• Published 22nd Feb 2023
  • 480 Views, 4 Comments

To Write a Love Letter - ThePeer

There are over 10,000 books in the Golden Oak Library, and not a single one has what Twilight is looking for. Maybe Rarity can help her?

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Why did I write this?

There are over 10,000 books in the Golden Oak Library, and not a single one has what Twilight Sparkle needs for this very special occasion. Her eyes darted at the titles of the various books swirling around her head, tossing the ones that were not useful to her, and quickly replacing them with another. The result was a large pile of precious Canterlot library books, sitting right in the middle of the library floor.

“Twilight-... uhh, you are making a bit of a mess” Spike anxiously looked up from the comic book he was reading in the corner of the room, “You are normally obsessed with everything being neat. You spent nearly an hour yesterday making sure your pencils were perfectly aligned.”

“Now is not the time Spike!” Twilight frantically tossed a few more books into the pile, she lit up her horn to grab another book, but was stunned to find her magic not locking onto anything, she turned towards the bookshelf to see that it was completely devoid of literature. “What?! That's ALL the books!” Twilight slumped to the floor in defeat, a tear slipping down her face “No... That can’t be all of them!”

Spike sighed, putting his comic book down, he stood up and approached the unhinged mare he knew so well “Twilight… you are extra… well… Twilight today, I mean why do you want to give a letter, of all things, to Applejack so bad?”

“Because that is the only way I know how to tell them exactly how I feel.” Twilight turned her head to the side towards the massive pile of books brought on by her destructive rampage of the Golden Oak Library. “Except I don’t even know how to tell them that way, If I can’t find a book on how to write a love letter, I will never write it in time for Hearts and Hooves Day!”

Spike rolled his eyes “Come on Twilight it's not that hard, you don’t need a book to write a love letter, just write what is on your mind”

“If it was so easy, then why haven't you given one to Rarity?!” Twilight shouted out “I mean come on, you have been crushing on her for nearly a whole year now.”

“You lost your right to judge me after” Spike motioned his hands towards the pile of books in the middle of the room “This”

Twilight bit her lips looking at the pile she had created “It’s not that bad… okay it's pretty bad, but do you have any ideas?”

Spike crossed his arms “Maybe, you should think of something Celestia taught you, something to do with the magic of Friendship, maybe.”

Twilight’s face lit up in realization “YES!, That’s it, Celestia!, that must be the answer. Spike pen a letter to Princess Celestia!”

Spike smiled seeing Twilight finally understanding what he was trying to say “With pleasure.” Spike pulled out a partridge and quill.

“Dear Princess Celestia, in order to further my studies in friendship I need immediate access to the forbidden section of the Royal Canter-”

Spike cut Twilight off “NO! That’s not what I meant!”

Twilight spun around to face Spike and tilted her head “Wait what? What did you mean then?”

Spike rolled his eyes letting out a sigh “Twilight, I meant you should ask a friend or something.”

Twilight gasped, her face glowed up with realization “Spike! You are a genius, I should go ask Rarity! She knows a thing or two about love right? We have to go to the Carousel Boutique, right now!”

“Right now… I uhh, I don’t think I took a shower today, so maybe I should-” Spike never got the chance to finish his sentence, as he was forcefully thrusted out of the Golden Oak Library, by the hooves of a crazed purple unicorn.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Rarity bounced around the room in exuberant celebration, not too dissimilar to Pinkie Pie “Twilight! I never thought you would ask!”

Twilight tensely recoiled back into the couch “Uhh… ya… I guess… uhh” She let out a nervous chuckle as a single bead of sweat flowed down her face.

“Well! We have to make sure everything is Perfect, if you mess up when admitting your undying love to them, then they will reject you, and then you will be heartbroken, and then you will eat a bunch of ice cream, and then you would get fat, and then you would not be able to fit in my dresses, and THAT would be the just the worst possible thing.” Rarity rambled on jumping around the room and grabbing a premade dress and some jewels.

Twilight just sat silently in the corner of the room overwhelmed by Rarity’s rambunctious response to her telling her she wants her help to write a love letter.

Spike sat in the opposite corner of the room, his eyes mindlessly following Rarity as he nodded to every word she said “Yup… you look good making dresses, have I ever told you that?”

Rarity plopped a dress right next to Twilight, it was a large white ball gown with various jewels attached in orderly lines. “I am so happy you came to me on this matter, imagine if you never gained the confidence to write the letter and you had to lock away your undying love.”

Spike nodded in the corner with lovestruck eyes “Ya, that would just be horrible Rarity.”

“Luckily, you came to talk to the best love aficionado in all of Equestria, I have read many many books on the subject, and trust me, I know how to write a letter that will wow anyone who reads it.”

Twilight levitated a small notebook and quill in front of her, “What do I need to do Rarity?”

Rarity rose a single hoof sticking a pose “What you need is pazazz, darling! Something that will make the reader fall into an intense love with you.”

Twilight nodded scribbling down what Rarity said in her notebook “How do I add ‘Pazzazz’?

Rarity lifted her hoof to her face and thought for a moment “Oh, well it is simple darling, start with something intimate and intense. Like ‘My lusting eyes have been watching you for months now, I have always been around the corner watching you, my true love.”

Twilight looked up with a confused look “Rarity… that sounds downright creepy… and honestly disturbing.”

Rarity dismissed her concern “Oh don’t worry darling, trust me”

Twilight shrugged “I guess you are the expert.”

Rarity continued her voice slowly increasing in intensity “Then, you must grip their heart and take it for a ride, tell them everything, tell them of your great desire, the burning feeling in your heart!”

Twilight nodded and wrote everything down in her notebook “How do I finish it Rarity?”

“With a bang! Make them want you, to their very core! Make yourself a limited-time offer you can’t turn away, like melted vanilla cookies and cream ice cream, irresistible!”

Twilight peered down at her notes, and then back up at Rarity “Okay… I think… I have the appropriate research to beg-”

Rarity cut Twilight off mid-sentence, “WAIT!, Writing the letter is only half that battle, it is also about how you give the letter!”

Twilight tilted her head slightly “How do I give the letter?”

“Let me show you darling…” Rarity turned around and walked over to a small table on the other side of the room, resting on the table was a small piece of parchment, which she picked up in her mouth. She then spun back towards Twilight with an enticing smile.

She fluttered her eyelashes and bit her lips as she slowly, “Hey Twi, I wanted to give you something” she gave her a quick wink, as she made slow seductive steps toward her.

“Oh-... uhh, and what might that be?” Twilight chuckled, as her face became flushed “Rarity do you have an AC, cause it's getting hot in here-”

Rarity stopped right in front of Twilight, who was curled back into the seat, “Oh-... it's nothing special” She rose her hoof and slowly ran it up Twilight’s lustrous lavender fur. “Just something small I wanted to give to you” Rarity leaned in close to Twilight’s face, Twilight could feel Rarity’s hot tempting breath so close to her face, “Open wide…”

Twilight opened her mouth just slightly allowing Rarity to place the piece of parchment into it, before backing away “That's how you give the letter.”

Twilight just sat there flushed and did not say anything in response for a good few seconds before finally responding with “O-...okay…”

Rarity smiled in satisfaction “Well I believe we are done here… so who are you giving the letter to anyways?”

Twilight snapped away from her… less clean thoughts, “Can you promise you won’t tell them Rarity”

Rarity smiled “Oh, you can trust me, darling, I cross my heart and stick a cupcake in my eyes, I won’t tell”

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·


Applejack froze in the middle of the town square, she turned around and rose a confused brow as Rarity was barreling towards her on the street “What did you say sugar cube?”

Rarity halted right in front of Applejack, panting “Twi-... *Gasp* … Twilight has a crush on you Applejack!”

Applejack suddenly flushed red “W-...what!” she took a step back in surprise “She-... she can’t, She, couldn’t feel that way about me! She is into mares too?”

Rarity’s eyes widened “Wait!, you are also into mares! This whole time, oh my, of all the possible things that can happen, this is just the greatest possible thing!”

Applejack’s eyes snapped away from Rarity as she saw another pony approach, wearing an ornate white dress was the purple pony she cared so deeply about, Twilight Sparkle. “Hi Applejack…”

Applejack blinked as twilight approached, she gave her a nervous and unsure wave, she had a small crush on Twilight for a little bit now but never thought much of it, but if she likes her too, then just maybe…

“I-... I wanted to give you something.” Twilight fluttered her eyelids at her, making slow seductive steps toward Applejack.

Applejack was frozen, entirely flushed, as the adorable purple pony approach her, a million thoughts rushed through her mind, but it went entirely blank when Twilight stopped right in front of her with a letter in her mouth.

Applejack felt her hot captivating breath flow down her fur, it all felt right, like she has been waiting for this her whole life.

Twilight leaned in, and slowly placed the letter into Applejack’s salivating mouth.

“Applejack… I uhh… wanted to tell you… I… -... L-... lo-..” Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath in.

Applejack felt an urge to lean closer and kiss the mare right in front of her the second she finally spit out the words.

“I love your book Applejack! and wanted to give you a fan love letter.”

Applejack felt all the raw lustful emotion drain from her, being filled with sheer confusion and disappointment “Wait… what?!” Applejack suddenly remembered the book she gave to Twilight yesterday.

Twilight awkwardly smiled “I uhh, never told someone I liked their work before, but Applejack, your book was amazing, it went into such detail on how apple-bucking worked, I never thought I would get to know something so well just from reading about it.”

“Ya-...ya Twilight… th-... thanks… I guess” Applejack, felt herself deflate as disappointment replaced confusion, “Uhh, to be honest, that is not what I expected from you Twi.”

“What did you expect?” Twilight tilted her head in confusion.

Applejack’s eyes darted away from Twilight “Well, y’know, it being Hearts and Hooves day, and uh, the way you came up to me.”

Twilight thought for a moment, “Ohhhhh, oh… may have given you the wrong signals, hm, sorry about that Applejack.”

Rarity stood in the corner with a mix of shock and horror as she watched her perfect romance story fall apart under the unbearable weight of reality. “Well-... Darlings this is quite awkward now, isn’t it?” She chuckled slightly before promptly turning around and briskly walking away “Well, have fun, uhh talking about your book.”

Applejack looked down at the letter in her hooves and opened it up, briefly skimming the page.

Dear Applejack

My lusting eyes have been on your book for some time, I have brought it to my bed when I slept, and I had it next to me when I woke. The burning desire to read it overwhelmed me the second I laid my eyes on the cover of it, and I knew, that this book was ‘the one’ the book I was going to keep next to me on my bedstand, a title only for the most exclusive limited time books which are like chocolate chips and vanilla ice cream.

P.S please include more statics and numbers in the sequel

8.2 out of 10

From Twilight Sparkle

Applejack blinked at the… odd… descriptions of literature, “Rarity helped you write this didn’t she.”

Twilight nodded “Ya…”

Applejack smiled as her eyes glanced down at the letter and back up at Twilight “So… about writing a sequel, maybe you can help me, add those numbers you want so much Twi.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up, “Wait you, want me to help you write the sequel!”

Applejack chuckled “Sure I do Twi, just… just don’t make it weird.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly “I won’t!”

Applejack smiled, she may not have gotten a mare friend or anything, but she was still happy to spend time with this purple little nerd, and who knew, maybe she could teach her how to really write a love letter, a fan love letter.

Author's Note:

I don't know why I wrote this

But I hope you liked it :twilightsmile:

If you want, let me know any way I could improve my writing, I am always open to suggestions and criticism :twilightblush:

Comments ( 4 )

Hahahahaha. Good stuff.

Twilight opened her mouth just slightly allowing Rarity to place the piece of parchment into it, before backing away “That's how you give the letter.”

I know the ponies hold stuff in their mouths sometimes because... hooves, but I can't stop laughing at the mental image of them shoving stuff into each-other's mouths.

:duck: Spike? Darling you're still here? You can get off the floor... Precious Scales?
:moustache: Oh... How'd it go?
:raritywink: Not as I expected, Spikey Wikey you're bleeding from your nose. What happened?
:moustache: About as well as expected.
:raritystarry: Let me kiss the boo boo
:unsuresweetie: Wow. That sure got bloody in an instant, Like turning on a fire hose!
:facehoof: So tell me again how Spike ...

Thanks :D


:raritywink: Rarity being Rarity
:moustache: Spike being Spike

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