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I haven't read anything yet, but I plan to.
The like to dislike ratio is definitely off balance, but that won't be affecting me enjoying the story at all. In fact, it partially motivates me to read it even more. Before I read though, I want to establish a few things!
Everyone's story can use a little work. If your story needs a little work, that's completely fine. I don't expect perfection in any story, I simply expect the authors idea's to be perceivable from my point of view. If you can do that: your golden!
I'll be reading the entire story sometime soon, and giving critique as I go along. I desperately want to help others on this site write, and encourage them to keep on writing, despite what others might have to say. I might not be in the position to do this, as my own stories need work, but I hope that I can provide some insight from a readers perspective!
I'm looking forward to reading you story! See you soon.
Praise The Sun
- Solaire
Anytime, and jeez, you just keep throwing these ideas my way! Now I'm thinking I should get rid of one, get rid of them all, or keep them all.
Well that's a thousand times better than a simple dislike as any criticism would be much appreciated. Can't wait to hear your thoughts!