• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 18,364 Views, 1,247 Comments

A minor variation - notMurphy

No sonic rainboom. The Mane 6 find different destinies. See where it takes them.

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For Want of a Rider i/vi

For want of a Rider

part i of vi

For want of a Party

"-And I SAY that without a qualified, medically trained, physician standing by you had NO CALL making an important decision like that!" Pinkamena Diane tried not to think of the Stallion as a bad pony, 'He's upset because the situation was unfair to begin with,' "You know very well that in the eyes of the law you are only licensed as an apothecary, and only of non-restricted substances at that!" She squinted her eyes and tried really, really hard not to get upset back at the hospital manager.

The elderly pale rose pony with faded blue yellow and pink mane leaned forward, adjusting her reading glasses "Mr... Oat? Oh, Oath. Dr. Oath, this was a simple case of triage. The patient was badly injured, near death, and completely" her mild and friendly tone turned to ice "and I do say COMPLETELY unsafe to be moved any further. An ambulance trip could have killed her." 'But he already knew that... that's what you're not saying, isn't it, Mistress?'

"We can't know what was true then. What I do know now is that thanks to your lack of action, there is NO chance the victim will ever walk again!" 'Hmm, bloodshot really doesn't work with his blue eyes and mint green coat.' the pink pony thought to herself, trying to distance herself from the argument.

"This is completely ridiculous, I had a choice between a living but disabled patient or an intact dead one. What would your school have told you to choose?" Rosey Poesy was old, slow to most things, including anger. Slow is not the same as immune, and the Doctor's derisive snort was pulling at her temper something fierce. "You are impossible, why can't I speak with Dr. Crooked House? There was a medical sort with a little sense of practicality."

Dr. Oath's expression shifted between disgust and satisfaction. "Dr. House no longer has a license to practice medicine in Equestria, because - in part - of the fact that he also ignored procedure in favor of his 'hunches'."

Dr. Oath caught himself, settled his breathing and tried on a winning smile, which failed because it was indistinguishable from a condescending one. "Miss Poesy, I'm sure medical insurance will cover the damages that may... or may not have occurred. What I'm seeking is your word that a mistake like this will not occur again. If some unfortunate soul should happen upon your doorstep, badly injured and needing help, why all you have to do is contact us. I... could have a supply of emergency scrolls brought up if purchasing them would be a ... hardship."

"Ah, so what you're saying is that it's not what happened here - but that we didn't tell you ... before anything was done for that mare?" The Doctor nodded, seemingly relieved that the 'little misunderstanding' was over now. The old mare exhaled slowly and turned her head to her apprentice. "Young Diane, I do believe our distinguished guest here is tired, distressed, and perhaps a little disoriented. Could you perhaps give him a cup of tea and show him the door?"

"Now wait just a feathering minute!-" a mug of tea was in his hoof in moments, then he felt gentle pressure as a young pony turned him around. Before he had even finished turning the door stood open with a pink pony standing next to it smiling. "What in Equest-"

"Now Doctor Hippocratic Oath, it was really very nice of you to come and tell us the results of Mz Differently Able's follow-up at Ponyville General. Really, it was great to know that everything we did prevented her from suffering any more damage from the lightning strike, and that she doesn't want to file any charges against us for doing our very very best to help her out while she was unconscious. But Mistress Poesy gets really SUPER tired on days when somebody tries to yell at her about things that aren't her fault because they, the person doing the yelling silly, are afraid something that wasn't in their control happened and they might not have been able to do a better job. I'm sure you understand what I mean so I won't be keeping you any longer thanksforstoppingbyandhaveanicedayok?" The medical stallion was halfway down the path to town before he realized the wall of words and gentle pressure were gone.

He snorted to himself and grumbled, "this will not stand I tell you," as he continued trotting away.

"Dianne, come here, child." Rosey Poesy called to her apprentice.
"Mistress Poesy, why do you call me by my middle name?"

"Pinkamena is far too austere a name for a ball of energy like you, and any diminution of your name would make people take you less seriously. Would you seek treatment from a mare named 'Pinkie'?"

"Well, if I knew her to be skilled in the arts of healing, I believe I would."
"Ah, but how would you know?"
"But I'd... oh, I see. This is more about the ... spirit of the healing than the flesh."

"It is good you take up the lessons so quickly..." 'Is this it, is she going to tell me what I already know?' The pink pony tensed. "You, you already know, don't you? Yes, I do not believe I am long for this world. If I had more time I would ask how you... it is not important."

Poesy stretched laboriously as she rose from her seat. "I have written three letters, one to the Mayor of Ponyville, one to Smith Apple of the Apple Clan, and one... to another old friend. The first you will mail today, the second you will deliver to Sweet Apple Acres on the morrow, and the third... when you have learned all the lessons I have provided for you and feel practiced in their use, when you feel that you need lessons beyond what I have taught you, at that time you will take it to the first clearing along the path in the Everfree Forest and wait for she who will take the letter."

'It's, wow it's harder to deal with now that she's admitted it.' "W-what if nopony comes for the third letter?"

"Then you will continue to wait." A grim but humorous smile flickered on the elder mare's mouth. "I can't imagine you'll have longer than three days at the longest to wait."

Pinka- ... Dianne trotted down the packed dirt path towards the farmhold. 'So few animals here closer to civilization.' The letter was carefully tucked into her saddlebag. As she neared the farm, she spied a purple pony pawing the ground with intense concentration. 'Huh, why would a unicorn be out in the field? No matter, any friendly face is welcome - now especially'.

"Hello there! I'm Diane Pie and I was wondering if you..." The unicorn turned her head sharply when Dianne began talking, leapt into the air in surprise - pausing far longer than would seem possible, and then proceeded to dash off at high speed. 'Well THAT was certainly interesting.' Dianne grumbled to herself as she continued on down the path.

The elderly pale yellow-green pony lifted her half-rim glasses up to her eyes, nodding and 'mhm'-ing to herself as she read the letter. "Well Ai don't see whai she couldn't've just come and asked me, but of course we'll make all the preparations. Macintosh'll be done with his chores in a spell. Meantime, you come in here and have a slice of pie, an we'll just see about packing up a few things so's you don't starve yourself over the next couple'a days."

"Ai know Poesy always kept to herself, but you just come by anytime you feel as you need some comp'ny." She clucked her teeth, catching them before they escaped. "Imagine, leaving you alone at such an age... oh now don't you complain, I know you 'modern mares' grow up so quickly now... " the Apple Matron sighed, "But don't you rush none. Time enough for regrets when you get'ta be my age!" cackled the octogenarian.

Dianne was fascinated by how similar and yet completely unlike her own fillyhood home this farm was. 'I suppose it's the lack of rocks.' she chuckled at her thought. "I, ah.. wish to assure you that Mistress Poesy has explained your regular prescriptions and supplies and I will certainly continue to meet them. ... Including-including the herbal tea for your hip, ma'am." She tried not to blush too much. 'It vexes me that my coat does such a poor job of disguising red, one would think it should.'

The Apple Family Matron laughed good naturedly, "don't you fret about your deliveries until you get your hooves back under you. We've supplies enough to wait awhile, even... herbal tea." She couldn't help a chuckle at the pink pony's renewed blush. "If'n it makes you feel any better, ah do have one of them silly cards from the medical 'stablishment."

The walk back was silent. The Red Stallion's famous parsimony of conversation was aided by the awkwardness of the pine box he carried on his back. The mercifully short trip ended behind the cottage. The stallion glanced in inquiry at the young mare. "O-over there, under the willow, I should think. She... she liked to take naps there."

"M'sorry fer your loss."
"Thank you, Mr. Macintosh."
"Just you call me Big Mac, we're neighbors." His smile was well meaning.

'Well, yes, by dint of the fact that nopony else lives within twenty miles of us – of me, I suppose you and your Grandmother are my neighbors.' Her weak attempt at sarcasm failed to cover the feeling of relief a brief word of kindness made her feel.

"So, you a student too?"

"Neigh, my family are Plain Ponies, I ... felt it best to learn a new trade." she paused at the door. "Pardon, Mi-'Big Mac', but did you say 'too'?"

"Eyup. We got an intern, Miss Twilight Sparkle. Heh, don't think she's leavin' though. Seems to be fascinated by trees ... and flowers... an ... well, everything."

The dream was always confusing. It was the rock farm, but there were more buildings, in different colors. Mainly pink, though. There was a lot of pink, in fact. Mostly because every pony in the south field was pink, pink in Mane and Pink in hide. The shapes and manes differed in size and texture slightly, but were obviously all variations on a single theme. Though the ponies pushed rocks together, what they were building was another pony - another pink pony, just another variation on a theme of pinkness.

"... and of course then I realized it would be too soon after, you know. And after that I wasn't sure how long to wait. Granny said a week and that sounded reasonable, Big Mac said thought it should be a month, and Applebloom thought we should have just done it right after the wake - I guess her theory was that the shock would jumpstart your mourning and get you ... anyway I vetoed that option since it didn't match ANY of the books on grieving I've read, er, heh or other pony's accounts of how long it took them to get... better?" Twilight realized she was rambling, but she felt obligated to fill the silence.

'Good earth and sunshine, do I sound like this when I get going?' the perplexed pink pony pondered the prancing purple pony's pontification.

"Anyway, after a few calculations I ended up going with a period of three months, or about a week after you started going about your work as normal, whichever came first ... And that's why there are decorations all over your cottage. I ... I'm not sure why Applebloom is hanging from the ceiling. But when I first saw you out at the farm and I realized that not only did I not know you but that I didn't know enough about the Ponies in town to know if you were a resident or not but I could tell you looked really sad and I felt bad for you and I've never thrown anyone a surprise party but when I saw you the first thing I thought was 'there's somepony who needs a party'. Which is odd because my Brother calls me a borderline recluse and the Pony Manual of Psychological Diseases seems to say he wasn't far off from being right, although I still kicked him for saying it because he was being a jerk, but anyway it was odd for me, considering my lack of social experience, but I'm starting to trust my intuition." She pulled in a gasp of air, Diane smiled inwardly, 'Heh, amateur, with circular breathing you can keep going even while you inhale.'

"But I realized that before I did anything I needed to know more about you and I guess at the time I somehow thought that asking other ponies about you would be more 'scientific' than just coming out and asking you which in hindsight is really impersonal and I'm sorry for that. But at the same time I couldn't have just come out and said 'hey pony I don't know, do you think a party would help you feel better about whatever is bothering you so much?' but on the other other hoof I needed to know what was bothering you to know what might help you out. So really the only information I had was - That's hot-sauce you're pouring into that cup!"

"I know that's what it is, I like the taste with a little tomato juice."
"Oh, heh, that's ... random-"

"No, it isn't. Hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin that is shown to help deal with digestion issues and may be helpful for heart health as well. Also, my sense of taste isn't as strong as some ponies', so I like intense flavors like hot and sour and sweet. Everything has a source, sometimes we just don't know or can't find it."

"I... wow, that was really... concise. I'm sorry about talking so much, but I really wanted you to be able to feel better."

"I don't believe that anyone has ever thrown me a surprise party before. I am glad for the company, I think you're a very nice pony, and the Apples have never been anything other than kind to me or Mistress Poesy." Dianne paused, rising up onto the chair she had been pushing so she could unstick Applebloom from the ceiling.

"What has confused me is your fear that I would be upset. I am not joyful that Mistress Poesy has passed on, but she had a long life with many experiences in it, and I have my work and my animals to take care of, my herbs to tend to, and my studies to complete." 'huh? Wh-why is she crying now?'

"Y-you don't have to h-hide out. They, other ponies will, they'll just accept you. It's ok to be sad, it's ok to feel lonely, but you can't let it be a prison. You're not just somepony who reads books and studies all the time, you can't just put your life on hold and-and tell yourself you'll 'look into it' AFTER you do... whatever. Y-you just can't!" 'Is, is this about me or... oh, I think this is-' The Purple Unicorn was hugging her, tears flowing freely now.

"Uh Twai?" Applebloom struggled, held above the pink pony as the purple pony held the latter. "Twilight! It's nice'n all that you made a friend but, 'kin I get down from here now, please?"

"Oh, *sniff*, of course." Twilight Sparkle chuckled awkwardly as she pulled back from Dianne, telekinetically lifting the child Dianne had forgotten she was holding, and placing young Applebloom safely on the ground.

'If I'm going to help this unicor –Twilight Sparkle – Mistress always said "never distance yourself from other ponies, helping them doesn't make you their superior in any way". If I'm going to help her, I guess there's no avoiding this.'

Calling to mind her feelings when her Grandmother passed away, Dianne managed to bring tears to her eyes and held her hooves up towards Twilight. The second hug lasted only a few minutes, but both seemed better for the experience. 'You are a curious Pony, Twilight Sparkle, but I will try to fix you.' The massively awkward party died out within ten minutes, but the connections had already been made; besides, Twilight had calculated ten minutes was about how long Applebloom's youthful exuberance could go without destroying anything.

"This is, a pony did this. Who – nevermind, of course I'll help." The green unicorn had looked distinctly gray when Diane had asked about a perpetrator, but her contrition suggested that recriminations wouldn't do any good. Examining the Blue over Green pegasus, she found the wound and ran through a quick surface examination. She seemed to have lost consciousness more from shock than trauma.

"Sh-she wouldn't stop talking about... sea-ponies. It was crazy, she was crazy. I was already nervous, and then she got this intense look as she tried to make me part of her conspiracy against the rest of the world. And, and all I could think is that one of the girls had put her up to this because of my interest in Cryptozoology. And... and then she looked right at me and called me... a Narwhal, just like it was completely normal, like it was something I should be proud to hear. It was too much and... oh, I never should have kicked her - poor kid is obviously out of her head - I shouldn't wonder. Cloud Kicker says the Weather Captain has them doing extra exercises before and after a full day of work."

Dianne had done nothing to prompt this confession, nothing more than hold the unicorn's glance a moment longer than propriety demanded. 'I must only use this power for good.' she reminded herself.

"She has nothing more than a minor concussion, I suspect." 'I know, but since I can't do anything more for her, let Doctor Oath have his petty little victories.' "Take her to the hospital and I'm sure they can give her more care. Oh, before you go, all three of you," Dianne nodded at the Tan Mare with Blue and Mulberry Mane who had yet to get a word in edgewise, "could use some water." She returned from the kitchen with a tray holding three glasses of water, and thankfully nopony mentioned the fact that she was back only moments after she left. It was pleasing to be thanked for her rather brief consultation, but she refused any further compensation.

Five days later, two after entering this horrid place and waiting, she finally heard somepony – or something approaching. She turned to give a nervous greeting, and was startled to silence by black and white in an array she had never set eyes on before. The strange ... pony?... smiled in a friendly manner and spoke in a pleasing, lilting voice. "Please, this is not the place to speak - though I suspect I am the one you seek." She gave no time for responses, simply turning around and heading off from whence she came. Only once during the trip did she speak again, "Though it would provide an unkind other quite a laugh, avoid blue flowers from off the path." Oh this was a mystery...

Her knowledge of Plain Pony remedies, Mistress Poesy's herbs and headology, and Master Zecora's exotic concoctions was increasing daily. She had found the perfect way to exist in accordance with Ponyville General: deniability. As long as she could present her care as other services, the hospital was at least grudgingly willing to allow her to continue operating at the periphery, helping those who were too far from care or had problems modern medicine didn't have satisfying solutions to.

If a pony suffered from recurring pains that couldn't be cured at their source, Dianne had Teas and Brownies with relaxing properties. A pony who felt that a malevolent force was after them? A 'party' with a 'dance' could often alleviate the symptoms, which after all came from the pony's own poor head - as Twilight was so fond of saying, 'curses aren't real', although she missed the point that something didn't have to be real to have an effect - a pony's own fears could be their undoing.

Also, her 'hobby' of caring for woodland creatures had led to an impromptu kind of music, and now she found herself recruited to convince the animals to make music for the Solar festival - 'Summer Sun Celebration' as Ponyville-ites called it. Chuckling at the oddity of her life, she was caught off-guard as two white unicorns approached...

Artwork by: Inspired_Light

Author's Note:

Chapter 4, 'For want of a Rider' is too large to post as a single document. Putting all the sub-sections in chronological order would have been a nightmare of narrative hopping. Instead I've broken the chapter into Six sub-chapters. The order you read them in isn't important, Enough explanatory text, enjoy!