• Published 12th Jan 2019
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Undead Robot Bug Crusaders: Unusual Lives - Banjo64

The continuing misadventures of the Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

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Chapter D2: Free the Diamond

As the sun started creeping down the horizon, Diamond Tiara flopped down on her bed.

“Ugh… I’m exhausted. How the hay can anypony do that for a living?” asked Diamond Tiara.

“Well, most miners are fully grown ponies, Diamond. They’re usually in better shape than you, too,” said Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara turned to glare at her friend, who was reading a book on her own bed.

“Are you calling me fat?” asked Diamond Tiara.

“No, I’m saying you’re not the most physically active pony. Even you have to admit you’ve never really been one to play sports, let alone spend weeks outside mining rocks,” said Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara let out a sigh, but conceded the point.

“Whatever. I still made it to the end of another day. I’m not as out of shape as you think,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon put down her book and looked at her friend with a smile.

“Yep. You made it. And I’m so happy to see that you did. So, did you learn anything today?” asked Silver Spoon.

“Just that I’m now even more sure I’m not going to grow up to have anything to do with mining. I think I can respect anypony who does, but it’s not for me,” said Diamond Tiara.

“Welp, I’d say that’s three steps forward in the right direction,” said Silver Spoon.

“Three steps?” asked Diamond Tiara.

Yeah. You actually tried something new, you accepted that you’re not good at something, and most of all, you said you can actually respect somepony. When was the last time you could ever do that?” said Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara thought about it for a moment, and realized Silver Spoon was right. After grinding away, breaking rocks for hours on end, she had to admit she genuinely felt admiration for anyone who could do that every day to make a living.

It was a novel feeling, and a surprisingly pleasant one considering it was basically admitting somepony else was better at something than her.

Speaking of novel feelings…

“Actually, I think it’s four steps forward,” said Diamond Tiara.

“Oh?” asked Silver Spoon with a raised eyebrow.

Diamond Tiara pulled out a small bag of bits. She gave it shake, causing the bits inside to jingle. It was less money than she’d usually carry around with her, but it seemed to be so much more valuable.

“I got money,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon looked at Diamond Tiara in confusion.

“Uh, yeah. Your family is super rich. Of course you have money,” said Silver Spoon.

“No, I mean I earned money. I didn’t get it from my allowance, or as a present, or by annoying my parents until they forked over the cash. These bits are mine. I did a job, and got paid for it,” said Diamond Tiara.

“Oh. I guess I never thought of that. I mean, I’ve kind of always gotten my money the same way as you, just without annoying my parents. How does that feel?” asked Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara gave the bag another shake.

“It feels… satisfying, I guess. Like, these bits are mine, and I can do whatever I want with them. I mean, that’s true of all the money I’ve ever had, I guess, but it’s… more so than usual? I’m not really sure how to describe it,” admitted Diamond Tiara.

“Me neither. But you’re probably right. That’s another step forward,” said Silver Spoon with a nod.

Diamond Tiara put her bag of money away, and laid back down on her bed.

“So, now what? If you’re certain you’re not going to be a miner, what are you planning on doing with yourself?” asked Silver Spoon.

“I dunno. Maybe I’ll try rock farming or something. I mean, harvesting gem stones is closer to my cutie mark than mining ores, anyway,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon frowned at that, but it was a sad sort of frown, not an angry one.

“Diamond, you know your mark doesn’t necessarily mean anything stone related. Are you sure you want to try rock farming? I’ve heard it’s a really boring job,” said Silver.

“I know, but…” Diamond Tiara started to say, but then she paused.

“But?” asked Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara didn’t answer. She just turned away and grumbled something under her breath.

Silver Spoon let out a sigh. She hadn’t been able to hear what Diamond had said, but she knew the reason why. Without a word, Silver got up, made her way over to Diamond’s bed, climbed on, and pulled Diamond Tiara into a hug.

Diamond Tiara didn’t turn to return the hug, but she didn’t push Silver away either.

“Again, Silver? I get what you’re trying to do, but seriously. I think you’ve given me a hug every day since we came here,” said Diamond Tiara.

“I’ll stop hugging you when I think you don’t need them anymore,” said Silver.

Diamond Tiara sighed, but didn’t object. She still refused to return the hug, though. Silver Spoon was not particularly pleased by this, but at least Diamond wasn’t breaking into tears at the mere mention of her problems anymore.

It was clear there was still a long way to go before Diamond truly began to recover. But what could Silver do, other than be there for Diamond, encouraging her every step of the way? Silver Spoon glanced at the calendar on the wall. Their stay at the mine was nearing its end. Even with the plans she, her parents, and even Filthy Rich had made for when they returned, Silver was still worried.

She really wanted Diamond Tiara to get better. But after suffering so much for so long, was that even possible? Silver Spoon wasn’t sure, but by Celestia she had to try. Even if Diamond wasn’t being very receptive of her efforts.

“Diamond… I know you’re scared, but that doesn’t mean you have to do something you hate just so you can avoid doing the same thing as your mom,” said Silver.

Diamond Tiara’s body went stiff. Silver Spoon, while concerned, had learned that this was a sign that she had hit where it hurt. She had to keep going and clean out the wound entirely.

“Look, it’s fine if you want to distance yourself from her. Hay, I think it’s a good idea you do. But don’t you think making yourself miserable just to get a little further away is a bad idea?” asked Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara let out a sniffle as she began to cry.

“I… I don’t want to… to…” mumbled Diamond.

“I know. It’s OK. Let it all out,” said Silver Spoon.

For several minutes, they didn’t say anything. Diamond Tiara cried, but she didn’t break into hysterical sobs this time.

Finally, Diamond Tiara found her voice again.

“I… don’t want to be a monster like… like her. I know you think I’m supposed to be a leader or something, but what kind of leader would I be? A mean, bossy, jerk who doesn’t care about anypony. I don’t… I don’t know how to be anything else,” mumbled Diamond Tiara.

“But you can learn. And it’s OK, Diamond. You don’t have to do my idea just yet. We can try rock farming if you really want to, but I think you’ll just end up hating it,” said Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara let out another sniffle.

“It’s what I deserve,” she muttered.

That got Silver Spoon angry.

“No it’s not! Don’t you ever think you deserve to be miserable! That’s what she wants you to feel! You’re better than that! You’re better than her! And you deserve to be happy for once in your life!” chided Silver.

Diamond Tiara didn’t respond with words, but she did start to cry again.

“Me, my family, hay, even your dad, we all want you to be happy, Diamond Tiara. We want you to rise above how horrible your life has been so far. We have faith in you. We believe that one day, you’ll be an amazing pony who’ll shine like the diamonds on your flank,” said Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara let out a sniffle.

“That’s… never going to happen, Silver,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon looked at her friend in concern. That was not what she wanted to hear.

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’ll be able to get up and make a difference someday. But I’ll never be a perfect diamond. I’m going to end up like that thing on my nightstand,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver quickly realized Diamond Tiara was referring to the rough diamond she had found a while ago. Diamond Tiara had taken the time to free the gem from its stone casing entirely, and given the whole thing some polishing. It was still a bit of a lopsided lump, but it was undeniably a gemstone.

At least she’s acknowledged she can improve. That’s an important step, but I still need to pull her out of this depressing line of thinking, thought Silver Spoon.

“Well, maybe. But I don’t think it’s an ugly diamond. It’s just not perfect. And there’s something beautiful about the natural flaws of a rough diamond that…” said Silver Spoon.

“Stop. Just stop, Silver,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon paused, uncertain.

“I am so sick of those ‘you’re special, you don’t have to be perfect’ speeches. I get it. Please… just stop wasting your time saying it over and over again,” said Diamond Tiara in a resigned tone.

Silver Spoon let out a huff.

“I’ll keep giving you the speech until you start believing it. You are not worthless, Diamond. I’m not letting you just give up like this!” said Silver Spoon.

“I didn’t say I was giving up, Silver. I just wish you’d stop trying to convince me of something I already know,” said Diamond.

“Knowing isn’t the same thing as believing. And I don’t think you really understand the difference yet. What is this really about Diamond?” asked Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara let out a sigh.

“It’s about the diamond,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon glanced at the flawed gemstone again in confusion.

“The diamond? What about it?” asked Silver Spoon.

“Do you know what the mine’s policy is on dug up gemstones?” asked Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon was really confused now.

“Uh… they don’t bother selling them, I guess?” said Silver Spoon.

“Yeah. They don’t sell them. They're so low quality that they just get rid of them. Your uncle was planning on throwing that thing in the trash before I asked to keep it,” said Diamond Tiara.

That was news to Silver Spoon. It was also not a good sign if Diamond Tiara was comparing herself to that gem.

“You’re not saying that the stone’s you, and you’re worthless, are you?” asked Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara was quiet for a moment, but then she turned towards her friend. She was still crying, but Silver Spoon was surprised to see that there was a spark of light in Diamond’s eyes that shined through her tears.

“No. It’s not worthless. Because I cared enough to save it. Maybe I’m just being stupid, and sentimental and junk, but I do care about it. And because I cared, it’s not in the trash. I saved it. It’s not worth much, but it’s not worthless. Because if nothing else, it means something to me,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon blinked in disbelief. Was Diamond Tiara...

“And… I realized that the diamond’s a lot like me. Most ponies probably don’t care about me, but there’s a few ponies who do. You, your family, those three blan- I mean fillies, and even my dad… as long as at least one pony cares enough to pull me out of the stones and polish me then… I’m not completely worthless either,” said Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon was shocked, but once she realized what Diamond Tiara was saying, she smiled. She’d never been happier to have been wrong about what her friend was thinking. Her smile grew even bigger when Diamond Tiara reached over and returned her hug.

They were silent for a while, just holding each other tight as Diamond Tiara continued to cry. But now Silver Spoon could see that Diamond’s wasn’t shedding tears just because of her despair anymore. She was crying because she’d managed to find a small glimmer of hope.

And to Silver Spoon, it was a clear sign that this trip was doing exactly what she’d hoped it would. Diamond Tiara was still in a rough spot, no doubt about that, but she was starting to pull herself out. This was a small step forward, but it was also a very important one.

Author's Note:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the family issues spectrum...

Ugh... I feel terrible for writing this, and not just because this is a more sympathetic version of Diamond Tiara. I can't help but feel that by writing about serious topics like this, I'm unknowingly being disrespectful to those who actually suffer from them. I really, really hope I'm doing the topic justice. Especially since I'm jumping to the part where things start getting better.