• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 367 Views, 7 Comments

The Daring Adventures of Dash and Zecora - Hack_N_Slash

When Rainbow Dash thinks up an idea to increase her speed, she seeks the aid of Ponyville's own resident Zebra. But when she arrives at the mysterious Zebra's hut, she ends up embarking on an adventure to help a friend find her home...

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The Average Equestrian Morning

With incredible speed, Dash made her way over to the librarian pony's humble abode. She passes over the Carousel Boutique, the home of Ponyville's resident fashionista, Rarity. Dash watched from above as a glorious white unicorn with a fabulously styled purple mane hung some laundry out to dry. "Mornin' Rarity!" Dash called out to her friend. The stylish pony looked up to see Dash waving at her, and she waved back at her. Dash quickly descended, and landed beside her friend.

"Doin' laundry this early in the morning?" she inquired with a slight turn of her head. "Well, Sweetie Belle had tried to fix some cereal, and ended up nearly burning down the entire boutique. All this laundry is actually me trying to save some of my newest creations from the horrid mess inside." Rarity stated as she hung another gorgeous dress on the line, not even bothering to turn her head to look her friend in the eyes as she spoke.

"You know, you really oughtta get her into a cooking class or something. We can't afford to have her set fire to all of Equestria every time she gets hungry." Dash said, picking up a half burnt piece of material, which looked like it could have been silk at one point. Rarity lets out a small chuckle at that remark. "I suppose that's true. So Rainbow Dash, where are you headed this fine morning? I doubt you came all this way just to see me cleaning up the remains of my shop"

Dash trifled through her saddlebag and brought out the anemometer. "I borrowed this thing from Twilight, but I don't think it's working right. I was just gonna head up there and see if something's wrong with it." Rarity stopped hanging clothes for a moment and turned to face her friend. "Hmm, well I wish you luck with that endeavor. Oh yes, I almost forgot! Applejack had asked me to inform you that she required your services in bringing down another old shed of hers." Dash rubbed the back of her head, remembering the last time she had helped Applejack bring down one of her farm structures. "Huh, I guess I have time for a quick visit. Thanks for the info!" Dash put the anemometer back into her saddleback, and began to float off. "See ya later!" and with one last wave goodbye, she was off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Dash flies through the air at breakneck speed, caught in deep thought. She had been wondering to herself, what if the anemometer had been working properly? What if, she really had reached her limits? No, I can't start thinking like that. I am Rainbow Dash! I have no limits! she thought to herself, her pride masking the fact that she had begun to doubt herself. She passes right by a mail truck, where a grey pegasus with a very distinct set of eyes had just accidentally dropped her entire cargo load to the ground. Dash could hear her say as she passed her by, "Oops... my bad..." with the most adorable look of guilt on her face.

"Looks like somethings never change. I wonder how Derpy's kept her job for this long?" Dash wondered to herself aloud. A few minutes pass, and Dash arrives above her destination, Sweet Apple Acres. She looks around from above, trying to see if she could spot her orange coated friend. After about a minute or so of searching, she spotted movement down below in the East orchard, and rushes down to meet it.

Dash dives down to see if the pony she had spotted was the pony she was after, but miscalculates the speed of her re-entry, and slams right into the pony below, knocking both of them to the ground. Dash gets up quickly, still a bit dazed, and brushes off the dirt from her fur. She looks over, and see a familiar red coat and harness. It was Big Macintosh, Applejack's older brother.

"Uh, sorry about that Big Mac..." she said as she offered a hoof to help the downed workhorse to his feet. "Are you alright?" Dash asked, once she had seen that he was not noticeably injured. "Eeyup." Mac said, uttering his all too familiar phrase. "But iffin' ya don't mind mah askin', where was it that you were a-headin' in such a hurry?" Mac brought a hoof to his neck, noticing that the tumble he had taken had gotten rid of a crick that had been plaguing him for the past few hours. "I was just comin' to see AJ. Rarity told me she needed my help bringing down another shed or something." Mac thought about what she had just said for a moment, and remembered something Applejack had told him. "AJ did mention something bout' puttin' up a new doghouse for Winona. 'Parently she's been hangin' 'round Fluttershy. Anyway, ya'll can find her in the North Orchard, just a might that way." he pointed his hoof towards a field a little ways off.

"Thanks Mac! Sorry again about runnin' into ya like that!" she shouted, already on her way to the North field. Dash trotted through the trees, seeing if she could spot Applejack. A few moments into her search, she saw an orange blur off in the distance, and raced towards it. "Hey, AJ!" she shouted, trying to get the attention of the pony in front of her. The pony turned to her, revealing a pony wearing a trademarked brown stetson hat, her brilliant orange coat glistening in the light of the sun.

"There ya'll are!" the earthpony exclaimed with a hint of both annoyance and relief. "Ah been waitin' fer ya. Ah need this here shed taken down fer-" she was cut off by Dash. "A doghouse for Winona?" Dash said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face. "How'd ya'll know that? Ah didn't tell Rarity bout' that." Applejack stated, a bit confused. Dash giggled a bit before playfully saying, "Lucky guess?"

She turned to look at the old, worn down shack that she was to demolish. "Huh, looks like I got here just in time. That thing looks like it's just begging to be knocked down" The shed appeared to have a worn look to it, what with the crooked double doors, the rusty lock, and the severely chipped paint job. "Yeah, ol' Winston's been here fer quite a while. Looks like it's finally his time..." AJ said with a saddened expression. "Winston?" Dash inquired, holding back her giggles. "Yo- you name your buildings?" she was now holding her sides and rolling on the ground, laughing hysterically.

AJ's face began to turn red with both embarrassment and irritation "Yeah, ah do! We Apples work hard to make these here buildins', so why can't we name em'? Dash backed off and said, "Okay, okay, calm down. I hear ya. So, anything you wanna say to, Winston-" she held back a chuckle "before, well, you know?" Applejack walked up to the tiny shed and placed her hoof on one of the crooked doors. "Goodbye Winston. Ah'll miss ya..." she said her farewells, and nodded to Rainbow Dash.

"Alrighty, here we go!" Dash exclaimed, taking off straight up into the air. Dash looked down, and watched as Applejack took cover in a nearby trench. "Ya ready down there?!" she shouted. "Ready!" AJ said in return. And with that, Dash divebombed the rickety old shed known as Winston. She collided with the shed, causing a medium-sized explosion, sending wood and pieces of debris in all directions, covering a large radius.

Dash walked over to Applejack, who now had a solemn expression on her face. "He was a good shed, always did his job. Ah remember when we first built him... Mac and ah used 'im as a clubhouse before we built that one far off in the East Orchard. He was always there for us. He kept our secrets, sheltered our tools from the weather--" While Applejack went on, Dash got an idea. She cantered off a ways, and picked something up off the ground.

She walked back to where AJ was still carrying on, not even noticing Dash' brief absence. "Here, maybe this will help." Applejack turned to her, and Dash presented her with the door handle from Winston. "Just a little something for you to remember him by." AJ held the trinket close to her, and looked up at Rainbow Dash. "Thank ya Rainbow, ah needed this..." she said as she hugged her multicolored friend.

"Yeah, well, don't go all sappy on me now." Dash playfully chided, returning the hug. "Well, I gotta get going. I'm headin' to Twilight's to see if this anemome-whatever is working." With that, Dash began to ascend, exchanging her goodbyes with AJ. She took to the sky, and darted off in the direction of the Library.

Finally, after an eventful morning of bumping into some of her friends, she was going to accomplish what she had set out to do. She arrives at her friend's tree dwelling and lands a few yards away from the door. She trots over to the door and begins to turn the handle, when suddenly... "DASHIE!!!"

Author's Note:

Yeah, yeah, I know... "Just another lame introductory chapter." But trust me, I will need to have introduced the rest of the mane six for what I have in store for later chapters. So hakuna matata friends, you will not be disappointed!

Comments ( 7 )

So three more chapters before the mane plot?

2098234 Nah, it shouldn't be that long. I think I may be able to incorporate the mane plot in the next chapter, if I make it long enough that is.

You never got the pun :pinkiesad2:
'MANE' instead of main and 'PLOT!' well uh.. As plot I guess but I meant the dirty version

2101358 lol No, I got the puns, It's just that, I've heard them so many times before, that they are almost common lingo to me. Sorry :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by The Fruity Cousin deleted Jan 27th, 2014
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