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I like it Keep it up :)
I appreciate it, glad you're enjoying ^^
Rewrite wasn't somethin I was expecting- but it definitely shows keeping this story on my mind and high in m' favorites was a good idea!
It's very fortunate that Rose wasn't more taken advantage of, given his complete lack of social cues. Thankfully, Cheerilee was able to help him out, though he's definitely gonna need more understanding to prevent more incidents.
Being homeless and hungry is no joke, just see two dead people not even old. Dead leaning on a church last week. Also a simpel cold can also be very deadly without any home, running water, decent hygienic options or any medical aid.
But she didn’t lift you at all?
Yeah no shit. Been there myself before tbh it's a bad way. The nauseating uncertainty of not knowing where your next night will be spent or where your next meal is coming from is terrifying.
Pffft, thanks for the heads up
Yeah tbh, female dominated society + complete lack of awareness about local customs + already being kind of socially awkward + being conditioned by his previous society to unilaterally welcome female attention + being hot is not going to be a formula that is going to derive many pleasant results, poor guy
Locking in.
Really glad this is alive again. A rewrite wasn't expected but the new pacing is much better and I'm guessing you're gonna change the future plot a bit with Rose's relationship with the 6 and the royals?
Ganbare rose!
Got a repeat in there.
Uh... is she in heat or something?
Oddly reminds me of a bit from Quest For Glory 5: Dragon Fire.
The town motorcycle has a sticky throttle.
So, we're not just pew Tirek, but pre Twilight in ponyville. I see