Story of My Life

by Lightning Flare

First published

Lets us follow Midnight as she tells the story of how the Mother of the Princesses became the demon we know now...

(Attention. This story contains colored dialog text that is necessary to the telling of this story. If you do not like reading colored text then this story is not for you.)

Hello, Flare here. I started this story a while ago and decided I would finally finish the first chapter. The normal type is the story, but it is written as Midnight telling the story to her daughters and Twilight and Rainbow Dash. it will be interrupted bu questions and comments from the listeners. The interruptions will be italic and color coded for the 5 characters. the normal story will be separated from the questions and comments so there will be no confusion. Please give this story a chance before automatically down voting. I will adjust tags and such as needed as more of the story is written.

..... She said she would meet us here right?
I don't get it, she's never tardy.
I'M HERE I'm here... just in time too by the looks of it.
Ok, Luna and Celestia will join us later and Blue Thunder said he might drop by..... Twilight, you might want to get comfortable, you to Rainbow Dash... this is a very long story with many twists and turns...
This is the story of my life.


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Let me tell you a story... a story about love and friendship.... hate and evil.... and a family that pulled through it all. But not all stories have a happy ending. This story is one of those. In this story Evil triumphs over good and the family is changed forever. Lets begin at, where else, the beginning.

Blue Thunder and... well, I can not say her name for it has been.... you will see further into the story. We will just call her Midnight. Blue Thunder and Midnight were in the hospital. Midnight was in the bed while Blue watched over her. Blue smiled down at his wife, a smile of happiness and love and compassion. They talked for a while, about various things. They talked about the future, they talked about their past. And they talked about names. When the doctor entered followed by a nurse carrying a foal all talking ceased. The nurse handed the foal to Blue who took the gently wrapped foal, moving a fold of blanket to see a beautiful white filly staring back at him.

That was Princess Celestia, wasn't it.

Yes it was.

Smiling at his wife he hands the filly down to her. The doctor approaches the bed. "Have you thought of a name yet?"

Midnight looks up from her daughter. "Yes. Her name is Celestia."...

I'm here, finally. Sorry, had to raise the sun and all that. what did I miss.

You were just born. Is Luna comming? She wouldn't want to miss this part.

Thanks for waiting for me sister.

Now we can get back to the story.

Blue walked in the door, holding it open for Midnight. Celestia comes running from the massive living room to greet them "IS SHE HERE? CAN I SEE HER?" Midnight nods and walks into the living room, greeting Baal. "Hello Baal, I hope she wasn't too much to handle."

Baal laughs. "Her? Nonsense. Besides, what are uncles for?"

Baal? Mother, who is that?

That, my dear, is my brother. He dissapeared two years after Luna was born.

What was he like?

Why did he dissapear?

Where did he go?

Quiet... I want to hear the story.

*chuckles lightly* All in good time. Now, where was I.

Baal scoops Celestia up and places her on the couch next to him as Midnight and Blue sit on the couch as well. Celestia happily walks up to them. "Where is she?" Midnight smiles at her and Blue passes her a small bundle of blankets with a cute little dark blue filly poking her muzzle out. Midnight moves the blanket away from her face.

Midnight looks down at Celestia's eager face. "would you like to hold her? You have to be very careful though." Celestia nods eagerly and Midnight gently places the filly in her hold. Celestia nuzzles more of the blanket off the little filly and smiles. "whats her name?" "Her name little one, is Luna." Celestia smiles again. "Luna..... " "Yes, and shes going to need her big sister to help her and protect her.... can you do that Celestia?" Celestia nods slowly and nuzzles Luna. "Ill help you little sis.. i won't ever let anything happen to you."

Midnight and Blue share a look, smiles hiding their true feelings of sadness. Blue shakes his head and stares out the window. Midnight goes back to watching the two fillies.

Wait... why were they sad? I mean... why were you sad?

Its difficult to explain without telling the entire story

Was it because of the war?


War? What war? I don't remember ever reading about a war in that peried of time.... actually.... wasnt that before Discord was overturned? And how would they know if-

Twilight dear, please just let mother finish her story. All your questions will be answered.

But... *sighs* your right. I'm sorry Midnight.

Perfectly alright dear.

Baal looks between the two Alicorns and immediately knows what they were thinking. He sighs and stands. "You two look like you need some sleep. I'm going to get going now. Let me know if you need any help ok?" "We'll be fine brother, but I'll tell you if we need a foal sitter again." She smiles and waves goodbye to him. Baal waves back and leaves.

Blue glances at his wife and frowns. "You told him didn't you. I told you no one could know.... we cant risk them finding out." Midnight shakes her head. "He can be trusted, he's my brother. He's not going to tell anyone." Blue mumbles something.

She sighs. "Blue.. this is going to set us against each other if we aren't careful. Lets discuss this later. We should be happy, we have two beautiful daughters." She looks down at the two fillies. Luna had fallen asleep and Celestia wasn't far behind her. "Two beautiful fillies who should be in bed." Celestia yawns and nods and lays luna on the couch before walking to her room and climbing into bed, quickly falling asleep.

Midnight picks Luna up and walks towards her bedroom. "come to bed when your done thinking Blue." She walks to her bedroom leaving Blue sitting and staring out the window for most of the night. Eventually he gets up but instead of walking to his room, he walks out the front door.

Where did he go?

That is a question he has never answered. No one knows where he went and he refuses to talk about that night.

What happens next?

Actually it is getting late in the day. The sun must be lowered and the moon raised and I have my own duties to attend to. Goodnight all, I will meet you back here tomorrow at the same time. *vanishes*

But.. I ... what.

Lets go miss thinks to much. *pushes her out the door smiling*

*nods to Luna* I will see you at the balcony. *walks away*

*sadly shakes her head and follows her sister*