• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 36 - Rise of the Necromancer

Floor 59

April 9 – Year 2

Bladescape led the Wondercolts out of their Headquarters and to the Teleport Plaza in Mishe. They teleported to Floor 59; the front lines. Argo was working them through a quest. A quest that had information on Floor 59’s Boss. She couldn’t do it solo, so they were teaming up to complete it.

Knightstar was in charge of Diemond, Joltron, Lessa, Astro, and Thunderborne. That gave Bladescape Backbreaker, AFCK, Doombunny, and Kiefer. Argo would join her party if she joined one at all.

They had teleported to a small hamlet near the south edge of the Floor. Only about 70% of the Floor was mapped. In another day or two, the Labyrinth would be found and they would all flock to it to tackle the labyrinth's floor. Until then, they were undertaking this quest for the good of all the players. The reward would hopefully be worth it.

As usual, the message from Argo was rather vague. Bladescape’s cursory glance didn’t catch Argo at her usual hiding spots. She began to lead them out to the west, the direction of the quest. Right outside the safe zone was a stand of trees. As they approached it, Argo stepped out. Her cursor was a light orange. She didn’t appear armed any more than usual. He claws were hidden under her cloak, but that was normal.

“That was quick,” Argo said. “Which is good, because what I have pinned down, it is a puzzle quest. And time is currently a factor.”

“A little trouble?” Bladescape asked, eluding to the orange cursor. It wasn’t her plan to ask about it. She trusted Argo.

“Information is power,” Argo stated coldly. “Some are more willing to go to certain lengths than others. And not every info broker runs solo. Especially these days. The number of solo players that are clearers are in the single digits, and I have come across a snag or two.

“But it doesn’t matter, because I couldn’t do this on my own anyway. We have to hunt down a Necromancer. The entire Floor fears him, or fears the idea of him. There isn’t time for all of you to trigger the quest. It is a one-shot dungeon and quest. It is actually mentioned on Floor 46, about how many NPCs fear this guy. So, are you game?”

“I know that, however this ends, we will receive fair compensation,” Bladescape said. “You have always dealt fairly with us. Let’s go knock on this guy’s door. Do you want to jump into my party?”

Argo surveyed the area quickly and then silently nodded. Bladescape sent the request and Argo began to lead them towards the location.

When Argo felt comfortable that no one could be spying on them, she explained the quest. "There is an old man in the nearby woods who is known for being safe from the necromancer. Somehow. We need to find out how and what we can do to protect ourselves. Rumor has it that the Necromancer is trying to get rid of him too."

“That sounds like a trap," Astro said. "Like, he is the necromancer trap."

"No, I don't think so," Argo said. "Folks haven't seen him for a while because, while he is a bit of a recluse, they say he can't safely leave his home. He has kids though, who live elsewhere on the Floor."

They walked by several stands of trees, growing in size, until they reached a definitive forest and entrance into it.

“Once we pass this threshold, we can’t leave,” Argo warned them.

“We are ready for it,” Knightstar said. “We all are. We are not at the top by a fluke.”

The rest of the Wondercolts confirmed it and they stepped past the entrance and into the forest. The path turned and they lost sight of the exit. Right after that, there were constant rabbit trails breaking off from the pathway. The Wondercolts were spread out a bit, with Argo and Bladescape at the head of their pack.

After a while of walking, Knightstar walked up to Bladescape and Argo and voiced her concern. “This is starting to feel like the Forest of Wandering, which we mapped for you. Well, half mapped. Learned how to navigate out when you needed to leave and the big points in it like the fir tree.”

“I don’t quite believe it is the same,” Argo said. “But something is not right. I hesitate to suggest this, but we have two parties. Do we send one down a trail and see where it goes? They are not my guildmates, they are yours.”

“I’ll lead my party,” Knightstar said. “If things go south and we get separated, you have Argo and Bladescape. I can solve any maze that is set on an algorithm. And with two tanks, Thunder and Astro, we will be fine if we end up separated.”

“Then do it,” Bladescape said. “Be careful, but let’s solve this. We will stay posted here.”

Knightstar took her party and led them down the closest rabbit trail. They anxiously awaited their return as the minutes passed by. Argo had eluded to a clock on this quest. Bladescape saw movement further up on the path as Search alerted her to an incoming presence that couldn’t be seen. Around the bend came Joltron with Astro, spear ready to strike over Joltron’s shield. Lessa was guarding their back. They all lowered their weapons in relief and then joined up further forward.

“It was a wide circle, with two splits,” Knightstar said. “We always took the right in an attempt to get back. The most interesting thing about being off the main path was how cold it was. And it was significantly darker. I felt like the shadows were darting around.”

Lessa screamed, arching her back. She staggered, but stayed up. “I feel like my back was just raked with a set of claws.”

“We need to keep moving,” Argo said. “Those shadows, might be some sort of monster. How bad of a hit was it?”

“Not bad,” Lessa said, sucking it in. “The worst of it was not knowing it was coming. The claws moved right through my armor.”

“That is problematic,” Astro said. “Let’s move. If this is a one-shot quest, we can end it and not have to deal with it negating our armor.”

“I agree,” Argo said. “We have had armor piercing enemies before, but we have never had an enemy that can negate armor.”

They moved out at a quicker pace. It took a bit of time to make their way through the forest, sticking to the main path. The minutes ticked by. They most certainly were in a dungeon. The darkness wasn’t entering the well-lit path, but the shadows were moving alongside. Every so often, one would slip across in front or behind.

Bladescape tried to pin one with a hastily grabbed throwing pick. It missed horribly. She growled as she missed. “I can’t even see if they have a health gauge!”

“We have to press forward,” Argo said. “Leave the pick and let's move! The cabin can’t be much further.”

After a few more curves they got to the glade the cabin was in. All around it were skeletons and glancing shadows that were trying to get to it. Bladescape could see an old man sitting in a chair on the porch, unphased by the assault on his cabin.

They all knew what to do as their weapons glowed. The skeletons outnumbered them two to one, but with their focus on the cabin, they made easy work of them. The shadow creatures were more of a problem. They had trouble seeing them zip out to slice at them with their claws.

Bladescape saw the thick white line on the ground. Several large stones inscribed with glyphs of two distinctly overlapping triangles forming a hexagram were connected to the line at intervals around the clearing . It was easy to see that it held some power and that they were what kept him safe.

"It is safe for you to cross," the old man said. "Especially after you killed them. They were starting to annoy me."

Bladescape, Argo, and Knightstar crossed the line first. The others lagged behind a bit. Doombunny outright halted at it and it was only after Colorra gave up and followed after the others that she gingerly stepped across and joined them.

"We hear there is a Necromancer around," Argo said. "And it appears that is true. We are here to stop him."

"Good," the NPC said as he nodded his wrinkled head. "He was starting to annoy me. I know one thing about him. One of his apprentices lives close by in these woods. And he might, as well. But now that I know that, he wants me eliminated. I have lived in these woods my entire life. This is my home. I built it from logs I cut. My dearly departed wife and I raised five children here. Each of who went off to the city to live. This is all I have left."

"We can clear them out of this forest," Argo offered. "But surely a man of your reputation and age must know something about the Floor Boss."

"Floor boss? I know not what you speak of."

Argo looked at Bladescape. Bladescape nodded back. Argo continued. "Well, what do you know about the area and the Necromancer? Where should we start?"

"That path there, it goes deeper into the woods. Over two streams and taking the left path, you will find a cabin. If you take the right path, you will circle out and leave the forest a long way from here."

"We will go deal with the problem," Bladescape said.

"It would be appreciated. I don't want to be forced out of my home by them. If I leave, it will be on my own terms!"

"Kids pressuring you to move in with them?" Knightstar asked.

"Have been for years," he replied.

"Come on Y'all," Backbreaker said. "Let's kick skeleton, er, butt."

They all chuckled.

"Before you go. I should probably teach you how to see the shadows. You were running around like headless chickens. This will help you see them and fight them faster. Otherwise, it takes a lot longer to learn to see them. And a lot more pain."

The NPC man got up and picked up a small satchel. From it, he pulled out a small vial. He dipped his finger into the vial and drew a glyph on each of their foreheads. They had to remove helmets and head coverings to provided him access. The substance glowed on each of their foreheads and then it was absorbed into their skin.

"There! That aughta help."

Bladescape rubbed her forehead. It felt weird during and after. But if it helped them at all, that was what mattered.

"We have a cabin to find," Argo said. "Thank you, kind sir. We will return shortly."

They organized into a loose formation as they began the next part of the quest. The woods darkened quickly. More shadows were floating around on either side of the path, but for the time being, they were sticking to the darkness.

The first stream was crossed by a set of walking stones. It was an easy stroll to the second, which was crossed by a few felled logs over the stream. The area around them was soggy as the water backed up because of the fallen logs. Their boots got all muddy as they made their way over, and after the logs almost broke under Backbreaker's weight as she tried following while Bladescape was still on them, they decided to go one at a time.

They finally came to a crossroad; left, right, or straight ahead.

"Left," Argo immediately stated. "Stick with the original plan."

"I agree," Knightstar said.

"Me too," Bladescape confirmed.

"Left," Astro added. "Remember. If convention holds, straight is probably a trap and Right takes us out of the forest."

They took the left path and after two bends they were at another stream.

"He didn't say there was a third stream," Knightstar said, concerned.

"It's fine," Astro said. "It is probably either a bend in the same stream, or minor fork. Just keep going."

They kept on the path and soon saw a clearing up ahead. As the clearing opened up, they found themselves back in the same glade with the same house. Nothing stood out as wrong. It seemed like they had made a loop to find themselves back where they started the quest.

"Wait," Doombunny exclaimed. "The stones around the outside of the house are a light grey, not white. They're supposed to be white. We can't just walk over them without worrying about any consequences."

"Good catch," Astro said as they all halted.

"Hello there!" a young man's voice called. It was extremely friendly. He came into the glade from the other side and didn't appear to have heard their conversation. He was smiling as if nothing in the world was wrong. "I'm Phaethon and I live here."

"You live here?" Knightstar asked. "This design seems to be popular in these parts."

"Well, that is because I learned from the old man down that path."

Thunderborne got impatient. "We are in search of a Necromancer who keeps causing problems here."

"Quite down," Phaethon ordered them as he dropped his voice. "He is always watching and listening. The master is always present."

"Master?" Bladescape asked.

"Why of course. He teaches me everything I need to know. I don't have much say in the matter. If I don't do as I am told, he will turn me into one of his puppets."

"Well, how do we get to him?" Bladescape asked.

"You already know that. You met him!"

"He is the necromancer!" Knightstar exclaimed. "Then why have skeletons and shadows been attacking his home?"

He shrugged. "To lure you in I guess. I don't understand. I just do as I am-!" he wretched in pain as Thunderborne's rapier, Azure Aculeus, was thrust through him from his side. She had blindsided them all with the attack.

"What was that for!" Diemond exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Kiefer added. "He was getting to the good information!"

Thunderborne pulled her blade out and he dropped dead, but he didn't disintegrate or burst into polygons.

"He was obviously misleading us," Thunderborne explained, putter her rapier on her shoulder. "Plus, he also admitted to being a Necromancer. Apprentice at least."

"He did, " Astro added. "I was thinking of ways he could turn the tables on us. These kind of turncoat quests are common. While I would not have been as impatient as Thunder, it is true. Besides, his body is still there. Which means we need to guard it and eliminate the necromancer. And fast. He was right. He is watching.

"New plan!" Astro decreed. "Thunderborne, you lead Joltron and Lessa in protecting the body. Don't let it fall into anyone's hands. Got it?"

"Why me?" Thunderborne posted with a whine.

Astro was ready with her response and she didn't hold back. "Because we need a little less rash action. And if you get attacked, they will need a powerful, fast player to handle things. The rest of you, with me! Into the cabin."

"I'm staying," Knightstar said. "A fourth is a good idea. Besides, you three won't need me."

"Not a bad plan," Bladescape said, accepting the revised edition.

"Cabin!" Astro pressed.

Argo wasn't saying anything, but her lack of protest indicated that she was fine with the proceedings. The rest of them entered the cabin and Astro closed the door. It was a bare cabin with few furnishings. A table, some chairs, and a couch.

"Three," Astro said, finishing counting. She opened the door and poked her head out. There friends were still there.

Astro closed the door and decided on their next move. "Everyone, spread out and find something that should have two, but doesn't. Only one."

"Like a candlestick?" AFCK asked.

"Yes, candlesticks usually come in pairs."

AFCK held up the candlestick she was holding. "I mean, I have one in my hand."

"Where did you get that!" Astro asked, panicking a bit.

"Relax," Bladescape said, putting her gloved hand on Astro's shoulder.

"We don't have time," Astro said, trying not to explode. "The Necromancer knows we're here, which means those four will be attacked soon as he tries to get to the body of his apprentice. We need to work fast and jump him."

"I got the Candlestick from right here," AFCK said, bringing them back on track. "On the mantle."

"Then put it on the other side of the mantel," Astro said. "As close as you can to being even."

AFCK skipped the few feet to the other side, humming "Legend You Are Meant To Be."

"Hey! This side has a perfect spot to put the candlestick. It's worn and has no dust."

She set it down and a shimmering shine breezed through the air.

"To battle!" Astro said, jumping to the door.

Backbreaker stacked up first, then Bladescape, Diemond, and then Argo. Astro pulled the door open and they charged out. It was the same glade as the other two, except the painted circle and stones were red and an army of skeletons was being raised by an old man in black robes. Some were being marched through a portal to attack their friends in the other glade, who they could see through the gateway.

Bladescape jumped out of the way on the porch and pulled out three throwing picks. She launched one and it found its mark. Argo had the same idea and launched her own set. Bladescape threw two more to great effect, dealing critical damage on a lucky hit. Packing a powerful punch, AFCK threw one of her clam blades. It struck him square in the chest.

He staggered and fell to the ground as the skeleton army turned from marching through the portal, now bent on to attacking the Wondercolts in the immediate area. Diemond, Backbreaker, Kiefer, and AFCK were already in a smooth switch system.

"Very well coordinated," Argo commented. "You are perhaps the smoothest team in this entire game."

"So why don't you show me that skill," Argo said as she put her claws on. Each had nasty blades protruding off the gauntlets, like big knives that could slash and hack an opponent apart.

Bladescape nodded and the jumped into the fray. Bladescape played forward while Argo was the damage dealer.

For a quest enthusiast and information broker, Argo proved she knew how to fight. The claws looked like all show with no bite, but that was not the case as she shredded skeletons in vicious combination attacks. Paired with Bladescape, the two were an unstoppable force, not taking any damage.

The Necromancer got back up on his feet. His health was steadily dropping as the poison took its toll. The Paralyzer had been neutralized.

"You have not heard the last of me!" he declared as he slipped into his last health bar. He opened his own portal and disappeared from sight. "I'LL BE BACK!" The portal was sealed behind him before he could be followed.

After a bit of combat, Astro yelled out new directions. "We need to finish this up soon! We have our friends trying to keep that body dead and they are under heavy assault!"

Doombunny screamed in frustration. She had forgotten about her friends being under attack. She began to glow yellow and she unleashed all of the Fighting Spirit she had. She became a blur as she darted in between each skeleton and sliced them apart. They slowly popped well after she was past them.

Fighting Spirit was a scary enough Skill, even more when it was used by meek and peaceful Fluttershy. Even as Doombunny, it was hard to see the warrior whenever she used fighting spirit to its max. All Bladescape could see was Fluttershy, and it scared her. The question that she always was left to ask was how much of her friend Fluttershy was still there? Had this game consumed her essence?

It drew the skeletons' aggro and, while Doombunny activated hide and slipped away, the rest capitalized on their confusion and finished them off a few minutes later.

They ran back into the cabin and AFCK switched the side of the candlestick. Backbreaker and Astro were already formed up at the door. Argo opened it and they rushed out.

Their friends were under heavy assault, outnumbered a solid 5 to 1. At least 5 to 1. They were hunkered down behind shields trying to survive.

"HEAL!" Thunderborne's raspy voice screamed as she used a crystal on Lessa and then she drove Quadruple pain over Joltron and onto the skeleton that was pounding on his shield

But they were no longer outnumbered 5 to 1 as the rest of the Wondercolts plowed into the side of the Skeletons, blindsiding them. Bladescape and Argo dashed around to the other side and put them into a pincer maneuver. It was effective as the skeletons popped one by one. Their friends got the rest they needed as the aggro of the monsters was split. Joltron, Lessa, and Knightstar were not out of the fight though. They rose up and went on the offensive. Thunderborne dropped back and drank a health potion. She was sweating from the aggressive offensive she had just performed. She had been their entire offensive line.

Even with the skeletons done, Astro wasn't finished. "Blade! Argo! BB! AFCK! Knightstar! With me. Kiefer, they are your charge."

They followed Astro back into the cabin.

"Spread out and look for anything useful. Anything that could help us against him. He would be one to know about the Floor Boss!"

They found some books, but that was about it. Astro switched the candlestick and they made sure that the Necromancer was not back. A search of the outside left them with nothing but a Woodcutting Axe, which Backbreaker wasn't going to let go to waste. They never stepped past the red line on the ground. It was probably rigged to do something nasty.

Inside the cabin was still the same. Nothing had been added. Astro switched the candlestick and then took it with her. They met their friends outside.

The Necromancer's Apprentice was still there. Bladescape approached, flipped her blade around, and stabbed down, straight into his chest. She coldly rammed it down a second time. And then a third time. The third finally destroyed the body.

"That solves that," Bladescape declared. "Let's get back to the old man."

As they approached his glade, they heard plenty of noise. But it wasn't fighting, it was cheers and laughing. They found several younger adults helping move boxes to a wagon with an ox hooked up to it.

"You live!" The old man said when he saw them. "These are two of my kids and their wives. They braved the woods for me. I leave now not because of the Necromancer, but because my children are right. I need to move to the city. The only thing left for me here are my memories, and I can take the good ones with me."

"We killed the apprentice," Argo said. "And we drove out the Necromancer. He slipped away with magic before we could strike the killing blow."

"My, my," He said, stroking his chin. "That is impressive. I thought you were casual adventurers, but you are more than that."

"Here," one of the sons said coming over. "This is what I can give you for saving my father's life, and making it so that we didn't have to fight the skeletons when we got here."

"Thank you," Argo said, taking the small sack. "But Sir, do you know anything we can do to stop him? What about your protective barrier here?"

"I am sorry. It took me years to learn to make that barrier. It repels all who want to do me harm. There is no simple way for me to just give it to you. That isn't how it works. But if you could do more, well he will go for more people. He will raise an army. Take what you want from what is left in my cabin. The place is yours, but don't let him enslave anyone else."

"We will not," Bladescape assured him.

They watched them get in the wagon and depart. The quest finished. They got a ton of XP, a good amount of Col, some random items, and best of all, the ownership of the cabin. They would have to decide who actually owned it between them.

"Take the cabin," Argo immediately said. "I don't need it. Take it as a perk of helping me get this quest taken care of and actually finished. What I got is more than I expected. Plus, a little satisfaction on the side."

"Let's at least look to see what we were left inside the cabin," Bladescape said.

It was pretty bare. Basic furniture, a single bed for two and the other bedrooms were empty.

"Hey!" AFCK called out to them from where she was in the living room. "Argo! Blade! Astro! Look what I found."

Bladescape and the others found AFCK holding a candlestick. The same one as the candlestick that had been in the Necromancer's cabin. They compared them and they were perfectly matched. The date on the bottom was the same, with the same initials.

"You don't think...?" Bladescape asked.

"No," Astro immediately said. "I think it's a misdirect. Pure and simple. But I have a strong feeling, that Necromancer is our Floor Boss. And we won't get to throw poison picks at him."

"You have them poisoned!" Argo exclaimed. "I was trying to figure out how he was going down so fast, but once he dropped from AFCK's hit, I was focused on the battle. Then he was leaving. Poison makes a lot of sense."

"We are very efficient," Bladescape said with sly grin.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 79 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 69 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 72 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 75 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 72 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 72 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 69 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal
Astro (PS): Lvl 72 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 69 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts
Lessa: Lvl 69 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search
Joltron: Lvl 73 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Blunt Weapon Forging – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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