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I get it that this is probably the fastes way of making him earn some skills, but I fear that this means he is a good portion of the story trapped in this dungeon. This is not bad itself, but yep I would have prefered it if he leaved the house with the others.
I either hope for a sequel or a really long story, since I want to see him outside too and that for a huge amount of time.
I just can'T decite if I would want him to reach a certain form before he meets them again or if he should reach that evolution after a certain occasion when he is meeting them again.
It will take some time to leave I bet. I wonder if they will recognizes Skills when they meet again
If you like this kind of stories then you Have to read the "Snake Report" on Reddit.
...They said tamed monsters can leave... why didn't Baked Goods try RIDING him out?
He’s too intelligent to be tamed
He burned the meat? What a waste...
I doubt it but they will " remember the name"
(hit the song)
If he uses the material thats on youtube we brach easy the 200 chapter barrier
The 'fuck' Part remembers me of the splash part of overlord
*sigh* this guy's Moron
Seriously, hide the incriminating pieces of paperwhere you know no one can find
"a fucking weird penguin with ape arms." this?
"Can things fuck me up somehow?”
"Your wish is my command!"
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Quack! ”
Great work again
This chapter has all the fucks given ever
Fucking well overhauled