• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 341 Views, 4 Comments

A new chapter begins - CrimsonBrony4812

Sunny Starscout and her friends receive a package from former rulers.

  • ...

Final chapter

As Sunny and her friends walked towards all the ponies, they noticed how diverse all the ponies were. Almost every Unicorn was wearing different eras of fashion, Earth Ponies were ranging from small to large, and Pegasi were mostly wearing specially designed clothes, with the exception of a few wearing stained lab coats. As they got to the large gathering area that they would discuss about bringing all of Equestria together, three Alicorns flew overhead and landed within the ponies. Sunny immediately went over to them.

"Drake, Luna, Twilight? What are you doing here?" Sunny asked.

"We're here to act as crowd control," Luna said.

"We don't want a fight happening here," Drake said, "It would be a disaster." After that, the Alicorns gathered everypony up to start. After several days, and one minor skirmish between some drunk Earth Ponies, all the leaders decided it was time for Equestria to reunite. Most of the Unicorns were not pleased with the lack of dominance of being leaders of fashion, being unable to be prominent in every town and other things, now that Earth Ponies and Pegasi had some fashion leaders and some incredible singers, and had their own leading figures. Pegasi were pretty quick to agree since Queen Haven was there with Sunny. Earth Ponies were borderline but agreed to rejoin, seeing that there was no more hostility between ponies. After it was all over, Sunny and her friends went to talk with the Alicorns, who were about to leave.

"Well, Sunny," Twilight said, "how did you think it went?"

"I think it went GREAT!" Sunny said, "Dad's dream of reuniting Equestria finally happened!"

"We're happy for you," Luna said, "but you have to make sure that all ponykind stays together. There will be ponies who probably aren't happy with some of the agreements and you'll have to work that out."

Twilight noticed Fluttershy with Sunny and flew at Fluttershy and gave her a hug, happy to see a friend after so long. Twilight then invited Fluttershy to come with them, since Discord was there. Fluttershy agreed to come and waved goodbye to Sunny and her friends as she flew off with the Alicorns.

When Sunny and her friends came back to Maretime Bay, she shared the news with all the town. Pipp announced that she would have a concert in celebration. While Pipp worked on planning her concert, far away some Unicorn leaders had gathered together in secret. Outside of Unicorns in Bridlewood, Unicorns had become very prideful and thought that they were superior. So it displeased most of the Unicorn leaders when they heard that all of ponykind was to be treated on an equal level. This idea offended all the highest Unicorn leaders, so some of them worked together to come up with a plan to destroy Maretime Bay and prove that they were the superior pony. It didn't take them long to think of a plan and gather an army of Unicorns, before heading towards Maretime Bay. After planning for a couple of days, Pipp finally announced that her concert was ready. For the next two days, ponies helped build a giant stage outside Maretime Bay for Pipp's performance. When the day for Pipp's performance arrived, ponies were flocking to the stage hours early. Meanwhile the Unicorn army was starting to get close to Maretime Bay. Queen Haven who was flying over to Pipp's performance noticed the army. When she landed she quickly made her way to Sunny.

"Sunny," Queen Haven said to Sunny, "There is an army of Unicorns coming this way, we have to stop this and prepare to defend Maretime Bay." Sunny was shocked about the news, and didn't know what to do. Hitch immediately went to the crowd and told them about the situation and for all of them to go to Maretime Bay to help prepare.

"Sunny," Zipp said, "Do you think the Alicorns can help?"

"I don't know, but it can't hurt to try," Sunny said. Zipp quickly flew off.

It was starting to become dark when the Unicorn army came to the outskirts of Maretime Bay.

"Commander," A Unicorn officer said, "Should we attack now?"

"No," The Unicorn Commander said, "The great and powerful one wants to attack during the day, so the ponies can see who is leading their demise."

Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, Zipp arrived at the Alicorns castle, completely worn out from the flight, and started to knock on the door. A few moments later, Luna opened the door.

"What is it?" Luna asked, concerned about Zipp. Zipp tried to answer, but was so out of breath, all she could do was make incoherent sounds. Luna led Zipp inside and got Zipp some water to drink.

"Hopefully this will allow you to tell us what's going on," Luna said.

"There's an army of Unicorns heading to Maretime Bay, and we don't know what to do," Zipp said quickly.

"WHAT?!?!?" Luna said in the royal voice, waking every creature in a five mile radius.

"Luna!" Celestia said from up in her room, "Be quiet!" Luna, displeased, teleported to Celestia's room and some shouting was heard. Minutes later, all the Alicorns left the castle and started to fly towards Maretime Bay. Zipp suddenly found herself teleported to a bar, where Discord appeared.

"Is there anything I can get you to drink princess?" Discord asked.

Meanwhile, when the sun started to shine, the Unicorn army grabbed all of their gear and quickly formed up. In Maretime Bay, all the ponies were finishing putting barricades up and turning anything metal sharp. The ponies desperately used anything and everything they could find to barricade the town, but knew it wouldn't hold at all. The unicorn watches the ponies and laughed, knowing that they would destroy the pathetic defense. The head of unicorn army met with the Unicorn Commander.

“Oh and great and powerful one”, The unicorn said, bowing down, “The ponies have been trying to fortify themselves, which will be in vain. Their defenses are pitiful.”

“Good”, The Unicorn Commander said, “Then it'll be a very sweet victory.” The Unicorn Commander walked out of her tent with the head of the army right behind her. Her skin showed several old scars across her pale blue body, and she wore an eye patch over her right eye, and wore a shining black amulet around her neck. the unicorn scanned Maretime Bay's defense, “You may attack when you wish, they won't last long.” The unicorn nodded and proceeded to make his way to the Unicorn army. The Unicorn head officer gathered up all the unicorns and they all grabbed their weapons and started to walk towards Maretime Bay. As the Unicorn army got closer, they started to run, lowering their weapons. When the Unicorn army got close enough to see each individual pony, the Alicorns flew in from above the forest. The ponies in Maretime Bay cheered at the sight of the Alicorns, and several Unicorn soldiers stopped in their tracks. The remaining unicorns charged the Alicorns, who started to fly at them. As they got closer, more Unicorn soldiers stopped and started to run away. A magical barrier appeared in front of the Alicorns, acting as a plow, as they flew right through the small remnant of the Unicorn army. Only a few soldiers decided to charge the Alicorns They didn't get far before they were all levitated by the Alicorns. Shining Armor saw some of the Unicorn officers teleporting away, but was too concerned with the problem at hoof. The Alicorns gathered up most of the remaining Unicorn army and discussed what to do with the Unicorns. Celestia was the first to speak, “To the moon!” Luna facehoofed, “Really? That's your first idea. That really can't be your only solution?” Celestia just shrugged, which caused Luna to fly herself at Celestia. Both of them were eventually separated by Drake and Twilight. Twilight offered to let Sunny give the Alicorns her thoughts. Sunny wished to discuss it with her friends. Celestia said, “Don't forget. We can send them to the moon.” A pop was heard and Celestia disappeared in a flash of light. Luna smiled and said she had waited moons for that moment. After a few minutes and Celestia's recovery, Sunny had come up with a decision.

“Well, we came to the decision for those who recognized their mistake and fled, that they can stay and learn how to be friends. But for those who still craved violence, they should leave Equestria”, Sunny said.

“A good idea, but could take time to implement”, Drake said.

“We're no longer the rulers”, Twilight said.

“We don't hold the power to make ponies do what we say anymore”, Cadance said, “You'll have to do it with the help of your friends.”

“Seeing that the crystals actually ended up causing problems, it might seem to be the best course of action to destroy them”, Twilight said, “I couldn't live with myself causing every pony to lose magic again.”

“You can't do that!” Sunny exclaimed, “We'll lose magic again.” Sunny positioned herself in-between the Alicorns and the stones. Sunny watched helplessly as the crystals appeared around Twilight. The crystals were sent high into the air, where they were blasted by all the Alicorns, destroying the crystals. The Alicorns used their magic to teleport Zipp back. The Alicorns left the ponies, planning to keep an eye on Equestria moving forward.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the sea across from Maretime Bay, the Unicorn Commander looked through a telescope.

“What have you found over here?” The commander asked.

“Hopefully something that can be of use”, An officer said, showing off a family looking blue diamond, that has multiple moving parts.

Author's Note:

Finally finished the story, I may do a rewrite, fixing some parts, but Im busy, so any updates/fixes will come eventually

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