• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen July 10th

Thaddeus Risher


Sugar Cookie is a filly with Aspergers Syndrome. She has moved to town to discover that she doesn't fit in. That all changes when she meets another disabled filly named Scootaloo. Their friendship will take them on big adventures.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

hi Thaddeus Risher its me little heart racoon from twitter and silvers streams i"m curently working on thumbnails for your story 😅sorry for the long wait been really busy with school and am trying to save for a new computer because mine is a piece of garbage also really like the story😅

It's fine. Glad you like it. I have been trying to work on book 2. I should get to it soon.

hi how'd you get your story published im trying my hardest to get mine up but im having a hard time navigating this platform:ajsleepy:

Navigate to your user name at the top, scroll to stories, and either click on the story you want or manage stories and then scroll down and click on the one you want. Once you are there add each chapter by clicking new chapter. Beside it is the submit button click it to submit. Your book needs to be at least 1000 words. Also it needs a day or two to be approved.

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