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Having read the story it's based on I will keep an eye on this, that said i'm not up to date on the base story as it goes really weird.
I greatly approve, minor errors, easy to ignore.
Am I the only one who thought that the pony was cadence and thinks that the Noble was Blueblood?
Spider bread? That will be popular.
Isn't the pony a bit too trusting I mean she is a slave
Do you want to betray & fight against a giant spider who killed a scorpion by ramming its stinger in its head and mouth?
No but that doesn't mean she has to trust him yet the spider killed the giant Scorpion shouldn't she be at least a bit afraid?
I'm a bit dissapointed there was no language barier and he learned to speak because of a skill later.
Not sure if a similar group doesn't exist already, but I guess in this chase it focuse on reincarnations, maybe you should make it focus on game characters or something? This sounds still pretty similar to the groups that feature "getting turned into" this and that stories.
Well despite my wish for the language barrier this was good and my fears from the last chapter weren't comfirmed yet.
I will see where you go with the slavery, I admit some of those stories aren't my thing if they go into to much detail of the suffering sometimes.
I don't go into detail right now that would take more time than I have at the moment.
I thought of Blueblood at least.
I think I agree with you, I actually could image her more just going with him while shaking the whole time or thinking he would just want to trick her and eat her later. I think at least him being a talking Spider is still something unique there and not exactly an accepted species or how you say it. You know like griffons or zebras.
Why did she hug the giant spider.
She had shackles on her since she was a slave.
Spider bread made by spiders for spiders from spiders
Not exactly, bread in shape of a spider. Made by a pony baker.
Slavery is a thing? Let the world burn until ist fixed
How you get that idea?
This Spider saved her life, freed her from the chains, is clearly intelligent AND has good morals... What you want more?
Really? Re-read the Story and put yourself in the mares horseshoes. That should explain your question...
Love the Undertale reference
Praise him 
Hes just making a reference and a obviously silly joke
You are in desperate need of an editor. This might be an interesting premise but the grammar and syntax is some of the worst I've seen in a long time.
This was before I learn the existence of Grammarly.
Re-read a masterpiece in the making.
I am glad you are already going a different path then the manga and not just ripping it straight from the inspiration.
I like how the spider saved the pony
Boop that pony snoot
Kumoku can't talk or communicate until she became an Archane. So what the heck?
Great overhaul of your chapter.
Agreed about the language barrier.
Very original idea
Spider and Slime is a most unexpected and versatile anime concept i read so far. Great adventures.
Than again, there is one about being a Magic Sword...
I thought you'd like to know that people who use the narrator program like myself when you do these things {<>} it will skip whatever you put in the middle of it I thought you like to know.
Oh geez, I'm not even sure what to say.