• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 969 Views, 9 Comments

A bolt from the blue - Rustic_King

A love story featuring our favourite wall eyed pony.

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A Ponyville wedding

Many months later, all of Ponyville was abuzz with the rumour of an imminent marriage proposal. It was reported that Stormbolt had gone into the jewellers and bought a gold necklace with a beautiful diamond.
Lyra and Bon Bon were discussing it in the park 'I heard that the diamond has a flaw in it, that makes it sparkle just like a bright star when the light catches it!' Lyra enthused.
'I heard that it cost five thousand bits!' replied Bon Bon. 'That Derpy sure is one lucky mare!'

Meanwhile, Stormbolt was waiting at a prearranged location to meet Derpy.
She was a little late, but he wasn't worried, he knew she'd be here soon. And sure enough, he heard her call out 'Stormy!' and he turned to see her flying towards him.
'Hey muffin!' he replied as she landed.
He had brought along a small picnic, with hay fries, and some dandelion juice. They ate and drank, and Stormbolt was very careful to keep casual. He wanted the proposal to be a complete surprise.
'I'm glad you came, I have something really important to ask you.' he said after they had finished.
Derpy looked apprehensive 'What is it?' she asked softly.
Stormbolt pulled the box out of his saddle bag and placed it on the table.'Could you open that?' he asked her casually. After some effort, she managed to open the jewellers box containing the necklace.
'It's beautiful!' she gasped when she saw it.
'Well, my fiancée should have something beautiful for her engagement.' he replied, giving her a quick kiss.
'Fiancée?' she repeated.
'Yes Derpy, my fiancée.' He knelt down on his front legs 'Derpy, will you marry me?' he asked.
Derpy didn't answer, but instead tackled him, crying tears of joy.
'I take that as a yes, then?' Stormbolt said; and she nodded vigorously in response.
He slipped the necklace over her head 'You look wonderful.' he told her earnestly.
And he leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss.

And so the rumour was proved true, Derpy was getting married! It had been announced that it would be before year's end. Derpys' friend Raindrops was to be mare of honour with Stormbolts' twin little brother and sister Cloudburst and Misty being ring-bearer and flower filly respectively.
Stormbolt had considered inviting his old friend Gearforth, but on reflection decided that it would be a bad idea, as they were not as close as they once were due to an argument they had a few years ago about Gearforths' behaviour.

When they came into Sugarcube Corner to discuss the wedding cake, Pinkie Pie took the opportunity to plan another party.
'You're not going to take "no" for an answer, are you?' Stormbolt asked after what had seemed like an eternity of begging.
'Nope!' she replied, grinning from ear to ear.
Stormbolt sighed 'Fine, you can plan our reception. But nothing too crazy all right?' he added hastily, envisioning what she might do if given free rein.
Pinkie giggled 'Well that's silly! It's a wedding! And a wedding party has to be a super fabulous, super exciting celebration!'
'Pinkie, you have to promise to at least try to rein in the madness.' Stormbolt said firmly.
'Okie dokie lokie!' She trilled in a sing-song voice before bounding away.

Somehow, Stormbolt knew there was no way that Pinkie would be able to do anything other than to plan the biggest, most over the top party she could. And he was glad, he wanted the day to be Derpys' day. A day when everypony would see her as he did, as a beautiful, sweet mare who deserved as much love as everypony else.

The next day they were at Carousel boutique, and Rarity was trying to measure Derpy for her wedding dress. 'Derpy dear, do try to keep still, these measurements must be just so.' she said, a note of exasperation in her voice.'Sorry Rarity, I'm just excited.' she replied, hanging her head in embarrassment.'It's fine my dear, I understand completely. Why, every mare dreams of meeting him! That special stallion to spend your life with.' and her eyes sparkled as she daydreamed of meeting some handsome, cultured stallion.
Stormbolt cleared his throat 'Sorry to interrupt, but we have an appointment soon with Roseluck, and then this afternoon we have to see Reverend Waddle.'
'Hmm? Oh, yes!' Rarity snapped out of her daydream, and after taking a few more measurements and jotting them down she nodded.'Yes, I think that'll do nicely, and the fabric choice is inspired - if I do say so myself!'

Soon, much sooner than expected the eve of the wedding was upon them. As was traditional, the bride and groom spent the day preparing for the wedding separately. As Stormbolt finished writing his vows, the clock on the mantelpiece chimed 10 o'clock. Yawning as he stretched, Stormbolt stood up 'Well, I'd better hit the hay, don't want to be tired for tomorrow!' He flew up to his bedroom, and after checking that his alarm clock was set he climbed into bed.

The next morning, he awoke at 5:30 on the dot. Soon after he had finished his grooming, somepony knocked on the door.
'Dad!' he exclaimed upon answering the door.
'Well son, ready for the big day?' Sunny Blaze asked cheerfully.
'I suppose so, I'm a little nervous though.' Stormbolt replied.
Yeah, I mean I love Derpy - with all my heart. But we've been friends for most of our lives dad; what if our marriage doesn't work? I'll have lost my oldest & dearest friend!'
Sunny Blaze nodded thoughtfully 'Son, you don't have to worry about that. I've seen you two grow closer over the years. I’m convinced that the two of you are soul mates! This marriage today will last the distance.'
'Thanks dad, that means a lot' he said.
'So have you eaten any breakfast yet?'
'Not yet, I've been so nervous that I lost my appetite.' he said as his stomach gave an almighty rumble.
'Well, you better eat something my boy! Can't have you keeling over part way through, can we?'

'So how's mum?' Stormbolt asked as they ate breakfast together.
'Oh, she's with Derpy, and your big sister is getting the twins ready back at home.'
A few minutes later, Stormbolt was almost ready to go.'Hoof ring? Check! Vows? Check!'
He checked himself in the mirror one last time. 'Okay dad! I'm ready!'
'Righto son, lets see how your sister is managing.'

They landed outside the family home and walked inside. Sun Shower was looking a little stressed, but still managed a smile 'Stormy, dad!' I'm so glad you're here!'
'Being a bit of a hoof full are they?' said her father mirthfully.
'A bit.' replied Sun Shower in a tone that clearly indicated that it was a massive understatement.
At that moment, the twins walked in. Cloudburst was wearing a formal suit, which he clearly didn't like.
'When can I take this stupid thing off?' he asked loudly.
'After the wedding, son.' said Sunny Blaze in one his rare moments of strictness.
Misty meanwhile was zooming around excitedly 'Weeee! Look at me, I'm a princess!' she cried out in glee.
'Misty!' come down here, you're going to mess up that dress.'cried Sun Shower.
This had the desired effect, and Misty stopped immediately and landed carefully.
'Is it still okay? I don't wanna ruin my pretty dress.' she said with a look of genuine concern.
'It's fine, but be careful from now on okay?' Sun shower reassured her younger sister.

Stormbolt took his little brother aside ''Okay champ, you know what you have to do today right?'
'Yeah, until Reverend Waddle asks you for the ring, I have to look after it, then I hand it to you.' he said tonelessly.
Stormbolt smiled, 'Good lad!' he said, knowing that his little brother might not be enthusiastic about the wedding, but he would do anything for his big brother.

As a group they flew down to where the wedding was being held, one of the pavilions in the town park. There were dozens of chairs placed on the grass and a large marquee had been set up nearby.
An elderly earth pony wearing a clerical collar approached them 'Well my boy, ready for the big day eh?' he said jovially.
'Yes reverend, I've got my vows right here, and my brother,' he pointed a hoof at Cloudburst 'has the ring.'
Suddenly aware he was being watched, Cloudburst stopped fidgeting and smiled angelically at the old pastor.

Slowly guests began filing in and taking up their seats. Naturally it was mostly Pegasi, but Derpy and Stormbolt both had some non Pegasus cousins on both sides of their families. Looking around, he saw his unicorn cousins on his mother's side as well as his earth pony cousins from his dad's side who had come all the way from Trottingham. Soon the air was filled with the excited buzz of friends and relatives catching up with each other. But everyone fell silent as the band began to play.

There were gasps of delight from the guests
'She's coming!' hissed Cloudburst.
'I mustn't look back, I mustn't, I mustn't!' Stormbolt thought desperately to resist the temptation to turn and look.
After what seemed an age, Derpy was finally standing next to him. He had last seen the dress when Rarity was making the final adjustments, but he was unprepared for how it looked now. it was made of the finest lace, and it looked like a cloud, it was perfect.
'You look beautiful.' he whispered and saw her blushing beneath the veil.
The Reverend stood behind the lectern and cleared his throat before speaking into the microphone.
'Dearly beloved, we are gathered here, on this day blessed by Celestia to unite two hearts in matrimony. The groom has written his own vows, which he will now read.'

Stormbolt cleared his throat and began 'Derpy, we have come a long way since we first met, we've been through adventures, disasters. Through joy, and through sadness. Since realising our love for each other, I have grown to love you more than I could have ever imagined it was possible to love somepony. Here, today, in front of our family and friends I want to declare that there's no mare I'd rather spend my life with. Through any kind of weather I want us to be together. Derpy, I love you and always will.'
'And now I must ask, do you Stormbolt Strike take Derpy Hooves to be your wife? Do you vow to stay together in fair weather or foul, when the grass is green and when it is brown?'
'I do' replied Stormbolt
'And do you Derpy Hooves take Stormbolt Strike to be your husband? Do you vow to stay together in fair weather or foul, when the grass is green and when it is brown?'
'I do' choked Derpy.
'You have the ring?' Revd. Waddle asked gently.
Cloudburst held a velvet cushion in his mouth on which the ring sat. It was a simple gold band, but had sapphires set into it in the pattern of Derpy's cutie mark.
Taking the ring, Stormbolt set it on the floor in front of Derpy.
'With this ring, I declare my eternal love for you.' he said as he slipped it onto her hoof.
'If any pony has a valid reason why these two hearts should not be wed, then I invite them to speak now, or forever hold their peace.' said Reverend Waddle in a surprisingly loud voice.
There was a pregnant pause before the Reverend continued.
'Then I declare you mare and groom, you may kiss the bride.'

Stormbolt leaned forward, his heart racing and carefully took the veil in his teeth and uncovered Derpy's face. For a moment he took in how beautiful she looked and then they were kissing, kissing as they never had before. It was an intense rush for both of them as they realised that they were now pony and wife. They broke apart and smiling widely they walked down the aisle and led the quests to the marquee for the reception. As expected, Pinkie had pulled out all the stops! The place was wall to wall balloons and streamers. After all the speeches and toasts, Stormbolt led Derpy to the dance floor for the first dance of the evening. Eventually it was time to call it a night.
'Friends, family! My wife and I want to thank you for sharing our special day, and now we are to leave on our honeymoon! So for now we say goodbye.' Called Stormbolt over the small amount of chatter.
And he and Derpy walked towards the entrance as their family stamped their hooves and cheered.
At the entrance, Derpy tossed her bouquet over her shoulder and it was caught by Sun Shower who locked eyes on Big MacIntosh who quickly looked away.

Some months later Derpy began feeling sick, throwing up and and complaining of stomach cramps. Stormbolt wondered if she'd eaten some bad hay or something. Just to be sure, he took her to the Doctor for a check up.

They were led by a nurse into a consulting room to wait and it wasn't long before the doctor came in.
'Misses Derpy Hooves?' she asked.
'Yes.' Derpy answered in a small voice.
'What seems to be the problem?' she said gently.
'Well lately I've been having these cramps, and I throw up sometimes.' Derpy answered.
'Hmm, I see. Any time in particular?' enquired the doctor.
'Um, the mornings I guess.' Derpy said.
The doctor thought for a moment before speaking.
'I think I know the problem, but I'll need to run a quick test okay?'
Derpy looked nervously over at Stormbolt.
'Darling, if you don't want to do it that's okay, but I'm sure it won't hurt. Isn’t that right doctor?' he added glancing at the Unicorn.
'Not at all, I just use this scanning machine here to focus my magic and if I'm right it will show up on the screen.' she said reassuringly.
'O-okay then.' Derpy said timidly.
Stormbolt stroked his wife’s mane. 'I'm so proud of you my muffin.' he whispered in her ear.

The doctor attached a couple of leads to Derpy's body and started the scan, her horn glowing with magic. After about a minute the doctor finished and disconnected the wires.
'So?' Stormbolt asked nervously.
'According to this readout, she's with foal.' the doctor said simply.
'With foal?' Stormbolt repeated blankly.
'Yes, without a doubt.'
'Did you hear that honey!?' Stormbolt asked his wife.
But she couldn't answer through the tears.
'I'll leave you for a few moments.' said the doctor tactfully.
Once she had gone, Derpy managed to collect herself enough to speak.
' I'm even happier than I imagined I could be.' she said a little shakily.
Stormbolt just held her close to comfort her.
They left the doctors with some information on pregnancy, including one booklet with the faintly ridiculous title "What to expect when you're expecting."

Over the next months they went through the roller-coaster of pregnancy together, the mood swings, the strange changes in diet - all of it. The foal was due any day now and they had everything ready. One night Stormbolt was getting ready for bed when he heard Derpy give a cry from the bathroom.
'Derpy!?' he yelled, dashing over to her.
She had curled up on the bathroom floor and Stormbolt recognised the signs of a recent contraction by now.
'Is, is it time?' he asked her; concern etched into his face.
Derpy nodded weakly 'I think so.' she replied.
'Right,' he said, grabbing the special harness for carrying pregnant Pegasus mares 'lets get you to the hospital.'
After a few attempts, he fastened all the buckles and was able to gently lift off and fly towards the door, grabbing the away bag as he passed.

Soon he was at the hospital and he was very glad because he wasn't sure he could have flown much further.
'Hey! My wife’s gone into labour!' he shouted at the duty nurse.
She looked at the clip board showing the list of mares that were expecting delivery soon.
'Derpy Hooves?' she enquired.
'That's us' gasped Stormbolt.
The nurse called for an orderly over the PA system.
'Don't worry, everything will be fine.' she said soothingly to Derpy as they helped her into a wheelchair. 'Take them to room 4.' she added to the orderly.

After many hours of labour, just as the sun began to rise, the sound of crying filled the little room and the doctor announced 'Congratulations! A healthy little Pegasus filly!'
And after doing all the necessary things, he passed the foal to her parents.
Derpy and Stormbolt looked at their daughter with adoration. She had the same grey coat as her mother, and the same silver and grey mane as her father except she had a streak of yellow too.
'Our daughter.' Stormbolt said softly.
'What will we call her?' Derpy asked.
Outside, the birds began singing as the sky became brighter, and an idea occurred to Stormbolt.
'How about Dawn Chorus?' he asked his wife, stroking her sweat soaked mane out of her charmingly off focus eyes.
'Our daughter, Dawn Chorus.' she repeated.

The End

Comments ( 2 )

Thanks! It seems switching to ab ovo has helped - and editing like hell.

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