• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 96 - Soccer Championship

Floor 61 - Front Line Floor 75
November 3 - Year 2

A lot had happened in the weeks following Fucanglong the Crystal Dragon's defeat.

Most significantly for the state of Aincrad, there had been some internal issues with the Knights of the Bloodoath The Seventy-Fourth Floor boss battle had been rushed by a group of Army soldiers from the First Floor. Fuurinkazan, Kirito, and Asuna had gone in to save them, and did save almost all of them, but in the process, Kirito was forced to kill the boss with his Dual Swords, revealing his Secret Unique Skill to the world.

Not a week later, Kirito ended up dueling Heathcliff in a scheduled match. Scheduled matches were rare, most disputes being settled on the spot. Officially the disagreement was over Kirito spending time with Asuna and taking her away from her duties to the KOB. If Kirito won, they could spend time together however they wanted, but if he lost, he would have to join the KOB.

The Wondercolts had attended the duel to support their friend, and the KOB had earned a lot of money from selling tickets. Kirito fought an admirable battle. Right as he was about to win, Heathcliff expertly turned the tables and finished the duel. Heathcliff’s victory meant that Kirito had to join the KOB, ending the time of the last Solo Player on the front line. It was a spectacle well worth the money the guild spent for the tickets.

Three days later, Bladescape had noticed Godfree had disappeared from her friend list. She went to the KOB headquarters and spoke to Heathcliff directly. He gave her the harrowing tale of Godfree's murder by Kurideal and the attempted murder of Kirito. Godfree was the first player Bladescape could consider herself being close to who had died. His picture was now on the shrine, placed there by Bladescape herself.

But tonight was for celebration. They had called all the gang together to watch the Wondercolts' Soccer Finale. Agil had closed his shop, the big celebratory feast enticing him to lock up early. Fuurinkazan had taken off the entire day to watch both matches and eat cupcakes. Rendil, Silica, Lisbeth, Boots, and Argo were all in attendance as well. Thinker and Yulier had been able to make it too, despite some big changes happening in the Aincrad Liberation Force. Sasha was also supposed to be arriving with all the kids in tow.

Asuna and Kirito would have been invited, but they had slipped away somewhere for a vacation. Merlin made a comment about their "vacation" the other day, after Bladescape finished a simple recovery quest. The two of them had gotten married in the game and were taking some time off. She had planned on asking Godfree to join in the festivities of the soccer championship as well, but that was sadly impossible now. Bladescape suspected his death had something to do with the young couple's sudden desire to get away from things.

Shaking away the depressing thoughts, Sunset pulled her soccer uniform over her head and focused on was the finals. They had finished their regular season with Rainbooms, Scorpions, Bellmare, and TNT in good positions. Antlers had only won three of fifteen games, and Cerezo had only won four of fifteen games. Everyone else had won at least seven games.

They had run a set of playoff games for the other four teams. Everyone had expected the final two teams to be Scorpions against Rainbooms, Astro against Thunderborne. However, the Scorpions choked and were knocked down to the bottom to fight for bronze. They finished third, beating TNT in a penalty shoot-out after a tied game of 0-0.

Now it was time for the Rainbooms and Bellmare to meet for the pride of taking the gold. There wasn’t a trophy, cup, or medals, but it was bragging rights. It was not going to be a half-watched game like a normal match. Everyone had been watching the playoffs and then the bronze medal match earlier in the day.

After the soccer match today, the cooks would have an hour to finish dinner. Most of it was either prepared, or slowly cooking. They were making a huge feast to feed everyone and every oven was either in use, or about to be used. It was a good break from the monotony of the game and a good distraction from the massive stress of the upcoming 75th Floor Boss Battle.

Sunset checked herself in the mirror. She looked good in the Blue and Green uniform. Shonan Bellmare was Kamishi’s team I.R.L. He was from the area, which was southwest of Tokyo on the coast. The name basically meant Beautiful Sea.

Kamishi was not as outright competitive as Rainbow Dash or Poly Stitch, particularly when it came to Soccer, but he was a hard headed competitor who knew how to lead a team and capitalize on the opponent’s weaknesses. He had forged Bladescape, Helia, and Suiko into an amazing team. As unexpected as their team playing for first was, it wasn’t a surprise they were in the top three from their performances.

Sunset headed downstairs. Lobelia caught her on the third-floor landing. “Good luck, Bladescape,” She said with a grin. It was a bit odd that she didn't add Kaisho, but it felt good. “I hope you win. It would be fun to knock Thunderborne down a level.”

Bladescape chuckled. “It would be fun, and we have done well, but I have seen her play for our school. It will be an uphill battle for us to win gold.”

“I bet you have it,” Lobelia replied as they headed downstairs.

“Thunder is gunning for me and won’t let up,” Bladescape replied. “I’m going to be facing a lot of tough kicks.”

They went out to the courtyard. Bladescape was the last player to arrive. Everyone was there. The stands were crowded with the kids and all the Wondercolts' friends. Diemond had made a variety of flags and fanfare to show team spirit. Klein was shirtless with a painted green chest and blue arms and face. A large, white B was on his chest, either for Bladescape or for Bellmare, or possibly both.

Bladescape met up with her team. Kamishi nodded to her and then gave his wisdom. “You all know how hard you have worked, and how well you have played. This has been a fun season. Thunderborne isn’t happy she is meeting us at the finals, not Astro. Play like you have been, but we have to keep the heat off Bladescape. Helia, that means you have to play a tight defense. I’ll work to keep the pressure off you two as best as possible. Suiko, play to Backbreaker’s weak side, her left. She still wants to use a shield to block the ball, so use it, but mix it up. Be ready to take the long toss or kick towards their goal.”

They confirmed the orders and took their positions. Astro graciously accepted the position as their referee since she wasn’t playing. She did the coin flip, and the Rainbooms won. Thunderborne put the ball in play.

Kate immediately slipped past Kamishi and Helia and kicked the ball. Bladescape batted it away in time and it flew into the stands where it forced the spectators to duck and dive.

Sunset locked eyes with Rainbow Dash. It might have been Kate who kicked, but Thunderborne had obviously set the strategy. She wasn’t happy Bladescape had blocked the ball, and Bladescape wasn’t going to show her any weakness as she stared her down. Rainbow Dash was very aware that Sunset was on to her, and that she was going to stop anything kicked her way.

Since Bladescape had touched the ball last, it was the Rainbooms' ball. Kate tossed it in, right to Mjolna who batted it to Thunderborne where it was slammed by Thunderborne’s foot. Bladescape dove, grabbing it before she hit the ground.

She didn’t stay there, immediately rolling out of the dive and throwing the ball downfield. On the smaller 4 v 4 pitch, they had more options available than a regular sized soccer pitch with eleven players on each side could handle. The ball easily sailed past the Rainbooms, who were all close to Bellmore’s goal. Suiko never let the ball touch the ground as her foot connected with it in midair. It had a lot of spin on it as it made contact with Suiko's foot, making an almost 90 degree turn to the top corner of the goal where it easily slipped past a faked out Backbreaker.

“BOOM!” Bladescape yelled at Thunderborne as she walked out towards her a bit. Thunderborne just growled back as she walked toward their goal so they could get the ball back into play.

Only the Scorpions, led by Astro, had beaten the Rainbooms onto the scoreboard. It was a momentous moment worthy of a final game for the prize. It was a tad aggressive in the celebration and Bladescape knew she would be on the receiving end of a harsh retribution for rubbing it in that loudly.

Retribution didn’t come as Thunderborne made the right play and the Rainbooms slid it past the defenders and kicked it back to Thunderborne. With Thunderborne right at the goal there was nothing Bladescape could do to stop the expert soccer player. Thunderborne just silently strutted away from the goal after scoring.

Astro paused the game halfway into the first half after Kate took the ball to her face. It had been deflected off Bladescape’s hand after being kicked by Thunderborne. They took a little break to help them all cool off a bit. The score was still 1-1 but it had been a very hot game.

“Good job,” Kamishi told his team. “We are keeping Thunder in the center of the field more than forward towards our goal. Every time you can throw it down to Suiko, the better. Even if Thunder is in the middle, it still keeps her off the goal for safety of her own net. Suiko, keep drilling it into BB’s left side. Then mix it up when you know she will take the bait. We have to keep her guessing.”

They confirmed the orders and drank plenty of water to keep hydrated. Astro was satisfied with the cooldown and they got back to the game.

The ball was last touched by Kate's face, meaning it was Bellmare's ball. Kamishi set up on the side and looked at his team. Bladescape was prepared for the incoming throw. Since Bladescape was the goalie, she could grab the ball with her hands. Passing the ball to her meant she could better set up their possession of the ball than what Kamishi could do from his position on the side. Kamishi raised it above his head towards her and then began to throw it towards Bladescape. He let go with just his left hand and the ball changed direction.

It flew down to Suiko. She was there, and immediately kicked it back towards their own goal. Helia had sprinted forward in the confusion of the unexpected change. She took it on the chest and kicked it on an intercept course with Kamishi. His stride stayed even as the pass was placed exactly where he needed it. He didn't stop as he went to kick the ball. It was set up as a goal shot but Kamishi adjusted his foot to send it sideways, straight to Suiko.

Suiko was right by the goal as the ball came at her head. They hadn't practiced head shots. They rarely had the set up. Suiko went for it and the ball bounced off her head towards the goal.

It slammed into the top post and rebounded back out. Backbreaker had made her defensive move but she had halted when it hit the post. She couldn't grab it as it flew away down the field. Kamishi, having backed off after his last pass, was in position to intercept and didn't let the moment go to waste. He punted it into the top left corner of the goal. Backbreaker was powerless to stop it.

Bellmare was up 2 to 1 on the Rainbooms. Klein was the loudest cheerleader as Bellmare's supporters cheered and hollered.

Thunderborne was frustrated at being outsmarted. Her team relied on her skill and Backbreaker's ability to block most shots. If those failed, the others couldn't adjust well. Kamishi had decently skilled players who could adjust and think on their own, mixing up the plays better than any other team.

Thunderborne dropped back to the goal to move the ball out at a slower pace. Slowing things down was odd for her, but the strategy worked as she moved it up the field. She kicked it to Kate, to get it around Kamishi, and then it came right back to her. She brought it close to the goal, faking out the close kick to pop it to the side where Kate slid it just past the right post with an easy, soft kick.

It was again tied, but Bladescape could tell Thunderborne was frustrated. Normally a tie happened when the other team caught up to the Rainbooms. But the Rainbooms were currently working to tie the game up, not getting ahead.

The end of the first half came with the score tied at 2-2. The cooks scrambled past the players, cutting across the stone pitch to get at the kitchen and make sure things were going well or doing whatever they needed to do before the game started again.

Bellmare exchanged fist bumps, but otherwise kept quiet. They took their break, drank their water, but they all understood what to do. It had been working, and there was no reason to change anything.

Things were not in the Rainbooms' favor since they had won the coin toss. Bellmare started the second half with the ball, and they had proven to be the dominant team. It was obvious as Thunderborne took a defensive position with Mjolna. Kate even came into the center of the field. There would be no fast action if the Rainbooms got a hold of the ball.

Helia came out of a defensive position, just ahead of Kamishi so he could kick the ball "forward." She immediately took it back a few feet as they set up their play.

Kate rushed Helia, but she was spotted in time. Helia popped the ball around Kate and then kicked it hard to Kamishi. Kamishi took it on the chest and used his knee to pop it around Thunderborne to Suiko. Suiko faked out Mjolna and Backbreaker with an angled kick that wasn't at the goal at all. It went back across the field where Kamishi had sprinted to. His footwork was perfect as he took the ball and kicked. It was straight at Backbreaker, but since he was on her far side, she put herself in position to block the much more open goal. By the time she realized what he was doing, she was going in the wrong direction, unable to change, and the ball sailed into the back net uncontested.

Within two minutes of the second half Bellmare was up 3-2. It was an unprecedented game.

Backbreaker threw the ball as hard as she could. It went over everyone's heads to Kate. Kate used her head to knock it back to a charging Thunderborne. Thunderborne had the entire goal to choose from since she was in the center of the field. Bladescape could not read the kick and it sailed into the top left corner, barely squeaking by the post but not touching it. An expert placement honed through hours on a soccer pitch, both practicing and playing.

The game stalled out at 3-3. The Rainbooms had several good runs, but Bladescape blocked each kick. They couldn't gain the upper hand either, but Bellmare gave the Rainbooms as good as they got, and the Rainbooms were still the team having to play catch-up.

The second half came to a close with the two teams battling for control in the middle of the field. To break the tie, they would have a penalty shootout. Astro flipped the coin and it landed in Bellmare's favor. A normal shootout had 5 different kickers, picked from 10 fielders and the goalie protecting their goal. Since they were playing 4 on 4, with three fielders, the forward kicked first, then center, then defender, back to forward and then the final kick by the center. It was the fairest way they could devise for a 5-kick shootout.

Suiko kicked first, sending the ball low and to Backbreaker's left side. It was Backbreaker's weak spot and she missed blocking it. They were up 4-3.

Kate kicked the ball straight at Bladescape. It looked like it was going to go left, but Bladescape held out a half a second long enough to see the change and just stood there, catching the ball that came right to her. It was still 4-3 with Bellmare up.

Kamishi kicked it high, but soft. He also played to Backbreaker's left side. The softer kick was used as a misdirect, but it also allowed Backbreaker to skip in front of it and catch it.

Bladescape was facing Thunderborne. Retribution came with a powerful kick. The ball rocketed forward and Bladescape dove to block it. Her fingers touched the ball but couldn't stop the force of the kick and it slipped out of her grasp. It was tied 4-4.

Helia was up, kicking for Bellmare. She set up for a left kick, but kicked to the right. Backbreaker moved wrong to start, but was able to get her foot back over enough to knock it off of its path and saving her team from another lost goal.

Mjolna came forward to kick against Bladescape. The ball was kicked hard and it went sailing over the goal. It dropped in time to hit the far wall, staying inside the castle. They had lost fourteen balls to the sea over the season and five during the playoff. There was a reason why Mjolna was the Rainbooms' defender and not their forward.

Suiko was back up. She drilled it high and right, Backbreaker was able to bat it away.

Kate took her second shot. She tried to slip it past Bladescape with a low kick that skipped off the ground. The bounce redirected the ball enough, saving Bladescape who had gone in the wrong direction, by bouncing out of bounds.

Kamishi was up for their final kick. His stride wasn't even as he skipped forward in an off-putting bounce. It proved effective as Backbreaker shuffled to her left, giving Kamishi enough time to redirect it to the other side. Unfortunately, the shuffle also threw off his kick and it slammed into the side-post and back out towards them.

Thunderborne took the ball and set it down in the proper spot. Her grin was evil as she stared her friend down. This was the pressure Rainbow Dash, no matter what reality, thrived on. If she made the goal, they won. If not, they would set up for another round of a penalty shootout.

The kick was not Thunderborne's hardest by a long shot, but the conservative choice did give Bladescape a second to second-guess the direction and she chose wrong. It sailed into Bellmare's goal unchecked.

Thunderborne jumped up, fist pumping the air as she screamed her head off in celebration. Her team rushed her in the middle of the field for a celebratory pile.

Kamishi, Suiko, and Helia joined Bladescape at their goal while the others celebrated.

"Well done," Kamishi praised. "That was a mighty fine game. Near perfect. We did everything right. Thunderborne got the better of us in the last kick, but we still held the lead the entire time. We couldn't have asked for a better ending to this season."

They bumped fists and congratulated each other over accomplishments and actions during the game that they wanted to point out. Their teammates still deserved the praise and support even with it being the final game of the season. A new season would start after Floor Seventy-Five. A few Wondercolts wanted in, and a few others wanted out, but it was going to be an even swap.

The cooks had rushed to the kitchen during the celebrations. Klein came over and congratulated each of them. He pulled Bladescape in for a side hug. "Nice job, Doll Face. You were fierce out there."

"Thanks Klein," Bladescape smiled back. "I can't be disappointed with my performance or any of my teammates' performances."

"You took second after a hard-fought loss, I can stand my team being second."

Bladescape shook her head with a smile. Klein had had too much fun over the entire day, and the feast had yet to happen. The day was still young.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 102 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword - Rend - Reveal
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 91 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search - Martial Arts - Blade Throwing
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 96 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics - Sprint - Rend
AFCK(PP): Lvl 90 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument - Rend - Search
Diemond (R): Lvl 90 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry - Rend - Search
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 98 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing - Sprint - Armor Pierce
Astro (PS): Lvl 94 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry - Search - Martial Arts
Kiefer: Lvl 92 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce - Sprint - Blade Throwing
Lessa: Lvl 89 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics - Wood Carving
Joltron: Lvl 90 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry - Acrobatics - Rend
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 85 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce - Purchase Negotiation - Sale Negotiation

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