• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,211 Views, 11 Comments

The machine is broke down - RainbowAdmin

What happens when a war-horse, suddenly, returning from work, heard a cry for help...

  • ...

Chapter 7

The bullet hit the wall. As soon as I saw the smooth movement of the Bald’s hand to where he took on the look of a second, I went to the side and after the shot caught his hand with a gun. Slight movement of the finger and clip fell out. The bullet, which was in the chamber, went up in a guy who got a kick first. I caught a former colleague by the neck, and hand which held the gun was twisted behind his back.

“You don’t understand in what you’re involving, Pegasus.”

“Maybe. But why would I not worth it - this blue girl will come home.”

“Why are you worried for this freak so?”

“Cause she is not a freak. She has more humanity than any human is. Even more than all the people together.”

“And you got it in two days? Don’t tell me, bro.”

“I'm not your bro, Bald.”

“What's wrong with you?”

“It's nothing. I just realized something. You better tell me, how many securities are here?”

“Enough. Many of them are mercenaries like us. But they all piled on the third level. In the laboratory.”

“Sad. What Boss is going to do next?”

“I do not know. He said something about it in order to kill this fre... winged girl. I'm sorry.”

“For what?”

“For this!” I got a heel kick between my legs and released hostage out of the capture. Bald attacked me, but quickly settled, and the corner of his mouth started bleeding. He looked at me.

“No, it’s I’m sorry.” I said, pulling the knife out of his chest. Mike still gurgled, trying to breathe. Let he think about what he did. With that I returned to the shaft through the vents. I was to the way to the bottom. Maybe I can profit somehow from stock.

I walked into a large room, filled with boxes. They were opened one after another, but nothing useful I could not find inside them. But opening one of a chests, I whistled. Why the hell do they need it? It is amusing. I opened the cabinet. And they are not afraid to keep it in this condition? The control board was in place. I pulled the switch, poked at the buttons on the panel and closed the drawer. In any case, I looked at the clock and making a couple of uncomplicated manipulation I went back to the shaft. There is nothing interesting. There is electronics and useless stuff. I'll go to look for Dashie. Yes, Patrick. You brewed gruel. Yes, and it's a strange feeling inside...

Back at shaft, I walked up the stairs under the cab and climbed into the same vent, as well as on the second level. Crawling through the pipe I considered the situation in the different rooms. Dashie! I noticed pegasus girl lying on the floor of the huge hall. Beside her was a painfully familiar for me silhouette, and wandered around a dozen of guards. The grill wasn’t removable here and I crawled forward. Next grille flew out of the clips in the split second before after a quiet clap the armor-piercing bullet hit the guy with the glasses, standing at the entrance to the hall. Falling he managed to do a few shots and I regretted it. Into the room ran security. I was sitting in a pipe that's great sweep through and was an excellent target. Without hesitation, my hand found a grenade, pulled out a ring with my thumb and run it in the hole. I have covered my ears with my hands. I saw a flash even through closed eyelids. I took both the gun and jumped out of the shelter. Twelve claps. Twelve tons of weight on my soul. If it’s stay with me. I ran into the room and saw something what made a great explosion inside me. He held Dash, hugged her, holding a knife to her throat, and some rag was sticking in her mouth. Her lips were cut and there was blood on her fur. Her feet, like wings, were tightly tied. Dashie was looking at me. Tears flowed from her red eyes. For a moment I closed my eyes. Painfully familiar situation.


It was two years ago. Psycho kidnapped one of clerk’s daughter. I should find her. But he didn’t want to let her go. He lured me into one of his shelters and killed girl. On my eyes. She looked at me and she was crying. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t help her. He was laughing, slowly cut her throat. That’s the reason why I was looking for him.


“Hello, Pegasus!”


“No, I prefer the name Boss. Do you remember something?”

“You think I forgot that girl? Or forgave you that thing? Why was it necessary to kill her?”

“You needed to put in place, major. You're arrogant.”

“Even if it were true, you were wrong.”

“Oh, I see you've forgotten everything. I was going to remind you.” The knife pressed to Dash’s neck stronger. She kept her eyes on me.

“Stop it.”

“Do you need it?” He leaned over and looked below her belly. “Yeah, there are some places to poke in, without head.” Psycho laughed. “I’ll just cut her head.”

“You know that I’ll shoot your head before you move your hand with a knife, Psycho, isn’t it?”

“I know. You're the best and the fastest sniper I have seen ever. So, she is on the gunpoint. Beside the closet. Just something wrong – a wet spot wouldn’t left.”

“Let her go. Or you have courage only enough to hurt little girls? Your father would not be happy.”

“Enough!” Mercenary hit Rainbow by his knee, she flew a couple of feet, fell and whimpered through the cloth, and he rushed at me.

I ducked under the arm with a knife, twisted it and slapped a couple of punches to his head. Psycho staggered, but quickly returned to reality and slapped me a strong punch in my jaw. When I tried to get a gun, he slashed the knife on my hand, and I dropped it, but the second hand slapped an uppercut to Psycho's head, then rose on my feet and slammed my toe on his liver. This put him out of action for a second, and then I got a heel in the head, and then felt a sharp pain under my jacket and something warm came out from under him. This big guy was better than me in the melee. Psycho pulled a knife out, and when I fell down on the floor went to Dashie.

“Look at that while you’re still alive, asshole. Remember something.” He took her by the mane, raised her head and was going to slash her neck with a knife, but I got up and ran into him, knocking over, grabbed his arm and stuck a knife through his heart.

“Don’t dare...”

Something was struck in my vest and I looked up. Some freak was shooting in me out of closet. It took me a split second to grab a second gun and lull him, breaking the skull of an armor-piercing bullet. I ran to Rainbow, pulled the cloth and cut the rope.

“I thought you won’t find me.” She smiled.

“How could I left you? Is it hurts?”

“Slightly squeezed, but not such stuff happened when I fell during my trainings.” She quietly giggled. Damn, I’d like have this attitude. “He knows how did I get here.” Dash’s hoof shoved aside. I turned and saw sitting on the floor under the wall trembling man in a bathrobe who was staring at me.

“M-m-machine… Right there…” He pointed on a door.

“So turn it on!” He got up and hobbled on his unbending legs into the door.

“Now you’re going home…” I turned to my guest.

“And what about you?”

“Let’s go.” I helped her to stand up and we went into the room. From the back door a few guards ran into the hall and opened fire. I grabbed Rainbow and covered her by my back and lowered my head. Several hard blows to the back, crunching of broken ribs, a sharp pain, another warm trickle. It was a pierced vest. Then another bullet hit in my leg. I noticed that I buried my face in Dash’s mane. When I breathe, I felt the familiar smell of freshness, as if ten meters from me lightning strucked. Turning my body and raised the gun, I made another four shots. Now it’s clean.

I heard a loud noise in the room where the scientist was buried, as if there is the same lightning strucked. Then out of the door went... Snowy creature, two times higher than Dash. With large wings and a carrot on it’s forehead. Well, with a horn.

“Get out of her!” From this voice I almost became deaf.

“No, Princess, wait!” Rainbow ran to the creature. “He isn’t… He saved me from these monsters! Don’t hurt him!”

“What?” Its voice became normal.

“Hey…” I just waved a hand trying to control the pain and do not show in which condition I was.

“It helps you?”

“Not it, but him! He is my friend!” What? A friend?

“We should go.” Snowy creature looked at me. “I need a few minutes to close the portal.”

“Eyup.” I looked at my clock. “You have a few minutes.” I looked at Dash and she ran to me.

“Thank you! I knew that I can trust you!” She stood up on her hind legs and gave me a hug and then kissed me in my cheek. From this I felt warmth spreads throughout the body. I hugged her back, so hard, as it was allowed by my condition. I inhaled her scent again. I feel dizzy.

“Take care of yourself, Dashie.” I said, as we finished hugging.

“I’ll try. And what about you?”

“I will finish here and I’ll have a vacation.” I smiled and handed her a package of cookies, which pulled out of my pocket.

"Here, get crushed a little, but they're still the same delicious.”

“Thanks, Patrick! You’re the best friend ever!” She took a package and ran to the princess.

“Don’t forget me…” I waved to them one last time.

“Never! You too!”

I saw them freely entered into the portal, I sat down and leaned against the wall. She stole my vest. I laughed.

Strength left me with every drop of blood spilled. I looked at the clock. The timer shows 20. Suddenly my eyes fell on something bright blue. A feather lay on the floor. It was her feather. I took it, slowly raised by the weakened hand to my face and kissed it. In that moment everything that happened in the last two days swept before my eyes. Basement, her look, my home. There she clunged to me for protection. Now she is peacefully snuffling, with her nose rests on my chest. Our conversations. I remembered how I blushed. And the most important thing. Friend. She called me a friend. A tear rolled down my cheek. In first time. Thank you, Rainbow. Thanks, Dashie, for all of these feelings you taught me. I held her feather as tighter as possible to my chest..

The tactical nuclear warhead exploded again. Only, this time, not inside me. Wild roar, a bright flash from ventilation and elevator shafts, fire, darkness.

Worth it.

The machine had broke down for a good reason.

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