• Published 30th Nov 2021
  • 186 Views, 2 Comments

The Scarlet Eventide - Burningbloom78

The Scarlet Eventide is about a young mare named Setiya persevering through a war that has caused her misfortune.

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Talons Alight

Black and White

A dove flittered across a sanctuary where she perches on a cold, arid surface. With a hardened gaze, she breathed in heavily and exhaled, glaring at a silhouette with emissive red eyes ahead; stalking in the shadows. It was shrouded by darkness; enveloped in a murky, obnubilated haze: It was the bloodthirsty, red-eyed raven.

He was waiting for the dove in dreadful silence, where the opportunity finally arose to snatch away what she had deep inside: Her delicate heart. The source of everything he wanted, wrapped in flesh, hidden beneath the skin; he wants to rip it out and savor the suffering the dove had endured for months.

"Your friable future; fragile, and pathetic. Shattered; you are weak. I'll take you, gnaw your bones, crush your limbs, and devour your heart: Our end draws ever nearer. Are we ready?"

Eight months have passed since the invasion wrought by Darkside. With their failed siege attempt on the castle, the Darkside forces had retreated with naught a single word of activities, allowing Zaria to recoup in a reprieve one would describe as a godsend. During this time, Setiya has been training with her friend, Ina-Sona-Lapon, to figure out how to control and use her new power unceremoniously bestowed by Emmerich.

Today, King Enoch requested Setiya, Ina, Janus, and Ms. Frendi to meet in the throne room to discuss their plan of attack. It was time for the two kingdoms to put an end to the bloodshed. Everyone entered the throne room, seeing King Enoch in white and blue-colored armor overlooking his kingdom with a stern yet affectionate countenance. They met his kind gaze and even kinder smile. His wife, Queen Ninis, stood by his side.

"Everyone, listen up," he announced, trotting to his throne in a mighty stride before turning to face his allies. "The Zarian Army will depart soon to take the fight to Darkside's front door. They have been silent for five whole months, an eerie judgment that granted us a moment to ready ourselves. And we are prepared.

"As you all are aware, I have decided to appoint Ms. Frendi and Janus as generals of my troops five weeks prior. I will lead the charge as their commander; I was born a warrior and I'll be a diamond dog if I leave my stallions and mares out in the field alone. I'd rather attempt to negotiate a peace treaty with Darkside, but in recent events, that dream has been put to the wayside; we must no longer defend and take small scraps when we can, but take the fight to our enemy.

"With Ms. Frendi and Janus's expertise in warfare, my troops have made progress one would describe as extraordinary. I can not help but to thank these seasoned warriors' work and edification to Zaria. They are all ready and willing to put their lives on the line to end this struggle, and I am proud to witness such determination.

"Now, the path to Darkside is a ten-day trek. Once we leave, the pathway to Darkside is through a vast plain and a large mass of water. We will be met with retaliation once we cross the bridge, but if we can persevere through the battle, we'll be in Darkside's homeland.

"The kingdom is a massive city protected by stone walls, however, if we can break the walls, we'll cut through the city; it's a straight line to the castle from then on. Once we smash through the gates and up the stream upstairs, Emmerich will most likely meet us, and the king of Darkside, Mordred, in the throne room.

"We have to take down Emmerich and Mordred, if not convince the latter of his folly igniting this war that has brought pain and suffering across this land. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by, for I fear if we waited any longer, the Darkside forces would be upon us in another invasion.

"You all know that I detest fighting, opting for it as a last resort. With Zaria's back no longer against the wall, we need to make this work, because if we fail in this attempt, then everything every single creature has done in this war would be for naught. Now, I have to relay this conversation to the troops outside. Before we head out in three hours, I would like for each of you to prepare yourselves for the trails ahead. That is all. Dismissed."

Everyone does not delay and prepare themselves for what lies ahead. Ms. Frendi and Janus head into their bed chambers inside the castle. The two friends gear up for the journey. Ms. Frendi takes the time to recollect the centaur she raised.

"Janus," Ms. Frendi uttered, flittering towards a window, "do you remember the time you found yourself in my armor?" she giggled as Janus began to groan, holding his face in embarrassment. "You had such a goofy grin when you said, 'Mommy, look at me! I'm a warrior just like you! Rawr!'"

Janus sighed. "First off: I didn't say 'Rawr!', thank you very much. Second: could you blame me?" he asks. "You were the best of the best; every respectful recruit strived to be you or meet your standards. I admired your strength and wisdom even at a young age, which inspired me to become a soldier."

"You always tried your best to help me with anything," the feathered griffin said, polishing her weapons. In her mind, Ms. Frendi recounted the beginning of the war and when she found Janus. For a reason, Ms. Frendi sighed heavily, staring at her twin blades with a look of sorrow. "Janus... I want to say that I'm sorry."

Janus stopped everything and hurriedly went to Ms. Frendi's side with a worried look on his face. "Is something wrong?" his voice was quiet and comforting. "Tell me what's the matter."

Ms. Frendi chuckled, shaking her head. "There's nothing wrong... it's just that... I should have asked to be dismissed the moment I took you under my wing," she whispered with a heavy sigh escaping her beak. "You shouldn't have experienced warfare, my dear, and I feel guilty about it. I had this at the back of my head for a while, but I never had the opportunity to truly tell you. Until now. When there's a chance either of us could truly lose our lives; I'm afraid. I'm sorry."

Janus embraced Ms. Frendi, his mother; the one who nurtured him. "Do not ever feel guilty or regret over your decisions with me," he scolded calmly. "Because of you, I am here and alive. Because of you, I can live alongside you and help you every single step of the way. Cast away those thoughts that plague you; they have no reason to reside in a beautiful creature such as yourself. You are my mother and my best friend, and I love you. Do you understand?"

Ms. Frendi laughed, holding Janus's hand lovingly with her claw. "You've been more vocal lately, I like it."

Janus huffed joyfully. "With everything that's happened, I guess I have. Anyway," he says, stretching and gazing out the window, "you think Setiya will be prepared for Emmerich? He has caused her so much distress; the beast."

Ms. Frendi stared at the ceiling. "She'll be ready," she says in a low voice. "She has to. With that power of hers, she'll probably be the only one who can stand up to Emmerich. Let's make sure she gets to that point."

"Yeah, we will," he answered. "Let us continue getting ready."

Setiya entered her room in silence, with Ina trailing close behind. It was warm, the light of the sun beaming through the glass window, and Setiya, in her silence, sat in front of the window. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, as if to calm her nerves, clutching her ring with the utmost care.

Ever since Ina was able to get Setiya to fully mourn the loss of Flint, the earth pony was eating and drinking more, her auburn coat regained its shine, and her brown mane was strong and healthy: She was even sleeping more. Everything that came after that day has been nothing but beneficial for the mare. Setiya was more determined to train, she had nearly mastered her new power; she can freely control it.

Despite everything good that came, there was still something lingering in the air around Setiya: She became less verbal, speaking only when she felt like she should. She normally spent her days, even after training, gazing out the window. The look in her eyes always seemed distant, yet she began to value companionship; she and Ina became nearly inseparable. The witch didn't have an issue with the sudden change in Setiya, but she would be lying if she didn't worry about her friend.

With a heavy sigh, Ina approached Setiya and sat beside her, staring out the window. She has done this many times, trying to figure out what Setiya was looking at, but Ina felt like she could never find it. So she began to figure out what Setiya was feeling, but she had failed in this endeavor as well.

Ina wondered why Setiya unexpectedly changed her behavior. She thought about her attitude before, but it was gravely overshadowed by Setiya's grief and pain, so Ina never truly knew what personality Setiya had before their meeting more than half a year ago: Even with the story she told about Flint making her happy when they snuck outside their village, Ina doesn't know about her friend's original demeanor.

Has she always been like this before the tragedy? Was she always this quiet and aloof? Maybe after losing her friends and family, and fully accepting the loss of Flint her feelings and manners changed completely. It's not scary, but slightly jarring, Ina thought to herself.

Ina scootched closer to her friend and placed her hoof on Setiya's chest. Like many times before, the smooth caress of Ina's hoof always seemed to calm Setiya down and abate her fears and worries; It was an odd gesture long ago, but now it's nothing but a welcome one.

Setiya let out a sigh of relief, turning her gaze to Ina who hid behind her mask. It was nice to not see turmoil in Setiya's golden brown eyes; no fear or sadness, but Ina always thought they sort of drifted: The eyes hid something deep within, but no matter how long she stared into those eyes, Ina could not discern what lay beneath.

"Is there something wrong, Setiya?" Ina asked in a low voice, her mask turning to the window. "You've been quiet for quite some time now. What's on your mind?"

Setiya gazed back at the window as her smile faded away. "My mind has been racked with uneasiness, and my body has been feeling... off; I feel like I'm being pressured," she answered, shifting her eyes to her ring.

"Pressured? From what?"

Setiya shrugged. "That I have to fight and defeat Emmerich. Any time we met, I nearly got away with my life while others died around me. I don't feel sad or scared. I feel pressured and a little mad."

Ina tapped on her mask in amused notion. "Because it's personal."

Setiya didn't open her mouth; her silence gave Ina an answer.

"Do you hate Emmerich?" Ina asked with a sense of prudence. "Do you desire revenge? Surely you want to kill Emmerich for everything he has done. Can you say that there is a lust for vengeance looming inside you?"

Setiya kept her mouth shut, but this wasn't what Ina wanted to hear. "Answer me, Setiya. Your quietness won't provide an answer for you this time. Tell me what you feel. Do you hate him?"

After a lull of silence, Setiya shook her head. "I don't," she confessed verily. "I don't hate Emmerich. I don't have a lust for revenge. I don't hold any anger towards him at all. He's an evil monster who does bad things."

"Then tell me what you do feel towards the horrid aberration?"

"Emmerich is a genuine force of evil. He loves what he does, and he wants nothing more than to spread his depravity," she answered quietly. "I looked into those blood-red eyes and saw no ounce of innocence or guilt. What I feel towards Emmerich is just pity, nothing else. He needs to die."

Ina sighed and looked towards the ceiling. "Even after everything you've gone through, you give mercy towards your tormentor; such clemency. I can't say I feel the same, but I understand. You've certainly grown."

Setiya chuckled. "It's still me, just a little more complicated. We should get ready."

Ina rose from the floor with Setiya and hugged her. "No matter what Emmerich does, I and your friends will be there to help."

Setiya tightened the embrace. "Thanks, Ina."

The time had come for the group to head out to confront the Kingdom of Darkness. King Enoch left his wife and his children to look after Zaria. Leading his army, with Janus and Ms. Frendi by his side, they travel across a mass plain.

The wind howled, the sky was gray, a chill swayed past coats and manes, through armor and masks alike, and only the sound of thundering hoofsteps of metal filled the air as the army trudges on in silence. Seven days have passed since Setiya and her allies embarked on this quest; this final destination that will change the war for the better or the worst.

A war she ignored that has shattered her life. A war that has beaten, battered and scarred her forever. A war she can not defy any longer. This war has taken her happiness and her love away in one fell swoop, and although she has obtained pieces of what was once her life, they are nothing more than mere remnants displaced and arranged into a new place; a new life.

She has met allies and friends that are her only family. She has also met her enemy: Emmerich. He has appeared in her dreams as a nightmare, as words echoing in her mind, and as the one who took everything away. He's the one who forced Setiya into the war by coming to her village and destroying it with naught but satisfaction and euphoria.

The more Setiya thought about it, the more she began to question her true feelings for him. In general, he's a monster that needs to be put down. That's simple. When Ina asked Setiya what she felt... the earth pony said what was expected, or so she thought.

As the army kept going, Setiya was beginning to get lost in thought like she always has. Then she began to get angry, an emotion generally foreign to the mare; Setiya has always been a pushover, a little doormat. All those months ago in that dark place was the first time she felt hatred and anger towards anything.

Was she lying when Ina asked her what she felt about Emmerich? No. It was the truth, yet is it right? Yes... no. She was lying to herself. Is it because of her delicate nature? Yes. Did she feel guilty for feeling this way? Yes. But it feels right. Did she want the feeling to go away? Yes. Was anger swelling inside her? Yes. Is this what she wants? No, but I crave it now. Is this necessary? No, but I want it. Would she kill him because of her suffering? I don't know...

A mental battle waged on in Setiya's innermost thoughts as emotions tugged at her body. She was thinking about something horrible she wanted. She felt terrible, yet the idea was so inviting. The battle went on and her thoughts were winning.

Is it personal? Yes. It is personal. Why? He took everything from me. Does she hate him, truthfully? Yes, I do. How much did she hate him? Deeply. I want him gone. Does she honestly want him dead? Yes... I want him dead. Did she desire retribution? Yes.

Setiya felt wrong and selfish... and dirty, but she couldn't suppress what she wanted. Depressed, Setiya felt her heart and shook herself from her dark thoughts, looking around the sea of soldiers. They all want to end the war so that they can be happy again. They want peace. Setiya delved back into her thoughts, yet she continued to have her hoof across her heart.

Did Setiya want peace? Yes. Was she fighting just for herself? Not anymore. What did she want? To stop him from hurting anypony else. To achieve this wish, would she strike down Emmerich? I... yes, I would.

Her heart has won the battle but her dark thoughts stalked near the corners of her skull, scratching and nibbling in her brain, yet her mind was made up.

Before anything got worse, King Enoch ordered his army to halt. Setiya didn't realize, but they had already crossed the plains and met the ocean. Squinting, Setiya could barely make out the land on the other side. Once she crossed that, she'll be no more than a few days from Emmerich.

Ms. Frendi, Janus, Ina, and Setiya joined at King Enoch's side.

"What will we do now?" Ms
Frendi asked.

King Enoch chuckled. "Worry not, I shall summon a bridge that will connect this side and the other. Stand back, my friends!"

Everyone stood clear of King Enoch's horn beaming out magic. It was golden, and it dug into the ocean and began to spread to immeasurable distances as the magic grew and grew. Setiya has never seen such raw magical power being poured from a unicorn. The magic shifted and flashed brightly as a droning sound filled everyone's ears. Setiya saw the magic begin to rise and form a bridge out of King Enoch's golden magic. After a few minutes, he stopped his magic as the spell persisted before the army.

"Everyone," King Enoch howled, "once we cross the bridge, we'll officially be in Darkside territory. We will confront the soldiers on the other side until we head to the kingdom where the bulk of the opposing army will be. If you can abstain from killing, then knock them out. If you have no choice, commit the deed and never look back.

"Some of us have killed others before, and harbor the horrible memories that come with them. Please, do not kill if you can help it, for your own sake and your friends and families. Now, let us put an end to this war!"

The army of soldiers cried out in unison, shouting to the top of their lungs with King Enoch as he began the march on the celestial bridge. Ms. Frendi, Janus, and Ina, along with Setiya, stuck together as they trekked behind King Enoch.

"Setiya," Ms. Frendi called out, placing her claw on the earth pony gingerly, "are you okay? You seem... uncomfortable."

Ms. Frendi's concerns drew the attention of Janus and Ina. The masked mare hid a calculated, skeptical look at her quiet companion.

Although Setiya would love nothing more than to stay silent with her thoughts, she didn't want Ms. Frendi to worry about her. Setiya began to speak but then she hesitated, wondering if she should tell them about what was on her mind, especially Ina. Setiya didn't lie about what she told her masked friend because what she said was true, but Setiya had her mind changed completely. And the earth pony knew that look Ina gave, even if it was behind her mask, Setiya knew that calculated expression. So she gave up.

"I hate Emmerich," she confessed with her words drenched in venom. "I want to kill him so badly. I want to tear off his head and smash it into the ground and watch the bloodstains taint the soil beneath my hooves. I want him to feel the pain and suffering so much that it makes me feel... excited and justified for doing so, but then I step back and reign those disgusting thoughts spreading amongst my skull, and I maul my chest with my hoof and feel my aching heart: I feel it oppose my... bloodlust.

"Everypony is gone; they're all dead: My friends... my family... my husband-to-be snatched from me so cleanly, so effortlessly; and all I could do is scream, cry, and watch. I've seen it. When they invaded my village, I saw so much blood, and I heard the wails and cries of the ponies I grew up knowing. I saw them run and fight; They all died. Flint whisked me away into the Forest of Darkness when that... that... bastard pursued us like it was nothing but a game. He tore through the trees and shattered the ground with each rumble. And when we got to that fateful cliff, I thought we had a chance to swim to that town and escape, even if it was just the two of us.

"I saw and heard the words, 'Can you spare a heart?' followed by a grunt of pain. It was Flint, impaled by a spear, being dragged away like some... mutt. Do you know what it's like witnessing that? To see somepony you love vomit blood on your face as you stood there in shock, unable to believe what had happened? It's haunting; with the dreams... perverted into insidious nightmares; where it was the only place I could hope to mentally escape from; all tainted. I kept seeing his dead body in my nightmares...

"My rancor-filled thoughts led me to want murder: The carnage was surfacing; the vengeance was overpowering. Despite all of that, my tattered heart; my last bastion of purity, pulled me away for one second, and all that bloodlust was swept away. I... feel horrible and dirty for thinking that way. I made the decision: Emmerich will die by my hooves, yet I will not do it out of bloodlust and hatred, but for peace to reign.

"I've been going through these thoughts for a little while, and Ina, although I had told you what I felt back at the castle, I want you to know that at the time it was true. It was when I started to seriously contemplate everything that has happened that my mind changed. I feel so wrong. Please... forgive me."

Ina trotted up to Setiya as she began to whimper and weep. The masked mare hugged Setiya so tightly, she picked Setiya off her hooves. Janus and Ms. Frendi joined in, and after a moment of silence between the group, they broke the embrace.

"We will get you to Emmerich one way or another," Ms. Frendi said with ardent conviction. Janus shared the griffin's sediments.

Ina briefly took off her mask for only Setiya to see, saying, "I vow to ensure that you get into that throne room and confront that monster; on my word!" She then slipped the mask back on.

Setiya was shocked at the sheer bravery plastered on her friend's faces and strung a smile across her face. Taking a deep breath and looking forward from beyond the bridge, Setiya swears to herself that before she dies, she will make sure to take down Emmerich and usher in peace.

After fully deciding, the Zarian Army nearly crossed the ethereal bridge, but only to stop when a large army of Darkside soldiers confronted them. The only roadblock that obstructs the path to peace stood unmoving. If the Zarian Army could get through this, provided with little damage, then nothing stands in their way to the Kingdom of Darkness.

King Enoch's form was stoic and inexorable; his unabating visage showed no fear or worry, nor ire or malice. "Remember what I said: 'If you can abstain from killing, then knock them out. If you have no choice, commit the deed and never look back.' This going to have a lot of fighting, and I know blood will be shed. Be prudent and wary, I do not want any of you buried too soon."

King Enoch shot magic into the air and shouted to his army, "Charge!" and the fight commenced with raised roars from both sides, rushing at one another. In war, there are only those who stand and others that lay limp amongst the earthly soil in silence. In this confrontation, everything matters from here on.

The armies collided with one another and began fighting for victory. Pained shouts and wails followed by screeches and screams. The sounds of metal against metal and weapons clang, the flesh and bone being torn, staining the earth covered in thick red liquid as bodies fall and slump every other second. The horror.

Ms. Frendi flew through a cascade of enemy soldiers like they were nothing, overpowering the fools with her twin blades, occasionally felling her enemies as their heads rolled. She found herself surrounded.

"I remember your faces; I never forget," she uttered softly. "As your former general and friend, please forgive me!"

Somewhere on the battlefield, Janus was burying his foes in the dirt with his hands, bucking others with his strong hind legs, and even felling some with his polearm. He tore and rived their flesh with such brutality, although he regretted every dead body he brought down.

"Close your heart to their screaming, control your breathing, and focus," he thought aloud as he continued with the oncoming onslaught. "It will be over soon. It will be over soon."

As the fight rages on for ten minutes, Setiya was smashing bodies into the ground while her tentacles were picking up and chucking unfortunate Darkside soldiers. She rushed past spears and swords effortlessly, like she was dancing and striking her opponents, but she made sure not to kill them; that honor was for Emmerich alone.

Ina was providing support, knocking out enemies while Setiya and her tentacles were preoccupied. She began to inscribe runes in the air and create ice and wind magic, along with her ethereal golden knives, and hurled her arsenal without any signs of slowing down or showing fatigue.

King Enoch danced around the soldiers like the plague, knocking them out with a single strike with the hilt of his sword. His magic pierced through an array of Darkside soldiers like they were butter, incapacitating them without breaking a sweat.

The fight went on and on, but eventually, the Darkside Army was wiped out. Some were dead, most were injured and immobilized. Although the Zarian Army had come out on top, there was a fair share of dead soldiers strewn about the battlefield like rag dolls. The Zarian Army rounded up their enemies before Ina wove a spell in the air that constrained them. With the fallen Zarian troops, they were given prayers and quick burials before the Zarian Army continued forth to Darkside.

Three days passed and the Zarian Army stood at the forefront of Darkside, the kingdom shrouded in shadows, off in the distance; just an hour away. The trek was with little hardship, except at the end; it was mostly quiet. There was a lot of time to think for not only Setiya but for everyone else.

It all came so fast, almost too quickly, as most of the ten-day trek was a blur. Perhaps that's a boon for Darkside: you start to contemplate. It worked on Setiya, maybe it worked on some of the soldiers. Regardless, her and their minds are made up, for better or worse.

Setiya gazed at Darkside with a look of indifference, yet the guise hid a deep, troubling disdain for who waited behind its walls. The distant black clouds churned above the kingdom in a never-ending cycle, casting naught but perpetual darkness. Just looking at the stalwart kingdom made Setiya's stomach churn something sinister, and she repulsed, turning her eyes away from the kingdom. Her breathing was becoming rapid, but she calmed her nerves, and then she sat on the ground.

King Enoch was gathering his soldiers to go over their plan of attack while Ms. Frendi and Janus stood beside him in silence. Ina was quiet also, however, she broke away from the group and joined Setiya, sitting on the ground. As always, the masked beauty rubbed Setiya's chest gingerly. The earth pony's chest was hot and her breathing was slightly labored. Ina shook her head and sighed.

"You're doing a good job in calming yourself, but you could use some more work," Ina said, jeering. A chuckle escaped Setiya's lips, yet it was dark and matched her wry grin. "Control yourself. Let those thoughts simmer until you face him. You'll need that wrath very soon."

Setiya clutched her ring with one hoof and caressed Ina's with the other tightly. "It's not just that I'm feeling... I'm scared. I'm afraid of what I'll find in that throne room. Emmerich will have something twisted waiting for me." Setiya couldn't stop the fear from rising in her chest, but she tried to steel herself multiple times. "I have this... bad feeling and I can't shake it off."

"Then we will deal with it when the time comes. You can't let it stop you, no matter how horrible it may be. For now, let's join the others."

Setiya sighed and nodded, joining King Enoch's side with Ina in tow. The dutiful king had gathered everyone's attention and began to go over the plan.

"Once we get to the gates, the Darkside Army will meet us with all that they have and more. We will fight and use the unicorns to start whittling down the stone walls with their magic while a unit of earth ponies keeps them safe. I will oversee that stage of the plan while Ms. Frendi fights on the edges of the battlefield to keep any unsuspecting enemies from flanking our mages, a unit of pegasi will accompany her. Janus will be on the other side with a squad of earth ponies doing the same.

"Once the stone walls are weakened, Ina will shatter them with her powerful magic. This will cause morale to drop for the enemies and cause confusion and distress as slabs of stone litter the battlefield. When the walls come down, Setiya and Ina, along with Ms. Frendi and Janus will act as a small squad and storm through the streets of the kingdom and towards the castle. We'll pick up the slack and follow in shortly behind them, trying to keep any pursuers off their flanks.

"I will not lie to any of you. The last battle was met with few casualties, but in this final confrontation, there will be thrice the amount of death, on both sides. Rest for now, because soon we'll charge the at the kingdom."

This was it, the endgame was in sight; there was no turning back at this point. It's either do or die. Will Setiya and the Zarian Army, or will they fail and perish under the boot of Emmerich and the Kingdom of Darkside?

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