• Published 9th May 2024
  • 155 Views, 21 Comments

Captain Underpants and The Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow - Big Imagination E

George and Harold were about to take Lyra and Bon Bon out for their anniversary but have to stop Cozy Glow first.

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Chapter 10: And A New Life Begins

The next day Ponyville was all fixed up and George and Harold escorted their wives on the carriage and headed off for their anniversary. Then Color Love and Daring Flight waited for their carriage and after a couple of minutes it arrived and they hopped in while going to Canterlot Castle. But somehow even though Melvin changed he still feels a little lonely and something was missing.

"I don't get it Daring. How come Melvin is still upset even though he changed and helped our dads stop this Cozy Glow?" Color Love asked.

"Maybe it's because he had the girls, our dads and the others helping him. You know. He had friends." Daring replied.

"Well, we can fix that. We can make Melvin feel a lot better after we manage to do a thing something." Color Love said.

"Yeah. You know what? We could." Daring agreed and faced the readers. "So that's why we took a page from our dads book and decided to do a rare prank of all. The prank for good."

In Ponyville we see Melvin walking around trying to be a little nicer to the ponies. Of course he was a bit nervous considering they were giving him the stink eye. Then he saw a letter float down and he grabbed it. It was all pink and then a unicorn who was dressed like a magician caught another one. Melvin opened it and read what it said.

"Do you wanna hang out?" Melvin read. He blushed but continued reading. "From Trixie?

"From Melvin?" Trixie read and she saw Melvin. "You wanna hang out with me?"

"Well if you want to. But I don't know since I did some bad things in the past." Melvin admitted.

"You ain't the only one. I too did some horrible deeds before I reformed myself. So Melvin? How about we meet at Sugarcube Corner later on and we can get to know each other?" Trixie offered.

"Sure Trixie. I would like that." Melvin smiled.

"Ok. I'll see you there later." Trixie said and blew a kiss. Melvin blushed but he smirked and waved goodbye.

"You got plans today Melvin?" Color Love asked.

"Oh! You two scared me for a second. But if you must know....yeah I actually do. Oh and by the way I heard you two have your big dodgeball game tonight. I really hope you win and go to the finals." Melvin answered.

"Thanks Melvin. Hey. Are those friendship lessons helping you?" Daring asked.

"Yes they are. And you know your dads were right about having a sense of humor. That's why I went to the comic store eariler on and read some of the comics they made. And considering that they have some potty humor in there.... I actually find that pretty funny." Melvin answered. "Anyways I gotta go. I got a date later on. Good luck at your dodgeball game!"

As Melvin took his leave the two boys smiled seeing his change of heart. "Well how about that?" Color Love smiled.

We then cut to George, Harold and their wives all relaxing on the beach in Las Pegasus and Harold got a text from Melvin as he sent a picture of him and Trixie at Sugarcube Corner enjoying a nice date.

"Oh look. I think Melvin really is getting to know Trixie well." Harold said.

"I think he is. I betcha anything that our boys must have borrowed a page from our book and did the rare prank of good. But, that was nice of them to do this to Melvin." George replied.

"Yeah you know what? It really is. Now come on honey. Why don't you and Harold join us in the water honeybuns?" Lyra asked.

"Oh we sure will! Let's swim!" George replied as he and Harold chased their wives playfully and splashed in the water.

Back in Ponyville we see Melvin and Trixie in Sugarcube Corner enjoying a milkshake. As they we're doing that little did they know that Color Love and Daring Flight saw the date go really well and they smiled.

"You know Trixie. I never thought that you had a dark past too. I mean I thought I was the only one." Melvin said.

"No Melvin. I too had a few dark secrets before. But we're gonna keep that between us ok?" Trixie asked.

"Sure. And you know Trixie? I think I oughta thank your friend Starlight for helping not only you reform but me as well. It it weren't for all the friendship lessons I wouldn't be nicer and getting closer to you." Melvin replied.

"Oh you. But you still have a few friendship lessons to complete before we become an item." Trixie smirked.

"Yeah. That's for sure. Guess I'll have to make sure I continue being nice to everyone and hopefully do something to make amends for the bad deeds I did." Melvin said.

"Don't worry. I be more than happy to help you with that." Trixie said.

The two then shared a good laugh and the two boys left and made they're way to the dodgeball game.

"Once again. That brings this crossover series to it's happy conclusion. And we hope you all enjoyed these stories. Now if you will all excuse us we have a dodgeball game to get too. Come on Color!" Daring said as he ran.

"I'm right behind you Daring! Wait up!" Color said as he ran to catch up.

And so brings an end to this story and the Captain Underpants series. I certainly hoped you all enjoyed it. Peace on bronies.

The End.

Author's Note:

I hoped you loved this series. It was certainly awesome. Now it's time for Captain Underpants to fly again.