• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 24,425 Views, 19 Comments

Fluttershy's Huge Breasts - Servomoore

Fluttershy acquires large breasts in the Everfree Forest.

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Fluttershy's Huge Breasts

Fluttershy's Huge Breasts

Fluttershy was going through the buyer's remorse anypony that takes in chickens will feel eventually. Right now it was because one of them had wandered off into the Everfree Forest once again. Because it was seven in the morning on what promised to be a gorgeous day, Fluttershy was not daunted by the prospect of having to hunt down a chicken even with daunting creatures moving about in the forest.

"Sueeey!" Fluttershy called "Suuuuuueee- wait, no, wrong animal. Here, chicky chicky!" At the moment she was about three hundred hooves into the forest and on the edge of familiar territory. It was actually a rather nice patch she was in where the trees thinned a little and there was a soft carpet of ferns. The sun was falling on the area in a rather fetching way as well, practically insisting that any creatures that wandered into it should drop everything and take a nice nap. If Fluttershy had been just slightly more tired and less bothered, she would have all but leapt into a nap. She reflected again on how she should have listened to her mother and just gotten more eagles and hawks since those were so cool instead of chickens. But she'd been taken by the idea of adopting chickens since they were so much more "down to earth," like she was styling herself to be among Pegases. If that hadn't been the dumbest decision of Fluttershy's life, then it was number two.

She took a little solace in looking up into the sun, pegasus eyes being such that it didn't hurt their vision in the slightest. It seemed especially lovely today. It seemed to be casting a light that set the plants aglow with some odd but agreeable red bioluminesence. The plants had a palpably magical quality like so much in Equestria even though about 99% of the time they were just dull, inert plants. She inhaled deeply so as to make a heavy appreciative sigh.

She felt an odd sensation in the area in front at the top of her front legs and paused before exhaling. She looked down.

She saw her two very large breasts. On the side of one of them were the familiar pink butterflies of her cutie mark. They were as uniformly yellow as most of her body was except for the nipples, which were a healthy salmon color very close to her mane.

She exhaled. They were still there. She closed her eyes. They were still there when she opened them. Fluttershy just stared at them for all of thirty seconds without the slightest notion of what to do next. Without thinking, she raised her left hoof, and gently poked the left breast. Perhaps she'd already established it, but now she was definitely sure that they were real.

A single word flashed in her mind.



Fluttershy took the fabric off of her breasts in the examination room. She went from regular blushing to blushing an exotic shade that Rarity would have killed to have if she saw it as they doctor leaned in for a close look at them. His gloved hooves poked them very carefully as he dictated notes that Nurse Trueheart transcribed at lightning speed.

"Uniform yellow skin color except for salmon nipples. No stretch marks or veins visible. No evidence of injury. No sag, indicating large gland to fat ratio. Inconsistent with pony mammary glands. Hmmm..."

"Two or three m's in 'hmmm,' doctor?" Trueheart inquired.

"Three." The doctor looked into Fluttershy's nervous eyes. She looked away. "We're going to perform a mammogram, possibly an x-ray, and, if necessary, we'll consult with Twilight Sparkle or Zecora if their nature is judged to be magical." Fluttershy would have thought for sure what had happened was magical, but she wasn't about to tell the doctor how he should do his job. This whole environment was making her feel very uncomfortable.

"May, may I please go home until you get the results, please?"

"Certainly, Fluttershy. Just leave them right here with us, everything will be alright." Her head lowered from continuing embarrassment, Fluttershy left the examination room, only glancing back at the breasts she'd left on the table briefly on her way out. The cutie mark that adorned the left one looked particularly unnerving to her at that moment.

"Poor filly," Trueheart said after Fluttershy had departed. Then she looked back at them, and whistled in astonishment. "They look like they must weight twenty kilograms each!"

"Mmm.. what's that?" the doctor answered, breaking off a stare.


Fluttershy went through routine chores. She felt a sort of low key apprehension the entire time, constantly nervous that something else completely bizarre would happen. Malicious enemies or even the machinations of Discord were one thing, but the encounter from this morning was so outside her frame of reference she felt a practically paralyzing perplexity. She fed her assorted pets, cleaned the windows, and did some heavy dusting both trying not to think about this morning and worrying that there might be something like hugely over-sized eyeballs atop the bookcase. When she ran out of things to do, she sat in her easy chair and tried to look for the book least likely to have something weird in it. The Practical Mare's Guide To Hutch Maintenance looked like it would fit the bill.

There was a knock at the front door. Fluttershy hid behind her easy chair at the noise. Then she became worried for a second that they had escaped the hospital and come for her.

"Who is it?" Fluttershy asked in a hushed voice from back there.

"Hi, Fluttershy!" shouted back a cheerful voice that sounded like Pinkie Pie, "It's me!" Fluttershy hesitated about a minute as she tried to steel herself to get out from behind the chair.

"H-how do I know it's really Pinkie?" Fluttershy responded at length.

"Will this do?" Pinkie said from immediately behind her. Fluttershy jumped in surprise, but then felt reassured that Pinkie was behaving normally for Pinkie. .

"Yes, that'll do." Fluttershy said as the two ponies trotted out from behind the chair. Fluttershy noticed that Pinkie had a bottle of apple cider with her, and Pinkie smiled when she she that Fluttershy noticed.

"Heard that something happened that left you weirded out and sad. No way I'm going to just sit back when that happens." Pinkie went to the dining room where Fluttershy always took guests as her host followed. Fluttershy rolled her eyes a little at the thought of Pinkie, of all ponies, being the one to cure being weirded out. But no matter. She had some feelings to get off her chest, and Pinkie was a great pony to give them to.

As they finished off about half the bottle, the Pegasus began to bring her Earth pony friend up to speed on the day's events.It didn't take long for Pinkie's understanding to hit s snag.

"Breasts? I mean, I've heard that word before." Pinkie said when Fluttershy reached that portion of the story. "But what are those?"

"They're like udders, but they're shaped a lit-"

"Oooh! You mean boobies!" Fluttershy looked away, embarrassed by Pinkie's foul language.

"Y...yes." She whispered. Pinkie glanced down at Fluttershy's stomach and then at the top of her front legs. She saw no evidence her friend had experienced any unusual swelling at either place where boobies where usually depicted as growing on a pony and got more confused. She got even more confused as Fluttershy explained how they hadn't ever been attached to her, how they'd have been so big she'd be almost immobile if they had been, that they were now being tested at the hospital and so on. As Fluttershy shrugged when she finished her story, Pinkie narrowed her eyes in concentration and tapped her right hoof thoughtfully on the table, producing an odd clopping noise.

"Maybe... they're both the worst changelings ever?" Pinkie thought about what she had just said and raised a hoof in attempted comfort. "Oh, excuse me! I guess it's not very reassuring to think there are changelings trying to imitate you."

"It actually would be, kind of." Fluttershy said, " Who knows what it means? Were they part of me? Were they part of some giant Fluttershy? I just... something so strange, and for no reason that I can see. I'm worried if it means something weird is happening to all of Equestria. Will all-" her ruminations were cut short by the sound of a bowl bouncing on the table and landing in front of her. With a glance the ponies saw that Angel had thrown his bowl on the table and was irately pointing at his mouth. As reassuring as it was that Angel was acting normally too, Fluttershy felt little relief as she provided him his second mid-afternoon snack. Before she could resume expressing her concerns, Pinkie's hoof landed on her left shoulder.

"Flutts," Pinkie said, sounding serious "Look at me- oh, you already have. Well, anyway, don't let this get you down! It's weird, sure. I know if I went out in the forest and found behemoth bodiless bazongas that were pink and had my cutie mark, I'd be all-" Pinkie began to spin in a figure eight manner while making a 'wooooo' noise. She stopped after thirty seconds when she lost balance and tripped into another room with a "Whoa!" She then popped back up in front of Fluttershy.

"But life's always going to have stuff you don't understand, that you can't understand. The only way I've ever found to get through it is to try to help others when you can, have all the fun you can, and appreciate that somepony cares about you." Pinkie beamed. "Like I do you." Fluttershy blushed and smiled a little herself. Her touched heart was overruling her brain's desire to object and say that such a philosophy left a lot to be desired in her experience. But then a thought occurred to her.

"Pinkie, how did you say you found about all this?"

"At a party!" Pinkie responded, " I don't know who told me. Mare, you should have been there! We played spin the tail on the donkey, which the donkey was totally cool to let us do, then we broke out the crops an-"

"So that means unfamiliar, gossipy ponies know about this..."

"Yeah, why would that be a prob- oh..." Pinkie replied. The two had an awkward moment of silence before galloping outside.


Back at the hospital, Twilight Sparkle and Zecora had indeed been called in to find answers about the breasts through their various magical devices.

"Augh, I confess that my consternation triples," Zecora said, "the my magic staff tells me nothing about these nipples."

"Son of a nag!" Twilight muttered on the opposite side of the table before looking back to her book and then over to her associate. "Even that 'identify' spell didn't reveal anything!"

"I feel we should forfeit our titles as mancers," Zecora said with a sigh and a hang of her head, "we just don't seem to be getting any answers!" There was a loud banging at the door.

"Hey, Twilight!" Spike yelled from out in the hall.

"Spike, I told you already that you can't come in here! You're too young!"

"There's a really, REALLY big problem coming!" Spike responded. Unwittingly, Spike had in fact considerably exacerbated the problem. He had shown the stampede of ponies where the object of their curiosity was. The first couple knocked the baby dragon out of the way and flung the door open. They gasped in awe when they saw them on the table before Zecora or Twilight could do anything to cover them.

"There they are!" Said a delighted Snips.

"Let's go stare at them!" Yelled Snails, and they galloped to either side of the table with a wave of ponies following them.

"Hey, you don't have hospital permission to- OOF!" Declared Twilight as she was knocked back and then squeezed against the far wall by Ponies barely aware they were doing so. Zecora escaped a similar fate by leaping out one of the windows.

Once the herd had pretty much completely filled the room, they began to stare at the rack on the table in awe. In fact, they gaped, but pretty much nothing more. Nopony in the first few rows around it was piggish enough to climb up and molest them or any such thing. Instead there was just thirty seconds of staring from colts and mare alike.


Back outside, Pinkie was racing along as Fluttershy flew through the air as if jet-propelled.

"Soembarassingsoembarassingsoembarassingsoembarassingsoembarassing!" Fluttershy squeaked incessantly as she flew.

"Don't worry about it, Fluttershy!" Pinkie yelled from beneath her, "There's no reason to be embarrassed! No one's going to think you're a loose mare over it! It's not like that Hearthwarming Party where Rarity had too much cider and then showed everypony-" the thought was interrupted as they arrived at the hospital. Fluttershy landed and galloped inside as Pinkie noticed they were arriving simultaneously with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hi, girls!" Pinkie called as she bounced by them after Fluttershy. After a moment, the three foals realized it was Fluttershy that had just galloped inside. They gasped in delighted surprise, thinking that this proved there actually was something inside the hospital to do with Fluttershy. They galloped inside after her.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Sweetie Belle squeaked to Fluttershy before she collided with her. Fluttershy was experiencing a debilitating brain fart, having completely forgotten where the room was and three questioning foals didn't help.

"Do you really have a huge pair of boobies somewhere in here?" Scootaloo asked, oblivious to the sensitive nature of the issue to Fluttershy.

"She sure does!" Pinkie Pie answered as she caught up, having forgotten the sensitive nature of the issue herself in all the excitement.

"Yahoo!" Said Apple Bloom, "Fluttershy, w'all can't wait til we git a huge pair of our own!"

"Maybe we can even trade 'em with each other!" Sweetie Belle suggested.

"And then, become bosom buddies!" Scootaloo yelled.

"You ponies aren't allowed in here!" Yelled a familiar doctor's voice. Fluttershy knew all too well that was probably it and ran in the direction of the voice, her friends in tow. When they arrived outside, the doctor and Nurse Trueheart heard her coming and turned. When they saw whom it was, they hung their heads apologetically.

"On behalf of the hospital, we're very sorry, Fluttershy. We don't know who could have leaked the information." Fluttershy did not respond to Nurse Trueheart's statement. She slowly walked to the edge of the door and then peeked inside. When she saw the mass of ponies inside, she started to shrink away,

Back in the room, Twilight had teleported from the wall to on top of the table, standing over the glands.

"You've all had a look! Now go away! Stop being so rude!"

"Somepony jostle the table, make them jiggle!" Somepony said in a weird, androgynous voice to avoid identification. A murmur spread through the crowd.

"Nopony will be making them jiggle!" Twilight proclaimed. "Not without Fluttershy's permission!" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Fluttershy's face peeking in through the door. Thinking it serendipitous, Twilight cast a quick teleportation spell to get herself out in the hallway. She grabbed Fluttershy gently but still made her yellow friend jump.

"I'm sorry this happened Fluttershy. Do you-"

"It's okay." Fluttershy squeaked, starting to back away. Pinkie cut off her escape by appearing from behind her.

"It's not okay, Fluttershy!" Pinkie said, angry at the sight of Fluttershy being unhappy but oddly taking it out on Fluttershy herself. She did not cope well with excitement. Twilight nodded.

"Indeed. If we don't do something quick, one of those ponies will probably eventually get the nerve to go feel up those breasts. No matter what they are, sentient beings, part of Fluttershy in an unclear way, or part of some insidious plot, we don't want that!" she said. Fluttershy tried to shrink down into the floor.

"But why does it have to be me that goes in there to-" Twilight shouted her question down.

"Everypony thinks they're yours! You're probably the only one they'll listen to about them!"

"Please, Fluttershy," Pinkie pleaded from behind her. She pushed the three Crusaders into her friends line of sight, "think of the foals!" Fluttershy and the Crusaders blinked and glanced about in confusion about why the foals needed to be thought about. Nevertheless, Pinkie's logic persuaded her.

"Okay." Fluttershy said just loud enough to be audible. Twilight placed a hoof on one of Fluttershy's and with a purple poof the two were standing on the table with the table in a sea of staring ponies. They immediately feel awkward on their hooves, for somepony had indeed begun shaking the table to induce jiggling. They stop almost immediately when the friends arrive on the table.

"I SAID NO JIGGLING!" Twilight roared. Whatever ponies had been hooting and making cat calls were silenced completely and staring up at her and Fluttershy. That sea of eyes compelled her to tremble and attempt to shrink down again, but now she was standing over a large bit of flesh and so made sure to keep her hooves. "Now, this is the pony who these potentially belong to. Listen to her."

"Have her hold those up so that it looks like they're attached to her!" the same androgynous-voiced pony from before called. Twilight looked around furiously for the offending pony as Fluttershy tried to soldier on and have her say.

"I... I feel... I feel very, very a-a-ashamed of the way that you,,," Fluttershy closed her eyes. As much as it felt like cheating, it gave her the confidence to raise her head high and speak her mind clearly. "Look at yourselves! You're getting all worked up over two piles of meat! And that's how I feel when you stare at me, too! You need to stop being so obsessed with body parts and-"

"HEY! Her eyes are up there!" Twilight barked when she saw that everypony's eyes were drifting back to the breasts on the table.

"But her eyelids are shut!" the voice from the crowd yelled.

"Look at them anyway!" Twilight glanced over at her friend then and blushed. "Oh, sorry to interrupt." Fluttershy sighed, deeply weary of the whole affair. She made up her mind of what to do.

"I'm taking these back to the Everfree Forest. It'll probably be better for everypony."


A half hour later, and after much arguing with doctors and nurses, mob whining, and filling out documents to show that they were being taken out AMA, Fluttershy set a board she'd been using to carry the breasts down in the spot she'd found them that morning. She detached the harness she'd been using to transport them and then gently pushed them off. Then she found herself lingering, trying to think of something to say as she looked down at them.

"Well, this is probably good bye. I'm sorry if all that was a bother for you, especially if you felt embarrassed by all those ponies staring at you." Fluttershy stopped abruptly. Sure, she'd talked to plants and animals for years that didn't speak back to her, but this still felt awkward. She tried to cover her awkwardness by playing tough. "So, if you were up to something that meant you had to be kept in Ponyville, consider yourselves foiled!" The breasts continued to not react, just like they had with everything else that had happened. Fluttershy looked around. This part of the forest was nowhere near as beautiful as it had been that morning, but it was still pleasant enough as forestry went. Certainly no signs of the dangers that lurked in there.

"Well, either way, hope you do alright in this forest. Or you can get to wherever your real home is if you don't live here." She stopped again. "Farewell." She said and started to trot away. After she'd gone fifteen hooves or so, she glanced back at them. Then she spun round in surprise.

Next to the set she'd brought into Ponyville with her were a new pair. These were a familiar shade of pink and had a familiar balloon insignia on them. The two pairs were pressed together softly. If they hadn't been completely non-ambulatory organic forms without sensory organs, Fluttershy would have thought she was seeing an affectionate and perhaps relieved embrace as a result of one pair being accepted back into the fold.

Fluttershy shut her eyes and shook her head in disbelief. When she reopened them, both pairs were gone.

She heard a sudden noise to her left. She whirled. It was the chicken that had gone missing this morning. She clucked and squawked happily as she ran up to her and then began to rub against her, wanting to be petted. Fluttershy obliged with a sigh and a smile. She considered that maybe Pinkie had a point with what she'd told her this morning. If nothing else, she thought as she let the hen perch on her back and began trotting home, it would be fun to see is she would dance around going "woooo!" when Fluttershy told her what she'd just seen.

The End.

Comments ( 19 )

This was fucking HILARIOUS! You earned a favorite and an up vote. Hope you come out with more in the future.

I don't know what I'm reading but I'm okay with it.

...aaand I read it.

Yeah, still don't know. But Fluttershy entered with tits and left with a cock, if that means anything. :trixieshiftright:


This needs to be mature rating. It deals with adult humor.


That was certainly interesting. I don't quite understand why even the fillies are total perverts for her breasts, but other than that, I thought this was a nice, funny little read.

Well, I don't know about Mature. But Teen, definitely.


For what it's worth, the Crusaders weren't supposed to be be interested in them for sexual reasons. It's just about it sort of being a status symbol, like I understand (admittedly from anecdotal evidence in a couple psych books) some girls are supposed to be obsessed at a young age with growing them.

The reason everyone else is supposed to be interested is because I thought it was funny and kind of a dig at cultural fetishism of breasts.

And yeah, it should have been teen from the start.

wtmeep dude!? I am NEVER reading this. :flutterrage::facehoof::raritydespair::pinkiesick::rainbowderp::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::twilightangry2::fluttercry:

Boy, would you feel silly if you ever did actually read it.

The real comedy here is that 'Fluttershy's Huge Breasts' is in my browsing history. :moustache:


A pair of tits i grant. Enormous? Not so sure.

But onto the story. I smell absurdist comedy incoming.

Edit: I'm kind of lukewarm on it. It wasn't particularly lol-worthy, nor was it particularly strong on message. It was certainly absurd, so part of mission accomplished I guess. Probably needs some significant reworking - there's probably a great story hidden here, but it hasn't been found yet.

Confused as fuck

"Maybe... they're both the worst changelings ever?"

The worst? Or the very best? Either way have a fave and an upvote.

What happened to other pair? Do I smell a sequel?

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