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I'd like to see Noah's american friends interact with the Rainbooms more. I mean, I understand that Noah might the only one of them who's friends with the Main 7, but that doesn't mean that they don't interact with them. Like for example: Josuke Higashikata and Rohan Kishibe from Diamond is Unbreakable. Rohan is friends with one of Josuke's friends but hates Josuke himself, but they still interact with eachother, creating some of the funniest scenes (in my opinion) in the anime. I just find it weird that Noah interacts with the Rainbooms a lot, and then you remind us that Noah still hangs out with his OG friends.
On a related note, don't you think it's weird that Noah's friends just simultaneously decides to return to America. Like, ALL OF THEM JUST DECIDED TO THAT!?! They practically have no family (as far as I know) in America!! I mean, I understand if you want to focus more on Noah, but his friends have a lot of potential despite having a small screen (screen or page?) time. Just think about it, Noah is the Super Element, but what if the Super Element of Righteousness have elements in them, and the elements are Noah's friends and they discover it backwards from how the Main 6 first discovers the Elements.
Though you could have other americans go to Canterlot High and become friends with Noah. It'd be an intresting arc, with the country of Equus getting more and more fame, and it's no longer an isolated country. But that's your choice to write. I understand if you don't because you probably have planned out the rest of this story.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you don't introduce characters only to not use them. Especially if they have a deep history with the MC. It's a running problem in MLP, and I'm not a fan of it. Though this doesn't mean that your story sucks. it's just a thing that's been bugging me when you wrote this chapter. I'm looking forward to the rest of the Endearment Arc
Not a bad idea actually. Originally, I was gonna have it that they did just leave Equis, but the idea of them interacting with the Rainbooms has definitely piqued my interest. Of course, this means they'll be present for the rest of the story as a whole, so I'll have to see how that would go.
As for what they'd do in America, their plan was to go to Foster Care to get back on their feet and into the world while they still have the chance.
Thanks for the idea, it's not a bad one at all and I'm definitely gonna have it in my head for a while. I can already imagine Jain and CJ constantly going back and forth with Rainbow and Twilight.
I appreciate you reading my comment.
Though, you don't necessarily have to send all of them to America. Just about half of them.