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Up Next: VI - Miserable Asshat of the North
Okay. WHY do you have the main character be a walking stereotype? That doesn't scream anything good for the story.
And that's just in the description. It feels like he's inclusive for the sake of being inclusive. Which is never a good thing.
I guess I’m mainly trying to create a different type of character than what is normally seen on this site, a stereotypical white boy, in romance stories. Not only that, but I couldn’t seem to find a devoted and long love story including Sunset Shimmer. So if I’m gonna do it, I gonna do it my way. As for Noah altogether, I wasn’t exactly aiming for a hood nigga in the long run, only in the beginning, and with his friends. Noah is a good person with a somewhat pure heart, and even more in the end. I want him to be this absolute jerk to people he doesn’t know to establish himself within the school. So when the Rainbooms hear about him from Sunset, they already know he’s a jerk, but they don’t know anything else until the end of the Friendship Arc. What I’m basically saying is, Noah is not gonna be a basic boy from the streets, in time, I plan for him to become a gentleman, but not completely abandoning what he learned from his old home.
As for being inclusive, I can’t really lie, that’s what I want Noah to basically be. The entire Equestria Girls Universe is large, and I basically want to take Noah, and place him in a universe he doesn’t understand, but is incredibly important within it. I want him to become apart of their group with his own little spin on the whole thing. I don’t want him to be there and all of the stories just flood him within it without him really making a difference.
If you can tell me about other things I can improve on, or explain properly, I’ll gladly listen because I don’t want to be a bad author.
Notice: Chapter VI may drop this Wednesday.
I really thought this chapter was a dip in the overall quality of the story. The interaction between Noah and Sunset in the barn was straight awkward and made me uncomfortable, not gonna lie. This chapter overall was a bit shaky to me, hoping for better in the next one.
PM me when you rewrite these, please. I want to see the newer versions.