You don't need a vacation, darling. You need a new life.
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Oh I am so onboard for this.
Heh. Thank you kindly.
Wasn't quite sure if it qualifies for not-a-contest,
but I had more fun writing this than I've had in a long time :)
Guess we're reading Celefin stuff again! Needs more trains.
Interesting; thanks for writing. :)
Welcome back then, and thanks for reading :b
And yeah, I know. I know.

Really nice read. Thanks!
Thank you!
I figured it was close enough for the not-quite category . . . not on Earth, but very much the same theme.
Yay! That’s what’s really important
After the first chapter, I'm looking forward to where this goes
Looks like two broken hearts in the making. Ozzy because... well, he had the night of his life only to be turned down in 3, 2, 1...
And Roast... that pegasus... those kind of guys... well...
Well... It's never nice to realise you were kinda used and then failed at your chance to maybe make it into something more. Maybe. Even if you're not being fair to yourself. And Roast... Maybe the fantasy holds up? Depends on what you're actually seeking, I guess.
If theres already Larpers around, especially ones that can haul nightclub coffee after a late even start game, thenhow can you tell the difference when Comic On is in town?
Heh. The Marerabian Dawn strikes me as a place where larping students would meet up for coffee fuelled pen&paper RP sessions. Which is always a good opportunity to wear your larp gear. Gotta show off the stuff.
Ah, so this is indeed continuing -- or at least, it did to the tune of one more chapter. Nice. :)
A clean room is a fantastic thing to wake up to.
Welp, it actually went surprisingly okay for Ozzy. Only one thing to say to him... congrats!
And well... even the UNIVERSE is trying to keep you away from that pegasus, Roast... Don't do it! You even have the nice bartender colt!
Well, it could have gone a lot worse.
When has common sense ever stopped anyone?
Yay, a new chapter!
While reading I thought they were studying. With Dark pitying them and all.
Thank you ;)
Oh, and those two were studying. Because during daytime it's a nice place to do so with a friend.
The roleplayers go there later in the evening. Where I studied there was a place exactly like that (minus the good brandy and cloud tables).