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Only 50 weeks more to go or even more :D
When did he go inside?
Already looking forward to reading the rewritten edition. You've definitely improved quite a bit from when you started. It was already a good story but now it's going to be great!
Loving the rewrite so far and eager for the continuation of the rewrites. Regarding the old version of this it’s been so long since I read it I can’t probably say if you’ve improved or not, but for the fun of it I’ll say it certainly seems more through and paced better then some other stories I’ve read over the years since the old version of this one.
Anyways keep up the awesome work!
Thanks! I appreciate it a lot ^^
You forget that Granny Smith don't know where he is from yet, that needs to be added.
Clever mate, indirectly marking her territory by giving him her scent and a object with her cutie mark on it.
Very clever mare
In fact, if you do a Google search...
As the old saying goes,
T: In fact, othtenthibly (ostensibly), the gender dithparity (disparity) is at leatht (least) 3-1, favouring mareth (mares).
Winter wrap up could have been referring to traditions that antedated the town's formation.
The idea of ponies settling the new world is pretty great. I haven't seen that in fics before
AJ: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Granny: Would you like to stay forever?