Celestia is missing. Without her, four unicorns' magic must be sacrificed each day to raise and lower the sun and moon. Her only heir travels to Ponyville and the Everfree to mount a rescue expedition into the horrifying depths—of the Ponest Dungeon.
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Oh my. The deviations from what we know keep stacking up. I suppose something as beautiful and inspiring as the Sonic Rainboom can't be allowed to exist in universe as grim as this one.
In any case, Blueblood and Fancy both know he likely won't survive this. The question is how long he'll last.
Oh dear, the tempting of fate's begun already
Thanks for all the comments so far, everypony!
I guess I should mention chapter three has a higher word count than the prologue, chapter one, and chapter two... combined.
Such maddening prose...
9718759 9718931
Umm, yup it’s permanent. From the show transcript:
Umm... well... you’re not wrong...
Why’d you have to go and make things so complicated?
Thank you much!
This is going live even if it kills us! Or me... or you... both, it’s got to be both.
Celestia didn’t listen to her dietician and decided to eat a lead salad. Alas, the guards were not faster than the muzzle velocity of a black-powder swallow.
I love writing for seen-too-much Best Pony.
Knowing your tastes and limits... I think you have a few more chapters before the nope-out happens.
Aren’t alternate universes without the Rainboom just... spectacular?
Unless the positive and negative furies in Blueblood are out of balance, as they are in Lo Pan; then they turn into demon and live forever.
Best way to propagate evil is to deny its existence.
So harden your heart and recall: there can be no friendship without sacrifice. The Everfree Road Will take you to Tartarus, but in that looming abyss we will find our salvation.
Ooooh. I may steal that.