• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 13 - Colorra

Floor 37

August 27

The Wondercolts were bushwhacking through the deep jungle on Floor 37. They were on a hunting quest. They had to find and kill a rare, venomous snake: the Dandarabilla Cobra. They needed the poison for a quest so that it could be made into an anti-venom mix to save a life. The snake was extremely aggressive from the reports.

They had a set of anti poison crystals, but it was still a big risk. Argo had provided them the best information on the quest, for her standard fee. That information didn’t minimize the danger much. The correct snake was black, but it shimmered with rainbows if the light hit it right. The other black snakes didn’t shimmer and while they were poisonous and aggressive, they were not the right kind of poison.

“I just wish we didn’t have to kill them,” Doombunny said to Bladescape. They had fanned out to try and find the elusive snakes. Doombunny had been paired with Bladescape.

“I know Doom, but how else are we going to get the poison?”

“Umm…well…I don’t know. I just hate kill quests. I know they are just monsters programmed that way, but most of them are actually kind of cute.”

“Cute?” Bladescape chuckled. “Only you would think some of these monsters are cute.”

Bladescape sighed and leaned against a tree. She was tired of searching the damp leaves and underbrush of the jungle for something that was designed to hide in their terrain.

“Doombunny, I know how you feel. You are still Fluttershy in your core, which is good. But we have to kill the beasts to get stronger. Its the only way to survive.”

“I know,” Doombunny said looking more like the meek Fluttershy than Fluttershy usually looked. “But I still hate it. I can’t help but feel sorry at the end of the day. Or in the morning. And anytime we take a break.”

Bladescape chuckled with love. Doombunny was getting stronger and going tit for tat for levels against any of the other Wondercolts, but she still was herself in the good ways. When Bladescape could find her, she often was feeding the virtual birds or playing with the odd butterfly. Her hide skill was high enough that they could almost lose track of her sitting at the table with them if she activated it.

Bladescape froze as something slithered around her shoulder and neck, almost pinning her to the tree. The black snake looked Bladescape in the eyes.

“Umm, Doom?” Bladescape squeaked with what little breath she had left.

“Shoo!” Doombunny kindly said, trying to wave it away with her hand. “Go. We don’t need you.”

Bladescape lifted her sword. It was going to be tough with the length, but Doombunny was being 100% Fluttershy and she wasn’t being helpful.

“Oh, no, no, no. Please snake. I don’t want you to get hurt. If you go now, you will avoid that nasty blade she is raising at you.”

Bladescape froze as the snake hissed at her, baring its fangs.

“Oh please, Mr. Snake,” Doombunny pleaded. “Just be a good snake and go away and we won’t hurt you.”

The snake did not back down.

“I said let her go!” Doombunny ordered.

The snake hissed and receded into the tree’s canopy.

Bladescape tried to control her breathing. She almost got control of it when she realized she was still leaning against the tree the snake was in. She jumped with a squeal away from it.

“Doombunny, next time, please just kill it.”


Bladescape couldn’t stop her palm from hitting her forehead.

“They are venomous and it almost bit me,” Bladescape said, calming down.

“No he didn’t. He just didn’t like you touching his tree.”

Bladescape looked above them. The canopy was a good 150 feet above them, easily. It could hold more snakes, but she couldn’t get up there. Thunderborne probably could climb up, but that didn’t mean she could protect herself.

Along with Doombunny; Thunderborne, AFCK, Astro, and Joltron were also in the party with her. But the others were so spread out that the only thing Bladescape could see was their health bars below hers on the top left for the party info. Bladescape messaged them to set up a rendezvous.

It took them awhile to assemble.

“So, the snakes are in the trees,” Bladescape explained. “One slid down and was choking me. Doom just told it to go away, and it did.”

“Where is Doom?” Thunderborne asked.

“What!” Bladescape said panicking. “Stupid hide skill! She slips into it without even realizing she is activating it! She has my search skill out mastered. Most of the time even I can’t find her.”

Bladescape was trying to see Doombunny, and even activated tracking, a high level skill that Search unlocked.

“Warmer, warmer, colder, cold.”

Bladescape sighed. “AFCK, not helpful. We are not playing a game. We are trying to find Doombunny before the snakes do.”

“Well yeah. Duh. She is over there, silly. She isn’t hiding.”

Bladescape stepped over to AFCK and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. From their spot, Doombunny was blocked by a tree. AFCK, as usual, was doing something else from the group and could still see Doombunny.

Doombunny was bent down, one hand wrapped around her knees. Bladescape couldn’t see what she was doing, but she needed them all together to talk strategy. Bladescape walked over to her and stopped.

“Yes, you a beautiful lady,” Doombunny said. “I don’t know why everyone is so afraid of you. You are just minding your own business. These players can be so mean. I hate the kill quests too. If I could get stronger without hunting, I would.”

“Uh, Doombunny?” Bladescape asked, inching closer to not freak her out.

A hiss came from behind Doombunny and a large snake darted out, it’s black scale shimmering like a beautiful rainbow.

“Hey! Watch your language! That is my friend and she won’t hurt you. Right Blade?”

Thunderborne groaned for them all except Astro and Joltron. They were just confused.

“Right,” Bladescape said sheathing her sword. “I won’t harm…her.”

“How do you know its a girl?” Thunderborne prodded.

“The boys don’t shimmer,” Doombunny curtly explained.

The snake wrapped itself around Doombunny who was still bent down and curled up on her shoulder, finding it a nice perch. It was large, drooping down onto the front of her chest to make sure it fit.

“Aww,” Doombunny said standing up and scratching her scales.

“Um, is this normal?” Joltron asked.

“Oddly, yes,” AFCK said.

“AFCK is right,” Bladescape added. “Doombunny is a master with animals I.R.L.. You should see what she does for them. She always has at least one smuggled into her backpack at school because they get lonely. Angel Bunny is her personal pet, but she loves them all. Including snakes.”

“Good news, girls,” Doombunny smiled and then she chuckled cutely. “And boy. Sorry, I always forget about Joltron and Kiefer. I’ve said girls for so long now, its natural for me. Anyway, good news. She has agreed to give us her venom for the quest. We don’t need to kill her for it.”

“Well that is convenient,” AFCK shrugged. “I guess Diemond won’t be getting snake skin boots anytime soon then.”

“She wasn’t trying to make them,” Bladescape said, frustrated. She still wasn’t over the snake almost killing her.

“She wasn’t?” AFCK asked, very confused. “Then why are we out here?”

Thunderborne’s palm audibly hit her head. It was loud enough that Bladescape wondered if she had knocked a few points off her total HP.

“Lets head back,” Bladescape said as she messaged the others.

“Umm, how is she going to keep it?” Joltron asked.

“It’s probably just going to ride on her shoulders like that.”

Bladescape looked behind her. Doombunny was giddily walking along, enjoying the company of the snake.

“Colorra says she is hungry,” Doombunny said as they got out of the jungle. “She likes fresh meat, not cooked.”

“You are going to have to feed her,” Bladescape said. “She is your pet after all.”

“Oh, I wasn’t asking you to feed her. I am sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

Bladescape chuckled a smile at Doombunny. “I know you were not. I just meant she is yours, you will need to keep food on you for her.”

The other players in the town were visibly disturbed about Doombunny walking around with a snake on her neck. A good chunk of them could tell it was a dreaded Dandarabilla Cobra. The snake’s description was well known so players could avoid it. In the light, Colorra was practically a moving rainbow.

For dinner they went to the expensive pub. The quest was lucrative. They were in the corner of the pub, with plenty of clearance around them. The snake was helping create that buffer.

Out of nowhere Argo sat down with them. “I heard about someone walking around with a snake. Other Familiars have popped up all across the players, most notably a young girl is known as the Dragon Master because she has a tamed Feathered Little Dragon. But no one has tamed any of the snakes here. How did you do it?”

“Oh. Sorry Argo. I am not sure,” Doombunny said. “I just talked to it. Like back home.”

“Do you even have the Familiar Communications skill active?”

“Umm,” Doombunny said, opening her window. “Yes. I do. But it’s a soft yellow.”

Argo sighed. “Why am I not surprised. You guys are one weird bunch. I don’t think your brains are fully connected to those NerveGears.”

With that, Argo was gone just as fast as she came.

“That was odd,” Doombunny said.

“She was looking for information,” Bladescape explained. “Specifically to add it to a guide for others to tame. But you can’t explain you and Colorra.”

“I am not sleeping in the same room with her,” Thunderborne declared.

“You know, we have enough money. We should look at getting our own place,” Knightstar said. “Guild headquarters are for sale, along with personal homes.”

“Then start looking,” Bladescape said with a nod. “It would be nice to have somewhere else to stay. My own room even. I know we will still need to use Inns on longer trips, but having a home base would be a big relief.”

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 54– Two-Handed Sword – Search – Weapon Defense – Leather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 48 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Equipment Appraisal – Parry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 48 – Rapier – Sprint – Acrobatics – Armor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 51 – Heavy Shield – One-Handed War Hammer – Extended Weight Carry – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search
AFCK (PP): Lvl 48 – Two-Handed Axe – Parry – Cooking – Weapon Defense – Martial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor
Diemond (R): Lvl 48 – Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – Tailoring – Light Metal Armor Forging
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 48 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – Hide – Search – Listening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra)
Astro (PS): Lvl 48 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration
Kiefer: Lvl 45 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging
Lessa: Lvl 45 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing
Joltron: Lvl 45 – One handed Axe – Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Blunt Weapon Forging

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