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And Here We Go... Again!!!!!
Time for round 2! Let's fucking gooooooo!
It tickled my brain in a good way to see this pop up to the top of my recently updated list. To see this story get some love after all this time is wonderful to see, and I hope it comes to fruition as you desire.
Good luck to you with jumping back into this story, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Glad to see this back, whatcha gonna do with the old chapters as you go?
I've had this story marked to read later for a long time, but the fact that it hasn't been finished (or at least updated recently) prevented me from starting it (I didn't want to read another story that was abandoned at the climax)
BUT now that the author is going to rewrite it, I will read the original work both to compare it to the rewrite and to pay respect to the author for coming back
"not worth it" - I assume
"setting" - unless this guy really is that angry
Happy to see it get picked again. Can't wait for mora :D
And here's a question! How often can we expect an update?
I am *hoping* to write and publish a chapter about once a week, but no promises, I'm a busy guy these days, sadly <:3
First, sorry im not an expert on english. Since you are rewriting the story let me dump my
complaintsopinion, suffice to say I love the concept of this story. However I have a lot of problems related to Rose himself (this is just an opinion, hell maybe you have some of this flaws to him on purpose idk I only read up to part 1 so I'm okay with being wrong):1. Rose feels like if I told a chat bot to act like a good person, his responses are dry, wordy and he is so polite that every conversation he has feels impersonal. He doesn't feel real.
2. I understand some of his grivances, but most of the time he is really condescending about pony culture, they are not savages dude, they know what consent means. I swear when he said finally a sensible pony to Zecora I felt so much cringe.
3. Talking about consent, he says that word so much that I feel everybody needs a contract to even say hello to him. (this also correlates to point 1). He is really preachy.
4. How he acted during the whole racism part disgusted me. Mf really thought that inviting Zecora was a good idea after she explained the racism to him, he could have taken it slowly instead of jumping the gun. Also previosuly he acknowledges the importance of communication and he up and leaves Applejack there like a drama queen, even though she tried, do what you preach dumbass. That is not how you fight against racism.
5. This leads to the next point, Applejack is done a disservice in this fic, or every pony for that matter. When they offered to protect Rose on the everfree they mentioned the whole stallion thing again, that made no sense, they were obviously worried about him because they care. She just said that so that our protagonist can have another moment to showcase his impecable moral compass and roll his eyes at it. Also why is Applejack kinda racist? Zecora mentioned that ponies fear the unknown, I'm pretty sure that Applejack was feeling something other than fear when she was being pounded by an alien organic lifeform, I guess a zebra is just too much for her.
6. Talking abouut the everfree, why is he okay on going alone to a place he doesn't know because some magical creature in his head told him, even though everyone told him is dangerous. And somehow the ponies are the one exagerating because he is an independent man, goddamn, how much ego does he have?
I would no have cared this much if the protagonist was not presented as nice, but as it is he is kind of a prick to me. Anyway, excited for the rewrite, hope for more.
Glad to see this story back! Looking forward : )
thanks bro! glad to be back ^^
From what I can remember of the original version of this chapter, Rose used to be a lot more confused and disorientated in the old version. Since it seems the original chapters are getting fully replaced with the new ones, I can't go to the old chapter to compare them. Personally, I think I prefered the disorientation and stumbling through choices that the old chapter might have implied. Not that it matters too much. This is personal preference though. This chapter rewrite is a lot clearer and more precise with what is happening and also more detailed. This is also from memory since I haven't read the original chapter since I started reading this story.
Rewriting this is also a somewhat risky choice. Writing something new is often more fun than rewriting things down a set path. While I think the old story likely has plenty of things that could be done better, it'll take a lot more determination to redo everything from start to finish where the path ahead has already been layed. Personally, I think doing the rewrite as its own story rather than replacing this one would provide more flexibility. With this current setup, your written chapters are being inserted in with existing chapters, and must rigidly follow the original such that new readers will not get confused upon crossing the threshhold of new to old. Doing the rewrite as its own story would provide you more creative freedom to stray from the original story if you so feel like it. However, the current method is fine if you're only planning to modify subpar existing chapters.
Personally, I don't enjoy reading things I've already read (such as rigid rewrites). It's less interesting when you've already seen how everything happens. As such, I'll likely not read the rewritten chapters until they catch up to where the original left off, unless you plan to deviate significantly or change certain parts at some point in the story.
Anyway, good luck with it all.
Conditions: “Don’t worry about it.” .
Damn when you see something like this you should start to worry.
Damn... Re-reading the re-writing feels odd.
Damn... even I death Corporation have pull on someone life
Bad call, you lost opportunities to make friendly ties and have common knowledge, wasted lifetime as well.
Want a example?
My story with a reborn old woman has her learning common sense, have a loving family and learns in school the basic knowledge.
Otherwise the individual is literally retarded in a knowledge point.
Also literally popping into existence is a red flag for any government, welcome to the second Darwin Award award coming for the MC way...
It gets better, wait until blud realizes he can't read
Reminds me if my Selene story, I customize the crap out if that character.

System support, I like to make a complaint, the system is giving me a warning after I ask for a action without double confirmation.
2/10 point wouldnot recommend use the current in action system!
Yet he refuses:
Common knowledge, general world appropriate education, experience with local flora and fauna.
Most horrible... lose the opportunity to stay snuggly from day one
Can you tell me how to acquire the gold package?
you had me at dank meme's
That does tend to get a lot of folks >:3
Gonna start reading this now
Awesome! I hope you like it ^^
Dark Tower Reference!
To be reborn with a gold spoon in your whatever, you must die with a gold spoon in your whatever.
Okay just starting this and i already have theories. Is the malfunction sombras timestop? was he supposed to reincarnate in the empire?