• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 115 Views, 1 Comments

MLP FiM Rewritten: The Filld In Gaps of Equestria's Timelines and Missing Pieces Beginning - Appleshy918

Everyone may think that they know Equestria from MLP FiM, but what if I tell you that you don't know the half of it...or maybe even none of it?

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Prologue 4: Harsh Bitter Winters

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Some of which that you are going to read is going to be some factual and some will be fictional.

Fall was officially over and winter was upon them, these passing days has unfortunately not been easy for either of the carpenters or blacksmiths. Horseshoer and Hestia have been completely out of it due to the shock and heartbreak so it was up to Thundersnow and Gaia Meadowrose to take charge of the slowly developing heavens until the top leaders were feeling better mentally and emotionally, Thundersnow how to pick up so much slack not just on Horseshoer's part but even his own considering not only he's supposed to be second-in-command for his best friend but also because he is the captain.
Thundersnow had to go over all the list and details to not only protect their group but also their homes as well, not to mention there was still the food supply shortage that needed to be figured out at once.
Extra weapons and security protocols would also need to be a necessary must have to keep from getting betrayed and possibly hurt in many horrible ways ever again, the burden of keeping their home and inner circle safe and secured rest squarely on his shoulders and considering his best friend and boss is emotionally and mentally unwell it was all up to him now.
Gaia Meadowrose knew exactly where Thundersnow was coming from, she never saw her big sister Hestia looking so defeated in ever and considering how her big sister always tries her damn hardest to keep the peace and to make sure no one falls apart...but then suddenly it does take some really bad toll on pores hestia's mental and emotional state, Gaia wish to make her big sister happy again but unfortunately she did not know how.
Gaia's task at this current moment was to make sure all group parties remained calm and to take over her sister's duties, she looked out of the corner of her eyes and saw Thundersnow currently struggling with a heavy wagon of papers.
Gaia Meadowrose offered her assistance and Thundersnow happily took it, it was a silent trot to town hall but once they got their words were finally exchanged.

Thundersnow: “Thank you for your help Gaia, I appreciate it.” Thundersnow smiled.

Gaia Meadowrose: “You're welcome Thundersnow, it was no trouble at all.” Gaia smiled back.

Thundersnow and Gaia walked into town hall and went into his office, he was swamped stacks on stacks of paperwork and this extra bit was just more to the list. Thundersnow let out a tired and somewhat defeated sigh, he couldn't lose his mind now considering his best friend and boss isn't mentally and emotionally well yet not to mention he had his own personal duties to fulfill, thundersnow knew he had to stay strong and he couldn't let the overwhelmness take over him now.
Gaia saw the look of defeat on Thundersnow's face and due to the terrible mental and emotional state that her poor sister is in she can relate, Gaia trying to keep up what was left of a positive attitude offered to help Thundersnow once again...or at least tried to the best of her abilities. Thundersnow once again happily accepted her kind offer plus he could use a little bit of company while he was stuck in his office, the duo then got to work on the papers and not all of it was easy.
The demands for extra supplies and bare essentials were literally insane, it would be highly impossible to get at least half of the things they needed because winter has begun and some would have to travel a good bit in order to get what they needed.
Gaia knew this was going to be very tough but she was not going to back down without a fight, she knew she was going to need some help but she was still willing to do it herself.

Gaia Meadowrose: “Thundersnow, I have an idea.”

Thundersnow: “What is it Gaia?”

Gaia Meadowrose: “I'll go down to earth and get the supplies that we need, I will ask two of the carpenters and two of the blacksmiths to accompany me and help me get the supplies.”

Thundersnow's eyes widen in both surprisement and somewhat fear.

Thundersnow: “Are you NUTS GAIA!?!”

Thundersnow shouted that last part out so loud that almost everyone who may have been walking by could have heard it.

Thundersnow: “It's deadly cold out there, What If Only They returned in you don't!?”

Gaia Meadowrose: “I understand your concern Thundersnow, but I assure you will all return safely.”

Gaia said in a calm gentle town.

Thundersnow: “I doubt that, the earth down below at this current moment is a wasteland of winter snow. how can you be so sure that you and four others would make it back alive?”

Gaia Meadowrose: “Earth is a second home to me, it may be wild and unpredictable now but my sister and I friend the earth. we are kind to it and in return it's kind to us.”

Gaia explained that her and her sister were technically residents down on earth, plus their carpenter group has also been residents on Earth before so they would be recognized, and as long as the blacksmiths that will be accompanying her down there they will be recognized as friends so their safety is guaranteed.
Thundersnow thought it over and reluctantly he agreed, he pleaded and begged Gaia to be careful and to also take some supplies with her that she may need. Gaia accepted as she took a small load of supplies and gathered up to carpenters and two blacksmiths, one carpenter was a beautiful flutter pony named Rosa Petals.
Her coat was a vanilla cream butter color, but her mane and tail were the color of a red and pink rose, and the tips of her hair was colored the same color as a yellow rose and her eyes were a beautiful Sapphire Ocean Sky Blue.
Rosa Petals's wings were a bit of a see-through rose gold color and they were as big but slightly larger as a butterfly's wings, And her personality is very kind, wise, realistic, and practical. At the same time, she also has an idealistic side to her. She will and does try to putter her group first before herself, and sees her Inner Circle more than just friends or acquaintances.
Rosa Petals is the future goddess of the flutter ponies, and she will be their creator

The second carpenter is a beautiful female deer named Treesaforest, don't let the gentle and kind look full you because when push comes to shove she could be a real badass.
Treesaforest personality is strong, independent, intimidating, loyal, confident, brave and kind. Treesaforest is also an amazing singer, singing voice is just so smooth. She also is a friend of earth and that's very close connected to it.
One day Treesaforest will also be a goddess and creator of all the deers.

And now was left were the two blacksmiths that is required to join Gaia and the other two Carpenters out on a supply Adventure, the first one's name is Cosmobrights. A male unicorn that keeps the balance and harmony of all worlds safe and secure, he is also the blacksmith of light and dark and known to have good grace and appear heart. The second blacksmith a centaur named Fog Opal, A intelligent, loyal, honourable, kind and generous soul who has an undying love for his inner circle and to whomever he becomes close with.
Fog Opal also has been training and teaching himself how to heal any type of ailments or even heal those that are mentally and emotionally distraught, simply put he's trying to learn how to be a healer for the body, heart, mind, and spirit.

Gaia Meadowrose: “If you guys want to, I could use all four of your help to gather up supplies that we will need.”

Rosa Petals: “Of course Gaia, will be happy to help.”

Treesaforest: *smiled as she nodded in agreement* “You can count on us, Gaia!” Treesaforest said proudly and confidently.

Cosmobrights: *does a gentleman bow* “I'll be happy to help a competent you on getting supplies Miss Gaia.”

Fog Opal: *smiles and nods politely as he took her hoof into his hand before planting a kiss on her hoof* “I am honored that you would also ask me to come along and I promise to listen to everything you say.”

Thundersnow couldn't help it feel territorial when it came to Gaia, just something about her being kissed even if it was just on the hoof just made him feel slightly threatened. he cleared his throat very noisily to get their attention.

Thundersnow: *AHEM!*

Everyone turned their attention to Thundersnow and realized what was going on, Fog Opal sheepishly and gently released Gaia's hoof and apologized.
With all said and done Gaia and the four group members took off down to earth, she couldn't help but giggle at Thundersnow's reaction. It confirmed her suspicions that he was obviously digging on her, and if she's, to be honest, she was also digging on him too.

Horseshoer's Private Quarters

Horseshoer sat at his desk thinking about what he had done wrong because him being the leader of the blacksmiths, their safety and well-being rested squarely upon his shoulders.
He knew he wasn't the only one feeling the mental and emotional pain, Hestia also knows full well about this heavy burden on their shoulders plus she also got the trade by certain members of her own group.

Horseshoer: [ "Wait...HESTIA! how could I've been so selfish and stupid!? of course, she would be suffering just as hard as I am, I'm not the only one that has been betrayed and yet here I am acting like I'm the only one that has been. And what's worse I left Thundersnow alone with the heavy burden of leading the group while at the same time, he does his own work as a captain. I left him with too much on his plate and now he's going to overexert himself, I CAN'T allow this."]

With that, Horseshoer bolted out of his private quarters and ran as fast as he could to town hall. He still may be hurting and not in the best state but he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if his best friend would have fallen ill because he got overexerted.

Town Hall

Thundersnow continue to do as much paperwork as he could, he still felt worried for his best friend slash boss, Hestia and Gaia herself.
It may have been just 10 minutes since Gaia, Rosa Petals, Treesaforest, Cosmobrights and Fog Opal left to go gather some supplies but to him, it seems like it was taking forever.

Thundersnow: [“What am I going to tell Hestia if her little sister doesn't return? How could I ever live with myself if something would happen to her or to the others?"]

Thundersnow debated with himself if he should go down to earth and help Gaia and the other four to get the supplies as well, as of right now the Earth at this current moment is still a winter Wasteland and not properly balanced yet.
Not everyone has an immunity to the cold and if they stay down there that long they could probably catch one, before his thoughts wandered into darker territory Horseshoer barged in scaring the living hell out of Thundersnow, because of that sudden shock he jumped so high up that his head got stuck in the ceiling.

Horseshoer: "THUNDERSNOW!"

Horseshoer exclaimed, as he quickly ran to grab a sturdy ladder from a closet and help Thundersnow pull his head out of the ceiling if possible.

Horseshoer: *finally got Thundersnow's head out of the ceiling* "I am so sorry there buddy."

Thundersnow: “It's okay dude, you pulled me out of my dark thoughts so I owe you one."

Horseshoer and Thundersnow fixed the ceiling and then got to work on those papers, the two made a great tag team filling out papers together and getting things done in the office much faster.
The two were always great at working together and pairing up so well, Horseshoer and Thundersnow are brothers but from different mothers.

Thundersnow: “How are you feeling Sir?" Thundersnow asked very warmly.

Horseshoer: "Slowly recovering, but overall I am getting better. thanks for asking Thunder." Horseshoer said with a warm kind smile.

Thundersnow: “Always Shoer." Thundersnow replied smiling back at him.

Horseshoer and Thundersnow finally finished off over half of that paperwork before Horseshoer quickly headed off to check up on Hestia, Thundersnow was relieved that Gaia wasn't brought up.
But in any case, he was still very worried and hoping that she'd be back in the developing Heavens soon, the days are always short when it's winter and he didn't want any of them to freeze to death down there, especially Gaia.

Hestia's Hut

Hestia sat in her hut at her desk looking over her important books and papers, one book in particular caught her attention just happened to be the same similar book that she gave to Amulea that contain the spells and potions that she believed had good intent turned out to be not so good after all. Hestia was still very devastated at this fact but however there was now possibly a new hope, Amulea had no idea that the book that she continues to use that contains all of her spells and potions is enchanted and connected to Hestia's enchanted book.
Hestia now remembers and realizes all of this, she quickly gathered ink, quills and scrolls that contains every spell and blueprint that Amulea and her ever made together. Fixing and adjusting whatever type of horrible thing that Amulea writes, Hestia will be able to quickly counteract without Amulea and the other traitors knowledge, none of them are aware that whatever they write and that book will just go straight to Hestia's and only she will have access to that book unless you grants someone else permission to access.


Hestia: *not turning away from adjusting and recreating certain spells and potions in the book, but does acknowledge that someone obviously is coming to check on her* “Come in."

Horseshoer: *walked in with a concerned look on his face* “Hesty, I'm sorry to bother you but...I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing."

Hestia: *stopped what she was doing and turn to him smiling very warmly* “I'm doing much better now, sure I'm still hurt and bothered about being betrayed like that...but, I have just realized we can counteract Grogar and Amulea's plans."

Horseshoer: *raised eyebrow* “How so?"

Hestia: “I gave Amulea a book at one point, but not just any book, an enchanted book. whatever she writes and it will go straight to my enchanted book, which means I can rewrite and counteract whatever type of evil thing she is trying to put out in the world. one of the best parts is she doesn't know that both of those books are connected to one another and things that she may put in her book will stay the same meanwhile I can change it on my end and she doesn't have access to this book that I have."

Horseshoer: *begin smiling very brightly* “Good idea! you really are clever."

Hestia: *giggled slightly* “Thanks Shoer."

Town Hall

Thundersnow finally finished up and was ready to call it a night, however there was one thing that stopped him.

Thundersnow: [“Gaia...where are you? it's been hours."]
Thundersnow thought to himself very worriedly.

He knew full well that Gaia and the others should have been back by now but they weren't, he feared for their health and safety.
Thundersnow knew full well that he should inform Hestia and Horseshoer, but because of his best friend finally starting to feel a little better and not to mention he doesn't know Hestia's state of mind right now. He thought it'd be a good idea if he just left them a note while he personally goes out there down on the freezing blizzard of Earth and get them back himself.
Thundersnow quickly wrote two notes and left one at the office and the other at Horseshoer's Private Quarters, with that out of the way, Thundersnow quickly packed his saddlebags and headed down to earth to try to find Gaia and the others.


Earth indeed was definitely a wasteland of snow and ice in the winter and very bitterly cold, it only got like that because the land needed time to heal and rebirth itself to get ready for the following springs and summers to come.
Many supplies were definitely hard to come by in the winter, sometimes you are lucky to even find what you needed to survive at least a week before you had to go out again, Gaia thankfully knew much safer routes to get where they needed to gather their supplies.
The chilly crisp air nipped at all of their noses and even occasionally made them run, Gaia thankfully have some handkerchiefs with her and happily gave them to her company.

Cosmobrights: “Thank you Gaia, I often get a small case of the sniffles whenever it gets cold out. And I forgot to bring my handkerchief, so I appreciate you giving me one."

Gaia Meadowrose: “It's no problem at all Cosmo, I'm glad to help."

Treesaforest: “GAIA! I just now finished collecting all the gallons of water that we will need."

Rosa Petals: “And I just finished Gathering the food that we will all need, and I can guarantee that this will definitely last us until spring."

Gaia Meadowrose: “That's wonderful girls! now we just need to gather up some medical supplies, plus firewood and a large crate of iron."

Fog Opal: “Thankfully the resources for medical supplies are easily found with the path that we're on, so you just leave that to me."

Gaia Meadowrose: “I will get the crate that contains the iron that will need. Treesa and Rosa, would you please gather the firewood?"

Treesaforest and Rosa Petals: “Yes Gaia."

Gaia Meadowrose: “Thank you so much, girls."

With that said the five of them begin to collect the rest of the supplies that would last until spring officially arrived, they wasted no time to continue down on their path and begin collecting the following items that are required.
Meanwhile, Thundersnow continue to search desperately for the small group members that were out collecting supplies. Completely unaware that they were doing fine and were just about done on their outing, Thundersnow's paranoia and the worst-case scenario finally got the better of him and he was out in the freezing cold and had no clue where the crap he was going.
Thundersnow may be a strong powerful pegasus, and anything that was related to the snow was indeed up his alley. That didn't mean that he still was safe from getting sick from it, Thundersnow had already developed a runny muzzle and had no idea where he was currently going, like the stubborn Captain blacksmith he was he continued forward and vowed never to stop until he finds them.
Thundersnow's muzzle twitched and flare up, he felt little icicles growing in his nose hair, and finally his sinuses just couldn't take it anymore. The chilly air finally got to his sinuses, Thundersnow unfortunately had no tissue or hanky with him, so he quickly used one of his front four legs and his wing to sneeze in.

Thundersnow: *breathe hedged as he quickly wrapped his four leg and wing around his muzzle* a-a-A-A-A-CHOO! *sniffle* “Uhhh, I HATE sneezing...I'm glad no one heard me."
He said grumbling to himself, with that said Thundersnow continued to search well at the same time trying to stifle back whatever sneeze came his way.

Gaia Meadowrose: *looking over the list to see if they had everything that they needed until this spring* “Ok, water?"

Treesaforest: “finished collecting all 41 gallons of water, and to make sure we don't run out regardless I took the liberty of getting 5 extra barrel size buckets of water."

Gaia Meadowrose: *checked it off the list* “Food?"

Rosa Petals: “Collected enough where it will even last us even after the first two months of spring."

Gaia Meadowrose: *checked it off the list* “Firewood?"

Cosmobrights: “Got all that we need plus a little extra to last at least seven more months."

Gaia Meadowrose: *checked it off the list* “And the medical supplies?"

Fog Opal: “Successfully collected enough that will last us until 2 weeks in this coming spring."

Gaia Meadowrose: *checked it off the list* “It seems that we're all set! now as for my part-"

Gaia was suddenly cut off sensing trouble in the distance beyond the path that she and her group were on, and she wasn't the only one that was feeling that disturbance. Treesa, Rosa, Cosmo and Fog Opal also sensed some trouble.
They all looked to each other very worriedly as they hurried and put the rest of the supplies onto their sled like chariot and dashed off to the direction where they felt a great disturbance and somewhat distress, the five followed the sounds very closely and soon they reached a dangerous territory regarding Earth's Frozen Wasteland.
Gaia, Treesa, Rosa, Cosmo and Fog Opal were in icy water plus Avalanche territory, any type of sudden loud noises could end in serious disaster for all of them. Just one wrong step or the tiniest sneeze could get them all buried in a blanket of ice-cold snow plus being knocked into the frozen water, they had to move fast but very carefully at the same time so it's not to cause any disturbance.
Gaia and the group swiftly but carefully begin to look around to see who was in danger and in distress, it didn't take too long to find who it was especially when they heard someone's breath hitched.

Gaia Meadowrose: *was in horror when she realized who it was and what was about to happen* “Oh no."
she said realizing who it was and what was about ready to happen, well still to the best of her abilities tried to be very quiet.

Thundersnow knew fully well he was in dangerous territory, just a sudden loud noise and he was a goner not to mention whoever might be caught in the crossfire would also be done for, unfortunately though his muzzle was so agitated it just didn't care.
He desperately tried to hold back his sneeze with all of his might but unfortunately, he didn't know how much longer he could, his muzzle desperately itched and twitched but no matter how many times he rubbed and scratched it but it just wouldn't go away.
Thundersnow's sinuses had finally got the better of him, he can no longer control it let alone Hold It Back.

Thundersnow: *breath hedged very loudly* a-a-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-ACHOO!

The damage has been done but not on purpose, every bit of ice and snow from the highest peak of plants and mountains Begins to Fall. Gaia, Treesa, Rosa, Cosmo and Fog Opal knew they all had to act fast, Thundersnow as fast as he could quickly tap into his abilities despite not feeling well and also embarrassed knowing full well that the development Heavens themselves heard him sneeze.

Gaia Meadowrose: “QUICK EVERYONE!" Gaia called out among the deafening noise. “tap in and activate your powers and hurry!"

With that said everyone followed Gaia's lead, tapping into their powers as she led the way for their protection and to save Thundersnow.
Meanwhile as Thundersnow tried his very best to play his part, to help and save everyone that was caught in the crossfire even though it was his own fault. He did his very best to help and fix his mistakes as he followed Gaia's lead as well, all of them keeping an eye on one another and also making sure that they dodged whatever icicle fell by and even surf to some extent on the snow.
It was not easy surfing the waves of the snow and even the ice cold water itself, it doesn't help that they all nearly got impaled by Falling icicles while at the same time balancing the supplies that they stocked up on. Finally after 30 minutes of Surfing dodging and skipping around the Fallen icicles snow and debris, they were finally safe and free from the craziness that transpired.
Thankfully their supplies was still intact and most importantly they were intact, Gaia turned her attention to Thundersnow and before she could even say anything he unintentionally Cut Her Off.

Thundersnow: ACHOO! *blushed after realizing what he just did* “GAIA! I-"

Gaia Meadowrose: *just giggled* “Bless you, Thundersnow."
She said as she gently wiped his muzzle with one of her handkerchiefs.

Thundersnow: *blushed as he began to smile and allowed her to wipe his muzzle as he was enjoying it* “Thank you, Gaia."
He said in somewhat of a low deep warm voice.

Now with that part of the adventure said and done for now, Gaia and the rest of the group head back up to the developing Heavens along with the rest of the supplies that they were able to not lose and surprisingly hung onto, they also knew that they had a lot of explaining to do to Horseshoer and Hestia. Who undoubtedly is very worried and possibly even pissed at the worst because they did not say where they were going verbally, Gaia didn't honestly care if she got in trouble as long as the others didn't, she did ask for their help after all and not to mention she didn't wish to disturb her sister or Horseshoer because she saw and felt how mentally and emotionally unwell they were they might as well not be bothered at that moment.

The Developing Heavens

Horseshoer and Hestia were indeed waiting for them all to come back at the entrance and of course, they were highly worried and a little bit pissed at them that they didn't say where they were going and what they were doing, they may have gotten the notes that thundersnow left them but they were still very upset that they were not told verbally.
At this current moment though What mattered to them is that they felt their auras drawing very close to them so they didn't have to go out as they thought they needed to, and as long as they'll be okay they will try their best to let it slide for now.
But at this moment Gaia and the others had some explaining to do, so of course when they saw them finally coming they happily welcomed them back but however they did Express a little bit of concern and upset slightly.

Hestia: *death grip hugging her sister and voice somewhat shaken out of worried and angered a bit* “Where have you and the others been little sister?! we've been worried sick ever since we got Thundersnow's note!"

Gaia Meadowrose: *hugging her dear beloved big sister back* “I'm so sorry we have worried you big sister, but considering the state that you and Horseshoer were in we just didn't want to disturb you at the time."

Thundersnow: *blowing his muzzle unintentionally noisily* “Even I didn't wish to disturb you two while you guys were mentally and emotionally recovering from the heartache." Hnnnnpp! “Uhhh!"

Horseshoer: *now turning his attention to his best friend and Captain* “Sounds like you caught the flu while you were down there trying to get the others back here."

Thundersnow: *stubbornly* “I did not catch the flu nor do I have it."

Horseshoer: “You're right, maybe it's just a cold."

Thundersnow: “I don't have a cold either." *very stubborn and grumpy*

Horseshoer: “I'll let Hestia be the judge of that." *very Stern and assertively*

Hestia: *placing her hoof on Thundersnow's forehead* “The good news is it's not the flu-"


Hestia: “But the bad news is you do have a cold, I would have told you that if you would allow me to finish what I was going to say."

Horseshoer: *turning his attention back to Thundersnow* “Do you have anything else to add Captain hot shot? or should I say, Captain Cold shot?"

Thundersnow: “Haha very funny."

Gaia Meadowrose: “Since we got the supplies we could always make a special get well soup, not to mention we do have the medical supplies will need to help take care of him with."

Hestia: “Good thinking Gaia, I advise you to get into bed immediately thundersnow. and while you're resting soup will be prepared immediately."

Thundersnow: “Does this mean wear off the hook?" *realized a little too late what he just said*

Horseshoer: “Just because we're letting you get into bed before you get worse doesn't mean you guys are scot-free yet, in order for our conversation about this Reckless act can continue every one of you needs to be in good health."

Treesaforest: “You and your big mouth Captain." *was not happy with him that he reminds them that they're all going to have a Stern talking to later*

Thundersnow: “OH COME ON! It just slipped out unintentionally, you can't fault me for that!"

Treesaforest: “Can, will and do."

Thundersnow: *goes to try to protest but what comes out was an interruption from his own muzzle* ACHOO! *blushing after realizing he sneezed in front of almost everyone then begins to hide behind his wings grumbling in embarrassment*

Gaia Meadowrose: “I'll get Thundersnow to his quarters, afterwards I'll come back and help put our supplies away then make some soup for him."

Hestia: “Alright Gaia, don't forget to leave him some tissues."

Gaia Meadowrose: “Don't worry I won't."

with that said, Gaia took Thundersnow to his room and make sure he had everything he needed at the moment before heading back out to help put their new fully filled-up supplies away and then got working on the special soup for Thundersnow and everyone else who will probably want some to make sure that whatever cold germ is now going around they don't catch it.
Hestia and Gaia made a giant cauldron pot of their special childhood get-well soup, everyone that was in the developing Heavens took one whiff of the air and couldn't help but already lined up for the upcoming homemade soup, Horseshoer couldn't help but have his mouth so watery when he smelt the are of how delicious that soup was.

Gaia Meadowrose: “Looks like everyone can't wait to taste our special soup sister."

Hestia: “Yes, I can see that." *begin to giggle a bit*

Hestia and Gaia continue to cook the special homemade veggie noodle get-well soup, as the soup continues to cook Gaia slices the thing of bananas in small circulars, Hestia cooked some rice along with making homemade applesauce and Gaia made a crap ton of toast plus the different types of homemade jellies and jams to put on that said toast.
Finally The Carpenters made different types of tea and juices to go along with the meal that they'll be serving, but then they both realize they forgot one of the most important things, a special dessert that will go along with the meal very nicely.

Gaia Meadowrose: “Hestia, we forgot about the desert."

Hestia: “I know Gaia but we can't make the dessert while cooking the other meals at the same time at this current moment, besides we don't know what dessert we're going to be serving so we need to think about that at least."

Gaia Meadowrose: “You are right big sister, we didn't discuss what dessert we should serve with our meal, I hope we think of something before it's time to serve the food because I want to bring in that said dessert to Thundersnow."

Hestia: “Don't worry little sister, Shirley will think of something very soon."

Hestia and Gaia continue to cook and Ponder on what type of dessert will go with the food that they will be serving, as they were deep in thought that is when the perfect dessert came to mind...Jell-O Pudding! not only it won't weigh heavy on you but it can be pretty healthy as well well at the same time sweet like candy, and they knew exactly what kind of Jello pudding it should be.
A “Fruity Treats Delight Jell-O Pudding" made with the sweetest freshest fruit ever grown on top of adding a little bit of sweets here and there, of course not too many sweets cuz it still needs to be healthy to make your immune system very strong antique cure what every cold or flu bug you may have.
Once Hestia and Gaia were officially done with the meal they begin working on the desert, it took a little extra longer plus everyone was starting to get a little Rowdy for waiting for so long, but finally it was done.

Hestia: *place the sliced bananas, a small bowl of rice, a small bowl of applesauce and a plate of toast with blueberry jelly onto the tray with the desert and soup, plus with freshly squeezed red rose orange tea* “Take this to thundersnow and make sure you grab an extra box of tissues plus another thing of cough drops, just knowing enough about him I know for a fact that his cold has worsened by now so you best go prepared."

Gaia Meadowrose: “Already on it Hestia." *taking the train with the food and drink on it and heading off to Thunder's quarters*

Gaia Meadowrose took the meal plus the extra Med supplies to Thundersnow as her sister Hestia took care of serving the meal to everyone else, Gaia knew that Thundersnow was going to need more than just extra tissues and cough drops. Thundersnow was going to need some extra heating blankets plus some homemade remedy cold medicines, thankfully there were extra heating blankets to spare plus the ingredients to make a quick cold medicine.
setting the tray down and making sure it was covered to keep specific foods and drinks warm like the soup, Gaia quickly went to the section that had the first aid medical supplies and gathered the following ingredients...“Pine Oil, Peppermint, Rosemary, Herbs and Honey."
Gaia boiled it a bit before letting it cool off just enough to put in a homemade bottle that she had crafted, she was very happy that she was able to pick up on how to make different types of home remedies and medicines for those who are not well, what the medicine now made she began her journey back on to thundersnow's quarters.

Thundersnow: *laying in the bed feeling miserable from the cold but also stubbornly trying to deny that he is sick* A-A-A-ACHOO!


Thundersnow: *stuffed up and with a raspy voice* “Come in."

Gaia Meadowrose: *walked in with his food and Medicine* “Hey Thundersnow, how are you feeling?"
[“Has if I already didn't know and should really need to ask."] she said to herself already knowing it was unnecessary to ask but still asked out of both habit and kindness.

Thundersnow: *groaning slightly before trying to give someone of a decent smile* “I could say that I don't need to be in bed and I'm feeling just fine, but it won't matter what I say because my own body would deceive me."

Gaia Meadowrose: *setting the tray down close enough for him to reach, then proceeds to cover him up with the extra warm blankets that she got* “I'm Sorry you got sick trying to find us Thunder."

Thundersnow: *begin to smile warmly as he reached his hoof up and gently held the side of her face* “I do it again if I needed to and keep doing it for all of eternity, especially if it means keeping everyone in my inner circle safe and out of Harm's Way."

Gaia Meadowrose: *smiling back at him as she nuzzles into his hoof and places a cold compress on his forehead* “And I'd be happy to be your personal nurse for as long as you may have me."

Thundersnow: “That depends on how long you wish to stay." *giving a Sly flirty smile*

Gaia Meadowrose: *begin to blush as she also began to giggle* “Well aren't you just a naughty patient."
she responded back playfully and slightly flirty.

Thundersnow: “Not naughty, flirty, there's a difference."
he retorted back at her playfully.

Thundersnow: “In all seriousness Gaia, I'm glad you really are here. I know it hasn't been too long since you and your group got here but I don't think I can imagine my life without you."

Gaia Meadowrose: “I feel the same way Thunder, I wish for us to try dating for a while, and if all goes well perhaps married."

Thundersnow smiled and went to tell her that he agreed and was on the same page, unfortunately those words did not make it out of his lips.
instead it was a snot cover response, not a clear verbal response.

Thundersnow: AAACHOO! “Uhhh!"

Gaia Meadowrose: *giggle a bit as she grabbed the tissue and wiped his muzzle* “Bless you."

Thundersnow: *smiled up at her as he allowed her to wipe his muzzle* “Thank you."

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