• Published 16th May 2013
  • 499 Views, 52 Comments

Story of My Life - Lightning Flare

Lets us follow Midnight as she tells the story of how the Mother of the Princesses became the demon we know now...

  • ...


Let me tell you a story... a story about love and friendship.... hate and evil.... and a family that pulled through it all. But not all stories have a happy ending. This story is one of those. In this story Evil triumphs over good and the family is changed forever. Lets begin at, where else, the beginning.

Blue Thunder and... well, I can not say her name for it has been.... you will see further into the story. We will just call her Midnight. Blue Thunder and Midnight were in the hospital. Midnight was in the bed while Blue watched over her. Blue smiled down at his wife, a smile of happiness and love and compassion. They talked for a while, about various things. They talked about the future, they talked about their past. And they talked about names. When the doctor entered followed by a nurse carrying a foal all talking ceased. The nurse handed the foal to Blue who took the gently wrapped foal, moving a fold of blanket to see a beautiful white filly staring back at him.

That was Princess Celestia, wasn't it.

Yes it was.

Smiling at his wife he hands the filly down to her. The doctor approaches the bed. "Have you thought of a name yet?"

Midnight looks up from her daughter. "Yes. Her name is Celestia."...

I'm here, finally. Sorry, had to raise the sun and all that. what did I miss.

You were just born. Is Luna comming? She wouldn't want to miss this part.

Thanks for waiting for me sister.

Now we can get back to the story.

Blue walked in the door, holding it open for Midnight. Celestia comes running from the massive living room to greet them "IS SHE HERE? CAN I SEE HER?" Midnight nods and walks into the living room, greeting Baal. "Hello Baal, I hope she wasn't too much to handle."

Baal laughs. "Her? Nonsense. Besides, what are uncles for?"

Baal? Mother, who is that?

That, my dear, is my brother. He dissapeared two years after Luna was born.

What was he like?

Why did he dissapear?

Where did he go?

Quiet... I want to hear the story.

*chuckles lightly* All in good time. Now, where was I.

Baal scoops Celestia up and places her on the couch next to him as Midnight and Blue sit on the couch as well. Celestia happily walks up to them. "Where is she?" Midnight smiles at her and Blue passes her a small bundle of blankets with a cute little dark blue filly poking her muzzle out. Midnight moves the blanket away from her face.

Midnight looks down at Celestia's eager face. "would you like to hold her? You have to be very careful though." Celestia nods eagerly and Midnight gently places the filly in her hold. Celestia nuzzles more of the blanket off the little filly and smiles. "whats her name?" "Her name little one, is Luna." Celestia smiles again. "Luna..... " "Yes, and shes going to need her big sister to help her and protect her.... can you do that Celestia?" Celestia nods slowly and nuzzles Luna. "Ill help you little sis.. i won't ever let anything happen to you."

Midnight and Blue share a look, smiles hiding their true feelings of sadness. Blue shakes his head and stares out the window. Midnight goes back to watching the two fillies.

Wait... why were they sad? I mean... why were you sad?

Its difficult to explain without telling the entire story

Was it because of the war?


War? What war? I don't remember ever reading about a war in that peried of time.... actually.... wasnt that before Discord was overturned? And how would they know if-

Twilight dear, please just let mother finish her story. All your questions will be answered.

But... *sighs* your right. I'm sorry Midnight.

Perfectly alright dear.

Baal looks between the two Alicorns and immediately knows what they were thinking. He sighs and stands. "You two look like you need some sleep. I'm going to get going now. Let me know if you need any help ok?" "We'll be fine brother, but I'll tell you if we need a foal sitter again." She smiles and waves goodbye to him. Baal waves back and leaves.

Blue glances at his wife and frowns. "You told him didn't you. I told you no one could know.... we cant risk them finding out." Midnight shakes her head. "He can be trusted, he's my brother. He's not going to tell anyone." Blue mumbles something.

She sighs. "Blue.. this is going to set us against each other if we aren't careful. Lets discuss this later. We should be happy, we have two beautiful daughters." She looks down at the two fillies. Luna had fallen asleep and Celestia wasn't far behind her. "Two beautiful fillies who should be in bed." Celestia yawns and nods and lays luna on the couch before walking to her room and climbing into bed, quickly falling asleep.

Midnight picks Luna up and walks towards her bedroom. "come to bed when your done thinking Blue." She walks to her bedroom leaving Blue sitting and staring out the window for most of the night. Eventually he gets up but instead of walking to his room, he walks out the front door.

Where did he go?

That is a question he has never answered. No one knows where he went and he refuses to talk about that night.

What happens next?

Actually it is getting late in the day. The sun must be lowered and the moon raised and I have my own duties to attend to. Goodnight all, I will meet you back here tomorrow at the same time. *vanishes*

But.. I ... what.

Lets go miss thinks to much. *pushes her out the door smiling*

*nods to Luna* I will see you at the balcony. *walks away*

*sadly shakes her head and follows her sister*

Author's Note:

That's all for this chapter. the next chapter of the story will be up soon i hope.

Okay, so purple italics is Twilight, Cyan is Rainbow Dash, Blue is Luna, Green is Celestia, and regular italics is Midnight Demon. Just so everyone is clear on that.

Comments ( 52 )

Curse my family.... I must attend to something but here is the first part of the first chapter. Will finish this chapter later. comments welcome.

Let me tell you a story... a story about love and friendship.... hate and evil.... and a family that pulled through it all. But not all stories have a happy ending. This story is one of those. In this story Evil triumphs over good and the family is changed forever. Lets begin at, where else, the beginning.

You... Kinda ruined the ending of the story with the first paragraph...

So? It's awesome!


Thank you red...
it's a narrative...

good so far looking forward to update

Hey, I love it! Keep going, I am interested!

1887620 Dude... our profile pics are almost teh same... Mine could be the father of yours....

2585504 It has been about 16 hours and it still hasn't cleared moderation... this is kinda annoying. Whatever, glad you like it.:pinkiehappy:

2585701 It, for me at least, takes about a day. Oh, welcome back!

2585704 That time seems about right, however it worrys me on this story because i'm only 50% sure it will pass because of the commentary format i have it in. I don't know if that breaks the green text rule or not.

2585794 hmmmm, you might be right..... Well, if it doesn't pass this way, switch the writing and try that. Make them talk in a normal format if it does not work

Major turnoff right here: Coloured text. Hard to read, adds nothing. Tag that dialogue, mayt!

2586488 I get your point about it being hard to read for some but it is necessary for the story as this is based off an RP that has been ongoing for months now that revolves around colored text. Thank you for the feedback:pinkiehappy:

good, but you should choose darker colors, yellow was really hard to read, but good altogether

2587477 hmmmmm, you may be right, any suggestions for Celestia?

1886033 BTW mister grammar nazi, i must thank you. I usually get a million and one complaints about spelling and such, but i do believe you have changed me for the better. :pinkiehappy:

well I would suggest white, but that's kind of, beside the point hehe, an emerald green would be good mostly because I don't think any other character would use it, and she has two shades of green/blueish green in her hair so I think it would fit well for her

....... i comment to much on my own stories. I guess i just like interacting with my readers. Sorry for spamming my own comments. :pinkiehappy: as you can tell im usually happy.:pinkiehappy:

I give you three :yay::yay::yay: i can read it now :D

No problem De Flare.

.. I have no valid comment here.

That's unusual..

2589900 .............. red has no comment?
Oh Celestia, the end is nigh.....

2591825 ... *blushes*.. i... i guess that makes me your mother..... well.... stepmother.....
I would like you to meet Junebug. Changling female and wife of Axius.
f-future wife...
Hmmmm... i sense another rp beginning.
2585807 would you like to start another blog for this?

2593429 wow i'm meeting all sorts of family today

2591825 By the gods, son! It is you! *hugs him* yes, this Changeling is my wife, but only because I love her. She is unlike the others. She is kind, and loving, and caring. She has already been a good mother to your baby sister.
2593429 nah, that's what comment sections are for lol

2598976 its awesome to finally have a family

2600422 It is, my son. *a small rust colored dragon-winged filly with a blond mane appears*
Selena: I'm Selena. Who you? *she asks you*
Sorry. This is Selena, your little sister.

2604236 i have a sister too umm.. excuse me please

*shoots into the air and screams in joy*

2605031 Selena: *follows and laughs. stops and looks like she is going to be sick*
*looks at her* uh oh! *flies up and tackles him out of the way as Selena breathes fire where he was flying* Sorry. She and her older brother, also your older brother, have special talents unlike ponies: she breathes fire, and Draco shape shifts.
Selena: *flies over* sorry big brodur *hugs him*
*smiles* it seems she likes you.
Selena: *looks at you* What name?
Go ahead, tell her your name.

2605079 oh right my name is Crimson
nice to meet you

2605097 Selena: Crimson! *looks behind him and squeals* big brodur's back! *you turn and see a medium-sized green furred, brown spotted pony with dragon's wings, fangs, and lizard's eyes. he flies over to you and speaks with a mellow tone*
Draco: Aye little lass. *looks at you* Little brother, so glad to see you once again *hugs him* I'm your older brother, 1st Lt Draco Flare, commander of the Special Forces Squadron in the Lunar Army. And, loving husband to the Princess Luna.
Luna: *appears on Draco's back, her front hooves encircling his neck* Yes, yes he is.
Selena: So you big sister?
Luna: yes we are Selena. *Selena squeals and hugs Luna as I hover next to you*
So Crimson, how does it feel to not only be reconnected to your family, but to know that you are now a Prince?

2605145 three words: BEST FAMILY EVER!!!

2605165 *smiles* yes, I guess you can say that. You have a fire breather for a little sister, a shape-shifting older brother who is a soldier, a step-sister who is the Lunar Princess, a mother who is a Changeling, a father who is a king. There is one more, and she should be here..... *buzzing is heard* now *a small Changeling filly with 4 wings appears and she hovers next to them*
Firefly: hiya, I'm Firefly, dual winged Changeling Ace. Creator of the Changeling Fireboom. Want to see it?
You should let her, it is pretty amazing.

2605201 please go right ahead

2605222 Firefly: Aw yeah! *looks at Luna* raise the moon please? *Luna nods and raises the moon, engulfing the world in darkness* The Fireboom is 20% cooler in the dark. *flies 5 miles above us. starts to nosedive, beating the dual set of wings faster and faster as a little jet of green fire erupts from her horn. a second later, she breaks the sound barrier, sending a large wave of green fire outwards alongside the loud boom. The fire changes colors, from green to yellow, than to blue, than to orange, than purple, than red before disappearing completely, spreading out in the night sky, making the stars shine brighter. returns to Crimson's side* And that was the Fireboom, a Firefly original.
*we all clap* That was amazing Firefly!

2605248 *stands there speechless from the awesomeness*

2605261 Firefly: *looks at him* yeah, everypony does that when they see it for the first time up close.

2605274 i can see why
*eye twitch*

2605284 Firefly: *looks at his eye* are you alright?
Maybe I should explain. Firefly is an orphan. Draco found her mother, an old friend of his who passed from this life unto the next, on the front steps of his Forge. She, Firefly's mother, died there, so Draco has been caring for her ever since.
Firefly: I'm his assistant in Forging and Crafting and Enchanting!

2605303 wow well its a good thing you have such a great family then
and as for the eye its a little hard to explain

2605321 Firefly: Look at our family: you have an alicorn who tried to enslave the entire planet and bind them to a world of darkness, a dragon winged stallion who can shapeshift, a 2nd dragon winged pony, this one a filly, who can breathe fire, a Changeling who hid amongst the ponies in Ponyville for many years, an Alion, or alicorn/dragon pony hybrid, who has been asleep for a thousand years due to a curse, adn just witnessed a fireboom done by a Changeling with 4 wings. I think we can handle an explanation of an eye twitch

2605343 ok i guess you can add a pony with a split personality of a psychopathic murder to that list

2605363 *looks confused* is that it? That is nothing. *looks around* now where is she? *a black alicorn with a clear colored mane is behind him*
Raven: BOO! *I jump and Raven laughs* Got you brother!
Gah! sorry, Crimson, this is your Aunt, Raven Spectre. She is one of those odd ponies. She has attempted suicide, killed her father and her husband, and kicked Celestia's flank in a magic duel.
Raven: I'm also wanted for murder and kidnapping in Griffonland

2605387 nice to meet you and try over 100 counts of unsolved murder in several of the kingdoms but i don't think i can top beating Celestia

2605387>>2605408 {wow.... ive really been out of it havent i. lol ]

2605408 Raven: *smiles* than I guess I win than. When I was just 10 years old, my foster mom got into a bit of trouble with Celestia, so I did what any 10 year old filly owuld do: I challenged her to a magic fight. *laughs* man, did she get her flank KICKED! I knocked her left and right with my ice magic, kicked her with my hooves. If you look closely at her neck, there is a scar there from when I bit her.
*I nod* Aye, your aunt is telling the truth

2609159 (only a little lol)

2609394 *pictures fight* *starts rolling on the floor laughing*

2611096 Raven: *growls at you* not funny kid, she's the reason I'm half mechanical over here. My wings, eyes, and 2 of my legs were destroyed in that fight.
It's a touchy subject for her

oh i'm so sorry plea-
*starts to violently shake and scream*
* maniacal laughter*

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