicorn?" the unicorn asked me.

"I am," I answered him, "but, may I ask, who are you three?" this caused murmurs to spread throughout the ponies in the room.

The pegasus slammed his gavel down and ordered, "silence," everypony fell silent at his command, and then he looked at me and added, "you really don't know who we are?"

"Nope, I don't, should I?"

The Earth pony leaned towards me and said, "You are not from around here, aren't you?" I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard that question, "Cause everypony should know the Three Judges of Law when they are foals, so answer you are not from around here aren't you?"

"You're correct I am not from around here."

"Enough," the unicorn said, "we are not here to question the origin of this unicorn, we are here to determine the punishment for stealing one of the dangerous magical secrets from the Royal Canterlot Archives, and the revealing and retrieval of the Time Distortion Spell."

"Well then, you are wasting your time, because I didn't steal anything from the Archives, in fact I was in Ponyville the whole time," I made my statement.

"Silence," the unicorn bellowed at me, "speak when spoken to."

"We also have a witness that saw you doing what describes the beginning stage of the spell," the pegasus added.

"What really?" I asked, questioning his declaration, "what are the warning signs anyway?"

The unicorn glared at me for my questions, "sorry," I said putting my head down.

"Yes we have a witness," the Earth pony answered, ignoring the glare coming from the unicorn, "and he described you using a spell that didn't leave any magical residue, and earlier the day the ponies saw you enter the Archives, and also said that you arrived late for a breakfast meeting."

When he said mention the breakfast meeting, I drawn it together, "does the witness have to be Prince Blueblood," I said with a smile.

"How do you know that?" the pegasus said amazed.

"Well, I remember that breakfast meeting, and let me tell you, the reason I was late was because I had two rough weeks before that morning, so I slept in, oh and did he also add that I stuffed his face full of fruit."

The group of ponies in the stands started to chuckle, even the Earth and the Pegasus smiled at that, but the unicorn just frowned, "and also that was a little month, what took you this long to just to convict me?" I added.

This completely broke the unicorn's grim face, "w-w-well, you see we didn't realized that the Time Distortion Spell was missing until the Royal Guard received an anonymous tip about the Vaults contents."

An anonymous tip, I don't like the sound of that, "wait a minute," the unicorn said while levitating a sheet of paper and looking at it, "you said you were gone for two weeks, but you were checked out of the hospital the day earlier before the breakfast meeting, care to explain that."

"Well you three won't believe me, but I time traveled to the beginning of Equestria."

This caused a major exchange of talk to appear among the ponies in the stands, "silence, Silence!" the unicorn demanded while slamming down his gavel, and eventually silence fell.

"You expect us to believe that you time traveled all the way to the beginning of Equestria," the unicorn said in disbelieve.

"Um… yes," I said grinning.

"Not even the most powerful of unicorns can go that far back," the unicorn opposed to my truth.

"Well Arcana here is no normal unicorn," Star called out from the crowd.

The pegasus looked towards him, "who are you?"

"I am Star Streak and Arcana here, is telling the truth," he said getting up from his seat.

"Do you have any proof?" the unicorn asked.

"Well there is a giant spell diagram in the middle of the ball room back at the palace," Star said excited.

"Unfortunately, it disappeared Star," Celestia regretted to say.

"Damn it," Star said frustrated.

"Sit down mister Streak," the Earth pony said, "this is a Hearing, unless you have proof, that Miss Arcana here is telling the truth, sit back down."

"Wait I have proof right here," Aceiro exclaimed getting up and shuffling in a pair of saddlebags, wait a minute, is that my saddlebag? Wait the black box!

"Who the hoof are you?" the earth pony asked.

"I am Aceiro," Aceiro answered, as he is trying to unbuckle the saddlebag, until finally he had unbuckled it, "finally, ok here is the proof."

But before he can pull the proof out, the room started to shake as if it was in a earthquake, at the same time I felt a pain in my heart as if it was being pressurized by some unknown force; I fell out of the chair and onto the floor, gasping from the pain, "Arcana!" I heard Star cry out.

From the floor I saw Star take off from his seat, but before he can reach me, he was stopped in midair as he collided with a barrier surrounding the main floor from the stands momentary stunning him, Still in pain and on the floor, I saw the unicorn's horn glowing with a dark blue aurora.

When Star got over his stunned experience, he started pounding the barrier, "let me in, can you see that Arcana is in pain right now?"

"No," the unicorn said firmly, "this Hearing is still in progress and it is not coming down until we get answers."

"If you are not going to let me in, then I will come in myself," he demanded.

"Unlikely, this is a class three defense barrier," the unicorn stated, " so breaking in is near impossible, and also you are a pegasus, so you can't teleport inside."

"Who said I was coming in by force?" Star said, "And you sure about that?" I saw him lower his goggles down and putting himself a few feet away from the barrier's wall, he then flew towards the barrier, getting gasps from the crowd.

"What are you going to-," but before the unicorn can finish his question Star disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared inside the barrier, and next to me.

This display broke the unicorn's concentration and the barrier shattered, "are you ok Arcana?" Star asked as he helped me get up.

"What you just did," the pegasus said stumped, "shouldn't even be possible."

"Well, Arcana and I can do things, that nopony shouldn't be able to do," he said to them, and then he turns towards me, "are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm ok right now, but I don't know, it felt like I was under great pressure, but I don't know what it was though," I answered him, and then I turned towards the Three Judges, "and you three," I said to them a bit ticked, "what was the big idea to do that to Star, when he is trying to help me?"

"You have just have became dangerous to yourself and others around you," the unicorn explained, "cause you just felt is the effects of the Time Distortion Spell."

But before anything else can be said, the door burst opened, causing heads to turn towards the door and there we all saw a worn out Shining Armor, with him missing his helmet and his armor showing scratches and dents in it.

"Princesses are you alright?" he asked as he gasped for air.

"What is wrong captain Armor?" Luna asked concerned as she sat up from her seat.

"Arcana had…," he looks towards me and suddenly confusing lanced through his face, "… escaped?"

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked also to getting up from her seat, "Arcana haven't moved from since she arrived."

"Then we have trouble, for there is a unicorn outside wreaking havoc on the Hall and the unicorn looks just like Arcana," as soon he said that, we all felt the earth trembling again, it then ceased as soon it started.

"What was that?" Aceiro asked as he made his way to us.

"That was the unicorn," Shining Armor answered him, "and she has the Time Distortion Spell."

"Then let's go and stop her," Star announced, determine to stop the assailant, "but first, let's get these chains off, " I saw Star close his eye in concentration.

There was a flash of light, causing me to close my eyes as well. Then I felt the restriction around my legs disappear, as well as the tingling sensation at the base of my horn, and then I felt a surge of energy rush back into me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the chains and the nullifier ring in his hoof, "now let's go," he said, I nodded in agreement, as we both made our way to the door, but we heard the unicorn cry out, causing us to stop.

"Stop, the Hearing is still in session."

Star and I looked at the unicorn, but then another quake reverberates through the room once again, "you really going to do this?" Star asked the unicorn in disbelief, "Because you have a crazy unicorn outside with one of the most dangerous spells ever written, and all you are worried about is law."

This stopped the unicorn dead in his argument, "but what can you two do about it?" the earth pony asked.

"We might be the only ones able to stop her," I answered to the earth pony, I then turn towards Star, "alright let's go now."


Star and I turned towards Aceiro who was running up to us, "I want to help as well."

"But Aceiro, Star and I have abilities that can match to this unicorn's magic, we are not even sure that you can do anything," I said trying to keep him safe.

"I don't care, if my friends are going to be in battle then so I am," he stated.

"Then we will clear the civilians…" Celestia said.

"… While you three take care of the rogue unicorn," Luna added.

"Alright then let's go," Star then rushed out of the doors and Aceiro and I followed after him.

As we three were running down the hall, I looked out the large windows and saw ponies running around in fright and then there was another quake, causing a piece of a nearby building to fall off and land among ponies narrowly avoiding them, I hope nopony is hurt, cause of this, we then heard Celestia's voice resonance into the air, "all ponies, please evacuate the city and make you way to the castle," the panicking crowd outside then suddenly turn towards the castle.

"Alright without any civilians out and about, there is no chance for them to be injured," Aceiro observed.

We all made it to the front doors and saw that they had been blasted in, with scorch marks and groves that showed that the door had craved through the floor with great force. And then we heard a voice call out, that I will never forget, "come out little ponies, I want to play."

"Ok now that is just creepy," Aceiro said as we made our way outside, and there standing at the base of the stairs, was… another Arcana.

End Chapter

Nah just kidding

Aceiro's POV

I saw that the other Arcana looked exactly like our Arcana, she even had the same necklace as well, at the bottom of the steps with a hateful look on her face and glaring daggers at Star and Arcana, "who are you, why are you here?" I called out to the imposter at the bottom of the steps.

The imposter looked at me and said with a creep smile that sent shivers down my back, "oh, I see that we have another playmate."

"Just answer his questions," Star said infuriated at the imposters dodging.

The imposter looked at Star and said, "come on Star, it is me Arcana, and I am here to have fun."

"Enough games, show who you are, or I will," Arcana threaten as she took a step forward.

"Oh you're no fun, but you surely must remember me, after all we did have a nice dance at the Gala," the imposter hinted.

I saw Star and Arcana get the look of realization to who it is, for they called out at the same time, "NIGHTMARE!"

Nightmare smiles and then she started glowing in a dark blue glow and she started changing into a different form, she started growing bigger, and then the glower disappeared revealing Nightmare, with wings made of shadows, and also in dark armor, but the only thing that didn't change was the gem necklace around its neck.

"Aw, finally I am able to shed that horrible form."

"Don't think you can try the trick again, and don't think you will be able to take me by surprise, because I know what to expect from you two."

"Oh ya let's see about that, I then saw Arcana's horn glow and the gems on the necklace started to grow and creep on her back, until they eventually formed into wings. Arcana took off and flew towards Nightmare, at the same time Nightmare's wisps turns back into wings and she took off towards Arcana.

They meet in the air and started flying around, trying to get hits at each other getting higher and higher in the air. Arcana eventually got the upper… hoof, in this fight, for she disappeared and reappeared behind Nightmare and wrapped her forelegs around Nightmare's wing, forcing them to be shut closed, causing them to fall to the ground. Nightmare started to thrash about trying to get away. They neared the ground, but before they both hit the ground, I saw a flash of back light, and then they hit the ground causing dirt and dust to fly into the air.

I ran down the stairs and towards the hole, full of concern, but as I was approaching the hole, something black shot out of the hole, and I realized that it was Nightmare and that it had came out of the situation without a scratch, when I got to the edge and looked in it, I saw Arcana lying at the bottom of the hole moaning.

Nightmare landed a few yards away and said, "now that was exhilarating, I haven't have fun like that for a long time," Nightmare stated as she shook dust off of its coat.

"Arcana!," I heard Star call out, I turned towards the store that Star crashed through and saw him rushing out and towards Nightmare, but Nightmare's horn started to glow and encased Star in a magical grasp and brought him up to her face, "hum, now what should I do with you?"

"How about I give you some fine china," Star answered, and then there was multiple flashes of light as china started to fall from the sky and was about to hit Nightmare, but they were all stopped as she deployed a barrier over her head.

"Can you do better than that?" Nightmare said annoyed.

"How about a new house then," Star said, I saw him closing his eyes and a white vortex appeared above them, and out came what looks like a building, Nightmare looked up and saw the building coming towards them, "see ya later," Star said, and then disappear in a white flash.

The piece of building landed on Nightmare, covering the square with rubble and dust, Star appeared next to me, "Did I get it?" he asked as he dropped to the ground tired, as the dust settled revealing a pile of rubble where Nightmare is

"Ya you did," I answered him, but I spoke to soon, for the rubble burst apart kicking up dust and dirt again in the air and then a wisp of shadow shot out the rubble and smacked into Star causing him to be airborne and over some buildings.

I picked up a piece of rebar in my mouth, immediately filling it with the taste of dust and dirt, I rushed at Nightmare, but I wasn't able to reach her, for Nightmare used her magic to lift me and tossed me away like a rag doll, I hit the ground and turn head over hooves, the rebar wrench from my mouth as well felt the saddlebag ripping off and flying off to somewhere, and my back being scrapped up as I slide across the ground. While I was slowly pick myself off the ground, wincing as I felt my back started to slowly bleed, I heard Nightmare started to laugh, "You are really pathetic, an earth pony, with no magical abilities, trying to take on a great magical being, like me, head on."

I saw Arcana get out of the hole and galloped towards Nightmare. As she neared Nightmare, her wings changed into spears, levitating near her, and I also saw that they were aimed at Nightmare's necklace, but Nightmare materialize a barrier in front of her stopping Arcana's spears inches away. I saw Nightmare's eyes widen in alarm, her horn glowed black and Arcana then was flung back and embed into the ground near me, with her spears landing around, embedding themselves into the ground.

"Are you ok?" I asked concern for her," I saw her nodded as she tried to get out of the ditch she was in, "What was that about?"

Arcana shakily stood up from the ground and answered, "I sensed a lot of magic resonating from that necklace of its, I think it is the Time Distortion Spell," and all of a sudden there was a explosion of light as Star appeared hurtling straight at Nightmare, "Star, aim for the necklace," Arcana called out to him, "I am sensing a lot of magic coming from it."

"Got it," Star called back as he hurtle straight at Nightmare, but Nightmare disappeared before Star can reach it, Star immediately pulled up to avoid hitting into the ground, but as Star was pulling up, Nightmare appeared above him and blasted him with beam of dark light, shooting him into the ground near us.

"Fools, I am much stronger now than I was ever before, all thanks to a certain mage that created a spell thousands of years ago," Nightmare gloated as Star weakly tried to get out of the hole, "Do you know why that spell was so dangerous?" when neither of us answered it, it continues, "it absorbs the time streams, but at the same time it weakens the barriers across time, eventually destroying it," Nightmare said fiddling with the necklace, "and I am going to use it to take revenge on those that overwhelmed me the last time."

The necklace started to glow in a black light that it appeared to sucking in the light around it, "now behold the power that was sealed away, until now," Nightmare swung a leg and the ground in front of us exploded causing us to fly back from the shockwave it created. I made contact with a wall, feeling myself sink into it, nearly causing me to black out from the pain, I fell out of the notch I made and hit the ground.

It is a good thing earth ponies are resilient, I thought as I gritted my teeth and force my way up on my hooves and felt pain in my chest, dang I must have broken a few ribs. When the dust cleared I say that the blast that Nightmare had created made a fissure in the ground. I glanced around looking for my friends, I saw Arcana a little way with her crystal wings wrapped around her to my right, I continue to look for Star, and ended up founding a pegasus shaped hole in a wall to my left, dang that has to hurt, I thought wincing at the sight.

I then heard a little whimper behind me. I turned around and saw there in a alcove was a frightened child scared at the sight it was seeing, oh crap a kid, "I want my mommy," the child said and then started to cry.

"I see that we have a bystander this whole time," I heard Nightmare said, I twirled around and tried to block the child from Nightmare's gaze with my body, "don't try to hide that sniveling brat, I already saw her, unfortunately she saw me as well, and I can't allow my presence be known," he necklace started to glow black. I realized what it was about to do, and then I saw Nightmare swung a leg at the child.

"No!," I quickly got up to my hooves and dashed to the alcove that the child was hiding in, as if time was slowing down, I felt the intense energy of the spell coming our way, I reached the child and brought her close to my chest and embraced her, I am not going to let Nightmare do this, I thought as the blast was getting nearer and nearer, I will protect this child, I am not going to let Nightmare do this, I will stop it, I will, I will, I WILL.

And then I felt something stir in the center of my being, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to save a child you don't even know, a voice that sounded like Fate's rang through my head, you have awaken something in yourself, use it well, and then as if time speed up the burst of energy reached us I closed my eyes and braced for the hit.

I felt the shockwave hit us, after an earth shattering quake, I opened my eyes and saw the child staring at me with wonder, "are you an angel?"

"What?" I asked confused at the child's question, she raised her hoof and pointed behind me. I looked behind me and saw a pair of shining wings, that had somehow appeared to blocked Nightmare's attack. On closer examination I saw that they had metal like qualities to them, and I saw that they are also connected to my back, I moved them and felt that I have a little sensation to them, ok this is weird, and then there was a light emitting in front of me and the child, I looked towards it and saw that it was the saddlebag, but it was ripped up, with papers and other stuff poured out.

There, lying among the papers was the black box, but it was wide open, and inside I saw what was making the light, inside were three bracer like items, all lined up in a neat row. The one in the middle was giving off a white light, while the other two was giving off a golden color and other silver.

Take upon one of the new Elements, the Element of Will, I heard Fate instructed, as if I knew what to do, I reached out and touched the middle one, as soon I touched it there was a flash of light when the light faded away I saw that the bracer was now on me and I felt myself gaining strength from some unknown source.

"Wow you really are an angel," the child said.

I pushed myself up and moved myself away from the alcove and saw that the surrounding area was completely destroyed, except for the alcove that I protected, I looked back at the child and replied in a hurried tone, "I am not an angel, now get out of here, get somewhere safe," the child nodded and ran off.

All of sudden, a gold and silver orbs of light shot out from behind me. The gold orb neared Arcana, there was a flash of gold and I saw that it had attached to Arcana in the same way mine did to me. The silver one, went into the hole that Star made, there was a flash of silver, but nothing else.

"You're still alive?" Nightmare asked as I emerged from the alcove, "but how, there is now way you could've survive that, and how come I am sensing a lot of energy radiating from you? You are just a normal earth pony."

"I am anything, but normal Nightmare," I said as a made my way towards it, "and the reason I am still alive is because I willed it so," I am getting closer and closer towards it.

"Stay back I say," Nightmare released another blast at me, but as if my wings have a mind of their own, they formed a shield around me, cause the blast from Nightmare to hit them and ricochet in the air.

"That is not going to work anymore Nightmare," I alleged as my wings uncovered themselves around me.

"We'll see about that," Nightmare opposed, I saw its necklace glow once more, but before it can release it, an idea came to me, I hope this works. Nightmare released the spell at me, and wings went in to anticipate it, but instead of reflecting it, they caught the spell, "that is not possible, that is most destructive spell ever made."

"I guess it is not now," I tossed the active spell back at Nightmare, it made contact with Nightmare, causing an explosion to occur, my wings once again sheltered me from the shockwave. When the dust cleared I saw that Nightmare's barrier had protected it from most the harm and it looks like it is unconscious, for now.

Then I remembered that Arcana said that the necklace is the Time Distortion Spell, I need to destroy it now, and I rushed towards Nightmare and when I was close I jammed my wings at the necklace, but Nightmare's eyes fluttered opened before I can stab its necklace. Nightmare quickly put up a barrier stopping my wings inches away from the main jewel.

"I am not going to allow you to take away this great power," Nightmare strained from the pressure I am putting on her barrier.

"This power doesn't belong to you," I countered as my wings slowly forced themselves into Nightmare's barrier, causing it to ripple like a surface of a lake, "you were going to use to hurt others, even an innocent child," I felt the barrier being ripped in two, as my wings started to tear the barrier, "now release Trixie for your control."

"Never, she is mine," Nightmare's horn then glowed black and it shot a spell at me, I quickly brought up the leg that held the bracer to block the attack, but then I saw it shift into a shield, disrupting the spell.

"I said, let her go," I commanded, I brought up my leg to slam into the necklace, I need something sharp, as if the bracer heard me I saw it shifted into a blade. I slammed the bracer-blade into Nightmare's necklace, the blade sunk into it and I saw it started to crack and splinter.

"No!," Nightmare cried out, and then the necklace completely shattered, the necklace must have been holding vast amounts of energy, for it released all of its' energy, causing me to be hurled back a couple feet and land on my back, even though my wings protected me from most of the damage I created when I broke the necklace.

When I stood up shakily and there standing in the middle of blackened and burned area was Nightmare. I weakly walked up to Nightmare, "release Trixie now Nightmare," I demanded as I raised my wings in anticipation, and then Nightmare did one thing I wasn't expecting; it started to laugh.

Nightmare looked at me after it finished laughing, "you think you defeated me, well think again, I am not really Nightmare, I am just merrily a mixture of a being and Nightmare's magic," and then like a sand castle, Nightmare features started to fall away revealing a pony-like creature with twisted looking features.

"What are you?" I asked to the creature, "and what happened to Nightmare?"

"I am a changeling," the creature answered, it voice sounding like a bunch of insects buzzing together, "as for my master, The Great and Powerful Nightmare Moon, wasn't even here, my master is safe from the likes of you," and then it started to turn into dust, but before it totally became to dust, "also beware, Nightmare will soon return, and my master will take revenge to those who gets in my master's way," the changeling warned, before I can say anything else, it completely vanishes into dust.

Then the toll of the battle become visible as I collapsed to the ground feeling faint, and then I felt something land on my head. I looked up and saw my wings turning into the color rust red and then they fell apart into specks of particles as they fell apart and landed into piles on each of my sides. Then the veil of sleep descended on me as I heard hoof steps coming towards me.


Finally after days of non-stop interruptions from my family, am I finally finished with part two, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, now if you'll excuse me, I am going to start writing the next chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 39: New Info

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Yay, I just got my fiftieth favoriter on Fanfiction, I hope you all will like this chapter, now go and read this chapter, and I am sorry that out there think that the last chapter is a mary sue, but I always have a reason.

End A/N

Aceiro POV




I became conscious, due to the cause of the annoying beeping sound, I tried to open my eyes but I feel too drained to even get them opened.



I am going to crazy from continuing to listen to that beeping, it is more annoying than my alarm clock, I thought as I tried to move, feeling started to return to me and first thing I noticed is that I appeared to be in a soft bed, and that there seems to be something attached to my right foreleg, what is this?

Then the next thing that came back was my sense of smell. I smell the signature aroma of anesthetic; I must be in a hospital, but why? I tried to remember how I got in the hospital, but it was all a blur, with the only thing I can remember is the hearing, and then my hearing came back, "I think he's waking up," I heard Pinkie said.

I tried once more to open my eyes and found that I can now, but as soon I opened them, I was blinded by the bright lights of the room, I quickly shut my eyes from the pain that had lanced through my head, I groaned in pain, "careful there sugarcube," I heard Applejack cautioned.

"The doctor said, your body has been through so much," Twilight added.

"What happened?" I asked as I tried to push myself up on my bed, but as soon as I was sitting up, I was hit by the wave of dizziness, and I flopped back down, "and where am I?"

"Well, we were all wondering you can tell us that," Rarity said as I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjusted to the brightness of the room, "and you are in Canterlot Hospial."

"I can't remember," I said as I fully opened my eyes and saw the mane six standing around me, while I am in a hospital bed, wrapped in a nice and comfortable blanket. I looked around in the room and saw Star and Arcana in similar beds as me as well, "ok what really happened, because all I can remember was being in Arcana hearing."

"Oh you poor dear," Fluttershy said uneasy at my predicament, "what happened?"

"I can explain that," a doctor, wearing the traditional doctor apparel, answered Fluttershy as he entered the room, with a clipboard levitating besides him, "but first, I need to asked some questions," the doctor glances my way.

"Okay then."

"Alright, first question," the doctor said bring out a pen from his coat and brought them to the clipboard, "What is your name?"

"Aceiro," the doctor wrote it down on the clipboard.

"Do you have any parents and if so, then what are their names?"

"My dad's name is Numeral, and my mom passed away."

When I mentioned my mom, the doctor got a look of sadness, "oh terribly sorry, alright then," he said as he wrote down the answer to his question before, "do you recognize those in the other beds?" he asked as he pointed to my friends that were also in the hospital beds.

"Ya the pegasus is Star Streak, and the unicorn is Arcana, now is there a reason for these questions?" I asked as I answered the doctor's questions.

"Yes there is," he answered as he wrote down the information on the clipboard, "okay now last question; what can you remember?"

"All I remember is a hearing, but I know that there is supposed to be more after that, though."

Whatever I said made the doctor nod his head in some kind of understanding, "ah just as I thought, you see Aceiro, when you and your friends were brought to the hospital, you three were in pretty rough shape," he then walks towards Star's bed and removed the chart that was hanging on the foot of the bed, "Star here had three broken ribs, and multiple fractures in the wings."

He placed the chart back and then proceeded to Arcana's bed, "Arcana here showed signs of over exhort on her horn and almost frying her nervous system from magic overdose," he placed the chart and made his back to me, "but you," the doctor said levitating the chart to him, "you were in extremely rough shape, you had four broken ribs and fractures in your legs, and we also noticed that you had trouble breathing, so when the doctors did tests on you, we found out that you iron count in your blood was dangerously low, in fact so low that I am surprise to see you up already, you should be in fact still sleeping."

"Why is that?" Dash asked.

"Because Aceiro here suffers or now suffered from Iron Deficiency Anemia or IDA," the doctor answered Dash, but only raises a confused look from her, "you see Iron is the key ingredient in the body to absorb and carry oxygen, without Iron one will be extremely tired, having trouble concentrating and thinking, and headaches, which can sometimes lead to amnesia, thus your memory loss, but it will return," he explained. The doctor then turn his attention back to me, "I may not know the cause of you recovery, but I think it has something to do with that item you have on.

"Huh?" I looked down and removed the blanket that was covering me, and there I saw that puzzled me and possible a few doctors, on my right foreleg was a bracer like those that knights wear to protect their arms.

"Do you know what that is?" Twilight asked as she came in close to examine it.

"If I do, then I have forgotten then," I said confused.

"The strange thing is…" the doctor said baffled, "…that we tried to remove it, but it won't just come off, it isn't attached to your skin, it won't come off, and you aren't the only that have it."

"Huh?" I asked once again confused.

He pointed to Star and Arcana and said, "They also have them as well, but they are all slightly different from each other," at this point Star and Arcana were stirring and groaning.

"Ah gosh," Star said sitting up and rubbing his head, "it feels like that I got smacked around by a building."

"You think that's bad," Arcana argued back, "it feels like I got hit by a train," and then Arcana noticed that she is wearing the bracer, "and what the hoof is this thing," she said as she started examining it.

"I have one too," Star finally noticed his.

"This is impossible," the doctor proclaimed as Star and Arcana came around, " it has been only a day, you two should be still be unconscious from the recovery stage, there is no way you should be up."

"Well these three aren't ordinary ponies' doctor," Celestia announced as she made herself known by entering the room, and being soon followed by Princess Luna.

"Princesses," everypony in the room bowed down for the royal sisters.

"Hello everypony," Luna greeted us, "now if you'll please doctor, can you leave, we would like to discuss past events with these three."

"Of course princesses," the doctor concur and left the room, after the doctor left the princesses turn their attention to the three of us in the hospital beds.

"Now will somepony care to explain why town square looks like a stampede of buffalos went through it, and followed by a demolition team?" Celestia asked us.

"Well believe it or not, it was Nightmare," Star answered causing gasps to be intake.

"What happened?" Luna asked concerned.

Star and Arcana explained what happened after we left the hearing, but for me that was as far I can for my memory is currently shot, "and then Nightmare fired at us and next thing we all wake up in the hospital," Arcana finished.

"With these weird bracers on us," Star added as he showed his.

"Did we win?" I asked them, "Because I can't remember squat."

"I don't see how, when we were unconscious," Arcana pointing out that flaw in the theory.

"I think I can clarify at what happened," a familiar voice called out from the hallway, and then walked in the unexpected being to see; the alicorn, Fate.

Everypony expect the royal sister, and the three of us, looked at him agape at the sight of another alicorn, "Holy freak, it's you," I heard Star called out in astonishment and then I saw him getting upset, "why?"

"What?" Fate asked confused at Star's question.

"Why in the world did you drop us off in the middle of the freaking sky?"

"Oh you see, I have no control were you appear, I can only give an general area, the rest is all up to fate."

"Ya right, fate up my bu-"

"Anyway…," Arcana interrupting Star before he can finish that sentence, "would you care to answer some of our questions please?"

"Ya, we have some questions as well," Applejack said, "and don't try to lie, because I can tell if you are lying."

"W-w-who are y-y-you?" Fluttershy nervously asked Fate.

"I am Fate, dear Fluttershy, bearer of Kindness," Fate answered Fluttershy's question with a small bow towards her, "and of course I will answered them, and truthfully Applejack, current bearer of the Element of Honesty," this surprised Applejack into silence, "but first, I have a repair job to do," he then stepped up to me and put a hoof on my forehead, and then I heard him whisper, "restore," as if a floodgate opened, my mind was quickly rushed with images, feelings, and senses, causing me to remember, Nightmare, a child crying, and a pair of metal wings.

I grasped my head from the sudden information.

"What did you do to him?" I heard Star cry out, and I hear him trying to get out of bed.

"Calm yourself young Space Bender," Fate quickly said to him, "all I did was restore his memory."

"Jeez talk about sensory overload," I at last said, as my memories finally settled themselves back into their proper place.

"Ooh sensory overload, I get that be eating ten sacks of sugar," Pinkie happily said.

Fate just looked at her, "you know, of all of the bearers of the Element of Laughter, I have never meet one that is just as… overenthusiastic as you Pinkie Pie," Fate nervously said to her.

"Ya that is, Pinkie for ya Fate," I said to him, "now if don't mind I would like some answers, the first is what the heck are these?" I said as I showed the bracer, "and why does Star and Arcana have one as well?"

"Well you Aceiro, those are the new Elements-."

"Really," Twilight said interrupting and also intrigued by Fate, "but there is only six Elements of Harmony though. Also are you like the princesses, if so then how come I have never seen or heard of you?"

Fate ignored that he was interrupted and answered her, "ah the Element of Magic, the bearers are always the most observant of them all, but not the most patient," this cause Twilight to blush in embarrassment, "but yes Twilight I am like your princesses, but the reason I am not known is because I choose to be not known, I am just an observer, and as I was saying, these are Elements but not of Harmony, but of Reality."

"What are the Elements of Reality?" Dash asked.

"Well you see Dash, there are three Elements of Reality not the usually six like the harmonies, they are Space, Time, and Will. Star represents the Element of Space, Arcana's Time, and Aceiro's Will."

"So now that you got your memories back," Applejack understood, "would you care to explain to us, how you got into those states?"

I then picked off from Nightmare's attack, I told them at what Nightmare was about to do to a child and how I was going to protect her, which somehow caused a pair of metal wings to appear on my back, then to how I fought with Nightmare and defeated it, but found out that it was some kind of creature called a changeling, and then turned in dust, "and then the wings just fell apart and turned into dust," I turned my attention to Fate, "Fate I heard you before I took upon the Element of Will, and since you seem to know a lot about these Elements of Reality, can you explain what happened to me?"

"Alright, I will explain, but I don't have much time to stay for long," he took a deep breath as if he is about to give a lecture, "you see Aceiro, the bearer of the Element of Will can will nearby objects to any shape and from, but they must be in contact though and it cannot be another living object, even though you had the will to protect the child you saved, it had cost you, since you were holding a child at the time, your will went to the next thing it could find…"

"The iron in my body," I said in realization.

"… Exactly," Fate confirmed, ", but there was some good news, it helped you rip apart Nightmare's barrier protecting the necklace and shaping that bracer into a blade."

"Since we are talking about the bracers," Arcana intervened, "can we take off our Elements?"

"Well they can be," Fate seems to be hesitant about this information, "but since they bonded with each of you, they can be rather… disagreeable with you."

"So you mean to tell us that we are stuck with these, because to tell you the truth I don't think that I can stand having this thing restricting my movements," Star complained, making his point by moving his hoof.

"Don't worry about that," Fate said full of blithe, "the Elements of Reality has a safety aspect to them, and all you have to do is think to them to be concealed."

I saw Star and Arcana close their eyes and I followed suite, alright let's see if I can do this, I pictured the bracer and thought, conceal, I heard gasps of surprise as I felt the grasp on my leg disappeared and to be replaced by a feeling like I am wearing a glove, I opened my eyes and looked at where the bracer is, "what the hoof?"

There on my foreleg where the bracer was, is now a complex looking marking on my leg, I then heard Star call out, "ah great, instead of having a restricting bracer I now have a tattoo."

"Well at least it is better than nothing Star," Arcana trying to see the good in this, "now quit your whining."

"I'm not whining, I'm making a complaint," Star countered.

"Well stop complaining then," Arcana corrected and then she turned towards Fate, "now I am wondering, why didn't that box that I received back in time open until now?"

"You see Arcana, the box had an enchantment on it, and it wouldn't open until the proper bearers for the Elements it contained inside appeared, and Aceiro was the last one to be required."

"Wait you mean I was a destined to hold the Element of Will?" I asked not understanding at what I am hearing.

"I don't know, destiny is always a mystery to me."

"But your Fate though," I responded.

"Yes, I am Fate, but fate and destiny are completely different from each other," Fate then looked out the window, I followed his gaze and saw that the sun is setting, "unfortunately my time here on this world is about to come to an end," he then looked back at us, "so I have to leave you all, goodbye for now," and with that he left the room.

"Well we also have to leave as well my little ponies," Celestia spoke up, "after all we have to talk to the public about yesterday's disaster, and we also have lower and rise the sun and the moon."

"So we both you all adieu," Luna added, and with that she and her sister left the room closing the door behind them.

Third POV

As Fate left the room containing the new Elements of Reality, he stopped in the hallway, and shortly after Celestia and Luna exited the room and closed the door.

"It has been a long time Fate," Celestia greeted him with a smile as she stopped in front of him.

"Yes it has, when was the last time we all gathered here like this?" Fate said greeting her with a smile as well.

"Around the fall of Discord," Luna thought it through, and then she asked Fate, "are you sure that it okay that the Elements of Reality to be brought back?"

"It has been far too long since the Elements of Reality went without bearers, dear sister Luna," Fate made his point to Luna, "they need to be bonded, or they will disappear, and who knows what will happen."

"It has been a while since you called me sister, brother, but I see you as a crazy uncle than a brother," Luna said giggling.

Fate chuckled and said, "True, so how is my daughter Cadence doing, can she fly yet?"

"She is doing very well Fate, and the farthest she got close to flying is gliding," Celestia answered, "and she has been seeing my student's brother, Shining Armor, for some time now, and I think I see a family about to be formed in the near future."

Fate looked happy, "well then she past me in the flying category, I can never get the hang of flying," he then suddenly looked poignant, "sigh, I wish I can see her, but she is never to see me, she still doesn't know who her real father is, right?

Celestia nodded an confirmation, Fate gave a sigh and added, "well I have to go now, my time here is about to run out, that and the mother and child that Aceiro is coming this way," Fate then started walking and then vanish like ghost, but not without saying, "take care dear sisters, and I hope that we will meet again soon."

"You know, I don't know how he can do that," Celestia said as Fate disappeared, and then she and Luna soon disappeared in a flash of light, right before a mother and a child turn around the corner and made their way to the room of the Elements of Reality.

Aceiro's POV

After Fate and the princesses left the room, Twilight started talking with Arcana about some tests to do, I saw Star started to look bothered about something, "Hay Star, is something wrong?" I asked concerned for my friend.

Star looked at me and answered, "What? Oh nothing," but I saw his left eye started to twitch, but didn't give much thought out it. I was about to go to asleep but then and then the door revealing a brown earth pony with tan mane and tail, and a child next to her and then it hit me, it's the kid I saved.

The kid rushed to my bed and started jumping up and down, "see mommy I told you he is here," the mother walked up to my bed with tears in her eyes.

"Oh thank you for saving my child sir, I don't know what will happen if I lose my little darling."

"Its okay mommy, mister angel here saved me from that mean pony," the child reassured her mom, the child looked back at me and got a puzzled look, "Mister Angel what happened to your wings."

"Oh… um well you see I borrowed them and I have to return them," I said to the child.

"Oh that makes a lot more sense," the child happily said.

"Come on dear let mister… um," the mother said not sure about my name.


She nodded, "alright then, let Mister Aceiro here get his sleep," she said to the kid and then they start walking towards the door, but she stopped short of it and looked back at me and said, "oh, I never gave you my name didn't I, my name is Mjölna."

"Well it is nice to meet you Miss Mjölna."

"Bye-bye mister angel Aceiro," the child said as she and her mother left the room.

I heard snickering coming from Star's bed, "what?" I asked towards Star.

"Oh nothing… Mister Angel."

"Shut up."

Third POV

Location: The Royal Archives

"Listen here and listen well," Captain Shining Armor demanded from his troops in front of the vault of forbidden magic with lit candles hanging from the walls, "even though the Time Distortion Spell was stolen, it was destroyed before it can be used anymore, so now we don't want any more thefts from the Royal Archives, got it?"

"Yes sir," the guard said and saluting in unison.

"Good," Shining Armor said in concurrence, "now go and make sure that nothing like yesterday happens ever again."

The guards lowered their salutes and left the room and on their way to start patrolling their grounds. Shining Armor left the room containing the vault, but as he was about to close seal the doors to the room, he felt a shiver ran down his spine as if he was being watched. He looked back at the room and saw nothing but the shifting shadows from the candles, I must be on my nerves ends here, I need a vacation, he thought as he used his magic to blow out the candles and then shutting the doors for the night.

As soon as the doors were closed and the sound of hoof steps getting fainter and fainter from the door, a wisp of shadow detach itself from the portrait of the defeat of Nightmare Moon. The wisp looked back at the portrait it was using to conceal itself, and if one was still there, they might feel the cold of resentment the wisp was giving off.

The wisp moved its' attention from the portrait to the vault containing forbidden magic. The wisp then started slithering across the floor like a snake, growing bigger and bigger as the distance to the vault grew smaller and smaller. When it finally reached the vault it almost now resembles Nightmare Moon in the portrait.

Nightmare looked at the vault's door and snorted in amusement and walked towards, but instead of hitting into it, it and faded through the steel and iron door, until it was in a dark room, but Nightmare can just see easily fine. The vault was filled with pedestals all in neat rows, with each of them containing a scroll or item of forbidden magic. Nightmare made its' way farther into the vault room looking at its' contents, searching for something in particular, it passed a empty pedestal that there in the outline made of dust, is a faint outline of a necklace, and there on it also is a plaque that reads; Time Distortion Spell.

Nightmare passed the empty pedestal and felt anger at the failure of yesterday's events, but it didn't stop as it continues searching for whatever it came for. For about an hour of searching through the vault's contents, it finally found what it came for. There, resting on the pedestal that is exactly like the others in the room, sat a bracer made of the blackest metal and gems.

Nightmare smiled as it will finally get its' revenge. Nightmare took the bracer from the pedestal and turned to leave, but before it left, Nightmare looked back at the now empty pedestal. Nightmare's horn started to glow in a color so black that it was only matched to a moonless and shadow filled night. On the pedestal, it started to shimmer like a sun does to create a mirage, after a few second the shimmering ended, with the result now an exact copy of the bracer that Nightmare just took resting where the real thing just sat. Nightmare then started to make its' way back to the vault's door with its prize, leaving the pedestal that holds the illusory item, with the plaque reading; The Element of Entropy.

Wow I wrote this one much faster, I hope you all enjoyed it, now stay tune for the next chapter, goodbye for now and see you all later.

End A/N

Chapter 40: Peskiness and Discovered

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I am glad that everyone liked the last chapter, so I hope that you all enjoy this chapter.

End A/N

Star POV

After a day of resting in the hospital and getting a bit stir crazy, I started messing with my Element by making it phase into the silver bracer that is the Element of Space and back into the silver marking on my foreleg, while thinking about what happened during attack.

We could've failed, phase in…

We could've died, phase out…

Arcana could've died, phase in…

I need to get stronger, phase out…

"Will you please stop that," Arcana protested, I looked over and saw her right eye twitching, "it is really annoying me."

I gave a sheepish smile, "sorry…"

I need to be stronger, phase in...

"…I am just getting a bit stir crazy here, Arcana."

"Then read a book like Aceiro here," Arcana suggested, and true to her word, Aceiro is reading a book and it looked like a science book about… metal?

"Well then, where is one supposed to get a book?" I asked her, she gave me an exasperated look and pointed. I looked to where she is pointing and saw a bookshelf, "oh right," huh can't believe I didn't see that before.

But before anything else can happen, the same doctor from yesterday walked in, "alright you three, I don't know how this is possible, but you three are completely fine, so you are being released today," and with that a nurse walked in with three wheelchairs following in her magic.

"Wait, just like that?" Aceiro asked, putting down the book he was reading.

"Yes, just like that," the doctor answered Aceiro, "and don't worry about paying the bill," I saw Aceiro looked a tad relieved at hearing that, "it was been paid and by the princesses none the less," the doctor said in a surprised tone, "whoever you three are, you must be very important ponies."

We were all then lifted off our beds by the nurse's magic and put into the wheel chairs and then lead out of our room and pushed down hallways and past other rooms filled with patients.

We soon reached the front doors of the hospital and got up from our wheelchairs, "now even though you are all somehow fully healed, I recommend that you shouldn't strain yourselves at least a day," the doctor recommended, "That means…," he mentioned towards Aceiro, "no running for you, your iron count is still low, not dangerously low, but still low, I recommend that you should food high in iron , dark green and leafy vegetables, like spinach" he then looked towards Arcana, "and you miss, should keep spell casting down to a minimum, you don't want to overload your horn magic nerves," I started snickering, but then the doctor looked at me, " and you young pegasus," he looked at me, which ceased my snickering, "I know how you pegasi are like, always want to fly, but I don't want you to fly, because you'll damage your wings, got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Good," the doctor reassured, "now before I forget," his horn started to glow and an envelope came out of his pocket, "this was left for all of you at the front desk."

Arcana took the envelope from him in her magic and replied, "thank you," and opened it and started reading it.

The doctor bowed his head in acknowledgement and went back inside the hospital, after a few seconds the doctor left, we heard Arcana said, "Oh buck."

"What does it say?" I asked her, "and who is it from?"

"It is from Princess Celestia," Arcana revealing the sender, "and she said that there is a story about us three floating around the around the castle and the city…"

"So, how is it bad?" Aceiro inquired.

"…I'm not done," Arcana announced, "They are calling us The Unsung Heroes, and that there are reporters also looking for us."

"Again, how is this bad?" I asked, repeating Aceiro's question.

"I am not sure about this part, but this is addressed to you Star," Arcana said confused, "this is just close to about the time at spring when I didn't warn you about the event."

"What event, Star?" Aceiro asked me.

I then remembered all those mares chasing me and the other odd sightings I saw that day, and then I released a shudder at the memory of Arcana in heat and how close she got me… close to her, ok I need to know when the next heat season is going to start, but never mind that right now, "ok, if it is bad as Celestia compared it to, then we need to avoid public areas."

"Like we are right now," Arcana pointed out, I looked around and I saw ponies looking at us with the look of wonder, oh crap!

"There they are," a stallion called out as he running down the street towards us with a camera strapped around his neck, "the Unsung Heroes are at this hospital," immediately a swarm of reporters came out of alleyways and rush towards us.

"If they reach us, they will call us the Re-healed Heroes afterwards," Aceiro gulped.

"We need to leave right now," Arcana proclaimed, I saw her horn started to glow and I remembered what the doctor said and flicked her horn, disrupting her concentration and shattering the spell she was about to do. She looked at me with offended gaze and asked, "What the hay was that for?"

"Sorry but doctor orders," I answered.

"Um guys…," Aceiro said nervously, "…they're nearly upon us."

I looked and saw that Aceiro was right and that they are almost up to us, I wrapped a leg around Arcana and Aceiro with the other, "alright everypony," I called out to the reporters as they finally made it to us, "I know you all want to interview us, but unfortunately we all have to go home."

"But Star, the doctor said you shouldn't fly," Arcana whispered to me.

"Who said anything about flying?" I stated giving her a wink and then I turn towards the crowd of reporters, "goodbye everypony, so now we'll… skedaddle."

As if the reporters detected something was about to happen the brought up their cameras trying to take picture of us, but I warped us in a flash just as their cameras went off… and reappeared in a flash at Ponyville square. I fell to the ground feeling tired and weary.

"Are you ok Star?" Aceiro asked at the sight I am in.

I waved him away, "Yeah I'm fine, I just never warped this many before, so give a few moments to get my strength back, alright."

"You should've listened to the doctor Star," Arcana alleged.

"I did listen to the doc, I didn't fly, I warped us here," I pointed out. After I rested a few seconds I was now back on my hooves, we were all now walking about, looking for something to do, "so now what?"

"I guess we can see the others now that we are out of the hospital, you know to let them know that we are ok now," Aceiro suggested.

"I'm up for that," I said and then I asked Arcana, "what about you?" Arcana nodded and I happily claimed, "Alright, its settle then. Let's stop a Sugarcube Corner first, because eating that hospital food killed my taste buds and I need something sweet to satisfy this sweet tooth I am having."

"I agree," Aceiro agreeing with me, "human hospital food is bad, but pony hospital food almost takes the cake," he said as we passed Lyra and Bon-Bon, and in the corner of my eye I saw Lyra's head turn when Aceiro mentioned humans, oh boy, I have a feeling that Aceiro is going to be stalked by the anthropologist.

"Speaking of cake," Arcana speaking up, "here we are," and I saw that we had arrived at Sugarcube Corner… somehow.

I quickly brushed off the weirdness of this world, "well let go and get some cake," I said walking towards the door, "I just hope the cake isn't a lie," I joked, making Aceiro and Arcana laugh.

"I hope that I don't get Pinkie attacked like last time," I heard Aceiro hoped as I reached for the door knob.

"Huh?" Arcana clearly confused.

"Nothing, I will tell you later," Aceiro said as they caught up to me.

I opened the and walked in and saw that it was completely dark and that somepony had blacked out the windows, after a second I knew what was going to happen next, but Aceiro beat me to it, for he said, "ah horse apples, not again."

There was a click and light switched on, revealing Twilight and others, "SURPRISE," they all called out as Pinkie blew into a noise maker and then she rushed towards and said in a quickly tone, "were you surprised? Well huh, huh, huh-."

I quickly stuff a hoof into her mouth and replied, "Yes Pinkie, we're surprised, but may we ask what this party is about?" I asked as I took my hoof out of her mouth to let her.

"Well duh," Pinkie said rolling her eyes at my ignorance, "this is a 'getting out of the hospital and welcome back home' party," and then she grabbed us all and rushed us to the others, "oh and one more thing," she added towards us, "the cake is not a lie," and with line the party started.

The next morning

Aceiro's POV

I felt a stinging sensation on my forehead and it was getting worse. I shot up and cried out as I rubbed my forehead, "Ow what the heck?" I looked around and saw that nothing in the basement I am sleeping has changed and from the way my eyes feel, it must be early in the morning, ok first I need to get a place of my own, and second I need to get a job, and third, what the heck stung me?

I then heard clucking above me, I turn my eyes upward and saw a baby bird standing and leaning over my head, peering at me, and I remember that this is Pee-Wee, Spike's pet baby phoenix, that Star explained and also his little… wake up calls, "so you're the one that woke me up, aren't you?"

Pee-wee bobbed his head up and down, "well, will you be kind to stop doing that to me?" I asked the baby phoenix politely, Pee-Wee shock his head left and right, "well why not?" his answer was to start pecking me like a woodpecker, "Ow quit it," I ordered as I waved my forelegs around to wave him off. He jumped off my head and ran up the stairs from the basements, with what sounds like Woody the woodpecker's laughter.

"Stupid bird," I groaned as I got up from the cot and made my way up the stairs feeling hungry and decided to get some breakfast, "geez with all that cake and pie I ate from the party yesterday, I would think I will still be full," I said to myself as walked up the stairs and enter the foyer of the library. As I halfway across the foyer, I heard pounding coming from the front door.

"Ok, I know that this is a public library, but this is still early for somepony to want a book," I said to myself again, as I change my direction towards the front door. When I opened the door, I was completely barraged by lights and noises, blinding me, "look we found one of the Unsung heroes," I quickly slammed the door and braced the door with my back, and started rubbing my eyes, trying to clear my eyes from the blindness I recieved, "wait a minute, Unsung Hero, oh pony feathers we screwed."

"Oh hay Aceiro," I heard somepony call out to me, I looked up and saw Star walking down the stairs, with his pair of goggles around his neck, "who's at the door?" he asked.

"Well Star, you know about the reporters back at Canterlot?" I anxiously asked.

"The ones that calls us the Unsung Heroes, right?" I nodded, "what about them?"

"Hehe, well they are currently at the front door," I answered, and then pounding started up at the front door again.

"We just want to ask you some questions," a muffled voice called out from behind the door.

"We're screwed, aren't we?" he asked as he finally made his way to ground floor.

"Eeyup," I quoted the famous pony of few words.

"What is up with all the banging and noises?" I looked up the stairs along with Star and saw Arcana there with a slight bed hair going on.

"Reporters found us," Star deadpanned.

"Hoover Dam," Arcana sort of swore, "we need to get out of here right now."

"Good morning everypony," Twilight greeted us as she exited the kitchen and then she saw me barring the front door and could possible hear the voices coming from the other side of it, "oh come on Aceiro, get away from the door please, there might be some ponies that wants a book," and then I saw her horn started to glow.

I then understand what she is going to do, I spoke in a hurried tone, "no wait Twilight, you don't understand, there's a-," but there was a flash of red light and I appeared next to Star and Arcana; Twilight had just teleport me away from the door, we're screwed.

The door burst opened and the reporters came rushing in, immediately swarming us with lights and questions, "that is it," I heard Star call out, I saw him raise his hoof and all the cameras flew off the reporters and made a pile at his hooves, this act alone silence every reporter in the room and looked at Star in amazement, "look I know you all are curious about us, but please this is getting really annoying, what do you want?"

There was whispering and murmuring coming from the crowd of reporters, and when it appeared they all got an answer, they looked back at us and said at once, "a interview."

"Ah, not going to happen," Arcana putted out in plain words, and with that she disappeared in a blink of an eye, this cause gasps of surprise to spread through the reporters.

"Good idea," Star concurred at Arcana's idea, he pulled up his goggles over his eyes, "see ya all later, maybe," he declared and with that he disappeared in a white flash… and leaving me with the swarm of reporters to deal with, well, I'm toast, and then there was a flash of light again and Star appeared next to me, "almost forgot something," he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we both disappeared in a flash and reappeared in Ponyville park.

"Thanks Star, I thought I was a goner," I said as I sat down on a nearby bench, unaware that I am sitting human style.

"No problem and sorry about leaving you like that, I forgot that you don't have any form of teleportation what so ever."

"That's ok, so what are you going to do now?"

"I am going to try to get rid of those pesky reporters, you?"

"I am going to find a job, maybe visit my dad in the hospital," I answered listing the possibilities for today.

"Well good luck with that," Star said and then he took off into the sky.

I waited there for a minute enjoying the breeze and scents that comes by, and then my stomach started to growl in hunger, reminding me that I didn't get anything for breakfast this morning, sigh might as well get something to eat, but I can't help but think I am missing something.

I got off the bench and made my way to Applejacks apple cart to get some, well, apples. As I entered the Market District, I felt as if I was being watched and followed, I looked behind me and saw a flash of turquoise going around a corner of a building, oh boy, I hope that wasn't one of those pesky reporters, I thought as I as I continue my towards Applejack's cart.

After ducking and weaving through alleyways avoiding small crowds of reporters that seems to patrolling around and other flashes of turquoise going behind buildings, I finally made it Applejack's feeling hungrier than ever, "well howdy there partner, um what's wrong with you," she asked as she saw my hunger pained face, but before I can answer her my stomach let out a hearty growl, "well that answers mah question, but why didn't you get anything to eat though, partner."

"Star, Arcana and, I got swarmed by reporters this morning, and I didn't get anything to eat before they showed up," I explained.

"But what about all that cake and pie you ate yesterday?"

"I asked that myself this morning, cause maybe it is because of my metabolism. Well enough talking about how my body works, I need to get something to eat and fast."

"Well then you came to the right place," Applejack proudly stated and then she ducked under her cart and brought out a delicious looking fritter, and at the sight, I felt my mouth watered, "that will be two bits please," when she said the price, I remembered what I forgot, I facehoof and said, "that's what I forgot, I forgot to ask Star for some money."

"I'll take care of this," a feminine voice behind me, I saw a hoof past my head and drop two bits on the cart.

"Well thank you miss for helping mah friend here," Applejack thanked the pony that paid for the fritter and giving the fritter to me.

I took a bite out of the fritter and it felt like my taste buds just sang hallelujah, and for an added bonus, it is still hot, I swallowed and took another bite, while turning around to thank the pony that paid for my breakfast, "thank you for paying…" I trailed off at whom I saw paid for the fritter, and the flashes of turquoise that has been following me, for it was the anthropologist herself, "Lyra?"

She looked at me confused and said, "Funny, I didn't tell you my name."

"Oh um, my friend mentioned you to me."

"Oh really, then what's your friend's name is then," Lyra asked suspicious.

"Star Streak," I answered, "you meet him at the park before the eclipse."

"That's right, ok I believe you," and then Lyra became slightly anxious about something, "um, I want to ask you something, but it is kind of embarrassing to talk about it in a public area."

"I agree, it feels like I am going to be ambushed by reporters anytime soon now."

"Why is that?"

The universe must have been listening, for all of a sudden I heard a cry above me, "look there is one of the Unsung Heroes."

I looked up and saw a pegasus looking at and with a flock coming this way in the distance, "Crud!" I grabbed Lyra without thinking and made a rush to leave the Market district with the flock of pegasi following us, when we left the Market district and entered a residential area. I pulled Lyra and myself into a nearby alleyway and pressed ourselves up a wall, and a few seconds later the swarm of pegasi flew right past us, with some of them saying, "he's an earth pony, how hard is it to catch up to him?"

"Apparently hard," Lyra said, reminding me that she is still with me.

"Sorry about," I apologized as I left her hoof go, "I didn't mean to drag you into this," I joked.

She giggled at my pun and replied, "ah its ok, things like these usually happen in Ponyville about once a week, but I don't know why it happens here and not somewhere else."

"Hehe, ya it's a mystery," I said nervously, "well anyway, what were you going to talk me about, before the crazy mob of reporters decided to appear?"

"Well first I know a restaurant that is close by, we can talk there instead of here."

"Ok then lead the way," Lyra lead me out of the alleyway we both were hiding down towards to what looks like a shake serving establishment, what a minute is this the restaurant where Cerberus almost peed on?

Lyra went sat down at one of the tables that are placed outside for those that want to eat outside, and I also saw that they weren't much ponies here, I guess they are still a bit nervous after Cerberus dropped by. I sat down opposite of her, once again unaware that I am sitting like a human, I saw a little excitement jump across her eyes, but they quickly disappeared as soon as they arrive so I wasn't sure if they were they in the first place to begin with.

"So what do you want talk about that was so embarrassing that we had to talk here?"

"Well I am wondering if, oh Celestia this is so embarrassing to talk about this to somepony else," Lyra all worried, "well I was wondering if you can tell about humans?"

I was expecting this, so I said coolly, "sorry but I don't know anything about humans."

"Oh sorry for bothering you," Lyra said, but without the hint of disappointment, she stick out a hoof for a shake and I accepted it, and once again the look of excitement ran across her eye and this time I did imagine it, "oh and by the way I never got your name."

"It's Aceiro," I provided my name.

"Interesting name," Lyra said intrigued by my name as she shook my hoof, "but I would like to know, what's your real name, human?"

That shocked me, "huh?"

"Come on, I know that you are or were a human," Lyra smirked as she let my hoof go, "and don't try to deny it, cause I am not that stupid."

"Alright fine, you caught me, but tell me, how did you figure that I was a human?"

"Well first I overheard you talking about a human hospital, and second, you sit like a human, and third, nopony doesn't wrap their hoof around another pony's hoof like you did."

"Hay, in my defense I have only been a pony for five days."

This caused Lyra to be really excited, "oh you just got here, but tell me, why are you a pony and not one of those hairless apes and myths that depict of your kind, and are there more of you here?"

"Ok first, my human name is Jace, second, I have no idea why I am a pony, and third, yes there are more here."

"Jace huh, that's a funny name, oh and let me guess on who the other humans were," Lyra thrilled that there are more humans here, "Star Streak was a human and I believe Arcana was as well, am I correct?"

I am stunned that she got that down on the first try, "yes you are, but could you keep it down on the low level, it is bad enough that there are reporters out there calling us the Unsung Heroes."

"Which you never explained about that," Lyra pointed out.

"Right Star, Arcana and I stopped a rogue unicorn from going crazy with a spell that she wasn't suppose to have back in Canterlot," I explained stretching the truth a bit, didn't want a mass panic to start, because Nightmare is back.

"Amazing, humans, well ex-humans stopped a disaster from happening in the capital of Equestria," Lyra said a little out loud.

"Shush," I said panicking and looking up and around in for any reporters that might be nearby, "I don't what to be chased around, again."

"Sorry, it is just so exciting to meet a ex-human, so can you tell me more-"

"There is one of them over there," a voice called out interrupting Lyra, I whirled my head and there were a group of reporters coming this way, I had enough of this, I angrily got up from the table and meet them halfway towards the table.

"Ok this is getting way out of control here…" I said them staring them all down that can almost equal to Fluttershy's famous Stare, "…so I want you to spread the word to other reporters out here and to your boss or bosses; I want you all to leave me and my friends alone, got it?"

One of the reporters spoke up, "but we all just want to get a story from you."

"Yeah I know that, but that doesn't mean that gives you the right to swarm, mob, crowd, us just to get a story," I countered, feeling my anger rise, and then I felt my back started to tingle, but I ignore the feeling and continue my ranting, "I mean you can just ask, what is so wrong with that? But no, instead you barged into my friend's home, forcing us to run, and you chasing us all over Ponyville," they stared at me with wide open eyes, "now I want you all reporters to spread word to every other reporter that are around here in Ponyville and including your boss; leave us alone or I am going to shove this story down your freaking throats," I relayed to them my message, which they all nodded to, completely terrified of something. The pegasi among them then took off into the skies, with the others running back into town in a hurried rush.

I walked back to the table and sat down, and Lyra was also staring at me wide-eyed, "what?"

"Are humans capable of using magic?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Well you're an Earth pony, and you said humans can't use magic, but you just grew a pair of wings, and metal by the looks of it."

"Oh no," I looked behind me and saw what caused the wide-eyed stares I was getting, for there on my back were a pair of metal wings, like the battle against Nightmare, but smaller in size, I turned towards Lyra and said in a clam tone, "Lyra, can you care to find me some spinach?" and then I saw the table coming towards my face, as darkness faded into my vision.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, now if you'll excuse me I am now going to work on the next chapter.

End A/N

Chapter 41: Heat Strikes Again

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Wow I am happiest writer ever, all of those positive reviews, especially you Bleed273, that is what I needed to immediately start on this chapter, I hope you all get a laugh out of this.

End A/N

Star's POV

Dang yesterday was just crazy, I contemplate with myself as the scenery flying past the train's windows, with the sun rising behind the mountains, being chased around Ponyville like a hunted animal, then all of a sudden the reporters leaving, what happened yesterday?

I looked around inside the train car and saw other stallions that were also taking this trip to Cantorlot, ha this time I am not going to be misinformed this time, I thought happily as I remember the letter earlier this morning.


Hours earlier

I felt something whack me in the snout, causing me wake up with a jolt up, I sleepily look around for anything that might have hit me. I hear a sound of crinkle of paper from my lap I looked down and saw a scroll with Celestia's seal on it, ugh what time is it? I glanced over to my clock and there I saw in the moonlight of the moon, I saw that it read twelve oh clock, what the heck? Why did Celestia send me a letter at this time? Oh well let's see what she says.

I opened it and read it, after I finished, my other reaction was this, "Oh Crap," I quickly got out of bed and quickly packed my saddlebag for a trip to Canterlot.

End flashback

I looked at the letter I still have and read the last paragraph again:

Heat season is going to start, so I suggest that you board the train heading to Canterlot right now.

Princess Celestia.

Cutting a bit close are we Celestia? I questioned as I look around in the car to see who else is with me. Spike, Carrot Cake with the twins, Big Mac, Mr. Breezy, Ace, Thunderlane and his brother Rumble, and other stallions from Ponyville, what a minute, I looked around and saw that there was some ponies missing, where's Aceiro and Shadow Breeze? I haven't seen Aceiro since yesterday, and Shadow since the eclipse, and then it drawn to me, oh shit, they're still in Ponyville filled with heat crazed mares.

Aceiro's POV

I have spent last night at the Ponyville hospital, after Lyra had dropped me off there when I had passed out from loss of iron, which I really need watch out on that. When I woke up I saw that I didn't have the metal wings, so I deducted that they once again turn to dust as before, and then whole time I was there I was eating nothing but iron rich foods (lots and lots of spinach themed foods), and visiting my dad. He is getting better, for he can move his body but is not yet strong enough to walk.

As I was about to leave the hospital, with a saddlebag of spinach and iron supplements in case my abilities kick up again, I tried to open the front doors, but found them locked, why are these locked? They should be open right now. As I unlocking a lot of bolts and slides, somepony behind me called out, "what are you doing?" I looked behind me and saw the doctor that had helped me when I was out cold, "You should stay inside for your health."

"Sorry doc, but I have to leave, my friends are probably worried about me," I answered as I swung the doors opened and left.

"Then may Celestia have mercy on your soul," the doctor call from behind me, in an eerie tone.

"What?" I looked back and saw the doctor slamming shut the doors and I hear the sound of bolts moving into place locking them up, for some reason, ok that was weird.

I made my way back to Ponyville and enjoyed the nice is was, with the sun rising in the distance, but as neared Ponyville, something was a bit off to me. I looked around and saw that it is completely devoted of any life, ok seriously this is just plain weird, and there should be at least somepony out and about and why is hotter than usual?

As I made my way to the library I hear a whisper of words in the breeze, "stall, stall, stall…" I quickly turn around and saw nothing but loose pieces of paper and… an tumbleweed? I watched the tumbleweed roll across the street.

I slowly back away thinking, ok I am seriously getting a creeping feeling from all of this. I quickly turned forward and walked a bit faster to the library where I know it is safe and secure, "stall, stall, stall…" the same creepy whispery voices rafted behind, forcing me to pick up my pacing, until I am running.

I finally saw the library when the whispering got louder and louder, "finally a safe haven," I slammed opened the door of the library while rushing in and quickly slammed it shut, silencing the stalls that are coming from outside.

"Ok what is heck is going on here, where is everypony?" I asked out loud, and then I got a good look at the library and saw that it was dimly lit, "hello?" is Pinkie planning a surprise party? I stepped farther into the library getting a serious creep out vibe from this situation.

And then I heard a hoof steps behind me, "Arcana?" I slowly looked behind me, but before I can fully look, something hard made contact with my head, causing me to fall to the ground feeling my conscious fading, I looked up to see Arcana there, but at the same time not Arcana, for her eyes hold a crazed look, holding what looks like a frying pan, "Arcana?"

"A stallion," was Arcana's answer before I fell unconscious.


I regained conscious and the first thing that greeted me was a pounding headache, I tried to move my leg to rub it so I can lessen the pain, but the second thing that greeted me was that I can barely move, what the heck? I opened my eyes and I looked around and saw that I appeared to be on a soft bed and I was tied to it, with my each of my legs tied to each of the corner posts, causing me to be eagle spread, and my saddlebags are still on me, causing a mild discomfort.

I started to panic and struggle, but the binds are well done and the only thing I was able to achieve was to make them all raw, "will you stop struggling, you're getting tender," an annoyed voice called out, gaining my attention towards the doorway. There I saw Arcana standing against the door, with a lustful look and was looking at me.

"Arcana?" I asked a bit fearful at the situation I am in.

"Well not exactly," she walked away from the doorway and towards the bed, "she put herself into trance like sleep, and so she is like trance sleep walking, but enough, I don't really know the exact details, let's just get this started," she jumped onto the bed and stood over me, "now, Star had gotten away from me the first time, but since you don't have any form of teleportation, you won't be getting away from me."

I felt my heart started to beat faster and I started squirming, trying to loosen the binds and get away, but they are just a tight as before, "you know, keep squirming it'll make me more vigorous then," I stopped moving and stared wide-eyed as she started lowering. I closed my eyes, oh god, I hope I don't get scarred cause of this.

All of suddenly there was a flash of light I opened my eyes and saw that Arcana had stopped lowering herself and was staring at something else in the room, I followed her gaze and there I saw a panting and sweating Star with his goggles over his eyes, "I knew, gasp, I should, gasp, have check, gasp, this place, gasp, first," and then he saw the circumstance I am in, "and it looks like I just came in just in time too."

There was another flash and Arcana disappeared and reappeared on the ground, and is looking at Star with a little detestation, "sorry Arcana, or whoever you, but not this time," Star said to her as he walked up to me, and put a leg on my chest, "so yoink," and we both disappeared in a flash.

Star's POV

Aceiro and I reappeared in a flash of light in a grove of trees a little outside of Ponyville and not that far from Fluttershy's, after I yoinked Aceiro from a heat crazed Arcana, which I think I hear a faint screaming coming from, "Ace you are ether you are one gutsy pony or the most foolish one ever."

Aceiro got up from the ground with a saddlebag on, "oh thank god, I thought I was a goner, but can you tell me what the heck is going on?" he asked with a hint a panic lancing through his voice.

"Well that answers that question," I said to myself, "Aceiro, it is currently in the middle of the infamous heat season."

"You mean to tell me that the mares are in heat and that Arcana were just heat crazy, but why didn't she use her abilities and where are the stallions?"

"Eeyup and they are currently on a train to Canterlot, as for why she isn't using her abilities, maybe it is because she's in heat," I answered as I looked around to find where to go to my next destination in mind.

"Why are you here and where are you going?" Aceiro asked as he saw me moving through the trees and towards Fluttershy's cottage.

"Well I came back to prevent some mare making unwanted love with you, and as for where I am going, I am going to Fluttershy's."

"Why, wait, is this the event that Celestia mentioned? Oh god, don't tell me you had se-."

"Stop right there and get your mind out of the gutter," I said looking back and pointing at him, "it was close, but I was lucky to get away, and as for where I am going, I am going to Fluttershy's," I answered as continue my towards Fluttershy's, "and also, don't ever mention this again, ever especially to Arcana," I added.

"But isn't that a bad idea?" Aceiro asked as he caught up to me and walked along side me.

"It is, but I am going to rescue a pony from her clutches."

"Oh I'm sure that you just exaggerating," Aceiro pointed out.

"I might, but say that to the last pony Fluttershy got to, I mean you just can't so no to her," I saw Aceiro nod at that, "and she said something about taking your medicine."

"So who is the unlucky pony that you think Fluttershy caught?"

"A timid pegasus name Shadow Breeze and I think he is Fluttershy's coltfriend," and then we arrived at her cottage, "and look, we arrived," and then I turned towards Aceiro, "you stay here, I'll I go in," he nodded, "good, see you later."

I looked back the cottage and concentrated on being inside, and disappeared in a flash and reappeared in Fluttershy's living room, and the first thing I noticed is that it was deathly quiet. I wearily started to explore around the cottage, looking for worn out pegasus and 'a heat crazed impossible to say no to' Fluttershy, but after fully exploring the cottage I found nothing, where are they?

I concentrated to appeared where I entered Fluttershy's cottage, I disappeared in a flash and reappeared in front of Aceiro, whom was eating a spinach leaf, causing him to cry out in startled, I quickly put a hoof over his mouth, silencing him and listened to see if his cry had attracted mares, after a while, I am satisfied that nothing was alerted of our presence, "you should be careful not to be that loud."

"You should be careful where you appear like that," Aceiro opposed, "and where is Shadow and Fluttershy?"

"They weren't there, it is strangely empty and quiet," I answered, and then I saw his gaze wonder away from me to something behind me, I turned around and saw, a little far away from Fluttershy's cottage, was a shed, oh Celestia it's a shed, Fluttershy's shed.

"Do you think that they are inside the shed?" Aceiro asked a bit worried.

"Maybe, let's check it out," I responded just as worried. Aceiro and I cautiously left our little hiding spot and made our way towards the shed, when we got near it, we saw that there is post pinned to the shed door:

Stay out of my shed


When I read that I immediately thought of that creepy 'stay out of my shed' animation, "did you just think about the 'stay out of my shed' animation too?" Aceiro asked me as he read the note as well.

"Eeyup," but before I can say anything else, we both hear a voice coming from inside the shed, "no you be a good little pony and stay here and don't go anywhere, while I go back and pick up my special items," and then we hear hoof steps coming to the door, Aceiro and I quickly ducked into some bushes and a second later Fluttershy come right out, she closes the shed's door and headed towards her cottage humming the opening tune for the MLP show, while swaying her hips back and forth.

I quickly shook the imagine out of my head and whispered to Aceiro, "come let's get Shadow," but I didn't get a reaction, I turn my head and I saw Aceiro still staring at Fluttershy, I always want to do this, I brought my hoof up and slapped it across his face and said in a sergeant like voice, "focus man, we have a job to do."

This snapped Aceiro out whatever he was in, "oh sorry, it's just that is very enticing," and then he glanced back over to where Fluttershy finally made it to the front door and went inside.

"Hay don't make me slap you again, and also she is taken pal, now let's go," I dragged him out of the bushes we were hiding in and to the front door of the shed, I slowly opened it and braced myself to see horrific and terrifying sights… but instead we saw that it was filled with sacks of animal feedings, well that's a relief.

And then we heard muffled sounds coming from the back of the shed, Aceiro and I guided ourselves past the animal food and there we saw made us take in a gasp of surprise, for there strapped to the wall, with his legs and wings spread out like a snow angel, was Shadow Breeze, and I also that he appeared to have a ball gag on as well, thus explaining the muffled sounds and a hood that covers his eyes and ears, making him blind and deaf, what's up with ponies and kinkiness today?

"Dayum," Aceiro said out loud astounded at the sight, "Fluttershy is really assertive when she is in heat," at the loud voice of Aceiro's Shadow Breeze started to squirm around in panic, probable thought Fluttershy came back with her special item.

"Just help me get him down, before Fluttershy comes back," I ordered as I neared Shadow. Aceiro and I quickly got him untied, but just as I remove the hood, I heard a slow and very smooth voice coming from behind us, "I see that more stallions have came over for some medical treatment."

I turned around there I saw Fluttershy with a saddlebag on, with rope spilling out of them, but isn't that that held my attention, for in Fluttershy's mouth is a riding crop, and she was smiling as well, "but why did you take down my first patient, I, momma is gonna have to punish you two," she said as she walked closer to us.

"Sorry Fluttershy maybe later, but not today," I countered as I wrapped my forelegs around Shadow's and Aceiro's shoulders, and warped us away, from Fluttershy and her shed.

We appeared in a middle of a field with Canterlot looming close to us on a mountain, I fell to the grassy ground, feeling exhausted from all the warping I did today, I heard muffling coming from Shadow, indicating that the ball gag is still on, "sorry hold on, I concentrated and there was a small flash and the ball gag appeared on the ground in front of him.

"Are you ok?" Shadow asked as soon as the ball gag came off.

"Ya, I'm fine, just need to get a breather here, I have been warping all day, and warping with two ponies takes it a lot out of me," I explained.

"But you are a pegasus, how are you doing this all of?" Shadow asked me.

"I am not really sure, I just can," I replied. I got up from the ground and stretched, "alright guys, I'm ready, come close, I am going to warp us to the castle, and this is going to be a big warp," I instructed.

Aceiro and Shadow came close and I once again warped a foreleg around each of their shoulders and concentrated us to be warped into the throne room, but before we warped, Shadow spoke up, "um guys, is it normal to feel more attracted to your marefriend that is in heat and is feeling kinky as well?" he asked with a slight blush, causing us to laugh as we warped towards the castle.


Wow I wrote this all in one day, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, now leave me your reviews and comments behind, cause I just love getting and reading them, oh and Shadow Breeze belongs to AnonJ17-ShadowBreeze.

End A/N

Chapter 42: Snapped

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Wow, a lot of good comments about my last chapter, that is what I what to see, well enough of this author notes, unto the story, and remember, leave reviews and comments behind cause I want to know what you all think.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

Star, Shadow and I appeared in the throne of the royal sisters with a flash of light, but soon as we appeared, I hear something hitting the marble floor with a thud. I looked down and saw a passed out Star on the ground, lying on his back with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"He passed out from exhaustion," Shadow observed as he made sure Star is ok.

"Oh don't worry about him Shadow. He can take a lot more hits, this is nothing compared to those time," I said as I looked around and there sitting on their respective thrones were the royal sisters, and they were staring at us wide-eyed, probable due to our sudden appearance, "um hi," I greeted them waving my hoof at them.

And then Celestia's expression went to one of exasperation, "let me guess, you were chased around Ponyville when the mare are currently in heat, I thought I send him a letter about the heat season about to start."

And then Star bolted up and looked at Celestia, "which you did, but I had to rescue these two before they had children, now if you'll excuse me I am going to sleep now," and with that he fell back to the floor once again asleep.

"Ya what he said, I mean come on, in case you have forgotten, I have only been in Equestria for six days, how was I suppose to know when mares go into heat?," I said crossing me forelegs in annoyance.

And then Luna started to chuckle at the position I am in, "hehe, Tia, he is repeating what Star did like last time."

"Yes, yes, yes I know that dear sister, sigh, since you know so much about the big things in Equestria, I forget that you don't know the small thing about this world, Aceiro."

SMALL THINGS, this count as a big thing, "Um excuse me Princesses," Shadow speaking up, "but what do you mean that Aceiro here, has only been in Equestria for six days and why are you in heat like the other mares, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Sigh, just like last year," Celestia tired at the question.

"You see young pegasus," Luna taking over for her sister, "my sister and I learned to control our heat over the years and as for the case of Aceiro's well it is not in my position to reveal that information, that is for Aceiro to decide," and then she turns to me.

Might as well, since Lyra already knows, "well Shadow, have you ever heard of humans?"

He nodded in confirmation and added, "creatures of legends that are rarely seen, why do you ask?"

"Well Aceiro here used to be one," Luna announced, Shadow looked at me with wonder and then he looked at the sleeping form of Star, but before he can say anything else, "and yes he is one as well," Luna added, Shadow opened his mouth, and Luna quickly interrupted him, "and yes Arcana is one as well, and also do you think you can not mention this, it is bad already that the media is calling them the Unsung Heroes."

Shadow silently nodded. "Excellent then," Celestia verified, "but I suggest that you all should go to sleep, as it is nearing sundown," I looked outside and saw that she is correct as it is almost sundown, "and I see that Star is already doing that," Celestia yarned as Star let out a hearty snore.

"Guards," Celestia called out towards the doors, which leads to the throne room. The doors opened and a standard white pegasus came in, and with a bow he asked, "what is it your highness?"

"I would like you and another guard, to see these guests to the guest quarters," Celestia instructed.

"As you wish your highness," the guard complied, he gave a quick whistle and another pegasus guard walked in and the first guard filled him in on what is happening, after the guard was fully informed, they lifted the still asleep Star onto the second guard's back, and mentioned for us to follow them, "thank you, princesses," I thanked them, before I left the throne room, they nodded their heads in confirmation.

Shadow and I follow our escorts till they lead us to a series of doors. The one with Star draped across his back entered one room, and then I hear the sound of springs of a mattress straining as something was placed on it and then the guard exited the room, "alright," the first guard said gaining Shadow's and mine attention, "you," he points to Shadow, "are going to sleeping in this room," he points to the room to his left and then he points to the room to his right and says to me, "while you are going to be sleeping in this one."

"Thank you sirs," Shadow thanked them, they nodded and then walked back to where we came down from, Shadow looked at me and said, "good night Aceiro."

"Night Shadow," he then entered his room and closed the door and I followed his example and entered the room, as soon I closed the door I looked around the room, it was almost like the room that Rarity stayed in that episode when she meet Fancypants.

I took off the saddlebag, which had somehow stayed on after all the ordeal I went through today, laid them near the door and went into the bathroom and took a shower to wash off the sweat, dirt and a strange scent the seems like to perfume, and it seems to linger around me. As the warm water ran down my back relaxing the back muscles, I can't help but think, I need to get a job, because I want to help my dad, and I can't keep on smooching off Star, Arcana, or the others, I stepped out of shower and dried myself with a customary towel, after I am completely dry and did my personal hygiene, I went back into the main room and made my way to the bed, I soon fell asleep as soon as I got comfortable with the though lingering in my to ask Celestia if there is a job for me to do.

I woke up to the sound of something pounding my bedroom door, forcing me to up from my bed and made for the door where something on the other side was still pounding on it. I opened it and there I saw Star and Shadow standing there looking refreshed, especially Star, "good morning Aceiro, how did you sleep?"

"I slept fine," I answered as I picked made a move to get my saddlebags from besides the door, "how about you two?"

"I slept fine," Shadow answered first.

"I slept great, best I had in days," Star answered with a stretch, "it must have something to do with all that warping I did yesterday, but now I am insanely hungry," he then saw me strapped on my saddlebag, "I meant to ask you this yesterday, what's in the bag?" he asked.

"Spinach and iron supplements," I answered him as I stepped out of the room and closing the doors, "I used my abilities yesterday, after I had enough of the reporters."

"Wait you're the reason the reporters left us alone," Star said in amazement, "I got to thank you, bur first…" as if on cue his stomach let out a angry growl, "… my stomach says it need something to eat," he said with a grin, causing us to laugh. We followed Star as he seems to know this place really well, and we all soon arrived at a set of doors and he opened them and strolled right in, Shadow am I followed him and we saw that we had arrived in a dining hall with a long table running down the middle of it full of food, and I also saw that we weren't the only ones in it, for there were the princesses and the snobbish prince himself: Blueblood.

"Hello Celestia, Luna, Bluey," Star greeted out to them, also giving Blueblood a nickname. I saw Blueblood wince as he heard Star, ok whatever Star did to him, I wish I could've saw it.

"Hello Star, Aceiro and Shadow, did thou sleep fare little ones?" Luna asked us.

"Luna you are talking in old speech again," Celestia pointed out.

"Sorry dear sister, for it is thus too new in the day, for us to give thought at what we say," Luna tiredly replied, and then she turned back to us and added, "now come, and fill thou selves with nourishment with thou cooks have spent time to prepare."

We took upon Luna's suggestion and sat down on the table with Star sitting by Luna and Shadow next to Star, with me ending up sitting across from Blueblood and started to serve ourselves some breakfast, "so we repeat ourselves, did thou sleep fare little ones?" Luna asked in old speech.

"Oh sorry Luna, yes I slept fine, in fact it was the best sleep I had in days," Star answered as he took a bit out of an apple.

"I slept just fine as well," Shadow nervously answered as he grabbed some rolls from a plate and started to munch on them.

"I slept ok," I answered and then I added, "it is just that I had a lot on my mind last night so I didn't get a geed rest then I thought."

"What is it Aceiro?" Celestia asked.

"Well I am thinking that about my dad and how I want to help him without smooching off of my friends, and I don't know what to do."

"What happened to thou father?" Luna asked.

"Well he was in an accident and well the results are now that he is in the hospital barely able to move," I explained as I fiddled with the orange slices on my plate, "I just want to make sure he gets better."

I saw in the corner of my eye Celestia and Luna nod in understanding, and then a guard walked in came up to Celestia and whispered in her ear, "are you sure?" she asked the guard, who nodded in confirmation, "sigh, very well, come dear sister," she mentions towards Luna, "we have a group of reporters to talk to about our recently arrived guests, but I would like to talk to you Aceiro, about your situation," and with that she and Luna stood up from the table and left the room.

"Well, we have to get going," star announces as he too then stood up from the table and walked a little away and stood there, "see you later back in Ponyville Aceiro, come on let's go Shadow, Fluttershy is probably worried for you right now."

"Oh gosh you're right," Shadow replied worried, he was then up from the table and next to Star so fast that it might have impressed Rainbow Dash herself, "see you later Aceiro," Shadow added and with that he and Star disappeared in a flash.

I turned back to my breakfast and started to take bites out of it, "I don't understand," Blueblood speaking up finally gaining my attention, "what makes that brute of a pegasus, an uncontrolled magic abusive unicorn so special, that my aunts greet you like friends every time they see you? They should have more class then this spending time with freaks of life," he asked taking a sip of juice, calmly.

I got a little upset at what he said about my friends, "hay, don't talk like that about my friends."

"Oh they're your friends, does that make you a freak like them as well?"

"Stop it," I yelled as I shook my hooves in hidden anger.

"What are you going to do about it? You are just a normal Earth pony with a deadbeat of a father in a hospital, like a vegetable, but what about your mother? Did she run away cause of your dad?"

When he mentioned my mom, I clenched my teeth and said in a barely controlled anger, "I said stop it."

"Or maybe she ran away from you? I mean I can't blame her why she would," Blueblood taunted me with false accusations of my mom.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that," I said with my anger rising, and the Element marking on me started to glow white, "she loved me and I loved her back, and I will not stand by and let some punk talk about her like this."

"Ooh," Blueblood said intrigued at what I said, "past tense, then that means your mother is dead, good riddance, one less Earth pony in Equestria then," he said as he levitated a fork of salad to his mouth and chew, "such a lowly bunch."

I felt something snap when he said that about my mom, I stood up quickly causing the chair I was sitting on crash to floor, I raised my front legs up, "I said shut up," I slammed my front hooves on the table and there was a series of small lightings as they made contact with the table. The table started to buckle and heave and all of a suddenly a pillar shot out of the table and made contact with Blueblood's lower jaw, causing him to fly upward and land on the ground.

I froze at what I just did to Blueblood, oh god I kill Blueblood, and then I saw his chest rise and fall indicating that he is still alive, "oh thank Celestia he's still alive," I said as I dropped to the remains of the table.

"Holy moonshine, what happened here?" I looked over and saw Luna standing there in the doorway with a shocked look on her face, and then she saw Blueblood on the floor unconscious and got the look of disappointment.

Oh shit I am going to be sent to the moon, "I am so sorry Luna, I didn't know what happened, I just did, oh please don't send me to the moon," I begged as I fell the floor and braced for something to happen.

But instead I got this, "not again, he really needs to learn not to mess with other ponies, but this might drill this into the thick skull of his, come with me Aceiro, I think I might have found you a employment that suits your abilities really well," and with that she walked out of the room.

I became confused and followed her, leaving an unconscious snobbish prince and a messed up table. I followed the princess of the night out of the castle and lead across the castle grounds, till we came upon what looks like the face of the mountain that Canterlot is built upon, and there set on the surface, is a giant set of steel doors. Luna walked up to it and turns to me and said, "Aceiro, I welcome you to the inner workings of Canterlot since this city has been built a thousand of years ago," and with that her horn glowed and the doors opened, revealing a giant warehouse like room with ponies and, holy crap dragons!, I thought as I saw some dragons walking by and waved at us.

Luna walked inside the structure and I followed her, stepping into the cool structure and out of the warm sun, and looking at everything in awe as I followed her, "princess, where are we?"

"Have you ever wondered why there are not that many Earth ponies around in Canterlot?" she asked as she looked back at me, I nodded, "well this is where most of them are."

"But what's up with the dragons?"

"We never turn down those who wants to work, and plus dragons are excellent blacksmiths," she added with a wink, and continue her way to someplace that only she knows. Luna led me to an empty station that looks like a forge and that it hasn't been used for a while.

"So why am I here?"

"Why Aceiro, this is a job opportunity," Luna answered with a smile, "So welcome to what they call this place The Iron Heart of Canterlot."


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, so leave me comments and reviews, because I love to know what you all think.

End A/N

Chapter 43: Perks

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Well here is the next chapter and also I would like to say Happy Birthday to Subtle Rampage, I hope you have or had (depending when this gets updated) a great day. Now thank you all for being great readers, and remember, please leave your thoughts in the comments and reviews, I want to know what you all think, and also fair warning, there are some inappropriate use of language.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

Princess Luna just gave me a job, I thought as I heard the job proposal from Luna with a slack jaw, Luna just giggle and said, "I suggest you close your mouth Aceiro, for you don't want something flying into it, now do you?" I shut my mouth and waited for her to speak again, "now let me explain this job to you, The Iron Heart is where ponies, like you, or any other creature has the talent for metal working, works here doing metal working, not just for here in Canterlot, but throughout Equestria, for this is the place where we get supplies and do repairs on Royal guard armors and their equipment," Luna explained.

"So what exactly is my job here?" I asked, wanting to clarify at what I am going to be doing in the place like this.

"Well, you are going to be repairing equipment and related things, sometimes make something for somepony else," Luna explained my job, "there are some, oh gosh what is the word that ponies uses these days, um… perks I think, yes perks, well with this job there are some perks with it, you see you are supplied with materials to invent things that can help Equestria, you are also supplied with living arrangements, and of course payment."

When Luna said the good things I though, I can finally help my dad, but wait a minute, "is there a down side here?" I asked her, "Because usually every good thing comes with a downside."

I saw Luna sigh and replied, "Yes there is a slight side effect from working here, since there is so much metal working here, the very air is full of iron, so ponies and other creatures tend to get sick here and there from metal poisoning."

"Then it is perfect, I will take it," I announced surprising Luna a bit.

"Wait you are happy that the very air can poison you, why?"

"Well you see princess every time my abilities goes off, it takes the iron from my body and uses it, but the downside is that it appears that it doesn't or can't put it back in my body, so I am always tired and as if I am about to faint," I explained my little problem with my abilities, "so if the air is filled with iron and my abilities kick in again, my body won't be drained of it."

"Excellent then," Luna happily said, "and as for the living arrangements you can stay in the castle, and as for you father, I will send for him to be transferred to the Canterlot hospital, after all the city's medical equipment here is a little advanced then Ponyville's after all."

"Oh thank you princess," I thanked the princess of the night, "can you send a letter to Star and Arcana that I got a job here?"

"You are very welcome," Luna accepted my thanks, "and of course I will send a letter to them, now I best be going, sister dear will want to know what happened to our rude little nephew and to the table," and with that she left the station, my station and exited The Iron Heart and the doors closed shut. I looked back at my station and started to examine it, and saw that there is a tube, for its' purpose is that to receive orders and send messages. All of a sudden my station lights up from a pair of stones, that I had somehow missed, that are set into the ceiling, giving off a warm feeling light, what are they sunstones? I looked towards the forge and the thought came to mind, now how do I start this thing?

Few days later

After a whole day learning the ropes and meeting new ponies, especially one who's name is Subtle Rampage, a white coated unicorn, with shocking yellow mane and tail, which I find that his name is really fitting for him, for I saw him a couple of times working metal with his bare hooves I mean he must be tough to do that, a little cocky, but fun to be around, but I had a tough time making friends with him, for he usually keeps to himself and for his cutie mark I can't tell for it is hidden under protective gear that we all were assigned.

I am pushing a cart full of scrap metal to a pile of metal that is placed in the middle of the warehouse, after I had finish with my latest assignment of fixing large dents in a Royal Guard armor, geez, what did this pony do? Got into a bar fight? I walked by another pony I meet yesterday, a guard pony that makes sure that nothing gets out of hand, and goes by the name Thunder Cloud, a tall white pegasus with yellow stripes running across his face and legs, and I think he has canine teeth, though I am not sure, "hay Thunder how are ya?"

He looked at me and replied with a wave of a hoof, "lorem Aceiro, ego denique, gratias petens," oh ya I forgot that he speaks Latin, I thought to myself as I gave myself a mental face hoof. I made my way back to my station after I had dumped the scrap metal into the scrap heap, but as I was making my way back to my station, I heard a whimpering voice cry out, "please leave me alone."

"Oh and what are you going to do about it huh?" a punk like voice answered.

I left the cart and followed where the voices are coming from, when I turned around a corner there I saw three dragons that somehow seems to familiar to me, like I saw them before, one was red, another purple and the last one being an ugly brown, were huddling around a shaking mare, when the red one drew closer to her, I saw her try to move away, but she is stuck between a wall and the dragon, "why are you doing this? I never did anything to you," the mare asked.

"Well the reason I am doing this is because I think it is fun to scare little ponies, like you, and the reason I am doing this is because it is thanks to you ponies that I am here in the first place," the red dragon answered, "if I ever find those ponies and that twerp of a baby dragon, I am going to make them pay."

"Yeah, the ponies ratted on us about disturbing a phoenix nest," the brown said, sounding that he was a hard time concentrating, when the dragon said that I now remember where I saw theses three before, it's Garble and his gang, from the Great Dragon Migration episode.

"Now our parents sent us here to work for the damaged we did to stupid family of birds, "the purple one said angry

Garble took another step forward and I saw the mare starting to cry and started to plead, "Please leave me along, I cannot be touched."

"Oh a special pony," Garble said to his cohorts, "I wonder what will happen if I make contact with her," he then took another step towards the now crying mare.

When I saw her starting to cry, I made my way closer to them, picking up a crowbar along the way thinking, I don't know what her case here, but I will not let these three be mean to her anymore, I quickly and quietly stepped up to the brown one, with his back still face me. I stood up on my hind legs so that I was at least equal in height with them, and then I tapped the brown dragon's shoulder casing him to look back at me with look of surprise, "yo, what's up?" I said to him as I swung my makeshift bat at his head, his head made the crowbar ring and vibrate, dang this one is thick headed.

With my outburst, the others were quickly alerted of my presence, "what the-, who are you?" Garble questioned as he saw me.

"I'm Aceiro and I believe the lady here said that she doesn't like to be make contact," I announced as swung the bar over my shoulders, "so I would suggest that you leave her alone."

"Make me," Garble replied and then he mentions to the purple one, "Well, what are you standing there for? Get him," he ordered, the purple dragon then rushed at me, wildly and randomly swinging his arms around, but I just brought up my crowbar and smacked it straight down on the center of his head making him fall to the ground, moaning in pain, while holding his head in his claws.

"You will pay for messing with my fun," Garble promised as he took off into the air and flew right at me, I just ducked and he ran himself in a pillar that was standing behind me, huh that's convenient, I thought as I dropped the crowbar and dropped back down to all fours, slowly making my way to the mare. This up close I saw that she is just a light brown Earth pony with golden mane and tail, and her eyes are vibrant blue.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I put a hoof to help her up from the ground, but she eyed my outstretched hoof with horror, "oh sorry," I quickly brought back my hoof away from her, "you don't touch, so what is your name?"

"It's Fe," she answered as she got up from the ground, "and thank you," she thanked me with a smile, I felt my heart tug when I saw that smile, causing me to smile as well, and then I saw her gaze shift to look at what's behind me, and then her smile shifted to the look of horror. I whirled around and saw that Garble was up and now had the crowbar, which was being swung down towards us.

I brought up my forelegs, in the position to intercept the blow and to protect Fe, even though I just meet this mare, I will protect her no matter what, but then something strange happened, when I should be feeling scared and worried, I instead felt at ease. My Element marking started to shined and all of a sudden my arms started to tingle and I saw black material come out of my arms, and then they quickly formed into two armored bracers, blocking his strike, but causing me to be forced onto my knees.

"What are you?" Garble asked as he saw that I just had grown metal grow from my body, and then we both hear moaning and shuffling as something on the floor; the other dragons are waking up, "forget about it, I am going to keep my promise and make you pay for ruining my fun," by now the other two were now fully awake," you two, swarm him now," Garble ordered them, but before they can make a move, there was a white streak and it tackled the purple one, "what the- what was that?"

The white streak revealed itself, and I saw that it was Thunder Cloud and he didn't look happy at all, "Scitis, non stare punks sicut te lecturum in inermes equa, ita ego ad cecidi moribus in illis crassitudine capitibus vestra," he just stayed there on top of the purple dragon.

"What did you say? Because I can't understand you," Garble demanded as he lessens the pressure on the crowbar, I fell to the ground all worn out from that strike I defended from Garble. I saw that my left armored bracer had turned to dust just like always and I am feeling tired, damn I didn't get enough iron in my body yet. Garble, for some reason, drops the crowbar and gets into a stance as if expecting a fight.

"You know, three on one, is totally an unfair advantage," a slightly angry voice called out from the shadows, "and when there's a unfair advantage, it pisses me off," and out of the shadows stepped out Subtle Rampage, but instead of his docile calm state, he had a fiery rage burning in his eyes as he stepped up to us, "and as for what Thunder here said, I think he said that he is going to beat some manners into all three of you, but I will beat the living shit out of you for messing with my friends and being complete jackasses to a mare," he yelled and with that I saw what looks like crystals going to his hooves and covering them up.

He stood up on his hind legs and got into a fighting stance, the brown dragon rushed at Subtle, but he gave the dragon a roundhouse kick, sending him into the wall a few feet away from Fe and I, and then he rushed at Garble. Subtle let loose a barrage of punches and jabs into the chest of the red dragon, but it looks like Garble is taking in the blows. Garble let loose a punch of his own, but Subtle just forced it away from him, he then spun around and gave a momentum filled punched right into Garbles jaw, causing him to be flung backwards and hit the floor, and by the way Garble is not getting up, I say that he just K.O. him, "Damn," Subtle said as he shake his hoof to get some of the soreness out of it, "you dragons are tuff bastards, are you?"

I saw that the brown dragon was once again up and silently sneaking up on Subtle, who was congratulating himself for beating up two dragons. I looked around and saw that the purple dragon had somehow gotten Thunder off of him and was giving him a hard time by delivering punches, but with Thunder dodging and weaving through the dragon's moves, occasionally delivering a punch or two, himself. Thus leaving only me to deal with the dishonorable dragon and his sneak attack, I then saw the crowbar that Garble dropped. I picked it up and unsteadily got to my hind legs, and quickly made my way to the dragon, once again unnoticed that he is being snuck up on. I tapped him on the shoulder, once again he stupidly looks back at me, "again, yo what's up?" and strikes him across the face with the crowbar, causing the brown dragon to spin in place and then fall to the ground unconscious, but the crowbar was now bent out of shape, showing that I put a lot more force into it this time.

"Damn I will say this again, dragons are sure one tuff bastards," Subtle announced as he dragged over a bruising Garble and piled him on top of the brown one.

"Ego conveniunt, haec sunt unum formidabilis fasciculum," Thunder agrees, I think, dragging a lot more purple then usual purple dragon.

"Ok I can't tell you if you just agreed with me, or saying that I need more lessons in being aware in a fight, since this one almost clubbed me in the head," Subtle disputed.

This caused Thunder to chuckle and reply, "hinc patriam loqui lingua."

"Again with that saying, just tell me what it means already," Subtle asked, turning back into the calm and docile state as before.

"Er, um, Aceiro is it?" I heard a voice behind asking, "I turned around and saw Fe there shuffling her hooves on the ground, "I would like to thank you for saving me from those brutes."

"Hay we help too you know," I heard Subtle call out, followed by something hitting sound, and then I heard Thunder scowl at Subtle in Latin, "once again I can barely understand you," more Latin was spoken, "fine let's take these three and leave this two alone," Subtle agreed with Thunder about something, and then I hear something heavy being dragged across the floor.

"Well, once again thank you for saving me," Fe said with a small smile.

"You're welcome," I replied back with a smile as well, feeling happy, "so I will see you later?"

"Sure," Fe answered and started to walk away, but after a few feet, she turns back to me and added, "Um, if you don't have any plans planned, would you like to go out to eat after work?"

"Of course," I answered happily, but I think it was a little rush, for Fe started to giggle walk away. I am filled with joy, that something good had come out of this, all of a sudden I felt a something moving on my right arm, I looked down and saw the armored bracer turned into dust, but instead of it falling off like usual, it sliding back into my arm, creating a weird sensation, but the results were that I am not tired at all anymore, and then something drawn to me, did I just got asked out? Oh Celestia I think I just did... I think I could get used to the perks here, I thought with a smile and a heart full of happiness.


Alright everyone here is another successful chapter, and I hope you all enjoyed it, now leave your comments and reviews behind so I can see what you think about this story, oh also

Subtle Rampage, is credited for the creation of Subtle Rampage

And Thunder Storm is credited for the creation of Thunder Storm

And also the next two chapters are going to be special, so I hope you will enjoy them. That is all.

End A/N

Chapter 44: The Rising of a New Star PT1

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Well everyone, three chapters in three days in a row took a toll on me, so I am sorry that you all were expecting this on Wednesday.

Also let me say this, the name Fe was completely random, until some of my readers told me that her name means iron.

Now for the reason why this wasn't posted on Wednesday, these next two chapters are going to be a 2 Part special, for this is what I call an event chapter, so I hope you all would enjoy, and I would like you to send in your comments and reviews when you are done reading this part 1 chapter, well enough talking, on to the event.

End A/N

Star's POV

It has been a week since Aceiro sent the letter saying that he got a job in Canterlot, but not without mentioning how he uppercut Blueblood with a table, and then a few days later after that, another letter arrived saying how he meet a mare named Fe and how they are becoming great friends, but not without fighting a few teenage punk dragons with other two ponies, he also mentioned how she came from a different region, one that is filled with an odd culture; nopony can't make contact with each other, because that is a taboo to them, unless they are close friends or lovers, the mares do all the cooking and cleaning, and if you tried to help them, they will take it as an insult.

Now what is this breakthrough about, I thought as I stepped off the train and unto the train station, I took another look at the letter Aceiro recently send.

Dear Star

Yesterday Fe and I made a breakthrough that might benefit other ponies, but we need to make an assessment on it, and we need your help if anything goes wrong, so please meet us in the castle courtyards, so we can explain more and also have you meet Fe.


P.S. I think I might have an understanding on how my abilities work.

"Well let's see this Fe that Aceiro talks so much about," I said to myself as I made my way to the castle.

I finally made it to the castle courtyard where I found Aceiro and a mare that fits Aceiro description of Fe, standing next to something that is big and covered in a cloth, hiding whatever is underneath from view, "hay what's up?" I asked as I drew closer to them.

Aceiro smiled and meet me halfway, "Hay Star glad you can come, but um… why didn't you warp here?"

"Oh you know, you got to slow down sometime, am I right?"

"Whatever," Aceiro said rolling his eyes at me, and then we heard a voice said, "Hello, Aceiro is this Star you talk so much about?" and then Fe walked next to Aceiro.

"Yes I am, please to meet you," I greeted as I stuck out a hoof forgetting all about Fe's customs.

"Bad Star," Aceiro said in a disappointed tone like I am some kind of bad dog, "what did I say? No touching the mare, she doesn't like to made contact, heck even I am not allowed to make contact with her."

Fe started to giggle at Aceiro's behavior and walked back to the covered structure, "okay, now that we are done with introductions, can we get this ordeal over with."

"Dude, why did you have to slap me like that?" I whispered to Aceiro as we followed Fe, "it was totally unnecessary."

"Sorry, but as I said, she is really not comfortable with anypony being near her, in fact I think I am so far the closest that anypony got close to her, without her trying to scurrying away in fright," Aceiro whispered back to me, he then picked up his speed and meet Fe at the structure and started talking about something to her.

When I got to them, Aceiro went behind the structure and Fe spoke to me, "now Star, the reason you are here is because we need an overseer with what we are about to do. Aceiro recommended you for this post is because that he said you have a unique ability to be able to move through space," she then walked to the structure and grasped a corner in her mouth.

"I am honored that I am an overseer, but what exactly am I overseer-," Fe quickly pulled the cloth away from the structure revealing what was hidden underneath, "holy cupcakes, are you serious?" I asked as I tried to understand at what I am seeing, for it appeared to be a giant launch platform.

"Yup pretty serious," Aceiro answered as he walked back to us from behind the launch platform, wearing a cloak," and I am going to be launched off of it."

I felt my mouth drop when he said that, "once again, are you serious? You don't even have any wings, how are going to fly?"

"And once again, pretty serious, as for wings and how I am going to fly, well I have these," Aceiro reached down and bit on the cloth and dragged it off of his body, and what I saw gave me a confused looked, for on his body appeared to be a pair wings, but made out of metal and with what looks like the controls going to his front hooves.

"How are you going to fly with those?" I asked as I point to them, "and how does this thing benefit others, like you said in the letter?"

"Well these have a flight spell weaved through them, thus giving earth ponies like Fe or me here flying capabilities," he explains, "but we all know that the spell wears off in three days, but remember this is just a prototype, so there are bound to be some drawbacks, but also gives it room for improvement, now enough chit chat, let the testing begin."

Aceiro's POV

After I made sure that everything is in order, I got on top of the launch platform and strapped myself into the launch pad, "alright Star, if this doesn't works, you are my safety line, so I am counting on you," I called out to Star that was waiting in the air, "got it," I hear him call back.

"Alright Fe," I said looking down at her, "let it rip."

"Just be careful Aceiro," Fe said as she went to the back of the launcher. I heard clicks and with a hiss of releasing air, I was immediately shot forward, feeling the Gs being pressed on me as I was rocketed along the launch way, all of a sudden, I felt the launch pad underneath me disappeared and saw that I am in the sky.

As I felt the wind blowing through my mane and coat, I felt exhilarated and free, so this is what pegasi feels every time they're in the air, "Aceiro, fly you fool," I heard Star yell which snapped me out of my thoughts, I turn to look and saw Star flying next to me with a worried look, "the ground is coming up and fast."

"What?" I looked around and saw that he is right, for I already pass the arch of my launch and starting to fall, "oh shoot," I said as I saw the ground coming up. I quickly hit the release button on my shoulder, causing the wings to unfurl from my body with a snap and straight away I felt myself being raised into the air. I brought my front legs up and tuck them in, "alright let see what this baby can do," I twisted my front legs to the left and right away I started to lean towards the left.

"Wow, I am surprised that these actually work," I saw Star flying upside-down below me, so that he was staring at me, with a cheeky smile plastered on his face, with the city passing us below.

"Showoff," I said to him, causing him to laugh, he then righted himself and flew a little away doing loop de loops and barrel rolls, "ok now you really are being a showoff," I yelled to him as I can feel the wings occasionally make a wing beat, keeping me in the air. I circled around and headed back to courtyard to say it was a success to Fe, as I was making my way back to the courtyard, a ball of fire shot out from nowhere and headed straight towards me.

Oh shit, I banked trying to dodge it, but I wasn't fast enough, for the ball of fire hit me right between the wings and felt intense burning pain in my back, I then started to lose consciousness as I saw the ground coming up and I heard my name being called out, "Aceiro!" and then nothing.

Third POV

On a building that was not far from Aceiro's assault, Garble happily grin as smoke slowly drifted out of mouth from his recent use of his dragon fire, "I told you pony, you'll pay for messing with my fun," he said out loud as he saw Aceiro go down behind some buildings.

This morning, Garble had overheard Fe and Aceiro talking about testing a pair of flight wings, he then thought that will be the perfect opportunity to get his revenge for making him the laughing stock among the other dragons that works in The Iron Heart. Garble walked away unaware that he was being followed.

Garble flew down from the building and into a alleyway, he then started walking away as if he did nothing wrong, but before he exited the alleyway a voice called out, "I saw what you did to my friend you jerk," Garble turned around and saw Subtle there with a burning fury in his eyes, "and I am going to make you pay," he said as he took a step forward towards Garble.

Star's POV

Moments earlier

After I had fly a bit away from Aceiro, I started to do loop de loops and barrel rolls, immediately I heard Aceiro yell at me, "ok now you really are being a showoff," I laughed at that and ceased with the stunts and I saw Aceiro starting to make his way back to the castle courtyard, probably to announce that the test is a success, but if I didn't know better I say that Aceiro is developing feelings for Fe. I followed Aceiro a little behind.

I saw a flash of light in the corner of my eye, but before I see what is was, a fireball shot across the sky… and towards Aceiro. Aceiro must have seen it, for he tried to evade the fireball, but since the wings was just a prototype, it moved too slowly allowing the fire to struck right between the wings, where they are connect to his back, I heard him scream and then he started to fall into the courtyard below.

This snapped me out of my daze, "Aceiro!" and I immediately rushed in to save my friend, as I drew near him, I saw that we both were getting to close to the ground, it is to close for me to warp us out of danger in time, and then I saw in the corner of my eye I saw the large pond that are around the castle, I grabbed Aceiro, feeling the still hot metal, and steered us towards the pond.

We both hit the pond with a large splash and sank down, I grabbed my unconscious friend, and I then pulled us both to the surface. I surfaced with a gasp and then pulled Aceiro up along to the surface, and there I saw steam coming off of his wings, and what I saw almost made me toss up my lunch, for there on his back was a pair of melted metal jutting out of his and it seems that it had fused with his back as well.

"Oh Celestia, Aceiro are you ok?" a voice called out. I looked towards to the edge of the pond and saw there a worried Fe.

"No he's not, but he's unconscious," I answered her, "don't worry, I am taking him the hospital," I added to reassure her. I concentrated at the hospital where we all once stayed in, and disappeared in a flash and reappeared in the foyer of the hospital, I must have taken some water with me, for every square feet of the foyer's floor.

"Somepony help," I yelled trying to get some form of help, "somepony help, my friend is injured here," several doctors appear and saw me with my injured friend lying on the floor in front of me, "please somepony help," I cried out, this immediately stirred the doctors from the sight of us and rushed in, with one of them, pushing a gurney. They put Aceiro on it and rolled him down the hallway, till they all ran out of my sight, a couple doctors stayed and asked me questions, but I didn't hear them for one thought ran through my head, I need to be stronger to protect my friends.

Third POV

Garble was now leaning against a wall, all beaten up and constricted in crystals, after Subtle finished giving him a piece of his mind, "now you listen hear punk," Subtle said as he bend down to the beat up dragon's eye level, "if you hurt my friend ever again, I am going to rip you to pieces," he threatened. Subtle then pulled back a hoof, where it started to be coated in diamonds, he then hit Garble right in the head, causing Garble to become unconscious, "not to find that hospital Aceiro is in," he said to himself as he used his magic to drag the dragon towards the hospital that his friend currently resides in.

Star's POV

An hour later

I have spent an hour in the hospital, waiting in the waiting room for any news on how Aceiro is doing, later on Fe arrived at the hospital and sat a few seats away from me, crying at what happened to Aceiro. We both waited there for about a half an hour, but we still haven't received word on how Aceiro is doing. I was planning to stay there all night waiting to hear that Aceiro is going to be ok, but then Celestia came entered the waiting room and told me that all medical professionals are doing their best to help Aceiro, she then told me to go home and be reassure that Aceiro will be ok.

I wasn't in the mood to fight, so I complied to what she asked me to do, but as I was leaving with Celestia guiding me to the front doors, we both saw that confused us, for there lying on the floor was a beaten up dragon, that Aceiro described as Garble, tied up and muffled in what looks like, crystals? And was desperately trying to get away and there pinned on Garble's scales was a letter saying:

This is the punk that put our friend in the hospital. I already had my… talk with him, so now it is up to you with what you are to do with him next.


When Celestia read the letter she said to him in a calm and emotionless tone, that it is scares me, "Garble, you have gone too far this time, you have seriously injured one my subjects and close friend," when Garble heard this, his eyes widen and tried to say something, but the crystals help his mouth shut, "your parents and I are going to discuss about this detrimental act you just did," and with that she lifted him up in her magic and made her way to the door.

She stopped short and looks back at me, "I am sorry Star, but I am business to do, are you sure you are alright to go home all by yourself?" I nodded to stunned to speak, "good, see you around Star and with that Celestia exited the hospital and took off into the air and vanished into the twilight of the sky, oh boy I hope I don't piss her off, to the point she becomes like that, I thought to myself as I too left the hospital and concentrated to warp to Ponyville to tell the others about what happened to Aceiro, and I disappeared in a flash.

I reappeared in the library, startling Twilight, Spike and Arcana with my sudden appearance, "Star...," Arcana being the first to recover from the shock, "… what happened? Why are you late? Why do you look horrible?"

I explained what happened yesterday, after I finished, Twilight, Spike and Arcana looked disheartened after they heard that Aceiro, "but don't worry, guys Princess Celestia said that she has the experts in the medical professions, helping in making sure that Aceiro is ok."

"Yeah, but let's hope that he will be ok in the end though," Arcana said, "I am going to bed," she sadly added. Arcana went upstairs and then we heard hoof steps moving across the floor above, until we hear the sound of a closing door.

"See ya later Twilight," I said to Twilight with a hint f sadness lancing through my voice, "I am going to bed as well," as I walked up the stairs the same thought came to my head, I need to get stronger, I make it to the top of the stairs and entered my room, feeling down as ever. I was making my way to bed, when all of a suddenly I got a feeling that I was being watched. I quickly turned around to see if something is there, but I saw nothing there, and the feeling of being watched disappeared as soon as it appeared.

As I was staring at the area where I felt I was being watched, I gradually let down my guard and turn around, and saw a wisp of shadow there, as soon as I saw it, it fling itself right at my face, "AAAAHHH!" I yelled as I closed my eyes and put up my left arm to intercept its attack.

Third POV

Celestia arrived back from the dragon territory after she had a talk with Garble parents about his punishment. She landed on the balcony of the throne room, "greetings dear sister," Luna greeted as she stepped out to the balcony and toward her sister, "where were you? For I had to lower the sun and raise the moon, and let me tell you, your sun seems to be getter hotter and hotter for me."

"Sorry Luna that you had to that, but you see while Aceiro and a mare by the name Fe were testing out a prototype pair of wings for Earth ponies, a dragon breathed fire at Aceiro and hitting him," Celestia explained, "the results are now, that Aceiro is now in the hospital and Star seems to full of despair as he was also there."

When Luna heard that Aceiro is in the hospital due to a dragon attack, she started to speak in a cold tone that can be matched to the one the Celestia, "if I ever find the dragon that did this, I am going to send that dragon to the moon."

"Don't worry about it sister," Celestia said as she walked into the throne room, "the dragon was found and presented to me already wrapped, I took him to his parents in the dragon mountains and there we both discussed his punishment, that is where I have been," all of a sudden the doors to the throne room burst opened and a unicorn guard rushed in.

"Princesses, there are reports are coming in about Ponyville," the guard in an anxious tone, "and what they say doesn't make sense."

"What are the reports about?" Celestia asked.

"Well it appeared that Ponyville is shrouded in shadows," the guard replied, "and we can't get through it to the town inside, we just keep on reappearing ether in the spot we entered or on the other side."

"Leave us, please," Celestia said the guard. The guard bowed and then proceeded to leave the throne room.

When the doors shut with a small boom, Luna turns toward her sister, "is it what we think it is?" Luna asked.

Celestia looks back to her sister and replied, "it is dear sister, we need to get to Ponyville, for Nightmare has returned again."

Star's POV

When I didn't feel anything attacking me, I lowered my arm and open my eyes and saw that I am sitting on a hill, leaning against a tree. I looked around in surprise and confusion, what happened? And then I heard a moaning besides me.

I looked to my left and saw made me even more confused, for there leaning against me and wrapped in one of my wings was Arcana and she was waking up due to my movements. She fully woke and saw that I was awake as well, "hello honey, how did you sleep?" she asks with a look of joyful, be then she saw my confused look, and it grew to one of concern, "honey, are you alright?"

"What's going on? What happened? Where am I? Why are you calling me honey?" I immediately asked her as my mind is experiencing a slight panic attack.

"Oh dear not again," Arcana said as she righted herself and looked at me, "ok let me explain, Nightmare made an assault on Ponyville, but we both were able to stop it and destroy it and saving Trixie, but as a last ditch effort, Nightmare casted a spell on you, Nightmare's spell made you forget what you did from one day ago up to a month, but we don't know how it works, so you are cursed with it," she explained, "as for where we are, we are at the spot when the eclipse happened, and as for why I am calling you honey, well…" she moved a lock of hair that was covering the base of her horn and there I saw a ring resting at it, "… we're married," she said with a smile.

To be continued


I hope you all like part 1, cause I am already working on part 2, but I am sad to say that I am not able to post it over the weekend for I am going to Nevada to visit my dad, and I don't know when I will be able to post part 2, and as always, leave your comments and reviews behind so I can see what you all are thinking.

End A/N

Chapter 45: The Rising of a New Star PT2

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Alright I confused a lot of readers with the married thing and I have this to say… yes success, ok done gloating, this part will explain everything, so please read and review at the end.

End A/N

Luna's POV

Celestia and I appeared in a flash outside of Ponyville and there I saw that the unicorn that gave us the information is correct, for there is a large dome covering all of Ponyville. One of the unicorn guards finally noticed us and rushed towards us, "oh thank the celestial bodies, you have arrived," but I didn't hear the rest of what he has to say, for I made my way towards the edge of the barrier.

"What is it dear sister?" Celestia asked me as the guard went away to do some task.

"I think I know what this is, but I need to be positive," I reached out with my hoof and pushed it into the shadowy barrier and instantly my hoof appeared above the enter point, "it is as I fear."

"What is it?" Celestia asked again.

"When I was Nightmare Moon, I created a spell that puts all the inhabitants inside in a deep sleep and gives the caster energy from the dreams of the ones under the enchantment."

"So that means…"

"Yes, Nightmare is the one who casted this spell and it is getting stronger by the minute," I finished looking at the barrier.

Star's POV

"We're married," Arcana said with a smile.

When Arcana said that, I looked down at my left arm, like something is drawing me towards it, and there what I saw stunned me for a good five minutes, for there on my arm is the wedding band that bonded us together, "sigh, not again," I heard Arcana said as she drew in closer and hugged me, "I was hoping that Nightmare's spell finally worn off weeks ago, but I guess I am sadly mistaken," she added with a hint of sadness in her, "I grow weary to tell you again every single time."

"How long?" I asked finally out of my astounded state.

"How long we have been married?" Arcana guessed at my incomplete question as she looked up at me, I nodded, "we both have been married for about a month now, in fact you proposed to me on this spot here and it was the most romantic thing ever," she happily said, remembering what I couldn't, "with the sun setting in the mountains and with the moon rising in the other direction, it was a like a dream."

When I heard her say it was like a dream, I felt something stir, like I am uneasy about something, but I couldn't place it why though, "what about Aceiro and Fe?"

"Those two are doing just fine, in fact I think Aceiro is planning to propose to her soon," she explained.

"But what about his injury from a dragon attack though?"

She looked at me worried when I mentioned Aceiro's accident, "Star that was about three months ago, oh Celestia this is the worst case I have ever seen you in," she then started to cry, but something about the way she is crying didn't feel right.

But I ignored the feeling and started to comfort her, "look, even though I may have forgotten what happened in the last three months, let this be known I still love you," I reassured her as I wrapped my arms and wings around her, but once again the feeling that something is not right came back when I said that I love her.

I looked over her should and saw that the flowers are blooming, a gentle summer breeze moving around us and the sun setting in the distance, this is like a dream, immediately I felt a tingling sensation coming from my right arm, I looked down to my right arm and saw my Element slowly pulsing, "like a dream," I slowly whispered.

"What?" Arcana asked me as she barely heard me.

Then something was realized to me, the lack of memory, the feeling that something is not right, but there are some things I need to be absolutely sure about, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the surrounding area around us, trying to feel the familiar feeling of the space fields, but instead I came up with nothing. I opened my eyes and immediately felt a great sadness in my heart.

"Star, what is it?" Arcana asked as she broke the hug and saw the look on my face.

"Arcana…" I asked slowly feeling regret with what I am about to do, but I need to know, "… what's our real name?"

"Why it's Star and Arcana of course," she answered, but when she said that, I felt my heart rip.

"This is not real, this is just a dream."

"Star how can you say that?" Arcana inquired at what I said, "This is real, and I'm real."

"No you're not," I yelled, feeling tears starting to form in my eyes, "I can't feel the space fields here or anywhere else, and our real names are not Star and Arcana, they're Eric and Brittney. This is just a dream, just a dream," and then my Element burst into light, covering me, Arcana and the surround area in light.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, with tears running down my cheeks, but then I noticed that I have a slight pressure on my chest. I looked down to my chest and saw a wisp of shadow there resting on my chest. When I saw the wisp I immediately know what it was, for I recognized the behavior it is doing, and I felt myself getting angry at it and who sent it, for it fits the creature that summoned it, "a Mara? Nightmare that is a low and dirty trick," I grunted as I picked myself off the floor, causing the Mara to fall off, but before it hit the ground it faded away to a black mist, I then stretched out my wings, for they have been in an uncomfortable position when I was sleeping on the ground.

"What a minute, if a Mara got to me then that means… Arcana!" I rushed out of my room and burst into Arcana's room and there I saw made me even more upset and angry at Nightmare, for Arcana has one sitting on her as well, while Arcana is currently asleep from the Mara on her, "Nightmare you have got to far," I said as I drew up to the Mara and started to pull on it, but I then saw that Arcana started look uncomfortable and in pain, "damn it," I exclaimed as I let go of the Mara and immediately Arcana relaxed and was once again sleeping soundly

"I don't know what will happen to Arcana if I pull the Mara off while she is asleep, wait maybe Twilight knows," I rushed out of Arcana's room and made my way downstairs to where I last seen Twilight, "Twilight we have a have a problem, do you have anything on- oh shit!" as I finally got to the bottom of the steps and there I saw that Twilight and apparently Spike as well, sound asleep on the floor, but they also have a Mara as well on their chests as well.

When I saw the wisps on their chests as well, a thought came to mind, "what if everypony in Ponyville has a Mara on them... I need to get help right now," I concentrated to warp to Canterlot, but then I felt what feels like a whiplash to the face, "what the… what's going on here?" I asked to the sleeping Twilight and Spike, while I try to clear my head from the headache I got from the whiplash of the failed attempt in warping, "guess I will have to fly there instead."

I went outside and saw that it was all lit in a gloomy light, like someone covered the moon with cloth. I looked up and what saw made me widen my eyes in surprise, for what I was expecting the night sky, filled with stars and the moon, I saw a swirling of shadows reaching over Ponyville as far as I can see in either directions, giving me the thought that the whole of Ponyville is covered in shadows.

I cautiously flew up and towards to the now new ceiling of Ponyville, but as I drew near it, the feeling of sadness crept up on me. As I am halfway there to the ceiling, I stopped and looked around and saw that the dome reached as far to Fluttershy's cottage to the Ponyville hospital and high as Rainbow Dash's cloud home, what is going on here? I thought to myself and then continue my way to the top.

I finally made it to the top and saw that it appeared to be made out of shadows, I swatted at the ceiling with my hoof, but what happened next confused me to the point of no return, for a similar white hoof appeared and slapped me across the face, and the scary part is that I felt myself slapping myself.

I pulled my hoof out the shadows and rubbed the area where I slapped myself, then I stick my hoof again into the shadow, but this time slowly and a white hoof appeared a little above the entry point. I touched it with my other hoof and found out that it is actually my hoof, "if I wasn't in a situation right now, I would be amazed and intrigued at this," I said to myself as pulled out my hoof from the shadowy ceiling.

All of suddenly a voice echoed around me in the familiar voice that I will never forget, "it appears that one escaped from one of my Mara's dream world," Nightmare broadcasted, then after a while Nightmare spoke again, "tell me, did you enjoy the time you spent married to that mare of yours?"

"That was dirty trick you pulled there, Nightmare," I as I lowered myself to the ground in town square, after I got over from bitch-slapping myself, "messing with my emotions and love interests, that is a new low for ya, now come out and reveal your sorry flank, so I can I kick it."

"You don't command me," Nightmare called out in anger, "nopony commands me, but myself, I am more powerful then you I don't need to stoop to the level of a pegasus that relies on friends to help achieve their goals."

"But yet, you need to host a pony and hide behind, like some dirty parasite. Without Trixie's forced assistance, you'll be just a wisp of a bad dream, that parents will tell their foals so they can behave," I stated out.

After a while Nightmare replied in a seething tone, "very well, I am going to show you how powerful I am," all of a sudden, a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere in front of me. I felt something moving across my hooves, I looked down and saw shadows moving along the ground and towards where the gust of wind appeared. All the wisps formed into one in the center of the vortex and started to swirl and spin, after a few seconds later, the gale lessened and ceased all together and there stood Nightmare, with an angered look on its face with a dark mist hanging around its hooves.

"Oooh, a wind storm, you are so powerful," I said sarcastically, this gave me an evil look from Nightmare, "well I like to stay and chat, but I have to go," I concentrated to warp once again to Canterlot, but then again pain lanced through my head, causing me to fall to the ground holding me head.

"Interesting," I heard Nightmare alleged as it saw me on the ground. I looked up and saw Nightmare with a amused look, and then it looks up towards the barrier, "this barrier spell supposes to cuts off unicorns from teleporting outside and teleporting inside," Nightmare explained and then it looked at me, "I'm surprise that this barrier stops you from warping outside," and then Nightmare lashed at me with a appendage of shadow, but before the shadow strike hit me, I concentrated on warping away from Nightmare's attack.

With a flash of light I appeared more to the left, as Nightmare's attack struck the spot I was just in, "but apparently I can still warp inside the barrier," I said exposing the loophole. I launched myself and grasped Nightmare, I quickly thought of Ponyville Park and with a flash of light, I warped us in the middle of air above Ponyville Park.

I kicked Nightmare off of me and towards the ground, when Nightmare hit the ground kicking up dirt and grass everywhere, as everything settled I saw that I forced Nightmare to make a hole in the ground, "why are you doing this?" I demanded to know from Nightmare, knowing that Nightmare is alright and is waiting for a right time to strike, "why did you put a spell over all of Ponyville?"

Several appendages of shadow shot out of the hole and towards me, forcing me to maneuver around them, as I was dodging the ever moving attack I heard Nightmare answering, "it makes me stronger, in fact I believe I am now stronger then I was before when I casted this spell a few hours ago."

"I don't see any difference," I called out as I dodged another swipe from the shadows, but I spoke to soon, for I was tackled from above, feeling as if a ton of weights hit me, forcing me into the ground, leaving a depression of me in it. I picked myself up and was immediately smacked from the front as if I had just been hit by a car, it caused me to fly backwards and hit into a tree.

I slid to the ground feeling my back groan in protest from the lost fight from a tree. I tried to get up again, but Nightmare hit me again, this time from the side, causing me to be hurled to the left. I gasped out loud as I felt as if my gut had just been beaten with a hammer, as I landed on the ground. I tried to get up but my body was to beaten up, "this is pathetic," I heard Nightmare as it walked up to me, "at least that unicorn is a match to me, even that earth pony companion of yours put up more effort against the changeling creature of mine."

"Shut up," I said upset as I picked up myself from the ground, "I can be just as strong as they are."

"Prove it," Nightmare all smugly, I felt my rage increase and I started punching Nightmare, as soon as my hoof connected with Nightmare, I then warped to another spot and punched it again and then warped, but as soon I appeared, I was grasped by one of Nightmare's shadows, "please…" Nightmare said as it brought me to its face and I saw that I didn't even make a dent in Nightmare's armor, "… all I am feeling is stings, you annoying gnat," Nightmare stated what my punches are doing nothing, before I can warp away from Nightmare, it all of a suddenly draw me over its head and threw me onto the ground.

I felt intense pain as it lanced through my wings as I landed on them. I tried to get up, but all of a sudden Nightmare's face appeared over mine, "when I am done with you, I am going to go after that unicorn and Earth pony that stopped my past plans, then after that, Canterlot is next."

"No you leave Arcana and Aceiro alone," I started to get up but then Nightmare put a hoof on my chest, pushing me back to the ground.

"So that's what their names are, now I don't have wonder what their names are when I finish them off," Nightmare said with a twisted gleeful smile, "in fact I hear that, Aceiro was it, is currently in the hospital thanks to a dragon attack."

"No, I won't let you harm them," I struggled under Nightmare's hoof to free myself, "me and my friend will stop you."

All of a sudden, Nightmare drew its face to close mine and stared into my eyes, after a while it pulled back and said, "It appears that you are hopeful in your belief, I guess I will have to break it then," this baffled me. Nightmare's horn started to glow, I widen my eyes panic and I concentrated to warp, but right before I can warp, Nightmare released the spell and it hit me right between the eyes, all of a sudden pain lanced through me head, like the time I tried to warp out of Ponyville.

"What did you do to me?" I inquired as Nightmare got off of me, I tried to get up and fly away from Nightmare, but I found myself unable to move at all.

"I just used the spell that I used to seal in Ponyville, to prevent you from warping for what I am about to do next," Nightmare answered as it made a little distance between us, I saw that the shadows around Nightmare are started to get agitated, "I am going to utilize a spell that I haven't use in a millennium," and then the darkness started to spread from Nightmare and towards me, "prepare yourself to feel despair in the infinite of darkness," Nightmare exclaimed.

The shadows then started to cycle around me. I received a bad feeling about this and tried to move away, but Nightmare's spell is still going strong, not allowing me to get away. Nightmare's shadows spun faster and faster around me, and then the ground underneath me started to turn into shadows, I then felt myself starting to sink into the now pool of shadows, feeling cold starting to seep into my body as my hind legs went in first.

I continue to sink into the shadows till it was now up to my chest, with my wings already in the shadows, feeling the coldness of the shadows seep in more, with Nightmare laughing at my situation, feeling fear I once again tried to move, but the results were the same once again. The shadows now had reached my ears, I closed my eyes just as the shadows closed over them, and then I felt myself completely emerged in shadows. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness, feeling as if I am falling headfirst into what looks like the end of the universe.

Then Nightmare's voice started to echo around me, "feel the coldness of the ever-lasting darkness as you drift through it forever, while I take revenge on your love one Arcana and the rest of your friends," and then I felt Nightmare spell lifted away from me, which I immediately called out to Nightmare.

"Don't you dare touch them, if you do I'll-"

"You'll do what?" Nightmare interrupting, seeing through my bluff, "you are currently drifting in the infinite of darkness," Nightmare informed me, "and no living thing has never escaped from it, now goodbye and parish," and Nightmare ceased talking.

I tried to fly towards to where I think the surface is, but I feel my movements being sluggish and I was sinking not rising, I screamed out lout with the last of my breath as I sank farther into the darkness, "NIGHTMARE!"

I don't know how long I drifted in the darkness, it could've have been seconds of years, but I didn't care, for I am still trying to get back to the surface, I need to save my friends, I need to save Arcana. I fell limp as the toll of my struggles finally took hold, "I needed to get stronger," I whispered to myself as I felt the darkness finally sink into my heart, I started to cry, "I needed to be stronger for my friends, for Arcana."

I remember Aceiro being rolled away on a gurney back at the hospital, Arcana asleep, under the influence of Nightmare's creature, "no, I will be stronger," and then my Element marking started to glow faintly, "I will be stronger for my friends," the glow became a little brighter, causing me to speak louder, "I will be stronger for Arcana," the glowing became stronger, causing me to pour out the next thing from my very soul, "I will be stronger, for I will never give up!" and then the darkness exploded into light.

Luna's POV

I felt a surge of energy that I haven't had the opportunity to feel again for a thousand of years, passed through me, causing me to look heavenwards to my night sky and search through it.

"What's going on dear sister," Celestia asked me as she saw me looking through the night sky.

"I felt a surge of energy that I haven't felt for a long time."

"What kind of energy?" Celestia asked as she too looked upwards searching for something in the sky.

"The kind of energy that I only get when I create a star…"

"But why would you create a star at a time like this?"

"I didn't," I answered, "ah there you are," I said as I finally isolate a star that should never be there, yet alone existed to begin with. I scanned it and immediately took in a gasp of revelation at what I found for its creation, "I don't believe it."

"What's wrong? What is it?" my sister asked out of concern that something bad is happening.

"Well there is a new star in my sky, but its creation doesn't belong to me."

"Then who does it belong to?"

"It belongs to the one called Star Streak," I answered, and then all of a sudden, a beam of light pierced through the dome of shadows that covers all of Ponyville and heavenwards to the sky.

Third POV

Nightmare walked away from the pool of shadows that dragged Star underneath and made its way towards Ponyville to take revenge on the Elements of Harmony and Arcana, and then nothing will be able to stop me, Nightmare thought evilly.

But before Nightmare can make it any farther, it felt a surge of energy coming from around Nightmare, causing it to be stopped in its tracks. Nightmare closed its eyes and concentrated on where it is coming from… and was surprised to find that it is coming from the pool of shadows that swallowed Star in.

Nightmare went back to the pool and saw that the surface is being agitated and churning with a faint glow coming from the center of it. As Nightmare drew closer to the pool, all of sudden a cry was heard coming from it, "I will be stronger, for I will never give up!"

All of a sudden a beam of light shot out of the pool of darkness, forcing Nightmare to cover its eyes, when Nightmare uncovered its eyes it saw Star there flying, with a pair of shining wings, giving off the same energy that Nightmare just felt a while ago, "this is impossible, no living thing had ever escaped from the infinite darkness of despair."

"I will tell how I was able to escape Nightmare," Star said breaking Nightmare's belief as he landed a few feet away, "it is because of my very determination to be stronger and to never give up and with those attributes, this reacted to it…" he said as he shown the Element of Space bracer to Nightmare, "… turning your infinite darkness of despair into the light of hope."

"Who are you?" Nightmare asked as it backed away from Star, "and what is that thing?"

"I am Star Streak," he supplied his name, "and this is one of the Elements of Reality; Space," Star proclaimed, "now Nightmare let me show you the power of my determination."

"Never," Nightmare declared, "you may have escaped from my darkness, but I will never give you the chance to use your power," Nightmare then release several bolts at Star, but Star just raised his wings and swung them down, Nightmare's attack then faded away before they can even reach him.

"No matter how hard you try Nightmare," Star said as he flew into the air, "I will always be determine to protect my friends," Star closed his eyes in concentration, and then silver streaks of the space fields appeared around him, then he pointed out to Nightmare as the lights around Star began to intensify, "now you release Trixie and leave my friends alone, and don't you ever come back her again," Star then released the energy that he has been holding in, igniting the air with light as it started to expand.

Nightmare quickly set up a shield to protect itself, but Star's energy ripped through it as if it was tissue paper, but the energy didn't stop there, for it expanded until it hit Nightmare's barrier surrounding Ponyville, shredding through it as it did with Nightmare's shield.

Nightmare felt itself being ripped away from its host as the Star blast went through it, no, I will not be defeated like this, Nightmare thought as light became blinding. Star landed when he finally finishes releasing the energy he held back and the blinding light faded away. When he looked at the spot where Nightmare was, he was surprised to find unconscious Trixie lying there, but with Nightmare's armor still on.

As Star made his way towards Trixie, wisps of shadows started to gather around Trixie. "No!" Star cried out when he saw this happening he took off and made his way to save Trixie, but just right before he makes it, the shadows completely covered Trixie and then break away, revealing nothing.

"Damn it," Star said upset as he just landed on the spot where Trixie was just in seconds ago, "damn it, so freaking close," he said berating myself as he slammed down his hoof on the ground, "don't worry, me and my friends will save you Trixie, count on it."

"And you will," a familiar voice added from behind him, Star looked around and saw both princesses standing there, "I believe that Nightmare will be defeated and Trixie saved," Celestia reassured him.

"Star…" Luna said gaining his attention, "moments ago, you just did a phenomenon that no other, beside me, can do."

"What exactly did I do?" he asked confused.

"You created a star in my night sky, and used its energy to temporary defeat Nightmare," Luna explained as she looked upwards and pointed to new star shining in the night sky, "that star is now connected to your soul Star, because it was your very soul that lit it up in the first place."

"Wow," Star said as he pinpoint the new star in the sky, with a little help from Luna of course, "that's amazing."

"Yes it is Star," Celestia replied as she too looked at the latest edition to Luna's set of star, and then Celestia realized something, "oh dear it is almost time to rise the sun, Star I think you-," but Celestia was interrupted by the sound of something hitting the ground, startling Luna and Celestia to look down and at what they saw brought giggles and then a gasp of astonishment, for Star was asleep soundly on the ground, giving away light snores, with his limbs all spread out, and there they both saw that his wings had changed from white to silver.

In an unknown location

Walking down a dust and dirt fill, yellow stonework corridor, with a desert landscape showing through the windows, was Nightmare and it was seething with show able rage, from its latest attempt were once again stopped, which observing shadows quickly darted away so the nightmare being doesn't lash out at them with its anger.

Nightmare had spent the last hour regenerating itself from Star's energy discharge, after it had narrowly escaped and recapture Trixie, but it was now as small as the unicorn it hosts, I will get my revenge on those three, if it is the last thing I do. Nightmare then stops at a set of doors and burst right through them and into a dark room, where the only thing lit was the pedestal inside and there on the pedestal sat the bracer that Nightmare stole, with a fake resting in the real one's place back at Canterlot; The Element of Entropy.

"So this is what this Element is…" Nightmare understood as it stepped up to the pedestal, "I was wondering why I it was never mentioned along the Elements of Harmony," Nightmare said with poison as it mentions harmony, "because it isn't a Harmony Element, it is a Reality Element," Nightmare took the Element of Entropy off of the pedestal and brought it closer, "if an Element of Reality can give a lowly pegasus that much power, then I wonder what it will do to me then?"

Nightmare opened the bracer and latched it onto its left leg, and as soon as the click was heard that the bracer is now locked in place, great amounts of power immediately ran through the very being of Nightmare, making it fall to the floor in pain. When the pain had finally gone away, Nightmare stood up and immediately noticed that it is now back to the height it was in before Star's attack.

"Amazing," Nightmare said as it examined the marking, which now stood in the bracer's place, "I need to learn how to use my newly acquired powers, but first…" Nightmare left the room and continues its way farther down the hallway, until it comes upon a set of double doors. Nightmare opened them with a slam that it startled a creature sitting in what looks like a throne.

"Queen Chrysalis," Nightmare called out to the creature sitting in the throne, causing it to quickly get off of it and bow to Nightmare, "I have a task for you."

"What is it my master?" Queen Chrysalis asked as she stood up from her bow.

"Get ready, because you are going to invade Canterlot," Nightmare said with a smile.


There after a FREAKING long trip home, I arrived and did a few little touch ups on this story, seeing if there are any mistakes, for the past weekend, I have been in Las Pagasus (Las Vegas) for my dad's graduation. I have stayed at the Sunset Station Hotel/Casino where they charge you for almost everything, including internet service, which was ten bucks for 24 hours. So I decided to post this when I got home, thank you all for staying and reading with me so far.

End A/N

Chapter 46: Wake Up Calls

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I only have this to say, boo-ya the two part chapter is a success. Ok enough chanting on with the story, and also thanks to ketcham1009 for editing this chapter. Remember please leave your comments at the end of the chapter please.

End A/N

Star's POV

I opened my eyes, filling them with soft light. I closed them and let out a hearty yawn and opened them again, and looked around to see where I was this time. I appeared to be in a hospital bed, "ok I bite, how in Equestria am I keep on waking up in the hospital?"

At that moment, the door to my room opened and a doctor with a clipboard in front of him walked, in talking to himself, "ok let see how this patient is doing."

"Eh, what's up doc?" I called out startling him, causing him to loss his magical grip on the clipboard and it falling to the ground, revealing the same doctor that was in charge of us three after the framed Arcana fiasco, indicating that I am in the Canterlot Hospital, "how long have I been in here?" I asked casually to him, "Because that was the best sleep I had in weeks."

"But this is impos-," the doctor started as he picked the clipboard, and then he seems to realize something, "you know what? Forget about it…" he said tossing the clipboard away, "… impossibilities seem to be a reality around you and the other two," he said as walked towards the door. You have no idea, I thought at how close to he's being right. The doctor stuck his head out of the doorway and called out into the hallway, "hay you can come in now, your friend seems to be alright now."

He stuck his head back in and Arcana, Twilight, and the others walked into the room, "and as for how long you stayed in here," the doctor added as he was about to leave the room, "you have been in here for about two days," and with that he left the room, immediately I was barraged by questions from everypony.

After listening to the jumbled up voices of everypony talking, I clamped my hooves over my ears and yelled out, "everypony, please be quite."

"… and then I said oatmeal, are you crazy?" Pinkie still talking randomly, and then she noticed that she was the only one that was still currently speaking, "oh," she said giving a sheepish grin.

"Please, one at a time," I instructed.

"What happened?" Arcana asking first, "we all heard from the princess that Nightmare attacked Ponyville and that you defeated it."

"Alright I will tell you all…" I then started to explain what happened when Nightmare made its move, and how I broke free of Nightmare's creature, which caused me to be in a fantasy, I skipped over the part of when Arcana and I were married, I then told them Nightmare's appearance and we both fighting, and how Nightmare tried to drown me in the infinite darkness of despair, "…but something happened to cause me to break free of Nightmare's spell, but after that, I can barely remember, because I had stayed up all night."

"That will explain that pleasant dream I had," Twilight said, "I was the head Librarian at the Canterlot Royal Achieves."

"Of course," Dash said rolling her eyes, "an egghead dreaming of an egghead dream, at least for me, I was the captain of the Wonderbolts," Dash happily said.

"Well I dreamed that my dresses, were proudly worn in Canterlot," Rarity full of glee.

"I dreamed about my wedding," Pinkie happily supplied hers, getting looks of amazement to the party pony, when she noticed the looks she was getting, she added, "What, can't I dream about having a family of my own someday?"

"Well, shoot Pinkie that was just unexpected," Applejack explaining, "I dreamt that I won all the blue ribbons in a rodeo contest in Canterlot."

"I had a wonderful dream that Shadow and I are married," Fluttershy happily said, and then she realized at what she said and started to blush.

"What about you Arcana?" I asked Arcana, whom started to look nervous.

"Oh, well um…" Arcana started, but then the doors slammed opened, interrupting me, as a mare rushed in; it was Fe and she had the look over joy on her face about something.

"Quick everypony, Aceiro is waking up," and with that she quickly left just as she arrived.

"After we see Aceiro," I finished for Arcana as I removed the sheets, which are covering me, and got out of bed, I heard gasps of astonish as I made my way through the room, but I didn't take notice as I left the room and saw Fe's tail disappear into a doorway a little down the hallway. I walked towards the doorway where Fe disappeared and entered, "whoa, didn't see this coming," I said at what I saw.

Aceiro's POV




Oh god not the beeping, I thought as I heard the beeping coming into my dream and then the smell of sterilized air drifted in as well, I must be in the hospital, but why? But before anymore thoughts can be made, I felt the familiar pain in my chest and sides, indicating that I am currently on my stomach and that I have been on it for a while.

I groaned as I started to push myself up, but then I heard a familiar voice calling out, "he's awake," and with sounds of running hooves followed by a door slamming shut.

"Fe, is that you?" I asked as I opened my eyes and found out that that was a bad idea, "ah crap," I said as I felt pain hack into my eyes from the lights. I sat up straight and immediately I felt myself being pulled back, like I was wearing a backpack full of weights, "whoa," I said as I opened my eyes in surprise and hurriedly grasped the edge of the bed in front of me.

Before I can see what's on my back that almost pulled me off my bed, the doors once again slammed opened and Fe burst in, with the look of joy on her face. Fe rushed at me and then did something I would never think she would ever do; she leaped at me and braced me into a hug. This act stunned me, "Fe you're hugging me."

And then Star walked in and saw us in an embrace, "whoa, didn't see this coming."

"Quiet you," I said to him, as I saw Fe blush a little, and then I turn towards Fe, "but Fe, your tradition says that contact is not a good thing unless it is with very close friend, and also where am I?"

"Of course, when you were unconscious, I stayed here waiting for you to wake up, because I was so worried for you," she said with a smile, "and you are in the Canterlot hospital."

"D'awww," I looked up with a startled face and saw the others there in the room as well, with a sweet look on their faces, indicating that they had heard what Fe said, "quiet you," I repeated to them, and then their looks of sweet turns to the look of distress, except for Star.

"What?" I said to them confused about their expressions, but then I saw that they were looking at me, but whatever is behind me, "what are you looking at?" I asked as I turn my head and saw the cause for their looks of distress. On my back was a pair of twisted and burned pieces of metal that resembles the flight wings Fe and I made. When I examine them closer I saw that the wings had somehow been infused in my back, where exactly like a pegasus wings are. I also saw that around the base of the wings it looked like somepony used a hacksaw to remove the frame that held the wings in, "what happened to me?" I asked, "Because all I remember was flying and then a fireball coming at me and hitting me."

"I can explain that," a voice called out from behind Star and the girls. The doctor from the last time I was in the hospital walked from behind them and walked towards Fe and I, "you see Aceiro it was a dragon that was a bit enthusiastically playing target practice with you and fire, well…" the doctor said a bit unsure what to say next, "… well the dragon scored a bull's-eye."

When he didn't even get a chuckled from that bad joke, he started to get a bit edgy, "well anyway…," he said breaking the tension as he walked behind me and tapped the burned pieces of metal on my back, creating a short ding, "…the dragon's fire melted the wings into your back, so we had to cut away the framing that held the wings and controls, and after that is where impossibility decided to come in and knock common facts out of the window."

"Huh?" Fe asked confused, "why is that?"

"Well, just about as we were about to remove the wings, we noticed something odd happening to the wings," the doctor said as he came up from behind me, "on closer examination, we detected a faint pulse in the wings, at first we all just thought it was the pulse of magic from the flight spell, but then we all noticed that the pulses matches like those to a pegasus."

"What a minute," Arcana trying to understand something, "are you saying that the wings…"

"… Yes, Aceiro's body had somehow integrated a pair of metal wings into his body, and that is not all," then he looked unsure about something, "somehow his body even made and install a fully functioning circulatory system in the wings, and it also appears that a nervous system is starting to grow in, from the last time we check on him," the doctor said shaking his head in bewilderment, "will somepony, please care to explain to me about these three? I get a headache just from looking at them."

"All you need to know doctor is that these three are very special ponies," a familiar tone a voice called out behind Star and Arcana. We all looked to where the voice originated and saw both Princess Celestia and Luna there with calm looks and soft grins, scaring Star, Arcana and the others, from their sudden appearance," now would you please be so kind to depart, so we can have a word, doctor?"

"Of course, princesses," he said, with a bow to them, he left the room, mumbling something about craziness.

"Dang," Star said astonished as he finally got over from the princesses sudden appearing, "how did you two even get here? I didn't hear you come in."

"Many years of practice, but now…" Princess Luna said as soon as the door to the room was fully shut, "… we would like to discuss what happened to you during the Nightmare incident Star.

"Wait Nightmare, like as in Nightmare Moon?" Fe asked worriedly as she looks at Princess Luna, I saw Star give himself a hoof to the face while whispering, 'oh shit'.

"Do not fret little one," Luna said to Fe, "be reassured that it is not I who is Nightmare Moon, but an unfortunate pony that was forced into its service."

"But isn't Nightmare going to create an eternal night though?" Fe asked as she finally let go of me.

"Fortunately no, for only I have the power to do that," Luna explained.

"But then if Nightmare is back, why wasn't it attack already?"

"Oh it has," Celestia answered, "in fact it has attacked three times already, but it was impeded, by these three every single time," Celestia said pointing to Star, Arcana and me. Fe gave me the look of wonder as she understood what the princess of the sun said.

"I didn't exactly defeat Nightmare," I said explaining to her, "I just defeated a look-a-like of Nightmare that was just as powerful as the real thing."

"Yes," Luna said nodding her head, "Arcana stopped Nightmare on the first attack, and Star with the third, in fact…" Luna then got interested with Star, "… Star here was able to make a new star in my sky."

"Really," Twilight getting all interested, "interesting."

"Indeed it is Twilight Sparkle," Luna agrees, "he created it using his power."

"Would that explain why his wings are silver now, instead of white?" Arcana asked.

"Whoa, really," Star said, he then stretched out his wings, and true to Arcana's word, his wings are indeed now colored silver, "ok I'll bite, why are my wings silver now?"

"I don't know," Luna answered just a clueless as Star, "but if I have to guess, I say it might have something to do with your star, hum I wonder…" Luna trailing off, and then she put a hoof on her chin thinking about something.

"I say that they make you twenty percent cooler now," Dash said as she got a closer look at Star's wings.

"Oh can we all call you Silvery, no wait Silver Wings…" Pinkie happily talked trying to pick out a nickname for Star.

"Ok would everypony please stop talking about," Star announced, "I am getting slightly uncomfortable from all of this attention I am currently getting… so what are going to do about Aceiro?" Star asked, turning all the attention to me, making me feeling awkward now, "because he is going to turn heads with those set of wings."

"Can we just remove them?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head in disagreement and explained, "We can't do that Applejack, the doctor said that he has now a working circulatory system in them, so it will be like removing wings off a real pegasus, the shock might kill him."

"Oh dear that is not good…" Fluttershy vexed about the situation, "but what can he do about it?"

"Wait a minute," Fe made known that she just got an idea, she then turns towards me, "can you just do what you can do with metal? You know make it less smoldering and sooty into something else," Fe suggested.

"I think it will work, hold on," I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and concentrated to feel the wings on my back, and then I felt something diminutive at the base of the wings, "I'm feeling something…" I explained then without opening my eyes, "… but it is really insignificant. I will give it a try," I concentrated on the diminutive feeling from the wings and then I thought about the first time my wings appeared. I felt some movements coming from my back, and then I heard gasps of amazement from my friends, but I still concentrated on the task at hoof.

When the feeling of movement ceased from my back, I opened my eyes and saw that everypony were staring me with wonder in their eyes. I follow their gaze and saw that instead of a pair scorched, heat warped pair of metal wings I saw a pair of gleaming metal wings that looks just like a pegasus wings, "wow, I didn't do such a bad job," I said as I tried to move them, but only was able to get a little movement at the base of the wings, "huh, can only move them a little, maybe until the nerves grow in."

"It doesn't matter," Fe said as she hugged me again, "I still like you no matter what you look like now."

"D'awww," everypony in the room said in unison at the sight they are seeing.

"Quiet you."

Arcana's POV

When Aceiro told us all to be quiet from the D'awww we all gave him when Fe said that she likes him no matter what, we all started to laugh, but my heart wasn't into it, for I kept on thinking about the dream I had when I was under the influence of Nightmare's creature; of me being kissed by Star.

And I liked it… a lot, I thought as I remember the kiss.


Well I am sorry that this chapter took some time to be posted, but real life has been calling more often than usual, but don't worry, the next chapter is already underway.

End A/N

Chapter 47: Midnight Lesson

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Alright there are some of you thinking that Aceiro will become a Mary Sue, but be rest assured I have my reason for doing this. Well once again I thank my editors for helping me with this chapter, now you know the drill, read and then leave your comments and reviews behind for me see what you all are thinking, and don't do any 'first' thing on this story anymore, because they are now starting to crack down on that.

End A/N

Star's POV

After a long train ride home and celebrating Aceiro's recovery, we all have arrived home pretty late at night. I wearily entered my bedroom and flopped down upon my bed, I am going to sleep well tonight, immediately I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

I suddenly opened my eyes, expecting it to be daytime right now, but I was surprised to find that it was dark out instead, why am I awake now? I asked myself.

I looked around in my shadow filled room, looking for any reasons that caused me to be awake right now. Finding nothing on the right side of the room, with no light seeping under the door indicating that everypony else is sound asleep, I turn my head towards the left side of the room, where the light from the moon outside is drifting in through the open window near the base of my bed. It was as well letting in a nice breeze; I saw nothing there as well.

Maybe I am just more alerted from Nightmare's attack, I settled on as look towards the ceiling and started to clear my mind, so I can go back to sleep, but then I sensed a presence near the head of my bed. I slowly turn my head and there I saw a set of gleaming white teeth in the darkness.

I yelped and leaped along with my sheets into the air, grabbing onto the light fixture on the ceiling, which is the same one I had hung from before from the June bug fright. I looked down and saw that the set of teeth belonged to the last pony I expected to see here in my room, as she drifted out of shadows, revealing herself to me, the princess of the night, Princess Luna.

"Princess Luna?" I said in disbelief as I saw her sit on my bed with a look of amusement on her face.

"Amazing…" Luna finally spoke, looking up at me, "I didn't know that pegasi can go that high up without the use of their wings."

"Um, no offence or anything princess," I said as I finally calmed down from the fright I got from her, "but what the hay are you doing here in my bedroom, in fact how did you even get in here?"

"Well I got in here through the window," she answered as she pointed to the open window, but she is much bigger, how did she even… you know what forget about it, "as for why I am here," Luna continues, "I am going to start your lesson right now."

"Lesson, what lesson?" I asked confused at what she said.

"Didn't you get my letter?"

"No, I didn't."

"Huh, I swear I thought I did," Luna said, but I saw a hint of a smile, I think she didn't so she can scare me, "well anyway, can you please come down from there? I am getting a cramp in my neck from looking up at you."

I realized that I am still hanging on the light fixture, I let go and fell to my bed making Luna jump a bit into the air, after I had untangled myself from the sheets that are restricting me, and I am now sitting on the edge of my bed, sitting right next to the celestial embodiment of the moon.

"So what is this lesson about anyway, and why are we going to do this in the middle of the night, can we just do this during the day?" I asked as I gave a small yawn, showing that I am tired and sleepy, wanting to go back to bed.

"No, this lesson can only done at night, for only at night can you fully learn what I am about to teach."

Before I could asked what she meant by that, she quickly wrapped a wing around me and her horn started to glow, and then we both disappeared in a flash of blue light. I fell onto my back onto something that feels gritty, as the bed underneath me disappeared. I sat up and saw that Luna had teleported us to what looks like… a cactus field?

"Ok where are we and why are we here?" I asked I picked myself up from the sand and moved away from a cactus that I realized is a bit too close for my comfort.

"We are in a cactus field outside of Dodge Junction," Luna informed as she pointed to something. I follow where she was pointing and saw buildings in the distance and cherry trees as well, showing in the bright moonlight of the moon, "as for why we are here, well, I am here to train you."

"Train me? Train me in what?" I asked as I sat down, causing a small dust cloud to be kicked up.

Luna looked at me seriously and replied, "Star, you have created a star in my domain; the night sky, but since your star is not one of mine, I do not have control over it."


"Because Star, your star is connected to you, to your very soul in fact, if I had control over it, it will be like I am taking control of you," Luna explained to me, "and that doesn't fit well with me, so I am here to train you in controlling and utilize your leading light Star," pointing towards the night sky with the moon shining overhead.

"Do I have a choice in this matter?" I asked casually to her.

"Nope," Luna deadpanned.

"Ok then," I said standing up and dusting the sand off of me with my wings, "when do we start?"

"Right now in fact," Luna enlightened me, "you need to learn to sense your star and that will allow you to feel the surrounding area, so for you first lesson…" she said getting my attention, "… is to navigate yourself out of this cactus field…"

"Oh that is easy," I said as opened my wings preparing to take off.

"…without the use of your wings," Luna finishes, her horn glowed and flashed, immediately I felt my wings being bounded by magic ropes, "and blindfolded," she added as she levitated a blindfold out of nowhere and floated it over to my head and over my eyes.

When the blindfold lowered over my eyes I asked what was on my mind, "how long am I going to be doing these lessons and when will these lessons begin and end?"

"If everything goes along well and smooth, I say…" I heard Luna calculating and counting, "…about five days the least, and as for when they begin and end, they are starting at midnight and ending at dawn break, now get going."

I have a feeling I am going to be pulling needles out of my butt at the end of these lessons, I thought as I blindly started my way through the cactus fields.

Hours later
Third POV

"Ow," Star cried out as he felt another needle being pulled out of his backside, as he lay on the desert ground on his stomach, while Luna was pulling out cactus needles with her magic, causing a pile to grow next to her. Star had spent hours of wandering through the cactus field and failing at it. He felt like he was becoming more of a pincushion than pony.

"Oh, quit your whining," Luna said as she pulled out another needle, making him wince from the sting of the pull, "what I don't get is how come you didn't avoid any of the cacti," Luna said confused as she saw him hitting almost every single cacti out there in the field, "unicorns are able to sense their surrounding area at a young age."

"Well I am a pegasus, not a unicorn," Star complained, "and I was blindfold- OW," he yelped as Luna pulled another resisting needle, and continues, "I used to be able to sense things around me, but now I can't anymore."

"I don't understand," Luna said as she pulled out the last needles, "I can navigate through this with my eyes closed."

"How does it work for you?" Star asked as got up and tried to stretch my wings, but found them still bounded, "and can you unbind my wings please?"

This shook Luna out of her thinking, "What? Oh yes sure," she said as she unbounded his wings, "and as for how I do it, I use my horn to connect with the moon and stars around it, heightened my senses."

"Well I don't have horn so ya, ah yes, that feels good," Star said as he stretched out his silvery wings, after they have been bound for a long time in front of Luna, Star then heard her take in a gasp of surprise, and looked towards her and saw that she was staring at his wings, and then face hoofed herself and said, "of course you're a pegasus."

"Um, ya, it is pretty obvious," Star bluntly said, mistaken on Luna's comment.

"No that is not what I meant," Luna said correcting his mistake, "I am doing lessons that are unicorn based not pegasi. You don't have a horn, but wings, and also the fact that you have strange magic and that Reality Element on you, I think you have to use your wings in this case, in theory of course, why didn't I think of this sooner?"

"So let me get this straight," Star said trying to grasp the situation here, "you're telling me that you have a theory that might have saved me from getting a butt filled with needles, if you could've thought of before sending me through the cactus field," he said to Luna, where she gave him a sheepish grin, making Star swear that he heard a squee for a second there, "and now you want me to go through the cacti again, making me into a pony pincushion?"

Luna hesitant there and replied with the sheepish smile again, "yes."

"Sigh, fine, but you owe me," he reluctantly agrees as he sat down on the ground, "ok then, let's get this over with," he put out his hoof and motions for the blindfold to be put back on. Luna obliged and the blindfold was once again lowered over Star's eyes, but this time his wings remained unbound.

Instead of Star running into the cactus field like before, he stayed where he is and took deep and calming breaths, clearing his mind to figure what he needs to do, concentrate, I use to be able sense things around me, but not anymore, what is different this time?

He fluttered his wings in frustration, for he couldn't feel anything, but then he felt a small spark and disappears as soon as it appeared. What was that? Star tried to find the spark, but came up with nothing, darn it, I felt something for a second there, but now I can't find it. I only felt it when I got frustrated and… and then he realized something… and fluttered my wings.

Star then remembered what Luna said and to use his wings, think like a pegasus not a unicorn, Stars mind then cleared and he felt his surroundings vanish. Star slowly started to open his wings and then he felt the spark again, he opened his wings a little more and the spark grew some more. Star focused on the spark and immediately he felt a sudden openness as he sensed something far in the sky, a essence that is alien, while familiar at the same time and then Star realized what it was; his leading light. He then focus on the surrounding area and felt the familiar bends and twists of the space fields, revealing and greeting him like an old friend, I got this now, Star thought as he suddenly took off into the cactus field.

Luna as she was just observing Star when he suddenly bolted into the fields. She quickly took to the air to make sure that Star wouldn't hurt himself as he ran through the cactus fields. Luna quickly became worried when she saw him running straight into a large cactus, showing no signs of slowly down. Just as Luna was about to warn him so he can avoid an unnecessary acupuncture session, Star quickly moved to the left and the cactus past him without a needle being stuck into him.

Luna became amazed as she saw Star run through the cactus field blindfold, dodging and weaving through them. Star has almost cleared the cactus field, but he had run down a path where a low wall of cactus stands before him and the other side. Luna saw Star pick up more speed as he is heading towards the low cactus wall, surely he isn't going to jump it, Luna thought as she flew in closer to Star.

Star had neared the wall and Luna quickly got her horn ready so she can teleport him away, but then Star positioned his hind legs underneath him and pushed himself as hard as his strength allowed him, but he had jumped too soon, showing that he won't make it and land on the wall, but then Star flared out his wings, with a flash of silver, he glide over the last inches of the wall. He collapsed his wings and the ground came up to him, he rolled himself up into a ball, causing him to roll along the ground and jumping onto his hooves.

"Ha, take that you stupid cacti," Star announced as he taunted the immovable desert plant, "you are not getting this pegasus anytime soon."

"That was amazing," Luna said as she landed down next to him, "you cleared through that field with so much ease and better performance than the first time, did you find your leading light Star?"

"Yes in fact princess," Star said as he turned towards Princess Luna, "I think my wings acted just like a sun stone, but instead of sunlight, it was moonlight and starlight," he explained as he positioned himself to sit down on a small cactus that he had not noticed, because he didn't remove the blindfold yet, which cause Luna to panic.

"Wait, Star, you're going to sit on a-," Luna tried to warn him.

"Yes sir re," Star interrupted Luna, "I feel like nothing is going to surprise me this time," he said with a smile as he sat down on the small cactus, making Luna wince from imagining the pain Star must feeling right now. Luna saw that Star still had his smile on, but it was shivering and wavering, he then looks towards the area Luna is in right now and said in a pain filled voice, "I just sat on a cactus, didn't I?"

"Yes, Star, you just did," Luna answered.

"Oh boy," Star replied, Luna notices that the blindfold looks like it was getting soaked from moisture with a twin small trails of tear running underneath the blindfold, indicating that Star is crying tears of pain, "Princess Luna, I think you should cover your ears," Star advised.

Luna followed his advice and covered her ears with her arms and for good measure, her wings as well, and braced for what Star has to say, time to bring out the pliers for this one.

Dodge Junction
Cherry Jubilee POV

"OH MOTHER FREAKING CRAP THIS HURTS LIKE FREAKING HELL," was heard echoing throughout the small western town, startling it residents and farm animals awake.

Cherry jolted up in her bed and looks around and listen tiredly, but when she didn't hear anything else, she shrugged, "must have been that new rooster we replaced," Cherry said to herself as she got out of bed and got ready for the new day, while she was thinking, I think I should talk to that rooster about his wake-calls.


Well, I got this done, pretty fast then I thought I would have thought, well leave your comments behind and thank you for reading.

End A/N


ketcham1009 says First

End E/N

Chapter 48: Friday the 13th

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Wow, just wow, everyone laughed and loved the last chapter, so I hope I can get more of that out with this chapter. I have finally reached my 100th person to favorite this story on Fimfiction, so thank you Faintfox, now read the chapter, review it, and leave your comments behind, thank you.

End A/N

Star's POV

"Finally I am done," I weakly said as I flopped on my bed after hours filled lessons of Luna training me to utilize my star, "I am finally done with the first lesson," and pulling out that cactus out of my butt, I grumbled to myself as I remember the cactus I sat on, and suspected that wasn't the last of I will sit on. I fell asleep with the first rays of sunlight just reached over the mountain tops.

I felt something starting to poke me in the muzzle. I opened my eyes and saw the little pest of annoyance; Pee-Wee, standing a little away from my pillow and from the position I am sleeping in, cause me to see Pee-Wee from a sideways view.

"What do you want, you little pest?" I asked the baby phoenix.

Pee-Wee got a sinister look that didn't sit right with me, Pee-Wee walked a little away, out of my point of view, with only his tail plumes showing, looking like he is picking something up. Pee-Wee came back with something in his beak, but I couldn't tell what it was. Pee-Wee coughed up whatever he had in his beak and onto my bed, "ewww, that's disgusting," I said to the phoenix and then I got a closer look as the thing Pee-Wee spit up… and caused me to panic.

Pee-Wee had just coughed up one of those devil beetles right in front of my face; a June Beetle, and it was still alive and kicking, and to give more evidence that is was still alive, Pee-Wee stuck out a claw and pressed on the beetle, making it to start hissing and screeching.

"AHHHHH!" I leaped out of my bed and grasped the ceiling fixture that not long ago I hung from Luna surprise visit. Pee-Wee ran out of my room, laughing like Woody the woodpecker, "you damn bird, if I wasn't a pony I will eat you for lunch," I called at the annoyance that had just left my room, while shaking my hoof at him. As I was about to get down from the ceiling fixture, I felt myself drop a few inches and jerk to a stop.

"What the…?" I looked up to the ceiling and saw cracks forming around the ceiling fixture, and which they are quickly growing bigger, "oh shit," I said in reconciliation, and then it gave away to a large breaking sound.

Arcana's POV

Sitting at a table in the foyer, calmly taking a sip of tea as I brought the cup up to my lips through my magic, while reading a nice romance novel that I have happened to come across while looking through the library, I am not much for tea and romance, but some reason I am actually enjoying this moment of peace and-, "you damn bird, if I wasn't a pony I will eat you for lunch," I heard Star yell from upstairs, shattering the sound of silence, never mind.

I hear the sound of clucking laughter coming down the stairs. I turned my attention to the stairs and the baby phoenix, Pee-Wee rush down and pass me, while giving me a quick salute and heading towards the kitchen, ah finally peace and-, and all of sudden I heard a loud crash coming from upstairs, more precisely from Star's room, ugh, forget about it, I thought as I continue with my reading.

Star's POV

I pulled myself out the remains of my ceiling and bed and coughed up dust and insulation. I got myself fully out of the debris pile and assessed the damage I had unintentionally done, it appears that the ceiling light had ripped out the frame and wires that held it into place, along the surrounding area, with some areas showing signs of soon falling, well, there goes my savings, I thought as I calculated the cost to fix this mess, and it doesn't look good for me.

I made my way to the door so I can get something to eat, but before I left the room, I stood and stretched, making a series small pops go off in my back, "Ow," I said as I went back to four and made my way downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs and into the foyer, I saw Arcana sitting at the table reading and sipping what looks like tea, "what was all that about?" Arcana asked as I past her to get to the kitchen.

"Oh Pee-Wee gave me a little surprise for me this morning."

"Oh that's sweet what was it and what was that crashing sound earlier?"

"Pee-Wee gave me a freaking June beetle, and as for the crashing sound. It was me, a ceiling and my bed getting to know each other more," I said making a snappy remark.

"How bad is it?" Arcana asked getting past my sarcasm.

"I think bad enough that my savings are going to take a hit," I answered as I finally made my way into the kitchen.

"Then you shouldn't hang from that light fixture," I heard Arcana replied as I started to rummage through the fridge looking for something good to eat.

"But I love to be like a monkey from time to time," I countered as I settled for a lettuce, tomato and hay sandwich, and took it out of the fridge and started eating it, "beside do you know what the date is, I kind of lost track of what day it is," I then took a bite out of the sandwich, hmm… good sandwich.

"It is Friday the 13th," Arcana answered. When I heard that, I spit out the chewed up food in alarm and towards Arcana. Arcana quickly caught my glob of chewed food with her magic and shot it right back into my still open mouth, forcing me to swallow the not anymore appetizing glob of food.

"First of all, you shouldn't be eating in the library," Arcana inculcated to me like a strict librarian, "second, that was just plain disgusting with what you just did with the food," she said with look of disgust, "and third, what was up with that reaction?"

"Sorry about that, but if today is Friday the 13th, is when there are openings that universe doesn't need an opening to get at you," I said as I remember the cactus sitting I did early in the night.

"Oh please," Arcana said annoyed about my reaction, "I am sure you are just overacting."

"Then explain why Pee-Wee gave me a June beetle and my ceiling collapsing on me," I pointed out.

"Hmm, let me see here," Arcana said in a sarcastic tone, "maybe because Pee-Wee loves to wake you in the craziest ways, and the ceiling fell due to you acting like a monkey on it," Arcana explaining the possible ways for those things to happen, "now get out…," Arcana's horn started to glow and I felt myself being dragged towards the door by some unknown force, "… because I have been on this one page ever since you woke up," and with that I was kicked out of the library, with the door slamming shut behind me.

I picked myself off the ground and turn towards the shut door and said out loud, "Fine I guess I will have to face this day all by myself," I then turn towards the town and started to make my way to it, but after I took a few steps, I felt something coming into contact with my head, making pain explode in my head, with my face hitting the ground due to the momentum of the object that had hit me, "GAH, that freaking hurts," I said as I picked myself up from the ground to see what hit me.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me," I said as I saw the remains of a flowerpot even with a flower and dirt in it, "where did this even come from?" I asked to nopony in particular as I looked towards the sky to find the flowerpot's origin.

High above Ponyville Library
Derpy's POV

"Oh dear," Derpy said as she looked through the hole her flower had fallen through, when she had set it to take a break from flying with it, "not again, I hope I didn't hit somepony this time," she with concern for those below, "at least I am not delivering an anvil this time," and with that she took off towards Sugarcube Corner to get a muffin.

Star's POV

I cautiously made my way towards Sugarcube Corner, occasionally glancing up into the air to see if anything bigger then a flowerpot is making towards my way. When I safely crossed the open area on the streets I breathed a little easier, as I am gaining confidence and started to walk down the middle of the street with the water tower ahead of me, thinking I am just overacting like Arcana suggested, I hear somepony cry out behind me, "look out, ran away cart."

"What?'' I looked behind me and saw a vegetable cart heading towards me, "oh crap," and by instinct I hit the ground and covered my eyes. I felt something big pass over me along with a gust of wind. I opened my eyes and found myself completely unharmed and ok.

"Yeah, take that karma," I yelled out in ecstasy as I got up from the ground, "you didn't get this pegasus this time," I pumped my hooves in the air in victory, but then my victory was cut short when I heard a loud crash behind me, soon followed by the sound of creaking and groaning wood, and somepony calling out, "my cabbages." I looked behind me and saw what made me put down my hooves, for instead of the vegetable cart hitting me, it hit one of the support pillars of the water tower off, causing the tower to lean towards my direction and then it toppled.

As soon as the water tank hit the ground, the top of it burst open and the water rushed out like a tsunami. Other ponies around me started to run away from the giant wave of water that is currently heading straight at me, the tsunami had reached about ten feet above my head, and I knew that I wasn't able to get out of this scratch free, "oh fuck," was the last thing I said before the wave came pounding right on top of me, filling my senses with water.

I felt air being pumped into my lungs, and then pressure started to be pounded on my chest, this action was repeated a couple of time. I must have showed some kind of sign, for I heard, "I think he is waking up," and then pounding on my chest resumed and then I felt somepony pressed their lips against mine and blew into my lungs. I shot open my eyes and there I saw Caramel giving me mouth to mouth respiration with an observing crowd around him, I pushed him off immediately and started coughing up water.

"Are you ok?" Caramel asked me, I nodded as I coughed up the last of the water from my lungs, "alright then, I thought you have drowned, you're lucky I know mouth to mouth respiration, huh," and then Caramel looked around and then said, "well I have to go, see ya around," with that he walked away to do some business he has to do and soon after the crowd dispersed, resuming their errands.

Then I realized what just happened, and started spitting and rubbing my tongue, trying to get rid of the feeling of having a stallion kissing me, oh god, why? Why? I am in a town where the population is mostly mares and I ended up getting kissed by a stallion instead, why must you be so cruel karma? After I got rid of any traces of have been kissed by a stallion out of my mouth, I got up and looked where I am and saw that I had appeared traveled from the water tower to almost Sugarcube Corner, and the thought of all those food, my stomach started growling, indicating that I have miss lunch.

I got up and dried myself as much as I can, by shaking like a dog and made my way towards the sweet shop, feeling tired and beaten up from all of the crap karma have passed on to me, and why do I have a feeling that that she is not done yet? I finally made it to the front door of the sweet shop, but just as I was about to open it, I had an epiphany. I opened the door and quickly dropped to the ground and just I hit the ground, I heard a loud boom and Pinkie flew overhead and landed on her rump, looking dazed.

"Wow that is the last time I cleaned my party cannon, while it is primed to fired," she said with a smile, she got up, dusted herself off and made her back into the shop, only stopping when she saw me on the ground, "what you doing down there silly, oh are you looking for a Snipe?"

"Pinkie the reason I am on the ground is because I just had an epiphany," I answered as I picked myself up from the ground, "and if the Snipe you asked is anything I think it is, and then no I am not looking for a Snipe."

"Ah phooey, those epiphanies are just mumbo jumbo to me, for the don't work for me," yeah, because you are just too random, for anything to work for you, "and I found a snipe the other day, I followed back here and it went underneath the house, but this Snipe had a long tail, and looked more like a large mouse," Pinkie said confused.

"Um Pinkie, I think that was a rat," I suggested to her what it might be.

"Funny that is what Mr. Cake said as well, oh well I hope Mr. Snipe likes razzleberry pie," and with that Pinkie happily bounced back into the shop, leaving me standing confused at the open door, with the wafting smells of fresh baked goods coming out, forcing my mind to forget what Pinkie said and follow her inside, to get something good to eat, to fill my stomach and the aftertaste of being kissed by a stallion, "yuck."

I walked out of Sugarcube Corner with a full stomach and the kiss now a distant memory. I noticed that the sun is started to set, so I started to make my way back to the library. When I was about halfway to the library, I started to hear a faint whistling, but I ignored it thinking it was just my imagination, but as I neared the library, the whistling got louder. I looked up in the air, but the setting sun is making excellent cover for whatever is making that sound.

I picked up my pace and hurried back to the library, but the whistling just got louder and louder, when the library was finally in sight, whistling appeared to be hanging overhead, about to strike any second now, and then I realized something, oh god I am an idiot, I can warp, I concentrated and disappeared in a flash and reappeared in the library startling Arcana and Twilight that appeared that were discussing about books.

"Why don't you just come through the front door like a normal pony does?" Twilight asked, "Because I am getting a bit tired of having you appear like that anywhere."

"Well to answer your question why I didn't come through the door like a normal pony is because A. I was originally not a pony and B…" and all of a sudden, an earth rumbling boom was heard outside, "… because of whatever that was."

I opened the door and what I saw made me cry out in shock, "Oh for Pete's sake, how is that even possible?" Arcana and Twilight rushed to the door and saw what I am currently looking at, for an anvil had impaled the ground that I was just at a few moments ago.

"Now who is overacting?" I asked as I shut the door on the oddly placed anvil before us.

Derpy's POV

"Why did the post office give me an anvil to deliver, don't they know, that it is dangerous to carry one of those thing?" Derpy asked herself, as she flew around in the growing darker sky looking for an anvil that she dropped, "I hope that it didn't hit anypony, like before."


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, because the next chapter and the one after that are the two-part special event chapters, so the next chapter will take some time to be uploaded, so leave your comments and reviews behind, so I can know what you all are thinking.

End A/N

Chapter 49: Wedding of a Deceiver PT1

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Wow, just wow, this is great I got a lot of laughs from the last chapter, but now it is time for a main event, so please read it and leave your comments and reviews behind at the end of the chapter, and I will also say thanks to my editors for fixing any mistakes that were on this chapter, and also happy birthday to you Cloud Chaser, I hope you have or had a nice day for your birthday.

End A/N

Star's POV

"Something doesn't feel right this morning", I thought to myself as I lay wide awake on my bed, with the rising sun rays streaming in through my bed. I feel a bit… empty, oh well. Might as well get up and see what this day has in store for me, I sat up in my bed that Twilight and Arcana had fixed for me, as well as the ceiling light, when I had told them about my day yesterday, at least something went right for me, but I can't get rid of the feeling that I lost at something though.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Arcana was already there reading a book, not sure if it is the same one from yesterday or not. I also saw that somepony or Spike had made me some pancakes and set it on the table, waiting to be eaten by me.

"Good morning," Arcana greeted me as soon as I sat down at the table, gaining her attention, but then she noticed my baffled expression, "what's wrong, Star?"

"I don't know Arcana," I said as I started to make my move on my breakfast, "when I woke up this morning, I felt… I don't know… cut off somehow."

"I don't know what's wrong, but maybe you'll cheer up when you hear what's going on during this weekend," Arcana suggested trying to cheer me up.

"And what exactly is going on this weekend?" I asked as looked down at my now empty plate, showing that I ate everything on it and didn't even notice, and then I realized something, "wait, isn't the Grand Galloping Gala, suppose to be this weekend?"

"It was, but the princesses canceled it for another event that is happening," Arcana explained as she set the book down, "there is going to be a royal wedding."

This surprised me, "which of the princesses is getting married, oh please don't tell me it is Blueblood's wedding, who even in their right mind will marry Blueblood?"

"No Star, Blueblood isn't getting married and neither are the royal sisters," Arcana clarified as she reached under the table and pulled out a piece of paper and set it in front of me with her magic, "it is another princess."

"Really," I took a look at the piece of paper and saw that it was an invitation;

The ponies, Arcana and Star, are hereby invited to a once in a lifetime event, the marriage of the niece of the royal sisters Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor, the wedding will be held at tomorrow and the reception later in the evening of the day of the wedding, we hope to see you both there soon.

"Who's Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?" I asked Arcana as I looked up from the invite, and then the other that was getting married name rang through my head, "wait a minute… Shining Armor, as in the captain of the unicorn diversion Shining Armor, and also that for some strange reason resembles a bear to me."

"Funny I got that as well, but yes that Shining Armor, as for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, all that it mentions in the invite is that she is the niece of Princess Celestia and Luna."

"Wait, how did we even get invites to the wedding anyway?"

"Well, Spike burped them up this morning, along with another one for the others that are having a picnic. As for how we got invited to this event, well, Aceiro is currently living in Canterlot, so he sent a letter saying how he asked for us to be invited."

"Well, that's awesome, so when are we leaving?"

"Right now," Arcana answered just as the door burst open and an angry Twilight walked past the kitchen and up the stairs, mumbling something about giving somepony a piece of her mind.

A few hours later

"Oh I am so excited right now," Shadow happily said as he stuck out his head out of the window of the almost empty train car, while the the others were in the car behind them having their own conversations. "I have never been to a royal wedding before, have you?" he asked me and Arcana as he stuck his head back into the car.

"No Shadow, this is our first time as well," Arcana answered him.

"But I have a question for you Shadow," I mentioned towards him as he sat down in the seat opposite of Arcana and I, "how did you even get invited to the wedding? No offense."

"Oh well, when Fluttershy came back home, she was filled with so much happiness, so I asked her what made her so happy and she said that she was assigned a task to create beautiful music with the help of songbirds, and then I asked her if I can come along and she said yes."

"That is sweet and all," Arcana said sounding not completely convinced about Shadow's reason, "but what is your real reason to come along? I mean you didn't just tag along to see the bride and groom."

When Arcana mentioned about another reason, Shadow became embarrassed and shy all of a sudden, "well, you're right about having another reason, but I am not going to tell what it is though I want it to be a surprise," he said as he glanced to a small bag that is hanging around his waist.

"Ok, we won't dig into it any farther," I reassured him, and then we entered the tunnel and immediately we heard Pinkie's voice resonate throughout tunnel, "BEST WEDDING EVER!" and then a few seconds later we exited the tunnel, I looked outside and saw Ponyville down below, I will never know how we can be down there and then up here in the next second.

"Star look," Arcana called out pointing towards the direction of Canterlot.

Shadow and I followed where she is pointing and what we saw made our jaws drop, for all of Canterlot was encased in a giant pink bubble, "oi, oi, oi, what is that?" Shadow asked as what he saw finally sank in.

"Whatever it is, it is giving a lot of magic," Arcana said to us.

We all watched as the train drew closer and closer towards the bubble that surrounded Canterlot, as we neared it, the train slowed down a bit, but besides that, it didn't show any signs of stopping. When the train was about to ram into the shield, the area where the train was going to hit suddenly started to shimmer and the locomotive passed right through and into the city.

We passed a double guard post and all of a sudden the same magic screen phased right through the car passed over us. As soon as the screen phased right through, I started to shiver as I felt a cold chill run up my spine and between my wings, making them twitch and flutter, but immediately I felt more at ease than I was this morning.

"Ok seriously, what was that?" I asked as I was finally able to calm myself down, "I just suddenly felt one serious chill running up my spine for a second there."

"I think that was some kind of barrier," Arcana deducted as she rubbed her horn, "and for some reason my horn just got suddenly cold."

And then, as the train station came into view, the sound of the train whistle was then heard, indicating that we all have arrived at our train slowed down just as it entered the started, with the sound of releasing steam and pressure we made our way to the door, opened it, and left the train car. As soon as we had left the train car, I was immediately overwhelmed by the environment that we entered.

Surrounding the train station were guards, lots of them, "I didn't realize that Canterlot had this many guards," Shadow said getting a bit nervous and shy by the intimidation that the guards are giving off.

"Whoa, what is with all the guards?" I heard Rainbow Dash asked as she stuck her head out of the door from her train car.

"I am sure they are just taking necessary precautions," Rarity propose, "royal weddings do bring out the strangest in ponies," and then Pinkie stepped out of the train car and let out a huge sneeze, but she sneezed out confetti and streamers, surprising everypony around her, but Pinkie just happily went along her way.

When Shadow saw what Pinkie had unintentionally just did, his jaw dropped, "what the… how did she even do that?"

"I don't know Shadow," I honestly replied to him, "but try not to think about it, you'll hurt yourself if you do."

Shadow got over the pink wonder that is Pinkie and said to me, "Well, see ya later, I need to go and… do something," and with that he took off and left the station. We looked around and saw that Twilight is leaving the station in the opposite direction, looking more ticked off than ever, while her friends looked worried.

"Come on let's follow her," Arcana said to me as she started to walk in the direction that Twilight went to, while the others went off to another part of the castle, "I have a feeling that we should know something," she added as I started to follow her. We both followed Twilight to the Cantorlot castle, where we saw that it was more heavily guarded then the train station.

When the castle came to view, I saw a glint of something shining coming from high on top of one of the towers on the edge of my vision, I looked up and saw Princess Celestia there looking down at us with a telescope, but then, she saw who we were and wave at us and resume her observing, ok what is going on here?, I asked myself. We followed Twilight as she just entered the castle square and walked up to a large group of guards and then she called out in anger just as Arcana and I stepped into the square, "I got something to say to you mister."

Immediately all the guards pointed their spears at Twilight as if they are expecting an attack, some even pointed their spears at us, "Whoa, we're with her," I said as I pointed to Twilight, and then Shining Armor, where a rich purple colored armor, looked over the castle barricades and saw Twilight, "Twily," he said happily as he took off his helmet and set it on the barricades and then rushed down a set of stairs that are set into the side of the courtyard and towards Twilight.

Wait a minute, Twily? Why did he just call her that? I thought as the guards moved their spears away from us. Shining Armor finally reached Twilight and said, "ah I missed you kid, how was the train ride, I-" he happily asked as he reached out with his hoof to pat her on the head, but Twilight just backed away interrupting his sentence and said to him in an upset tone.

"How dare you not tell me in person that you were getting married? I am your sister for pony sake."

When I heard that, I felt my mind doing a backflip from that information, "did she just said sister?" I asked to Arcana.

"Yes she did, then that means Shining Armor is her brother," Arcana as well surprised from this information, "I have a feeling that a lot of fanfics are going to messed up, if this is going to be an episode back at home," Arcana whispered to me.

"Eeyup," I replied back to her as I suddenly felt a chill.

"Ya, there's a big wedding coming up, maybe you heard of it," Twilight loudly said gaining Arcana's and mine attention once more.

"It has nothing to do with the wedding," Shining Armor said to her, telling us that the mention of the increase of security was mentioned, and then Shining Armor continues, "a threat has been made against Canterlot."

When he said that a threat was made, I looked towards Arcana worried and saw that she to have the look of worry, "do you think it is Nightmare?" Arcana whispery asked me.

"Couldn't be, I did some major damage to it back at Ponyville, it is probably someway licking its wounds," I answered in the same tone as hers, and then a bright flash grasped our attention. We looked to where Shining Armor and Twilight were and saw that a magic field started to form around Shining Armor, and then all of a sudden, Shining fired a ray into the sky. The ray of magic made contact with the shield high overhead and the whole shield started to glow.

I suddenly felt a slight pressure around me as the shield around Canterlot looked like it got thicker, I guess that explains why I was feeling cut off this morning and suddenly felt more cheerful when I got into the city; this barrier actually cut off the space fields.

Twilight and her brother resumed their conversation, but they soon drifted away from our hearing range, "so what now?" Arcana asked me, "It will be rude to follow them now."

"I guess we can go and see what the others are doing," I suggested.

"Ok then, if Shadow said that Fluttershy's choir birds are going to singing in the wedding, then that means the others must have some kind of task as well," Arcana and then I walked towards the castle, "but there is one thing that is bugging me though," Arcana added.


"Who is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and where's Aceiro?"

Arcana's POV

Star and I walked around the castle grounds, until we came upon the same grounds that the Wonderbolts performed last year at the Gala, and there in the sky is Rainbow Dash flying high into the air and diving and then pulling up, trying to do something.

"Hay Dash," Star called up to her, stopping Dash in midair and looked around until she saw us on the ground, "what are you doing?" Star added as he asked her.

Dash flew to us and quickly landed in front of us, causing a small gale to be formed and blow on us, "well you see, Princess Celestia herself had asked me to perform the Sonic Rainboom at the wedding," she happily said, "this is going to be the best wedding ever."

"That is awesome, is that what you are trying to do anyway?" I asked her.

"Ya, I am getting better at performing the Sonic Rainboom, in fact I think I have it down, but it never hurts to practice though."

"True to that," Star agrees, "so where are the others anyway?"

Dash then told us where to find the others, "thanks Dash," I thanked her, "oh and also do you happen to know where Aceiro is by the way."

"Well I saw a group of ponies going that way…" she said pointing in one direction, "… with a bunch of fireworks, maybe Aceiro is one of them."

"Thanks Dash," Star thanked her. Dash just waved to use and took off into the sky, blasting us once again with a gale of wind. Star and I then started to make our way in the direction Rainbow pointed to, after a half an hour of walking we came across a series of tubes positioned so that they are pointing up into the sky, with ponies walking about them. "What are these?" Star asked as he was about to look down into the tube.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice called out from behind us, stopping Star from looking down the tube, "those are firework launchers," the voice explained, making Star back away from the now recognizable barrel of the firework launcher.

I looked behind me and saw a green pegasus with a gray tail and mane, with orange highlights around the edges of it, while wearing a orange and grey shirt and wearing a red fuzzy band on his front left hoof, but the most noticeable feature is his wings, for they have a metallic look to them, like Aceiro's, but they are real.

"Hello I am Iron Wing," he greeted himself, "and it is a pleasure to meet you, but I haven't seen you around here before."

"We just arrived," Star answered him, "and thanks for the warning, but what is up with your wings?"

"No problem," I said happily, "and as for my wings, it's a side effect at working at the Iron Heart, the iron in the air got dusted into them and turned them like this, but now it is my turn to ask you a question, why are you both here? This is not exactly a safe area."

"We are looking for a friend of ours, Aceiro," I answered and then I added, "Do you know where he is?"

"The one with an interesting pair of metal wings that have been somehow incorporated to his body?" he asked us.

"Yes, that is him."

"Then that is interesting, because he is behind you," he said pointing behind us.

"Dang it Iron, I wanted to scare them," Aceiro protested as he made himself known as he walked into our field of vision.

Iron started to laugh at how he foiled Aceiro's plans, "well I have to go, there are still some things to do for this wedding, see ya later Aceiro," he said walked away while waving back at Aceiro, while at the same time revealing that his cutie mark is a wrench.

"See ya later too Iron Wing," Aceiro called back waving back at him. He then turned towards us, "hay guys, glad to see that you can make it, how are you?"

"We are doing fine, thank you for getting us invited to the wedding by the way, how about you?" I asked him.

"And do you have full control of those wings yet?" Star added as he points to Aceiro's wings that are tucked close to his body.

"Yes I can, but I haven't tried at flying with them yet," Aceiro demonstrated as he unfolded his wings, with the sound of chimes following them, and flapped them a few times before folding them back up against his body, "at first, sleeping on them was a bit odd, but then I got used to them, as for the invites, I asked the Princess Celestia to see if you two can and she happily agreed."

"Do you know anything about the bride and groom?" Star asked him.

"All I know is that the bride's name is Princess Cadence and she is a niece to the royal sisters and that the groom is the captain of the royal guard," Aceiro explained showing what he knows, "but besides that I don't know much except for an occasion gossip along the guards here and there, but not much, because almost everypony here has been working hard for this wedding."

"Then your mind is going to flip when you hear this Ace," Star said excitedly to him, "the groom, Shining Armor, IS Twilight's brother," Star said putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'is', "wait a minute," Star said as he realized something, "I thought it was Mi Amore Cadenza that was getting married."

"Maybe there are the some pony," I pointed out.

"Whoa back up a minute here," Aceiro said clearly surprised, "Shining Armor is Twilight brother? I didn't even know she had a brother."

"That was our reactions as well," I chuckled at Aceiro reaction, "but there is one thing that is still bothering me, who is even this Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?"

"Did I hear somepony say my name?" I voiced asked from behind us startling all of us.

I quickly turned around and there I saw an alicorn that is slightly smaller than Princess Luna. The alicorn's coat is a pale, light grayish cerise, with her tail and mane colored Dark violet with moderate rose and pale gold streaks, while wearing gold horseshoes, a small necklace and tiara, she sure has a way to sneak up on ponies, I thought to myself as I calm my brisk heart.

"You must be Princess Cadence," Aceiro said taking a bow for her.

"Please call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza," Cadence said to him in an annoyed tone, "so tell me, are the fireworks for my wedding completed yet?"

"They are almost done princess," Aceiro said getting up from his bow, "and thank you for allowing me to invite my friends here."

"The pleasure is all mine," she happily said to him, "in fact it is an honor to meet the three that stopped Nightmare three times," she said as she took a bow to use.

"Wait you know about the Nightmare attacks," I alleged at her knowledge of our feats.

"Of course," Cadence said as looked at us, "there are some that knows the truth, I am one of those."

"Cool, so you know about the beating I did on Nightmare then," Star happily proclaims, but then I saw a flash of green run through the princess's grayish purple eyes, along with a hint of malicious at the mention of that, but then it disappeared as soon as they appeared, I must be seeing things, I thought to myself as I shook my head.

"Well I must be off, I have other things that must be attended to make this wedding a dream come true," she said with a smile that didn't fit right for her. Cadence walked away from us and back towards the castle, ok that was weird, but maybe she was been on edge due to all of this extra protection.

"Well, see you later guys, there are still much to do," Aceiro said to use, "but let's meet up afterwards."

"Ok," I said, dropping the weird feeling I had gotten from the bride, "where do you want to meet up at?"

"There is very nice café here in Canterlot called the Moon Rock Café and it is a few blocks down from the hospital that we were in a few days ago, so let's meet in, say around… nine?"

"Ok we will meet you there then Aceiro," I said as we waved him off, and Star and I made our way back towards the city, with the sun setting over the mountain.

9:00 p.m.

The Moon Rock Café

Third POV

Aceiro, Arcana and Star had gathered around a table outside the Moon Rock Café, which is a moon-based café, and each of them is enjoying a nice drink, with a few ponies here and there and guards positioned at street corners. "So guys…" Aceiro said as he finishes taking a sip out of his drink, "… what do you think of this wedding?"

"I don't know," Arcana replied, "I starting to feel that something is going to happen and really soon," she added as she looked up to the now night sky with the moon shining through Shining Armor's shield giving everything a pinkish tint to it.

"Don't worry," Star said as he put down his almost empty cup, "Nightmare wouldn't try anything funny, because I seriously injured it back at Ponyville so there is no way that it could be Nightmare behind this."

"He's right Arcana," Aceiro agreeing with Star, "so don't worry about it, now come on let's have one last cheer, go home, and have a magnificent wedding tomorrow," Aceiro then lifted his glass up in a toast.

"And if Nightmare does show its ugly face around then we will be the ones to rid of Nightmare forever and save Trixie," Star assured as he meet his glass to Aceiro's. Let's hope you are right, Arcana thought as she meet her glass to theirs, they all said at the same, "cheers," and they then all drank the last of their drinks. With bits on the table to pay for their drinks, they left the café and made their way down the street, passing the hospital that they had stayed at a few times.

"So Aceiro, are we going to sleep at the castle tonight?" Star asked about our sleeping arrangements.

"Of course, that is where we are heading right now, because the princesses gave you both rooms in the guest suite," Aceiro answered as he led them through streets of Canterlot and then they all soon arrived at the castle and entered through a side door, where they were meet with more guards stationed inside. They all walked passed them, watching them as not one moved their gaze from the spot they are staring at across the room, after they had left the unchangeable guards behind and soon entered the guest suite of the castle.

"Well this is my room," Aceiro said as he stopped in front of one door on his right, "your room is down the hall and first door on your right and Arcana, yours the same and on the left," Aceiro directed Star and Arcana to their room.

"Thanks Aceiro," they thanked to him. Aceiro watched Star and Arcana entered their rooms and shut the door behind them and soon followed them and entered his room, but as soon as I stepped into my room I felt something wrinkle underneath my hoof. I quickly stepped back and there in the light that is coming from the corridor and into my room was a note:

Dear Aceiro

I would like it if you can meet me in the castle gardens in ten minutes, so we can enjoy a wonderful night together.


Sleep can wait, Aceiro happily thought as he finishes reading the note and made his way towards the castle gardens.



Star has spent about five minutes walking back and forth in his room, feeling energetic to go to sleep. I need to spend some energy so I can go to sleep and be fully awake for tomorrow, Star thought as he walked out of his room and followed the same corridor that leads to the outside.

As soon as Star left the castle, a voice called out above him, "Halt who goes there?" making Star freeze in his tracks, he looked up and the princess of the night positioned on the tower that her sister had occupied this morning, "oh it is only you Star, not that I complaining, but what are you doing up and about in the night?"

"I can't get any sleep, so I am going out for a walk," Star called up to Princess Luna.

"Then be careful, young Star, even though I am the ruler of the night, there are still some dangers in it," Luna warned him.

"Got it princess," Star confirmed as he started making his way into the city.


Arcana sat on her bed, feeling restless to get any sleep, maybe a nice bath will help me calm down, she got up from her bed and made for the bathroom, but just as her hooves touched the ground there was a knock on her door, who could it be at this time? She thought as she changed her destination to the door instead of the bathroom.

When Arcana opened the door, she was surprised to see a unicorn guard standing there, with a package levitating near him, "are you Arcana, miss?" the guard asked her.

"Yes I am, why?" Arcana answered.

"A package has been delivered to the castle and it has your name on it as its receiver," the guard informed her as he levitated the package to Arcana. She was surprised and took the package in her magic and replied, "But I wasn't expecting any mail, though."

"Well it is addressed to you," the guard pointed out.

Arcana brought the package close to her and ripped it open, and was confused at what she saw what was inside it, for nesting inside the box, were to two black halves of a cut sphere, "what are these?" she asked as she lifted them out of the box with her magic and brought them closer so she can examine them. Arcana studied them and found that the two sphere halves appeared to be able to fit nicely together.

She fitted them together, but as soon as the two spherical halves became into one black sphere, Arcana's magical aura around the sphere turned from white to black, and her horn followed the color change, she then felt her magic started to drain away and into the sphere. Arcana started to panic and tried to release the magic that is holding the sphere, but found that she couldn't let go of the sphere that is quickly draining her.

Arcana fell to the carpeted feeling more drained by the second, until she passed out from the drainage of her magic, while the guard has not once moved from his position when Arcana was being drained, when he saw that Arcana had passed out, he finally moved towards Arcana, but then his features started to burn away, revealing the queen of the changelings herself; Queen Chrysalis.

"This is the unicorn that defeated my master?" Chrysalis asked to herself as she stepped up Arcana unconscious body, "pathetic," Chrysalis then leaned in towards Arcana's ear and whispered, "I should just finish you off right now, but then my master will be very upset that it wasn't my master the finished you off," Chrysalis righted herself and her horn started to glow in a eerie green color and then fires of the same color as Chrysalis magical aura appears around Arcana.

Arcana's unconscious form then started to sink into the floor, when Arcana had completely disappeared, the fires then vanished leaving nothing as much as a burn mark in the carpet, "Now for the Earth pony," Chrysalis confirmed as she fire started to form around her as she made her way to the corridor. When Chrysalis left the room, the fire started to die out, but instead of the queen of the changelings, there stood Fe. With an evil on her face, she made her way to the Canterlot Gardens.


Aceiro was currently standing outside of the entrance and have been there for a good eight minutes, waiting for Fe to arrive so they can enjoy a nice night together.

Two minutes later, Aceiro saw Fe walked around the corner and towards him with a gleeful looked that Aceiro has seen a few times, each time he sees that simile, he felt his heart skip a beat. Fe finally came up to Aceiro and gave him a hug. "Hay you," Fe said to him, "are you ready for tonight?"

"Ready but there is one thing Fe, why did you want to meet here at night?" Aceiro asked Fe.

Fe giggles and replied to him, "Well Aceiro, the reason I want to meet here right now, is because of this…" Fe quickly drew in closer to Aceiro and gave him a deep kiss, completely surprising Aceiro from the sudden action. The kiss lasted for a good minute and Fe broke it off, leaving a panting Aceiro as he now able to breath, "wow, that was… amazing, but Fe why?"

"Because I love you," Fe honestly answered him, "ever since you saved me from those dragons, I started to feel something for you, but I wasn't sure what it was, but after these few days I started to feel empty in my heart, like I was missing something," Fe explained, "but then I realized what it was, I was missing you," and with that she pulled me into another kiss, but this time I was prepared for it.

They broke off for second time, but this one only lasted a few seconds, "well to tell you the truth Fe, I felt something as well when I saw you after the dragons were beaten," Aceiro told her, "but I thought it was just the side effects of working at the Iron Heart, but every time I see you smile, I feel my heart skip from joy, but I was always afraid that if I told you how I feel, you wouldn't want to see me again," Aceiro explained, "but now I am not, gasp, Fe I love yo-," all of suddenly another pony rushed around the same corner that Fe appeared from, interrupting Aceiro's saying about his feelings. When Aceiro saw who it was he felt his jaw drop, for it was another Fe.

When the other Fe saw Aceiro and Fe hugging, she stopped dead in her tracks and she got upset, "Aceiro who is this and why are you with her?" Fe asked him on the verge of tears.

"There's another Fe here," Aceiro said looking down to the one in his grasp and to the arrival of the other, "this is impossible, for there can only be one Fe."

"Then that means she is an imposter," the second Fe said pointing at the first Fe in my grasp, "no she's the imposter," the first Fe said to me. Aceiro broke the hug with the first Fe and took a couple of steps back, trying to understand that there are two Fe, when there in fact should only be one, meaning that one is real the other is a fake, and then Aceiro came up with an idea.

"I am not sure which of you is the real Fe, or an imposter," Aceiro said to them both, putting his idea into action, "so I am going to ask you that only the real Fe should know."

"If it is to prove that I am the Fe, then so be it," the first Fe said.

"Alright, how did we meet and how many were there?" Aceiro asked them.

"It was when a group of dragons started to threaten me, and there were three," both Fes answered at the same time, punching a blow to my plan, but not finish it.

"Moving on," determine to find out which is the real Fe, "how did I come across these?" he asked as he opened his wings to show them both.

"A dragon fire hit you, while we were doing a test with a pair of prototype flight wings, melting the wings into your back which you somehow integrated them," they both once again answered.

Damn, I thought that will be the one to reveal the real and the fake, Aceiro thought getting frustrated as he folded his wings back against his body, this question will surely reveal the real Fe, "ok, who returned that we all thought was permanently gone?" he asked feeling positive that I had figured out this situation.

But at once, both Fes answered him, "Nightmare Moon."

This shattered Aceiro's confidence to find the real Fe he loves, how can I find the real Fe? They both have the same knowledge… and then Aceiro realized something … but not the same beliefs, "last question, and this will definitely reveal which one is the real Fe and the other a fake," he said to them, "what is your number one rule in a relationship in your beliefs?"

"Absolute trust," the first Fe answered excitedly.

"What rules?" the second Fe asked worriedly, gotcha, Aceiro quickly rushed at the imposter and tackled the fake Fe into the ground and pinned her to the ground.

"Fe quickly…" He called back to the real Fe, "… go and get the guards, hurry!"

"Enough of these foalish games," the imposter said underneath him, but Aceiro noticed that her voice had changed, all of sudden he felt intense pain in his chest. He looked down at his chest and saw that the imposter had somehow stuck her hoof into his chest with an eerie green glow surrounding her hoof and the entrance point into his chest.

Aceiro all of a sudden fainted and fell to the ground unconscious freeing his captive that he had pinned down, leaving Fe thinking that Aceiro was just killed, but then Fe noticed that his chest is slowly rising and falling, oh thank Celestia, he's alright, and then she noticed that the imposter was getting up and started to smoke as if she was about to catch on fire, I need to get help.

Fe quickly turned and started to run towards the castle, but then a dark mass appeared in front of her, stopping Fe in her tracks, to scared to make a noise from the sight she saw, for Queen Chrysalis had shown her true form to Fe, "sleep," Chrysalis instructed Fe, her voice laced with magic.

Fe quickly fell to the ground in an enchanted sleep. Chrysalis dragged Fe back to the garden with her magic and deposited her just a little in the gardens, hiding Fe from view and hidden until the plan becomes in motion.

Chrysalis turn her attention back to the unconscious body of Aceiro and said as she walk up to him, "this one is sure bothersome, but I must follow master's orders," Chrysalis's horn started to glow and the similar fires appeared around Aceiro, dragging into the ground like with Arcana, "if those guards hadn't stopped me, I wouldn't have fallen behind and none of this would've happened," Chrysalis muttered to herself.

She looked around to see if there were any witnesses, but Chrysalis smiled when she didn't see anypony, luck must be on my side tonight, she thought as her form started to be consumed in fire, and in seconds she had transformed into a pegasus guard and took off into the night sky, "now to get that freak of a pegasus," Chrysalis said she made her way towards the city.


Star trotted back to the castle, feeling tired and sleepy, this should get me to sleep just fine, he thought as he rounded a corner, passing yet another guard that was stationed there, should I tell Arcana that I love her? He questioned himself, but before he can answer that, he heard whimpering of child coming from somewhere. Star slowed down to a stop and looked around listening anything. Once again the crying and whimpering can be heard, and Star pinpointed that it was coming down from an alleyway to his left, nestled between a two tall buildings.

Star entered the alleyway unaware that the guards that are usually present are not stationed on the street of the crying. Star made his way down the alleyway, carefully moving across the debris that littered in the alleyway. The sounds of crying became louder in Star's ears as he made his way farther into the alleyway, "hello is anypony there?" he called out, and immediately he hear scampering moving away from him, "wait I am not going to hurt you," he called out to whoever was crying and running away, he started to follow, wanting to catch up to whoever is running away, he tried to jump over the debris, he opened his wings to glide, but they soon hit the close walls of the alleyway, causing him to hit the ground.

He picked himself up and hurriedly made his way down the alleyway, which it soon ended in a dead end, showing no signs of possible escape from the alleyway. Star then heard the sound of whimpering coming from behind a crate that was set against the back wall, he slowly crept over the crate and looked behind it, and there he saw made his heart feel heavy hearted, for there was a unicorn filly, crying and whimpering with tears running down her cheeks, while shivering as well.

"What's wrong?"

Star had momentarily scared her due to his appearance and asking, but then she calmed down and said in a tearful voice, "I'm lost, and I am scared of the dark, could you help me get to my mommy?" she asked him.

"Of course, here let me get you up on my back."

After getting the little filly on his back and making sure that she won't fall off, Star cautiously made his way back to the entrance of the alleyway, "excuse me mister, but why are your wings silver, while you are white pegasus?" the little filly asked Star.

"Well that is kind of hard to explain that to a small child, so let's just say that my wings changed colors when I wanted to protect my friends," I answered as simple as I can.

"I have another question," the filly said to him, "are you an idiot?"

"What kind of question is- AHHHH," Star cried out as intense pain lanced through his body making him fall to the ground. He tried to get up, but he could only move his eyes, any other bony movements he couldn't make at all. He saw a set of hooves appear in his field of vision.

"What's going on here?"

"I'm lost, and I am scared of the dark, could you help me get to my mommy," the filly said to him finally speaking up, but not in the voice Star first heard, "you goody do doers make me sick," and then pain lanced through his skull, "AAAAHHHHHH."

The filly stood over Star's unmoving but still alive body, and occasionally gives off sparks of electricity, "this just have been too easy," the filly said as fire erupted on her body, completely consuming her. When the fire died out, there stood Chrysalis, "finally my master will now get her revenge on those that wronged her of her rights," and with that, Chrysalis's horn glowed the same eerie green and a ring of fire erupted around Star, and sucking him into the ground like his other two friends.

And now to get ready, Chrysalis thought to herself as she was once more engulfed in flames, which quickly died down and there now stood Princess Cadence, after all I wouldn't want to miss my own wedding, she happily thought as she exited the alleyway and into the streets of Canterlot.

To be continued


Ok first things first, the OC Iron Wing belongs to blacknight7890.

Second, holy moly, over 7,000 words in three days, this is the longest chapter I have ever written ever in such a time.

Third, leave your comments and reviews behind so I can know what you are thinking about, thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 50: Wedding of a Deceiver PT2

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Alright readers, this is what you all have been waiting for, Wedding of the Deceiver Part 2, and for those that were a bit confused at the double Fe part, the one that kissed Aceiro is the real one. Now at the end of this chapter please leave your comments and reviews behind, I am talking to all of the readers on Fanfiction, so my mind can be at peace knowing that I did a good job on this chapter. Thank you that will be all.

End A/N

Star POV

"Wake up…"

I opened my eyes and saw a silvery form, but I couldn't see for the form was covered in shadows, I then drifted back into the blackness of sleep…

"Wake up there is still much to do…"

Who are you?

"Wake up Star!"

I was yanked back into consciousness by the cry of somepony calling my name. I opened my eyes and was met with a lance of pain as the light pierced through my eyes and into my head, I then started to groan, "oh thank Celestia, he's waking up," I heard Arcana announce, sounding relieved to my left.

When the pain subdued, I opened my eyes slowly this time, for I didn't want to get another lance of pain, I looked around and saw that I was in circular room that appears to be made of yellowish stone, with light streaming down through a hole in the ceiling. I tried to move around a found myself unable to move at all, I looked to see what was restraining me and saw that I was covered in a green snot-like substance and stuck against the wall.

"What's going on here, where am I, and what is this stuff?" I asked as I started to struggle around, but my movements were restrained by the goo.

"Star calm down," I hear Aceiro instructing me, after a few more moments of struggling, I finally calmed down and looked to my right where I heard Aceiro's voice come from, and there I saw that he was covered in the goo and stuck to the wall as well, "as for your questions, we don't know."

"We?" I asked confused.

"I am here as well," I heard Arcana speak up, quickly gaining my attention and looking towards my left, and there I saw Arcana in the same situation as well, "and let me tell you, this stuff feels disgusting."

"What happened?" I asked them, "Why are we here, in fact where's here?"

"I don't know," Aceiro called out, causing me to look over to him, "but I'm going to find out," I saw him close eye and mutter something under his breath. I saw that the surface of the goo that is covering Aceiro, starting to bulge out, and then all of a sudden, a bladed hoof popped out, he turned his element into a blade, and then he started to cut the goo around him, after a few seconds of cutting, he had successfully freed himself and landed on the floor below.

"Well?" he asked up to us, "Are you going to set yourselves free?"

"Oh right," I concentrated to warp out of my bond, but then I was meet a sharp of pain in the head and let out a yell of pain.

"Star what is it?" I heard Arcana asked me sounding a bit scared.

"The pain…" I said through my teeth, "… it is just like when Nightmare attacked Ponyville and covered it in a shadow dome, for I couldn't warp out of it and was meet with pain."

"But Nightmare shouldn't be able to do that in its' weakened state after what you did to it," Arcana pointed out.

"I don't know, but it is true though," I said to her, "Nightmare must have gotten a hold on some power."

"Well I don't know how Nightmare did it, but here let me get you down from there," Aceiro said as he walked up in front of me. He then opened his wings and swung them at me, there was a flash then sparks as I then fell from the wall and onto the floor; Aceiro had sharpen the edges of his wings to cut through the goo around the edges, freeing me from the wall.

As I was getting back on my hooves, Aceiro walked over to Arcana and asked, "Are you going to come down or what?"

"Hold on, ok?" Arcana replied to him as I finally stood up fully and looked towards their direction, "Whatever that thing was that drained my magic, left me a bit tired, so just let me get ready," I saw Arcana close her eyes, and something underneath the goo started to shine and then spears of crystals pierced right through it and shredding it, causing Arcana to drop to the floor.

I went over to her and helped her up to her hooves, "are you ok Arcana?"

"Yes I am, just tired," she answered me as the spears grew back into the necklace, "even though that thing drained my magic, I am gaining it back," she added, "now let's go and see where we are," and with that she headed towards a door that I had failed to noticed before, for it was set into the wall and covered in shadows.

When Arcana pulled opened the doors, light quickly streamed into the room, momentarily blinding me and possibly the others. Our eyes adjusted to the light from being in the dimly lit room for who knows now long. We all left the room and found ourselves in a corridor made out of the same stone as the room we all woke up in, "guys look," Aceiro pointed to one of the windows that leads outside.

Outside is just a barren wasteland, with nothing green and living growing out in the wasteland and sky above a dirty yellow color, "where are we?" I asked, but then I noticed that far in the distance was a broader of trees, past that is just a lush and green forest and mountains and on one of the mountains was a small pink ball, then I realized what the pink ball is, "um guys, I think that is Canterlot," I said as I pointed towards what might be the city.

"What?" Arcana said as took a look outside through the windows and to where I am pointing, "If that's Canterlot, then how did we all wind up here and what's up with that black cloud that is heading towards it?"

"Huh?" I looked towards the sky and saw that what Arcana said is right, for there is a black cloud heading towards the city, "what do you think it is?"

"I don't know," Aceiro said to her and then all of a sudden he paused looking around, as if he is trying to listen to something and then he added with a cautious tone, "Do you guys hear something?" Arcana and I quickly became quiet when Aceiro said that and I strained my ears to listen what Aceiro might have heard, after a few moments of silence we all hear sounds of whispering.

"It sounds like… whispering," Arcana deducted, "is there somepony here?" We all look towards our left, where the sounds of whispering are coming from, and saw that it ends at a set of double doors at the end of the corridor that we are in, "so, who's wants to go and see what's behind those doors?" Arcana added.

We all made our way to the doors and found that the sound of whispering got slightly louder, but still couldn't tell what is being said, for some reason the whispering is sending shivers down my spine, causing my wings to flutter a bit from the sounds of whatever is producing the sound. We all stood in front of the doors and think of what to do next, "so…" I said breaking the silence, "… rock, paper, scissors to see who opens the door?" I suggested and was immediately rewarded with a slap to the back of the head by Aceiro.

"*Baka," Aceiro said to me in a disapproving tone as he folded his wing, which he used to slapped the back of my head with, back to his body, "now is not the time to joke, besides we don't have hands anymore, so how will that work if we can only do rock?"

"Ugh, fine I will go in first," Arcana said frustrated where our conversation is going. She walked right up to the door and opened them, and the first thing we all saw was nothing, for it was just a dark abyss past the door, but the sounds of whispering have increased, filling the corridor with it, "hello, is anypony here?" Arcana called out to the darkness. But as soon as she did, the whispering sounds ceased all together.

"Come," Aceiro said as he walked into the darkness, "there has to be somepony here," and with that he walked into the darkness with Arcana and I following right behind him. We all entered the room and walked farther into it, with the light fading away from the corridor. All of sudden the doors behind us slammed shut plunging us into darkness, "what the hay?" I heard Aceiro call out.

"I see that my quests have woken up and decided to join me," a well-known voice was heard calling out from the darkness, "this is the first time we all have meet, so I want sure that everything goes smoothly for this occasion."

"Nightmare…" I called out to the darkness, "…show your ugly face so we can kick your butt."

"Tsk, tsk, such language," Nightmare mocked me, "now before I reveal myself to you all, I want to do a few arrangements," all of a sudden I felt something tackling me into the floor and pinning there, I then felt my legs being forced behind my back and tied together, being held in place, while I felt something clasp around my wings forcing them to stay shut, then I hear the sounds of struggles besides me, signifying that Aceiro and Arcana are being rough handled as well.

"There, much better," Nightmare called out, when I tried to move, but couldn't move at all, "now let's let in some light, so I can see your sun loving faces for the last time," Nightmare added and then light started to stream in as shadows peeled themselves away from the windows, revealing that we appeared to be in a throne-like room. I quickly looked to the others and saw that Arcana and Aceiro were bound up like me in ropes made out of shadows. The writhing mass of shadows moved around us, taking hold of my attention as I saw the shadows gathered in the center of the room.

The shadows quickly formed into the form of Nightmare. Nightmare looked at me and said with a grin, "It feels good to be fully restored back to full power," and while it said that, I got a feeling like that of a deep and primal fear.

"But how?" I inquired at Nightmare's restoration, "the last time I saw you, is when I blasted you into a million pieces."

"Oh you did," Nightmare said cryptically as it started to walk towards a throne.

"Then why does it looks like that you are at the top of your game?" Aceiro asked as Nightmare sat down in it, "and what was up with that reckless changeling attack at Canterlot anyway?"

"About that changeling attack…" Nightmare started too aggravated as it started to talk about the fail attempt at the capitol, "… that changeling was an experiment of mine back then, a hybrid of a changeling and my magic, but then it became too strong-willed and went to Canterlot to rid of you, but as you can see it, failed. That mistake set my plans back majorly."

"But that still doesn't explains how you became fully restored," Aceiro said.

"Why, because of this," Nightmare the lifted her left arm up and there latched on is a bracer like ours, "remarkable, this little thing restored my powers back to full strength after I regenerated from Star's discharge, a little souvenir I picked up after my last visit at the Royal Canterlot Archives, after that sorry of an excuse attempt at Canterlot.

"What is that thing and why am I sensing a lot of energy that thing is radiating?" Arcana asked as she tried to struggle free from her bonds.

"Well dear Arcana, your friend Star here, showed me the power of what the Elements of Reality can do," Nightmare then started to examine the bracer, "so I decided to put this Element on and let me say, I never felt so much power in my lifetime."

I was shocked to hear when Nightmare said that the bracer she was wearing was a Reality Element, "that's a Reality Element? But I thought that there was only three, not four," I stated.

"Then you are sadly uninformed," Nightmare gloated, "I found this Element deep within the Royal Canterlot Archives collecting dust, so I-"

"Stole it," Arcana interrupted Nightmare, "and what's even the Element anyway?"

"Stole is such a harsh word to use," Nightmare said displeased, "I was going to say liberated it, as for what Element it is, it is called the Element of Entropy, the ender," Nightmare said with that smile again, she then got up from the throne and walked up to us and bent down, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to see how my plan is coming along," and with that Nightmare stuck out its' hoof and three tendrils of shadows shot out and towards us and wrapped themselves around our mouths, thus silencing us from talking.

Nightmare stood up and turned around, turning its' attention away from us for a while. I saw Nightmare's horn started to glow and the air in front of it started to shimmer and grew darker until it was like a black polished surface that glinted from Nightmare's magic, "Chrysalis… Chrysalis answer," Nightmare demanded.

The surface of Nightmare's magic glowed green and a room appeared in the surface, why does that location look so familiar? And then I got my answer in the form… of Princess Cadence? WHAT THE FUCK? Luckily the gag was still on, for I might have spoken on what was on my mind. In my peripheral visions I saw Arcana and Aceiro with the same surprise look on their faces as well, "what is it my master?" Cadence asked taking a bow towards Nightmare. I also saw that Cadence is wearing an extravagant wedding dress.

"Get rid of that form you are wearing Chrysalis," Nightmare ordered, "I can't stand seeing the pony who is known for spreading love around."

"As you wish master," Cadence stood up from her bow and then fire erupted around her obscuring her from view, when the fire died down there stood a twisted and corrupted version of an alicorn, with a twisted horn with insect wings behind her, "there you go master," her voice sounding like a whole group is talking at once, when I saw the creature that was just Princess Cadence a moment ago, then I am definitely lucky that I have a gag on or I might have let out words not safe to hear.

"Better, now Chrysalis tell me, is everything going right on schedule?" Nightmare asked Chrysalis.

"Yes master, nopony suspects me," Chrysalis answered Nightmare, but I saw a hint of hesitation.

"Excellent, everything is going to plan."

"Well except for one…"

Chrysalis added that part and immediately regretted for saying that from the look Nightmare is apparently giving her, "what?" Nightmare asked her and I can hear the sound of aggravation lacing through its' voice, "Who?"

"… The one called Twilight Sparkle," Chrysalis immediately answered, "apparently Cadence is an old foal-sitter or hers," this raised a bit of hope for me, because Twilight will eventually figure this plot out.

"Well make sure that she doesn't ruin this plan, she already stopped me before."

"Don't worry about that master, she made a fool of herself and ruined the wedding rehearsal this morning, but nopony believed her and left her alone, after all of her friends and family left her, I sent her down into the crystal caverns you told me about," when Chrysalis said that I felt the spark of hope die.

"Good," Nightmare sounded relieved when it said that, "everypony has mostly forgotten about those caves, so nopony will ever find her till it is too late, now go and prepare for my arrival, I want the city under your control when I get there."

"Yes master," Chrysalis replied with a bow, and then she was once again surrounded in flames and quickly died down and there stood Princess Cadence once more, "one more thing," she said in Cadence voice, "can I-"

"Yes, you can keep the groom," Nightmare anticipated Chrysalis intentions, "for I have no use for him."

"Thank you master, I won't disappoint you," and with that Nightmare releases the spell, causing the apparition of the imposter of Cadence to fade away. Nightmare turned its' attention back at us and approached us.

"I have to say, I have to give credit to her, after all, she is the one that captured all three of you, and let me add," Nightmare said with a grin, "it was too easy." Arcana started to say something, but her gag kept her from what she wanted to say, "Oh my apologies," Nightmare said mockingly, "let me get that for you," and with Nightmare drew back its hoof and the shadows ripped away from our mouths and merged with Nightmare's body.

"So the threat against Canterlot is real, but how did you get Chrysalis into the city?"

"I was really easy," Nightmare answered Arcana, "all I did was get Chrysalis into the city, replace the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza with the Changeling and make a threat against Canterlot, thus sealing the changeling in, so nopony will ever suspect her," Nightmare gloated and then it picked up Arcana in its' magic and brought her to its' face, "now I will finally get my revenge and you three and I will start with pony that stopped me from getting what I desire from the very beginning."

"Arcana!" I called out struggling against the bonds, I concentrated to warp, but was once again meet with a lashing pain through the head, "AHH."

Nightmare saw my failed attempt to warp and started laughing, "I knew that you would be trying to do that warping of yours, so I took the precaution to cast that spell, like I did at Ponyville," and then Nightmare looked at me with resentment running across its' eyes, "I don't know if I should get at you second for nearly destroying me, or the other for setting back my plans."

"Then I won't let you make that choice," Arcana announced and then her horn started to glow white and a bubble started to expand from it very quickly. The bubble turned into a shield, which hit Nightmare, causing Arcana to be dropped and Nightmare to be thrown back and hit the throne chair behind it, making it shatter into pieces and kicking up dust everywhere. The shield continues to expand, so when it hit the shadow bonds that are holding each of us they immediately dispersed, releasing the strain that was being exerted on my limbs.

As Aceiro, Arcana and I picked ourselves from the floor I heard Nightmare started to laugh, "ha ha, I wasn't expecting that you would have regain some of you magic," and then Nightmare emerged from the dust and added in a serious tone, "but don't count on surprising me again, because a surprise attack is a surprise attack so it won't work on me anymore."

Nightmare then releases a spell at us, forcing me to take to take to the air, while Aceiro dived to
the left and Arcana vanished from sight. Nightmare's attack hit the ground where we were instead and exploded, and I felt a shock wave hit me, causing me to be flung higher into the air. A flash of light and Nightmare appeared above me, "and I am going to make you pay for what you did to me back at Ponyville," Nightmare then formed a limb out of shadows and wrapped it around me.

Nightmare swung me around, making me disorientated so I couldn't tell which way was up or down, then Nightmare let me go and I flew towards the floor, hiting it and causing me to slide across it. I came to a stop feeling rashes all over me from sliding over the rough floor. As I was getting up from the floor I saw Aceiro going in to tackle Nightmare, but it was one step ahead and lashed out at Aceiro, striking him across the face, causing him to collapse to the floor, but then Nightmare, grasped Aceiro's back legs and started swinging him around like a doll, smashing him into the ground, but I saw that Aceiro's wings were taking most of the impacts.

I took off towards Nightmare, hoping that I could catch Nightmare by surprise, but as I near Nightmare, it swung Aceiro around towards me, causing him and I to collide with each other and hit to the floor, "as I said, surprises will no longer work on me," Nightmare repeated as I picked myself up and looked up at Nightmare, with Aceiro moaning and coughing up some blood onto the floor from the impact that Nightmare gave us.

Nightmare had crossed the space that had been between us and stood above Aceiro and I and said, "I am going to finish you two off, but first…" Nightmare lashed out into the open air with a wisp of magic, all of suddenly there was a flash and there, in Nightmare's grasp, was Arcana, "… I am going to finish her off."

"NO!" I cried out as I leapt at Nightmare to free Arcana, but Nightmare just stopped me in midair with her magic and looked at me, "I see that you have feelings for her, just like Aceiro here for that mare back at Canterlot. I also found out that she has feelings for him too, so I am going to enjoy breaking all of your hearts," Nightmare announces with a laugh as it tossed me to the side where I slid into the base of a pillar. I tried to get up, but then I felt some blood come up and spit it out, leaving a few drops of blood on the floor.

I heard Aceiro picking himself off the floor and said in a controlled anger tone, "I am not going to allow you do that Nightmare," I turn my gaze towards him as he fully stood up and I also saw that his Element had manifest itself and was glowing white, "you are right when Fe said that she loves me, while I love her back as well," I saw a white mist started to come off his Element and surround him leaving his head still showing, "so I am not going to let you to do that Nightmare, for I will protect her, because I love her," the mist around Aceiro's body shined and solidified and became a suit of gleaming white armor.

Aceiro launched himself at Nightmare using his wings to propel himself faster as Nightmare, who was caught by surprise, but immediately reacted by swinging Arcana in front of itself, making her into a living shield, forcing Aceiro to flare his wings and stop from the dirty trick of Nightmare's. Nightmare quickly took advantage of Aceiro's hesitation and lifted its left arm up that the Element of Entropy is attached on. The Element gave off a dark light that seems to absorb the sunlight around it and then Nightmare releases a built up bolt of black magic at Aceiro.

By instinct, Aceiro lifted up his right arm that the Element of Will was on, to block Nightmare's attack. The Element grew into a shield just as the attack hit it, causing a small explosion to occur. The shockwave that the explosion made hit me, forcing me back onto the floor. Sounds of pieces of metal hitting the ground soon followed, I looked to where I last Aceiro and there I found him on the ground covered in bits and pieces of metal, all the while moaning in apparent pain.

"I was surprised by that turn of event," Nightmare confessed, "but now I know that there's a greater power out there, if a bottom class of pony, like him, can be given that much power, imagine what it could do to me," and then it turn towards Arcana, which is still in its grasp, "but I will unlock that power on a different time, for I have a little reprisal to do," and with that Nightmare swung around and threw Arcana towards the remains of the throne.

Arcana hit the remains with force to scatter stones and other debris in a small explosion, I heard her cry out in pain, "Arcana!" I called out to her in worry, I stood up a little and concentrated to warp to her, but once more pain hit me hard in the head, causing me to fall to the ground, feeling pain in my mind and body.

Nightmare looked at me and said in a victorious tone at my present state, "give it up, I won. Your friends are beaten and will soon fall one by one, starting with the mare you have feelings for," and then Nightmare started to make its way towards Arcana. I was about to call out to her, to warn her about Nightmare, but then several white bolts of magic shot out of the dust and towards Nightmare, but Nightmare just brushed its' left arm to the side and the bolts of magic faded away into little sparks of light.

"The spell I let loose on your friends back there is just a small dose of what this Element can do," Nightmare started to explain, as the dust around Arcana started to settle, revealing her looking tired and injured, "allow me to show you the power of the Element of Entropy," Nightmare announces as the Element started to glow that light-bending glow, as the glowing became more intense, I felt a great sorrow and grief around me, "now be gone from this life," Nightmare declared as it released the spell right at Arcana.

"NO!" I shouted out loud as I watch, with what it seems as time slowing down as the black magical bolt makes it way towards Arcana. I concentrated to warp, with Nightmare's spell meeting me with pain, but I pushed forward through the pain, I want to protect her, because I love her, I felt something shatter around me and then the space around me ripped apart in a flash as I felt myself warping.

I appeared in a flash between Arcana and Nightmare's attack and I saw that Element had manifest and shining in a silverlight, filling me with what I need to do. I quickly bended the space fields around me to harden the space in front of us, causing a barrier of my own to be created to protect me and Arcana. Nightmare's attack made contact with my barrier and immediately felt intense pressure of Nightmare's attack on the barrier protecting me and Arcana, "Star," I heard Arcana call out to me, "what are you doing?"

"I am going to protect you Arcana, even if it is the last thing I do," I explained as I felt some of my barrier fade away from under Nightmare's barrage.

Nightmare started to laugh as it saw me protecting Arcana and heard my vow, "that wouldn't matter, I will get rid of all of you no matter of what you want to do, now die," Nightmare's Element unleashed a new wave of energy, increasing the onslaught on my shield. I felt my shield start to fade away more and I realized that I wouldn't be able to protect both of us.

"Arcana…" I started, gaining her attention as I felt the barrier started to collapse, allowing a stay bolt of magic to the area next to us, "… I want you to know that I love you," I declared as the last of my barrier fell.

Arcana's POV

When Star said that he loved me, I was immediately filled with joy, he really does love me, but then I saw that Star's barrier collapsing, leaving him wide open for Nightmare's assault, "No," I cried out as I tried to form a shield around us, but I felt faint as I realized I am out of energy. Nightmare's spell hit Star and encased him in its attack, and then I heard Star let out a scream as the pain that was intended for me is going to him instead as he stood in front of me to protect me.

Nightmare's barrage finally ended and I saw that Star was still standing there, "Star," I called out to him worriedly as I made to pick myself up, but then Star collapsed to the floor onto his side and I saw that he wasn't moving at all, not even breathing, "Star," I said in a panic state as I scrambled up to my hooves and move next to Star's side. I pulled him onto his back and there I saw that his eyes are closed and his chest isn't moving up or down, "Star," I said as I started to shake him, "Star, please get up," I put my ear next to where his heart his listen, but I don't hear his heartbeats at all.

"No, please don't be dead," I said as I realized what happened, "please no. Star come back, please," I required as I felt tears started to form in my eyes, "Star come back, please don't leave me, I love you too," I added as I felt tears started to run down my cheeks and then falling off of my face and hitting Star's lifeless body.

Nightmare started to laugh at my circumstance as if it was in some kind of comedy play, "the fool died to allow you to live, but for only a few more minutes, for there is nothing to protect you this time," and then Nightmare began to built up energy back into the Element of Entropy again to repeat what it did to Star to me and others more in the future.

I continue to cry unto Star's body as I leaned in closer to Star and whispered in his ear, "please come back, I love you," and then I kissed him. I broke off the kiss and hugged his body, with my tears flowing more freely now and soaking into his fur, "I love you," I whispered to him, hoping that he can hear me say it and then I felt something stir in my heart and my horn lit up all on its own, but instead of my usual white aura it was gold instead. I then saw a golden ring started to form and swirl around me and Star. "Don't be agonized young one…" I heard a voice call out around me, "… his time doesn't end here just yet."

I felt a restorative energy rushing through me as the golden ring increased its height. I felt something on my right arm, I looked arm and saw that my Element had formed into the bracer all on its own, glowing in a golden light. I looked around and saw that as the swirling gold-colored magic was spinning faster and was giving off golden sparks of light and was drifting around Star.

The sparks all of sudden rushed at Star and he glowed a golden color for a brief second, and then I saw his chest rise and then fall, showing signs of life, he's alive. All of sudden, Star shot up into a sitting position while taking in a large amount of air as if, he has been holding his breath this whole time. Star looked around and then at his hooves and said in a questioning tone, "I'm alive?" and then he noticed my presence and looked at me and said with a smile, "I heard you Arcana, I heard you."

I rushed at him and embraced him, with him about to return the motion, but then we both heard Nightmare call out drawing our attention towards it, "this is impossible, not one pony in history is able to revive the dead," Nightmare look towards the Element attached to its left arm and we all saw that it was giving off arcs of energy, "no matter, with this I will end both of your lives at once," and with that Nightmare point at us and unleashed the power Nightmare had kept at bay.

Star and I embraced ourselves in tighter, and shut our eyes, and waited for the impact to come, but when it didn't come, I opened my eyes and saw what took my breath away, for there stood in the path of Nightmare's life ending attack, was a silver alicorn, that was a little smaller than Celestia but bigger than Luna, I also saw that it had stopped Nightmare's attack in midair, "who are you?" I heard Star asked the mysterious alicorn as he finally opened his eyes, "and where did you come from?"

The silver alicorn looked back at us and said in the familiar feminine voice that I heard just moments ago, "where I came from doesn't matter, as for who am I, just call me D."

"What is going on here, who are you and why are you here?" Nightmare demanded to know. D looked towards Nightmare and announce, "Nightmare, I am the creator of the Element of Entropy…" when D said that, I felt a slight panic rise up, "… and I am here to take the Element away from you," and with that D brought up her hoof and slammed it into the floor and Nightmare's attack faded away.

"No…" Nightmare called out, "… it is mine, so I won't allow you to take it away, along with the power it gives me."

"You don't have a choice Nightmare," D said to Nightmare, "you have abused its power, which wasn't meant for this kind of actions, for your own gains, so give it back or I will take it by force."

"Never," Nightmare called out as it releases several bolts at D, but she swept her wings to the side and they faded away just as before.

"Then it is the hard way," D confirmed from Nightmare's action, she then stuck out her hoof towards Nightmare. Nightmare started to scream as its left arm was lifted forcibly and I saw that the Element on Nightmare started to break away into dust and form into a ball in front of Nightmare, who started to grow smaller untill it was the size of an normal pony.

"No my power," Nightmare said as it made a move for the dark ball in front of it, but D motioned for the remains of her Element to come towards her. It took off making Nightmare come short and hit the ground, but instead of going towards D, it flew above Nightmare and towards Aceiro, it hovered above Aceiro and then shot towards his left arm, there was a dark flash and the bracer that was on Nightmare is now on Aceiro.

The sudden bonding of the Element to him must have given him an energy boost, for he shot up with a gasp and said out loud, "whoa, what was that?" he looked down at his arms and saw the white Element of Will and the black Element of Entropy on them, "ok seriously, what is going on here?"

"Interesting," D said out loud, "it appears that my Element has finally found its proper bearer, but this is particular, for appears that he already has an Element, oh well there is nothing I can do about it if an Element has finally found its' bearer," D's horn started to glow and was showing signs of teleporting, but I quickly asked.

"Wait was that you I heard talking to me?"

D looked at me and said, "Yes it is, now I suggest that you get rid of this curse that had run free through this land long enough," and with that D disappears in a silver flash.

"Wait was that you I heard talking to me and what just happened to Star here?"

D looked at me and said, "Yes it is, as for what happened to Star, that was all you, you fixed his time stream, when Nightmare broke it," I was surprised at what D said, "now I suggest that you get rid of this curse that had run free through this land long enough," and with that D disappears in a silver flash.

"I will get my power back," Nightmare announces as it throws itself at Aceiro, but he quickly raises his right arm and Nightmare collided with an invisible field.

"Nightmare," I called out to it, gaining its attention, as I stood up with the help of Star and limped down the steps of the pedestal that held the throne, "you have created enough damage here in this land and have existed far enough, so now it is time for you to vanish from this world." I had covered the distance and now stood in front of Nightmare. In the corner of my visions I saw Aceiro getting up and moving to the side of Nightmare and Star landing on the other side, and then I was filled with knowledge of what to do next.

"Nightmare," I said as my horn started to glow in a golden glow, with a transmutation circle appearing underneath me, "it is time for you to disappear," I lifted both of my front legs and slammed them down onto the circle underneath me, and it quickly spread, covering the area that Star, Aceiro, Nightmare and I are in, leaving Nightmare inside the center of the spell diagram. Nightmare started to panic and tried to run to leave the circle, but it was soon meet with an invisible wall that surrounded the center.

Aceiro, Star and I were all also in smaller circles that surrounded Nightmare's, I also saw that my Element was glowing gold, Star's silver, and Aceiro's white, while the black just rested there, "now Nightmare…" I lifted my hoof that holds my Element, and saw the others following me as if they too know what to do, "… be gone," as one, we all slammed our hoof onto the floor and the result was immediate. As soon as our Elements hit the spell diagram, they gave off beams of light that are the same color as their magical aura and shot forward at Nightmare.

The beams hit Nightmare at once, the beams acting like spears, speared right through Nightmare. Nightmare started to be pulled away and towards into the air, but I saw that there appears to another body being left behind on the ground, its Trixie, it working we are finally going to save her. Nightmare let out a final scream as it was finally pulled away from Trixie, and then a explosion of light that filled every nook and cranny in the throne room.

When the light faded away, I saw that in the middle where the spell diagram was set up was a normal looking Trixie. Trixie looked around and saw each of us around her, she looked down at herself and saw that she is back to normal, "is it over?" she asked towards me, after she finally finished examining herself, "is the living nightmare finally over and gone?" she asked a bit worried.

"Yes Trixie, it is over," I answered her.

"Thank you," and with that Trixie fell to the floor and fell into a peace sleep. Then I felt the toll of the fight descend on me, and I saw that I wasn't the only one, for Aceiro slumped to the ground and looks like he is having trouble to stay awake. Star fainted as he fell down to the floor. I felt the floor underneath me started to twist and turn and then I felt the ground coming up to meet me personally. The ground hit me and found that I am also having trouble keeping my eyes open. I saw a set of teal color hooves enter my vision and as I am closing my eyes for the last time, I hear a voice saying as I drifted off to sleep.

"You did well. Now sleep, for you have deserved some rest…"

Aceiro's POV




I am seriously going to kill that machine, I thought as I became aware of the beeping sounds that had waked me up. I rubbed opened my eyes as I sat up in a nice and comfy bed, I looked around and saw that I am once again in the hospital, "now for once I would like to wake up somewhere else, every time I get into something," I said to myself.

I felt something on my left arm, I looked and immediately saw the black bracer on it, is this… is this the Element of Entropy? I thought as remember what Nightmare did with it, why is it on me now? I asked myself with fear starting to run through me, but then I got a sense of sadness from the Element that Nightmare once held and then I remember what Fate said, am I… am I this Element's proper bearer? And then a sense of happiness settled down on me, oh boy. I looked over to the Element of Will on my other arm and I remembered the white armor that the Element produced, what was that? I asked the Element, but didn't get an answer back.

And then I remembered about Nightmare's plans for Canterlot, "Fe, Canterlot," I quickly got out of the bed and rushed to the door and pulled it opened and was meet by Fe, Star, Arcana, the mane six, and Princess Celestia. When I saw Fe, I immediately stopped in my tracks and stared at them while they stare back at me.

Fe was the first to react and rushed towards me and embraced me into a hug and said in a worried tone, "Oh Aceiro, I am glad that you are ok, but I worried that something bad has happened to, I am glad that you are safe."

"Me too Fe," I said as I returned the embrace, and then I turn my attention to the others, "what happened to Canterlot, did the changelings attack, what about Princess Cadence?" I asked rattling off questions one by one.

"Aceiro cool it," Star said to me, stopping me in my ranting, "The others will explain what happened," he said as he gave Celestia all of my attention. She started when she was in the middle of presiding the wedding ceremony when Twilight rushed in with another Princess Cadence, revealing the Cadence that was about to be married to Shining Armor to be a changeling and a queen of that. Celestia had to sadly admit that the queen bested her and told Twilight and her friends to retrieve the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight and her friends then told what happened from there and how the shield that Shining Armor had set fell allowing an army of changelings to invade the city, as they made their way to the vault that contained the Elements, and Pinkie added how they all went kung fu panda on a large group of changelings, with of course getting odd looks pointed towards the pink pony direction. After that they said how they got captured and was about to give up, but then they were all saved when Shining Armor and the real Princess Cadence combined their magic, restoring Shining Armor's power and reestablishing the shield sending all of the changelings flying out of the city and back towards to where they came from.

"And then when we were looking around to see if there was anypony that needed help, we found you three and Trixie at the steps of the Canterlot Hospital, and these two would't say anything until you were awake," Celestia said, "but now that you are awake care to explain what happened to you three, because you all just disappeared in the night, and if Trixie is here then that means Nightmare has been defeated, correct?"

Star, Arcana and I then told them want happened to us and how we all woke up in the room and held to the wall by some strange goop, "um that goop…" Fluttershy said, "… is what insects produces," Arcana immediately started to freak out about that. We then told them how we all appeared in the land that was desolate and barren, to how we all learn of Nightmare's plan and that it had an Reality Element and fought against it.

I told them how a suit of armor was created from my Element of Will, explaining that I wanted to protect Fe and my other friends, earning me a kiss Fe as she realized that I love her. Star then told us that he had died protecting Arcana from Nightmare's attack, earning shocked looks from everypony and Pinkie running off screaming ghosts.

Arcana picked it up from there and said how she was able to bring back Star to the appearance of a silver alicorn that saved her and Star from another of Nightmare's attack, and that the alicorn revealed that she is one that created the Element that Nightmare possessed and took the Element away from Nightmare, "What Element did Nightmare have?" Twilight asked, "Because I thought that there was only three not four."

"As did we," I answered, "and it was called the Element of Entropy."

This caused Celestia to panic, "how did Nightmare get a hold of that, it was suppose to be locked in the Royal Canterlot Archives."

"Nightmare stole it and replaced it with a fake," Arcana answered.

"Then where is the Element of Entropy?" Celestia asked us.

"Right here," I answered as I lifted up my left arm and revealed the black Element to them, "and I think I am its' proper bearer," I added to calm them down, "because I am getting a lot of happy feelings from this thing."

"I don't fully understand that Element Aceiro," Celestia honestly said to me, "it had caused a lot of troubles in the past, but it was mostly due to the bearers that misused it, but I trust you though Aceiro, for you are kind so I am sure that you will be able to handle this particular element."

"Thank you princess," I thanked her and then I turn my gaze to the black Element, I wonder… conceal, the Element of Entropy then phased into my skin leaving a black marking against my grey coat, while the other arm has the white marking of the Element of Will on it.

"Um Princess Celestia," Twilight said to Celestia, gaining the embodiment of sun's attention, "we are going to have a wedding in a few hours, do think we all should get going to prepare for it?"

"That is right Twilight," Celestia agreed with her student, "now come we have a real wedding to prepare," and with that Celestia walked down the hallway to put in order a real wedding.

A few hours later

Star's POV

After a few hours of watching the wedding and Dash performing the Sonic Rainboom over our heads, we all stood outside of the castle gardens milling around, waiting for the reception to start, while Arcana and I mostly stayed to together throughout the whole thing, "hay Fluttershy, Fluttershy," a voice called out above our heads.

We all looked up and saw a familiar black pegasus coming into a landing in front of us, he landed in front of us and said as he took in gasps of air showing that he had been flying hard, "where's Fluttershy? I have something to say to her."

"What is it Shadow?" Fluttershy asked him as she stepped up to him, with concern in her audible in her voice, "did something terrible happen?"

"No Fluttershy, nothing bad happened," he reassured her as he detected the concern in her voice, "I just came here to say something to you," he added as he is finally to breathe much easier, he then kneeled in front of Fluttershy.

"What is it then?" Fluttershy looking confused at Shadow.

"Fluttershy I have greatly enjoyed being with you from Tornado duty to your heat crazed moments…" Fluttershy glow bright pink when he said that, "to even fighting a few changelings to get to you, but let me clarify by saying that my life had completely became full of crazy turns and twists ever since I meet you, and I greatly enjoyed them when I am with you," he explained, "and this being the most special night of the year, I decided to this tonight. So Fluttershy will… oh wait hold on for a sec," Shadow put a hoof into his mouth and blow, producing a loud whistle that echoed in the air, and then Philomena the phoenix, which appears to be carrying something, came out of the sky and landed in Shadow's outstretched hoof.

The phoenix dropped a small box in his hoof, "thank you my fine and feather friend," Shadow thanked Philomena, who gave him a nod and took off into the sky, when Philomena disappeared into the sky Shadow turn his attention back to Fluttershy who had a look of amazement on her face, "Fluttershy, will you do me the honor to allow me to take your hoof in marriage…" he said as he started to open the box, "… and be my wife?" he asked as he fully opened the box and reveal a gleaming golden bracelet inside it.

This stunned Fluttershy completely as she just realized she just got proposed, and then she let it all out at once, "YES, yes I will," and with that she grabbed Shadow, making him drop the box, and gave him kiss that shock all of us from the sight of a rarely scene of Fluttershy being assertive. Fluttershy broke the kiss, leaving an equally shocked Shadow still kneeling there. A smile slowly formed on his face and with a 'yay' he fell backwards and hit the ground apparently fainted from pure happiness, with a smile still on his face.

"Oh my…" Fluttershy said looking at him, "is he ok?"

"Of course that is his happy faint," I said supplying and then slow music started indicating that the first dance of the bride and groom's is about to start, so we all gathered around the dance floor, leaving a happy-fainted Shadow a little away.

Aceiro and Fe left the group to go somewhere else, and Arcana and I followed their example and left the mane six and Celestia and made our way a little away from the group. We watched Shining Armor and Princess Cadence slow dancing and then I hear a voice above me called out, "hello everypony, did I miss anything?" Luna asked the group we just left.

"Where have she been this whole time?" I asked Arcana.

She just gave me the 'I don't know' shrug, and then the music changed into more upbeat style music and then we heard Twilight started to sing in the background, "you know Star," Arcana said looking at me, "I was going to wait for you to kiss me, but it seems that every time you do, something happens, so this time I am making the move and I am not going to allow anything to happen this time," and with that she leaned in quickly and kissed me, and the one thought that ran through my head was, best night ever.

Fate's POV

As I stood stood on a tower that overlooked the whole reception watching the scene below me, making sure that ponies who happened to look up here would not see me. As I examine the scene below me, I then felt a familiar feeling that I haven't felt for a while, "Hello Destiny," I called out to the presence behind me.

A silver alicorn walked into my peripheral vision and replied, "Hello Fate, it is good to see again, but will I ever be able to catch you by surprise?"

"No, not really," I replied and then I let out a sigh, "what are you doing here Destiny?"

"Whatever do you mean? Can't I come and see our own daughter getting married?"

"You don't like these kind of event Destiny," I pointed out, "it reminds you that you're immortal. Now tell me what are you really here for?"

"Sigh fine you got me, the reason I am here is because of those three," Destiny revealing her propose to me as she pointed to the three bearers of the Elements of Reality.


"For those three are unique," Destiny explained, "When I sensed my Element being misused, I came here to take it away, but when I removed it away from Nightmare it went off instead of coming back to me and made the one that holds the Element of Will its bearer, which by the way do you know anything about that armor forming."

"I actually do not know," I answered honestly her, "it had appeared the Aceiro had transcended the Element of Will into something I wasn't aware it could even do, maybe that is why your Element decided to choose, which by the way I will never understand why you made that horrible thing."

"I made it, because everything must have an opposite," Destiny answered my question.

"So why does those three interest you?" I asked her.

"Because I had a prophecy about them," Destiny responded, "Four storms of power and destiny will come, the first three will involve one of them each, for they will face their greatest enemy; themselves. The last storm is a complete mystery to me."

"Why does the last part make feel uncomfortable?" I asked her and she just gave me an 'I don't know' shrug.

Nightmare's POV

I regain conscious and found myself drifting in space that looked like there doesn't appear to be stars around. I took a closer examination of myself and saw that I was just a wisp of a spirit again. I will have my revenge on those three, and then I felt a wave resonate throughout the space.

I looked around and felt the resonating wave once again I followed to where the waves are being originated. I was surprised to find an ancient spirit here with me as well and it appeared to be made of windigoes, I haven't seen a windigoe spirit for a long time, for I thought they have gone extinct, Nightmare called out to the ancient spirit.

The spirit looked towards me and I heard it said, "What are you, and how did you come upon this realm?"

I am known as Nightmare, and I have been apparently banished by a unicorn of odd abilities.

This immediately piqued the ancient spirit, "does this unicorn, have to happen to have a necklace made out of gems and crystals?"

Yes she does, why do ask?

"Interesting, it is because I want to make a deal with you now."

What will this deal be about?

"Revenge," the ancient spirit answered. If Nightmare had a body then it would've smiled.


There I am finally done, after getting beaten around by Writer's Block and then beat the crap out of it soon after, I had finally completed this chapter, now please leave your reviews and comments behind and tell me what you think about the chapter.

And also;

*Baka means idiot.

This is the end of The Nightmare Arc, and the beginning of The Trial of Darkness Arc.

End A/N

Chapter 51: Family Reunion

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Well I say that my last chapter was a complete success, and now I have past the Nightmare Arc of the story, and will be now entering a new story arc. And a message to all of you reading out there, please leave your comments, reviews, and questions behind, so I can see what you are thinking and answer them, thank you.

End A/N

Star's POV

Three days has passed by very quickly with not much if hardly anything major happening, but my and Arcana's relationship has blossomed very well, going out here and there. Princess Celestia was kind enough to help us get a home of our own in Ponyville after the wedding in Canterlot, for getting rid of Nightmare, but Aceiro decided the stay in Canterlot with Fe and try to see if he can find a job for his dad, so Arcana and I moved our stuff from Twilight's home to here and we were staying at the house together.

I wonder where my and Arcana's parents are? I asked myself as I walked downstairs and into our slightly unfurnished living room this morning, I guess we need to stop at Quills and Sofas to get some… well sofas, I wonder if they also sell other furniture.

The house we received from Celestia is a two story building, with a couple of rooms and bathroom on the second floor and I slept in one, while Arcana slept in another. The ground having a kitchen and dining area, which leads into the living room I am in, with a hallway dividing the rooms and leading towards the front door on side and a guest room with a bathroom down the other, oi, oi, oi, there's so much still to do around here, we need to stock up the kitchen, need new furniture, because those bed just won't cut it, I listed when in reality our beds are actually cots that we found in a cupboard beneath the stairs, dang, Arcana and I have a lot of things to do around here.

And then I hear knocking coming from the front door, knocking me out of my thinking corner. Who could be here at this time? I thought as I made my way to the door, but as I made it to the door and was about to opened it, a thought came to my head, I hope it is not those pesky reporters. The knocking on the door resumed, compelling me to resume opening the door.

When I opened the door, I was relieved to find what looks like two groups of families instead of reporters, the first group of family, appeared to be all pegasi. The father slightly taller than me, has a white coat, and a blue mane and tail, wearing a saddlebag, while the mother has a light pink coat with a silver mane and tail, a little smaller then the father, and holding a sleeping foul that looks like about year old in a carrier on her side.

The other group is comprised of unicorns. The father is just as tall as the pegasus dad of the other family, with his coat colored a dark gray like those of a unicorn guard, his mane and tail colored blonde and seems to have a judgmental look in his eyes. The mother's coat is a light brown coloring and has a bright yellow mane and tail, with looking all worriedly at me and appeared to be restraining herself on something. Then the last pony of the unicorn family must be their son, he is a little shorter than his dad, but more slightly taller than his mom, with a grey coat when his mane and tail are in a dirty blonde colored, while giving me the sense of protection to his family. The strange thing though is that I bear some resemblances to the pegasus family, while Arcana to the unicorns.

"Can I help you?" I asked them as we all stood at the front while awkwardness around us all started to settle in like snow.

"Yes you can," the pegasus dad said to me as he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a newspaper, "are you the pegasus named Star Streak that lives here?" he asked as he showed me the newspaper article. I took a closer look at the article and saw that it is a picture of Arcana and me kissing at the wedding, I then looked at the title: Two of the Unsung Heroes has fallen in love at the Royal Wedding.

"Yeah, that is me, why do you ask?" I asked as the pegasus put away the newspaper back into his saddlebag.

"Just a confirmation Star," he answered, "or should I say, Eric Moore," he added with a smile.

The unicorn mother then release the restraint she had a hold on herself and said to me in a upset tone, "where's Brittney, where is my little girl." When she said that, I did the one thing that comes naturally to those that finds their parents or your lover's parents, in my case both, on your front step. I unconsciously slammed the door right in their faces.

"Who was that Star?" I heard Arcana walking down the stairs and towards me, "and what was with that door slamming?"

"I think it was our parents," I answered her as she made her way into the hallway, still unsure of what I just heard and then did, "and I also think that I might have slammed the door shut right in their faces as well," I added confused.

"Wait a second, our parents?" Arcana asked me disbelieved, "and why did you slam the door in their faces?" she added as she rushed past me and towards the front door and made a move to open it.

"I don't know why I did it, maybe it was some kind of primal reaction," I replied back to her.

Arcana quickly opened the door, revealing a group of stunned ponies there, but as soon as the unicorn family saw Arcana step outside, they all shook off their stupor and rushed at Arcana, "oh Brittney, we thought we would never see you again," Arcana's mom said to her with a hint of relief in her voice.

And then my parents came up to me and embraced me into a hug of their own, "oh Eric," the pink pegasus said to me in my mom's voice that I immediately recognized, "I am so glad that we were able to finally find you, after all this time," and then I sensed that my mom was about to cry very soon.

I looked around to see if there was anypony on the streets, but it was still early, so other ponies will still be asleep, but not for long, "alright guys," I said to them all, "let's go inside so we won't draw a crowd," I suggested.

"Of course," my dad said as the hug was broken, "but first let's find Dot."

"Dot?" I asked him, "Dot who?"

"You'll see, but I advice you, he is a bit shy and seems to be almost afraid of everything," my dad said to me, "and also he is a bit different then us," he added as he looked towards the corner of our house, "come out Dot, it is ok."

After a while a black shape emerged from corner hesitant and when I identify it, I rushed at it with the intent to protect my family, "Changeling," I yelled as I tackled it and then pinned it to the ground, Arcana get the others into the house, quick."

"Eric J. Moore…" I heard my mom call out in disappointed tone, "… you let go and get off of your brother this instant."

"Say what?" I said to in disbelief at what I just heard as I look back at them and saw that Arcana too had the look of incredulity as well, "my brother?"

"Well adoptive brother anyway," my mom corrected her information, "now take a good look at him, because he is different than any other changelings you know," I did what my mom suggested and saw that he is smaller than the mane six, but a little taller than the CMC. I also saw that his eyes are green then the usual blue that changelings are known for, but the most noticeable feature about him is the stump on his forehead, indicating that it was broken off, he must be a runt of the changeling family, but what happened to his horn?

"Alright everypony," I heard Arcana speak up, "let's all go inside, because ponies are starting to wake up and walk about," Arcana explained, I look up and saw that she is right, for I see ponies starting to leave their homes.

I reluctantly got off of my supposedly adoptive brother and we all walked into our house so we can further this tête-à-tête, "sorry about the lack of furniture," I said as I led Arcana's and mine families into the bare living room, "and for not offering anything for you to eat and drink, we just got this house and have yet to acquire anything for it," I added as we all sat on the floor in the living room, with Dot hiding behind my dad.

"Speaking of being sorry," Arcana adding and then turn towards our families, "sorry about Star's behavior this morning," she apologized for my actions this morning to our parents.

"That's ok," my dad said, "I would've done the same as well if he said that he is my son."

"Speaking of," I said to my parents and Arcana's, "how did you even find us, and even know that we were your kids?"

"Well…" my dad started to explain, "When your mother and I saw you and Arcana's picture in the paper, we recognized you as your pony OC."

"How did you recognize my OC?" I asked them feeling slightly embarrassed that my parents know of my fascination to ponies.

"Our computer networks were connected," my dad explained, "so our files are all connected Eric or would you like to go by Star now?" he added.

"Well I am known as Star here, so I will go by that," I said to them.

"As for us…" said the protective unicorn from the unicorn family, "… we recognized you Brittney from your doodles that you draw occasionally, which by the way…" he then got up and swiftly came at me. I got up and tried to get away from him, but then I glowed white and he then picked me up in his magic and brought me to his face, "… you've been kissing my little sister."

"Whoa sister?" I looked over to Arcana, "I didn't know that you had a brother, why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked," Arcana bluntly answered.

Of course, "again, why were you kissing my sister?" Arcana's brother asked me again.

"First of all…" I concentrated and disappeared and reappeared in a flash of light a few feet away from Arcana's brother, earning stunned looks from everypony, except Arcana, "… that; second, what's your name, because I don't want to continue thinking you as Arcana's brother?"

"The name, Magi, runs through my head when somepony asks for my name, so I will go with that, and how did you just do that?" he asked me, and then I hear the sounds of a giggling baby.

"I will get back to that later Magi, but I need to know something first," I said to him and then I turn towards my parents and there I saw Dot playing peek-a-boo with the little foal who was giggling once more, "where were you guys and where did he come from?" I asked my parents as I pointed at Dot, "and what's up with the baby?"

"I want to know as well," Arcana said to her parents.

"Well Star, your mother and I woke up in a hospital, and as you can see by our appearances, as ponies," my dad explained, "at first we were about to panic from the sudden change, but then I remember about you being a brony and the notes you put down about this world," I started to feel more embarrassed when he mentioned about the notes I use to write about the show, "a few minutes later after we both calm down, a nurse came into our room and when she saw us awake, she told us that we were found outside of the hospital with a note and a few bags."

"When the nurse asked for our names, the name Lightning Streak went through my head…" my dad said.

"And Loving Heart was mine," my mom mentions hers.

"… We later found out that we both were in the hospital in a city called Manehattan," my dad said revealing his location of where he and my mom has been this whole time, "we were given the bags that we were found with, and left the hospital soon after. I also have to say that we were both walking surprisingly well on four than two," my dad added, "well when we checked what was inside the bag, we saw that it was filled with Bits and a letter."

"What did the letter said and where did Dot and the baby come from?" I asked them.

"Your father was getting to that Star," my mom answered, "so be patient."

"Well…" my dad continuing his story, "… the letter was full of information, it told us that we have a place to stay at and what to do around everypony else, it even said that we have jobs here as well," he said in amazement as he told us what happened to him and I think I know who has a hoof in this, "continuing, as we were going to our somehow acquired home and walked passed a alleyway, we heard crying coming down from it."

When he said that he and mom heard crying coming down from an alleyway, I remembered what happened to me, when I walked down an alleyway due to hearing a child crying and paid for it with my life. I looked at Dot's back with an icy stare and he knew that he was getting stared down at, for he started to shudder.

"I told your mother to stay at the entrance as I investigate what was making that sound, I followed the sound and found him all beaten up and scared, so I went to go and help him after a few scuffles I was finally able to calm him down and we took him home, and as you can see he has been living with us this whole time, so we decided to adopt him."

"And what about the baby?" I asked again about the baby.

"As for the baby," my mother said, "Star meet your little sister, Starry."

"Say what?" I am shocked for I just learned that I now have two siblings in one day.

"Yes, we had her after I got all… needy during one spring," my mom explained, oh boy, I thought to myself when I heard that and immediately know that my mom was in heat, "and then we saw yours and Brittney's OC kissing so we thought that it might be you, so we got on the next train to Ponyville."

"What about you guys?" Arcana asked her family.

"Well Brittney… or would you like to be called Arcana here as well?" Arcana's dad started then asked her.

"Arcana would just do," Arcana confirmed her name.

"Well, we woke up in a house that we didn't recognize it and then we saw that we had become ponies," Arcana's dad told their story, "at first we thought we were dreaming, but that couldn't be, because that will mean that we all are having the same dream."

"After we explored the house," Magi speaking up, "we found out that it belongs to us from the pictures we found of us as ponies around the house and the letter we found."

"It was instructions," Arcana's mom elucidated, "it said 'Don't Panic' as its title, with instructions below it, those were the weirdest set of instructions I have ever read, but they worked for we lived in Fillydelphia all this time, but we were always worried where you were, but when we saw you in the newspaper and heard that you were in Ponyville, we all left and headed our way towards here."

"Where…" Magi adding more, "… we meet up with your family Star."

"And you did freak out from seeing Dot?" Arcana questioned them. I saw Dot became more alert when he heard his name, and that he is being talked about.

"They didn't know at the time, for he disguised himself, so he doesn't freak out other ponies with his appearance," my dad explained about that problem, "but they saw his real form when he accidentally lost his concentration causing a slight panic on the train, luckily it was quickly handled."

"Wait a minute," I realized something, "if Dot can change his appearance, then why did he reveal himself in his real form and not in his disguise?" I pointed out.

"Because I didn't want to start a relationship based on a lie," dad pointed out, and I nodded in understanding, and then he turns towards Dot, "Dot come here and show Star your other appearance," Dot wearily walked away from my mom and sat right besides my dad and looked at him unsure, "it's ok, go on."

Dot looked at back at my mom and looked at her up and down and then back at my dad and repeated the process, and then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then as consumed in a small flash of fire and there stood a tiny pegasus that looks just like me, but without the silvery wings and with a tint of pink in his coat. I saw him bring up a hoof to his mouth and cleared his throat and spoke.

"I know that you don't trust me after that attack on Canterlot," he said to me in a sadden tone, "but you have to know something, I gave up on the ways of the changelings and left them and paid for the price," he said as he started to unconsciously rub the area on his forehead where the stump of his broken off horn is, "I wandered around Equestria and ended up in Manehattan and was ready to pass away."

He looked back at my family and added, "But your family found me and helped me, with me fighting back, but they didn't gave up and continued to help me no matter what and then gradually I started to trust them until I think them as a family I never had," and then he looked back at me, "so Star, even though I had never met you, but heard wonderful things from your parents, our parents, so would you give me the honor of calling you my *aniki," he said as he put out hoof for a shake.

This stunned me from what Dot said and is asking of me, "Well Dot, you're right when I don't trust changelings after what happened back in Canterlot," I said to him earning a look of disappointment and getting looks of disapproval from my parents, but I ignored their looks and continue what I am saying, "but in the short time you were here, I saw you frightened out of your life and yet still stayed around showing that you are a little brave, renounce your species ethnicity with total conviction and heck I even saw you playing with my little sister with no problems at all," I said to him, "and I also saw that you didn't take the full look of another, but just small features here and there, creating a look of your own, so even though this would be seemed odd to anypony else, it is not to me, for I have a lot of odd things here that will last me for a while," I then stuck out my hoof and shook his and said, "so I will be proud to let you call me your *aniki."

Dot's green eyes then started to leak tears and then he broke our hoof shake and then embraced me, and said in a tearful voice, "I never had a family like this one that cared for me before, so thank you all for giving me a wonderful family," and with that he broke the hug and walked back to my, ah I mean, our mom and sat there, with bits of tears still visible in his eyes and I also saw that our mom has tears in her eyes as well.

"Speaking of families," I heard Magi speak up. I looked over to Magi, "I will ask you again, why were you and my sister kissing and how did you even do what you did earlier with the teleportation, and why does Arcana and you have similar looking tattoos on your right forelegs?"

"Well that is going to take a while," Arcana answered gaining every pony's attention and towards her, "so let's just say that we are meant we were granted responsibilities and these things from those that are higher up in ranks."

"But you're just eighteen though," Arcana's mom said, "what responsibilities could you been contracted with?"

"Saving this world," I answered her as I got up from my spot and settled myself right next to Arcana and then turn towards her brother, "and Magi, as for why I am kissing her, it is because I love her and what we have been through together."

"But Star," my mom said to me hearing the concern in her voice, "saving this world is a big responsibility to be put on the shoulders of a nineteen year old."

"And what happened that made you and Arcana so close to each other?" Arcana's brother asked me.

"First of all, don't worry mom," I insured my mom, "I am pretty sure that the world is saved and that there will be no need for us in a while," and then I turn my gaze back to Magi, "and as for what happened that brought me and Arcana close to each other, it is because I gave my life protecting her from my love for her," this stunned everypony in the room when I said that, "and she brought me back with her love for me," I declared and then I leaned over to Arcana and gave her a quick kiss to make my point.

After Arcana and I finished our kiss, we turn our attention back to the others and I added, "now what's done is done in the past, so let's all forget about this and go out and get something to eat…" at the mention of food, almost all of every pony's stomach in the room began to rumble out of hunger, "… because this house's kitchen is still empty of any food," I explained as I got up from the floor and made my way towards the hall and out of the door, leading my and Arcana's family to some food.


Alright finally done with this chapter, and I am so sorry about the long wait, but my dad arrived back home after being gone for almost four years, so I just have to spend some time with him, resulting me to spend some less time on this chapter, but I promise that next chapter will be great. Thanks for understanding.

And also Dot is an OC of Soundwave11, so I hope you enjoyed that twist Soundwave11. ;D

As for a translation *aniki is Japanese for Big brother or Only brother.

Now leave your comments, reviews, and even questions behind so I can read your reactions to this story and answer those that some left questions behind for me, so goodbye for now and thank you all for reading this story so far.

End A/N

Chapter c52: Starstruck

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Crossover: Part I
Omnius’ Travels
(As you can see, it is a crossover with Nathan Traveler’s ‘Omnius’ travels’)
If you haven’t read this story and any others by him, then I have this to say:
Where have you been, under a rock?


Yes you are reading that right, this chapter and some others after this chapter are going to crossovers, hence the ‘C’ in front of the chapter numbering.

Alright enough explaining, don’t want to ruin the story, now do I? But before I start the story let me say this, thank you all my readers for reading this story and leaving wonderful (and sometimes criticize filled ones) reviews.

As well, I realized that I made a slight mistake when I named Arcana’s brother Arcane, for I already have plans for that name, so I then decided to change his name to Magi. Now I hope that you’ll leave your comments behind. Thank you.

End A/N

Star's POV

Arcana and I have spent all day yesterday, with our families, learning what else that had happened to them. You can say that yesterday went so well without a hitch, even the universe decided to hold back on the trolling, but our parents had to leave and go home after all they do have lives of their own.

I positioned my goggles on my forehead as I started to make my way downstairs after another night of sleeping on the uncomfortable cot, we really need to get proper beds to sleep on, I thought to myself as I felt pop come from my back as soon as I stepped into the living room, where I then saw Arcana leaving the kitchen all awake and alert, with a saddlebag on.

“Good morning Arcana,” I greeted as I held back a yawn, “what are you going to do right now, are you going somewhere?” I asked as I saw her made her way to the door.

“I am going to go out and get some furniture and maybe some food,” Arcana answered me, “because this is getting ridicules without any food or proper furniture,” she explained, “so see ya later, oh and here is a bag of bits for ya, in case you get hungry,” she added as she levitated a small bag towards me.

I took the bag just as Arcana left the house with a slam of the front door, need to fix that, don’t want to give the wrong idea to some ponies, I then thought of what I have planned, but then I realized that I have nothing planned for today, “well, what can I do today then?” I asked myself as I tap my chin with my left hoof, trying to think of something and then my gaze shift towards the silvery marking of my element and then my thoughts drifted towards Aceiro element and how he was encased in white armor that was generated from his element, what was up with that? Hum I wonder if I can do that as well.

I opened my eyes, but instead of the living room, I am surrounded by silvery wisps of the space fields on a dark grey surrounding us. I turn my concentration away from the space fields and towards my Element and instantly the space fields around me started to come in closer and started to drift and sway around it. Ok that was odd, but never mind that now, I think something is going to happen.

I concentrated once more on the space fields that are now circling around my Element to see what they are doing, but as soon as my mind touched the wisps surrounding my Element, they all emerged into one giant silvery wisp. The oversize wisp started to wander around me, somehow alluring to me and every time it drew close to me, I would hear faint whispers of vocalizations coming from it. For some reason I felt complied to grab it, so when I made a move to grasp it, it immediately drifted out of my reach.

“I’m gonna get ya,” I said as I made another to get, “I’m gonna get ya,” but then the wisp drifted out of my reach once again. I waited, timing when the wisp will drift in closer to me, and then the wisp drifted in closer and quickly lashed out and grabbing it, “gotcha,” I proclaimed as I finally had gotten hold of the illusive anomaly.

But as soon as I made contact with it, the whispering from it stopped all of a sudden and then the ground underneath me started to shine. I looked down and saw that the ground is cracking, with light shining through the cracks, like I am on fragile glass and I about to break through it any second now, I looked back the wisp in my clutches, oh crap, it’s this thing, I thought when I realized it was the thing I am holding. I tried to let it go, but found that I couldn’t move my arms at all.

With the sound of glass shattering, the ground beneath me had finally broken and I started to fall into whatever what was just created. As soon as I passed the dark gray floor and into a tunnel of swirling white light, the wisp in my hooves started to move and wiggle and then it shot off downward into the tunnel, pulling me along with it.

“AHHHHH,” I yelled as the sense of falling hit me like a wave of water. I glanced around inside the tunnel and saw that I am appeared to be falling through space, for past the swirling light of the tunnel I saw stars glistening in the black background, “what’s going on here, where am I, where am I going?” I panicky questioned to nopony in particular, I looked ahead and then saw that I am approaching a barrier and it showed no signs of any opening, with the wisp in my grasp pulling me towards it, “oh crap this is going to hurt,” I braced for impact I am about to receive from the barrier. When the wisp and I were about to hit the barrier, all of a sudden the wisp phased right through it, while I belly flopped right into the barrier.

I lay on the barrier in pain and confused at what just happened to me, “what the hay just happened?” I tried to push myself up, but found that I am still sore from the impact with the barrier. I slowly picked myself up, but then I heard a sound of breaking ice engendered underneath me, I quickly looked down and saw that the barrier beneath me is starting to crack and spread like it did before when I entered the tunnel.

I shifted my weight a bit into one of my hooves and the cracking formed faster in the barrier causing me to immediately stop moving out of fear and the cracking to stop. After a few moments of not moving, I carefully and slowly lifted my hoof up and repeated the process as I took a step forward and I saw that the cracks didn’t form anymore bigger, “ok nice and easy,” I instructed myself as I slowly started to move, “don’t want any more weird things to happened, but at least it couldn’t get any worse,” just when I said that last phrase, I hear a whistling sound of something falling above me.

I looked up and saw the small bag of bits that Arcana had given me this morning is coming right at me and my predicament, “oh crap, sigh, why me?” I asked in resignation as my eyes follow the bag of bits falling in front of me and then hitting the barrier. When the bag of bits hit the barrier, the results were immediate, for the barrier completely shattered and I fell right through just as I closed my eyes, anticipating for whatever happens next.

I felt myself starting to fall again and was about to yell out, but then I felt my face make contact with something, soon followed by the rest of my body hitting something hard. I pulled my face off of whatever I hit and opened my eyes and examine what I made contact with and was surprised to see that it was a hardwood floor, what the…? I looked up and around and saw that I am in my living room again, but this time filled with furniture now.

Arcana must have finished shopping for furniture, but can’t say that I like her taste in furniture though, but seriously what just happened back there. I picked myself up with a groan and saw the bag of bits that caused me this much pain, I picked up the bag of bits and tucked it under one of my wings with a bit of frustration. I looked around the living room and then I hear clanking of pots and pans coming from the kitchen, Arcana must have gotten some food as well.

I made my way into the kitchen feeling a bit hungry, but as soon as I turn around the corner and there I saw a familiar pony at the stove cooking something in a pot, but it wasn’t Arcana who was at the stove it was Lyra. “Lyra?” I spook out loud startling the mint pony at the pot, she then looked at me, “what are you doing in my house, where’s Arcana?”

At first her expression was one of surprise and then it quickly turned into fear, and then she started to scream, “Ahhh, a burglar, help I am being robbed,” Lyra scream at me as she picked up a knife off a cutting board with her magic and throw it at me. Luckily she has a bad aim, for the knife embedded itself into the doorframe next to me, oh shit am getting out here. I turn and ran towards the door, with Lyra now throwing pans, ladles and other things her within her reach. I burst out of the door and quickly slammed it shut and a blade of a chopping knife appeared in the door seconds later.

“What’s going on here?” I yelled out loud as pick myself up from the ground and dusted myself off. “Lyra is in my house, recognize me, and she started to throw knives at me,” I looked around and saw that ponies had gathered around me from my outburst, “sorry about that everypony,” I apologized to them, “just a slight misunderstanding going on here,” I explained, and then I hear them started to whisper to each other.

“Who is he?”

“Where did he come from?”

“I don’t know him, do?”

“Why is there a knife sticking out of the door there?”

When I heard all of them saying that they do not know who I am, I started to get confused and a little concerned, “come on everypony, it’s me Star Streak, don’t you know me?” I asked them as I took a few steps towards them. They all took a few steps back worriedly as if I was some kind of crazy pony, “Ditzy…” I called out to the familiar unfocused eyed pegasus, “… don’t you remember me and Arcana? We meet at a party, heck I even bumped into you one day, when I was in a hurry and then helped you gather up the mail that was dropped,” this caused the mentioned pony and others to back up in fright.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you or this “Arcana” you’re talking about,” Ditzy said a bit frightened. When I saw all of their faces I started to doubt my current setting, so I quickly apologized and took off running towards a side street. When I passed the corner in immediately pressed myself against the wall, I looked back around the corner and saw the crowd that is slowly dispersing, “what’s going on here?” I asked myself as I pulled myself away from the corner, “why isn’t everypony recognizing me?” and then my stomach let a pang of pain telling me that I didn’t get anything to eat since I woke up.

“Ok fine, let’s go to Sugarcube Corner, can’t think straight anyway when you are running on empty,” I said to my stomach as I made sure that the bag of bits were still secured under my wing, “wait a minute, why am I even talking to my stomach?” I questioned as I started to make my way towards Sugarcube Corner. After a few minutes of walking I was with eyesight Sugarcube Corner and then something drawn to me, “wait a minute, all of this must be a joke of Pinkie’s, yeah that is what it is, a joke.”

I hurried towards the sweet shop so I can congratulate Pinkie for this odd yet successful prank and get something to eat. I entered the shop and made my way towards the counter, feeling relieved that this was all just a prank, and made my way to the counter where I say Mrs. Cake there, “welcome to Sugarcube Corner…” Mrs. Cake traditional greeted me, “… what can I get you today, dearly?”

“Hello Mrs. Cake,” I greeted back to her, “I would like the usual please,” I said as I took the bag of bits from under my wing and as I was getting out some bits so I can pay for the cinnamon roll, “oh and by the way where’s Pinkie?” I asked as I put the money on the counter and looked back at Mrs. Cake.

Mrs. Cake’s expression was that of confusion when I looked at her, “excuse me, but I don’t know what is the usual for you, in fact are you new here in town?”

“Ha ha, good one Mrs. Cake,” I said to her ignoring the unsure looks I was getting from her, “did Pinkie put you up to this? Speaking of Pinkie where is she? I want to congratulate her for that successful prank she did on me.”
“But really I don’t know you,” Mrs. Cake announces, “this is the first time I have seen and meet you.”

“Are you serious?” I asked her and she nodded in answer, “but I am your number one customer though,” I argued.
“What’s going here Mrs. Cake?” I hear a familiar perky voice besides me, I look to my left and saw Pinkie standing there and she looked at me, “hiya, I’m Pinkie Pie, but by the sound of things I say that you know me already, so that will make thing so much smoothly, gasp, oh wait that’s right you’re new here, then I should throw you a ‘welcome to Ponyville party,” she happily said.

“But Pinkie, you should know me, and you already throw me and Arcana a welcome to Ponyville party already,” I explained to her, “Pinkie this prank is getting old, you can drop it now,” I said to her with my voice raising.
“Prank, what prank?” Pinkie said confused, “and I just meet you, so I couldn’t have arrange a party for you already, which I would’ve remembered doing,” she stated.

I hear somepony speaking up, but I didn’t hear what was said as I continue talking, “what the hay is going here?” I asked getting angry and frustrated, but before I can say anymore a high-pitch whistle piece the air. I quickly turned around and saw a dark brown Earth pony with a Gordon Freeman goatee wearing a set of black glasses and when I saw this I spoke what ran through my head, “Sweet Celestia, Morgan Freeman is on Equestria!"

The Morgan Freeman goatee wearing pony cleared his throat as if he is a little self-consciously about something, “that’s a new one,” I heard him muttered dryly. Apparently taking advantage of my confusion, the pony started to look up and down at me, looking as if he is giving me a estimation, who the hay is this guy? I thought to myself a bit confused about the situation.

And then he looked like he realized something and was about to say something as well, but I spoke up before he can speak, “who are you?” I asked the strange pony in front of me.

“Who am I?” he responded, “The better question is how the hellion you know about Morgan Freeman?!”

I blinked in surprise and backed away from him slightly, accidently revealing my Element marking to him where I saw his gaze turn towards it and then he started to get a pondering look on his face.

After a few seconds of silence from him, with Pinkie and other ponies going back to their own businesses, “hey, kid, come on now,” he said reassuringly. He then reached a hoof towards me, and added, “Why don’t you just come with me, and we can get things sorted out, alright?”

“Who are you, what have you done to my friends, where’s Arcana?” I panicky started to question him, particularly shouting the last question at him, as I got into a preparing stance.
When the mystery pony saw me go into the stance he quickly said, “Whoa buddy, I am not here to start something… I am just trying to help here.”

“Then tell me what happened here, what did you do to my friends, where’s Arcana?”

“Let’s just go somewhere that is more private first,” he answered as he took a step towards me, “and I will explain everything… especially to this, ‘Arcana’, you mentioned,” when he said that, I started worry about Arcana safety. I rushed at him, completely taking him by surprise as I tackled him, and concentrated n the imagine of the fields outside of town, and then me and the mystery pony disappeared in a flash and reappeared in field that I pictured in my mind.

When we appeared in the field, I quickly kick him off of me, causing him to land a few feet away, but then I was hit with immense fatigue, causing me to fall to the ground, whoa, that wasn’t happened to me in such a long time, I thought as I picked myself off the ground. I looked towards I dropped the inscrutability pony at, and saw him already standing up and he said in a surprised tone, “whoa.”

“Now tell me… where… Arcana is! what… happened to my friends?” I asked him again.
“Calm down-,“ he started but I interrupted him, “NO! I won’t calm down until you tell me what happened,” and then I flared my wings and took off into the air and then flew towards him and as I taking a swung at him, but he easily dodged my attack, I then added as I shouted out loud, “Now tell me where Arcana is.”

To Be Continued


This was very fun chapter to write, especially with Nathan Traveler, and I also have to say I didn’t do a too bad of a job on my first crossover ever.

Also, I am sorry ketcham1009 for not giving this to you to proofread, because I wanted to surprise you all with this and didn’t want to ruin it for you all.

Well I am done with this message, so leave your comments, reviews and questions behind, so I can see, read, and answer them. For those that are on Fanfiction and can’t find the other half to this crossover on this site, look on Fimfiction it will be there. Thank you all for reading.

End A/N

Chapter c53: This Guy's Nuts

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Crossover: part II
Omnius’ Travels
(a crossover with Nathan Traveler's "Omnius’ travels")
If you still haven’t read this story and any others by him, then I have this to say:
What are you waiting for? Go and read it.


Well I surprised a lot of readers with this crossover, so now here is part 2 of the crossover

End A/N

Once again, the mystery pony ducked back from my swing and called out to me, “I don’t know who Arcana is! Dude, chill out!”

“LIAR!” I shouted at him. I then prepared myself to tackle him, but all of a sudden he jumped forward and smashed his head against mine, causing stars and pain to explode in my head and vision and to stumble a bit. I quickly recovered from his blow and turn on my hooves and send a buck at his side. I saw that I had made a direct hit and saw him get pushed back, with a slight look of pain on his face.

I then saw him go down and hit the ground, probably injured from my buck to his side. Growing confident and with a grin I charged right at him, I will finally know where Arcana is, but as I neared him, he quickly got up and gave me a swift, but strong uppercut to my chin, feeling pain lance through my jaw.

“SHORYUKEN!” he proudly announced out loud as he saw me take to the air from his strike.

The enigma pony must be stronger then he lets on, for the force of the blow sent my flying backwards until I made contact with a tree, completely dazing me. Through the blurriness of the impact of the tree I saw the earth pony starting to gallop towards me, I felt I slight tingle and all of a sudden a whip appeared out of thin air and into his mouth.

He flicked his head, causing the end of the whip to straight at me, I closed my eyes and brace for hit, but then I felt something wrapping over my chest, I opened my eye and saw that instead of him hitting me, his true intentions was to wrap me against the tree. The whip finished wrapping me up on the side of the tree, when I then started to struggle against my binding.

“Now, are you willing to listen to me?” the pony asked as he walked up to, while cracking his neck at the same time.
I started to struggle even harder against his whip, “LET ME GO!” I shouted at him.

“Just shut up and listen,” he repeated to me, “and don’t bother trying to break that whip,” we’ll see, and then I started to concentrate, “unbreakable stuff, so-,” but I didn’t hear the rest as I warped out of his binding whip and reappeared above him and then once again I felt faint, but I quickly ignore the feeling and quickly slammed my front legs onto his head, and he quickly fell to the ground holding the back of his head, while giving off a small moan. I quickly drop to the ground and placed a hoof on his neck, now I will get some answers.

“Now, you’ll tell me-.”

But then he interrupted me with smile plastered on his face, “you should learn the first rule of pinning your opponent,” he said through the handle of the whip in his mouth, huh?

Before I can ask what it is, he brought up his back legs to his chest and shot them out towards my groin, producing intense pain between my legs, “always protect the jewels,” he said with cheeky grin on his face. That is a low blow you cheeky bastard, I thought as I let out a pain-filled moan and rolled off of him and onto the grass next to him, kneeling in the grass, grasping my groin.

I saw the strange pony get up from the ground instantly and embraced me into a full-nelson, “now, calm down, and we can get something worked out,” he calmly said to me.

I flailed against his hold, but his wrestling move is holding firm, I have to know what happened to Arcana, and then I concentrated to warp into the air, “oh, come on!” I heard him shout out loud, wait can he sense when I am going to warp? I thought as I warped us in a flash.

We appeared in a flash in the air and there the pony’s full-nelson’s power lessened, allowing me to start rolling me and the pony around in a barrel roll, forcing the pony latching on me to get fling off of me and towards the ground. I saw the pony slightly panicking and then all of a sudden he flicked the whip in his mouth, which he had somehow kept in his mouth him this whole time, and towards the upper branches of the pine tree that he had bind me to, when his whip was fully secured he yank on his end of the whip and somehow he slingshot himself at me.

“What?! How did you-,” but then he collided into me, stopping what I was going to say, great I’m facing a pony with Pinkie-abilities. The pony grasped me, pinning my wings into my back, causing us to start falling, he then slammed his forehead against mine, making my eye’s vision to go temporary blind, “STOP! FIGHTING! ME!” I heard him shouting at me.

I was about to say something, but then I felt the pony’s form started to change and then I felt circular momentum being applied on my body as I felt that we are started falling.

“Atomic…,” I hear him beginning, what’s he doing? And then I felt my head being forced upright, and then my vision cleared and I saw that I am positioned so that my head is face the ground that is rapidly growing closer, “PILEDRIVER!”

I quickly solidified the space in front me just as I impacted ground, but I still felt some of the force as I my vision was filled with dirt, rocks and grass. The pressure on my body disappeared, indicating that the pony had gotten off of me as I continue to lay face down on the ground.

“Arcana,” I said as I felt the toll on my body as the strange taxing of my warping and the fight with the mystery pony, “I’m sorry,” I said as I tried to move, but couldn’t even move a hoof, “I wanted to know what happened to you,” I said as tears are starting to form in my eyes, “so I can always make sure that you are safe,” and I felt something that felt like hands grip my shoulder and moved me until I was facing the sky, where I saw a large figure standing above me, but I couldn’t see with the sun behind it.

“Sorry about that buddy,” the thing spoke to me in the voice that strangely sounded like the mystery pony, “but I have to do that, so you can calm down,” he said as my vision faded into blackness.

The first thing I smell when I regain consciousness was the smell of hay and stored apples, I must be at Sweet Apple Acres, I deducted as put the two things together, and then I noticed that I am currently sitting in a chair right now, why am I sleeping in a chair?, I thought as I made to move my arms, but found out that I couldn’t move them at all, huh? What’s going on here?

I opened my eyes and I immediately saw that I am in a chair, but my limbs have been duct taped to the arm rests and legs of the chair, “what the hay?” I spoke or at least tried, but all it came out was mumbling, and that is when I noticed that I also have a piece of duct tape covering my mouth as well. I started to struggle more in the chair, but the duct tape is effectively doing the job it was tasked with.

“I see that you are awake now,” I hear a familiar perky filled voice call out from behind me, I then hear hoof steps
approaching from behind me and then Applejack and Pinkie came into my view, and then Applejack spoke up, “whoever you are partner, you sure caused a ruckus here in town.”

I tried to talk to them and move, but the dust tape on my mouth once again made it into mumbles and stopping my movements, oh duh, I can warp, I closed my eye and concentrated to warp out of the chair, but then daunting feeling came settling down on top of me. I looked up and saw that Pinkie has a look of smugness, “don’t even bother,” she said to me. I ignored her advice and concentrated on to warp again, but when tried to warp I found myself that I couldn’t.

I glance back at them, and started making questioning sounds, but I was rewarded with confused looks from Applejack and Pinkie. Pinkie then got of understanding and walked up to me, at first I was confused, but when I saw her making a move towards the duct tape on my mouth I realized what she is going to intend to do; she was going to rip off the tape on my mouth.

I started to panic and moved my head ahead from Pinkie’s reaching hoof, but I wasn’t able to move my head anymore as my head reached as far it would go, allowing Pinkie to finally grasp the of the tape on my mouth. Pinkie ripped off the tape on mouth, making me scream out of pain as the tape ripped off some of the hair around the edge of my mouth, soon followed by the stinginess as the air made contact with the area where the tape was.

“Ok first of all that hurts, and second, what’s going on here?” I asked them as I once again started to struggle in the chair, “and why can’t I warp out of this chair?”

“Silly colt,” Pinkie happy replied to me, “you’re taped to the chair with duct tape and I Pinkie-Promised Omni that it will stop you from leaving,” Omni? Who’s Omni? “And now to be sure that you won’t interrupt Omni’s explanation,” and then I saw her lift the piece of tape, which she had ripped off minutes earlier, and saw her intentions.

“No, wait, who’s -,” but then she slapped the piece of duct tape back onto my mouth, thus silencing me at what I was going to ask.

“Alright partner,” Applejack said as she drew close to my face, “you are going to tell us why you attacked our friend Omni,” who is this Omni?

“Alright girls, can you lay off the poor guy,” I hear the mystery pony speak out behind me, “he has just been through a lot, because he apparently he lost somepony close to him,” and then the mystery earth pony from before walked from behind and into my view and then looked at me, “s’up?” When I saw him, I felt my anger rise and the pain from the nutshot he gave me, and then I started mumbling at him through the tape on my mouth, “wow I guess I am lucky that you have that on.”

I started angrily mumble at him again, “well anyway,” he said as he cleared his throat, “name’s Omnius. I’ll be your guide to the multiverses today,” I was confused when he said that, this guy is nuts, I concluded, “oh and sorry about the nutshot,” he added with a sheepish grin.

When he mentioned the low blow shot to my nards, I started to angry shake in the chair, wanting to get at him. Omnius looked as if he was about to say something, but then the doors to the barn opened, turning all of our attention to the door, which then Big Mac walked into the barn, and saw the situation that is happening in front of him, “what are you…”

“Therapy,” Omnius cut in, with a large smile on face. Dashing over to Big Mac, he began to shut the door, while adding, “Don’t worry, Pinkie, Applejack, and I know exactly what we’re doing. In fact, AJ, GET THE ROPE!” Big Mac’s eyes widened when he said that, and backed away a bit quicker, as I once again started to struggle in the chair, trying to get Big Mac to help me.

As soon as the doors closed shut, we looked back at each other, “Now then, enough joking around,” he said as he neared me, while cracking his neck, “okay. I’ll try to explain what happened to you and this ‘Arcana’ you mentioned before, but I need to know that you’ll calm down and not attack me again…Or I’ll suplex you again. Got it?.”

I reluctantly agreed seeing no other option for me to take, “alrighty then,” Omnius said with a cheerful smile as he grasped the edge of the tape on my mouth and ripped it off the second time today, making me yelp out of pain from what the tape did, and feeling is if some of my fur had been ripped off, “Now, let’s start with your name”

“Can you let me go first?” I growled at him while glaring at him as well, “Because I am getting slightly uncomfortable sitting in this chair for so long.”

“After you answer some of our questions,” Omnius replied, “and don’t try to lie, because the Element of Honesty is here," he added as he points towards Applejack whom has a devious grin on her face, "and when you answer truthfully I will remove your bonds one at a time,” he explained, “now I repeat what’s your name?”

“Star Streak,” I answered, but then a frown formed on Applejack's when I answered, Omnius looked over to her and noticed the look she is making, “What’s wrong? He tellin’ the truth?”

“Well…yes,” she hesitantly said. “But it feels like he’s hidin’ somethin’ else.”

“Do you have another name?” he asked me as he looked back at me.

“Yes I do, but I rarely use it though,” I answered them. “My other name is Eric Moore.”

“Ah ha,” he nodded triumphantly, correction, this guy isn't nuts, he's insane. “Just as I thought, right, this will make things a lot easier. So, I presume you’re a human in pony form then? Well, you’re not the first I’ve met who’s been in that situation.”

“What? What are you talking about? There’s no way you can possibly know what I’ve been through,” I spat out at him, still pissed about the nutshot.

He took a few steady breaths as if he is barely holding onto some temper, after a few more calming breaths he spoke up, “okay, Star Streak, you’re more comfortable with that name, because a lot more good things have happened to you while you’ve been a pony, right?” he stated as he took across from me, “maybe you life was normal, or maybe it wasn’t, but either way, you consider Equestria your true home now. Right now, you're not mad at me. Right now, you're scared, because you don’t want another home ripped away from you. That’s why you blame me for everything that’s going on.”
He said, while brushing away a strand of his mane out of his eyes and continues, “You have to understand though; I understand what you're going through. You just got a life you want to get back to as soon as possible, and I assume that “Arcana” is who you want to get back to? Since you're worried, your home must have evil in it. It must have some form of monster you're used to fighting. That would explain your hesitance to attack me. Since you could barely handle me when I am holding back almost everything, you're somewhat arrogant. That means you're fought some major-league villains, and come out on top,”

When he said all of that, I suddenly felt as if I was just taken apart piece by piece and then each piece examined, “h-hoe do you know all of that?” I muttered, as he just basically broken down what made me, me.
“Your scars and the look in your eyes tell me everything,” he replied gently.
“What scars? How can you see them on me?” I asked, with confusion lacing through my voice and I think as well as my face.
“I don’t need to see them to know they're there. The way you talk, and the way you're holding yourself tell me something about you, but that’s not what you really want to ask, you want to ask me how I can read all of that, and how I can tell you where you really are, right?”

I glared at him for a moment, but I felt my anger started to falter and fade away as I started to see what he’s trying to do. I dropped my head, averting my gaze away from his and asked, “Where am I?”

I heard him get up and walk towards me and felt him undo one of the bonds on one of my wings, probably doing it out of good faith, “you can do some pretty impressive teleportation magic. In fact, it seems related to the element Space, correct?”

“Yeah, that’s what I've guessed,” and then I felt another bonding coming off of my other wings, “I’m gonna say that you overcharged one of your warps, and ended up in an alternate Equestria,” he stated bluntly. “That’s the only logical explanation, as you didn’t blame Twilight or Arcana for this.”

I flapped my wings a bit ion total relief and then I frown as the words he said sunken in, “I wouldn’t blame Arcana for this!”

“Ah, so she IS a unicorn then,“ he said apparently confirming a haunch.

“”Yeah she is, why?”

“Just curious, she's a human too, isn’t she?”

Should I tell him? I don’t see why though, but Applejack is here, so she will see the lie immediately, might as well, “she is, her name is Brittney.”

“Okay then,” he said while nodding, and then I felt one of the bindings on one of my legs came off, “and you're being very calm about this,” he observed.

“How do you know all of this though? I mean, nopony should know about alternate dimensions, or Space related spells like that!” I half-shouted, letting my impatience get the better of me.

“Right… okay, bear with me for a second,” he calmly stated as he sat down in front of me, “what I’m about to say will sound like a total bullshit. But if you want to go back home to Arcana, and the rest of your friends, please listen to me.”

“… Alright…” I hesitantly agreed.

“Okay. So, let me tell you a story,” he said getting ready to tell me some tail as I saw Pinkie and AJ sitting down next to him, getting comfortable to listen to his story. “There are Gods and Goddesses, capitol ‘G’ …” he then launched into what he calls “The Travelers” and how he is fated, destined, and cursed to wander through different dimensions, realities and time.

“… Are you being serious?” I asked him as he finally finished his story.

“Eeyup,” he said with a smile, quoting the famous pony of few words.

“You're insane,” I bluntly stated, this guy needs to be in a padded cell.

“Well, that’s not a new one,” I heard him sorrowfully said. I saw Applejack starting to get to probably slap me for insulting their friend, but then Pinkie gave her a quiet look and AJ stopped in her tracks. I felt a slight tingling sensation and all of a sudden, Omnius’ form changed into that of a human.

“What the buck?” I shouted as I scrambled in the chair, breaking the last bond on my leg.

“Boo,” he said in a deadpanned tone.

Who is this guy?


Well I am now done with part 2 and I hope you are enjoying this crossover so far, now leave your comments, reviews, and questions behind, so I can read and answer some questions that was left behind.

End A/N

Chapter c54: Retelling a Long Tale

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Crossover: part III
Omnius' Travels
(a crossover with Nathan Traveler's 'Omnius' travels')
This is the last part of this crossover, so I hope you all enjoyed this crossover.


Wow, on Fanfiction the last chapter had helped my story reach over one thousand hits that is a new record for the number of hits on a story in one day. Well enough chitchat on with the story.

End A/N

"What the Buck?" I called out as I saw Omnius in front of me just turn into a human as I scrambled in my chair.

"Boo," the now human Omnius said to me in a deadpanned tone and then a smile formed on his face as he saw mine from the shock he gave me.

"Alright, come on now," he said, as I scrambled backwards in my seat, falling over as I did so.

"What are you?" I asked in surprise. I noticed that I had released myself from the last bond as I saw him change right in front of me.

He sighed, and offered me a hand to help me up. "I'm the guy who's gonna help you get home. Now come on, on your hooves."

I accepted his offered hand and put my hoof into his hand, which then he gripped and pulled me back up unto my hooves, and then I started dust myself off. "Thanks, I guess," I muttered to him as I heard scratching noises coming from him.

"No problem," he said as I looked up and saw him scratching his beard, "now, the sooner we can get you back to your world, the sooner you can see Arcana, right?" I nodded in respond, and saw him clapped his hands, "excellent, right, now…I need you to tell me everything about what you were doing before you warped here, and something tells me that holds the answer to this," he said as he pointed towards my element marking on my arm.

"Alright then, but if you have to know, I will have to start from the beginning then," I saw him nod his head in agreement, "okay then, it all started back on Earth, Brittney and I were a brony and a pegasister and we were creating our personal ponies…" I then told them what happened from the moment we woke up in the hospital to the hydra attack that caused our cutie marks, having adventures with everypony else, and then when I mentioned Trixie things started to get a little… heated.

"No matter what different version of Trixie," Applejack said, "she is still the same braggart as ever."

"Now Applejack," Omnius said to her, "even though there are different versions of her that are braggers, there are some that are not and some might be even very good friends with you and the others in that universe," he pointed out, getting a slight blush from Applejack.

I resumed and told them how Trixie gained a master and challenged Twilight into a magical duel and insulted Arcana when Arcana told her that Twilight wouldn't do it. I explained the duel and how Arcana created a pair of crystal wings from a mixture of Equestria magic and hers that she has that isn't Equestrian, and gained an upper advantage in the duel, but Trixie decided to play dirty and attack Arcana, but she was able to defect Trixie's attack and thus winning the duel, "… after Trixie disappeared and Arcana meet back up with us, we all latter found out that the spell she used to make her wings wasn't completed so they are now stuck on her."

"Did she say she was inspired by Victoria Secret?" Omnius said with a cheeky grin.

"Shaddup," I said to him, with a slight blush, "… yes, she did…" I muttered as I added getting a laugh from him, "shaddup," I repeated.

"I don't get it," Applejack said confused.

"Me too," Pinkie added equally confused as Applejack, "like who's Victoria and what's the secret?"

"Anyway…" I said quickly stopping where that conversation is going, "… let me continue my tale here," then I told them how I won the Best Young Flier competition and discovered my warping abilities to how Arcana got mistakenly ponynapped by a father dragon to what I did for Arcana's birthday, leaving out the part when every mare in Ponyville was in heat. When I mentioned what I did for Arcana's birthday, I got aw's from Pinkie and Applejack.

When I told them about what Arcana I did on Heart and Hooves day, I once more gotten aw's from Pinkie and Applejack, but when I mentioned what Prince Blueblood did to Arcana, I saw their expression become that one of annoyance, and then what I did to him, Omnius started to chuckle earning a glare from Applejack. I continue my tale when Arcana and I were invited along to the grand galloping gala and a wonderful evening, as I explaining the part where I was about to kiss Arcana, I saw Pinkie and Applejack leaning in closer, anticipating what was going to happen next, but I shocked them when I told them about the attack Trixie made at Canterlot earning gasps from everyone.

I them told them how we found out that Nightmare had somehow survived from the blast that the Elements of Harmony gave to it, and somehow possessed Trixie. I told them how Arcana and I confronted Nightmare as soon as the hall was cleared, and then I added when we defeated Nightmare, Nightmare released some kind of built up energy, causing a large shockwave to be created, which then afterwards Nightmare vanishes and we lost consciousness, "… now this next part is two sided," I told them, "when we woke in the hospital and conversed with the others at what happened when they evacuated the ball room. We stayed at the hospital for a few more hours after they left, but then Arcana received a letter from Princess Luna about a discovery in the hall that they were repairing from Nightmare's attack, and that she thought Arcana might make sense off, due to her unique expertise," I explained to them.

"Soon Arcana, was then teleported out of her bed, a few minutes later I received news that Arcana went missing due to the cause of the discovery, so I immediately warped out of the hospital and caused a lot of panic at the castle due to my own panic attack," and then I told them how I was led to the ball room and saw that the floor had been ripped up and underneath it was a large transmutation circle and was told by Princess Luna that Arcana had disappeared when it suddenly became active and vanished, "I think I waited in that room for hours worried about her," I recounted, "as the others came to get me, cause they were worried for me, the transmutation on the floor started to glow, there was a big pillar of light. When the pillar of light faded away, we saw all saw Arcana standing there in the middle of the transmutation circle, wearing some kind of cloak and looking as if she has been living in a dark age of some kind."

"Now what I am about to say might sound crazy to you at first, but it is the truth," I said to them as I stopped the story.

"Seriously?" Applejack questioned, "We have seen a lot of crazy things ever since he showed up and most of them are caused by him," she said pointing at Omnius, "no offense," she quickly added.

"None taken," he said looking a bit proud.

"Will anyway continuing, Arcana looked as if she has been living in the dark ages for weeks, when in fact she has been missing for hours, she then told us that she had traveled back in time to when Equestria was just formed and Canterlot was just a small village, and even meet your ancestors," when I said that I got a few limp jaws from Applejack and Pinkie, but got a impressed look from Omnius. I told them what Arcana explained what happened to her, saving Canterlot and the others from a windigoe spirit.

I took deep breath and was about to continue, but then I felt a pang of hunger coming from my stomach, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything this morning, "can we go and get something to eat? I haven't eaten anything since I woke up this morning."

"I agree, after all my breakfast was interrupted so I am a bit hungry," Omnius agrees, "so let's go to Sugarcube Corner, because I am in the mood for some banana nut muffins right now," at the mention of muffins, I saw Omnius' started to drool a bit and I heard him mutter, "hm muffins," and then I saw him moving towards the barn doors, forgetting that he is in his human form.

"Um Omnius," Pinkie said him, shaken him out of his stomach's commandeering, "you're still in your human form."

He looked up and down and said, "oh yeah," and then I saw that he got a puzzling look on his face, "let me see, I feel like being a pegasus right now," and then I felt a slight ting in my wings and then I saw him shift into the same colored pony from before, but this time with a pair of wings attached to his sides, "alright, now that I am appropriately dressed let's go get something to eat." I got up from the chair and followed him just as he opened the barn's doors and walked outside.

I'm right, this guy is slightly nuts, I thought as Applejack, Pinkie and I walked out of the barn and into the blinding sun, "now let's see here, what's the shortest route to Sugarcube Corner?" I heard Omnius ask himself as we all gathered around him.

"While you are thinking that over," Applejack said to him, "Pinkie and I are going ahead, you keep watch on him, I still don't trust him," she said to him, while glaring at me.

"Yes ma'am," Omnius said her as she and Pinkie started walking back into town. Omnius looks back to me, "Even though I have to keep an eye on you, it doesn't mean that we can't be friends," he said with a smile as he held out a hoof in anticipation of a new friendship.

"Sigh, even though what you said earlier is true, I still think you are nuts," I said to him, getting a slight frown from him, and then I surprised him by doing something he least expected; I reached out and shook his hoof, "but I am slightly nuts as well."

"Excellent," Omnius said happily as he broke the hoof shake, "so now that we are friends, do you know how to get to Sugarcube Corner quick?"

"Do you let your stomach think for you sometime?" I questioned as I put down my hoof.

"Nope," he said, putting the thought of his insanity out of my head, "I sometimes let the little person that lives in my hoof make some decisions," he said as he waved his hoof jokingly, making me facehoof myself in annoyance with the thought of his insanity coming back.

"You know what…" I started to say to him, but then my stomach reminded me of its lack of food, "forget about it, let's just go to Sugarcube Corner," I said as I removed my hoof from my face and draped it over his shoulder. I concentrated to be at Sugarcube Corner and with a flash of light we both disappeared in a flash and reappeared in front of the sweet shop, but then I was hit with the feeling of fatigue, causing me to drop to my knees.

"Whoa, are you ok Star?" Omnius asked as he helped me up back unto my hooves as the fatigue went away.

"Yeah, but I don't get it. I can warp without any problems at all, but now I get tired every time I do though."

"Maybe it has something to do about your arrival," Omnius suggested and then my stomach let out a growl, "or maybe you are just hungry. Come on let's get you something to eat," and with that he pulled me inside the shop.

When Omnius and I entered the store, I saw Mrs. Cake looking towards the door to see who entered the store, and when she saw me, she immediately became nervous, "its okay Mrs. Cake," Omnius reassuring her, "my friend here just had a very stress-filled morning, but everything is alright now, and he is sorry about the scene he made earlier today."

Mrs. Cake calmed down from hearing his simple explanation of my predicament, "oh good to know that your friend is okay," she said at peace and then she looked back at us, "ok now that your friend is nice and calm, what would you two like?"

"I would like some of your delicious banana nut muffins…" Omnius placed his order and then he turns towards me, "what would you like?"

"I would like some cinnamon rolls."

"… and some cinnamon rolls," Omnius finished with my order.

After we received our orders and paid for them, we took them to a table that is far away from other ponies. Viewing a messy combination of Omnius and a banana nut muffin, and savoring the sweet taste of the sweet roll, "alright, now that we had our stomach filled, care to continue from our session from the barn," this got a few confused looks from ponies that had drifted in close, "not what you think," he said those ponies, who then shrugged and walked away.

"Ok then, where was I?"

"When Arcana finished her time traveling," Omnius answered.

"Alright continuing on my story…" I then told him what happened the morning after and how Arcana, I and the others were invited for breakfast with the princesses and Prince Blueblood, but Arcana was late to the breakfast and Blueblood insulted her for her lateness and told her to be more time management with her time. Omnius was intrigued when I told him how Arcana just disappeared and suddenly appeared sitting next to me, already eating and he started laughing when I told him what Arcana did to Blueblood.

I told him about the arrival of Shadow Breeze and how he had immediately had a crush on Fluttershy to my encounter with a bushwooly and the mystery well to the eclipse that forced Arcana's and mine abilities together and caused an explosion to occur. I then told him how we woken up in a basement and just as we were about to explore the door opened and we saw a human standing there, whom then fainted from the shock of seeing us.

After I told him the prank we did on him making him think that he was just dreaming the whole thing and Arcana eating his pizza, we found out that he was a brony as well and that his name was Jace, and then I told them how Arcana and I later found out the next day that our families have disappeared when we disappeared and the bad news didn't stop there, because hours later, we learned that Jace's dad died in a plane crash.

I mentioned the arrival of a strange letter that told us to go on the computer to check out a message," … well short story later, he came into Equestria and turned into a earth pony, because he learned that his dad was saved from a mysterious being called Fate."

I told him about how Jace changed his name into Aceiro and his first day of Equestria and his trolling that he got, and then I felt my emotions grow dark when I started recalling what happened the next day. I told him that Arcana was arrested for stealing a dangerous spell from the Royal Canterlot Archives and then I told him that a servant of Nightmare's was behind all of it, by impersonating Arcana and framing her. Arcana was then subjected into a trial, but about halfway, Canterlot started to be attacked, we all confronted the servant, "but then the servant released some kind of blast that hit us all, resulting Arcana and I to be badly injured and fall unconscious, but Aceiro was still conscious, but barely."

I took a breath and another bite out of a cinnamon roll and continue, "This is the part where he filled us in at what happened, because we then woke up in the hospital. Aceiro told us that he heard a kid crying and found a kid hiding in an alcove, but Nightmare's servant saw the kid as well and released another blast at the kid. Aceiro told us that he immediately rushed towards the kid and protected the foal with his body, but just as the servant's spell was about to hit him the foal, he had willed the iron in his body to form into wings to protect him and the child," I told Omnius at how he had brought along a bag full of Arcana's stuff so he can prove her innocence and among this things were a black box, which she had picked up from her time traveling escapade.

"He said that when the box opened, he looked inside and saw three armor-like bracers, one white, the other gold and the last silver," I explained to him, "he said the white one jumped out of the box and onto his arm, and then the other two did the same and flew out of the box and latched onto us as well."

"So what exactly is that marking on your arm there?" he asked as he pointed to my element marking.

"I am getting there, hold on," I then told him what Aceiro told us at how he defeated Nightmare's servant, but suffered a case of amnesia, caused from the lack of iron in his body. I told him then about the arrival of the mystery being named Fate and how explained that the bracers that attached themselves to each of us are something he created a long time ago, called the Elements of Reality.

"Elements of Reality?" he said slightly confused, "what are those?"

"Four objects that holds power similar to which makes up reality, but at the time we thought that there was only three," I added to make clear, "Fate told us what we represent the Elements of Reality."

"What do you three represent?"

"Fate said that Arcana represent the Reality Element of Time, Aceiro represents the Reality Element of Will, and I represent the Reality Element of Space," I explained.

"That will explain your arrival here, but that doesn't look like a bracer you said though," Omnius pointed out as he mentioned towards my marking again, "and you mention about a fourth Reality Element."

"This is just the Reality Element's failsafe feature," I pointed out, I looked at my marking and concentrated on it and then the Element phased into the bracer I described, and getting a surprised look from him, "as for the fourth element I will get to that, so let me continue…" I then told him about the mobbing of reporters and how Aceiro got rid of them and skipping over heat crazed moments involving me, Aceiro and Shadow to how Aceiro kicked Blueblood's ass after he insulted his mom to getting a job in Canterlot and saving a mare named Fe, with the help of a few friends, from a gang of dragons.

I then told him how a week later he invited to me to help with an experiment that he and Fe, which was a pair of flight-wings that can give wings to non-pegasus ponies, but in the middle of the testing, a dragon attack was made and it hit Aceiro, causing him to be placed into the hospital. "I was told by Princess Celestia to go back home in Ponyville and leave Aceiro in the hospital's care, so I diffidently went home and told everypony else at what happened to Aceiro," I told him as we all went to bed feeling all depressed, but I told him how as I was going to bed I felt something odd and when I investigate, I was attacked by a shadowy thing.

I told him how I woke up with Arcana next to me and how she told me that we defeated Nightmare, but with a curse placed on me, causing me to lose my memories, and she also added that we were also married. This got a surprised look from Omnius, "but I was able to figure out that it was just dream and break out of it," I told him what happened after I woke up and found the others and realized that Nightmare was the one behind all of it, and my confrontation with Nightmare.

I described the fight against Nightmare the best I can recollect to Omnius, "and then Nightmare put a spell on me that prohibited me from warping, and then formed a pool of shadows that it wanted me to drown in," I took a deep breath and tried to remember what I did to create the phenomenal that was going to happen next, "I am not sure what I exactly did here, but as I was drifting through the darkness, I became determine to protect my friends, I just… I guess you can say ignited the darkness, with the help of my Element, I felt a lot of energy flowing through me, at first it felt odd, but at the same time it felt like a part of me. I defeated Nightmare by releasing a lot of the energy that I felt and ripped Nightmare into pieces until only a passed out Trixie remained, but as I was going to see if she was okay, apparently Nightmare survived the energy release, because wisps of Nightmare started to form around her, and disappeared before I can save Trixie, but I was able weaken Nightmare to the point that I sure that we can defeat Nightmare the next time we meet."

"That is really interesting," Omnius said impressed.

"It gets more interesting," I said, I then stretched out my wings, revealing the wings' silvering coloring, "you must have by now noticed my wings odd coloring."

"Yeah, I have noticed that, I thought you used hair die on them."

"Well they weren't," I said as I snapped my wings back to my body, "it is a side effect from my fight during Nightmare, because you see, when I ignited the darkness, I had also somehow ignited a star in the night sky and it also changed the coloring of my wings, in fact I am able to sense my star…" and then I trailed off and thought of something, "hold on for minute," I said to him.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, I then felt the expansion of the sky, and grew confused, for immediately I sensed my star in the sky, but at the same time I felt it isn't there at the same time. I opened my eye and saw Omnius there with one of his eyebrows raised, "what was all that about?" he asked me, "It looked like you just stopped breathing."

"Oh I was sensing for my star, but it felt weird," I answered, "I can feel it there, but at the same time, not there," when I said that I saw his head nod in confirmation.

"That is what I thought, well anyway continue with this tale of yours," I nodded in agreement and continued my tale by telling him what happened after I woke up in the hospital and Aceiro wake up. I told him about how the princess of the night appeared in my room in the middle of the night, scaring me senseless, earning a laughing fit from Omnius, I then mentioned how she wanted me to teach to use my leading star and described what she had put me through, making Omnius to laugh again, but when I mentioned about the cactus kissing my but, he completely lost it, "ye gods," he said barely breathing as he just kept laughing, "it seems that the universe is out to get you, you must have done something in your past life."

"Shaddup," I said to him annoyed as the memory of the pain surfaced, I continue my tale, but skipping over my bad luck Friday I had and went straight to the wedding. I told him how Arcana and I were invited to a royal wedding of a niece of the princesses and Twilight's brother, and the day that we had before we meet up with Aceiro. I described what happened to me after we had meet up with Aceiro and spent the rest of the day and to how I wasn't able to go asleep, feeling anxious and went running into the city, "as I was running back to the castle, I heard a child crying coming from an alleyway and went to investigate it and soon enough I found a little foal crying for her mom, so I offered to help find her mom, but just as we were about to leave the alleyway, I felt a surge of electricity hit me in the back of my head, causing me to fall to the ground paralyzed, and then I blacked out."

"What happened?" Omnius asked.

"Well I heard a voice and then I came to," I explained. I told him how I woken up in a room, stuck to the wall by some kind of goop, with my other two friends. We had freed ourselves, but after we found out that I was restricted on my warping. I told him how we found ourselves in a structure that was located in a barren wasteland and that we heard whispers generating from a set of doors at the end of the hall we were in, "we all went inside and found that it was completely dark, with the whispering louder than ever, but when Arcana called out into the darkness, the whispers just suddenly stopped, and then we heard Nightmare's voice coming from the darkness," I said to him.

"All of sudden the doors shut closed and then Nightmare's voice was heard and then we were all of suddenly ambushed, with all of us bounded as the results in the end," I then told him how the darkness started to peel away and from into a fully restored Nightmare and how the queen of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis, was under Nightmare's service and that she was impersonating Princess Cadence and captured us and was also planning to take over Canterlot, "and when we asked Nightmare how it regained it power, so it told us that the reason it was able to get its' power fully restored, was because it held the fourth Reality Element, the Element of Entropy."

"A destruction element," Omnius realized what it meant.

"Nightmare was going to Canterlot to meet up with the changelings and take over, but before it was going to do that, Nightmare planned to take us out."

"Oh that's nice of Nightmare to take you three out, where did it take you three? Dinner, or was it a movie, or a walk in the park?" Omnius wittily joked.

"Oi, are you going to listen or not?" I asked him seriously.

"Okay, fine I will," Omnius giggly answered, "now can you please get on with your story."

"I will when you stop being a fantasist," when I didn't get anymore giggles from him, I continue with my story, I portray what Arcana did to Nightmare and the results afterwards, freeing us from our bounds and the fight we had against Nightmare, with Aceiro somehow making a armor from his Reality Element, but Nightmare played dirty and used Arcana as a shield to protect itself, which caused Aceiro to hesitant, with Nightmare taking advantage of that and released a spell, but he was able to block it, but he fainted. When I got to the part where I was badly hurt and Nightmare was making its' way to Arcana with full intent to finish her off, "as Nightmare just released a spell that was going to end her life, I wanted to protect her so much, because I love her that I broke Nightmare's curse that was placed on me and warped in front of the path of the spell. I quickly formed a barrier in front of me and Arcana, but my barrier didn't last long and took the hit that was meant for her."

"Wait that would mean…" Omnius said with a bit of shock in his eyes.

"Yeah it does, I died," I said bluntly, "I felt excruciating pain and then nothing," I described what it felt like and when I heard Arcana's voice call out to me and suddenly I was jolted up alive and kicking. I told him how Nightmare was stunned by this act and tried again to kill us, but I told him the arrival of another being that calls herself, D, "when Nightmare released the spell that killed me at D, she just waved a hoof the spell vanished, and she said that she came to retrieve the Element she created due to misuse, and she ripped off the Element off of Nightmare and mentioned it to come back to her, but instead of going to her, it went to Aceiro and latched onto his other arm, causing him to wake up immediately," I then described what happened afterwards and in the end were able to saved Trixie, but soon after we all fainted from the toll the fight took on us.

I told him how we all woke up in the hospital with the others there were we then told them what to us, with Fe also stating that she loved Aceiro, and then I talk about the wedding that happened later that day and the reception soon after, "and there you have it, the whole story that had happened to us to now," I said as I finally finished telling him the story, and feeling my mouth going numb from the long story I gave to him.

Omnius just sat there with a contemplating look, feeling a bit hungry I dug into the last cinnamon roll that have long since grown cold and a bit stale. As I chewing my sweet roll, all of sudden Omnius spoke up, "well I have to say that is a very interesting and complex tale, so there is no way you could've make up all of that, so here is what I am going to do," he then stood up and stretched and looked at me, "we're going to get you home, and I think your leading light is going to help us."


Well folks here you go, I am sorry that it took so long to get this part out, but with real life calling a lot more frequently and with Nathan Traveler's two week hiatus and with the nature of this chapter, it took me a long time to finish, but now I am done and with this crossover done, a series of events have now begun. Also be rest assure for the next chapter is coming along right now, and also for those that wants to know what a fantasist is, it is a term meaning a person with their head in the clouds.

End A/N

Chapter 55: Some Things have been Said

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Here you go my faithful readers, the inspiration for this story came to me after a little experiment I performed with birds and crossing the street, so enjoy this stress reliever and tell me what you think in the end, and for those that wants to know what this experiment is just PM me.

End A/N

Star's POV

"Huh?" I asked, thinking I just misheard what Omnius said.

"We're going to get you home and I think your leading light is going to help us," Omnius repeated.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well the way you described at how you can feel your star in the sky, yet at the same time not there as well, is like a temporal dimensional shift," Omnius explained, but I must have been making a confused face for he then added, "I'll explain it so that little mind of yours can understand…"

"OI!" I called out for that.

"… dimension works either by overlapping realities, branch offs, or… well you get the idea" he explained, "anyway, in your case it is an overlapping one, so that would explain you appearing in somepony else's home and why you could feel your star when it is not there."

"So what about the part of getting me home?"

"I am getting there. You see here, I think your star acts like an anchor, so that if you happened to cross into another world you can always find your way back home with it," Omnius explained, "so all we need to do is repeat what you did to get here in the first place… you can do that right?"

"I think so," I said a bit unsure that I can repeat what I did this morning.

"Alrighty then, let's go," he said as moved away from our table and towards the sweet shop's main entrance.

"Where we are going?" I asked as I got up from the table and followed him just as he opened the door, letting in the late afternoon sunlight, and walked outside.

"Well we don't want to cause another sense here, now do we?" he explained as I caught up to him, "so we need to get to the area where you arrived here."

"Follow me then," I said as I led him to the residential area, where my home is supposed to be in. we both finally arrived at the house I arrived in.

"What happened to the front door there?" Omnius asked as he saw the knife hole in the door as we came up to the house that I had caused a commotion at earlier today.

"A frightened mare with a knife, and habit of throwing things," I answered him, which caused him to laugh at that. I was about to scowl for his carefree nature, but he then stopped and said, "sorry, now is not the time to be laughing, we need to get you home as soon as possible, so let's do this."

"OK, but not here, don't want to cause a panic," I said to him, getting a nod of understanding from him. So we made our way to the side of the house, not wanting to get more kitchen utensils to be thrown at me, especially the sharp ones.

"Alright, try to repeat what you did and we will be on our way."

"Wait a minute, you're coming with me?" I asked him when I just understood what he is getting at and getting a nod in response, "why?"

"In case this little trip takes us to a place that isn't exactly… friendly with us, so I can just pop us back here," he explained.

"Okay then," I focused on my Element Marking at phased into its bracer form and closed my eyes and started to concentrate…


Omnius called out, breaking my concentration, "what is it?" I asked as I opened m eyes.

"Here's a rule that you must be wearily about when going into a new world or reality," Omnius said.

"What's the rule?"

""Rule number 17 of interdimensional traveling: NEVER piss off the birds."

"What's that supposed to mean? And isn't that from Angry Birds?"

"It means what it means. And it's the same thing!"Omnius alleged.

I rolled my eyes at his crazy beliefs, "just put your hoof on my shoulder," I instructed him. He complied and once again I closed my eyes and concentrated and felt my surroundings fade away. I opened my eyes and saw instead of the alleyway between the two houses and Omnius, I was surrounded by the familiar silvery wisps and the dark gray background that started all of this mess and even though I couldn't see Omnius anymore, I can still feel the pressure of his hoof on my shoulder. As I was looking around, I felt something that was there before; a tether of sorts.

I ignored the tether for now and concentrated on the space fields and as well as my Element and just as before, the space fields drew in close and started to drift and sway about my Element. I reached out to wisps that are circling my Element, with my mind, but as soon as my mind touched them they once again turned into the giant wisp that gave me a ride. I hear the faint whispering of voices from it as well as the compelling sensation to grab it, with the tethering feeling more prominent than ever.

I followed the wisp with my eyes, tracking and timing it so I can catch it. When the wisp came close to me, I reached out quickly and grasped the strange anomaly and as before the whispering stopped and the ground beneath me started to crack like I am on glass with silver light showing through. Here we go again, I grimly thought as the ground beneath me completely shattered, but this time I felt the tether feeling all of a sudden start pulling me, and with the sense of falling hitting me, I was pulled into the hole I made.

The wisp pulled me through the weird tunnel of stars around me. I looked ahead and saw the barrier that the wisp made me smack into before, "again with the smacking?" I questioned the wiggling wisp in my hooves, but it didn't answer back and just as before it phased right through the barrier with me smacking right into it, causing pain to be generated throughout my body. "Are you okay Omnius?" I asked as I peeled myself off the barrier and stood up, but then the barrier started to crack beneath my hooves, again.

"Shit, Omnius don't make a move," I said to him, but then I realized that the pressure of his hoof is gone. I carefully looked around and saw that Omnius isn't here with me on the cracking barrier, "Omnius? Where are you?" I called out for him, and then I hear something falling towards me.

I looked up and saw the Pegasus form of Omnius falling towards me, while screaming something about falling. "Oh come on," I said as Omnius is about to fall on top of me, "why does the universe want to hurt me?" I questioned as he fell on top of me, causing me to crash back onto the barrier and completely shattering it, allowing both of us to fall through, with the sound of shattering glass.

I hit a hard wooden floor with my face and was soon followed with pain in my back as Omnius landed on me, "ah… cushiony," I heard Omnius said above me as he patted me in the head, and then I felt him starting to move around, "huh, it appears that your would isn't exactly overlapping mine, seems to be off by a couple feet."

"Who, the hoof, are you?" I heard somepony called out, I pulled my face off of the floor and looked around for the source of the voice and I saw that we both have landed in a living room and saw that it was fully furnished, which made me thought I am in somepony else's home.

"What's going here?" I looked up and there I saw Arcana standing at the base of the stairs with a questioning look on her face.

Arcana's POV
A few minutes earlier

"Ugh, who knew that getting furniture can be exhausting," I tiredly protest as I maneuvered my bed from the late afternoon of outside and through the front door of the house. I cautiously moved my bed up the stairs, careful not to make holes in the wall as I make my way to my room to place my bad in. With a few close calls, I finally made it to my bedroom and positioned it to where I felt comfortable at its current location, "finally done with my stuff. Star can get his own furniture, speaking of which, where is he? I haven't seen nor heard him all day," because he is always getting into some kind of trouble, I finished the sentence in thought.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud crash coming from downstairs. I rushed out of my room and stopped at the top of the stairs and then I hear a voice coming from the living room. I cautiously move down the stairs and into the living room and there I saw Star lying in the middle of the living room was Star with a brown Pegasus lying on top on of him.

"Who, the hoof, are you?" I called out to the pony on top of Star. I saw the pony immediately look towards me, and then I saw Star pull his face off the floor and looked around and then I saw facial expression turn to one that of worried.

"What's going here?" I called out to them again, and this time Star's head turn towards my direction and saw me there.

"Arcana," Star said happily as he saw me, he then kicked the mystery off of his back, which caused him to face plant the floor, and rushed towards me. He embraced me into a hug and continues what he was saying, "Oh thank goodness that I am back in my own world."

"Okay, what going here?" I asked as I pushed Star off of me and as the other pony picked himself off the floor with a moan, "and who are you?"

After the mystery pony dusted himself off gave me a smile and said, "Oh I'm just a Traveler. Name's Omnius and it is nice to meet you."

I stared at the ambiguity pony and then I asked him, "How do you know my name?"

"I'm a wizard," he said with a grin, and then he winked at me and added, "I also know about Victoria's secret."

"W-w-what?" I asked confused at what he said.

"Okay, you got me, I am actually part Timelord," he said with a cocky grin and British accent. I felt a headache form and a slight throbbing pain on my forehead when I am staring at him. I took some steps toward him feeling a little invaded by this nutcase. I am getting a headache just by looking at that cocky grin of his, I thought as took some more steps towards him.

"Alright, alright, chica," he said all of a serious, chica? "Your boyfriend there," he said as he pointed towards Star, "took an accidental trip into an alternate world, much like you took an accidental trip through time. I just helped him get back."

I narrowed my eyes at him at what he said, I then look towards Star for confirmation, "as crazy as he is the truth," Star admitted, "You won't believe his story though."

"Oh? What makes you say that?" I asked as I looked back at Omnius.

He shrugged, and leaned against the wall casually. "Oh, I'm just the Eternal Traveler of Good, and I'm doomed, fated, and destined to Travel throughout all of Time, Space, Matter, and across all of the realities and dreams for all of eternity and beyond that."

"…Yeah, I don't believe that. At all," I deadpanned.

He sighed, and slumped against the wall, again. "No one ever does," he muttered. "I always have to show them something breathtaking and unusual first before they'll even begin to believe it. Jeez."

I motioned for Star to come closer, when he did I then whispered in his ear, trying to be stealthy. "Star, why did you let him into our house?"

"Save your breath, Arcana Timekeeper. I can hear every word you're saying," Omnius called out, apparently heard me from across the room, but then the thing he said just registered in my head.

"Timekeeper?" Star and I asked in confusion at the same time.

"Yeah, Timekeeper. You bear the power of time, and have traveled back in time while resisting the urge to throw off the continuum by changing the course of history," he explained. "It's a title I like to give to people who do that."

"…He IS insane," I concluded my observation on him.

He just sighed again and started shaking his head as if he was contemplating with something and then finally, "Star, tell her I'm not insane," he said, while face-hoofing himself.

"But you are though! Even though you're telling the truth," Star laughed.

"Oh sure, mock the guy who knows more about what you're dealing with than you two do. Hardy-har-har," he growled. After what looks like a couple breathing exercises, he then got up and trotted into the hallway and towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Star asked as we followed him.

"That's a good question. This Ponyville have a soda bar? I remember this one great place called the Five Leaf Clover…good times," he responded. He then shrugged and opened the door and was proceeding to leave the house, but when I realized that, I quickly slammed the door before he went any farther, which then caused him to slam into the door. He fell to the floor, surprised while holding his nose in his hooves, "OW! My shnoz!" and then he looked back at me and growled, "Why did you do that?"

I stood over him and said, "You're not leaving this house 'till you tell me who, or WHAT, you are!" I demanded.

"Didn't we already do this?" he asked, getting back up, "I'm the Eternal Traveler of Good, and I'm doomed, fated, and destined to Travel throughout all of Time, Space, Matter, and across all of the realities and dreams for all of eternity and beyond that," he repeated getting under my skin.

My horn started to glow in a golden color, prepping a stunning spell to immobilized him so I can get proper answers, but he just stared at me and let out a sigh of boredom, "you're going to-"

"Start talking and you're going to start listening," he countered, with the hint of impatience and with any traces of his humor disappearing, "what I'm about to say is incredibly important, and I'm only gonna say it once; you bare a terrible power. One that has the potential to do great things, if you haven't already, learn how to control it and make sure you study the theories behind your powers; alternate universes, timelines, the whole she-bang. You need to learn all about those if you want to truly realize your full potential, understand?"

What he said had surprised me, which caused me to lose my concentration on the spell and the light from my horn faded away, and then the meaning of his words sank in, and I somewhat reluctantly nodded in understanding, "who ARE you?" I whispered.

All of a sudden the air around him started to shimmer like pavement under a hot sun, which caused the lights from the living room to be bended in an array of lights, and with shadows flickered around him, and the vest that he is wearing, started to flutter in an unknown breeze. He looked at us and smiled and then gave a wink, "I'm the Traveler … and now, it's time I took my leave …ESPERANTO!" As soon as he said those words, he stood up on his hind legs and tipped over backwards, just as he was about to hit the ground he disappeared.

Star and I stood at the spot where the still questionable sanity pony disappeared for a few more minutes, "what just happened?" I asked Star.

"I am not to entirely sure, but I think Omnius just gave us an advice and went home," Star explained.

"Who was he?" I then looked towards him, "and what happened to you anyway?"

"Well I was doing a little experiment with my Element…" then Star told me what happened to him from since this morning to how he meet Omnius and fought him, and then eventually getting along with him and told him what happened to all of us and how he got home, "… and then Omnius landed on top of me and crashed into the living room where you found us."

"That is a very interesting tale, but there is now one thing I must do," I said as I came in closer to him.

"What is it?"

I brought up my hoof and slammed it down on top of his head, "BAKA!" the blow to his caused him to fall to the floor and hold his head.

"OW, why did you do that Arcana?" he asked me as he stood up and rubbing the area where I hit him.

"That was for mentioning the Victoria Secret part to him," I answered, "but I am glad that you are ok," I as I took him into a hug. I broke the hug and looked towards at the clock that it is hanging on wall in the hall and saw that it was getting late, "now let's go to bed, because moving a lot of furniture is sure is tiring work."

"Which by the way," Star responded, "looks great, I like the look of the couch," Star commented the sofa.

"Good, because you are sleeping on tonight," I replied back as I made my way upstairs.

"Wait, what?" Star asked confused, "why?"

"Because I didn't get you a bed," I answered as I made it to the top of the stair, "but if you would rather like to sleep on the cot again, be my guest."

"Why didn't you?" he complained.

"Because I am not a maid, so I don't have to do everything around here," I added, "goodnight," and walked into bedroom and shut my room door closed on Star.

Outside of Star and Arcana's home

Fate stood across the street from the home of two bearers of the Elements of Reality that he created, with the shadows clocking him so that he become near invisible to the naked eye, as he observed the home. When the light in the living went out, he felt a familiar presence appear behind him and started coming towards him, "was that really necessary to do that to him Destiny?" Fate called out to the being behind him, "because he was enough problems already."

"It is necessary Fate," the silver alicorn answer as she walked up next to me, "because with this event, a series of proceedings will soon follow that will affect his part of the prophecy."

"But doesn't that mean you are tampering with your own prophecy though?" Fate pointed out.

"No it doesn't," Destiny answered him, "all I did was starting this event sooner."


"Because the day of his destiny didn't change what so ever, so that will mean he wouldn't be prepared for when it comes, so I had to do this."

Fate shook his head trying to understand her, "I don't get you, you created that horrid thing of a Reality Element and yet here you are helping one of my bearers, what's your angle?"

"You should know me though Fate, I am not on the good side neither on the bad side, for I am just… neutral," Destiny answered.

"Sigh, never mind, so did you ever figure out what happened to that blasted Element of yours?"

"Not a clue, but what about that Will Element of yours? And also that "blasted" Element of mine, helps creates balance in this world."

"Yeah, yeah, you always say that, and no I don't know how Aceiro did it, for I never designed it to somehow create that armor."

"Do you think the other Elements are capable of transcending like the Will Element did?"

"I don't know, not even the past bearer of the Element of Will was able to do something like that."

"Well I know one thing for sure," Destiny cryptically said.


"You better duck," Fate quickly lowered his head and immediately a flowerpot flew over where his head has just been and hitting the ground behind him and into a million pieces. He looked to where the potted plant generated from and saw the bearer of my Element of Time, Arcana, leaning out of the second floor window, looking a bit irked, as if she just had been woken up by something and he also saw that she is holding a heavy-looking book in her hoof.

"Stupid cats, that showed them," Fate heard Arcana sleepily said as she withdrew back into her room and slammed her window shut.

Destiny and Fate waited for a few seconds, making sure that the Element of Time has went back to bed, "she has a nice and accurate throw there," Destiny commented at the Time Mover's pitch at Fate.

"Let's go and leave this place already," Fate said as he raised his head wearily.

"Afraid that she will start throwing things at you again," Destiny chuckled.

"I am more afraid of her start throwing sharp things," Fate replied and all of a sudden a knife landed between Fate and Destiny with the knife's handle jutting into up into the air. Fate looked up to Destiny with a frightened look on his face and saw that she had the look of surprise on her face. They both turn their heads and there they saw standing at the living room window was a very irked bearer of the Reality Element of Space Star.

"Stupid cats," Fate heard Star as he slides the living room window closed.

"OK let's get out of here," Destiny suggested.

"Agree," and with that Fate and Destiny faded away into the shadows.

The Next Morning
Star's POV

I made my way through the noisy, bustling pony-filled streets as I tiredly made my way to the Quill and Sofa store to myself a bed so I can properly sleep well tonight, because the couch was simply not made to be slept on, but at least it is better than those cots, "stupid cats, why did they have to be so noisy at night? I am so tired."

I finally arrived at the furniture store, I saw a very familiar pony standing in front of the store's door, "hay Shadow, how's it hanging?" I asked the Pegasus as walked up to him, which caused him to jump a bit out of fright. He looked back at me and saw that it was just me and calmed down.

"Oh good morning Star, what are you doing here?" Shadow asked me.

"Getting a bed for my health," I answered him, "what about you and why are you waiting out here for?"

"I am getting a bed that is big enough for me and Fluttershy to sleep together comfortable," Shadow answered with a little blush when he said that, "and as for why I am waiting out here, because the store wasn't opened yet," Shadow then pointed to the list of store hours that is hanging on the wall. I looked at the store hours and saw that store is going to open in a few minutes.

So Shadow and I stood outside of the store and waited for a few minutes, but we didn't have to wait long, for the sounds of locks unlocking was heard coming from the door, wait a minute, why does even a furniture store need locks? The door opened, indicating that the store is now opened, never mind that now, I can finally get a bed.

After Shadow and I placed our orders on the beds we want and was told that they will be delivered to our houses, we both walk out of the store and towards town square, "well I have nothing else to do today, so Shadow do you want to hang out today?" I asked him.

"Sure," Shadow agreed, "but there was something else I need to do today," Shadow looked a little troubled, "but I forgot what it was though, but I think it has something to do with you."

"Then maybe it will come to you later on," I suggested as well both entered the town square, and the first thing I noticed was the absolute silence that was just a lively place a few minutes ago and I saw that a large crowd of ponies are circling the town hall, "what's going on here?" I asked a pony as Shadow and I mingled with the crowd of ponies.

The pony looked towards me and she answered, "We have some visitors and they already have set up encampment outside of town, we don't know who they are, but even though we all didn't see what they look like, I heard that they are an odd sort.

"Oh come, they can't be that odd," I stated as I protected the honor of the mystery visitors.

The mare was about to say something, but an announcement interrupted her, "attention everypony," which then drew our attention towards town hall where we saw Mayor Mare standing on the porch that leads into the building, "attention," when Mayor Mare is sure that she is holding our attention, "alright everypony, as you all know, we have some visitors that we all haven't seen before, but that doesn't stop us from welcoming them, now let's all give a warm Ponyville welcome to the current leader and the rest of the nomadic tribe of deer; Leading Ten-Point."

"Did she just say deer?" Shadow asked me as he leaned in close.

"I think she just did," answered him.

Shadow looked as if he was about to say more, but the sound of doors stopped him, we turn our attention back to the building and there we saw a large stag walk out of the building, the stag hosted a large pair of ten-point antlers on top of his head, and is wearing robe-like clothing, "hello everypony," he called out to all of us, "I would like to kindly thank the mayor here allowing us to stay here so that we can rest and replenish our food stocks," he said with as he took a bow to us, "so we will kindly help you in return as you did for us," with that he stood up from his bow and added, "and I know that you don't know much about us, so to those that are curious about us and wants to learn more about us. So please, don't be shy, just come and visit out temporary village outside of town."

He looks behind him and there I saw two other deer and nodded to them. The two deer were a stag and the other a doe with both of them wearing robes like Leading Ten-Point, and in the antlers of the stag, I see some odd looking birds, but before I can a good look, the doe reached out and gave what looks like a scroll to one of the birds, the quickly grasped it and it suddenly took off from the stag's antlers and into the sky.

"Well I would like to stay," Leading Ten-Point said as he looked back at us, "but we must get going to prepare our homes for our temporary stay here," and with that him the other two deer walked off the porch and towards the direction to the fields outside of Ponyville, causing the ponies to politely move out of the three deer path.

Thirty Minutes later

Shadow and I had followed the three deer, along with a few other ponies from town as well, to the fields outside of the town, where we saw that the once empty fields is now bustling with life from the hundreds deer of the deer tribe. I saw the adult stags and doe hurriedly about here and there setting up their tent homes, while the children run and played around, "this is incredible," Shadow said in awe as we walk past the tents and deer, "I have never seen deer before, have you?"

"Um…" I remember seeing deer when I was human, but I don't want to mention that, for I might have to explain to him about me being a creature that are mentioned in legends, "… not really, I have heard of them, but never got up close like this," I said as couple of deer children ran across our path, kicking a small ball around. As Shadow and I continue our way deeper and deeper into the deer tribe's camp, I noticed that there are more of those strange birds I saw back in town and was finally able to get a good look at them. They appeared to be a mix breed of a toucan and a parrot, and that their feathers are like the spectrum of a rainbow, each with a different color of band on their beaks, "what is up with the birds?"

"I don't know," Shadow replied as we walked into a small clearing in the middle of the sea of tents, which was filled with posts and perches, allowing the odd birds to nest in them, "I have never seen birds like these before, even when I was traveling across Equestria," he added as he walked up to one of the post that is being currently being occupied by one of the birds and then he proceeded to have a staring contest with it.

"Because these birds are not native to Equestria," a voice called out from behind us, startling us. We quickly turned around and saw a stag with a pair of eight-point antlers on his head and he was also slightly taller than me and Shadow. I looked up at his face and took a closer look and saw that he is one of the deer that was in Ponyville, "oh terrible sorry about the scare, oh wait I haven't introduced myself, haven't I?," the stag said, he then proceeded into a bow, "am called Avian Concierge," and then he recovered from the bow.

"That's ok," Shadow assured Avian, "my name's Shadow Breeze, and this here Star Streak," he said as he pointed to me, I waved in greeting to him, "and it is nice to meet you Avian, but can you explain more about these birds, because I am intrigued by them," Shadow said pointing to the flock of birds behind us, "and you said something about them not being native to this land, earlier."

"I see that we have another concierge among us," Avian said, "Well you see-"

"These birds were found by our ancestors," a voice called out interrupting Avian, and then a doe walked from behind a tent and towards us, when I saw the doe, I immediately recognized her as the other deer from before. Avian looked back and saw the doe, "oh come on Story Teller, I wanted to tell this story."

"But it is my job," she replied back to him.

"What's your job?" I asked her.

"I am one of the story tellers in the tribe," Story answer as she looked towards me, "we tell stories about our past and our legends, and I am also like an unofficial tour guide of the tribe as well," she explained, "and so it is my job to tell the history here."

"But is it about the birds, of which I care for," he pointed out.

"That's true," Story said and then she started to contemplate with herself, "fine I will let you tell the story, but only this time though," Story reluctantly agreed.

"Finally," Avian said happily, "well you see here Shadow, Star. Our ancestors discovered these birds hundreds of years ago outside of Equestria," he said as he whistled towards the birds and one of them fly off of its' perch and towards him, where it then landed in his antlers and Avian continues, "you see, before the birds became part of the tribe, our ancestors relied on the star to navigate, but then something happened, about a thousand years ago, the stars and moon stopped moving, which we would later found out that is was due to Nightmare Moon. So due to what Nightmare Moon's did, our ancestors wander aimlessly around the land, until they happened themselves into a land that they have never seen before."

"At first they were lost and scared, but then they heard a bell-like call coming from the distance, so with nothing to lose, they followed the sounds. Our ancestors followed the sounds until they arrived back into the land that they recognized immediately. They searched the area looking for the cause of their safe return back to the land we love, at first they couldn't find any sentient or structure that could've make those bell-like noises, but just as they were about to give up the search at what saved them, the birds made themselves known to them and revealed that they were the ones making that sound," Avian rolled his eyes upward towards the bird and said, "go on, show them" the bird gave a nod and opened its' beak, but instead of a normal bird call, it let out a bell-like ring,"

"I never get tired listening to it," Story announced as she closed her eyes all relaxed, while the bird let out some more bell rings.

"Well after a little dispute between the birds and the tribe," Avian continues, "the birds decided to stay with the tribe."

"Wow," Shadow said in awe, "so they became part of the family, that's amazing."

"That isn't the only thing that is amazing," Story said, "our ancestors later found out that they have a very keen sense of direction, so that helped us greatly."

"Really," Shadow said really intrigued at this, "these birds can do that, that remarkable."

"And you must have noticed the color bands on their beaks by now, right?" Avian asked and we nodded, "well they're naturally color coded," this got a surprised look from Shadow, "the one with red bands help us forage for food, blue ones help us out with the chores, green gather information, yellow is communication."

"That's astounding," Shadow in awe from hearing what the birds can do, "but what are they called?"

"Well our ancestors named them Murphy's Birds," Avian told Shadow, "but I don't know why they did though."

"Well that's a silly name," Shadow said confused, all of sudden Story and Avian looked at Shadow with scared and concern looks.

"They also look a…" I started and Story all of a suddenly went wide-eyed and rushed at me when I started to say what was on my mind.

"No wait, stop!" she called out, trying to stop what I was saying.

"…bit silly," I finished my sentence just as Story clamped her split hoof over my mouth, but I had successfully said what was on my mind. I saw Story look behind me with worry written on her, and then all of a sudden I felt a lot of pair of eyes staring at my back. I removed her hoof away from my mouth and turned around and saw that all the birds were staring at me and Shadow with malicious intent visible in their eyes, which was seriously giving me some serious bad vibes, "what did I say?"

When I said that, one of the birds opened its' beak and let out a loud call, but instead of the sweet toned bell call like before, it now sounded like a pair of clanking metal pots. Other birds then started to join the first, until the sound of clanking pots were hanging in the air, and then it suddenly stopped.

I have a bad feeling about this, I thought as I started looking back at Avian so he can explain to me what just happened, but all of a sudden, the birds took off from their perches and posts and pans flew right at me and Shadow. The birds started to circle us and then I felt something plunk a feather a feather out of wing, causing me to yelp out in surprise pain from the pain the pulled feather caused, and then I heard Shadow yelp out in pain as well. Then just as sudden as the birds had started to swirl around us they broke apart and flew into the sky where they then vanished into the afternoon sun.

"What the hay just happened?" I asked as I rubbed the spot where my feather was just pulled out.

"I'm with Star on this one," Shadow agreed, "Did we just do something?"

Before the two deer can say anything the sounds of galloping hooves was heard and that they were making towards our location, and then a stage rushed into the now empty clearing, "Avian," the stag called out to Avian, "please don't tell me that-"

"Yes Running News, it happened again," Avian said gloomily to him.

"Oh for goodness sake," the deer called Running News said frustrated, "sigh, might as well the others know about the situation," and with that he ran off and back into the sea of tents.

"OK seriously what just happened?" I asked, demanding some answers.

"Oh buck," Avian said as he gave himself a hoof to the face, "I should've warned you first before anything else."

"Warn us about what?" Shadow asked, "and why did the birds take one of my feathers?" he added as he stretched out his wings revealing the empty spot where his feather have once been.

"Yeah, why did they take one of my feathers?"

"Oh dear," Story said worriedly, "They already took a sample and made you two into targets?"'

"Eh?" Shadow asked confused.

"You see…" Avian spoke up, "… these birds are a bit sensitive about themselves. So they will take anything, and I mean anything even an accidental or a really small, negative statement, and will take that as a declaration for reimbursement."

"EH?" Shadow repeated himself.

"In non-literary form please," I stated.

"He means, that when you make a negative comment about one bird of the flock, then you made a negative comment to the whole flock, which they all will get back at you for the made comment and they do it by taking a feather or piece of mane from the pony that insulted them and make them into targets," Story explained.

"Okay that's better," I said and then I added, "So basically, if you insult one bird, the whole flock come and take a piece of ya, which will then allow them all to get payback at you later on."

"Correct," Story confirmed.

"EH!" Shadow cried out.

"Well that's just perfect, I am back home for ONE day and this happens," I said frustrated, "that crazy pony was right, you should never piss off birds when traveling," I said as I remember

Omnius rule about never to piss of birds.

"Um…" Shadow said nervously, "… how many birds are in tribe's flock?"

"Well let's see here," Avian thought, "the last time we did a count, we had a total of about fifty birds."

This calmed down Shadow a bit after hearing the number, "oh that's good, when was the last time you counted anyway?"

"It was about five years ago," Avian replied, which caused Shadow to freeze right there on the spot.

"How many birds do you think there are now?" I asked concern for Shadow's health.

"Well I say that the flock's numbers will be around…" Avian calculated in his head, "… close to about a hundred."

"EH!" Shadow proclaimed taking in a large gasp of air when he heard that and then he proceeded to faint right there on the spot.

"Well this is just perfect," I sarcastically announce.


Well this is a surprise to me, for I was originally going to write this chapter as a stress reliever and had somehow made it into the story… this is a surprisingly turn of events, so I hope you all enjoy this chapter and also, you can thank GX98 for that awesome cover art for this awesome story. Please leave your reviews, comments and questions behind in the comments, so I can see them and answer any questions, thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 56: The Birds and the Trolls

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Well, here is the next part of the "Revenge of the Birds" and I did get the inspiration of the Murphy's Birds from One Piece, but I designed them from my personal experience with birds, for it involved a trip to Honduras, toucans, parrots, and a little experiment with swallows and crossing a street.

End A/N

Star's POV

"Great, this is just fantastic," I sarcastically announced, "I just have to happened to tick off Murphy's Law's personal pet birds, and without even trying to boot. The universe just loves me, when it showers me with actions like this one," I then look down at Shadow's unconscious form on the grassy ground, "as well as those around me. Jeez, I must have some kind of 'Murphy's Hyper-Accurate Target' plastered on my back with this keep on happening to me," I speculated.

"Um, what are you talking about?" Avian asked, "And what is this Murphy Law you mentioned?"

"Trust me you don't want to know," I decided for them, "Because if you do, it won't agree with you at all."

It was at the moment that the universe decided for Shadow to be brought back into the world and his predicament, "Oh, what happened?" Shadow asked as he sat up on his haunches and rubbed his head, "I just dreamt that birds are going to attack me, weird dream huh?"

Oh boy, this isn't going to end well, "Actually Shadow," I said to him gaining his attention, "that wasn't a dream. It really did happen," I told him the truth, which caused him to cry out, "EH!" but this time he didn't faint afterwards.

I turn my attention back to Story and Avian, "so, when will the birds start attacking us?"

"You seem awfully calm about this," Avian pointed out.

"Nah, this is just another typical day for me."

"If this is your typical day," Story thought, "then I don't want to know what's your worst days are."

"That is wise," I replied to her, "Well, anyway I repeat myself, when will the birds start attacking us?"

"So you're the ones that got all of our birds to get all vengeful," a familiar voice called out to out left. We all turn our heads towards that direction and saw the leader of the nomadic tribe of deer, Leading Ten-Point, emerging from the multitude of tents and walking towards our small group, causing Avian and Story to bow down to him in respect.

"Sorry sir," Shadow apologized to him when he joined our group and that Avian and Story righted themselves, "My friend here and I have accidentally made your birds mad at us. And can you tell us when the birds will start attacking us, because I am not exactly a big fan of surprises," Shadow nervously explained.

"Oh you don't need to apologize for upsetting our birds, in fact you two are not the first ones to do that to them as well," Leading assured Shadow about upsetting the birds, "And as for when they will start attacking you two, we don't know," he confessed, earning another 'EH!' from Shadow, "They are completely random in attacking their insulters."

"Why does this have to happen to me?" Shadow sadly said as he gets the gist of what is going to happen to him.

"…To you?" surprised at what I heard from him, I turn towards him, "What about me? It is like I am a living magnet for bad things to come and do horrible things to me," I complained about my seemingly purposively placed bad luck that's on me, "That's the question I should be asking."

"Excuse me if you would please," Leading's voice called out, gaining mine and Shadow's attention, "There is no need to work over something that has already been done," he pointed out, making Shadow so gloomy that even I could feel his depression, "but be rest assured, the bird's assaulting have been nothing more than harmless pranks and shenanigans," this prepped Shadow up when he just heard what the birds are going to do.

"So I am just going to get pranked," said the relieved Pegasus, "I guess that isn't so bad, I can handle a few pranks."

"Glad to hear that," Leading replied, "Now I must kindly ask you to leave to the campgrounds," he politely told us.

"Why?" I asked about the suddenness of him asking us to leave.

"Well it is almost dinner time, and it is tradition to eat with families," Leading explained getting an 'ah' of understanding from Shadow and I, "And also we don't want the birds to attack you two while you're still in the area," he added with a smile.

"Oi," I verbalized when he added that last part, causing him to start laughing.

"Sorry, sorry," Leading apologized, still chuckling, "but I couldn't resist saying that, for I like to see what their reactions are," he explained.

"Oh no, dinner," Shadow panicky said as he quickly and finally, got up from the ground, "I have to go, I am having dinner with Fluttershy," he explained for his panic state, "See ya later Star." He then turns towards the trio of deer and with a bow he said, "Thank you for hospitality, but I am sorry that I have angered your birds. I just hope that the birds will go easy on me," I saw that the deer gave each I other a worried look above Shadow's bow, Oh boy. I have a dire feeling about this. Before anything else can be said, Shadow quickly recovered from his bow and took off into the air and flew away.

"Now I suggest you should go home as well," Leading suggested to me, "The Murphy birds loves to attack their target or targets in this case, unexpectedly at night," he elucidated.

"Right, gotcha, I understand," I said as I opened my wings, "Well thank you, for the warning," I then took off and into the sky. After a few minutes I landed at the front door of our house and was making my way to open it when I got this weird feeling of being watched. I looked around the neighborhood and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

I shrugged the feeling off and opened the door to my house, I wonder if my bed has arrived yet? But as soon as I fully opened the door, my face was instantly met with a custard pie. "Ahhh," I screamed out of pain and started to roll on the ground as some of the pie filling had got into my eyes, making them burn as if salt was poured on an open wound.

I quickly removed the remains of the pie from eyes and face, and felt the irritation go away from my eyes immediately. I picked myself off the ground and I open my eyes and there I saw, standing in the entrance hall to my house, were three of those trolling empowered birds. Murphy Birds, and the one had a red band on its beak, holding an empty pie tin in its talons, and was giving me a look of satisfaction, "Oh it is on," I announced as I leapt at the bird. The bird quickly gave the pie tin to one of its fellow comrade, which has a blue band. It then proceeded to fly into the air and smacked me in the nose with the pie tin, causing me to fall to the ground holding my nose in pain. This isn't harmless pranks and shenanigans.

I opened my eyes and saw a Murphy Bird with a yellow band and was holding the pie tin in its beak in front of my face. It gave me an evil smile and then it smacked me right between the eyes with the pie tin, causing another flare of pain to ignite, which I then let out a pain filled moan. I heard the birds gave a series of happy sounding bell calls and then heard ruffles of feathers as they took off into the air and out of the house.

I must have laid there in the hallway for a while, for I heard Arcana's voice calling out from behind me, "Oh my, gosh. Star, happened here? In fact, what in Equestria happened to you?"

I rolled over onto my back and removed the pie platter that was covering my eyes and there I saw standing in the doorway was Arcana with what looks like a bags of groceries in her magic and with a confused expression at the mess I am in, "well I am sure that you have seen the deer tribe, as well as the odd birds, correct?" I saw her nod, "well they're called Murphy Bird and they also have a slight self-esteem problem, so they handle slight negative comments by attacking the commenter with harmless pranks and shenanigans."

"Ugh, seriously Star? Can you go through one week without taunting, upsetting, or commenting creatures that imply that they have the universe on their sides by their names?" Arcana asked as she now understood and then stepped around me and made her way towards the kitchen.

"Hay, cut me some slack," I said as picked myself off of the floor and followed her into the kitchen. "I tried not to piss off the universe, but it just makes way for me piss it off in some way," I stated as I sat down at the kitchen table, "and this time it involved Shadow."

"Oh shame you for getting that sweet Pegasus involved with your bad luck streak," Arcana disapprovingly said to me as she started to take out food out of the bags.

"I can't help it if the universe loves me and others that have to happen to be around me," I sarcastically pointed out, "well anyway, I am sure that birds will go easy on him," I hope, "so did my bed arrived yet?" I asked her about my sleeping arrangements.

"About that, the store owner came by and said that your order is going to be a day late, so I am sorry to say Star, but you are going to have to sleep on the couch again tonight," she informed me.

"Crap," I said as flop my head onto the counter, forgetting about the damage that the birds did to it, which it caused me to let out a hiss of pain. I left my head up and started to rub the sore spots on my head, "I hope tomorrow, isn't going to filled with a lot of pain," I hopefully said as I stood up and made my way the fridge to get something to eat for dinner…

The next day

I felt the sun drift through living room window and hit me in the face, causing my face to warm up and become uncomfortable, causing me to wearily open my eyes, ugh, I really hope that my bed gets here today, I mournfully thought as I got off the couch, or I might hurt my back more, I added as I stretched myself like a cat until I hear small pops come from my back.

I then started to make my way to the kitchen to get something to eat for breakfast, as soon as I entered the kitchen the first thing I saw was plated sandwich with a note in front of it, I walked over to it and picked up the note:

Dear Star,

Knowing your bad luck, I made you breakfast and hope you get past this day without any hitches, and if you want me, I am going to be at the deer tribe's campsite.

See you later, Arcana

That's nice of her, I set the note aside, picked up the sandwich and took a bite out of it, but after a few chews, I noticed that the flavor of sandwich was off and it was getting shoddier every second it is in my mouth. I spit out the chewed up sandwich onto the plate, ugh, what's in this sandwich, I disgustingly thought as I examined the sandwich. I noticed that there seems to be some kind of fibers showing through between the slices of bread. Puzzled, I opened up the sandwich and there I saw instead the usual ingredients that a sandwich should have, was a pile of feathers.

"What the-," I said out loud as I started to spit out remains of feathers and when I think I got rid of all the fine feather fibers, I heard the familiar sounds of bell sounding laughter. I turned around in my seat and there I saw a couple of the Murphy birds standing in the hallway and then I glared at them when I realized why my sandwich is filled with feathers. The birds turned around lifted their tail ends upwards and there I saw that they each both have a few spots where feathers should be, at first I was confused at the bare spots and then it came to me, and started to spit whatever traces of saliva I have left in mouth, "oh you are just a couple sick and twisted birds," I said to them between spits.

The birds just laugh at me.

I quickly leapt out of my chair and dived right at them, but as soon as I was out of the chair, they quickly flew into the air and shoot out of the open living room window, "damn it," I said in frustration as I laid there in the floor tapping my hoof on the hardwood floor, thinking on how to get back at them for yesterday and this morning. The sound of somepony knocking on the door shook me out of my thinking zone.

I got up from the floor and made my way to the front door. The knocking on the door resumed, but this time more hurriedly prompting me to hurry as well. Just as I reached the door and was about to open it, I hear the sound of rushing water and then scream of shock coming from the other side of the door, which then caused me to quickly opened the door. There standing on the other side of the door was a wet and shivering Shadow Breeze, with a metal bucket on his head, I looked up and there I saw two trolling birds above chuckling and then flying off in the still morning sky.

"M-m-morning S-Star," Shadow shivery greeted me as he removed the bucket from his head and set it down on the ground next to him.

"Hi Shadow, how are you holding from the birds pranks and shenanigans?"

"Doing fine," Shadow answered, "woke up this morning due to slapping myself with a hoof full of whip cream, and got tripped up a few times here," he added.

I noticed that his shivering hasn't stopped yet, "would you like to come in so you can dry yourself up?" I offered as I stepped aside. He nodded, still shivering from the cold shower he just got, and then I stood aside and allowed him to enter the house. I led him to the kitchen and told him to wait there as I went down the hallway into the guest bathroom and reached out for a towel hanging on a towel rack and grabbed it, but as I was about to leave, I hear slight ruffling coming from the curtain encased bathtub in front of me, what the hay? Who's here?

I reached out towards the shower curtain, I cautiously gripped the edge of the curtain and ripped the curtain up and there I saw what made my eyes widen in shock, for there on the other side was a small flock of Murphy birds that consisted of about ten of them, and they all were staring at me with harmful intent. "Oh shit…" I cried out, but was cut off as the birds took off and flew towards me.

Shadow's POV

I stood in Star's kitchen, feeling my sodden coat matting down on my body, while shivering from the breeze that is going from the open window in the living room, all of a sudden I heard Star cry out, "oh shit," and then soon followed by screams of pain and sounds of flapping wings.

"Star, are you okay?" I asked as I cautiously entered the hallway and was immediately met by a small group of the mischievous birds flew by and out of the living room window. "Star, are you okay?" I asked worriedly as I looked back down the hallway where the birds came from. I made my way down to the open doorway at the end of the hall and looked inside and what I saw brought up confusion, giggles, and concern at the same time, for there lying on the floor was a scuffled up Star with bird feathers all over him.

Star heard me come in the room and turn his towards me and coughed up some feathers and said, "Here you go," he then lifted up the towel and gave it to me.

Star's POV

After I gotten over the shock of the surprise attack from the birds, I cleaned myself up and Shadow dried himself off, Shadow and I left the house before anymore birds decided the make an unexpected visit. "So how many birds got ya?" I asked Shadow as we made our way to Sugarcube Corner to get a proper breakfast.

"Um… I think about three," Shadow guessed.

"Dang the birds are going easy on you, I gotten hit by fifteen of them already," I stated slightly annoyed about Shadow's good luck so far, we then soon came upon the sweet shop and walked inside to get our breakfast.

"So did you ever remember what you were supposed to do yesterday?" I asked Shadow as we both left the store thirty minutes later, with full stomachs, and started walking down the street with no destination in mind.

"No, I wasn't," Shadow admitted, "but I do know now that it has something to do with Fluttershy and me though."

"Well I hope you are able to remember it soon," I said to him, but then I noticed that I am only hearing my hoof steps and not Shadow's. I looked back and there standing in the middle of the street looking up with his mouth hanging wide open and also with a scared look. "You're going to catch flies if you leave your mouth open like that," I jokingly said to him, but I didn't get a reaction from him and that is when I noticed that the street was deathly quiet than it should be. I looked around and saw other ponies looking up with the expression as Shadow's.

I finally look up and felt my heart stop, for there perched on the edges of the buildings that surrounded me and Shadow, are Murphy birds and a whole lot of them, about forty to fifty, and staring at Shadow and I with the familiar look of harmful intentions, "oh crud, this is not good," I quietly said as I observed the birds ruffle their feathers, expecting them to do something. After a few more second of have a staring contest with Murphy's pets, one of the birds opened its beak and tolling bells was soon heard and then the rest of the birds joined suit.

All of a sudden the birds just stopped, "I don't like the look of this," Shadow nervously avowed, "what are they going to do?" as if the birds had heard him, one every other bird turned around where they stood and reached down, they then stood up straight and turned around and each of them are holding some kind of small tube in their beaks, "on no," I heard Shadow panic, "where in Equestria did they all get roman candles?"

"Wait they have those here? Cool," I said and then I realized something, "wait roman candles, as in fireworks?" I looked back at the birds and at that moment I saw one of them turn its head, pointing the open end of the firework at me and then the bird next bent down and after a few small movements, I saw a small flame ignited, indicating that the bird has matches. I saw it reach behind the bird that is aiming the firework at me and lit the fuse, "that's not a harmless prank, that's a harmful one," alarmed at where this situation is going.

And then the lit fuse reached the main body of the firework, which then caused it to start firing small colorful flaming balls. The force of the firework forced the bird holding it the jerk around and fire at random ponies on the streets, which caused them to start screaming and run away from the crazy bird, "ha, stupid bird," I laughed at the bird, but the bird got the miniature cannon under control and fired its last remaining shot at me. I ducked under the attack and resumed with my taunting, "Ha you missed," I said at the bird as it discarded the spent tube.

"Gah," I hear Shadow choked, I looked at him and saw that he had the look of revulsion on his face and staring at something behind me.

"What is it?" I asked him, but I didn't get an answer, instead he pointed to whatever it is behind me.

"Ah? What's wrong?" I asked and then looked behind me, and saw that my tail was on fire. The bird didn't miss me, for it had it my tail instead, "ah! S-so hot," I cried out and jumped around as I felt the heat from the fire on my tail on my rear end.

While I was jumping up and down trying to put out the fire on my tail, Shadow was panicking, "ah, you're on fire."

"I know I know!" I am now panicking, "quick, get me some water hurry!"

Shadow quickly looked around and then rushed to into a nearby alleyway he then exited the alleyway with a pail that sounded like it has a form a liquid as its contents. He rushed at me and then quickly upturns the pail over and its contents splashed all over my tail, putting out the fire on my tail and me letting out a sigh in relief, "it was a good thing that there was a rain barrel over there," the now relieved Shadow informed.

Convenient, I looked over to my tail, to see what the damage is and I let out a moan of exasperation when I saw the state my tail is in, for half of my tail has burn my away my tail, my awesome silver toned tail, "okay, that is it," I yelled out as I turn towards to the birds above, "you stupid birds, I am going to get you for that," I vowed, "because nothing harms the tail I repeat, nothing."

All the birds above looked at each other and then they all nodded in some kind of hidden understanding. All the birds that are holding the roman candles, turned and pointed the open ends at me and Shadow, and the birds next to them repeated the motions of what the first bird did and lit the firework's fuse that their partners are holding, "oh come on," I said in dread as the sound of sizzling and smoke filled the air around us.

"Oh sweet Celestia, we're going to get roasted," Shadow screamed in fright.

"No we're not," I pointed out, and then the birds' roman candles lit up and started firing small colorful fireballs at us, which caused Shadow to close his eyes and start screaming. I quickly grasped him and concentrated, and made us both disappeared in a flash of light. Shadow and I appeared in a flash on a cliff overlooking Ponyville with a waterfall roaring next to us and with Shadow still screaming, thinking he was about to be roasted. He finally stopped screaming when he realized that he wasn't being burned alive where he stood and opened his eyes and saw where he is.

"Huh? Where are we? What happened? Where are the birds, and what about them?" he started shooting off questions.

"I don't know, I just randomly brought us here," I explained, "but at least out of Ponyville and those crazy birds." At the mention of the town, small flashes of lights appearing back in town, "HA! Stupid birds, come and get us now," I called out towards town and the birds within it, but at that moment the universe had made the surrounding background noise momentarily silent, causing my taunting request to echo in the air and towards town.

"Do you think the birds heard that?" I nervously asked Shadow.

"I don't know," Shadow said as he leaned over the edge of the cliff and straining his ears for any possible threatening sounds. After a few minutes of strained listening we hear nothing, "I think we are in the clear," Shadow said as he came up from the cliff and looked at me, but just as he said that the familiar sounds of ringing bells started to come from Ponyville. We both gave a look of dread and quickly looked back at Ponyville and there we saw a rising yellow cloud coming from Ponyville… and right towards us!

"Fly you fool!" I cried out to Shadow in panic. We both turned around and ran in the opposite direction, following the river that supplied the water.

After a few yards of running, we came upon a dam. "There's a dam," Shadow observed the dam ahead.

"Damn," I said as the sounds of ringing bells came from behind us, I looked back behind us and saw a yellow cloud coming at us.

"There's a grate," he said as he pointed to a great set into the dam.

"Great," I said as we neared the dam wall and there we saw that the grate's bars were too close to each other, not allowing us to squeeze through, crushing any hope of getting out of this unscathed and the sounds of bells didn't help either.

"We are so toast," Shadow said losing all hope.

I looked behind us and the yellow cloud is almost on top of us. I turned my attention back to grate and hurriedly went up to it and peered inside and saw that there is tunnel leading farther into the water structure, "we're not done yet," I said as I once more grasped Shadow by the nape of his neck and with a flash of light, I warped us both into the tunnel on the other side of the tunnel. "Now let's go," I instructed him as I picked him up. We both ran down the tunnel, getting darker and darker the farther we ran down it, we stopped when it got so dark that I couldn't see my own hoof in front of my face.

"I think we lost them," Shadow whispery said to me, "but I can't see anything though."

"Me too," I agreed, and then I hear the sound of wings flapping, followed by the feeling of something brushing against my side, "um, Shadow, did you just brush your wing against me?" I asked worried.

"No," Shadow said scared, "I thought it was you that brushed me."

I didn't like the answer he gave, and then the sounds of ruffling wings was once again heard, "I wish we have a light," I wished and then I hear movement, followed by the sound of something striking against something else and with a spark, a flame was lit. I followed the tiny flame and then a candle was lit by it, but when I saw who or what was holding the candle and what it revealed that was hiding in the darkness, I would've made that wish, for holding the candle in its talon was a Murphy bird and from the light of candle, I saw that Shadow and I were surrounded by a lot more of its family.

"Oh shit," Shadow surprisingly swore when he saw the situation we are in, maybe I shouldn't swear in front of him anymore. The bird holding the candle gave a wicked smile at us and then blew out the candle, blanketing us both in darkness once more and leaving us expecting the pain to soon follow.

With all the screams of pain coming from the dam, it will later create a legend of screaming wails of the Ponyville dam, which will be told to children by their parents that two kids had disobeyed their parents and went to the dam and then later drowned, to get them to obey them.

With a flash of light of a warp, Shadow and I exited the dam structure, feeling bruises all over my body along with feathers from the birds in my fur coat, wings and mouth, "are you ok Shadow?" I asked as I cough up some feathers that a brave bird had decided to see what I look like in the inside.

"I think so…" he replied as he too coughs up some feathers as well, "… but why?"

"I don't know why either," I enlightened, "it seems that I am a living lightning rod for trolls when the universe has free time."

"Ow," Shadow moaned, "my body hurts from all pecking the birds gave me," at the mention of the pecking, my body reminds me of its own share of the pecks.

"I agree as well, do you know the best place to get good medical care from animal attack?"

"Yes I do, in fact that would be Fluttershy's," Shadow replied merrily.

"Then let's go," I harmfully reach out him and put a hoof on his shoulder and concentrated and we both disappeared in a flash. We appeared in a small grove of trees with a burst of light. I then slumped to the ground.

"Are you okay and why are we not at Fluttershy's?" Shadow asked concerned for me.

"I must be more tired than I thought," I guessed as I waved him off and stood up, "so it looks like we are hoofing it." After Shadow and I got our bearings, and found out that Fluttershy's place is just a mile away and that we were in the Everfree Forest, we made our way towards Fluttershy's cottage.

"So…" Shadow trying to start a conversation, "… how many birds do you think got us by now?"

"I don't know, because it was kind of hard to count with multiple birds attacking you at the same time," I pointed out, "so we might have twenty to fifty left."

"Oh pony-feathers," Shadow sadly said and with that any chances of a conversation died. After a few minutes of walking, Shadow and I emerged into a good sized clearing that immediately gave me vibes that I am being watched. I ignored the feeling and we started making our way across the clearing, but as we made about halfway across the field, I hear a sound that nearly stopped my heart; the sound of clanging bells.

I quickly looked around at the sky and surrounding trees in a panic state, looking for the horrible owner of that call. My eyes registered a slight movement coming from across the clearing, I quickly looked in that direction and there I saw a lone Murphy bird standing on the other side of the clearing, oh Celestia, when there is one, a lot more are nearby, and then the bird opened its beak and let out a sound that sounded like iron bell being repetitively and then it stopped, oh shit!

A few moments later of the call echoing in the air, the sound of flapping wings soon filled the air. I looked up and there I see the dread yellow cloud of the Murphy birds circling above us, "oh crap," Shadow cried out when he saw the birds above our heads. The birds spiraled downwards towards the ground and landed where the bird called out to them, making a blockade between us and Fluttershy.

"Okay that is it," I called out loud to the birds in front of us, "I had enough of you freaking birds, you pie me in the face and then proceeded to slap me silly with the platter next, then you invade and ambushed me in my home, fire freaking fireworks at me and Shadow and burned half of my tail in the process," I said as I lifted my tail for them to see, which caused them to start laughing, "and then you attacked us in the dark, I am up to hear…" I displayed with my hoof and positioned it above my eyes, "with your harmless pranks," I sarcastically said them as I put down my hoof, "so let us pass or are we going to have to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

I got all of their attention with my basic declaration of war, "Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" I repeated. The birds look at eachother, then back to me and let out another of those iron casted bell ringing, "looks like we are going to do this the hard way. So bring it on!" The birds let out another gong sounding call and took off and flew towards us, "well time to take a leaf out of Rainbow Dash's book," I said to myself and then rushed towards the birds screaming.

With the sound of a battle cry and pain-filled ones afterwards, a second tale was formed. The tale of an old unspeakable war of times long passed away and how if you can listen carefully you can hear the cry of a thousand soldiers meeting their doom from the creatures of the Everfree Forest, echoing through the trees…

"I can't believe it," I said feeling distraught as I laid down on a lower massaging table covered in bandages wincing as I felt an icepack being applied to my beaten body by the hooves of a buttercup colored Pegasus and getting an 'I'm sorry' from her, "I got my rear end handed to me."

"I can believe it," said an equally beaten up, and wrapped up, Shadow that was lying down on a similar table next to me, "but you aggravated them, so why did I get some of the beating as well?" he then winced as Fluttershy put an icepack on his back.

"Don't worry you two, I spoke with the deer and they said that all of their birds done and are back at their camp," Fluttershy explained, "now you two stay still, you didn't exactly looked okay when I found you," she added as she walked into the kitchen. Fluttershy had heard the battle cries from her cottage and then went to investigate what it was and found us both, beaten up and covered in feathers after the one-sided fight with the birds was over. Fluttershy exited the kitchen with two bowls placed on a serving tray, balanced on her back, and walked up to us, "alright take this," Fluttershy instructed as she placed the bowls in front of us, "with this you should be able to move about in a few minutes."

"Thank you Fluttershy," I then dug into the soup and felt the warm spread into my body.

"Thank you dear," Shadow thanked her, "but I am sorry that I am in this state."

"Oh it's no problem," Fluttershy assured him, "it just allows me to spend more time with you…" she started and then all of a sudden she leaned down and kissed him deeply in the lips, causing Shadow to blush from the act Fluttershy did, "…because I love you."

"And I love you too, as well," he replied back, and then a look of realization was drawn on his face, "I remember now."

"Remember what?" Fluttershy asked him as she collected my now empty bowl and went back to the kitchen.

"I remember what I was going to do yesterday," Shadow responded back to her and then he looked at me, "Star I was wondering if you can be my best stallion for our wedding?"

When he asked me that, I was taken back at first, but then I remembered that I was the first friend he made and introduced him to Fluttershy, as well as the pain that came with it. I felt a great honor being bestowed on me, "of course I will, after all you are my best friend."

"Oh thank you Star," Shadow happily said, as he leapt off of the bed and rushed into the kitchen to tell his future wife the good news.

Those two are going to be a great family, I thought as I lowered my head down onto the table, closed my eyes and started to think, I wonder what a Pegasus wedding would be like.


Sorry about the lateness folks, but life is starting to pile more things on top of me, and with my time coming to a close I am worried about my story. No I am not going to die, it is a religious thing. So you know the deal, leave your comments, reviews and questions behind in the comments, thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 57: It's Healing Time

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Well everyone, I see that you all loved the last chapter, so I hope you'll like this one as well and so I want to see comments about this chapter in the comments.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

"So today is the day?" Fe inquired as she stood outside of my station at the Iron Heart.

"Today's the day," I contently announced as I placed the hammer and tongs next to the forge, with the fire slowly dying inside its belly, done with today's quota. "Today is the day when my dad gets released from the hospital and you finally meeting him as well," I added as I walked out of my station and was greeted with a kiss from her.

Fe and I broke the kiss and I noticed that our action had drawn in a crowd of ponies, "alright everypony, shows over," Fe called out to them, causing the crowd to return back to their businesses. "So…" Fe started as she looked back at me, "… should we get going now?" she asked me.

"Yes, let's go." I answered her. As Fe and I made our way to the prep area to drop off our protective clothing, we passed familiar ponies that are our friends; Subtle Rampage, Thunder Cloud, and Iron Wing, but we also passed our un-friendly associates; Garble and his friends, but I noticed that that Garble is wearing a collar that is giving off a faint golden glow and was giving me a look of resentment.

I remembered what Star told me about what happened to him after he gave me such a thoughtful… gift, I guess Celestia and his parents must have come up a punishment for him. I saw him try to breathe fire, but all that came out was just a puff of smoke, of which he gave distasteful at it and looked at me with the same look, but I just wave back at him with a cheeky smile as we passed him. Fe and I arrived at the prep station that was setup a little way away from the entrance and started taking off our protective gear. I opened the locker that has my cutie mark and there at the bottom of the locker sat my saddlebag, which holds some items that are going to help my dad with his life. I took the saddlebag out of the locker and set them aside and started to take off the gloves of my hooves, revealing the black and white of the Element markings and put them into the locker.

I unzipped the heavy material coat and shrugged it off, feeling the air make contact with my air deprived fur and making the metallic feathers in my wings to strike each other, creating a sound like wind chimes. I then hear Fe giving a sigh of contentment behind me, "you know Aceiro, even though you can't fly with those wings of yours now, they're still gorgeous," Fe commented about my wings and then I hear her unzipping her protection gear as well.

I smiled and put the heavy coat into my locker and closed it and saw my cutie mark emblem on it, and then I realized something; I have never properly seen Fe's cutie mark, wow, I must've been dense not to notice her cutie mark after all of this time, I thought as I mentally whacked myself for not noticing one of her key features, well it never hurts to have a look. I looked over to Fe just as she is putting her coat into her locker, and there on her flank is fire shaped into the alchemy symbol of iron against her light brown coat.

"Like what you see?" Fe suddenly asked me, causing me to look up to her amused face and understood that she had seen me observing her cutie mark, which is on her flank and hence the misunderstanding.

"Oops, sorry," I quickly faced forwards at my locker, feeling the rising heat of the blush to my face.

"Aw, it's ok," Fe responded to my embarrassment and increased as she hugged me from behind and kissed me, "you know, you are kind of cute when you are embarrassed," she added somehow making me more embarrassed.

I cleared my throat, "should we get going?" I quickly suggested trying to change the subject, "Because I don't want my dad to get out of the hospital and find himself in an unfamiliar place."

"Why?" she asked as she broke off the hug and went over her locker and shut it.

"Well…" thinking what to say to that wasn't "my dad wasn't a pony before and came from a different dimension", after a quick thought I answered, "…he hasn't been here before his accident and moved here, and is not familiar with the city and its magnitude."

"Oh that's understandable," Fe understood as she walked back up to me, "when my family and I moved here, we were overwhelmed by the magnitude of this city," and then she locked her locker and made her way out of the prep station, "so are we going or not?" she asked as she looked back at me with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I replied back to her as locked up my locker, grabbed the saddlebag and exited the prep station and up towards her, "let's introduce you to my dad," I added as we made our way outside of the Iron Heart and towards Canterlot.

Thirty Minutes Later

Fe and I walked through Canterlot and arrived at the hospital, but along the way I was getting odd looks from the regal unicorns of Canterlot and an occasionally misplaced Pegasus, even though I have been here for a long time. I let out a sigh of discontent as we entered the foyer of the hospital, "what's wrong?" Fe asked me as she apparently heard the sigh I made.

"Oh sorry Fe," I apologized, "it's just that I have been here for a long time and yet I still get odd looks from everypony else," I explained as Fe and I walked up to the front desk.

"Don't worry about that, I am sure that the other ponies will eventually get used to you," Fe assured me, which helped boost my morality and thanked her.

The sound of somepony clearing their throat in front of use quickly gained my attention, I looked forward and there I saw a very annoyed and tired unicorn setting behind the front desk, "can I help you with something?" she asked us in a very irritable tone of voice.

"Yes you can," I confirmed as I ignored the quality of her voice, "I am looking for my dad, Numeral, can you tell me where I can find him, please?" I asked politely. The unicorn reached forward and into the space beneath the counter and pulled out a big sized binder, she then opened it and started ruffling through pages while muttering my dad's pony name.

"Here we are," the receptionist announces as she found my dad's name, "your father should be in room E-one hundred fifty right about now," she supplied the room where my dad is, "to get there, you go down that hallway…" she instructed as she pointed to the hallway on her left, "…until you reach the elevator, take it and go up onto the fifth floor, when you get off the elevator turn right and continue down it and the room will be on the on your right."

We thanked her and we made our way down to the hallway, walking past doctors and nurses and closed door and an occasionally open one. We saw ponies in the healing process ranging from having a cast to full body casts on, we then soon came upon the elevator the receptionist said that we will come across. I hit the button that called the elevator, a few seconds later the double doors of the elevator opened with a ping of a bell and there we saw a normal pony standing at the control panel of the elevator, "what floor would you like to go to?" the operator asked us.

"Fifth floor please," I answered as Fe and I entered the elevator, after Fe had settled on my right and with the operator on my left, he closed the doors and pushed up the winch and I immediately felt the pounding gravity as we went up against it, then the pressure feeling lessened immediately as we neared our designated floor. With a ding of a bell as before, the doors opened into a hallway, allowing us access to into it. Fe stepped out of the elevator first soon with me following behind her, but as soon as I stepped out of the elevator, there was a small ding, indicating that the elevator is being called.

The elevator's operator closed the doors and heard it move away from our floor. We looked around and saw a sign placed in front of us, I took a closer look at it and saw what it read; E-one to E-seventy-five to the left side, with the other side reading E-seventy-six to E-one hundred fifty. It was one of those signs that tell what direction a numbered room is at, "so the receptionist said room E-one hundred fifty, right?" Fe inquired.

"Right, so we go right," I confirmed. Fe then started to go right, but as I lifted my right hoof to take a step towards the direction where my dad is, I felt my left hoof slip underneath me, causing me to plant my face into the linoleum floor and moan out of pain.

"Aceiro," Fe called out as she came back to me, "what happened?" she asked as she helped me up to my hooves.

"I don't know," I answered as I rubbed my throbbing nose with my left hoof, "all of a sudden, my left hoof was pulled out of under me," I explained. I moved my hoof around, wondering what just happened, after nothing else happen I shrugged it off and took a step towards the right, but then my left hoof was swiped out of underneath me again, causing me to kiss the floor again, "okay, seriously," I said frustrated as I got up and started to examine my left hoof, "what's going on here," and then my left hoof all of a sudden jerked towards the left, in the opposite direction I want to go in, "what the hoof?" I cried out as I felt something tugging my left arm down the left hallway, and then I got a sense of urgency from the black marking of the element on my arm, which I then realized what was happening; The Element of Entropy is taking me somewhere.

The tugging on my arm continues as the feeling of urgency once again came off the element, and then I felt myself starting to slip across the floor, "what's going on Aceiro?" Fe asked as she quickly rushed to my side, gripped me and started pull, but then vigor of the element increased just as she started pulling, heaving both of us at the same time, "what the hay is going on here?" she cried out as the element made us pass the closed doors of other patents.

"It's the Entropy Element," I explained to her and then I looked towards the black marking on my arm, "stop it," I ordered the Element, "even though you're a Reality Element, I am your bearer so listen to me." All of a sudden the tugging ceased, causing us to be flung back from the lack of opposite force and onto the floor on our backs.

"What was it doing?" Fe asked as we got up from the floor.

"It was taking me somewhere," I explained as I looked around for any reasons of why the element was acting up, "and I also got the sense of urgency, but I don't see what…" trailed off at what I was saying when I saw what was on the plaque that was set onto the door.

"What, what is it?" Fe asked as she looked towards at what I'm staring at, and then she saw what was written on the door and let out a gasp, "hay, isn't that-"

"Yes it is," I confirmed as I walked up to the door, all of a sudden the Entropy Element along with the Will Element, gave a mighty tug on my arms, which caused me to crash through the door that says that it is being occupied by the last pony I expected to see again.

I slid across the floor along with the remains of the doorframe that was broken when I went through the door and into the machine humming filled room, "will you stop doing that already?" I asked frustrated towards both of the Elements, "the door was probably unlocked."

"And it was," Fe established as she walked into room, stepping over the pieces of wood, "so, do you know why your Elements made you to break through the door?" she asked and walked past me as I was once again picked myself off of the floor.

"I don't know, these Elements are different from Star's and Arcana's, for they seem to have a mind of their own," I enlightened her about them and then I looked towards the Elements, "and once again, will you stop doing that, it is getting annoying to be dragged around," I got an apologetic feeling from the Entropy Element, "that's ok, but why did you bring me here?"

"Um Aceiro, I think I know why," I heard Fe assume. I looked to where I heard her and saw her standing at the side of the bed holding a clipboard, but my gaze went over her and to who is lying in the bed; Trixie.

She was sleeping in the bed, with various active medical equipments, which I have no clue to what some of them even do, attached to her body, "so Fe, why are we here?" I asked her as Trixie let out wheezed intake of breath from the respirator on her face.

"Well…" Fe started as she looked through Trixie's diagnostics, "… it says here that she has large traces of dark magic coursing through her body, which…" she trailed off at the last part.

"Which is what?" I encouraged her to continue as I walked up to Trixie's bed.

Fe looked at me, "which is slowly killing her," she finished sadly.

When she said dark magic was the cause of the state Trixie is in, my thoughts turn to Nightmare and how it had possessed Trixie, I guess Nightmare left a trick or two behind. I looked down at the black tattoo on my left arm, is this why you dragged me here? I questioned it and got a feeling of a definite yes in response, but why did you bring me here?

All of a sudden the Entropy Element and then Will Element manifested into their bracer form and forced my arms up and laid them on Trixie's right arm. I felt something flow up my arms and I quickly yanked them back, "will you stop doing that?" I scolded the Elements for their behavior, "I am seriously getting tired of both of you yanking me around."

"Aceiro, look at what you just did," Fe interrupted my reproach on them. I looked at her and saw that she has a look of astonishment on her face and was pointing towards Trixie.

I looked towards Trixie and saw that she was more at peace than when we entered her room, "what did I do?" I asked Fe.

"Well let's see here," Fe said as she looked over to a machine next to her and examined the diagnostics that it is producing about Trixie, "heart rate lessening, brain waves less erratic, slight increase in magic levels, I think you just removed some of the dark magic from her body," she speculated.

"What was up with all of that… medical diagnostics?" I asked her.

Fe glances back me, "when I was little I wanted to be a doctor, so I used to study a lot to be one."

I opened my mouth to say something about that being a contradiction to her culture, but she lift her hoof up, stopping at what I was going to say, "yes I know, being a doctor means risking at making contact, but it wouldn't be with all of the sterile environments," she explained, "but that changed when my family and I discovered my talent with metal," I was about to say more, but I was once again interrupted by her, "listen, what's in the past, stays in the past," she said and then she turned towards Trixie, "now I think reason she has a large amount of dark magic in her body, is because it probably has something to do with that," she said as she pointed to the black bracer, "Because you did say that Nightmare held it when it possessed her, so maybe there might be some of its magic in her, which is killing her."

"That makes sense," I agreed with her, "but what can we do about it?" I asked her and was rewarded with a soft slap in the back of the head.

"Not we, you," she said as she pointed at me, "just repeat what you did a few second ago and let the Elements do their thing, and maybe Trixie can be saved," and then she gave me a sad look that I, and pretty sure nopony else as well, couldn't say "no" to.

"Of course I will do it," but I don't know what I did last time though, I worriedly thought and then a felt a reassuring squeeze on my arms. I looked down and saw the Will Element and the Entropy Element glowing in their respective auras, "ok then," I understood what they want, "but no more pulling, dragging or yanking, got it?" I listed the restrictions to them, and then got an acceptance from them, "let's get started then." I closed my eyes and made my arms go limp, I then immediately felt the Elements take control of them as they started to move on their own. I felt my hooves move over to the bed and felt them lay themselves on Trixie's arm by the Elements' influence.

I once again felt something going up my arms as the Elements started to drain away the darkness from Trixie. A few seconds later I heard Fe gasped in bewilderment, causing me to open my eyes in alarm at what I saw and made me let out a gasp of my own, for they are coming out of Trixie's body and slithering up my arms and into my Elements, were shadowy wisps, "whoa, this feels freaky."

This went on for a few minutes, until the last of the wisps left Trixie's body and into the black bracer. As soon as the last wisp entered the black bracer I started to feel heavyhearted, "whoa," I said as swayed back and forth which caused Fe to hold me, "okay that really felt freaky," I said as I grew steady on my hooves, allowing Fe to let go of me and back to the machine.

"This is amazing," she said as read the diagnostics, "all that dark magic that was ailing her is gone now," she proclaimed and then she hugs me, "you are really amazing, you kindly help a ponies without asking for anything in return, your dad would be so proud," at the mention of my dad, I remember why we were here in the first place.

"Oh shoot, my dad is still waiting for us at us," I quickly explained to her.

"Quick then, let's go before your dad leaves on his own and gets lost in the city," Fe and I then left Trixie's room and made our way to my dad's room, and this time without the Elements directing.

"I just thought of something," Fe said as we just passed the elevator.

"What is it?"

"Does your dad know about your current accessories?" she asked as she pointed to my wings and the Element markings, which they have turned back into among all of the rushed panic.

"Oh dang."

Third POV

When Aceiro and Fe left Trixie's room, the owner of the room had started to stir awake. Trixie opened her eyes and looked around confused, "where am I? How did I get here? In fact, what happened to me?" she asked to nopony in particular with a worried tone as she saw the respirator on her face.

"Calm down young one," a voice called out of nowhere as Trixie was removing the breathing apparatus, startling Trixie from the unexpected reply.

"Who are you? Where are you?" Trixie asked more questions to the mystery voice.

"Hmm..." the voice sound as if it was contemplating about something, "I guess it couldn't hurt to reveal myself," the voice answered after a while. The air at the foot of the bed started to shimmer and a silver alicorn soon appeared out of the shimmering air, "hello Trixie, I'm Destiny, but please call me D," D greeted herself, "but I am sure that you wouldn't remember me, my name or my visit after I leave."

When Trixie saw D, she immediately felt a kind of fear, like she has met this strange alicorn before and it didn't felt it was under a good situation, "please don't hurt me," Trixie requested as she pulled up her sheets up to her chin.

"I am not going to hurt you young one," D reassuringly said to Trixie, "I am just here to see your part in all of this chaos to come to a close," she explained, which confused Trixie, "and I have to say, it went exceptionally well."

D started to make her way to the door, as D was stepping over the remains of the doorframe they started to quiver and then moved back to original place before Aceiro's entrance. When D was reaching out to the repaired door, she stops and looks back at Trixie, "I am sorry that you have to be part of all of this mess," D apologized, "now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a little chat with a certain deity of chaos," and then she disappeared into the air just as she stepped into the hallway.

Trixie sat there in the bed thinking, who was that strange pony? And then Trixie realized something, wait, who was I talking to? In fact was I having a conversation with somepony? Trixie looked around confused, "where am I? How did I get here? In fact, what happened to me?" she asked out loud to nopony in particular, and then getting a sense of déjà vu.


Alright folks, this chapter was originally going to introduce Fe to Aceiro's dad, but as you can see that didn't go as planned, but I am starting to get back into the rhythm of things. So I think I can say, expect the next chapter by the end of the week, so leave your comments, questions, and reviews behind.

Now that I have said that, I have been wondering about something for a while now, can someone please explain to me what Steampunk Equestria is and what the plot behind it?

Also, if you can, do you think you can mention my story around, because I want to see what others think about it, thank you.

End A/N

Chapter 58: Surprises for My Dad

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Thank you all, my readers, for keeping me motivated to write this story, now onto chapter 58.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

As Fe and I hurried down the hallway and towards my dad's room, I felt something staring at my back. I stopped in my tracks and looked back the way we just came from and saw nothing but door-filled hallway, but I couldn't shake off the feeling as if I am being stared at, "hurry up Aceiro," Fe called back, shaking me out of my wondering state.

"Oh sorry," I apologized. I quickly took off and caught up to Fe just as she stopped at a door.

"What was all that about?" Fe asked as I was calming my breathing.

"Sorry, I got a weird feeling like I am being watched," I explained the cause for me stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"There's nopony there," Fe stated.

"I know," having the same opinion as her, "that was the odd part," I looked back down the hallway and didn't get any odd feeling, "well anyway the feeling is gone, let's go inside, my dad has waited enough," I pointed out.

"Then why are we still waiting out here?" Fe pointed out. Fe reached out and opened the door E-one hundred fifty and walked inside, but as I was about follow her inside I felt a sudden pain in my chest, causing me to grasp it and feeling my breathing became labored, but just as soon as the pain appeared, it went away, ok what was that, heartburn?

"Hello," I head Fe call out, "anypony here- oh sweet Celestia," I heard Fe cried out in alarm.

I put aside the odd feeling and rushed inside the room and there I saw Fe lying on the ground, "Fe what's wrong, what happened, are you okay?" I panicky asked as rushed to her side, worried for wellbeing.

When I saw Fe blindly reach out towards me with her hoof I let out a sigh of relief, but when Fe's blind hoof found my neck, she forcibly yanked me to the floor with her and hissed to me, "what are you doing? Bow down."

"Huh? Why?" I asked her and her answer was to point forward. I looked up and saw what made Fe to cry out "sweet Celestia", for there standing by the bed that it is being occupied by my dad, was Princess Celestia, "holy guacamole," I said shocked at her appearance, which caused the sun princess to smile and giggle.

"Please raise, there is no need for you two to bow to me here," Princess Celestia told us as she walked away from my dad's bed and towards us, "and to tell you the truth, it is seriously getting old and trust me I know old," she added with a wink as Fe and I stood up and then I realized something, did she just make a… joke?

I quickly shook that thought away and turn my attention to the solar being in front of me and Fe, "Princess Celestia, um no offense or anything, but why in Equestria are you here?" I asked her, and was rewarded with an elbow into my side from Fe. I looked towards Fe and saw that she is giving me a glaring look, "what?"

"What? What?" Fe said disbelieved, "you just asked why one of the royal sisters is doing here, like you are close friends," the sound of a throat being cleared stopped Fe from saying anything more and caused her to look towards Celestia with an embarrassed look, "oh sorry your highness," she apologized with another bow.

"That's okay," Celestia reassured her, "but let me tell you though my little pony, I say that Aceiro is one of my friends, for he and his other friends have helped me to… teach, some manners into my nephew Blueblood," she said with a wink towards me, reminding me what I did to Blueblood, I hope they were able to fix the table. As if she read my mind she added, "And don't worry, they were able to fix the table."

"Well that is great to know, but can you tell us why you are here?" I asked her casually as Fe recovered from her bow.

"Well you see, the reason I am here is because I making sure that your father is doing fine and keeping him company while you two arrived, which may I ask, what took you to so long?"

"Well, we had to make an unexpected trip to meet somepony to help them," I explained, "but we got it taken care of them," I added.

"Oh, then that's alright," Celestia said, "and you see there's another reason I am here as well."

"What's the other reason?" I questioned.

"She is offering me a job," my spoke up, reminding me that he's the cause we are here today, I looked towards where I heard him and saw that he's getting out of the bed walking towards us.

I guess he's finally able to walk properly like a pony, I thought and then what my dad said sunk in, "wait a minute, a job?" I asked towards Celestia.

"Of course, you see our last accountant quit after he saw all the damage costs from all of those attacks that happened in Canterlot," she explained and then she grew grim, "all of those papers, so many papers," she shuddered and shook herself out of her funk, "so anyway, when I found out that Numeral is an accountant, I came over and see if he'll accept the offer for the accounting position."

"Which I have to it surprised me, I mean the ruler of the land is giving me a job, I was overwhelmed, "he confessed. He then turn towards Celestia revealing an X as his cutie mark, dummy that's a numeral symbol of ten, "but I have your answer now, I decided to take you up on your offer, after all I am good account."

"Excellent then," Celestia happily said, "I will just pass the burden- ah I mean, get you acquainted with your job tomorrow, so come to the castle," and with that she turn to Fe and I and added, "now I have a lot of things to do before sunset, so I must leave you three so you alone, see you all on another day," and with that she walked past us and walked out of the door.

After a few seconds of silence my dad spoke up, "well aside from the document-feared ruler and giving me a job, it is good to see you Aceiro," my dad happily said as he embraced me into a hug.

"Good to see you too as well," I greeted back, "and seeing you that you are completely alright now."

We both broke the hug and then he noticed Fe standing next to me, "and who is this lovely lady?" he asked as he took a step forward and putting out a hoof, which Fe retaliated by taking a step backwards, making my dad raised a questioning eyebrow, "what's wrong?"

"My name is Fe and sorry sir, but it is nothing personal, it is in my culture to not make contact with others, and the only way to gain the personal closeness of the pony from our cultural is that they must have complete trust and faith in the one they love," she explained to my dad.

"That's quite a culture, wait a minute, but you made contact with my son," he said as he pointed to me and then to Fe, "so does that mean…"

"Yes, I love him and his marefriend as well," she confirmed, she then proceeded to give me a hug-tackle, which caused the metal wings to cling together, making the chiming sound and revealing them to my dad as well.

"Wow, how did this happen?"

"Well it all started when I was being picked on a gang of dragons…" Fe then told him what happened when I found her, "and we have been seeing each other since, but without making contact you know, but after an accident I found that I have feeling for him when I worried for him."

My dad looks towards me, "it sounds like you had quite an adventure, but what happened? Because the last time I saw you, you didn't have wings and what is also with up those tattoos?" he asked as he pointed to the black and white markings on my arm.

Oh boy, this is going to take a while, "Well, as Fe said I was in an accident due to a dragon attack while we were testing out an experimental pair of wings, the fire from the dragon burned the wings into my body, which then my body integrated them into itself."

"That sounds painful," my dad said with a worried tone, "But if you are out and walking about, then I guess that means you are alright, but what about those markings?" he repeated.

"Well there are some things you should know first though..." I started, and then I told him what happened to me from our last visit to the Canterlot wedding and to what we did before we came here, leaving out the crazy day of when the mares in Ponyville went nuts with heat, "and that's what happened to me so far," I finish my story to my dad.

"Wow so you help save this land that is some adventure, for I would never have thought that my son would accomplish feats like those, your mom would be so proud," he said with a happy sad look, "you are just like her, helping others and accomplishing goals like she did, but her greatest accomplish was you."

"Wow," Fe said impressed, "your mom sounds amazing, is there any way I am to meet your mom?" she asked unaware of what she said. Fe saw our sad looks and then she understood the meaning in what my dad said, "wait, would, did, those are past-tense… oh sorry, I didn't know," she apologized as she understood that my mom isn't with us anymore.

"That's ok Fe," my dad said reassuringly, "it is just that she was a great mother and wife to the both of us, sigh, I still miss her occasionally, but don't worry, we both have gotten over it so don't fret over it," he said to her with a smile.

"Well I am still sorry for reminding you," Fe repeated, "so what are you going to do now?"

"Well I don't have to worry about finding a job anymore," he thought it over, "but I do have to find a place to live now though."

Fe looked over to me and nudged me, "don't you have something to give him?" she said as she pointed towards the saddlebag, reminding me that I have something for him.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot," I said as I took off the saddlebag, and then gave them to my dad, which caused him to drop from the unexpected weight of what's inside.

"What's in the bag?" he asked, strained as he lifted the bag off of the floor.

"Well, there are things inside the bag are going to help you get your life started," I hinted.

My dad released the latch and opened it and took a gasp at what he saw inside, "Aceiro, I can't accept this, you probably had worked a lot of hours if it is this large of amount," he complained, for filled almost to the top of the bag were bits and there resting on top of the bits was an envelope.

"It's no problem dad," I said reassuringly, "Star and Arcana pitched in as well and there is more as well."

"There's more?" my dad asked disbelieved.

"Yeah there's more," I confirmed, "look inside the envelope."

My dad complied and took out the envelope and opened it, taking out a letter. He then started to read the letter, after about a minute and he looked up from the letter, "Aceiro, this a deed to a house, how did you even get this?"

"A little gift from the Princess Celestia's sister, Princess Luna," I answered him, "don't ask me why she gave it to me, all she said was to give it to you and that you can't decline it, because it's already owned by you."

"Now that is awfully sly of a Princess," my dad pointing out that deception.

"Well she is the princess of the night," Fe whispered in my ear, causing me to grin.

"Well we have stayed long enough," I said to my dad steering away from our current conversation, "let's get you checked out of this hospital and show you the city."

"Yes let's..." my dad agreed, "because I am getting slightly sick from eating the hospital food," he explained, sticking out his tongue in antipathy.

We all walked out of the room and back to the elevator, with Fe walking on my right with my dad on my left. We soon came upon the elevator that had taken us up on this floor I then pushed the button calling the elevator and we didn't have to wait long, for the doors opened revealing the same pony from before, "what floor would you like to go to?" the operator asked us as we stepped inside.

"Lobby please," Fe responded back to him.

The operator closed the doors and brought us down to the lobby with the feeling of falling forming, we soon came to a stop and he opened the doors showing the hallway that we just came down about an hour earlier. As we were leaving the elevator we heard the elevator operator calling out to us, "thank you and have a nice day."

We all returned the saying and made our way to the front desk to check out my dad from the hospital. We reached the front desk and saw the same pony sitting there as well with a bored look on her face. When she saw us standing at the front desk she spoke up, "is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes there is," I answered as I stepped up towards the receptionist, "I would like to check my dad out of the hospital please."

"Of course," she said, and then proceeded to reach into the space underneath the counter and pulled out another binder about the same size as the first one from before and slapped it in front of her, making a thud to be made throughout the foyer. She flipped it open to a page in the binder and pulled it out and slapped it to me, "now, would you please sign here, here, here and there," she said as she pointed to the places to sign.

I looked around for and writing utensils and saw container filled with pens to my right, I leaned over and picked one up in my mouth and moved back over the release form and started signing it, making sure not to make mistakes on it, "Aceiro can I say something to you?" Fe whispery asked as she walked up next to me.

"Uh huh," I answered with a pen-filled mouth as I moved to the next place to sign.

"Well, since I met your dad, I was wondering if I can ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?" I asked for what she wanted to ask me as I moved to the last spot to sign so my dad can get out the hospital.

"Well you see, I want you to meet my parents," when she said that, my concentration broke and the pen slipped in my mouth and went across the form and flew out of my mouth, with the results being a large slash of ink to be made from one side of the form to the other.

"Wait what?" I asked hoping that I heard wrong.

"I want you to meet my parents, because they want to know the stallion that I have complete trust in," she explained, "because I want to establish good ground with you and my parents."

"Okay that isn't so bad," I reassured myself, but I can feel the panic rising deep inside, igniting that heartburn feeling from before, I then thumped my chest and faking it into a cough until it went away, "so when is it okay to meet your parents?"

"This is excellent, and three days from now is good," she said happily as she walked away.

And then I heard my dad spoke up next to me, "there is something you should know Aceiro, when your mother wanted me to met her parents as well."

"Really," hoping for some helpful advice for Fe's parents, "what happened? Did it go alright?"

"Well…" my dad hesitantly started, "… not exactly, let's just say that it didn't end well," when he said that, I felt the burning feeling rising inside my chest, oh thanks a lot dad, that's helpful at all.

I hear a coughing sound, causing me look where the sound originated from and saw that it came from a very irked receptionist, "can you have this conversation somewhere else please, so I can have the form back please?"

When she mentioned about the form, I looked down and saw the slash across it, "can I have a new release form please?" I nervously asked her as I gave the ruined form to her. She looked at it and gave and an annoyed look, she then released a sigh and went back to the still open binder and pulled a new form out.

"And this time, try not to ruin this one," she instructed with an aggravated tone.

"I promise, I won't," I said as I reached for the container to get a new pen, but my thoughts keep turning to meeting Fe's parents, oh boy, I have a funny feeling about this, I thought as I started to resign my dad's release form.


Well, I am definitely getting back into the spirit of things, so tell me what you think in the forms of reviews, comments and questions, and also to the anonymous person on Fanfiction that left the review saying "what happened to chapter 58 to 63?" well I deleted all of the author notes and pointless pages in the story and that is what happened.

So goodbye for now, and plus thanks to those that left their thoughts behind in the comments.

End A/N

Chapter 59: Meeting the Folks

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Okay folks, there comes a time when a thought comes into the head of every writer, "I should post my story on Equestria Daily." Which I did, but a few minutes later I received an Email saying that I have been denied from the site due to a lot of errors in the older chapters, but oh well, even though I was denied to have my story on the site, that was only strike one, so it means that I have to more chances to get my story on that site.

Also I am sorry in advance for the typos, for my computer's "I" key is all screwy. Oh and before I forget, Happy (late) Birthday Lauren Faust and thank you for creating this show.

Alrighty now, enough chitchat, here is chapter 59; Aceiro meeting Fe's parents.

End A/N

"Are you sure about this Fe?" I asked her as I put my heavy coat into my locker and shut it, "because I am a little nervous about this," I clarified as I looked towards her and saw her taking out her saddlebags out of her locker and closed it.

It has been a few days after Fe and I checked my dad out of the hospital and got him acquainted with his new house, which is nearby the castle grounds making it easier for him to get to his new job. Now I am asking her about meeting her parents in the prep station at the Iron Heart, feeling slightly worried about them.

"Yes Aceiro," she said as she walked up to me and gave me a peck on my cheek, "all my parents really wants is just to meet you, and besides you did said that you'll do this for me," she added, bringing up the promise I made.

"Sigh, you're right I did," I established, "fine, let's get this over with."

"Excellent," Fe happily said as she started to drag me out of the prep station, "and don't worry, I am pretty sure that my parents would like you."

Pretty sure… why don't I like the sound of that? I questioned in my head as Fe led me out of the Iron Heart.

After we both left the castle grounds, Fe flagged down a taxi for us and the told the driver her parents' address just as soon as we got in the taxi, we were then on our way. As we made our way away from the castle grounds and towards the residential area, Fe spoke up sounding nervous, "I forgot to mention something that you should know," we then entered the residential area and passed fancy-looking houses, "my parents are a couple of successful ponies."

"And how successful are they?" I nervously asked, worried about my chance to make an impression with her parents.

"Well…" she started as the taxi the pull up to an extremely fancy-looking house that made me drop my mouth in amazement, "… my mom owns some of the high class hotels here, while my dad owns most of all the press media here in Canterlot," when she mentioned that her dad owns the press media, I remembered the time I did to the reporters that were hunting me and my friends at the time in Ponyville and what I did and said to get them to stop pestering us, ah shit there goes my chance of making an impression, I had probably pissed him off before I even know him, let alone met him.

"Well, are you coming?" I heard Fe asked, bringing me back to reality.

I looked to where I heard her and saw that she has already got off the taxi and was looking back at me at the gate leading towards her home, "oh right, sorry I was thinking about something," I explained as I stepped off the taxi.

"And don't worry about the paying the driver, I already paid him," Fe called out as she opened the gate and made her way up the path to the front door. I thanked the driver and made my way up the path and stood beside Fe as she pulled out a key from her saddlebag and inserted it into the door, and then a doomed feeling descended on me as she opened the door and swung it opened.

"Mom, dad, are you home?" Fe called out when we both entered through the door and into a spacious foyer. Damn, I thought as I saw that it is quite large, with a staircase in front of us and a hallway branching off to our left and right, and the walls filled with family pictures. When Fe didn't get an answer as we waited there for five minutes, she looked at me, "we're in luck my parents aren't home yet," I release a breath of relief that I had been holding knowing that I am safe… for now anyway. I hear sniffing noises, which caused me to look up and saw Fe wrinkling her nose as if she smelling something that wasn't supposed to be in the house.

"What?" I asked as I took a sniff of the air and not smelling anything.

"Well, if you want to make a good impression with my parents, I suggest that you should do something about that smell, because you smell like sweat and melted metal," she answered and then proceeded to smell herself, "and as do I," she added with a aversion look.

"Then where do I clean myself?" I asked her, not wanting to make things worse due to the way I smell with her parents.

"There, down the hall that way, is a bathroom behind the second door on the left," she answered as she pointed to the hallway to my right, "and I am going upstairs to my own bathroom," she said with a wink as she started going up the stairs. When reached the top of the stair she looked down at me and said, "And don't worry about towels, there are already some in the bathroom," and with that she walked away from my view.

I then made my way down the right hallway, following Fe's instructions. When I entered the corridor, I hear the sound of running water coming from upstairs, I paid now mind and continue on my way. I passed the first door, at first glance it appeared to be just one your normal doors, but then noticed that there appears to be a door flap, like those that dogs and cats uses, set into the bottom of the door, which caused me to pause at the oddly placed pet door. Huh, Fe must have a dog or cat, I concluded as I resumed my way to the bathroom.

I reached the second door, and then opened it as well as then walk inside. I soon as I took a step inside the bathroom I saw it was dark. I reach out with my hoof and started feeling around on the wall, looking for a light switch. I eventually found the switch and flicked it on and what I saw made me take a step in surprise , dang if this is a guest bathroom, then I don't want to see what the private bathrooms are, I thought as I looked around the bathroom as I was immediately meet with marble tile flooring, a large-scale mirror and a large bathtub that can probably fit two ponies at the same time comfortably, but the thing that caught my attention was a flap set into the left wall, huh, it must be a laundry chute.

I turned my attention away from it and made my way to the giant bathtub to get rid of the stink I carry. After I had turned on the water and making sure it is just right, I stepped into the shower, pulled the shower curtain around and started cleaning myself with the less fancy bottle of soap that I found among the other bottles that are set up besides the tub. I rinsed the soap off of my body under the spray of water, causing the sound of rain hitting a tin roof to be caused as the water hit my wings. As I was rinsing off the soap, some of it leaked into my eyes, causing me to let out winces of pain as the soap stung my eyes. I quickly shut off the water, removed the curtain and blindly stepped out of the tub, careful not to slip on, what I am sure is now, the wet marble floor, and blindly reach out for a towel that I remember seeing hanging on towel rack beside the tub.

I felt something soft make contact with my hoof, which I then recognize it as one of the towels I then grasped it and started rubbing it in my face, which caused the stinginess to lessen and then started working on the rest of my body. After I've finally completed drying my coat, I stretched out my wings and awkwardly started wiping them down, I don't know if these wings can form rust or not, but I am not going to take that chance and find out later during some activity, and then I felt pain in my shoulder as a cramp formed in it, causing me to drop the towel. "Ah dang it," I uttered as I rubbed my shoulder, I then picked up my towel, "it is always a pain to dry these wings," I stated as I about to resume the task on my wings. As I am finishing up at drying my wings, I heard something being swung on hinges behind me and soon followed by the sounds of something clicking across the floor.

I slowly look behind me and there I saw a black form moving about behind me, but I couldn't see it well due to the blurriness in my eyes from the soap, but the way it moves reminded me of that of a rat. I saw the odd form then started to moved towards me, without thinking I jumped up and quickly rushed out of the bathroom in a rush, "Fe, I think you have a giant rat in the house," I called out to Fe as I rushed down the hallway and into the foyer, where I saw Fe leaning over the banister, with a towel wrapped around her head and looking down at me with a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean, there's a giant rat in the house?" she asked me.

I took a breath and repeated what I saw in the bathroom, "alright, I just finished taking a shower and when I finished drying myself off, I heard something walking behind, so when I looked to see what it was, I saw a black form moving against the wall and then it started to move towards me."

Then a look of understanding appeared on her face, she then started to giggle for some reason, "oh, that wasn't rat, that was Olli."

"Olli, what's an Olli?" I asked her, and then I hear the sound of something clicking against the floor, coming right up to me from the behind, I look behind and saw the last thing I would expect in this house; an otter. The otter walked past me, giving me a nod and look that said "what's up?" and then continues its way towards the hallway on the other side of the foyer, "what's up with the otter?" I asked Fe as I look back up at her, all confused about this situation.

She just giggle at my confusion and answered me, "silly that's my pet otter, Olli."

I am learning more and more about this girl, "why do you have an otter?" I asked her, feeling the shock I received from the otter, fading away, "in fact, where did you even get one?" I added.

"Well you see. When I was little and before my family and I moved her to Canterlot, we lived across the sea…" Fe started to explain as she made her way down the stair, "... we were all having a nice picnic at a beach and we found him all alone, injured and scared. I convinced my parents to take him home and took I care for him, and when he had fully recovered he had became part of our family and he didn't want to leave, neither did we want him to go anyway," she finished as she walked up to me, "so he has been with us every since."

"Wow, that's amazing… you're amazing" amazed at what I learned more about my marefriend, and then I realized what I said at the end, making me blush from embarrassment, which Fe just giggles.

"I have said this before, you are really cute when you are embarrassed," and then she proceeded to kiss me. I held the kiss for a few seconds, completely unaware of my surroundings, but the sound of somepony clearing their throat making me alert that we both weren't alone anymore.

I broke the kiss and looked to the now open door and saw a pony couple standing there, and the stallion didn't look happy and he is also as large as Big Mac, maybe bigger, damn he's huge… I am so dead, "so this is the stallion that holds my daughter's love in his hooves," he spoke with a mild of abhor in his tone, "a rough and gruff, ill-mannered stallion."

"Now you stop it Printing," the mare said to the stallion, "I am sure there are more to his characteristics then that that got our daughter to put her trust into him, so give him a chance to prove himself."

When they mentioned about their daughter, I realized who these ponies are; they are Fe's parents. Oh shit, there goes my chance to make a good impression, I grimly thought, worried for my wellbeing, "fine then, I will give him a chance Caupona," Printing agreed with his wife, making me more worried about my well being.

"Great," Caupona happily said, "now, who's up for dinner?"

Oh boy.

After being led down the other hallway by Fe's parents and into a dining room and settled at it, Printing and I sat across of each other at the dining table in awkward silence, while Fe and her mother are in the kitchen preparing dinner for all of us. I tried to think of conversation starters, but I couldn't think of any that makes me sound like an idiot. So I said nothing and just sat there doing nothing, with Fe's dad observing me and the sounds of dinner getting ready in the kitchen next door.

I ruffled my wings to get a forming cramp out of my shoulders and noted Printing's gaze shift to them, making me more uncomfortable under his gaze. Please, let dinner come and so I can get this over with, I pleadingly thought to anything that can hear me, and as if my prayers have been answered I heard Fe call out from the kitchen, "alright everypony dinner is ready."

Oh thank you, Fe and her mother entered the dining room through the swinging door that connected the two rooms together, with platters of food that smelled delicious and tableware balanced on their backs. Fe and her mom quickly set up the table with food and plates, when they finished setting up Fe's mom went over to Printing and sat down next to him and Fe walking over to me and sitting by my side.

"Alright everypony," Fe's mom announces, "Let's start eating," we all then dug into the food and start eating it.

At first it started out as a quiet meal with only the sounds of silverware hitting the china, but then about halfway through the meal, Fe's dad spoke up, "so tell me, how did you and Fe met?" Printing asked me casually making me choke on the food that was going down my throat at the time when he asked me that.

I painfully swallowed the obstructive victuals and took a breath, "well, you see sir, I met Fe when I was working at the Iron Heart and had just finished unloading a cart of scraps and was taking it back, when I heard her in distressed," this got a worried look from her mom that was aimed towards Fe, "so I followed where it was coming from and saw her surrounded by a group of dragons."

"Oh Fe," her mom said, troubled at what I said, "I knew that place isn't going to be a good place for you, I should have never let you work at the place."

"So I was right, he is just a brute who loves to fight," Fe's dad confirming his own believes, I'm a brute? I questioningly thought, but he's bigger than me.

"Mom, please, you don't have to worry, Aceiro here came in and started defending me from the dragons," Fe explained to her mom and dad, "in fact he did it even when his own safety was at risk, and dad he is not a brute."

This calmed her mom down, but I am now getting a wary look from her dad, "well glad to know that you helped our daughter, now go on and tell us more about yourself Aceiro," Caupona requested of me, wanting to know more.

"Well… I moved here from Ponyville after all of the… excitement that had happened down there and actually got to meet the princesses, but after Princess Celestia left for some business, I had little… mishap with their nephew Blueblood and Princess Luna saw it all, but instead of punishment, she gave me a job at the Iron Heart because she saw my talents, and don't worry Blueblood is all okay," I think.

"And what is this talent of yours?" Fe's mother inquired.

"It involves with metal-like materials," I supplied, "if it has metal, I can make anything out of it."

"That is amazing, but what those wings of yours," she asked as she pointed to the wings folded o at my sides, "I remember Fe saying that she meet a extraordinary earth pony, but I see that you have wings, what is up with that?"

"Well mom," Fe picking up the story, "Aceiro and I had spent some time after the dragon incident and we came up with a thought; detachable wings. So we both put in our resources and created a pair of wings, and then got a unicorn to enchant them with a flight spell and Aceiro volunteered to be the tester, but as Aceiro was making his way back from completing the trail run, he was struck by a fireball, which we then learned that it was one of the dragons that Aceiro beaten."

"Next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital with the wings attached to my body and the doctor said that they couldn't remove the wings, because my body had integrated them into itself with my talent," I finished the tale.

"Does it hurt?" Caupona asked me.

"Nah, in fact they feel as they belong there anyway," I answered as I took a bite out of my dinner, and with that the conversion died down and we all resumed our meal. When all of the food disappeared, Fe's mother spoke out, "well I guess it is now time for dessert," and with that she and Fe stood up and started to clear the table.

"I'll help," I suggested as I stood up to help and to get away from Fe's father, unsettling observing gaze.

"No…" Fe said to me assertively, which caused me to sit back down in the chair from her assertiveness,"…you stay here. My mother and I will get this," and with that she and her mother gathered all the dishes and went into the kitchen, but before she left the room, she looked back at me and added, "and please, try to get to know him," and with that she entered the kitchen, leaving me with her dad once more.

A few minutes of the familiar awkward silence, he spoke up, "you know Aceiro, you are really interesting," Fe's dad said to, "but there is something about you that have been bothering me, do you mind if I ask you what it is?"

"Sure, what is it?" I asked as I nervously took a sip from my cup.

"Well all of the things that you said happened to be in almost synch with all of the events that have happened here in Canterlot and Ponyville, so answer me this, are you one of the Unsung Heroes?"

When he asked me that, I choked on the water and saw a grin form on Printing's face, "I will take that as a yes, and I have to say, you have some guts if you are going to "shove my story down my throat"."

"Look sir," I said in a panicky state, "in my defense, your reporters were driving me and my friend nuts," but then I heard the last thing I would not have expected from him, due to his serious nature; laughter. "Huh, what's going on here?" I asked completely confused from this ordeal.

Printing finally calmed down enough and replied back, "sorry kid, but I just need to make sure that you are one of those ponies that will do good things."

"Wait, so you're not mad about that threat I made?"

"Oh, no, no, no, in fact I have to say congratulations, because you have something that other stallions doesn't have; guts, because other ponies are usually intimidated of me due to my large size. So I have this to say, you can date my little girl."

I was surprised by this turn of events, "so you're not going to kill me?" I dumbly asked.

He let out hearty laugh and then said, "no I am not," all of a sudden he stopped laughing and leaned in close, coldly staring at me and said in an equally as cold tone as his gaze, "But, if I ever find out that you harmed my little girl in any way, I am going to make you wish that you never have set your eyes on my daughter." I gulped from his sudden change in behavior and threat. All of sudden the door swung opened, making Printing's expression to rapidly change into one of that of a cheery one and sit up straight, and Fe and Caupona walked into the room with bowls of what looks like ice cream topped with an assortments of toppings.

Fe set a bowl in front of me along with a spoon, while her mother did the same for her husband, and then proceeded to sit next to me with her bowl of dessert and silverware, "so, were able you get to know him better?" she asked me as she leaned in closer.

"Oh yes, I have and him as well, and he said it is okay for us to be together," otherwise I am going to wish I wasn't born, I thought as I looked towards her dad and saw him staring at me, which caused me to take a gulp again.

"That's great news," Fe happily said, unaware that her happiness is the key for my wellbeing and safety from her dad, "well enough talking let's dig in," she announces and with that we all dug into the bowl of dessert. When I was about halfway through the desert, feeling the constant presence of my marefriend's dad eyes focused on me, Fe leaned in close again and said, "What's wrong? You look kind of stressed."

"Oh nothing," I smiled to her, reassuring her that nothing is wrong and that I am okay… for now, "just feeling overworked is all."

"Well, we do have some vacation time stored up," Fe pointed out one of our many perks of working in a workplace where the very air is poisonous; lot's of vacation time, "so let's go somewhere for a while, what do you think?"

"Sure that will be great," I agreed as I shift my gaze over to Printing and saw that he is giving a look that is saying "I am keeping an eye on you", "how about we go to Ponyville?" I suggested for a nice, quiet, and safe location.

"I am okay with that," Fe agrees with my suggestion, "after all I have never been to Ponyville, and I always wanted to see the quaint normal little town."

There is nothing normal about that town, I thought as I unconsciously brought my spoon back into the bowl and heard it hit the bottom of the now empty bowl instead of the delicious dessert, "are there any seconds?" I sheepishly asked as I raised my bowl for seconds.


Well folks sorry about the delay, but life is really getting on my butt here and also of the detail I put into this chapter, but I will try to get the next chapter up soon... I hope.

End A/N

Chapter 60: Train Trip to Ponyville

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“Are you ready yet Fe?” I called out towards upstairs, “because if we want to catch the train on time, we have to go right now,” I quickly explained as I felt my saddlebags’ strap bury itself deeper into my back.

“Hold on to your horseshoes, I'm coming,” Fe called back as she appeared at the top of the stairs with her own saddlebags strapped onto her back, “besides we still have a few minutes to spare, so there’s no need to hurry,” she pointed out as she walked up to me.

“I just want to get us to the train station early so you won’t make any necessary contact with anypony else,” I explained for my rushed manner, “and also I want to meet up with the rest of my friends, because I haven’t seen them for a while.”

“Ah, you’re sweet when you care about others,” Fe winked at me as she walked past me and out of the front door.

As I was about to follow her outside, somepony called out above, “Wait a minute Aceiro,” I stopped and looked behind and saw the large form of Printing standing at the top of the stairs, “I have something to tell you,” he explained as he walked down the stairs and towards me, towering over me, making me feel even more smaller.

"What do you want to tell me?" I nervously asked him.

"I want to remind you what would happen to you if Fe gets hurt in some way," he said with a stink eye, reminding me the threat he made at dinner. I nervously nodded and his expression instantly changed, "good have a nice trip now," and then he walked away from me and down the hallway that leads to the kitchen and dining room.

Seriously, he scares me, I thought and then I hear Fe call out from outside, "are you coming Aceiro?" she asked me from outside, "Because we are going to miss our train."

"Oh yeah, the train," I quickly put out of mind the… tip that Printing gave me and rushed outside and saw Fe comfortably sitting in the taxi carriage, waiting for me. I walked to the carriage, got inside and sat next to my marefriend.

The driver looked back towards us, "so where to?"

"The train station please," Fe answered him and the driver nodded and we were then off. Fe turns towards me and asked me just we left the fancy neighborhood, "so what happened back there at the house?"

"Oh, your dad was just giving me a last minute advice before we left," I responded.

"And what was this advice?" she inquired.

"To make sure that nothing happens to you while we are on this trip," I responded and was rewarded with a hug from Fe.

"Ah that is sweet, but I am sure that nothing bad will happen in a small town."

"I don't know, Fate seems to like to stir things up in that town once in awhile," I pointed out that information about the town as we entered the city.

"Well if something does happen in Ponyville, I know who is going to watch over me," she hinted as she snuggled in closer to me. I took the hint and wrapped a wing around her shoulders, and we then just sat there and watch the surrounds as we moved through the city, and towards the train station.

We soon arrived at the station and we stepped off the carriage and paid the driver, which he accepted and walked away; possibly looking for new customers. We made our way to the entrance of the station and entered through it, and when we stepped inside and saw that there were a few ponies walking about here and there, relieving the stress that I was holding of having to navigate through a bustling crowd with Fe besides me.

I spotted the ticket counter with only a few ponies here and there as well, buying tickets from the teller ponies behind the glass. Fe and I made our way an open ticket booth and we saw a very bored looking unicorn mare sitting behind the glass, with her head resting in her hooves. "Slow day?" I asked her as we came up to the counter and saw a nameplate saying Ticket.

"You have no idea," Ticket responded back and then with a yawn as well, "Well anyway, what can I do for you two?" she asked us getting down to business.

"Two tickets to Ponyville please," Fe answered her.

"That will be six bits," Ticket said as she reached underneath the counter and pulls out two slips of paper. I reached into my saddlebag and started rummage through it until I felt the coin sack where my bits are stored in, I pulled out the bag and took out the right amount and gave it to the teller, where she then gave the tickets to me, which I then gave to Fe, "your train leaves in about…" she looks behind her where a clock is hanging on the wall behind her, "… five minutes so I suggest that you should get going," the teller said as if she is repeating this by memory.

"Thank you," Fe thanked her as she started to pull me towards the exit that is located on the other side of the building. We rushed down the almost empty lobby of the station, passing an occasionally pony who was in the same rush as we are. Fe and I exited the building and saw the train in front of us, already steaming and prepared to leave, we made our way up the stairs that were on our right and onto the platform just as we heard the conductor call out, "the train to Ponyville is about to leave, all aboard!"

We quickly got inside the passenger train car and made our way down the alley until we found an empty seat for the both of us. I let Fe get into the seat first so she can get the window view and that I can also protect her from accidental contact being made from other ponies. Just as we settled into our seats, the train gave a quick jerk and then we felt it starting to move forward.

A few minutes later, the city of Canterlot is behind us and growing smaller, with the conductor coming down the alley repetitively saying, "Ticket please, please show your tickets." We showed him our tickets as he went by us and he then entered into the next car, and then hearing him asking for tickets.

"I am so excited," Fe all thrilled about something, "I have never been outside of the city since I moved into the city," she explained as she looked outside of the window and at the scenery passing by.

"Then it is going to be a treat," I said to her as I watch the scenery pass by with Fe, until we entered a tunnel and everything became a shade darker.


"Aceiro wake up," and then I felt something hit me in the shoulder.

Huh? What? I quickly opened my eyes and saw that it looked later than before, I must have fallen asleep, I concluded as I let out a yawn. "Jeez, you sure can sleep," Fe observed, "I tried to wake you up until I was resorted to hit you."

When I heard that she hit me, I felt my shoulder started to throb, "ow, that smarts," I said as I rubbed the area she hit me in and looked towards Fe, "well anyway, are we almost to Ponyville?" I asked as I tried to look outside, but just got a view of a mountainside.

"Yes we are," Fe answered, "but there is something going on at Ponyville through."

"What is it?" but just as I finished the question, the sight of the mountainside disappeared and Ponyville came into view. At first I didn't anything different with the town, but then I noticed that in the field outside of Ponyville is large amount of tents with what looks like birds flying about here and there above them.

"What's going on down there?" Fe asked as she pressed her face against the window, but then the train entered a tunnel, so now we have a view of brickwork rushing by the window, and causing Fe sat back down looking a bit disappointed, "well is a carnival going right now?" Fe asked me.

"I don't think it is," I assumed, "it looked more like a campsite than a carnival."

The sight of brickwork disappeared as we exited the tunnel and saw Ponyville in the distance and getting closer to it. After a few minutes, the train finally pulled up into the train station at Ponyville and as we were getting up, the conductor walked into our car and announces, "We have arrived at Ponyville, so if there are any ponies that are suppose to get off, please step lightly and depart from the train, thank you."

After Fe and I made sure that out saddlebags are still secured, we got off of the train and onto the platform. We looked around and saw that we were the only ones that had gotten off, "So what now?" Fe asked me as the train started up and left the station.

"We can either go visit Star and Arcana, or we can go and see what is up with those tents set up outside of Ponyville," I listed our options for us to do.

"I would like to go and see the tents, but that can wait after all it doesn't look like they are leaving anytime soon, so let's go and see your friends," Fe answered, but then her stomach started to rumble and soon after mine, "after we go and find something to eat."

"Well I know a place that serves some good milkshakes, we can go there," I suggested as I remember the store that Lyra took me to, "then we can go and see what's happening here in Ponyville."

"I am good with that," Fe agrees.

"Alrighty then, follow me," I said to her as I stepped off of the platform with Fe following me soon after. We made our way through Ponyville enjoying the nostalgic site of Ponyville and Fe looking around in amazement, but as soon as we stepped into the market area and when we saw what was in there, we stopped in our tracks, for there mingling here and there at various food and souvenir stands are deer, lots of deer and were wearing nomadic clothing.

"Well that explains what going on," I said as I put the tents and deer together.

"What's going on?" Fe asked me as she continues looking at the deer walking about and bowing to their fellow species and ponies, who in return, bow back to them.

"It appears that a nomadic tribe of deer have settled outside of town," I explained, "I have never seen deer before, so I would like to meet them."

"Me too," Fe concurred, but then our stomachs let out another rumble to remind us that we were going to get something to eat first. We laughed and then made our way through the market area, taking care in making sure that Fe isn't going to make contact with ponies and deer alike. After a few "excuse me" and "sorry" we finally made it to the milkshake shop.

Fe and I got comfortable at one of the tables outside of the store like I did when I met with Lyra, wow that was such a long time ago, I recounted my first time here. A few seconds later, a waiter stepped out of the restaurant and came right up to us, "is there anything you would like today?" she asked us.

"I would like a strawberry shake please," Fe replied.

"I would also like a strawberry shake as well."

The waiter wrote down our orders and walked back inside, "so how many times have you been here?" Fe asked me.

"Just once, but I can't say that my first time went great."


"Well it was after the attack in Canterlot and the reporters were doing a hunting competition for the Unsung Heroes, and they bugged me like crazy until I was forced to threaten them," I told her what happened.

"Wait a second," Fe realized something, "you're the reason why my dad was acting different when he came home that day?" she asked me, making me wince in the inside, crap she knows about the threat I made, I nodded and braced myself for a tongue-lashing, but instead I got laughter, "my dad was mighty impressed that he was stood up to, so I guess that helped you getting on his good side."

I let out a sigh of relief and at that moment our milkshakes arrived. After I paid for the shakes and gave the waitress a tip as well, Fe and I sat there and enjoying our shakes and each other's company. We soon finished our milkshakes and made our way to the residential area. I looked around for Star and Arcana's house trying to find the address that I get letters from them occasionally.

I finally found the street where they lived on and we made our way down the street, looking for their house. We found it and made our way to the front door and as I was about to knock on the door, the sounds of banging pots and pans was heard from the inside followed by cries of frustration. The sounds of fluttering wings drew our attention to the open window and there I saw confused me, for there, perched on the window still, was a bird, but it was colorful and it looked like a mixture of a toucan and a parrot and it also has a green band on its beak.

"What kind of bird is that?" Fe whispery asked as observed the bird.

"I don't know, I was going to ask you as well," I replied back in the same tone.

The bird must have heard us, for I turned and stared at us, and we back at it. However the staring contest was broken as the sounds of a struggle formed inside the house and Star crying out, "you damn birds," and all of a sudden a swarm of birds of the same strange species of bird as the one on the window still flew out of the open window in a colorful blur. A few seconds later after we saw the swarm of birds flew out of the window, we heard rushed hoof steps and then Star lean out of the window soaking wet and yelling at the mysterious birds, "you damn birds, what do you want? You already got back at me."

He stood there for a few more second until he then must have realized that he wasn't alone, for he then turn towards us and looked at us with a blank look until it finally registered in his mind, "oh pony feathers, sorry you two have to see that."

"What was all that about?" I asked him, "and what were those birds?"

"Hold that thought," Star said, "I feel like Mr. Timn here," and with that he drew back into the house.

"But Mr. Timn is supposed to be on the outside, not inside," I corrected him as I heard hoof steps move away from the window and then heard Star call out, probably to Arcana.

"Who's Mr. Timn?" Fe asked me confused.

"A comedian that pops in through windows," I answered her, and then the sounds of hoof steps coming towards to the door was heard

The door opened and there stood Star and Arcana, with Star looking a bit drier than before, "hello Aceiro, Fe, it's good to see you again," Arcana greeted us, "what brings you two to this interesting little town."

"Oh just taking some vacation time," Fe answered, oblivious about the way Arcana described Ponyville, "that and I also wanted to see and visit this town."

"Well come in and tell us what happened to you so far," Star said as he and Arcana moved away from the door, allowing us to enter and showing me a view of Star's damaged tail.

"Okay," I agreed as Fe and I walked inside, "but, tell me first, what happened to your tail?" I asked, which Star then answers back with a frustrated groan, as Fe and I stepped inside and close the door.


Sorry about the long wait everyone, but life has been getting the jump on me a lot lately, causing me to only write a few hundred words at a time.

Also today is Shadow Breeze's birthday. So let me say this, happy birthday Shadow. Now remember to post your comments, reviews, and questions in the comments and I will answer them and also go and check out Shadow Breeze's story, Living Between two Worlds.

End A/N

Chapter 61: The Explanation

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"So let me get this straight," I said to Star across the table trying to make sense of Star's story, and with Fe sitting next to me giggling after he told us what happened to him after Fe and I dropped off our saddlebags at the door and sat down at the table, "you pissed off a whole flock of birds that are called Murphy Birds, which they all attack the ones that made fun of them, and you, along with Shadow, were pranked and beaten up all over Ponyville," he nodded in confirmation, "you just have the worst luck."

"I agree," Arcana agreed with me, "and since the birds had so much fun getting back at Star, they occasionally prank Star here and there when he least expects it," she added, explaining the scene that involved Star and the birds earlier today.

"Is it always like this for him?" Fe asked me.

"Not always," I answered her, "sometimes he will win some…" this brought up Star's mood, "… but then it gets back at him doubled," I finish with a laugh and bringing Star back down again.

"Stupid birds, stupid universe, stupid trolling god," we all heard Star mutter under his breath, causing all of us to chuckle from the center of attention he seems to be getting from the universe and how he is showed in its love.

"Alright, alright, enough teasing and mocking me," Star finally announceds, breaking the roasting he was getting, and turns towards me, "you and Fe are supposed to be here on vacation, not to make fun of my fluctuating luck," he pointed out as he pointed towards me and Fe, "now what are you two going to do while you are in Ponyville?"

"Well," Fe said thinking about something, "I would like to visit the deer camp outside of town," Fe proposed, "I have never seen a deer before, let alone a whole tribe of them."

"I have never seen deer before as well," I hinted wanting to see the deer as well.

"Then let's go and get a tour of the nomadic deer's camp," Star said as he and Arcana stood up from the table and soon followed by me and Fe. We made our way to the front door, but as Star was about to open it, he paused and looked back at me and Fe, "oh and one more thing."

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Whatever you do, don't piss off the Murphy Birds," Star ominously warned us.

"Gotcha, don't want to repeat what you did and then end up like you," I confirmed with a grin.

Star gave me a bore look and then proceeded to open the door and lead us outside into the afternoon sun. We made our way down the street, passing familiar background ponies with a wave of greeting, but as we were about to leave the residential area, Fe leaned in close and asked me, "do hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I don't know, but it sounds like… buzzing wings," Fe tried her best to clarify what she is hearing.

I strained my ears to hear what Fe is hearing and true to her word I hear a buzzing sound that sounds so familiar, now where have I heard that sound before. As I was trying to remember where I heard that sound before, Star in front of us was chatting to us about Ponyville droning out the buzzing sound, "now, there are some things you should know about this little town, the first is that matter where you are in this town, watch what you say, because you might never know that you will get a response."

"What kind of response?" Fe asked him confused at what Star is saying and the buzzing sound now more noticeable.

"Oh nothing Fe," Star answered as he looked back at her unaware that buzzing sound that is apparently getting closer, "just watch what you're going to say," he then turned his attention forward as we came across a crossroad, he then added as he started to cross the street, "and another thing, always be alert, because you never know that you are going to get sideswiped."

When he said that, an orange blur, and then after a yellow and white blur, shot down the street and side tackled him, causing him and the colorful blurs to fly down the street that Star was trying to cross and making Arcana, Fe and I to wince from the painful sight we just witnessed. After we got over the shock of Star's sudden assault, we rushed towards Star and we saw what hit Star and it was in the form of three little fillies.

"I told you not to go so fast Scootaloo," I heard Applebloom speak to Scootaloo as she and Sweetie Bell got out of the wagon, "because you wouldn't be able to stop in time."

"Well at least we didn't hurt somepony," Scootaloo pointed out, "what did we hit anyway?" she asked, at the mention of hitting something, Star let out a moan of pain underneath them, which then gained the attention the three fillies, "never mind," Scootaloo corrected herself as she saw Star under her scooter and the wagon.

"Is it always like this for him?" Fe asked me concerned for Star's health as the CMC started to remove their form of transportation off of him.

"Pretty much every day, but don't worry about him, he has grown used to it," I reassured her and true to my word, Star started to get up from the ground with another pain filled moan.

"Ow that hurts," Star said as he stretched and popping sound came from his back, he then turn towards Fe, "now do you see what I mean?"

"I do now, but didn't you say to be alert so nothing like that will happen though?" Fe asked as she pointed what Star did wrong, creating a laughing fit from me and Arcana.

Star looked like he was about to make a snarky remark, but then Scootaloo walked up next to him and spoke up in a apologetic tone, "I'm sorry that I used you as a breaking pad for my out of control scooter," she then gave him a sad puppy eye look, which Star reacted as if he just been slapped across the face.

"That's okay Scootaloo," Star said as he got over from her cuteness attack, "but tell me why you are in such of a hurry?"

"Well to tell you the truth we were all looking for you three," Applebloom answered Star's question as she and Sweetie Bell came up and stood on each side of Scootaloo.

"Why?" Arcana replied.

"Well you see," Sweetie Bell taking over this conversation, "there is going to be a presentation day tomorrow and we would it if you three can be our presentations."

"So what you all mean is that you want us to be your show 'n' tell for school tomorrow," Star clarified, which the CMC replied back with a nod of confirmation.

"Okay, but why us?" Arcana asked them.

"I wanted to get Rainbow Dash to be my presentation, but she said that she couldn't do it, because of an emergency weather problem in Las Pegasus," Scootaloo answered.

"I wanted to do mah brother or sis," Applebloom told us her first choice, "but they couldn't do it, due to preparing for the Apple family reunion that is going to happen in a week or so."

"I hoped my sister Rarity can do it, but she has a big order to do and won't be able to come to class," Sweetie sadly said, "so we wandered around Ponyville looking for well-known ponies so we can ask them to be our presentation," she told us what they did afterwards, "so when we saw Aceiro and his special somepony leave the train station, a few minutes later we realized that all three of you are here in Ponyville now…"

"Well that and also it seems that you don't have any jobs," Scootaloo bluntly added, which earned a glare from her fellow crusaders.

"...So we went out to look for you three and eventually we did," Sweetie Bell finishes.

"So would you be our presentations?" they all asked us at the same time, while leaning in close and giving us hopeful looks.

"Sure, I can do it," Arcana answered, earning a gleeful look from Sweetie Bell.

"I can do it as well," Star reluctantly agreed, getting a joyful look from Scootaloo.

"Um, I don't know," I hesitantly said, which got a look of disappointment from Applebloom. I turned my attention to Fe, "I mean we are here on vacation, but I don't want to leave you alone in an unfamiliar town and risk breaking a ruling from your culture while you are by yourself, and with the same risks at a public school," that and I don't want face your dad if anything had happened to you.

Fe smiled and leaned in close and gave me a quick kiss, earning a couple of d'awww's and a yuck from the CMC, "it's fine Aceiro," Fe reassuringly said as she broke the kiss," nothing is going to happen to me at a children-filled school, so it is okay for you to be her presentation," Fe explained.

"Are you sure?" I asked her and she replied back with a nod, "alrighty then, I will do it."

"Yay, thank you so much" Applebloom and her fellow crusaders happily said, they then rushed to their scooter and wagon and set it back up, "the presentations starts at nine 'o' clock at our school, so don't be late," Applebloom instructed.

"Come on crusaders let's get ready for tomorrow," Scootaloo said as she hopped onto her scooter and with the buzz of wings from her they flew down the street, with the sounds of cheering fillies being heard.

"So who were those little fillies and why were they calling themselves crusaders?" Fe asked me as the little dust balls that Scootaloo's scooter created in their rush to do some crusading.

"Well you see Fe, the pegasus is Scootaloo, the unicorn Sweetie Bell, and the earth pony is Applebloom and they are on a quest to find their cutie marks and so they go around town doing a lot of different activities trying to see if one of those activities is their special talent," I answered, "but they sometimes end up causing a little trouble or get covered in tree sap, and they call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"Aww that's adorable that they are looking for their cutie marks," Fe believed.

"Yeah, but you have to be careful around them," Star replied back to her, "or what happened to me might happen to you."

"Um I suggest that we should continue our way to the deer camp," Arcana spoke up, turning all of attention towards her, "it is getting late and I don't think the deer would appreciate us wandering through their campground while they are suppose to be enjoying a nice dinner with their families."

"Good point," Star concurred, "let's go."

We continue our way to the deer encampment, and with Star now looking both ways before crossing anymore streets. We soon came upon the camp and there we saw groups of deer walking here and there, weaving in and out through the tents and then we entered the camp.

As soon as we stepped into the boundary of the camp, deer's head turn towards us and when they saw Star they, they smiled and said out loud, "oh look, the birds' lover is here, hello birds' lover," and they keep repeating that as we made our way farther into the encampment, while Star replied back to them, "will you stop calling me that already, I am not any birds' lover."

We soon came upon a clearing filled with perches and stands with a few of those odd Murphy Birds roosting in them, and there moving among the stands, is a deer, with a few birds in his antlers as well, "hello Avian," Arcana greeted the deer, startling him, as we walked up to him.

He turned around and saw us and smiled, "oh hello Arcana," he greeted her and then turns towards Star, "and to you too as well bird's lover…"

"Stop calling me that."

"...And who are these two?" he asked as he saw me and Fe.

"Hello sir, I am Fe," Fe answered him.

"And I'm Aceiro."

"I'm Avian Concierge," Avian supplied his name to us as he bowed his head towards me and Fe, causing a few birds to take off from his antlers and onto the perches, "and let me be the first one to greet you both to our humble encampment," he recovered from his bow, "so what can I do for this evening?"

"Well…" Fe started as she looked towards the birds, "… I would like to know more about the birds."

"Me too," I added.

"Well do you both know what happens when you make a negative compliment to them?" he asked us wearily.

"Yes we do, we will get what he had," Fe answered as she pointed to Star, who now looked worried and that is when I noticed that the birds were giving him a stink eye and ruffling their feathers in anticipation as well, I think they are waiting for him or somepony else to insult them, I thoughtfully concurred as I turn my attention back to the deer in front of me.

"Now, you see about these birds…" he trailed off and then started to look around, on alert for some reason. When he finally settled on something he looked back us and resumed, "alright you see about these birds-"

"They were founded by our ancestors," a voice called out from behind us, startling me and Fe, we looked around and there we saw a doe standing behind us with a grin her face.

"Oh come on Story," Avian frustratingly said to the doe behind us, "will you please let me tell this story, and also where did you even come from?"

"That doesn't matter," Story replied back to him, "what matters is that you are going to do my job, and I don't like my job being done than other by me," she stated as she made her way to Avian.

"Fine you win, you tell them the story, I'm going home," Avian yielded and then he started to make his way a passage in the tents away from the clearing, "just make sure that they leave the camp before you go home," he added to her as he left the clearing.

"As I said," Story continues, "these birds were founded by our ancestors when their form of guidance ceased…" Story told us how their ancestral tribe gotten lost and wandered outside of Equestria and how the birds guide them back to their land, "… and so they have been with this tribe ever since," Story finishes telling the story about the birds.

"Wow that's amazing," I said as I turn my gaze towards the birds and then walked up to one of them, "who would've thought that a seemingly silly-looking bird are so unique."

I heard a loud gasp, which caused me to turn around quickly and saw Star, Arcana and Story with dropped mouths, "What?" I asked them.

"You just gave a negative complement to the birds," Story explained, "now they are going to get back at you."

"Wait what!" I looked back at the bird and saw that it was giving me a stink eye look, oh shit!

The Murphy Bird opened its peak and I saw it took a deep breath, "look out," Star cried out as he leapt behind a pile of bird seeds. The bird let out a series of sounds that sounds like clanging pots and then it stopped, but the sounds it made didn't stop and resonated throughout the camp. After a few tense moments the sounds of clanging pots responded back, "incoming," Star called out from behind the bag of seeds.

No sooner had he said that a flock of birds rose from the surrounding tents and flew towards the clearing we are in. The birds quickly landed in the clearing and sat there and stared at me, "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap," I panicky repeated as more birds flew into the clearing, increasing the numbers that is going to lay the hurt on me.

As the bird I'd first commented on opened its' beak, Fe walked right up to it and spoke to it, interrupting its' war cry, "now, will you all stop it," she said in an authority tone, making the birds pause in what they were going to do, "all he did was making a lovely complement to you all and you have to go all vendetta on one tiny comment that you don't happen to like, well let me tell you something, you should just accept it and be happy with it."

"I mean come on, it was just one small comment so you all listen to me, you will leave other unfortunate ponies that happened to repeat this mistake and as well as my stallion, so that means no more vendetta, got it?" the bird nervously nodded and then Fe turned her attention to the rest of the other birds, "all of you?" which they replied back by nervously nodded back to her as well, "thank you, now go back home and have a nice evening," she instructed and which they complied and took off into the air and back to whatever they come from.

Fe and I turned around and saw the others' shocked expressions, "holy elk," Story said astonished as she picked upper her lower jaw, "never have I see anything like that before."

"What's going on here?" a voice called out. We all turn our heads and there we saw Avian, looking as if he has just been chased by a pack of Timberwolves, "I've only been gone for five minutes and already somepony ticked off the birds and now I see that they are going back to their respective families, so would somepony please care to explain what happened here?"

"Fe just told the birds off," Story explained what just happened.

"Wait what?" Avian clearly confused here, "what do you mean "Fe told the birds off"?"

Story then told him what happened as soon as he left, "…and then the birds just took off and flew back to where they came from," Story finishes.

"This is unbelievable," Avian stunned at what he heard, causing him to suddenly sit down on the thinning grass, "this has never happened before, probably because the birds never gave a chance to the ones that insulted them to apologized," he theorized.

"Wait, so you're telling me that I got pegged by the whole flock just for commenting on how they looked like," Star announces as he made his way from behind the bags of seeds and towards us, "while Aceiro here made the same comment and he got out of it scotch-free just because his marefriend asked them to leave him alone?" he asked, "that's just not fair."

"Sorry Star," Arcana comforted him by patting him on the back, "but it seems that the universe just doesn't like you enough to cut you some slack."

"I know, but still why does it want to hurt me?"

"Maybe you did something in your afterlife," Fe pointed out, "and you are just paying for the sins of your past life."

"Or maybe for somepony else's sins," I suggested.

Before Star can reply back on that, the sound of throats clearing put a stop to our conversation and look towards Avian and Story, "well this sure has been an… eventful evening, but it getting dark now and I am getting tired," Avian yawned and pointing out that it is getting dark as he said.

"So we suggest that you all retire in for the evening, because I am sure that we all have some plans planned for tomorrow," Story added.

We said our goodbyes to them and made our way out of the deer camp and back to Ponyville, but just as we came upon the street that Star and Arcana live on, a thought made itself known, "hold on, Fe and I don't have a place to stay at," I told them about my and Fe's predicament.

"Oh that's right we were so caught up from today's dealings, we have completely forgotten to get a place to sleep at."

"Oh don't worry about that," Arcana said to us as we drew closer to their house, "we have a guest room at our house."

"But I don't think the bed is big enough to allow you two to sleep comfortably apart," Star pointed out with a cheeky grin, "so you two might have to… snuggle up close to each other."

I felt my face warm up, but I was thankfully thankful for the dim lighting from the setting sun was producing, "well Fe can sleep in the guest room, while I will be sleeping on the couch," I announce as I remember seeing a couch as Fe and walked inside earlier today.

"Ah that is sweet of you," Fe said as we came to the front step of Star's and Arcana's home, "you know, you sure are amazing sometimes," she added as Star opened the door and allowing us to go inside.

"And you're amazing as well," I said to her and was replied back with a giggle as Fe and I made our way inside.


Well folks I am sorry about the delay of this chapter, but with life throwing curveballs at me, the NATG (Newbie Artist Training Ground) II going on Equestria Daily, and my personal life, I was only able to write a few hundred words at a time, but I got it done, and will try to get the next chapter out soon... I hope. Well anyway leave your comments, reviews and questions in the comments below (I'm serious, leave your questions, for I will answer them).

Well enough with the stuff happening above, there were some good things that came out of this, I am getting better at hitting the curveballs that life is throwing at me, becoming a better artist thanks to NATG II, and I got to meet the author of "The Newcomer" Gh0st Buddy in real life (nice guy).

Also there is a new writer coming of age, so here is what I would like you all to do; go and read his story, his name is Far Low 1 and his story is called "Here By Accident" so go and check it out, make comments and favorite it. That is all.

End A/N

Chapter 62: Show and Tell

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Well folks, I have to say, I would have never thought that this story would have evolved to this point, and I have noticed something about my story. No it is not that I messed up with my story, what I saw that this story is still evolving and into something that could possible blow all of your minds.

Also I had finally past the 300 mark of the number of reviews on Fanfiction… I am so happy.

End A/N

I wander blindly through a sea of darkness that I had somehow found myself in, while getting a sense of loneliness as the darkness around me seems to be closing in on me, "hello, is there anypony here?" I called out to darkness, but I then soon collided with a barrier that was being hidden by the darkness, "ow," I moaned as I rubbed my nose from the impact.

I stepped away from the invisible obstruction and made my way in the opposite direction, but as I took a few steps, my hoof made contact with another darkness enshrouded obstruction, causing me to face plant into the shadowy ground. I pulled my face off of the ground and spit out dirt and grit that gotten into my mouth when I hit the ground, "what's going on here? Where am I?" I frustratingly asked to the darkness as I pulled myself up from the ground.

When I finally stood up straight, a white light started to generate from my Will Element. The light peeled the darkness away and I saw that I am standing on a paved road, but it was in terrible condition, for they were cracked and upturned as well as large pits in the road. I noticed that the shadows are still receding around me, causing me to look around and at the now revealed surroundings.

I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw what the shadows were hiding; the ruins of Canterlot. I looked around the remains of the once magnificent city, getting the feeling of distress as I saw the hollow shells of the buildings above my head and the destroyed road underneath my hooves, with bits and pieces of gold armor of the Celestial guards as well as the midnight armor from the Night guards, "what happened here, what going on?" I called out in fright.

I was answered by a low laughter that was coming from behind me, I whirled around and there I saw that the shadows that hidden the ruins from me before, had gathered into a shadowy entity and that was quickly solidifying into a form of that of a pony. The shadows completely formed into a solid form of a stallion and wearing a clad of black armor, the stallion was looking down at the pavement, so I couldn't see his facial features through the visor of the helmet, but the noticeable feature about the pony is the set of wings at his sides; for they were made out of metal, all the while still laughing.

"Who are you?" I asked the mysterious pony, feeling scared for I might know the answer, but all I got was just the same laughter. I took a couple of steps back to get away from the unnerving pony, but I hear the sound of metal as I stepped back, I looked downwards and saw that I am wearing the shining white armor that I had somehow made during my and my fellow Reality Elements' fight with Nightmare, and that is when I noticed that the laughter has stopped.

I looked up and towards the pony and then I heard him spoke in a low voice, "so the Reality Element of Will has finally shown itself," and then he started walking towards me, causing me to back away from him, "now we can finally determine which of us are going to be the heart of our bearer."

"Who are you, what are you?" I asked him as I continue to back away from him, but then I felt my rear end hit a wall behind me, preventing me from escaping for the crazed pony in front of me anymore.

"Well you should know me by now," he said as he stopped about a foot away from me, all the while still looking down at the ground, "after all, I do currently rest on your left arm," he then looks up at me and confirmed what I was fearing, for staring at me like a mirror would, is me, "I am Entropy," he then raises his left arm chest high, "but mostly importantly of all, I am you," he added as a black blade quickly formed on his raised arm, "now let me into your heart!" he yells as he thrust forward and stabbed into my chest plate, though my chest and into my heart… and then I opened my eyes.

I look around in a blind panic, expecting to see the ruins of Canterlot, but I only saw a normal looking living room and the couch I was just sleeping on. When I saw that I am not at the ruins of Canterlot, I looked down at my chest and felt around it for an opening from a knife all the while felt my heart beating a couple of miles per hour. When I didn't see or feel any signs of a stab wound on my chest, I let out a breath of relief and felt my heartbeat finally slow down, "it was just a dream," I said as I plopped myself back onto the couch.

I raised my left arm and looked at the Element of Entropy,"what was that dream about?" I questioned the Element, but all I got was confusion from it, telling me that it doesn't know as well, okay that was seriously one weird dream. I started to feel uncomfortable in my chest, telling me that I should either, roll onto my stomach and try to go back to sleep or get up and meet the day.

I choose the last option and made myself to get off of the couch and was meet with a new ache and pain in my back as I stood up, "okay, no more sleeping on the couch," I moaned as I stretched and getting some pops in my back in response. As I was standing up straight, my nose was greeted by a delicious smell that seems to be coming from the kitchen. I followed the scent out of the living room, pass the hallway, and into the kitchen and there I saw Fe standing at the stove, cooking whatever was making that smell.

"Good morning Fe," I greeted as I made my way to the table and sat down at it, "how did you sleep?"

Fe turned around and I saw that she has a spatula in her mouth, and she saw me sitting at the table, "Oh good morning to you too as well Aceiro," she greeted me around the spatula as she turn her attention back to the stove, "I slept fine, how about you? Because it sounded as if you were having a nightmare."

"Oh, it wasn't a nightmare at all, just a really weird dream," I explained to her, a really weird dream. Then smell that got me into the kitchen before wafted into my nose again reminding me that I am hungry, "so what's cooking, because it smells delicious?"

"Oh I am just cooking a little something with what I found in the fridge and cabinets," Fe answered as she moved around the kitchen, revealing a large pan on the stove. I saw Fe found some plates and brought them to the pan, she moved the contents from the pan into the plates and I saw that it looks like pancakes. Fe carried the plates of pancakes to the table and set one of them in front of me, "I see that you are getting better at understanding my culture," she said as she sat down across from me.

"Well that is good to know and thank you for breakfast Fe," I said as I grasped a fork and knife and started cutting it up and took a cut off a piece from the pancake. As soon as I put the pancake-filled fork in my mouth, I was met with a parade of flavors, "Fe," I calmly said as I put down the fork and looked at her, who has a worried look on her face, "this is the most delicious pancake I ever had," I blissfully finished as I resumed my consumption on the pancake.

"Whew that is good to know that somepony likes my simple meal," Fe said as she started to eat her breakfast.

"Hmm, what smells delicious?" I heard Arcana asked as I saw her enter the kitchen in my peripheral vision as I am almost done with my breakfast.

"Breakfast," Fe answered her as Arcana sat down at the table and was soon served a plate of pancakes by Fe, "so where's Star?" Fe asked Arcana as she started to eat the pancakes, "because it is almost nine 'o'clock and you all have that presentation at those three's school."

"First though, this is the most delicious pancakes I have ever eaten; second, Star was asleep when I checked him, but don't worry, I opened some windows," she said with a wink as she went back to eating.

"What does opening some windows have anything to do with waking up Star?" Fe asked her.

Arcana looked towards a clock that is hanging on the wall behind me, "well if my calculations are correct, Star is going to wake in three, two, one, now," at that moment we were answered with a loud crash coming from upstairs.

"Leave me alone you damn dirty birds, you're more freaking annoying than Pee-Wee," we all heard Star yell from upstairs and was soon followed by another series of crashes, all of a sudden there was a flash of light in the kitchen. After the spots of light faded from our unexpected light show, we saw Star lying on the floor in the kitchen and that he is also appeared to be covered in whip cream, "okay I want to know something," he said as he got up from the floor and look towards us with an upset look, "who is the one that opened the windows?"

"Sorry Star," Arcana innocently said as she finished another bite of Fe's pancakes, "it was getting a bit stuffy in the house, so I opened a few windows to let some air in," she said as she took another bite of pancake.

"Oh okay then," Star said as he stood up, "but if you are going to open windows, make sure that my room doesn't have open access for those annoying birds," he instructed as he made his way to the table, "and can somepony get me a towel please?"

"Sure Star," Arcana asked as she levitated a towel from the kitchen and towards him. He grabbed the towel and started to wipe the whip cream off of him.

"There much better," Star said as he removed all of the whip cream, "now that I got rid of the birds' cream pie, what smells good?"

"Your breakfast," Arcana answered as she put down her fork and knife on her now empty plate, "now hurry, because your breakfast might disappear and we all also need to leave soon, so we can make it on time for the presentation at the schoolhouse."

"No need to tell me twice," Star said as he sat down and took a sniff of the pancake, "oh my gosh, it even smells good up close and it looks it is still warm to boot, score," he happily said as he made a move towards the pancake, but as soon as his knife cut into the pancake, there was series of flapping wings and then a rainbow whirlwind blew into the kitchen and then surround Star. The rainbow whirlwind quickly left as soon as it appeared.

"What was that?" I asked out loud as we looked around to see what the odd windstorm was.

"I don't know, but I am going to go back to my- what the heck?" he cried out shocked as he saw that his plate is now empty, "what happened to my pancake?"

"Dude, you just got robbed from a rainbow," I bluntly pointed out.

"Ah guys, I don't think it was a rainbow," Arcana assumed.

"What was it then?" Fe asked.

"Well, look in your mane and you'll see," she said as she pointed to Fe's head. I turn my gaze towards her and there I saw, tucked in between behind her ear, is a colorful feather, which belongs to a particular species of bird that loves Star.

"Oh come on," Star exclaimed when he saw the feather, "those dirty birds stole my breakfast, and if one didn't know better, one would think that they're out to kill me."

"Oh quit being a crybaby," Fe said to him, "I am sure that those clean birds were just hungry and they thought that you weren't going to eat your breakfast."

"But…" Star started to complain, but was interrupted by Fe.

"No buts, just leave it alone," she ordered Star, "and as well as the birds," she added as she stared at him.

"Okay fine," Star reluctantly agreed, defeated.

"Good," Fe lessening her staring on him, "alright now, since the birds took your breakfast, I guess I can make more," she suggested as she got up from the table.

"No time," Arcana said as she quickly stood up from the table, "we are going to be late for the Cutie Mark Crusaders' presentation at the schoolhouse."

"But Arcana, I am hungry here," Star whined, "I am going to die here".

"Oh suck it up Star," Arcana talked back, "you went through a lot more worse things than hunger and besides, you might had a few bites out of the cream pie the birds woke you up with, now enough bickering let's go."

"Fine," Star said as he stood up from the table as well, "but let me get my goggles first, I hope those birds didn't do anything to them," he then quickly made his way out of the kitchen.

"What's so special about those goggles?" I asked Arcana, "Because I haven't seen him without them."

"And is he always like this in the morning?" Fe added.

"Oh that's right you weren't there," Arcana comprehended and then crashing sounds was heard from upstairs, "well you see…" Arcana started, ignoring the battle that Star is having with the birds above our heads, "… he got them from the captain of the Wonderbolts after he won the Best Flier Competition and gave the prize to Rainbow Dash," she told us, "and yes Fe, he is sometimes like this in the morning."

A few moments later of hearing thuds, yelling and birds tolling, we heard Star walking down the stairs, "sorry everypony, but the birds had commandeered my room and I had to get them out quickly," he apologized as he walked into the kitchen with his goggles now in their place in the middle of his forehead.

"Well good for you, but now we are going to be late," Arcana pointed out as she pointed towards the clock behind. I look behind and saw that it is almost ten to nine, "because it will take us about twenty minutes to get to the schoolhouse," she explained.

"Don't worry about it," Star says casually, "we will just take a shortcut."

"What shortcut?" I asked him.

"Did you just really ask me that?" Star said disbelieved at what I said, "Sigh, I am going to warp us there, so now quicklygather around everypony."

"Oh right," we gathered around him with Arcana on his right and me on his left, and with Fe on mine.

"Alright everypony," Star announces, "hold on to me and make sure that all personal items and your hooves are to yourself."

"Star, are you brain damaged or something?" I asked him in a deadpanned tone as I put a hoof on his shoulder and Fe putting hers around my neck.

"That is a distinct possibility with all of the things happening to me," he answered as he looked at me.

"Ugh seriously Star," Arcana responded sounding annoyed, "let's just go already," she then put a hoof on his other shoulder.

"Alright, alright we're going now" Star said getting serious, "now I suggest that you all should close your eyes," and with that he lowered the goggles and I closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt a slight tingling feeling and then felt the hard wood floor beneath my hooves disappeared and replaced with the feeling of grass. I opened my eyes and saw that we are now just outside of the school grounds and then I hear moaning coming from besides me.

I looked down and saw the exhausted looking white and silver Pegasus panting on the grassy ground, "what's wrong with you?" I asked him as I put down my arm, which was getting tired from just holding it up in the air where he was standing a few moments ago.

"Just exhausted," Star panted.

"Really, you're exhausted?" I tauntingly asked him, "Maybe you should cut down on the number of your sweets intake."

"Hey, cut me some slack, do you know how hard it is to warp from one place to another with three other ponies coming along for the ride?" Star said as he pulled himself up from the ground, "and also nopony is going to take away my cinnamon rolls, nopony."

I was about to make a snarky comment, but then I was interrupted by Arcana, "stop it already you two, let's just go or we might still end up being late for the presentation," at that moment the bell above the schoolhouse started to ring, telling all of us that school is going to start very soon, "oh great we are going to late now."

"Then why are we all still standing around here for? " I raised, "let's go already," I then grasped Fe and started to run towards the schoolhouse with her beside me, after a short race with Arcana and Star, we finally made it to the entrance of the schoolhouse and saw that the door is wide open.

We walked inside and there we saw little fillies and colts mingling here and there talking to each other, probably waiting for school to officially start, because there are no signs of Miss Cheerilee anywhere, as well as other guest speakers, "huh, I guess we are the first ones here," I said out loud.

"You sure are," a voice responded to me from behind us, causing us to turn around and there standing behind us is Miss Cheerilee, "in fact you're early, and let me guess, you four are here for the presentation today," she guessed.

"That's right," Arcana confirmed.

"Excellent, now while we all wait for the other presenters, we don't you four go and sit at the back of the room," she suggested as she pointed to the row of chairs set upped against the back wall, Miss Cheerilee then made her way to her desk, sat in it and started to go through a stack of papers on her desk.

We made our way to the back row with Fe between me and the wall, to protect her from any accidental bumps from the kids, and with Star arguing with Arcana ahead of us on how there was time for him to get breakfast. We soon got to the back row and positioned ourselves so that Fe is sitting on the end of the row and I am sitting on her right and with the others sitting on my left.

We didn't have to wait there for long, for familiar ponies started to a walk inside; Filthy Rich, Colgate, Berry Punch, Lily, Rose, Daisy, Derpy Hooves, and even the most elusive of all Doctor Whooves, wow, I wonder who found him, I thought as I saw him take a seat next to Derpy. I turn my attention forward and just saw Miss Cheerilee remove herself from her desk and walked across the front of the room, while her students are still talking to each to each other, and calls out loud and clear voice, "let's quiet down please, we have quite special treat for you all."

This got every filly's and colt's attention immediately, "you must have noticed the ponies sitting in the back by now," Cheerilee mentioned, causing a few ponies to look back at us, "well those ponies are going to be your guest speakers today, and they were asked by your fellow classmates to see if they can spend some of their time to be here today to talk to you all, now let's all be polite and listen to what they have to say and remember," she said to her class and then she made her way to her desk, "don't be afraid to ask questions," she added as she took a seat at her desk.

"Now, let's see who goes first here…" the moderate cerise schoolteacher said out loud as she lift up a clipboard off the desk and took a quick look at it, "… ah here we go, Mr. Filthy- ah I mean, Mr. Rich would you be kind enough to come up here and give a presentation?"

"I will kindly do so," he answered as he stood up and made his way up front, but as he did so, I hear faint moaning sounds coming from Cheerilee's class. When Filthy Got up front he turned around and looks back at us, "now let me tell you about how Barnyard Bargains was founded by my grandfather Stinking Rich…"

After an hour of sleep-inducing tale from Stinking Rich on how his father taken Barnyard Bargains to the next level and to what it is today, to Colgate explaining how it is important to brush your teeth, so you won't be in so much pain when you make a visit to the dentist. Then it went onto how Berry Punch makes her non-alcoholic juices, but I suspected that she sells some in the back, due to her hiccupping and putting a hoof to her head now and then, like a results of a hangover. The Flower Trio where next and they described the process of natural selection, which their final results are better looking, smelling and tasting flowers. When the Flower Trio left, it was now Derpy's turn, she got and made her way up front, but occasionally she will bump into things like desks, cabinets and sometimes a foal, due to her poor depth perception. After we got through a lesson on how the post office runs, tips on baking muffins and giving her daughter, Dinky, a lunch bag filled with muffins, she left the schoolhouse saying something about making more muffins.

The Doctor quickly rushed up to the front of the class and started to give a confusing, well at least to the children, lesson on how he is the doctor that fixes "timey wimey" related stuff and how duct tape is strong enough to hold the fabric of space and time together, which earned him more confused looks, but it didn't even phase him. He quickly said goodbye to us and was out the door in a few seconds, "well that was surely interesting," Cheerilee said as she recovered from the sudden exit from The Doctor, "well anyway let's see who's next," she said as looked at her list, "ah yes, the ones that are called the Unsung Heroes."

I let out a small moan of annoyance along with Star and Arcana, as I was reminded what happened to me when I was called that, and as well as the results with Fe's dad. We all got up and made our way to the front of the room and look towards the class, "well class, my name is Arcana," Arcana greeted herself to them, "and as you all know by now," Arcana continued, "we are the Unsung Heroes, but to tell you all the truth, we don't like to be called by that title, you all understand?" She was answered back with nods from the children, "thank you, now what can I tell you about myself?" she said as she pondered what to say, "Well, I love to learn and study anything that involves magic."

"I'ma Star Streak," Star introduced himself to the children, "and I am pretty sure that you all have seen me here and there around town, due to me popping up with a light show before it, or being chased around town by some kind of creature, creatures, odd events and or other various kind of troubling misfortunes," he jokingly listed, "frankly I think the universe is out to get me for some reason, " he added, which caused most of the kids to laugh at that.

"As for me, I'm Aceiro," I greeted them, "now many of you might have not seen me around here in Ponyville before, well it is because I have been living in Canterlot," I explained, "and the reason I am here is because me and my marefriend…" I pointed to Fe and the class turned around and saw her and she waved at them, "… are on vacation and just have to happen to be in town when I was asked to be one of your guest speakers, and I guess that is all for me."

"Well thank you all for telling all of us about yourself," Miss Cheerilee thanked us and then she turns towards her class, "now before our guests leave, are there any questions for them?" as soon as she said that, a bunch of hooves shot up into the air, shaking them, hoping to get noticed so that they can ask their question first, "alright, what is your question Diamond Tiara?" Cheerilee asked her, as her fellow classmates moaned in disappointment.

"I was wondering, what is up with those wings?" she asked us, "Because they look ridiculous."

"Diamond Tiara, we don't judge ponies because of what they look like," Cheerilee told Diamond.

"That's okay Miss Cheerilee," Star reassured her, and then he looks at Diamond, "now whose wings are you talking about, because my friend here also has a set of wings as well?"

"Aceiro's," Diamond answered, "because it looks like his wings are pieces of metal attached to his backside."

"Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee warned.

"Well Diamond Tiara," I spoke up earning her attention, "they are in fact pieces of metal attached to my backside."

"Ha, I was right," she proudly declared.

"So wait, does that mean you're an Earth pony?" a pony asked from the crowd of listeners.

"Yes it does, because you see I got them when Fe and I were testing out a pair of flight wings for non-pegasus ponies…" I then told them how during in the middle of the test a dragon attacked me with its fire and hit me and causing me to black to when I woke up and found that my body had integrated the flight wings, "and results are that they are now part of me," I finished.

"I don't believe you," Diamond confesses, "because it sounds just plain ridiculous and I bet you can't even move them."

"Well it's true, and in fact I can move them, here let me show you," I then opened them and was rewarded with gasps of amazement, "but there are some downside though," I continue, "even though I have a pair of wings, I can't fly with them, due to them being made out of metal and such."

"So you are just a freak of a pony that has metal growing out of his back," Diamond concluded as she laughs to herself while I frown at that reply.

"Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee said out loud to her as she stood up from her chair, and silencing her "happy" moment at the same time, "one more comment like that and I will give you detention, and I am pretty sure that your father won't be happy to hear that you got detention, again, am I clear?" Diamond nervously nodded and put her head on her desk embarrassed, "good," Miss Cheerilee said as she went back to her cheerful mood, "now moving on, would anypony else like to know something more about them?"

"Ooh, ooh, I have a question," a lisp filled voice answered Miss Cheerilee.

"Alright Twist, what's your question?"

"Ah yes," Twist said with a hint of lisp strong in her voice, "um, I was wondering, what is up with those markings on your legs and why does your friend Aceiro have two of them?"

Uh oh, "well ah you see here…" I started to explain, but I couldn't think of anything to explain for our Elemental Markings.

"Well you see here," Star taking command of the situation, "these markings are our identifications for our special job that we sometimes get called on," he said as he bend the truth of our markings, "and for why Aceiro here have two, it is because he is a special case."

"Ooh, what's this special job?", "Can other ponies join?", "Is it dangerous?" the Cutie Mark Crusaders asked us with hopeful gleams in their eyes, possibly a new idea for them to get their cutie marks.

"Sorry girls, but it is too dangerous for you three," Arcana said to them, dumping cold water on the possibility of them getting their cutie mark in this particular profession, "as for joining, we all had, unintentionally volunteered for this job," Arcana putting a lot of emphasis on our type of recruitment, "so I don't know how one is to join in on this job."

"But what is this job though?" Scootaloo asked, wanting to know more.

"You all have heard tales of Nightmare Moon and Discord and other creatures, right?" Arcana asked them all, taking control this time. She was answered back with nods and yeah from the kids, "well you see, that's our job; to protect you and many others from things that lurks in the shadows," and this was rewarded with gasps of shock and scared this time, "but don't worry, there hasn't been any trouble with monsters and other things lately so you are safe to go out and have fun playing outside, in fact I believe that lunchtime is about to start in three, two, one, now!"

At that moment the bell above and behind our heads started to ring, signifying that it is now time to eat, but instead of everypony rushing outside to eat their lunches that their mothers had probably prepared, they all continue to sat there staring at Arcana in amazement at how she predicted when the bell is going to ring, "alright my little ponies," Miss Cheerilee said as she got up from her desk and walked in front of the class, "it is time for lunch and for our guest speakers to leave as well, because I am pretty sure that they have lives as well, which they would like to resume, now go on and enjoy your lunches," with that every child got up from their desk and started to make their way to the door in an orderly fashion, "and remember, after lunch time, we are to resume our lesson in proper etiquette, Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee added as the mentioned pony walked past her.

After every single filly and colt left the schoolhouse, Miss Cheerilee looked back at us, "I am terribly sorry about Diamond Tiara's behavior, especially to you Aceiro," she apologized to me.

"Nah, that's okay, I gotten used to the odd stares, whispering behind my back, and upturned noses that I got from living in Canterlot."

"Oh, that's good to know," Cheerilee said assured. She then made her way towards Arcana, "and how did you know when the school bell was going to ring, because it never rings on the same time with other days?"

"Oh, you see Miss Cheerilee, I can sort of predict that kind of stuff when it involves time," Arcana explained to her, hinting her relating with Time.

"Huh that is very interesting, well anyway thank you all for coming today and be our guest speakers," Miss Cheerilee once again thanked us, "I have to go now, I need to make sure that the children are playing nicely outside," and with that she left the schoolhouse and to the yard outside.

"Well that went expectantly well," Fe said as she walked up to us, soon after Miss Cheerilee left, "so what are we going to do now that we are done here?"

"Well I know what I am going to do," Star announces as he started to make his way to the door.

"And what is that?" I questioned.

"I am going to get something to eat," he answered me as he left the schoolhouse.


Sorry about the long wait and how it took almost two weeks just to write this chapter, but my life has gotten more complicated and are starting to pile on top of me, suffocating me with a lot of work and responsibilities.

Well, thank you all who has been faithful and decided to stay with this story, so leave your comments, reviews and questions behind and I will respond to them, once again thank you and sorry about the long wait you have to go through.

End A/N

Chapter 63: The Plan

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Okay folks, sorry about the late update, but I have a reason for the lack of updates, because you see my readers, as I was going over my earlier chapters I found a lot of mistakes, errors, and the most important of all are the gaps in the story, oh those horrible gaps in the storyline.

So I am doing a complete revision on them, making them longer, better and more descriptive, WHILE writing the newer chapters at the same time, but I promise, I will make them better. When I am done doing a revision on a chapter I will put a NV (Newer Version) in the chapter's title, so that you could find it easily.

Alright enough talking about me and my plans, it is time to get on with the story.

End A/N

"Let me into your heart!" the dark version of me demanded as the surrounding remains of Canterlot echoed his cry, he then lunged forward pierced his black blade through my armor's chest plate and into my heart… and I once again woke up in a blind panic. I quickly sat up in the cot, ripped off the bed sheet and looked down towards my chest and I saw that once again, there are no signs that I had just been stabbed in the chest.

"Again with that dream," I complained as I flopped back down onto the cot that Star gave me to sleep on, "Why am I having that weird dream? What does it mean?" I questioned as I looked around living room and saw that the sun was just raising and barely showing through the living room windows, "ugh, it is way too early to deal with this," I added as I look towards the living room ceiling, taking in deep breaths to calm my racing heart, and then I noticed that I was getting cold and damp.

"Huh? What the…?" I lift my head and examined my bed sheet and saw that they are moist and with a faint stench also coming from it, "oh man, I hope that's just sweat," I hoped prayed as I remove the bed sheet off me.

After taking a morning shower to remove the coat of sweat terror that the nightmare gave me and the tedious task of drying my wings to lower the chance of rust forming in them, "jeez with all of the maintenances and upkeeps I put into these wings, one would think I am able to do more with them, then just flap them and use them as shields, I could at least be able to fly," I complained as I made my way to open the bathroom door.

I was soon met by Fe on the other side as soon as I opened the door and stepped outside, "good morning Fe," I greeted her.

But she must have seen something in my face, because all of a sudden she became worried, "is something wrong Aceiro? Because you seemed troubled," she asked me as she stepped closer towards me.

"Oh am just frustrated here Fe, and my wings are the cause of it," I confessed to her, "for if it wasn't for my body, they wouldn't have become a part of me and the doctors could have removed them and I could have a normal life," well as normal for a human turned pony anyway, "is there a reason for me having these wings? If so, then what is it?" I frustratingly questioned as I hung my head.

"I may not know why you were given these wings," Fe spoke up as she lifted my head up, so that I was now staring her blue eyes, "but I do have a reason for you having them."

"And what reason is that?"

"To be an angel, for you have always been there, making sure that I am alright and keeping me safe," she clarified, "in fact, I say that you're my guardian angel," she correct herself as she then proceeds to embrace me in a hug.

The feeling that her hug is giving me, started to make me feel much better, causing me to return her hug, "are you feeling much better?" Fe asked me when I return the hug.

"Yeah I am," I admitted, "thank you for making me feel better Fe."

"You're welcome," she then broke apart the hug and looked eye to eye, "now let's go and get some breakfast that I prepared while you were in the shower, "she suggested to me, which she was then answered back by her own stomach growling.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed with her, and then we made our way towards the kitchen, "what did you make for breakfast anyway?"

"I made Prench toast," she replied, you gotta love those horse puns, "now come on, Arcana and Star have already started eating theirs and I don't want those thrill seeking birds to come and take your breakfast instead of Star's."

"Alright Fe," I complied, "and if they were like anything like those pancakes yesterday, then we all are indeed for a treat," I commented her cooking as we entered the kitchen to eat the breakfast that Fe has prepared for all of us.

After a filling breakfast, we sat around the table with a warm feeling now flowing through my belly, "oh wow Fe," Arcana said amazed as Fe removed our now empty plates, "that's the most delicious breakfast I have ever had, but tell me this, how are you able to make these delicious meals with our limited and bland ingredients?" she asked Fe as she is putting the dishes into the sink, "and do you need any help?"

"Thank you Arcana, and it was my mother who taught me how to cook, so you have my mother to thank as well," Fe replied back to her as she started to wash the dishes, "and no. I'm the guest in your home, so it is my duty as your guest to do some of the tasks around your home," she explained some of her culture as she put the washed dishes into the drip rack that was set up next to the sink.

"Well thank you for doing some of the chores around the house," Arcana thanked her.

"It's like we have a personal maid now," Star jokingly said and was immediately rewarded with a slap in the back of the head by a metal wing from me. "Ow, what was that for?" he asked as he looked back me as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You know what," I disapprovingly said to him.

But a knock at the front door stopped him before he can reply back, "I'll go and see who it is," I said as I stood up from the table and made my way to the front door. I opened the door and saw a pony that I haven't seen since we saved him from a very quirky situation involving Fluttershy and her shed; Shadow. "Hey Shadow, what's up?" I asked him.

Shadow looked up when I said that, "Um, the sky?" he answered as he looks back at me, with confusion written over his face.

I chuckled at his answer to my question, "no you see, what I meant is, why are you here?" I explained the meaning to him.

"Oh," Shadow said with a look of understanding now, "well you see here, Fluttershy wants me pass out invitations for our wedding to our close friends, and well here am I now," and with that he reached inside his saddlebags that I didn't noticed and took out four envelopes and gave them to me.

"Thanks Shadow," I said as I accepted the invites and tucked them under one of my wings, "how are you and Fluttershy doing anyway? Were there any more moments like when we saved you from Fluttershy that day?" I teasingly asked him, causing him to blush.

"No there weren't any more moments like that day," he answered, "well I got to go, I still have a quite a few more invites to pass out, and the wedding is in three days by the way. Hope to see you all there," he then turn around and prepped himself to take off.

"Hold on a sec Shadow, can I ask you something?" I called out to him just as he was about to take off, causing him to stop in the process and look back at me.

"What is it?"

"Are you going to have a bachelor party? Because you know it's tradition to have one."

"No I don't think so, I am not really into that kind of stuff," he answered, "Well see ya later," and with that he took off into the air.

After I saw Shadow flew over some houses and out of view, I made my way back inside the house, closing the door and make my way back to the kitchen, where everypony was looking at me, "so who was it?" Star asked, "and what are those?" he added as he pointed to the envelopes under my wing.

"It was Shadow, and these are the invites to his and Fluttershy's wedding," I answered him as I grasped the invites in mouth and removed them from under my wing and showed them to everypony else.

"Ah I was wondering when that was going to be," Arcana said as I saw her horn glow gold and as well as one if the invites in my mouth. The invite shot out of mouth and flew towards her, where she then opened it and started reading it.

"So Shadow is finally getting married," Star said just as one of the envelopes disappeared in a flash of light from my mouth and in front of him, "so when is the bachelor party?"

"He's not having one," I answer him as I sat back down at the table and put the invites on the table. When I said that, Star dropped the invite and looked at me.

"What do you mean he's not having a bachelor party?"

"It is just not his thing?" I replied back as I took a look at the envelope and saw that what it read, you're invited, on its cover.

"Ah come on, what pony doesn't want a bachelor party?" Star asked us all.

"A pony that gets nervous when he's the center of attention," Arcana answered him, and then a look of understanding descended on her face, "huh, he is like Fluttershy in a sense, what are the odds?"

"Well I am going to throw him a bachelor party, because come on he's getting married here and it is a once in a lifetime," Star pointed out and then he paused. "I got to go," he finally said as he stood up quickly in his seat.

"Where are you going?" Arcana asked him as he lowered his goggles over his eyes, preparing to warp somewhere.

"Oh I am going to pick something up," he answered her

"What is it and is it going to be for Shadow's bachelor party, of which he doesn't want?" Arcana questioned him.

"Not telling and maybe," Star replied to her and with that he disappeared in a flash.

"Why do I have a feeling he's going to cause trouble?" I asked Arcana.

"I don't know, but if you think he's going to cause trouble, then it is a sure thing that he will," Arcana answered me, and I didn't like that answer, "Well anyway, let's get off the subject of Star and his odd ways and see what the invite says," she said as she then opened the envelope with her magic and pulled out the invite, "let's see, you are hereby invited to the enjoinment of the pegasus Fluttershy, the Element of Harmony, Kindness and the pegasus Shadow Breeze on the day of yada, yada, yada, ah here we go, the wedding is going to take place among the clouds above the cottage of Fluttershy's."

"So the wedding is going to take place in the clouds?" Fe asked Arcana worried.

"Yes it is, it is after all a wedding of two pegasi, is it a problem for you?"

"Yes it is, because Aceiro and I are Earth ponies, so neither of us can fly and participate in the wedding," Fe explained mine and her situation.

"Oh if that's the problem, then don't worry about it," Arcana reassured her, "for I can always just cast a flight and a cloud walking spell on you both, so you can participate in the wedding."

"That's another problem for me then," Fe replied back to her.

"Why is that?"

"Well you know the main rule of my culture right?"

"That you considered touching by other ponies, besides those that you have complete faith in, a taboo," Arcana answered Fe and she responded back with a nod, "this yes, why do you ask?"

"Well we also consider that being casted by another pony that we don't have faith in a taboo as well, because the magic from a unicorn is an extension of that pony's aura," Fe answered her, "and don't be offended by this, but I don't have complete faith in you."

"None taken," Arcana unfazed by what Fe said, "so you can't go to the wedding because it is in the clouds and you're an earth pony, and you can't get casted on by another pony that you don't have faith in," she explained the situation, "this is surely a conundrum."

"Yes it is," I agreed with her, and then I remember what Twilight and her friends did to get to Cloudsdale, "hold on Arcana, I think I have an idea, doesn't Twilight have a hot air balloon? Because if so, Fe and I can use it to get into the air and into the wedding, we wouldn't be able to move around much, but never the less, we can be there."

I saw Arcana's eyes widen in realization when I told her my idea, "Aceiro that's brilliant, I can ask Twilight if she'll let us borrow her balloon, and I think she will."

Suddenly I was side tackled by Fe, "oh Aceiro now we can join the wedding," she said as she hugged me, well I guess it sometimes pays off to be a brony.

All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light, completely filling the room and blinding me, "Star!" I heard Arcana yell out while I am rubbing the blindness out of my eyes, "how many times have I told you, if you're going to pop in, pop in outside then come through the front door."

"Sorry Arcana, but I am in a rush here," Star replied back to her.

When I finally cleared the blurriness from my eyes, I looked around and there I saw standing in the middle of the kitchen next to Star, is a pony that I haven't seen since the wedding in Canterlot; Shining Armor, "ah Star…" I said as I turn towards him, "… why is Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, the captain of the unicorn royal guard doing here in your kitchen, and also why are you in a rush?"

"Because since Shadow is getting married soon and I am going to throw him a bachelor party, I remembered that Shining Armor here hasn't been properly thrown a bachelor party due to the changeling queen impersonating his wife, so why not do a makeup one for him as well?" Star answered my question.

"I still don't know how you were able to convince me," Shining said shaking his head.

"It wasn't me that convinced you," Star said to him, "it was Cadence, because when I told her that you didn't get one, she happily went with it."

"But still couldn't you at least talk to me face to face and not get half of my battalion in a crazed frenzy?"

"Ugh, what did he do Shining?" Arcana asked him, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Oh nothing much, he just warped all above Canterlot and its residents, making them think that they are under another attack and causing panic in the streets," he answered her.

"Oh Star," Arcana disapprovingly said to him.

"Hey, I was trying to find his house, because after all I have never been at his home before," Star explained, he then turns towards me, "now come on, we have Shadow's bachelor party to set up."

"But he doesn't want one though," I responded.

"That's just his timid nature talking there," Star rationalized, "now come on, we need to act fast if we are to throw a bachelor party."

"No, I am staying here and there is nothing you're going to say is going to convince me," I vowed as I made myself comfortable in the chair, crossed my hooves and stared at Star.

"How did you talk me into this?" I asked Star as him, Shining and I are hiding in the dark.

"Again, it wasn't me," I heard Star point out to me from the darkness, "it was Fe, and she thought it would be fun for you to spend time with us guys as long it is appropriate, now quiet I am trying to concentrate here."

"Concentrating for what?" Shining asked, now too breaking the silence of darkness.

"Shush, I am trying to concentrate on finding Shadow by using my star, but it kind of hard to do it when it is the middle of the day. Now be quiet I'm concentrating here."

"What is he talking about Aceiro?" Shining asked me through the darkness.

"He's saying that he's using an embodiment of his soul that is in a form of a star in the sky to try and find Shadow, but since it is in the middle of the day, he's having trouble using it," I explained as best as I can.

"It is also not helping with you two talking like old mar- wait, hold on, I'm getting something here," he announces, "it's Shadow and he's coming this way, quick everypony be quiet," he ordered and we all fell silent.

No sooner had we all became quiet, we heard hoof steps approaching in the darkness, I hope we don't give Shadow a heart attack from this crazy plan of Star's, I hopefully thought, concern for Shadow's health. The hoof steps got louder and then came to a stop, and all of suddenly the darkness lit up as a door opened, letting in the light and then walking through the doorway and into the room is Shadow, "Fluttershy I'm home! I'm done passing out the wedding invites, also why is it dark in here?"

"NOW!" Star yelled and the door briefly glow a bright red, causing the door to quickly slammed shut, making the darkness descend over Shadow and temporary reclaim its territory once more. I heard a scream come from the timorous pegasus and the sounds of a scuffle soon followed afterwards, "okay, open the blinds," Star instructed me.

I opened the shutters and there in the middle of the living room of Fluttershy's cottage stood a successful looking Star with an unsure Shining Armor next to him and between them is a squirming burlap sack. "Help, please somepony help me!" I heard Shadow's muffed cry of panic from inside the sack as his struggles increased.

"Are you sure about this?" Shining asked Star, "because this is technically pony-napping," he explained his uneasiness.

"I call it more of a bringing him along for the ride," Star made his point, as the bagged pegasus stopped moving and then a few seconds later he resumed his struggle, "now let's get going, before he hurts himself," and with that Star made his way to the front door, while Shining let out a sigh and picked of the squirming bag of pegasus in the red glow of his magic and followed Star outside and I followed him.

We made our way down the path from Fluttershy's cottage with the squirming of bag Shadow floating in front of Shining, but as we were making our way over the bridge Shadow let out a lung-filled cry of help, "help me Fluttershy, I'm being pony-napped."

"Don't get into too much trouble Shadow," I heard Fluttershy answer back, I looked back and saw her leaving her shed with a few bags of feed on her back, "now have fun and enjoy yourself," she casually added as she made her around her home.

"What?!" Shadow cried out when he heard her.

"It's alright Shadow it is just us," I reassured him, "but answer me this Star," I mentioned towards Star and I look ahead at him, "how, in Equestria, were you able to convince Fluttershy to let you go through with this crazy plan of yours?"

"Okay that I don't know how I did it," Star answered me, "all I told her is that we are going to grab and throw him a party and she happily went along with it, how else we're able to hide inside her home?"

"Where are you taking me?" Shadow questioned as he wiggled violently in the bag.

"Take is easy Shadow, you're going to hurt yourself" Shining spoke to the bag, and then he turn towards Star, "and where are we taking him anyway?" Shining inquired.

Star stopped in the middle of the road and looked back at us, "well I planned a small trip for all of us to the city of angels of the west; Los Pegasus," Star announces.

"WHAT?!" Shadow cried out from the bag.


Sorry about the long wait everyone, but I have been beaten, whacked, and slapped by writer's block and life, but I have completed this chapter and started another story and I hope that you'll like it.

So leave your comments, reviews and questions behind.

End A/N

Chapter 64: An Enlightening Trip

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Okay folks, there are a few things I should clear up here, I said Los Pegasus as in Los Angeles not Las Vegas, because I am tired of reading related scenes that were inspired from "The Hangover" so that clarify things. Okay now that that is done with, on with the story.

End A/N

"You're taking us where?" I heard Shadow ask out loud, making me turn my gaze from the scenery that was quickly passing by the train's seat window and towards Shadow and Star that was sitting across from me and a sleeping Shining Armor.

"I told you, I'm taking you all to Los Pegasus for your bachelor party," Star repeated.

"That part you made clear Star," I finally spoke up and gained the white Pegasus's attention, "but answer me this; why are we taking the train to Los Pegasus, when you could've just warped us there?"

"Okay, there are three reasons why we're taking the train and not warping there," Star started, "the first is that I have never been there, which explains reason number two, if I were to randomly warp us to a location I never been to or seen it, we might up warping into a wall of building, or worse; into a spot that is currently being occupied by another pony."

I pictured what would that look like and shuddered from the grim thoughts, "that would not be a pretty sight."

"Exactly," Star said to Shining, "the reason that number reason two didn't happen in Ponyville is because it is a relatively small town, with not that many ponies about, so I can pretty much guesswork where they would be in town and not warp on or into them.

"What's the third reason?" Shadow asked, finally gotten over the fact that he had been just pony-napped.

"Oh, well the third reason is that it would cost me a lot if I warp all of us to an unknown location that is hundreds of miles away," he answered Shadow.

I looked away from them and turn my gaze back to the window and saw the forest of trees past by in a blur and remember what we did after Star told us where we are going and then made our way through town and to the train station and released him when the train left the station, and as well as getting odd looks from its residents along the way, but not much as one would think that a supposing pony-napping is happening in front of their eyes.

Maybe it is because they live in a town that is just a center point for weirdness, I theorized as I lean my head back onto the seat, and closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt myself getting sleepy and the vibrations from the train weren't helping and soon I was drifting off to sleep.

Arcana's POV

"So tell us Fluttershy, how does it feel like to be getting married?" I asked the bachelorette as Aloe poured a spoonful of water onto the hot rocks and filled the sauna with more steam.

"Well I have to say that there's a sense of nervousness and urgency that seems to hang around the air," Fluttershy thoughtfully answered, "but I am not sure if that is just me though."

"I am sure that is just a natural reaction," Fe supplied as she sat far away from me and Fluttershy, "I mean you are about to get married, and that's a big change in one pony's life."

"True," Fluttershy agreed, "well thank you both for taking me to the spa, I just hope that the others are okay on their activity, especially Shadow."

"Oh I am sure that they will be okay," I reassured Fluttershy, I hope.

Aceiro's POV

"Why won't you let me into your heart?" the shadow version of me questioned as he stepped towards me, as the sounds of metal hitting each other echoed off of his black armor and into the air of the ruin city of Canterlot, "why won't you let me into your heart?"

As he neared me while repeating the same question over, I felt my frustration and anger rise and raised my armored hoof up and slammed it down in the pavement, causing a thunderous boom to echo through the ruins as well as causing the shadow version of me to stop in its tracks, "listen, I don't know who or what you are," my voice being multiplied with help from the surrounding building as I stepped up to the nightmare of my dreams, "But I am tired of you stabbing me in the chest every time I have a dream, so let's get something clear here, I am never, for any reason, going to let you in my heart," I stated as I am now staring into the eyes of my tormentor.

We stood there, staring at each other and not backing down for what seems like hours, until finally the shadow version of me takes a few steps back, "very well, if you're not going to allow me into your heart then I will have to find another," with that he turned into wisps of shadows and started to fade away.

"Wait, what do you mean find another?" I questioned as the shadows completely faded away and leaving me alone in the ruins of Canterlot as my question hanged in the air, "tell me…"

"Aceiro wake up," a worried voice called out around me, and quickly jolted awake, alert for any trouble, but I saw that I am back on the train, and then I saw two sleeping forms of Star and Shining, "oh thank goodness you're awake," I looked ahead and there standing in front of me is a concern looking Shadow, "are you okay Aceiro?"

"Yeah, I'm okay Shadow," I answered him as I rubbed my face with my left hoof to get rid of any traces of sleep from my eyes, but as I pulled my hoof away I saw that the black marking of the Entropy Element had somehow shifted into its bracer form, why are you in your bracer form? I panicky thought as I concentrated and shifted it back into its marking.

"Are you sure, because it sounded like that you were having a terrible nightmare?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassured him as I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window and saw a mountain in the distance, "I sometimes get those kinds of dreams, but it's nothing worry about much Shadow."

"Oh that is good to know," Shadow said relieved as he sat back down in his seat, "but what was up with that weird bracer?" he asked as he pointed to the black marking.

"Oh well, do you know about the Elements of Reality?"

"Yeah, Star told me all about them and how he's the bearer of Space, Arcana Time, and you Will."

"Well I am the bearer of two of the Reality Elements," I held up my right hoof so Shadow can see the Element of Will marking. "Now as you know, this is the Element of Will," I put down my right hoof and raised my left, "and this is the Element of Entropy," I lowered my left hoof and continue, "now I don't know much about these two elements and I had the Will Element longer than the other."

"What does the Will Element do?"

"Well, so far I know I can change the structure of metallic objects, but I don't know anything more besides that."

"Do you know what-"

"Leave me alone you damn dirty birds," Star suddenly spoke up interrupting Shadow. We look towards him and saw him fidgeting in his sleep and causing both of us to chuckle he then settled back down and was soon sleeping peacefully.

"Well anyway," Shadow continuing what he was saying, "Do you know what the other one does?"

"Now that's just it, I'm not exactly sure what it can do," I answered him, "so far it has just given me nightmares, but if it has anything to do with the abilities that Nightmare had when it held the element, then I don't want to get to involved with it," I finished worriedly, "I wonder why it chosen me to be its bearer."

"Do you have any clues why it did though?"

"Nope, not at all," I responded, "because when I was a human, I didn't do anything amazing that could have gotten noticed by anything at all, so I don't know why it chose me."

After that answer, Shadow and I sat there in silence and with Shadow now staring out of the window and watching the scenery pass by. I looked outside and saw that our train is now rounding the mountain, "so Shadow," I spoke up and gained the black Pegasus's attention, "have you ever been the Los Pegasus?"

"Once... twice when I was traveling around Equestria," he answered, "but they never ended well for me, because I once tried to sell tonics and other healing remedies the first time I was here, but the local enforcement thought I was selling meth and other dangerous drugs and confiscated them along with my money, because they suspected it was my 'drug' money. So I was penniless out on the streets for about a week, until I hitched on a train that was heading towards Vanhoover, where I got a job as a veterinarian."

"Wow, sounds like you had a rough life before you came to Ponyville," I commented on his tale.

"You have no idea," Shadow said as he looked out the window again, "it was the second time that helped make me into a nervous wreck, which that you see in front of you."

"What happened?" I wearily asked him.

"Well, first you have to know something though," Shadow stated, "you see I'm an orphan; left on a doorstep of an orphanage in Trottingham with a note pinned on me with my name on it when I was just a three month old foal or that was at least what the ponies that worked at the orphanage told me when I was a bit older."

This realization completely took me by surprise, "you're an orphan?"

"Yeah," he established, "but I try not to bring it a lot, because I don't want a lot of ponies to make a big fuss of this whole thing," he requested from me.

"Gotcha, don't talk about it," I agreed to his demand, "but will you tell me what happened to you during your second time in Los Pegasus?"

"Well…" he said a bit hesitant.

"You don't have to tell me right way," I quickly stated, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, "I was just wondering, that's all."

"No it's fine, I started something here and got you interested, so I guess I need to finish it," he stated. He took a breath and then started, "well you see, I decided to visit the city again and hope that I can get rid of the bad experience the first time I was there. So as I was exploring the sites of the city, the same local enforcement that confiscated my healing remedies thought I was back to sell some more "drugs" so they took me and held me in custody, where they said that they are now going to inform my family of my situation."

"But you don't have a family," I pointed out and then I realized of what I just said to him, "oops sorry about that Shadow."

"That's what I said too as well, and none taken," Shadow said waving off my last remark, "well hours after they had left they returned, but this time with a couple following them, saying that they are my parents and get this; I looked just like them, and let me tell you it was kind of freaky, but I felt a great joy as well," he admitted with a smile, but then his smile quickly dropped, "well at first the couple and I stared at each other for a while, until all of a sudden they started to freak out and panicking and scolding the officers and telling them that I am not their son and that their real son died soon after he was born and then stormed out of the station and I was released soon after."

Shadow then let out a sad filled sigh, "apparently, the officers found some medical records and saw my name in them and then saw the couple's names in the relations, but it seems that they didn't check the age of the report," Shadow explained, "I felt so hurt, because I thought I found my family, but only got a spiteful reject," I saw the hurt in his eye, "so that is why I am so nervous, because I'm afraid of being hurt like that from before."

"Oh man," a voice called out, startling me and Shadow. I looked over to the left of Shadow and saw a wide awake Star, "if I had known that, I wouldn't have planned this trip for you, I'm so sorry," he then proceeded to hit himself in the forehead with his hooves, "Star you stupid idiot, you should've known more about him."

"Please Star, don't beat yourself up," Shadow insisted, "You didn't know and how much have you heard anyway?"

Star stopped beating himself up and looked at him, "all of it, but I still should've known, because I'm your friend."

"Hey now," I said out loud, quickly gaining the two Pegasus's attention, "what's done is done…," I said to Star, "… and the past is in the past," I said as I looked towards Shadow, "so there is no point in making a big deal of this, and beside Shadow you have your friends here with you this time, so I am positive that you third time in Los Pegasus will be a lot better than your last visits."

"You're right," Shadow saw my points, "what's done is done and there's nothing that can't be done, but that doesn't mean that I can enjoy what the future holds," he finished with a smile and then the world around us went a few shades darker. We all gathered around the window on my right and there on the mountain side, written in the large white letterings is the name of the home of famous ponies; Applewood, which is currently located in the city of our set destination.

"Well everypony, we're finally here," Star announces as I was suddenly into a headlock by Star, I looked over and saw that Star had done the same with Shadow, "the city of the angels; Los Pegasus. The town will never know what hit it," he added with that statement, I hope it isn't us that's going to hit it.

And then heard Shining behind us suddenly snort awake, "ugh, what did I miss, did something just happened?"


Well I am sorry about the late update everyone, but let me explain why: my computer's charger decided to die on me, but after days of pony withdrawal, I went nuts and performed a Jesus Christ act on it and resurrected it; a few days after that, I got infected by a virus as well as my computer, so we both went through a complete reboot; and my dad coming to visit me and my family for the weekend; and writing another story; all they while working nonstop during the day all week before that, which didn't help my cold at all, and was only able to work on my stories mostly at night.

So please forgive me for letting real life get the jump on me and beating the crap out of me soon after. Well you know the deal, leave your comments, reviews and questions.

End A/N

Chapter 65: Los Pegasus PT1

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Well folks, I finally did it, I had gotten my 100th favorite on Fanfiction. Now on with the story or as known as to you readers; Shadow's bachelor party.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

Shining, Star, Shadow and I observed the city of Los Pegasus as it pass by through our train as the train pulls up into the station, "so what do you have plan for us Star?" Shadow asked as the train finally came to a complete stop and ponies around started to get up from their seats and move about in the cabin.

"Nothing," he answered causally as he got up from his seat.

"Wait, what do you mean nothing?" Shining asked as he too got out of his seat and then followed by me and Shadow getting up from our seats.

"It means exactly as it sounds," he answered as he started making his way towards one of the exits.

"So basically you just go with the flow and let something happens," I clarified for everypony to understand as we followed him.

"Yup," he established, "because usually, if I plan or have plans for something for the day, it ends with some form of ancient or once thought destroyed or else revived evil in some form to appear and cause havoc and ruin my planned day," he explained as he exited the train

"Are you serious?" Shining asked him as we stepped off the train and onto a barely deserted platform.

"Oh quite serious," he said as he stopped and looked back at us, "and I can give a few examples; one, I had planned a trip to Canterlot for Arcana and I for Heart and Hooves day and it ended with Arcana crying and with me beating up Blueblood; two, when Arcana and I went to our first Grand Galloping Gala, Nightmare Moon made an appearance and put Arcana and I in the hospital; three, I planned a nice picnic for Arcana and I for the eclipse and made an unexpected trip to another world when the eclipse messed with our abilities, but something good came out of that one."

"Really, what was it?" Shadow asked.

"Me," I answered him and gained his attention, "I found them both in my basement and after a few actions that happened afterwards I went with them when they were brought back to this world."

"Four…" Star continuing his list of bad luck, "when I was being taught by Princess Luna to learn how to use my star, I sat on a cacti," this earned him a series of laughter from me and the others, "quiet; five, your wedding Shining, Arcana, Aceiro and I were pony-napped by a shape shifter creature and I died protecting Arcana," and he was received looks of worry and surprise from Shadow and Shining, "and was brought back to life thanks to her, but some good things came out of it in the end though, Arcana and I are now a couple as well as Aceiro and Fe; and six, when Shadow and I planned to hang out at the deer tribe's campsite and we accidently ticked off their special birds and the very next day, we were pranked, hoaxed and harmed by them."

"Don't remind me," Shadow added his comment to Star's explanation and then shudder as he remembered some horrible experience he had suffered that day.

"And that's why I don't usually plan for things ahead, because with my bad luck, something is bound to happen, so that's why I only planned the trip to Los Pegasus and nothing else, and that's just the planned days, the list of my unplanned days is about five times as long and just as worse."

"Wow, your bad luck is just as or maybe even worse than a regiment we have in the royal guards," Shining spoke, "how are you even alive after what you been through?" he asked amazed from Star's good health.

He just shrugged, "I don't even know myself, either I'm one tough and strong willed Pegasus or the universe just wants to keep me around and healthy, so it can hurt me later on for kicks and giggles, and I am starting to think it is because of the second reason."

"Well this has been a very interesting session and all," Shining declared, "but I think we should get going now."

"Why do you say that?" Star asked him.

"Because of him," he said as he pointed to the left. We turn our gazes to where he is pointing and there standing a little away is a slightly annoyed conductor looking at us and then to a pocket watch that he is holding in his hoof.

"If you'll all please be kind to move away from the train, because we have a tight schedule to keep here and we can't leave with you all next to the train," he requested, slightly annoyed of our longing presence on the train platform and next to the waiting train.

"Oops, sorry sir, we'll leave right now," Star answered back to him and was replied back with a nod from the conductor as he made his way back into the train. We quickly made our way away from the train and just as we walked ten feet the sound of a whistle went off and then the train slowly made its way from the station.

"So tell me Shining, do you know what there is to do in Los Pegasus?" Star asked the unicorn captain as we made our down the steps of the station and onto the bustling streets of L.P., but as soon as we stepped into the city streets, I saw a few ponies look at us and they started whispering to each other, why am I getting a feeling that we are going to do some running soon?

"Well I had never visited this city as well, so I don't know a lot about it, but hear that there are some excellent museums and clubs that some of the palace guards said when they went here for vacation."

"Well then let's go see some artifacts of the past and go clubbing," Star suggested with a smile.

Shining looked at Star, amazed at what he said, "That actually sounds to… normal, for a bachelor party."

"Well, I find that the idea for a bachelor party is to go out and get drunk, wake up in a hotel that is completely trashed with signs that something else had happened besides a party, with no memory of the night before what so ever and then go explore the city to remember what we did with little clues we have, just cliché and frankly stupid," Star explained as we walked past another group of whispering group of ponies, "but with my luck, there might be a small chance that might happen, small but there."

"I hope not," Shadow hoped, "because I'm loyal only to Fluttershy."

"That's a great thing to have in a relationship," Shining concurred with the black Pegasus, "but don't forget about trust and love as well, that's what keeps mine and Cadence's relationship together."

"Maybe that's one of the reasons why the changeling queen wanted to keep you," I pointed out and then I realized something, "wait if she was impersonating Cadence for what, about a week? Did you two ever, you know did-"

"Finish that question and I'll put a shield bubble around you and kick you down the largest hill I can find," he threatened me, "and trust me, I did it before and I can do it again."

"Alright no more questions about if Shining and Chrysalis ever bow chica wow wowed," Star stated from behind Shining and was rewarded with an angry glare from him as his horn started to glow in a red-pink glow, "hey hey hey, it could mean anything, you're just the one who thinks that it might be something else," he quickly added.

The glow around his horn faded away when Star explained, "ugh, you know that you're one lucky pony, right?"

"Nah, I think he is more of an unlucky pony," Shadow commented and got laughter from me and Shining.

"Whoa, did Shadow just make a zinger?" Star asked impressed as he looked around me and at Shadow, who winced under his gaze.

"Oh did I? I'm sorry then," Shadow quickly apologized.

"Hey don't be like that Shadow," I said to him as I pat him on the back, "it's alright to make remarks like that among friends and besides, I think he is used it to by now," I added as I pointed towards him.

"It's true."

"Now let's go and enjoy the rest of your bachelor party," I finished and we continue our way down the street.

But just as we took a few steps, I saw a little Pegasus colt approaching towards our group, "excuse me sirs," he said a little nervous about something, "but can I ask you something?"

"Of course little one, what is it?" Shining queried.

"Well actually, it is to you two I wanted to ask," he said as pointed to me and Star, oh no, I'm have a bad feeling about this whole thing.

"Okay, what do you want to ask us?" Star asked the colt all of a sudden weary, probably sensing what I'm feeling about this whole situation.

"Well I have seen pictures of you two in the newspapers," oh crap, "and well I was wondering if you two are really two of the three Unsung Heroes."

"Ah dung beetles," I heard Star whisper under his breath and saw Shining give Star a confused look about his odd choice of words in the corner of my eye. Star let out a sigh and said, "Yeah we are them, why do you ask?"

But the colt didn't hear Star's question, for he was jumping up and down in absolute glee, "oh wow, two of the three Unsung Heroes are in my hometown, this is the greatest day of my life," he stopped bouncing and looked at us, "hey can I get your autographs?" he optimistically asked as he reached around and into his wing and pulled out a notepad and pencil from the folds of his feathers and held them out for us to possibly sign them.

"Well I don't know…" I started but then he gave me the saddest puppy eye look that could probably give Applebloom a run for her money, "ugh fine, give me those," I demanded as I took the notepad from him. I flipped open the pad and grasped the eraser end of the pencil and slid it out of the ring bindings and carefully wrote my name in it, as his sad look disappeared and was replaced with a happy one.

I finished writing my name and spat out the pencil and then held it out for Star to sign it next. He stared at the pad for a few seconds and then looked at me, "if you're thinking that I should use the pencil that you just used, you can forget-"

"Just sign it," I ordered.

"Alright, alright, don't get your wings in a bunch," he answers back and then looks at the pad and pencil again. I then saw him focus on the objects in my hoof and with slight tingling feeling in my hoof, the pad and pencil floated off of it and in front of him. This earned him surprised looks from Shining, Shadow and the Pegasus colt, and then their mouths drop open when Star jerked his head the pencil right itself up and started writing his name underneath mine.

"There go kid," a now sweating and exhausted Star said as he floated over the notepad back to the still shocked colt.

"How did you do that?" the colt asked him as he took the notepad back and got over the surprising panorama that just happened.

"Yeah, how did you do that?" Shining repeated, "Because I thought only unicorns can levitate items and such."

"Oh come on Shining, you saw me do other things that a normal Pegasus couldn't or shouldn't be able to do," he said to the white unicorn and then he noticed that the colt was still staring at him and looked back at him, "well to answer your question, the reason I am to do what I just did is because I'm not your typical everyday Pegasus."

"Then what are you?"

"Let's just say, I am a very special pony."

"You got that right mister," the colt said, he then look down at the notepad in his hooves and realized what he's holding, "whoa, I have two of the three signatures of the Unsung Heroes, these are going straight to my collection of signatures," he then looked up at us, "um not to sound ungrateful or anything, but the third Unsung Hero wouldn't be happened to be in the area so I can get her signature too."

"Sorry kid, but she isn't here right now, but I'll see if she can give one you some other day though," Star promised.

"Can you really do that?" the colt asked astonished.

"Sure, after all she is my marefriend," he stated his relation, "but I can't promise anything though."

I saw the hope in his eyes drop, but not by much, "oh well, two out of three isn't so bad," he dejectedly said as he tuck the notepad back into the feathers of his wing, "Well thank you for the autographs, but I have to get going now."

"No problem," I said as he turned around and started walking away, and then I realized something, "hold on minute kid," I called out to him, which caused him to stop and look back at me, "you know our names, but we never got yours."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that," he apologized, "my name is Warning," as soon as he said his name, I tensed up, and also sensed Star next to me tense up as well. "Well, see you around," Warning then walked up the street, but then he stopped when he walked a few yards. He looked back at us and said with a grin, "oh and here's a tip for celebrities like you two; look around corners before you turn them because you might never know what's going to be behind it and try to avoid large crowds," he advised and then continue on his way up the street and disappeared around a corner.

"What do you think he means when he said that?" Shadow asked.

"I don't know Shadow, but I am getting a feeling that something big is coming though," Star proclaimed, "and I don't like it."

"Can't you just sense it coming like what you did before we pony-napped Shadow?" Shining asked him.

"Sorry, but it doesn't work like that."

"How come?"

Star looked at him with a bemused look, "you know something Shining, even though you're the captain of the unicorn division of the Royal Guards and hold a great amount of powerful magic, enough to temporary hold back an entire army of changelings while you were in a zombie like state, you can sometimes be a little dense," Star said to him and was rewarded with a very angry look from the unicorn captain.

"There was no need for that insult," Shining replied angrily.

"Now let me explain why it won't work," Star continues, ignoring what he said as well as the look that he getting from Shining, "first, I can only get small feelings here and there that something is coming, but can't see it coming, like seeing the future, that's up Arcana's alley, I think; second, I can only sense living things and were surround by other ponies, so I wouldn't be able to sense where it might be coming from; and third, it's the middle of the day, so my embodiment is probably on the other side of the world by now and my sixth sense wouldn't fully work."

"Well I'm sorry, because I'm not the one with one of the mysterious objects of power that is capable extraordinary feats tattooed on my leg, so I have no idea on how your abilities work and I am also not a human turned pony to boot as well," Shining retorted.

"That is true, sorry about that Shining," Star apologized him and then a puzzling looked appeared on his face, "what a minute, how did you that I was once a human?"

"Not just you, him as well," he added as he pointed at me, "as well as Arcana, and for how I know, Princess Celestia and Luna told only to a few ponies that they trust about yours, Aceiro's and Arcana's origins," and then a perplexed look formed on his face, "huh, they also added that the other reason that they are telling us about you three is because we'll become more involved with you three, how the princess know that, I'll never know and pretty sure nopony else either."

"Perfect, now there are ponies out there that know our secret, who else know about our secret?"

"I do," Shadow answered him.

"As well Lyra Heartstrings," I supplied my own, "but in my defense, you did kind of taunt her with the way you sat and got her all worked up."

"Isn't there anypony that doesn't know that we were once-"

"Will you shut up Star?" I quickly silenced him as I looked around and noticed ponies giving us odd looks and whispering to each other, "let's get out of here," we made our way up the street and away from the rumoring ponies. "Sorry about that Star," I apologized as we walked few yards, "but I don't want ponies to overhear that we were once apparently creatures of myth and possibly attracted the attention of another anthropologist."

"No problem, I perfectly understand," Star understood my intentions, "now let's stop this talk of humans and abnormal abilities, okay?" we all agreed with him on that, "alrighty then, let's go and enjoy the city sights."

We made our through the surprising mirror city of Los Angeles, Los Pegasus, it's remarkable, I commented as I looked around at the palm trees and familiar buildings, even though our worlds haven't interacted with each other, there are major similarities between them, and then my gaze settled on the giant Applewood sign on the side of mountain, well aside from the small differences here and there.

We enjoyed more of the city sights, sounds, but just as we walked past a building that looked just like the Grauman's Chinese Theatre back on Earth, we past a group of ponies gathered around the entrance of the building. However as we walked past them, one of the them looked back and saw us, at first her expression was disbelief, but then it turned into one of amazement, "are those the Unsung Heroes?"

As soon as she asked that, other ponies quickly looked our way with incredulously looks on their faces, which quickly changed into astonishment as soon as they saw me and Star and a few of them even pulled out cameras, and then I remembered Warning's warning about avoiding large crowds, "oh shit."

"Run!" Star cried out.

To be continued…


Well folks, after receiving a scare when I thought I had accidently deleted this chapter when my computer updated, nonstop working and interruptions from my family, I have finally finished this chapter, but since it has been to long since the last update and that this chapter is getting longer, I decided to make this into a two-part. So tell me what you think by leaving your comments and reviews, also leave any questions you have about my story, or stories and I'll answer them, thank you for reading.

End A/N

Chapter 66: Los Pegasus PT2

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Here you go folks, part two, now shut up your faces and enjoy it, and sorry about the long wait.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

"Run!" Star screamed as the group of paparazzi ponies started running towards us, with cameras already flashing and questions being asked.

We all quickly took off running down the street with the swarm of ponies followed close behind us. As we ran pass by startled ponies as the move out of the way for us, I heard some of the reporters behind us ask questions among their selves, "are those really the Unsung Heroes?"

"But there are only two of them, where's the third one?" a mare pointed out.

"Who are the other two?" another asked

"I think one of them is Shining Armor, captain of the unicorn guards division, I recognized him from the photos of his wedding," I heard a mare answer, "but who's the forth?"

"Isn't that the pegasus that proposed to the beautiful and magnificent one-time fashion model Fluttershy?" I heard a stallion reply.

"Okay this is just plain ridicules," I heard Shadow huffed as we made a turn down a passing street.

"Welcome to our world," Star replied back to him, "because this is pretty much one of our normal days," I saw Star took a glance behind us. "Oh shit!" he quickly faced ahead and doubled his speed, "I don't know how or even possible, but the paparazzi swarm behind us has doubled in size," he explained, which quickly encouraged me, Shining, Shadow to double our own speeds as well. After almost an hour of making our down through alleyways, side streets, and narrow passageways, we finally lost the mass of paparazzi… for now that is.

"Well this sure has been exciting," Shining panted as he leaned against a nearby wall, "only have been in the city for what, an hour? And already we have been warned about avoiding large crowds and then chased throughout all of L.P. by the frigging paparazzi, how can you live like this?" he asked Star about his life style.

Star looked at him and then put a hoof on his chin in thought, "um, huh I don't know really, I guess I just deal with it and, if possible, maybe have a little fun with it," he answered with a smile.

"You're insane, you're really insane," Shining said disbelieved from Star's answer.


"Alright that's enough," I said as I stepped in between the two white ponies before the situation gotten out of control, "let's get going before the paparazzi finds us and start this situation all over again," I looked over to Shadow and saw him looking out the alleyway and onto the street instead at us. I looked over back Star and Shining and leaned in close to them and threatened them in a whisper so only for they can hear, "alright you two, both of you better stop bickering and starting up fights, or I'll encase you both in metal and place you in the Canterlot Gardens for all to see what happens when you piss me off and I'll even ask Princess Celestia herself to make sure you two stay in them, go it?"

I got nods of confirmation from the both of them, "good, because this is Shadow's special day, and let's try to make some good memories in this town that isn't family rejection, trouble with the local enforcement and running from the crazy paparazzi," I finished as I leaned away from them and walked over to Shadow, but I stopped and quickly looked back at Star and added, "and I'll make sure to have Arcana make you stay in yours Star."

"Have Arcana make Star stay in what?" Shadow asked me as he walked up to me.

"Oh it's nothing Shadow," I casually said to him, "just making these two promise something for me, right?" I asked as I looked at Shining and Star. I got replies of 'oh yeah' and 'gotcha' from them both, "good now let's get going, I don't want to stay in this alleyway any much longer."

We then left the alleyway and we all soon realized something when we stepped onto an unfamiliar street; we are lost in Los Pegasus, "ah wouldn't have to happen to know where we are Shadow, do you?" Star asked Shadow for our current location.

"Nope sorry," Shadow answered, "I have never been to this part of the city, because it was under construction when I was last here."

"Ah crap," Star responded, "great, just great."

"Can you just warp us back to the train station?" Shining asked him.

"Shining, you sure a…" Star was about insult Shining, but he saw my glare and probably remembered my threat I made at him, "… a curious one," he finished nicely with a nervous grin, "well there's a problem with that method Shining," he continues, "because you see this is Los Pegasus, which is a city and since cities are bigger than towns, there are a lot more ponies about and since I don't know their habits or behaviors, one of us might wind up inside some unfortunate pony, and it doesn't help that our group is a little big for my comfort for us to be warping all over the city."

"So basically it means that we have to walk around the city in search of familiar landmarks," I once again plainly clarified.


I let out a sigh of annoyance at the limitations on Star's abilities, "well let's get going already, maybe we can somepony with directions."

We made our way through down the streets, occasionally passing by a pony, which we asked them for directions, but we mostly got 'bug off' in response. "Wow, the folks here are sure friendly," Star sarcastically said as another rude pony walked away from us when we asked him directions, "Even Canterlot's residents are nicer than these ponies and they're stuck-up snobs, no offense Shining."

"None taken, I agree with you on that one there," Shining agreed.

"Well let's get going, there's bound to be some ponies that'll show us some decency in this town."

We continue our way through the streets of the city of the angels and after an hour walking we finally came upon a sight that I thought never existed in this world; a pizzeria, with the words 'A Slice of Heaven' printed in large white letters on the face, telling us its' name . "No way," Star spoke what I was thinking in disbelief at the sight in front of us, "You guys have pizza here?"

"Of course," Shining said, "haven't you ever had one before?"

"Well of course I have," Star responded, "it is just that I hadn't had a slice of pizza in almost a year and that was when I was back in my old world, because I thought that there wasn't any form of pizzas in this one, but now that I know that there's pizza in this world, my love for this world has just increased," he happily declared and then his happiness dropped a bit, "although it would be even more greater if my bad luck wasn't trying to kill me now and then."

As I listen to Star pointing out his bad luck, a warm breeze wafted out of the pizzeria and right into my face, compelling me to take a whiff that rode along with the breeze. As soon as I sniffed the tomato sauce, melted cheese and herbs, I felt my mouth started to water and my stomach started to growl in hunger, which was soon followed by the other's stomachs as well, "alright enough chitchat, it clearly shows that we all are hungry right now, so let's all go inside and order some pizza," I spoke up what everypony was probably thinking.

The others agreed with me and then proceed to make our way to the pizzeria in front of us. As soon as we passed through the entrance of the pizza restaurant and into the surprisingly empty restaurant, the smell of oven-baked pizzas and calzones hit us like a tidal wave and then causing Star and Shining to quickly make their to the counter in the back, but when I smelled those familiar smells, I felt a sense of sadness form in my heart as I remember the times when my mom made homemade pizzas before she passed away. My eyes started to tear up as I then remember that she isn't here anymore, mom would've probably love this world, I thought as I quickly wiped away the forming tears.

"Is something wrong?"

I looked to my left and saw a concern looking Shadow, "it's nothing Shadow."

"It doesn't look like nothing," Shadow observed.

I let out a sigh as he saw through me, "I'm just remembering some moments I had with my mom, she was always a great a cook and I had fun being her helper."

"Oh I'm sorry," Shadow apologized as he caught the past tense about my mom, "I didn't mean to prod."

"That's okay Shadow, you didn't know," I reassured him and continues, "It is just that sometimes I remember moments about my mom and I sometimes I smile or I cry a little from them, but I try not to let them affect me much though, so don't worry about it."

"I'm still sorry though," Shadow repeated.

"Hey come on guys," I heard Star call out. I looked to where I heard Star called out and saw that he and Shining are already sitting a table, "we're already ordered our food, so get your flanks over here."

I let out a smile at the carefree attitude of Star's and I looked back at Shadow, "now cheer up Shadow, today's your special day. So there's no need to be all mopey because of me, now let's go and get some pizza," I finished as I raised my left foreleg and pat him on the back. But as soon as my hoof made contact with him, I felt a sudden rush run between us like a static shock, but a lot more painful.

"Yow," I cried out as I quickly pulled back my hoof away from Shadow.

"What was that?" Shadow asked as he rubbed the spot on his shoulder where I touched him.

"I don't know," I responded back as I looked at my hoof and saw nothing but just the marking of the Entropy Element etched on my foreleg and the sense of confusion from it, "but whatever it was, that hurt."

"When you're done looking at your hoof Aceiro, do you think you and Shadow can come and sit with us now?" Star rhetorically asked us, making us realized that we are still standing in the middle of the restaurant.

"Oh right," Shadow said, clearly embarrassed. We both made our way to the table and sat down in the seats that Star and Shining had reserved for us. "So what did you order for us Star?" Shadow asked.

"Well since I don't know what you like, I gotten what we all might enjoy; something called an artichoke pizza." We didn't have to wait for long at the table before the door that probably leads to the kitchens swung opened and an earth pony walked out with a large pizza in front of her. She hurriedly walked over to our table and carefully set the hot pizza on a metal rack and removed the tongs she used to hold the pizza and then placed them in her apron.

"Whew, that's hot," she said as she fanned her face from it being so close to the hot pizza, "well, here you go gents, one large artichoke pizza, I'm your waiter for today, now enjoy your meal and if you need anything else, just call for me, okay?" and with that she made her way back to the kitchen.

All of our gazes turn towards the center of the table and at what is currently resting there and in the corner of my vision I say Star licking his lips as the sight of the cheesy, greasy, delicious smelling pizza in front of us, "oh man," Star said excited, "even though I never heard of this kind of pizza, it smells so good!"

"Then what are we staring at it? Waiting for the birds to get at it?" I rhetorically asked, "Let's start eating it already," as soon as I said that we all made a move on it and quickly grabbed a slice of the pizza each and take bite of it. My mouth was immediately filled with tastes of mozzarella, a nice crispy charred crust, bits of artichoke and a nice thick delicious sauce that I couldn't identify and yet wanting more of it.

"Holy moly," Shadow said amazed through a mouthful of the pizza as he finished his current slice of pizza by popping the remains of the crust into his mouth, "this is the most delicious pizza I ever had," he added as he made a move for another slice.

"You got that right Shadow," Star agreed, "now I don't have to worry about introducing our pizza to this world when there's so much better stuff here than there," he said as he too reached for another slice.

I agreed with a nod and then reached for another slice of heaven.

We all quickly made our way through the pizza until finally there was left was the greasy metal pizza pan it came on, "oh wow," Star said as he pat his slightly bulging stomach, "that is the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten in my life."

"I agree," Shining agreed as he leaned back, "not even all the pizza in Canterlot is close to comparison to this one was."

"Okay I just have to meet the chef that made that made that pizza," Star declared, "excuse me waitress," he called back towards the kitchen. The back swung open and the same server from earlier walked out and over to us.

"Is there a problem?" she asked worried for some reason.

"Oh no no, there's no problem miss," Star quickly reassured her, she then let out a sigh of relief, "I just want to thank the chef that made this wonderful pizza," the waitress suddenly became nervous when he said that.

"Wait, you want to meet the chef?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Oh um, I am sorry, but I don't think that is possible."

"Why is that?" Star asked.

"Well, it is just that the chef kind of gets… uncomfortable when he's outside of the kitchen," the waitress hesitantly explained.

"Sorry miss," I apologized, "but all we want to do is say thanks to the chef for making this pizza and I have to say it is the most amazing pizza I ever had in my life."

I soon as I said that, I saw the kitchen door crack open in the corner of my vision, but I didn't pay much heed to it, "yeah," Shadow happily said, "I have had traveled basically all over Equestria and I had never eaten pizza like this one."

The door opened some more and there I saw an eye peer through the larger opening, "I concur, for I am the captain of the unicorn division of the Royal Guards, so I have banqueted with the princesses of the sun and moon, eating fine foods that was prepped by the finest chefs… and yet somehow this pizza just topped all of that," Shining praised, which caused the door to slowly open.

"Look here gents," the waitress spoke, drawing my eyes away from the door and back to her, "I said it before and I'll say it again, the chef get's un-"

"It's alright Wade," a voice called out, stopping Wade the waitress in what she was saying. We all looked towards the kitchen and there we saw standing in the now wide-open doorway into the kitchen something that we weren't expecting to see; a griffin. "I will gladly come out of my comfort zone to talk to the ones that has praised my cooking."

"Are you sure Quinn?" Wade asked the griffin, with her tone filled with worry.

"Yes I'm sure, now go and take your lunch break," Wade looked at him, then to us and then back at him. She gave him a nod and then reluctantly made her way to the kitchen. Quinn watched her go into the kitchen and as soon as the door came to a rest, he looked back at us, "so what you said about my pizza, is it that good?" he asked us.

"Okay first of all whoa, didn't see this coming," Star the first to break the silence, "and second, yeah we meant every word we said, right guys?" he asked us and got answers of agreement from us and then look back at the griffin chef, "now answer us this, why are you uncomfortable to show yourself to others?"

"Well you see, ponies around here aren't that comfortable with griffins, so they tend to stay as far away as they can, but some of them tend to be a little… hostile to griffins," Quinn explained as he pulled up a chair from another table and sat at our table, "but you four, aside from are the first ones to approach me without fleeing or hostile, why is that?"

"Well Star here and I have seen griffins before, so you're not the first," I enlightened.

"I have traveled all over Equestria and learned that those that makes great food, can't be that bad," Shadow supplied his reason.

"I've seen dragons and griffins here and there in Canterlot, so my reason is the same as these two," Shining said as he pointed to me and Star, "but why did you open a pizzeria when everypony is afraid of you here?"

"Well you see sir, "Quinn started, "it is always my dream to open a pizzeria and to use recipes that have been passed down to me from my family for others to enjoy. So I hide in the back and cook the food while Wade serves as well as being the face to this restaurant, but I'll have to shut this place down if not enough costumers come to my restaurant, "he finished sadly.

"Well I know this for sure Quinn," Star spoke up, "you just made one very satisfied and possibly repeat costumer with that pizza of yours."

"I'm happy to know that you loved the pizza, but I'm afraid that you alone wouldn't be enough to keep me in business," Quinn pointed out, "unless you would like me to charge you three times as much than I'll normally do."


"I figured, I probably have three weeks maybe for a month until I am forced to close this place, along with my dreams," the griffin stated.

"There must be something we can do?" Shadow asked concerned.

"Unless you can somehow bring a large hungry crowd into my restaurant, there's nothing you can do," Quinn countered, "I guess I can always go back home and start all over there."

"No Quinn," Wade suddenly called out startling all of us as she stepped out of the kitchen and towards us, "the reason that you have placed a lot of time and money into this place isn't so that you can give up."

"But what's there that I can do?" Quinn asked her, "It is not like a swarm of ponies is going to swarm this place anytime soon."

"Actually," Star spoke up and gaining all of our attention, "I think I might have an idea that can help everyone here," he said with a grin that for some reason didn't set right for me, "but first can you tell me where this place is located so I can find it again?"

"Sure I guess, the address for this pizzeria is one fifty-three Angel Avenue," Wade answered, "why do you ask?"

"So I can find it later," Star replied, and then looked at the others, "okay guys, see ya all in a few," with that he lowered his goggles over his eyes and then I realized what he's about to do and quickly shut my eyes just before he disappeared in a flash of light.

"Okay, I wish he'll give us heads up when he is going to do that," I heard Shining complain as I open my eyes and saw him rubbing his eyes after being blinded from Star's warping and saw Shadow tightly clenching his eyes shut.

"When you have been near around him long enough you get better at predicting when he's going to do that," Shadow stated as he finally opened his eyes.

"What the hay?" we heard Wade call out. We all quickly look towards the pair and there we saw a stunned griffin and pony, "how did- how did he just do that?" she asked clearly confused of what she just saw, "because that's not possible."

"Don't ask us, because I am sure that we don't know how he's able to do that and I am pretty sure that he doesn't know himself," I stated at the disbelieved earth pony and stunned griffin. I let out a sigh at Star's lack of foresight when he warps in front of others.

"But he's a Pegasus not a unicorn," Quinn spoke up, finally gotten over the show that Star pulled off in front of him.

"He's not an ordinary Pegasus," Shining answered.

"Then what is he?"

"Ah…" I started not sure how to explain that without explaining about human.

"Wait a minute," Wade interrupted me, "I think I know who he is, he's one of the Unsung Heroes," oh no. Wade looked over at me and saw a smile formed on her face, "and you're Aceiro, also one of the Unsung Heroes, can I say something to you?"

I let out a small groan as Star and I were recognized, "yes we are, but please don't call us that, because frankly I think that title is worth a lot more trouble than without one."


"Alrighty then, what do you want to say to me?"

"Thank you," Wade thanked me out of the blue, completely catching me off guard from it.

"You're welcome, but why are you thanking me?"

"A couple of reasons; first for helping, and possibly on a few occasions alone, saving this country, second you're showing that we earth ponies can stand just as strong willed as a unicorn and just as resilient as a Pegasus, and third I think you're kind of cute."

If I have been drinking something, I would've probably started coughing it back up, "Well thank you Wade for the compliment, sorry though, but I already have a marefriend."

"Then she's one lucky pony, if she has you for her special stallion."

"But he has a pair of wings," Quinn pointed out.

"They're not real, see?" I opened my wings and stretched them out for them to see, causing the lights to be reflected like mirrors, "I was testing out a pair of flight wings for non-pegasi ponies to fly when a dragon attacked me and burned them into my back, where my talent then started to integrate them into my body as I was recovering in the hospital."

"What is your talent?" Quinn inquired.

"I can change the shape and of any form that is made of metal," I reached for the metal pizza pan and gave it a quick wipe down from a nearby napkin to clean the grease and cheese from it. When I removed as much of the pizza remains from the pan, I discarded the napkin and held it up for Quinn and Wade to see, "now watch," I focused on the pan and concentrated on it.

I felt a slight pulsation through my element markings and then a faint white glow appeared around the pan. With a surge of energy, the pan suddenly flashed white and I can feel it starting to shift in my hooves, morphing into the first object I am picturing in my head.

"Ah… what it is?" Quinn asked puzzled at what I just made.

"I never seen anything like it," Wade equally as confused as her griffin friend.

"It looks kind of scary," Shadow nervously said, "and dangerous."

"It looks like a sword," Shining observed, "but the shape isn't right though."

"Well you're right Shining, it is a sword," I said as I placed the object on the table; a replica of an energy sword from the Halo series, "but it is just replica, and you're right Shadow the real thing is a lot more dangerous," and not real as well, and then I realized something, ah man, Halo 4 had probably came out already.

"Well whatever it is, that was mightily impressive," Quinn said amazed, he then looked at a clock that is hanging on the wall above the counter, "you're friend has been gone for a long time, do you know what he means when he said that he has a plan before he disappeared?"

"I don't know, but I am getting a feeling that he's coming back soon and that he'll tell us something that might involves us running soon," I made a guess of what's going to happen. I saw Shadow and Shining huddle up together and whispered to each other and then they pulled way and shook hooves, like one does to make a commitment. What are those two up to? As soon as I finished that thought, a flash of light appeared and filling up the whole restaurant in its luminosity.

When the light faded away and sights returned, there we saw a panting Star leaning against the table, "okay guys, we need to get going right now." When Star said that, I saw Shining pull out a couple of bits and floated them over to Shadow, who was wearing a victorious grin on his face, ah so it was a bet.

"Star," I looked at Star, who finally caught his breath, "what did you do?"

"Well…" Star hesitantly started, "I may have kind of went around town and found the swarm of paparazzi that chased us earlier today and got them all to chase me and after about ten minutes of them chasing me, I told them were they can find us," and then his gaze settled on the Halo replica piece on the table, "hey is that a model of the energy sword?"

"You did what?" I'm shocked at what he just said.

"I told a crowd of hungry reporters where they can find us," Star abridged his earlier explanation, "hey, has any new Halo games came out lately?"

"Are you nuts!?" Shadow cried out, clearly panicked of what Star said.

"Possibly a little," Star answered Shadow as he reaches into the folds of one of his wings and pulls out a small bag that clinked as he then opened it and took about a dozen of bits out of it and placed it on the table, paying for the pizza… with tip. But just as he placing his money back into its' hiding among his feathers, he let out a burst of shudders, "okay guys, I suggest that you all get near me right now."

"Why?" Shining asked puzzled about his request.

"Because the paparazzi are just down the street of this place, so I need all to gather around me and hurry about it," he ordered.

"Wait, this is your plan?" Wade spoken, reminding us of their presence, "to lead a hungry crowd of ponies to our restaurant so we can feed them?"

"Yup," Star answered with a smile as we gathered around him.

"Why would you do that for us?" Quinn asked him disbelieved at Star's deed, "we hardly know you and yet you just possibly help my dream become a reality."

"I have a few reasons, but mostly I like to help others," he answered, "and you can say that Unsung Heroes ate here as an added bonus, that'll definitely get you a lot more costumers," he added with a wink. "Now it's time to make a greeting and an exit," he cryptically said and as soon as he finished saying that, the front door burst up and a flood of reporters flooded into the pizzeria, completely filling it up and quickly surrounding all of us and asking us questions.

"Alright everypony," Star called out to the reporters, which they answered back with a quick silence, some of them already holding out notepads and pencils, ready to take notes, "I know I said that I will give you an interview, but I never said that it will be about me," this caused a few murmurs to form in the crowd. "That griffin and pony over there…" he addressed to the crowd as he pointed to Quinn and Wade standing by the counter that they were pushed back to due to the sudden increase of ponies, "…have here what could be possibly the best pizza here in Equestria."

"But he's having trouble to get his dreams and talents realized when everypony here in this town is afraid or to some of those out there, and there will be, racist of non-ponies, so I have this to say; get over it and give it a try, because this griffin is one of the best. Now we all must abide you all adieu," Star said as he reached out and put an arm around Shining and me, while I reached out for Shadow on my left.

"Now goodbye everypony," Star called out just as I rested my hoof on Shadow and was met with the same painful static shock feeling, but before I can pull my hoof off of Shadow; Star warped us out of the restaurant in flash of light.

Quinn and Wade stood there in shock at the sight that Star herded into their pizzeria; costumers and lots of them, and their can hear some of their stomachs growling, while some of them are sniffing the air, "I guess I'll start up the other ovens," Quinn predicted as he turned around and walked back into the kitchen just as Wade walked into the crowd of hungry reporters to take their orders.

As the world was consumed in light, the shocking feeling suddenly increased until it was like I am holding onto one of those self-torture devices that you find in arcades, but it didn't last long as all of a sudden I was flung back by some unknown force and then felt something hit me in the stomach. I opened my eyes and saw blurry green things everywhere, which was accompanied with a swaying motion, making me feel a little seasick, "ow, what just happened," I heard Shining call out, strangely beneath me.

My sight cleared up and saw that the green things were long leaves, I looked around and saw that I had somehow ended up on top of a palm tree, "hey where's Aceiro?" I heard Star call out, "and where's Shadow for that matter."

I carefully looked over the edge of the crown of a palm tree and peered down and there I saw Star and Shining below the tree I am in, "I'm up here, " I called down to them, causing them to look up and spot me. I waved at them, which caused the tree to started swinging, and I quickly stopped, not wanting to fall off and onto the plaza below.

"Whoa, how did you get up there?" Star asked.

"I don't know."

"Hold on, I'll get you down," Shining assured me as his horn started to glow in a pink light.

"No wait don't," Shining stopped his spell and looked at me puzzled, "I'll get myself down," I carefully stood up and opened my metallically wings and took a breath right before I stepped out of the tree. I felt the wind catch underneath my wings and I slowly circled my way down to the ground like a glider. As soon as I my hooves made contact with the ground, I folded my wings back to my sides, "there see? I told you I can get myself down."

"Dude that's awesome," Star said, "hey you know what Aceiro, you looked just like a jet, maybe if you and Fe design some kind of jet propulsion system, you can really fly like one."

"And have that much power strapped to my ass, waiting to go off at any moment," I pointed out, "No thank you very much, I like my butt to be suitable to sit on. Now where's Shadow?" I asked as I looked around for the black Pegasus.

"I'm over here," Shadow's voice called out to our left. We looked in that direction and there we saw a very annoyed Shadow standing there, with bits of cabbage in his mane and coat, "what happened Star, and why did I suddenly found myself in a cabbage stand?" he asked as he walked up to us and shook all of the bits of food off.

"I don't know Shadow," Star confessed and then a pondering look formed on his face, "but I promise, that has never happened before to me or to others, something foreign interrupted my warp, what was it?" he asked himself and then his gaze wondered and settled on me, "wait your Reality Elements Aceiro! They must have mixed with my Space Element when I was in contact with you when we warped."

"Is that bad?" Shining asked concern.

"Oh definitely," Star proclaimed, "even through the Reality Elements are a set, they have very destructive characteristics when they're together, my Element fused with Arcana's Element has the probability to create a black hole."

"That is not good," Shining concluded.

"You got that, especially since I don't know what will happen if my Element mixes with Aceiro's and he has two of them and with my luck in the equation, that is just plain asking for something to happen, it's even a miracle that nopony appeared in an occupied space," we all let out a shudder at that thought.

"Maybe the reason that you're warp was interrupted is because you and Aceiro were side by side," Shadow theorized, "so maybe it won't happen again if Shining or I are between you two, so that way there's no chance of your elements mixing and allowing anything destructive to happen."

"That is actually a good idea Shadow," Star said amazed, "okay new rule everypony, make sure that Aceiro and I aren't near each other when we warp again, got it?" he gotten answers of agreement from Shining and Shadow, "alrighty then, impeding destruction aside, let's get going," he then started to walk towards out of the plaza.

"Going where?" Shadow asked him, causing him to stop and looks back at him.

"Why to a museum of course and it just happens that there's one right outside this plaza," Star informed us, "wanted to appeared at the entrance, but this is close enough I guess," we all followed him out of the plaza and there we saw a large building that reminds me of the Smithsonian. "I found this place by accident when I was resting from taunting the reporters," Star explained as we made way up the stairs and towards the entrance with us following next to him, "quickly now, I learned that they hold tours here and the last one for the day is going to start in a few minutes."

We entered through the doors and into a large spacious hall filled with displays and cases lined up against the wall with groups of ponies huddling near them. We made our way through crowds of ponies and approached the reception desk located in the center of the lobby, "hello and welcome to the Archival Center Museum, are you four here for the tour?" the unicorn receptionist asked as she looked up at us from a couple forms on her desk.

"Yeah, in fact I talked to one of the other receptionist and placed four holds on the last tour," Star said to her.

"Name please?" she asked as she pulled a clipboard towards her.

"Lumen Strip."

I raised an eyebrow as Star supplied a fake name to her and she started to flip through the sheets of paper for it, "ah here you are," she said as she looked up from the clipboard and at us, the rest of the group is over there," she announced as she pointed at a waiting group of ponies, "enjoy your visit."

"Thank you, we will have a nice evening," he replied back to her and then turned around and saw our questioningly looks, "don't give me that look, I just didn't want to be swamped by more ponies than I already was, or do you want to be swamped by ponies asking for interviews or autographs?" that sealed it and we made our way towards the rest of our tour group and waited for the tour guide to appear.

We didn't have to wait long before a Pegasus wearing a complete tour guide attire, entered the main hall from an adjoining hallway and walked towards our group, "hello everypony," she greeted us, "is everypony here?" she got answers of yes from ponies around us, "alrighty then, now if will you all follow me to the first exhibit and no cameras please." She then made her way towards a different hallway with us and the rest of the group following her down it and entered into a series of exhibits filled with scrolls, tools and other things marked from age making up the walls.

"Okay folks, we're entering the hall of the founding city of Canterlot," the guide announces as she continues her way down the hallway, "now as well all know, the capital was formed when all three tribe leaders finally gotten over their differences to work together after they nearly made this land into a frozen wasteland like the north."

"After almost a whole year, they had built the foundations of the magnificent city that we see today, with plans in motion of building Cloudsdale and expanding," the guide continues, but then she stopped in front of a display case. I craned my neck over the ponies that were huddled around the case and there I saw resting on a book stand is a book, "but researchers have discovered a diary that was written by Princess Platinum herself."

"Excuse me," A random pony called out to the guide, "but do you know what the diary pages are about?"

"Well the pages were weatherworn worn and ripped in some places, we were still able to decipher a large quantity of it and they tell a conflict that happened during the construction of Canterlot; the return of the windigoes and the appearance of the rainbow-winged pony."

I saw Star stiffen when the guide said that, oh yeah, Arcana time traveled to that time period, "the pages tell the story about how Princess Platinum and her two friends had fragments of the windigoes influence in their hearts and how the spirits grew until they broke free and started to freeze the land as well as the ponies that lived on it," she looked at the anticipation-filled crowd, "but when all hope seems lost, a mysterious pony with rainbow wings appeared and shattered the ice of the windigoe's cruse and destroyed the evil spirit after she freed Princess Platinum and her friends from its' imprisonment."

The guide looked away from the relieved crowd and back at the case, "but the odd thing is that this pony had just appeared one day out of nowhere right before the spirit attacked and then disappeared just as mysterious as she arrived, now we researchers suspected as if she was meant to be there for some reason."

"Ah excuse me," another pony called attention, "but isn't there already a bedtime story about this though?"

"You're correct, but note that that book is also filled with other myths, fairytales and other old mare tales, so it was always thought as a myth, but with this…" she said as she motioned towards the book in the stand, "this proves that that story is now real and true."

I saw Star raise his hoof gaining attention from the guide, "yes sir, what is it?"

"Are there any mentioning of the name of this mysterious pony?" Star nervously asked.

"Sadly no, it appears that any name of this pony is either faded away due to time and weather working on it or moths and worms eating passages containing the name from the book, so we aren't sure what is the name of this mysterious mare," I saw Star let out a sigh of relief at that, "but however in the last legible page of the diary before the rest turned to dust we were able to pull a name that might be the name of this rainbow-winged pony," Star stiffened at that information.

"What it is?" a child next to us asked.

"We believe that the name of the pony is… Arc," the guide answered and Star let out another sigh, "now we're not sure if Arc is the real name of this pony or just a fraction of a larger name," she said, "now let us continue with the tour, we have spent so much time on this exhibit and we have a lot more to go and see with little time in our favor."


Arcana suddenly sneezed, startling a Murphy bird that resting on her head to fly off and towards one of the roosting stands in the clearing of the deer tribe. She rubbed her nose to get rid of lingering itching feelings in it, "I didn't know that you're allergic to birds Arcana," Fe said as a Murphy bird landed on her head.

"But I'm not," she explained as Fluttershy and Avian entered the clearing with bags of bird seeds in their mouth and backs.

"Maybe somepony was talking about you," Fe suggested as she and Arcana walked over to the animal caretakers.

"Maybe, but about what though?"

The tour guide lead us and crowd through the museum, passing by other artifacts and relics of times long since passed away with the tour guide telling all of us a small story that belongs to it and answering questions before moving along to the next stop of the tour, without no more mentions of Arcana's presence tied to them, "all folks we are about to enter one of the exhibits that holds relics of the past that even predates Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna," she announced as she made her way into a doorway, but then she stops and looks back at us, "maybe even the rule of Discord, "she added, causing murmurs of excitement to appear from the crowd.

We followed our guide through the doorway and into a circle shaped room, but it wasn't empty, for there resting in the middle of the room is a large case, with what appears to be six old fashion style wands inside of it, although they have seen better days, "what you see before you are relics of an ancient civilization that appears to be far older than the time our ancestors founded this land that is Equestria today."

"These wands were discovered and recovered by in fact the very curator here, in fact she is also a professor of ancient history at a university not far from here," the guide started, "scientists found that these wands had contained complex, ancient magic that they believe is an ancient predecessor of the magic that currently runs through each and every one of us."

"Do they know where they came from, or who even made them?" a random pony asked.

"They were found deep in an underground chamber underneath a castle located on an island, and as for who made them we do not know that as well."

"What about their purpose?"

"We assumed that they had been able to control nature around those that held them, but as you can see the shape that these wands are in, it looks like they'll become part of it soon if somepony holds them for too long," she pointed out and then she raised her hoof and peered at the wristwatch on it.

"Sorry folks, but I have to say this concludes the end of the tour, for we have ran out of time," this got groans of disappointment from around us, "the museum is closing, but come back tomorrow if you want to know more, now if you'll all follow me back to the entrance," the tour guide left the hall and we all started to leave the hall, but as I was leading my friends behind the crowd, a guard broke away from the wall and towards, and raised a hoof, stopping me, Shadow, Star and Shining in our tracks, " except for you four, the curator would like to discus something with you all."

"Did we do something bad?" Shadow asked and got a shrug in response from the guard.

"I don't know, all she said that if I was to were to I see you four, I was to direct you all to her office when the last tour of the day was finished," the guard answered, "now if you will please follow me," he then started to make his way towards the exit of the hall. I looked back at the others and saw that they to hold the look of confusion on their faces.

"Don't worry, if worse comes to worst; I can always warp us away from here," Star assured and with that assurance in set, we exited the hall and started following the guard.

The guard leads us away from the hall of the wands and down in the opposite that the other visitors went, he led us through more hallways and up some stairs that wasn't on the tour. After a few minutes of walking, the guard finally stopped at heavy looking door with a plaque on it reading 'D. Do', "here we are, the curator's office," and with that he walked up towards the door and opened it.

"Excuse Miss Do, but the ponies that you requested are here."

"Thank you Night Watch, let them in please and then you go and enjoy the rest of your evening," a female voice called back from the other side of the door, she sounds like Rainbow, but a little more… daring, I thought as the now freed guard pulled his head out of the doorway.

"Okay she ready for you," the guard said to us as he walked past us and down the hall we just came from.

We looked at each other and then to the partly opened door, "well let's go and see the pony who wants to meet us for some reason," I said to others as I made my way to the door and pushed it open and stepped into an office and the first thing I saw is a large oak table and there sitting behind it, is a pony I always thought was just a made character; Daring Do… perched over some pieces of paper.

"Daring Do?" Star stunned as he stepped into the office, causing Daring to look up at Star with a dark pink eyes behind pair of wire framed glasses.

"That's what it says on my door," Daring responded.

"What a minute," Shining said, "you're Daring Do? Like as in the famous the treasure hunter Daring Do?"

"I prefer to call myself a recover of ancient artifacts," Daring corrected him as she took off her glasses and set them on the desk.

"You're real?" Star still stunned about this.

"Well of course I am," Daring answered, clearly annoyed about this as if she had heard this before, "I'm just as real as you or him," she said as she pointed at me, "and please don't be like everypony that keeps on asking me that, because it is getting very annoying."

"Well it is just that you're a character in a book, so I thought that, you know, you were a made up character."

Daring let out a sigh of annoyance and rubbed her face with a hoof when Star said that, "I have told those publishers of mine many times to not print my journals into books with that writing style."

"Why?" Shadow asked.

"Because thanks to their "foresight", I'm a made up character and ponies flip when they see me," Daring Do explained to Shadow, "now enough about me and my existence, there's a reason I had you four to be brought here to my office."

"And what is that?" Star asked.

"Well aside using a fake name Mr. Strip," Daring read from a sheet of paper, exposing Star's devious deed. She looked at Star's disbelieved face, "now here are some words of advice Star; don't use a fake name that basically means your real name, now for the real reason why you are here," Daring stood up, straightened some wrinkles from her dark olivine vest, and walked over to us, "because you see, I just recently came home from a voyage in search of ancient artifacts…"

"The ancient wands of magic, right?" Shadow finished.

"Ah, I see that somepony been paying attention on the tour," Daring said impressed and then she became depressed, "yes the magic wands, but I wish that everything I found at the site, is here and not just the wands."

"You mean there were more in the underground chamber?" Shadow asked.

"Yes there was," Daring answered, "You see I also found-"

"Wait let me guess," Star interrupted the monochromatic spectrum mane pony, "you also found six small crowns as well as a giant crystal that seems to radiance harmony?"

This time is was Daring's turn to become stunned, "yeah I did, how you know that?"

"Ah well you see here Daring…" Star hesitantly started, great, he possibly knows that from earth, "… when I was little and while my parents worked, they had a babysitter to look after me, and she would always bring stories and tell them to me, and what you found describes a tale from them, including what they're called."

"Really, what is it?" Daring now clearly intrigued to learn more, she like Rainbow and Twilight mixed together, I observed.

"The story is called 'The Quest of the Princess Ponies' and the crystal was called The Heart of Ponyland and crowns were the Magic Crowns and when they are all together, they restore each other's magic," Star then told how a lava spirit pony-napped the princess and how he wanted all of the wands' magic for himself, but then the princesses overcame their selfish reasons to take their wands back and stop the lava spirit and destroyed him.

"Huh," Daring said amazed as Star finished, "I actually have records that mentions that even before our ancestors even moved to the land before coming to Equestria, they all lived in a land called Ponyland, this could possibly increase my department's exploration funds to look into this," and then Daring looked back at Star, "but the way you described the story, it sounded to be a little to… ugh, cutesy."

"Yeah I agree, actually found myself gagging on a few parts, but my babysitter was an elderly folk, so she didn't know what was what and thought it was good idea at the time," Star explained, "so where are the other artifacts anyway?"

"The crystal heart is in the Canterlot Archives," Daring answered him, "Princess Celestia and Luna actually arrived here as soon as I arrived with them, they said that they need to take it to protect others from the unstable magic it contains, at least I now know that reason."

"What about the magic crowns?" Shining asked.

"Now this part confuses me, when they took the crowns, they said that they will return them to their rightful owners," Daring answered, "to a species of creatures called Bushwoolies," I saw Star wince, as if he was in pain.

"I've never heard of Bushwoolies," Shadow acknowledged, "and I traveled all around Equestria."

"Same here as well," Daring agreed, "but I believe that they were also residents of Ponyland along side of our ancestors."

I felt a yawn forming on my face, compelling me let it out, and then I looked around for anything that can tell me what the current time is. I finally spotted one hanging on the wall to my left and saw that we have been at the museum for more than a couple of hours, "ah excuse me," I spoke up, gaining everypony's attention in the room, "I know that this is all interesting, but it is getting late, so can you tell us why you have us here? Because it is clearly that it wasn't to exchange notes about ancient history."

"Oh right sorry," Daring apologized, embarrassed about the off topic, "it's the professor profession inside me, when I learn something new, I want to know more," she's like the rule sixty-third pony version of Indiana Jones.

"Perfectly understandable," Star assured her, "I have a friend back at home that flips if she is as much a day late for an assignment or project."

"Alright as I was saying before we got sidetracked there, as soon as I arrived back home with the artifacts, I had gotten an invite to a private party. But I always dread these kinds of things, so I saw you all entering the museum and I recognized two of the Unsung Heroes as well as the captain of the Unicorn Division of the Royal Guards from a newspaper article about the wedding, an idea formed in my head; surely they can liven up this boring party? Now I know this sounds selfish and rude on my part, but I was wondering if you-"

"Sure we would," Star suddenly agreed, getting 'uh' of surprises from all of us, "hey, you know how I like to help others, so we're going to help her surprising her friends and on an added note, this will be a great activity to finish this bachelor trip on."

"A bachelor trip," Daring repeated what Star said, "then which of you three is getting married?" she asked as she motioned towards me, Star and Shadow, "because I know he's married," she added as she pointed at Shining.

"This guy here," I said as I shoulder checked Shadow, "but we are also giving Shining here a proper one, because he never got one due to the changeling invading and attacking the city, and being mind wiped by a changeling didn't help as well."

"Wow, you two are very lucky ponies to have these two as for your friends," the golden yellow professor said to Shining and Shadow, "so who's the lucky mare that's marrying such a handsome stallion?"

I saw Shadow blush from Daring's compliment, "well I am sure that you probably don't know her, but her name is Fluttershy."

A look of amazement appeared on the golden yellow Pegasus, "Fluttershy, as in the onetime wonder fashion model Fluttershy?"

"Ah yes."

Daring gave an impressed whistle, "you sir must be one lucky pony to get her attention."

"T-t-thank you," Shadow stuttered from the praise that he's getting lately, "but I had help in meeting her," I said Star wince in pain again.

"Okay now," I spoke up, "since it appears that through some weird coincidences and odd chances, we all have agreed to be your plus guests Daring and since we don't know when the party starts or even where it is going to be," I pointed at the clock, "I suggest that we should get going to wherever this welcome party is."

This caused Daring to quickly look at the clock on the wall, "ah jeez, it's nearly time for the party to start," Daring observed. She then looked back at us, "we need to go, but let me quickly get ready first," she walked back behind her desk and opens a drawer and pulls out her signature headgear; a tan pith helmet. Daring flipped the hat into the air and onto her head, "there, now I'm ready."

"But wait, we don't have any invitations," Shadow said.

"Don't worry, on the invite, it said I can invite up to four plus," Daring explained as she walked towards the door, "now come on, we're going to be late," she added and my friends started to follow her, why do I have a feeling that this party is going to end like a normal evening? I asked myself as I follow the Indiana Jones homage through the doorway of her office.


Arcana, Fe and Fluttershy had spent the evening with nomadic deer tribe, learning about them and their navigational Murphy birds, while feeding them and getting a colorful feather each for thanks from the birds, which are now resting behind their ears, but as they passed the outermost tents and heading towards home to Ponyville, Fe let out a shudder, even though it is a nice and warm evening, "are you okay Fe?" Fluttershy worriedly asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay Fluttershy," Fe answered her, "just got a feeling that something is going to happen to the others on their trip."

"With Star's luck, that's a possibility," Arcana stated.

"It's not that, I'm getting a feeling that something is going to happen to Aceiro," Fe clarified.

"I hope that Shadow is going to be okay with them," Fluttershy added as they entered Ponyville.

Daring Do leaded us through the now empty museum's foyer and towards the front doors, with the sound of hooves hitting the tiled floor echoing around us in the empty space. "Hold on, I need to lock up," Daring then detoured towards a light panel next to the door and started flipping switches on it, causing the lights to go dark and quickly blanketing the museum in darkness. Daring walked back to us and we then proceeded to exit the now dark museum and into the evening filled outside. As soon as we stepped across the doorway, Daring turned around and lifted her hoof up to the wall next to the door and pressed it into a recess, which then started to glow.

"Is that the new state of the art security spell network?" Shining asked Daring, amazed for some reason, "The one that won't allow unicorns to teleport inside it and that is was inspired after my shield spell that I used to protect Canterlot?"

"Yup the very same," Daring answered as the glow now encased her whole hoof.

"But it was still in the final developing stages when I last saw it."

"There was a breakthrough and since this is one the museums that's housing priceless artifacts, the museum gets one, while I get one of the keys," Daring said, "well technically, I'm one of the keys," she added as the glow around her hoof finally ceased, causing daring to remove her hoof from it, "there, all locked for the night, now let's get going." We followed Daring away from the closed museum and down streets, with the sun setting in the sky, causing the street lights to light up to illuminate the streets. We passed by buildings light up with lights like Christmas and ponies giving Daring and us looks of surprise.

"Um, Daring," Star spoke up as he walked up to Daring, "how far away is this nightclub? Because I am starting to feel slightly uncomfortable with us being right in the open, and it doesn't help that there's also a swarm of paparazzi ponies lurking around for us."

"Don't worry, it's just around this corner," Daring assured him, "so don't get your feathers into a bunch," she added as we turned around a corner and sure enough is a building that practically screams a place that you can go clubbing at, "well here we are gents, one of the famous nightclubs in Los Pegasus; The Bass Bunker," Daring announces when it came into view. The nightclub that we are heading towards to is a two story building, with a long line of ponies standing in front of it, waiting to get inside. I looked up and there I saw a couple of lamps aimed at the name of the place; Bass Bunker. As we neared the nightclub, I can faintly feel the air around me vibrating with the music that can now be faintly heard coming from the nightclub.

As we walked past the long line of ponies, I saw some of them started lean close to each other and whisper, occasionally I'll catch a fragments of what they're saying, "Hey is that Daring Do?"

"I thought she wasn't into these kinds of things."

"Are those two of the Unsung Heroes with her?"

We walked farther down the line, until I overheard two ponies talking, "I don't know. It doesn't seem like that they do these kinds of things."

"You're not suggesting that they're fakes."

"It isn't that hard; just get some accessories and dye and bang instant…"

I quickly ignored the rest of their whispering conversation and turned my attention towards ahead of me as we all walked up to the front door with the pony bouncer that I remember seeing him in the episode when Fluttershy was a model and stopped Rarity from following her and Photo Finish, huh, small world.

"Name, invite," the light grey bouncer inquired the professor as we stepped up to him.

"Professor Do," Daring supplied her profession and name, "and as for my invite," she added as she started to pat her vest pockets and even in the inside of her hat, searching for it, "come on, where is it?" the bouncer raised an eyebrow when she said that. Daring looked up at him when she finally stopped searching for it, "it appears that I may have left it back in my office," she enlightened, "so do you think you can, let me and my friends here slide just this once?"

"Sorry ma'am, but no," the bouncer denied.

"Oh come on Twilight Sky, why won't you let me in just this once? You know me."

"Sorry Miss Do," Twilight the bouncer apologized, "but rules and policies says that I can only let you in if you have an invite and if I let you in without an invite, how would those idiots that are standing in line feel because they weren't invited, but apparently have some reason to be out there."

"Hey, we can hear you, you know," A random pony called out from the line.

"So I'm sorry," Twilight continues, ignoring the outburst from the crowd, "but I can't let you in unless you have an invite."

"Sorry guys," Daring said as she turns towards us, "because of my excitement of what I recently learned about the artifacts from you, I forgot to get the invite as I was getting my hat."

"Hold on a sec, where exactly is the invite?" Star asked.

"It's in the top drawer of my desk back in my office," Daring answered, "why do you ask?"

"Because I am going to get it," Star responded back as he lowered his goggles over his eyes, warning the rest of our group of what he's about to do next. One by one, we closed our eyes as Daring and Star continues their conversation.

"But you need me to unlock the security network," Daring explained, "and my wings are still sore from my travels, so flying is not an option."

"Who said anything about flying?" he asked, "now don't move," and that I saw a flash of light behind my eyelids and cries of surprise. I opened my eyes and looked around and I saw everypony from Daring Do to the bouncer to the ponies in line rubbing their eyes of the blindness that Star gave them.

"What the…? Where is he?" Daring questioned as she looked at the now empty spot where Star was seconds ago, "and what was that he just did?"

"He warped."

"Warped?" Daring confused by what I said.

"Yeah, it's his type of teleportation and he just teleported into your office to get the invite," I explained more.

"But the security network at the museum…"

"Wouldn't stop him," I finished her, "I seen him get passed a high classed shield without even breaking a sweat and as you can see, he's a Pegasus not a unicorn, so the museum's security network won't affect him."

"That's amazing."

"But there's also something very annoying about his technique."

"And what is that?" as soon as she said that there was another flash of light, causing Daring to let out another, but luckily I had my eyes closed at the time.

"The bright flash that goes along with it," I opened my eyes and saw Daring rubbing her eyes, while standing in front of her is an out of breath Star with an invite in his hoof.

"Whew, I really hope that there's food inside, because these warps these warps are making me hungry," Star said as Daring got over her second blindness, which he then stuck out his hoof with the invite, "well here you go Daring, found this in the top drawer, just as you said."

Daring looked at the invite in his hoof with amazement written on her face, "but but, how did you do that?" she asked as she took the invite from him.

"I can bend the fabrics of space at my whim to do things that is impossible for a normal Pegasus," Star answered her as he pushed up his goggles onto his forehead, but instead of getting her question answered, I saw that more questions beginning to form in the professor's head. Star must have seen it was, for he raised his hoof and stopping her prematurely, "look here, as much as I would like to answer the questions that are swimming around in that head of yours, we're outside with stunned ponies around us, probably with questions of their own."

"Oh right, sorry," Daring apologized, "it's the inner professor," she then walked up to a still stunned Twilight and held out the invite, "here you go Twilight and these four are my plus guests, so can we go in now?"

This stirred the bouncer back into reality, "oh yeah, sure," he said as he stepped aside and pushing open the front door with a back leg, causing the music that was being held back the door to be let out and filling up the night air with music, and also clearing up the path and now letting us enter the club. We all then made our way pass by the bouncer and into the club and just as we all passed through the doorway, the bouncer removed the doorstopper that is his back leg. When the door was closing, I heard the pony that was talking to the other pony that thought we were fakes speak up, "see I told you they're the real deal."

As soon as we entered the club, I saw a few heads turn towards us to see who entered and then turning back to whatever they were doing before, "Daring Do, I'm so glad to see that you're able to make it," a voice sang in an African American accent. I looked ahead and saw a pale, light grayish gold Earth pony walking towards us that looks really familiar.

"Hi Sapphire," Daring returned the greeting as the pony walked up to us. Daring looked at us and raised a hoof at the new pony, "everypony, this is Sapphire Shores..."

"The Pony of Pop," Shadow finishing Daring's introduction.

This caused Sapphire to smile at Shadow's awe, "yes I am."

"As I was saying," Daring continuing, "Sapphire Shores these are my plus guests; Star and Aceiro, two of the Unsung Heroes, Shining Armor captain of the unicorns in the royal guards, and the black Pegasus is Shadow and he's engaged to the one time wonder fashion model Fluttershy."

"Wow," Sapphire clearly impressed just as Daring was when she learned that piece of information, "how did you ever get her attention? She's always shy."

"There was a… situation that kind of brought me and Fluttershy together," Shadow replied back to her and in the corner of my vision, I saw Star rubbing his jaw as if making sure that all of his teeth are there.

"Well congratulation," Sapphire inserted, "but answer me this, why did you chose Los Pegasus for your bachelor trip, because wouldn't Las Pegasus be more suited for this kind of stuff?"


"I'll answer that Shadow," Star interceded, "because you see here Miss Shores, I think that most common thought that when somepony hears a bachelor trip is to go to Las Pegasus and get drunk. So I thought to break that common thought by coming here and enjoy the city sights and locations."

"So did you enjoy them then?" Sapphire asked.

"Oh yes," Shadow answered, "this has been the second best day of my life."

"What's the first?" Shining acquired.

"Meeting Fluttershy," he answered, and was rewarded with awes from Daring and Sapphire.

"That's so sweet," Daring said to him and he blushed, "well, as much as I would love to keep this conversation going, the night is young and we're wasting it and your last day of being a bachelor by standing here talking," she stated and then she turns towards Star, "but first you're going to tell me what you mean by bending the fabrics of space at your whim?"

The next forty minutes were spent meeting ponies of various statuses and listening to an assortment of different music that strangely sounds similar to fan made ones back on earth, "man I'm tired," Star stated as he sat down next to me at the bar, "Daring is like Twilight and Rainbow mixed together, she wants to know everything of what I can do like Twilight and she persistent like Dash," all of a sudden I heard his stomach starting to growl. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "and hungry too," he added with a sheepish grin.

"What can I get you two?" a bar pony asked as he walked towards us and pulls out a notepad.

"What do you have to eat?"

"We have nachos, chili cheese fries, hay and cheese Panini sandwiches and ceasar salads," the bar pony listed.

"The Panini, please," I requested.

"And I'll have the chili cheese fries," Star giving his.

"Alrighty then," he said as wrote down our orders, "do you want any drinks with that?"

"Just water please."

The bar pony looked at Star funny when he said, "really just water," Star nodded, "what are you, a lightweight?" the bar pony questioned him.

"I don't know," Star answered, "but I don't want to find out if I am with my luck as bad as it is."

"Suit yourself," the bar pony then looks at me, "and what would you like to drink or do you just want water as well like your lightweight friend here?" he said as he motioned at Star.

"Do you have apple cider?" the bar pony gave me a confirmation nod, "I would have that then," the bar pony wrote it down and then walked away to get our orders.

As we waited for our meal to arrive, the music that was playing ever since we arrived suddenly stopped, causing the club to fall silent for the first time in the evening, "hello everypony," a pony call out from the speaker system, causing everypony to look at the stage at a dark blue coated earth pony wearing a pair of shades standing in front of a microphone, "I would like to thank the ponies that organized this party and asked me to be the DJ for it," he brushed away his neon orange, yellow streaked mane away from his shades, "and for those that don't know me, I'm Scratchy the DJ. Now without any more introductions, let's get this party back up running again," with that he stepped away from the mic and towards some DJ equipment. Soon then the music resumed and ponies started dancing to it.

"Here you go gents," we turned around and there we saw that the bar pony is now back with our food and drinks laid out in front of us, "and don't worry about paying for it," he added as Star was taking out his bag of bits, "all of the food and drinks are free for patrons of the party," he explained the free food, "now enjoy," he then walked away and towards other ponies to assist them.

The smell that our foods are giving off made our stomachs growl in hunger, reminding us that the pizza we had was the only thing that we have eaten that day and compelling us to dig into our food. After we quickly finished our meals, we were now leaning against the bar, drinking our drinks and observing the ponies dancing, especially Shining Armor and his crazy dancing, "apparently rhythm doesn't exist in that family," I jokingly commented as I took a drink of cider while Shining stomped his front hooves while swinging his head randomly around with his eye closed, completely unaware of ponies ducking around him to avoid being impaled by his horn.

"Have you noticed that Twilight and Shining dance differently with their eyes closed than when they dance with their eyes open?" Star asked as he took a sip of water.

"Yeah I've noticed that, it's like they're different ponies entirely," I concluded, "Do you think they're parents dance like as well?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to test out that theory, because I already gotten my share of crazy dancing and ended up through the wall as the price."

"Let me guess, Pinkie Pie?"

"Yup," Star confirmed, "all she had to do was to swing her hip and the next thing I know, I'm through the wall of Sugarcube Corner, but it did get Shadow and Fluttershy together though," Star told me as I took another sip of the cider, "so is that cider any good?"

"It's good actually, it tastes like sparkling apple juice, but frothier like a soda," I described it, "why are you asking? Didn't you have some cider from the day that Flim and Flam came to town?"

"I did, but it wasn't the Apple family's cider," he gave details of that day, "it was the Flim Flam brothers'" I saw Star gag a bit, "it was the most horrible thing I had ever tasted, it caused me to puke my guts into a lucky and unfortunate nearby bush. It was like they made the cider out of rotting fruits and then let it bake under the sun for months."

When he described the taste of the bad cider, I started to feel a little queasy and set the half empty mug of cider on the bar, "well I think it is time that we should get home," Star announces as he set his empty glass on the bar, "now while you round up the natural disaster that is a dancing Shining and Shadow, I'll be using the bathroom," and then Star's stomach growled, not out of hunger, but like you ate something bad, "oh, there must have been something in the chili cheese fries, because right now it isn't agreeing with me," he added and then left looking for a bathroom.

I glanced around and saw Shining still dancing on the dance floor, causing panic around him, okay, I know where Shining is, now where's Shadow? I looked around the club for the familiar black Pegasus until I finally spotted him sitting at a table, talking to another pony with a smile on his face. Glad to see that he's having a great time and getting over that timidity of his, I thought as I stood up from my stool and walked towards him. As I near Shadow and the other pony, I saw that the other pony is a mare and I can hear some of what they're saying, "… and if you also feed him regularly, he should stay in your yard and not leap over the fence and go through other ponies trash cans."

"Oh thank you Mr. Breeze," the mare thanked him as she rested a hoof on his, causing him to blush from the contact.

"Y-y-you're welcome," he thanked her, "but remember, one needs to have a lot of responsibility to take care of a pet, especially first time owners."

"Thanks for the tip," the mare thanked Shadow again, "now I better get going before my coltfriend-"

"HEY YOU!" A voice yelled behind me, making me jump from the sudden noise, "GET AWAY FROM MY MAREFRIEND!"

"-sees us," the mare finished her interrupted sentence. I felt a presence behind me, causing me to look back and to see a large Earth pony that can probably match Big Mac's size maybe even bigger, holy moly he's HUGE!

The burly pony walked past me and towards Shadow and the mare, "what are you doing with my marefriend?" he asked Shadow, who was now stunned like a deer caught in headlights. I then noticed that it is now silent, I looked around and saw that everypony is just staring at the scene in front of them, "and why are you holding her hooves?"

At that question, Shadow looked down and saw that the mare hoof is still on his, "no wait, this isn't what it seems," Shadow quickly said as he removed his hoof from underneath the mare's.

"Then what does it seems?"

"I-I-I was j-j-just giving your special somepony here some tips on how to control her pet," Shadow stuttered.

"So you were giving her lessons on how to make me into a pet then?" the brawny pony concluded, completely off from what Shadow was trying to explain about.


"Shut it," the large pony interrupted him, which he's now completely frightened at this point, I better stop this, I then started to make my way between them, "how about I give you some lessons to see how much pain you can handle at once," he then raised his hoof to slam into Shadow, I quickly got between them and raised my right hoof and willed the Will Element into its' true form and then into a shield and intercepted the attack. I felt the impact of the pony hitting my element, nearly causing me to stagger and then my arm started to throb, but ignored it as I willed the shield back into its' bracer form and lowered my hoof back to the ground, "who are you punk and why are you getting in my way?"

"I'm Aceiro and as for why I stopped you from beating on my friend… well it is because I don't want you beating on my friend here," I answered him, which caused him to snort in response to my answer.

"Stop it Brawl," the mare demanded as she stood up from the table and walked over to her coltfriend, "leave him alone."

"No Sweet Heart," he then points at Shadow, "I want to teach this one here a lesson in what happen to those that talks with my marefriend."

"I'm my own pony," Sweet Heart stated, "so that doesn't mean that you own me."

"Just be quiet," he then proceeded to roughly push her aside, which she gave a cry of pain as she was slammed into another table, causing some of the plates that were on it to fall off and shatter as they hit the ground. When I saw this mindless act of violence, I felt my hot anger rise as a cold feeling settled on my heart, but Brawl didn't noticed all of this as he proceeded to walk around my left and towards Shadow, which I can hear him saying sorry repetitively.

I just stared ahead as I quickly raised my left front leg up in front of him and blocked him from going any farther with the black marking of Entropy, "so does the wimp want a lesson in pain as well?" he asked me as I saw him look at me in the corner of my vision. I slowly glanced up at him and stared straight into his eyes and there I saw a flash of fear in his eyes as he took a few nervous steps back, "what's up with stare of yours?"

"Apologize to her," I ordered, ignoring his question.


"I said, apologized to her," I repeated as I pointed my hoof towards the mare he shoved, whom was now being looked at by Shining for any injuries.

"And why should I?" Brawl demanded as his bravery is returning.

"Or you might get hurt," I heard myself darkly said, wait, hold on, what am I saying?

The large pony just started laughing at that, "oh that's rich, I don't know what trick you just pulled there, but for a minute there I thought I was actually afraid of you, but tell me though how did you do it?" I didn't answer but just stared at him with an expressionless face, "no answer huh, well no matter, because I am going to beat in that face of yours and that trick of yours isn't going to work again," he then pull back his hoof to strike me.

I saw Shining's horn started to glow in preparation to defend me, but Brawl struck first. However, I saw it coming and moved the arm wielding the true form of the Element of Entropy in front of his slowed assault as if time around us had just changed… or broke, allowing me to move faster than him. Just as his hoof connected with the bracer, I felt a surge of energy that felt alien, but at the same time exhilarating, with one word forming in my head, compelling me to say it in thought, break!

The area around us both were suddenly consumed in darkness as if the light in the club went out in once, with the temperature suddenly dropping, and then I heard a cracking sound which was quickly followed by a scream of pain. The darkness faded away and saw that I am still holding up my left arm up in a defensive position with the Entropy Element now in its marking form, making me thought that nothing had happened, but then I noticed that Brawl is now in the floor, whimpering in pain hold his leg close to his chest. I was confused at this, until I saw that his leg was bent in a different position, which a leg shouldn't be able to or at least not naturally.

"Oh god," I said in panic as the spell that had held me lifted, making me realize what I have just done to him. I made a move towards the now broken brawly pony, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do what I just did," I explained to him, "please let me help you," but he responded to me by scooting away from me.

"Stay away from me you freak," Brawl demanded, but I ignored him and moved closer to him and examined his injury that I caused by accident and then an idea formed in my head.

"Shining," I said towards the shocked unicorn, "get him up and place him at the table," I ordered him as I pointed at the pony on floor and then at the table. This shook Shining out of his shocked state and then lifted Brawl from the floor and to the table just as I ordered. I then turn towards the crowd of ponies that are still standing there, "quick, get me some metal here."

But I didn't get any response and just as I was about to repeat my appeal, there was a flash of light and suddenly Star is standing next to me, "what happened here?" he asked shocked as he looked around at the scene around him.

"I had somehow triggered the Entropy Element and broke this pony's leg when he was about to hit me," I quickly explained the situation to him, "now hurry, I need metal; silverware, trays, anything," I specifically demanded, "Just hurry."

"Gotcha," he said as he heard the panic in my voice, "alright folks you heard the pony, he needs metal so get him some," ponies then started to stir and move about to get the medal I request. Soon enough I have a pile of forks, knives, spoons and a tray on the table Brawl is sitting at, "alright you got your metal, now what?"

"I'm going to make him a brace, but first, Shining," I looked at him, "lay out his leg and hold it down, I don't want him to hurt himself anymore than need to," he gave me a nod and turned his focus at the weak pain filled pony and carefully removed Brawl's hoof away and out on the table for all of those to see what I did and making me feel regret for doing it.

"Shadow, do you know how to set bone?" I asked Shadow who is now looking over Brawl's broken leg, even though he was just being threatened by the same pony minutes ago.

"Yeah, I have done it a few times," he answered and that is just what I was hoping for, "why do you ask?"

"Because I want you to set his leg straight while I'm making a brace for it," I explained my reason to him, as I quickly laid out the utensils around Brawl's leg as it was being held in place by Shining's magic.

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt… a lot," Shadow warned Brawl as he placed his fore hooves on Brawl's leg and then, with a few sickening snaps and cracks, Shadow quickly forced the leg back into its proper position. Brawl let out a scream of pain as Shadow corrected the damage and then proceeded to faint on the spot, still being held up in Shining's magical grasp. I heard a thuds coming from behind me, indicating that Brawl wasn't the only one that fainted.

I ignored all of that and just focused on what I'm doing and soon had all of the metal things placed around the unconscious pony's leg, "alright here we go," I place my right arm wielding the Will Element on the strategically placed pieces of metal and concentrated. I felt surges of energy pulse through the white element and into the metal, causing them to glow white and suddenly to start shifting over the pony's set leg, completely encasing it. I then willed the light into the needed object I pictured in thought.

When the light infused metal finally stopped moving, the light started to fade away, revealing what I had created with the metal I asked for; a metal brace holding the broken leg in place, "there that should it properly until he gets real medical help," I stated as I stepped back, feeling drained from using the two polar elements of mine.

I saw Sweet Heart get up from the ground and walk over to Shadow, "I'm so sorry," Sweet Heart apologized to him as her head hung low, not daring to look at him in the eyes.

"What for?" Shadow questioned.

"If I hadn't been going around asking for advice on taking care of a pet, none of this wouldn't have happened," Sweet Heart enlightened the reason of her apology.

"It wasn't your fault, for I saw it all," Shining pointed out, "and I saw that it was just him overreacting for no reason and started swinging hooves around at other ponies for those wrong reasons."

"He's right, but I should be the one to apologize to you," I spoke up, gaining her attention, "because of me, look at what I did to your coltfriend," I pointed at the now stirring pony lying halfway across on the table.

"Ugh, what happened?" the burly pony stirred back into conscious.

"Don't be, because truthfully, he was always asking for it, although nopony dared to teach him a lesson due to his large size," Sweet said, "but it was going to happen someday, because if it wasn't going to be you then it would've been somepony else, I hope this experience will teach him not to overreact and not to be so possessive," she hoped.

"Wha-what is this thing?" Brawl finally noticed the metal framework on his leg.

Sweet Heart walks over and leans down next to him, "that Brawl, is going to be a reminder to not overreact and start fights with other ponies," she said to him and then proceeded to start lifting him up and bracing him so he can stand without falling, "now let's go and get you to the hospital, so we can see if they set that leg of yours straight," she then helped him towards the exit with the crowd of ponies parting for them like a sea. When she reached the exit, she stopped and looked back at me, "thank you for helping my special somepony, even though you had no reason to help him," she then opened the door and left with the limping pony next to her.

"That Sweet Heart character sure lives up to her name," Star commented as he stepped up next to me, "I was expecting her to dump him right here and there," he speculated.

"Yup," I looked away from the door and at the crowd and saw that they all are staring at me, "I'm sorry everypony," I apologized to them, "thanks to me, I ruined everypony's evening."

"Are you kidding?" Scratchy the DJ called out from the stage, "this has been the best night ever," I saw most of the ponies in the crowd nod their heads in agreement at what he's saying, "you just can't plan random events like this, that's what makes them even more awesome."

"But I didn't mean-"

"Plus, what the mare said is true," a slightly overweight pony called out as he stepped out of the crowd, "Brawl is always causing trouble at this bar and scaring away costumers, and I should know because I'm Bass Bunker, the owner of this nightclub, and I'll would like to thank you for teaching that wrecking ball of a pony a lesson in humility," he was responded back with murmurs of agreement.

"But what about his injuries-"

"As well as giving us all a demonstration of what one of the Unsung Heroes can do," Another random pony called out, this time responded back with ponies stomping their hooves on the ground, their form of clapping.


"Forget about it," Star said to me as ponies around me are thanking me, completely forgetting about the violence act we just preformed right in front of them, "ponies around here, aren't exactly like the ponies back in Ponyville or Canterlot, so maybe what they just saw is everyday life here," he presumed.

"Maybe you're right," I agreed with him, I then looked at the black element on my left leg and didn't sense anything from it, "but what happened back there? Because it went dark and got cold," what's happening to me?

"I don't know, but I felt the space fields react violently to something when I was in the bathroom," Star explained as a random pony pat me on the back, "so whatever you did, you used some weird kind of power to disturb the space fields around you."

"Well whatever happened, I hope that I won't have to experience that anytime soon," I said just as Shadow and Shining made their way through the crowd of ponies and walked over to us.

"Um Star, even though this has been one weird day, but the best day nevertheless," Shadow said, "but don't you think we can go home now, I'm getting tired here and also before something else happens to us."

"I must agree with Shadow on that," Shining concurred, "today was great and all, but I want to go home now sleep."

"Yeah let's go home," Star then let out a yawn, "because it feels like I am going to fall over any second now," he added, "alright everypony, gather around near me, I'm going to warp us home, but first; Shadow, you get between me and Aceiro, don't want a repeat of that mishap like earlier today, especially since this one is going to be a long distant warp," Shadow nodded in understanding and positioned himself between me and Star, while Shining made us way on the other side of Star.

I put my left hoof of Shadow's shoulder wing whilst Star put his right on Shadow's, we both taking care not to touch each other's elements, and Shining putting his right on Star's, "alright here we go," Star acknowledged and then lowered his goggles over his eyes, "so long Los Angeles it has been fun," he announces causing several ponies to look at us just as we all disappeared in a flash of light, with the destination of home in mind.

Chapter 67: Dark and Light

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"So long Los Angeles, it has been fun," Star called out as the light from his warp consumed us all with the final sight being a nightclub filled with astonished looking party members. The light from Star's warp lasted a little longer than it usually does, but it might be due to the long distant travel. However though, during the journey of Star's travel through the spaces of spaces, I felt a pull on my left arm that is holding onto Shadow's shoulder.

But before I can understand what I felt, the light around us disappeared and I was suddenly thrown forward onto a grassy field that was about three feet below, oh this is going to hurt. I hit the ground and skipped off it and started rolling across it, spreading dirt and grass and throughout the air as my metal wings cut into the ground and kicking it upwards.

I suddenly came to an abrupt painful stop as both of my wings stabbed into the ground, with my head resting over an edge of a steep hill. I looked down the hill and saw bushes, rocks, and ditches. I couldn't be sure due to the lighting of the moon and with me looking at it upside-down, but at the bottom of the hill it looks like that there's a mud pit with a few pigs sleeping in it, "ooh that could've ended badly," I struggled as I removed my wings from the ground, but eventually got them free.

I made my way back to the landing site that Star's wormhole dumped me off by following the trail of destroyed landscape I made as the illumination from the moon lit up the night. I soon found the others, recovering from their own landings from Star's warping. "Hey Star," I called out to Star that was heavily panting on the ground, "what was all that about?" I annoyingly asked him as I shook some clumps of dirt from my wings.

"I don't know," Star wheezed from the ground, "but I think that's how a long distance warp is," he tried to get up from the ground, but failed as he flopped back down on the ground, "oh jeez, that warp took a lot out of me."

"Well of course, you warped us across hundreds of miles with three other ponies along for the ride, "Shining said as he walked up us, holding his head, "but do you think you could've made our landing a bit… safer?"

"Hey it is just like you said," Star said as he glanced over to Shining, "I warped us across hundreds of miles, while carrying three other ponies along for the ride, it's a miracle that we even got this close to Ponyville," he looked upwards and we followed his gaze and sure enough, the small town is within trotting distance and with a faint glow coming from the nomadic deer tribe that is located a miles to our left. He looked back at us and glanced around as best as he could and an eyebrow rose, "hey where's Shadow?"

We all then looked around and I was the first to spot the black Pegasus lying a little away from our small group. "Found him," I called as I walked over to Shadow and pushed him onto his back and saw that he's out cold, "um Star, you better hope that Shadow's a forgiving pony."


"Because he's out cold," I answered as I patted a cheek of Shadow's, trying to stir him awake but I didn't get a reaction from him, "really out cold," I corrected.

"Oh crap," Star said as he tried to roll over, but once again failed, "I hope that Fluttershy doesn't give me the Stare for this."

"What's the Stare?" Shining asked.

"The Stare is an ability that Fluttershy has," I answered him as I knelt down next to Shadow, slid a wing underneath him and then flipped the unconscious pony onto my back, "she sometimes uses to calm out of control animals," I explained as I made my way back to the others.

"That's pretty useful for an animal caretaker."

"It's pretty useful in dire situations as well," Star added, "she got into a staring contest with a cockatrice and won with it."

Shining let out a whistle at that, "that's impressive."

"Do you know what would be even more impressive?" Star suggested to Shining.


"You flipping me onto my back," Star replied.

"What? Why?" Shining asked clearly confused by Star's request.

"Because I want you to give me a back massage," Star sarcastically responded, "no, it's because I need to spread my wings and I can't do that if I'm on my back."

"Why do you need to spread your wings Star?" I asked him as I carefully set Shadow on the ground.

"I have a couple of reasons," Star stated, "one: I think I landed on my wings all wrong and it is starting to get really uncomfortable, two; it's nighttime, so that means that my embodiment is out and about in the sky right now, in fact you can see it right now," he motioned upwards and we all followed where's motioning at and only saw a night sky filled with stars.

"Um, I can't tell which star is yours Star," Shining confessed as he looked back at Star.

"Can you see the north star?" Star questioned, compelling me and Shining to look back up to the sky, "well if you'll look down from that star, you will find a lone star that's in a starless patch of night sky," I followed his directions and sure enough, there's a bright star with no other stars within its ranges.

"Okay, I see it," I confirmed and then looked back at Star, "so what does it mean?"

"It means Aceiro that I can get energy from it," Star stated," but I have to be careful, because in a lesson, Luna said that if I take too much energy from the cosmos, there's going to be a heavy price to be paid for it."

"So why do you need energy then?" I asked him.

"So I can get this guy back home," he replied as he weakly pointed at the unicorn captain.

"Hold on here, Princess Luna is giving you lessons, on what?" Shining questioned, "And since when?"

Star looked over towards Shining, "she's giving me lesson on how to control my star here and there ever since the Nightmare incident here in Ponyville," he answered as he shifting around, "now can you push me over? It is starting to get uncomfortable lying on my back here."

"Oh right sorry," Shining's horn glowed a pink red of his aura, which Star was then soon enveloped in, Shining then motioned his head upwards and Star rolled over onto his stomach.

"Thanks," Star thanked him as he opened and spread out his wings. I heard him starting to whisper under his breath and all of a sudden, the air starting to feel like it is energizing, making my fur stand up on end. "Ah there we go," Star declared as he weakly got up from the ground, although he was a bit shaky as he raised his goggles onto his forehead.

"What just happened?" Shining asked confused as his fur started to settle back down, "what was that energy surge?"

"And what were you saying back there?" I asked him as he started to roll his shoulders and wings.

"Well Shining, that energy you just felt is a small transfer of energy from my star to me, now as for what I was saying Aceiro, it was a request," he then popped his neck, "wow, I've been trying to get rid of that crick in my neck for weeks now," he said as he rubbed his neck with a hoof.

"A request," I questioned, "for what and to whom?"

"To my star and the request is to see if it can give me enough energy for a trip to and back from Canterlot, because I couldn't just take energy from the cosmos, Princess Luna taught me that you have to ask first and let the heavens decide to give or not," Star clarified as he looked up at the stars, "apparently they said yes."

"What would happen if they said no?"

"Then Shining would have to stay here in Ponyville for the night and have to go back home to Canterlot in the morning, but not without you having to carry me back home first though, because I can't forcefully take the energy from the cosmos or there's going to be a terrible price to be paid and it's not going to be pretty," he looked at Shining, "well let's get you back home now, because I'm pretty sure that Cadence is probably starting to worry about you."

He then looked back at me, "and while I'm taking Shining home, you can take Shadow back home to Fluttershy, speaking of which how is he?" we both looked at Shadow on the ground and saw that he hasn't moved from the spot where I set him.

"Still out cold," I stated the obvious.

Star winced when I said that, "alright, you try to wake him up and then take him back home as I'm taking Shining home. We'll then meet back at my place afterwards." He lowered his goggles back over his eyes and looked back at Shining, "let's get going now, because it is getting late and I don't want to wake a powerful alicorn, and I don't want to know what a cranky goddess can do to me," he then reached out and laid a hoof on his shoulder.

Picking up the clue that Star is about to do, I closed my eyes just before the flash of Star's warp lit up the night sky. I opened my eyes and wasn't surprised to see Star and Shining gone, I turn my attention away from the spot that the two white ponies had occupied and towards Shadow. I don't even know how to even wake up a pony that's unconscious.

"Hey Shadow," I called as a neared him and nudged his shoulder, "wake up," I didn't get a response from that. I reached out both of my hooves and clapped them both on his cheeks in an attempt to wake him, as soon as both of my hooves made contact, a sudden rush of energy surged through me and Shadow's eye quickly shot open.

I was sure if it is due to the moonlight or the sudden dizziness I'm experiencing right now, but for a moment there I thought I saw his eyes had turned black. However, before I can confirm at what I am seeing, he blinked and they were now in their usually brown color. Shadow saw that I am staring at him and his expression quickly went into that of anger, "get away from me," Shadow angrily demanded as he raised his front hooves and easily shoved me, away thanks to the sudden tiredness I currently have.

When Shadow saw what he did, the anger disappeared and was quickly replaced by concern, "oh I'm terribly sorry Aceiro," Shadow apologized as he quickly got up from the ground while I tried to make sense of what just up with Shadow's sudden mood swing.

"Are you alright?" Shadow asked as he held out a hoof for me to take.

"Yeah, I am," I answered as I took the offered hoof, "but are you alright though?" I asked as he lifted me up from the ground.

"Yeah I am, why you asking?" Shadow asked with confusion now written on his face.

"Because you were just unconscious," I answered him and was rewarded with a surprised look from him.

"I was?" Shadow asked me and I nodded, "how and for how long?"

"About twenty minutes and I found you out cold after Star's long-distant warp drop us off here in the out skirts of Ponyville," I answered as I pointed at the now dark and silent town behind him, "So are you feeling alright?"

Before Shadow can answer that, Star appeared in a flash of bright light a little away from us, "alright Aceiro, I got Shining home nice and safely, now let's get Shad- oh you're finally awake Shadow," Star said as he lifted his goggles up from his eyes and onto his forehead and saw , "how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine," Shadow answered and then there was a pause, "actually I feel more than fine, I feel great," he corrected with a grin that for some reason, making me feel at unease.

"Are you positive?" Star asked as he stepped up to Shadow, concerned about his wellbeing.

"Yes I am," Shadow suddenly snapped at Star, causing him to take a few steps back away from him and me to flinch at his sudden change in mood, Shadow then realized what he just did, "s-sorry guys," Shadow apologized as he started to back away, "m-maybe I'm not feeling so well after all, I think I should go home now."

"Do you want me to take you home Shadow?" Star hesitantly asked the other Pegasus.

"No no, I-I can make it back home on my own," Shadow opposed Star's offer, "and I think I need some alone time," and with that he opened his wings and took off into the air and flew towards the Everfree Forest where Fluttershy's cottage is located at, he then shortly disappeared into the night.

"Do you think he's really alright?" Star asked as he walked up next to me while I'm staring at the direction that Shadow went.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, "it could've been the excitement of earlier today or he could be just a little tired and just needed some sleep."

"Yeah, maybe," Star said, although his voice is filled with uncertainty that matches what I'm feeling right now.

"I hope he's feeling better in the morning."

"So do I," Star said, "well let's get home now, I'm sure that our marefriends are asleep by now and I don't want to know what an ornery time bearer can do," with that we made way across the moonlit field and back to Star's home.

Shadow's POV

"What's going on here," Shadow worriedly asked himself, "what's happening to me?"

Funny, that is what the earth pony sometimes says, a voice said to Shadow, causing him to suddenly lose concentration on the rhythm of his wing and to drop a few feet. He quickly regained control of flight and hovered there right at the forest treetop edge of the Everfree Forest as he looked around to find the source of the voice.

When Shadow didn't find a source for the voice, he shook his head in disbelief, "I must be getting tired, because I'm hearing voices now, I think I need to walk from here on now," he then started to glide his way towards the ground below the tree level.

He quickly landed on a dirt path that surrounds the forest and continues on his way to Fluttershy's cottage by hoof. As Shadow made his way through the forest, a small dark shape suddenly shot across the darkness of the trees just outside his field of vision, "h-hello, is something out there?" Shadow called out to where he saw the shrouded creature as he stopped in his tracks, all the while his heart is beating like that of a humming bird.

When he didn't get a response at all, Shadow cautiously takes a few steps forward, alert for any signs of danger. But when he took a few steps and nothing happened, he let out a breath of relief and picked up his pace to get to the cottage as soon as possible.

However, before he even reached a full yard, a dark object jumped out the bushes and landed in the middle of the path and in front of Shadow, which it then rushed at him causing him to let out a scream. Shadow's scream slowly died to an inaudible level when he saw what was running towards him; Angel the bunny, who is now giving Shadow a questioning look.

"Oh heh heh, it was only you Angel," Shadow clearly now embarrassed as he realized what had frightened him, Shadow kneeled down to the white mischievous bunny, "you sure gave me a fight there little guy," Shadow tiredly stated to the bunny, "but what are you doing out here?"

Angel just crossed his arms and gave him a look that Shadow understood that it wasn't his business to know, "oh right sorry, personal stuff," Shadow apologized as got up from the ground, "but while I'm going on ahead to Fluttershy's, you go and finish up whatever you were doing and get back soon, because you know how she worries when you stay out to long."

Angel just rolled his eyes and hopped away back into the bushes, leaving Shadow alone once more, "I think that bunny needs to learn not to be rude," Shadow commented as he watched the bushes in the direction that Angel went move deeper into the forest.

This is just plain pathetic, a voice called out, causing Shadow to freeze where he stood as the voice echoed around him.

"W-w-who's there?" Shadow stuttered as he looked around for the owner of the voice, but only saw that he was the only one on the path, "show yourself, please?" Shadow pleaded as he started to nervously shaking.

This is the one whom my powers had drawn to; a weak, sniveling, scared pony? Shadow heard the whispery voice said and was a bit hurt by what it said. Before Shadow can respond back, a sudden chill descended on him and he could feel it started to make itself inside of him, causing Shadow to shiver as the coldness made it to his heart and making it hard to breath, what is this? I sense that there's already a hint of my power already inside his heart, the voice said surprised, he must be one of them as well, Shadow heard the voice very close to him, and sounding amused for some reason.

"Stop it, please stop it," Shadow panicky pleaded as he shut his eyes and covered his ears to try to drone out the voice around him, "leave me alone, just leave me alone," he demanded and the felt the coldness lift away from him, causing him to weakly drop to the ground and take in deep breathes from the warm night to bring the warmth back inside him.

This is getting interesting, for I would have never thought I would find another that can fully use my power, the voice said, sounding pleased, but although, I'll have to do something about that weak personality of yours however.

"Wait what?" Shadow opened his eye when he heard the voice said that, and saw wisps of shadows starting to form around him and with the temperature dropping again, "w-w-what's going on here?" Shadow now frightened of the position he's in. The shadows drifted away from the scared Pegasus and gathered together into a form of that resembles a large creature that frightened Shadow even more, "w-who are you a-a-and what do you w-want?" he asked as he took a few steps back in preparation to flee.

"I am Entropy," the shadow answered, "and it is not what I want, it is what you're going to give me."

"And what would that be?" Shadow worriedly inquired.

"You're assistance," the shadow answered as it started to move towards him. The way the shadowy form answered and how it is moving towards him, Shadow realized that whatever "assistance" the whispery creature wanted, it wasn't for good intentions in mind. His mind was ordering his body to flee away from the creature in front of him, but Shadow found out that he couldn't move a muscle because of the fear that has control over them, "and you going to give me your assistance whether you like it or not," the shadow declared as it finally came upon the fear rooted Pegasus.

"Angel where are you?" a yellow Pegasus called out.

Aceiro's POV

I stood in the middle of large throne room that reminded me of the throne room back in Canterlot. As I looked around at the duplicate of the royal sisters' throne room, I noticed that the only colors were black and white, but the thing that drew my attention the most were the large windows lining up along the wall, but instead of a view of all of Equestria outside, I just saw a swirl of darkness though them.

"Okay, I'll bite, where am I this time?" I asked out loud, slightly annoyed of the odd places I find myself in.

"That is a simple question to a difficult answer," a voice called out, causing me to quickly look away from the windows and towards the back of the hall where I heard the response from and there I saw two thrones, one black while the other white. However the white throne wasn't empty, for there sat another me, wearing the white set of armor I had created from the Will Element during the final battle with Nightmare, but without the pair of metal wings at his sides, "I could answer that question, but that isn't why you're here though," the other me added as he stood up from the throne and walked down the steps and towards me.

"Who or what are you, and why do you look like me?" I shot off some questions at the duplicate as he walked right up to me.

"I am the Will Element," the other" me" greeted as he bowed, "and as for why I look like you, that's another question for another time for right now I need to warn you."

"Wait, you're the Will Element?" I said in disbelief and then I realized what the element said, "and what do mean that you need to warn me?"

"Yes I am my bearer," the Element of Will confirmed with a bow of his head and then it continues now sounding concerned for some reason, "and I must warn you of a great danger that's approaching," the element lifted his head and looked at me, "the darkness has escaped and has found another."

I stared at the spirit of the element, trying to contemplate his warning, "What the heck does that mean?" I asked aggravated when I couldn't make heads or tails of the warning.

The spirit opened his mouth and spoke, but instead of his voice coming out of his mouth, it was the voice of Fe's, "Aceiro wake up, it's time for breakfast," all of the sudden the throne room starting to fade away in light.

"What was that?" I asked the element as he starting to fade away.

The Will Element opened his mouth and once again Fe's voice came out of it, "I said, it is time for breakfast," and the world around me completely disappeared in light…

My eyes shot open and there I saw Fe standing above me with her blue eyes staring into mine, "morning sleepyhead," she greeted as a soft smile formed on her face, "your must have had a really vivid dream, because you were talking in your sleep again," she stated as she moved away from above my head when I started to get up.

"Good morning Fe," I greeted back to her, pushing the memories of the dream back as I sat up on the cot. Fe moved aside allowing me to swing my legs over the edge of the cot and pushed myself off of it and my nose was soon met by a delicious smell wafting from the direction of the kitchen, "and I see that you made breakfast again."

"Yes I did, so you better hurry and go eat it," Fe instructed as she made her way to the kitchen, "because I saw some Murphy Birds flying past the window and I don't want them to eat yours after they eat Star's," with that final note, I made my way to the kitchen.

"Oh wow Fe, once again you amazed me by your excellent cooking," Star said amazed as he set his fork and knife on his empty plate and patted his stomach.

"I agree as well," Arcana concurred as she wiped her lips with a napkin and then placed it on her empty plate, "hey, there has been something I have been meaning to ask you both, when are you two leaving back to Canterlot?"

"Well as luck has it, our return date is the day right after the wedding," Fe answered Arcana.

"So in two days then," Star simplified as he leaned back on his chair, "well then I hope that your next two days will be great," Star proclaimed as he righted himself and then pushed out his chair and got out of it, "and speaking of weddings, I need to go."

"Go where Star?" Arcana inquired.

"Dash came by when you were in the bathroom and asked me if I can help in cloud gathering for the wedding and I said sure," Star explained as he lowered his goggles over his eyes in preparation of his special traveling.

"Alrighty then, don't cause any trouble," Arcana requested.

"Can't make any promises," Star responded as we all shut our eyes just as he disappeared in a flash of light. We opened our eyes and there we saw the now empty spot where Star had stood.

"I guess I best be going now," Arcana said as she too got up from the table, "I still need to talk to Twilight to see if she can lend us the hot air balloon for you both," she explained as she made her way to the front door, "so you two can be at the wedding without falling through the clouds."

"Thanks Arcana," Fe thanked her for the both of us, "we really appreciate this."

"You're welcome," Arcana accepted the thanks, "well, see you two later," with that she went down the hall and we heard her opening the door, which was then followed by a large slam from the front door.

"They really need to do something about that door," I commented about their door, "somepony could get the wrong idea from that door."

"Yeah they should do something about it," Fe agreed with me as she too got up from the table and starting to clear the table of the dishes and carry them to the sink and starting washing them. After a while she spoke up without looking back at me, "so Aceiro, can you tell me what you were dreaming about?"

"Well um," not sure where to start, "well I'm not sure how to explain, but lately my dreams have been about these," Fe looked back at me as I held up my forelegs and showed her the dual markings of the polar elements, "and even though I am the bearer for these elements, I don't know much about them or their effects. And to tell you the truth Fe, I am a bit scared of the possibility of their power, especially this one," I stated as I put down my right and continue holding the left with the Entropy Element, "and of what I might do with it."

"Oh Aceiro," Fe dropped what she was doing and walked over to me and the embraced me, "even if you do know how those elements and their powers work, you would still be the same pony with the same good heart that I met and fell in love with," I immediately felt better when she said that.

"Thanks Fe. You always know how to make me feel better," I thanked her as I leaned in close to her. We held the embrace for a few minutes, until then a series of knocks rapidly knocked on the front door as if in a blind panic.

"Here, let me get that," Fe said as she broke the hug and then made her way to the front door. I heard her open the door and there I heard her starting to speak, "oh its Shadow isn't it? Is there something I could do for you?" This perked my attention and I looked towards the direction where the front door is, Shadow? What's he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be getting ready for his wedding?

"Is Aceiro here?" Shadow asked, "I desperately need his help," I noticed that he sounded scared and terrified, causing me to quickly get up from the table to hurry to the front door, where there I saw Shadow standing on the other side of the doorway, on the brink of tears.

"Shadow I'm here, what's wrong?" I asked concern.

"Y-you got to help me please," Shadow then started to cry, "You just have to."

"Calm down Shadow," I said as I walked past Fe and stepped up to him, "what is it? What do you need my help for?"

"It's Fluttershy, she has been taken," Shadow cried.

"What when?" Fe asked concerned.

"Sometime last night," Shadow said, "when I got home, I found the front door to our home has been broken down and I heard noises coming from the inside. I rushed inside and there I saw some kind of monster standing in the living room holding Fluttershy," Shadow explained as he cried some more, "it m-must have hurt her, because she wasn't moving at all."

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"I tried to get her back, but I was just like a fly to it, because all it did was knock me aside and into a wall," Shadow then started to shake his head, "I'm was too weak, because as soon as I hit the wall I was starting to lose conscious."

"But why me though?" I questioned him, "shouldn't Star and or Arcana be strong enough to handle this."

"You see Aceiro, before I was about to black out, the monster came up to me and spoke," Shadow stuttered as he dropped to his hunches, "it said that it wants the bearer of the dark and light to come and get it at the ruins of the royal sisters, alone and without the other Reality Bearers or the rest of the Harmony Element, otherwise I'm not going to see Fluttershy ever again. It then ran out of the house just as I fainted. I just woke up a few minutes ago and rushed straight here in hopes of finding you and to help me rescue her."

I looked back at Fe standing in the doorway, "Fe, I'm going to go to the Everfree Forest with Shadow to rescue Fluttershy from whatever this monster is," I said without any hesitation, "and don't worry, I'll be fine. After all, we Earth ponies are tough," I then looked back at Shadow, "alright let's get going."

"Oh thank Celestia," Shadow said relieved as he stood up.

We then started to head towards the Everfree Forest, but after about a few yards, I glanced back at Fe and called back to her, "and if Star or Arcana comes back, tell them what happened," and with that I looked back ahead as Shadow and I continue running towards the forest that contains ruins of a strange history to save his love one.

Ten minutes later, Shadow and I made it to the entrance of the forest and entered it without a second thought. We ran down the path that I remember Twilight and her friends had taken from the show, which then formed into a declining slope that eventually comes to a stop at the top of a cliff. Shadow unfurled his wings and jumped over the edge while I spread out mine and ran off of it, we both glided down to the ground at the bottom of the ravine and resumed on our way towards the castle ruins.

We hurriedly made our way from the base of the cliff and down the path that ran between the two cliff sides that makes up the ravine. As we neared the end of the ravine, I quickly looked around and didn't see any signs of the manticore or any others that lives here, maybe it moved on to another part of the forest, I thought as Shadow and I exited the ravine and soon entered a tunnel of trees that immediately dimmed out the sun above.

In a few minutes we made our way through the tunnel of trees and onto a bank of a calm river, I looked both up and down the river for the serpent that Rarity helped, but there's no sign of him. Shadow ran through the shallow river first with me closely following him where I heard him repetitively pleading under his breath, "please, oh please be okay Fluttershy."

We made it to the other side of the river, although now wet from the trip through the river, but we ignored that and continue down a path that looks like it had been made by a large beast or the monster that had taken Fluttershy, "don't worry Fluttershy, we're coming to save you," Shadow declared as he ran down the path.

As soon as I stepped onto the trail to follow Shadow, a sudden chill like that of a hate filled presence descended on me, causing me to stop where I stood and pause. What was that? I questioned as I looked around for what had caused that feeling, but it was gone as fast as it had appeared. I put it off and resumed following the trail that Shadow barreled down. I was soon at the start of the old bridge that is spanning across the large chasm and to the ruins of the castle that many have forgotten. I looked down the bridge and saw that Shadow is almost nearing the end of the bridge.

When Shadow made it to the other side, he looked back at me and shouted across the gorge, "hurry Aceiro, Fluttershy is probably scared and terrified out of her mind right now," and with that final note echoing in the abyss below, he turned around and rushed through the castle's wide open doors and into the castle ruins.

I hurriedly and carefully made my way across the bridge, but as soon as my right hoof stepped onto the other side, a sudden sense of wrongness made itself known in my thoughts. I looked around for anything that could cause the sense of wrongness, but I didn't know what could be out of place at a degenerating moss covered ruins. So I ignored the feeling by waving it off and made my way towards the castle.

I passed through the disintegrating entrance archway and doors and into the foyer of the palace where the sense of wrongness made itself know again, but this time stronger. I looked around the weather exposed lobby and don't see any signs of Shadow or Fluttershy, "hey Shadow, Fluttershy, where are you?" I heard my call out to the two Pegasus starting to echo around the ruins, but I didn't get a response.

"I don't like this," I whispered to myself as I cautiously made my way to the center of the ruined hall, the sun beaming through the roofless hall and onto my back, drying up the last of the damp spots from my coat. When I neared the center of the hall, I heard a faint whimpering sound as if something is crying.

I stained my ears I walked around the ruined grand hall, trying to pinpoint where the crying is coming from and found that it is coming from behind the ancient pedestal that the five of the six Elements of Harmony were first discovered. I warily made my way around the moss covered platform and what I saw behind the pedestal made me do a take back, for there lying at the base of the monument was Fluttershy, silently crying in a fitful sleep.

"Fluttershy!" I said in panic as I got over my shock and rushed to her side. I quickly checked her for any injuries, but I didn't find any physical harm on her, yet it didn't reassure me as I am still worried about what is still happening to her right now.

"Come on Fluttershy, wake up," I insisted as I patted her cheeks and didn't get a result that wasn't her crying, whimpering or both. I moved my hooves away from her cheek and towards her tear soaked eyelids and carefully opened them, and gasped as I saw that her eyes have turned from their usual cyan color to a dull gray color, and despite the fact that I have her eyes wide open, she did not stop crying or woke up from the strange state she's in.

I felt something stir in the back of my mind, causing me to shift my gaze over to the white element marking and saw that it was giving off a faint glow of white light. The glow of light grew stronger and suddenly expanded until it had incased Fluttershy in it comforting and reassuring light, I then saw her eyes returning back to normal to their natural cyan color.

Fluttershy's eyes slowly closed shut and then fell limp in my hold as whatever had control over her disappeared, what was that? I thought to the white marking, but I never got a response from it, like always, "what happened to her anyway?" I asked out loud to the air as I gently laid Fluttershy back onto the ground while her breathing returned to normal and was no longer crying or whimpering.

"She'd relived her worst fears and nightmares," a voice called out from the other side of the pedestal, answering my question and surprising me from the sudden action. I quickly made my way around the pedestal and suddenly stopped in my tracks when I saw who was standing in the center of the ruins; Shadow and there's something off about him, but I didn't give it much thought as I realized that it was him who answered my question.

"What do you mean she'd relived her fears and nightmares?" I called out from across the foyer to him, "and how did you know that she way anyway?"

"Because I'm the reason why she was reliving her worst nightmares," Shadow answered with a grin that sent a shiver down my back.

"Why would you do that to her Shadow? You love her to much to see harm done to her, especially by your own doing," I stated and his grin turned into a frown, but it quickly turned back into a grin.

"Well you see, she just happened to be there and well you see, I didn't want her ruining my plans prematurely," when he said that, the surrounding ruins around us starting to darkened and becoming colder even though Celestia's sun is shining above through the missing roof.

"As for how I did it, I had help from the element of darkness," Shadow called continued as shadows started to form and float around him, "which it is still with me," he declared as raised his left foreleg and the shadows around him converged onto it and formed into a phantom version of the Entropy Element that I wear.

All of a sudden, I remembered the warning that the spirit of Will gave me last night, making me draw my eyes away from Shadow and his shadow element and towards the black marking of the real element on my left foreleg. I focused on the marking, trying to pick up some form of feeling from it, but there was no response from it, just an empty void from it.

"And you want to know something?" Shadow called out, causing me to look away from the empty shell of the element and at him just as he started to pace in a circle around me, "I've never felt so free before now in my whole life," he clarified with another smile.

"Why are you doing this Shadow and how did the Entropy Element break free of its physical form?" I asked Shadow as I follow him with my gaze, never letting him out of my sight for any sudden actions.

"You have Star and his constant warping to thank for that," Shadow answered as he rounded my backside, "because you see here Aceiro, the Entropy element told me that Star's Space Element holds great cosmic power that weakened the dark element and thank to that final long distant warp, it was just enough for the essence of the element to break free."

"But why are you doing all of this?"

"Why this is all for you," Shadow answered as he came to a full circle and stopped in front of me, where I then noticed that we both and the ruins around us had been completely surrounded in a shadowy dome, but what Shadow said surprised me from that fact.

"What?" I said disbelieved at what the oddly acting Pegasus just said.

"Yes, all of this has been to get you out here," Shadow stated, "so we can see which of us ought to be the rightful bearer of the Element of Entropy. So arm yourself and fight," Shadow once again raised his hoof with the shadow element on it, and closed his eyes and saw his brow scrunch in concentration.

"I don't want to fight you Shadow," I called out to him just as living darkness leaked out the shadow element and starting to enshroud him, which then suddenly phased into a solid suit of armor that's black like that of mirrored obsidian that greatly shocked me from Shadow's control over the element.

"I said arm yourself," the now armored Shadow declared as he noticed that I haven't made a move.

"And I said I don't want to fight you Shadow," I countered.

"Fine, if you're not going to engage me willingly, then I will have to engage you myself," and with that he took off and flew right at me. I quickly rolled to my left and immediately felt Shadow's air current as he soared past me.

"Stop Shadow," I demanded as I rolled into a crouched position, ready for anymore aerial assaults from Shadow, "I don't want to fight, because I don't want to hurt you," I called out to Shadow just as he pulled around and hovered there in the air, looking down at me with hurtful intentions written in his eyes.

"Then you're just making this easy for me to hurt you," Shadow stated as he dived at me, forcing me dive towards me, forcing me to dive forward so I don't have to confront my friend, even in his darken state.

I jumped to my hooves and then whirled around and faced Shadow, three of him, "what the heck?" I said taken aback at three smug looking Shadows standing in front of me.

"I guess that you have never learned on how the Element of Entropy works," all three of Shadows spoke as once as they moved towards me, "it's amazing how much power this element has, even if it is in its spirit form," all three Shadows added as they took off into the air and right at me. I rolled to my left, but Shadow must have quickly caught on to my tactics, for when I was in the middle of my dodge, I felt something slam into me and disrupting my strategy.

I slid across the cracked stone floor and into one of the crumbling pillars that is lining the hall. I let out a groan as sat up and rubbed my head, "you're getting predictable Aceiro, trying the same trick for the third time, shame on you," I heard Shadow's voice coming from three different directions around me. I looked up and saw that Shadow and the other two clones had surrounded me and were closing the space between me and them.

"Please Shadow, stop this, because this isn't you," I begged as I stood up and faced the middle Shadow that I hope is the real one.

"You're wrong Aceiro…" the one of my left started, "… this has always been the real me…" the one on my right continues, "… it just has been buried deep until the Entropy Element brought it out," the final one in the middle finished what the other two started.

Something clicked in my head when Shadow said that. All of this started because of the Entropy Element got free, I thought as I contemplated what the three Shadows said just as a plan started to form in my head, and I don't like what I have to do, but I'll do it for Shadow's sake, "fine then Shadow, if you want a fight, then I'll give you one."

"About time," one Shadow proclaimed as they crouched in readiness, "now arm yourself and fight me."

I let out a breath as I lift up my right hoof and glanced down at the white marking of the Will Element, alright, time to use a lesson from Star's sessions; ask, then I closed my eyes in thought, okay, look here Will Element, I don't know your full power and frankly, I'm a little afraid of it, but I need to use your power to save my friend from the darkness that has consumed him. So please, lend me your power so that I can save my friend.

I felt a warm feeling started to spread from my raised arm and throughout my body, driving away the cold just as the warm feeling became heavy throughout my body. I opened my eyes and right at the bracer form of the Will Element and a fully armored arm along with it. I looked away from my arm and towards the rest of my body and saw that it is the same armor I had somehow made before, but with only one difference this time. The armor where the Entropy Element is located is now black like Shadow's armor instead of the pristine white it should be, but I didn't care for what it looks like now, I'm just glad that my prays have been answered, thank you, I thanked the element as I lowered my arm as I faced the three Shadows.

"So finally the real battle begins," the one on my left said.

"Yes, you're getting the fight you wanted, now bring it," I teased them all. The Shadow on my left let out a roar as he fell for my tease and leapt at me, but I ducked and swung my wings upwards, felling them clipping underneath the Shadow clone's chin and propelling him towards the one on my right, causing them both to be caught up in a jumble mess.

While the two Shadows are trying the untangle themselves, the one in the middle took off and flew towards me. He then did a quick turn and swung an armored wing at me, however I raised my right arm in defense just in time before his wing slammed into it with a force that surprised me, but I held my ground, where I then saw surprise form on his face at how I stood up to his assault.

"Shadow, this isn't you," I proclaimed, "this is all the Entropy Element's doing," in the corner of my eye, I saw that the two other clones had finally untangled themselves and are getting up. I quickly wrapped my arm around his wing and hooked it while I looked at him straight in his eyes, "so I'm going to beat it out of you so I can save you," then using as much strength I can muster, I pull him towards me and then swung him around as I pivoted on my hind legs and into the two Shadows like a baseball bat and they flew into a pillar with a resounding crack.

All of a sudden the Shadow in my grasp disappeared in a puff of shadows as well as one of the Shadow clones I slammed into the pillar, "I should've known," I said unsurprised as the shadows in my hooves faded away.

"You're going to pay for that," I heard Shadow angrily uttered. I looked up and saw Shadow flying straight right at me. He tackled me in the middle of my chest, with my armor taking the most of the force, and we flew back into the center of the hall, Shadow then starting to throw blows at me in a blind rage, but I raised both of my arms after Shadow got a few blows in. "I'm the real bearer of the element of darkness. You don't even know the full power of the element, so why do you have the honor to wear it?" Shadow yelled between his blows with my armor taking in most of the blows.

"Shadow, stop it," a familiar voice cried out to Shadow, causing him to pause in his assault on me. I saw Shadow glance over to the left and a look of bewilderment formed on his face, compelling me to look over to where he's looking at and there I saw standing in front of the ancient pedestal is Fluttershy. "Please stop it," Fluttershy begged with tears forming in her eyes, "this isn't you Shadow, so please stop."

"Fluttershy?" Shadow said, sounding unsure.

"Hey Shadow," I called out to him as I pull back my left hoof, taking advantage of his hesitation. Shadow looked down back at me with confusion still written on his face, "You want the Entropy Element? Then let's see you grit those teeth for it," I then punched him as hard as I can with the Entropy welding hoof in the face.

Just after the black bracer made contact with Shadow's face, there was a surge of darkness that absorbed the light around us and then felt Shadow's form disappear, making my hoof now hanging uselessly in the air. "What just happened?" I groaned as I push myself up from the floor and looked around and saw that I'm no longer at the castle of the royal sisters, but in the middle of an endless plane filled with moving shadows, "and where the heck am I?"

I looked over to my right, expecting to see a dazed Pegasus so I can get my questions answered, however I don't think my questions aren't going to be answered, for there I saw an armor-less Shadow curled up in a shivering ball, "oh no, Shadow," I said in a panic as I shot up and went to Shadow's side to see if he's alright.

"I can't handle it, let me go, let me go," I heard him mutter under his breath.

I reached out to him and shook him, trying to shake him back to his scenes, but he just continues to repeat the same thing over and over, completely unaware of what's happening around him.

"What's happening to you Shadow?" I asked out loud concern for his wellbeing.

"He's starting to resist," a cold toned voice said behind me, causing me to quickly turn around and at a large shapeless shadowy being, "but he won't last long."

"Who or what are you and what have you done to my friend?" I demanded lifted my right and willed my bracer into its bladed form and held it in a ready position to attack.

"Don't you recognize me bearer of the dark and light element?" the shadowy creature asked me, "after all, I had chosen you to bear me after Nightmare misused me."

I then realized what the shadow creature is, "you're the spirit of the Entropy Element," and then I felt my anger rise, "what did you do to Shadow and what do you mean he's resisting and not for long?"

"All I did was granting him my power," the spirit answered, "but right now, for some reason, he's starting to refuse my power, therefore I'll just have to make a slight… attitude adjustment in his mind so he'll be more accepting with my influence," it then proceed to make a move around me and towards the still shell-shocked Shadow.

"You stay away from him," I ordered it, understanding what the dark spirit is suggesting as I stepped between it and Shadow, "I'm not going to let you harm him."

"You have no right to order me," the entropy spirit angrily, "you're my bearer and yet you've neglected my gifts and not accepting me while I have remained alone and unused on your left arm," it said as it pointed to the black bracer of my armor, "Now move aside while I make this one my new bearer," it then quickly jump to the left, and pulled back a tendril of shadows and thrust it at Shadow, but I mirrored its actions and stepped in front of it, while raising the black bracer in defense.

The spirit's strike hit the element, bouncing off of it and hitting the ground a foot away from Shadow's balled up form, "as I said, I'm not going to let you hurt him anymore," I repeated as the spirit drew its shadowy appendage back to its side.

"I must have a bearer," the Entropy spirit declared, "for I have gone to long without the proper one, so chose, will it be your Pegasus friend Shadow there or you?" it questioned as it draw closer to me till our eyes are level and we are staring at each other.

I broke my gaze away from the shadowy spirit of the dark element and towards Shadow behind me and saw that he's still mouthing the words from before, the sight of Shadow's state made my decision. I looked back at the spirit and stared back into its eyes, "it's going to be me, I'll be your bearer," I confirmed in a strong clear voice as I lowered the black bracer and my defenses in acceptance.

"Very well," the spirit said in confirmation as it pulls back the same arm of shadows that I blocked and thrust it towards me, somehow piercing through my armor and into my chest, making me remember all the nightmares where this scenario has happened. My vision started to fade as I felt a cold feeling staring to "you finally let me into your heart," the spirit spoke as I was starting to be consumed in darkness…

"Hey Aceiro, wake up," Star's voice cut through the dark, causing me to quickly open my eyes and right into the sun shining brightly through the roofless hall of the castle ruins.

"Ah!" I cried out in pain as quickly covered my eyes with my hooves.

"He's alright," I heard Star announce to somepony as I sorely push myself into a sitting position and peeled my hooves away from my eyes where I saw that the white armor had vanished and the two polar elements had turn back into their marking forms.

"Oh thank Celestia," I heard Fe's voice call out as I felt something tackle me from behind, which was then soon followed by two arms wrapping around my middle and igniting the bruises on my chest and arms, "I'm glad that you're safe Aceiro."

"Yes I am Fe," I winced, "now can you let me go please? You're hurting me with my bruises."

"Oh sorry," Fe apologized as she let me go and I let out a sigh of relief as the pain lessened. I looked around the hall and saw Fluttershy with Shadow lying next to me, whom the latter is slightly crying in the embrace of his love one.

"Hey Aceiro," I looked up and saw Star, Arcana and Fe standing around us, "would you care to tell us what happened here?" Arcana asked me.

"You're not going to believe what I'm going to tell you," I then started to tell them what happened after Star and Arcana had left this morning, "… and then I became its bearer again," I finished my tale half an hour later.

"So Shadow was possessed by a spirit that resides in the Entropy Element and you beat it out of him," Star condensed what I said.

"That's right, but I don't like it that I had to do it though," I regrettably told them as I slowly got up, not wanting to agitate the bruises anymore then I need to, "so what took you guys so long to get here?"

"Well after we came home from me setting up the location for the wedding and Arcana talking with Twilight…" Star started, "… Fe told us what happened to Fluttershy and that you and Shadow went here to save, but I immediately knew that something was off due to Fluttershy's cottage didn't have any signs of damage that Shadow described."

"I became worried when Star said that," Fe added, "so I told them that I'm coming with them to see if you're okay," she then turn towards Star, "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me and my customs, you and Arcana would've been able to get here in time before Aceiro got hurt," she apologized as she hung her head.

"It's not your fault," Star reassured her, "I couldn't warp all of us here anyway even if your customs allowed contacts with other ponies, because I'm still recovering from that long distant warp last night and could only do a single warp within a limited distance," he explained.

"Oh Fluttershy, I'm so sorry," I heard Shadow sob, drawing all of our attentions towards Fluttershy and Shadow still together on the ground, "I'm so sorry of what I did to you, please forgive me Fluttershy, I wasn't in control of my actions. So I'll understand if you want to cancel the wedding because of me."

Fluttershy brought him closer and started comforting him, "it's alright Shadow, I already knew that it wasn't you in control of your actions, because you would never do this willingly. As for the wedding, it is still on, because I know that you love me and I love you too."

He looked up to face Fluttershy with disbelief written on his face, "really Fluttershy?" she nodded in confirmation. Shadow then noticed the small crowd around them and looked around, but when his gaze settled on me, he started to tear up, "oh Aceiro I'm so sorry, I had tricked you to get you here alone and then forced you to fight me even though you didn't want to."

"You have no reason to apologize Shadow," I said as I came up to him and kneeled down next to him and Fluttershy, "it was entirely the Entropy Element's fault, not yours," I stated.

"But," Shadow started as diverted his eyes away from mine and towards the floor, "while the element was controlling me it told me that the reason it was able to gain control of me is that my heart is filled with dark feelings thanks to my past that formed into the monster that's me. So it's really my fault that this whole thing happened," he then started to cry again, "and the worst thing is that my cutie mark is that of a black heart, so what it said is true."

"Shadow, stop it!" I howled at him, causing him and Fluttershy to flinch from my sudden outburst, "It's true that your past has been filled with hardships and that your heart is filled with dark feelings just like your cutie mark."

"Aceiro…" Fe hesitantly said my name.

"However," I continue, "your cutie mark also has the image of that of a white dove, which represents your loving feelings for Fluttershy and your friends. So the Entropy Element was wrong, because your heart isn't completely filled with darkness, it is also filled with light."

"I can now see why the Will and Entropy Elements have chosen you to be their bearer," a calm voice spoke up behind us. I quickly got up and turned around to face whoever spoke, but soon regret making those actions as the bruises made themselves known when a sharp pain lance through my chest and front legs, causing me to shut my eyes in pain.

"Easy there Aceiro, you just participated in a fight between two polar elements, your body needs to recover from it," the voice said, now sounding concerned. I open my eyes and there I saw a tall silver regal looking alicorn standing a few feet away from us, "although, I'm surprised that you're still standing," she said amazed.

"D?" Arcana and Star said in synch with surprise written in their voices.

"There's another princess?" Fe exclaimed at the sight of the alicorn, "How many princesses are there?"

"Who are you?" I asked the mysterious alicorn.

"Where are my manners?" the alicorn rhetorically asked as she went into a bow, "I'm the creator of the Entropy Element; Destiny, and it's a pleasure to meet you Aceiro, but please call me D," the alicorn stood up and looked at Fe, "and no, I'm not another princess Miss Fe, and I think there's only three princesses."

"Wait, you created the Entropy Element?" I asked disbelieved at what I heard.

"And why are you here D?" Star asked.

"Yes I did," Destiny answered mine as she looked at me and then towards Star, "as for why I'm here, there are a couple of things I need to do here," she then walk up towards me and raised a hoof at me. I quickly raised the Will Element and D promptly stopped in what she's doing, "whoa easy there Aceiro, I'm just going to seal the Entropy Element so nothing like this will ever happen again, now will you let me see the Entropy Element?" she asked as she is still holding out her hoof.

"Okay, but first answer me this, why did you make the Entropy Element and how are you?" I asked the silver alicorn.

"I'm Destiny a neutral goddess and I created it because the Reality Elements needed balance," Destiny replied, "Now will you let me seal the element so the power within won't be unleashed again?"

I hesitantly lowered my right and raised my left with the black element marking in response and held it out for her. Destiny waved a hoof over the element marking and it phased into its bracer form in response to her action, "okay this might tingle a bit."

She touched the Entropy Element with her hoof and just like she warned, I felt a numbing sensation traveling through my arm and I saw a faint silvery glow around the bracer. "There that should do it," she declared as the glow around the bracer faded away and then removed her hoof off of it. Destiny then looks away from me and towards Shadow, "and now for the final thing," she stepped past me and up towards Shadow.

The alicorn then did something I would never have expected; she bowed to him, "this is surely an honor, for I would never have thought that I get a chance to meet a Des and its' Counter in the same place after all of this time."

"What's a Des?" Star asked confused.

"As well as a Counter," Arcana added.

Destiny stood up and looked at them both, "Well you see you two; a Des is a descendent of the original bearer of the Entropy Element, and Shadow here is a Des…"

"I'm a what of a what now?" Shadow said shocked at this information.

"As for what a Counter is…" Destiny continues, unfazed by Shadow's outburst, "you see here, when I was creating the Element, I needed to make sure that the bearers of the element won't be corrupted and go insane by its power. So I added a special failsafe to it to keep that from happening: Counters and as the name applies, they counter the effects of the Entropy Element, and Fluttershy here is Shadow's Counter, unfortunately some bearers sometimes never find their Counters and wreaks havoc around them."

"I'm a descendent of the original bearer of that element?" Shadow said scared.

"Don't worry young Des," Destiny assured him as she looked back at him, "as long as you're not holding the element and you have your Counter nearby, you should be safe from its effects," she turn around and started walking towards the entrance of the hall, "now if you'll excuse me, my time here is running short."

"Wait, I still have some questions," I called out to her and she looks back at us.

"Farewell, and let us meet again in the future," with that she looks away and takes a step forward and disappeared into thin air.

"For crying out loud," I frustratingly yelled, "what is up with gods and goddesses disappearing and leaving with more questions than answers?" I voiced the question that the others were probably thinking.

Destiny stood in the shadows of the ruins surrounding the three bearers and their friends, when she saw Aceiro help up Shadow and Fluttershy, a troubled thought made itself known to the goddess, Shadow is a Des, then the Entropy Element should've stayed with him instead of going back to Aceiro. Something doesn't feel right here and I'm sure that Aceiro is the cause of it, she watched the group make their way out of the ruins and leave the castle grounds. I need answers and I think Fate can supply them, with that Destiny disappeared into the shadows.


A consciousness stirred within a stone prison as it awakened inside of it. The consciousness reached out with its mind and was pleased with what it found, "so the time has finally arrived for my return."

Chapter 68: Wedding among the Clouds

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"Ow," I yelped in pain as I felt a needle prick me in the shoulder as it missed the two pieces of fabrics it was stitching together.

"Sorry Aceiro," a tired looking Rarity nervously apologized as she repositioned the threading needle in her magic back over the pieces of fabrics and resumed threading them together, "it's just that today's Fluttershy's and Shadow's special day and so we, her friends, want to see it go perfectly without any problems," Rarity explained as she finally stitched the sleeve to the rest of the suit, "now please stop moving, you don't want to get pricked again, do you?"

I stood still there on the pedestal for another thirty minutes as Rarity double checked her measurements and stitched some parts of the suits together, "there done," Rarity said a minute later as she stepped away from me, "have a look, tell me what you think."

I turned around and faced the mirrors behind me. There I saw that Rarity had made the dress tux formfitting around my build and the metallic wings, I shrugged my shoulders and moved about in it and felt the tux mirroring my actions with no restrictions on my chest or shoulders, "I have to admit Rarity, this suit has to be one of the ones I had ever worn."

"Glad you like it," Rarity said as she stepped up next to me, "now will you take it off so I can pack it so it won't possibly get ruined?" I nodded and then awkwardly took off the suit, trying not to accidently shred it with my wings and hold it out to Rarity, who then took it in the light blue glow of her magic, "alright if you'll wait for a moment, I'll be right back."

She floated the suit over her head as she made her way towards the back as I made my way to a nearby couch and sat on it and waited for Rarity to come back. As I sat there, my eyes drifted to the black Entropy Element marking and then remembered what Destiny said about its past, the first bearer had held this same element, I thought as I held the black marking in front of my face, and Shadow is a descendent of that bearer, but if he's really the descendent of the first bearer, then why did it give me the choice between me or Shadow to be its bearer?

I then lift the white marking of the Will Element up next to its opposite element, now what's the story behind you? I asked it and as usually I never got an answer in response. So in one hoof, there's power of creation, while the other has the power of destruction, I thought as I weighted the power of the two and then a thought formed in my head, what will happen if these two's powers combined?

I brought them closer and slowly brought them into together into a soft clap, "here you go Aceiro," Rarity called out and startling me, causing me to quickly pull the two elements away from each other and then to look up, and there I saw Rarity standing in front of me with two packages floating in her magic. I got up from the couch as Rarity floated the package on the right, "this one is yours," she said as she placed it on my back, "and this one is Fe's," she added as she then placed the other one on my back, "now I'm not sure if it'll fit her due to her customs not allowing to make contact with others, but if my estimations are correct, then it should fit her."

"Thanks Rarity, but I don't have much money on me to fully pay for these," I voiced my thoughts about the fee for them.

"You can always make small payments for them whenever you get the chance," Rarity explained with a wave of a hoof, "now you'll excuse me, there are a few hours left till the wedding and I absolutely look dreadful, so I need to get ready and I'm sure that you need to get ready as well."

"Thanks Rarity." I thanked her, "well, see you later at the wedding," I added as I made my way through the front door of the boutique, with Rarity making her way towards the back being the last thing I saw before I left the store.

I made my way through Ponyville, taking note of the pegasi above pushing clouds away to clear the sky while some of them are pushing in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. Occasionally I will see a flash of light of Star's warping as he warps here and there, grabbing a cloud and then disappearing in the same manner, wow everypony is sure is working hard to get this wedding ready.

I made my way unto Star's and Arcana's street, while carefully keeping the packages containing mine and Fe's wedding attires safely between my wings. I walked up to my friends' front door and opened it and then strode inside, but as soon I made it inside the entry hall, the front door slammed behind me, "jeez they should really fix that door, it's starting to get annoying."

"I agree," I heard Fe agreeing as she spoke up from the kitchen. I turn my attention away from the door and ahead and there I saw Fe standing in the entrance of the kitchen, "what took you so long, because I thought you were only going to get a suit for the wedding?"

"So did I, but Rarity kind of ran out of suits my size, so she had to measure me up for a new one," I explained, "she also gave me your dress," I added as I reached over my shoulder and grasped the top package's ribbon in my teeth and then held it out for her to grab, which she then did, "she had to estimate what your measurements were, but she told me that she's pretty sure she got your measurements correct."

"Thank you Aceiro," Fe thanked as she took the package in her hooves, "Arcana just got home a few minutes ago and told me that the hot air balloon is being prepared for us right now and also said that Star's almost done with cloud preparations and would be back any minute now."

As soon as she said that, there was a bright flash of light coming from the living room next door, "I'm back Arcana," we heard Star call out as he walked into the hallway and almost bumped into Fe, who quickly sidestepped away from Star, "sorry Fe, oh hey Aceiro back already," he greeted us, "listen now, the cloud preparations for the wedding just got done ahead of schedule so they bumped up the wedding, so it's now going to be in an hour from now."

"That soon?" I questioned.

"Yup, so if I were you, I would be getting ready right now," Star suggested before walking back into the living room and soon heard him going upstairs to get ready.

"Well, best be getting ready now I suppose," Fe said as she placed her package on her back and then made her way towards the guest room, with me following right behind her. She stepped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her as I walked by and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I set the package on the sink and grasped an end of one of the ribbons in my mouth and pulled it, causing the lacework to fall limp and away from the package. Placing my front hooves on both sides of the package and slid the top off, revealing the finished suit that Rarity had spent working on for me this morning, "well, time to get ready now," I said as I reached inside the box and pulled out my wedding attire.

After ten careful minutes of trying not to rip the suit with the metal wings, I finally got it on and was now having trouble with the bowtie, "jeez, how do Earth ponies tie these things," I whispered under my breathe as I stared at myself through the mirror trying to tie the bowtie with my hooves, "unicorns have their magic while pegasi have their finger-like feathers," I grumbled as I attempted to tie the bowtie again, but saw it fall apart around my neck.

"Are you ready yet Aceiro?" I heard Fe knocking on the other side of the bathroom door.

"In a sec," I called back to her, "just having trouble with this tie."

"Then come out here, I'll do it for you."

I attempted one more time to try to tie the infernal thing, but just like before, it fell apart. I let out a sigh of defeat as I step back away from the mirror and took a quick not of the suit that Rarity made for me, a light grey suit that compliments the darker grey of my coat and underneath the suit is a white shirt with a supposed tied black bowtie to complete the look.

I moved towards the door and pulled it open and there I saw the most beautiful creature standing in the doorway. Fe was wearing a golden dress with pearl white lace going around her neck and forelegs, the color of the dress went great with her brown coat and somehow brought out the blueness of her eyes, in other words she looks like a princess, "you look… amazing," I said, having trouble to come up the right word to describe her.

"You don't look that bad yourself handsome," Fe grinned as she slightly blushed from my comment, "well let me fix that tie for you," she stepped closer to me and fiddled with the tie. A few seconds later she stepped back and smiled, "there all fixed."

I quickly ducked back into the bathroom and there I saw the bowtie perfectly all tied up in its proper place, "how did you do that?" I asked Fe as I stepped out of the bathroom.

"All it needed was a mare's touch," Fe answered with a little grin, "now come on, the others are already ready and are waiting outside."

We made our way down the hall and there we saw Star and Arcana standing just outside the doorway. Star was wearing a sliver tux which blended perfectly with his silvery wings that you need to know before that he's a Pegasus. I then noticed that he doesn't have his trademark goggles on his forehead, he must have put them away for the occasion.

I looked over to Arcana and saw that she's wearing a slightly darker bare-back gold dress that shined in the afternoon sun and that it is cooperating her gem necklace into its design, Rarity sure have outdone herself this time.

"Are we ready folks?" Star asked as I was carefully closing the door as Fe and I stepped outside, "because we'll have to walk there due to me still recovering and Aceiro's special cases, along with Fe's as well."

"Then why are we still standing about here?" I rhetorically asked them which we then all soon set off after that. We made our way through town and towards Fluttershy's cottage, occasionally passing a fellow invitee of the wedding here and there. We soon arrived at Fluttershy's cottage and there I saw a huge bank of clouds above the cottage with a staircase made out clouds forming from it and coming to an end right behind Twilight, whom is standing in front of the small crowd that had formed in front of her while wearing a wedding dress that looked like her old one, but with a few alterations to it.

Twilight brought up a megaphone to her mouth and spoke in it, "alright everypony," Twilight called out to the crowd in a reverberating voice, "those that are pegasi, you can immediately go while those that are unicorns and know the cloud walking, would you please cast it on yourself and your partner, while the rest of you please line up in an orderly fashion so I can cast the spell on you myself."

Star and Arcana looked back at me and Fe, "see you ya'll at the top," Star said as he spread out his wings, catching the evening sun in them and making them shine like a new star, and took off into the air with the other pegasi in the crowd.

"Don't take too long you two," Arcana said as we watch her close her eyes in concentration and there we saw her gem necklace starting to glow in a golden color before the gems started to grow and shift around her neck and over her back where it then grew out into a pair of crystal wings through the exposed portion of the dress, refracting the sunlight into a series of mini rainbows, which she got all of the non-pegasi stallions' attention, causing them to stare at her while one somewhere in the crowd let out a wolf whistle that was immediately soon followed by a smacking sound.

Arcana took off into the air while some of the unicorns that knows the required spell, enchanted themselves and their partners and then started to make their way up the stairs of clouds. The rest of the crowd gathered themselves into an orderly line as much as they could with me and Fe standing at the very back, not wanting some pony to accidently make contact with Fe.

The line gradually moved forward every time there was a violet flash of light, until there was only a couple ahead of me and Fe, "alright you two," I heard Twilight spoke to the couple in front of us, "this is only a small enchantment, so it is going to wear off by tomorrow morning, so no cloud traveling after the wedding, now please hold still," I saw Twilight shut her eyes and her horn started to glow in the violet red light of her aura, which then started to glow around the couple and then there was a flash of light as the spell was casted. When the light faded away, I saw the couple looking at each other with confused looks while Twilight looks like she's about to faint, "okay folks, go right on up," she said as she held out her hoof towards the stairs.

The stallion and mare cautiously took a step on the first step of the stairs of clouds, their hooves sunk a bit into the cloud a bit, but their hooves never went any farther than that. They both looked at each other with amazed looks on their faces before making their way up the cloud stairs. Finally it was our turn, "whew, that sure was tiring," Twilight said as she wiped her brow of the sweat that was forming there, "I wasn't expecting this many to show up. Now if you two will please follow me, I have the hot air balloon already for you too."

Twilight lead us farther down the pathway, the bank of clouds now blocking out the sun above, and there resting in a safe haven of light that was shining through the hole above is Twilight's hot air balloon. She motioned for us to climb into the balloon and then started relaying instructions to us, "alright it's simple enough, you pull that one to ascend," she said as she pointed to one of the cords hanging above my head, "and you pull that one to descend," she added as she pointed to the cord above Fe's head, "now be careful and enjoy the wedding," she finished as she pulls some of the ropes that are holding the balloon down, undoing them and causing the bags to fall to the ground and the balloon to start rise as Twilight made her way towards the stairs.

Fe and I rose towards the hole in the large cloud above us and we soon passed through it and into a large hall filled with ponies talking to each other, while some of them were watching us as we ascended slightly above their heads and giving us an excellent view of where the wedding is taking place. It reminded me of the wedding layout of Cadence's and Shining's wedding, but instead of stone and glass, it was made out of clouds and ice with a pair of rainbow waterfalls falling behind the wedding alter, which I suspected that they must have gotten that from Dash's supply of the stuff from her cloud home and with songbirds perched among the clouds.

Just then I noticed that somepony is standing at the altar, looking nervous and as if ready to bolt at any second now; is Shadow, and standing next to him as his best man or in this case best stallion; is Star and with Big Mac next to him without his trademark yoke but now in a fancy tux, which I could see that he isn't really comfortable in it. Star finally noticed that I was looking at his general direction and the proceeded to wave in my direction, which I responded back with a wave of my own.

I heard a series of flapping wings behind me, compelling me to look behind and there I saw make me gasp, for there perched on the railing of the balloon is a Murphy Bird. I noticed that it appears to be staring at something, so I followed the direction of its gaze and found that it is looking at Star and Shadow, oh no. I quickly looked back at the Murphy Bird, "go away, shoo now is not the time for a prank," I whispered at it as I tried to shoo it away, but it ignored me as it continues to stare at Star and Shadow, all of a sudden, it got up and fly away through an open window.

I let out a sigh of relief, before looking back towards the altar, "oh shit," for there, roosting among the other birds, are Murphy Birds and a whole lot of them. I looked down at Star and Shadow, but it doesn't seem to appear that they noticed that their former torturers are roosting above their heads.

Before I can warn them, as if on some mysterious cue, the songbirds above started to sing an opening scale of musical notes in the same fashion as a musician would do when tuning an instrument, this caused everypony to cease their talking and hurriedly made their way to their seats as the light above us started to dim with the walkway the only thing now being lit up, oh please, don't do anything to disrupt the wedding, I thoughtfully prayed towards the birds. The birds ceased with their tuning and then started to sing the opening measures of the Here comes the bride as the doors on the opposite side of the altar, swung open and in stepped Fluttershy, wearing an extravagant white dress with a train following behind her that is being held up by Dash and Rarity near the beginning, Applejack and Pinkie in the middle and with Twilight and Arcana at the end. Her mane has also been done up into a fancy bun with a single phoenix feather that Philomena had given her holding it all in place.

"She's beautiful," I heard Fe whisper as we watched Fluttershy perform the Bridal Procession towards the altar with a shaking Shadow at it. I saw Star lean in and whispered something in his ear, which Shadow then calm down and nodded towards Star while whispering something back to him in response.

Fluttershy finally arrived at the altar and her bridesmaids quickly got into line with Dash at the beginning and with Arcana at the end. The bride and the groom stood there with their bridesmaids and best men for a moment before looking around confused as the audience started to whisper in confusion.

An elderly earth pony quickly waddled his way up from the front row and towards the altar and quickly got behind the pedestal and there I immediately recognized him as Mr. Waddle from some of shows, "terribly sorry everypony, but I got a bit distracted there when this amazing young mare was walking down the walkway," he said as he nodded towards Fluttershy, this got a few laughs from the audience below as the white and yellow Pegasus slightly blushed from the compliment, "alright, settle down please, settle down."

When everypony settled down, Mr. Waddles cleared his throat and spoke to the crowd in front of him, "ladies and gentlecolts, we have gathered here today to witness an eternal bond be forged between these two free-spirited Pegasus," he waved a hoof at Shadow and Fluttershy, "to fly forever as one beneath the Sun and the Moon; to enjoy each others' company during the day and to share each others' dreams during the night."

He then looks towards Shadow and spoke, "do you, Shadow Breeze, take Fluttershy here to be your lawfully wedding wife in her greatest need of time, to be there if she has fallen ill or to protect her from harm's way, are you even willing to be there on the ground if she loses her ability to fly and cannot reach the sky?"

"I will and do," Shadow vowed as he looked towards Fluttershy.

Mr. Waddles nodded in confirmation before turning towards Fluttershy, "and do you, Fluttershy, take Shadow Breeze here to be your lawfully wedding husband in his greatest need of time, to be there if he has fallen ill or to protect him from harm's way, are you even willing to be there on the ground if he loses his ability to fly and cannot reach the sky?" he repeat the vow to Fluttershy.

"I will and do," Fluttershy vowed in a strong and willful voice as she too looks away from the priest and towards Shadow.

"Excellent, now exchange feathers to show sign that you two love each other and trust each other as well," Shadow and Fluttershy nodded in agreement and they both extended out their left wing, they then each reached for one of their main feathers and pull them out, both of them wincing from the pain that the action might have caused them. They then reached out to each other and placed their feathers behind each others' ear.

"In the power that is temporarily granted to me, I now pronounce you mare and stallion," Mr. Waddles proclaimed as he raise his forelegs up and then wince in pain and brought them down. Shadow and Fluttershy leaned in close to each other and embraced each other before coming together into a deep kiss, which the audience took their cue to start cheering in congratulations as the birds above started singing only to be pushed aside by the Murphy Birds as they rang bell-like calls of different tones for the married couple below.

Chapter 69: Parting Gifts

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Chapter 69: Parting Gifts

I looked at my packed bags before me. "Alright, did I pack everything that belongs to me?" I asked myself as I peered around the living room of Star's and Arcana's living room that has been my place of occupation for the past few days for any remaining that belongs to me.

"I believe you did Aceiro." I looked up at the mention of my name to see Fe making her way into the living room from the hallway with her bags already packed and strapped to her back. "Because you didn't brought much with you as well as didn't purchase a lot of things here in Ponyville."

"You're right on that Fe," I said as Fe stopped in front of me. "But I sometimes have a tendency that when I'm sure that I've packed everything I need or own and leave, halfway along the way the trip, I suddenly remember that I forgot my tooth-brush by the sink, my money on the dresser, or most important of all; my towels."

"Why are towels important?" Fe asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"There are many useful applications you could do with just a simple towel," I said to her. "But I'm not going to get deep into that subject right now, because right now, all I am concern is making sure that I've packed everything before we leave Ponyville."

"Well if you forgot something, you'll probably have to ask Arcana or Star to mail it you, because we need to meet up with Star and Arcana at the Deer camp so that we could say our goodbye's before boarding our train." I contemplated over what Fe said and reluctantly nodded in agreement with her as I picked up my bags and placed them on my back.

When then made our way from the living room and towards the front door, I opened and held it to allow Fe to leave first with a thank you and then with me following after her, but I soon stopped and lifted up my back hoof and sure felt the door slam into it with a thunk. What is up with this door? I thought as I gently guided the door with my hoof till it closed shut with a soft click. I made my way to Fe's side and we started making our way towards the fields outside of Ponyville that has been the home the nomadic tribe of the deer for weeks now.

When we finally made it to the outskirts of Ponyville and then made our way towards the campsite, we saw Star and Arcana conversing with Shadow and Fluttershy a little away from the deer camp that looks like is shrinking as the inhabitants are slowly packing their possessions and homes up. As we got nearer to the two couples, Star probably sensed us coming for he straightway away looked our way and smiled as he gave us a wave with a hoof, causing the others to look in our direction just as we walked up to them all.

"So I take it that you're all packed and ready to go back to Cantorlot," Arcana said as she took note of mine and Fe's bags on our backs.

"Yup, I had a wonderful time here in Ponyville," Fe replied back. "And I also want to thank you again for your help in keeping my customs sacred."

"What happened?" I asked concerned, thinking that something bad might have happened.

"It was nothing serious," Arcana answered, calming my worries. "Pinkie had almost tried to give Fe a hug and a welcome party when she saw her while you, Star, Shadow and Shining were in Los Pegasus and while us girls were hanging around Ponyville, but I quickly cast a shield spell around Fe before Pinkie could make contact with her. She wasn't happy about that, but after I explained to her about Fe customs and beliefs, she was okay with that and apologized before bounding off somewhere."

"Huh, I guess she must've picked up a lesson or two in respecting others' personal space from Doodle then," I commented about the party pony's behavior. "Then I have to thank you as well Arcana for keeping Fe safe, even if it's from an innocent hug."

"Okay stop, it was nothing. So leave it at that and no more apologizing from anypony else or I'll freeze them in Time," Arcana threatened, clearly now annoyed.

"You can actually do that?" Shadow questioned.

"Well... no, at least I don't think so," Arcana answered. "I haven't practiced with my abilities to that extent with Time."

"You've been practicing and when?" Star asked as he looked towards the Time bearer. "Because I haven't seen you using your abilities since the exorcism of Nightmare from Trixie."

Arcana gave Star a look that clearly said 'really?'. "Just because that there's no special effects attached whenever I use my talents doesn't mean that I'm not using them. Surely you must have noticed something weird whenever any of you were around me."

When she said those things, I remembered all of the unexplained things that happened whenever we were around her; suddenly stopping in mid step just as a store sign crashed right in front of her, catching a crate in her magic just as it fell from other stacked crates and from crushing me, even telling Star to move a foot to his left before a cart of cabbages landed on him that fell from the cliff in town, all the while not looking surprised as if she already saw it all coming. "I thought it was all just of Star's bad luck rubbing off onto us and Arcana is the good luck counter force."

"Well that explains- hey, wait minute here!" Star exclaimed but couldn't help laughing as he joined with everypony else in laughter.

When everypony gained control of their laughing, Arcana resumed talking. "I also been practicing other skills with my abilities."

"Like what?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well Fluttershy, do you know the saying 'Time flies'?" Arcana asked the yellow Pegasus and she nodded in response. I saw a small grin appear on Arcana's face before disappearing before our eyes and then suddenly reappearing next to Fluttershy, nearly causing Fluttershy to jump into the air in fright. "For me, I can fly


Time," she said as she vanished and appeared next to Star once again, but I noticed this time that she looks slightly tired. "Unfortunately though, it requires of me to have a quite large amount of stamina to keep it up, so I get really tired if I use it for long periods of time or consistently without rest."

"That was a very neat trick there Arcana, how did you do it?" We all looked ahead and there we saw the recognizable doe storyteller of the tribe standing there in front of us. Story walked up to Arcana and stopped right in front of her, where I then saw that she has packs and bundles loaded up on her back. "I didn't see you using any kind of magic for that spell. So tell me, how did you so it?"

"Um, it's kind of hard to explain it fully," Arcana hesitantly said to the doe.

She probably doesn't want to accidentally reveal that she was a human

, at that thought, I glanced at Fe to my side, I wonder what she'll do if she ever finds out that I was a human. The sound of Story's voice drew my attention back her and Arcana.

"Really? The way you did it looked as if you could do it very easily." Story relentlessly continued to get Arcana to reveal the secrets of her abilities.

"Leave the interesting unicorn alone Story," a voice called out, causing all of us to look towards where it came from to see Avian approaching the crowd with similar packs and bundles on his back, but as he came closer all of our attention was drawn to his antlers, for there's a small flock of Murphy birds that's using the bird keeper buck as a roosting rack, I then realized that every single of them are looking in the same direction. I followed their gazes and saw that they're all looking at Star. He must have noticed that as well, for I saw him raise a hoof towards his goggles in preparation for a fast warp if needed. "It is her choice to whether tell you her secrets or not."

"But I'm intrigued here on how she was able to use move from one place to another without the use of spells or magic," Story responded back to the bird keeper as she looked back at him.

"It's still her secret to tell you or not though. So let it go and leave her alone," the bird keeper stated as he finally joined our group. "And besides, if she was willingly to tell her secret to you, there wouldn't be time for it, because we all finished packing up camp and are ready to go."

I looked towards the deer camp at his words and sure enough saw that the only left thing left the once immense deer camp is now a large herd of deer with packs and bundles on their backs while most of the bucks have a small flock of Murphy birds roosting in their antlers like what Avian is doing. The sound the bird keeper buck's voice drew my attention back to him. "All we are waiting for now is for you Story, and you know how Ten-point gets when we overstay at a single site for a single hour."

"Fine, you win, but it's because I don't want to see Ten-point getting his antlers all rattled up." Story stood up and started to make her way to Avian's side. "So are you going to do it already?"

"I'm getting there," Avian responded back to the doe as the Murphy birds looked away from Star and towards Shadow and Fluttershy.

"Do what?" Shadow nervously asked as the buck stepped up to them.

"Well it is customary in our tribe to leave a very special gift at a couple's wedding, but since it was in the clouds and we deer aren't able to walk on clouds, we weren't able to present it to you two right there and then." He reached around to the bundles on his back, causing the small roosting flock of Murphy birds to let out in tintinnabulation from the sudden and removed a small bag from among them in his mouth and placed it in front of the recently married feathered ponies. "So, in representing the whole deer tribe, I give you this gift and wish you both have a wonderful marriage together."

"Why thank you very much," Fluttershy thanked Avian as she sat down and picked up the bag in her front hooves, which caused the drawstring on it to give away and fall down, revealing a cyan colored object with a range of colorful specks on it as if a rainbow had spit on it in the animal caretaker's hooves, however the most notable feature of the object is its recognizable oval shape.

"Is that an..." Shadow trailed off, sounding unsure as he leaned in closer to get a better look at it before looking back at the buck. "An egg?

"Indeed it is," Avian proudly stated with a smile on his face. "And it's a great honor for me to present it to the both of you newlyweds."

"Well thank you Avian," Shadow replied as he looked back at the egg in his wife's hooves. "But may I ask what kind of egg it is? Because I traveled throughout Equestria and I never seen this kind of egg before."

"Well I'll be surprised if you did," Avian said as he made his way back to Story's side. "Because Murphy birds aren't a species of birds native to Equestria and we keep the eggs that they laid till they hatch."

"So wait, you gave us an egg from your tribe's flock of birds?" Shadow questioned, now looking at the colorful egg with a hint of fear in his face and then I remembered what Story told me on how he and Star had accidentally insulted the birds and they responded back with a personal vendetta towards them both, this might cause some problems for Star latter on in the future when that egg hatches.

"Yes we have," Avian confirmed. "We usually present an egg to those that recently got married in our tribe in sign of starting a family, but I have this to say though, they don't usually allow us to give an egg of their flock to others outside of our tribe, so this is quite odd for them since it was them themselves that gave us the egg to give to you as a wedding gift."

"Well that is very kind for you all to do this," Fluttershy thanked the roosting birds in Avian's antlers and they responded back by covering their faces with their wings, I noticed that they all look a little more redder than usual and realized that it's blush and that they're trying to hide it from deer and pony.

"Well I guess that we all now know the reason behind this strange behavior of theirs," Avian commented as he peered up at them with raised eyes as a smirk formed on his face. "I think they that they might like you Fluttershy, because they're never this bashful to any deer or pony." This caused the brightly colored birds to drop their bashful attitude and to give their caretaker a series of bells and clangs, as if they're denying what he said.

"Well that is very sweet of you all," Fluttershy thanked them, causing them to fall silent as she covered the egg in the bag and tying off the drawstring before looking back at the birds and saying, "and once again, thank you for this lovely and wonderful gift." This caused the birds to become even more red as they once more tried to hide their bashful faces in their wings, causing everyone to start laughing at the sight.

"Alright, it's now time for us to leave," Avian said when he regained his composure. "So goodbye and may we meet again sometime in the future." Avian and Story then gave all of a small bow, and then turned to face their herd, but before they even made a step, one of the birds suddenly took off into the air and shot towards Star, causinuœhim to call out in surprise before the lone flew into his face and latched on.

"Got off of my face you feathered pest," we heard Star yell through the feather body of the Murphy bird as he swung his face around to rid one the causes of his bad luck. Star reached up and grabbed the bird in his hooves and pulled it away from his face, but there we all saw that bird now has the front of his goggles in its peak, causing it to be stretched to its max. The bird let go of the goggle and it quickly snapped back into Star eyes, causing all of us to wince at the assault before us as Star let go of the bird and is now holding his face while letting out cries of pain. Before we could do anything else, the bird that assaulted Star quickly landed on top of Star's head, causing him to faceplant into the grass as we saw the Murphy bird make itself comfortable in the Star's mane, not realizing or maybe just not caring the pain it just caused to the Pegasus its roosting on.

"Get the heck off of me!" Star angerily yelled from the grass before disappearing in a flash of light and reappeared several feet in the air above us, now with the bird in his hooves as he tossed it away from him, but the bird quickly caught the breeze in its wings and swung around and landed on Star's head once more, annoying him some more. "Why are you doing this to me? You already got your vendetta with me and you'll be leaving soon, so why?" Star asked the bird atop his head, but all he got in response was a small chorus of bells.

"Well I'll be buckedshot," Avian said surprised when he heard the chorus of bells and then a smile formed on his face. "Bird lover, do you know what that singing means?"

"I don't know what it means, but what's up with this bird?" Star asked as he once more grabbed the bird in his hooves and threw it away from him, but with the same results of the bird landing on his head. "And willl you stop calling me that already?"

"This has to be the most strangest behavior that any of our birds has ever done," Avian said as he tapped his chin with a cloven hoof. "But then, you're not just a normal Pegasus by any means if I'm correct."

"Please explain to us normal hooved creatures so that we can understand what's going on here please?" Story asked her friend.

"Well to put it simply, that bird has grown quite attached to Star."

"Say what?" Star said stunned as he landed in front of the deer. "Ah heck no, these birds has caused me enough trouble and pain as it is, there is no way I'm going to have a source of bad luck near my already worse luck as it is. You got to take this thing far away from me as possible," he said as he pointed to the mentioned bird on his head.

"I'm sorry," Avian said with a look of defeat on his face. "But there's nothing I, nor any deer or pony, can do when a Murphy bird grows attached to one. You see here Star, even if we were to take the bird with us when we leave, it'll just fly off and make its way back to you, because afterall, they are our source of navigation and thus are able to find their way to almost anywhere if they wanted to."

"This seriously can't be happening to me now." Star shook his head in disbelief as the bird flapped its wings to on his head.

"Don't look at this as some kind of misfortune," Avian spoke up, causing Star to look up at the buck. "Look at this as an honor, for there's something that you should know about these birds Star. We believe that these birds might be more special than they might seem to be."

"More special than being a colorful pain in my rear?" Star sarcastically responded.

"No, not that," Avain said, unfazed about Star's remark. "The reason why we believe these birds are special because even though these birds may appeared to look like normal birds to the naked eye, beneath their colorful feathers and behaviors, they seem to know something about each and every one of our destinies that we might not even know ourselves."

"Why do you say that?" I asked him.

"That I can explain," Story answered me before clearing her throat. "You see here, on that day when our tribal ancestors were lost in lands unknown to them and then came across these birds ancestors, but here's the part where our ancestors weren't sure or not, but when they found them it appeared as if they were waiting for them to arrive."

"That's very interesting," Fe commented.

"But here's the thing that our ancestors were sure about," Story continued. "When our ancestors were guided back to Equestria, that's when they learned that they had instead of leaving our homeland of Equestria, they had somehow left this world entirely."

"Your ancestors left this world," Star repeated as he voiced our thoughts. "How did they know?"

"Well," Story contemplated as if trying to piece something together in her mind. "From what the stories they'd passed down, they described that they felt lost when they were in unknown lands. Now, not physical lost mind you as they're already lost by then, but it was more kind of a spiritual lost as if a piece of themselves were missing. You know what I mean by that right?"

"We believe so," I answered for everypony else and they nodded in agreement.

"Good, now after our ancestors came across these birds and were guided back to the lands of Equestria, they told that they were filled with warm feelings as if a mother had momentarily lost her child before finding it and embracing. We were as if that child and that is were they realized something had occured to our ancestors."

"You left this world somehow," I answered before the doe and she responded back with a nod.

"Correct, but there is also something else that our ancestors realized."

"And what is that?" Fluttershy asked.

"These birds ancestors were not able to get back home to their own world and they knew it, which means that they gave up their home so that we could get back to ours." When Story said that, I noticed that birds in Avian's antlers and on Star's head now have a sad appearance to them as if they're remembering stories of them homeland that their ancestors had probably passed down to them. "That is why we take care and respect them, for if it wasn't for their act of kindness and sacrifice, we and our tibe wouldn't be standing here talking with you all."

"Well I could now see the source of the Murphy birds strange behavior whenever they're around Fluttershy," Arcana spoke up. "Fluttershy currently holds the Element of Kindness and these birds have a connection to it."

"Well I'll be sniped, so that's why the birds are acting bashful around you," Avain said with a smile right before the birds retorted back with a series of bells as the ones on the lower branches of his antlers that's closer to his head started to peak at it at, causing him to wince in pain but never letting the smile fall.

"I'm glad to see that strong bonds of friendship have been made here." We all were startled by the sudden gruff voice, which also caused the birds to stop their barrage on Avian's skull. We all looked towards to where it came from and there we saw Ten-Point, the leader of the deer tribe standing there with a smile on his face. "But unfortuneately, it is time for us to leave for we have prolonged our time to leave Ponyville, and you two all know to well how rattled I can get when we overstay our visit. Was every deer able to say their partings?"

"Yes sir," both Avian and Story said in unison, even the Murphy birds added a few bells in agreement along with them.

"Good, now come. It's time for us to leave." He then look at every one of us before adding with a smile. "But don't worry about your new friends though, for with such strong bonds of friendship I just saw witness here, I'm sure that you all will still remain great friends when we return again to Ponyville and this time our trip isn't going to take a long one like it did before."

"Yes, yes, I know you're filled with joy with that piece of good news," Ten-point said to them before they can say a word as he waved a hoof in the air as smiles lit up on Avian and Story's faces. He looked up into the sky and took note of the sun hanging in it. "But it seriously time for is to leave now."

"Alright sir," the doe and the buck said in unison once again with a joyful smile as the birds ringed in with them. Story and Avian turned back to us all.

"Well, it is time for us to get going and since we don't like saying goodbyes, as it tends to leads to us never seeing each other again." Story said as she bowed to us with Avian following her lead.

"So till we meet again, we wish you luck as you live through your endeavors and lives," Avian finished. We all bowed back to them in return as they straightened themselves and started making their way to the rest of their herd with their chief leader in the lead.

"Wait a quick question," Arcana called out to them, causing them to pause and look back at her. "How long ago was it when your ancestors had themselves lost on another world?"

"It was about close to five hundred years ago give or take," Story answered back. "Oh and before we leave, here's a random funny fact about these birds' ancestors, they could only look in a single direction even if you would be going the opposite way."

"That is interesting," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Yes it was," Ten-point agreed. "But also a little annoying back then as well since they would only look southward when we needed to go in a different direction. Well see you all till we meet again."

"Till we meet again," Avian and Story voiced back was they waved at us, and we responded back with waves of our own. The three deer made their way to the rest of the herd and there we saw Ten-point motioned towards Avian's birds and they responded by giving a loud horn like call that resonated throughout the nomad deer tribe as other birds in the herd joined in the choir, causing does, bucks, and fawns to look towards where the call generated from. We all saw Ten-point motioned to the birds again and they grew quiet which they were soon followed by the rest of the flock, he then look towards his tribe and there we saw him making an address to the herd, but I couldn't make out what he's saying as the wind took it away before it could reach us.

All of a sudden, we heard a loud cheer coming from the deer tribe as Ten-point said something that they liked and agreed, compelling him to raise a hoof for silence. After the cheering had died down, Ten-point started walking towards them with Story and Avian behind them. As he neared his tribe, we saw them starting to part ways for him like a sea, which they then started to follow their leader as soon as he had walked past them, soon enough the whole nomadic deer tribe was following behind Ten-point. When Ten-point and his tribe was about to go over one of the many hills surrounding Ponyville, he stopped and looked back at us before yelling, "till we meet again."

We then heard every deer repeating his words, "till we meet again." They all faced forward and resumed walking and a few minutes later, we saw the last deer of the deer tribe disappearing behind the hills, leaving me and my friends in the once more empty fields of Ponyville.

Chapter 70: Dark Truths

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I stared out of the window of the train, watching the scenery town of Ponyville disappear behind some hills before turning into a fully undisturbed countryside, feeling the vibrations of the locomotive around me causing my metallic wings to vibrate, causing the metal feathers to lightly hit each other, creating a wind chime effect. I looked away from the window and towards Fe next to me and saw that she must have fallen asleep at some point on the trip as I saw her laying there, lightly snoring on the seat. I smiled at the sight of it and turned my attention back to the window and rested my forehead against the window as a question like from earlier formed in my head, what would Fe do if she finds out about my secret?

I started to feel a bit drowsy as I stared at the green scenery passing by and was now in a battle to keep my eyes forced open. However, at the thought of nothing else to do for the next several hours and quickly losing the battle against the weight of my eyes, I surrendered the fight and finally drifted off to sleep. Before I lost myself to my dreams though, another question came to mind... Would she still love me?


I'm staring out of window and towards a dark sky that seems familiar for some reason. As I stared out of the window and into the dark abyss, I had a feeling that I'm being watched and observed, I turned around and found myself that I'm once again in the half-shadowed, half-lighted throne room. This place again? I thought as moved away from the window and made my way to the middle of the throne room, but I noticed that the room is a little different than the last time I was here as I stood in the hallway like room with the shadowed portion of the hall on my left and the lighted one on my other.

"Welcome back Jace," a voice greeted from my left. I looked to where it came from and there I saw the spirit look-a-like of the Will Element standing there with a greeting smile, and like before, wearing the manifestation armor of the Reality Element it stood for. "Or would you prefer to be called Aceiro as it is what you're going by nowadays?"

"Uh... Aceiro would be preferred," I answered the spirit and saw him nod his head at my answer when I realized what he said. "How did you know my name... my real name?"

"Really, did he just really asked that?" a voice called out from behind me that sounded like mine, but darker and colder though. I turned around and saw that the Spirit of Will and I weren't alone this time as there's a shadowy figure leaning against a pillar, being hidden by the shadows.

"He's been wearing our Elements for how long now and he still doesn't have a clue to what they really do?" The shadowy figure then pushed itself from the pillar and the shadows revealing... another me standing there. Why is there another me, what's going on here? I thought as the newest copy of me made his way towards us, but as he got closer I felt that there's a darker aura to this new 'me' while the spirit of the Will Element felt warmer when we met before. The darker me sat himself in front of me and next to to his lighter counterpart, creating a weird three-way mirror between the three of us. There I noticed that I'm sitting right in the middle of the dark and the light while the doppelgangers of me are sitting on either side of the contrast line of light and darkness.

As I stared at the two Acerios in front of me, something click what the shadow me had said before and realized what this newer me is. I go up and walked towards the darker me. "You're Entropy, the spirit of the Element of Darkness."

"He finally figures it out, give the pony a prize." The dark image of me sarcastically said as he clapped his hooves, but before the spirit could do anything else, there was a smacking sound followed soon after something hitting the ground.

There I stood above the down dark spirit on the ground who was now rubbing his jaw from the left hook I gave him. "That's for possessing Shadow and hurting him and Fluttershy," I angrily snarled down at the spirit, feeling my anger burn in me.

"Aceiro, calm yourself," the Will spirit warned, causing me to realize that I'm now on the dark spirit's side. I quickly felt my anger dissipated when I realized what I just done and backed away till I'm once again in the middle of the light and dark, getting the feeling that I shouldn't probably linger on either side and that I'm 'safe' in the middle.

"Well well well, it seems that my bearer does have some darkness inside of him after all," the spirit of Entropy said, sounding as if amused from the sudden event, as he got up with his back facing me. He turned around and what I saw unnerved me; he was smiling right at me. "You actually hurt me using my own element, very clever Aceiro. There might be some hope for you in being my proper bearer just yet."

"Enough Entropy!" Will demanded as the spirit of light walked up to his polar opposite, but stopping just short of the edge of his domain. "To test his emotions isn't the reason why you called him here."

"Wait, you called me here, why?" I was surprised, but confused as well, to learn who brought me here. "And where is here anyway? Because I thought I was dreaming, but this feels to real to be a dream; and you never did answer me the last time I was here Will."

"Oh oblivion, this one asks questions, and lots of them; I hate questions," the spirit of Entropy groaned as he puts a hoof over his eyes as if to prevent a headache from forming. He removed his hoof and faced me with a blank look. 'Yes, I'm the one that called you here so that we-and I mean mostly me-so that I can teach you about some of the abilities of the Entropy Element that you now bear and linked to, which by the way you now have full access too, so you don't end up accidentally killing yourself and those around you; and maybe half of a city along for the ride."

"As much as it galls me to say this; Entropy is right," Will admitted, looking as if he swallowed something painful. "I would not risk the cost of hundred of lives for the price of pride and ignorance."

Entropy looked like he's enjoying the pain of admittance coming from the element of light, before turning his attention back to me. "Especially since that you have two forces of magic in you that can contradict each other, so I'm going to be teaching you how to control the power of the Entropy Element so you do not blow yourself up, which I admit should've destroyed you when I first bonded with you, but you didn't though, so my theory about you was correct."

I felt my blood run cold at what the two elements told me and then a thought came to mind. "Wait, Nightmare had the Element before me, and if what you're saying is true, then why couldn't Nightmare use it like you said, and for the last time, where is here? Because I still think that all of this is some kind of crazy dream."

"Enough with the stupid questions," Entropy ordered me sounding more and more annoyed with every question I ask. "Freak you're annoying, all my past bearers never asked questions first when they are about to become the bearer of unimaginable power, why did I get a very cautious and scared bearer."

I'm starting to feel annoyed from what the shadow me thinks of me and spoke to him in a blunt tone of voice, "you know what, I still don't like or trust you."

Entropy perked at that remark. "Excellent, now we're getting somewhere, just hold on to those emotions of hate and suspicions and you'll be a master of my element in no time."

"Just answer his questions Entropy."

"Geez you're just as annoying as Aceiro Will," Entropy commented to Will before turning his focus back at me. "The reason why Nightmare couldn't use the full power of the Entropy Element is because even though it was a compatible bearer, it never had really accepted me and me vice versa, so thus never had my full power. As for where you are; no, this isn't a dream. In fact, you're not really sleeping at all-" he quickly raised a hoof to stop my question from leaving my tongue, "-let me finish. It may look like you're sleeping, but in reality, we pulled your mind out of your physical body and into the Elements."

I was left sitting there, letting what the dark spirit told me sink in before looking around at the black and white room. "So... my mind is in the elements then huh?"

"That's correct Aceiro," the spirit of light answered with a nod.

"And what about my body?"

"Probably drooling all over itself like some stupid moron," Entropy sneered in response to my question, earning him a frown from me, which he smiled at the site of it. "You're doing great on holding on that hate emotion, keep it up."

"Stop instigating our bearer and get to the main reason why he's here, because he can't stay here for too long."

"Alright alright geez, the way you're sounding as if your armor is a little tight around your nu-" Entropy immediately went silent with whatever he was going to say at the glare that Will is giving him. Entropy cleared his throat and muttered something under his breath as he returned his gaze back at me again. "Alright, here's basic knowledge about my Element; it is linked to your negative emotions. The element brings out the deepest, darkest feelings that are hidden deep in everyone's' heart, and with those emotions you'll be able to control your surroundings, even your friend Shadow had some deep resentment and anger that the Element was able to work with and use."

"Wait, couldn't I already do that with the Will Element though?"

Entropy groaned towards the spectral construct ceiling when I made that statement before looking back down at me. "Yes and no. While it is true that the Will Element has the power to-blah-create things, but that's just it, it's the power to create. My power is to destroy, deconstruct, ruin; the complete opposite of Will's power. I'm the balance to his power, the darkness to the light. Without Entropy, there's no balance to Will. Without Entropy, there's no point to life if it couldn't end to bring new life into the world.

"So you see here Aceiro," Entropy continue as he and Will walked to they were standing in front of me again. "There would always be a balance to everything no matter what. Even your two friends Star and Arcana are a balance of each other; Space and Time. Why do you think they get along well?"

"So you're telling me that I have dark and good magic in me then."

"When the freak did I say that my magic is dark magic?" Entropy yelled at me, earning another glare from Will.

"But you said that you're a balance to Will, and he represents Will and creation, so I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong," Entropy interrupted me. "My power isn't dark magic, it is just... freak, how do I put this... Dark magic corrupts the user if they let it consume them, happened to this one past bearer of mine, didn't end well for him or his kingdom. In fact, I think you're going to probably hear of him soon if I'm not mistaken if his banishment is nearing its end."


"Forget about it, getting back on subject here. You remember Nightmare Moon right?"

"Of course I do, Luna went crazy with dark magic that created Nightmare Moon."

"Wrong again Aceiro, while it is true that Luna went kind of cuckoo with magic, it wasn't dark magic she was messing with, it was mine..."

"What? Then you're the reason why Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon and it possessing Trixie..."

"Will you freaking shut up already you moron and let me finish," Entropy angrily yelled at me, causing me to be silent.

"Thank you. Yes, while it's true that it was my magic that caused her to become Nightmare Moon, that was entirely her fault, not mine. Remember what I said that the Entropy Element is linked to ones' darkest and deepest emotions? Well it's a two way connection, so after the two, no wait... three princesses banished this past bearer of mine into ice or something of the sort and I was... liberated from him, Princess Luna was a little curious about my power and well... let's say she dived to deep to where no mind will come back sane, why do you think I was sealed in the most 'impenetrable' vault by Princess Celestia or how Nightmare knew of me in the first place?

"But anyway, back to the dark magic bit, if you look at the history texts at the time, Nightmare Moon had never use an once of dark magic. It wasn't until -blah- the Elements of Harmony purged the Entropy influence that's Nightmare from Luna, that's when it started to use dark magic. So even though Nightmare Moon was crazy, she was still Luna and Luna knew what dark magic can do to her mind, even if it was twisted at the moment." A look of contemplation then formed on his face, "you know, now that I think about it, all my bearers went crazy one way or another except for one that is; my first bearer. Now he was something else, he knew all my power and how to use it without corrupting him. -sigh- To bad he already had evil in his heart, could've been something great."

"All of this is irrelevant to what you need tell him how to control your Element," Will scowled Entropy. "We don't have a lot of time and you're wasting it by getting off subject about your past bearers."

"Alright, I'll get to the point yeesh. All you care about the result and not the process how to get that result," he said to Will, sounding annoyed, before facing me. "Time to finish up here before sending you off your way. My power is like the night and Will's like day, two different lights belonging to a whole, each with their advantages over the other, as well as weaknesses, that could help each other, but at the same time working independently of each other. To bad most of all our past bearers thought is was the good verses evil bit, but that they were suppose to work together, right Will?"

"You're forgetting about that one time when they actually got along for once," Will said with a smile.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those two," Entropy replied back with a smile of his own. "Make that two bearers of mine. Now there sure was something magical happening between those two, well that's what I get for being locked up in a vault for over a thousand years, you tend to forget some facts. Although, I don't suppose you fair any better as you were stuck in a box, how long was it?"

"I thought you said that I don't have much time here," I interrupted the two elements before they could start fighting. "Will you tell me already before Fe starts to panic when I'm not waking up."

"Okay okay, here's what you need to keep in control, keep your emotions in check and don't let them go out of control, because as I said earlier, the link between the Entropy Element and its bearer is a two way communication and there are some very dark stuff in here that would put the darkest nightmares to shame, but as long as you stay calm and try not to let those feelings get to you and out of control, you're going to be alright."

"So basically, stay... calm?" I said unsure of the answer. "That's it, that simple?"

"Yup, basically that's it," Entropy confirmed. "Now I think it is about time we send you off back to your body before you drown in your in your own drool."

"Thanks, I really appreciate that," I said sarcastically.

"No problem Des Aceiro. See you next time to continue our little sessions in helping you with the Entropy Element and remember, keep your Counter nearby and close."



"-What?" I jerked up in my seat and looked around and saw that I'm back on the train, my eyes hurting a bit from the colors around me after being in a monotone environment. I looked outside and saw that we are nearing Canterlot with the sun setting behind it. I looked towards Fe and saw that she's still asleep and that I haven't disturbed her with my outburst. I let out a yawn at the sight of her sleeping form, feeling more tried than rested before my little dive into the Elements, then I noticed that my front and part of my neck is colder than the rest of my body. I looked down at my front and saw that my coat is slightly wet and matted.

"What the?" I started to examine the wet fur and on further investigation, I realized that there's a trail of matted down fur leading from it to straight back to my mouth making me realize what the wetness was. The words that Entropy said about what my body was doing without my mind in control echoed in my memories and I couldn't help but be annoyed that the spirit was right. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or not, but I thought the spirit laughing at my predicament. "Dang it Entropy."

I reached for my bags under the seat in search for a towel to quickly clean myself up before we arrive at the train station in Canterlot. As I rubbed my towel through my drool matted fur, I recalled the departing words that the dark spirit said before I got booted out of the Elements. I suddenly stopped in mid stroke with my towel when I realized something that the spirit said. I looked down at the silent dark marking of the Entropy Element on my left foreleg. "He-he called me Des Aceiro."


The two spirits of Entropy and Will sat there, looking at the spot where their bearer had just sat moments ago. After a few moments of silence, the spirit of Entropy let out an tired sigh before standing up and starting making his way back into the depths of his Element and leaving the spirit of Will still sitting there, as the sound of Entropy's hooves of his current form being the only thing breaking the silence...

"Why didn't you tell him?" the spirit of Will asked the dark spirit, causing the mentioned spirit to stop mid-step, all the while continue to stare at the spot where Aceiro sat. When silence answered him instead the other spirit, he finally looked away and towards the spirit standing afar off down the dark hall and asked again to the back of his head, "why didn't you tell him Entropy? You know that he has the right to know, right?"

A chuckle escaped from Entropy as he shook his head before glancing back to Will. "Results; that's all you care about Will, so either you don't understand or just plain don't care at all about the process to get the results, but there's a process to everything."

"So when are you going to tell him then and why are you even doing all of this by the way? This isn't like you at all Entropy."

The shadow spirit ignored the last remark and faced away from his opposite before speaking, "I don't care at all for him if that is what you're thinking. I'm just in it for my selfish reasons to see something great to come out of him, but before that could happen though, something is going to need to break first."

The spirit of Will then watched the other spirit disappear in a mist of shadows, leaving him alone in the great hall. As Will watched the spot where the spirit element disappeared, a small smile made its way on his face. You're a terrible liar Entropy. All I can do is hope that you know what you're doing, he thought as the small smile faded away before the spirit of light followed it and faded away into light, leaving silence to dominate the great hall.

Chapter 71: Dark Visits

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When the train finally came to a stop in the platform at Canterlot’s train station, we quickly gathered our things and made our way onto the platform, but not before taking a quick once over to see if my coat is sufficiently clean of any drool that might be lingering. We quickly departed the train station to avoid the growing crowd of ponies at the station for Fe’s sake. I quickly hailed down a nearby coach and informed the driver our destination, and we were soon off to Fe’s place to see her off for the night. As we made our way through Canterlot, our driver dodging around the uptight nobles with their noses held high, my thoughts went back to my time I spent with the dark spirit of Entropy within the elements and I couldn’t help but be bothered what Entropy said right when I was leaving. He called me Des Aceiro, why did he call me a Des? I thought as I remembered what the strange alicorn, D, had said about the shadow element and their unique bearers. But I’m from a completely different reality, how can I be a descendant?

“Is everything alright Aceiro?” Fe’s voice called through my thoughts.

“Huh?” I looked towards her and saw that she had a concerned look on her face. My thoughts quickly comprehended what she said. “Oh… yeah, I’m alright Fe, just thinking that’s all. Why do you ask?”

“Well you had that troubling look as if something is greatly bothering you, so I was just wondering if everything’s alright.”

“Yeah, everything’s alright, I was just thinking.”

“About what though?”

“Nothing in particular,” I lied, not wanting to divulge my thoughts and concerns which could in turn lead to my past and who I was before, as I’m scared to what Fe would do if she ever finds out. Fe didn’t look like she accepted that as my answer, but before she could say anything the driver announced that we arrived at her home as we pulled up next to her family’s home. Fe paused for a moment before finally accepting my answer as final.

“Well, if there is anything that is bothering you Aceiro, I’ll be here if you need to let it off your chest.”

“Will do Fe, good night and see you tomorrow.”

“Good night to you as well Aceiro, sweet dreams,” she said before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss, she then stepped off the coach and started to make her way towards her front door. She stopped halfway to look back at me and added, “Thank you for the trip and see you tomorrow.”

“You too,” I replied back as Fe resumed walking up the pathway, but any words that I was going say more froze in my throat as I just noticed Fe’s father standing in one of the upper windows, standing there for who knows how long, staring down at me. He saw me looking up at him and responded back by pointing a hoof to one of his eyes, then pointed it right at me, then finally to Fe below just as she stepped into her home, and it was all wrapped up by him pounding his hooves together soon after, sending a clear message to me: hurt my daughter and I’ll hurt you more.

“Wow, talk about being intimidating,” the coach driver said, causing me to suddenly realize that he’s been there the whole time. “I don’t know if I should be envy of you or glad that I’m not your sorry flank right now; to have a cute mare like her as my marefriend or not having to deal with her dad that looks like could smear you into paste.”

“Just take me to the castle, I don’t want to deal with this right now.”

“You got it pal,” the driver said as he started to pull me away from Fe’s home and towards the castle.

I’m surrounded by people as I could hear the priest speaking, but I couldn’t hear the words of comfort as I stood before what’s causing tears to run down my cheeks; the sight of my mom laying inside a casket. I felt a strong hand rest on my shoulder. I looked away from the open casket and up to see my dad standing there with a sad look. “Will mommy wake up?”

Dad shook his head at the innocent question of a child. “I’m sorry Jace, but she isn’t going to wake up.”

“No!” I cried, not wanting to accept the truth as I broke through dad’s grasp and ran up to the casket and started to shake Mom’s arm in an attempt to wake her still form. I felt strong arms wrap around me, trying to pull me away as I held onto the casket, still crying and yelling. “No, she has to wake up, she made a promise; she has to.”

I felt my grip finally give way and I was quickly dragged away from mom in the casket, while screaming and flailing in my dad’s arms as I tried to break free to get back to Mom’s side that the crowd of people are now starting to block my line of sight to her. In the corner of my vision, I saw a faint blue shadow, but I ignored it as I continued with my thrashing and wailing. “But she promised, mommy promised she’ll come back. Mommy, please wake up! You have to, please wake up!

“Please wake up!” I yelled as I jolted up in my bed. I quickly looked around and saw that I’m back in my guest quarters at the castle. I placed my face into my hooves as I calmed my ragged breathing and shaking, trying to get my emotions in check that became agitated due the dream, however it wasn’t an ordinary one. “No, why is it happening again? I thought I was done with this a long time ago.”

I sat there on my bed, trying to get my thoughts together, when the sudden sound of soft knocking on my door surprised me out of my thoughts. I looked at the clock on the night stand, with the help of the moonlight seeping in through the window, saying it’s a little past midnight. The sound of soft knocking once again was heard from my door. “Who is it at this time?” I questioned, coming up with possibly the night staff or guard to my answer.

However, I was caught unaware when I heard a familiar voice using an archaic speech from behind the door, “Aceiro, tis I, Luna. May I come in?”

“Princess Luna?” I said flustered by the sudden announcement of the princess of the night at my bedroom door, I then realized that I’m keeping her waiting at my door. “Oh, um. Yeah, I guess you can come in Princess Luna. The door is open.”

The door opened and revealed the princess of the night and former Mare in the Moon, Princess Luna. As Princess Luna stepped into my room, she looked behind her where I saw a couple pair of glowing golden cat-like eyes staring at me through the darkness in the hallway. “You can leave us be guards, I’ll be fine for he doesn’t want to bring harm to me.” The glowing eyes then disappeared in response to her command, leaving me and the night princess alone, though the feeling of being watched and judged was lingering on me and no doubt on the princess as well, still within distance if anything should happen. Princess Luna turned away from the open doorway and walked towards me, her ether mane of the night sky bellowing in the windless room.

“Um, what’s up, Luna?” I feebly greeted her, which I’m sure would’ve gotten me a hoof to the back of head from the nearest guard at the informal greeting. What I’m about to say would probably earn me another slap to the head, “Not that I don’t mind seeing you or nothing, but, um. What are you doing here?”

Princess Luna didn’t pay much heed to my informal remarks as she made herself comfortable in my room, which was now starting to make me nervous on why she’s here in the first place. “I wish to discuss something with you. Aceiro.”

I let out the breath of air I was holding when I learned about the true nature of her visit as I reached for the lamp of the nightstand, lightly tapping on the gem at the base of it to activate the magic, causing the room to now be bathe in a soft glow of light. I turned my attention back to Princess Luna in my room as I got out of bed to show some respect. “Sure Luna, what do you want to talk about?”

“It is about something that I just witnessed that concerns me greatly Jace.” I was taken back when I was addressed by my old name that only a few knew, the princesses being not any of them. However, before I could ask she continued with what she’s saying. “It’s about that dream of yours that you just had.”

“Wait a minute here, how do you know what I dreaming about? And how do you know my old name?”

“As you know, my domain is over the night correct?-“ I nodded in response to her question, “-well as you know, that means I also have charge over the dreams of my subjects, ensuring their safety during the night as my sister is over them in the day.”

“Hold on here, you can enter dreams?” Princess Luna gave a nod in return to my question, I always had theories that should could do that as the night is hers, I guess I’m right.

“Well as you know, since you, Star and Arcana are not from this world, I won’t enter in your dreams out of respect as well as privacy for you three. However, I felt a slight disturbance in the dreamscape that raised some concerns of mine, especially when I learned that that disturbance came from you.”

“So wait, were you just in my dream?”

“Yes I was and I’m terribly sorry for intruding without permission.”

“So you saw everything then?” I said knowing the answer to that question as I glanced down at my hooves.

“Yes, that is where I learned your old name Aceiro,” Princess Luna revealed as she hung her head in shame. “I’m sorry for delving into your personal matters, but for some reason this dream felt different than most others I’ve encountered before. Aceiro, I know that this doesn’t concern me, but what’s the meaning of the promise that you mentioned that your mother made.”

“Because Luna, it wasn’t a dream,” I started coldly when heard her asking, not once looking away from my hooves, “it was a memory and about the promise, you’re right, it doesn’t concern you at all. Now get out.”

“What?” I heard Luna said, taken back by what I said.

“I said get out,” I yelled at the princess of the night in rage as I finally glanced up from my hooves and right at her, watching her recoil at my outburst and apparent visible hatred. I pointed to the door of my room. “Get out and don’t you ever enter my head again!”

Princess Luna sat there stunned, unsure of what to do next. After a moment, she gave a small nod before getting up and made her way towards the open door. “I’m sorry and I understand Jace, I’ll be here if you want to talk,” Princess Luna said before closing the door behind her.

After the princess left, I realized what I just done and felt terrible about it. “Agh, what the hell is wrong with me?” I angrily berated myself as I raised my left hoof and slammed it down in frustration. As soon as my hoof slammed the floor, I felt a surge of energy pulse as everything around me suddenly explode in splinters and glass fragments, which I quickly dropped to the ground in response as darkness suddenly descend upon me when my lamp had suddenly be destroyed by whatever force I unleashed. I stood up, shaking debris off of me as I looked around at the damage of my room with the help of the moonlight. “What the freak just happened?”

I let out a groan of frustration when I saw the remains of my bed as I was made aware of the time by the weariness I’m currently feeling. “Crap.”

“Hey what’s up Aceiro?” a familiar voice called out from behind me over the various noises of the Iron Heart. I turned around and saw the familiar pony Subtle and the zebra-like Pegasus Thunder. I removed the face shield and there Thunder and Subtle gave a start when I looked at them, Thunder then spouted something in Latin, sounding concern about something. When I realized he was talking to me, I looked towards Subtle for a translation, which he cleared his throat in response to my annoyed filled look. “What Thunder is saying Aceiro; you look like crap. What happened, because it looks like you slept on the floor last night?”

“I feel like crap and I basically did,” I retorted as I returned back to my forge and resumed working on an incomplete guard helmet. I raised my protective clad right hoof with the Will Element bound to it underneath the protective gear, then pictured the complete form of the helmet in mind, I placed my hoof on the unfinished helmet and was responded back with a white flash. When the glare of the light faded away, there resting before was a finished helmet that all it need now was the appropriate enchantments and a paint job.

“You know what Aceiro,” Subtle started as he peered around my shoulder to get a look at my work, “it always amazes me that you’re able to make something without much use of fire and yet is one of the finest jobs I’ve seen.” Thunder then said something that sounded like he’s agreeing.

“You want to see something even more amazing?” I asked as I took the helmet off the workbench and set it on the floor before the two ponies. “Now before I show you, which one of you can swing the hardest?”

Brows were raised at the random question before they started to discuss between themselves for the answer to my question. After a moment, they gave each other a nod and looked back at me as Thunder started to say something to me in Latin, taking a guess that he’s probably saying that he could. I walked over to a rack of tools that I have at my disposal in my station and grabbed the heaviest sledgehammer among the tools. With a bit of a struggle holding the weighted tool in my grasp, I walked towards Thunder and offered the heavy hammer to him, “take it and take a swing at it,” I said as I motioned my head towards the helm on the floor.

Thunder gave a look saying that I’ve gone crazy and started to spout off rapid Latin at me. “I agree with you on that Thunder,” Subtle agreed whatever the Latin-speaking pony had before looking back at me, “have you gone crazy, Thunder could flatten that helmet into a pie tin without any problems.”

“That’s good, take a swing at it then,” I said as I held out the sledgehammer to Thunder once more. “I want to see if it would work. Now hurry up, my arms are getting tired.”

After a pause, Thunder reluctantly took the hammer out of my hooves, saying something in Latin that I have probably gone off my rocker or something like the sorts. Thunder stood up on his hind legs, grasping the sledgehammer in his fore hooves as he raised it over his head and brought it down on the helmet. I saw Subtle and Thunder flinch when the hammer fell on the helmet, but their expressions quickly turned into confusion when the hammer suddenly came to a stop with a low ring. “What the…?” Subtle spoke the apparent thought that’s going through their thoughts as Thunder lifted the hammer and revealing an intact helmet underneath with no sign of any damage or even a scratch on it.

Thunder gave the guard helmet a confused look before looking at me. “Give it another go Thunder,” I said with a small smile as the confused look became one of that of frustration as he turned his attention back to the helmet on the floor and proceeded to start swinging at the helmet that had denied his strength, but just like the first time; the sledgehammer came to a sudden stop with a low ring. After a couple of minutes of watching Thunder taking swing after swing at the piece of armor, there was soon a huffing stripped Pegasus leaning on the hammer handle, sweat coming off his coat due to his workout as he gave the helm of my make an angry stink eye that’s now an apparent bane of his strength.

“Holy freak Aceiro, how did you do that?” Subtle said dumbfounded as I walked up to the helmet, picking it up with my teeth and made my way to a rack containing other finished pieces of mine that were eventually going to be taken somewhere else for their finishing touches. I placed the helmet on the rack and spat out the metallic taste of metal out of my mouth as I turned around and faced the two ponies. “I found out one day that I can alter not just the shape of metal but its properties as well.”

“Like strengthening steel by heating and cooling it, right?” Subtle said which I nodded in response.

“Correct, so what I did to the helmet is that I altered its element makeup so that it could now absorb blows coming its way. Although I’ll suggest that the wearer doesn’t use it to ram into things constantly or they’ll get one major headache later on.”

“That’s just simply amazing,” Subtle said as I made my way back to my workstation and started to complete the work order.

“Thanks Subtle and sorry for embarrassing you like that Thunder,” I said as I rolled up the work form and placing it into a tube before shoving it into the tube delivery system, which was immediately vanished in a swoosh of air as it was sucked away to whoever is in charge of that department. “Now not to be rude, but why are you guys here? You two don’t usually come by to see what I’m up to and how I’m doing.”

“Yeah, we noticed that you tend to keep to yourself a lot whenever you’re not with Fe,” Subtle stated as Thunder nodded in agreement. “And we think it is because we haven’t been including you in things. Heck we don’t even know you that well, so we want to extend an invitation to an event that’s coming up soon here in the Iron Heart.”

I raised a brow at the piece of news. “And what would that be?”

“It’s the Iron Heart Tournament,” Subtle answer. “It’s like the Equestria Games, but only for those that works here and knows how to fight, and we know that you can fight.”

“What’s the Equestria Games?” I asked them and was received shocked looks as if I had just suddenly sprouted a second head. “What?”

“You’re joking right? How could you not know what the Equestria Games are? It’s the most anticipated event in all of Equestria and every major city competes just for the right to host the games. The last one was held in Fillydelphia after it barely beat Cloudsdale for the hosting rights, where have you been? On another planet or something?”

“Oh yeah,” I quickly agreed when Subtle mentioned other planets, “sorry I just momentarily forgot, I’m just tired guys; had a very rough night.”

“You must be if you just forgot one of the most spectacular events in Equestria. Well anyway, the Iron Heart Tournament are going to have the qualifiers in a week. So if you’re interested, there’s a sign up sheet at the main office.” Thunder gave him a confused look and said something to him. “Of course there’s a main office Thunder, where do you think all the tubes go to?”

As I watched the two ponies talk, only able to listen half of the conversation, I glanced at the clock and saw that my shift is about to come to an end. I turn my attention back to the forge and
Tapped the activation crystals set into the side, causing the fire within the forge to start its shut down process as I proceeded to remove the stiff, stuffy and heavy fire protection clothing, and placed them in my cubbyhole. I stretched my back to rid the kinks and knots that formed from hunching over and was rewarded a series of pops. “See you guys later,” I called out to the still talking ponies, which they waved back at me, indicating that they heard me.

I made my way through the vast chamber within the mountain that the Iron Heart is situated in, passing by others ponies and a few non-ponies working at their stations and made my way through the front doors and outside. When my eyes got used to the glare from the sun after being basically in a cave for a while, contemplating on what I should do when I realized that I haven’t seen dad since he was released from the hospital, I wonder if he’s doing alright all this time after he got dragged to this world?

I made my way back to the castle and asked the nearest guard I came across for directions to the treasury where dad would probably be. After being seen around the castle constantly, I’ve become a regular along with the many workers and politicians in the castle, so the guard was compliant to my request. I memorized the directions the guard gave me the best as I can and made my way to the treasury.

A few minutes later, I stopped at the entrance of the hallway that leads to the treasury as I saw a certain somepony that for some reason rubs me the wrong coming my way; Prince Blueblood, surrounded by other snobby aristocrats. I let out a breath of air to relieve the stress that was starting to build and started to walk, ignoring the group of uptight ponies that are laughing among themselves as I walked by and into the treasury. I glanced around at the group of unicorns sitting at various desks and the first thing I noticed that there’s a nervous tension in the air as I couldn’t see my dad among them, which worries me. “Hey, have any of you seen my dad?”

The other treasurers looked at each other nervously before one of them cleared his throat. “Your dad wouldn’t happen to be Numeral now would it?”

“Yes it would. Why what happened to him?” I questioned, now worried about dad.

“I’m afraid that he doesn’t work here anymore as of today.”

“What, how come?”

At this, the other treasurers shuffled nervously. “Well you see, um… Prince Blueblood arrived before you did and dismissed your father of his tasks and threatened him to imprison him if he doesn’t leave immediately.”

“On what right does Prince Blueblood have to do that to my dad?” I asked them with silent anger lacing my voice that the unicorns in the room probably picked up as they took a couple of steps away from me before one of them spoke up.

“There are none that we know of sir,” a nervous mare said and ducked down a bit when my gaze settled on her. “Numeral was an excellent pony at helping us with the numbers and such. I mean sure that there was a time when he was confused about the system we use, but when he got the hang of it, we made a lot of progress than we could have without him. So we are greatly confused as well why the Prince would suddenly dismiss him and threatened him with imprisonment.”

“Then I’m going to find out,” I said in anger as I left the treasury filled with worried and scared ponies. I made my way down the hall, following the path that Prince Blueblood was taking when I passed him earlier. I followed the path, making turns that for some reason felt that he had taken. When I turned around a corner, there I saw Prince Blueblood standing there talking with the group I saw with him earlier.

“Blueblood!” I yelled his name as walked towards them, causing all of them to jump from my sudden outburst. “Would you care to tell me why you fired my dad and threatened to put him in jail?”

Prince Blueblood didn’t seem to be fazed by my apparent anger, in fact, he appears to be sure of himself for some reason. “Well aside from no apparent record of any pony named Numeral until a few weeks ago, I just don’t feel that an Earth pony commoner with no royal blood from that’s not even from the lowest of the royal houses shouldn’t have the privilege to touch and handle the royal coffers.”

It took me a moment to understand what Prince Blueblood had just said, but when I finally did, my anger started to rise. “You basically fired my dad… just because he was an Earth pony.”

“What do you know, the freak of an Earth pony understands,” Blueblood laughed as the others started to laugh along with him. “I think I did all the royal families a favor.”

“A favor?! You fired my dad just because he’s an Earth pony you egotistical jackass,” I angrily said to him as I approached him with hostile intentions running through my head. “I ought to teach you some lesson about decency for others.”

“Uh uh uh,” Blueblood stated as he raised a hoof to stop my approach, he then motioned to the other ponies around us. “Unlike before, there are witnesses around, so you wouldn’t dare lay a hoof on royalty, just as myself, or you’ll be in serious trouble. You don’t want that now, do you?”

“Actually…” I started as I slowly approached him as my shadow element started emitting darkness around all of us. “I don’t care right now.”

“Oh god, what have I done?” I stood above a pile of unconscious ponies with Prince Blueblood looking far worse than the others. I glanced around and saw the scorched walls and floors with me being the only thing standing and without a single singed fur. I tried to recall what happened, but became alarmed when the last thing I remembered was approaching Blueblood. “What did I do?”

But before I can question anything else though, “follow me, I heard explosion come from this way,” I heard a guard yelled that was accompanied by the sound of galloping hooves, which quickly made me realize of the situation I’m currently in. In a panic, I quickly took off running with no destination in mind as I just to get away from here right now.

What’s happening to me? I thought as I turn down a connecting hallway, first the memory last night and now this, what’s going on with me? I thought as I slowed down to a trot then to a complete stop as I sat down and panted to regain my breath from the run. “Why is this happening to me?” I questioned as I placed my forehead on my hooves.

I opened my eyes and the first things I saw was the white and black markings of the elements against the grey color of my coat. At the sight of the black element, the words that Entropy had spoken about the element and I was hit with a moment of clarity, “It’s the Entropy Element, that’s what’s going here! I-I need to do something about this, but who can help me with this though?” I questioned as I closed my eyes once more to try to think of a solution.

I tried to remember anything else about the Element that Entropy had mentioned, but all I can remember right now is what the Entropy Element does to it bearers and that it was locked up for nearly a thousand years in a vault by Princess Celestia herself… “Wait a minute, Celestia had the element once and Luna studied it, maybe they know something that can help me with this,” I said hopefully that there might be an answer that can help me.

With a task now in mind, I made my way from the lone hallway and towards the throne room where I know that I can at least find one of the royal sisters. Along the way to the throne room, I tried to stay calm as I saw the guards were a lot more alert than usual due to my assault on Prince Blueblood and his friends, causing me to subtly picked up the pace as I knew that I don’t have much time before Blueblood wakes and notifies the guards who his attacker was. When I arrived at the throne room, I was relieved to see the doors to the throne room still wide open for the Day Court and that there were only a few ponies inside to see the princess of the sun to help them with disputes that they may have, one of them now including me.

I got in line and anxiously waited, while hearing a couple of ponies arguing about some land dispute that a tree and some cows had caused and how Celestia resolved it by suggesting that they should build a fence and prune the tree, I could hear the eye roll in her voice when she announced the simple solution and I don’t blame her. This went on like this until I finally stood before her, were she was surprised to see me there. “Well this is a surprise Aceiro, I never thought I’ll see you here as you and the others tend to solve any problems that you come across by yourselves.”

“Well you’re right about that Cel- erm Princess Celestia,” I said as I gave her a small bow. “But you see here your Highness, I have a problem that I think you can help me with because of your experience with this problem.”

“Really and what might be that exactly Aceiro?”

I looked around the throne room and at the numerous alert guards and help seeking patrons, thinking how I should bring this up with the princess of the sun without raising curiosity from those around us. I cleared my throat and looked at her, “it’s about Entropy.” The look on Celestia’s face quickly changed from curious to concern in the blink of an eye at the mention of those words.

“Everypony I’m terribly sorry, but the Day Court is now concluded, so for those that have concerns and problems to be still addressed, please bring them to my sister, Princess Luna, and address them to her when the Night Court is in session. Once again, I am terribly sorry for inconvenience I may have caused, but something had come up that needs my attention.” There was a series of groans as the guards lead the other patrons out of the throne room. When the guards herded the last of the ponies and was proceeding to close the doors, Celestia spoke up, “that includes all of you too as well guards.”

The looks of uncertainty was on all of the guards. “But your Highness, we’re your-“

“Yes I know that you’re my personal guard, but I assure you all that I’ll be alright with Aceiro here, but also this is personal matter that I need to address personally,” Celestia said serious. I looked back at the guards and saw them all shuffle nervously where they stood until they finally complied with the princess’s orders by leaving the throne room one by one and closing the doors behind them. I felt the majestic presence of Princess Celestia as she stepped off her throne and walked up behind me. I turned around and was greeted with a slightly menacing scowl instead of her usual warm smile. “So what happened?”

I gulped as I noticed the steeliness in her voice, starting to make me second guess about this decision. I was hesitant to tell her, but I told her about my encounter with the dark and light spirits on the train to nervously telling her about my black out moment with her nephew and what I did to him, slipping my dream last from last night and then talking with her sister. “And the thing is, I don’t know what to do and so I came to you.”

Celestia had a deep look when I finished. “I see, I had fears when I learned that the cursed element bounded with you Aceiro and now it seems that my fears are coming true.”

“Wait, you’re not the least concern that I beat the crap out Prince Blueblood?” I asked incredulous.

“Oh I am, but sometimes he just irks me by claiming being a nephew of mine when he’s really a distant relative and abuses that fact for his ego, I’ll have to fix the damage he’s done later, but right now there’s a more pressing matters to deal with here; that accursed Entropy Element. If I had my way, I would rip that infernal element off of you-“ I eeped and slowly backed away from the Solar Princess, favoring my left foreleg to protect it from her wrath, “-but that would risk your life, so I can’t.”

I let out a breath of relief at that.

She returned her focus back at me and walked up to me, which I took a few nervous steps back. “Keep close,” she ordered as her horn started to shine a golden glow.

“Wait, hold on a sec here, can we just talk things over?” I quickly suggested as there was a burst of golden light and felt my stomach twist itself. When the light faded from my eyes, I found that I’m no longer in the throne, but in a study of some kind. However, all I can do right now is focus on not being sick to my stomach like the one time I had for lunch was only a litter of Mountain Dew that greatly unsettled my stomach like it is now. “Sorry about the quick teleportation spell Aceiro, but we need to deal with this as soon as possible as time is of the essence.”

“Ugh, where are we and why do I feel so sick and what do you mean that time is of the essence?”

“We’re in my private studies Aceiro and as for why you feel sick, Alicorn magic is vastly different than Unicorn magic and you might be more sensitive to magic with those elements on you,” I heard Celestia explain as she moved about in the room. “and the reason why it’s important to deal with the element is because the longer you bear it without some kind of restriction… well let’s say that the ending result isn’t going to be pretty, that’s why we need to restrict it as soon as possible.”

“Restrict it? How?” I asked as the sickness finally subsided and looked at my current surroundings, taking in the sight of organized books everywhere and the faint smell of cinnamon bark and cedar wood. I watched Celestia walk to and fro from the nearby bookshelf to her desk and picked up a piece of parchment and started to read it.

“We’re going to into your psyche and from there I’m going to seal it,” she stated as she rolled up the parchment and looked back at me with a look that unsettled me a bit, and then I realized what she just said.

“Hold on what? You’re going into my mind, but isn’t that invasion of privacy or something?” I questioned as I backed away from the crazy princess.

“Well we’re not entering your mind exactly, we’re actually going to enter a dreamscape sort within your mind.” Celestia let out a tired sigh. “I’m not good explaining something complex like this, but I understand the concept of this particular magic. So now hold still and relax.” She instructed as her horn started to shine in a golden glow that made my heart skip a beat.

“Wait, hold on a minute-“ I started but was cut off as the golden light from the solar unicorn filled the whole room in its light and blinding me. There was a brief sensation of falling before the blinding light vanished and found myself lying on the ground. I sat up and found that I wasn’t on the floor of Princess Celestia’s study, but a white ground of a vast plain of emptiness. I looked towards Celestia for an answer. “Where are we?”

“We’re on a plain of existence where thought can take form,” Luna’s voice rang out from the vast emptiness before the Alicorn herself faded into existence before us.

Celestia looked shocked at the sight of her sister standing there. “Luna! Why are you here? I thought you were already going to be awake since it’s the weekend,” she said as her sister walked up to the two of us.

“While it is true that I do wake up earlier on the weekends, I decided to sleep in this evening and it was a good thing that I did. Did you really think that I wouldn’t notice my own sister and a unique lifeform traveling through my realm of dominion? Now it’s my turn to ask a question; why are you here? Because this is really out of your way for a quick evening stroll through the gardens, isn’t it?”

Luna looked towards me and then her gaze fell to the black markings on my left foreleg. “It’s about the Entropy Element, isn’t it sister?” She questioned as she looked back to Celestia. Then a determined look appeared on her face. “How can I help?”

“Luna, I want you to stay out of this one. This could be dangerous and I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Celestia stated, sounding concern… and strangely a bit scared.

“Sorry dear sister, but you’re going to need my help to guide you both through the mind and its unknown dangers, especially since Aceiro has two polar Reality Elements. And besides Celestia, I have faith that you could deal with any danger that we may come across.”

“You’re still not coming Luna,” Celestia once again stated to Luna. “If something happened to you while we’re sealing the element and I had let you come, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself Luna. I just can’t afford to take the risk that I might lose you again.”

I suddenly realized what’s up with her. “You’re afraid Celestia.” My sudden statement threw the princess of the day off as she looked down at me with a surprised look. “You’re afraid that the Entropy Element is going to do something to Luna like before all that time ago, aren’t you?”

Celestia stood there for a moment until the princess hung her head and spoke in a shaken tone of voice, “yes, I’m afraid. I’m afraid that I’m going to lose my sister again by any dark influence and have to end up banishing, or worse vanquish, her again by my doing.”

Princess Luna walked up to her sister and wrapped a wing over her, causing her to jolt in surprise from the sudden contact. “Tia, I know that you’re worried and want to keep me safe from harm, but right now there’s a being bounded to an artifact of great darkness that’s effecting him, and the only thing that can help him is us. So like it or not, I’m coming along to help you or Aceiro might share the same fate that befell on me before.”

Princess Celestia look towards her sister and then towards me as an understanding look formed in her eyes. “Fine, but if there’s even a hint of danger, you leave immediately, got it?” She inquired as she faced her sister.


“Okay, let’s get started then, because we spent a lot of time here as it is already. Now, are you ready Aceiro?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be I guess,” I answered, unsure of what’s going to happen next. “I just don’t want to hurt anypony else by accident.”

Celestia nodded in agreement to my answer. “Okay then, Luna, if you would please do the honors as you have more experience with this kind of magic than me, we can get this done over with soon so that we can go home.”

Luna gave her sister a nod of confirmation before she turned to me, “alright Aceiro, I need you to relax and stay calm and this will proceed smoothly without any problems, understand?” I nodded in agreement and her horn started to glow silver. My eyes started to drop in sleepiness as vague forms started appear on the vast plain of emptiness…

Aceiro opened his eyes and found himself, with Celestia and Luna standing on either side of him, standing in a hallway with three doors facing them, each different than the next one. The door on their left is a heavily bolted rusty metal door and the one on the right being a pristine unscarred metal door, while the door in front of them was just a simple wooden door. “Where are we? Because it feels like I’m in two places at once here,” Aceiro said, feeling slightly off as if he’s looking around outside of his head.

“We’re inside your subconscious, that’s the feeling you’re experiencing Aceiro,” Luna answered him, although looking slightly confused as she looked around their surroundings. “Although, it looks like we are not at the same time, mightily strange. Maybe it is because of the two Elements you bear that’s causing this phenomenon… is this what you might call a serious case of an identity crises?”

“Focus please, this isn’t the time nor place for jokes,” Aceiro said incredulous at the unintentional joke from the princess of the night. “I’m pretty sure this isn’t normal by your standards princess and all of this is kind of freaking me out here to tell you both the truth.”

“Then let’s get moving and deal with this problem quick,” Celestia stated as she walked to the rust heavy bolted door to the left, “and the problem is behind this door.”

“How do you know?” Luna asked as she and Aceiro gathered by her side.

“Let’s just say that this isn’t exactly my first time meeting Entropy,” Celestia replied back as she narrowed her eyes at the door. With a golden glow, the door burst open with a slam, revealing a dark room with the only thing lit is a couple of feet of light into the room that’s coming from a lightless light from our room. Celestia’s horn started to shine and a beam of light soon cut through the darkness. “Stay close to me.”

Celestia lead all of them through the door and into the darkness beyond. As much as Celestia tried to increase the intensity of her light, the darkness seems to increase in intensity as well to counteract the light, which she found unsettling and frustrating as her magic is being tested.

“You know something…” a voice started as it called out from the darkness, “it is rude to barge into someone’s home unannounced, let alone coming in without knocking. I have the right to deal with any intruders that comes in my home in any way I see fit.”

Celestia felt the darkness around them starting to press against their sphere of light. She put more power and the light was only able to expand a foot around them, but the pressure continue to work against her shield of light. “Everyone back to the door!” Celestia called out to others. They all started to back away to the door with Celestia at guard, but when they reached the door, something wasn’t right.

“Tia, the entrance is no longer here!” Luna called out to her sister, causing her to look behind them to see a solid black wall where the door should’ve been. Celestia felt a pang of fear at the sight of the solid wall, then anger at herself for falling into Entropy’s trap.

“Enough!” She proclaimed as she faced the darkness and fired a beam of light into the darkness. “Reveal yourself Entropy, enough tricks.”

“Okay,” a nonchalant answer responded back before the darkness around them suddenly breached the sphere of light and completely swarmed them all, putting out Celestia’s light and covered the small group.

Celestia felt cold as the darkness washed over her. As quick as the darkness came, it vanished, taking the cold along with it. She opened her eyes and saw that shroud of darkness that was there before when they entered has suddenly lifted, revealing a dark mirror version of the grand hall back in the real world, and sitting there in the middle is Aceiro, looking nonchalantly. Celestia looked around and found that they are the only ones there in the hall. “Aceiro, where’s Luna?” Celestia questioned as she face Aceiro, fear written in her voice.

“I think you confused me with someone else Little Miss Sunshine,” Aceiro said, however, what he said made Celestia to pause.

“I only know one other who calls me that,” Celestia started as she narrowed her eyes at the pony in front of her as started to glow in a golden light. “You’re Entropy, what have you done with my sister and Aceiro, and why do you look like him?!”

“Give the princess a prize, she got it on the first try. You did much better than the first time we met,” Entropy sarcastically said as he clapped his hooves. However, a beam of light shot by and hit the floor next to him, causing the spirit to pause as he looked at the scorched mark. “Will you just please relax?”

“I won’t ask again, what have you done with the others?”

“Jeez, don’t worry Miss Sunshine, my bearer and your sister are safe, because they’re no longer here. I kicked them out because of a few reasons, the main one being that I want the both of us to have some privacy, but to keep your sister and my bearer safe. Now calm down your highness.”

“Why do you even care about the safety of others Entropy?”

“Even though I’m a jerk most of the time and represent destruction, I still value life more than anything because without it, I’m nothing,” Entropy said. “Also the other reason I kicked your sister out it to make sure that nothing happens to Luna like before.”

Entropy’s answer surprised Celestia. “You did it… to protect my sister?”

“Yeah, I did it since I didn’t want her to be in any danger from the element like before when she had my element last time and I didn’t want history to repeat itself as it does have a tendency to do that when we not careful, now does it?” Entropy explained. “Also, I felt it’s kind of my fault that she became corrupted after I warned her many times of the many dangers in here. Now, would you care to explain why I am graced with your presence your highness?”

“I came because of what’s happening to your bearer Aceiro.”

Entropy’s eyes narrowed at the mention of Aceiro’s name. “What happened to him?”

“You don’t know?” Celestia said surprised, which the spirit shook his head in response. She then told him what’s been happening to Aceiro and Entropy’s mood seem to grow darker and darker the longer she explained.

“It’s happening to fast,” Entropy said after a moment when Celestia finished. He turned and started to walk away from the princess. “He’s not ready yet, why is this happening now?”

“Wait, what do you mean ‘it’s happening to fast’, will you please stop and answer me?” Celestia called out to the dark spirit, but the spirit just ignored it her calls as he continues walking. Celestia quickly took off into the air and landed in front of the spirit with a shake, causing the spirit to finally stop walking, but not once looking up to the towering alicorn in front of him. “What’s going on here, what is he not ready for?”

Entropy finally glanced up to the alicorn and even though difference of height and power is apparent, Celestia felt he stood as an equal. “Hear me princess, there are events about to come that could decide the fate of Aceiro, but he needs to be the one to face it alone or there could be devastating results. So listen here, I want you and your sister to stay out of this for his sake, because blood is power in this matter. Nevertheless though, I thank you for telling me what’s happening to Aceiro so that I can do something about it for Aceiro’s sake. Now, if you’ll kindly please don’t tell Aceiro what I had said to you and that he shouldn’t have any more problems like this in the future.” He bowed to the princess.

He recovered from his bow before addressing Celestia once more, “oh yeah, just one more thing Little Miss Sunshine, just so that it doesn’t look like I’m going soft here, I’m going to have to do this to you.” Before Celestia can say a thing, a black hole suddenly appeared underneath her, causing her to let out a gasp of surprise as gravity quickly grabbed her, pulling her down the seemingly bottomless pit. She glanced up to the top of the hole as she continue to fall to see Entropy standing over the end, waving at her as he grew smaller and smaller in the distance.

“See ya and give my condolences to Little Lulu for me,” she heard him say right before the top of the pit vanished, soon followed by a light at the bottom appearing. She fell through the bottom and hit the tiled floor with thud, the air rushing out of her lungs from the impact.

Celestia laid there for a moment to regain her breath before removing herself off the floor and looked around to find herself that she’s in the same hall, but this time the white replacing the black. “So I take it you’re done talking with Entropy your highness?” a voice asked from behind her. She turned around to see Aceiro sitting there with Luna and… another Aceiro? Although this one seems to be wearing a full set of white armor.

The solar princess walked up the group and saw that Luna appears to be playing a game of chess with the armored Aceiro. Luna had a look of concentration on her face as she contemplated her next move before finally settling by moving a knight closer to the other Aceiro’s king. After she made her move, Luna finally noticed Celestia standing there. “Oh Tia, I’m glad to see that you’re alright. I was worried that something dreadful had happened to you, but Will here assured us that you’re going to be alright and suggested that we past the time waiting for you by playing a few games of chess.”

“Where are we and who are you, and why do you and Entropy look like Aceiro?” Celestia questioned the other “Aceiro” as he studied the chessboard. He glanced away from the board to face the princess of the day.

“Welcome, your highness, to the Element of Will and I’m the spirit that dwells in here. I’m glad to see that you’re alright after your visit with Entropy, however, I wish that he would take better care with his guests. Hold on a moment princess,” he said as he turned his attention back the board and moved a bishop down the board. “Checkmate by the way Princess Luna, you’re getting better as it only took me twenty-five turns this time.”

“No again, I will defeat you in this game of wits and intellect,” Luna demanded as she stomped a hoof on the board, causing the pieces to jump on the board.

“As much as it is fun to play with another player after centuries of just playing with myself, I’m afraid that all of your time is up. I hope that we can play again someday princess,” Will said as he stood up.

“Wait, hold on,” Celestia started just as there was a flash of light...

“Are those spirits always like, especially Entropy Aceiro?” Celestia asked me as I stretched from sleeping on the hardwood floor.

“More or less, I never get a straight from them, especially why they look like me. So were able to put a stop with whatever is going on with me Princess?” I asked her for answers and there I saw her looking unsure. “You were able to fix the problem, right?”

“Yes, I was able to fix your problem and you shouldn’t have any more problems like it in the future,” Celestia answer after a moment of thought. “You should probably get going and search for your father to see if he’s alright Aceiro, while there are some matters I need to see to.”

“Okay princess and thank you for your and Luna’s help,” I said as I gave a quick bow to her before making my way towards the door, but before I left though, I gave a quick glance back to see her looking back as well and gave me a quick smile, although I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it or not, but for a moment I thought I saw a worried look written on her face as I closed the door.

Chapter 72: Thoughts

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“Wait, you did you what?” I asked in disbelief, wondering if I heard Subtle correctly out of all the hammers falling and forges roaring.

“I signed us up for the Iron Heart Tournament,” Subtle repeat what he had told me when I had clocked in for my shift this morning. “You showed interest in it the last time I mentioned it, so I signed you up as well when I signed up.”

I let out a sigh of frustration as I rubbed my forehead with a hoof to stop the rising headache. “Then can you explain to me about the noticed I found at station when I arrived, saying thanks for the donation and that my pay is going to be deducted?”

“Oh yeah, knew that I forgot to mention something,” Subtle said sheepishly. “For those that are participating in the tournament, a portion of our pay is deducted to support the tournament’s activities, events, and prizes. But don’t worry, those that participate will also get a small compensation at the end of the tournament.”

“Subtle, I needed that pay so that I can finally get a place of my own.” I explained as I lowered my hoof after stopping the headache before it can form.

“I’m sorry Aceiro, I didn’t know,” Subtle ears fell when he said that. “If you’re having trouble looking for a place to stay, you can stay at my place.”

“No no, that’s okay Subtle,” I said, politely turned down his offer. “I’m actually already staying at the castle.

His ears immediately perked back up when I said. “You’re staying at the castle with the princesses? That’s awesome, but why would you want to leave then? It’s an honor that’s only reserved for nobles and ambassadors and rarely to others, well aside for Princess Celestia’s personal student and her friends.”

“It’s a long story and I’m not even sure how much I can tell, sorry.” I said, not wanting to reveal to much of my past as a former human. That, and to be observed for any problems, I thought as I gave a quick glance to the duel elements hiding as tattoo marking on my forelegs, primarily the Entropy Element. Subtle nodded in understanding to the answer, but I then saw a look of admiration in his eyes, as if looking me in a new light. I rolled my eyes at him, he probably thinks I’m some kind of secret agent for the crown… does Equestria even have secret agencies like that? “Well anyway, the reason I want to leave the castle is that I can have a place I can call home and I can’t get that while I’m staying at the castle, even if I am a guest to the princesses.”

Subtle nodded as he saw eye to eye to my personal philosophy just as Thunder, the zebra-like pegasus, walked up to the both of us. He said something in Latin to us, but usual, only Subtle understood what he said, “of course we’re going to get to work. I was just telling Aceiro here that I signed the both of us for the Iron Heart Tournament.”

Thunder looked at me surprised and said something to me in Latin that sounded like a question.

“No I didn’t, Subtle signed me up without my consent,” I guessed what he’s asking. Thunder spouted something in Latin angrily before smacking the back of Subtle head with a hoof, followed by more Latin, making me wish to know what he’s saying other than the few words I can pick out, ranging from jerk to stupid.

“I said I was sorry already,” Subtle interrupting his friend before any more Latin swears come his way. He looked back at me as he rubbed the back of head with a hoof. “How did you know what he said anyway?”

“I didn’t, I just guessed when he said your name,” I revealed.

When Thunder started to speak more Latin at me, I looked to Subtle for a translation, “he said he’s sorry that he didn’t catch on what I was doing till it was to late, and that you won’t be reimbursed unless you participate in the tournament to the very end.”

I sighed at the recent predicament. “I figured as much, well thanks for telling me Thunder, and Subtle, everything’s okay. I’ll just take me longer to get a place of my own.” This got me another look of disbelief from Thunder before turning his attention back to Subtle and started spouting Latin. I just shook my head at those two and decided to just leave before they break out in the Stooge act.

I walked across the indoor courtyard to my station, hearing the sounds of forges igniting and hammers starting to pound at metal as the day shift of the day started to get into the swing of things. When I arrived at my station, I made my pass the cold forge and towards my desk and pulled out a canister from the message tube to see what’s my quota for today. I was relieved that I don’t have a lot of complex orders to do, just a few repairs and a refit for a helm.

I gave the papers a quick sign to accept the jobs, but before I sent them though, I paused as I stared at the name of my pony form. Am I still Jace, or have I been completely replaced by Aceiro? I shook my head at that that as I placed the forms back in the canister and sent them back up into the message tube, which quickly disappeared with a whoosh of air. I’m still me, as Jace or as Aceiro, I thought as I left my station and headed towards the pickup station across the forge. I arrived at the station just as a line started to form with workers starting on their quotas and couldn’t help but feel lucky just this time.

After waiting for those before me to get their projects, it was finally my turn. I walked up to the counter and to the only diamond dog working here in the forge; Ruff. “Hey Ruff, how are you doing today and how’s the family doing?” I greeted the golden retriever-like diamond dog with a smile and was rewarded with a toothy grin from the bipedal canine.

“They are doing good. Thanks for asking,“ Rough answered behind from the counter as he turned a few pages of the ledger in front of him till he found my name. “I see that you haven’t been getting much requests as of late, is everything alright Aceiro?”

“Yeah, it’s just that with my reinforcement forging techniques, anything I’ve made doesn’t break that easily, so they tend to last longer and thus doesn’t need to be repaired as often.”

“Oh wow, that’s amazing. So how come you’re not being overflowed with requests then?” Rough asked with a tilt of his head.

“That’s because I’ve stopped doing my reinforcement techniques,” I revealed, which earned me an even more confused look from him.

“Why would you do that?”

“Well, if I continued on with the technique, I would be probably taking jobs away from the unicorn ponies doing the armor enchantment to make them durable.” This got me a nod of understanding from the diamond dog. “Also, as I said before, if more of my near indestructible items are out there, then that would mean that they’re won’t break as easily and thus no need to get them repaired, which in the long run would mean fewer jobs here for everyone else.”

“Ah, that now makes sense, but now the pieces you did make are going to be treasured. How many did you make before you stopped?” Rough asked as he disappeared behind the counter to retrieve my jobs for the day.

“About a dozen or so, but they’re mostly armor pieces.”

“Then I guess we’ll be seeing some future nobles wearing them as regalia or some other, huh?” he teased in response as his sharper hearing heard me over the raising sounds of forging as the Iron Heart started to stir and beat. He reappeared with a small crate filled with bits and pieces of armor and gear. “Then I suppose that they’ll try to enchant them so that they’ll last longer, or to do some crazy and random thing.”

“Good luck with that, for some weird reason; they can’t be enchanted. This happens with almost everything I made with the technique repelled the magic.” I said as Rough rotated his ledger and pushed it towards me to sign off the paperwork as he held out the pen for me to grasp in my mouth. With a quick flourish of the pen and signed paperwork later, Rough reached over and placed the crate filled of my orders for the day on my back. I then said a quick goodbye to Rough as a line started to form and I didn’t want to hold up anybody from their jobs that they need to finish as well.

I made my way back to my station and started working on today’s tasks, and luckily for me, there wasn’t much for me to do today, just from simple altercations of a royal guard’s sabaton, to repairing a few armor plates from a set of armor of a Pegasus’ guard. As I picked up the next piece of armor, I paused when I saw it as it brought up a faint memory. “This looks like a helmet of a…”

“Oh wow, that’s a helm of a Thestral,” Fe’s voice suddenly called out, shaking me out of my trip down memory lane. “I can’t believe you’re holding one.”

“A Thestral’s helm huh?” I said as I remembered the Nightmare Night episode when Thestrals first made an appearance, and the concept of batponies has been born because of that. “So Thestrals are part of Princess Luna’s personal guard, right?”

“Yup, and they also make up a part of the Night Guard, although they are rarely seen by the public,” Fe clarified some points.

“That’s what I thought,” I said, thankful that some fan stories I’ve read from back on Earth had some points right about these species of ponies. “So why are you surprised to see a piece of armor from the Nightguard?”

“Well, like I said, the threstal guards are rarely seen, that includes anything related to them, like pieces of armors and such.”

“But they don’t completely make up of the night guard though, right?” I asked as I remember seeing some guards patrolling the grounds that don’t resemble anything like the batponies, just an opposite color scheme.

“That’s right, most of the night guard is made of the usual unicorn and pegasi and earth ponies as there are rumors saying that there aren’t a lot of batponies left. So most of them are assigned to Princess Luna’s personal guard.”

“Most of them?”

“Well, there’s also another one, but it’s kind of silly if you ask me, but the rumor is that there are secret groups under the authority of the Princesses that’s supposedly hunt down threats to Equestria and Thestrals make up a majority of one of these groups. However, there are no records to this being true though so it’s just a silly rumor floating about.”

“Don’t quickly disregard rumors, some could be true,” I said as I placed the helm down on the table and looked at the request for this piece of armor. Before I can though, there was a rush of air as a red canister shot out the income tube and into my ‘to do' tray. It took me a moment to remember the color system for the type of urgencies that the message network uses, red being the most urgent of them all and needs to be addressed immediately. I got a few reds before, but it’s usually for ceremony armor sets that got damaged.

I pulled out canister and popped off the lid, dumping the scroll within it onto my workbench, which I then unfurled it and gave it a quick read. I let out a sigh after I finished reading it and Fe must have sensed my annoyance, for she leaned on my gave my neck a small reassurance rub. “What’s wrong?”

“Just the main office calling me because of the Iron Heart Tournament and that they need to confirm some information,” I explained the meaning of the notice and earned a small frown from her is response. “What?”

“I just don't like how violent the Iron Heart Tournament is, but why are you joining it Aceiro?”

“Subtle was the one that actually signed me up without telling me, so I was pretty annoyed when I found out this mourning that I’m going to be in the tournament.”

“If you didn’t want to be in the tournament, can’t you just drop out of it?”

I shook my head at that, “I wanted to, but then I’ll lose some of my pay that I really need. So as much as I don’t want to participate in this tournament, I going to join so I can get my money back and finally get a place of my own to call home.”

“Alright then,” Fe reluctantly agrees, but I can tell that she still doesn’t like the idea of me in something that’s apparently dangerous and violent.

“It’ll be alright Fe, I promise that I’ll be careful in this thing, okay?” I promised as I gave her a small nuzzle to the cheek, which caused her to blush slightly at the show of affection. I can see that I had eased some of her worry, but I can still see that there is still a small doubt hiding in her eyes in concern of my safety.

I quickly tidied up my workspace so that I can quickly get back to work from whatever the office wanted from the participants of the tournament. I made my way through the Forge, being careful not to collide with any of my fellow coworkers that are rushing by, carrying or pulling carts full of metal or finished products to be shipped off across Equestria. I would have never thought that there could have been something like this from just watching the show, I thought as I followed signs that’ll lead me to the main office as I remembered what Subtle had mentioned a few days ago. The Equestria Games, hmm… that maybe is a future episode for a possible new season. I arrived around after the “MMMystery on the Friendship Express” episode and I think that was episode twenty-four of the second season, so the royal wedding could’ve been the second season finale from how big of an event that was. So there might be more “seasons and episodes” coming soon… jeez, I’m starting to think like Star now.

My train of the thought came to a stop when I found myself at the main office. I filed those thoughts away for later as I walked inside and up to the reception desk. The mare behind the desk glanced up from her paperwork, pencil freezing mid-word. She dropped the pencil and sat up straight to look at me fully. “Good morning Aceiro, how can I help you today?” she asked. I wasn’t surprised that she knew my name, because after all, you’ll kind of lose the anonymity when you’re the only Earth pony in the entire forge with metal wings grafted on, which frankly, I kind of miss the anonymity all things considering. “Are you here because you feel like vomiting, pain in your abdomen, experiencing diarrhea, or extreme lethargy?”

I shook my head at everything she listed the symptoms for Iron Poisoning, if anything, I’m likely to suffer from Iron Deficiency Anemia if I use my abilities in rapid successions.

“Good then, we just had our fifth case of Iron Poisoning come in today and I’m sure that there’s going to be more before the end of today. They think that since that they’re feeling great that they can just skip a checkup and be fine for the rest of the month until the come in puking the next day. Oh sorry, I’m rambling, so what can I help with you then?”

“I was called because I’m participating in the Iron Heart Tournament.”

“Ah, ok then. The lead supervisor is in his office.”

“Thanks and have a good day,” I said as I walked past the front desk and towards the back which has more rooms for offices, but most of them are nurses offices and sure enough, just as the receptionist said, most of them are occupied with ponies holding buckets looking very ill, or in a single case, attached to an IV that’s most likely a chelation treatment for the heavier metals if I remember correctly.

I arrived at the lead supervisor’s office and gave it a solid knock, which was quickly responded back with a “come on in”. I pushed open the door and there I saw the Lead Supervisor, a dark red-ish brown Earth pony by the of Flow Banding sitting behind his desk. His mane which had done it in a simple ponytail and let it grow to crazy lengths had spooled on his desk, while the rest of his mane that wasn’t done in the ponytail have been shaved off. Overall, giving me the feeling that he’s an equelivant to a Polynesian or some thing like that.

Flow Banding, or Banda he likes others to call him, looked up at me and gave me a smile. “Ah Aceiro, you’re just the pony I wanted to talk to.”

“What is it that you want to talk about sir.”

He gave me a quick wave of a hoof at the formalities. “Please, need to be stiff around me. Here, take a seat, I just wanted to confirm some information regarding your participation in the tournament, so it won’t take long,” he said as he waved to an empty seat in front of me.

I took the seat as he looked back at the paperwork in front of him. “Now Aceiro, the reason I called you is to confirm some information as well as to fill in some missing portions.”

“Like what?”

“Well it says that you’re an Earth pony, but what about those, um…” He trailed off as he motioned a hoof at a folded metal wing against my side.”

“The wings have no flight capabilities anymore since the incident, but I’m still able to freely move them though.” I confirm this piece of fact by shuffling the wings, the sound of twinkling metal was brief in the office. Imagine my surprise when the doctors told me that they had somehow fused into my nervous system and they confirm this by tugging one of the feathers, which caused a feeling of discomfort up my spine.

“Okay then, I’ll just leave that as it is,” he said as he looked back at the paperwork. He then looked back at me with a raised brow. “Now for the final thing; where are you from actually?”

My heart did a skip at the question in such a serious manner, did he figure out what I am actually. “Uh, what do you mean.”

“The thing here Aceiro, is that you’re clearly not from Canterlot for your accent doesn’t match here. It’s more northern style, so where are you from, Fillydelphia, Manehatten? Because there’s no information on any of your former places of living.”

My heartbeat returned to normal at what he actually meant by that question. “I’m actually from Trottingham.”

“Really? Huh, would have never guessed,” Banda said surprised.

I let out a small sigh at that as I recalled a conversion I had with Celestia regarding my dad’s and I background, she had recommended that I choose Trottingham as they had a city fire that had nearly burned down their hall of records, but at the process damaged most of their files and records and the process in restoring them is still ongoing at a slow pace to make sure everything is validated. With the Royal Sister’s approval though, it would make it passable without as much as a second glance, all in thanks for dealing with the Nightmare Moon incarnate.

“Well since that’s all I actually wanted to discuss with you, you can head back to work while I get this processed and you’ll be officially registered for the tournament,” Banda said as he looked back at the paperwork as I stood up and said my thanks before leaving his office. I made my back to the reception desk and waved back at the receptionist when she waved at me as I walking past her.

When I left the main office, I nearly bumped into another pony passed me looking very ill as he quickly walked into the main office. When he entered the office I can hear the receptionist started her usual greeting, “Hello, how can I help you today? Are you feeling like you need to-“ She didn’t get finish as the sound of vomiting stopped her midsentence and then soon followed by a loud shriek.