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The Chapter was great, as usual. I especially liked how Skills acted in such dangerous situations.
Another great chapter
I love it!
Another great chapter! I always enjoy seeing new stuff from you.
the world map will be very helpful later
I love it
It was an undertale joke
I NEVER play that game nor will in a lifetime. It's not my type of RPG.
This is really awesome
I wonder if I’ll ever get to the mainland of and mete the mane 6
Yo, skills should be level 8 in Stealth cause they leveled up earlier in the chapter.
is there gonna be an update soon
I Think the proper phrasing in the fifth quoted sentence would be "I guess they don't respect the dead, even among their comrades. Just like my spider family... except they're not eating them".
I think at least
Your story is going to be awesome. Facinating storyline and characters
Well done 
Maybe watch a LP on Youtube. Totaly worth it :3
His Fear Resistance became level 3 early in the chapter, why did it go from level 2 to level 3 later in the chapter?
chapter or 2 ago, he used sp to get heresy magic, didn't he already have that when he got taboo?
This is awesome
Auto read function makes repeting words horrible to hear...
ARABA! Wonder if Skills will be like Kumoko that he chew the dragon out for just 'giving up' or he'll be like "Yeah, f you" and kill him out of spite.
At this point Skills just kills, threat or not.
I could imagen Skills vs Dragon fight to the bitter end. Than before Skills deal the killing blow the Dragon gives Skills a compliment for fighting well. Maybe in a British accent
I am reminded now of the Lion King. The Bird advisor was one smooth British one 
Maybe because they both can speak and communicate they rather keep sparing than killing one another...