• Published 26th May 2024
  • 388 Views, 7 Comments

DominaTea - Lemons123490

Tea brings those once apart, close together. Kinda...

  • ...

Tea Party

"I am deeply honored to have both of you grace my hive with your presence."

"And we are equally honored to be your guests. It's truly a pleasure to be in your company, isn't it, my dear sister?"

“‘Tis true my dearest sister! I am most joyous to be in thy presence. Thou art quite the delightful companion!”

“You both flatter me. If only I could consume all this praise, but what type of host would do that! It would be rather impolite of me. Speaking of consuming, could I interest you in some tea?”

"Oh, tea sounds delightful! Don't you agree, dear sister?"

“Ah! Methinks a cup of tea would be most delightful. Thou art indeed a gracious hostess!”

“My, my, if I had known our meeting would be so delightful, I would have invited you sooner. Excuse me while I retrieve our tea."

"Hehehe, fools! Little do they know, this tea will make them obey my every command! I will become the Queen of all Equestria!"

"Ahem. Here's your tea, my gracious guests. Be cautious, it's... hot."

“Oh, then perhaps we shall let it rest.”

“Indeed! Let it rest, marvelous idea sister!”

“It’s not that hot! The flavor is actually best at this hotter temperature. Please, do not be afraid. Go on ahead, take a sip!”

“Oh, if the flavor is better that way, I suppose I can handle it. After everything we've been through I wouldn't want to let a little bit of hot liquid stop us, and I must say it smells mouthwatering. Isn't that right sister?”

“Thou speaketh true, sister! A millennium trapped upon the moon, yet I doth fret over a mere singe upon thee tongue!"


“Mmm, this tea is excellent! I must ask, where did you find such a unique blend in Equestria?”

“I'm glad you asked. It’s actually my own creation. I call it, DominaTea.”

“DominaTea, well that's an intriguing name, wouldn't you say, sister?"

“We agree! Albeit a sickly affliction dost befall me.”

“Yes, me as well sister! What did you put in that tea, Chrysalis?”

"Mwahaha! You fools fell right into my trap! DominaTea takes away your free will, making you obey my commands! Aren't I clever?

“Yes, you are.”

“Indeed, you are.”

"Thank you… prepare to bow down to me after I command you to give me the crown! I will become Chrysalis, the new Queen of Equestria. I command you to do that! Do it!”


“Oh my… Chrysalis, you are truly a sight to behold. I would gladly crown you as my queen, wouldn't you agree?"

"Indeed sister! We must say, none other on this world has seized my attention quite as thy have done!”

“W-what?! I-I command you to give me all your magic!”

“Why need my magic, for you've already enchanted me with your eloquent voice.”

“Thy gaze has injected us with the essence of love!”

“LOVE?! What is the meaning of this? I- oh no.”

“I must have accidentally mixed in a love potion instead of a, do every I say potion! I have no idea how to fix this!”

"Then don't worry, my queen. Let our love fill you up. Is that not what you changelings desire? Feed on us, take our love, my beautiful queen.”

“Gah! Stop right there! Don't call me that, and keep your distance! I see both of you inching closer!"

“Don't be foolish our queen, we know thou art pleased we see you in such radiance!”

"I... I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh, but I think you do. I am Celestia, after all. You cannot hide your true feelings from me. And it just so happens that... I feel the same."

“Ah! Don’t whisper into my ear! I.. I… OH I ADMIT IT!”

“I didn’t accidentally put in a love potion instead of a do everything I say potion! I thought making you two love me would satisfy me and give me power. But I've realized love must be genuine. You only feel that way because of it!"

"Oh, but it is genuine, my Queen."

"What do you mean it's genuine? I gave you a potion!"

“Hahahaha. Thy truly think a mere love potion would work on us, the princesses of Equestria!”

“I… WHAT?! So t-t-t-this has been a big ploy? Why?! What’s the reason for this? Answer me!”

"The truth is, Chrysalis, Luna, and I are in love with you."


"Oh, yes, Chrysalis. We've watched you from afar, observed your struggles, your desires. And through it all, our admiration for you has only grown."

“But... but I'm your enemy! I've tried to take over Equestria countless times! Stop circling me!”

“My dear Chrysalis, not even mentioning your looks. You could try and take over Equestria thousands upon thousands of times. Your beauty makes up for it all.

“Th-this is preposterous! You cannot possibly mean what you say! It's a trick, a trap!”

“Believe what you will, but our feelings for you are sincere, Chrysalis. We offer you our love freely.”

“Verily, I doth share the same sentiment as our sister.”

“Come on Chrysalis, let's attempt to have a relationship. We can fix all your problems.”

"If what you both say is true, then... then I accept! Celestia, your beautiful and regal figure. The way your sun brightens my soul. Luna, your moonlight shining through the night, guiding me to your heart. It’s all so overwhelming!"

"Oh, I'm so glad. Let's start this connection with an outward display of affection. A kiss."

“If thou will accept, of course.”

“Yes! I do! I do!”


“Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Mwah. Mwah. Hehehe-”

“Bwahahaha! A three-way!”

“Gah! Rainbow! What are you doing here, how long have you been there?!”

“Long enough! Oh maker, Anon plays with dolls and pretends the princesses are in love with… with Chrysalis! Princess Luna doesn’t even talk like that anymore! You even fake stutter! …Where did you even get those?!

"I see no reason to answer those questions and explain myself."

“Oh my gosh, wait until the girls hear about this.”

“NO! Rainbow Dash! Get back here right now!”

“Nope! Hahahaha!”


Author's Note:

Anon's fantasy.

Comments ( 7 )

This honestly made me laugh out loud...he was SO busted!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Is it wrong that when I first saw this story, I thought it was a femdom clopfic?

This gave me a good chuckle! :rainbowlaugh:

No, that's natural.
Glad you enjoyed!

You're very welcome.

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