• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,212 Views, 11 Comments

The machine is broke down - RainbowAdmin

What happens when a war-horse, suddenly, returning from work, heard a cry for help...

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Chapter 1

I just returned from work. From Mexico. Another dirty job, once a cartel. Tired, hungry, I’m trying to get to the store to buy a portion of the semis.

Another killing machine? The garbage collector. No emotions or feelings. Only logic and tactical planning, quick movements and accurate shots. Average height, long hair, tied in a ponytail, gray eyes, athletic but a little lean physique for quick and precise movements. Work clothing. Comfortable heavy shoes, tactical kevlar pants with a dozen of pockets, lightweight bullet-proof vest under a black shirt and long black coat. In this time of year in the city of lost angels, especially at night, walking a strong cool wind.

I heard a squeak of rubber out of hard breaking, and then the woman's scream. In this area you can hear this often, but I decided to check what is happening there. Looking out for a corner, I saw a black van, three goons pulled a sack, which was kicking and swearing by sharp girlish voice, and carried it to the entrance into the basement. I quietly crept up behind them and stopped at the closed door of the cellar. I heard male voices and a moo, probably because of the gag. Quietly opening the door, I saw by the corner of my eye two goons were transferring some sky-blue thing with colored ribbons. One of those present people spoke to someone over the phone about a product that can be picked up at any moment.

I heard girlish scream again and I could not resist any more. I rushed inside and immediately met some Snoop Dogg with a gun, which he was holding utterly ridiculous - turning 90 degrees. A sharp attack on the right, and while he was distracted, capture the pistol with my left hand, taking away the gun, the capture of the neck and now I got a human shield. When the others got their weapons, I realized that they are idiots, plain street gang, not burdened by intellect. They had only knives. Or I just caught them by surprise. The blow on the head with a pistol grip and the bag with giblets sleeps on the floor.

Then everything happened as in training. Clear perfect machine actions. Capture a hand with a knife, a hall, a knee blow in the stomach, an elbow to the neck, bend, rear low-kick, knee kick on the back of the head, turn around and punch by cup of heavy steel shoe to the kidney, punch with my knuckles on his neck. And only those guy who stood with the phone stay with him in the ear. He did not understand what happened. And will not understand. The sharp attack, a blow on the temple.

The machine works as expected.

I heard crying. Quiet but affecting the long-seared conscience. I turned to the source of the sound and saw a horse. No, it was not a horse, a creature like Pegasus from Greek mythology. But three times smaller, sky-blue and it has rainbow mane and tail coloring. It was lying on stomach and crying, burying her face into the dirty basement floor. The gag was lying on the floor next to the creature. I sat down near it and gently touched this creature. It was like a blow on the nose to the touch. What did my nose would not tolerate in my life, even the blood is gone. But it was a little painful. And I did not have the desire to strike back after that. It pressed to the wall and peered into my eyes. Our eyes were crossed and in her huge red full of tears eyes (it was clear from the features of her face) I saw not only the fear and fading hope for salvation, but also something that caused the heart to flinch.

The machine has malfunctioned.

Once again, I touched the creature, but it is no longer going to beat on my nose. For the first time this evening I spoke by my quiet measured voice.

“Do not be afraid. I will help. You no longer will be hurt.”

It is stupid, it’s stupid and banal. I thought. But the creature was no longer looking at me with fear in her eyes.

I helped her get up and walk to the door, glancing down the floor to peace wheezing goons. What a freaks.

It begins the rain, so I cover the sky-blue creature with a coat and took her in my hands. I was surprised that she weighed a lot less than it seemed at first glance, considering her growth, not heavier than the wheel of my SUV.

Go to hell, gas station shop! I'm going home.

Dark alleys, garbage cans. Bearded faces of homeless people, some rabble-drinking. No one paid attention to the fact what I was carrying, hidden under my coat. I reached the back door into my house. I went up to the apartment, opened the door and went inside, turn on lighting. I put my burden on the couch and opened the coat. This cutie looks like she fell asleep.

Stop. Cutie? Major, you're milksop!

But then she opened her eyes and looked at me again. She was covered by dirt, dust, and there were a lot of scratches and cuts on her body.

Well, you bastards. I thought.

“We should clean you up and treat your wounds”

With these words, I took her to the shower and turned on cool water. Some of her wounds were still bleeding and cool water could help. I took the shampoo and a sponge, and began to wash her. I was finally convinced the fact that this is girl when I tried to wash her from behind, but she leaned her tail close and would not let me do it. Was she shying?

“Do not worry, I won’t hurt you. And at least what haven’t I seen?” I tried to defuse the tense situation with a little joke.

She smiled sweetly, relaxed, and, trembling with coolness, sat on the shower floor and allowed to wash her there.

After I washed her, I gently wiped this cutie creature, carried her to the couch in the hallway with my hands. Then I took a first aid kit and start handling her wounds.

She slightly trembled when it was little hurts, but tolerated, and I tried to be as gentle as I could.

Yup, major, you really gone crazy.

“Want some tea? You need to warm up and calm down.” I put the kit in the closet and looked at the creature.

She just smiled and nodded.

“Wait here a minute. I’ll be quick.” I went to the kitchen and turn the kettle on.

What kind of tea should I choose? I had a lot of different varieties of tea and coffee. Looking through the shelf, I opted for a relaxing white tea with chamomile, poured a portion to a mesh kettle and dropped it into a cup of boiling water. Then got oatmeal cookies, purchased at the airport and safely forgotten in my pocket, opened the bag and put it on a saucer. I took a kettle out of cup and dropped there a little tube, cause my guest could not, in my opinion, take the cup by her hand. Or by her leg? Or by her hoof? I took tea with cookies, and brought it to the couch, where the wondrous creature was laying. She began unconsciously break the machine down.

“Here, have a drink and a little snack. Everything will be fine.”

Banal again. Patrick, you did not know how to talk with people, you stupid robot.

A blue creature with huge scarlet eyes smiled again and that smile dragged an armful of burning coals from my head, and down to the belly. I could not resist smiling in response. For the first time, since twenty years ago a couple of thugs from the local gangs killed my parents for ten bucks, which they had in their pockets.

Then I took my visitor to bedroom and laid her on the bed.

“Have a rest. I'll be there, if you’ll need something.” I covered this blue miracle with a blanket and, leaving a night light on, went to the kitchen.

I took from the cupboard a bottle of whiskey, opened the laptop and started looking for something in the network, which could explain the appearance of such a wonderful and cute creature in that mired in greed and violence world.
Soon I heard strange noises from the bedroom. Looking back, I saw little pegasus girl turns in bed, moaning and seems to be crying.

It is not surprising. After what she went through today.

I did not know what to do. I've never had a girlfriend or anyone else who could be comforted. I just sat on the bed beside her and gently put my arm around her. I did not want one more time to get a kick on my nose. Contrary to my fears, there was no strike. She just turned to me, hugged, grabbed me with her legs like a vise, burying her nose into my chest, smiled and quietly snorted.

Do you know the feeling when from an overabundance of feelings your heart contracts? So I have not contracted it. On the contrary. It was like a tactical nuclear warhead exploded inside me. For the first time. For twenty years. It was incredible. I will not give her to the offense. No one. Never.
The machine is broke down.