The machine is broke down

by RainbowAdmin

First published

What happens when a war-horse, suddenly, returning from work, heard a cry for help...

What happens when a war-horse, suddenly, returning from work, heard a cry for help... and will answer on it?

PS Many thanks to Tirael for editorial assistance.

Prologue. The FBI file

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Federal Bureau of Investigation

Top Secret

Subject: Patrick P Jacks

File number: 216S-HQ-67534

Case name: Patrick P Jacks

Date of birth: 9-17-1982

Place of birth: Boston, MA

- Mother: Jessica L Jacks, 2-13-1960 – 9-17-1992;
- Father: Paul A Jacks, 4-21-1958 – 9-17-1992

Social security account number: none

Bank account: none

Present address: N/A. LA, CA

Fingerprint card number: N/A

Education: N/A

Military service: N/A. Rank: Major. Call Name: Pegasus

National security threat level: high

Contacts: Gen. Jacob L. C. Thompson, NSA/CSS

Observation can not be determined. End of file.

Chapter 1

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I just returned from work. From Mexico. Another dirty job, once a cartel. Tired, hungry, I’m trying to get to the store to buy a portion of the semis.

Another killing machine? The garbage collector. No emotions or feelings. Only logic and tactical planning, quick movements and accurate shots. Average height, long hair, tied in a ponytail, gray eyes, athletic but a little lean physique for quick and precise movements. Work clothing. Comfortable heavy shoes, tactical kevlar pants with a dozen of pockets, lightweight bullet-proof vest under a black shirt and long black coat. In this time of year in the city of lost angels, especially at night, walking a strong cool wind.

I heard a squeak of rubber out of hard breaking, and then the woman's scream. In this area you can hear this often, but I decided to check what is happening there. Looking out for a corner, I saw a black van, three goons pulled a sack, which was kicking and swearing by sharp girlish voice, and carried it to the entrance into the basement. I quietly crept up behind them and stopped at the closed door of the cellar. I heard male voices and a moo, probably because of the gag. Quietly opening the door, I saw by the corner of my eye two goons were transferring some sky-blue thing with colored ribbons. One of those present people spoke to someone over the phone about a product that can be picked up at any moment.

I heard girlish scream again and I could not resist any more. I rushed inside and immediately met some Snoop Dogg with a gun, which he was holding utterly ridiculous - turning 90 degrees. A sharp attack on the right, and while he was distracted, capture the pistol with my left hand, taking away the gun, the capture of the neck and now I got a human shield. When the others got their weapons, I realized that they are idiots, plain street gang, not burdened by intellect. They had only knives. Or I just caught them by surprise. The blow on the head with a pistol grip and the bag with giblets sleeps on the floor.

Then everything happened as in training. Clear perfect machine actions. Capture a hand with a knife, a hall, a knee blow in the stomach, an elbow to the neck, bend, rear low-kick, knee kick on the back of the head, turn around and punch by cup of heavy steel shoe to the kidney, punch with my knuckles on his neck. And only those guy who stood with the phone stay with him in the ear. He did not understand what happened. And will not understand. The sharp attack, a blow on the temple.

The machine works as expected.

I heard crying. Quiet but affecting the long-seared conscience. I turned to the source of the sound and saw a horse. No, it was not a horse, a creature like Pegasus from Greek mythology. But three times smaller, sky-blue and it has rainbow mane and tail coloring. It was lying on stomach and crying, burying her face into the dirty basement floor. The gag was lying on the floor next to the creature. I sat down near it and gently touched this creature. It was like a blow on the nose to the touch. What did my nose would not tolerate in my life, even the blood is gone. But it was a little painful. And I did not have the desire to strike back after that. It pressed to the wall and peered into my eyes. Our eyes were crossed and in her huge red full of tears eyes (it was clear from the features of her face) I saw not only the fear and fading hope for salvation, but also something that caused the heart to flinch.

The machine has malfunctioned.

Once again, I touched the creature, but it is no longer going to beat on my nose. For the first time this evening I spoke by my quiet measured voice.

“Do not be afraid. I will help. You no longer will be hurt.”

It is stupid, it’s stupid and banal. I thought. But the creature was no longer looking at me with fear in her eyes.

I helped her get up and walk to the door, glancing down the floor to peace wheezing goons. What a freaks.

It begins the rain, so I cover the sky-blue creature with a coat and took her in my hands. I was surprised that she weighed a lot less than it seemed at first glance, considering her growth, not heavier than the wheel of my SUV.

Go to hell, gas station shop! I'm going home.

Dark alleys, garbage cans. Bearded faces of homeless people, some rabble-drinking. No one paid attention to the fact what I was carrying, hidden under my coat. I reached the back door into my house. I went up to the apartment, opened the door and went inside, turn on lighting. I put my burden on the couch and opened the coat. This cutie looks like she fell asleep.

Stop. Cutie? Major, you're milksop!

But then she opened her eyes and looked at me again. She was covered by dirt, dust, and there were a lot of scratches and cuts on her body.

Well, you bastards. I thought.

“We should clean you up and treat your wounds”

With these words, I took her to the shower and turned on cool water. Some of her wounds were still bleeding and cool water could help. I took the shampoo and a sponge, and began to wash her. I was finally convinced the fact that this is girl when I tried to wash her from behind, but she leaned her tail close and would not let me do it. Was she shying?

“Do not worry, I won’t hurt you. And at least what haven’t I seen?” I tried to defuse the tense situation with a little joke.

She smiled sweetly, relaxed, and, trembling with coolness, sat on the shower floor and allowed to wash her there.

After I washed her, I gently wiped this cutie creature, carried her to the couch in the hallway with my hands. Then I took a first aid kit and start handling her wounds.

She slightly trembled when it was little hurts, but tolerated, and I tried to be as gentle as I could.

Yup, major, you really gone crazy.

“Want some tea? You need to warm up and calm down.” I put the kit in the closet and looked at the creature.

She just smiled and nodded.

“Wait here a minute. I’ll be quick.” I went to the kitchen and turn the kettle on.

What kind of tea should I choose? I had a lot of different varieties of tea and coffee. Looking through the shelf, I opted for a relaxing white tea with chamomile, poured a portion to a mesh kettle and dropped it into a cup of boiling water. Then got oatmeal cookies, purchased at the airport and safely forgotten in my pocket, opened the bag and put it on a saucer. I took a kettle out of cup and dropped there a little tube, cause my guest could not, in my opinion, take the cup by her hand. Or by her leg? Or by her hoof? I took tea with cookies, and brought it to the couch, where the wondrous creature was laying. She began unconsciously break the machine down.

“Here, have a drink and a little snack. Everything will be fine.”

Banal again. Patrick, you did not know how to talk with people, you stupid robot.

A blue creature with huge scarlet eyes smiled again and that smile dragged an armful of burning coals from my head, and down to the belly. I could not resist smiling in response. For the first time, since twenty years ago a couple of thugs from the local gangs killed my parents for ten bucks, which they had in their pockets.

Then I took my visitor to bedroom and laid her on the bed.

“Have a rest. I'll be there, if you’ll need something.” I covered this blue miracle with a blanket and, leaving a night light on, went to the kitchen.

I took from the cupboard a bottle of whiskey, opened the laptop and started looking for something in the network, which could explain the appearance of such a wonderful and cute creature in that mired in greed and violence world.
Soon I heard strange noises from the bedroom. Looking back, I saw little pegasus girl turns in bed, moaning and seems to be crying.

It is not surprising. After what she went through today.

I did not know what to do. I've never had a girlfriend or anyone else who could be comforted. I just sat on the bed beside her and gently put my arm around her. I did not want one more time to get a kick on my nose. Contrary to my fears, there was no strike. She just turned to me, hugged, grabbed me with her legs like a vise, burying her nose into my chest, smiled and quietly snorted.

Do you know the feeling when from an overabundance of feelings your heart contracts? So I have not contracted it. On the contrary. It was like a tactical nuclear warhead exploded inside me. For the first time. For twenty years. It was incredible. I will not give her to the offense. No one. Never.
The machine is broke down.

Chapter 2

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She fell asleep. I looked at my watch – 3:00 a.m.

It’s late. Oh well. I do not care. Who are you? And where are you from? What's going on? Maybe something became clear in the morning. Judging by her swearing while sitting in the bag she speaks English. And her whole evening silence can be attributed to shock.

I felt her breath. It was soft and warm. And I felt her heart beating. A little more rapidly than humans, but quietly, only occasionally it speeds up it’s pace for a few seconds. I did not notice how did my hand start to scratch the blue pegasus, gently touching her behind the ear. Her fur was wonderfully soft to the touch. As if crossed gentle silk and a peach skin. And I felt her smell. It smelled like the air after a thunderstorm. But only a few times more strong.

She trusts me? How is this possible? We met no more than a few hours ago, and she sleeps next to me? Hell, major, what happens? How could someone be so pure and innocent, as this creature? How did you make me help you? Even the general was not always possible to get me to work offering a tidy sum.

Fatigue manifested itself. How many days I did not sleep? Two or three? I closed my eyes and began to do the usual thing for myself - deceiving my body. I liked this dream. It seems to be asleep, but at the same time you perfectly hear what's going on. When I felt that the room was brighter, considering a working nightlight, I opened my eyes. The clock showed eight in the morning. My guest was still sleeping in the same position as she fell asleep five hours ago.

I got out of bed with great difficulty uncoupled from a rainbow-maned stuck, gently, that she did not wake up. I went to the bathroom, washed and shaved off my stubble. Then I went to the kitchen. The refrigerator was empty. Never store food on a commercial scale.

Grocery store around the corner of my house was opened at half past seven in the morning. I went there.

So, what do horses eat? Hay, vegetables, fruit, do not disdain frogs. These thoughts swirled in my head while I stared around at the shelves. Okay, let’s go on a simple way. Take of vegetables, fruits and bread. I’ll make something with it. Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, bananas, sour cream and a couple of loaves of bread lay at the cash register counter.

I return home, quickly shred salad, washed fruits and put them in a deep bowl, fried potatoes. It was 9:30 a.m. I cooked a cup of coffee and sat down. Making the next breath, I heard back a bit shy and sleepy voice:

“Good morning…”

“Yeah, hello.” I turned back and saw my guest. She looked a little funny, pasted over with patches and hair, sticking out in all directions, as if on a rainbow factory an explosion occurred.

“Um… I…”

“Snack? There is a salad and fried potatoes.”

“Yeah, I'd eaten a cloud!” My guest became braver. “What does it smell?”

“Coffee. Want some? Or tea will be better?”

“I think tea. Thanks.”

I poured into her plate some potatoes and salad. And for some reason, put down a fork. She took a fork in her hoofsy and began eat breakfast.

What? Fork? At the hoof? How? Patrick, you should see a doctor.

While she eats breakfast, I make some tea for her. This time was green. It is very good for bracing in the morning. And there were the rest of oat cookies.

“I'm Patrick. Patrick Jacks.” I don't know why I decided to tell her my real name.

“Oh, sorry. I forget to introduce. My name is Rainbow Dash. You can call me Dash.” This cute blue creation smiled and I had not choice to smile back. “Yesterday you handled those terrible monsters... It looked awesome!” The last drop of embarrassment runs away from my guest.

“It’s just my work. Do you remember how did you get here?”

“Nope! I was training… Well, okay, I was sleeping on a cloud.” She smiled shyly. “And I woke up when those three monsters tied me, but I did not have time to do anything!”

Well, at least some progress. Recalling skills, stupid robot.

“What does your cutie mark mean?” She looked at me.

“Cutie what?” I was a little bit confused.

“Not “cutie what” a cutie MARK!” Dash showed her croup with the picture of cloud and lightning. “It appears when you find your talent. Your cutie mark is strange. And it’s only one-sided.” She poked her hoof on my right arm, just above the elbow, where there was a tattoo of a shield with a dragon's head on it.

“Oh, it's a tattoo. It’s the symbol of my group. It's not talent. Just a memory.”

“You’re weird…”

I'm weird? A cutie mark? What is she telling about? I feel that the conversation will be long. Oh, you know how to attract troubles, major.

Chapter 3

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“Dash, please, tell me about yourself. Where are you from?”

“Me? I am the best flyer in the whole Equestria! The fastest and the coolest!” Blue pegasus proudly puffed out her chest and spread her wings. Wow, that looks spectacular.

“And even the most modest.” I could not restrain a soft smile.

“You don't say?” She sniffed and sipped tea.

“And if in general terms? What is Equ…how is it calling?” I scratched my head.

“Equestria! Are you listening to me?” She looked into my eyes. “Ponies live there.”

“It’s like a parallel world, right?”

“What? I don’t know, it’s a normal world.” She stands up and went around the kitchen, looking at my stuff. “And this is a strange place. No, we don’t have about a half of these things. What’s that… box?” Little pony pointed on my laptop which was lying on table.

“It’s not a box, Dash. It’s my computer. Would you mind if we’ll try to get you home first? After that I’ll answer for all of your questions.” I tried to calm my strange guest.

“Okay.” She sat down on a chair and reached her hoof to take an apple. “What do you wanna know?”

“Tell me about your strange world.”

“It’s not strange!” She looked at me like I was an idiot.

“Yeah, sorry. Tell me about your normal world. I’m not used to meet talking pegasus every day.”

“That’s better.” She smiled. “I meet ponies every day.”

“Yup and I meet humans every day.”

“Who is that?” She looks curiously.

“It’s me. And these monsters, as you call them. Come on, tell me something.”

“Okay… Let’s see.” And then she struck. Stories about how she got her cutie mark, the victory in the flyers competition, about the Elements of Harmony, the princesses. I could not put a word between her stories. Half of what has been said, I do not even understand. But it was a lot of information.

“Wait, Rainbow, I don’t get about elements.” I took a bottle of whiskey and refilled my empty glass. “But I don’t think that it will be useful.”

“Ha? Why? It’s simple.”

“Yeah, you’ll explain this a little bit later. You told me about princesses. Can they found you here?” I became look on a pegasus with interest.

“I don’t know. They have a very strong magic power. But I think my friends started looking for me. And who are you? Now it's your turn to talk! What kind of job is this? To kick big scary creatures?” This sudden question drove me into a corner. I could not so simply say who I am. I remembered how recently she clung to me for protection, having such a pure soul.

“I... I’m a cleaner. So some kind of garbage would not pollute the planet.”

“No, you're still weird. And walking on two... feet. Like Spike!” She starts crunching an apple.

“No! I'm not weird. I’m normal. You are. You'd better tell me, did the people that carried you in a bag talks about something related to you?”

“Now I'll try to remember. I was sca... I could miss something. But I'll try… Patrick?”


“I have a headache…” She looks sad.

“Okay, have a rest.” I led her into the bedroom and helped her to lie down on the bed. “I’ll be there at the kitchen.”

“Fine… Um… Patrick?” She was a little confused.

“What?” I looked at her.

“Thanks. You’re very kind.” Little pegasus shyly looked away.

“It's my pleasure, Rainbow.” I smiled and went to the kitchen. Yeah, I’m just a walking bag of kindness with the gun, right.

After entering the kitchen I re-open the laptop and start to look through different databases for some information about pegasus girl. Nothing. Then I stand up from the chair and slightly rubbed my numb ass. After that I tried to find some information about a basement where my guest was found. I looked at my watch. A half past ten on the evening. Wow, a whole day flew away. I stand up and went to turn on the light. And when I reached for the switch, I was concerned about something. A strange sound. Somebody was tinkering in the door lock. I launched a surveillance program. The camera, which was hidden near the door, showed a picture. There were four guys. Three of them were holding guns, and the fourth was picking my locks. I had a head start for five minutes. Its were not so easy to hack, I tested its by myself. I quickly returned to the bedroom and woke my sleeping guest. My finger gestured to the fact that she should keep quiet. I hide a pegasus girl in the closet and whispered:

“Be quiet and wait here.” Dash just nodded and looked at me. She looks scared. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you. Just do as I say.”

I came to the window after closing the closet. Two SUVs were unknown to me, obviously does not belong to the neighbors. One man stands watching the exit and the second is sitting on the hood of my car. Just scratch it – I’ll kill you. Flashed in my head. I pulled out from the bedside table a gun and screwed silencer which was lying near to it. If I’ll have to use it, I don’t want her to hear shoots. And those morons under my window should not be seeing the flash.

Not turning the light on, I quietly walked to the kitchen. Outside the window was dark, thick curtains were closed, the room was semi-darkness. Click. The entrance door has been opened. The open door slightly lit hallway and I had to hide behind the kitchen door not to be seen. Wedding Crashers went inside and... closed the door. I wanted to slap a hand over my face, but then the sound would have betrayed me. I put the pistol in my belt so that I could snatch it in a split second. Intruders got flashlights and went to the apartment. Two went in the bedroom and began to dig there. A big lump crept into my throat. She is there!

I watched the scene through the reflection in the glass of the oven. Maybe they will think that there is no one and leave? I heard a cell-phone ring. One guest, who was in the bedroom, answered the call:


“But no one is here!”


“So what? I know that the signal goes from here! I’m telling you - here is empty, even the cockroaches run away. Apartment on the first floor we have already checked!”


“Okay, let's look.”

With these words, he put the phone in his pocket and... opened the closet, the meantime one of them went to the kitchen where I was hiding.

“Here it is! Guys, take that blue freak!”

Hell this shit! I made a sharp blow to the throat of the kitchen guest and I heard the familiar crackling of the larynx breaking. I rushed out from the kitchen, raise my gun and made three fast quiet shots. All it took no more than three seconds. I ran into the bedroom and looked in the closet. Dash looked out of it and she looked frightened.

“Wh.. What happened with them?”

“They are tired and laid down to take a nap, do not worry. Now I’ll call a cab for them and they will go home.” With these words I closed the closet door and began to drag corpses to the kitchen. I didn’t want Dash to see them in full glory. Well, these heavy bumpkins.

I looked out the window once again. A clown who was sitting on the hood of my car now stands near his friend looking for the exit. Nice. No sticks in my wheels. We need to go. And far away from here. And I should liquidate that apartment. They knew about it. I'll go into the house; there we’ll think what to do next.

While I was thinking these thoughts, I pulled out of the economic cabinet can of petrol for cigarette lighters, then poured the furniture in the kitchen, made a track in the hallway and watered by gasoline all that it was enough. Then unscrewed from the plate gas hose and opened a general crane. I made an improvised igniter from long twisted towels, put it under a cupboard and set fire to one end of the cloth. I have a couple minutes. Then I got a big garbage bag and went with it into the bedroom.

“You'll have to pretend to be garbage, or a bag of potatoes.” I said, opening the closet where Dash was hiding. “You should not be seen.”

“Is this necessary?” She looks very scared.

“I know that you were carrying in a bag, but it’s just for a few minutes. Come on, we have a little time.”

I put on on pegasus one of my bullet-proof vests. Dash looked in it very ridiculous, but you would never know. It’s better a broken rib, than the punctured heart. She curled up, I pulled a bag on her and decided to grab something else from my safe. I pulled large sport bag and opened a big floor safe, standing near the closet, took out packs with all the earned money, one gun, a dozen boxes of ammunition, a pair of stun flash bangs and electronic riflescope with thermal imaging mode. Following the contents of the safe the laptop flew into the bag.

I hung the bag on one shoulder, carefully lifted a bag of potatoes to the second and quickly walked to the back exit door. That's my car. Pressing the key fob - alarm beeping. Second press - the trunk opened, where went my sport bag. I could put in there Dash, but she's not potatoes, so the bag with her I put on the back seat. One of goons looked in my direction.

“Oh, barbecue, fishing! Resting is good, isn’t it?” I shouted to him, smiling stupidly as imbecile. Not burdened by intellect face turned away towards the exit door.

I got in the car, put the key into the lock and pushed the button. Five-liter diesel under the hood of my Touareg clucked by pleasant sound. As soon as we drove away from home, from the window of my former kitchen burst a pillar of fire.

“You can get out.” I told to the potato. “Now we’re going to the safe place.”

I heard that the pack starts rustling behind my back and in the mirror I saw that rainbow-mane bouncer crawled out of the bag and was now sitting on the back sit, staring at me.

“Patrick?” Her happy and fervent voice was replaced by dry and serious.


“You're not a cleaner, am I right?”..

Chapter 4

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“You're not a cleaner, am I right?”

This question knocked me out of a rut and I almost flew into a pole.

Oh shi… Has she guessed about everything?

“You’re right.”

“Who are you then? They didn't go home, did they? You...” She paused and I saw that in her huge expressive scarlet eyes appeared tears.

“Killed them…” I said by subdued voice.

Hell, Patrick. You're an idiot. A real idiot! Why the hell did you blurt?

“Dash, let's talk when we’ll get to the place?” She silently turned her head and began to look out the window, ignoring me.

Alright. How did they found her in my apartment? It seems the biggest of them talking about some kind of signal…

“Hey, how could they find you? Have they done something to you?”

“They delved in my mane. And it was hot.” Her voice has become drier.

I stopped the car, got out of the glove my PDA, connected to it plain device and went out of the car. I sat on the back seat, next to pegasus. She tried to pull away from me, but it prevented the door and she did not know how to open it. I carried the palm near the head of a pony.

I thought so. They stucked a GPS-beacon. How I did not see it when I washed her?

My hand reached for the pegasus mane, but her hoof darted me somewhere. I did not get such a strong blow in the stomach with the times of army trainings. This was unexpected. My eyes nearly flew out of their sockets and I was trying to remember how to breathe correctly. I raised my hand, leaning on which, to take up my chest and noticed by the corner of my eye that Dash jerked away from me and hit her head on the door. I looked up and saw that she looked at me with eyes full of horror. What have I done…

“No, wait. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help. Trust me.” I gasped when I remembered how to breathe. “I have not even thought to hurt you.”

“Why have you reached for me?” Now she looked at me with disdain.

“They hitched a beacon to you. And now they can find you anywhere. I want to get rid of it. Let me, please?”

“Alright. But then do not even think of touching me. Or I’ll hit you again! Killer.” After the last word my heart sank to the size of a pea. I became colder than the mortuary freezer inside.

Now she does not trust me. Yes, so that you, Patrick. You will need to talk to her. You stupid freak!

I touched to her and started looking for a beacon. Trying to make it as accurate and tender as I could, I sounded out every inch of her strained neck, each strand of her rainbow mane by my fingers. After a few tens of seconds her muscles began to relax and she closed her eyes. It seems she liked it. Just a moment her head bent down and put in the front seat. If I had not reined in her bottom, she could crash to the floor. Fell asleep. I carefully put her on the back seat; there was a good place - the three of us can sit in comfort, and continued searching. My fingers felt something small and hard. I shone the flashlight. I have not seen such beacons yet. Stop. Is it glue planted? My eyes nearly fell out the second time in the evening from what did I see. The beacon was glued to her fur, so it was not visible. I took out a knife and began carefully cut this gadget by hair by hair.

Removed this unfortunate device, I got out and was about to throw it away. I saw a coyote in the headlights of my car, watching me. The idea flashed in my mind. I slowly walked to the trunk, opened it and pulled out a loaf of bread. I broke off a small piece, stuck the beacon in it and then took out a knife. Slowly cutting my left arm by a knife I saw it started to bleed. I looked up at the coyote: he sniffed. Even the wind blows in his direction. I’m lucky today. I threw a piece of bread soaked in blood to that animal by snap of my fingers. Just as I thought he caught it in the air and swallowed it. Coyotes mind does not differ from a shoe. I closed the trunk and headed for the driver's seat. Coyote came closer, looking at me like a huge piece of ham which he will eat for dinner. But no, I just got in the car, closed the door and went slowly, shifting the level of damping from the sport in the softest mode. I didn’t want to shake the sleeping little pegasus. Let them think that my guest is worn in the desert. And then find a pile of dog’s shit. It gives me a lot of time when no one will bother. From time to time I glanced at the PDA screen, but it was not showing the GPS signal as well as other radio signals.

After about an hour of slow driving we reached to my house in the woods. It was once a hunting lodge of one of my neighbor, from whom I bought it. No one knew about it. It was unattractive one-story wooden building, which, if you do not know where it is and how to look, you can search until you'll blue. I liked to spend some time between jobs in here. I got out and went into the house. There weren’t much dust, not surprisingly, people also were not here, and the windows were closed. The first thing I made was removing the oilcloth from the couch. I returned to the car, gently took my guest, took her to the house and put on bed. She didn’t wake up. Yeah, I can imagine how she tired. Then I took the bag from the trunk and brought it into the house. Taking a bottle I left house and went into the woods. Hundred meters away was a creek, where it was possible to gain pure water. I could turn the water pump on, but it needs diesel generator to be working and I didn’t want to use it in cause of its loud rattling. In the silence of the night it sounded louder and can wake my guest up. When I returned, Dash was still nozzles on the couch. I poured the water into the charcoal filter and sat down on a squeaky chair, propped my head by hands and followed Dash’s example.

I opened my eyes when the sun began to shine through the window right in my face. I looked at my watch: half of the ninth in the morning. Climbed up, I went to the bottle with filter and manual pump, got out of it in a mug of water and went outside to wash my face. Then went to an annex next to the house where there was a generator. I check fuel level in the tank, switched the switch and started the diesel. It sneezed and started. It sounds not so nice like his older brother, under the hood of my car, but it's okay. I went into the house and down to the basement. I took a few potatoes from the bag and returned to the room. While I was cleaning the potatoes, a small stove with a frying pan on it warmed up and I started fix breakfast. I gained a little more water from the bottle in a pan to make tea and put it on the second burner. I turned around and saw that Dash had already awakened and now sat on the bed drilling me with her look.

“Good morning.” She just muttered something in reply and turned to the wall. “I wanted to talk to you…”

“Aw yeah. Me to! Why did you lie to me?” Pegasus looked at me again.

“I did not lie. I just kept back some facts. After your stories about your world I did not want to scare you.”

“Why did you kill?” It was a hit below the belt.

“I'm not doing this for fun, Rainbow. I'm sorry.”

“If you want me to forgive you — tell me everything about yourself. And only the truth!” She gets out from bed, spread her wings and looked into my eyes with her narrowed eyes.

“I do not think you want to know.” I turned to the stove, turned off the boiling water and the potatoes.

“Leave this for me to decide!” She was pressing me.

Patrick, you'll sorry about that.

“Alright. But eat something.” With these words I spread the potatoes on the plates, put the rest of vegetables and poured boiling water into a cup, where I had already put the tea bag.

“I’m listening.” She began dig potatoes in a bowl and stared at me.

“Are you sure?” I looked into her eyes.

“Yeah, come on!”

“Okay. It started twenty years ago. September 17, 1992. My tenth birthday. I came home from school. My parents are going to celebrate my holiday. No hype, just in the family circle. We have some problems with money, and the rent is not paid the full amount. My mother asked me to set the table while my dad and she go to the store to buy a cake and my favorite soda. They kissed me and went for a celebratory feast. Before they closed the door, I saw them last time. Only a week later, being at the shelter, I learned what actually happened. A few thugs from the local gang decided to make money and just beaten my parents to death, to take away money from them. Ten bucks.” I tried not to be rough.

“It’s… horribly…” Her eyes became bigger and wet. “Really?.. I mean… I’m sorry, I did not want to… Oh… I’m sorry, Patrick…”

“It’s okay, Rainbow. It was a long time ago. And I'm used to be alone.”

“So… Twenty years ago. Now you’re thirty?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I tried to smile, but nothing came of.

“I’m just nineteen.” Dash scratched her head and brushed away a tear. “Okay, let’s continue.” She stared at me.

“So… Then were nothing significant. I got to orphanage, finished school. After that I went to college.” Blue pegasus listened very carefully. “After finishing college I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t have home. So I went in the army. And housing will be, and the food is free, and you can earn a flat. No sooner said than done. Private Jacks. Marine Corps. Please love and favor.” She smiled a little. “I was a sniper, later - the commander of "Dragon Shield” special forces. Call sign - "Pegasus".

“Like me?” Dash looks surprised.

“Maybe. I don’t know why. I did not invent it.”

“Go on.”

“Okay… During the service I have traveled half the world, visited many hot spots. I saw the war from all sides. And you know what? I wish I had not been born. Death, tears, blood, loss of... The list is endless. Through the riflescope the war is much worse than the books and newspapers shows.” I noticed that in her eyes tears start to welling and stopped.

“Continue!” Her hoof stroked the table.

“Maybe it’s enough?” I touched her feet lying on the table.

“No, go on. It’s okay.”

“At a regular job as commander of the "Dragon Shield" group, with the elimination of one of the extremist factions all of my guys were cut. Everyone, except me and another guy. As cattle. And for what? Due to the fact that some of my chain of command had sold us the same group. After returning home, of course, I have found that rat and he got court-martialed for treason. But I was not going to stay. I retired from the army. I've seen enough of war and seen enough of the funeral. Enough. It's time to retire. I bought a flat in the outskirts of Los Angeles, away from my hometown, for 6 years earned money. A few months later a one general from the top of the NSA called me and offered some work...”

“May I ask?” She interrupted my story.


“What is Los Angeles and NSA?”

“LA is a big city. Well, we were there and you were in my flat which I told. And NSA is a National Security Agensy. It’s like your Royal Guard in Equestria.”

“Oh… I see. And what is the extremist faction?”

“It’s a group of… bad humans which want to kill or hurt in any other way other people. My work is to get rid of these people, because this problem cannot be solving in another way. I was just returning from job when I heard your scream. I don’t know why I decided to look what happened there. Maybe it was my fate, I don’t know. So, here I am.”

“Why did not you tell me this yesterday?” She said after a pause, when I finished.

“I was afraid to scare you.” I could hardly keep the stone face.

“Do you think that if I’m an athlete, I'm stupid, like a mannequin in a Rarity’s shop?”

“No. But I'm a monster. And I could hurt you by telling the truth.”

“You're not a monster, Patrick. You did not kill for fun. You did this in order to help those who have nothing to blame. In your world, someone has to bear this burden as far as I understand. And you’re that pony... sorry, person who is not afraid to shoulder this burden. You are very brave. And it's so awesome!”

“So… You’re…”

“Aha. That's it. I started to trust you for a reason. I felt something…” She smiled and this smile throws me into a fever. “You’re nice, really. May I ask one question?”


“That big guy said "this blue freak". Am I really so ugly?”

Did you see his mug? See him at night you’ll become a stutterer. No, actually, Dashie, you're very cute, especially when you’re spreading your wings.

“Thanks…” The fur around her nose was a little pinkish.

What? Did I say it out loud?

“Aha. And this you said out loud too.” Now I'm blushing.

Do I know how it is?

“Sorry for hitting you.” She looked down.

“Come on, you did everything right. It’s me should apologize to you.”

“Peace?” Dash smiled again and handed me a hoof. I shook it.

“Yup. Peace.” I smiled back to her.

How did you annoy them so? And to whom? Why do they hunt for you?

Chapter 5

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“Mike, baby, did I warn you about what would happen if you will do something wrong?” Hefty bumpkin stood anxiously looking down at the floor. “How could you miss this freak?”

“But Boss, I have not seen anyone leaving the house. There was nobody there!”

“And who then killed four of my people and set fire to an apartment? Or maybe they decided to shoot at each other and to play the instigators?”

“Well... There was one. But he came out of the alley and went fishing.”

“Fishing. At 11:00 pm. In the middle of the week. No rods. Are you an idiot? What kind of car he got?”

“I do not remember... It was big. Perhaps Sergeant remembers. He was sitting on the hood...” Mike shyly looked at Boss, like a little kid who broke his mother's favorite vase. “But that guy seemed to me like moron. He smiled stupidly. And then put the bag in the car and drove away. This creature was not with him.”

“And now you seem to me like moron. Okay, what was the address... Yeah, here.” He drummed on the keyboard, waits for the end of the search and whistled. “It seems we have a problem.”

“What is wrong, Boss?”

“Call Sergeant here, you moron, Bald and Chuck. It will be two birds with one stone.” The man at the table smiled slyly.

He began when everybody assembled:

“Where is this creature?”

“Somewhere in the desert, according to the signal.” Said a thin guy with a bald head. Judging by the tone of conversation, he was sort of right-handed boss.

“No, that’s a beacon, but not a creature. Stop searching. We are looking for a black Volkswagen Touareg with this number now.” Boss gave them a piece of paper. “Where the owner of this clunker - there and what we are looking for. Knowing him, he will carry it with him. And he has no place to leave this winged ass.”

“Should we fear him?” Bald asked.

“No, you should flee in terror as far as possible, if he notices you. Unless, of course, you will have time. It’s Pegasus.”

“And who is this?” Sergeant asked.

“We had once worked together.” Bald explained.

“Then why do you want him as a bird?”

“This is my own business. He decided that he is better than me and I wiped his nose. After that, he's looking for me.”

“Boss, should we remove him?” Asked Mike.

“You should remove a pile of shit from your pants when he will see you. You have no skills to handle him. We need to get this blue creature, and then he would come to me by himself. I just can not understand why he protects it. Go to the Guerrero’s basement. He did not kill anybody out there when he picked up our winged ass, so he’ll be back there. If you notch it - call, I'll tell you what to do. One more thing. Try to make the creature remained alive. Sooner or later we can sell it. And yeah... Tell Professor that I want him to come.”


“Well, since we're sort of made it up, come to think of what to do next. What happened after they tied up you?” I looked at pegasus, brewing a new cup of tea.

“The big guy punched me.” Dash said sadly. “It was hurt.”

“Which of them? Was he then in the basement? Don’t be sad, so you're the coolest and the bravest.” I went to the little girl and gently passed my hand in her mane, from top to back, and when she looked at me I winked at her.

“Yes, the biggest one. He seems to be called Squid.” She smiled.

“Okay, and what was after that?”

“I was shoved into a bag. It smelled bad.” She became sad again. “And then they took me somewhere. Then something… Sound… Almost like your ... Your cart, but its sound was just louder and more disgusting.”

“They brought you in the car? For a long time? Shaking?” I sat down and stared at Dash.

“For a long time. About an hour, or as you call it ... First, much shaken, I was even flying up, and then shaking stopped.”

So they are not in the city. I need some one to talk.

“Now we should return to the basement, where I got you. I can leave you here, but it is not safe.”

“Why?” I saw in her eyes that she does not want to go back there.

“It is necessary to communicate with the bad guys out there.”

“You ... Are you going to kill again?”

“Only if it needs to be.” I smiled and Dashie smiled back to me. Aw, she is so cute when she smiles. “Come on, finish your cup of tea and let’s go.”

I put the dishes back in the cupboard, took the bag, pulled on Dash the same vest and we got out of the house.



“Where is... Toilet?.. I think I drank too much tea.” She looked embarrassed.

“Choose any tree. Toilet is everywhere.” I said pointing toward the forest. “I’ll put my bag into car.”

So, sir. The gun is behind my belt, the becket I loaded while we were talking, a second gun is in the glove compartment. I do not understand what is happening. Maybe after a little questioning things became clearer.

Two minutes later Dash returned. I opened the door for her on the back sit and gestured her inside.

“There is tinted glass; no one will notice you from outside. Just doesn’t looming between the front seats, you can be seen.”

She nodded.

I sat behind the wheel, pressed the engine start button and looked at the fuel level.

“I’ll stop at the gas station, and looking to buy something to snack.” I stepped on the pedal and the vehicle moved with a smooth of locomotive.

“And what is the gas station?” Through the mirror I saw that pegasus curiously stared at me.

“The fact that my ... How you called, a cart, I mean a car goes not by itself. It needs fuel. And at a gas station people selling what it needs to "feed".”

“It eats?” Dash a little frantically inspected the interior.

“I would say that it eats like a blind horse.”

“What? You got me confused. What does a horse?”

“It does not eat, it burns fuel. How burns coal in a locomotive. This is just an expression, "eating like a blind horse." It means that the flow of the fuel is pretty much.”

“We have locomotives. Now I think I understood. Is it fast? I love speed!” Winged girl looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

Wow. In such a situation she can stay imperturbable and cheerful.

“Now we’ll drive out of the forest on the road and I’ll ride you with the breeze.” I smiled in response.

During a conversation we crawled to the road. I switched the suspension to sport mode and felt like the body of my car gets down towards the ground. Then moved a box of low transmission to the manual switch and push the pedal to the floor. Blue pegasus clearly did not expect such an acceleration, and she pressed into back of the sit. I didn’t race this baby for a long time. After seven seconds the speedometer crawled up to the mark of 60. 80, 100, 125 miles per hour. Diesel was cooing nicely under the hood. The road was smooth, straight and empty. But I didn’t accelerate more. Dash has already unstuck from the back and happily looking out of the window, clutching the front seat. I opened the manhole and a strong flow of air caused her mane to grow. Dashie closed her eyes in pleasure and slightly spread her wings. She is clearly not enough of these sensations. I was pleased to see her like this, even in the rearview mirror. Yeah, she is very beautiful. Stop. What? Ten minutes later, we flew to gas station and I had to stop.

“Awesome!” Dashie just beamed with joy.

“I’m glad you liked it." I smiled. "Sit here quietly, I’ll be quick.”

“23 gallons on the second.” I said, passing the cashier. He just looked at my car and nodded in response. I got various fruits, and took a couple of bottles of water and a few packets of oatmeal cookies. Apparently, my guest liked them. Paying at the checkout, I went to the car, waited for the dispenser spit out the last drop of diesel fuel, took it out and went back behind the wheel, put the shopping bag on a nearby seat.

“Want a bite?” She nodded. “Here, nibble an apple.”

Under the energetic crunch from the back seat, I drove from the gas station. After about an hour, chatting about any nonsense, we drove to the entrance to the basement. The area near the abandoned factory did not look so dull as night, but there almost were no people at the street. I looked around. Nearby stood a white van. It looks it was empty. Leaving Dash sit in the car, I went out and went to the basement.


“Boss, I see him.”

“Where did he go?”

“Into the basement.”

“Is the creature with him?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s in car. Should we get it?”

“Yeah, take it and go to me. Just look, do not fall into his eyes, or you would not carry away your asses.”


Once inside I saw a recent acquaintance that blew over the phone and some kind of goon, who was stunned staring at me. I looked at the goon:

“Are you Squid?”

“Yeah, so?” He looked at me threateningly.

“You should not hurt her.” I raised my gun and fired. Quiet armor-piercing bullet clap has done its job. Squid’s brains are slowly creeping up the wall down. Then I turned to the second man.

“What was she doing here?”

“Who are you?” I reviewed him in detail. Tall, lean. Ugly face.

“I have neither the time nor the desire to get acquainted with you. Oh, and you're not in a position to ask me questions. I repeat. What was she doing here?”

“We had to give that thing to the client!” I can hardly restrain myself not to send him after the goon after these words.

“Who is the client?”

“I don’t know.”

“Where did you get her?”

“I don’t know.”

“Repeat, please.”

“I don’t know!”

I raised my gun and looked into his eyes by my indifferent gaze:

“It’s a pity. I don’t need you anymore.”

“It’s a mistake! We needed another horse!” My interviewee whined piteously.

“Where did you get her?”

“Lab. In the desert.”


“I don’t know.” The muzzle of the pistol headed for his eye. “I really don’t know! I just know how to get there with GPS!”

“If you tell me everything I'll leave you alive. Go on.”

“Who are you?”

“What kind of lab?”


“What are they doing?”

“I don’t know!”

“Quietly, please. I can hear you perfectly. Who's there in charge?”

“I do not know, I keep connection only with the chief of security.”

“Who is it?”


“Very informative. How to contact him?”

“He calls me. Number is hidden.”

“Give the coordinates of the laboratory. It is big?”

“Not much.” He handed his navigator to me. “Here is the point!”

“Now I really don’t need you anymore.” I raised my gun up to his head.

“You promised not to kill me!”

“I lied.” A clap.

I heard a shout through the open door:

“Patrick!” Then I heard a dull thud, someone curses, another blow and a female scream. Her voice is anything else I could be mistaken. Freaks! You will answer me for this!

With this in mind I jumped out of the basement and saw a white van pulled away with a squeak of rubber. I raised the gun and made a couple of shots at the wheels. Of course, what did you expected, you fool? I rushed to the car, jumped behind the wheel, wound up and went after the van. Now they lead me to the right place. Stop. It's my jacket. On her. And it has a beacon! By free from the steering arm, I opened the laptop, lying on the passenger seat and started the navigation program. There were only two active beacons. One for me, the other on her. The rest were burned in the apartment. On the dashboard, I set the captured navigator. They were moving in the right direction to me. I was behind them enough to those assholes thought I lost them. We moved a distance of about a mile from each other. Van drove over the hill and I stopped. Van too. A few minutes later the signal was lost. Just at the point where the trophy navigator shows. Have gone underground. I slowly went to a nearby hill quietly to reconnoiter the situation.

I can not lose her. I’ve gone too far. No, Dashie, I will not lose you!

Chapter 6

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I drove over the hill and stopped the car. Once more I looked at both screens; I found that the signal from the Dash’s beacon was lost exactly where was the point indicating the laboratory. Looking around in the back seat, I saw spilled oatmeal cookies on it, a package from under them with teeth marks on it and a few drops of blood. Now, folks, pray for I do not found out who hit her when she was about to eat cookies. I clenched my jaw so hard that I felt an unpleasant crunch. So, Patrick, I understand that she became close to you during these two days, but keep your feelings inside. They never help, they just hurt. Damn. Close. Hell! Stop it!

It was getting dark. Clock showed 8.30 p.m. Waiting for darkness, and let’s go, Patrick. With these thoughts, I began to check the equipment. Opened the trunk and took out a bag, lifted the lid, under which normal people keep a box of tools and started to sort out the contents. I took off my cloak, pulled instead unloading vest; put the compartments filled with armor-piercing ammunition clips for handguns, stun grenades. Holding a missile one, I thought it was too much, and put it back in the trunk. I was not sure what would come in handy, so he took the minimum equipment that I took the job, which was not enough information. And I put in the pocket the second package of cookies. It was dark. Making sure that everything is in place, I looked up. Full moon was floating across the sky, sometimes hiding behind the clouds. If I had known ... I shook my head and began to climb on the hill.

I was lying behind a bush and watched over the imager towards lab. He showed me the two figures. I turned on night vision mode. From this distance, it was possible to consider a little, but those two who guarded the entrance were packed quite well. Each of serious vests, in the hands of one holding the M4 with red-dot sight, and the other was armed with a submachine gun. From the top, I noticed myself the route and in the moments when the moon is hidden behind another cloud, I ran into a new hideout.

I slumped to the entrance to the lab. Ten feet away stood guard. Behind them were rather big gates. I always wondered how these bastards manage to build such a thing and remain undetected. Cloud was moving to the moon. I raised my gun. 3, 2, 1, Clap came as soon as it got dark. I quickly rushed to the guard with the M4, grabbed his arm, holding a rifle, got rifle to the fuse, hooking and now he stands on his knees, and his weapon pinched his throat, and my knee rest against the back of the head.

“How can I get in?”


“Oops. Sorry.” I slightly loosened my press.

“Through the gates. There is elevator behind them.”

“What is downstairs?”

“Warehouse with vegetables.”

“You humorist, I see. Is lab big?”

“Not much.”

“Where is a blue girl?”

“I don’t know. Boss knows.”

“And how can I find him?”

“Second level, right to the end of the corridor.”

“What is on other levels?”

“There is warehouse on fourth level and labs on the third.”

“How can I open the gates?”

“There is console.” He pointed by his finger to the small booth.

“Any code?”

“Thetfzpis…” His voice was completely unintelligible.

“What did you said about me?”

“Three, two, five, zero, seven.”

“Thanks. Good night.” I jerked my hand and heard the crunch of a scrap neck.

I went into the booth and saw a computer. The selection was not great. Open the gate and call the elevator, or just open the gate. I chose the second option. I entered the code. Gate slowly went up. I pressed the cancel button and the gate began to close. I managed to slip under the roller shutter closing and I was in a small likeness of the gateway. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, which dilutes the only one red light, I looked around. In the corner of this small gateway I saw the camera. I turned on the night vision mode without lighting on my riflescope and made sure that the camera has an infrared lamp. By tracking the trajectory of the camera, I inspected the premises. A large freight elevator door and the little door just to the left of it. I went to it as soon as I had fifteen seconds of the dead zone. The door was open and I quietly slipped inside. Behind the door was a room on one side of which was some electronics, and on the other door. Apparently to the elevator shaft. I slipped through it, reflexively tracking camera. They were not there. Shaft was covered by lighting as a central area of the city. Looking down, I saw that the height is not very big. About 3 levels. The car was in the middle. I pulled kevlar gloves and jumped on the hawser. I started to go down to the cabin clinging to it.
With the cab, I noticed a ladder that you can go down to the bottom. But I decided to do a little examination of the second level. On the right hand was a ventilation hole, in which I crawled. I heard voices and stopped.

“Hey, Bald, and wha do we do now?”

“Relax. You have a beer - pour yourself, shut up and smile. I’ll tell you when it is necessary to do something.”

“And if this Pegasus will wander here? Then what?”

“I do not know. Boss should know what to do, it was his plan.”

“Okay. Do you have some stuff, man?” There was another voice.

“Shut up, you junkie.”

“You talk as if it's bad.” I heard laughing.

I slowly crawled to the sound source, and looked at the room through the bars. Some three guys. Two of them I didn’t know, but the third, which was back to me... His bald head looked familiar. I quietly removed the grate and jumped down into the room.

“What the hell?” Said the guy, who, I thought, took a fancy to the hood of my car.

“Hey there!” A kick to the chest did not give him an opportunity to say something else. He just sat on the floor and groaned.

“Who do I see. What brings you here, Pegasus?”

“Bald? And I want to ask you the same question. And yes. Pegasus brings me here.”

“I’ll kick your ass!” Hulk, who once watched the entrance of my house, rushed at me. Slap by the back of my hand on his neck and now he let bubbles lying on the floor, remembering how to breathe.

“Bald, why are you here?”

“I get paid. And pretty good. Why are you snatching for that thing?”

“So you pull her out of my car?”


“And who hit her?”

“Mike.” He pointed to the husky. “He almost killed her. And it is just kicked him. For him it was like a pea for elephant.”

“Mikey, Mikey. For what?” I crouched next to a gorilla.

“Why did it hit me?” He gasped, remembering skills of breathing, and trying to get up.

“Because.” My knee pressed his neck to the floor, a hand pulled a knife and slashed his neck, cutting an artery. I stood up and stared at the Bald. “Who runs the show here?”


“He's the head of security. Or not?”

“Well, yes. Security, laboratory and the generals commander.”

“And why are you telling me all this?”

“Because anyway I have nothing to do.”

“It’s reasonable choice. Who is Boss?”

“Believe me, you know him.”

“Okay. Where is the winged girl?”

“He got it. I don’t know. I handed it to him and left.”

“Who was the customer?”

“There was one… Only when he learned that the product is wrong he started rebel. I had to clean it up.”

“Why it was wrong?”

“Cause we needed another horse, asshole!” He pulled out a gun and fired. The bullet flew into my head…

Chapter 7

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The bullet hit the wall. As soon as I saw the smooth movement of the Bald’s hand to where he took on the look of a second, I went to the side and after the shot caught his hand with a gun. Slight movement of the finger and clip fell out. The bullet, which was in the chamber, went up in a guy who got a kick first. I caught a former colleague by the neck, and hand which held the gun was twisted behind his back.

“You don’t understand in what you’re involving, Pegasus.”

“Maybe. But why would I not worth it - this blue girl will come home.”

“Why are you worried for this freak so?”

“Cause she is not a freak. She has more humanity than any human is. Even more than all the people together.”

“And you got it in two days? Don’t tell me, bro.”

“I'm not your bro, Bald.”

“What's wrong with you?”

“It's nothing. I just realized something. You better tell me, how many securities are here?”

“Enough. Many of them are mercenaries like us. But they all piled on the third level. In the laboratory.”

“Sad. What Boss is going to do next?”

“I do not know. He said something about it in order to kill this fre... winged girl. I'm sorry.”

“For what?”

“For this!” I got a heel kick between my legs and released hostage out of the capture. Bald attacked me, but quickly settled, and the corner of his mouth started bleeding. He looked at me.

“No, it’s I’m sorry.” I said, pulling the knife out of his chest. Mike still gurgled, trying to breathe. Let he think about what he did. With that I returned to the shaft through the vents. I was to the way to the bottom. Maybe I can profit somehow from stock.

I walked into a large room, filled with boxes. They were opened one after another, but nothing useful I could not find inside them. But opening one of a chests, I whistled. Why the hell do they need it? It is amusing. I opened the cabinet. And they are not afraid to keep it in this condition? The control board was in place. I pulled the switch, poked at the buttons on the panel and closed the drawer. In any case, I looked at the clock and making a couple of uncomplicated manipulation I went back to the shaft. There is nothing interesting. There is electronics and useless stuff. I'll go to look for Dashie. Yes, Patrick. You brewed gruel. Yes, and it's a strange feeling inside...

Back at shaft, I walked up the stairs under the cab and climbed into the same vent, as well as on the second level. Crawling through the pipe I considered the situation in the different rooms. Dashie! I noticed pegasus girl lying on the floor of the huge hall. Beside her was a painfully familiar for me silhouette, and wandered around a dozen of guards. The grill wasn’t removable here and I crawled forward. Next grille flew out of the clips in the split second before after a quiet clap the armor-piercing bullet hit the guy with the glasses, standing at the entrance to the hall. Falling he managed to do a few shots and I regretted it. Into the room ran security. I was sitting in a pipe that's great sweep through and was an excellent target. Without hesitation, my hand found a grenade, pulled out a ring with my thumb and run it in the hole. I have covered my ears with my hands. I saw a flash even through closed eyelids. I took both the gun and jumped out of the shelter. Twelve claps. Twelve tons of weight on my soul. If it’s stay with me. I ran into the room and saw something what made a great explosion inside me. He held Dash, hugged her, holding a knife to her throat, and some rag was sticking in her mouth. Her lips were cut and there was blood on her fur. Her feet, like wings, were tightly tied. Dashie was looking at me. Tears flowed from her red eyes. For a moment I closed my eyes. Painfully familiar situation.


It was two years ago. Psycho kidnapped one of clerk’s daughter. I should find her. But he didn’t want to let her go. He lured me into one of his shelters and killed girl. On my eyes. She looked at me and she was crying. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t help her. He was laughing, slowly cut her throat. That’s the reason why I was looking for him.


“Hello, Pegasus!”


“No, I prefer the name Boss. Do you remember something?”

“You think I forgot that girl? Or forgave you that thing? Why was it necessary to kill her?”

“You needed to put in place, major. You're arrogant.”

“Even if it were true, you were wrong.”

“Oh, I see you've forgotten everything. I was going to remind you.” The knife pressed to Dash’s neck stronger. She kept her eyes on me.

“Stop it.”

“Do you need it?” He leaned over and looked below her belly. “Yeah, there are some places to poke in, without head.” Psycho laughed. “I’ll just cut her head.”

“You know that I’ll shoot your head before you move your hand with a knife, Psycho, isn’t it?”

“I know. You're the best and the fastest sniper I have seen ever. So, she is on the gunpoint. Beside the closet. Just something wrong – a wet spot wouldn’t left.”

“Let her go. Or you have courage only enough to hurt little girls? Your father would not be happy.”

“Enough!” Mercenary hit Rainbow by his knee, she flew a couple of feet, fell and whimpered through the cloth, and he rushed at me.

I ducked under the arm with a knife, twisted it and slapped a couple of punches to his head. Psycho staggered, but quickly returned to reality and slapped me a strong punch in my jaw. When I tried to get a gun, he slashed the knife on my hand, and I dropped it, but the second hand slapped an uppercut to Psycho's head, then rose on my feet and slammed my toe on his liver. This put him out of action for a second, and then I got a heel in the head, and then felt a sharp pain under my jacket and something warm came out from under him. This big guy was better than me in the melee. Psycho pulled a knife out, and when I fell down on the floor went to Dashie.

“Look at that while you’re still alive, asshole. Remember something.” He took her by the mane, raised her head and was going to slash her neck with a knife, but I got up and ran into him, knocking over, grabbed his arm and stuck a knife through his heart.

“Don’t dare...”

Something was struck in my vest and I looked up. Some freak was shooting in me out of closet. It took me a split second to grab a second gun and lull him, breaking the skull of an armor-piercing bullet. I ran to Rainbow, pulled the cloth and cut the rope.

“I thought you won’t find me.” She smiled.

“How could I left you? Is it hurts?”

“Slightly squeezed, but not such stuff happened when I fell during my trainings.” She quietly giggled. Damn, I’d like have this attitude. “He knows how did I get here.” Dash’s hoof shoved aside. I turned and saw sitting on the floor under the wall trembling man in a bathrobe who was staring at me.

“M-m-machine… Right there…” He pointed on a door.

“So turn it on!” He got up and hobbled on his unbending legs into the door.

“Now you’re going home…” I turned to my guest.

“And what about you?”

“Let’s go.” I helped her to stand up and we went into the room. From the back door a few guards ran into the hall and opened fire. I grabbed Rainbow and covered her by my back and lowered my head. Several hard blows to the back, crunching of broken ribs, a sharp pain, another warm trickle. It was a pierced vest. Then another bullet hit in my leg. I noticed that I buried my face in Dash’s mane. When I breathe, I felt the familiar smell of freshness, as if ten meters from me lightning strucked. Turning my body and raised the gun, I made another four shots. Now it’s clean.

I heard a loud noise in the room where the scientist was buried, as if there is the same lightning strucked. Then out of the door went... Snowy creature, two times higher than Dash. With large wings and a carrot on it’s forehead. Well, with a horn.

“Get out of her!” From this voice I almost became deaf.

“No, Princess, wait!” Rainbow ran to the creature. “He isn’t… He saved me from these monsters! Don’t hurt him!”

“What?” Its voice became normal.

“Hey…” I just waved a hand trying to control the pain and do not show in which condition I was.

“It helps you?”

“Not it, but him! He is my friend!” What? A friend?

“We should go.” Snowy creature looked at me. “I need a few minutes to close the portal.”

“Eyup.” I looked at my clock. “You have a few minutes.” I looked at Dash and she ran to me.

“Thank you! I knew that I can trust you!” She stood up on her hind legs and gave me a hug and then kissed me in my cheek. From this I felt warmth spreads throughout the body. I hugged her back, so hard, as it was allowed by my condition. I inhaled her scent again. I feel dizzy.

“Take care of yourself, Dashie.” I said, as we finished hugging.

“I’ll try. And what about you?”

“I will finish here and I’ll have a vacation.” I smiled and handed her a package of cookies, which pulled out of my pocket.

"Here, get crushed a little, but they're still the same delicious.”

“Thanks, Patrick! You’re the best friend ever!” She took a package and ran to the princess.

“Don’t forget me…” I waved to them one last time.

“Never! You too!”

I saw them freely entered into the portal, I sat down and leaned against the wall. She stole my vest. I laughed.

Strength left me with every drop of blood spilled. I looked at the clock. The timer shows 20. Suddenly my eyes fell on something bright blue. A feather lay on the floor. It was her feather. I took it, slowly raised by the weakened hand to my face and kissed it. In that moment everything that happened in the last two days swept before my eyes. Basement, her look, my home. There she clunged to me for protection. Now she is peacefully snuffling, with her nose rests on my chest. Our conversations. I remembered how I blushed. And the most important thing. Friend. She called me a friend. A tear rolled down my cheek. In first time. Thank you, Rainbow. Thanks, Dashie, for all of these feelings you taught me. I held her feather as tighter as possible to my chest..

The tactical nuclear warhead exploded again. Only, this time, not inside me. Wild roar, a bright flash from ventilation and elevator shafts, fire, darkness.

Worth it.

The machine had broke down for a good reason.