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Yes, Nom the all!!!
To get a better idea, I would like to know how big the his spiderform is, I haven't started reading it yet. Is it a normal spider or a giant Monster Spider?
He carried a mare on his back
About 3 or 4 feet tall when walking like a spider does if the humans in the manga are average size.
Hmm... whether to ask for spooder eggs or not...
okay thank you, I decited to take a look at the comic yesterday. I meant manga.
Being intelligent or not, I kind of expected her to ask why he knows about those species in a world he hasn't seen yet.
After her reaction in the last chapter this questions looks akward because it seems to come in the wrong moment, which should have been earlier I suppose.
I kind of hope he is Starswirls the "not in this universe at the moment" one.
hhhmmmm it didn't had to be the same enemy like in the manga, a giant rat or an stray and could have worked to I suppose. Maybe a monster fly or bird.
I kind of hope that even if they are maybe angry that they would listen to Baked goods after a short while and aren't feel like NPCs just attacking the main char withotu having a brain to think with if you know what I mean.
I hope that at some point or in a sequel they both can leave the cave and he finds someone to live with at some point.
I also hope StarSwirls is either going to play only a small part or isn't really important here.
edit: otherwise this is a good enough story so far, I still have my hopes high.
No, The OC Spider asked if their dogs made of diamonds and Baked Goods explained what are they
for a moment I was confused what you meant, but I guess that part of my comment wasn't clear enough either.
I'm pretty sure he acted a few times or said a few times stuff that he shouldn't know, at least if he wants to pretend he didn't had a life before this one.
I just reached a certain part in the manga, where I hope you won't add an administrator or maybe not exactly two voices in his head. I mean at least not in the way the manga did it. I don't want it to happen all the time is what I mean.
9038979 (comment in the same vein)
Considering that this star is a 'Star of David', in junction with exclaiming ''Heresy magic!''.... that may be bordering on antisemitism.
That one thing aside..... that manga rocks!
If there are humans at all
Agree thanks to MLP Universe better Core Elements can be Added. Like the ' chessverse ' or other stuff
I could Kiss you for that pic
Keep up the good work
The manga finaly got a anime version
Once more a great overhauled chapter.
I wonder what is your inspiration. The manga or the anime. There is a lot the manga offers.
Heresy magic, well we all know what that's means.