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Pink fluffy unicorn : )
Dancing on Rainbows!
Our pink hero has encountered a native! How will things go?
Is his new body effeminate by straight man standards, or even by small pastel pony standards?
Because I'm confused whether to think of a pink Big Mac with a horn or a tall Cheerilee, with a horn
See for yourself ^^
The way she specified gives me the feeling this is going to be an RGRE story.
She is a pony... 'Farmhoove' seem more fitting.
Thank Applejack... a foal or three might do the trick
Noticed you're missing quotation marks after the first time he speaks here.
I actually looked into this, and it turns out it's actually spelled right. Look it up.
I prefer the appearance of the cape not because the other one is ugly, but because in the cape he has the fluffiest fur.
Wait ‘til he realizes he’s flexible enough to make that not a metaphor, now.
Out of all the ponies to meet, he runs into the element of lie detection. Luckily she's also the element of hospitality!