• Published 19th Oct 2012
  • 671 Views, 8 Comments

Daring Do and the Legends of Zebrica - Ravian

Daring Do is off to Zebrica for her next adventure, but what secrets lie in wait for her?

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Chapter 2: Overnight Delay

So Daring waited, for a few minutes at least. She wasn’t made for sitting around. “Okay, what do I have to do? Erm, find a place to sleep, eat...supplies! I need supplies, that oughta keep me busy for awhile” She said, jumping into the air for a moment before she got a sudden reminder of how she had gotten to this station “No more long distance speed flying unless I’m gonna die, new rule.” she muttered, plopping back to the ground and giving both her wings a once over.

They were pretty sore, she had rushed here thinking she could make it in time for a train. But no such luck. But she had something to do now! She trotted off into ponyville with determination. The most important thing to have was a knife and a whip. Though the whip was more for personal preference than anything. Not to mention it made that cool snappy song. The knife however was actually important, Daring always kept one in her front pocket, except when she left Canterlot with none of her luggage, including any of her shirts, because she was in a hurry for what turned out to be no reason. Daring sighed, she never had been one for patience.
Once she reached the town square she took a good look around. A library, useless to her, but still pretty neat. Who knew a tree could be a house, err, library? There was a clothing shop nearby, bit fancy for Daring though. She would just have to wait until she got to Appleoosa to gather her real supplies. But what could she get here then? A whip maybe. Food? Would a town like this make the sort of food that could stay good for more than a few days?

Time to face facts, coming here had been a total bust. Other than maybe, maybe, a whip and it wasn’t like she couldn’t get that on her way out of the country. The real problem would be finding a solid way out. She wondered just how bad the princess didn’t want her leaving. Surely she wouldn't go as far as to issue a no fly order on the magnificent Daring Do. The national unsung hero. Of course...if what she was looking into really was such a big deal, it must be essential to history itself. Which meant that Daring couldn't give up on this. Pssh, what was she saying. Daring Do never gave up, no matter what! She never had and that wasn't going to change because she would need to shift her travel plans to less...legal ways.

She would just have to call in a few favors starting tomorrow with Ox. She needed some sort of papers, if not to get out of Equestria, then to get into Zebrica and its many small countries. “Okay so what can I actually do here? Maybe-“ she stopped, catching a glimpse of just what she needed. “A tavern!” She exclaimed before running in. Even a town like this must have somepony passing through right? Well, sorta right. It wasn't empty but it sure was a dead zone. No pony was talking, or rather, no one was talking. Not the griffon in the back corner playing darts by himself, not the pitch black behemoth of a pegasus at the bar, not the white unicorn on the bar’s corner wearing a cloak and not the barkeep. An earth pony mare who was sleeping on the job. It was better than nothing. “Hey barkeep, hit me up!” Daring shouted, startling the lazy mare and gaining some glances from the other occupants of the humble tavern. “Give me something magic.” The barkeep smiled at her “Oooh, I never get to use that stuff.” she said before running off into a back room. Daring turned to the cloaked unicorn “So, come here often? Any neat rumors, local legends?” she was met with silence for a few moments before the pegasus spoke up. S

She swore the he had two stones grinding against each other for vocal chords. “Nothing you haven’t heard of” Daring looked at the brute of a stallion “So you’ve heard of me, I see my name has been getting around.” , “Yeah, if you mean that every bounty hunter from Las Pegasus to South Amare-ica wants your wings on their wall. Ahuizotl’s cult put out a nice bounty on your head Miss Do.

“B-bounty?” Daring said frowning and sizing up the pegasus. He was big, but if she could get behind him she might be able t- “Don’t worry about me Miss. Daring, I’m just a local and don’t see the point in trying to take down the mare who escaped King Quetzalcoatl's army and stole the Sapphire Stone, single hooved, right from under Ahuitzotl’s nose. But between you and me.” He said leaning closer to her, “You’ll probably be dead by next week.”

“Scribe!” Celestia yelled as she paced across the throne room “Take a letter.” she said firmly, the small scribe pony ran off into a room quickly with her tie flapping to one side and then hurriedly returned with an inkwell, quill and large scroll. Celestia began speaking “To the current leaders of Zebrica, I urge you to end my banishment from Zebrica. There is an approaching danger that calls for my immediate visit.” she sighed, knowing that her efforts would be in vain.

She frowned, she just had to convince the numerous leaders of Zebrica to let her intervene. It didn't help that many were still sore that Celestia and Luna had been the ones to take control over the sun and moon. Anansi even claimed to have made the sun and moon or Jua Anangi, an extremely powerful being, runner up to controlling the sun in fact and his close relative Mwezi runner up for the moon. They were two of the founders of the Kupatwa alliance. The one which had banished her, Luna and attempted to banish even Discord himself. Of course Discord hadn't been free long enough to test it out since it was made. Of course celestia had never tried it out either, but considering the ritual magic they had used, it was probably too much for even her.
“Sister?” Luna questioned as she entered the room.

“Yes Luna, what is it?” The elder sister replied, exasperated.

Luna looked at her curiously as she walked down the carpet way of the throne room. “Did you sleep last night? Your sunrise seemed....sloppy.” Luna paused for a moment before realizing that Celestia hadn't noticed her blunder. “You rose the sun on the wrong side of the sky...we had an unscheduled partial solar eclipse.”

The elder princess seemed stunned at first, her mouth slightly agape. She then closed her eyes and brought a hoof up to her forehead. “I’m sorry Luna, I wasn’t paying much mind to the sun, there were more pressing matters at hand.” she paused and then looked at her dear younger sister. “Have you looked into what happened after you were,” she said the next word carefully, “banished?”

Luna seemed surprised and, despite Celestia’s attempt to be delicate, took offense. “Yes, didn’t we already talk about the Nightmare Night incident? I told you that I was now completely up to date on social norms and how one shouldn’t summon clouds and lightning when angry and th-”

Celestia cut her off, “No, not those things sister. Did you look into the historical archives?” the answer was pretty obvious, especially with Luna’s inquisitive gaze backing her assumption “I didn’t think you would have, but its time you learn. I’m going to tell you a story Luna, it’s time you learn what I did in the years following your banishment.”

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