• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 1,289 Views, 19 Comments

How To Save A Life? - Braveheart106

Sometimes we make sacrifices, for the people we love the most....

  • ...

Ya Got Trouble!

Author’s Note: Hey there again reader! I’m sorry if I might’ve taken so long with this book, I was busy writing my next book, and had to send out chapter 4 for “My Sweet Burning Desire” early for Mindless Brotaku’s birthday. I hope you guys really enjoy this book, and for you that haven’t done it yet, read “My Sweet Burning Desire”, these two stories cross paths with each other. Do not forget to COMMENT, I love reading your thoughts, and I’m tired of seeing the comments section near empty! Remember to please like, favorite, and comment on this story ok? I love to read your thoughts, ideas, and reviews. I love you guys, you won’t believe how much you all reading and enjoying my stories have meant to me. Now lets get the story going!

“Thanks again for the help Octavia!” Derpy said smiling weakly to the gray mare as they walked from the school to Sugar Cube corner to relax after the recent events.

“Your welcome Derpy, anything to help out a friend” Octavia said as Vinyl raised her head, revealing a frown on her face.

“Hey what about me? I helped out too!” Vinyl said whining as everypony laughed, including her.

“So Derpy, hows the Doctor?” Octavia asked as Derpy’s facial expression turned into a wide smile.

“Oh he’s good, real good” Derpy said dreamily as Octavia shot her a look of confusion.

“What do you mean by that?” Octavia asked Derpy, who began to blush hard.

“Oh I meant that he’s doing great, he’s just fine!” Derpy said as they neared Sugar Cube Corner.

“Yeah, you totally meant that in the ‘dirty’ sort of way” Berry Punch whispered in the blonde mare’s ear as they entered the store.

“I-I did not” Derpy said as she blushed, making Berry Punch smile in victory.

“You DID! OMG Derpy you dirty mare you” Berry Punch said as Derpy blushed harder, making Carrot Top pull her into a seat.

“Stop it Berry you dirty pony! You’re bothering her!” Carrot Top said as Berry Punch sat in the booth and slumped in her spot.

“Welcome to my world Berry” Vinyl whispered into the purple mare’s ear, which caused her to smile and roll her eyes.

Suddenly walking in the store was Derpy’s weather patrol squad. The squad contained Thunderlane, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Firefly, and their leader Rainbow Dash.

“Hey look who it is guys!” Flitter said smiling as she noticed Derpy and her friends.

“Hey guys” Derpy said smiling as they went to her table, shocked to see the mare who’s supposed to be off-duty at the store.

“Derpy, what’re you doing here?” Thunderlane asked while she sighed and pointed to her friends and Dinky, making them all “oh” in unison.

“H-H-Hi Rainbow Dash” Dinky told the cyan pegasus as she waved her hoof nervously. Dinky, like Scootaloo adored Rainbow Dash.

“Hey squirt, your mom tells me a LOT about you” Rainbow Dash told the filly as Derpy smiled at her daughter.

“Really? I’m a huge fan” Dinky said as Rainbow Dash smiled at her, making the filly even more nervous.

“Yeah she told me you were, you should join my fan club! They need a secretary, and YOU seem like the type. Just go talk to Scootaloo about it, and when you join you get a whole load of quality time with yours truly!” Rainbow Dash said boasting as she rubbed a hoof on her chest and smirked at the filly.

“Sure Rainbow dash, I’ll join!” Dinky said as Firefly looked at Rainbow Dash with a dissaproving glare.

“You’re one boastful pony aren’t you? The Great and Powerful Trixie has nothing on you” Firefly said as everypony broke into laughter, much to Rainbow’s dismay.

“Oh gosh ‘almost as boastful as Trixie!’ oh that’s rich!” Pinkie Pie said laughing hysterically as everypony stopped laughing and stared at her.

“Pinkie Pie, what the hay?” Cloudchaser asked in confusion.

“What? It was funny” the pink pony told her as she continued to laugh.

“No Pinkie Pie, I think she means how the hay did you get there? You weren’t there a moment ago” Thunderlane told the party pony as she stopped laughing and started to think.

“Oh! I came around when Firefly told the joke, you all didn’t notice me though” Pinkie Pie said grinning happily.

“Pinkie Pie....you are SO random!” Rainbow Dash said as they all laughed again, including Pinkie.

“Hey guys it’s getting late, I gotta go meet up with Applejack soon. So I’ll see you guys later!” Rainbow Dash said as she waved bye and left swiftly.

“Yeah we should get going too, don’t wanna wake up late tomorrow. See you first thing tomorrow Derpy!” Flitter said as she and her friends left the store as well, but not without some cupcakes for the way home to Cloudsdale.

“Hey Pinkie Pie, mind starting us off with some smoothies?” Vinyl asked, as Pinkie Pie nodded with a quick ‘Okie Dokie Loki’ before heading for the Smoothie machine.

“Mommy why are we waiting here?” Dinky asked her mother innocently, as Derpy smiled and kissed the filly’s cheek.

“Oh Dinky, mommy has to wait for her Coltfriend. Though do you wanna go home?” Derpy asked as the filly nodded before letting out a yawn.

“Alright sweetie, just wait a few more minutes ok?” Derpy told her as Carrot Top spoke up.

“Don’t worry Derpy I’ll take her” Carrot Top said smiling as she yawned as well.

“We’ll leave as well, I got to unpack those groceries” Octavia said smiling as Derpy nodded in approval.

“Let’s go home together, it’ll be safer” Carrot Top said as they waved bye to the grey mare.

“Bye mommy, I love you!” Dinkie said smiling as she waved bye to her mother.

“Bye Dinky, mommy loves you too!” Derpy said as she waved until they were out of sight.

As she turned to look out the window she noticed they left Berry Punch behind, laying her head on the window fast asleep.

“Berry Punch wake up!” Derpy told the sleeping pony as she shook her.

“W-what? Oh hi Derpy” Berry Punch said smiling as she rubbed her eyes softly.

“Berry Punch, Carrot Top and the others left you here!” Derpy said as Berry Punch simply looked at her friend, and shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh well, wouldn’t be the first time she’s done it to me. At least I’ll be able to hang out with you, and not be alone!” Berry Punch said smiling as Derpy smiled back and rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Sometimes Berry you are just too much to handle” Derpy said laughing as Pinkie set down their drinks.

“HEY! Where did they all go?” Pinkie Pie asked as Derpy explained to her what happened.

“Oh, well then...more for me!” Pinkie exclaimed smiling as she left one for the Doctor, and took the rest for herself.

Meanwhile to Doctor Whooves.....

“Darn it I’m running late!” Doctor Whooves told himself as he rushed through the streets of PonyVille.

As he ran he looked down at his watch to check the time, and crashed into another pony by accident.

“Ouch!” They both said as the Doctor rubbed his head, and got back on his hooves.

When he got up and noticed he had hit Octavia by accident, so he quickly apologized and helped her back up.

“Oh goodness I’m so sorry Ms.Octavia!” Doctor Whooves told her as he helped her back up.

“Oh it’s quite alright Doctor, I’m sure it was an...accident?” Octavia replied as she noticed him staring at her, making her blush slightly.

“Is something wrong?” she asked him, only to get no response. So she quickly decided to call his name.

“Doctor!” Octavia called loudly as she finally gained his attention.

“Yes Ms.Octavia?” doctor Whooves asked the mare softly, as he dusted off some dirt in her mane.

“I was asking if something was wrong?” Octavia told him as he smiled at her.

“Oh no nothing was wrong, I was just admiring the way you look and such” he replied smiling at her making her blush hard.

“Oh! Well uh thank you for the compliment! I must be going though, so I’ll catch you later” Octavia said nervously as she began to leave into her home as quick as possible.

“Goodbye Octavia!” Doctor Whooves said as he continued his way down to Sugar Cube Corner, not noticing a orange maned earth pony watching him.

“What the hay was that all about? I better tell Derpy about this later” Carrot Top said confused as she continued her way home with Dinky.

As he finally reached the door, it was 5:30 P.M, making the Doctor sigh in annoyance.

“I’m five minutes late!” The Doctor complained to himself as he walked into the store, and noticed Derpy and Berry Punch in the back booth.

“Hey love” Doctor Whooves told Derpy as he kissed her cheek.

“Hey stud muffin” Derpy said smiling as she kissed him, much to Berry Punch’s disgust.

“Eww you two cut it out! You’re shaming me darn it, I can’t be seen with you two lovebirds; it’ll ruin my party image!” Berry Punch said as she covered her head with her hooves.

As Derpy and Doctor laughed, they noticed Spike, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo enter the shop.

“Hey those are the same fillies from earlier!” Berry Punch said smiling as she noticed Pinkie Pie hug Spike, but this had disgusted Scootaloo so she immediately stopped and began to take their orders.

“Yeah they helped my Dinky, such nice fillies I should really repay them for what they did for her” Derpy said smiling as they suddenly heard Scootaloo mention she wants ‘Berry Punch’ which caught the purple mare’s attention in a flash.

“I meant the drink!” Scootaloo said quickly, making her friends, Derpy and the Doctor laugh. Meanwhile it only made Berry Punch roll her eyes and smile.

“Haha, guess you even attract fillies!” Doctor said laughing as Berry Punch just sighed and looked away in shame.

Soon enough the fillies decided they were finished eating and left the store in a huff, forgetting to pay Pinkie Pie for their snacks.

“Hey what about my bits?” Pinkie Pie yelled after them as Derpy and her friends stepped behind her, trying to leave as well.

“Don’t worry about it Pinkie, we’ll cover it!” Derpy said smiling as she payed the pink pony the fillies snack expenses.

“Oh thank you Derpy! I’ll make sure to tell your boss to give you a higher raise for this!” Pinkie told Derpy as she only smiled and left the store.

“Man has today been rough on me!” Derpy told her two companions as they trotted home, passing Spike and Sweetie Belle.

“Well, it couldn’t get any worse can it?” Doctor Whooves said smiling as the sun began to set.

Meanwhile to Carrot Top.....

“Alright Dinky go upstairs and prepare for bed sweetie” Carrot Top told the filly kindly as Dinky smiled back at her and ran upstairs.

As Carrot Top began to unwind and watch some T.V, she heard some banging from upstairs.

“Must be Dinky trying to dance again” Carrot Top said as she began to watch ‘Snake Bite Towing’, a show about a pony, his wife, and a zebra who repo carriages/taxi carriages from their owners for not paying their bills.

“Stupid Las Pegasus pony, you should’ve payed up, ‘cause now you just got bit!” Carrot Top said as she began to laugh at their silly catch phrase.

“C’mon Robby let’s get outta here! This place is about as crazy as a mare in heat ‘bo” Jon told his partner as they began to drive off.

When it hit commercials, Carrot Top heard even louder banging, and Dinky scream loudly, so she rushed up the stairs to investigate. When she reached the bathroom she opened the door to find the poor filly tied up and shaking in fear.

“Dinky! What in the hay has happened to you?” Carrot Top asked as the filly’s eyes averted to the ceiling.

“why are you-” Carrot Top began to say until a dark pegasus landed on top of her and hit her with a hard hoof to the face, knocking her out cold and making Dinky scream in terror.

“You thought you could run from me forever Derpy, HAH! This’ll teach you not to mess with me you ditzy moron” the dark pegasus said crazily as he left a note on Carrot Top’s body and leapt out the bathroom window with Dinky, running off into the night.


Author’s Note: Good lordy things are getting drastic! I hope this chapter peaked your interests guys. Remember to please give a like, favorite and a comment, I wanna know if this is good, and wanna make sure my writing isn’t going to waste! Make sure to read My Sweet Burning Desire, then this story will make much more sense, and will make it all the more interesting :). I hope you’ll all continue to follow me, and point out my mistakes! So until later guys, peace!

*Also even though it doesn’t relate to my story, I would like it if you guys read Two Best Sister’s Play by Zach Langstroth. It’s a good read, and you can even suggest what game you want done
on there!*

(The show reference was Lizard Lick Towing, property of Tru TV. It may be staged for television, but it's still a good tv show!)

If you can see this, you’re a boss! The reason my story interacts with My Sweet Burning Desire is because something big is happening soon, so all readers from that book will have to flock to this one to find out the ending. Oh and quick spoiler, Trixie WILL be in this book! :)

Comments ( 9 )

I present to you all, Chapter 2! I also have a little sneak peek for everyone to read for my next book currently in the making! :pinkiehappy:

1128862 Lol really? Don't worry its ok that you did, I'm glad you like the story though! :twilightsmile: They need to get rid of that button though, people spam it too much :flutterrage:

Step bros love lizard lick I lolcopterd at the sentiment

1130121> "Pay up, or get licked!" lol I'm in love with that show, I knew some one would get it! Step brothers indeed, we have way too much in common lol:derpytongue2::heart:

1144621 Thank you so much for the compliment, as I say a million times it really lightens my mood, and I'm glad you're looking forward to more! I'll try to get one out by Sunday, because I got to put out Sweet Burning Desire's new chapter tomorrow. I'm really glad you enjoy the story, and will be sure to please and fix the errors as best as I can:twilightsmile:

Chapter 3 will be up by times Saturday :pinkiehappy:

Hmmm...this seems really...rushed. Not enough detail and they keep laughing and smiling I mean granted, it's Equestria but still....there can be some more...darker themes as well. Awesome, Trixie's my favortie villian and I think you mean story, not book...will keep reading but add more detail to tihs please.

1242691 Oh I know how you feel honestly:ajbemused:. I've wanted to make it darker, but not a lot of people like those kind of stories (cupcakes....). I thank you for liking and reading my story, and I'll try to slow things down a notch and add a darker tone to things:twilightsmile:

1244139 Never a problem and I feel as those I'm the only one that has never seen Cupcakes....I am hoping for more which reminds me that I got to read your other story, expect a comment soon, also hoping you may like my own stoires if your able to look them over and review.:pinkiehappy:

1244201 Expect two comments from me then lol, I'll read them now:twilightsmile:

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