• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 115 Views, 1 Comments

MLP FiM Rewritten: The Filld In Gaps of Equestria's Timelines and Missing Pieces Beginning - Appleshy918

Everyone may think that they know Equestria from MLP FiM, but what if I tell you that you don't know the half of it...or maybe even none of it?

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Prologue 3: Traitors In Our Mix

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Some of which that you are going to read is going to be some factual and some will be fictional.

The Grand Tour had ended and supper was underway, because sadly there was still very little food Horseshoer and Thundersnow happily shared their plate of food with Hestia and Gaia. Which both mares happily appreciated, of course they felt bad that the two stallions gave up quite a bit from their plates, Hestia and Gaia couldn't help but feel bad considering Horseshoer and Thundersnow barely had anything on their plates now. it was indeed a sign that they had very little and that they were sacrificing most of it for not only their own group but also for Hestia and her own group.
Horseshoer and Thundersnow both smiled warmly and assuringly at the mares, indicating that they were perfectly fine with it as they also nodded.

Horseshoer: “It's alright fillies, personally I'm not that hungry anyway."

Thundersnow: “Same here, our top priority is making sure all of you are fed. even if it means sacrificing a little bit off our own plates."

Hestia: “...You guys shouldn't have to do that, I apply you for what you guys are doing but it still shouldn't be this way."
Hestia said somberly and guiltfully.

Gaia Meadowrose: “Hestia's right, though we can relate it's still very depressing."

Thundersnow: “It's literally our job Miss Gaia." *Smiles warmly and assuringly* “We thank you for caring but it's no problem at all."

Horseshoer: “Thundersnow is right, we appreciate your caring and compassionate but just leave the troubles to us and we will figure something out as soon as we can."
Horseshoer said confidently.

Hestia: “I don't doubt it Shoer, I just feel guilty that we're basically making you sacrifice your own food for us."

Horseshoer: “Miss Hesty, I promise you it's no trouble for us at all. Thundersnow and I look out for our group's well-being, and that includes our guests as well."
Horseshoer said with a warm gentle tone, smile and charm. Not just, any charm but a specific charm, one that not only holds confidence and reassurance, but also true generous, honesty, kindness and loyalty as well.
Hestia knew right then and there that he is indeed the one and only, as his aura continue to give off that same glow that his tone gave off she knew right then and there that she now need to prove herself to him.
However unknown to her she already had just begun to prove it to him, Horseshoer felt that aura beaming right back from her onto him, and that's when he then realized that he too also had found the one.

Unfortunately though the good times will not last forever, unknown to both of them, they both had traitors in their own mix, they will personally stop at nothing to make their lives a living hell. One of them was named Grogar, a ram sorcerer who also happened to be a blacksmith in Horseshoer's group and will soon be known as "The Father Of Monsters."

Grogar is a force to be reckoned with, his Bewitching Bell contains a pot load of magic most specifically dark magic.
His personality is cold, ruthless and dangerous, he's also very power-hungry and has been waiting for his moment to stab Horseshoer in the back. Grogar's master plan is to stab everyone in their backs, except for the ones that happens to be his followers and that worships the ground that he walks on, but even then he wouldn't be opposed to betraying them especially after he got everything that he wanted from them.
Horseshoer personally knows that Grogar is contain with dark negative energy and magic, but however if used a correct way it could be used as a force for good instead of evil. Horseshoer got a bad vibe from Grogar since day one, he just desperately wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and also be proven wrong about him not betraying any of them. Unfortunately little did Horseshoer know that Grogar was too far gone and he was just a lost cost, Grogar managed to gain a small bit of followers even from Horseshoer's group, the false promises that he'd be a much more qualified better leader than Horseshoer and will solve problems much quicker and easier than what he ever could.
So blinded by the lies and false promises that they decided to follow Grogar instead of their actual boss who has proven to be more kind and compassionate Grogar.

Horseshoer wasn't the only one who had traitors In his mix, poor Hestia also had them but unfortunately she was unaware of it. Amulea, a human among Hestia's group. Amulea is no ordinary human, she was a carpenter which imposing as a wicca, just someone who practice medicine and healing techniques, offering her services to anyone who may need it.
Hestia was so mood and impressed by Amulea's talents, abilities and smarts that she offered her a job as natural healing medicine woman in her group, and not only that but to also to use it on those who truly needs it other than her own group, even going as far as to ask about her preserving her knowledge by teaching them how it's done.
Amulea then realized it was a golden opportunity for her, getting close and gathering secrets could prove to be useful and very helpful for her very own selfish reasons, plus the leader Hestia seemed to be very stupid and a very easy one to sucker so she did not dare pass up that opportunity. Amulea also knew that Hestia contained some special abilities and powers, so if she played her cards right she would indeed have all the power at her fingertips.
Amulea also started to grow her own followers and worshippers overtime when Hestia first ask her to be a part of their group, some of Hestia's own group members are planning on stabbing her in the back when Amulea gives the signal.

Grogar had sensed there were also traitors in Hestia's group, Amulea seems to have a similar goal and just like Grogar, she will not stop until she gets everything she wants, overthrowing Hestia is just the tip of the iceberg and she obviously have more plans in mine than just that.
While the leaders and their group is distracted with super and small talk, Grogar saw his opportunity to pull Amulea aside and talk to her about his plan and then asking her to be one with his group, knowing full well they all will be unstoppable together. Grogar offered a partnership and whatever Amulea wants she'll get, the ram was very persistent on wanting her and him to be partners but before they could officially be partners they would have to not only have an alliance but a contract as well.
Amulea said that she needed extra time to think about it and they would still have to talk about everything with their respected groups together, none of them can't risk losing their faithful followers and worshippers, they had to make it look good for them specifically to indicate that they do care what their followers have to say. what exactly was the point of stabbing Horseshoer and Hestia in their back if they didn't have their crutches, shields and sacrifices willing to do anything for them especially risk their own lives to save their asses?
Amulea knew full well that she didn't build up her reputation behind Hestia's back, getting the ones that was willing to forsaken Hestia and go against her with allies that she fed to them about her and then have it settling ripped away from her, especially if truth got out early and they all realize that Amulea it's not the one to listen to and or follow.

Grogar knew Amulea had a point, if he would make a sudden big decision without asking his followers and worshippers what they wanted or needed they would surely catch him in his act and he could be done for and everything be taken away so suddenly. NO, Grogar worked his ass off to get to where he is right now and he'd be damned if he lost it so suddenly, Grogar needed to make sure that his followers and worshipers would support him on this decision, and just like Amulea once they made their decision there was no going back.

Grogar: “You are absolutely right Amulea, we both worked too damn hard to have them betray us now."

Amulea: “Exactly my point Grogar, I even entrusted one of those gullible idiots with some of my secrets. Thankfully I scared them bad enough that they wouldn't dare to take a peek in it, but if they would ever go against me I'm pretty sure one of them would have the cojones to do so."

Grogar: “Indeed you are right, it's even the same with me."

Amulea: “So we agreed? make sure our followers and worshippers are on board with this idea, and then overthrow Horseshoer and Hestia?"

Grogar: “Yes, right after we go over our plans and sign some agreements and contracts here and there."

Amulea: “Who knows ramey, if all goes well we can rule the entire world together maybe even start our own towns and nations."

Grogar: “I like the way you think fleshy, no doubt about will have all living beings that are created catered to our every whim."

Amulea: “It's settled then, but before this conversation ends I must know...where exactly is this meeting going to be held?"

Grogar: “at Town Hall of course, where else would you think?" Grogar said sarcastically. Amulea: “Fair enough, but isn't that place guarded very well?" Amulea asked incredulously

Grogar: *smiled and laughed deviously* “I literally have the privilege and pleasure of guarding that place, I have just about every access to almost every room you can think of. either one room that contains some classified documents of my potions and spells." he beamed and said being cocky.

Amulea: “just about and almost is not exactly full access to everything in there." she remarked mockingly.

Grogar was not happy being mocked and he made that perfectly clear with her.

Grogar: *narrowed his eyes* “HEY! that's a work in progress! it's not exactly easy gaining Horseshoer's trust when he expects that you're up to no good, so getting all access is still a work in progress!"

Amulea: “HA! did you truly do need a Lady's Help, thankfully I have an idea of my own. not to mention I've got something that will help out with this current situation."
Amulea pulled the book out of her bag, but not just any old book. A book that contained ancient old spells, potions, blueprints and instructions on how to do them correctly. Oddly enough that booked look like it belonged to Hestia at one point, but now a good portion of it is unrecognizable.

Amulea: “Hestia gave me one of her important books that contains ancient old spells, potions, blueprints and instructions, she even encouraged me to add whatever knowledge that I have into this book so it would be well preserved. I almost feel sorry for that numbskull, she unknowingly gave me almost every power that I could ever want plus putting my own stuff into it, she even crafted me a wicca necklace that has all the powers of a wicca. but little does she know I'm actually a witch!"


Amulea laughed, knowing full well what Hestia did was very stupid and reckless. She obviously put a lot of faith and trust into this quote "Wicca" failing to realize that it was an imposter, an opportunist, a traitor, and even a backstabber that will go as far as to harming those in her Inner Circle even the ones that are very loyal to her to the end.
Grogar smiled wickedly, he knew now to never underestimate Amulea and that she truly is the wickedness of them all.

Grogar: “Impressive indeed Amulea, we truly will be an Unstoppable team."

Amulea: “If we play our cards right that is, we must make sure that our followers and worshippers are on board with this before our plans can continue on."

With that said, Grogar and Amulea headed right back to the others and played it off as an innocent conversation that they had to each other. Horseshoer and Hestia had a sinking feeling that their group members were up to no good but they just didn't want to admit it especially Hestia, Hestia most of all didn't like that feeling or to admit that Amulea was up to no good.
She did put a lot of her faith and trust into Amulea after all, even at one point her own Inner Circle and her own life, so she would be very devastated if that was truly the case. Even though that Hestia is known to take precaution just in case if anyone in her group would betray her, it would still be very devastating nonetheless because she trusts everyone in her Inner Circle.
Hestia may sense now clearer than ever that Amulea is nothing more than a phony-baloney, she just wishes that part could be wrong and that it ain't true, but even Horseshoer sense it too and just like Hestia he also hopes for this to be false but it's unfortunately highly unlikely.
Just as soon as night felled Grogar and Amulea gathered their followers slash worshippers and headed to town hall, once getting to the meeting room Grogar was the first speak and call the meeting to order. There he began to explain his plans and goals, going into much detail as possible and of course sitting close to him was none other than Amulea, carefully listening to everything that he is saying and also prepared to make the deals and agreements.

Grogar: “And that my lovely followers is how we're going to overthrow Horseshoer and Hestia, and also why I think we need more allies."

Amulea: “Even I think there is no reason to question or argue on this, two parties are better than one after all and besides the weaklings will never know what truly hit them."

Grogar: “EXACTLY! there is a saying that there are power and numbers, and together we will be stronger than ever."

Each group looked at one another and then each other, they thought about it among themselves and not all of them really had any objections or questions to this. However there seemed to be one that had questions and even concerns, a gargoyle named Swordpot.
Swordpot was not only the very first gargoyle but also the very first male in the carpenter group, Hestia's group were mainly all females and he was surprisingly the very first male in that group. It's very surprising that Swordpot would betray Hestia and Gaia, Swordpot's personality is a good heart and gentle personality and likes hugs and cuddling, he some misunderstood vulnerable creature and that's exactly how Amulea tricked him into working for her. She played on his vulnerable state and deep down inside he knows he's making a big mistake, Swordpot raised his hand confidently but very nervously.

Grogar: “Yes Swordpot, what's your question?"

Swordpot: *begins sweating nervously* “Forgive me if it seems that I'm questioning your Authority...but aren't we all making a big mistake betraying our groups?" Swordpot said as he continued. “They were there for us the most when we needed them, and it seems wrong of us to go against them without any actual good reasoning."

Amulea: “You truly are an idiot Swordpot, are supposed groups can't offer us anything that we want let alone what we need." Amulea said, continuing to manipulate him and pull up a vulnerable state that he's in. “Hestia and Gaia only let someone like you sticking around because they just filled that bad for you, they know you'll never find anyone to actually love you for you. not just because your appearance but also because of your own smarts which it's really none at all, I'm literally offering to help this wonderful group out like yourself actually fine not only true love but also true happiness. something that Hestia and Gaia CAN'T do."

Swordpot then went quiet as he sat back down with his head down, Hestia and Gaia were honestly the reason why he was there in that group in the first place, they see beauty in everything even in someone like him but according to what Amulea is saying it's all a lie.

Grogar: “now with all of that said I believe we all have some paperwork and contracts to fill out, so Amulea if you'd kindly start off first with you and your group signing these papers, I'm sure by the time when daylight comes will-"

???: “NOT SO FAST!"
A male and female voice rang out interrupting the contract and paperwork signing, the group turned their attention to where the voices were coming from and saw some very uninvited and pissed off guess.
Horseshoer, Hestia, Thundersnow, Gaia Meadowrose and the rest of their groups behind the four leaders were all looking piss, disappointed and devastated.
Hestia could barely keep from crying when she saw members of not just her own group but Horseshoer's group betrayed them like this, Swordpot couldn't bear the thought of causing to ponies along with true friends in the actual right group hurting like this.

Gaia Meadowrose: “HOW COULD YOU ALL!?" Gaia yelled at the top of her lungs not bothering to hold back what furia she had. “we...TRUSTED YOU!"

Amulea: *smirked and cackle evilly* “You guys are the idiots for not making sure if I was who I said I am, maybe if you guys were more aware of who you are dealing with you would have really known who I am."

Grogar: “I must say that I give Horseshoer more credit than what I give Hestia, at least he had his guard up and wasn't going to make a stupid mistake like some of you did."

Horseshoer: “Don't you dare start talking trash to or about Hestia!" Horseshoer shouted angrily, knowing full well Hestia is hurting more than what he is.

Amulea: “It looks like the knight in shining armor is trying to protect his fair maiden." Amulea mocked.

Before any other words were exchanged Grogar and Amulea ignited their powers and quickly disappeared with their followers slash worshippers, because earth was untamed at the time not to mention unpredictable and not yet claimed, Grogar and Amulea knew exactly where the setup basecamp and afterwards begin building their very first kingdom before they claim the future heavens. As of right now certain contracts and paperwork still needed to be filled out, so before all else setting up base camp and then working on the papers and contracts will be the first move before their actual plans begins.