Princess Luna, only recently rid of the specter of NIghtmare Moon, is slowly reintegrating into Equestrian society. She decides to settle down for a minute to watch the Equestrian High Council in operation.
Self-confessed maniac and prolific writer since 1979.
Princess Luna, only recently rid of the specter of NIghtmare Moon, is slowly reintegrating into Equestrian society. She decides to settle down for a minute to watch the Equestrian High Council in operation.
Well done!
So, this is like a US Congress crossover, then? (I say crossover because any account involving something getting done in Congress is clearly a work of fiction.)
In a way, yes. The High Council's modeled after the UK House of Commons.
You can't get the wood, you know.
I liked this. It was very cute.
1282206Thank you.
::bows:: You win a free Internet for excellent Goon-spotting.