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To View into the Eyes of Another

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Twilight moved through the halls of Canterlot briskly, her thoughts moving just as quick. Her wings twitched anxiously as she approached the throne room, where Princess Celestia waited for her.

"Princess! I got her as fast as I could! What's this-" She stopped as Celestia raised a hoof. With a brief gesture, she motioned for Twilight to follow her. After a walking for through the halls for a while, Celestia finally spoke.

"Twilight Sparkle, I have a question for you." They both stopped.

"Are you familiar with Hour Hand's theory on alternate realities?"

Twilight shrunk back for a moment, caught off guard by the question, before clearing her throat.

"Hour Hand's theory on Alternate realities, parallel worlds and paradoxes dictates that for every action we take, there must be a world and/or timeline where we did not take that action. This logic is theorized to affect even the very concept of evolution, where in one timeline we evolved as ponies, and in other timelines.....as something else...."

Celestia nodded.

"Exactly. What about Minute Hand's contribution to her brother's research?"

"Minute Hand was theorized to have developed a spell to aid in viewing these Alternate realities...." Twilight paused nervously. "What does any of this have to do with your summons?"

Celestia motioned for her to follow once more.

"do you remember the Crystal Mirror?"

"Of course!"

"What if I told you that it was recently discovered that the world beyond that mirror wasn't the only one out there?"

The two princesses stopped in an empty room. Twilight's eyes stayed fixed on her mentor.

"What do you mean? I was under the impression that-"

"That i had no knowledge of that reality? I don't. Recently though, it was brought to my attention that Hour and Minute hand's spell book had been found....including the spell that Minute Hand had developed..."

A spell book materialized in between them, and opened to a specific page, Twilight stared at it in wonder.

"Twilight, I believe it would be a good idea for us to be the first to ever truly test what worlds we can see using this spell." Celestia smiled. "what do you say?"

A smile grew quickly on Twilight's face, and she nodded fiercly.

After a couple hours of preperation, the two had completed the ritual setup. There were runes inscribed upon the floor and walls so the spell would not only work, but be contained within the room. Celestia checked the book a few more times to make sure the runes were correct.

"It seems we have successfully inscribed the correct runes Twilight. Now....about testing this spell." Celestia spread her wings. "I want to warn you of two things. First, the spell is once time use. Second, the world we see will very likely be beyond our understanding. There is no telling what will be there or how much different this world will be from our own....Understand?"

Twilight nodded. "Of course, Princess."

"Very well, then let us begin."

The two alicorns circled the room, their horns glowing an eerie blue color that seemed to infest each rune they passed by. As they joined at the center, the runes started to float and circle them until all they could see was white.

After a few moments, Twilight opened her eyes and gasped in horror.

They were standing in a field....which looked to have recently bore witness to a war of unspeakable magnitude.


"Princess Twilight!"

The two alicorns quickly turned to the voice, both of their eyes widened.

Across the barren hellscape was what seemed to be a minotaur clad in black armor, the helmet crowned by two horns curving upwards, slung over the knight's shoulder was a large battle axe.

"You have something that belongs to me!"

"No....." Twilight backed away slowly. "Tirek....."

"It seems....but he looks different."

Tirek? lifted his remaining arm, in it, he held a.....human...Twilight's eyes narrowed.

"Wait....isn't that....?"

Celestia gasped.

"Sunset Shimmer?!"

"Or would you like your friends to suffer more!"

Sunset's body hung limply in his arms. It was then that Twilight noticed what lay behind Tirek.


Clad in armor unknown, were human versions of her friends, each battered and broken. Twilight couldn't look away from their downed forms, tears forming as she moved to aid them.....only for Celestia's hoof to stop her.

"We can't interact with them....this is just a vision...."

"No....there has to be some way we can...."

She stopped after faint voice came from behind them.

"S-spike.....wake up......"

Twilight turned around, only for her voice to catch in her throat.

A human version of Rarity, clad in beatiful white and teal armor, lay in a pool of her blood, next to her was a short sword that was extended to form a broken whip blade. She reached out towards a massive dragon that lay motionless mere meters away.

"Spike.....please.....wake up for momma....." Her eyes were barely open as she reached for the dragon with what seemed to be her only working arm.

He wasn't breathing.

Tears started to fall as Twilight fell to her haunches in terror. She had never seen such bloodshed before in her life...it was then that she heard what sounded like singing echo through the air.

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A purple energy streaked across the sky and collided with Tirek, forcing him to drop Sunset Shimmer. Twilight shrank back as another figure landed in front of her and Celestia. She gasped at the appearence of her alternate self.
Human Twilight was clad in darker armor by comparison to her friends. detached black sleeves compliment an armored leotard and a black visor covered her eyes. finally, a pair of black horns curved upwards.
Twilight and Celestia felt the air pulse with a rhythm of unknown origin.

Human Twilight shot forward as magic pulsed from her body, her fist colliding with her opponent's axe.

She blinked out of existance, her leg slamming into Tirek's side, causing him to growl in anger.

"Is....she singing?"

Human Twilight launched into the sky, but was grabbed by tirek's magic and thrown across the field and slammed into the side of a nearby mountain.

As she sang, she fought. Whips of magical energy lancing out and striking against Tirek's armored body, the two exchanging blows that shook the earth.

"Is there truly no way to help....?"

The two watched as human Twilight flew through the air, her ribbons lashing out and deflecting shots of magical fire. Two blades formed from her power and launched towards Tirek's arms.

Tirek phased to the side and reared back, then flung his axe towards the Princess, who teleported behind him and formed her magic into a spear.

Spinning around, Tirek lashed out with a kick, shattering the spear and sending Twilight flying. He leapt into the air, then thrust his hooves down into her chest, causing her to slam into the ground.

through the onslaught, she sang.

Mountains crumbled under the might of their power, as if gods themselves fought. The very earth itself shuddered under each blow.

Twilight stared helplessly as her alternate self was grabbed by the leg and flung into the ground.
She continued to sing.
floating up and speeding backwards, Twilight fired several blasts of energy towards Tirek. She quickly stopped and punched forwards with both fists.

A massive blast of magical power fired from her outstretched arms and collided with Tirek's newly manifested shield.

The shield persisted as Tirek rushed towards her, his axe reappearing in his hand.

He swung with great force, knocking Twilight back once more. she rolled across the ground until hitting a large boulder. She groaned in pain as she stood, blood pouring from where her left arm once was.

Still her song coursed through the air.

She shot towards her foe once more, a blade of brilliant starlight clashing with an axe borne of malice. She winced in pain, her voice straining from the fight. Still she sang, as if the fate of the world itself hung on her every word.

With each strike, she seemed to weaken, yet she still fought on. With each clash, her body would buckle, but would not break.

The two watched in horror as one of Twilight's wings was severed from its root. Yet still she fought. Her ribbons of magic slicing through Tirek's flames and hatred.
She sang with all her heart.

Whether or not her song had meaning didn't matter, her heart persevered through each clash, through each wound, and each drop of blood spilled.
She sang.

Twilight stood, her legs felt like rubber....as if she could fall at any moment. Her glare pierced through Tirek as her wounds closed and her limbs regenerating. She could tell that he too was healing from each injury...yet....he too was faultering.

She began to pool as much magic in front of her for one last strike.
"A blast from the sun itself.....strong enough to tear reality apart....."
Tirek smirked and called upon twisted magic that wreathed his axe in chaos.

The magic ripped through the air, reality itself falling apart.

Tirek's eyes widened as his chaos magic was engulfed by the very power of the sun.


Human Twilight fell to her knees as her spell engulfed the dark king, tearing his very essence to shreds. She glared at the vortex of magical power as it died down. She stood.

Walking to the crater, she leveled her gaze towards the epicenter. Tirek's battered body convulsed as the stolen magic of her world tore its way out of him, returning to its rightful owners.

"N-no....My power!"

Twilight slid down to him, never taking her eyes of his weakening body.
"even with the power of three other Starborne....and every Human in Elysia...You still lost...."
she summoned sword and pointed it at Tirek.

"twilight!" Celestia rushed after her student.

"No! You can't kill him!" Princess Twilight shouted. "You'll be no better!"

"Twilight! She can't hear you!"

Human Twilight raised the blade and was about to plunge it into Tirek's heart...

"Rainbow! Wake up!"

She whipped around at the sound of a familiar voice.


Human Twilight rushed towards her friends, finding human Fluttershy on her knees, holding a bloodied Rainbow Dash in her arms. Blood trickled from her mouth, her eyes were glossy.

"M-mama.....? It feels so....cold....."

Fluttershy's red eyes shot towards Twilight.

"Please! I don't know what to do!"

As human Twilight rushed towards her dying friend, the world began to fade away. Twilight cried out as everything went white.

"NO!" Her hooves slammed against the wall as she wailed in despair. Turning on Celestia, Twilight stared in grief.

"Take us back!"

"I can't...."


"My dearest Twilight...." Celestia bowed her head. "There was no way for us to even help them."


"It was nothing more than a vision of another world beyond ours....it pains my heart to not have been able to help....we can only hope that the world we saw survived...as did the friends of your counterpart."

Twilight slumped down, tears streaming down her cheeks at the thought of losing one of her friends....regardless of the world they came from.
Celestia's wing draped over her student's body, comforting her.

"Come, A visit to the Castle confectionary should help."

Twilight wiped the tears away and smiled.

"Yeah, that sounds great....Thank you Princess."

The chamber doors closed as the two made their way to the confectionary.
On the chamber floors was the book, energy rippling off it's cover, if ever so faintly.

"Oh....this looks like fun...."

A hand materialized around the book and lifted into the air. With a flick, the book was replaced by a fan that covered the face of a young woman with long violet hair streaked with cream colored highlights. Her Purple eyes glistened with manic glee as she smiled wide.

She began to cackle as the world faded to white.

Author's Note:


first story in a LOOOONG time. hopefully this is worthy of everyone's time.
as a note: this is a one shot....or to me more precise, it's a prologue to what is hopefully to come.

and hopefully, as my brother and I work on making this story, my writing skills will improve...and hopefully i've broken no rules with this one.....

eh. oh well, if i have...i'll alter this so it complies with site rules. enjoy!

side note: this site tracks paragraphs....neat.

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