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know the manga, lets try the fimfic
Who else loves this?
Do you have a picture or something, because I'm not sure how a high orc or dark orc is supposed to look like.
Really nice so far, I hope once he notice the risk of evolving alone he is maybe looking for one of them and maybe evlove in their home for protection or something like that. I bet I said it the last time, but I get the odd feeling of wanting him to go with them.
While he is somewhat focused on the woman or at least knows what he likes, he isn't overdoing it so far, this way I can really enjoy it without it getting annoying. It was just a bit cliche if you can call it like that, that he was everything that one maybe consider not being a nice catch "good with woman" as far as I understood him.
Then again it's sadly true that there exist some that only go for nice cars and stuff like that, I actually had someone like that in our class who joke or not told it when we spoke in the class about it, for some reason the teacher asked everyone.
It'd be ironic if she gets a skill called 'Alcohol resistance' making it hard to get drunk as it levels up.
This is surprisingly good, can't wait for the next update.
Just a sidenote. Could you add a French joke before the Spider main character eats the Frog?
Got to love this unusual friendship. Twilight would be proud
Alcohol is a poisen. He already get that
Would be easyer to ask who didnt! Its already a small mastermasterpiece
Tha's like...
...almost two months
Pretty mutch the chapters main Ingredient.
Too late for that. You just got Poison Resistance half the way to max level.
....and lame POV switch.
If you wanna be a spider then be a spider. If you wanna be a narrator then be a narrator. Don't suddenly switch in the middle of a scene.
...or of a sentence. This was extra bad with horrible on top and rotten rat as an appetizer.

Especially when taken out of context.
Nice touch with baked goods friends liking skills
I just checked out of curiosity out spider dicks. Looks odd and most females eat their mating partners...
Being a male spider sucks...
This chapter is a lot better to read now. Still the pacing of the chapter is a bit to high...
There is a lot to read and funny filler material for that Manga
I just checked youtube for Spider reproduction since i expected them to be as exotic as Seehorses where the make carries the offspring.
It was rather bad-dream material like in a horror movie...