Celestia is missing. Without her, four unicorns' magic must be sacrificed each day to raise and lower the sun and moon. Her only heir travels to Ponyville and the Everfree to mount a rescue expedition into the horrifying depths—of the Ponest Dungeon.
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They're like dwarf bread. You take one look at them and realize there are so many other things you could eat. Trees. Rocks. Your own tail. No, you'll never go hungry with muffin rations.
And so the adventure begins... for a given value of "adventure." Let's see how many explorers come back, and in what shape.
Terry Pratchett dwarven combat bread; lethal when wielded; more lethal when eaten.
It’s the first mission. I mean, what could possibly happen?
I can easily sense the sarcasm in your last sentence. This is a crossover of MLP and Darkest Dungeon. Everything can go horribly wrong like all four heroes dying in one unlucky battle.
...I now ship Blueblood and zombie Neighsay. Is that odd?