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Despite NOT knowing about common things in the REAL World. HOW THE HELL DID THEY KNOW ABOUT AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT SOUNDS A LITTLE BULLSHIT!!!
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!! Despite being F****** PISSED, on the fact that the Dazzlings are the Ones that caused the Wars, Terrorism, and the Tragedies. I mean WTF Author, for doing that???!!!! That's REALLY SCREWED UP TIMES 999 TRILLION!!!!!!!!! At least, that there are DEAD, and be FRICKIN TORTURED, AND EVEN RAPED FOR ETERNALLY IN HELL!!!!!!!

God lee. 🤦🤦🤦🤦 Noah need to FRICKIN Teach everyone about the Common stuff, History, Media, and Gestures, in the REAL World.
1. 😂
2. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna change the American part. It was basically supposed to be foreshadowing for something, but now, I'm not exactly sure how that would work.
3. Definitely, I wanted a story that actually punished the Sirens, and I wanted it to be more deserving by making it that they're serious war criminals. And trust me, they're getting what they deserve.
4. Actually, Noah’s gonna use those to his advantage, especially with Sunset.
5. Thanks for reading!
1. 😉 😏
2. Thanks, it's just since they DON'T KNOW Anything in the REAL World. Like Past History, the Wars and Terrorist Attacks, don't know the 7 Regular Continents like North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North and South Poles. They don't know Simple Gestures and Phrases from Regular Teens. So HOW can Principal Celestia and Luna know about America, and Noah being African American????
3. At first, I thought they be in Noah's "Harem" like in other High School/Equestria Girls Stories in this site???
But, being PURE EVIL, Causing ALL of the WARS, SLAUGHTER, GENOCIDE, TERRORISM, DISEASES, DISASTERS, AND MORE!!!!???? just for FRICKIN FEEDING, and Boredom!!!!!!!!!! Like MOTHER FRICKIN the Four Horsemen, or the Seven Deadly Sins!!!!!!????
That's TOTALLY SCREWED UP, and make them be on pair with Convention Bureau story type Misanthropy Tyrant Celestia, or Xenophobic/Racist Ponies, and Very EVIL Creepypasta or SCP "World Ending Type" HEARTLESS Monsters!!!!!!! 👺👺👹👹
Sure, there are FINALLY KILLED OFF, with DBZ/DB GT/DB Super Vegeta's Final Flash. But, I want them to SUFFER more. Like make it where, ALL of Humanity's Deceased/Victims, be their JUDGE, JURY, AND EXECUTIONER!!!!! Including Noah's Dead Family. All of the TRILLIONS of People will do EVERYTHING on the Dazzlings. To TORTURE, BEATING, SHOOTING, BLOWING THEM UP, DROWNING, RAPING, KILLING THEM OVER, OVER, OVER, OVER, OVER, OVER, AND OVER AGAIN. FOR ALL OF ETERNALLY!!!!!!!! They WANT Hate??!! They GET IT ALRIGHT, But their WILL REGRET IT FOREVER!!!!!!!!! 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹

4. Probably be funny. But I STILL WANT them to know the REAL World stuff, including ALL of the Sad, Mess Up Stuff like the Wars, Terrorism, Genocide, Criminal Activities and more. SERIOUSLY, it's like this are CUT OFF from the World, they got the FRICKIN INTERNET!!!!!!! They SHOULD know everything like everyone in the REAL World. UNLESS the Canterlot City Mini Government is Hiding ALL of them from the REST of the World on PURPOSE????!!!!
* The X-Files Theme Song* 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺
2. Yeah, I really didn’t think that through...
3. Oh without a doubt, I just kept thinking that there’s no way they’ve crossed the entire planet and didn’t cause something horrible. The rest came to me like that.
And don’t worry, they’ll get what they deserve. But sometimes, it’s best to leave on to themselves until they’re screaming at the top of their lungs for death. Which will definitely become a core part of the story.
4. As said before in chapter 6, Equestria definitely knows about the outside world, but it’s being kept a secret to protect them. Along with the things that Sunset and the others don’t know, Noah will indeed reveal what they are. And they already know that there’s an entire world out there to be seen, and Noah is their way to see it.
I like this chapter better. It's a good way to close the current part of the story. Also, you still reading these comments?