• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 340 Views, 4 Comments

A new chapter begins - CrimsonBrony4812

Sunny Starscout and her friends receive a package from former rulers.

  • ...

Meeting With Royalty

It didn't take long for Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp to make their way to the castle. When they got to the castle, Sunny knocked on the door and waited for a response. After a moment Cadence opened the door and said, "Hi, you must be the ponies who received our letter. Please come in. Celestia, Drake, and Luna are still out playing some game and will be back soon." Cadence walked them to a room where Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle were playing chess.

"Aha!," Twilight said, "Checkmate. I win, again, for the 54,471st time." After Twilight proceeded to try a victory celebration, Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp introduced themselves to the three Alicorns in the room. About twenty or so minutes later, Celestia, Drake, and Luna walked into the castle.

"I'm telling you Tia," Luna said, "I am quite certain that you didn't 'tag us'. You lightly touched me, and then proceeded to tackle our brother out of the sky."

"Calm down Luna," Drake said, "It doesn't matter. You won almost every game we played."

"And not to mention that you literally stole my cake to see if it would float," Celestia said, "I made that cake just for eating, not floating." After Celestia finished speaking, the three siblings noticed the three guests. Sunny and Zipp did a double take at the Alicorns appearances. All three Alicorns had some dirt on their legs, and bits of twigs and nests in their manes.

They didn't have time to think about it, when Luna shouted in her Royal Canterlot Voice, "YES! WE HAVE WON THE BET TIA! NOW WE GET TO HAVE ALL YOUR CAKE FOR A MONTH! THOU SHOULD'VE LISTENED TO US."

"Fine," Celestia said, "you were right, but calm down. I'm pretty sure you're about to give our guests a heart attack.

"Sorry for my sister's enthusiasm," Drake said, "Luna is very competitive, so itales for interesting game nights."

"And for the pranking of Tia and Discord," Luna chimed, "We will not be outdone this year."

"Anyway," Drake said, "Give us a minute and we'll be ready to hear your story." After the Alicorns cleaned up, they came back to hear Sunny's story of bringing magic back.

"So," Twilight said, "Tell us about yourselves and your adventure."

"Ooh," Luna said, "and forget your journey here. We want to hear every second of it." So Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp took turns telling the Alicorns on how they brought magic back. When they were done telling the story, Sunny had some questions.

"When we went into the abandoned fortress on our way here, we saw a letter that talked about a battle between Pegasi and Unicorns. Why would ponykind attack each other, I thought they didn't do that," Sunny asked, "And why did they split?"

"Well, they're still split Sunny," Drake said, "All three kinds are scattered across Equestria. About them splitting, Twilight can tell you more about that." All eyes turned to Twilight as she began to talk about trying to hold Equestria together.

"After I made the crystals, ponies got greedy and split up. The crystals drove them apart. They fought each other to an extent that magic was taken away. Afterwards, they started to worry about their own survival." The news saddened Sunny, who was convinced that all ponies never fought each other. Drake's next comments didn't help on her mood.

"If all ponykind can't be reunited, and able to live peacefully with each other, there is a possibility that magic could be lost again. This time for good, if another war broke our. I think the best option would be to gather as many leaders as possible to come to an agreement to see if they can live on peace with one another," Drake said, aware of what could happen, if it all went south.

"How would we do that?" Zipp asked.

"You have magic now," Celestia said, "Use it to send letters to all pony leaders across Equestria."

"That would be impossibl," Sunny said, "how could we do that "

"Well," Twilight said, "We never thought magic would return, and yet, here we are. As far as sending letters go, Celestia can teach you the spell. If you can bring magic back, surely you can reunite all of ponykind." As the conversation was drawing to a clos, Zipp pulled out the disfigured crystal and started to look at it closely.

Drake noticed Zipp and asked, "What's that? I've never seen anything like that."

"I don't know," Zipp answered, "I assumd you would know."

"Did you make this Twilight?" Drake asked, calling Twilight over.

After looking it over, Twilight said, "I didn't make this, but I recognize those colors, I might know who did. Follow me." Everyone followed Twilight out of the castle towards two trees where a hammock hung.

"DISCORD!!!" Twilight shouted as she approached the hammock.

"WHAT?!?" Discord replied. As Discord said this, he took off a pair of earbuds blasting rock and roll, turned off a bright lamp, and put a fancy suit on. Discord looked at Twilight and asked, "Don't I get the right to sleep when I want?"

"No," Twilight responded before saying, "We were wondering If you knew what this was." Twilight pointed at the crystal.

"We?" Discord said before noticing Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp, "Why didn't you tell me we had company. I wasn't expecting company till tomorrow, I was sure that the storm would've delayed them."

Luna heard Discord and said, "So it was you who conjured up that storm. Discord we had thought you were reformed. No matter, we still won the bet. So you owe us the pleasure of making us a delectable dinner for a week."

Zipp whispered to Drake asking, "Why does she talk like that sometimes?"

Whispering back, Drake said, "That's how she used to speak. She hasn't gotten over it yet."

"Guys!" Twilight said, "Stop talking. Discord, can you tell us what this crystal is?"

"Of course I can, Discord said, "It's a puzzle. You solve it and you have the ability to live forever. It's very easy to understand." Discord, now in a lab outfit, pointed to a large chalkboard, covered in numerous complicated equations, "But that's beside the point. To simplify it, that crystal contains some of Fluttershy's soul. After solving that puzzle, my dear Fluttershy will pop into existence. After I gave that to her to solve, somepony stole it from her. She was so sad she lost my gift to stay friends forever. But now, it's possible again!"

"How many did you make?" Drake asked.

"I made one for each of the main six, except for Twilight, since she became an immortal Alicorn," Discord said, "Only Rarity was given one, because she begged me. Then somepony stole hers as well. Applejack and Rainbow Dash didn't want one, but their crystal are somewhere lost in Equestria. I think I put those under Celestia's old bed in Canterlot, next to her secret stash of cake."

"Hey!" Celestia shouted, "No pony needs to know that!"

"So that's how you didn't lose weight during your final years of ruling," Luna said, "You were busy stuffing yourself with secret stashes of cake."

"So how do you solve the crystal?" Zipp asked.

"Well, for each crystal, whatever kind of pony they were, that same kind of pony can solve that particular crystal," Discord said. At that point, it was starting to become dark. The Alicorns invitd their guests to stay the night.

"We would be honored if you also helped us with some traditional activities that we have before bed," Luna said, giving the three ponies a wink.

"Sister, no. Remember last time," Celestia said, glaring at Luna.

"Really?" Sunny said, lighting up, "Of course we'll help!" Celestia shook her head as she knew what would happen next. About fifteen minutes later, Izzy, Sunny, and three Alicorns had been knocked out during a vicious pillow fight. Only Celestia, Luna, and Zipp were left.


Celestia, who wasn't participating in the pillow fight, tried to convince the over competitive Luna to calm down. That ended with Celestia being knocked to the ground by a pillow going the speed of light. Zipp looked at the now unconscious princess of the sun before being knocked out by a fluffy purple pillow flying at her. Luna celebrated her victory and woke up the rest of the Alicorns and treated their bruises. For Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp, they used their magic to heal them and teleport them to a guest bedroom till morning.

Author's Note:

So if the conversation with Discord is too complex to understand, I'm going to try to simplify it: the crystal contains a part of Fluttershy's soul, and only a Pegasus can solve the crystal, which is kinda like a Rubik's cube, once the crystal is solved, Fluttershy will appear.

Also, I didn't imagine this story getting this many views in such short amount of time. Thanks for taking time to read the story. Feel free to comment on how you think the story is going, and feel free to point out any mistakes for me to fix. Anyway, have a good day