• Published 19th Oct 2012
  • 671 Views, 8 Comments

Daring Do and the Legends of Zebrica - Ravian

Daring Do is off to Zebrica for her next adventure, but what secrets lie in wait for her?

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Chapter 1: Passport Rejected

Daring flexed her wings outward. She was on the edge, furious. Of course yelling wasn’t really an option when you were talking to the leaders of Equestria. She stared Celestia in the eye. Of course she couldn’t stare her down. The princess was a bit taller than most the ponies she tried to intimidate and after a thousand years of being a country leader, she probably wasn’t going to be a pushover. “Whaddya mean my passport is revoked!” Daring demanded, stomping her hoof down onto the ground, obviously not all too compliant with this. All the adventures in equestria were already filled scores of amateurs. Every time one popped up stores were suddenly out of ropes and cargo jackets. How was she supposed to do anything if she was stuck in this country!?

“I’m sorry Daring, but last time you left the country we almost went to war with the Griffon legion because of what happened.” Celestia said in a not all too forgiving tone. Daring had been a thorn in the side of equestria’s international relations with ever since her first adventure. It had only gotten worse and worse since then. Honestly, how could one pegasus cause so much trouble. Perhaps a better question was: how did she survive it all? Celestia, with Luna by her side being silent, glared at Daring. “and don’t get me started on that sapphire stone, was it really such a big deal that the locals couldn’t hang on to it?”

Daring stood there, positively steaming, “They were going to break it into a million pieces, literally!” She yelled at the alicorn.

The princess retorted, “It was their stone, it belonged to them!”

Daring couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her wings lifted her up into the air, she pointed a hoof at the Princess “It belonged in a museum! And thats where I got it! Safe and sound.” she folded her arms confidently, now looking down at the princesses.

Celestia looked at Daring incredulously “You had half of the followers of Ahuitzotl after you until you hit the border and were saved by the Royal border guardsponies!”

“In other words, I got away.” Daring smiled even larger this time ‘Besides, it was only half of them, I lost the rest crossing the quicksand fields of the northern jungle a week before then.”

Now it was Celestia’s turn not to believe what she was hearing. “Do you have any idea how furious King Quetzalcoatl was? He nearly flew here himself to take that statue back after he learned about that stunt with the quicksand! Someone could have been hurt.”

Daring’s smile didn’t even fade, “He probably would have if he hadn’t been busy dealing with Ahuitzotl himself. Everything worked out.”

At this point Celestia’s regal poise was starting to falter as she seethed inwardly. Daring had expected that, but she really hadn’t expected Luna to finally speak up. It wasn’t even in the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Celestia, Daring has made significant contributions to our equine history museums.”

“Ha! See sunshine, your sister has some sense in he-” “But I must agree, giving you a passport is a threat to international security or have you forgot about Prance?”

Daring’s mouth popped open with some hesitation, “Please, that tower looks better leaning to the left anyways. But you’ve made it clear your minds aren’t changing. I’m out.” Daring said bitterly.

This was going to make travel so much more difficult than it needed to be. What did the princesses think they were doing? Everything she did revolutionized history. Not that everypony knew she was the one that made the discoveries. After her third adventure some of the higher ups in her field had decided it was best if no pony knew that somepony was traveling around grabbing mystical artifacts and whisking them all away to one nation. “First things first. I need some travel papers still. Where’s Ox when ya need him.” Daring’s wings expanded and pumped down as she soared out the main doors of Canterlot Castle. Good, this place was boring anyways. Daring flashed a smile back at the castle and flew off towards Appleoosa. She had an old friend to visit.

Back in the castle Luna and Celestia were still talking. “I got to be the reasonable one? New, usually I get to nap.” Luna said teasingly.Her sister had lost her cool, just a bit. It was sort of exciting to have a moment of being on top.

“You don’t know her Luna, that mare stirs up a crisis every time she goes digging for something. Thousands of lives have rested on her dumb luck and tenacity. Not to mention the world, indirectly, once or twice, don’t tell her though. Her ego’s big enough as it is.”

Luna’s eyes looked like saucers. “What’s her talent again?” “Her talent is being an archeologist. Of course in her head, that means adventuring into the vast, unexplored,long lost territory of dead civilizations that had vast magical power. Ones that I would rather just leave forgotten.”

Meanwhile. Daring was making her way to the train station. By air of course, the only way to travel for a pegasus. She quickly made her way across the town and landed at the station. she briefly wondered how many times she had started an adventure here. These rails had carried her all through out Equestria when she was just a small filly.

"Railroads closed for the day, royal decree" she heard come from the speakers, her jaw dropped. Was Celestia really that serious about her not leaving the country? This station was probably slated to carry hundreds more ponies to who knows where before the end of the day!

Looking back at the castle with a glare, Daring looked off into the distance, spotting the small town of Ponyville. If she flew there fast she could probably catch some train before it left the station. Hopefully one to Appleoosa. Ox's favorite place to stay whenever he wasn't wrapped up in something. She quickly trotted to the edge of the station and took flight, angling herself so that most of the journey would be gliding. It was going to be a long uneventful flight. “Thinks she can stop me from getting out of here? No chance. I don’t care if you’re the prin-...she is a princess.” Daring paused. “I don’t care if you’re queen of...something, Equestria doesn’t have queens, so...dang it!” At least she had something to think of along the way.

“I don’t care if...ugh!” Daring yelled out. She hadn’t thought of a single thing over the entire flight here. To Ponyville. City, well, village of, erm, quaintness and not-overly-impressiveness. Yeah, that about fit the scene. She looked about the station. No pony here, great. She trotted over to a bench and took a seat. Her wings hung limply by her sides instead of folding them neatly. She wasn’t really that tired, but she was embittered by even having to fly here in the first place. Who did Celestia think she was telling Daring Do what to do? She jumped up and trotted towards the time chart.

“And the next train for Appleoosa leaves in...hours. Glad I flew here in a hurry.” she said, looking back at Canterlot. Time to, ugh, wait.”