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This is awful...
Any reason why you say that? Or is this just a story you find...out of place?
Have you ever heard of spacing and paragraphs?
Yeeeeeaaaah, though I'll admit, the beginning chapters do need revision so I'm gonna do that. Anything besides that or...?
If you don’t, I’ll have to delete your comment.
It's just bad overall. Just look at the dislike ratio.
It needs work undoubtedly, I'm doing that now as a matter of fact, but at least it's not as bad as other things here that I'm sure you know of. And I don't really regard the like/dislike ratio, its kinda just, there, you know? Besides, I'm only focused on who likes it, even if it comes up a little short for being different. Did you read the whole thing so far? Cause Noah gets better, he's just an asshole in the beginning cause that's his character trait.
This is so fucking good! PLEASE CONTINUE THIS! :3
Don’t worry, chapter was just delayed due to the covid-19. Next chapter drops this week :)
Yay! Oh and don’t rush! Im sorry if I rushed you but it is so good! I hope that you are being safe and healthy. Hope you have a nice day/night! And thank you for this story!
It’s alright, no worries :)
Love the Forza reference, one of my favorite games. Also, it just me or it seem like Noah be ballin?