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All self inflicted by own choice.
To bad he never grow up learning stuff, having parents to ask things...
I cannot overstate the absolute lethal whiplash from seeing the word mog used naturally in the wild gave me. I'm not complaining about its usage, but hot damn that one word aged me by three decades.
In more relevant news, great chapter. You certainly have me hook line and sinker on the rewrite. There aren't many stories that play RGRE straight, and how you write it always is a treat.
Damn....Derpy is kind of brutal
Already loving the new direction and narrative devices you’re going with here. When the story first got featured again at the start of the rewrite, I started reading through the original stuff to see what was in store, but I’ll be brutally honest, I lost interest/was overwhelmed by cringe around chapter ten. Don’t get me wrong, I like the story, but there’s… a lot going on at that point, all at once. It’s like 3 or 4 different plotlines happening at the exact same time, none of them really getting good depth or exploration, and the whole thing topped with weird character decisions and occasionally sprinkled with lines of dialogue that makes a disney kids cartoon look serious. Just all over the place.
This rewrite is really showing your experience though, and the bones of a really good story are definitely here! These rewrites are so good that I’m considering trying to push through just so I can maybe get to more of this. Great work!
The freedom that writers enjoy to toss you on the floor and slobber all over you with words that
Gotta know. Was this written with a straight face? Lol